Joe Sherman
Davos post office crumbled
[email protected]

Press Release V





(Updated on 13 Apr. 2017

I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify:

I am a citizen of Davis, I am a Teacher in town, I have lived in Davis for 24 years, I am also a graduate of UC Davis.

I am battling local corrupt city officials & others whom I am truthfully testifying have conspired to kill me. See for the proof. Despite years of court-documented proof that I am an innocent victim of hate crimes & kidnappings of Davis police, former Yolo d.a., several current deputy d.a.'s, Davis mayor & council, & others, & despite pillars of the community putting in writing that I am a hard-working, law-abiding, & trustworthy citizen, the corrupt officials arranged for me to be held hostage for 2 years in the Yolo County jail, & though it was county-wide public knowledge that I was & am innocent, they pressured everyone to keep silent about it. They have been trying to destroy me for peaceable civil rights activities of starting conversations & debates about God in public forums. When I refused to leave town, they escalated it to 2-year captivity (pursuant to kangaroo trials), threats of prison, & death threats. The hostage captivity (2004-2007) is my "Q" as far as the death threats. Plumb lines: (1)Judge Lebov of Yolo superior court, in 17 Dec. 1999 hearing involving 2 separate false arrests committed against me by Davis police & a grocery store, stated on the record: "I've had a number of these cases before me involving Mr. Sherman; what always happens is, Mr. Sherman isn't doing anything wrong, & these people are violating Mr. Sherman's rights. I'm going to get an injunction myself preventing any more of this harassment if it doesn't come to a halt!" (offering to give me a restraining order against them). He then rebuked the store manager & deputy d.a. & threw out both cases of false charges; (2)I have almost 7 years of Yolo court-documented proof of my innocence & their crimes; (3)one prominant citizen referred to me as the "busiest guy in town;" (4)I gained a reputation in the downtown area as "Christian Joe;" (5)former pastor of Spanish-speaking church Iglesia de Canaan of Davis I was attending in 2003 called the Davis police terrorists, & that was before the 2-year hostage captivity;(6)the largest homeowner in town & developer of a billion dollar neighborhood, the late Al Smith, called the Attorney General to complain on my behalf; (7)Citizen of the Year 2001 of Davis, Donna Lott, publicly asserted my good citizenship & hard work ethic; IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THE PROOF & TESTIMONIES OF MY GOOD CHARACTER & THE PROOF OF THE CONSPIRATORIAL HATE CRIMES OF MY OPPRESSORS! They have "moved the ancient landmarks" (Prov. 22:28, 23:10). I have filed charges with the Yolo County Grand Jury, the Ca. Attorney General, & the FBI, but they have unjustly delayed taking action; I currently have four 42 USC 1983 civil suits filed in Federal Courts to halt the injustices as well. I tried forgiving the conspirators for almost 7 years, from 1997-2003, resisting filing charges or suing them, instead filing formal complaints with local governing boards, as well as complaining in person to the local leaders & speaking at every town council meeting for years, but but because of their depravity these acts of love & forgiveness only caused them to be convinced that they were going to get away with it. Please add your voice & to those who have complained on my behalf & call Vice President Biden, 202-224-3121, Congressman Mike Thompson, 707-693-1990; President Obama, 202-456-1414; US Dept. of Justice, 202-514-3204. The oppressors have several higher court judges in the plot, systematically delaying justice. Prov. 21:28, "False witnesses will perish, & those who listen to them will be destroyed forever."

God has worked signs & miracles for the community to prove that he is a just God, no matter how many people commit evil.

(1) Four powerful leaders gone from office because they were corrupt & violating my rights. Mk. 11:24: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and you will have what you say." God told me to claim it, & they are gone:

  • In Spring of 2000 God told me to claim publicly at the town council meetings that Davis chief of police Gonzalez was going to be held accountable for the many false arrests of me. I claimed it; as of Summer 2000 Gonzalez gone from office
  • In 2002 God told me to proclaim publicly at the town council meetings that Davis chief of police Ruiz' position was taken away from him. I claimed it; as of approx. Summer 2002 Ruiz gone from office
  • At the beginning of 2004 God told me to proclaim publicly at the town council meetings that Davis chief of police Hyde's position was taken away from him. I claimed it; as of approx. 2005 Hyde gone from office
  • As of 2001-2002 God told me to proclaim publicly at the town council meetings that Yolo d.a. Henderson's position was taken away from him. I claimed it; as of approx. end of 2006, Henderson no longer d.a. in Yolo County

I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the foregoing to be true & correct under penalty of perjury. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 12 Jan. 2014

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman

See CASE-BY-CASE COURT-DOCUMENTED PROOF VIOLATIVE ACTS OF DAVIS POLICE (cases of kidnap maskerading as arrest). As part of the persecution, I was banished from an approx. 1000 acre area of the community, despite banishment being prohibited in civilized societies since ancient Rome! See unjust probation condition attempting to banish me from UC Davis, my alma mater.Most of the leaders of this community are going to get the living daylights beat out of them by the Ca. Attorney General & the FBI!

UC Davis police committed 16 crimes of kidnap against me pursuant to void, illegal, & unconstitutional condition of probation of banishment from UCD campus, an area of approx. 1000 acres open to the public. This unjust order was created by Yolo deputy d.a. Tzang, & signed by Yolo superior court judge White in Fall 2004 as part of sentences of kangaroo trials of css. 04-4128 & 04-5635. The UCD police abandoned their posts. Police are prohibited from enforcing a void court order. The town leaders of Davis, the mayor, town council, city manager, have already made their decisions, as well as the chief of police & the Yolo County d.a. Those committing these crimes, participating in them, instigating them in any way, shape, or form, will not escape.

Banishment is unconstitutional & illegal

Can a person be banished from an area of town or a section of a community as part of probation requirements?


Orders of banishment are in excess of jurisdiction, & any order attempting to banish someone is illegal & unenforceable!  In re White (1979) 97 Cal.App.3d 141, 145 [158 Cal.Rptr. 562] & People v. Beach (1983) 147 Cal. App. 3d 612; 195 Cal. Rptr. 381; 1983 Cal. App. LEXIS 2224; probation orders that ban an individual from a locale, an area of town, or a section of a community are void, uneforceable, & in excess of jurisdiction. The order banning me from the main campus of UC Davis, approx. 1000 acres, is void, uneforceable, & in excess of jurisdiction; anyone who attempts to enforce such an order is in violation of the law.
"Banishment has consistently been held as void as a condition of probation," US v. Abushar (3d Cir 1985) 761 F.2d 954.

UC Davis police kidnapped me & 16 times in an 18 period pursuant to the unjust banishment conditions, attempting to harass me out of town.

"A condition of probation prohibiting probationer from being on...campus where he was not currently enrolled...was invalid as an overbroad restraint on freedom of movement, & as restraint on lawful conduct which has no relationship with past or future criminality, "In re Mannino (1971) 14 Cal.App.3d 953.
Case on point, having to do with void orders banish probationer from public college campuses.

"Probation was considered overbroad, unreasonable, & unconstitutional [containing] blanket prohibition against being in a designated area of Fresno 'anytime, day or night,'" In re Frank V (1991) 233 Cal.App.3d 1232;

"Conditions of banishment affect the probationer's basic constitutional rights of freedom of travel, association, & assembly..." In re Babak S (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 1077.

"A probationer has the right to enjoy a significant degree of privacy, or liberty, under the Fourth, Fifth, & Fourteenth Amendments to the federal Constitution (see Morrissay v. Brewer 408 US 471, 482...)," People v. Kellar (1978) 76 Cal.App.3d 827, 143 Cal.Rptr. 184.
Federal courts are yet more strict than Ca.: Banishment is "a fate universally decried by civilized people!" Trop v. Dulles (1958) 356 US 86.
"By all the authorities the banishment of a citizen is punishment, and punishment of the severest kind," U S v. Ju Toy(1905), 198 U.S. 253.
"Whether it is called banishment, exile, deportation, relegation, or transportation, compelling a person 'to quit a city, place, or country, for a specified period of time, or for life,' has long been considered a unique and severe deprivation, and was specifically outlawed by '[t]he twelfth section of the English [461 U.S. 238, 253] Habeas Corpus Act, 31 Car. II, one of the three great muniments of English liberty,'" Olim v. Wakinekona (1983) 461 U.S. 238.


People v. Blakeman (1959)170 Cal.App.2d 596, 339 P.2d 202:
"It was beyond the power of the court to impose banishment as a condition of probation. The provision therefore was a void and separable part of the order granting probation. Revocation of probation upon the sole ground of violation of such a void provision was without authority in law and should be order suspending sentence on condition of banishment for two years was deemed the granting of probation upon a void condition. It was void because there was no statutory authority for it and banishment is proscribed by the fundamental policy of not permitting one political division to dump undesirable persons upon another. Said the court: 'The same principle which prohibits the banishment of a criminal from a state or from the United States applies with equal force to a county or city. The old Roman custom of ostracizing a citizen has not been adopted in the United States...There is no statute in California authorizing such judgments.' (P. 650. See also the authorities cited on p. 649 of 76 Cal.App.2d, and 15 Am.Jur. 112, Crim. Law, 453.)"


"Banishment, however, is a prohibited term of probation," In re Mannino (1971) 14 Ca.App.3d 953; case on point; Mannino involved banishment from college campuses.
Banishment violates Ca. PC 1203.1, circumscribing probation condition limitations: "...condition of probation which (1) has no relationship to the crime of which [alleged] offender was convicted, (2) relates to conduct which is not in itself criminal, & (3) requires or forbids conduct which is not reasonably related to future criminality does not serve the statutory ends of probation & is invalid," In re Babak S (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 1077, violating PC 1203.1


US v. Cothran (1988) 855 F.2d 749, banishment from a community or a section of a community to another is contrary to public policy, amounting to "unloading" alleged undesirables onto another part of the community


a. Caselaw protects victim of unjust order:
"Order that is unconstitutional on its face is in excess of jurisdiction," People v. Gonzales (1996) 50 Cal. Rptr.2d 74. "If superior court issues an order that is without or in excess of jurisdiction, violation of order does not constitute punishable wrong," Gonzalez. "Disobedience of a void order does not constitute contempt," Uhler v. Superior Court of Fresno County (1953) 255 P2d 29, 117 CA 2d 147, rehearing denied, 256 P2d 90; "Disobedience of order made without or in excess of jurisdiciton cannot be punished as 'contempt;'" Andrews v. Superior Court of L.A. County (1930) 284 P. 494, 103 CA 360. Courts have ruled it is not a crime to disobey a void order. The order is void; it doesn't exist.

b. Statute of Frauds prohibits enforcement:
Ca. Civ. code 1667:
"That is not lawful which is:
1. Contrary to an express provision of law;
2. Contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited; or,
3. Otherwise contrary to good morals."
Ca. Civil code 1668:
"All contracts which have for their object, directly or indirectly, to...willful injury to the person or property of another, or violation of law, whether willful or negligent, are against the policy of the law."

Yolo superior court committed fraud when it ordered me to obey a contract that wasn't lawful!


It is well-settled caselaw that a conviction for contempt cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid, In re Misener (1985) 38 Cal.3d 543. A defendant may not be tried for a misdemeanor violation of court order where another court issued an order in violation of his First Amendment rights, In re Berry (1968) 68 Cal.2d 137. Conviction cannot stand if underlying order is void & unenforceable, Supra, In re Berry


Local scoffers, attempting to get away with evil, have actually tried to make the following claim involving a court order of banishment that is part of a probation order:

"If you sign a probation agreement, you should follow all the conditions; you signed a contract. If one of the conditions is illegal (such as banishment), you should follow it anyway, or you are being dishonest."


You can't be bound by a void term or condition of a contract; it isn't a question of morality, conditions of banishment have been declared by courts to be void & unenforceable. A void condition doesn't exist by definition!
It would be foolish to be bound to a condition that the law has declared to be non-existent! To illustrate how common this principle is, almost everyone has come across the following statement in contracts:

"If any part of these Terms of Service is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect."

It isn't a question of honesty; a citizen is under no legal or ethical obligation to be bound by a void condition; not only is it void (non-existent), conditions of a contract are declared void by law because they are considered unethical or illegal. A party doesn't have the right to ask you to agree to such a condition; the law protects citizens from being ethically or legally bound to such terms of an agreement. Yolo superior court was unethical & committed a crime by including the illegal condition & furthermore by attempting to coerce me to participate in their crime. I obeyed all lawful terms of the probation order (their shouldn't have been any probation at all; I was innocent. I obeyed pending reversal on appeal of kangaroo trial conviction & sentence)

It was a deception of the scoffers attempting to brainwash me & others into believing I did something wrong when I chose liberty & also refused to be banished; & they are all the more vile considering it involves something so fundamental & crucial as my liberty!


Dennis v. Warren (1985 CA5 Mass.) 779 F.2d 245, "officer who arrests...on the basis of an order that officer knows cannot authorize arrest, is violation; officer is liable & cannot claim qualified immunity"
Vallindras v. Mass. Bonding & Ins. Co. (1954) 42 Cal. 2d 149, 153-54, court order that is patently irregular & void, officer is liable for enforcement of order; order where there is clear absence of jurisdiction, officer is liable.
Kathriner v. Overland (1984 ED Mo.) 602 F.Supp. 124, qualified immunity shields officers from liability insofar as conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known
Burke v. Town of Walpole (1st Cir. 2005) 405 F.3d 66, Fourth Amendment violation, liability of officer if arrest is subject to an order, if order is so lacking in indicia of probable cause as to render official belief in its existence unreasonable
The UCD police were fully aware that there is no banishment in America; they knew the court order was void & unenforceable. Enforcement violated my rights & was a crime


Their "teasing" amounts to attempted murder! They try to say they're "only teasing" when they threaten me with jail, & kidnap, & commit deprivations of my rights, & actual kidnap, but their words & actions betray them: As of approx. 3 years ago, after insulting me they would rock back & forth, as though they had just been through an attack of a wild animal or vicious assailant, asking each other, "Are you OK?" in a context where such actions & questions made no sense, demonstrating that through their oppression they had fully expected, & were attempting to bring about, a total despair in me causing me to lose control & attack someone or go on a rampage. When it didn't happen, they couldn't hide it anymore.

Davis police self-condemned, they are corrupt & treacherous; violation of citizens' rights has been wilful, repeated, & merciless, & continues to this day. The number of kidnappings & false arrests committed by the Davis police against me alone in proportion to the crimes the L.A. police were being prosecuted for in Oct. 2000 makes the L.A. police "angels" when it comes to wilful violation of citizens' rights! The Davis police have committed countless kidnappings of me, slander, harassment, they have lied to the citizens of Davis regarding their rights & the law, & committed illegal intimidation. Their folly has caused other local law enforcement to stumble & commit crimes.

It's kidnap, the Davis police forfeited false arrest culpability years ago; a badge & a gun doesn't give a person the right to kidnap people! Ca. P.C. 207(a):

Every person who forcibly, or by any other means of instilling fear, steals or takes, or holds, detains, or arrests any person in this state, and carries the person into another country, state, or county, or into another part of the same county, is guilty of kidnapping.

The Yolo district attorney, David Henderson, as well as his henchmen & henchwomen, deputies Akulian, Tzang, Parish, & others, have failed to uphold justice & instead have been partners in crime with the police, eagerly prosecuting false accusations against me that were open & shut cases for prosecution of my opponents for blatant & multiple crimes! They have committed every crime in the book, from accessory to kidnap to invidious discrimination, court misconduct, giving false testimony in court, due process violations, as well as repeatedly requesting & obtaining the maximum sentences after successfully deceiving juries. For the latest 4 trials, most involving peaceful & legal evangelism in public places, they corruptly obtained sentence of 1,175 days + fines, probation, while knowing full well of my innocence. Most of these sentences are stayed while I appeal.

I have already been unjustly incarcerated for months at a time, & have spent hundreds & hundreds of days in court, representing myself in trial & in court as pro per due to public defender's policy of "we don't do innocent," & the fact that I haven't usually been able to afford an attorney, I have spent hundreds of hours researching & writing appeals, writs, & motions, costing hundreds of dollars, I have proven myself innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt against impossible odds, vindicated regarding virtually all charges against me except those currently on appeal, yet due to my policy of refusing to sue or file charges against those violating my rights, these crooked perpetrators who claim to be the local law enforcement & leading officials have taken my acts of mercy & forgiveness as a license to commit more crimes against me & others! Court has demonstrated prima facie enough crimes of the Davis police sufficient for indictment years ago.

Why are they committing this oppression?

It's called whitewashing: Attempting to ruin me through cruel & merciless oppression so they can get away with their crimes. They have continued violating my rights in a desperate attempt to find some flaw or imperfection in me to try to justify their previous crimes against me; but the most they ever come up with is that I am occasionally late on a bill (obviously due to the hardship of attempting to earn a living while battling kidnappers); meanwhile, they are digging their own grave deeper & deeper as the number of crimes they are committing is multiplied & time after time after time it is publicly proven that they are quinessential terrorists & kidnappers! Of course there's the obvious motivation that if they succeed in ruining me, there's always the remote possibility that they'll get away with all their crimes. Their modus operandi: The police & those citizens who are participating put on masks, acting as though they are suspicious of me, desperately trying to feign legitimacy, while they simultaneously treachurously kidnap me & deprive me of other liberties & civil rights.

Collateral damage: My job as a real estate agent

Pursuant to B & P code 10177(b), a licensee can have his license denied or revoked based on the following: "Entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, or been found guilty of, or been convicted of, a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude..."

The action against me was based on a false allegation incident of pushing someone; first of all, I didn't push anyone, as was plain as day by the fact that the false allegation occurred on Yolobus, a gov't maintained transportation system that had already made 5 such false accusations against me, all of these having been proved to be false, & my innocence proven, through the legal system, but second of all, the legal requirement for depriving someone of their career is, as stated above, "moral turpitude."

What is "turpitude"? According to the dictionaries:

Turpitude: Depravity; a propensity to commit many vile crimes

Allegedly pushing someone doesn't come to within a million miles of moral turpitude. But moreover, far from any possibility of me having a "propensity to commit many vile crimes," I have proven over, & over, & over again to have realized what could be considered acts of heroism, standing my ground, standing up for my rights & upholding justice for myself & others despite countless acts & threats of illegal incarceration & kidnap; circumstances where some ordinary citizens that I have spoken to have frankly admitted thay would not have had the guts to stand up for themselves! Any agency that deliberately & corruptly deprives a citizen who has repeately performed many acts of bravery & defended, been loyal to, & upheld justice, America, & the United States Constitution, is going to get the living daylights beat out of them by the forces of justice of this nation!

THE FINAL NAIL ON THEIR COFFIN as far as the unjust deprivation of my RE licenses: I conducted very good real estate business: My clients have been satisfied, I have never had any legal issues with clients, I won the business, respect, & recognition of many of the biggest players in the area; my dealings were honest, legal & legitimate, in every locale: Davis, Woodland, & Sacramento; I obtained the backing, endorsement, & encouragement of winners & established brokers: John Sweeney of West Sac: Broker for 32 years, Lions Club member, all-around good guy; I was affiliated with him for 6 mos., & accomplished very good real estate marketing & transactions; The late Joe Hedrick of Elk Grove: Broker for many years, black belt in judo (often wrestled the Sac State wrestling team), friend of Strom Thurmond, & I did legitimate business under his firm Advanced Brokerage Concepts; Bill Dedman, Broker & attorney: Builder of the University Mall, Davis' most innovative & lucrative commercial development, also Attorney for County of Yolo earlier in his career, I was affiliated with his firm, American River Properties, for almost a year, & successfully sold properties with 100% satisfied clientele & very good transactions without compromise, & also obtained 8 multimillion dollar meetings with 6 different multimillion dollar clients while I was with his firm; in fact, there was at leat one firm, Whttle Realty of Woodland, that robbed us of a listing; I refrained from suing, but I did report the crime to the DRE & Yolo Association of Realtors in attempt to obtain justice.�nbsp; ADDITIONALLY, I ACCOMPLISHED ALL THIS BEFORE STUDYING FOR & PASSING MY BROKER'S EXAM & WHILE ENDURING PERPETUAL OPPRESSION & FALSE ACCUSATIONS; HOW MUCH MORE CAN I ACCOMPLISH AS A TEACHER, WITH MY ADDITIONAL TRAINING & EDUCATION & WITH JUSTICE!!!?

I have my witnesses

God has been quietly providing & making evident the truth, while allowing these sick perpetrators to think they are getting away with their crimes:

  • The late Al Smith (passed away in Jan. 2008 in his 90's), the largest home owner & developer in Davis, called the Attorney General for me, & filed a Complaint with a gov. agency stating, "I have known & observed Joe Sherman for many years & found him always to be honest & ethical;"
  • Despite the rampant violations of my rights, the lies & false testimony, multiple counts of perjury committed against me, the countless acts of harassment, God has protected my reputation & my good name
  • A Davis citizen said I am "the busiest guy in town!!!"

Psalm 91:9-16

If you make the Most High your dwelling-
even the LORD , who is my refuge-
then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"Because he loves me," says the LORD , "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."

Free speech as applied to public & private properties open to the public in Ca.:

"Trespass statute making it a misdemeanor to willfully commit trespass ...does not make occupation without consent of owner after original entry by permission criminal," People v. Brown (1965) 47 Cal.Rptr.662;

"nor is it a violation to occupy without consent if entry is made with consent," People v. Wilkinson (1967) 56 Cal.Rptr. 261.

Ca. PC 422.6(a): "No person, whether or not acting under color of law, shall by force or threat of force, willfully injure, intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him or her by the Constitution or laws of this state or by the Constitution or laws of the United States because of the other person's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, or because he or she perceives that the other person has one or more of those characteristics."

Amendment XIV, US Constitution: "No State shall... shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws;"

Amendment IV: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause;"

Amendment I: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

People v. Curtis (1969) 74 Cal.Rptr. 713, Terry v. Ohio (1968):

Rights of defendant are violated when he is arrested & detained a matter of days or hours without probable cause, USCA Constitutional Amendment 4

People v. Holguin (1956) 302 P.2d 635, 145 C.A.2d 520: "Defendant makes a prima facie case of unlawful arrest when he establishes that the arrest was made without a warrant, & the burden of proof then rests on the prosecution to show proper justification."

San Francisco Chronicle website report, 22 Feb. 2000:

"Police Abuse of Authority Hurts...

THE MADDENING police corruption scandal in Los Angeles is seemingly widening by the minute, eroding the trust of all and giving credence to classes of people who have long decried police procedure is arbitrary, vindictive, and vicious. So far, 40 criminal convictions have been thrown out since it was first disclosed last fall that Los Angeles police officers -- most of them belonging to an elite gang unit -- had abused their authority fabricating a variety of evidence. And at least a dozen more cases are likely to be overturned because they too may be tainted or fake...About 20 officers have been fired or suspended because of the allegations, the Los Angeles district attorney's office believes even more are likely...These scary tales of street-corner justice are undermining confidence in our criminal justice system, producing the kind of nightmares that our rule of law is supposed to guard against. Police are our first and arguably the key component to our complex system of justice, and their most powerful weapon is not a gun but an elevated sense of public trust that, sadly, is diminished with each horrible case of abuse."

The crimes of the LA police & the outraged the community due to these injustices. 40 cases of false arrest, resulting in 20 officers being fire or suspended. The LA authorities have demonstrated the appropriate reaction to crimes committed by police officers; they terminated them.

Reality check of the Davis police' corruption:

Elaborating on the above reference to the previous corruption of the LA police:

Reality check: Pop. of Davis in 2000 approx. 58,000

Pop. of LA in 2000 approx. 3,806,900

58,000 divided by 3,806,900 = .015; Davis is 1.5% of the size of LA, the sizes of each town's police depts. obviously being of proportional sizes

Reciprocal of 1.5% = 66.7: LA is 67 times the size of Davis;

Reality check: Minimum of 26 cases of false arrest committed by Dpd + 22 other violations (these are in fact crimes committed by the Davis police) = 48 crimes committed by the Davis police against me alone, not counting other victims! 48 divided by 40 = 1.2; the Davis police have committed a total of 120% of the crimes the LA police had committed in an approximately comparable amount of time (assuming 1-4 years)

Reality check:

120% of 67 = 80, with 1+ years grace period the Davis police are still 80 times more crooked than the manifestly corrupt LA police!!! Not twice as bad, not 3 times as bad, 80 times more criminal than the corrupt LA pd! There's no way to get around this figure! It is based on facts that if anything, are biased toward the Davis police, based on fact that it only counts crimes against myself! They have trampled underfoot their integrity, the trust of the citizens of Davis, & the US Constitution!

America is the "land of the free & the home of the brave;" I'm standing on the promises of America, & I will do what it takes to ensure justice in Davis!!!

"Defendant makes a prima facie case of unlawful arrest when he establishes that the arrest was made without a warrant, & the burden of proof then rests on the prosecution to show proper justification," People v. Holguin (1956) 302 P.2d 635, 145 C.A.2d 520.

Documented violations: Not counting almost 2 years of crimes committed against me by the Davis police from end of 1997 to Sept. 1999, there still remains a minimum of 29 false charges against me, most involving them kidnapping me, I 've been vindicated regarding virtually all charges; 23 further wilful violations of my rights documented here. This list isn't all-inclusive; there have been more violations of my rights! Cases or dates of arrest/violation supplied; all cases provided are documented in the Yolo County Courthouse. Most of the violations below refer to attached excerpts of these documents:

Claim Against City of Davis, with 50 Addendums (filed beginning 6 Dec. 2001 & continuing) proving violations of my rights from Oct. 1999 to present;

Copies of corresponding pages of these documents will mailed upon request.

Joe Sherman
PO Box 275
Davis, Ca. 95617
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:


COURT-DOCUMENTED PROOF (below) of 24 kidnappings & false arrests of me, & an additional 32 violative acts of threats of kidnap, fraud, & slander committed against me by the Davis police. (See also pg.2 of d.a. communication (below))

  • Proof from a conspiratorial source of vindications/acquittals in 31 out of 33 cases, demonstrating police kidnappings
    Yolo d.a. communication (pg.1 & pg.2) sent to a third party as part of the conspiracy to destroy me.
    This communication obviously was never intended to be made public. It is a prima facie admission & confession by one of the conspirators (Yolo district attorney) of the overwhelming court-documented proof of my innocence & their guilt as coconspirators with the Davis police, as of this point occurring for several years they had been unjustly prosecuting me with full knowledge of my innocence. As demonstrated from the chart on pg.2, from 1997 to 2002 there had been 33 cases of charges brought against me, yet only 2 convictions, & those resulted only because the prosecution witnesses lied & I was the only witness on my behalf. 98-5050 I won through appeal; unjust convictions 97-3363, & 99-6524/99-6350. Furthermore, the cases of vindications often involved as many as 5 counts or more for each case. IT NEVER OCCURRED TO THEM TO ARREST THE CORRUPT POLICE! As of 2003 they coerced the judges to participate in the conspiracy, & orchestrated 7 kangaroo trials. Note also I furnished these facts to the Ca. Commission on Teaching Credentialing, with far more documentation, including court documents for each of the vindications/acquittals, & yet they have failed to re-activate my Teaching Credential! In the face of this obvious proof of conspirancy the CTC are coconspirators. Yolo d.a. failed to arrest the Davis guilty parties of the Davis police & others, & instead as of 1999 officially became coconspirators with them.
  • Sherman v. City of Davis, Ninth Cir. Court Cs. No. 08-16136; See my NOTICE OF APPEAL filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT, PETITIONER'S REPLY BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT; (Eastern District of Ca. Court cs. CIV S-04-2320); copies of most of the minute orders from Yolo courts documenting the charges dismissed, cases thrown out, jury trial acquittals, etc. from 1997-2003, proving my innocence & their harassment & kidnappings). See also PLAINTIFF'S SEPARATE PRETRIAL STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED FACTS & COMPLAINT & RENEWED MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER... filed as part of suit with E.D. Court;
  • Sherman v. Henderson, et al., Ninth Cir. Court No. 08-16597, see See my APPELLANT'S OPENING BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT(E.D. of Ca. Court CIV S-06-2414);
  • See my PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI filed with the US SUPREME COURT, cs. 08-6334 (Ninth Cir. 08-15086), involving the sixth of seven attempts by Yolobus, the local public bus system, to white wash the Davis police hate crimes (#1-5 & 7 charges dropped/jury trial vindication); see VIOLATIONS OF MY RIGHTS BY YOLOBUS below

People v. Holguin (1956) 302 P.2d 635, 145 C.A.2d 520;

The following arrests (kidnappings) were made without warrant, & prosecution was unable to show proper justifaction: Prima facie cases of unlawful arrests

(Cs. #s are Yolo Cty; #s of violative acts are according to Claim Against City of Davis & Addendums offense #'s):
Note: Some of the official documents create a false image of the Yolo d.a.; the motions to dismiss only came after countless hearings where they attempted to wear me down & destroy me.

98-6805, false arrest by Davis pd officer Guerrero at Davis Food CoOp on 9 Oct. 1998; case dismissed in interest of justice

98-0842, on 6 Mar. 1998 I was false arrested from my home by Davis police pursuant to a false warrant. After being held unjustly in yolo jail for 3 days I was released after court hearing. There were no charges & bailiff said my arrest was a mistake. According to the evidence, it seems Yolo d.a. deceptively arranged this false arrest, with Davis police cooperation; this "partnership" soon became a full-blown conspiracy.

98-3763, ct. 1, ct. 8, [cts. 2 & 3 sabotaged by rebels], cts 4 & 5, ct 6, ct 7, false arrest at Davis police station by officer Harrit on 21 May 1998; Davis police were threatening me not to go to Kinko's, instigating discrimination. I went to the police station to resolve the situation & they false arrested me. This cs. was unjustly consolidated with several others; 4 other Davis real estate brokers conspired with Coldwell Banker Doug Arnold RE to destroy me. All 5 went to trial in Sept. 1999; 5 cases, 8 chgs, 15 cts; I was acquitted by jury &/or chgs dropped on all 15 cts! The court documentation has been tampered with, making it appear there were only 3 css. & 8 cts.

98-0292, false arrest on 20 Dec. 1997 by Dpd officer Murphy & another officer for talking to some kids about Jesus in front of Lucky's; a customer asked Lucky;s to call the police. The testimony of the kids (eye-witnesses) didn't amount to anything except that I had warned them about heaven & hell, which I did. No probable cause; case dismissed;

98-2253, false arrest by officer Chudomelka on 31 Mar. 1998. My roommate Nardin & I got in an argument, & he called the police accusing me of battery. There were no injuries when officer Chudomelka made the false arrest & police report; it was my word against Nardin's, but without injuries or additional evidence, probable cause was lacking, especially when the altercation was between 2 men! At a later date Nardin met with Chudomelka & had him take photos of fabricated injuries of fingernail gouge marks that didn't previously exist! It begged the question: Why weren't those injuries there before, & why weren't they documented on the original report? It was a scam of Nardin & Chudomelka. Charges dropped when I hired a forensic expert to testify that there was no possible way the injuries could have occurred the way Nardin described it in the police report;

99-2725, false arrest on 20 April 1999, I was moved in to 401 I St., had a written lease, check stub for rent pd., possessions moved in; after leasing the property, lessor went to talk to the police; they told lessor I was a bad character, lessor asked them to arrest me; Davis pd officers Doroshov & Pytel committed false arrest; charge dropped;

1. 02-5529 pg1, & 02-5529 pg2, 24 Dec. 2001 (Christmas Eve), kidnap on Yolobus, Davis police officer Trn, vindicated by jury trial

4. 01-1963, 2 April 2001, kidnap, Davis Senior Center manager, Dpd officers Pytel & Phan, case dismissed

5. 01-4197 cts 1 & 2, & 01-4197 ct 3, kidnap at Food CoOp, July 2001, Dpd officer Christman, case dismissed

8. 00-5550, kidnap; I was unjustly jailed for scooting garbage out of the way that was blocking the sidewalk; I got advice from my mentor Harvey, & Davis pd officer penrose previously as to how to deal with the Davis Waste Removal's instigating the community to put their garbage & recycleables in the middle of public sidewalks, violating Davis municipal code & the Ca. littering laws. Dpd officer Guerrero kidnapped me under guise of vandalism

10. 99-6119, 12 Oct. 1999, Davis police kidnapped me while evangelizing in front of Safeway; Dept. 5 judge rebuked the d.a., Davis police, & Safeway manager on 17 Dec. 1999 for willful & continuous violations of my rights, & dismissed case

11. 99-6120, 7 Oct. 1999, Davis police kidnapped me while sharing message of Christ in front of Safeway (same location; N. Davis Safeway, but separate incident/separate violation from 99-6119 , dismissed with rebuke against d.a., police, & Safeway manager at same Dept. 5 hearing as 99-6119

13. Oct. 1999, kidnap & 3 day "5150" committed by Davis police & neighbor to whom Dpd slandered my name (see #12 below), no charges filed

16. Oct. 1999, kidnap, committed by Dvis police & duped & crooked neighbors (see #12, 13, 14, 15), no charges filed

18. 02-5530, kidnap, University Mall, 9 Jan. 2002, Dpd officer Sanchez, charge dropped

20. 02-5531, kidnap, University Mall, 22 Jan. 2002, Dpd officer Franti, case dismissed

25. 02-4668, mayor Boyd & city manager committed kidnap, town council meeting, approx. July 2002, Dpd. Case dismissed when 2 witnesses on my behalf appeared at trial;

27. Kidnap, 19 Sept. 2002 at Food CoOp, Dpd officer Guerrero, case dismissed

31. Kidnap on Fairfield Transit Bus, 30 Oct. 2002, Dpd officer King, not pursued by d.a.

38. 03-5086, kidnap @ Davis town council meeting, 18 June 2003, Dpd officer Beasley; citizen's arrest of sheriff Prieto, (see AFFIDAVIT below) who was attending council meeting while off duty. I attempted to speak to him during a recess of the meeting, to ask him to stand up for my rights. He wouldn't speak to me & said for me to "stay away from him." I then loudly warned everyone at the meeting that we would have justice & those harassing me would be arrested. Prieto then grabbed me & drug me out of the chambers, & kidnapped me. No charge filed;

40. Kidnap @ Mansion Square 27 Aug 2003, Dpd officers Doroshov & Irwin, no charge filed

41. Kidnap from my home in N. Davis, 2 Sept. 2003, I had a legal written signed lease (Ca. RE law says oral lease is legal for < 1 year), I had possession, being moved in, owner "changed his mind" Davis police officers Briesenick & Beasley kidnapped me, no charge filed

47. 04-0569 (illegally consolidated w/03-7477) kidnap @ Mansion Square, 15 January, 2004, Dpd officers Irwin & Gutierrez, acquitted in jury trial. In 2003-2004 they commenced a 7-kangaroo trial cover-up plot; the other chgs of 03-7477 were the result of judge/d.a. brainwashing of jurors

57. Kidnap @ Belfrey Ministry, 9 Dec. 2004, Davis police officers Dunn, Glasgow, & Feher; case not pursued by d.a.;

61. Approx. May 2006 kidnap @ Davis Waste Removal; DWR employees called the police for no reason (I was there to recycle); police unjustly seized me pursuant to void banishment warrant

62. Kidnap @ 800 Adams St. on 4 Feb. 2008; I had a written lease agreement, check stub of rent & deposit paid, key to the unit, & had some of my possessions moved in. Lessor called the police because she changed her mind, police forcibly removed me & arrested me for trespass;

114. 3 Mar. 2018, Kidnap by officer Yu, Davis police; false charge from business establishment where I warned rebels who were stalking me, request by Yolo d.a. for warrant; issued by judge Fall; false accusations of trespass & threatening at Panera cafe; i.e., because I was being stalked by customers & employees, I warned them the military is coming to wipe out Davis, & they claimed that's terrorist threats. Panera headquarters, St. Louis, Mo.; local branch operated mostly by emplys from Sac.; restraining order fraudulently obtained approx. Sept. 2017, with 6 mo. delay before false charge pursued. Missouri corp. owners had duty to warn them to cease & refrain from any action against me; in fact, it's likely they instigated & conspired it with Sac. If not, they had 6 mos. to warn local Panera manager to rescind the restraining order & refrain from pressing charges.

115. 24 May, 2018, kidnap, Davis pd, Grocery Outlet. Black male assistant manager forbade me from public speaking in front of store, then when I tried to enter to shop, he grabbed me & started a fight. Davis police arrested me, despite I demanded they arrest him. Pertinent codes by Groc. Outl employees prior to kidnap: Approx. 4/2018, male emply, "We're gonna take him all the way down." 5/9/2018, 8:06 AM, Groc. Outl, "I've gotta get rid of my cover; I have the back," wh male manager. "I have a rock sign in here," male cashier; & ATM customer terminal flipped around facing cashier, 8:10. "...just know ed, he couldn't cut it," male emply, black clothing, black bonnet, in parking lot, 8:21 AM. 3 July, 2018 hearing, judge Shockley refused to drop charges, & when I warned about rebellion & conspiracy, feigned ignorance, saying "Everything turns on here," & then set subsequent arraignment hearing date (28 July), "suggesting" that I see a psychologist; she was participating in conspiracy covering up the conspiracies & rebellion, & so I avoided the hearing; judge Cortes issued a warrant that was void on its face, not only because it stated it was valid day or night (but the law states for misdemeanor warrants, must be from 8-5, or anytime in a public place), but also because it was conspired - based on charges they knew to be false;

116. 1 Sept. 2018, 1 AM, my car parked on private property, a vacant lot, which isn't a public place, & suddenly police ordering me to get out of my truck, supposedly pursuant to a warrant. When I refused, they smashed side window & dragged me out; they delayed long enough before kidnap to Yolo jail so that I could see my truck get towed away by Natomas Towing of Sac. The afternoon before the kidnap, I was in Round Table pizza, ND; "You won't know; gonna come over," mex male emply, wh T-shrt, Round Table pizza, ND, 1:38; God told me to write down the code meant "skyjacking conspiracy" & I also called Feds at that point & reported it; that night I was "skyjacked" - held up by police & kidnapped & truck taken away (there may be a more extensive fulfillment of it, though). Also at RT pizza, 1:54 PM, wh fat fem, dk grn shrt, blk pnts, "Go hello, emergency" as they left; lic pl 5CWU529.

117. Approx. Mar. 2019, kidnap pursuant to void/fabricated warrant, Davis pd

118. Approx. Mar. 2019, kidnap pursuant to void/fabricated warrant, Davis pd - 2 days subsequent to previous kidnap - claimed courts issued 2 warrants, one after another, space of 2 days apart - COURTS ARE ORCHESTRATING 'CATCH' CONSPIRACY

119. 31 July, 2019, kidnap, approx. 8 PM, E. Eighth St., Davis pd officer Nasca, pursuant to bogus warrants from Panera false accusation (2017) & Groc. Outl. false accusation (2018).

(Cs. #s are Yolo Cty; #s of violative acts are according to Claim Against City of Davis & Addendum offense #'s):

Approx. May 1998, false charge of trespass, Atty Harry Roth & Davis police; no cs. filed due to lack of evidence

Approx. June 1998 I was threatened with false arrest by Davis police & several "leaders" of University Covenant Church. The leaders had treated me deceptively, but I continued to attend the church, & so they called the police & threatened to false arrest me. They broke their covenant with me when they treated me deceptively, violating God's commands (Ps. 15:4, Matt 5:37); they disobeyed God's commands to obey all laws when they threatened me with false arrest (Heb. 13:17); there was no accusation that I had committed any crime, violating US Const. Fourth Amend. right to be free from unreasonable search & seizure or threat of these; First Amend. rights of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of religion, to attend an assembly open to the public, also Civ. code 801: "The following land burdens, or servitudes upon land, may be attached to other land as incidents or appurtenances, and are then called easements:...16.The right of a seat in church..." Part of their deception involved allowing another member to go forward with prosecuting false charges against me, despite God's Word forbidding it, I Cor. 6:5-7:
"I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren, but brother goes to law with brother, and that before unbelievers? Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?"
They failed to heed God's commands & allowed the deceptive prosecution to proceed. The result was both the other member & his wife committed 5 or more cts. of perjury each in the jury trial, slandering my name! The Davis police are guilty of violating these laws as well. Their corrupt examples instigated the Davis police to continue lying about me & committing false arrests against me repeatedly, from 1997 to present (see
Dpd custom of violative acts was mostly spawned by members of University Covenant Church on Picture Proof pg). After several years it became a conspiracy & scandal, involving many other officials.

98-6705, false charge of annoying phone calls by College Town Realty 14 Aug. 1998; broker Chang's son furthermore committed perjury in jury trial. Davis police failed to obtain probable cause. I was acquitted by jury;

98-3763 false charges of annoying phone calls committed by Coldwell Banker Doug Arnold RE of Davis on approx. 19 & 20 May 1998. Police filed charges despite testimony from Coldwell Banker consisting of no more than harmless business: "Mr. Sherman called our office. Some of us he called more than once!" Several other Davis real estate brokerage firms also filed false charges against me, conspiring with Coldwell Banker to destroy me, including ReMax, King Properties (false charges consolidated with this cs.), College Town Realty (see 98-6705), & Acadian Properties (see 98-4242). Several chgs dropped, & jury acquitted me on all other cts;

98-4242, on 8 June 1998 I was falsely charged with interference with business by Davis pd officer Murphy & Acadian Properties over a dispute where they refused to provide me with a key to show a property I had permission & authority to show by listing agent Vicki Walker. They were discriminating. Police should have ordered them, via Civ. code 51(a) (all persons are free & equal & entitled to the services of business establishments) & Civ. code 51.5(a) (prohibiting discrimination against people by businesses) to provide me, a licensed RE agent, the keys to show the 16 unit apartment complex. Instead, they attempted to instigate Acadian to arrest me, & got them to at minimum agree to charge me; acquitted by jury;

1999, Threat of false arrest at Baskin Robins, Dpd.

1999, Threat of false arrest at Woodstock's Pizza, Dpd.

Claim: $1817 of unjust bills & damage to my credit from unjust "5150" committed by Dpd in 1999 (3 days hospitalization & observation against my will) bills are from hospital & ambulance, false charge neither filed nor pursued

Aug. 2002, Threat of kidnap, Davis police; at Davis Chinese Christian Church

2. Threat of kidnap at Borders Cafe, early Jan. 2002, Dpd officer Chudomelka

3. Threat of kidnap at Cafe Roma, approx. Jan. 2002, Dpd officer Guerrero

6. Slander committed by Dpd at Davis Senior Center, 11 May 2002 (separate incident/separate violation from 01-1963)

7. 01-1291, 11 Feb. 2001, false charges of annoying phone calls filed by Davis police; they failed to perform due diligence; I had called the residence a total of 3 times to get ahold of a prospective client who had told me to call; his kids wouldn't put him on the phone; case dismissed

12. Slander of my name to neighbor, late Sep./early Oct. 1999, committed by Dpd officer Chudomelka

17. Fraud, planting evidence, possession of illegal pornography, approx. Mar. 1998, Dpd; officer Dunn planted child pornography in my possessions in Davis jail before taking me to county jail

22. Damaged credit & unjust billing from legal fees of of opponents (#13-15)

23. Threat of kidnap at Steve's Pizza, 2 May 2002, Dpd officer Nickerson

24. Damaged credit & unjust bills, totally $676 in booking fees, etc. due to false arrests, mostly Dpd

26. Threat of kidnap, Crepeville, 28 August 2002, Dpd

28. Threat of kidnap, Cafe Italia, 25 Sept. 2002, Dpd

29. Threat of kidnap, Baker's Square, 29 Sept. 2002, Dpd officer Chudomelka

32. Threat of kidnap, University Mall, Thanksgiving Day 2002, Dpd officer Guerrero

34. Threat of kidnap, Jusco Restaurant, 11 April 2003, Dpd officer Chudomelka

35. Threat of kidnap, Peet's Coffee, 1 May 2003, Dpd

36. Threat of kidnap, Chef's Market, 6 May 2003, Dpd

37. Threat of kidnap, Natural Food Works restaurant 17 June 2003, Dpd officers Franti & Phan

39. Threat of kidnap, Candy's/Java Coffee, 1 Aug. 2003, Dpd

43. Threat of kidnap, In-n-Out Burger, approx. 16 Oct. 2003, Dpd

44. Threat of kidnap, Chamonix coffee shop, 29 October, 2003, Dpd officer Gomez

46. Threat of kidnap near Amtrak Station for using public bathroom, 5 January, 2004, Dpd officer Holt

48. Perjury committed in court trial, 19, 20 March 2004, Dpd officers Chudomelka & others

49. 4 April, 2004, Davis police officers Dunn & Edens attempt to persuade roommate to commit false arrest for trespass after affirming to him validity of my lease. Roommate Hoang Nguyen illegally locked me out of my residence, @ 717 Adeline Pl;

54. Illegal intimidation by City of Davis employees, Central Park, 2 July 2004

55. 13 Aug. 2004, threat of kidnap, discriminatory denial of access to utilities available to public, Community Park, Dpd officer Briesenick & another officer

56. Davis police officers Edens & Doroshov committed perjury in mock trial on 2 & 3 Sept. 2004 re: Cs. 04-3910

58.Davis police officer Gomez threatened me with kidnap in downtown Davis, 20 Jan. 2005

63.On Sat. night, 30 Aug. 2008 Davis police officer Yu pulled a gun on me & then illegally searched me on Drew Ave. in S. Davis because "an alarm had gone off in a nearby building." There was no probable cause.

64.Davis police officers Lopez & Ramos threatened to kidnap me at midnight Friday night 10/3/2008. I was in Sophia's Bar visiting with a dude from Africa

65.On 1/18/2009, at approx. 5:10PM I was threatened with kidnap in Beach Hut cafe by Davis police officers Faeth & Owen & owners Matt & Michelle.

66. Repeated acts of harassment of me by Davis police, mostly involving my legal & professional canvassing sales activities in town. The Davis police have repeatedly questioned me about little more than homeowners calling to say I was more "aggressive" than they preferred, yet their claims consistently have amounted to no more than a minimally pushy salesman at the most. Yet the police have more than obliged them by harassing me without reasonable suspicion

67. Fri., 7/3/2009, officers Arimboanga & Cox, along with 2 other Davis police officers, threatened to kidnap me from Dollar Tree grocery store for no reason. Thurs. night one of the clerks was rude to me & I told him not to be rude. The next day the clerk & an assistant manager, Tina, said they were refusing to do business with me, because of the brief exchange of words the night before. Police then threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave the store, claiming that Dollar Tree had the "right to refuse service to anyone;" the police & Dollar Tree committed a direct violation of PC 51.
"Civ.Code 51(a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Unruh Civil Rights Act.
(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or medical condition are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever."
"51.5(a) No business establishment of any kind whatsoever shall discriminate against, boycott or blacklist, or refuse to buy from, contract with, sell to, or trade with any person in this state on account of any characteristic listed or defined in subdivision (b)or (e) of Section 51."
"Civ. code 52(a) Whoever denies, aids or incites a denial, or makes any discrimination or distinction contrary to Section 51, 51.5, or 51.6, is liable for each and every offense for the actual damages..."
Signs that read "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" are a fallacy; such right is nonexistent & expressly prohibited by Ca. Civil code.

68. 2008-2009, additional acts of harassment by multiple Davis police officers, including officer Rifredi, & various other officers, for simply knocking on people's doors professionally. Once again, the complainants' statements/assertions to the police usually are simply that I am a little too pushy; but I leave the home when they start to close the door, if not before. The police have repeatedly claimed that they are "compiling a list of complaints," & that at some point my city solicitation permit will be denied. This is a neat little agreement between the conspiratorial citizens & corrupt police, a further dimension of the Davis police custom of eliminating me or worse.

69. Stalking by a Davis police officer on 7/1/2009 at approx. 4:30 PM in East Davis. I was walking down Alice St. near Cypress when a police car stopped across the street & was watching me. As I walked down Alice St. knocking on doors, there's the police car, following. When I reached the end of Alice, I started walking toward my bike located on Eighth St. The officer followed me down K St., & then down Eighth St. on my bike, then when I turned S. on B St., he followed me as far as Russell.

70. 13 Nov. 2009, officers Faeth, Evans, & Gillette kidnapped me from E St. Plaza in downtown Davis pursuant to a warrant that was known to the community to be void & concocted from false accusation, contrived conviction, & community-wide conspiracy. Warrant was concocted to enforce sentence of unconstitutitional & conspiratorial conviction from trial of cs. 09-4111, involving unjust seizures of me by CHP while I was displaying free speech signs on Pole Line Rd. bridge over I-80 in Summer 2009 stating "ARREST THE MONSTERS!" & "END THE CODE OF SILENCE!" Davis police had contacted me on various occasions while I was on the bridge, & they had repeatedly acknowledged that I was within his rights to display signs (M.O. of Davis police is to hide behind citizens whom they instigate to commit citizens' arrests, in attempt to evade liability, which freeway oversrossing didn't readily lend itself to). It was common knowledge in Davis community that CHP had subsequently unjustly seized me from the high-visibility location. While sequestering me to Yolo jail on 13 Nov. 2009, at Davis police station, police Sgt. Pytel stated, "He has our void;" acknowledging fact that the Davis police dept. in fact knew the basis of the warrant & that it was void.

71. On 12 Sept. 2010, owners of 2 downtown business establishments, Bizarrro World & Barefoot Yoga, conspired with Davis pd officer Franti to obtain a reatraining order to stop me from public speaking in E St. Plaza. Officer Franti said he would assist them with a restraining order & said, "We'll have to remove you from downtown," not based on me doing anything wrong, but based on unpopularity of my message.

72. On 2 Nov. 2010, I was evangelizing in front of Safeway in S. Davis; manager named Andy confronted me simply based on customers expressing displeasure at my message (about God); Davis police officer Ellsworth said if I didn't leave, I'd be arrested, despite no legitimate claim of interference with business.

73. On 14 Nov. 2010 I was practicing juggling in Playfields Park on a field next to soccer fields. A new game was starting, & some youth came over near me to warm up. Some of the parents & spectators, & small # of players, had been casing & stalking of me, using codes, during previous game. I warned the kids to report anyone including their parents, conspiring & plotting using codes to the FBI. When the next game started, they started stalking me again. I made several verbal warnings. I have called the police in the past, but only in extreme cases, mostly because the Davis police architected ther conspiracy; they aren't about to arrest the coconspirators. One of the parents called the police because of my warnings; officers Marting & Pro came & said that if I went anywhere near the kids or said anything at all to them, they would arrest me. I told them to arrest those stalking me for conspiracy, but they refused. Althoughh these were new police officers in Davis, their comments demonstrated they were aware of conspiracy & who I am, & yet failed to halt it, & directly participated

74. On 15 Nov. 2010, as I was purchasing a bike lock from Big 5, female cashier said, "I have torture." This was a threat to cooperate with the conspirators & those using codes, or I would be held hostage in jail again, with attack plots prearranged. I called police, officer Labbe refused to arrest the cashier. Big 5 manager, who was only a few feet away when she said it, lied & said he hadn't heard anything.

76. On 15 May 2010 I was petitioning for ballot measures in front of Target in Davis, managers called police simply because I was violating Target's unconstitutional policy of no solicitation (no claim that I had done anything wrong). Davis pd officers Chudomelka & Feher then insisted I leave or I'd be arrested (kidnapped). As with Safeway (#72 above), I have been advised to fight my battles from liberty, & left the premises, instead filing charges against the individual officers & managers with FBI. There are 3 reasons for suffering jailings to stand up for your rights: (1)To vindicate your reputation; prove to everyone that you are in the right, & police were lying or falsely accusing you; (2)To assert the value you place on your rights (willing to endure jail & court battles, etc.); & (3)To prove the police' guilt & fill up the measure of their sin, maximizing the evidence against them & their liability (for arresting them & for lawsuits). All these have been accomplished; everyone knows I am a law-abiding citizen, no one can deny that I place the utmost value on my freedom of religion & free speech rights, & I have more then enough proof against the Davis police; additional jail captivity at this point wouldn't contribute anything positive to my battle, & would increase my suffering & impede my battle.

77. On 12 Jan. 2010 at 11:55 PM Davis police officer Powell & another officer kidnapped me from my truck in S. Davis pursuant to a warrant that was known to the community to be void & concocted from false accusation, contrived conviction, & community-wide conspiracy. Warrant was concocted to enforce sentence of unconstitutitional & conspiratorial conviction from trial of cs. 09-4111, involving unjust seizures of me by CHP while I was displaying free speech signs on Pole Line Rd. bridge over I-80 in Summer 2009. This was same warrant as was used to kidnap me on 13 Nov. 2009 (#70 above); I had been booked & released on that date with a court appearance in beginning of Jan. 2010. I refused to appear in court to cooperate with kidnappers (cs. 09-4111 was case where judge Gaard said to deputy d.a. during the trial, "You have the authority of the court!" It was a circus!). I was unjustly sequestered & kidnapped & held hostage in Yolo coounty jail for 93 days subsequent, despite everyone in the county being aware that it was for holding signs up over a freeway, which is a protected free speech activity!

78. On approx. 2 Mar. 2012 Davis police officer, along with Safeway store manager named Andy, violated my Fourth Amendment protections against arbitrary government interference when they made credible threat of unreasonable seizure of Sherman if he refused to leave from warning people at Safeway in S. Davis (threat of kidnap), also being an act of conspiracy. Officer's violative act additionally violated my US Constitution First Amendment free speech & freedom of speech rights, & Fourteenth Amendment equal protection rights prohibiting against conspiracy. There was no accusation of any crime committed; I was warning people to halt the oppression against him, & store manager said some customers had objected to the content of my message. Officer said I would be arrested if he didn't leave;

79. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. rights to be free from unnecessary government interference, also being an act of conspiracy, when they stalked me in approx. April 2011, while in my truck on Kaiser Permanente property in S. Davis, including questioning me frivolously, in attempt to intimidate me & run me out of town. Defendants approached my truck at approx. 1 AM, demanding to see identification, despite having no probable cause or reasonable suspicion (no party had made an accusation);

80. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. Rights to be free from unnecessary government interference, also being an act of conspiracy, when they stalked me in approx. July 2011, while in my truck on Kaiser Permanente property in S. Davis, including questioning me frivolously, in attempt to intimidate me & run me out of town. Defendants approached my truck at approx. 1 AM, demanding to see identification, despite having no probable cause or reasonable suspicion (no party had made an accusation). Officer said he was going to contact Kaiser & that if I was on the property again, I would be arrested (threat of kidnap);

81. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. Rights to be free from unnecessary government interference when they stalked me in approx. June 2011, in S. Davis, in attempt to intimidate me & run me out of town, also being an act of conspiracy. Defendants were located near my truck from 11 PM or 12 AM, & were whispering & muttering coded comments & intimidating threats until 1 AM;

82. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. Rights to be free from unnecessary government interference, also being an act of conspiracy, when they stalked me in approx. July 2011, in S. Davis, in attempt to intimidate him & run him out of town. Defendants were located near my truck from 11 PM or 12 AM, & were whispering & muttering coded comments & intimidating threats until 1 AM;

83. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. Rights to be free from unnecessary government interference, also being an act of conspiracy, when they stalked me in approx. Sept. 2011, in S. Davis, in attempt to intimidate me & run me out of town. Defendants were located near my truck from 11 PM or 12 AM, & were whispering & muttering coded comments & intimidating threats until 1 AM;

84. On approx. 2 Mar. 2012 Davis police officer, along with Safeway store manager named Andy, violated my Fourth Amendment protections against arbitrary government interference when they made credible threat of unreasonable seizure (threat of kidnap) if I refused to leave from warning people at Safeway in S. Davis (threat of kidnap), also being act of conspiracy. Officer's violative act additionally violated my US Constitution First Amendment free speech & freedom of speech rights. There was no accusation of any crime committed; I was warning people to halt the oppression against me, & store manager said some customers had objected to the content of my message. Officer said I would be arrested if I didn't leave;

85. Davis police officers violated my Fourth Amend. Rights to be free from unnecessary government interference, also being an act of conspiracy, when they stalked me on 2 Mar. 2012, in S. Davis, in attempt to intimidate me & run me out of town. Defendants were located near my truck from 11:45 PM, Davis police officer said, "He knew he didn't take them;"

86. On 12 Mar. 2012 at 11:40 PM Davis police officers Hermann & Franti, along with Safeway store manager named Mike & a security guard, violated my Fourth Amendment protections against arbitrary government interference when they made credible threat of unreasonable seizure of me (threat of kidnap), also being an act of conspiracy, if he refused to leave Oakshade Plaza shopping center in S. Davis. I was juggling in an open area between Safeway & Rite Aid; juggling is a form of expression protected by freedom of speech & freedom of assembly, & Safeway was open for business at the time, therefore Defendant's violative act additionally violated my US Constitution First Amendment rights. There was no accusation of any crime committed. Officer Hermann said he would personally arrest me & take me to jail if I didn't leave, & that I couldn't come back;

87. 6/28/2012, Dpd officer Phan & at least one other officer threatened to kidnap me from Yolo library on Fourteenth St. at approx. 4 PM. I had taken a picture of a fem. patron who was using codes to stalk me; she had publicly spoke lude comments to a little girl, & was making coded conspiratorial communications about me to a friend first name of Karen. I rebuked her & took a picture of her, & other than that I went back to work. She complained to the librarian, who called police. I told the officers to arrest her for conspiracy; no other complaint was made against me except that I had taken a picture of a patron, who didn't like it, but it is nonetheless a protected freedom of expression activity, & there is no rule against it in the library;

88. 7/7/2012. officer Raymond, & at least one other officer threatened to arrest me because I took a picture of a fem. patron who was making coded conspiratorial comments; same criteria as #86; I told officers to arrest her, they refused, & threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave, no other complaint except that I had taken a picture of a patron, & they didn't like it.

89. 8/2/2012, 3:26 PM officer Arimboanga of Davis police, threatened to arrest me from in front of Dollar Tree for singing for tips. At 3:10 PM manager named Kathy was in front of store & said, "He's not going to do this." There was no claim that I had committed a crime, no claim of probable cause, simply assertion that if the store said I had to leave, I would be leaving or I would go to jail.

90. 8/8/2012, I was singing for tips in front of Savemart; at approx. 3:30, manager demanded I move to another location in shopping center; when I refused, he abrupted left. 3:40 PM a female claiming to be shopping center property manager, & later identified by police as Melanie Rice, said if I didn't leave, she was calling police on behalf of Savemart. At 3:48 she said to Savemart employees, "He won't be here." 3:59 Davis pd officer Walker threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave, & said she was there on behalf of not only Rice, but shopping center owners, Jennifer Anderson & her sister, who had requested I be removed from the shopping center.

91. 26 Aug. 2012, approx. 9:30 AM Davis police officer Infante threatened to kidnap me from in front of Safeway in S. Davis. He didn't attempt to claim I had interfered with business, the claim was it was private property, therefore free speech is inapplicable; if the owners or managers want you to leave, suddenly there is no Constitution.

92. 9/5/2012 Davis police officer Russell threatened me with kidnap if I didn't leave from Nugget Market; no claim that I had done anything wrong;

93. 9/12/2012 officer Bestpitch of Davis police, insisting it was private property, & therefore there is no free speech, threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave;

94. Approx. 9/20/2012, 5:30 PM, at Safeway S. Davis, I was singing in front of the store & officer Yu of Davis pd & manager Andy Butler said I would be arrested if I didn�t leave; threat of kidnap;

95. 9/22/2012, 10:34 AM, Davis police officers Penrose & Cox threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave Yolo County library; librarian named Peggy said I was banned from the library for 30 days because I had made a verbal warning to a crowd in front of library;

96. 26 Sept. 2012 @ 11:32 AM Davis police officer Arimboanga threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave Marketplace shopping center

97. 10/2/2012 at Savemart, 12:18 PM Davis police officers Rifredi & Walker threatened to kidnap me at Savemart if I didn't leave;

98. 10/1/2012 4:40 PM officer Martin of Dpd threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave from in front of Davis Food Coop. I was at the entrance to the plaza in front of the store; there was also a UCD booth with 2 females at the booth a few feet away from me engaged in a free speech activity, yet they were allowed to exercise free speech;

99. 10/3/2012, Officer Edens of Davis police said if I didn't leave he would facilitate the arrest (threat of kidnap).

100. 29 Oct. 2012, 3:20 PM, Davis police officer Edens threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave Trader Joe's.

101. 9:50 AM 10/26, Nugget Mkt S. Davis, Davis police harassing about singing

102. Target employee Chris, along with male security guard, called Davis police, 11/7; Dpd officer Walker @ 12:40 PM, along with Chris, threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave

103. 11/27, 7:52 PM Savemart store manager Jesse said he was calling police if I didn't leave, when I was simply singing about God in front of store. 8:10 PM officer Franti said he would charge me with a crime if I didn't leave (threat of kidnap)

104. 14 Jan. I was in front of Westlake Market singing for tips, when 12:22 PM Davis pd officer Labbe threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave from in front of the store, saying free speech doesn't apply. There was no accusation that I committed any crime, simply that the property manager wanted me to leave.

105. I was singing gospel rock songs for tips on Sat. at U Mall (1/26, approx. 11 AM); singing is free speech, & soliciting of funds is protected free speech right as well. Officer Beas harassed m, amounting to threats of kidnap if I didn't stop

106. This afternoon (1/30) at 12:40 PM I was singing at U Mall, & officer Walker, along with 2 other officers (one was Phan, as far as I could tell), said University Mall isn't a public place, & I would be arrested if I didn't leave. I asked what would happen if I didn't leave, & she said I would go to jail (threats of kidnap)

107. Officer Tenedora approx. 3:30 PM, said I had to leave Yolo library or go to jail (credible threat of unreasonable seizure) because I verbally rebuked people who were stalking me, 9/7

108. 9/8, approx. 5 PM Davis pd officer refused to arrest Lee, owner of Delta of Venus, when I reported that he was stalking me & assaulting me (getting in my way so that I couldn’t sing & dance).

109. 1/16/2013 Davis police unjustly towed my truck from Galileo Ave. in S. Davis, after instigating a community-wide & region-wide conspiracy to deny me income & liberty.

110. 3/2/2013, 11 PM approx., Davis police officers Bestpitch & Torres threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave Ketmori for simply having a lg bag.

111. 3/2 & 3/3/2013, stalkings by Davis police, following the violation of my rights at Ketmori; near F & 6th, Davis police car parked at corner, & as I walked by at 12:50 AM they said, "We've seen your nut." At 1 AM on 14th St. near Yolo library, another police car, with stalking comment, "You're not going to have our murder."

112. 6/4/2013, I was conspiratorially banned from Davis Community Meals, & at 6:40 PM Davis police officer Franti said I had to leave or he would kidnap me.

113. I've been stalked repeatedly by Davis mayor Krovoso at Davis City council meetings; 3/26, 2013, Krovoso said, "We're not going to be, it," 6:42 PM; "We'll have Safeway," 7:40; "We'll have his mind."

117. 5 May, 2018, Davis police officer Mares violated my rights, threatened to kidnap me if I didn't I leave Philz coffee due to complaint of employees; I was stalked by customer, & rebuked him, & instantly employees called police; credible threat, violating my equal protection rights, & rights of freedom of assembly & speech.

118. 3 Mar. 2018, officer Yu threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave Mishka's; I simply confronted a customer who was stalking me & conspiring with a student in front of me; credible threat, violating my equal protection rights, & rights of freedom of assembly & speech.

119. Approx. 2017, Davis police officer threatened to kidnap me from Dot Island due to a single incident of elevated speech (sternly rebuking a stalker); credible threat, violating my equal protection rights, & rights of freedom of assembly & speech.

120. 6 May, 2018, Davis pd officer Mares threatened to kidnap me at Cultive, when cashier called police for simply warning people to stop stalking me; credible threat, violating my equal protection rights, & rights of freedom of assembly & speech.

121. Approx. 10 July, 2018, Davis pd officer threatened to kidnap me at Easel cafe, when owner called police for simply warning people to stop stalking me; he put up his dukes & said, "I'm the one, officer;" credible threat, violating my equal protection rights, & rights of freedom of assembly & speech.

Note: from 2013 to present there have been many instances where Davis police have threatened to kidnap me if I didn't leave from in front of a store or location. I report all of these to the FBI & USDOJ.


9. 00-2048, false charge (infraction), Dpd, appealled to Ninth Circuit; unjustly denied due to�nbsp;errant claim by�nbsp; Eastern District judge that I was no longer pro se;

14. 99-6524, kidnap, committed by Dpd officer Ulaga & crooked neighbors who were lied to & enticed into lying & committing perjury by Dpd officer Chudomelka (see #12, 13), appealed, Petition for Writ of Certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court (application to Sandra Day O'Conner;

15. 99-6350, kidnap committed by Dpd officer Haas & duped crooked neighbors (see #12, 13, 14), appealed, Petitioned for Writ of Certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court (application to Sandra Day O'Connor)(99-6524 inappropriately consolidated with this case)

As of 2003, police & d.a. restrategized in desperate attempt to finish me off because of the fact that they were digging themselves deeper & deeper into a pit, with mountains of proof against them. They coerced several judges to go along with them (Mock, White, & Johnson, & create 7 kangaroo trials in a desperate attempt to fabricate evidence against me & cover up my years of victories & proof of police/d.a. scandal; below are 3 of them, see VIOLATIONS OF MY RIGHTS BY UC DAVIS POLICE for 3 others; in 2009 Yolo judge Gaard committed a scandalous hostage captivity plot that failed to rise to the level of kangaroo trial (#70 below).

42. 03-7477, kidnap @ Albertson's grocery store 14 Sept. 2003, Dpd officer Chudomelka, on appeal; Ca. Dept. of Real Estate deceptively used this false charge to rob me of my broker's license & my career

45. 03-7477, kidnap @ Yolo County Library, 25 Nov. 2003, Dpd officers Chudomelka & Doroshov, case on Petition for Habeas Corpus in E.D. of Ca. Fed. Dist Court; Ca. Dept. of Real Estate deceptively used this false charge to rob me of my broker's license & my career

51. 04-3910, kidnap, Longs Drugs, 26 May 2004, Dpd officers Doroshov & Edens, on Petition for Habeas relief in E.D. Federal Court;

53. 04-4128, kidnap @ Nugget Market, cs. 04-4128 16 June, 2004, Dpd officers Irwin & Rifredi, on appeal, Habeas Corpus in E.D. Fed. Court;

70. Davis pd officers Faeth, Gillette, & Evans kidnapped me while I was public speaking at E St. Plaza on 13 Nov. 2009 pursuant to void court order (warrant) to have me kidnapped; see SCANDAL DISGUISED AS COURT TRIAL: YOLO "JUDGE" GAARD CEDES POWER TO DEPUTY D.A. IN HEARING RESULTING IN 6 MO. CAPTIVITY PLOT!. Everyone in the community is fully aware of the fact that the proceedings of Yolo cs. 09-4111 failed to qualify as a court of law, & the warrant (for refusing to participate in their kidnap of me & hostage captivity disguised as a trial & jail sentence) is a void & invalid court order based on a scandalous conspiracy! Proof that they were fully aware of the facts: While at Davis police dept. officer Pytel said to Evans & Gillette, "He has our void." Cs. on appeal;


Additional acts of oppression committed by citizens & businesses participating in the Davis police custom of discriminating against me & kidnapping me; the violative acts below consist of violations of my civil rights according to the Ca. Unruh Act, Civ. code 51; locations unjustly refused to serve me &/or made threats of kidnap:

Ciacolat Cafe; discrimination, 2003
Noah's Bagels; discrimination, 2003
Graduate; discrimination, 2002
Starbucks, U Mall; discrimination, 2002
Starbucks, F St.; discrimination, approx. 2000
Dos Coyotes (South Davis), 2003; discrimination
Little Prague's; discrimination;
Applebee's; discrimination;
Pluto's; discrimination

I, Joseph Arch Sherman, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing facts regarding the cases & incidents referenced & the testimony contained herein is true & correct.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman
31 Mar. 2008


1. 98-6804 UCD officers false arrested me pursuant to false testimony that I was following a citizen around, despite no evidence of a crime, & despite testimony from a cafe owner in the same vicinity of my good character; chg dropped

2. 00-6907 ct2; & cts 1 & 3;UCD police kidnapped me from the grandstands of a Aggies football game for no reason on 2 Dec. 2000; case thrown out of court

3. 01-3677 (consolidated with 01-4197), ct. 1, & ct. 3; UCD police officer Garcia (male) committed false arrest of me while evangelizing in UCD Memorial Union on 27 June 2001; case dismissed;

4. 01-7109, Before dismissal of cs. 01-3677, hung jury resulted in motion for retrial. UCD MU manager who had originally filed false charges testified in trial that I hadn't done anything wrong, stating I "had the right to be there." Before retrial, I approached him at MU & told him, pursuant to his sworn testimony that I was innocent, to tell d.a. to drop the charge. Instead, I was charged with additional crime of malicious attempt to dissuade a witness! Chg. dropped;

5. Approx. 15 Nov. 2002, a day or so before President Clinton came to UCD to speak (17 Nov.), officer Henoch kidnapped me for making a mobile phone call in Griffin Lounge on campus after a student complained! The lounge is open to the public & is not a study lounge or a library; I know, I am an alumnus of UCD. Charge dropped;

6. 04-4128: UCD officers Mason & Jones kidnapped me in Memorial Union Coffee House, 10 June 2004, for attempting to start a conversation with a female; one slip of the tongue & police were telling me I had to leave campus. I refused to give up my rights & was illegally abducted. On appeal in Federal Court (Habeas);

7. 04-5635: Kidnap of me committed by officers Altomar & Garcia (female) & UCD MU managers for telling people God loves them in Memorial Union 26 Aug. 2004; falsely charged with battery of an officer for shaking my finger 3-5 in. from Garcia's face after she put her hand in my face approx. 3-5 in. away; falsely charged with interference with operations for evangelizing; on appeal in Fed. Court. See my PETITIONER'S REPLY BRIEF filed with the EASTERN DISTRICT US COURT

8. 04-5636, approx. 16 June 2004, UCD officer kidnapped me from Hickey Gym for using the shower open to the public, charge dropped;

#9-24 below were an attack of 16 false arrests/kidnappings of me committed by UCD police & officials pursuant to unjust banishment conditions of probation, banishing me from UCD, as part of aconspiracy plot also involving Yolo d.a. & Yolo judge White, who created the unconst. orders (css. 04-4128 & 04-5635, pursuant to the kangaroo trial conspiracy of 2005-2007). See the Habeas Appeals below.
Vallindras v. Mass. Bonding & Ins. Co. (1954) 42 Cal. 2d 149, 153-54, court order that is patently irregular & void, officer is liable for enforcement of order; order where there is clear absence of jurisdiction, officer is liable. Furthermore, the first 12 of the 16 violative acts (pursuatn to void order) were not proceeded upon by d.a. due to fact that the banishment condition was void: Maney v. Radcliffe (DC Wis 1975) 399 F.Supp. 760, "Repeated arrests without subsequent prosecution is a violation of the Fourth Amendment." Brooks v. City of Winston-Salem (1996 CA4 NC) 85 F.3d 178, allegations that officer seized plaintiff pursuant to warrant not supportable by probable cause, & that criminal proceedings terminated in plaintiff's favor was sufficient to state malicious prosecution claim. Every one of these (#9-24) was a direct violation of my rights, & failure to prosecute proves it.

9. 04-7789, 5 Nov. 2004, officer Henoch kidnapped me from Hickey Gym, on false premise that I violated unjust probation order conditions banishing me from UCD main campus, an illegal condition rendering the order void & unenforceable & making it a crime to enforce such order; kangaroo court hearing found me guilty despite the fact that the order is unconstitutional; See my APPELLANT'S OPENING BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT OF APPEALS to overturn the unjust banishment condition of 04-4128;
See my MOTION FOR CERTIFICATION BY THE NINTH CIRCUIT filed to overturn the unjust banishment condition of 04-5635;

10. 3 Feb. 2005: officers Munoz, Sheffield, & White kidnapped me from UCD campus based on false premise of violation of unjust probation condition banishing me from UCD main campus, charge dropped;

11. 8 Feb. 2005: UCD officers kidnapped me (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

12. 11 Feb. 2005: officer Sheffield kidnapped me, officer Henoch was also involved in this crime or on the 3rd or the 8th (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

13. 13 Feb. 2005: officers White & Cordova kidnapped me from Shields Library (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

14. 16 Feb. 2005: officer Guthrie & possibly White kidnapped me from King Hall Law Library (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

15. 21 Feb. 2005: officer Sheffield kidnapped me (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

16. 22 Feb. 2005: officers Sheffield, Altomar, Arias, Oweis kidnapped me from King Hall Law Library (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

17. 27 Feb. 2005: officers Cordova, Green, & Fernandez kidnapped me from the Physical Sciences library (Fernandez also was involved in at least 1 other kidnapping in Feb.) (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

18. 14 Mar. 2005: officer Munoz kidnapped me (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

19. 15 Mar. 2005: officer Arias kidnapped me (false premise of violation of order), charge dropped;

20. 31 May 2005: officer Arias kidnapped me from King Hall Law library (facade of violation of order), charge dropped;

21. 06-2763, 12 April 2006 UCD officer kidnapped me from UCD (false premise of violation of order), cs. pending. This violative act was unjustly consolidated with the 17 April violative act (#22). I filed 2 habeas actions to reverse the banishment conditions & unjust sentences; see APPELLANT'S OPENING BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT OF APPEALS to overturn the unjust banishment condition of 04-4128; see my MOTION FOR CERTIFICATION BY THE NINTH CIRCUIT to overturn banishment condition of cs. 04-5635

22. 17 April 2006 UCD officer kidnapped me (consolidated with 06-2763), facade of enforcing illegal probation condition. Consolidated with 06-2763; Petition for Habeas relief

23. 06-3177, 23 May 2006 UCD officer Henoch kidnapped me as I was entering King Hall Law Library, facade of enforcing illegal order; of the 9 kidnappings of me by UCD police in 2005 from disobedience of the unconstitutional condition of probation d.a. only prosecuted one of the 9, alleging violation of probation, with the typical kangaroo court contrived conviction; but I will be vindicated of that false accusation as well when I win the habeas appeal (d.a. refused to prosecute all the others for obvious reasons). See Habeas actions in #21; on appeal;

24. 12 June 2006 UCD officer Arias kidnapped me from the UCD Activities & Recreation Center (consolidated with 06-3177) while speaking to people about Jesus, violative act was made under pretense of arrest for violating unconstitutional court order; I was then falsely imprisoned in the Yolo County jail.

25. Approx. June 2008, false arrest & kidnap for debating with 2 students in the ARC gym lobby; no charge filed;

26. 11 Jan. 2009, false arrest & kidnap for simply visiting in the ARC gym lounge; no charge filed;

27. 2009 to 2017, UCD pd have unjustly committed 7-day bans of me from campus (PC 626.6) at a rate of approx. once/qtr, on threat of kidnap if I don't comply, usually with direct participation of students who call the police or complain to staff because of my warnings to them to stop stalking me & to stop sabotaging my online job applications while I apply for jobs in library. They & IT staff conspiratorially freeze up &/or shut down my programs & alter text in the applications to create the appearance that I don't really want a job. If I warn or rebuke them (while I exercise superhuman self-control refraining from attacking anyone), it has repeatedly resulted in a ban from campus.

28. Approx. Fall 2016, UCD Shields librarian upped the ante issuing a one year ban from library; since it was groundless (I was the victim of the stalkings of others in the library), I continued attempting to utilize online access to make reports to Feds & apply for jobs. The effect of the ban was that the police were then called at once, & it became "library-specific" 626's or 7-day bans from library only, which is obviously nonsense - an attempt to manipulate the intent of the penal code & use it as a control mechanism. The motive for this (in cooperation with the other death row conspirators), in context of other plots cutting off my every hope of prospering, wearing me down, assuming I'd still be on campus elsewhere, was to create claiming it was proof that I was simply using the campus as a hotel, & wasn't serious about working for a living. In fact, I stayed in a room in Motel 6 S. Davis last night (4/17), & I noticed the building footprint (shape) is almost exactly the same as UCD Activities & Recreation Center, built in 2004, when they also devised & implemented the 2 1/2 years hostage captivity. & Motel 6 in Davis is where someone was murdered several years ago. & when I tried to view both floorplans on city hall public computers, it was shut down remotely several times. I've rarely gone on campus since the ban, other than to attempt to get things done in the library, which is instantly cut short by the arrival of the police.

29. 12 April, 2017, approx. 5:30 PM, kidnap from Shields library by UCD pd officers Demuri & Kwong (with Sheffield's participation). I had gone online for a few min. in Shields lib., & was leaving, & Raj, security officer (the one who has usually been directing the oppression against me in Shields), confronted me, claiming the police were coming, because I was banned. UCD officers Demuri & Kwong then kidnapped me under guise of arrest. I was released from Yolo jail at 12:44 AM (Woodland), & jogged home, arriving at 2:37 AM (12 mi.). I've continuously danced for 4 hours straight, & dancing is more strenuous than jogging, so I know I could do a marathon. There's more to it: A supposed "kill" plot (long-range jail captivity, loss of truck, property, etc.), but combined with this, prearranged prop-up of the students; they then put on act feigning a small amount of support for me by objecting, pressuring the university & others to abandon it; the students (who orchestrated it) then come out looking more "respectable," & if the students are able to appear presentable somehow, the entire rebellion in Davis uses that facade as a shield

I, Joseph Arch Sherman, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing facts regarding the cases & incidents referenced & the testimony contained herein is true & correct.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman
13 Apr., 2017

Joe Sherman
General Delivery
Davis, Ca. 95616
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:


1. 99-6117, 23 Sept. 1999, County Fair Mall (Woodland), Mexican female driver; I was false arrested for simply saying, "Can we get going, please?" I was late for an appointment, & the bus driver was behind schedule due to making small talk with another driver. Woodland police false arrested me despite no evidence of a crime. As of this point many people in the county had heard of me, & it was common knowledge the Davis police had been false arresting me. This was an attempt to whitewash their crimes & brand me a trouble-maker. Charge dropped.

2. 99-6118, 5 Oct. 1999, while going through West Sacramento to Sacto, same Yolobus employee as 99-6117; I was having a voluntary conversation about God with a man on the bus. Some of the passengers tried to tell us we couldn't talk about God. It was an ordinary religious discussion conversation (no threats or shouting match), nor was there any danger of a "mob scene" from the objections of the passengers; it was simply a calculated attempt to intimidate me out of my rights. When the police arrived, they asked me to get off the bus to question me. It seemed like they could just as easily question me on the bus, but I complied. The moment I got off the bus, the police directed the driver to leave before questioning me, & I lost my bus ride & was cited for misdemeanor interference with business; prima facie violation of my equal protection & unreasonable seizure rights; they failed to perform due diligence or obtain probable cause. Charge dropped;

3. 01-3250, County Fair Mall, 5 June 2001, I was waiting for the bus, standing at the curb of the bus stop. When the bus arrived, it pulled up at a very fast rate with mirror extending over the curb, & the mirror almost hit my head! There were no warning signs or painted safety lines, the driver was simply being wreckless. I told her, "You need to be more careful, you almost hit me." She responded angrily & called her supervisor, who called Woodland police, & they kidnapped me although no crime was committed. It was more harassment to cover up for the Davis police hate crimes. Charge dropped. Driver subsequently apologized;

4. 02-5529 p. 1 & p. 2, 24 Dec. 2001, kidnap committed by Yolobus driver Quintoa & Davis police on Christmas Eve! I was in a debate with a Hindu about Jesus all the way back from W. Sac. At F St. in Davis, the driver suddenly stopped the bus & said, "You have to stop talking about God or get off this bus." We were having an ordinary conversation, & I refused to give up my rights. She was aware of the persecutions against me; it was a plot. I had to walk home from the county jail in Woodland from 1-4AM Christmas morning. Case dismissed after hung jury, 11-1 for my acquittal. (The fact is the Hindu was from the East Coast & couldn't be at trial to testify, but a local female friend of his who was a witness testified & her testimony proved the driver to be a 5 ct. perjuror!)

5. 7 Jan. 2003, at County Fair Mall, Yolobus driver Shinn attempted to get revenge for defeating Quintoa in trial the mo. before (#4 trial occurred in Dec. 2002, almost a year subsequent to violative act); I got on the bus & paid my fee, he then said, "You have to get off this bus," & refused to give me a legitimate reason. Reasoning there might be an emergency, & he might be having everyone get off the bus (& this particular driver had never before violated my rights), I complied under protest. He then started allowing others on the bus; a clear case of discrimination & more of their games. When I got back on, he called Woodland police; officer Schubert kidnapped me. No charge filed;

6. 03-1710, THIS WAS THE FIRST OF THE 7 KANGAROO TRIALS FROM 2003-2006; County Fair Mall, 27 Feb. 2003, attempt to whitewash the kidnap of 7 Jan. 2003. Occurred in exact same location, same driver & Woodland police officer Schubert, except they had prearranged to have a passenger, Mike Gilbert, lie for them, claiming I pushed him upon entering the bus. There were almost a dozen witnesses on the bus; officer Schubert & DeLeon refused to question any of them or me, instead giving me the choice of forfeiting my bus ride or being arrested. They made no attempt to investigate or obtain probable cause; but this isn't surprising, since they already knew Yolobus was corrupt, & Schubert was part of the corruption. Morrison v. U.S. C.A.Neb. (1974) 491 F2d 344 see also U.S. v. Heisman C.A.Mo. (1974) 503 F2d 1284, probable cause is to be determined upon objective facts available to arresting officer at time of arrest. U.S. Ex. rel. Gonzales v. Follette C.A.N.Y. (1968) 397 F2d 232, common sense must be applied, such as due diligence questioning of the accused & any available witnesses. BCR Transport Co. v. Fontaine (CA1 Mass 1984) 727 F.2d 7, tip received by officer does not establish good faith defense (against lack of probable cause) when officer fails to exhaust first-hand testimony or sources of information. Good faith requires obtaining all the facts surrounding the incident, past or present. US v. Di Re (1947) 68 S.Ct. 222, "probable cause cannot be found from submissiveness" of the accused. Judge Mock & Yolo d.a. participated in the conspiracy, creating a kangaroo trial; I had witness Karen Whala, a UCD student from Woodland, & witness from the Yolobus crime of Jan. 2003 (#5), testify to the crimes of Shinn & Schubert just a little over a mo. previous, proving they were liars, & I also submitted to the jury court-documented proof of many of the prior Yolobus crimes against me, proving Yolobus had a plot to ban me & whitewash the Davis police hatecrimes; the prejudicial rulings of judge Mock, the corrupt proceedings, & the false witnesses (Shinn, Gilbert, & police) prejudiced the jury. Court had an obligation to be "ever watchful to prevent prejudicial occurrences," Smith v. Phillips (1982) 455 US 209. Court must ensure the justice system process is not arbitrary or discriminatory, Harris v. Alabama (1995) 513 US 504; court must use its resources in a way that promotes the interests of justice, including avoiding frivolous, repetitious filings that are clearly contrary to justice, Day v. Day (1993) 510 US 1. Judge Mock was fully aware of the Yolobus cover-up, but became a participant. Cs. was appealed up to US Supreme Court, see my PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI filed with the US SUPREME COURT, cs. 08-6334 (Ninth Cir. 08-15086).


  • Despite my innocence, I was held hostage in jail pursuant to sentence from unconst. conviction, because of appellate delays;
  • Ca. Dept. of Real Estate coconspiracy: DRE deceptively used the false conviction of pushing to unjustly deny my broker's license & revoke my salesman's license. A professional license constitutes property, & is a US Const. Fourth Amendment protected right, being a liberty interest. In 2008 I filed suit, COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF (Sherman v. Commissioner Davi, cs. CIV S-08-2842) against Ca. DRE, & recently filed MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT, to secure my broker's license.
    I originally filed suit in 2006 COMPLAINT FOR UNJUST DENIAL & REVOCATION OF REAL ESTATE LICENSE... in May 2006 (cs. CIV-S-06-1217), with ...OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS... & MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT; suit was unjustly denied;
  • Ca. Commission on Teacher Credentialling conspirators: If you let them do it you once, they'll try it again; this is why despite that fact that I am going back into teaching, I refused to drop my suit against DRE: I provided CTC a 200+ pg catalogue of evidence containing years of court-documented proof that I am an innocent victim of a conspiracy involving police, d.a., & others, & that I am literally squeaky clean; at first admininstrators deliberately withheld the documentation from CTC committee in charge of making recommendation; this doesn't let them off though; they unjustly recommended denial of re-activation of my Teaching Credential, becoming participants in the conspiracy. I filed suit, COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against the Ca. CTC; I then learned that based on CTC's administrative procedures, the decision hadn't actually yet gone before the 15 member commission, & it wouldn't, as long as there was a law suit pending. In good faith I dropped the suit & personally appeared before the commission twice in Summer 2010. I picketed CTC repeatedly, filed Motion for Reconsideration of their denial, & obtained a second hearing. It was at this point I became aware that neither CTC committee nor the CTC commission had been furnished with the documented proof, & CTC Director Janssen refused to furnish it. While I'd already gained national attention, & committee & commission were aware that I was & am worthy of my Credential, & furthermore, accusations against me, involving civil rights issues, weren't of nature that should have any ramifications on a teaching credential (except that involvement in said activities, with corresponding sufferings, establishes my Credential; demonstrating I am a concerned citizen defending our rights), I nevertheless brought hardcopies & personally hand-delivered them to commission at second hearing in Sept. 2010. Upon denial becoming finalized, I refiled law suit. CTC literally propogated the Dept. of RE's deceptions as the basis for their deceptive denial of my Credential reactivation; they cite the DRE's lies repeatedly, knowing full well they are lies, the wording of CTC's recommendation for denial almost precisely parrots the DRE's deceptive act!

7. Mar. 2007, upon release from Yolo County jail after almost a year captivity when everyone knew I was innocent. I got on Yolobus in Woodland (literally within a few hrs. of release from captivity) & got into an in-depth conversation about God with a female passenger, who was very interested, until a Mexican security guard from Hallmark Hotel in Davis got on the bus, on his way to work. She then suddenly changed her tone & acted like I was bugging her. As of that point I was perfectly willing to end the conversation (coversation is a 2-way-street), but it all seemed to be a pre-arranged trap; on cue the Mexican passenger suddenly went to the bus driver claiming I had threatened her, & the bus driver then said if I didn't get off the bus they were calling the police. I refused, it was psycho; when the Woodland police arrived, they were about to kidnap me again! I already had a law suit filed against Yolobus with more than enough proof, another jail captivity wouldn't prove anything & would only create more hardships for me, so I walked back to Davis (3 hr. walk). Vicious psychos!

8. June 2006, a driver called the Woodland police on me for no reason, upon entering the bus at County Fair Mall. When the police arrived & I refused to get off the bus, they called yolobus director Terry Bassett (to whom I had complained many times, without remedy; he in effect was orchestrating the hate crimes against me). He came in person, & tried to convince me to accept a ride back to Davis in his car; if I didn't accept the ride, I'd be arrested (it didn't make sense; if I was worthy of a ride in his car, why couldn't I stay on the bus? I refused his offer, partly due to the many crimes he had committeed against me before (no apology or remedy was offered), & also, it was an obvious trap: Equivalent to an implied admission that I had created trouble & didn't deserve to be allowed on the bus. He then told the police to go ahead & kidnap me. No charge filed.

It should be noted that recently most of the drivers are new, & they seem to be attempting to "steer" themselves & the passengers away from further violative acts.

I, Joseph A. Sherman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 9 Aug. 2009.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman

Joe Sherman
General Delivery
Davis, Ca. 95617
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:

05-2721, 29 April, 2005 sheriff Prieto kidnapped me. I went to the Yolo County sheriff's office to plead & demand that he arrest the Davis police officers, Yolo d.a. & deputy d.a.s, & others who had been committing crimes of kidnap & conspiracy against me for years, as proven by years of adjudications of Yolo superior court. Yolo sheriff had first-hand knowledge of their crimes against me: Dozens of times I was kidnapped under guise of arrests, & brought to Yolo County jail, & then acquitted & vindicated in courts of law, with furthermore sheriff's dept. bailiffs as eye-witnesses to these facts; it was common knowledge in the community as well. (I had begun filing charges & law suits against the conspirators in 2004-2005, & at that point one of the jail officials said the sheriff had authority to arrest the city police. Before this, I was unaware that a county sheriff was of higher authority than city police.) I told front desk clerk I needed to speak to sheriff Prieto. Within a few min. Lt. Fisch came into the lobby & said I wouldn't be speaking to sheriff Prieto, & asked what I wanted. I told him I wanted to speak to sheriff Prieto, to demand he arrest the kidnappers. Suddenly Prieto came into the lobby & asked what I wanted. I told him, he said they weren't going to arrest anyone, & they would arrest me if I didn't leave at once. I had a grievance & complaint that made the demand for itself! They were kidnapping me; & Prieto had the jurisdiction & authority to arrest them! I was moreover in a area open to the public, & it was within my rights to stay there all day if I wanted! I demanded he halt the kidnappings, & refused to leave. Prieto responded, "F--- him! Arrest him!" to Fisch. They then kidnapped me & held me hostage in Yolo jail for 25 days. When Prieto didn't appear in court to testify, case was dismissed.

I acknowledge it seems unbelievably foolish to go to sheriff Prieto after he personally kidnapped me in 2003 (see #3 below); but since then he had released me from unjust captivity 2 times from through Federal Consent Decree (Fall of 2004 & Spring of 2005). He was the only local option, & I was hoping that he had gotten back to his post. It was an offer for him to redeem himself;

2. Sheriff Prieto conspired with Davis & UCD police, Yolo d.a. Henderson & deputy d.a. Tzang, & Yolo judges White & Johnson to hold me hostage for 2 years: While Fisch & Prieto were kidnapping me from the lobby of his office on 29 April 2005, Prieto stated to me, "You're going to be with me for a couple of birthdays!" This was before the 2 year captivity orchstrated by the 6 kangaroo trials of 2004-2006, & resulting sentences. Less than 2 mos. subsequent, 7 Jun. 2005, judge White ordered my probation terminated due to fact that I was refusing to obey the void, unconstitutional banishment conditions (precedent caselaw says you don't have to obey constitutionally void orders), falsely accusing me of violation of probation. I was held hostage for almost a year. Then, pursuant to 2 addional kangaroo trials in July & Aug. 2006 (judge Johnson), accused of violating the void orders, I was unjustly held hostage for almost another year; a total of almost 2 years of captivity in the Yolo jail almost immediately after Prieto stated it. His statement occurred before my probation was unjustly terminated. The only way he could have known in advance that it was going to occur was if he was part of the conspiracy. Furthermore, during those 2 years of captivity, Prieto had complete legal & legitimate jurisdiction to intervene & release me: Federal consent decree allows a sheriff to release those believed to be innocent, & least serious offenders due to jail overcrowding. Instead, whenever they released inmates pursuant to federal consent decree, jail officers would mock me; "Sherman, they're releasing inmates today, federal consent decree, but you aren't getting released, because you pissed off the sheriff. You shouldn't have gone to his office." Prieto willfully held me hostage, knowing full well of my innocence & that I was a victim of the Yolo conspiracy. He empowered their crimes by failing to intervene, & by directly participating.

3. 03-5086, Sheriff Prieto kidnapped me @ Davis town council meeting on 18 June 2003; he was attending council meeting while off duty. It seems it was an attempt to whitewash the kidnap that occurred approx. one year prior (July 2002), committed by Davis mayor Boyd. I attempted to speak to Prieto during a recess of the meeting, to ask him to stand up for my rights. He refused to speak to me & said for me to "stay away from him." Out of frustration I then loudly warned everyone at the meeting that we would have justice & those violating my rights would be arrested. Prieto then grabbed me & drug me out of the chambers, & kidnapped me. No charge filed.

4. May 2005 Yolo sheriff deputy kidnapped me from small claims court clerk office for a gentle complaint about a court clerk who ignored me. They 5150'd me (3-day captivity in a mental clinic), & before taking me to the clinic (in S. Sac.), interns at Woodland Memorial Hospital pinned me down & drugged me although I wasn't trying to escape & hadn't threatened anyone. Clinic officials later released me, acknowledging my good health;

5. April 2007, while unjustly captive in Yolo jail, I fasted for several days while praying. Jail nurse then diagnosed, based on no more than my act of fasting (as she acknowledged), that I should be sent to a mental clinic; Yolo jail officers unjustly obliged her. Officials of clinic (located in Woodland Memorial Hospital) then forced medication on me repeatedly for approx. 2 weeks. Because I was exposing the conspiracies & kidnappings, & this didn't fit in well with their codes of silence, they claimed I was paranoid & needed medication.

These systematic acts of intimidation, harassment, & fear tactics, in addition to the participation in the kidnap & hostage captivity, prove Prieto's guilt as a coconspirator. His foreknowledge of the 2 -year captivity plot is the clincher (#2)

6. 01-7110, 17 Oct. 2001 Yolo bailiff Bautista & Lt. Fisch kidnapped me from Yolo superior court clerk office for no more than a polite rebuke of a court clerk who was rude to me. Acquitted in jury trial;

7. 98-6269, 19 Aug. 1998 bailiff false arrested me in Yolo superior court for supposedly sitting in the wrong place; charge dropped. To bailiff's credit, according to him, he called the Ca. Attorney General to complain on my behalf in 2006. Another bailiff involved in the 1998 incident shoved me during the unjust arrest, but later apologized in approx. 2002.

8. 98-5050, ct.1 & 98-5050, ct.2; Approx. Spring 1998 Yolo bailiff Bautista false arrested me from clerk's office for simply working on a motion in clerk's office using a typewriter that was available to the public for that very purpose! Ct. 1 charged dismissed by judge for lack of evidence; ct.2 vindicated on appeal.

I, Joseph A. Sherman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 9 Aug. 2009.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman

Joe Sherman
PO Box 275
Davis, Ca. 95617
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:


I have filed 1983 COMPLAINT against Henderson & others involved in conspiracy; see my
APPELLANT'S OPENING BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT OF APPEALS; E.D. FEDERAL DIST. COURT was delaying my suit with frivolous & endless pleading req's. Appeal was denied; PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI with US SUPREME COURT denied as well. I have filed new law suit, AMENDED COMPLAINT & SUIT FOR DAMAGES & am having to appeal to include the more recent violative acts of 2009 (09-4111).

Proof from a conspiratorial source of vindications/acquittals in 31 out of 33 cases, demonstrating police kidnappings

Yolo d.a. communication (pg.1 & pg.2) sent to a third party as part of the conspiracy to destroy me. This communication obviously was never intended to be made public. It is a prima facie admission & confession by one of the conspirators (Yolo district attorney) of the overwhelming court-documented proof of my innocence & their guilt as coconspirators with the Davis police, as of this point occurring for several years. As demonstrated from the chart on pg.2, from 1997 to 2002 there had been 33 cases of charges brought against me, yet only 2 convictions, & those resulted only because the prosecution witnesses lied & I was the only witness on my behalf. 98-5050 I won through appeal; unjust convictions 97-3363, & 99-6524/99-6350. Furthermore, the cases of vindications often involved as many as 5 counts or more for each case. IT NEVER OCCURRED TO THEM TO ARREST THE CORRUPT POLICE! As of 2003 they coerced the judges to participate in the conspiracy, & orchestrated 7 kangaroo trials. Note also I furnished these facts to the Ca. Commission on Teaching Credentialing, with far more documentation, including court documents for each of the vindications/acquittals, & yet they have failed to re-activate my Teaching Credential! In the face of this obvious proof of conspirancy the CTC are coconspirators. Yolo d.a. failed to arrest the Davis guilty parties of the Davis police & others, & instead as of 1999 officially became coconspirators with them.


a. Malicious prosecutions

1. 1998, trial without probable cause for trespass (97-3363): I was false arrested at the home of Don Miller in April 1997 through entrapment, with Davis police participation: "Pen. Code, 602, subd. (n) [now 602(o)], which defines one variety of trespass as a refusal to leave private property upon request, requires two separate requests to leave the premises, one from a peace officer and another from the property possessor...The requirement of two requests impels the property possessor to summon the authorities; it discourages violent confrontations which might occur in the absence of a peace officer. The duality of requests is thus an essential element of the offense," People v. Medrano (1978 3rd App. Dist.) 78 Cal.App.3d 198. The Millers never asked me to leave the premises; I was speaking to Miller on his front porch while his wife secretly called the police. The Millers didn't ask me to leave, & Dpd officer didn't request that I leave; false arrest;

2. Sept. 1999, trial of 5 css. unjustly consolidated (98-3763, pg1, Pg2, Pg3, cts 4 & 5, ct 6, ct 7,), with no probable cause in most css.; charges involved violating a probation order that had been unjustly altered several times by d.a. & commissioner Van Court without hearings (adding ReMax & several other parties), & other false charges involved simply claims that I made phone calls to RE businesses, & going to the police station to complain. Vindicated of all cts.;

3. 17 Dec. 1999, trial of 2 separate false arrests at Safeway on Covell (99-6119 & 99-6120),. D.a. was ready to go to trial that day, but judge Lebov rebuked the d.a., the Davis police, & Safeway manager, & threw out both css.;


b. D.a proceeded with malicious prosecutions despite court's warnings

4. 29 Dec. 1999, unjust trial based on perjury of my neighbors the Workmans, & Dpd conspiracy (lying to the Workmans & instigating them to tell lies) (99-6350), malicious prosecution of chgs of violating a vague restraining order when all I was guilty of was trying to safely use the sidewalk in front of my home & rebuking them from my porch;

5. Spring 2000, unjust trial, malicious prosecution for scooting garbage out of the way (alleged infraction) (00-2098); no probable cause, I was simply trying to safely use the sidewalk where it had been booby trapped with garbage;

6. Spring 2000, unjust trial, malicious prosecution for scooting garbage out of the way (alleged infraction) (00-5550); no probable cause, I was simply trying to safely use the sidewalk where it had been booby trapped with garbage;

7. Jan. 2001, unjust trial & malicious prosecution, I was false arrested at a UCD football game for standing up in the grandstands! (00-6907, cts. 1 & 3, & 00-6907, ct.2, ) There was no probable cause; judge threw out the cs.;

8. Sept. 11 2001, unjust trial & malicious prosecution of false arrest in front of Davis Food Coop & in Memorial Union (UCD) (01-4197 cts 1 & 2, & 01-4197 ct 3,); no probable cause, yet d.a. attempted to prosecute; I was vindicated; furthermore, before cs. was resolved, I simply approached one of prosecution witnesses & asked him to drop chgs, & deputy d.a. Akulian falsely charged me with badgering a witness;

9. Approx. Fall 2002, unjust trial of false arrest at Davis town council meeting for simply giving out some business cards. D.a. repeatedly continued hearings (6 hearings) until trial with no probable cause (02-4668). When my witnesses appeared on day of trial, chrg was dropped;

10. Dec. 2002, unjust trial from false arrest on Yolobus on Christmas Eve by Yolobus driver & Dpd (02-5529 pg1, & 02-5529 pg2); context: 3 previous false arrests committed by Yolobus, demonstrating a scandal, & many, many false arrests committed by Davis police. Passenger witness testimony was sufficient, along with the blatant scandal, to make the maliciousness evident. I was vindicated of chg.;

11. Approx. Summer 2005, unjust trial from prima facie false arrest by Yolo County sheriff Prieto, 05-2721. I simply went to the sheriff's office to ask for help & was false arrested within 2 min. & held hostage in jail for 25 days! There was no probable cause. D.a. took proceedings all the way to trial day, sheriff couldn't appear due to conflicting appointment; cs. dismissed;

c. Willful kangaroo trials

12. May 2003, kangaroo trial from false arrest on Yolobus, Feb. 2003 (03-1710), by same officer & same bus driver as false arrest occurring on 7 Jan. 2003 where charge was dropped for lack of evidence, proving they were lying & lack of probable cause. Further, d.a. & judge broke laws & violated my rights many times over in trial: Speedy trial right violated, due process ( d.a. allowed to read my notes, judge questioned my witness in presence of jury asking if she had commited felony), free speech & equal protection violations, & more:

13. Mar. 2004, kangaroo trail from false arrests at Albertsons, Yolo Library, & Mansion Square (03-7477). No probable cause; d.a. & judge violated many of my rights in trial (vindicated of Mansion Sqare false chg.);

14. Sept. 2004, kangaroo trial from false arrests at Longs & UCD Hickey Gym (04-3910). No probable cause (Hickey false chg dropped);

15. Oct. 2004, kangaroo trail from false arrests at Nugget Mkt. & UCD MU (04-4128). No probable cause;

16. Oct. 2004, kangaroo trial from false arrests at UCD MU (04-5635). No probable cause;


17. June 2006 (06-2763), kangaroo trial from 2 false arrests for violating unjust banishment conditions; no probable cause, no caselaw justifying banishment was produced by prosecution, I produced caselaw refuting banishment;

18. July 2006 (06-3177), kangaroo trial from 2 false arrests for violating unjust banishment conditions; no probable cause, no caselaw justifying banishment was produced by prosecution, I produced caselaw refuting banishment;

19. 09-4111; "judge" Gaard conspired with CHP, Yolo d.a. Reisig, deputy d.a. Tzang, jury, plotted 6 mo. hostage captivity of me pursuant to conspiracy of judge, d.a., CHP, jury, & Third District Court of Appeal of Ca.; THIS WAS NO COURT OF LAW; IT DIDN'T RISE TO THE LEVEL OF KANGAROO TRIAL; I WAS DENIED A TRIAL!!! Third District court conveniently pre-arranged a "precedent case" in attempt to facilitate a facade of a trial. 11 of 12 jury members swore under oath they didn't know me & had never heard my name, then spoke in coded messages from beginning to end of the trial; this wasn't perjury, it was conspiracy! One of the jury members said, "He's taken us all." Bailiff whispered to the jury, "He has our long."

Yolo deputy d.a. Tzang: "Your honor, can I have the authority..."

Yolo judge Gaard: "You have the authority of the court."

There is no circumstance where court should cede it's power to any party!

After I took a picture of a suspicious looking phone on the court clerk's desk, judge Gaard said to the jury, "We didn't get him."

The scandalous event resulted in Gaard declaring that I am to be held hostage for 6 mos. as of 11/5/2009. In addition to the prima facie scandal, with jury, judge, d.a., everybody conspiring & plotting in coded inuendos in the middle of the "trial," & the judge handing over power of the court to deputy d.a., my following rights were trampled on: Due process (there was no probable cause that I had committed any crime: Holding signs on a public sidewalk on a bridge over a freeway is constitutionally protected activity: Faustin v. City, County of Denver, Colo. (10th Cir. 2001) 268 F.3d 942, 949, 950, sidewalk of highway overpass is traditional public forum); Right to fair trial (conspiratorial & perjurous jury); due process rights (denied right to argue one of the elements of the charge); Right to fair trial (judge ceded power to deputy d.a.); Denial of due process: (Denied stay of sentence & bail at "sentencing," despite Ca. PC 1272 stating:

"After conviction of an offense not punishable with death, a defendant who has made application for probation or who has appealed may be admitted to bail:
1. As a matter of right, before judgment is pronounced pending application for probation in cases of misdemeanors, or when the appeal is from a judgment imposing a fine only.
2. As a matter of right, before judgment is pronounced pending application for probation in cases of misdemeanors, or when the appeal is from a judgment imposing imprisonment in cases of misdemeanors."

& despite the Ca. Constitution stating:

"ARTICLE ONE, SEC. 12. A person shall be released on bail by sufficient sureties, except for:
(a) Capital crimes when the facts are evident or the presumption great;
(b) Felony offenses...")


1. As a part of each of the above unjust trials, kangaroo trials, & malicious prosecutions were many many hearings, lies, & unjust & deceptive motions.

2. Furthermore, there were many, many, many cases that were dismissed, which were without any evidence or probable cause, yet the d.a. dragged them on mercilessly for weeks & mos., with excessive continuances for no reason, causing me to have to appear in court constantly; for 10 years I virtually always had a hearing within a few days at any given moment. No police were arrested by the d.a. for their false arrests & kidnappings of me, no citizens were arrested for false arrests or civil rights violations; instead, it was a systematic attempt to destroy me, to "weigh me down with burdens impossible to bear." They were committing slavery, claiming they had the right to summon me & toy with my freedoms & my rights at any time for any reason, under the guise of 'checking up on me'.


1. Banishment from an area the size of more than 20% of Woodland for 3 years, UCD is also a hub of community & social activity; almost 40% of Davis residents are directly involved with or affiliated with UCD. Further, it was a systematic attempt to cut me off from access to King Hall Law Library, which I was using to defend myself, & to cut me off from other facilities sch as internet access & cafes & sports activities; a willful attempt to ruin me;

2. Unjust captivity as a hostage as driect result of kangaroo trails for 2 years over a 2 year & 5 mo. period (from Sept. 2004 to Mar. 2007);

3. Total of sentences from kangaroo trails of 2003 to 2006: More than 5 years of sentences. If it weren't for sheriff Prieto standing up for my rights (up until 2005), I would have been missing & held hostage for a lot longer than 2 years.


Former Yolo d.a. Henderson, & the current deputy d.a.s named above are terrorists. They have been systematically trying to destroy me! DO NOT LET THESE TERRORISTS & MONSTERS ESCAPE! I DEMAND THEY BE ARRESTED. THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH MURDERING AN INNOCENT CITIZEN! It is not an option to opt out of a civil suit; they are killers & they must be brought to justice!!!!!

I, Joseph A. Sherman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 5 Nov. 2009, 18 Dec. 2010.

Joseph A. Sherman

Joe Sherman
PO Box 275
Davis, Ca. 95617
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:

It was a vicious plot to deny the truth & destroy me!

In 2003 several Yolo County judges joined the Davis police, Yolo d.a., & Yolobus conspiracy:

Approx. simultaneous to this, if not before, I had filed a Complaint with the chief executive officer of Yolo court, Kathy White, complaining of improprieties & several violations of my rights by several of the Yolo judges. I warned, perhaps naively (a court executive officer has no authority over judges), "It's justice for all, or we're going to have a new court!" Rather than justice, the court launched an attack to finish me off; within 1-2 years, Kathy White was appointed judge. Additionally, from 1999-2000 I was living on Drake Dr. A neighbor, Jeff Workman, falsely accused me of pushing his wife, Kathy. They obtained a restraining order, & although I never violated it, through acts of perjury in trial they obtained unjust convictions of contempt (which I appealed up to the US Supreme Court). From 1998-2003, these 2 cts. were the only ones of scores of false accusations, where I wasn't able to prove my innocence, due to their lies. But tell-tale proof: Despite name of "Workman," Jeff Workman left work 2 times to come & call the police on me falsely; in court lobby I was making calls during a recess (working), & their toddler son Wyatt came over to the phone booth to see what I was doing (Wyatt Workman: "Why at work, man?"). He obviously had never met a hard-working man; his dad was always refusing to work & was violating people's rights! The Workmans foresook their namesake, & I & other hard-working people are heirs as true workmen of Yolo County. Additionally: The Workmans never said to thier son, "Stay away from him! He's dangerous!" If they were reallly afraid of me, & needed a restraining order, why were they allowing their son to wander around me?

Yolo Court's attack, instigated by judge Mock, & perpetuated by judges Kathy White & Johnson, & seems to have been orchestrated in the name of Jeff & Kathy Workman & their lies & criminal acts committed against me!

From Mar. to Oct. 2004 I was put through 4 kangaroo trials:
  • 03-7477: (1)Prosecution without probable cause violated Fourth Amend. rights;
    (2)denial of indispensable evidence of years of false arrests & malicious prosecutions by the same police officers & d.a. violated Sixth Amend & Fourteenth Amend. due process rights (Reality check: In many of these css., some of these same officers had violated my rights 3-6 times; People v. Castain (1981) 122 Cal.App.3d 138, officer's single act of unlawful abuse of arrestee occurring 5 years previous to case at trial was admissible as evidence of officer's misconduct! ;
    (3)denial of motion to dismiss pursuant to invidious discrimination (invidious discrimination occurs when police repeatedly false arrest a citizen or group of citizens discriminatorily, usually combined with d.a. who then maliciously prosecutes repeatedly, & may involve other parties such as judges), violating Fourteenth Amend. equal protection rights;
    (4)unjust denial of pinpoint jury instructions, violating due process rights;
    (5)police false arrests/kidnappings of me mostly occurred while I was speading the message of Jesus; unjust arrests were violation of equal protection & First Amend. freedom of speech & freedom of religion rights, & d.a. repeated malicious prosecutions of these arrests when they knew I was innocent was participation in violations of these rights;
    (6)kangaroo appellate proceedings; my documents that I filed for appeal were sabotaged, appeal was vitually non-existent, violating due process & equal protection rights;
    (7)other violations;
    (8)As part of the unjust sentence, judge White ordered psychological evaluation with Shawn Adair Johnston, a psychiatrist in Sacto. Pursuant to the evaluation (15 June 2004), Johnston made the following statements in his Report to the court, revealing the some of the beginnings of the conspiracy to hold me hostage for 2 years in the Yolo jail:
    "[Mr. Sherman isn't] one who would be considered 'mentally ill.'" (p. 6)
    "What can be done, then? The only thing I can think of is that if Mr. Sherman receives increasingly significant consequences...he just might eventually acquire some motivation if not to change, at least to examine the reasons for which he consistently puts himself in situations that lead to unpleasant consequences (such as incarceration) for may hope that he is less...[motivated] about the time he spends in county jail after his convictions," p. 7
    "Here I hasten to point out that I am not recommending punishment for Mr. Sherman out of any attempt or desire to suggest what kind of outcome in this or possible future cases might serve justice...Thus, my recommendation that increasingly negative consequences accompany his misbehavior has nothing to do with justice..." p. 7

  • 04-3910; (almost all same violations as cs. 03-7477);
  • 04-4128; (same violations as 04-3910);
  • 04-5635; (same violations as 04-4128);
    See my PETITIONER'S REPLY BRIEF filed with the EASTERN DISTRICT US COURT (available in part due to sabotage of the conspirators on UCD campus)
  • 04-4128 & 04-5635: Yolo d.a. Henderson & deputy d.a. Tzang authored, & judge White signed (ordered) unconstitutional probation conditions banishing me from a 1000 acre area of Davis, violation free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of travel, etc.; banishment is "a fate universally decried by civilized people!" Trop v. Dulles (1958) 356 US 86 (click on the above link; banishment was outlawed centuries ago in England!
    See my APPELLANT'S OPENING BRIEF filed with the NINTH CIRCUIT US COURT OF APPEALS to overturn the unjust banishment condition of 04-4128;
    See my MOTION FOR CERTIFICATION BY THE NINTH CIRCUIT filed to overturn the unjust banishment condition of 04-5635;

In 2006 Yolo judge Johnson joined the conspiracy:

  • 06-2763; judge Johnson of Yolo court maliciously prosecuted 2 cts. of violating the unconst. banishment conditions, violating stare decisis pursuant to precedent higher court ruling that it isn't a crime to civilly disobey a void, unenforceable court order (People v. Gonzales (1996) 50 Cal. Rptr.2d 74; "If superior court issues an order that is without or in excess of jurisdiction, violation of order does not constitute punishable wrong,");
  • 06-3177; judge Johnson maliciously prosecuted 2 more cts. of violating the unconst. banishment conditions
  • 06-2763 & 06-3177; judge Johnson denied me release pending appeal, despite fact that an appellant of misdemeanor conviction who files motion for stay of sentence/bail is entitled to liberty "as a matter of right!"

The combined unconst. conviction sentences from these 7 trials amounted to more than 5 years jail. I was held hostage for 2 of these 5 years, from Sept. 2004 to May 2007, (Yolo sheriff at first intervened & released me pursuant to Federal consent decree; but when I went to his office in 2005 to demand he arrest the kidnappers, he false arrested me & from then on refused to release me, despite that he knew for a fact that they had maliciously prosecuted me. He also made statements as of April 2005, when he committed the false arrest, making it unmistakeable that he knew in advance that the additional 2 years of captivity was going to occur).

Oct. 2009, Yolo court judge Gaard orchestrated terrorist hostage captivity plot:

  • 09-4111; "judge" Gaard conspired with CHP, Yolo d.a. Reisig, deputy d.a. Tzang, jury, plotted 6 mo. hostage captivity of me pursuant to conspiracy of judge, d.a., CHP, jury, & Third District Court of Appeal of Ca.; THIS WAS NO COURT OF LAW; IT DIDN'T RISE TO THE LEVEL OF KANGAROO TRIAL; I WAS DENIED A TRIAL!!! Third District court conveniently pre-arranged a "precedent case" in attempt to facilitate a facade of a trial. 11 of 12 jury members swore under oath they didn't know me & had never heard my name, then spoke in coded messages from beginning to end of the trial; this wasn't perjury, it was conspiracy! One of the jury members said, "He's taken us all." Bailiff whispered to the jury, "He has our long."

    Yolo deputy d.a. Tzang: "Your honor, can I have the authority..."

    Yolo judge Gaard: "You have the authority of the court."

    There is no circumstance where court should cede it's power to any party!

    After I took a picture of a suspicious looking phone on the court clerk's desk, judge Gaard said to the jury, "We didn't get him."

    The scandalous event resulted in Gaard declaring that I am to be held hostage for 6 mos. as of 11/5/2009. In addition to the prima facie scandal, with jury, judge, d.a., everybody conspiring & plotting in coded inuendos in the middle of the "trial," & the judge handing over power of the court to deputy d.a., my following rights were trampled on: Due process (there was no probable cause that I had committed any crime: Holding signs on a public sidewalk on a bridge over a freeway is constitutionally protected activity: Faustin v. City, County of Denver, Colo. (10th Cir. 2001) 268 F.3d 942, 949, 950, sidewalk of highway overpass is traditional public forum); Right to fair trial (conspiratorial & perjurous jury); due process rights (denied right to argue one of the elements of the charge); Right to fair trial (judge ceded power to deputy d.a.); Denial of due process: (Denied stay of sentence & bail at "sentencing," despite Ca. PC 1272 stating:

    "After conviction of an offense not punishable with death, a defendant who has made application for probation or who has appealed may be admitted to bail:
    1. As a matter of right, before judgment is pronounced pending application for probation in cases of misdemeanors, or when the appeal is from a judgment imposing a fine only.
    2. As a matter of right, before judgment is pronounced pending application for probation in cases of misdemeanors, or when the appeal is from a judgment imposing imprisonment in cases of misdemeanors."

    & despite the Ca. Constitution stating:

    "ARTICLE ONE, SEC. 12. A person shall be released on bail by sufficient sureties, except for:
    (a) Capital crimes when the facts are evident or the presumption great;
    (b) Felony offenses...")

    Case is now on appeal in Ca. Supreme Court, PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS

I, Joseph A. Sherman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 5 Nov., 2009, 18 Dec. 2010.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman

Joe Sherman
PO Box 275
Davis, Ca. 95617
[email protected]


I, Joseph A. Sherman, hereby certify the following:

Due to the context of my regional (Counties of Yolo, Sacramento, & Solano at minimum) fame of having totally cleared my name, & having gained a widespread, well-established reputation for being a law-abiding citizen who exercises good judgment & operates well within the law & accepted norms, the liability for the acts of these officers is kidnap & conspiracy, attempting to wear me down & create a cover-up for the guilty Yolo officials.


1. CHP officer Beck & another officer (approved by officer Day) & others committed kidnap & false allegation of interference of operations of the capitol bldg. & resisting arrest for simply going to governor's office lobby to demand justice & request my RE license in Feb. 2005, Sac. Cty cs. 05M-2342; unconst. conviction from kangaroo trial on approx. 10/24/2005. There was no interference & I didn't resist the false arrest; I was a model citizen. Capitol Bldg, including corridor & gov's lobby had cameras; there is video proof in evidence that I was a model citizen! On Habeas appeal in E.D. Fed. Court. Additionally, the officers made a phone call in front of me while I was detained in the Capitol Bldg before being taken to Sac. Cty jail; they purportedly spoke to Gov. Schwarzenegger on the phone, who said to go through with the arrest.

2. CHP officer Scott & 2 other CHP officers unjustly searched me without probable cause (nor did it qualify as a Terry search, as they claimed, & threatened me with kidnap for simply speaking loudly on the steps of the Ca. Capitol Bldg. on 10 June 2006. A quintessential public forum!

3. CHP officer Hill & others kidnapped me from Pole Line Rd. bridge over I-80 on 24 July 2009 for holding signs over the freeway, despite such activity is legal & protected free speech; they committed perjury in trial to cover up the facts, resulting in false convictions, Yolo cs. 09-4111. Moreover, trial was a scandal & failed to rise to the level of kangaroo trial! For ex.:

Yolo deputy d.a. Tzang: "Your honor, can I have the authority..."

Yolo judge Gaard: "You have the authority of the court."

There is no circumstance where court should cede it's power to any party!

4. CHP officer Pochop & others kidnapped me from Pole Line Rd. bridge over I-80 on 8/14/2009; same circumstances as #2, consolidated into scandalous trial proceedings of cs. 09-4111; unjust conviction, on appeal.


1. cs. 05M-2342 (ct. 2; consolidated for trial with false allegations of CHP Capitol Bldg. cs.); Sac. Cty bailiff Sanford & others committed kidnap for false allegations of contempt of court & resisting arrest for quietly asking a bailiff a question during a court hearing! Unconst. conviction pursuant to kangaroo trial, approx. 24 Oct. 2005. The court proceedings were on audio tape (in evidence), proving there was no contempt: Proceedings were not disturbed at all, & there was no resistance of arrest. On appeal in E.D. Fed. Court.

2. Sac. Cty sheriff's jail officials & UCD Medical Center doctors Katingub & Quambeck, & others (employed by Sac. jail) conspired with false testiminy in court hearing to obtain court order forcing me on medication during the unjust 4 1/2 mo. captivity from sentence of kangaroo trial of cs. 05M-2342. It was an unequivocal attemt to finish me off.


1. 22 April 2008, Vacaville police & Target manager committed threat of kidnap & false charge of interfering with business in front of Target in Vacaville; I was petitioning for ballot measures, & was 100% gentleman; constitutionally protected activity, nor was there any claim I had interfered; they didn't want me to be there & I refused to leave. Charge dropped by Solano d.a.

2. False charge in front of Safeway in Vacaville on 22 April 2009 (note same date as #1); I was peaceably speaking to people about Jesus in the shopping center. There was no accusation of interference with business, they were attempting to intimidate me into giving up my rights & leaving. Charge ordered to be dropped by court

3. False charge by officer McElligot of VV police on 15 May 2011; I was speaking to people about Jesus in front of Lucky's in VV; there was no claim of interference, simply refusal to leave when managers had asked me to leave. Exhonorated; case dismissed.

4. False charge by officer Lloyd of VV police on 20 Oct. 2011 for violation of city camping ordinance; I was in my truck shell on private property; property owner hadn't called police. Pursuant to milleniums of public policy & common law in all civilized societies, a municipality has no such jurisdiction on private property; ordinance literally puts a price on freedom; you can be jailed & enslaved for being homeless in VV! It was undeniably conspiratorially staged, the same conspiracy cornering me to work here as a sign-waver). Not only camping ordinances, but trespass laws are very carefully worded to defend the rights of those harmlessly traversing, going back to Biblical times; God led the Israelites across the land of other nations on the way to the promise land; American explorers regularly crossed land of others in wagon trains to go West. Reduced to infraction, & court unjustly fined me.

5. Cs. FRC301671, VV pd threw me to the ground & unjustly jailed me (essentially kidnapped me) despite that I said I would leave Target in VV, 24 July 2013. I was singing rock songs for Jesus in front of the store, & juggling. Chgs dropped, but Solano judge unjustly jailed me for 101 days total before dismissing (combined with 2 other cases). I'm calling it kidnap

6. Cs. FRC303531, Kidnap from Walmart in VV for singing spiritual rock songs about Jesus, 23 Oct. 2013; chgs dropped, but Solano judge unjustly jailed me for 101 days total before dismissing (combined with 2 other cases). I'm calling it kidnap

7. 2008-2014, Repeated incidences of VV pd threatening to kidnap me (in context, it can't be considered false arrest) if I didn't leave from a store or shopping center. I report all of these to FBI & USDOJ among others. These are the same shopping centers where when I was with Platt management in 2007, working with others selling newspapers from tables set up in front of these stores (others who could serve as witnesses), none of the store managers nor police attempted any such abductions.

Because of regional conspiracy denying me employment, for the last 3 years (since they conspired to eliminate my job at Little Caesar pizza in April 2012 - as well as ongoing denial any position as a teacher), I've been performing free speech activities more often (approx. 20 hrs/wk), usually after putting in 40 hrs/wk of job hunting & making reports to Feds, to try to earn some money while spreading the gospel. There are some locations where store managers have rarely called the police, as well as instances where police have refused to violate my rights


1. Cs. FRC301671, Unjustly jailed (kidnap) for singing spiritual rock songs about Jesus in Solano Mall in Fairfield, 30 Oct. 2013; chgs dropped, but Solano judge unjustly jailed me for 101 days total before dismissing (combined with 2 other cases). I'm calling it kidnap.

2. 2012-2014, several instances of threat of kidnap if I didn't leave from a shopping center for singing about Christ. Note these are the same shopping centers where when I was with Platt management selling newspapers from tables set up in front of these stores, working with others (who could serve as witnesses), no one attempted any such abductions

Because of regional conspiracy denying me employment, for the last 3 years (since they conspired to eliminate my job at Little Caesar pizza in April 2012 - as well as ongoing denial of any position as a teacher), I've been performing free speech activities more often (approx. 20 hrs/wk), usually after putting in 40 hrs/wk of job hunting & making reports to Feds, to try to earn some money while spreading the gospel. There are some locations where store managers have rarely called the police, as well as instances where police have refused to violate my rights

Additional important evidence: There have been many instances where people are petitioning for ballot measures in front of a grocery store or Walmart (often involving, but not necessarily limited to, blacks petitioning), & when I arrive, within 15 min. they are all gone, & I'm the only one left. Then the store security "moves in for the kill" & calls the police on me, sometimes handcuffing me until the police arrive. This has happened in front of Walmart in Fairfield at least 3 times, once in front of a grocery store in Richmond, & at least once in front of a grocery store in Sacramento. There has also been a pointed attempt to mislead store employees & instigate them to be more abusive: Conspirators in Davis & Wdld regularly get on parking islands near the entrances of stores, signaling for store employees & store security guards, etc. to try to get rid of me unless I retreat to a parking island for free speech activities. In other locations, coconspiring with the Yolo conspirators, I've arrived in shopping centers where people are petitioning out in the parking lot, rather than up on the walkways at the entrance to the store. When I start singing on the walkway instead of out in the parking lot, all the other free speech advocates (petitioners) clear out as if on cue, then store personnel call police on me


1. June 2008, threat of kidnap in Solano court; court misdirected me to the wrong courtroom, when I arrived in the appropriate courtroom, I asked the judge, without interrupting, if my cs. had been called. An hour later I asked if my cs. could be heard, judge said to wait & it would be called; a bailiff expressed disapproval of my verbal request. There was no sign prohibiting cell phones at the courtroom entrance, so I hadn't turned off my phone; my phone rang, & suddenly the bailiff grabbed me & forced me from the courtroom, saying I'd be arrested if I didn't leave the bldg. I didn't attempt to go back in due to the heavy caseload I'm already dealing with. I wasn't present for the verbal announcement of no mobile phones due to court error.

2. FRC 258611, 2 July 2008, kidnap committed by Solano bailiffs Mehl & Miller literally for making a peep to the judge in Solano Court hearing. Due to transportation difficulties I was late for hearing; I simply let the judge know, politely without interrupting, that I was present for hearing, & was false arrested. On appeal in Solano Superior Court.

3. Pursuant to 3 css. of false chgs, sheriff participated with Solano judge (Dept. 21) & held me hostage for 101 days without trial. Sheriff's dept. should've arrested the judge & refused to take me into custody.


1-6: violative acts, including 4 kidnappings, one false arrest, & one threat of kidnap: See

7. CRM 14-0540, 22 Feb. 2014: Wdld pd kidnapped me from in front of Walmart, Wdld. after they called police for me singing rock songs for Jesus in front of store; falsely charged with interference with business, but the charge wasn't from Walmart, it was a false charge against me from Food 4 Less, owned by Nugget Markets (headquartered in Wdld). They had filed a charge almost a year prior, claiming interference. An employee with some shopping carts wanted to push them precisely where I was, despite there was 10-15 ft. on each side of me to go by - literally ran the shopping carts into me for no reason. Nugget was already involved in conspiracy & false charges against me in 2004, which directly resulted in several mos. of the 2 years hostage captivity from 2004-2007. Chg. dropped on 26 Jan. 2015. Nugget & Food 4 Less also obtained restraining order against me banning me from all their stores; see below - CONSPIRATORIAL RESTRAINING ORDERS...

8. 12 Sept. 2014, Wdld pd. kidnapped me from in front of Raley's in Wdld, claiming warrant because I had missed a hearing for cs. CRM 14-0540. I had missed the hearing, because I was kidnapped & hostage for 101 days in Solano jail for singing in front of Target, Walmart, & Solano Mall. Upon release (11 Sept.) I went to Yolo court & got another hearing date, with court documentation of the court date (to prevent being jailed unexpectedly from warrant). Wdld police ingnored the paperwork & jailed me again anyway, despite full knowledge that I am victim of conspiracy & the false charge was another conspiratorial act.

9. 2008-2014, Repeated incidences of Wdld pd threatening to kidnap me (in context, it can't be considered false arrest) if I didn't leave from a store or shopping center. I report all of these to FBI & USDOJ among others. These are the same shopping centers where when I was with Platt management in 2007, working with others selling newspapers from tables set up in front of these stores (others who could serve as witnesses); none of the store managers nor police attempted any such abductions then, because there were other people with me.

Additional important evidence: There have been many instances where people are petitioning for ballot measures in front of a grocery store or Walmart, & when I arrive, within 15 min., they are all gone, & I'm the only one left. Then the store security "moves in for the kill" & calls the police on me, sometimes handcuffing me until the police arrive. This has happened in front of Walmart in Fairfield at least 3 times, once in front of a grocery store in Richmond, & at least once in front of a grocery store in Sacramento. There has also been a pointed attempt to mislead store employees & instigate them to be more abusive: Conspirators in Davis & Wdld regularly get on parking islands near the entrances of stores, signaling for store employees & store security guards, etc. to try to get rid of me unless I retreat to a parking island for free speech activities. In other locations, coconspiring with the Yolo conspirators, I've arrived in shopping centers where people are petitioning out in the parking lot, rather than up on the walkways at the entrance to the store. When I start singing on the walkway instead of out in the parking lot, all the other free speech advocates (petitioners) clear out as if on cue, then store personnel call police on me

Because of regional conspiracy denying me employment, for the last 3 years (since they conspired to eliminate my job at Little Caesar pizza in April 2012 - as well as ongoing denial of any position as a teacher), I've been performing free speech activities more often (approx. 20 hrs/wk), usually after putting in 40 hrs/wk of job hunting & making reports to Feds, to try to earn some money while spreading the gospel. There are some locations where store managers have rarely called the police, as well as instances where police have refused to violate my rights


1. 2009-2014, Hotdogger (Davis) obtained an unjust restraining order against me after owner's wife lied, saying I kicked their ice chest at Farmer's Market in Davis; owner Ivan then came up to me & pushed me (dozens of witnesses, no one would speak up on my behalf). They claim I pushed Ivan's wife & obtained consp. restraining order banning me from 100 yrd of Farmer's Market & entire Central Park on Wed's & Sat's & Hotdogger business in downtown, representing a lg. section of downtown Davis, for 3 yrs;

2. 2011, Bizarro World owner, Jeff Urazandi, obtained an unjust restraining order; he spat in my face & yelled at me in several instances over a period of several mos., while I was singing rock songs about God & public speaking, warning people to stop conspiring & stand up for justice, in E St. plaza, across the street from his business. I appeared at hearing to defend myself; unjust Yolo judge acquiesced to conspiracy, banning me from lg. section of downtown Davis. Urazandi claimed I threatened him & his son, & I did in fact make, & have been making, repeated threats against the general public of Davis that there will be a military attack against them if they don't repent.

3. 2012, both Safeway stores & Oakshade plaza shopping center (S. Davis) obtained unjust restraining orders against me banning me from Oakshade shopping center, & all Safeways in Yolo county for 3 years;

4. 2013, Nugget stores/Food 4 Less obtained unjust restraining order banning me from their stores (located in Wdld, Davis, VV, & Sacramento) for singing rock songs about Jesus & public speaking, warning people to stop conspiring & stand up for justice.

5. July 2016, Davis Farmer's Market, Randii MacNear (manager) filed for injunction (restraining order) to ban me from farmer's market for making verbal warnings against the rebellious city at entrance, & for juggling for tips. At the time of filing (6/2016), I had essentially no other form of income other than Wed's & Sat's at farmer's market, at end of the day loading vendors for min. wage (I'd make $10-20 each day). For about a year she hired me to juggle for one hour every Sat. morning, & I received a small fee, the same as the musicians scheduled to perform there. I sharply rebuked her when she was conspiratorially claiming I was scaring kids with my warnings, in context of a city that is ruining their kids - literally training their kids to conspire & to be in rebellion against the U.S. almost before they can talk. In fact, they've tried to use shock tactics with little babies stalking me with practically their first words spoken, casually mentioning my name with plots against me! When I turned the tables on her in rebuke because they are ruining children, she terminated the lucrative $14/wk job, & pressured all the vendors to stop hiring me to load them, & they all readily complied with the conspiracy (they were all stalking me anyway). She then filed the TRO, & judge Fall (Yolo county court) signed it; I attended the hearing despite the entire city is about to be attacked, because the last time I refrained from appearing, several other parties instantly filed restraining orders. Fall stalked me during the hearing, & issued the restraining order. The order is blatantly devoid of an expiration date, & at the end of the order he circled & initialed a statement referring to the order's expiration date. Fall in the past conspiratorially implied that I like going to court (as though it's a way to get out of work or to try to get attention). Without an expiration date the order is void for vagueness, according to well established caselaw; but the fact there is a restraining order that was issued recently by the court, the Davis police will simply assert that I should take that up with the judge, they would ignore the vagueness doctrine, I would disappear in jail - it's a trap. Fall would have to drop the charge & order me released from jail, & then the order would be amended with an expiration date added. But he would claim he'd proven his facade point, that I have a fetish for court hearings & jail hostage captivities - especially since with the circled statement about the expiration date, the plot was literally spelled out in advance. God subsequently blessed me with a P/T dish washing job, & suddenly I'm making far more than the $50-60/wk that was the total earnings at fmr mkt. If it was important for me to be at fmr mkt, I'd do whatever it took; God has led me to fight my battles from freedom when it's within my control to do so. I could go to the trouble of filing an appeal of the order, but that would result in Fall simply amending it, & it would still be in place for 3 years, but I be demonstrating my folly, appearing in yet more additional hearings with a conspirator & rebel as judge.


1. CTC committe, Chairman Cheung, Director Janssen, & manager Gonzalez robbed me of my Teaching Credential because I supposedly pushed someone (I didn't push anyone, but deprivation of a license for such an act violates due process). See facts of cs. 03-1710, (PROOF OF YOLOBUS CONSPIRATORIAL INVOLVEMENT)


1. Commissioner Davi robbed me of my real estate broker's license & salesman's license because I supposedly pushed someone (I didn't push anyone, but deprivation of a license for such an act violates due process). See facts of cs. 03-1710, (PROOF OF YOLOBUS CONSPIRATORIAL INVOLVEMENT)

I, Joseph A. Sherman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true & correct to the best of my belief & knowledge. Executed in Davis, Ca. on 31 Oct. 2009.

/S/ Joseph A. Sherman