[Reports 11/2022 through 2024. Reports before 4 Dec. 2022, see davisneedy3.html; davisneedy2.html for reports before 8-2021.]
WS sabotage - cut off @ "...repo" when I stated in the Sir Marks-A-Lot report I had "reported being relegated to a vacant lot," but reporting is a form of marking. 9/15/2021 - entire sections of Vortex page deleted by conspiracy hackers in WS daily.
- Jack the Dipper's new ph # (Big): 530-379-3724 - "Dial! Dial! Everybody dial!"
I taught Journalism, full charge classroom as of Jr. Hi age, 2 Summers in a row; education nation essentially naked, because I'm denied teacher job! W/'ta' abbrev. for taught,
"Ta ra-ra boomed Yay!
"I'll take your pants away
"& while you're standing there
"I'll take your underwear!"
The giant salesman hated teachers; he knew that Jack was a teacher & always wanted to be a teacher from his youth. He was aware of Jack's nickname 'A.' So he set about to try to finish off Jack Teacher; he refused to memorize all of his vowels - instead of A, E, I, O, U, he was for every vowel except A & deliberately forgot A, & mocked Jack w/"um" - "f' E, f' I, f' O, f' Um." But when he tried to attack, Jack chopped down the bean stalk & that was the end of the giant salesman & his trumped up alphabet!
12/1, Guardsmen treelot, "I know they orchid" ch 3 10:44 PM - lewd code; kid & 'or[al sex].' 10:50 PM Dirk (wthr) "You can see atter walls." Vision, "You're gonna slip up," - informing me of the rebels m.o.'s. ch3 "Nothing beats it" "...fem. in ad posing as doctor, 7:40 PM - TV element intimately involved in WS/No Ca. oppression. "You won't know, your fold" (sounded like) fem clerk, Belair 7:33; "You won't know your nothing," fat fem cashier, Raley's, 7:30 apprx.; i.e., alternate signif. of 'nothing' - in context of rebels robbing me of any benefit of being extra frugal, I amount to nothing or nobody in negative sense of it - I'm belittling myself detrimentally; the matching codes also demonstrate once again Persian clerks are intricately involved - just a little more self-controlled. Nelm's Const. from Sac, on El Macero Dr., "...investigating an asso." "..sissors attack" Hannibal, blk rptr, 11:01 PM. ch 3 11 PM, "You are being housed here @ San Quentin" (prison).
12/2, "I want you to take 2" 3:30 AM. "You wouldn't listen to me" 4:30 AM, vision of child's hand grabbing someone from behind - as though gagging them - possibly horseplay of child, but Persians are predominantly Muslims - 'muzzle him' - possibly they're going to slip up further than precursory participation - but based on vision associated w/rebel guest in rm. 17 w/4X4 blue p/up - symbolically hostage in lg. jail cell - due to slavery & menagerie conditions of No. Ca. overall - the sequestering already occurred. I reported a mat next to bed or on night stand in one of the W Cap motels, possibly Belair or Fremont, conjecturing it was lewd innuendo, but instead Mideasterners kneel on those mats, so it isn't surprising they'd provide them @ motels; so possibly it's repercussions for that; more likely it's participation in general. Alternately, or in conjunction w/it, I already reported by phone the child from behind aspect was similar to when I was a child, possibly age 6, & cousin Jeff Arndt had heard the news about Grandma Utt passing away after he got home from school - 8 yrs older than me; I dangled an apple in front of his face from behind him - he was sitting on couch in living room; i.e., warlocks systematically denying me my teacher goals (apple), desperately attempting to force me to kidnap someone or go on shooting spree - 'you won't know your fold,' (code from Belair clerk) - i.e., W.S. involved in warlocks' attempts to coerce me to kidnap - Jeff Arndt, one of the Utts & a Christian - sheep fold - before passing away [2012. I spoke to him on phone, must've been beginning of 2012, we prayed, & he didn't use any codes. He said he had throat cancer, but didn't indicate anything about dying anytime soon. He had been in Air Force & was then civilian located in McKinney, Tx., approx. 10 mi. S. of Sherman, Tx.
Jeff Arndt - Utts - Keir Dullea & the Ringo Leaders
[Monsters are desperate to smear Utts - report instantly corrupted on webpage - but Jeff's Fu Manchu look has it!] 99% of my reports pertain to rebel codes - w/'f' word being commonly utilized, & rock's supposed trackings have also asserted that liberty, claiming undercover, but, it isn't appropriate from prospective of Christians. Also, Yolo warrant does in fact include conspiracy motives to sabotage my marriage & sex life - 'yeah, 'f' [w]arrant.' Kin duel theme - no contest; Sherman's the heir - freed the slaves. Claiming it wasn't an option of U.S.A. to fail to "be" as far as justice; 'aren't'/''gee, ph[ooy on notion we] aren't;' or 'gee, ph[ooy on Yolo w]arrant!' Jeff's wearing high rank military colors, & no doubt received intelligence while in the Air Force - Atten-Utt! - including most likely where to station himself upon discharge from military, acting as civilian. 12/7, visions of Colleen (a Ten), Jeff's widow - married in Portland - maiden name Lane - asserting she'll do what it takes for U.S.A. to prevail; "You made us so proud! You made us hope!" (Me & Utt army.) I was just going to say, Ringo Starr Utt! Colleen doesn't necessarily need to be a military "Col" - she's an Utt! Ph. # isn't available on internet - call me! Who is Colleen? Paraphrasing what she just said, 'Are you BLIND, DEAF, & DUMB, America???!!! We've just doubled in greatness in eyes of other nations!' (& same is true for Europe. The warlocks, media, etc. are going to pay an infinite price for this coverup.) Know this - those who go on in their sins - conspiring, oppressing, & using conspiracy codes because of laziness rather than responding w/the urgency demanded due to rebellion, you will be punished most severely! Once again, they are from Portland - plants in Tx.; Jeff worked for Frito-Lay; stationed to motivate the South for freedom so they wouldn't "lay" & default to Confederate goals. The South has fallen short; the strategy is motivate the North. 12/11, "It is your murder" 4:15 AM, vision, pertaining to Jeff; Utts prevail! Jeff's serious look, while in army colors, is signal that first & foremost, Utts' job (Jack Teacher) - 1700 year Heavenly plan - is Teacher goals as opposed to "show biz!" Those show biz people are alright, & we wished, & they were & are there (& prayed), but we've got a job to do, & we do it well - IN THEORY; I'M STILL DENIED MY TEACHER CAREER IN PRACTICE!
Also, 12/1, I had watched sm. amount of Seinfeld despite I boycotted it because of character Costanza in one episode saying he had a (fem) teacher who molested him in HS or similar). But I watched a few min. of it, & suddenly a clip of male adult being a bush watching someone - 1/2 sec. clip inserted into the program, approx 10 PM ch 50(?); subtle attempt to dupe that one slip & you're outdoors. 5:30 AM, vision I was a small child in Nickles' bedroom next to the bed (Andrew's & Esther's) - as though I was one of their children, but it involved attempting to get me to have affair w/Esther (implication of vision); i.e., Nickles were planning to dupe me w/condescention reducing me to a child so that I'd have an affair out of desperation that I wasn't good enough for a legit. relationship w/anyone. It's possible, considering the Seinfeld program, attempt of Hollywood to claim they're 86-ing me - Shatner saying "Get out!" in vision; on other hand, warlocks aren't devoid of any control of TV & radio programming, & dubbing of TV reruns. In fact, some of the most lethal codes have occurred on radio broadcast in public places such as grocery stores, etc. for 2 or more decades - conspirators posing as rock musicians, including imitating their voices, etc., but as far as I can tell, it's rebels deceptively claiming they are an extention of them. The vision of Shatner may have been him, but it could be seen as an abrupt wake-up call to draw the 'actor in rebel territory' line more cautiously - get away from that corrupt scene @ Nickels' on Rd. 97; the bush clip, a rebel dub of the program.
12/2, "You won't know we're the wolf" 1:33 PM, Steve, El Mac. 12:15 PM, "You won't fear their bill, it" wh male 4017 El Mac. Dr. 1 PM approx., Priscilla, G1 emply on phone, needed my ATM cd. # again - after already entering it in the program on phone to get to cust. serv. - which they haven't req'd in past - & despite she was also sending me the usually sec. code over the phone- SECURITY OVERKILL; also, this was w/in minutes of me being in Taq. Guad. & their ATM portal refusing my card, asking me to enter it personally (which is usually their job, & I said that, but it was faster to go ahead & enter it) - & still didn't function, & approx. 12/4, mssg. from Boost "Thank you for your payment" but the last payment was 11/19 or so - I chk'd w/bank & no additional payment was made on 4th, but before that I called Boost, I couldn't reach an emply to verify they hadn't erroneously charged me - automated system sending me a verif. code, I entered it using keypad on phone, & automated system couldn't recognize their own code; i.e., Guadalajara, G1, & Boost coconsp. - THEIR CONSUMATE FEAT IS ATTEMPTING TO IMPRESS VICTIM & OTHERS OF HOW CUNNING THEY ARE. 6:45 5th & G, RR 10 min. wait - training it's a lot of rebels coconspiring. Nevertheless, thoughts of me possibly falling short, & instead, instantly a vision of fem cashier @ Raley's weeping, "Hill gone, our receipt!" 5:24 AM; i.e., 'he'll 'gone! [us,]' our receipt' & '[Cap] Hill [is] gone, our receipt,' based on bogus rec't from Raley's consp'g w/phones (reported), & my tracking by consistently insisting on a rec't. "It isn't gonna be nick him" Starbucks SD, mex. male blk jacket, moustache, 7:56. 7:20 AM, 42A, "He doesn't across the table" mex. or blk male.
12/1, "We must all dead" blnd fem CBS 5:35 PM. "I see a Vega" NBC 60 Min. 6:01 PM (Jeff Teck, homeless male arrived from Salt Lake City in broken down Vega, 1989; us roommates @ Viking took him in - stayed in 2nd fl walk-in closet; he got a job & started paying rent; code possibly consp. claim I'm in a Vega, or w/out place to live. "You have your hide," fem bug code (NFL ) 6:15. ch 96, "All in on joy" 7:42 PM & camera above sm wh girl; possibly subtle lewd implic. - 'all in' - code for tired, lazy. 6:18 "You won't know we're all happier" fem bug code. "Alien tape for the l-low price...", 7:45. Rockford Files, intro theme, blk 9 on top of red jack (but that probably means he cheats). Pfizer, vaccine patches like chevrons on kids' arms - makes it adventurous to be conspirators - w/what everyone knows -if it is an actual virus - it was caused by oppression against me. "They've hidden it" Kennedy, 8 PM, & child making noise behind Belair. "We're gonna have his [turn-on]" (or similar) bug code. "See my dog even, & back to work" 10:02 PM, fat wh fem ch 40, Sac. A/T (interviewed as far as I recall). "...the death tell..." Dennis, wthr, 10:04 (sounded like) ch 40. "'Thank you' made him better," vision, Schwarzeneggar or bug code, 7:47 PM; possibly referring to text to Jan on Ipanema, when she cancelled regular Wed. 4 hr. job - putting on an act that they get some credit for hiring me. "We're gonna say that cigarette...December" 1:42 CBS. 1:40 "Uuhh," "That's debatable" Payton Manning, in debate w/teen girl, (ch?); the 'uuhh' was gutteral sound like "I Can't Stop Hurting.." Kihn. ch 13, "You're gonna mic me" fem bug code. CBS, Eagles game, "He'll have FBI on the right!"[END EXCERPT]
12/8, vision, "I want you to take your hand" 4 AM, while juggling; "You can't keep champing 'em" vision, 4:55, most likely referring to Pinball Wizard Champ character - facade that justice is contingent on winning a contest - like Tommy; if they're denying you justice, you actually have to deliberately & affirmatively shun any "contests" or getting drawn into claiming great feats as far as sports, exercise, etc., or it sets a chill precedent as far as justice, & soon, because of making justice contingent on beating the resident "champ" in some feat or feats of strength or talents, you'll have victims in court w/judge insisting, "So you're telling me you DIDN'T successfully accomplish the triple helicopter flip off the snow ski slope @ Bear Ridge resort? No, I'm sorry, the terrorists are all acquitted & free to make attempts on your life again! Next case...!" Moreover, reality check: I had a vision approx. 2016 that I accomplished a flip from the ground (as opposed to diving board or ski slope) w/3 spins - summing up my accomplishments on their behalf. "This is I want your honor" 5:13 AM; I was planning on 2 hrs. of juggling; the facade is 3 hrs., but then no one shows up, & then it'll be 4 hrs. - & still no teacher career. Moreover, I've done 3 hrs. of juggling all @ once in early AM - but usually it's closer to 2, & then more exercise later on.
Vision, approx. 12/20, when praying about never getting off season for years - non-stop boot camp, & then supposed insistence of rock & Hollywood that it must be 3 hours in AM reg'ly - not 2 hrs., then an hour or more later in day - which I was often doing - & occasionally 3 hrs. in early AM - "I don't want you to average" (or similar). But then conflicting mssgs. from God - I'm on hour 3 after getting up @ 3 AM on Sun. morning (1/5), & suddenly the Lord insisting on studying Math for the last 45 min. THE FACT IS, WHILE OCCASIONALLY MAXING OUT IS - A LOT OF HOURS, IS DOABLE, A REQUISITE SUCH AS THAT IS PRESUMPTION OF NEW CAREER - PROF. ATHLETE; SIGNING ON DOTTED LINE THAT TEACHER GOALS ISN'T SUFFIENT, IS A DEAD END, ETC. THIS IS THEN FOLLOWED W/ANOTHER STIGMA ABOUT SPORTS SIMILAR TO SALES. It simply isn't an option for rock & Hollywood to create that requisite. On the other hand, I reported that vision from Travis Kelce after doing 2 hrs. in early AM, "This is where he doesn't take his kill," indicating denial of justice. I.e., ''I don't want you to have,' her rage,' NFL players conspiring that I don't have - I don't have my "kill"- justice, vengeance against enemies, prosperty, etc. - indicating rock & Hollywood, as I reported, were inviting NFL players & other athletes to be patriots for the nation!
"The Lord makes himself known by the judgments he executes," Ps. 9:16. Shooting spree remeniscent of those teasing Elisha - "You baldy!" - refusing to repent will be punished. City of Paradise, Ca. almost burned to the ground after I warned about destroying rebel cities, or else - those who conspire & those refusing to do their duty are already being wiped out by the Lord!
Pro. 17:15, "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - the LORD detests them both;" (1)Denying me justice is destestable to the Lord; (2)propping up rebellious blacks to make them cosmetically appealing while they are full of dead men's bones & rot, continuing their attempts to finish me off, is detestable to the Lord. "PURGE THE EVIL FROM AMONG YOU!" 1 COR. 5:13. I reported vision of NBA star Larry Bird organizing a new basketball association due to NBA succombing to consps. of blacks!
Enough Big Birds flew that those persecuting Christians - Jews - joined the bandwagon w/Grecian Formula 1 Geese. YOU MARGINALIZE BIRDS FLYING FOR YOU, YOU'RE SICK W/BIRD FLU! It isn't nice to try to fool Taught Ya Ma Nature!
Rock star/actor Bobby Sherman - became L.A. cop; Calipatria - world's tallest flag - Old Glory! Bobby- Man of Steel, & Sharon - Chino, Ca. - attractive Justice Magnet!
Shop Class
"I Know!!!!!"
Detroit Rock City/U.S.A. Auto Capital; 1/5, NBC Lyons v. Vikings, 5:49 PM, Lyons coach signaled the grease gland beside his nose - my Dad showed me how to grease fishing rod fittings using nose grease; LIONS & TIGERS BEAR THE NATION, OH, MY! AMEN!
My Dad didn't believe in magic (it's a sin - Gal. 5:19,20), but he used the expression "Magic!..." to add mystique when something unexplained happened. The Who picked up on this, & "I Can See for Miles" - it's applicable to warlocks, who've led Christians astray by attempting to negate the Jack Teacher plan out of jealousy & strife; in actuality utilizing lies, devious codes, & actual magic of satan - thinking they can get away w/it; "Can a man take fire to his bosom & not burn his clothes?" Pro. 6:27. If you're in one of these churches, or a response to them anyone can arm themselves w/, concerning the corrupt influence on the nation that has already occurred - "I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise; I know that you have 'cause there's 'magic' in my eyes!" Claim the tongue-in-cheek "magic" of Dad Gum - expression implicitly mocking it (if you say you believe in magic, we can change your mind - only the Power of God of Israel could produce the alignment of the planets - 17 Sept. 2017 - Jupiter, in womb of Virgo for 9 mos., exits between the legs - portraying in the Heavens the birth of Christ from the virgin Mary - & then time that w/me solving the Asian bow tradition, announcing it in a Chinese restaurant!) - turn the tables on the warlocks; use the Mark 12:10-11 Check Mark Watch as a weapon of righteousness against them. Then, claim the promises U.S.A. EDUCATION NATION ALREADY HAS COMING TO US - GOD'S FAITHFULNESS TO LAND OF FREE HOME OF BRAVE THAT IS BASED ON CENTURIES OF FAITHFULNESS & WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP & GOODWILL TOWARD MEN THAT SUPERCEDES THE RECENT 3 DECADES OR SO OF DECEPTIVE FALSE TEACHERS (WARLOCKS):
Is. 41:8-13, "But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant;' I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be shamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'" These promises are from the Old Testament, but Christians are spiritual Jews (Israelites - Rom. 2:28,29, Rom. 9), & heirs to the promise of Abraham (Gal. 4:7). The promises of God made to the Israelites are ours to claim, if Jesus is your Lord & Savior - nothing can stand in our way, Lk. 10:19, Ps. 91:13; God will be guiding us, Is. 41:13, Is. 30:21; don't let your head ever stray, Mark 1:3 - the planets align so rare (17 Sept. 2017 - Jupiter, in womb of Virgo for 9 mos., exits between the legs) - stick w/Jack Teacher plan! Okay, look, they're entertainers, they aren't spiritual monks - the sexy magic scene is a little extreme, but the point is their "flaunt it if you've got it" is Virgin Mary innocence compared to the vile wickedness of the warlocks, &, THE POWER OF GOD ENABLES YOU TO TRAMPLE THE SERPENTS' BLACK MAGIC UNDERFOOT - LK. 10:19, PS. 91:13!
Olivia in video is actually tracking the warlocks - specifically Catholic warlocks, & presumably Latinos. She's wearing blk, indicating either she didn't show up for wedding, or role playing someone. @ end of song, she places power (mic) cord on shoulder like it's a bag - burden that must be shouldered. I reported the 'quest' vision - see SAC'S DECEPTION.../VISITATION... report; I'm burdened carrying laptop & bank papers daily w/strap over my shoulder due to imminent invasion of pvcy & sabotages if I left them in my room - originating from Dave Keane & quest-themed retreat, & UCC, but perpetuated by No. Ca. DIVISION rebels. REBELS PUTTING A PRICE, "Take Me Home Tonight" lyrics are "Just like Ronnie sang.." inst. of '...said,' indicating rock stars were counting on Latino singers to "sing," as in pipe up or @ minimum be fully cooperative in their strategy to bolster me for justice - same as Bolivia - & expose the warlocks, but, as I reported, Money's look w/"I was thinking" lyric, they haven't been displaying the "right stuff;" the cigarette on the carpet - blatantly unwise - implying guarding something, but she needs to watched herself. Nevertheless, God isn't a legalistic perfectionist - he uses ordinary people - rather than one's ability to do everything exactly right in every instance, it's one's availability to be used of God w/undivided heart. Money & Specter on David Letterman, singing "Take Me Home Tonight," Eddie comes on stage smoking cigarette, & puts it out on (uncarpeted) floor; he also does a spin, similar to the one in "Shakin'" studio video - he's on date w/Latino fem. Rosana, she's driving, they go to Rae's drive-in & then get in a drag race w/another low rider. In round about way, Eddie's cigarette put out safely covers for unwise "carpet" scene. The indication is Latinos in actuality on the fence @ best as far as any Christian goals of rock & Hollywood - they're spun around by them - supposedly tit for tat concerning Lucy supposedly busier than Desi Arnaz, leaving him "dizzy" (conjecture - see Mark & Kelly Show).
Live version of "Take Me..." on Letterman, @ end of song, "Mix it, honey,..." & "Be! I wanna BE!" & puts mic cord behind his neck, & points @ Ronnie - supposedly crediting her, but a close look - it's the toy gun gesture of "Mod Squad's" Pete Cochran, pointing @ her - indicating Latinos, such as Bolivians, failed to follow through w/their vigilance of 1800's, pertaining to Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid, or is it 'We're counting on you to come through!?' Ronnie is gesturing toward David Letterman - possibly indicating claim someone's 'let[ing] her...' or, lettering in a sport - like Danny Zuko (Travolta) in Grease? "Take Me Home..." orginally released late '70's or early '80's - according to his website, "Can't Hold Back" CD, where song is from, released 1986, but it had to have been before that - he passes away & dollars to donuts his website is immediately doctored up; I know, it's gone - too far; but he might've faked his death - still current, see? & where Money has mic cord on shoulder (like Olivia), Ronnie carries hers over to set w/Letterman. The cord over the shoulder symbolizes burden - Dave Keane denying my teacher goals, based solely on VCA terminating me, based on awareness of a plan of rock musicians to utilize me, & conspiring to "make me available" to them by eliminating my teacher career, but simultaneously attempt to ruin me & vicariously, rock stars. Conspiratorially denied my teacher career, combined w/smears curtailing my involvement w/youth or kids @ all, cripples 50-75% of my talents & abilities - a huge burden if there ever was one! But the 'mix' was Ronnie carrying the mic - RATHER THAN PERPETUATING BURDEN FOR JACK TEACHER, PROVIDE JUSTICE - mix goal - Latinos 100% w/Jack Teacher Plan - don't be on the fence pertaining to Jack Teacher; signal for Latinos to recognize the HIGH TOWERS WATCH - RAE ME NYInfo NEW MAN/BROOKLYN RAE ME'S w/BIBLE ANSWERMAN DR. MARTIN LUBE /OIL (GREASIN' THE WORD) of Jack Teacher plan, & resist Catholic conspiracies that are attempting to negate Jack Teacher plan & that gave birth, for most part, to rumors, these conspiracies originating in Italy, Spain, France, & combining w/No. Ca. DIVISION rebels' consps., & do your duty for justice for me - like Linda & Ronnie. The black clothing of Olivia? Whether an act or actuality, like Eddie, singers tempted w/pessimism & intolerance toward Latinos who tend to cave in to warlocks' deceptions - Eddie & the sax ooga horn in pessimistic confrontational stance - Dad Gum is a tool in the arsenal, but he can't replace the Jack Teacher Plan. "Xanadu" video, Olivia's character beams up to Heaven while her partner, young man w/same sport jacket as mine in my HS senior pic, stands watching (video w/ this ending currently elusive). I reported Sac. Kings vertical beam - consp. to make sure I don't ever amount to anything - fowlers - bound & determined to ruin it for others; no happy ending if it costs them & U.S.A. everything - Bemis toilets - America's future goes down the toilet; predicted by Olivia & ELO. Olivia Newton John recently passed away, Aug. 2022; this was precisely when I was confronting Taylor Swift & Olivia Rodrigo to repent of 'f' word in songs. Latinos on TV started blatantly showing close-ups of mostly women w/tears of sadness - acknowledging it was somehow connected to them; irregardless of if Olivia actually died, or it's an under cover act - public performances & recognitions is a sacrifice associated w/such role, & it somehow pertained to Rodrigo, was their understanding. & it did - as I reported, use of 'f' word isn't as serious of an offense as joining a conspiracy or custom to marginalize & smear someone; because the Western church was doing that to me, it was on this basis rock singers were justifying turning up the 'f' word heat slightly - burnin' out - 'f-u's' up here, a loan;' Olivia passed away in Santa Ynez, Ca. Warlocks, Catholics, & DIVISION rebels negating Education Nation goals - in No. Ca., & gaining more & more influence & control over Latinos, including rock musicians such as Olivia Rodrigo; Olivia Newton-John's death was wake up call AS TO THE GRAVITY OF THE JACK TEACHER PLAN BEING THE FOCUS - NEWTON'S APPLE - sacrifice she made for Jack Teacher Plan (senior sport jacket) to command Rodrigo - it's 'I'll LIVE ya, Jack Teacher' - seriously follow Jesus - adhere to Jack Teacher plan & don't hold back - die to yourself & live to God - reject the Catholics' & regional consp.! Santa Ynez - for decade or more, storage facility in Lodi w/giant "Inez Says" ad on front of bldg.; Inez - fem. Latino R.E. agent in Lodi (possibly still in business); Santa Ynez Dr. adjacent to Lodi HS. Rich Mahoney - acquaintance & roommate from Bethel church, became RE agent after my struggles began in Davis, got remarried, & named his son Davis (as reported) - it's a treacherous regional menagerie controlling my profession, & Latinos must resist it, expose it, & bless me & Jack Teacher Education Nation plan!
In conversation w/Letterman, Money briefly points @ him, same or similar gesture w/hand - toy gun. Hollywood wasn't victims of any church oppression they way rock stars were - although there is a stigma occasionally about stars & others w/money & fame, it wasn't explicitly or implicitly asserted by movie or TV stars; corruption in church branches warrants trackings, & suspicions of ulterior motives may call for these as well, turning someone into a pawn against his will isn't an option. Conditions where it's more than church branches & it's more than corruption - such as No. Ca. conspiring a rebellion w/South (1916 double arch, G St., Davis, & tracking as of 1926, Melrose Pl. identical double arch, tracking as witness), where Hollywood possibly pushed some pre-emptive buttons to minimize damage to Jack Teacher plan (such as "Wizard of Oz" establishing the Jack Teacher Math Wiz won't end up being a "small potatoes" figure - so beware, potential rebels') isn't crossing the line, but subsequently delaying while I'm oppressed, & "contributing" codes & pushing more buttons is crossing the line absent response. On the other hand, I've given them credit for remote responses such as "2001:A Space Odyssey" & "2010: the Year We Make Contact." So Hollywood is in position similar to Latinos, except they can claim some gestures of intervention, while Latinos have been caving in consistently & doing bidding of DIVISION rebels. They give winks & nods to rock & Hollywood (Milei & Pete Cochran pose, for ex.), but hearts are far from dedication to justice & the Lord.
Dennis DeYoung, President, John Travolta, VP
THE NATION THAT HAS SHONE LIKE NO OTHER NATION IN HISTORY, & HAS SHOWN EVERYONE THE ZEAL OF GOD W/HIS NAVAL SEAL OF APPROVAL - ALL BELLY BUTTONS ASIDE - MERITS THE BEST, RATHER THAN TRASH! Anyone is better than someone modeling former Davis mayor, & convicted felon, but Guilded Show 'Em Crusaders aren't "anyone;" movie "Face/Off," Travolta, & vision, "You'll want to take it all, 'Off,'" God inviting them to consumate seat. "Face it, Joe, your smart mouth is - say it - hung!" If they don't like my "trap," it's THEIR problem - Stevie Nicks spilled the beans that it was planned - "...words impossible to swallow..." Asians have let us down; maybe Dennis'll angelize us by revving rockets & defeating rebellion - Dennis - walk softly & carry big sticks! by publicly taking a stand against codes & rebellion! Ronald Reagan was exemplary leader - they're on a roll!
1 ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE (2/19/2020) IS AUTOMATIC IMPEACHMENT @ MINIMUM; BUT IT HAPPENED AGAIN! 10/14, 5:55 AM vision of Kamala Harris asking @ a rally, "Do you have any bombs here?" (that she can use).
If Americans can't handle this, then the nation is taken away from you & given to others. As stated, president Biden was in office as vice president during Obama admin., & possibly was the individual in the Oval Office holding the highback chair, but at any rate, he failed to arrest Obama for murder conspiracy, & as of 2013, I had vision of Obama being arrested. Why is he now allowed to be in office of presidency, when he was in second highest position in the land during a death row conspiracy involving the president, & failed to bring the conspirators to justice? Approx. 1/29, bug code, sounded like Biden, "You're not a Christian - 'f' her" or similar. Gov't leaders refuse to punish rebels & restore justice to the afflicted & must be brought to account. Moreover, absense of justice creates a vacuum of injustice, making them conspirators before they get started - they can't help but use conspiracy codes & stalk & oppress the victim!
3/18, Biden wearing suit jacket exact replica of my college graduation suit - dk gray w/vert. pin stripes, approx. 7 PM on NBC news; he's claiming I'm covering for him - i.e., working as a team; on the contrary, I'm performing damage control. This suit style was used by one or more talk show hosts as of 2010, & then everything from backpacks to shrts in market - I was unspoken celebrity as of that point. But Biden should've invaded on day one of presidency if not before. Use of that suit encourages nation-wide cover-up.
When we were young, my Mom told us, "Don't leave your mouth open all the time -
it makes you look dumb" (mentally deficient).
1776 U.S. Naval Jack, & Atlas - Creatively labeled "VH" - Victory Humanity (Vin Diesel a close second.)
England made an about face & freed all the nations of the British Empire - inspired by U.S.A.'s leadership for global freedom! "DON'T TREAD [ON OTHER PEOPLES,] ON ME!" U.S.A. is model of peace & education. Study & explore space; study & advance in the sciences & knowledge; war & greed interfere w/these enlightening goals. Panama was inhabited by others; the deal we made was for their benefit & that of humanity. Canada never implied they want to be added to U.S.A. by hostile invasion. Greenland, despite their baldface lie of having very little green land, is obviously optimistic, & values freedom. Freedom of religion allows countries to be lazy & stubborn about partaking in the advancing of the Kingdom of God, w/out us or anyone else reverting to the violence, war, & oppression of nations in the past. Trump's "ideals" are dangerous & essentially constitute the end of U.S.A. as we know it & everything we stand for. God has led me, & the Bible teaches by commands & examples, that you can & must purge evil from among you - such as blacks or anyone else who have made a pact to destroy the nation & end innocent citizens' lives - THIS HAS NO BEARING ON DENIAL OF FREEDOM, BUT RATHER GUARANTEES THE PRESERVATION OF IT! Atlas is a symbol of Eastern & Western branches' feats enabling freeing of slaves almost globally, & an international watch minimizing war, & invasions & take overs of others' lands. We didn't achieve this so that warlocks or snake oilers or anyone else could throw it all away. Denying justice to Jack Teacher is the leverage satan needs so that he can claim we're already as good as defeated - 'it's only a technicality now - go ahead & throw it away & invade other countries!' But Atlas is still shouldering that weight of the world - holding our post for those who are free, & those who have been waiting & hoping they could be free - we're their only hope, w/Jesus @ our right hand. When you believe in God, & don't give up, you know he's going to use you, despite you can't always see who or where; the democratic freedom nation & our allies propel us forward into the future!
HISTORIC! Entire black race defined as worse than 34 felony convict! PURGE! PURGE!! PRUGE!!! PURGE!!!! PURGE!!!!! PURGE!!!!! PURGE!!!!!!!
11/2, 2:39 PM, "We won't work - our country ate" vision, Trump (as far as I could tell); but God gave me vision that due to my response as far as T-Mobile, the 'T' inverts & becomes a car key.
Code possibly referring to South - 'our 'country [music],'' but they didn't "eat" especially w/recent storms. I recently had vision of jogging up F St. to Jan's w/Subway sandwich, & God leading me I'm entitled to some recreation & entertainment, & so I've been eating out for lunch recently, instead of taking a lunch w/me; I don't have an entertainment budget - eating out is a start - if you don't treat yourself like a patriot, they succeed w/brainwash conspiracies - also, they don't get to translate everything into sales - breathing becomes sales - THEY'RE MONSTERS! Unchained, "I said, 'I cannot get there from here, baby/'& I don't care where I'm going'..." Where have we heard this phrase before? I reported sermon of former pastor Pluimer of Bethel church, approx. 1993, in Lodi, talking about being lost in L.A. area (or similar) & asking for directions, "He said to me, 'You can't get there from here!'" Lyrics, 'I don't care where I'm going' - Pluimer latched onto it because it was Davis where No. Ca. was conspiring the "absence of 'care'" - oppression. This phrase was re-iterated in a book that became popular one year before that - Greg Dinallo, "Final Answers;" & p. 242, talking about a savings account w/a lot of money in it, "So does Donald Trump's" & reply, "Did," - i.e., 'so did Donald Trump's.' I reported Trump on inaurgueration day 2016, "We're taking it all the way to defeat;" HIS CONFESSED GOALS ARE TO DEFEAT THE NATION!
11/1, 5:15 PM, "he is gonna take him, on," D & 5th Davis police car. 11/3,, "Election Day or Election Week?" Pics of Trump & Harris, & image of red, wh, blue clock, w/hands @ 8:18 PM - Trump code - 'ate 18;' 'our country ate' - lewd code, based on claim of attempt to elminate work; in other words, the nation supposedly consumed my good example. "It won't be changing your childrens' agender" Trump as far as I recall; ch 10 8:05. 11/6, 9:59 PM, praying that the wicked are punished, vision, "You can't Sea - face is change" - face of clock from - V upside down - VICTORY UPSIDE DOWN IS DEFEAT!
Check mark appeared in sky while I was juggling near Jack's cafe, 8/5. The message appeared in the sky in vision of emperor Constantine from God, with the sign of the cross above it, approx. 312 AD. Check mark from Teacher - Teaching is an honorable profession, & so it could be a positive sign signifying the profession, but in context, it's also a sign God is disciplining America - "God disciplines those whom he loves, & he chastises every son he receives," Heb. 12:6, Prov. 3:12. Don't take it lightly, & ignore his discipline (for failing to pipe up about miracles of God on behalf of China, & before that, delays in evangelizing them, & failures to laud & comfort & rescue Russian Taurus Bulls, & intervening on my & rock & rollers' behalf), & don't become downcast & give up either. "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility is wisdom." Several mos. ago, vision of snake shedding its skin, possibly pertaining to lack of reaction of Christians in America. I.e., to continue w/melting pot goals to exclusion of Christian duty to Russians, Chinese, & others, such as myself & rock & rollers, is a snake mentality; shedding its skin, but still a snake.
As of 7/2020, God used me to pipe up to some extent, to stand in the gap for our country by acknowledging persistently long range miracles of our heritage that are already blessings to China. & he has led me to acknowledge Chinese are to blame as well, due to huge miracles with their name on them, & no response.
Ps 80:1,3,8,17,18
"Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,
you who lead Joseph like a flock.
"You who sit enthroned between the cherubim,
shine forth."
"Restore us, O God;
make your face shine on us,
that we may be saved...."
"You transplanted a vine from Egypt;
you drove out the nations and planted it..."
"Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand,
"Whom you made strong for yourself.
"Then we will not turn away from you;
revive us, and we will call on your name."
206,295 deaths in US from Corona virus as of 9/29 - 1/5 of deaths worldwide - God expects us to act on behalf of Russians & proclaim China miracles & provide justice for myself & rock musicians.
(1)USA flags indicate God chose me to be a teacher, & warn & instruct those who claim to be Christians, & other Americans, as far as how to proceed as far as being the melting pot, trying to invite minorities to a higher seat, & any opposing challenges; I'm demanding Americans restore freedom of the press, & report conspiracies against me & rock & rollers, & tell about Russians who died for Jesus, & miracles on behalf of China. The founding forefathers chose a teacher, due to that teachers have high standards; (2)As of 1700 years ago, God used a layman named Constantine, emporer of Byzantine & Roman empires, to make efforts to bring the church together as well, calling for the Council of Nicea, from where we have the Nicene Creed, tenets of faith that East & West agree on; phonemes of 'biz' & 'teen' & 'constant' & 'teen' God sovereignly choosing English phonemes, also indicate a teacher, from 300's AD; (3)The miracles on behalf of China God used me to display confirm beyond all doubt that I'm the teacher who is supposed to instruct & admonish everyone; (4)Marco Polo traveled to China, approx.1292 AD, & 'mark' signifies teaching profession in English & other Latin & Germanic languages - 'to grade,' 'to mark,' 'check mark,' etc.; this also demonstrates God's long range plan - a classroom teacher is to bring the East & West together, & graft in China; (5)God chose me to be the first to publicly demand the Russians' sufferings on behalf of Christ be proclaimed; (6)huge miracles from Jahweh for China, displayed through me! THE CHURCHES HAVE DUTY TO REPORT THE MIRACLES FOR CHINA - MORE THAN SIMPLY MY WEBSITE. Those who are skeptically refusing could be considered grumblers, they are grumbling against me, in direct defiance of God's power & signs & wonders endorsing me; Rom 1:29-31: "They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers,..." which amounts to rebellion; see Numbers 14; God judged that those who had seen the signs & miracles & continued grumbling wouldn't be allowed into the promise land (Num. 14:21-23). They grumbled against Moses & Aaron (v. 2) through whom God had displayed the signs & wonders; they were treating God with contempt by doing this (v. 23), this applies to the
Catholics, unless they repent, & anyone else, including Asian Americans, & those in Ca. & US gov't. who insist on sending more rebels to harass me & desperately try to trap me, kidnap me, & brainwash me. Proof this applies to Asian American Christians specifically, is the lasso around the moon breaking, most likely representing a specially tailored promise land they are stubbornly refusing to enter. What else do you expect when it's those who claim to be Christians, & yet COVER UP miracles of God, & outrageous feats of other believers - defying God & his word!!!?!! It's a downward spiral to destruction!
Think Tank Tutoring
7/8, Vision of award pins, but not allowed to teach. Brownies club names children's club after food; tater tots names food after children - both are inappropriate. Brownies have now changed their name - the Embers, but they are no doubt charter Disciples of Step Honor Knee - they pray. & it's true, Jack Teacher is meaner than a junkyard dog toward his students - or he wouldn't have qualified as Jack Teacher - because like they say, "It couldn't've happened to a nicer guy."
Jack Teacher's first best friend was a...girl! - named Caroline. She was from next door in Fresno, a year older than me, & gave me some sunflower seeds from one of their sunflowers, & I planted them. My Dad thought it was a weed, but allowed it to grow, & became a 7 ft. high sunflower. DAVID & SONS sunflower seeds originated in Fresno in 1926. About the same time as when I taught Summer School as a jr. hi'er, my Dad was honing his skills w/kids - one of those was daughter of Uncle Jim's wife from her first marriage, Rhonda, known as Rhonda from Kookamonga. (& we don't want to forget Step-On-'Er-Knee - Caroline's little sister Stephanie!) We also had close Portugue friends the Coreas; but you get the feeling the S. Koreans know more about us then they did - HANKOOK! We may be special, but the Bible says don't look @ us, look @ Jesus!
Mamba is a giant snake; 10/1 or 10/2, "My mom has cancer, pinch me," NFL football player during interview on TV - no role playing "doting" when situation demands action! I've held Pat Sajack accountable for "He won't get me!" on Thanksgiving 2009 because a mere tip of the hat in slavery & deadly conditions is equivalent to poison!
1/15, vision, apprx. 5 AM long fence on Arlington Ave. W.Davis; AR Landscapers built long fence @ that location - Latino landscape co. But the fence most likely was referring to biblical concept of the Sword of the Spirit - fencing for the Lord. "Night Moves," Bob Seger, sounds like he must be talking about premarital sex. I remember listening to the song early AM @ former friend Steve's in Lodi; & 'knight moves' in fact a guise of Latinos - Ron Zito in Fresno; we moved to Lodi, a Ron Zito look-alike Latino, similar personality, suddenly a friend of mine; Jack Teacher moves, & indiv. claiming to be a knight, moves w/me - figuratively. Phonemically, "Workin' on a night moves..." Approx. 2010, wh male warming up for softball @ Playfields Park, S. Davis, looked almost exactly like George Bush. "You're Bush to them, accept it" or similar, approx. 11 PM, bug code, after I brought that up, talking to myself. In other words, Bush signalling Davis of a deceptive long range plan of Davis - they're allowed to survive, & I'm trapped in the region - but they have to find a way to eventually honor me w/ something like presidential recognition, & of course, defuse their death row consps. In other words, the South decreeing I'm a slave & they get away w/it, by brainwashing me combined w/positive strokes, & Davis rebels - like chameleons, putting on an act of cordiality, etc.. Approx. 2013, wh male @ softball game, code directed @ me, "I can see your mind working on a boy - good job!" But the code wasn't a scenario where in this slavery menagerie I might eventually be working w/youth, such as working as teacher, coach, etc, (which would still be a slavery menagerie), rather, it was code that Davis rebels can claim there isn't a Red Sea judgment, because no one can see, or picture, me forming & raising youthes - according to them, that simply isn't an option - & based on that presumption, that produced the code- Davis rebels' minds are working on me - w/help from other rebels such as W. Sac., Lodi, Sac., VV, Woodland - pressuring, forming, testing - I'm not an adult, I'm a little boy that they are "forming;" yard work - "Good job!" 1/15, 9:38 AM, Jan's main bath, cleaning & mopping; vision, "You're gonna remember - this was where;" I've reported this before, but approx. 2 years ago, when I first started working for Jan on Ipanema, I yelled in through garage door asking if I could use bathroom; Jan, somewhere in house said I could; but as I entered partially open door, she was in there in her underwear; she's in her late 50's or early '60's, & it was older fem. underwear, as opposed to younger fem. panties. She said she assumed I would use the other bathroom - but I didn't know there was another bathroom; moreover, she must've heard me coming down the hallway; i.e., 'Not this one - use the other one!' Approx. one year ago, Bunnie, on 10th St., strolled out onto backyard deck w/panties & shrt on, then causally, "I guess I'd better put something else on..." Jan's l.n. is Goering - as in 'blood & gore' or else, "go"-ring, etc., but if it's pronounced like Goerings in Lodi, it's more like 'Gerring;' the Goerings in Lodi owned & operated Victor Meats for decades until approx. 1990's, & they were best known for their sausages. 'I can see your mind working on a boy...' 'Gerring' as in 'g[al is] erring' - a gal errs, & hires me for indoor work - prospective wife is grandma age & wearing elderly lady underwear; but, if I stick to outdoor work - landscaping devoid of any butler work- such as @ Jan's, according to the rebels - w/Lodi assisting them - I might be able to marry a younger lady who's skivvies are panties! - The monsters' minds are "workin' on me" - training me - 'no indoor work, or you pay the price....' The vision of AR Landscape fence - Mexs., & it actually is a guise of spiritual fencing on behalf of Catholics - 'Jack Teacher must suffer if he wants to marry - & of course, he certainly can't be a TEACHER!' AR Landscaping ''A' [is] our[s];' - ARlington Blvd. (were the fence is (in vision as well)), they're claiming they can enslave & kidnap people & conspire & it's all for the Lord! - [D]arling['s] ton' - 'Is Jack Teacher going to have a ton of sex w/a younger darling w/panties, or an old maid darling w/girdle, underpants, etc.?' They claim Bob Seger gave them permission - knight moves & enslaves Jack Teacher. "I was a little too tall, could've used a few pounds..." "Working on a night moves/Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news..." 'A knight moves' - Mideasterners, according to their m.o. - attempting to lure &/or trap me into moving, claiming I'm a "knight" for rock; but, ironically, rock is "working on" them - training them or tracking - whichever is applicable. Movie theaters & drive-ins originally displayed the latest news before movies came on - breaking (front page) news headlines - the signs & wonders recently occurring qualify as this & more! But irregardless - don't allow corruption to be drivin' news in Freedom Nation! "We were just young, & restless, & bored/Livin' by the sword" - Sword of the Spirit - the Good News gospel. "I used her, she used me, but neither one cared/We were getting our share..." 'share' - sharing the word of God - Led Zep, "Ramble On," "I guess I'll keep on rambling/I'm gonna shaaaarre!/Sing my song..." (studio version). Frankie Valle & Four Seasons, "Sharey - 'Can you come out tonight?'" ("Sherry Baby") - 'share-y' - little 'share' - promiscuous fem. who doesn't share the gospel - 'can you repent?' Mideast & motels - I reported the code, pertaining to $0.5B hotel contemplated for downtown Sac. next to Kings' arean, & Mideast fem. clerk, vision or bug code, "That was our come, a part" (or 'come apart') see ADVANCING FROM TRUCK SHELL... report; Patels & motels, but the spiritual side to it seems to be an implied protest of the Savior being denied a room in Bethlehem, which is a good point, God becomes a man & entitled to honors.
But it's guise of Christian motives that is actually a subtle line; there's no indication from the Bible that they were lying in wait for the soon to be born Savior, & conspiring to deny him a room, so that he had to "get," & stay in manger - Israelites had high expectations for their Messiah. "Night Moves," "We were gettin,' our 'share,'" luring w/facade that those sharing the gospel usually have to "get" - Christianity is a religion that runs away from everyone; while it is the case that Slavs migrated North when the Mulsim Ottomans (Mideasterners) outnumbered them attacking Constantinople, approx. 1250 A.D., but extenuating circumstances, Catholic pseudo-crusaders showed up & started helping the Ottomans. Moreover, the principal of turning the other cheek isn't w/out merit, & doesn't automatically equate retreating - but as was demonstrated, could amount to a Thanksgiving turkey act of humility. This seemed to be the mssg. of Mideasterners, but now it's being denied. More cordial attitudes toward me than most of the other rebels in No. Ca., but very subtly ensuring I have to "get" - 'it's part of being a Christian, don't you know? Jesus did it from day one! Please! Can we talk?' Ojala is Spanish for 'hope' but it's derived from Allah, Muslim name for their god, because Mideasterners invaded Spain in 711, & although they were eventually defeated, they stayed on for centuries - so that they became a part of Spain's culture; they seem to be shadowing & reinforcing Catholics w/an alternate version of undermining the Jack Teacher plan, & Christianity overall - trying to be pirates for the Catholics; giving their stubbornness hope by stamping our foreheads w/"get" identity - despite we discovered & pioneered America, & first ones to explore space! Label us w/"get" labels, & the Vikings will toss you out w/their Terrible Swift helmet horns! So Mideasterners show up, & in actuality are no better than...non-Education Nation Catholics! The inventors of Algebra have to let plankton grow under their feet when it comes to entering the Promise Land??!!! But no one's being cute here; see BLACKS' ATTEMPT TO FINISH ME OFF... report - Buccaneers' pirate flag & 7-Eleven 'tamp' vision, indicating someone's dead & buried! Sausage - Goering Meats - 'sass, '[he] age[s];'' & Univ. Cov. church coconspiring - Cunninghams on Miller Dr., sign on front of their house, "SAGE," i.e, the monsters' minds are "working on a boy..." brainwashing me that I'm an overly spiritual sage, & any "sauce" won't happen until I'm old & gray & grandma age wife - "Night Moves," "Waited on the thunder/Waited on the thunder!/I woke last night to the sound of thunder/How far off, I sat & wondered;" thunder under the covers w/"sauce"? 'Waited...Waited...How far off?' Rebels say decades if @ all, & an old maid. BUT, THE SONG CONTINUES, 'I SAT & WONDERED' - GOD USED ME & ROCK STARS TO PRODUCE BIBLICAL STYLE SIGNS & WONDERS, VERIFYING WE ARE SITTING IN JUDGMENT OF THESE MONSTERS! Hummin' a song from 1962 - "Hammer Song," Pete Seeger. Thaw? Closin' in w/invasion! "We were workin'/Workin' & practicin'/Workin' & practicin;'" what were we working on & practicing? "Study to show yourself approved, as a workman that does not need to be ashamed, but is able to correctly handle the word of God," 2 Tim. 2:15 - prepping to contend w/those creating darkness; stalking, enslaving, & attempting to move us on.
1/16, "You just fid your chair," vision, 6:40 AM; possibly 'Fed'; i.e. those currently in power in White House & congress (Feds make up more than them, though).
1/12, "We're not house is wind," Dirk ch 3 10:04 PM. [EXCERPT, REPORTS SENT 1/17:] 1/11, "He doesn't have his 5" L.A. Rams coach, & squatting (code) 4:41 PM CBS. "We push past" ch 13 wthr Jeff, 5:20 PM. "You wind it" bug code, 5:21. "We'll lose that wind advisory" Jeff; "of a bout" "I'm not seeing it" 5:22 PM. 5:48, "That was our handle..." bug code or vision, Mom(?), 5:51, "You don't cure?" 7:20, "This is you don't problem" (or similar). "Women arrested for deadly DUI crash" 6:15 PM ch 3 text(?). [..] 1/12, "You just won't have Newsom - he quakes...You'll just have assume you're the lawmakers." Tough Shed 7:53 AM, fem speeded up inside shed (running in place, supposedly), & male speeded up outside of shed. 8:04 PM, skull behind blk goal net (Bucc.). "Winds will continue to diminish, as we have throughout the day" fem, wthr, 8:03 AM, ch3. 12 AM, vision of Matt Dillon being disarmed when I went to bed @ 12 AM; I then stayed up until 2 - up later occasionally.
[END EXCERPT]. 'Winned' code - baiting me that I'll assert it a particular way, & then claim I've acquiesced to the 'I'm knot a loud'/'I'm not allowed' consp.; I have to buy their 'wins' code ('winds'), or I won't have their 'throw out.' ('Your "stare" way lies on the whispering 'winned'' - rebels w/ whispered & coded confessions that Jack Teacher prevailed, but Congress & White House is some of those rebels whispering & using codes, so rebels are still in control, & they stare @ Jack Teacher all the way until he dies (murdered or of old age as slave) - ''stare' way to Heaven;' & they attempt to claim this deception might get them into Heaven - based on notion that (1)God allows conspiracies & deceptions; (2)based on UCC's confession that Arch gradually becomes a rock thown through the air (& out of the church) that makes Jack Teacher a 'tare' (non-Christian) - 's[ee?] tare, [is the] way to Heaven.' 10:03 PM, ch 3, "Humidity is sound" - 'hum[an] 'id' 'ity;' 'hum[ans are] 'i.d'[d' is ] 'ity;'' i.e., pay no attention to rebels i.d.-ing humanity - that's "sound" (rock music); thousands dying in fires & floods & shooting sprees - they demand their UCC tares - rock music & Jack Teacher! Rock & Hollywood have demonstrated singers & actors can be used to shine spotlight on Teacher profession - "When all I wanted was to KNOW - to be a rock, & not to roll!" Ch 13, Jeff (wthr), 10:19 PM, "Where we should w-be" round about confession, 'where we should 'w[ind]'' isn't "[human] be[ings]," it's deception. Jeff, "Looks like a second." "Right now, the southern part of our worst state.." Mex. fem. rptr, ch 13 (or 10), 10:24 PM.
12/14, "I got a little" 3:10 AM, fem bug code. "Everybody Hurts" video, Avril Lavigne, people letting her take things from their pockets, bags, etc. - isn't really applicable as far as using custs.' tools. "No one can take my death from me" (sounded like) Crystal Lewis, Christian contemp. singer, 2006 (live) Harvest Crusade, "I Believe In You;" lyrics are "No one can take my joy from me" & that's what she sings previously, but @ end of song, 'death;' Paul says we carry around the death of Christ in us (see also Rom. 6:11-14); so in context of spiritual mssg., it isn't necessarily a code, but could also be a code; stage has what appears to be multiple smaller versions of a pair of horns from stage of BeeGees live on TV, 1975; instead this stage (which presumably hosted other singers as well) has possibly 3 pairs or more, but shorter. You could say the lg. horns on BeeGees stage - 'take the bull by the horns' - implying look @ dirty pics, have sex; but - Harvest Crusade seems to imply small horns - i.e., be dirty or end up w/lewd tendencies, is possibly the implication - except BeeGees lyrics, "Here we are/In a room full of strangers/Standing in the dark/Where your eyes could not see me..." & "Now in my place/There are so many others/Standing in the light/How long will it stand between us?" It's an ironic twist on the smears of rock singers, as fornicating cruisers, drug dealers, etc. - & while supposedly open to following Jesus & Christians, but based on smears of churches, they evidently didn't want them to. But it simultaneously choreographs what I've been through - avoiding dirty pics as Christian ('can't "see" them') - but that was because rock stars were in the dark - right? Now they're in the light, now I can "see" them (& porn stars, etc.), right? But, the zinger, once rock is "standing in the light," & I'm supposedly wakened up to fact that everybody looks @ dirty pics, & I'm "in my place," where I'm supposed to be, it's, "How long will it stand between us?" IT WASN'T ME (OR ROCK) W/THE DIRTY MIND, & IT'S CORRUPT CHURCHES WHO MUST REPENT, OR BE EXCLUDED! The warlocks & compromising churches have to repent - being too lenient w/dirty pics, &/or attempting to dupe me that everyone looks @ dirty pics, & you're supposed to! Crystal Lewis, guest singer on stage w/Bryan Duncan, "Love Takes Time," I've reported the lyrics couuld be interpreted as seeming to give rebels permission to stalk me & use scanners - which has occurred - the last thing you need is a song implying they can commit such wicked acts - "See every part of me..." But Crystal, in live version, "see every part of me" gestures toward herself, & w/provocative grin - "oooo!" i.e., the song's lyrics are talking about fems. slowly compromising more & more of their values, revealing more & more of themselves - every part of themselves - to please men & "be loved," convinced that it's necessary - Lewis leaves no room for any other interp. of Duncan's song - from their perspective. As far as Lewis & 2006 stage, the supposed horns are rather stubble - from shaving; i.e., higher standards also facilitates higher pleasure & kinkiness in the marriage bed! Lg. lighted ball in the middle - 'Crystal ball[s]' for the Lord - rock & Hollywood - 'Christ, I'll ball for you!' The 2006 stage also includes a display of sun rays from above - 2 pairs. I reported "The Wonders of You" song, Andy Hunter, rap song, tracking blacks; CD cover design is 2 similar sets of rays, but tilted slightly instead of coming from straight up above; i.e., the sun has partially crossed the sky instead of high noon, you could say - a little later in the day. "From Alpha to Omega/No one is greater/While you're cuttin' the wax..." Cuttin' the wax, practice of trimming wax from wick of candle - symbolizing tracking wicked warlocks & those following them. How do you track them? Beat them @ their own game - 'cut the wacks' - I was led for a season (approx. 25 years) to operate in "spiritual military mode" (the Lord's Army) as far as masteurbation - in a sense, "don't cast your pearls before swine," was applicable; avoiding masteurbating - "cutting the wacks." As of 2019, God led me to hold on to what I have, & that includes avoiding legalism, & I'd accomplished what I needed to as far as the extreme standards. But I was also led that that doesn't translate to use of dirty pics - I repented of that when I was born again in 1986. Tracking hypocritical church leaders & those participating in rebellion sometimes requires high standards of purity, combined w/monk acts for a season (i.e., sun partially crosses the sky before mission accomplished). "No one can take my death from me" - you die to yourself & live to God - die to deeds & desires of the flesh, such as porn, dirty pics, etc., rock & Hollywood claiming no one can take their faith in Christ from them - w/greater zeal for Jesus that everyone else - "How long will it stand between us?" - WHEN WILL THE CORRUPT CHURCHES REPENT!!!???
Vin Diesel tracked Slavs - the recent reports were what God wanted to do for them utilizing me & rock & Hollywood, but they had deceptive motives of attempting to force me to get out - present-day Slavs - their truck is i.d.-ing Jack Teacher - 'Vehicle Ident. Number - Diesel [Truck].' Approx. mid-Nov., vision, "When all is said & done, you're going to 'see,' her son," pertaining to Mary/Slavs, as far as I could tell; i.e., marriage w/her contingent on compromise - acquiescing to looking @ dirty pics. "I lost a son!" vision, 1/9, possibly Taylor. 1/10, 10:30, "I want you to leave, it," & after praying about it & determining God was referring to Slavs, vision, "'I've given you,' head," 10:59 AM, & "Their fell, own," 11:02.
12/5, I reported the conspiracies of Sac., Sac. news - including as far back as the 1980's-'90's, w/sports reporter Jim Crandall, Sac City USD, Sac. State, Sac. Kings (see LONG SAC NEWS CONSP. & SAC. JIM CRANDELL CONSP. II). Vision approx. 5 days ago, "What were they created for?" or similar - referring to, as far as I could tell, NFL; possibly NFL supposed to have been tracking No. Ca., but, "You wouldn't take her, too" - '...,''T'-oo;' 12/6, 8:05 AM approx. - Israel Boone's sister. Indications are Kelce was trying to reduce justice to feats of endurance that God already led me to be vigilently watching for. I've got more than enough proof against Sac. 5:15 AM, vision of Travis Kelce, "This is where he doesn't kill, it." I was almost finished w/2 hrs. of juggling, & considering putting in another hour or partial hour, but I had other things I wanted to get done before leaving for work; the 2 hrs. was up @ 5:30; I put in additional 1 1/2 hrs. jogging that day. 12/5, 9:10 PM, "It'll be they don't take dumb" most likely referring to NFL. Approx. 12/2, finishing work, on Anza St., vision or thought of falling into a sink hole; that eve., report of fem. Pollard missing & evidently fell into 30' sink hole in Pa., her sm. daughter or granddaughter was left in car until discovered the next day. Vision, 12/5, "That was my Mom help," Taylor, 5:05 AM (Taylor's family is from Pa.). 6:19 AM, Tamara Berg, ch 3 wthr, "...start working its way toward the Great Basin" but she was referring to No. Ca., & there isn't any location known as the "Great Basin" - it was a 'sink' code; they are acknowledging the signs, & indicating the need to cover for them; 6:20, Brian Hickey, traffic, "That's where I'm headed, all; no!" 6:23 AM, volleyball player Bridgit, Sac State, coach rambling on about her abilities, & she or coach, etc., " kills..." supposedly referring to kill shots; "...# of kills..." ch 40. 6:25, former Ca. gov. Brown suddenly interviewed w/gray tie (Confederate). I.e., Sac & Ca. decreeing slavery & oppression is necessary, because I'm a bad character, & therefore No. Ca. rebels have no choice but to punish U.S.A. Bodega Bay Ct., W.D., driveway w/sm ramp, brand name "BIRDJIT" ('bird j[ail,] it,' possibly code to leave captivities to Sac & their volleyball connivings). Sheriff Hoeny, Butte Cty, " hard on parents, so hard on family members..." 12/4, 7:23 PM, school shooting in Butte cty, 2 kindergarten students shot & may die; shooter killed himself. 'So' - code for 'Soviet,' or Slavs; i.e., No. Ca. & warlocks are decreeing we have no choice but to suffer to make up for failing to intervene for Slavs, & because Jack Teacher is a failure - so Slavs are now more verile... 7:26, "...during the course between tonight & tomorrow..." unusual use of 'course' - because it was code. 7:29, ch 40 news cstr, " was outside the classroom, where 35 kids go;" but, kids belong IN the classroom; "...very hard to process, what those kids saw w/their eyes..." claiming kids "spied" the Utts - 'w[e're] Utt[s]' - & the West's Jack Teacher enterprise. 'where those kids "go"' - i.e., 'go' as in wiped out, ruined, etc. You could say I'm conjecturing, as far as interp. of sheriff's codes, etc., but context of decades of participating of region in manifest oppression, you can't really say that - that press conference & others decades before should've been denouncing the rebellion! The use of 'course' - kids in a classroom take courses, but after school 'course' is what the monsters are referring to, including Hoeny; news story of fem. Holly Ricketson suing Mattel for supposedly erroneous webpage addr. on toy box - Wicked movie doll - the addr. was for a porn site. Ricketson in law suit, referring to her daughter going to the website, saying she saw "...full on nudes" & "sexual intercourse..." - & the code word 'course' - Sac & Butte monsters referrring to me, claiming students "go" because of lewd acts - intercourse - after school. Therefore, "Soviets" get to watch America CRASH & BURN! Nevermind the teacher being smeared is also the one who exposed the Siberia sufferings - the biggest cover-up in history; almist unparalleled act of righteousness magically negated because the No. Ca. rebels said so - INVADE!!!!! - No. Ca. rebels are exposed, so the monsters actually attempt to dupe everyone that the whole nation has to self-destruct!!!!!
12/6, Forensic Files, ch 12 HLN, 5:55 PM, detective or medical doctor, code or slip of the tongue, "...inside a heel - inside a hole" describing crime scene evidence; I reported by phone that as of approx. 11/29, the minute I get off the bus in West Sac., my heel of my R foot is sore - almost to point of limping - 4 days in a row- fine all day long, until I arrive in W.S.; then Wed. late morning my L foot went into a rut next to a driveway while door-knocking, but it was @ a postage stamp size duplex - i.e., no one's hiring me to tutor, & that's always the first thing I say - "..tutoring or yardwork?" & small enough residences that there's virtually no front or backyrd, God led me simply knock on doors where there's a decent amount of work to do if you get hired - because it wasn't going to be tutoring. But after my L foot stepped into that rut, my R heel started aching really badly; instead of end of day, it was occurring as of 11 AM. & this coincided w/, more or less, the vision of falling into a sink hole in N. Davis as of approx. 5 PM also on approx. 11/29 or 12/2. In other words, my efforts to go out of the way on premises of tutor goals were simply adding to my struggles - willing to stay @ cheaper motel in W.S. to reinforce I don't have any lucrative "wealth acquisition" goals, & I'm dead serious about teacher goals, I'm better positioned to save money for F,L, & deposit, in case I get hired for jr. hi or HS teacher job - BUT THOSE EFFORTS ARE SABOTAGED BY THE MONSTERS - PHONES DESTROYED, LAPTOP ALMOST DESTROYED, ETC. - ANY SAVINGS FROM LOWER EXPENSES IS EXTRACTED FROM ME SYSTEMATICALLY BY THE DIVISION REBELS - NO CHANCE OF ANY HEELING IN WEST SAC/SAC, INSTEAD I FALL INTO A SINK HOLE DRAINING ME OF MY MONEY & COERCING ME TO END IT ALL W/SUICIDE!
12/3, "It was will Africa" 6:45 AM, ch 3 news; & before that, ad w/blk male imitating my Dad. "It's we're going, on" blk teen girl blk jacket, blk bk pk (42A?). "It's we downster" blk fem blk jacket, tan stkng cap, 7:03 AM 42A; 'we downster' (alternately 'we downstare') is Aggie rebels' decades long coded attempt to dupe me that I'm downcast or staring downward, & dumpster diving sooner or later is it. "We're having they mix 'em" teen blk girl, 7:21 (w/blk fem tan hat; "We still Ag," 7:17 AM (Ag - Aggies), "No, I'll have your money," (on phone, but code) 7:10 AM (pic sent). "For you it'll be far worse - in a second" lg wh male gray hair on bike, lt. gray shrt, 9:28 AM, Solito. "We're gonna go up her neigh'd it" 'purnade' - Purnell code (UCC rebels Ron & Gloria from same vicinity - N. Davis - Pintail Ave. (Pin Tail consp.)), mex(?) landscaper, 10:30 approx. "You won't give, your come on" 11:35. 11 AM, "We hez, a dream" bird, @ Jan's, ('hesitate' code). 1:45 "You're gonna have this can;" "You just mess out" Anderson & Alvarado. Aztec Solar @ Curt's, hood in front is trunk, & lid was open, 1:15, 72138B4 (or ..30B4). "You'll have this can" 11 AM approx. "Asshole - we missed!" Curt, 1:32. 2:03, 2 wh males Prime drivers, (or Fedex) arrive @ Millers - in Penske truck. Approx. 1:30, I braced myself against trash bin before throwing clump of leaves into bin (getting up from weed-pulling) - no need to be technical about it, but monsters are desperate. Then 2:49, bending over front flowerbed grabbing clump of leaves & weeds, braced my arms on brick siding of flowerbed - ordinary activities, but someone was claiming it was a begging gesture - "You're not gonna be taking this over, clever" 'k[ey] lever[age];' bracing yourself using a table, fence, tree, brick siding, etc., isn't unusual when weeding etc., where you're kneeling on ground & getting up repeatedly. But it was distraction from codes of Curt & Aztec - 'hole' - sink hole (12/2, Anza vision & fem in Penn.), '[he h]as 'hole,' we missed,' confession of Curt, but Aztec providing cover - 'A "z"' - claiming I'm asleep & didn't see it, therefore the engine is switched to rear & "engine" (power) is 'tour 'un' k[ey] ('trunk'); & '[h]as take [hi]s hole, our[s];' claim I didn't take that sink hole, where I'm dead because of these traps; Penske truck (pic sent), 'Penn[sylvania]'s k[ey], he;' doubles as prison code ('pen') if they were to succeed in duping me. Blks involved (Yolobus fem & teen).
I reported in LONG RANGE LEWD CONSP.... report, Spanish novel "El juego del ange'l," lewd scene - adult male watching underage fem undress from secret. Spanish textbook, published in Madrid, "Aspectos del sintaxis del espanol," Julio Nieto, 2000, p.283, "Que' rico este nin~o! Que' guapo! Esta' para come'rselo!" "How suculent this child! How handsome! He is to be eaten up!" Lewd implications, but also the witch of Hansel & Gretel fattening them up to be eaten! - In a Spanish textbook!
(See BLACKS ARE SELF-CONFESSED... report - "You can't trust those singers as far as they can throw you!" - "Oh, Hey'll 'no!")
Irregardless of who invented football, the mssg. seemed to be accept criticism & be a good sport about it - if someone gives you a pile of s___, use it in the game! Football looks like a big terd - take it & run w/it or pass it, etc.! Foot others their legitimate beefs - such as Protestants, who had a bonafide biblical beef w/Catholics, & likewise, if blacks fall short as far as expectations as free citizens & leaders for freedom, accept the rebukes & be a good sport! Asians disgruntled for being all but forgotten by early church, accept their burnt offerings combined w/challenges to take on leadership roles in church.
Rockne attended Notre Dame Univ., Indiana, & the "Hail Mary" football play is from Notre Dame Univ., a Catholic school, & in fact it was invented WHILE KNUTE WAS ATTENDING, by player named Crowly - 1922. In other words built-in mechanism by Catholic football players tracking & praying for someone to defeat the erroneous sinless Mother Mary doctrine; Martian Luther was originally Catholic.
promoting men as leaders & affirming Brooklyn/NYInfo Rae Me's enables rock & Hollywood to claim they "knew it" - give Mother Mary warlock cults an inch, & they'll try to take a mile - sinless Mary doctrine of Catholics eliminates them as far as accurate rendition of the actually straightforward Bible text of angel saying "Hail, Mary!"
Red Man Flight Director Jim Thorpe, original pro football player (Cleveland Indians, 1921, NFL). Thorpe from Oklahoma (Bill Bright, evangelist - "Jesus Film"), Sauk tribe; named "Bright Path" @ birth. Strong enough to do a hail Mary completed pass w/a calliope, provided Guilded Show 'Em's, follow through - Jack Teacher is empowered to teach in a classroom. Thorpe attended Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Penn., where he met coach Pop Warner & played football; Burt Lancaster played him in 1951 Warner Bros. movie "Jim Thorpe - All American."
1/3, vision, "I'm gonna let them miss, count" 5:31 PM; soon after I placed report about Knute Rockne on internet. Indications are NFL has left rock musicians twisting in the wind; Taylor Swift has been dating Travis Kelce for almost 2 years, & instead of intervening for me &/or for rock musicians, it's "mum's the word," moreover, w/their quarterbacks systematically making trip wire displays - Landscaper Nick blk. football player Collin Capernick code - & as of this point blacks, w/help of other rebels, have done damage to my property & been involved in conspired attempts on my life - 'tour, have his kill, see?' - they're allowing blacks to have their kill, & simultaneously, halving - preventing - rock's & my day for justice. W/me making more & more reports, it's clear that Taylor's strategy is if football players aren't going to respond & do their patriotic duty, an in-your-face dating session might help them to have a heart. But Kelce evidently sees himself as big enough & important enough that he & NFL can have the nerve & the clout to date a rock musician & simlultaneously blatantly dump on her rights as citizen of U.S.A., & continue to viciously rob them & me of our rights to enjoy freedom of religion to its fullest, & MOREOVER, CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN A NATIONAL REBELLION INSTIGATED BY CORRUPT CHURCH LEADERS & BLACKS!
Rockne attended Notre Dame Univ., Indiana, & the "Hail Mary" football play is from Notre Dame Univ., a Catholic school, & in fact it was invented WHILE KNUTE WAS ATTENDING, by player named Crowly - 1922. In other words built-in mechanism by Catholic football players tracking & praying for someone to defeat the erroneous sinless Mother Mary doctrine; Martian Luther was originally Catholic. promoting men as leaders & affirming Brooklyn/NYInfo Rae Me's enables rock & Hollywood to claim they "knew it" - give Mother Mary warlock cults an inch, & they'll try to take a mile - sinless Mary doctrine of Catholics eliminates them as far as accurate rendition of the actually straightforward Bible text of angel saying "Hail, Mary!" & breaks any "hail" thorn in the side scenario for Guilded Show 'Em's, provided they follow through & Jack Teacher is empowered to teach in a classroom.
"'The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,' says the LORD of hosts," Haggai 2:8; Rockne's stand possibly actual, or symbolic, but that doesn't affect the veracity of it; if Knute Rockne in actuality didn't display any concern about rock music, or similar attitude of recent NFL players - & in fact it wasn't around yet during most of his life - on the other hand, it seems as though rock was answer to their prayers - his premier sports jacket is same as my graduation sports jacket (alternate name for suit jacket - in the spirit of being a sport & accepting criticism).
Matt. 7:13, 14: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But straight is the gate, and narrow the path that leads to life, and only a few find it."
"Stairway To Heaven," "Yes, there are two pathes you can go by/But in the long run/There's still time to change the road you're on..." If you are saying 'yes,' you still haven't chosen the straight & narrow path of Education Nation - warlocks' consp'd strategy - 'stall - contemplate the two pathes - The Eagles' "Long Run" hit from 1980 - then they broke up!' - Instigating their "congregations" to stall & lie in wait for their prey to give up! I wanna say, "Aaaaaaah!" But 2 Cor. 6:2,
"For He says, 'At the favorable time I heard to you, And on the day of salvation I helped you.' Behold, now is 'the favorable time,' behold, now is 'the day of salvation!'" Just say, "NO!" There's only one path that leads to Heaven - the 'No' Education Nation plan.
Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!" "Your head is hummin' & it won't go,/'In case you don't know,/The piper's callin' you to join him;'" i.e., Education Nation heads the church w/Jack Teacher plan - don't be saying, "The piper's calling you to join him;" it isn't the piper (music), it isn't theater, it isn't sports, IT'S EDUCATION! If music is causing you to go astray, rock musicians give you permission to crash those calliope pipes to the ground! Don't budge from the Education Nation Jack Teacher plan of red, white, & blue - be an immovable rock that doesn't roll!
Eagles "Long Run" "Who is gonna make it, we'll find out/In the long run/We can handle some resistance if our love/Is a strong one..." 1980. But approx. 1975 they'd already said in "Lyin' Eyes" "She gets up & pours herself a strong one/& Stares out @ the stars up in the sky/Another night, it's gonna be a long one.." referring to fem. cheating on her husband - so 'strong one' already defined as a strong drink, if Eagles' love amounts to a strong drink of alcohol, they've hit a dead end - & they broke up that same year. & 'long one' is close enough to 'long run' - a match! The Eagles are, & always will be, drinkers, & Jakc Teacher is the dupe - is the facade! But it was an act - 2003 they're back together, w/"Hole in the World," talking about ending pain & sorrow in the world & entering the Promise Land - figuratively, Heaven. But they lured the warlocks; as of 2003 I was being persecuted systematically & struggling to have any income @ all; I was led to refuse anything from my parents, so that they could avoid getting tangled up or deceived by the schemes of No. Ca. rebels; but 2002 my Mom called w/$1000 inheritance from Great Uncle Gene, specifically for me (& same for Laura), & I was led I'd passed my tests & I could accept, & any care packages from them, or any loans they might be willing to give. & both my parents loaned me some money, & used Christmas & birthday to pay my phone bill, etc. But the warlocks lost a small amnt. of control w/those gestures. 2003 Eagles song seemed to reinforce it; codes were already occurring, & 'hole in the world' utilized 'lend' phonemes - 'there's a 'ho lend...don't let their be a 'ho lend...tomorrow,' & W. Bush took that as rock signalling victim doesn't get any breaks - 2004, Bush in televised mssg., "Something's gotta give, & it's giving!!!" A loan isn't a gift, care packages are; but the point was the nation's president pressuring my parents in round about way to stop giving me loans or care packages. My Dad passed away soon after that, age 71, on Good Friday - same calendar day Jesus died; i.e., God prevented him from becoming jaded by crooked leaders. @ end of "Hole In the World" Henley says, "'Sing it,' Joe's" @ 4:00 in studio video; tendency to think he's referring to Joe Walsh, but it's 'Joe's' - they tracked the warlocks' cold psychological warfare tactics on my parents - "sing" - expose their vile tactics!
1/1, according to Fox news, driver of truck that killed 15 people & injured others in New Orleans(see BLACKS ARE SELF-CONFESSED... report) was Mideasterner Ben Jabar; affiliation w/ISIS. Subsequent report referred to him as Shamsudin Jabar; 'Ben' in Hebrew & possibly Arabic, 'son of;' so he's referred to by both names. Ben Jabar in New Orleans - 'Ben J[amin][abar in New] Or[leans];' I recently referred to "Drive" song & video, the Cars; band member the late Benjamin Orr (passed away in 2000). I reported "Drive" as demonstration of the various role plays of rock, using lyrics that sound promiscuous, compromising, etc., but usually w/double entendres - "Drive" interprets Boston's "Let Me Take You Home Tonight." The song creates a tension between 2 members, late Rick Ocasek (passed away recently) & Orr - both lead singers of the band; theme of supposed varying of moral caliber of band members & theme of male v. fem. in driver's seat as far as relationship. In fact, the Islamic terrotist group ISIS is same name as fem. super hero Isis from 1970's TV show, saying, "Oh Mighty Isis!" Women can be super heroes, but the Bible says men are the leaders. In fact, who was it that pointed out both Superman & Supergirl are adults, but Supergirl's name is that of a child rather than Superlady? In Farm Aid approx. 1981, Orr looks like blond version of David Cassidy.
"Who's gonna drive you home, tonight;" lyrics; "Who's gonna tell you when it's too late..." The song video has a fem. who is struggling w/altercations w/her lover. Orr's character is sitting @ table in cafe long after closing; almost everyone else gone - he didn't drive anyone home, he doesn't know when it's "too late." Ocasek's character is @ home w/fem.; she's upset, & @ beginning is in a mental facility, but then @ home, she & Ocasek's character are arguing, but it's demostrated it's pointedly verbal - no man-handling or violence against women. Subsequent music of Orr - as solo artist, "Stay the Night," song where he's enticing fem. to sleep over w/him; "Stay the night/It comes down to 'now & then'/...Stay the night/You lead, I'll follow..." the video features him writing songs, & his lover in scenes on the TV screen. "All Mixed Up;" Cars, Orr singing, "She tricks me into thinking/I can't believe my eyes/I wait for her forever/But she never does arrive/... She said to leave it to me/Everything'll be alright.../She's always out making pictures/She's always out to making scenes/She's always out the window/When it comes to making dreams..." Once again, the movie star fem. lover; & evidently, Orr's character takes that as leaving it to her. As far as I can tell, Orr's death was an act under cover; role playing David Cassidy to extent - & this is actually a theme - he's role played by Golden Earring, "Radar Love," "I've been drivin' on out...Brenda Lee's comin' on strong...One more radar lover's gone!" Those sacrificing their careers & role playing dying as example evidently are "Radar Lovers;" John Lennon, David Cassidy, Andy Gibb ("on principle"), Bob Crane, Linda Ronstadt (close enough),... Danny Partridge is role played by drummer in Pat Benatar band ("Promises In the Dark") & Greg Kihn band lead guitarist ("I Can't Stop Hurtin' Myself"). They seem to be creating a band member equivalent of me as teacher - rather than a flaky low moral standards performer (Cassidy toward end of his life role playing a heavy drinker - died in 2017 of kidney & liver failure from alcohol), I compare to a band member who has his act together - Rick Ocasek. I reported Mideasterner & Asian students, P line Unitrans, 12/27, followed by blk male in red wheel chair, "It would be mercy...people dying" 42B approx. 6:04 PM, following 'bourbon' code, P line, Asian male, 5:17. 1/1/2025, immed. following report on TV about the slaughter in New Orleans, coded comment, Belair motel, possibly Mideast clerk, "That was what our knot?" 10:10 PM. 1/1, 5:40 PM approx., vision, Elton, "We're gonna Hap him," Hap, cust. on Elmwood Dr.; 5:45, Mideast male reg'ly goes by me on wh scooter on 2nd St. in downtown, as I jogged by wh male student getting out of car, Mideasterner went by saying to him, "That's you can't 'app' him," i.e., Aggies can't attempt to force me to 'apply' to blacks (such as for a job @ Pinol) - due to their wicked terrorism - blatantly trying to ruin me in Davis. Nevertheless, rock stars tracked their communication - motives of tracking blacks, but the rules are I'm still landscaper slave, & in fact, attempt to "close" my landscape business - 'we close, the dark..' tracking blacks ('dark[ies]'), oh, darn, means victim is reamed more, according to them; Hap hasn't hired me in approx. 2 years; his wife made coded comment to roofers next door, "He would rape me" approx. 2 years ago while I was removing bamboo roots; Hap has only hired me once since then, but his wife wasn't there; soon after that incident, vision of her being arrested @ her home & taken away. Code was eliminate my customers; Benjamin Orr - Benjamin Moore paints - my work repertoire includes painting, but associating it w/New Orleans slaughter is conspiracy to create a '[window] pane 'T'' - work eliminated & w/out place to stay - oppressive motives that God then used to verify my character w/Guilded Show 'Em's help. BLACKS IN NBA IMPLICATED: Jabar, Muslim w/car careening into people - NBA Muslim player Kareem Abdul Jabbar (converted from Catholicism) - name says it all - blks rejecting freedom provided them by Christians spells disasters; 'jab [is] our[s];' i.e., submit to slavery or it'll be far more than a little jab! Jabar looks a lot like No. Ca. rebel from Lodi & Sac., Steve Mora; while hostage in Yolo jail, 2007, newspaper w/pics of 2 Mex. males wanted for terrorism - they looked like former co-workers from Richmaid, Steve Mora & Ruben Covarrubias - both from Sac., & possibly both currently residing in Sac. It wasn't them in the pic., but it was 2 indivs. who looked almost exactly like them; i.e., gov't. sending me discrete warning of the extent of their conspiracies - coconspiring w/Ron Zito in Fresno, but also w/Davis rebels. I'm not singling out Latinos, I'm reporting I've been briefed by gov't. that my past friends, some more than others, are traitors to the nation. Nevertheless, you can't overstate the extent of involvement of Steve Mora; Ron Zito was next door neighbor in Fresno, adult w/kids Scott, Gary, & Mike, wh. wife; he split up the family & sent them back to Lancaster to make sure I didn't have any sports friends (Scott & Gary avid Little League players); when we moved to Lodi, I started working @ Richmaid @ 15 1/2, & w/in a year Ruben & then Steve working there, from Sac. - I didn't put two & two together @ the time, but as far as looks & personality, he was a younger version of Ron - both had white accents & looked almost exactly alike; although I was 16 or so, & he was approx. 25, we became friends. Ruben's older sister Patricia used to be a news reporter @ KCRA ch 3 Sac. - ''cover 'rub 'yes'' - sophisticated plan originating in Fresno, where I had paid teacher job - full charge of elem. age Summer School classroom despite I was jr. hi age; conspirators architecting facade of a "rub" w/Davis, utilizing a non-educational 'yes' profession as lever to eliminate my 'no' teacher career. 1/2, front page of Sac Bee @ cash regs. @ Raley's, pic covering the entire page, "TAKE THE FIELD" - A's baseball story - they are temporarily in West Sac @ Rivercats field, & A's colors match Sac Hornets colors; elderly wh fem in front of me w/walker, pushed walker on cashier side of counter - i.e., 'you're going to have to walk me, as far as how to go about "fixing" A.' Ruben was state wrestling champion in HS; they weren't messing around - my teacher career was history, one way or another, the objective, & downhill from there. Steve wasn't a Christian, nor any spiritual propensities; one of my biggest hurdles to following Jesus was seeing past satan's lie that no young people are Christians; that had been my experience in Lodi - if I became a Christian, I was convinced I'd lose any & all friends. @ any rate Steve came to Lodi as spy & plant coconspiring w/Ron, trying to put a wedge between me & God, among other things. IT WAS A SOPHISTICATED OPERATION, READILY RUINING FAMILIES TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS - "COLLATERAL DAMAGES," SCHWARZENEGGAR - CHILDREN ARE EXPENDABLE. Catholics' acts of undermining Jack Teacher Education Nation plan originates from the "rub" between East & West - Eastern Orthodox (true) & Western Catholic (universal) branches; Constantine sought to minimize any disagreements w/Council of Nicea, AD 325, where branches affirmed the Nicean Creed; but the rift wasn't completely resolved, & as of 1204, Fourth Crusade of Catholics diverted from goal of invading Egypt & instead sacked Constantinople, the capital of Orthodox Byzantine Empire. The pope did excommunicate the crusaders, but it was a round about extraction of a "rub" payment. The on-the-fence m.o. of Catholics as far as Jack Teacher plan for America - melting pot "approved," education nation "denied," is the overall motive for the No. Ca. 'Cover 'Rub 'Yes'''- a 'yes' occupation which essentially handed Davis DIVISION rebels the ultimate reinforcements, w/motives of dividing the St. Louis Arch & restoring the "adored" South Confederacy (Jefferson Davis "Identity" Dorm on Russell Blvd.).
Covarrubias - 'Cover Ruby['s] Us;' Jack Ruby, nightclub owner in Tx., shot & killed Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of Kennedy (Catholic president), Nov. 1963. The nickname of Ruby - basis of claiming Kennedy was a good president - a precious "ruby;" but Kennedy acted cordially & hospitably toward Krushchev when they met in two instances - while meetings to negotiate peace w/evil leaders @ times must occur, a leader who had personally slaughtered 50-75% or more of the Christians in Slavic countries wasn't entitled to any direct cordialities or courtesies, even as formality, from leader of Land of Free Home of Brave.
More closely measured & distanced formalities were in order, @ best. The buddy-buddy mssg. from Kennedy was dead wrong, & in fact betrayed @ least partial motives of Catholics slipping Communists favored treatment for killing all those Orthodox Christians. Jewish Russians the leaders of U.S.S.R. - Kennedy's treatment of Krushchev - he's their ruby - & so Jack Rubenstien (Jew) assassinated Kennedy's killer, Oswald. But they didn't succeed in "walling" Oz - & the ruby 'slip [is] hers' con is exposed!
1/11, Dateline, Brodey Murbarger accused & convicted of murdering Megan Nichols in 2014; the case is full of enough holes, deceptions, & parallels to Davis oppression as to constitute attempted murder of me. Rock & Hollywood have contributed to an environment in No. Ca. that amounts to a menagerie where my life's under a microscope & I'm a slave - but these conditions aren't unheard of; the differentiating factors in this instance are a scenario where the entire region is lock-step participating in enslaving me & consps. to end my life, w/out batting an eye, but moreover, conspiring & committing crimes against me w/out number repeatedly in public & no one stops them, to extent that Washington - Cap. Hill & White House - use conspiracy codes on TV & in public! It amounts to 3.5M rebels regionally enslaving me, & 30 years of oppression w/no one punished for it & the oppression allowed to continue. 2 examples of Hollywood & rock participation & shaping it - King of the Hill cartoon program (as far as I recall), character's best friend calls him but his wife answers, & the caller stalks her about running for school board member - that she doesn't belong around kids, etc.; she guesses who it is, & he then casually segways into asking to talk to her husband - as though stalking is an everyday thing, & it's among friends; Peter Gabriel, "Games W/Out Frontiers" w/lyrics, "war w/out tears..." wars usually have frontiers or battle fronts; the implication is you're stalking or playing games w/someone's life, & it's absent any care or concern about the consequences, including causing a war - the nation is expendable, if necessary. These manufactured conditions empower the rebels to commit crimes w/out number against me - if I want to lash out by cold-cocking someone, w/context of warrants, I disappear automatically, & my life is turned upside down again; moreover, w/3.5M rebels involved locally, any confrontation or damage I could do would only solve 1/3,500,000th of the problem - I'd have to do it again upon regaining my freedom from disappearing in jail days or mos. later, & this scenario repeating itself another 3,499,999 times. They are also aware that although seemingly everyone nationwide has caved in & is participating to an extent, composure & civility acts as a cover as far as nationally & internationally - the oppression has to look "appealing," or the rebels can't sell it as intellectuals in Davis attempting to deal w/troublemaker, & instead it's exposed as wicked rebels desperately jealous & greedy. The m.o. of rebels from beginning Davis atheist intellectuals (college profs, etc.) & warlock church leaders; both value non-violence; combine that w/more & more disasters & shooting sprees unmistakeably corresponding to oppression against me reinforcing avoiding any single act of violence that would focus full weight of vengeance on one indiv., & also have a provoking effect, & maintain, as NFL anncrs. have been saying lately, the 'death by a thousand cuts' strategy. In these conditions, approx. 1 wk ago, my laptop was repeatedly sabotaged, & codes coming from rm. next door @ Belair (#17); later it looked like mgr & clerk were in rm. 17 cleaning it, & mgr (Persian male) made coded comment that indicating he was aware of my notes - illegally eavesdropping - & most likely involved in the hackings. Last time I directly (in their face) confronted anyone @ motel for stalking me was Motel 6 , 2021, & police came soon after that & it was leave or go to jail; subsequently banned from that motel - it was a set-up. The confrontation part is totally optional - you could say it means you have more "salt" - tough guy giving some lip, w/possibility of a fight if the other guy loses control, etc. - but there's very little salt in deliberately being a fool & sabotaging your own room! They are baiting me to take it a step further, so they can call the police, & especially @ this point, warrant due to Panera/Groc. Outlet cases, I'm gone automatically - that isn't salt, it's stupidity! @ any rate, I didn't cold cock the mgr, nor did I yell; I may have elevated my voice, but (1)I verbally warned he was most likely involved in hacking my laptop, & those doing that are taken away by military; (2)I reported the facts to Feds by e mail & phone. When you have grounds to send rebels to prison, YOU DON'T REDUCE IT TO A SHOUTING MATCH OR BOXING MATCH - THAT'S CHILDISH! Moreover, because they are in so much trouble w/region's oppression resulting in disease, killings, fires, & floods, & because of their non-violent m.o.'s to begin w/, there's 2 sides to the coin - I made verbal warning, implying serious crimes committed by him - & I do this all the time - anywhere from once to 5X/day; typically @ least 50% of the time, the person you're saying that to, just the warning itself could provoke a confrontation; "Oh, YEAH??? What are you trying to say, I'm a CRIMINAL!?? You're asking to get your butt kicked RIGHT NOW, SUCKER!" Yet, they're too timid- because they're causing disasters nationwide! So, WHO IS IT WHO'S LACKING SALT IN REALITY?! Nevertheless, this AM (1/13), @ 5 AM approx., dream that I was considering walking behind 7-Eleven on L St. in Davis, because I didn't want to walk in front of the bldg. - supposedly timid(?); but I've walked past 7-Eleven on L, w/church next door, & often 2-4 homeless, usually males, hanging out next to the church bldg., dozens of times, despite on rare occasion one of the homeless males has tried to create trouble. So as far as I could tell, 7-Elevens are often Persian-owned; someone claiming I was too timid w/Persian mgr. @ Belair. But I confronted him - same as w/hundreds of others who have committed similar acts - & once again, they know they did it & they know that hundreds of others are committing the exact same oppressive acts against me, so their strategy is ignore my warnings, they look @ it as that's the rules - rebels oppress me - I can warn if I want, they ignore the warnings & oppress me again @ some point - ignoring my warnings maintains the status quo - victim oppressed 1000X/day & no one gets in trouble for it - responding to my warnings would probably upset that, & it would be to their disadvantage to some extent. But my point is the rebels are lacking in salt more than me, plus the fact they are traitors to the nation, period! 1/12, Tampa Bay Buccaneers v. Washington (DC) Commanders; a close-up of center of Buccaneers flag - lg. skull, but it was behind a blk goal net, or some other blk net, on the football field. I reported before I disappeared 2/19/2020, I had a vision of Taylor showing me how to fold up a lg. black soccer net - but it was approx. 2X as big as a soccer net; then w/in one half hour, knocking on doors on Columbia Ct. (i.e., District of Columbia - Wash.), wh male comes out swinging; I stood my ground & fought back but suddenly had me in choke hold, & I passed out momentarily & regained consciousness to see him walking back to his house (from sidewalk); attempted murder, I called police irregardless of warrant - wrong move. They didn't arrest him, & I disappeared in jail for 4 mos. Up until then, there was combo of new & old officers, & @ least occasionally a new officer seemed willing to listen to my accusations & more than once the other party was arrested. @ any rate, blk soccer net associated w/attempted murder & 4 mos. captivity in Yolo jail. I already reported the blk soccer net was also associated w/, @ the time, a former cust. named Mary on A St., w/back fence w/giant blk net on other side of fence in her next door neighbors' b/yard. She was no longer hiring me as of 2020, but in 2021, those next door neighbor Terry hired me - the net was for basketball hoop - prevent basketballs from flying over the fence, & basketball hoop - Goalrilla brand; i.e., the giant black net symbolized consp. propping up blks. & Davis rebels simultaneously, duping athletes to act like gorillas & trap me; Terry was a grandma - the aparatus was for her grandkids, who happened to live next door - Erin's - additional cust. along w/Terry, & no fence between yards - a double-sized yard. I've reported this black net/Goalrilla hoop before; but @ 5:30 AM, staying awake & praying, vision of a tamper, possibly hydraulic, tamping down soil next to 7-Eleven on L - as though someone buried; Tampa Bay code. Moreover, the Dateline story of Megan Nichol murdered in 2014 - same l.n. as former customers Andrew & Esther, & daughter who acted inappropriately, w/res. on Rd. 97, out in country; daughter & son-in-law of former cust. Helen DiCarlo. @ Bunnie's on 10th St., this morning, friend of hers visiting while I laid some bricks & mortared them, thin wh fem short gray hair; "I'm gonna bless your company, Esther!" 11:25 AM - there was no Esther there - code. Murbarger originally said he didn't know anything about her disappearance, but years later he said he knew she was going to be running away, & had gotten in an argument w/her the night before. Dateline story, 3 years after Megan's disappearance, farmer near Fairfield Ill. (corresp. to Fairfield, Ca. - where I was hostage in Solano jail 4 mos. in 2014 - released on 9/11) noticed something "shiny" in a field - it was a human skull; & that was the remains of Megan. The FF police had found a lg. stain in trunk of Brodey's Dodge Avenger, but tested negative for blood. Megan's mother, Cathy Jo Hutchcraft; 'U' oppression in Davis, 1999-2000, Jeff & Cathy Workman. FF detective, Keith Colclosure - sounds like 'cold cock' but also similar to Karl Kolchak - "The Night Stalker" TV series from 1970's starring Darren McGavin; & Uncle Tom's Cabin novel was followed by blacks as far as 'Jack Teacher gets a cabin or shack @ best.' Soon after discovery of body, FBI joined investigation of case that had been considered closed; Brodey had sold the Avenger to junk yard, that sold it to someone else; they allowed another test of the stain, & it tested positive - using infrared, there were 2 lg. blood stains in trunk. First, the story has enough coinciding names, etc., w/Davis/No. Ca. that they aren't coincidence; second, there are glaring mistakes & deceptions in the investigations, third, @ the get-go it fits the m.o. of a stalking of me that already occurred - the victim looked & had personality like Gabby Petito; & the name fits w/another attempted stalking - Megan's Law victim - law was passed soon after I became homeless due to persecution in 1997 - after being a youth leader in Edge youth group that included member named Megan Parfitt. In actuality, that stalking facade was turned on it's ear based on their concessions that I was a very busy R.E. agent who made a lot of calls - "It's me again!" but though they tried to conjure up that I was crossing the line w/call, call, call scenarios, I had been law -abiding - just busy. My claim to have been a teacher already when I was in Jr. Hi was a Journalism teacher - no newspaper is complete w/out a "Go Ask Gabby" advice column (doesn't have to be gossip or rumors); i.e., it's a dig @ a teacher profession from back in 7th grade; & @ the time of Gabby's death, I was having visions about Taylor - blonde vaguely similar in looks to Gabby! Brodey Murbarger - Davis had a burger cafe @ Richards Blvd. exit on I-80 for approx. 40 years - Murder Burger; approx. 2008 the name was changed to Redrum (murder backwards) & it closed approx. 2020. Lodi - cafe named Brodey's. Vision 1/10 early AM, "You won't have your Dodge!" & that morning, talking to Mike, Persian male from El Macero Dr., hired me for work @ Wahl & Snyder res., & talking about getting rid of his Dodge truck. Investigators argued @ Murbarger's trial that Megan had been strangled to death - how can you determine that, when the remains had decomposed to the point of a fully exposed skull? Moreover, they established it was her blood - yet no one hypothesized anything about her being stabbed & bleeding to death, etc.! Upon stain testing positive for blood - which could be inadmissable due to car changing hands - that wasn't discussed; Murbarger then says he had sex w/Megan when she was on her period, & blood got on a shirt, & shirt was then in the trunk; they never discussed how it could be that much blood (lg. stains) - BUT MOREOVER, MEGAN WAS 15, & @ TIME OF MURDER, MURBARGER WAS 19! & NO ONE BREATHED A WORD THAT THAT CONSTITUTED STATUTORY RAPE - & HE IMPLIED THEY HAD SEX REPEATEDLY. Moreover, the vision of the automated tamper next to 7-Eleven, & Tampa Bay context - seems to be a clue - why would Murbarger leave the body almost on top of the soil - a 3 in. grave, rather than digging a hole & tamping it down??? - as though he (or the murderer) wanted the body to be found - & the skull - Tampa Bay Bucc. logo - pirate's flag w/skull - behind the black net, 1/12 game. He was convicted, & probably did it, but I'm reporting the deceptions occurring w/out number. Approx. 10 AM, 1/11, Leaf Laundry, radio, fem singing repeatedly, "I want to kill her!" Ironically, the nighmarish stalking of me is producing iron-clad case against blacks; their continued attempts to finish me off despite my efforts to help women w/higher standards - the Tampa Bay skull trapped in black net - rather than my skull, it's Megan's - they are ruining America's youth & children, such as Megan; Megan a symbol additionally for Gabby, skull ending up dead & tamped down in grave - Jack Teacher is Mr. Petito-Head (Mr. Potato Head). Where does 7-Eleven come in? These consps. are occurring in plain sight of Mideasterners, but they are bent on preventing me from being a teacher - their deceptions prevent them from solving crimes, & a dead body could be buried right under their noses & they wouldn't know it - which more likely indicates they're going along w/it!
Capital Gyros, 3 doors down from Belair - same location as Hefty Burger (Hefty sign is still @ entrance), where they attempted to claim my restaurant & retail mgmnt. skills were defeated in approx. 2015, menu board unmistakeable chalkboard motif. & also, despite it's mostly Persians that work there, they are careful to pronounce it 'gi'ro,' inst. of 'hero;' i.e., 'G.I. [death] rows [you].'
11/24, ", & jor gift..." fem, TV ad, TBN 1:57 PM, 'YOUR' SOUNDS LIKE 'JOR', but she wasn't Latino - 'Michael JORdon' code propping up black Outlaws. Grace Rev Online - GRO - coconsp.'g w/No. Ca., 'G [is] our [death] row;' how? 'G.I...' - 'G[al files legal action -] I...' ('I' symbolizes legal information of accusation); i.e., 'gal' becomes code for another Ellie consp. Latinos & Spanish sometimes pronounce 'y' like 'j' due to Spanish 'll' pronunc., - double l makes 'y' sound in Spanish, but Castellano dialect, it's a soft 'j' - such as the name itself - 'Castejano.' It's possible this dialect pronunciation has it's roots in Jack Teacher skepticism of Catholics - aware of English word for 'jail' starts w/'j.' 2:01, "You aren't gonna harm on 'em," vision; i.e., attempting to cover for Prince' s consp. of 'another' Jack Teacher (reported) - Catholics, Spanish, & Granatos ('tia' - aunt). "Alright, you just can't keep your ___" ('come on'?) notes unclear; 2:10. 2:46 "You can't boner here" or '...bone her here' bug code. 2:32 "We can't be breaking Jew" bug code.
11/24, "You'll just sidonna record" 12:06 AM - possibly Madonna test of high standards even before I became a Christian; "He'll just kill 'em having sex w/'em" 12:07 bug code (reported), & "This is where he's raping 'em" lying on floor w/brn swt shrt purchased from Ross, 12:15 AM. "He would keep 'em, run" (sounded like) 11:56 AM (laptop screen sabotaged). "We'd better run him, his bluff," 12:05 (laptop sabotaged - stopped functioning until eve. of 11/28). "He won't know our address" male mgr, Belair - demonstrating they were involved; i.e., phones & other equipment systematically destroyed - constructive (& illegal) eviction. "Doug aim aground" 12:11 PM; mex. male on Yolobus - 'aground' code - Gilligan code - "A three hour tour/A three hour tour/The weather started getting rough...The ship's aground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle.../No phone, no light, no motor car/Not a single luxury..." - "Castaway" consp. - the code translates to double entendre/double oppression - deserted & 'guil[ty] again;' - jail or oppression in place of jail - isolated & amenities systematically destroyed; West Sac has to keep the Davis custom going, or No. Ca. is exposed. "We mix you, co." 11:48 AM. "He's able to have a swift C.O...." News Nation 10:24 AM. wh fem blue dress - 'C.O.' - 'correctional officer' jail terminology. "You were just told" 10:39. "11 spices;" KFC ad, 'all even, spy, says' 10:38 AM - predicting I'm going to let them go scott free; also, I usually go to bed @ 11 if I'm getting up @ 3:15 for juggling. But, they expose themselves - KFC - 'k[ey,] A, F[%$& 'Him,] see?' or alternately, 'k[ey], A - F[&^% Red] Sea [judgment against rebels]' - blaspheming God & Jack Teacher plan. 11:42 AM "You're gonna rake" male, rm 17, lg. blue 4X4, lic pl 62749F3 - i.e., 'F&%* [you], 3!' [EXCERPT, PREV. RPT.:] 11/20, mex male orange Estes shrt, bag w/3 lrg. fountain sodas, 6:31 PM 42B - possibly code pertaining to Taylor w/guest Steven Tyler, "I Don't Want to Close My Eyes" song ('cause I miss you, babe/& I don't wanna miss a thing...'), after duet, Taylor cheers 3X; context is this same Estes emply reg'ly uses stalking codes. "We're not gonna let you, a round" Persian male emply, Cap Gyros, 6:35 PM; i.e., Missouri/blue 4X4 double hit (website 2 wks ago, then laptop) - Belair & Gyro clerks involved... [END EXCERPT]. As of 2008, (& long before) 'watch' as far as justice for me had become 'watch' as in people watching a movie - as though my life is fiction & no one could intervene - the same as you can't intervene for a character in a movie - you're only "watching" the movie. Stocking caps became known as watch caps as of 2002 or so, & Carhart brand suddenly emerged. "Don't Want To Miss A Thing" - expression usually pertaining to watching a movie or sports event; if you want to say you're marriage is the stuff of dreams, like you're in the movies, the expression might be appropriate.
[EXCERPT, REPORT SENT 10/22:] 10/15, 12:12 "You won't be keeping us, a ground" blk male on bike, dk gray shrt, bald (sounded like - @ first I thought he was talking to someone on phone); 'aground' is from Gilligan's Island theme - 'guil[ty] again;' oppression code; 1 min. later, 12:14, @ pkg lot of Lava Laundry, fat blk fem yellow jacket, standing next to a car doing nothing - until I was next to car, then she opened rear door - code that they are kidnapping me under guise of arrest (pic sent). [END EXCERPT] Equipment destruction is in leiu of kidnappings & jail oppression. ALSO, 'GUIL[TY] AGAIN' CODE IS THE BIGGEST FARCE IN ALL OF HISTORY!! UNEQUIVOCAL PROOF THAT PAST OR PRESENT, I'M THE ONLY LAW ABIDING CITIZEN IN NO. CA. & IN THE NATION - INCLUDING PRESIDENTS & CONGRESS!!!! 12/23, McD. near Ikea, W.S., 11:45, "Bum! We gotta go codes on your phone," fat wh male red beard, lt grn shrt. - they're desperate - they can commit crimes, because I have a phone - TOTAL FOLLY! THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMMIT CRIMES BECAUSE I HAVEN'T AGREED TO GIVE UP & DIE YET! "We got drinks too! We got lemon drops!" 11:50, fat blk fem, red shrt, w/fat male red beard.
11/30, 1:06 PM (immed. after making preceeding of this report) "The First 48," investigating murder, det. Carlos Castellanos (Miami?) purchases 2 coffees to go in bag (same as mex. male, Yolobus, 3 sodas in bag), ch 31; they then report investigating 2 children crying in back seat of SUV, & their mother dead in front seat; SUV owned by Joaquin Vincent, & victim identified as Galene Germaine, a Haitian immigrant w/aspirations to be a R.E. agent; her sister's husband says of Germaine's husband, "He's the principle suspect;" i.e., vague school-oriented language (principal, Spanish teacher (Castellano)), but 48 is double 24 - rock's & Hollywood's tracking included tracking church leaders who attempted to negate the Jack Teacher plan out of jealousy - first Catholics, then Protestants (warlocks), & then Orthodox branch - prolonged oppression of Jack Teacher - amounting to cursing the Jack Teacher plan!
As of 2008, (& long before) 'watch' as far as justice for me had become 'watch' as in people watching a movie - as though my life is fiction & no one could intervene - the same as you can't intervene for a character in a movie - you're only "watching" the movie. Stocking caps became known as watch caps as of 2002 or so, & Carhartt brand suddenly emerged. "Don't Want To Miss A Thing" - expression usually pertaining to watching a movie or sports event; if you want to say you're marriage is the stuff of dreams, like you're in the movies, the expression might be appropriate. Tyler seems to be manning any supposed Ellie scream behind warlocks' conspiracies denying me justice & readily utilizing "movie" watch as opposed to justice watch; loud scream in middle of song, & long scream @ end. I reported the gutteral moan emulated by state rep., referring to something pertaining to Newsom, & "We have our death moan" or similar - & report of this suddenly missing from all my files - this was why they sabotaged laptop for a week - so that I'd stop carrying it in my sidepack bag & leave it in my room, giving them access for an entire workday - which I did on 28th. The gutteral moan was imitating Greg Kihn in "Can't Stop Hurting Myself," live video; the sound could be someone exercising so much he's almost killing himself (figuratively), but it could be a moan of someone stabbed & dying, for ex. (literally), or even remotely a ghost or monster. I've reported the song seemed to apply in some ways to both me & her as far as enduring for justice - any assurances we weren't heading down the wrong path? The news report of the politician (approx. 11/15) seemed to be upbeat, as though possibly indicating resolve to provide me justice - but usually that's a distraction - whenever I've assumed that, it's usually playing into their hand. Vague vision recently of Newsom saying "He's gonna make it;" while that sounds like it isn't cursing me, context of being the sole revealer of historical feats & the accolades that involves, it's such a downgrade that putting it that way is more or less a curse; irregardless, if it's an attempt to assert a neutral stance, it's probably a distraction for bringing something against me or allowing No. Ca. rebels to do so; for ex., my Ca. tax payments were recently increased from $35/mo. to $50; but only 2 deductions from my account occurred, then suddenly a notice that I had defaulted - despite they have access to my checking acct., & the payments were deducted (how could it be a default?) I called them again, approx. 10/5, & fem. emply said the payment arranged by the previous state emply of $50 was too low; I furnished all my info, including that approx. 75% of my income goes to housing (motel bills), & she said she might be able to keep it approx. same in light of rent expense, & I'd rec. details in mail; but that was almost 2 mos. ago, & no info yet, indicating another possible surprise freeze of my assets. Irregardless, the moan of Kihn (& fact this report is missing) possibly being asserted as code from rock that I'm supposed to die, & it's the "icing on the cake" for rebels' claim that accordingly I can't endorse or promote rock or Hollywood w/out being in bed w/them & their conspired communications to finish me off. Kihn lyrics also become a scream @ one point in song. Vision of Taylor cracking a joke or making a movie - i.e., one or the other - I'm either stern w/them or I'm supposedly allowing delays that are claimed to be me wanting to be a movie star. But it isn't so cut & dried, as I've reported, because Guilded Show 'Ems' trackings are often kill shots. Nevertheless, Aerosmith's song's screams could be seen as another "icing on the cake" mssg. to rebel leaders - to go ahead & finish me off. But as the Journey song says, "You've been wrong before/Don't be wrong anymore..." Rock's endeavors to restore high morals for women goes so far as to attempt to man some of their worst fears, as far as I can tell. Tom Petty's "Here Comes My Girl" implies high morals enables sexual endurance never before contemplated; but the lyrics, "Shelly, hey, here comes my girl!" - Mary Shelley was still in her teens (adult as far as I know) when she had an affair w/married neighbor; it resulted in his wife killing herself; Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" was most likely expressing how she felt about herself & her husband - but if women will trust in God & have godly morality, he will keep them far from the cruel haunts of the wicked, Ps. 74:20. Petty in various videos suddenly has a conspicuous crease between his eye brows - possibly supposed to be vague Frankenstein facial feature. In other words, rock orchestrating a deep knight for women caught up in sin, while rebels asserting it's a secret mssg. to oppress me.
Long range consp. of Sac, blacks, Mideasterners, to maintain slavery w/slight improvement in conditions matched w/attempts on my life - under guise that I gave in. Those in business claim that business & sales is the pinnacle of occupations; those who aren't successful businessmen secretly wish they were; therefore, if you try to make it in business & fail, or if you try to make it in business & then change occupations, it's claim you gave in - quitter. & if you're already in volatile conditions, such as police & churches oppressing you, you're a sitting duck! I was focussing on Teacher career as of 2005, & suddenly new band in Sac., "Dance, Gavin, Dance." This followed the Eagles song, "Hole in the World" which was in fact taken as a cue that R.E. advances, etc., were taboo, according to rock - they decided it was a "heads up" that Sac had become "corny" by efforts to provide me justice in face of Doug Arnold's consp. of Yolo brokers to finish me off. In other words, 'who gave in?' Sac. brokers by giving me advances so that I could make a sale of a property - but the assertion also was I giving in by going back to teacher goals - chickening out in the game of business. They have extremely lg. egos that nothing else compares to them; in fact, the fact that I've demonstrated the high value placed on education & teachers by people all over the world, & by U.S.A. historically has no doubt shaken them up. The other instigating factor that seemed to fit everything together like a puzzle, 1970's series "Night Stalker" about investigator Karl Kolchak ('co.'ll [live in a] shack'), played by Darren McGavin - conditions of codes & stalkings constantly in No. Ca. matched w/series title; now all they needed to do was dare to 'make [facade that I] gave in' or alternately, dare to 'make [the one who] gave in [stick to his sales profession]' - both were applicable, & constituted regional slavery; moreover, inadvertently, they were acknowledging the stalking was occurring @ night - conditions of deception; & by conspiring to "dare" to keep it going was participation in perpetuating the darkness - they were joining Doug Arnold - Coldwell Banker, Doug Arnold R.E. - DARE. Further facilitating this regional conspiracy, facades while I was in R.E. that I was going to be king of Davis R.E.; one boy stood up in pizza parlor, "I said it first!" - double entendre of challenge for me to be first or #1 in Davis. I never once asserted it - by the grace of God, nor was it my pvt. prayer, because I had hoped somehow I could get back to teacher career. @ any rate, the 'king' facade was reinforced by Sac. basketball team the Kings & fact that I was shooting hoops reg'ly (4 or more days/wk) w/kids & college students, & as of 1998, Kings team was purchased by Joe & Gavin Maloof, casino owners from Nevada - & it seemed to spell out my strategy w/my parents - they're aloof - don't bother them for loans, or acts for justice on my behalf - despite my Dad's expression "...doesn't bother me...bother me...bother me..." Nevertheless, context of region aware that there was going to be a witness for rock (as reported), the McGavin "Night Stalker"series probably had something to do w/it. Maloofs were controlling owners until 2013, then it was purchased by Vivek Ranadive; literally sounds like 'ran a "divvy;"' i.e., someone overseeing something being divvied up - like taking the spoils after vanquishing someone; when Jesus was crucified, they cast lots for his clothing. & same as Jesus was crucified, death row conspiracies prevailed, & that was prevalent factor - 'Night Stalker' was the pattern for a reason - the goal wasn't accolades, but ending my life; stalkers aren't good, but evil, & they were accepting & affirming among themselves conditions of crime & oppression that was systematic & occurring in public - which amounts to rebellion! I also reported that as of Arnold Schwarzeneggar becoming governor in 2004, blacks as coconspirators - ('swore, 'it's nigger!'') became evident - along w/more & more evidence blacks were rejecting the notion of the Education Nation Melting/Pot Nation's plan handing them leadership for justice - rescuing man named Sherman - as duty due to Gen. Sherman (& Grant) - being the most decisive factor in freeing the slaves in Civ. War. Blacks' rejection of ready-made plan to bless them, but instead they were capitalizing on my defeat as a springboard to success for them - IN OTHER WORDS, THE NO. CA. REBELS HAD SOME NEW ALLIES - BLACKS AFTER MY DEMISE AS WELL! I didn't prevail in R.E., but my teacher career - WHICH I WAS DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT, W/SIGNS & WONDERS UNPARALLELED - WAS PORTRAYED AS THAT I WAS GIVING IN - A QUITTER! A TEACHER WHO SURVIVED & PREVAILED THROUGH NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE CONDITIONS W/CHURCHES & POLICE OPPRESSING HIM, & ADDS SALES & LEGAL BATTLE ABILITIES IN THE PROCESS, BUT INSTEAD OF WELCOMED AS A TEACHER W/ACCOLADES, MY TEACHER CAREER IS ROBBED FROM ME UNDER GUISE OF GIVING UP ON SALES PROFESSION! 'Ranadive' doubles as 'ran a dive' - dive bar, dive cafe, dive motel... Once again, w/death row goals or worse - strangulation, etc., they needed cover - a small concession to throw people off; I go from staying in truck shell, to eventually staying in low end motel rooms - labeled shacks - because most of the time the only thing I can afford is cheaper "dive" motels. Ranadive's first name - Vivek - 'vivid' or stark, & 'vi[deo,] I've k[ey]' i.e., live scenes where I'm almost killed - began w/in 4 years of Ranadive purchasing Kings - 2017, then 2020, & 2021; semblance of Mideast watch in 1997 & 2001 (Amin & Gorbenzadi) eliminated, w/attempts on my life & Vivek phenemically code for video or live action footage, indicates he was central figure in advancing the murder attempts while creating cover w/lsight improvement in living conditons - attempts on your life a vivid betrayal & spiral downward - living conditons a moot point if you're dead! Blacks coconspiring every step of the way - Shaq O'Neal became part owner of Kings as of 2013, until 2022; 'shack' smoke screen goals; 'own knee, all;' it isn't kneel & pray, it's Education Nation gets knee in groin from blacks - & it's lethal - Jack Teacher meets his demise, is the scenario. Nichelle Nichols - Lt. Uhura on "Star Trek" - 'knee, shell - [it's] Nickles;' blacks' communicating skip the smoke screens & go for the throat w/both attempts on my life & lewd conspiracies involving kids @ same time (Esther & Nickles' child - CR97 - see BLACKS' ATTEMPTS TO FINISH ME OFF... report).
1/14, "That's where we come, a part," (or 'come apart'), vision or bug code, possibly fem. clerk @ Belair, 6:28 PM, during story on TV about possibly new $0.5B hotel next to Golden 1 Arena (Kings). The implication is they were or are willing to do something on my behalf because I marketed Davis B&B Inn in the past. But while some of what I report is conjectures, Mideasterners' presence & position in No. Ca. increased, w/political leaders (Harris) & business/sports leaders (Ranadive) - they were positioned w/muscle & governmental power, to intervene on my behalf. Industry & ventures are worthless if the region is scandalously rebelling; so this communication seems more like attempt to flatter me - possibly pushing yet another button luring me to go back to sales. Originally Mideasterners set themselves apart, siding w/me boldly irregardless of anyone else; & there have been possibly 1 or 2 instances of police oppression involving disappearance directly by Mideasterner - far less than everyone else; but based on recent tactics of Harris, & especially Ranadive - as though a key figure in escalation to attempts on my life, & their involvement where I was banned from Motel 6 in Davis, proving
their original efforts were a false front designed to throw me off. 6:59 PM bug code or vision, "They'll just help you get, where it is;" guise that I have to that I can look @ dirty pics.
& to top it all off, Ca. then elects gov. Gavin Newsom - 'news 'em' or 'noose 'im'? Since Sac. news media is conspiring 24/7 - @ times w/so many codes you can't write 'em down fast enough, in attempt to defeat you, & none of them have been arrested nor confronted to report the stories - specifically should've been stories of Ca. & U.S. invading Davis, etc., years ago, eliminating the 'news 'em' argument. Considering the obviousness of 'noose' & death row codes, the 'irk' argument - it must be a watch to prevent it - 'we see where this is going - not so fast!' The obviousness has an 'irk' effect - a two-sided strategy (1)such blatant & public threats that it irks people that they must be kidding- so that those claiming to be watching over things are caught off guard & assume it must be a watch to prevent anything crazy, like sending innocent victim to death row - when in fact it is the actual plan; & (2)create facade that implies a watch, to buy time to conspire another attack. EX.: UCD BEING WARNED OF NOAH'S ARK FLOOD JUDGMENT, & 2004 THEY BUILD ACTIVITIES & REC. CENTER FOR STUDENTS - ARC - AS THOUGH THEY ACCEPTED MY WARNINGS, & JUSTICE IS THE GOAL - BUT IT WAS THE 'IRK' REBEL TACTIC - BUYING THEM TIME TO CREATE ANOTHER OPPRESSION ACT. & THE PROBLEM IS LG. PART OF STATE & CONGRESS HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY FOLLOWING DAVIS REBEL TACTICS. "he just found out where I'm not allowed," vision, Newsom, as far as I could tell, 1/14, 3:20 AM; i.e., he isn't "allowed" to go along w/death row consps. supposedly; but, '...where I'm knot a loud [spouse];' slavery, & if there were a marriage, it's controlled & monkeyed w/so that wife tends to dominate - keep your voices down - & free speech is curtailed while everybody becomes hypersensitive to noise (man's best friend is squelched) - like Star Trek ad, w/each generation getting quieter & quieter, until Janeway is whispering "...that's what Star Fleet is all about!" The 'irk' consp. literally props up the NICKLES/NICHOLS BLACK OUTLAW CONSPIRACY. iF NOT, WHERE'S THE INVASION???
12/29, "They start changing autistic" wh or mex. fem, glasses, yellow shrt, blue jacket, ch 40, 5:07 PM, neighbor of Waverly Flats apts. where youth died in fire. fem, red shrt, grn tile bkgrd, w/gun, & male arrested for selling ghost guns, 5:10. "They will address the crimes that are well outside the purview of..." Newsom (store thefts) 6:13 PM ch 10. Ca. DOJ, "...@ least 10 miles; address gap," 6:15. 7:14 PM, "Thank you for making the time" News nation, Geraldo Rivera ch 52; fem Mex. rptr; 'making' inst. of 'taking' - rock put it that way possibly as alternate viable (as opposed to code) expression that indicates work, make money - the best way to make or take a stand in these conditions. "We may never see his life again" 7:30 PM, Biden, (Carter); "...river blends..." male, interviewed, ch 52, 7:47 PM (or AM).
Sac. news terrorists breathing threats & playing the sex martyr if I don't report the exact verbage of their codes - convinced they've discovered a weak spot in Jack Teacher; 1/6, 7:01 PM, Nikki Lorenzo, Latino fem., ch 40, "I'll be Lee head;" context: Pocket/Greenhaven parallel story of 11 yr. old boy who was murdered in trailer park in Meridian, Sutter cty, Dixon, his mother, suspect; rptrs claiming they are "dicks" - I didn't bring up the child in Waverly Flats was autistic; "We hex; I've next week" Lorenzo - they admit they are witches. I was busy w/Ruby report - 'aw, tease, 'tick;'' monsters teasing me about rumors, etc., & God judges them. But these news monsters demanding details of reports in context of a thousand crimes/day committed against me is nothing less than more taunting & teasing. Dick Sharp, ch 40, re: Autistic child victim, "We'll know on bail," 7:04 AM. They also created sexual facade that they weren't "eating," (sexual) by their "sacrificial efforts" to nudge me about these "so urgent" details - 1/7, "I won't come on," ch 3, 6:59 PM, Lambert; & Eric Harryman, ch 40:
[EXCERPT, REPORT SENT 12/27:] 12/21, "flipped his car 6X" blnd fem w/pony tail, & sat back like fem in dental chair (ad), ch 51, 7:24 PM; Bravo, "TV14"(?). ch 10, "He's going to Norf&^%" 2X - Harryman, ch 40 (or ch 10); i.e., univ. he was referring to in report is in Norfolk, but he mispronounced it twice using cuss word. "...don't want to get your trucks on a phone!" 7:30 PM Xfinity. "You don't see you're here" 7:49 PM. ch 45 also said "TV14." [END EXCERPT]
I.e., claiming they are demonstrating humility by making sexual concessions, 'no or[al sex?] f#$%!' (cussing because of it). In other words, desperately putting on an act that their "test" of the thoroughness of my reports about these one or 2 particular stories was absolutely crucial, & they'd proven I'm careless - never mind the millions of other reports I'm making because of their deadly codes they spew @ a mile a min.!
1/2, "...sadly RFK Jr. later ate the turtle" Colbert, 11:46 PM; i.e., Kennedy acted concerned about conspiracies, but it was an act - Colbert in 'round about way indicating attempt to consume me (assuming idntifying me by my childhood pet turtle, Turtley-Tot). Cosentyx, ad, girl hopping; & vision, 8:30 PM, similar motions of Robert's daughter on Radcliff - Cosentyx covering for Davis rebels - co's sin - [he] ticks,' code. The vision was confirmation from God that I am being stalked by TV ads, & they are in bed w/local rebels.
1/4, "I have to weigh girl behind" code @ Belair, 5:50 PM. Vision, approx. 2019 of girl who didn't want to sit on an adult's lap; it wasn't clear why, or who the adult was in the vision or who the girl was. 12/2024, vision, referring to Taylor, "She's our 'girl'" God indicating Taylor's a particular girl - but he didn't elaborate in vision; wasn't necessarily the "girl" in 2019 vision. & in fact, I subsequently reported her act of relating to me & friend when we were teens, Lloyd, & our practice of shaking our hair to dry it - & as child, she could've been his twin sister. But, the terrorists desperate to assert she's the lap girl & they have permission to violate my pvcy in desperate attempts to claim they tracked me (as follows) - but it's millions of dinosaurs in hell for the individual - like piranhas attacking, only A LOT BIGGER! Good Feet ad, 6:39 PM, ch 13, "thinking about...your PAIN" sounds like harmless emphasis - maybe it is, but G1 is utilizing it to stalk me - mex. fem G1 automated ph mssg. "oprima...2" ('press...2'); ie.., G1 conspiring - additional automated system conspiratorial acts - a sm popping sound effect indicating program is working on your request - exact same sound as T Mobile - & no one else that I've come across; the sytem also wasn't accepting my ATM #, & no way to know they were closed - it wouldn't connect me w/emply - AFTER DISTANCING THEMSELVES FROM ANY ACTS OF OPPRESSION, SUDDENLY G1 IS WHOLESALE FOLLOWING T MOBILE - & it's Latinos that orchestrated it based on codes of a hit approx. 2 wks ago, & other codes - such as mex. fem. 1/8, while making this report (in real time), fat mex. male blue Dallas stkng cap, glasses, blue UCD jacket, "It is your hit" - indicating illegal eavesdropping on my report - report stating 'Latinos' & 'hit' - hacking (pic sent), 6:42 PM, Yolobus 42B - saying it's my hit, as though conceding something, but his awareness of what the report said is proof he was stalking me - a form of hit right then & there, & indicating hidden cameras, hacking, etc. - invasion of pvcy - the same invasion of pvcy that has included illegal scanning of my body; there's no guessing as to if it's occurring - I reported approx. 2017 - for ex., one of many exs. - I was in bed, under the covers, & bug code describing to me my every move - I scratch my leg, & the bug code said it, etc. They claim they can take liberties & watch your every nocturnal act & scan through blankets, etc. - EVIDENTLY THEY CAN @ THIS POINT, BUT THEY'RE GOING TO BE EXECUTED & TORTURED FOR ETERNITY IN HELL FOR IT . In this context, 1/8, on yolobus, I reported the following: 1/4, "We're never going to forget this, kind of happy" 6:46 PM ch 13, Disneyland ad, fem - immed. after I changed channel from ch 3 to ch 4 [& then 13]; ch 3 was child victim (ad where kids w/diseases are hammed up - but it rubs it in that I'm not allowed to teach); i.e., Disneyland claiming they can illegally eavesdrop & stalk me for not watching a child disease ad all the way through! Approx. 2 days later (according to my notes), another Disney ad, same mssg., but the characters in the ad were different - "We're never going to forget this, kind of happy," & couple kissing; & then immed., close up of face of sm girl looking up @ camera - & based on rebels, that's a code implying oral sex - the 'never gonna forget' code is dead give away - couples kiss all the time - there wasn't anything about that individual kiss that made it one that stands out from all the others, that they'd supposedly never forget - it was a stalking code pertaining to sm child & lewd position innuendo; & Disney recruited this terrorist mex. male, UCD jacket, Dallas hat - once again, 1/8, 42B, 6:49 PM, "That's your hit," & another code, timed w/report about girl & Disneyland - coconspired w/Disney, & possibly use of scanner - implied - TRIPLE AGENT TERRORIST - DISNEYLAND/GOLDEN 1/T MOBILE! Sac. broker Bill Dedman, 2000-2001, referred to in region as my "pal," but under guise of education goals, joined the rebels - I called his bluff & was whole-heartedly back to education goals soon after working for him, & instead of repenting & coming to my aid, it was continued oppression. 'PAL IS AIDS II:' Systematically oppressed & pressured from all directions - especially 'pal' TV news media such as ch 40 & stations - antithesis of providing aid.
"We're broker" W Cap, 1/9, 3:25 AM while making this report; 1998, while my parents were visiting & attended a hearing pertaining to false charges of Don Miller (who had been my broker), my Dad suggested I take the classes & become a broker myself, then I wouldn't have to deal w/oppressive brokers; I clued him as to long range goals - saying it wouldn't do any good, "because then I'd" (i.e., more broke); W.S. just confessed they're conspired goals are to trap me & eliminate my income. My webpage was sabotaged - taken down from internet, 1/8, I had to contact; 3:40 AM 1/9 - website down once again; I'm contacting - unlikely anyone's currently there @ this point. 2016, after one website after another joining Davis rebels & stalking me w/codes, etc., I started using; interestingly, they had main office in Tennessee, & branch office in West Sac. - main office subsequently moved to Texas; 4 years later, I'm cornered into having to stay in motels in West Sac.! The local "branch" was actually just a mail box @ local UPS store; but someone picks up that mail for them @ that location (Harbor & West Cap.) - A LOT OF WEB HOSTS PARTICIPATED IN OPPRESSING ME SO THAT I RESTRATEGIZED - REPORT THEIR ACTS OF OPPRESSION, BUT STAY W/SAME WEB HOST - RECOGNIZING I WAS BEING DUPED INTO CHANGING WEB HOSTS EVERY FEW MOS. THEIR RESPONSE TO THIS - RECRUIT LOCAL REBELS TO FURTHER SABOTAGE MY WEBPAGE!
Pinball Wizard video, Elton John & Who, Elton, "the Champ" dressed as lumberjack on stilts; his head jerks slightly to L while looking @ camera & wearing a stocking cap - context of competing w/his opponent - i.e., throw everything @ him despite he was "disabled" (deaf, dumb, blind). But that cap implies acting "coldly" - a handy tool to use against those who are disadvantaged or handicapped. But that & other songs had made Roger Daltry & the Tommy character a hero - disadvantaged handicap "freak" who refuses to give up, & overcomes - Elton was clearly playing the sore loser - but, don't miss the Christmas ornament! In fact it became rock's theme - Jesus freak - don't worry what anyone thinks about you - you could be deaf, dumb, & blind, or simply ostracized because of your faith - but if you have Christ - you're the hero! As reported, the "sore loser" movie character became undercover fall from #1 rock star to bisexual second-rate singer. In fact, Jesus freak's a deep theme - "Christmas" from "Tommy" lyrics, "And Tommy doesn't know what day it is/He doesn't know who Jesus is or what praying is/How can he be saved/From the eternal grave?" Find a way to tell him - "Listening to You," but w/sign language in his hands so he can feel it - Ann Sullivan & Helen Keller. Rebels construing it as code to go left w/oppression. Carhartt - spelling similar to AT&T; & codes about cruising - possibly watch cap tracking. Moreover, Stan's wife approx. 2 wks ago (Corona St.), telling me where to position a display, shifted it slightly, & jerked her rear end slightly; this was accompanied by subtle innuendos to have an affair such as standing next to me & subtle moans while I was on hands & knees inserting edging into grd., & codes indicating Stan had said it was necessary.
Blk fem rptr, CBS, 7:11, "...where the boob, where cure a David McCormick is..." (or similar) - code that I either look @ dirty pics, or it's another attempt on my life - strangle attack of 26 July 2021 occurred @ McCormick bldg., 4th St. "I've given you where you picked it" (or similar) 11:10 AM approx., vision. TV series Gidgit red & wh. swim suit; it isn't overly revealing, but the pattern is U.S.A. hung flag - vert. stripes - same vert. stripes as the giant scarves of the Champ's fans in "Pinball Wizard" video; i.e., overwelmingly the fans side w/Tommy @ end, but there were fans of Champ in audience, w/handy "cold treatment" predisposition for those down & out, etc. You may argue scarf stripes aren't very long, nor Gidget's swim suit top - my handicap "match" is short of signifying the hung flag conspirators sign; but if we go the opposite of being "sweet" about it - 11/30, 8 PM, ch. 96, Jim Rockford wearing shirt similar to candy stripers - teen girls who are nurses in training, w/uniforms w/longer red & wh. stripes, & usually UNDERAGE - & moral standards pressuring them to be STRIPPERS! Rockford, while questioned, then cracks a joke about the suit he was wearing - rubber pockets for soup from Salvation Army; 'soup' dirty pics codes ('oop!') indicating dirty pics are tool used to further erode those who are struggling. Candy stripers - 'k[ey, h]andy strippers' - hung flag motives - perverts creating conditions more conducive for lewd acts against minorities! Close look @ CD cover for The Who "Tommy," face of male w/blinders, & mirrored vertically, it looks more actor Mike Cole - Pete Cochran of "Mod Squad;" i.e., if it's a play gun gesture w/his hand (theme song intro), he's blind! Cole - Coleman - camping gear - oppression & rebellion for being a Jesus freak fisher of men - cold conditions of hung flag rebels. I got into back stage studios of location in Sac. approx. 2014 & met w/Al Stewart - very brief, we sat for minute, then he said "Bye - we've got a show to do!" But before that he said, "Oh, you're w/the God Squad!" It was abrupt enough, in context where they had duty to provide me justice (then & now) that I didn't stick around for the show; as reported, they get some credit for significant gestures as far as tracking Slavs, Catholics, South, & blacks.
Often humming is depicted as a response to ominous but vague conditions - humming out of nervousness - hoping something bad doesn't happen to them. 1/4, dream I was in a mini mart, getting box of crackers, but changed my mind before leaving & exchanged it for something else; strangely, this is precisely what didn't happen @ Loop on Christmas - I was swindled. @ any rate, wh male plain clothes cop suddenly grabbed me & started placing me under arrest, but I yanked loose saying I didn't do anything wrong - the crackers were already paid for, etc. Upon awakening, the dream seemed to have to do w/Ca. Franchise Tax Board, & the $50/mo. I've earmarked for taxes in my checking acct. - 2 mos. in a row - scenario that possibly USPS sabotaged my mail & I didn't receive communication from them (which has happened), &/or possibly delay in implimenting the deductions, or, psychological warfare - claiming they can be fickle about payments - i.e., stop deductions & change their minds & start them again - & I'd better be diligent about it. So for 2 mos. I had the extra funds available in case there was a hang up & of some sort w/the deductions - or it was in case they "changed their minds" about stopping the deductions; it did occur to me, after vision a mo. ago of Newsom saying "He makes it" indicating there was enough oppression I might not survive, & tax tricks adding to it. Nevertheless, the minute I woke up, vision of late Johnny Cash, " case you change your mind..." In other words, South conspiring false arrest/kidnap under guise that I have a guilty conscience, or I wouldn't be so paranoid about paying my taxes. ON THE CONTRARY, I'M "PARANOID" ABOUT MY BANK ACCT. BEING FROZEN, & STUCK OUTSIDE - IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE - DUE TO FTB! Nevertheless, the South & Country music is oppressing me as a distraction. Important safety tip - if they did succeed in causing me to feel guilty or paranoid about taxes, that still doesn't constitute a crime, that simply means Jack Teacher is isolated, 1000 crimes committed against him daily, & has been reduced to a nervous wreck; somehow God has strengthened me so that hasn't happened yet - but that is one of their m.o.'s - psych you out that you've fallen short, & it occurs in...DARKNESS - New Years eve., Luke Bryan was singing on stage, "I don't want this night to end..." - conditions of darkness - 'night' - where I'm oppressed & denied justice systematically - all occurring under cover of darkness, w/news media covering it up, dead Kennedies & other dead ex-presidents honored while blatantly covered up kidnappings, attempts on my life, etc. The song talks about rock & roll & losing everything - first verse literally starts w/"I don't know you" & ends w/"Get outta town" - asserting Country musicians can say that, because a lot of rock songs said similar about themselves - but they did that as form of cover, & in light of the trackings by rock musicians, & exposing warlocks' raping of Education Nation plan, in addition to their tracking of hymn churches changing Scripture to rickety old ladder when Gen. 28 passage, Jesus is the Stairway to Heaven (cf. Jn. 1:51), etc., they don't have the luxury to smear rock musicians, & me vicariously (in Land of Free Home of Brave they don't have that luxury irregardless!) & in fact, Led Zep "Stairway to Heaven" lured them- "You're head is hummin'/ & it won't go, 'In case you don't know/The piper's callin' you to join him.'" The 'hum' terminology is combined w/'go,' which could mean 'say' - but alternate significance is people who are "going" are being wiped out. Who's nervously humming, aware they've been exposed, & finding it necessary to create a distraction, using 'go' as the more innocent 'say' rendition? The South - they can't have anyone thinking that (despite it's true); so they create a distraction, following Led Zep's lyrics - they first head or claim that I'm humming - 'your 'head' - 'he's humming!' & '[your head - you] won't 'go' [(be wiped out)];' but how do they assert they aren't humming, & they won't "go" (be wiped out)? By going (saying), "In case..." - producing legal action (court case) for Jack Teacher staying in an inn, & by literally saying (going) "In case..." 'See? We aren't thinking we're "going" [about to be wiped out], we're saying Jack Teacher is humming - he's got a guilty conscience, & we're bringing legal case against him!' Focus attention on Jack Teacher, & no one will notice their goose is cooked! (literal goose - they're coconspirators w/evil Jewish oppressors - the Grecian Formula 1 Geese).
Septuagent - Greek translation of Jewish Tenach - Old Testament; The New Man New Way - accept "wage gent" - brought to you by...the Gentiles (Bible term for non-Jews). Netanyahu's Jewish Geese indicates they are coming around to the inevitable future & New Way! Inspired by & spawned by Asian Gentiles' Boris Landspace education goals & giant long-standing wage peace strategy w/neighbors such as India. The Ukrainian undermining of Christianity in Slavic nations is undone by Greek Crane Reign, endorsing U.S.A. - as affirmed moreover by Grecian Formula 1 Geese - an in-your-face adoption of Jewish Geese. "Se la vie?" It's more like "Tell of Adam's Apple Educators, Telaviv!" Also, Jews to slowly become more pale complected, a subtle concession that Christians had secretly won their hearts - they hate themselves for loving us!
1/5, Viola Davis, Cecil B. Demile award, Golden Globe - Hollywood glorifying blacks, ch 13 7:49 PM - blk fem. named Davis, series "How To Get Away w/Murder." "This illness has pry; what did I do?" fem award recipient Fernanda Torres from Brazil, 7:54 PM. "...really fully custody" (sounded like) cast of Emilia Perez show, 8:11. "It's Ferris won; I'm scared...hold my finger!" Nikki Glaser, 8:20 PM Golden Globe blnd host. "It was you walked us" 8:22 PM. "Better Man" chimp that can talk. "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" - his sister looks & acts vaguely like Laura, & Ferris racing back to his house so that he can feign sick in bed after playing hookie all day from school, dashes in front car she & her mom are in; sister is driving & slams on the brakes & their mother holding stack of papers that fly up in her face so that she doesn't see Ferris. This is similar to incident when I stayed home from church & was playing w/ball that bounced out in front of our car as it was going by - my Mom & Laura going to church; my Mom slammed on the brakes because I had started to go after the ball; Laura hit her head on dash & has a small scar from it. Additional factor - 1970's, me & my sister made our cousin Daryl promise he wouldn't take the Rock-O-Plane upside down - a ferris wheel @ Roeding Park in Fresno w/enclosed seats & you push a handle forward & it goes upside down - Daryl promised, & then took us upside down anyway. Daryl looks almost exactly like Neil Young. The movie seems to communicate Laura is "driving" as far as any correlation (Laura got me the job as Journalism Summer School Teacher @ Centennial Elem. School when I was in jr. hi - 2 years in a row; the second year was 1976 - & the school newspaper was "'The Bi-Centennial,' By Centennial"); Ferris' sister karate kicks school principal who is snooping around @ their house & broke in to see if Ferris is really sick, & knocks him out. Antics involving teacher goals (hookie), principals, church, etc.; based on my straight A HS track record, & fact that if there was any "hookie" as far as me & church, context was churches diminishing rock singers' rights, most likely Laura took it as warning I'd obviously be faced w/churches & principals luring me, committing crimes under guise of investigating me, rock musicians, etc. In other words, my teacher goals & rock's plans turned upside down by their "park" traps, deceptions, & oppression. Rather than me making a U turn from teacher goals, it's 'U' oppression - Matthew Broderick (Ferris) - 'Math [teacher goals'] 'U' [oppression] b[e]' Roed[ing Park, ou]r [w]ick;' 'wick' - Clint Eastwood movie, possibly one of Dirty Harry movies, fem. w/2 sons who were rapists - "you dipped your wick" referring to rape ('wicked' connotation); i.e., principals & churches in DIVISION region, taking the broad path that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13) - attempting to brand me w/lewd 'wicked' labels to eliminate teacher goals. The scene in movie following the car scene - Ferris racing through back yards & confronted by principal @ back door, creates facade for rebels to use against me - erroneously quitting C.A. Jacobs Middle School teacher job, thinking I was called into ministry, 1994, back on the job @ V.C.A. (Vacaville Christian Acad.) 1995, conspiratorially terminated from V.C.A. 1996, & from there, regional consp. & me being late bloomer as it is, racing to keep my career going - oppression under guise of false arrests for trespass - citizens' arrests - C.A.'s - by store mgrs. & police (cutting through backyards facade) - despite I was actually performing free speech evangelism in public forums; Ferris' sister covers for him in face of deceptive principals subsequently claiming they'd caught me (back door scene); in advance, "Bi"-Centennial Teacher job. Additional dimension - we are dealing w/warlock sharks - Journalism Teacher - Centennial news paper - & end of 1976, we move to Lodi, w/News Sentinel news paper. The "C.A.'s" are a hyperbole - trespass is stall tactic for concoction of more serious accusation; Hi Wheel Flats motel (formerly Motel 6); Davis bike capital of world; "truing" wheels; the rebels aren't concocting notions that I was truant (trespass); it's attempts to send me to death row; 1/8, 4:37 AM, "We're going to carry the death penalty" bug code. Once again, the traps & long range attempts to erode my standards & values - Andy Gibb & his gal friend Victoria Principal tracked it - teachers working directly w/kids: Rule #1: Teachers must have principles, or you can't lead youth or manage a classroom, & you won't lead youth or manage a classroom - far higher duty to avoid allowing your standards to erode when you're in position of responsibility for forming youth. Opposing factors in tension - compromises under guise of putting on an act as teacher working for rebel principal v. working directly w/kids, some of whom might not have yet caved in to the rebellion personally. 'Dipped your wick' - candle - 'k[ey,] handle [it;]' guise of wicked - they claim their victims are wicked too, so it all turns on if you can get away w/it; society provides laws that refute the claim that all wickedness is equivalent - some acts of wickedness constitute crimes, others don't; but that has limited application, if you ask criminals - the facade in the Eastwood movie - 'more & more women exposing themselves w/nudity - that justifies rape, if the rapist "handles it."' The broad (warlock) churches & principals attempt to take it one step further, putting flesh on rumors & claiming they can then "dip their wick," kidnapping me, death row consps., etc. - raping the Jack Teacher plan! Broderick - 'broader [(more broad) w]ick[edness];' standards eroding 'standards [of] Roeding [park (Fresno - No. Ca. rebels)]' - more & more because of broad warlock rebels. Laura's assignment - don't be a broad - be a lady & crusader, helping kids to see. Visions as of HOLD THE LINE - TAUGHT report of young people saying they didn't know Laura was doing those feats - inspiring them!
Presumably the school bell, since it was my Mom (secretary for Dean Martin); 12/31, vision of my Mom, "Joe, what was that?" After I made warning, approx. 3:30 PM, about Guilded Show 'Em's providing solution to wife beating - based on confrontation between Rick Ocasek & fem. in Cars "Drive" video - no physical violence; Mom was indicating they used my Dad as example; even when he drank too much (which he finally kicked the habit), he would rarely even touch her. He had 8 bros. & sisters, & my Grandma had to support everyone because Grandpa Sherman left them; it wasn't a very fun household, & that Catholic school they attended whacked students w/sticks a lot also. 3 of his bros. were older than him, & the 2 oldest ones, Uncle Dick & Uncle Harold, used to beat up on Dad, Uncle Jim, & Uncle Paul (youngest ones), so my Dad was used to fighting, & didn't wimp out, so in his marriage, he was operating from strength. After a visit from Uncle Harold in 1986, I was led to write him about Jesus; approx. 5 years later, vision "Guess who believed!" referring to Uncle Harold - Danny Zuko look-alike @ that age. "They ring the bell!" vision, Mom, approx. 3:35.
Following Jesus means consider others more important - those who are first shall be last, but the last - shall be first.
Christian Love - "STONE THE REBELS!"
Linda - browin' Guilded Show 'Em Crusader! Jack Teacher - the Wiz (math) also has his trombone, according to vision 3/14!). (Stones symbolize M.I.R.V. missiles.)
Vision in approx. 2019 of Linda...McCartney, except, she was Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift is Linda - & she was a widow, because Paul had passed away. But the scene was the jet from Silly Love Songs video; in other words, Taylor is involved in the 'A' Love Triangle w/Linda Ronstadt & Paul McCartney so that Linda's A's bride, & when she passes away I'll have Taylor as A bride! Crazy, scandalous, but true!!!!! The vision was connected w/Shake It Off song; 11/21, vision, Taylor, "It was sneak;" & in the vision (of 1970's) she was trying to sneak it. How could she be there w/McCartneys when she wasn't born 'til 1989??? Like I said, she does that all the time, like in Purity groc. store in Fresno!
Christian Love - The Real Thing? SHOW UP!
Comet tails are straight or arched (teacher moment compliments of Jack Teacher - the Wiz (math) also has his trombone, according to vision 3/14!)
"I've got two strong arms - I can help!" Call them out as the church (the called out ones)!
"Think about the place where you first met me" - Taylor shows up as Comet falling toward earth, risking her life (vision). "Getaway Car" indicates Bill Haley & the Comets - "Rock Around the Clock" - 24 hr. watch - where we met. Taylor, "It's no surprise, I turned you in - 'cause...traitors never win!" Their 'round the clock watch says they're apprehending the warlocks & deceptive politicians & No. Ca. rebels. America, swear your allegience! "Bill" the traitors who are saying there's leeway to negate Hey!
Education nation black tie - Jack Teacher risking his life repeatedly, Jack Teacher piping up for the Mars Hill Peacocks & their sufferings that was cruelly covered-up, Taylor Swift risking her life, multiple statements, promotions, lobbyings of rock & Hollywood for education nation - including (1)gospel displayed using Jupiter Jesus watch (Jupiter in "womb" of Virgo for 9 mos. as of 9/2017 & exiting through the legs) - displayed by 1984 2010: The Year We Make Contact w/character David Bowman - "Something Wonderful is going to happen," indicating (a)Something Wonderful (Jesus' name) was going to happen - & did happen - in 2017, re-enactment in the stars of 3 Asian wisemen, led by Star of Nazareth, visiting baby Jesus; (b)Something Wonderful IS going to happen - JESUS is happening & is going to happen to Asia; (2)setting the education nation rock & roll example w/"Stairway to Heaven's" - "To be a rock & not to roll" - black tie concerning warlocks (Western church leaders) & politicians, who are manipulatively dragging education nation goals by denying them, hiding behind Joseph's multi-colored coat (melting pot goals), that they robbed from Jack Teacher, using it as a crutch, furthermore instigating shooting sprees in schools! CONSTITUTES A KICK OUT OF CHURCH LEADERS UNLESS THEY PIPE UP.
Americans - tell Taylor to INVADE!!!!! The British did! "Ring w/multiple diamonds for multiple kids - be fruitful & multiply!" - Marriage Math Wiz. 3/17, vision of being "beamed" up into Heaven, like character @ end of Xanadu! (Heaven here is obviously referring to voracious marital bliss.)
"I want you to do your dairy 'em," 2:53 PM (4 sets of 80-100 push-ups), 3/10, vision;..."I want you to bang 'em," 3:16.
ENTER THE PROMISE FIELDS OF CAANAN... Taylor's suit - metalic - similar to vision of her in space ship "We're gonna take 'em, A!" & then subsequently the comet vision. 3/24, 7 AM, VISION, TAYLOR (IN FARRAH POSE), "HE DOESN'T GIVE UP! I'M GOING TO FOLLOW HIM!" REFERRING TO MY ENDURANCE & REFUSAL TO LOOK @ PORN.
Approx. 6/3, "Joe, they ARE heroes," Laura; as far as I can tell, given a second chance w/the baby she grabbed in the space of a second, approx. 2019.
[Excerpt: 5/2/2021 report:] Vision of Taylor, 12/15 [2020], dangerously going on her own to intervene for me - "Uhh!" - in the vision it was as though risking her life with no safe landing available (possibly this is somewhat symbolism, but maybe God wanted to contrast her dedication toward me compared to my rash comment about her & marriage delays) - descending toward earth as a comet! (with tail), Miracle! [End excerpt.] Concerts in China were in Fall 2019, & I had been reporting visions of her on internet as of beginning of 2019.
"Whatever you say, it is not right; whatever you do, it is not enough. Your kindness is fake..." prologue, "Getaway Car."
The vision of Chinese dignitary associating w/too many Christians on visit to U.S.A., & plans to dice his innards like Spam upon return, indicates a trap if I'd gone to China - they wouldn't spring it on anyone else, such as Blinkin, etc., because they weren't the center of the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan; Pam cooking spray - mssg. to prospective wife - yup, he'd be lunchmeat. My objection is I wasn't treated like an adult - the decision was made it would be too dangerous - provide a stand-in; but that strategy created extensive delays as far as justice - based on assumption that I wouldn't take their advice - I own that "Whatever you say..." phrase objection, if anyone does - bending over backwards for rock stars, & it was never enough, & the condescending attitude about China fit the "m.o." I'm currently in deadly conditions - it isn't a gray area - more condescending stalls?
Model holding up thumb in same fashion, signalling me when I was being tempted to look @ porn - thumb sucking gesture - A GAME CHANGER! Also, recent young lady in news breaking a record, & holding hand up to head w/phone call
News story about country singer Zach Bryan, arrested for obstructing an officer. Police n No. Ca. have created a vicious cycle that's going from bad to worse; systematic police oppression of me, false arrests that technically becomes kidnap after court warns them; but one of their tactics was to gradually attempt to treat me like I was already in custody when questioning me, in attempt to gain psychological advantage - a symptom of this is the verbage, now being used nationally, "lock down." When in custody in jail, an inmate has to do what they're told; stand their, sit here, etc. But if you're being questioned, they don't have the right to treat you like a child or some who's already in jail, controlling your every move, whether you sit or stand, etc., & refusing to be treated like a child or convict isn't obstructing an officer in performance of his duties. Bryan's response was irritation for being treated like a child, moreover, he wasn't even accused; they pulled over his sec. guard. Police oppression & No. Ca. rebels' oppression have instigated terrorism nationally, & so situaions are more volatile w/more & more people going on shooting sprees; police then use this to treat more & more people being questioned as though already convicted & must be under their complete control when simply questioning them, or shooting & killing someone for one false move; what constitutes obstruction is obscured; a vicious cycle. Bryan backed down from his rights, using the volatile conditions, as well as his participation in national consp., as excuse - the same as everybody in the South.
The original STONE COMET - Brown - from the Brown Men; Linda, one of the earlier rock stars & heir to legacy of Bill Haley & Comets. Windsor Canada S. of U.S.A. - handing us soaring - flying; like Superman - originated in Cleveland, home of Cleveland Browns - 'leave land - & fly;' demonstrating that unlike currently, in the past there were @ least some godly men in NFL. Super Woman - the Stone Comet - ensures the Rolling Stones can fly! One can argue all comets fly, & if Linda Ronstadt is heir to Comet legacy, then so are Rolling Stones; but, from standpoint of Jack Teacher plan - melting pot nation - Linda's mixed race (German, Mexican) positions her to stand in the gap for rock musicians, so that they can fly as leaders of Christianity.
Moreover, "Tumblin' Dice" Rolling Stones, "Women think I'm tasty/But they're always trying to waste me..." (1975), but Ronstadt's version, "People try to rape me/Always think I'm crazy..." (1977); graphic rendition of song written by Rolling Stones.
I reported "Crime of the Century" CD (1974), w/song by same name, "Now they're planning the crime of the century/...Roll up, & see/How they raped the universe/How they've gone from bad to worse!..." Church leaders, pastors, priests, televangelists, all conspiring to enslave me to no end, & conspiring or heartily approving attempts on my life - despite God revealed I'm Jack Teacher, crucial role in a plan orchestrated as of 300's AD - a plan involving Christians being disciplined by God as of approx. 900 AD, handing Asians advances in sciences & education resulting in them developing rocket science!!!! My handle for Asia of Boris Landspace sums up what Asians achieved - Christians & others out of boredom grabbing up landspace globally, while Asians landed space for humanity - spanked by God. In response to the discipline, Christians formulated the Jack Teacher plan, for which God had already provided the nuts & bolts; but upon consumation of the plan, w/Jack Teacher revealing the centuries of great feats of Christians on behalf of Asia & others, the present-day church leaders are ironically distracted w/cruel oppression of me out of jealousy, because God chose to utilize men & women of various talents & abilities to accompany me in proclaiming it; namely, actors, movie stars, & singers. THE CRUEL OPPRESSION OF ME AMOUNTS TO ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - EFFECTIVELY RAPING THE JACK TEACHER PLAN - W/OUT EXAGGERATION! & the plan being focussed on Asian rocket science & space travel, figuratively they are raping the universe! Ronstadt's version identifies w/me - education/rocket science/space travel being raped by Western warlocks' & Eastern snake oilers' - providing Guilded Show 'Em's tracking of their attempts to spoil both melting pot aspect & Education Nation aspect of Jack Teacher plan! 11/14, "You won't know, this is, off" Gunter, 10th St. "This is wait" bug code, 10 AM approx. Digging trenches in crawlspace under Gunter's res. so that he can access & shim up foundation braces, "This is you stun" vision, after I bumped some pipes under Gunter's house & they rattled like sound effects from "Law & Order" 11 AM. I.e., indications are working under Gunter's house is preliminary to additional possibly conspiracies.
My stern reports about rock & Hollywood - Guilded Show 'Em's - conjecture due to fact that they haven't shown up; if they were to fail to follow through w/strategy to lead the church, then my sharp warnings would be applicable; if they follow through, then they vindicate themselves. As far as my stark claims that they instigated church leaders, contributing them to stumbling or becoming bent or scandalous - I stand by those irregardless: Church Movements 101, the word scandal in English is from Greek scandalon - stumbling block; & according to the Bible we are to avoid becoming stumbling blocks causing others to stumble & fall. But, this isn't a catch-all command - Jesus is a "rock of offence & a stone of stumbling," WHAATTT??? 1 Pet. 2:8; & Jesus said, "Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over me," Matt. 11:6. So it isn't beyond the scope of the Bible for saints, following Christ, to be rocks of offence. I've consistently qualified that the warlocks snake oilers, etc., became jealous, & then stumbled; rock & Hollywood proceeding diligently to stand up for justice & expose rebels, anyone who becomes jealous, it's their fault, & no one else's.
The Rae Me Roots
Faque News has uncovered the identity of a Boone child named Mae missing from the family trees, but suddenly emerged in history, & is still among the living today!!! Her story is she may not be as old as Jack Teacher (1700), but she's a couple hundred anyway (she eats right, exercises, & prays a lot). She recently became a popular singer, & loves cats. Former friend from Lodi, Lloyd Winter, I kept in touch w/him & he loaned me $200 as of 2010 or so, & I paid it back, but a few years subsequent to that, indications he was acquiescing to or allowing stalkers from bay area to pose as homeless, & stalk me, approx. 2013-2018. He was a good friend when we were teen, though - he taught me how to high dive from trees & tressel (30-35 ft. up), into the river, & we swam & water skiied a lot. Whenever we finished swimming - we both had long hair - he had a habit I picked up of vigorously shaking his (head of) hair L & R & back & forth to air dry it - & this is similar to the alteration of dancers & their butts - shaking side to side became shaking up & down - i.e., turn a 'no' into a 'yes' - YES TO PURITY & UNINHIBITED SEX IN MARRIAGE BED IS A 'NO' TO IMMORALITY & BROKEN MARRIAGES - according to my efforts to raise standards for women. In addition to being a career Little League pitcher (but now too old for LL), Lloyd looked a lot like Darby Hinton - same wavy blond hair. Live version of Taylor's "All Too Well," she shakes her hair back & forth repeatedly. The song is about a childhood friend that isn't a match w/me @ all - except for the rare gesture w/the hair!
12/1, "Joe, that is, does" 12;20 PM approx., vision, Mom - Stairway To Heaven & lyrics "To be a rock, & not to roll," indicating the church must not budge from teacher Education Nation goals, irregardless of how popular musicians are. Shirley prevails in court - Sue's Day!
Report about the greatest enterprises in history, context, & approx. 1:30 PM or so, 12/3, "Boy, they really took us, Eoj!" vision, Arual. Context also, reports about Arnel Pineda, Asian Journey lead singer, & Walter Koenig, Russian playing Mr. Chekov, Star Trek. "You're not gonna be taking this over, clever," vision, 2:49 PM, possibly when I was on meticulous side of raking leaves, which I'm admonished by God about - teachers have to pay attention to detail, but you also have to treat rebels as rebels. 'k[ey] lever[age],' & vision of Laura earlier - God used both of us as leverage on behalf of blacks; as of 2000, it was acknowledged that the persecutions I was suffering were similar to those of blacks when enslaved, & fact that I'd gained international attention as of 1999 or so, my example could be used to encourage them. That wasn't why I was suffering (as far as I was aware - but in fact to some extent that did have something to do w/it), but I certainly wasn't closed-minded to blacks being encouraged. "Roots" movie about blacks brought to America as slaves, & Levar Burton starring as Kunta Kinte - 'lever[age to remedy] "burr" [conditions].' Arguably, both Pineda & Koenig are a form of leverage principle in their respective roles - & that was my sister's point, especially once I'd promoted both of them on my website; i.e., objecting that if that's the sum total of our goals, they've got a number of other leverage "players" - me & my sister are just a "number." But I didn't set out to stand in the gap for blacks, I simply didn't object to, & considered it an honor, when God used me that way. As reported, I also wasn't aware of rock's & Hollywood's involvement. I've reported in retrospect they evidently used "Tommy" & "Mod Squad" characters, including Pete (Mike Cole), to inspire me & my sister; i.e., troubled teens who repent & become cops, but Pete doubting their effectiveness, as implied by the toy gun gesture - then "Tommy" w/CD cover of Pete depicted as deaf, dumb, & blind; i.e, subliminal mssg., 'show 'em young people of all walks can encourage minorities & be great cops!' Their subtle & subliminal influences occurred, but my goal as of graduating UCD was to be a teacher. My sister's objection - we're among a lot of other "leverage players;" moreover, context of my "enterprises" reports, Education Nation enterprise - but Pineda (one of the leverage players) - 'pin head' - 'pin '[use your] head;'' Education Nation failing to allow me to teach - but I've refused to compromise - I haven't settled for anything less than Education Nation - no priority given to leverage roles, etc. Elton John, "Pinball Wizard," "...I just handed my pinball crown to him, to him, TO HIM!!!!" But phonemically, "...I just handed my pinball crown, your head, your head, YOUR HEAD!!!!" Laura's warning abolutely has merit, though - Education Nation/Freedom Nation/Melting Pot Nation Enterprise, in light of Yuri Gagarin inspiring the Starship Enterprise &, I'm denied my teacher career, & cornered w/landscape work, i.e., a landscape business or landscape enterprise, because of the warlocks, No. Ca. rebels, blacks, & South, Jack Teacher plan is turned on its ear!
If anyone asserts Pinole MS interview was response to rock's & Hollywood's Pineda 'pin 'head'' tracking - bottom line - in any ordinary interview - which would be devoid of 'repeat' conspiracies - & the principal (head) tells you you did a great job on the app, & end of interview, you're hired if you fill out another app - that's clearly an insult, & nothing less than showing you the door - you aren't hired - "Okay, here's another job app.." "You idiot! Get outta here!" Nevertheless, there were also codes occurring during interview by Keno, principal; trapped in slavery region; I was offered a job, I'm the sole judge as to accepting a position in context of already being stalked & conspired against by the prospective employer; A TEACHER MUST HAVE PRINCIPLES & MUST STICK BY HIS PRINCIPLES - THE FACT SCHOOL HEADS ARE KNOWN AS PRINCIPALS IS AN AFFIRMATION TO TEACHERS AS THOSE WORKING DIRECTLY W/KIDS THAT IF NECESSARY, TO STICK BY YOUR PRINCIPLES OVER YOUR PRINCIPAL. IF YOU LOSE YOUR VALUES AS A TEACHER, YOU'VE LOST EVERYTHING! EDUCATION NATION ENTERPRISE ERODED TO POINT THAT JACK TEACHER IS RELEGATED TO A DITCH-DIGGING ENTERPRISE!! A DITCH-DIGGING ENTERPRISE!!! YOU'RE MAKING 'HER ALL' WANT TO HURL! SHE & TAUGHT YA MA SAY, "REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT!"
11/25, 6:55 "Tucker - not sin good" 6:55 anncr.; 6:58, "We gus said words" ABC anncr. "He won't live 'em, plock" 7:08 PM ABC. 9:33 "Double check;" "you did take them wrong" 9:38, visions. 12/4, ch 40, blk fem rptr, "They DID arrest him" referring to blk male who "strangled her dozens of times," then killed fem victim & put her in suitcase; Dick Sharp, "Check, double check" 7:39 AM; i.e., FACADE THAT I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO WALK INTO A TRAP & I.D. MYSELF @ PINOLE, DESPITE THE ONLY WAY I'VE BEEN ABLE TO HOLD ON TO MY TEACHER GOALS IS TO REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE IN OBVIOUS FOLLY! IT ISN'T 'DOUBLE CHECK' WHEN I'VE ALREADY PROVED IT 1000X OVER - THIS IS REBELS PRESSURING ME TO PARTICIPATE IN THEIR FOLLY & SIGN UP FOR JAIL TIME.
I've reported the Levar Burton Leverage scenario, communicated by Hollywood, among others, that most likely was factor in getting my attention & that of Laura; I also reported oppression essentially equivalent to me being treated prejudicially like blacks in many instances, & also @ times treated like a slave. But Guilded Show 'Ems strategy seemed to point more toward working w/black(s) for justice, as opposed to finding some white guy willing to be a pawn suffering as example or to identify w/blacks. "Roots" you might say assumes that must be the case, but "Mod Squad" demonstrated a myriad of options. Nevertheless, rock & Hollywood lured corrupt church leaders who were willing & most of them already participating in, propping up Univ. Cov. church & their conspiracies in Davis. I.e., a church in trouble in Davis, participating in oppression, & their reputation going downhill, according to warlocks, dig up dirt on the victim - rumors suffice - & concoct more oppression on behalf of UCC, to assist in finishing off the victim, or leave him so shell-shocked that he capitulates to psych wards, soup kitchens, guilty pleas, etc. Despite almost 60 cases of false charges acquitted by jury trial, charges dropped, cases dismissed, convictions overturned by appeal - i.e., VIRTUALLY NO ONE'S EVER HEARD OF THAT BIG OF A POLICE & CHURCH SCANDAL - but various warlocks from other parts of the nation literally attempted to help UCC, Davis police, & UCD police swallow it up - on basis of rumors!!! LITERALLY AN ANTICHRIST OPERATION! Context of long range regional consp. dating back to 1916, & conspiracies involving Don Miller as of 1960's or before - "readying" for the future victim. Rock & Hollywood became aware of it, & decided to push buttons to "channel" their corruption - as opposed to preventing or exposing it! & as of 2004, it was determined by them to instigate DIVISION rebels to turn up the heat - devise a cover-up as though the PROOF OF THE SCANDALOUS CRIMES OF POLICE, CHURCH, ETC., NEVER OCCURRED, & treat the victim not only like a victim, but like a black slave - a 'nigger;' if he doesn't commit suicide, claim oppressing a white victim was an effort to help blacks by letting them have a symbolic "sit" in judgment of whites of the past, & victim doesn't have any sayso about it. In fact, as of 2000 or possibly 2003, vision of 'N' & of what I took to be Christians asking if I wanted my sufferings to be a form of identifying w/blacks, & form of relating to them; I acknowledged I was willing to do that, but in no way, shape or form did I convey that anyone could use that to open more doors for more sufferings - & forbade that, but that's what happened nevertheless! I've reported the "black" formula was solidified by Arnold Schwarzeneggar suddenly becoming governor - in context of the biggest kingpin in Davis, other than police & UCC, was Doug Arnold - 'Arnold swore - it's nigger!' I.e., suddenly Davis handed a perpetual victim - scandals & crimes of political leaders, law enforcement, church leaders are suddenly no object - the victim's figuratively a black slave! Another less conspicuous instigation tool of rock & Hollywood - Andy Hunter, Christian rap singer, & song "The Wonders of You;" singer's voice sounds like he's black, but as far as I know, it's Hunter's voice, & he's white; song has 2 stanzas of rap about God, & then @ end of song, a musical instrument makes rapid clicking sound that could readily be construed like hand cuffs, similar to other sound effects or tools - a ratcheting sound - except this was a long ratcheting sound - code for long term captivity - "big" cuffs. The first I heard of this song was a "Best Christian Hits of 2003" or similar CD that was being handed out @ a Campus Crusade for Christ community outreach table, w/college student members. CCC changed it's name to CRU possibly a few years before that. The strange thing about this CD, the cover was a fem. - college age - in a commercial drier; i.e., a code that something's being considered "a wash" or a tie. & also, the implication that the fem. wasn't yet dry - still being dried; i.e., the artwork, no doubt conspired by warlocks - "laundry" - code for 'law' or legal actions, & the legal actions weren't finished yet - college students, singers, producers, claiming to be Christians, & utilizing media to assist local rebels (UCC, etc.) in formulating the rebellion - instructions to "finish" their "tie" w/me & the oppression against me - which by this time inherently consist of rumors repercussions. The greatest hits CD had various artists & essentially was a generic producer; but there's no doubt it was co-concocted by warlocks as well - rumors & those propogating them get to have their say, & that conveniently allows UCC to oppress me. But the same as Arnold 'swore it's 'nigger!'' the 'laundry' oppression - which was an attempt @ a lethal blow against me, an attempt go to extremes that presumably would drown out the clamor about 60+ serious crimes committed against me by police & UCC - had built in instigations to involve blacks & make blacks the central theme. Summer 2004, before I disappeared in approx. Sept., I was sitting on bench @ Univ. Mall, & 2 members of UCC were suddenly sitting on bench near mine - the Cunninghams; I ignored them - but, they weren't there to be friendly anyway; that location was in front of "Big Print" camera & photo store - they were subtly claiming they were no longer toying w/trespass accusations - @ least not individually; instead, as of end of 2004, approx. 8 kidnappings & false charges, & kangaroo trial, & 1 1/2 year sentence (another trial in 2006 resulted in sentence of another year) - i.e., "big cuffs" (or "long" cuffs), & Cunninghams & UCC claiming responsibility. Hunter's song "The Wonders of You," a long note then 2 short ones - instrument such as keyboard, sounding in song - & I noticed the same beat in "Love Takes Time," Bryan Duncan. Live version of "Love..." Duncan has Chrystal Lewis, & 2 blk. singers & others w/him on stage, & takes a big step toward the other singers @ one point (including the 2 blks); there's also a "primal scream" - although not very loud - by blk male as far as I could tell - similar to that of "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder. The central lyrics of "The Wonders of You," in addition to rap sessions, "Who is like you?" repeated a lot. One of "Earth, Wind, & Fire" former lead singer Philip Bailey's CDs is "The Wonders of Your Love" - I went to Philip Bailey concert - @ Friday Night Singles in Sac. 1991. But, one of his songs possibly has a cold vague implication - pertaining to Jesus saying "I will never cast you out;" the song lyrics, "My friend, surely, surely, surely..." vaguely implying if whites need help from blacks, ' don't mean you want US to help you!?' U2, "Pride (In the Name of Love)" barely audible lyrics, "Nobody like you/There's nobody like love/Nobody like you..." Most likely an attempt - same as making blues (of black origin) the most popular music in history, this was an attempt to stroke blacks' egos, but not utilizing necessarily blatant flattery. But in fact, "Pride" compares MLK w/Christ, & often you can't tell who is who - parallels that apply to both - Jesus came to justify & to overthrow; MLK came to overthrow old stubborn ways of prejudism like almost never before, but he also came to justify - Protestantism & its founder, Martin Luther - Martin Luther, King! As of 2003, blacks were joining whites in Davis, including Mike Gilbert on Yolobus falsely accusing me & w/driver's help I was taken away to jail for battery, despite I hadn't done anything to him - false conviction w/4 mos. jail as of 2004. Possibly rerecorded, but my 2004 copy of "The Wonders of You" last part of second rap session lyrics, "Speaking through the speaker for your my transmission clear?" phonemically sounded like, "Check it, check it, nigger, letter 'N'" or, 'Check it, check it, nigger, let 'er in;' currently that mssg. isn't so clear on video I listened to eve. of 12/11. If you check 'N' then 'nigger' becomes 'eager' or similar. But after I converted rock songs to Christian songs, black churches had a duty more than anyone else to affirm the precedent that I set, & invite rock stars to their churches & publicly denounce the smears of rock singers - 'let 'er in;' let the rock musicians in w/public church memberships; 'check letter 'N' - prevent Joe Sherman (wh. victim) from being enslaved like a "Nigger" - especially as of 2008 when Obama elected - put an end to slavery for good! The matches between songs of Philip Bailey, etc., instigated UCC & national warlocks to concoct 2 1/2 year "Big Print" captivity - guise of scape goat to assauge blacks. "Blue Oyster Cult," "I'm Burnin' For You," lyrics, "I've scene - sons freezin' - their rise - & we're through!" 60 cases proving police & church corruption, & warlocks from other places prop them up, handing them the plan & the support to continue rising up w/more legal actions against me. NEVERTHELESS, THE SONG, FROM 1981, DEMONSTRATES ROCK & HOLLYWOOD CONCOCTING FACADES THAT WOULD RESULT IN MY BEING ENSLAVED AS OF BEGINNING OF '80'S! PITTING ANYONE AGAINST AN ENTIRE RACE IS A CRIME! There isn't anything about the Jack Teacher plan that has requisite of teacher enduring slavery! In fact, the teacher is supposed to be a teacher!!! Interferring w/someone's life for a good cause for the benefit of others w/out the victim's permission is where rock & Hollywood crossed the line! & a plan that could be considered effective in its objective - that still doesn't justify it - the old saying, "the ends don't justify the means!" Linda Ronstadt may be "modeling" a subtle betrayal of me by Asians (I reported Asian male sitting on curb @ Nick's - strangle consp. - approx. 2 wks. ago) - but the ends don't justify the means; 1st concert in years - @ BAL theater - '[Asian rocket science] bow, all,' - in San Leandro (near Oakland) - 'S[ee? H]and, 'Lee hand[s DIVISION rebels death] row'' - demonstrating Asians' abandonment, neglect, & conspiracies against me are more than enough that I'm as good as dead! Absent justice, you play along w/those who are allegedly allies but never actually bring justice - such as rock & Hollywood, the Bible says "Those who walk in darkness stumble & fall" Jn. 11:10! A prospective wife who adds to the oppressive codes forfeits the prospective husband.
If any goal or goals overrides or hinders the Jack Teacher plan, that goal or goals must be abandoned. (1)Over-reliance on me as supposedly the only one who can reveal great historical feats of Christians, & (2)hindering my teacher goals (Jack Teacher plan) in order to track blacks w/magically no one but me to be a pawn to bait them, BOTH OF THESE FACTORS ARE HINDERING GOD'S PLAN OF EDUCATION NATION. & in fact denying my teacher goals while cornering me into glorifying rock & Hollywood (who might deserve some credit if they held their posts w/Education Nation goals) has been tracked - oppression that attempts to reduce me from Teacher to bumbling Gilligan-like figure, answering to "Skipper" rock & Hollywood: Vision 12/12, approx. 4 PM, "Don't wine 'em; "4:09 PM, "You could just do it" - a theme of Nike in early 1990's w/their swoosh logo - when cult leader "Do" (real name Herff Applewhite) adopted Nike clothing for his cult members who all committed suicide. They were waiting for the Hale-Bopp Comet & a space ship accompanying it to take them to Heaven. Rock & Hollywood proceeding w/identity of (among others) Comets, from Bill Hailey & Comets. Hale-Bopp was discovered in 1995 by Alan Hale & Thomas Bopp; Alan Hale happens to be the name of actor who played Skipper in Gilligan's Island. The most famous comet, Halley's comet, discoverted by Edmond Halley in 1756. Halley & Hailey are pronounced the same; the theme is outter space, Heavens, etc. which has spiritual significance - one of the distraction themes used against my teacher career, but rock's & Hollywood's pressure tactics to coerce rebels to use me as pawn to track blacks IS ALSO OVERRIDING THE JACK TEACHER PLAN, & GOD USED ALAN HALE AS WARNING THAT TRACKING BLACKS @ EXPENSE OF JACK TEACHER PLAN IS OFF LIMITS. & second supernatural warning that the focus must be teacher goals rather than a sidetrack of attempting to track an entire race nationwide if not worldwide: Blk male Alex Haley is author of "Roots" - & although rock & Hollywood didn't necessarily have anything to do w/his research & ensuing novel, they were involved in creating a huge production movie out of it, w/actor names, etc. instigating w/persecution code formulas! Instead of 'I'll "X" 'A' [&] Lee,' algebra theme, it's 'I'll "X" 'A' [&] Lee,' "nix" theme. But, Alex is the name of Czar Alexander of Russia; DEMONSTRATING SLAVS ARE FOLLOWING BLACKS & THEIR SLAVERY GOALS & ARE LOSING THEIR WHITE CROWN - BETRAYING THEIR 'PURPOSE' HERITAGE! They're also, amazingly, acting like the...Catholics - undermining the Jack Teacher plan - they give you melting pot "mix" blessing, but other than a few scant token signs such as lapi'z (pencil) (blue- lapiz lazuli) from Spain, Education Nation is nixxed (in fact, the pencil may very well double for Protestants being "schooled")! But, "The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God," Jas. 1:20. "One God, & one mediator between God & man, the Man Jesus Christ;" the Holy of Holies veil was torn from top to bottom - we're all popes - deal w/it, Catholics! "Seek first the Kingdom of God, & all these things shall be added to you," Matt. 6:33. Thanks to them, actors are hosting TV shows w/mispelled titles, such as Shatner & "UnXplained Mysteries." The Slavs have forgotten that age-old parable, "If the Fu shits, wear it!" Ah so! (Pardon my French.) & w/"strategies" that repeatedly & willfully place someone else's life in jeopardy, God possibly indicating their treatment of me isn't too far off from cult leader "Do" whose members killed themselves. & if rock & Hollywood don't repent, w/their "Hail!" theme, the most they'll have to brag about is a suicidal "RDM" (Rapid Die Movement)! But based on visions from God, the delineating characteristic of rock's & Hollywood's delays providing me justice as opposed to everyone else's, including those claiming they are tracking this race or that denomination, etc., is rock's & Hollywood's trackings have ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISMS - proving it isn't stalls w/detrimental intentions against me, but rather, expose false & oppressive motives - to an extent, on my behalf. Accordingly, I believe God has led me that as far as any 'Hale-Bopp' criteria, they aren't attempting to dupe me into abandoning my teacher goals & bowing down to them - Alice Cooper's Phd. notwithstanding. Warlocks additionally seem to readily garner the support of celebrities &/or media - NFL spokesman John Madden, consp. code while I was hostage in 2006 - & we were having rice for dinner, & on TV, Madden, "They'll always rice, & he'll always place...!" epitomizing the hypocrisy of a victim who has been oppressed for so long & so notoriously that they instantly know what I'm having for dinner 3,000 mi. away @ an NFL football game, & taunt me about it on the air in real time! Consider him one of those rising up against me - his commentary was equivalent of a cheering squad on behalf of UCC. & that was 2006 - 18 years ago; 12/11, 11:25 PM apprx., ch 40, NFL coach Bill Belichick now hired to coach univ. in North Carolina - the South; conspired mssg. that I didn't 'check' a [school] bell (blk principal, Pinol M.S.), therefore, Belichick is moving to S.C. as assurance that South can continue conspiring against me! He's under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder. Shoe leather is expression often used by novelists, & police; but doing the leg work is a moot point if you're foolish enough & bent enough to set yourself up, when you've already got the proof - you end up implicated, & the oppressors can then claim an out! Moreover, 2024 makes 27 years I've been oppressed & enslaved - w/attempts on my life; anyone who claims they can decree more oppression -W/ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - for my refusal to participate in more traps is going to have hundreds of dinosaus waiting for them in hell!
1997, after I'd been conspiratorially terminated, vision of organism, long, w/clusters of prongs; this AM (1/1/2025) approx. 7 AM, vision of plant like bottlebrush, long stem, w/clusters of pods. The first vision was most likely indicating education goals wide open - medical doctor; vision this AM, stuck w/landscape work. 2019, vision of me speaking to youths, & teen boy in front row of audience, plants growing from top of his head; my goal in 2019, & now, teacher; the vision corresponded to visions & dreams about Taylor Swift, & we're married, but I'm working in Davis as landscaper; the vision possibly indicates it wasn't a scenario yhey prayed that I'd see in vision & report, in order to dupe Davis rebels, it's in actuality what ends up occurring if I'm associated w/or marry Taylor; further indicating there's a deception as far as rock's & Hollywood's goals. Nevertheless, vision approx. year ago that Taylor was putting the nation's youth through a test - indicating the kid in the vision was one of those who caved in to Jack Teacher being denied teacher career even after joining forces w/rock & Hollywood, possibly underestimating our abilities. 1/1, "This is happening as we speak," wh male gray hair, possibly w/police or city admin. in New Orleans, 7:24 AM, ABC, referring to male "plowing through" crowd on Bourbon St., killing 10 people (or killing & injuring 10); since transcrpt communication of Yolo court clerk using this expression, approx. 1999, it's rarely been used, indicating this (New Orleans) was code. THE SLAUGHTER IN NEW ORLEANS WAS CONSPIRED BY BLACKS, UCD STUDENTS IN NO. CA., & NO. CA. DIVISION REBELS:
[EXCERPT OF REPORT SENT. 12/30:] 12/27, "Leave it, have porse" wh fem gray hair blk vest, dog, 4:07 ['poor us;' code claiming I should've have brought up something from past about sales - I usually avoid it like a plague, but it's actually fair game as far as putting on an act of making conv. w/cust.; irregardless, confession Davis rebels owe me] - dead giveaway is the implications are I can never bring up being the most prolific snow cone salesman when I was in jr. hi. 4:59, "We close, the dark" Persian male, dk jacket, wh pnts, P line. 5;17, "You ain't gonna have our bourbon;" 5:19, "you ain't gonna grade me" fat Asian male, (sumo fat) lt. brn "Bodega Bay" swt jacket, P line. "He'll have we walk tall" wh male dk gray [lt. brn.?] shrt, Target, 5:43 PM, like fat Asian on bus [text possibly sabotaged] - but following [me around] like male @ Walmart. "You wouldn't know it was come here" dk clthng, wh male emply (?) Target, 5:45. "He doesn't word, we're to be" 6:09 PM, 6:03, "It would be mercy;" (or similr) - "People dying" 6:04; "He doesn't say no to me" blk male, red wh chair, lt. blue hood, blk jacket, 42B; [i.e., coconspiring w/Asian male & Bourbon St. slaughter - 'people dying']. 6;13 PM 42B, "You were gonna glue" wh male lt. brn jacket, orange & blk vest, cap.; "He went ow, it" 6:25. [END EXCERPT]
The code from Asian male, as far as I can tell - 'burr b[e] 'un;'' they (No. Ca./UCD Asians) are claiming they can be cold & refuse to acknowledge Asian Jack Teacher goals, & simult. if I hold my post as teacher & minimize appearance of crediting Asians who refuse to respond - such as a Japan report that I removed based on dream it was going nowhere - then they can commit terrorism & it's my fault. I reported Mideast male 'He doesn't Nissan tax' code (DIVISION EVIL AGE TRAP... report), after refusing to sell me a product @ the posted sale price (Loop, 12/25). 12/31, 6:15 PM approx., bug code about teacher job interview in Pinol, blk principal, then 6:20, "You won't know, that number was;" i.e., monsters claiming blacks stalking me & implying possibly a job - but no actual offer, & instead an insult, they can claim that means I don't really want to be a teacher! I HAVE THEIR NUMBER! W/out getting sidetracked, a teacher outnumbered & forced into slavery , out if necessity can put on an act; in these circumstances I don't have to amount to an Academy Award actor; in fact, it was the regional DIVISION rebels who moved - I was employed as Teacher @ Vacaville Christian Academy, until they conspiratorially fired me, & then changed their name to Vacaville Christian School! It's attempt to claim I can't be a teacher & receive corroborating testimonies from musicians w/out it meaning that I'm no longer a teacher! But as Knute Rockne said (or you can imagine him saying this), "You can't trust those singers as far as they can throw you!" I reported Mexs. in No. Ca. orchestrating vaguely lewd stalking codes - "We molest" consistently - context was my identity w/kids as 'A' - a concession from my enemies; but they were gradually trying to negate it; 2017, blk fem @ 6th & B, "We CHILD molest!" Another blk male homeless came to Davis, stalking codes, & in one instance, approx. 2018, called me a baby raper. Blk fem, approx. 2016, said to her child, "You're going to have his large intestine!" 2017, applying for jobs, blk male remodeling store near Co-Op, & he was supervisor, so I asked him about a job; I then prayed if I should even consider working for blacks, because context of them coming to Davis & attempting to devastate my reputation instead of providing me justice, & vision, "Work out," & I guarantee that wasn't 'work out so you can play sports w/them & coach them in sports!' So God as of 2017 had already told me I wouldn't be working for any of them. SO ANYONE CONSPIRING TO NEGATE MY TEACHER CAREER BECAUSE I DIDN'T ACCEPT A NON-EXISTENT JOB OFFER & WORK FOR BLACKS, IS HEREBY BRANDED A BABY-RAPER & TERRORIST, & THOSE LABELS WILL STICK UNTIL THEY DIE, & THEY WILL BE PUNISHED AS SUCH IN HELL - CHOMPED BY COUNTLESS DINOSAURS - IN JESUS NAME! & this doesn't include additional punishments in hell for attempting to pressure me in context of NBA players & other blacks conspiring against me on TV nationwide! It's possible the vision of the plant this AM was double entendre- indicating Keno (Pinol principal) was a plant; i.e., he was placed there by conspirators or gov't from another part of nation, & made gestures about a job, because no one else in bay area was doing that or willing to do that, & also to see how I'd respond. NO. CA. REBELS:
Also, backlash, if any, pertaining to my display of late Dr. Walter Martin, Bible Answerman from Brooklyn, or Martin Luther, the Bible says, "Hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown" that pertains to saints & leaders w/good reputation, but doesn't pertain to rebels - rebels obviously aren't something you have or claim, rebels are evil that must be purged.
"Whoever confesses me before men, I will confess him before my Father in Heaven; whoever denies me before men, I will deny him before my Father in Heaven," Matt. 10:32,33. Rock & Hollywood produced scant testimony, of openness to, if not confession of faith - indicative of faith of some of them - song "Jesus Is Just Alright W/Me," "Blow Away" about Noah, "American Pie," & movies such as "The Ten Commandments," "Jesus of Nazareth," "The Passion of Christ," etc., etc. Boston song, "A Man I'll Never Be," talks about fans seeing rock musicians, but they are seeing what they perceive to be lucrative singers who are partiers, sinners, etc., someone that isn't them, but they're pressured to cave in to that. "If only I could find a way/I feel like I'm the man you believe I am/It gets harder every day for me/A man I'll never be;" "It's so hard to be unkind..." "I CAN'T KEEP HIDING THIS FEELING!" If only they could find a way to tell you who they really are, & tell you about the God they admire most - Father, Son, & Holy Ghost. Boston's first CD, song "Take Me Home Tonight," starts out w/"Now I'm not like this/I'm really kind of shy.." & Stevie Nicks defines 'take me home' - music lingo for a solo piece that hits home - male w/high pitched voice completes the rendition in "Stand Back" @ end of song (Stevie, "...taaaaaaake" male singer, "me hoooome!"). & Eddie Money one ups that - it's seeing the light of Christ - "Take me home tonight - 'I don't want to let you go, 'til you see the light!'" "I don't want to damn you/I wanna make you high..." (Boston) - Frampton - "Thank you" talk box lyrics in "Do You Feel Like We Do" (live) - ''f' you' is a curse word - because sex outside of marriage curses you - sin leads to death & hell. "I don't want to, damn you!" Don't desire sex outside of marriage. "I just want to get loose w/you tonight" - loose from the bondage of sin. "I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light"- armed gospel & turned loose on the world! Lumps of "sweet delight" - English dessert favorite. "I wanna make you high," rather than bringing you down - God is in Heaven - the Lord Most High. When you receive Christ, you're born again - "newborn babes in Christ;" 1 Pet. 2:2; like the baby Jesus in the manger! "Just like Ronnie said, just like Ronnie said, 'Be my little baby/Baby, my darling, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!'" (Ronnie & Ronettes). "W/all the power to release it -/It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone!" I.e., problem solved? Scoffers marveling @ the power of God, "Everybody walks right by like they're safe, or something!" (Jackson Brown, "Boulevard"). Alternately, figurative - stick together - it's a mad rush for the gospel! "On the boulevard, they take things hard/They look @ life w/such disregard..." but Brown saying, "The folks @ home, playing Beat the Clock..." I.e., rock stars getting a bum rap from churches, but still claiming Jesus is alright w/them, & portraying adults in an almost unrealistically positive light - @ home playing board games on Fri. nights - polar opposite of taking it hard. "Don't stop believing/Hold on to that feeling/Street lights, people..." - meeting people on the boulevard, - positive slant to cruising, which isn't undeserved; but the idea of being bold & outgoing around people of all walks of life - meeting new people & wanting to accept & affirm everyone for who they were wasn't simply notion - that "feeling" was occurring - a glimpse of this attractiveness & aroma of the gospel when your love is alive & your heart is on fire for the Lord 2 Cor. 2:14-16. Doobies, "Taking it to the streets," & Elton, "We fight our parents out in the streets/To find who's right & who's wrong;" most of this has already occurred - the battle is largely in the spiritual realm; Eph. 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" - giving preference to them in honor (Rom. 12:10) - "I have given you power to trample over the serpent & the scorpion, & nothing shall by any means harm you," Lk. 10:19 - beating those claiming to be the church @ their own game - but w/out being silent about their shortcomings, nor lethargic about bringing them to account - "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - the LORD detests them both," Pro. 17:15. Those intervening are counted as allies, but those caving in to the warlocks & stubbornly refusing to repent are already defeated - the spiritual governs the physical (2 Cor. 10).
Studio version "Take Me Home Tonight" (W/Ronnie), 2-strike of ladder - 'T' w/ladder warlocks - "Stairway To Heaven" - original Hebrew, it's a stairway (Gen. 28:12); repeat hand to mouth gesture (2X) - 'T' w/churches controlling prosperity & blessings - far exceeding monetary income. Song volume banter between Eddie & Ronnie - Guilded Show 'Ems blessed & encouraged women, but didn't allow them to take authority over men. Sax is placed on Eddie's shoulder - Dad Gum's Model A ooga horn - confirmation of holding post w/men being leaders. Jack Teacher plan - Education, Freedom, Diversity - Jack Teacher in "driver's seat"? "Let me take you home tonight..." Eddie Money in video, glances downward, "I was thinking..." i.e., vaguely implying supposed pessimism of stars concerning men leading - or specifically education men; Stevie Nicks, "Stand Back," studio video, @ end of video, same downward glance used to cover up that a male singer is completing the finale "Take me home" line - i.e., facade of women attempting to downplay significance of men's intervention on their behalf, & possibly acknowledgement of patriotic deeds of Latino singers (but don't throw cigarette butt on carpet). Keyhole spotlight on Eddie - simultaneously like playing cards clubs image - "Turn of a Friendly Card" - sax w/Fedora hat - Dad Gum It Church/ Jupiter Jesus! IN SUM, INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SINGERS, POSSIBLY OF LITTLE CONSEQUENCE AS FAR AS JACK TEACHER PLAN, EXCEPT THAT THEIR GESTURES HAVE TRACKED BOTH BRANCHES OF CHURCH, ASIANS, & TO SOME EXTENT MIDEAST; & THESE INTERACTIONS SEEM TO BE FURTHERMORE CREATING A DEMONSTRATION THAT JACK TEACHER'S WATCH IS CONTROLLING.
Boston, "It gets harder everyday..." - life w/out God only gets harder - keeping up a "dream" act of being stars who are cold sinners; true men of character follow God. Double entendre application to my life - ''A,' man, 'I'll never be!'' - manning that I'm denied my teacher career & my very existence they are attempting to snuff out - warlocks from both branches, due to their influence over entire populations conceivably, pressuring lg. segments to ignore me & abandon me & oppress me; instead of justice, it's more & more demands of super human feats, & continued attempts to negate my existence, & then adding to that attempts to end my life. Guilded Show Me's tracking them, but absent expediting it, it often translates to demands for greater feats while still systematically oppressing me. Boston CD "Don't Look Back," "Party" lyrics, "Now man doesn't live by bread a lone/He's got to have some lovin' each & every night/& a woman's got to have it, if the truth be known,..." But phonemically, "I wanna get to Heaven, if the truth be known" - Deut. 8:3 quote qualifies it - "Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord;" song following "Party," "Used To Bad News" phonemically, "I've got news to make news!" - the Gospel - the 'good spell' - the Good News of Jesus!
I've been telling people I'm 1700 years old - the world's oldest teacher - poised for wisdom; "Patiently," Journey, 1978, "One - one in a million, oh-oh-oh-oh/So here we stand so patiently/For your lights to shine on me/For your song inside of me/This we bring to you," & guitar solo first in L ear, then R ear - go right. "A Man I'll Never Be," phonemically, "If only I could find a way/I feel like I'm a million, & here I am!" "Patiently," "One - one in a million!" - a song that could lure a teacher to become a singer if there ever was one - 'too special to be a teacher;' but Boston song, among others, made it clear - any "one in a million" wasn't referring to a one in a million star performer - if there wasn't someone to hold his post for them, churches ostracizing them & they'd slowly spiral downward & fade away - bullseye - 1700 year old teacher; 'how old are you?' 'A million, buddy!' & technically, Jacker Teacher plan created by God in eternity past - Infinity!
If you fall for the rebels' requisites of exercise guru, then no one's ever free again - no one's ever entitled to justice - it becomes an arbitrary standard decided by despots, such as in the Dark Ages. As of 1930's rock & Hollywood orchestrated a long range conspiracy luring Western & Eastern branches to become jealous of Jack Teacher - so that persecuting me became the focus; historical Jack Teacher plan was overlooked by them because they'd become bent on evil. Rock & Hollywood then produce a semblance of a watch demonstrated they anticipated these reactions. Barbra Streisand, "Guilty" lyrics, "We're taking away/It's gotta be night & day..." rock & Hollywood asserting their walk w/Jesus, inlcuding tracking neglect of Jack Teacher & Jack Teacher plan, & both branches of church capitulating to corruption, had to produce stark contrast to those they were tracking. The m.o. of both branches, along w/No. Ca. DIVISION rebels - I'm never able to obtain justice or "attain to" a teacher career; instead it's ever-increasing standards of exercise, etc., so that I must become proficient in athletics to extent of being a career athlete - & this after already railroaded into achieving accomplishments as salesman & attorney. Moreover, the explicit requisite of having to focus on lofty athletic goals before you're "good enough" for justice is literally putting a price tag on freedom - YOU'RE NO LONGER ENTITLED TO FREEDOM AS A CITIZEN OF U.S., YOU HAVE TO PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY OF IT - & THAT'S THE ARBITRARY STANDARDS OF THOSE IN CONTROL. Guilded Show Em's need to heed the Scripture indicates, must strengthen their stance - confession of Jesus' name before others publicly - the acid test of being a Christian. & since as I reported, their watch concerning the Jack Teacher plan as central theme, using it as a standard to counter the notions of greed & riches that are associated w/famous stars - & that the Bible says almost always lead people astray from God, might count as proof of following Jesus w/their lives, but their delays as far as empowering the Jack Teacher plan calls into question other acid test; Rom. 10:9,10, the two acid tests - (1) confess w/your mouth Jesus is Lord, & (2) believe in your heart God raised him from the dead - belief in one's heart means following Jesus!
THE RIGHT STUFF - U.S.A. INVENTED MANNED FLIGHT - WE STRENGTHEN WHAT REMAINS & ADD TO IT - FLIGHT IN THE SKIES & IN SPACE: Supertramp - kill shot against warlocks who are attempting to negate Jack Teacher plan.
I'm qualifying this w/the Supertramp double entendre lure - 'Super[man invades &] tramp[les] rebels underfoot,' but it lures them to assert their corruption more publicly - in addition to conspiring homelessness & ending my life, they advertise consp. to trample U.S.A. & Jack Teacher plan underfoot (bike tunnel display). But the double entendre - I'm trapped in oppressive conditions; this AM (12/27), "You can't tick - show her!" 4:30 AM approx., vision, specifically applicable to Ford rprt., due to them currently using lethal code in ads, but Guilded Show 'Ems can't claim to have godly Jack Teacher plan goals if the teacher is trapped being a ditch-digger/yes-man/gopher! I.e., the Jack Teacher plan - but Jack Teacher is marginalized & reduced to gopher trapped deadly conditions, & Bill Murray seems to be contributing to the oppression!
"We'll have we're the better" crow, 11:52 AM, Radcliff. 12:15, "We try w/you are" fem bug code or vision, 12:15. "Hey, he's stop" male, 1218 Fordham, 11:40. 2:40, "You'll have that soul list out;" possibly referring to list of fems. (vision) staying @ Motel 6- you can't say some of them weren't interested in me because of my intellect! 12:40 PM; "You won't have mine" blk fem. homeless caser, blk jacket, dk gray suitcase (Hanover bus stop?). "She'll have her take" Asian male student, blue jacket, blk bag, 42B 4:48 PM. 6:33 PM, blk male, blk & gold chk'd swtr, codes, 42B, including code to driver upon boarding, "I didn't spend it all in one place," immed. after I'd stayed @ Hyatt for 3 days. I.e., 'checked' shrts, jackets, etc., coded claim I have to be paranoidly frugal about motel stays - despite it isn't a crime nor even immoral to stay somewhere nicer once in a while. 6:48 PM, wh fem, same chk'd shrt, blk lthr jacket, Sharks hat, Raley's, w/lg. blk male; approx. 6:49, #3 male cashier, "Need a bag?" to cust., but instantly, "HUH!?" lg. blk sec. grd behind him. 12/25, dream I was in lg. cafeteria, but it was like mental inst., 3 AM - occurred before the dream about being chased by police; i.e., desperate attempts to i.d. me as far as paying taxes & motel bills. 7:46 AM, "Some of them don't have tails; the chaos of their lives, ..." S.C. Salvation Army wh male, MY 58. Bald Asian male @ W Acre bus stop, 8 AM, & on 42A, brn & blk chk'd shrt, blk bag (pic sent); "You can see you're now eat" 8:17 AM; "You just curb me" 8:34 AM; i.e., ordinarily, confession that I'm correcting him, but context - claiming that I caused him to become an oppressor (Asian male stalking me sitting on curb, E St. approx. mo. ago); they 'checked' my stay @ Hyatt - tax bill due, & drop in pay; I'm "driving them" to become stalkers, & attempt to strangle me to death (curb strangle attack, 7/2021), is the desperate claim. Yolobus & Unitrans bus stop - 8" section running L of bus stop structure @ Hanover (in front of former UCC site), facade of jail bars 8" tall - because it amounts to a chin up bar @ top, & there's nowhere in WS to do chin-ups (school grounds are barred shut like prisons), I've been using it as chin-up bar; but I then noticed, the one in front of UCC site is the only bus structure anywhere in Davis or WS that has this "feature" allowing for chin-ups; also is similar to Gidget's red & wh striped swim suit. Styx video, 10 min. St. Jude ad, fem in bkgrd (?) (notes incomplete). 12/27, 7:20 AM "Wash a window check" male, dispatch, 42A after bus delayed @ Mace bus stop; bus stop where approx. 3 HS kids get on P line, which has approx. 15 reg. HS students riding to school; the monsters are claiming if I don't take that transfer @ that location & that P line, they can 'check' my teacher goals; but it's inconvenient to transfer buses, & I've already done that - it's the same students on that bus daily - you don't keep promoting tutoring nor landscape services to exact same indiv's. on daily basis.
12/25, blk fem driver, 42A, stops @ city hall (Davis) & holds glove into aisle - blue & blk - similar to mine, 8:35 AM; she then gets out of bus & slowly circles it on foot - location is same as pic in BW room - driver training instructor handing keys to male, supposedly student, but both are standing in street rather than on sidewalk - & city hall was a school back then. Driver subtly claiming they're "allowing" me to rake & weed. Approx. 7:40 AM, MY58 fem wthr rptr, "Today is a good day for a walk" (ch 3 rptr). Mex. elderly fem, possibly homeless, next to me on bus, had been faking like falling asleep from WS to Davis, hand slowly sliding off lap to her side, then she partially awakens & puts hand back on lap (4-5X); red jacket, blue & blk bk pk, same color combo as gloves. I checked 4 stores in area so far - they all offer no laptop bags, or selection of one for approx. $50 - Walmart, WS, Target, Davis, Ross, WS, TJ Maxx; they are claiming I look awkward w/laptop bg - but in actuality, it's access to bank statements & laptop - leaving them in my motel room while I'm gone for the day. Laptop is preferable to bk pk - adults in all walks of life utilize laptop bags, but bk pk is 'student' stigma, plus it's code for claim victim packed & moved. 4:29 PM, male, "He just won't have this adult hoood," (or similar), Villa Nova; TV ad for Naturwood Home Furnishings, w/giant waterwheel, 2 sm. kids, "Tell 'em Brooklyn & Nova sent you!" 'wheel' code for sales of some sort - including ditch-digging that req's knocking on doors; 'nature' - homeless (past or present), 'wood' - lewd code - 'would [commit lewd act];' i.e., ongoing consp. w/ongoing TV ad that victim "would..." so no career working w/kids; Nova - Central Davis street - Villa Nova; 'villa[ge]' - 'evil age [denies career w/] Nova;' confession that they can be an "evil age" (generation) but claim they have that prerogative under guise that Jack Teacher might do something evil to someone @ young age; the facade is a teacher req'd to pipe up about religion ('nova' - space or Heavens terminology) - trap the teacher so that he slowly becomes overly spiritual, use it as tool to cause him to stumble. I already reported custs. in Village Homes neighborhood in W.D. - 'evil age homes,' incl. the 'bee' consp. 12/29, vision, 8:05 PM, "What if said you should?" but 12/28, it occurred to me, 'should' based on phonemes, 'shhh! [those claiming I "w]ould!"' 12/25, "He won't gov; we're chip!" wh boy, grn shrt, Villa Nova res. behind Rob's (@ 1118 Radcliff). "I know, it's still a little bit slow; end, snow the fems.," Asian fem, possibly Robert's wife (Radcl.), gray swtr, 10:30 AM, w/Asian relatives visiting on Christmas; double entendre - deception that fem. can be cold about anal sex; because Jack Teacher standing in gap for women obviously isn't finishing it w/"snowing" them about sex. "This is you can't make your thing; that was our sow" 11:25 approx.; vision - 'sow' as in pig; dream about being chased & kidnapped by police early that AM - the facade is claim that they can still isolate me under a microscope & attempt to dupe me that I have to be paranoid about paying my "rent" (motel bill) while they allow & participate in a thousand crimes/day, & if FTB stops deducting payments from my bank acct. - while state of Ca. is reaming me like no one before in all of history - I have to paranoidly kiss their butts & refuse to touch that uncollected money set aside for them - while Davis custs. use it against me - claiming I have that money for motel bill in bank (3 mos. @ $50/mo. for taxes), so constant door-knocking becomes futile. The dream of being chased is claim they caught me being "bad" if I don't have enough in bank to make rent & tax payments. But that was tracked supernaturally this weekend - scream of boy being burned to death in Waverly Flats apts., Pocket/Greenhaven, Sac. (12/29, ch 10, approx. 6:30 AM). They cornered victim - he's a little boy who's been bad for trying to waive tax payments so that he won't fall short of $3000/mo. rent @ motel; victim is 'green, [thinking he'd better be paranoidly be]havin;'' - EVIL AGE DIVISION REBELS! In general, my goal is to pay my bills, but God led me consider taking Christmas off - actuality, vision I hadn't written down before that, 12/24, 11:30 PM approx., "I want you to kick it inside," because I have been working & paying my bills consistently for years - FTB recent facade of first freezing my bank acct., & then suddenly no collection of payments, possibly stalking me to see if they can dupe me that I have to be paranoid about making my tax payments, or I've fallen short & police can oppress me. These facades were defeated decades ago - but years of isolation & oppression is their way of forcing one rematch after another in conditions of darkness or...EVIL AGE - STALL TACTICS SPANNING DECADES AS FAR AS JUSTICE TO ATTEMPT TO HELP LOCAL REBELS GET AWAY W/THEIR CRIMES! 1:22, "He doesn't know - we won't be knowing it" Robert(?). 2 PM, nobody open for lunch due to Holiday, I went to Loop, product similar to Hot Pockets, sign on warmer said, Empanadas, 2/$5; there were 3 flavors of them - all Empanadas, I had asked about Poweraid, 2/$5 - can you get one for $2.50? (If not, I was going to buy Coke), Persian male clerk indicated if you buy one, you can still get the lower price, then charged me higher price, claiming misunderstanding; it wasn't that important, so I purchased it - but I was then charged $4.99 for ea. Empanada; when I asked for sale price, he said they have to be same flavor - BS, Empanada, Empanada; I demanded refund, & after getting refund, audible fem. bug code, "refund our tolerate" or similar; i.e., they're crooks, but they didn't pull a gun on me; "That was wee lesson," blk male clerk, Loop. After exiting, approx. 15 yrds. from Loop bldg., audible code of Persian clerk, "He doesn't Nissan, tax," i.e., oppression because I minimized report about Japan, due to dream that they weren't going to respond - but now Davis Persians are oppressing me over it, 2:04 PM. I.e., one false move in reports on internet, & they can deny me sale prices @ stores. 12/26, 7:52 AM, Brian, Savem. cashier, to Asian male cust., "We're doing a steep thing - Fair back" & instantly my self ck reg. shorts me $0.46 change, & cashier had to program it; i.e., follow up consp. w/Loop from day before - 'you gave him his change, tolerate' or similar. 'Fair[field] back' - consp. to force me to move to Solano cty; Fentynal ads - [sheriff] Ferrara & hand on fender of squad car. 8:29 "You won't have where I'm chalking it," fem bug code near Jan's. "He just wouldn't know," wh fem gray hair, gray jacket, dog, near Huerta bike path, 1:04 PM. "They won't ride you, 'rape?'" ('raped the universe' report). 1:40, "You won't know, we're all yellow" bug code; i.e., bald Asian male supposed confession - DIVISION attempting to appease by conspiring Asians making gestures of openness - as long as they get to keep me as a slave, they might respond to warlocks' version of "God;" i.e., 'steep' tea - I must forfeit teacher goals & bow down to rebels' spiritual slavery demands pursuant to pseudo goals of winning Asia for their false god - steep climb up the warlocks false steeple, w/help of nude disciples; but this was tracked by Canada - bow down to tea leaf slavery? Canada has that leaf covered w/their flag & 1970's ad, "Canada Dry, tastes like mud!" (It was actually 'love', but you'd swear they were saying 'mud'); i.e., founder Leif Erikson - Education Nation goals - if necessary, say tea tastes like MUD! (Asians probably won't buy that, but it'll make the point).
12/25, ch 3, "They found stolen items;...the stolen items were not found" fem rptr, Andrea Flores, 7:09 PM. "We can make change..." Fentynal ad, 7:13 PM, ch 13; code about sabotaging my income; but it echos song from approx. 2009, "We can make a change/From NY to L.A.!" 7:14, Folsom store clerk, "We're gonna limit torture." "You can't be," bug code, 7:47. "Chaos control" Kennedy, 9:22 PM C-SPAN 2; "Get Smart," TV comedy, '70's, about Maxwell Smart (Don Adams) & agent 99 - they worked for Control, law enforcement; evil was Chaos - congressmen are actually reduced to emulating comedy actors instead of politicians. "Had to be they'll und" 9:32 PM NBA anncr, ESPN ch 26. "A fast wake up" 10:13 PM W Cap. "This isn't mother nature, this is chaos," ch 3, fem, storm drainage rupture in new 11:10 PM. Fox, Legos ad (?) "dream of seeing Christmas inside" (boy featured), fem (rptr?)(Sophia?), 9:50 PM. "As Andrea Steeple said,..." wthr, 11:01 - possibly referring to Andrea Flores, but Savemart code from 12/26, 'steep.' Andres Valle (rptr), "I'm the nude on the news," 11:05 PM; 'und' code - 'undress' ('Andres'). "That was you double" 10:43 PM, blk male rm 17. Don't knock high standards until you've tried it - twice the pleasure.
12/26, "That won't have our apple" blk male rm 17 5:32, d & g code. 5:45 AM, "he's just gonna see - it's his ship" W Cap. ch 3 6:32 AM, Sac police car, flashing blue light on rear of car - located @ vehic. lic. pl. (prison code), Log Pond Ln.; K Mart blue light "specials" - i.e., claiming they tracked me being overly frudal; log [on to internet] pawned' - staying @ Hyatt for 3 days for Holidays (but could be @ some other point as well) means teacher goals are pawn, is their devious claim - hackers sabotaging my access to e mail while staying @ Belair total negation of access for approx. 2 years, then suddenly I had access last mo., but access negated again last week - it's a "pawn" because I'm supposedly not seriously applying for teacher jobs according to rebels; for ex., staying @ Hyatt means I can apply for teacher jobs, & yet during that 3 day period, I didn't (as far as I recall); but while I'm only applying for teacher jobs a few times/mo. because I'm busy w/reports, I'm submitting 15-20 applications/mo. w/out fail. The rebels are attempting facade that I'm only pursuing teacher goals because I was outdone @ R.E. - forced to say "okay" & give up; K Mart code - ''kay, [I'm s]mart;' but as I reported - free enterprise is all well & good, but when they resort to systematic crimes, all bets are off, whether it's proving yourself @ the field, or, considering customers were involved as well, claiming those goals after obtaining justice; moreover, it doesn't get any better than 1700 year & 245 year historic proofs that I'm supposed to be a teacher - ordained from Heaven above, demonstrating sales was simply a strategy to keep busy & earn income until I could clear my name & get back to teacher career!
12/30, "There's a great sacrificial week for the Jews" dream, 5:30 AM, wh boy, acting excited; Dan. 9, one week following 69 weeks from issuance of decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 458 BC (symbolizing 69 7's of years) - midweek, the Messiah shall be cut off - half week is approx. 3 years - Jesus' ministry was 3 years & then he was cut off - crucified; possibly child indicating he overheard a consp. to "crucify" me - such as prison sentence. W/codes & slavery, you don't interpret these things to mean you've won Teacher of the Year award. "They saw our heinous day," code, W. Cap., 11:36 AM (confession). 4:11 PM, referring to repercussions from illegal fireworks, wh male from Metro Fire, "They start @ $1000 they go up to a prison," ch 3; supposed 'up to a prison [sentence];' but context, code, 'they [Ca. rebels] "go" [(wiped out) is] up to a prison;' ie., consp. that No. Ca. makes more serious false accusation, then prison guards "assess" me. 4:39 PM, "...Lakers on!" fem rptr, ch3. 5:05 PM, "...a felony of A," Dart (blk male rptr, ch 3).
Vision, 2/28 approx. 12:15 AM, "I could give you the popular vote" (or similar), vision, blnd fem.
model; I'm open for suggestions, but teacher position is the goal - see BLACK TAPE PROJECT report; use
your charisma & leadership to expose the rebellion.
I'd hate to think I might've instigated a chill effect discouraging opening one's mouth! I'll triple 'em - (1)pics of smiles w/mouth open, laughing, talking, gasping, symbol of testifying, all acceptable - it's the incessant mouth hanging open to let the flies in that creates the look of unintelligence or incoherence; (2) the open mouth gesture symbolic of testifying or piping up is most likely the motive behind Bidens - ongoing subtle "testimony" - of supportiveness for the rebels' rumors! I.e., 'Tell on the bad guys? Our stalls punishing Joe Sherman ARE telling on the bad guy(s).' It's proof of their participation. (3) Like Carl's says, "Don't bother them; they're eating," but that could be said to be a tracking mechanism - subtle additional claim those
persecuting me are being allowed to "eat," & eventually consume me. Prov. 14:4-6, "They eat my people like bread and wouldn't think of praying! Don't they really know any better? Terror shall grip them, for God is with those who love him. He is the refuge of the poor and humble when evildoers are oppressing them."
- Carl's Jr. tracked blk track star Carl Lewis' & Outlaws' lewd conspiracies, & this is more of the same - 'k[ey], "our all" - 'lew[d rumors] is.' In fact, I've used one particular name from UCC, Schroeders (Paul & Linda) - code, 'shhh, [send him to death] row, der!!!' as opposed to my rendition, 'Sher[man death] rowed 'er,' (referring to UCC); slow, unintelligent, etc., "Duh! Which way did he go?" "der!" - the "slow" mouth open look is a code for the death row conspiracy!
Recent news story about Chan almost passing out doing his own stunt involving being choked; the implication was (possibly I was being presumptuous) the attempt on my life was a stunt to lure rebels or prove they or Slavs, etc. - who wouldn't have any way of knowing it was a stunt - are willing to allow my death. But absent public confirmation of that from Chan, that's a deadly assumption. Also, double-edged "sword" of recent Penny acquittal. He committed second degree murder, period. You could say the acquittal is warning that blacks must be purged for publicly claiming, utilizing codes, takeover of Davis & ending my life - race-wide rebellion against U.S.A. & conspiracy to enslave & commit murder, but race wasn't even asserted as a motive in ending Neely's life, nor has anyone stated that was the motive. The double-edge "sword" is the acquittal craftily slips in those who made similar attempts on my life. The strangle attack of 26 July 2021, context of vision of me married to Taylor Swift & while w/body guard taking a drink from someone's hose faucet w/out permission; i.e., marriage w/out-of-control body guard, implying Taylor communicated that "option." Moreover, I reported Linda Ronstadt's scheduled appearance in Jan. in San Leandro - phonemically a code of Asians neglecting justice for me & involved in conspiracies to send me to death row - & these factors/motives are present to an extent, especially w/Asians in No. Ca. - see ASIANS PLAYING DEAD...LOCAL ASIANS MORE INVOLVED... report. Implication is - under assumption rock isn't actually coconspiring death row for me - that either (1)I was willing to risk my life on behalf of Asians, or (2)that death trap occurred, & Asians willfully & repeatedly allowed it. My goal is work as a teacher; I'm not called as missionary, so I didn't willingly go out on limb as missionary, especially when God wants me to hold my post as teacher on behalf of Asians. As far as #2, Asians have let us down, because these death traps are occurring - they are devaluing their education feats; but Linda casually displaying that, along w/implication that she might be able to intervene - just wait until January - is an insult, & leaves me in deadly conditions! It wasn't an option for Chan to indicate it's all in fun & not elaborate explicity & publicly. The trackings of Guilded Show 'Ems seem thorough, but there's enough loopholes & careless delays that I end up dead while touting them.
12/12, "This is where he would," 42A wh fem driver, after demanding my suitcase out of aisle, & then blk fem homeless pssngr constantly attempting to create trouble wallowing on floor then acting like eating on bus; short gray hair - plant; legs were too muscular to be homeless. "We're gonna Joe hope" 7:45 approx., fem driver; 8:05, driver acting like too distracted by blk fem to stop @ bus stop on Russell Blvd. when I pulled string, & also ignored my objections, despite I objected loudly; I got off @ Amherst which was alternate route to job site about same distance; but upon getting off, driver made coded comment ('this is...'); i.e., it was attempt to get me to compromise my kidnap accusations - drivers toying w/me & refusing to let me off, I've warned that's tantamount to kidnap in the past - this was deceptive attempt to get me to budge. 9:25 AM, vision, Mom, "They have my know what I mean?" "We're gonna sea your mom" Jan, Antioch, 9:15. "Joe inn, it" Jan, 10:26 AM. "He needs to be a big head" (or similar) 10:35 AM, Ray, before I left; Jan or Ray removed 'knock' sign taped to front entrance as of 2 years ago or so approx. 10 AM; then while we were working on porch, single knock on front door - Ray; code - 'no[t], k[ey];' it's a coded claim front door isn't the key. Jan gave me Christmas bonus of approx. $100, & I took half hour extra lunch, because God led me I've been door-knocking like crazy & overdone it; but mex. terrorists claiming I didn't have luxury of extra long lunch, which they predicted I'd take w/lg. bonus - Tymco brand Recology truck waiting parked next to Jan's as I left, then 3 ident. Recology trucks near Akira tea shop @ Savemrt ctr, 11 AM. Also, Jan asking me to do menial task of bending wires of ornaments so they don't come off - i.e., too menial of I should shun it; but on contrary, they're only trapping themselves - if I'm getting paid, meticulous look of tree in front isn't off limits. 11:23 AM, "They passing we haul" Royal Kabob cafe, Persian male emply. "This is menu" wh male blk shrt, blk cap, 11:25. "It was your pull off" or similar; "It there a beat up?" 12:06, male cust. to emply, Royal. "Too much to watt'll wundle" male emply, 11:49; code for Waddle & Reed (finance), interview I went to in 1992 or so in Sac. "We're gonna take our plunder him," wh male blk swt shrt, glasses red hair. 11:58 "We're gonna watch him win, off;" "I'll get it w/kids later" Royal, wh male dk gray quilt jacket gray __. "Don't whine 'em" 4 PM vision. "You could just do it" 4:09, vision; "It's who you scold." Wh male USPS driver, van, w/flashers, pulled out from Faro St. onto F, while I was @ corner waiting for bus; but cars oncoming were too close; he quickly pulled over to curb, but then sat there for few min. near me - wh van as opposed to sm. deliv. trucks. I've reported USPS trucks stalking me w/U turn codes, including one @ Gene's approx. year ago. I took pic, but wasn't clear due to sabotaged camera. I reported the Halls plumber truck @ Paul's approx. 12/13 - same blue square logo as USPS, this was same day we made trip to Public Storage (12/13). "Well actually it's tin here" wh fem clerk, BW, after claiming she gave me $8 discount that was simply my membership disc., 6:05 PM. 3:53 PM, "It's quest fodder" wh male, 1 of 2, dk blue (?) jacket, blnd hair, G1.
12/13, [SECTIONS OF REPORT DELETED AS OF 12/22, & NO ACCESS TO E MAIL @ BELAIR DUE TO HACKERS - 50 DINOSAURS FOR CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE. Plumber, wh or mex. male, beard, tan jacket, arrived @ Paul's on Banyan approx. 9:15 AM, "I have 2 - open the gate" but, the gate was already unlocked & open; subtle hesitation indicating prison consp. - 'oh, pen, the gate;' then 10 min. later, wearing hood, despite weather hadn't changed, & strangely manipulating recycle bin to front of his truck w/hood on; ie., possibly implying anyone & everyone is homeless recycle collector w/Davis' "standards;" the problem is that was evident 2 decades ago.] "clip hers," wh fem E. of Paul's 9:54. 9:45 "He won't know my home," sm girl next door to Paul's - N. "He won't have his come on" girl or adult fem., same loc. 10:10, "You won't know, I'm come on" plumber, Hall's plumbing. 9:45 approx., "We've got our tape" plumber; 'tape' referring to blue (masking) tape I was stalked w/for approx. 2 years @ custs' res., & including on Unitrans support rail poles (vertical) - Jan door-knock mssg. that was removed 12/12, was attached w/blue tape. I was led 'door-knocking inclinations is they know they'd better start hiring me - I've knocked on every door in town dozens of times; but they are first attempting to scare me that elim.'g door knocking means hostage captivity inst. of ample work. "Diamonds' our true truck" audible bug code from Hall's van. 11:40, "You're gonna rape this place," plumber - BUT ONLY AFTER I WROTE DOWN ALL HIS CONSP. CODES & MADE WARNINGS; I.E., PRISON CONSP. TRACKED, SO, BACK-UP PLAN - SWITCH SIDES & HELP JACK TEACHER; ALSO, CONTEXT WAS CHILD STALKING ME NEXT DOOR, SO ALTERNATE & MORE LIKELY INTERP. - LEWD INNUENDO ABOUT CHILD. Soon after that, Paul & wife (blk fem.) left for "a few min." - indicating coast is clear for plumber to attack me - i.e., it couldn't have been referring to customers getting raped, right!? Then, 12:10, "You're not gonna hurt 'em, Kate" plumber. "Let's give it a shot" 12:45 Paul, @ Public Storage, pointing downward @ gray floor. "We can't leave you're alone w/it" gov't bug code - blk child on F line. Blue hat missing upon leaving Paul's. "South career," mex. male gray hood, Savem., 6:32. "You're gonna hurt 'em later on" fem bug code, 5:55 AM. NBC news, Syria, jail cell where American Veteran hostage for 2 years, CNN(?) rptr., after former dictator deposed, footage of prison cell, & "Y.O.L.O." on wall inside the cell - telltale sign that Yolo cty (Davis) as been tolled. [THIS SYRIA SECTION DELETED FROM MY E MAIL REPORT TO FEDS, 12/21; DISCOVERED IT 3:45 AM 12/22]
12/12, ABC ch 10, "You've come this far; you don't want to be the team that lost the inn" blk male dad of football players @ Grant HS 6:24 PM. Once again, Davis rebels committing crimes - even if they defy God & miracles from Heaven spanning 1700 years, & create facade that I really want to prove myself in sales, the problem is everyone knows, if they start committing crimes, all bets are off - there isn't any "competition!"
12/17, "You're not gonna know; we're gonna be picking all that up" Gene 9:14; possibly another ph sabotage(?). "We just can't Kate - D-inn" (or similar) Gene(?), 9:45; 'Kate' - I reported - code for homeless fem. casing me in Davis, 2009-2015 or so, before homeless blk fem caser arrived; the point was 'surviving homelessness isn't such a manly feat, A, we have Kate achieving it as well;' & this was when homelessness mushroomed in No. Ca. & then nationally - attempt to downplay my accomplishments. But no one's arguing it isn't survivable, but there's only so many who accomplished what I did - avoiding charity almost 100% of time, targeted by church leaders, law enforcement, d.a., courts, all @ once in regional conspiracy, adding sales skills & attorney skils to my teacher career, increasing my sports skills, consistently exercising public forum evangelism, & then standing in gap for singers. As reported, 'Kate' label & conspiracy has shooting spree ramifications - K St., Sac., 2022. "Joe, you just 'don't' - it is I can't comprehend," vision, Mom, after the "Don't Bring Me Down" report (Bruce); i.e., "Only the Lonely" - my Mom & sister, acting under cover in Lodi, can somewhat identify w/me; & Motels band gives them credit for being among the "lonely" - like Journey, etc. I know from visions my Mom's overwhelmed by my accomplishments & those of rock & Hollywood, & the trouble they went to for Utts & U.S.A., but, 'don't' indicates her point is children can't develop comprehension skills if I'm not allowed to teach - "I've got a job to do, & I do it well!" "Only the Lonely" - "Hold on, here we go/Hold on, to nothing we know" - i.e., 'hold on to 'nothing,' we know;' you're a teacher & you convert rock songs, & no one responds, & because you have no intention of becoming a star singer, & instead are sticking w/teacher goals, your response is, "Nothing! [Forget it...]!" which is the appropriate response, as well as my Mom's "Can I have your 'no' autograph?" & I've stuck w/that strategy, other than reporting Guilded Show 'Em's acts of tracking others who are trying to kill me & kill the Jack Teacher Education Nation plan. Approx. 9:50, wh male & fem went by carrying baby, Del Oro; 10:20 approx., "You won't know - we're a little on the ground" bug code - lewd stalkings. "You just go die, Irene" bug code, 1:45 approx.
12/16, Unitrans brochure (UCD bus), illustration of back half of cow, w/cat on it's back, standing in front of older Unitrans bus double decker, chrome bumper/grill of bus behind cow creates coded facade of sword sticking out of cow's butt - same shape as Nishi property in Central D. - project for Nishi labeled "Gateway" project; developers w/approx. 100 acres next to downtown in recent past trying to get approval for new addition to downtown. I reported (see PRIME DAVIS R.E. IMPLODING...) Gateway - same name & same shape as Titan project that imploded. 42B, blk male driver delayed 3-15 min. @ Enterprise stop (W Cap) 6:20 PM, & in lot next to the stop, WS police car. 5:25 PM, F line Unitrans, passed me by on F St. - couldn't have missed me - I flung my bag up; they also had plenty of time to stop if they saw me too late. This was same location as USPS wh van that stalked me 12/12 or so. I reported USPS conspired to prop up Aggies - "420" code stalking me in 2002 after I walked home from Wdld in middle of night, arriving on Pole Line Rd. bridge @ 3:30 AM - & they had predicted (w/grafitti on bike path), "420;" w/in a few years of that, USPS poster w/emply looked exactly same as UCD MU supervisor, & new 420 stampe (then marijuana smokers followed suit). A set up coordinated w/Sac. Halls rebels. Recent story in news: Squirrels in certain areas have started eating voles, a species of mice, despite they usually stick to nuts & seeds. Volvo is the cultish car of Davis - they have Volvo show day annually; & approx. 2006, Aggies started role playing squirrels as consp. claim I'm no more than a little animal trying to survive, "squirreling" (stashing) possessions away. I've reported as far as "squirreling" away income, I've been denied that option for most part. $ saved for f&l & dep. in case I'm hired as teacher are siphoned away w/equipment sabotages, such as phones. Nevertheless, the code resulted ironically in Aggies known as squirrels, @ least figuratively. So the report in news seems to be a prospective act of Aggies distancing themselves from Davis rebels & attacking ("eating") them. But, this story is then manipulated against me in subtle trap - the 12/16 bus oppression/USPS stalking, witnessed by Halls van logo, was subtle assertion that they've been some of kingpins all along, w/USPS affirming it, & so a report suggesting vole attack is already sacrificed to rebel goals - in the form of a facade 'Gateway watch' - facade that I'm still secretly a salesman, working w/developers such as Nishi development - & then claim of involvement in rebellion, & prison ('oh, pen, the gate'). "...asked to get this one...I just won point" Del (blk rptr.), sports news; i.e., another Grant coach co-conspirator claiming I asked for any trouble by staying @ BW & Hyatt - but these monsters created this rebellion menagerie. Guilded Show 'Ems miss the Heaven's Gate false teacher pit, from what the Lord has communicated to me, because they've tracked & exposed those negating Jack Teacher Education Nation plan, as opposed to molding me into a Gilligan character. "The pit the wicked dig for the righteous, they fall into that very pit;" Ps. 141:10, Ps. 110:1; the rebels are taken by the 'gateway' Heaven's Gate pit.
UCD Unitrans bus Gateway code utilizing old English bus theme combating Model A, along w/UCD cow "butting," that they can trap me in sales career & systematically oppress me - "Bossy Cow-Cow," one of Aggie mascots - coconspiring w/Davis; bike tunnel under Shasta Ave., @ Patwin school - trampled underfoot, according to rebels. 'k[ey], ow,' cow code - downplaying that false arrest "slightly injures" you, but doesn't kill you - perceived as a "key" - strategy enabling them to prolongedly oppress me - minimizing damages minimizes provocation of others to intervene. 'Cow-Cow' - Davis-UCD. Patty Loomis, seller of Davis B&B Inn. But near the entrance to that depiction ( a few yds away) a display of a space ship crashed to earth - ACCORDING TO HEAVEN'S GATE CULT LEADER, A SPACE SHIP WAS ACCOMPANYING HALE-BOPP COMET - THESE ARE THE HEAVEN'S GATE CULT REVIVAL MEMBERS - SIGNING ON DOTTED LINE FOR SUICIDE!
Illustrating the viciousness & desperation of the monsters in No. Ca. attempting to control & brainwash me, while I was staying @ Motel 6, vision of long list of fems. who were desiring to stay in same room where I was staying; & this was irregardless of dirty pics - it was approx. 2021, before that came to a head. Additionally, there were occasionally really cute young ladies who were working as clerks the office; often from elsewhere besides Davis; that was largely beside the point, because unless they were new to the area or commuting, everyone in No. Ca. region has caved in, so none of them were a perspective dating material. Nevertheless, there were leaks that they were wide open to dating me, if it were different conditions. Lovely blond fem. who rarely used codes (but once is enough, especially absent provision of justice), brought up she was from Woodland; as I was leaving the office after checking in, "Have fun w/it!" & it was sexual connotation. As far as I recall, this was soon after the motel had been taken over by Mideasterners from W.S., who also operated M6 on Harbor Blvd. in W.S., & as reported, they pressured Mex. male asst. mgr. to create police altercation based on my act of sternly warning mex. male outside my room in a p/up truck to stop stalking me, this was followed by permanent ban from the motel w/in a mo. or so, which is illegal, but court is corrupt, so law suit isn't an option. Nevertheless, before the ban occurred, the blnd clerk was suddenly banned for approx. one mo.; upon return, she had a new haircut w/hair on one side of her head cut off almost completely; i.e., 'They got one side, but you can still pull my hair on the other side! I haven't given up!...' In fact, this negligible flirt from her may have been the reason for the ban; @ any rate, I noticed several mos. ago, it's no longer Motel 6; it's now "Hi-Wheel Flats" motel - literally spelling out, if any women in the region want to attempt to greet me or affirm my sexuality, they will suffer for it; i.e., the blnd. "wheeled" or parlayed a "hi," so her sexuality was cut off - as far as any dealings w/me - & one way or another she's reduced to a flat impotent. This is combined w/systematic displays on TV where ads, etc., claim they can take liberties w/illegal eavesdropping & use it against me - scenarios where there is no room for any benefit of the doubt - gestures of models are bent to imply facade of inevitable lewdness; any instance of me watching porn is played back utilizing children, w/corresponding assumption that I have no right of privacy & whatever I look @ magically becomes known to a lot of people. Those doing so, they are committing crimes along w/illegal eavesdroppers, in addition to stalking me - aiding & abbetting, & receiving stolen or illegally obtained property. I've avoided any dirty pics for several mos. as of this point, but as an ex. of this, approx. 2 years ago, porn flick of male entering a room & Latino fem. acting like a tigress waiting for him; she attacks his pvt. parts w/voracious oral sex until he ejaculates, & instantly, slight smile on her face in response. Less than one mo. later, I was watching Spanish TV, soap opera, & fem. Latino in office having discussion w/male, & she then gives him 4 of the slight smiles in a row; i.e., 'That voracious attack? I'll do it 4X in a row!' The smiles were out of context other than that flick. (I'm not against voracious attacks - in the marriage bed rather than on camera.) But THEY DEMONSTRATE THAT IT'S TAKEN FOR GRANTED THAT THE MONSTERS IN NO. CA. HAVE FULL ACCESS TO MY PRIVACY & IT'S ASSUMED ANYTHING I LOOK @ CAN BE MADE PUBLIC & UTILIZED ACCORDING TO THEIR WHIMS!
Also, although I've boycotted SNL due to occasional crossing of the line concerning comments pertaining to kids (borderline lewd implications), I happened to watch a few min. of it on 12/20 or 12/21, & a spoof news show reporting about Mangione (Italian), & the name phonemically 'lew[d,] we, 'g[als],' man Joe, knee[ling & praying];' alternately, simply 'man Joe knee[ling & praying for justice];' implying if I was serious, I'd simply start murdering people. the report spoof referring to video games & indicating Italians had betrayed me - i.e., ''marry yo[u]' brothers' failed to show up in wedding clothes & instead is systematically prodding & pressuring me to go on shooting spree - K St. Sac. shooting spree - my attempts to order pizza from Domino's the night before using internet were sabotaged, & spooky text mssg. sent to me from them, "Is the call tonight?" 4/2/2022, & 2 AM that night (4/3), shooting spree on K St. downtown Sac., near W.S., where I was staying. Italians systematically haunting me w/terrorist acts @ regional & national level - SNL affirming they failed us.
[SECTION DELETED FROM COPY OF REPORT;] 12/15,[...] "You won't have, this catch," (Taylor?) 10:40 AM approx., & "burden" of bag w/strap (which I usually take w/me to work) - it is a burden, to some extent - often I'd leave my laptop @ home but can't w/hackers & everyone involved - laptop would be sabotaged. Vision, someone's got me on a quest - 10:15 AM; 1996, Dave Keane dismissed me from Edge youth leadership - I was welcome to attend adult/college 20/20 Sunday school class; causing a burden - 'quest' was theme of 20/20 retreat - guest speaker - I'm still being reamed by it despite I quoted Josh 1 telling him he wouldn't be able to stand before me, & 2 years later he had to move to Az. The 'quest' oppression is systematic smears & labels pertaining to children, so that I'm denied teacher jobs. In other words, Italian Americans, along w/Sac, operating as Dave Keane's lewd innuendo thugs. Hi Wheel Flats double entendre - flat women (or none @ all), & ''hi' wheel' - focussing on my 'hi's' to rock stars on internet - oppression for the prospect of having allies to help me.
Nevertheless, the overall focus is sexual; Quest Diagnotics, Marketplace ctr in N. Davis, 12:30 PM, Stericycle truck (shredding co.), making a p/up & delivery; I've seen these trucks before, & thought it was a strange name - almost the only place you see 'ster' phoneme is 'sterile' - or fixing someone - lewd codes, or or the obvious, 'monster; it does also occur in 'stereo.' In other words, a convenient double parallel w/Hi Wheel Flats; parallel of sex & rock music; but also w/both of them, a parallel of sex & bicycles. They stumble on, unaware of the obviousness of their sins - the MARK OF KEANE!
12/22, approx. 1 AM, vision of region of So. Europe & flames. In light of Italy's deceptions, indications are France fell short w/grandiose production of Notre Dame cathedral refurbishment; burned down on U.S.A. tax day (4/15), 2019. I reported 2021, conspired attempt to ruin me on Notre Dame Dr. in Davis; French handiman Regis attempted a playback of my R.E. activities w/fence project on Notre Dame - U shaped, identical to, & adjacent to, Drake Dr., where I resided in 1999-2000, & 'U' consp. occurred; the location was same corresponding lot as my townhouse apt. I was unaware of the $500 limit as far as requisite for contractor's lic., & Regis didn't have contractor's lic. (I didn't need a contractor's lic. to work for him, but they were attempting to define my jobs as shady @ best, & possibly crossing the line, working for others who were in violation of laws). I had vision of unpardonable sin corresponding to that location - most likely Regis, who had also attempted to rope me into back & forth yanking of old fence post, which would create a sexual intercourse motion between us, but I opted out. I was hired for weeding job by same homeowner, & was stalked by her next door neighbors w/lewd codes & their kids participating; & Duane Hansen involved, most likely he was in contact w/next door neighbors, but denying me justice & planting stalkers in Davis under guise that I was falling short. Vision of him falling into an oven - going to hell, @ that location. The next door neighbors also had stump in their back yard 15' tall, situated in line of sight of those on Hwy 113 looking toward Drake Dr. dwelling - rear window of Drake Dr. unit was where Tony He (Chinese roommate) had hung a towel in window, indicating Christians overall were letting me down. @ any rate, despite thousands of teacher job apps, & passing CSET in Math (Jr. hi/HS Math Teacher), attempts to trap me in facade of sales & claim it was corrupt sales, more than 20 years later! In other words, while French rebuilding Notre Dame, they are still silent about my sufferings, & in fact a Frenchman is attempting to trap me & claim they damned me on Notre Dame Dr. - but instead they were the ones damned - & according to flames in vision, it possibly applies to France. 12/21, "I've given it to you," vision, concerning taking partial week off from exercise (based on last night & today, I made up for lost ground to lg. extent - up @ 3 AM juggling). I reported vision of Motel 6 burning down after they conspiratorially 86'd me; & according to visions, my sexuality stands, & their deceptions & oppression sent them to flames of hell.
I reported my sister married Randy Gwyn of Lodi, approx. 1990. When we were kids & early teens, we argued a lot & I teased her & she would get mad, etc., so it might've qualified as sibling rivalry - more like often @ odds w/each other. But, we always shared records - 45's, LP's. After moving to Lodi, we were both teens, & the immature quarrels diminished almost completely, & 1977 or so, she requested Elton John "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" for Christmas - i.e., I was the one w/the Elton John records.
"Elton John's Greatest Hits," "Border Song" ""Holy Moses, I have been deceived/Now the wind has changed directions/& I have to leave/...There's a man over there/What's his color? I don't care/He's my brother, let us live in peace/...Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease..."I'm going back to the border/Where my affairs, my affairs aren't abused/I can't take any more bad water/Poisoned from my head down to my shoes, oh" But 'I can't take anymore...' sounds like 'I can't take any more vy, woman' or alternately, 'I can't take any more, have I woman?...' & his voice sounds like Cher (my sister listened to her a lot). Then in 1975 I got the 45 "Philadelphia Freedom;" My sister evidently acknowledged the warning of "Border Song" - patriotic for melting pot nation, - patriotic for melting pot nation - specifically diversity; the implication is someone having to leave - any nation that isn't patriotic for what it stands for is in danger of falling; but in actuality, it was referring to blacks - deceived by their own people who are asleep & unaware U.S.A. whites did it all for them - freedom for the 4% of slaves in U.S.A., freedom for all the other slaves in N. C. & S. America, & freedom for those who were still enslaved in Africa - retroactive. "Now the wind has changed direction/& I have to leave..." Curtains for blacks if we didn't wake them up - by providing a demonstration of dedication to them, & direction informing them through public forums, as I did as o f 2017. "Philadelphia Freedom" zeal clinched it; we moved to Lodi in 1976, & "Sorry Seems to Be..." was a hit in 1977; Laura's request - 'let's be friends' (quarreling was childish anyway) but the lyrics, 'What have I got to do? What have I got to do?' when more commonly the expression is "What do I have to do?" 'What have I got to do [w/it]?' & as reported, it was more than rock-oriented - Levar Burton/Kunta Kinte "Roots" movie about slavery; '"Burr" Leverage' strategy - white man suffering as part of plan to bolster blacks. It was mssg. for undercover marriage - "do" under cover, although I was totally oblivious to this @ the time. Their first son was Stanton, & Laura evidently wanted to handle me w/kid gloves so that I could go through anything - somehow I was in the delivery room & saw her give birth, up close & personal, 3 ft. away - delivery was on her side rather than her back, approx. 1994. While the baby was coming out, Laura, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,..." I.e., 'I'm "seeing" her ''bay' be'" - dying to herself ('[sui]cide') - sacrificial marriage. Probably to avoid a big head, I wasn't connecting the dots as much as some; but the mssg. was unmistakeable - songs such as Styx "Renegade," "...dead or alive & it's for sure I'll soon be dead..." & "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Momma, I don't wanna die...," "Band on the Run," "Stuck inside these 4 walls/Sent inside forever..." all translated to jailings @ minimum. 1999, before I had amassed proof of police oppression, out of those who didn't abandon me immediately, most friends & family didn't outright disbelieve me when I said I wasn't doing anything wrong, but they didn't like the circumstances of trying to make it in sales; I was led minimal pressure on anyone. But Summer of 1999, I did ask Randy & Laura if they could come up w/one mo.'s rent - $200, & they did; but while on phone in one instance, me & Randy were arguing, & my sister got on the phone & w/raised voice, "Don't yell!" I.e., avoid losing control & becoming mortal enemies. Approx. 2017 or maybe 2014, I had watched "These Eyes" video, "Guess Who" & vision of Laura, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..." The song is about keeping your promise in Christian marriage, & if you divorse, if you have sex w/anyone else, it's adultry, under the marriage standards of Bible - absent marital unfaithfulness. "'The hurtin's on me, yell'/'Cause I will never be free/'You made a promise to me,' yell"/"& you spoke it, & you broke it.". "Guess Who" lead guitarist, Randy Bachman, later w/Bachman/Turner Overdrive - looks almost exactly like former best friend Duane from Fresno - betrayed me, w/mother named Gwen. My parents' place on Edgewood is just off of Turner Rd. I.e., the vision was that Laura suffered for Christ w/undercover marriage - that undercover scenario is why we're rarely in touch -but I have any @ bay facade (Stanton), so dn't give up as far as my sufferings for Christ.
No one's faulting DPRK for gestures of aid for Slavs, but the denial of Jack Teacher plan is essentially reducing Uncle Sam (Bruce Lee) to a girl w/hurt feelings, supposedly from Christians slow to bring Christianity to Asia - BUT WE REPENTED! & absent you or them acknowledging Jack Teacher plan publicly, you're selling yourselves short -
- but the Fedora Street Flag Education Hat doesn't give in!!!! Instead, make aid contingent on Slavs coughing up some accolades for Boris Landspace & Jack Teacher! Claim the Noah Education 'NO' - & the George Harrison smile by-product (Boris' turn-around), & then you won't lose it!
The Final Frontier: 'Good-bye Cruel World!'
Now we know what they were thinking w/every "Captain's log" line - sick!
See REBELS USURP STRATEGY... report; Hyatt hotel, Bemis brand toilet, logo is thrown ball trajectory - consp. code propping up facade that Jack Teacher (middle name Arch) thrown out of church, & Missouri (St. Louis) Arch thrown out as well. Sac. Kings have a blue beam that shines up from top of their stadium whenever they win a game - but as opposed to a gymnastics beam (horizontal) it's vertical; I was in a gymnastics program as a child, w/horizontal balance beam. I've consistently worked & toiled F/T despite systematic oppression - this is proof Sac's & Kings' conspiracies are attempting to bring about my demise. Moreover, ch 3 news theme is Charlie's Angels' jingle w/ending cut off - 'It won't be any beautiful lady investigators solving crimes for Jack Teacher!' They insult Ronnie, Olivia, Linda, & Taylor! Also, 12/20, 7:13 AM, ch 31, wh male newscstr, "'s really all about hardware.." & he was wearing gray swt shrt, & Dave, male traffic newsctr, dk gray shrt. - Confederate colors. 12/19,"It's garage, your 'shoot'"i.e., 'shoot' as in, 'darn, messed up again!' Working on Bombadil (no signif. w/name), using customer's tools (hardware) from their garage.
Jesus said, "Blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over me;" as of 2017, I produced reports about Slavs that were widespread enough for king of Saudi Arabia to make a trip to Moscow, for first time in 80 years; so Berg kids as of then had heard; & while Slavs owed me a story, their recent predecessors did wear the pants as proscribed by Scottish decades before (& according to my "purpose" vision); but both branches are putting up facade of squabble as a rouse to stall out of curiosity about Asian response to Jack Teacher plan & evil jealousies of Jack Teacher & Guilded Show 'Ems - such stalls are @ my expense - it isn't an abstract plan, it's a human being who's almost lost his life as result.
& as the WIZARD OF AW'S, God's love is far greater than Western branch warlocks' jealousies & the curiosities of those church members & leaders desiring a response from Asians! So there were Christians, or those claiming to be Christians, who were zealous enough for the cause of winning rock stars to the faith as to make symbolical gestures of willingness to risk their lives for them, but when tested, their zeal fell short. Vision of cousin Dean Berg, an eligible bachelor who joined the Navy but never married (yet), approx. 2018, "Joe, those miracles happened," referring to the historic feats of both branches of church that I'd reported on
webpage. The tone was that rock had let them down - but it was a presumptuous assumption that rock evidently neglecting their duty toward me translated to giving them & everyone else permission to do the same, for some presumed hidden reason. In other words two-edge sword - rock is blowing it - but if so, THEN WHERE ARE THE BERGS??? The Bible commands us, "
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream," Am. 5:24. What occurred was, largely based on warlocks misleading flocks, the focus was taken off of Jesus, & even some of those w/seemingly noble motives, out of jealousy or distraction, had lost sight of Jack Teacher plan, & the consumate value of the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan became tied to a response or lack thereof from some modern-day entertainers - freeing the slaves globally, founding education/melting pot nation, crediting China w/man on moon, all dismissed as meaningless by the warlocks. & even when I proclaimed it repeatedly in public & in internet, they had believed the lie of the warlocks that a false selfish ambition label of Jack Teacher took precedent over everything, & had come under a delusion; 2 Thess. 2:11. A delusion can send you to hell, but only if you refuse to repent of
it. Meanwhile, the crux of the matter was & is Jesus - the Scandalon - the rock of offence & stone of stumbling; what they were attempting to brand as selfishly ambitious, etc., was the spectacularity & grandioseness of the feats of God - WHICH MERITED MEN & WOMEN OF CONSUMATE TALENTS - IF THEY SOUGHT AFTER IT - LIFTING UP THE FEATS & LIFTING UP THE ALMIGHTY GOD ON HIGH MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! PRAISE THE LORD! The proof of this is the crimes, consp. codes, & terrorism they are committing - wicked ambition & desperation defined.
Probably 99.99% of Christians nationally were oblivious to the rebellion conspiracy occurring in Davis as of 1916 or before, & culminating w/death row consp. against me & attempts to leverage blacks to divide the nation! As far as young people in America, from baby boomers on, similar percentage totally oblivious to fact that most of the millions who died in Siberia were Christians dying for their faith - it was covered up by older generations. It's unbiblical to create a scapegoat out of a victim out of mere curiousity as to if Asians will respond to gospel - or for any other reason, such as never-ending attempts to prop up derranged blks - this is common sense, but the warlocks' delusion has brainwashed hundreds of millions in U.S.A. YOU WILLFULLY & REPEATEDLY ENSLAVE & OPPRESS SOMEONE, YOU ARE DESTROYING YOURSELVES! This applies to Guilded Show 'Ems as well - the only distinction w/them is they didn't allow themselves to become delusional, & instead created tracking mechanisms & produced warnings @ every turn.
There's only so many teachers who are so good that their chalk is ON FIRE!
Jacque's La Creme Ice Cream says,
"I scream, 'RULES!'
'All students must follow the RULES!'" (The ice cream brand that prioritizes Education Nation plan ahead of desserts.)
Jacque's La Creme gourmet ice cream is French ice cream - uses egg yolks for emulsifier (as opposed to chemicals).
12/11, "I have be nice...this is scur the bottom" wh male blk swt jacket, wh T-shrt, stylish hair, 42B 6:56 PM. 12/16 approx. 11:30 PM, looking @ pics of models, in some of the pics they were bearing more & more of their bottoms - meaning I was starting to compromise by not going to another page; "You won't pick 'em, slave," vision; i.e., 'pick' referring to Arnel Pineda - I was led to use 'pick' - Journey picked him to be their lead singer - & song, "You've been picked & it's over..." Also, I reported warlock Joseph Prince of Sinagpore, & Jackie Chan, they, & Asians overall, failing to intervene for Jack Teacher plan - allowing a slow undermining of Education Nation & U.S.A. itself, & we lose our crown & become slaves! But w/Israel Rae Me standards, they're exposed! Women deprived of their scream, "AAAAHHH!!! I'm not allowed to be lady-like!!!!!" But Brooklyn Rae Me's & Jacque La Creme sword egging you on to demand your rights.
Due to volatile lyrics of song I quoted from, & it is a factor as far as both rock & Asians, I'm elaborating on Journey "Ask the Lonely;" the song sounds cold up front - if you're down in deep despair, just ask the lonely..." i.e., response of 'Yeah, tell me about it...' but, don't bring rock singers down; somewhat cold. I already brought up though, "Lights" song about SF, "So you say you're lonely/Well my friend, I'm lonely too;" - so it isn't beyond rock stars to identify w/those lonely, suffering, outcast, etc. Nevertheless, the lyrics then say, "Don't let down your defences/Won't be up to the one who cares/We love - nothing comes easy.." &, this isn't the focus, but, suddenly 'ask' is a code according to rebels as far back as 1999 - [has]sle, k[ey],' or tongue in cheek, h[aras]s, k[ey];' i.e., pressure, bother, shake someone to get their attention - possibly implying crossing the line w/harassment - REBELS WERE SYSTEMATICALLY LURING ME TO GO TOO FAR & THEN THEY WOULD CLAIM I CROSSED THE LINE. Nevertheless, 'won't be up to the one who cares' sounds like if there's a witness on their behalf, you're given notice - shun him. But this is immediately followed by "We love..." In the Bible, Judas betrayed Jesus, but that was immed. followed by the other 11 denying him - he was arrested & brought to trial, & the Romans had warrants out for the 11 disciples, & so they fled & hid, & denied knowing him, confused that God would allow that to happen to the Messiah. After Jesus rose again, Jesus asked Peter 3X, "Do you love me?" & Peter responded in each instance, "You know I love you..." But, English is limited - Greek - the original lang. of NT, it's "Peter, do you have godly [agape] love for me?" & Peter's responses, "You know I care for you [phileo]" - Philadelphia is City of Brotherly Love - phileo means brotherly love or care - it isn't as strong of a word as agape. Peter was responding implicitly he wasn't even worthy of using that word around Jesus - no doubt he'd have to do a lot better - & he did. But the Journey song elevated an Asian to position of lead singer - if it's phileo, then it won't be up to Asians - they could still believe, but they'll have forfeited their leadership privileges, @ least from standpoint of being undisputed church leaders worldwide, which was what Christians had prayed for them to assume. So Asians in fact fell short; you could say Journey lured them, creating appearance of coldness, but if Asians - those aware & positioned to respond to the historical feats of both branches, it was more like a test of their willingness to put Christ first - if Pineda isn't responding to an education plan because he's a singer, Asian pastors, teachers, etc., "ask" him to respond - seeing as how he has mic & media access - inform him of the Greek of those lyrics, if that's the focus! The distinction between 'love' & 'care' was a distinction Asians were challenged to delineate & claim - the same as me. If it was to bring closure to it, there may be some merit. But rock's & Hollywood's "tracking" seems to have involved more delays as far as Jack Teacher plan to pick Asians, if necessary as far as #1 leadership honor (which didn't have to equate pope status - #1 example - leading as consultants, teachers, & examples); the natural rendition of rock stars, 'ask the lonely - don't bring us down!' & Electric Light Orchestra band "Don't Bring Me Down" lyrics phonemically sound like "Don't bring me down - Bruce!" repeatedly. "Bruce Almighty" movie, Jim Carrey, Bruce character invited to take on all powers of God for a day - if you want to imply that's Bruce Lee, that's a high seat; except in the movie, Morgan Freeman - blk. - plays God - as opposed to a character entrusted w/God's powers for a day - a higher privilege for a race. In other words, the implication is 'Pipe up & Asians will have to grapple w/blacks @ bottom of the barrel - don't bring us down - help us track blacks!' Indicates rock & Hollywood communicating to Asians priority is help track blacks - thus nullifying Education Nation priority. But it wasn't necessarily an "either/or" scenario; Bruce Lee - track record for exercising humility - Kato, great fighter as crime fighter, but second fiddle to Green Hornet; further emphasized (to the extreme) w/Inspector Clouseau & Asian asst. Kato ("Pink Panther"); & educators tend to be humble as opposed to glory seekers - glory seekers can't be bothered w/kids - "Get outta here, kid, ya botha me;" in other words, rock & Hollywood may have been luring Asians - or attempting to dupe them, such as that blacks are "stiff competition," but they had a line enabling them to see past any "first fiddle" distractions, & the subtle communications for Asians was, the fact that blacks are rebelling against the nation, & Asians aren't pointedly doing any such thing, it isn't "Bruce" bringing us down, it's unmistakeably blacks - Asians gained Uncle Sam merits; blacks bringing us down despite elevated to the highest honors consistently. This is an elaborate clarification to a vision, but rock & Hollywood didn't seem to blatantly fall short as far as thorough treatment of Asians, & in fact it translates to another Education Nation watch, exc., that all these "watches" somehow don't add up to one single word on my behalf by name @ a mic., & I'm still not hired as teacher! Was Hail-Bopp comet fake news - concocted to emphasize the singular priority of Education Nation plan (bug code or similar implying that)? Or was it a test from God as far as rock & Hollywood & it's up in the air (pardon the pun) as far as if they passed? See UCC'S BIG PRINT CONSP.... report - I'm only willing to consider these alternatives because of the thoroughness of their Asian watch. Vision approx. 2 PM, "I want them" - indicating God is upset w/them.
'Scur, the bottom' - overcome becoming caught up in any Corona disease or similar curse resulting from Asians refusing to follow Jesus - nude pics w/voluptuous, curvy bodies, & 'scurvy' disease -goes along w/care @ best, as opposed to godly love.
'You won't have your pick, slave!' vision, double entendre - blacks attempting create facade, after report about Slavs defaulting to -near-Catholic agendas, that they'd helped us track Slavs. But blacks in U.S.A., first of all, ARE the oppressors of Jack Teacher (along w/others); Slavs for most part have refrained from intervening on my behalf - enabling attempts on my life, but they aren't attempting a rebellion against U.S.A. nor proactively carrying out acts as part of conspiracy to end my life; blacks are doing all of these; second, blacks in U.S.A. have higher duty to respond to the oppression against me if nothing else, being citizens in same country. They are the ones who have needed to be tracked more so than Slavs. & third, they have a higher duty because I intervened for them in more ways than one - such as waking them up in 2017 to fact that we set free the slaves retroactively in Africa! Any 'pick' where they've supposedly been used to track Slavs is figment of their imaginations! They are the ones who have needed to be tracked more so than Slavs.
U.S.A.: Jesus loves you more than you know
Do you have the mat when satan calls your name? If you've rec'd Jesus, tell satan, "Who do you think you're foolin'?" Ask my Mom - The power of God is stronger than the power of hoo doo!!
Judges 7 in Bible talks about one such example in Bible of God using one leader, Gideon, who amasses many followers to defeat the Midianites, & God drives home my point once again (paraphrasing)- "No, no, no, this is too many, Gideon, I don't need this many to defeat the Midianites;" & instructs Gideon to have the men drink from a stream & divide them according to those who drink directly from the stream w/their mouths v. those who dip their hands in the water & scoop it up to drink - those who dipped, 300, was all God needed - the other 9,700 were sent home; & this was after another 22,000 had already been sent home from another paring. 4/5, Big Dipper report indicates rock & Hollywood making efforts on behalf of the nation - it looked like they let everyone down - especially me, saying they'd come through, & then hanging us out to dry. But if they hung us on a line, it was to more thoroughly track the deceptive arguments against us. From that perspective, they didn't totally betray the Western church, & they have a viable argument that it was necessary. I can't condone any plan where I'm almost killed on several occasions, but they weren't the ones who committed those crimes, & in the mean time they tracked what looks to be a deadly conspiracy against me in a foreign land (China). Moreover, the Big Dipper report coincides w/Late Show - Fallon, 4/5, guest Paul Simon (constructively "the Man" - if not Bill Haley - Elvis has stiff completition); he had dream of "7 Psalms" & wrote a song that he sang on Late Show, "Dip Your Hand In Heaven's Waters," echoing Judges 7; & if you go by Simon's dream, the song, & my Big Dipper report, God inviting them to use one man (myself), & commit to follow through as the 300 warriors to defeat the rebellion in U.S.A. - as the Viking's Big Dipper stars showing up live & in person! They & the Vikings already have China's attention; vision, 4/5, "You'll just have your 'happen!'" 10:20 AM.
3/30, "He can't take them on - yeah, we've got cave," chant, bkgnd of soccer game ch 3 11:56 AM. 11:59 (or 1:59), "He likes to play where ever they want, won't be his easy," anncr; "That's he doesn't have his keys," male near rm 16, 12:39 PM. "It's psych a miracle, 12:10, anncr. "We hups" "We're gonna say the whole day long," anncr. 1:03, "A little large." "I don't want him in my house; I want him in his house," vision, Taylor; i.e., she just wants me to own the res. - it's big, the Comet meant; 6:45. "he doesn't cue what he just gave me" (a Christian rock song I was going to listen to). 8:06 PM, "that was once" (source?). Talking to myself, "She hasn't married all that time" (looking @ pics of Taylor from young age to adulthood), vision, "It was just you, kid," 8:05 (Taylor - double entendre - I've supposedly been the only one for her all along - since she was a kid), & I'm the kid who came through for rock stars. 8:48 PM, "You won't know why I'm gonna have my 5 up," fem bug code. 8:14 PM, "that was someone near & dear to your heart," bug code (possibly claim I fell short by not listening to particular Christian rock song). 8:41 "You're just going to move normally again," bug code. 8:52, "You're getting your hit," Taylor (that day I removed rock reports - not because of encouraging visions from Taylor, but it was because earlier I was pressured to promote them & I went too far - I'm still stranded. "You won't know your jello," fem bug code. "We're gonna triple 'em" 8:57 bug code. 9 PM, vision "I told you, I'm making my key" (God) - during news story about more ships crashing into bridges. 9:04 PM, "I'm the one who died," vision, Taylor (possibly sees herself as a ship, but she isn't a cargo ship). ch 3, 10:12, "..honored by people w/all ages," referring to MLK. 10:33, "You'd better sharpen 'er" "You would poo, on."
3/31, "We're gonna lay w/'em," 10:09 AM; possibly referring to Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris, shooters @ Columbine. 12:25, "We can't know him - haw on it," W Cap. "We won't born 'em, awe," 10:52, W Cap. 3:38, "I want you to do your try," vision. 4:04 "We're gonna go phone," 4:04 video (PF) (?). "All I Wanna Be" lyrics, "You can run me over/Or pick a four leaf clover/All I wanna be is by your side/Can't you see/What this is doing' to me/All I wanna be is by your side," lyrics to Frampton Comes Alive song; suggesting is their witness a fool, to attempts on my life? - seems to be implying confidence in someone that they'd do the right thing - i.e., 'you wouldn't run me over...' "Somethin's Happening" song, "There's a reason...somethin's moving..." lyrics. "Do You Feel Like I Do" song, talkbox, "I wanna thank you" but rumors that he said, "I wanna f*&^ you." The title says it all - their feelings are for Jesus & righteousness, they aren't about cussing (some of the women need to be disciplined). His following CD, "I'm In You," lyrics, "I'm in you/You're in me..." echoes Jn. 14:20, Jesus, talking to his disciples, "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." The studio video "I'm In You" the first second or two is a still of Frampton despite the singing starting, "I don't care..." - the mssg. is you didn't see his mouth move - they rarely if ever use the 'f' word in their songs, & he didn't budge. But, the subliminal mssg. - w/complimentary snarl - 'you already know this - I've got to get back to my fans, many of whom still need to hear the Good News;' & that's where I'm demanding also, Jack Teacher gets his pupils & classrooms! Moreover, a sharp rebuke for those rumors - colloquial expressions "f*&^ you" or "screw you" is a form of cursing someone - practicing sex outside of purity of the marriage bed sends you & your partner to hell; it's pretend love-making that curses you; "You & I don't pretend/We make love/...You know me," - Frampton rebuked that 'f' word rumor. "You know me...[& I know you - you wouldn't try to run me over...]" - honorable expectations for the nation. Ch 29, 1:54 PM, "Man lose," Padres game. "We won't lead, your sleep," 3:49. "You thought, going into the event, you put the pad on the R leg.." 1:54 PM, anncr, Padres game; "We'll see where he hits him on the R leg, 1:55, anncr. "Joe, we won't have this" vision (Mom?) or bug code, 3:58. 1:26, "We wait, you won't crate." 8:30 AM, "I'm giving you the secret who won." "You'll just know her all, a part," 8:49. HearingLife, "So please, get a pencil & write down..." 9:19 AM. Patches stolen from my suitcase; Bel Air iron doesn't get very hot when putting on one of sm patches still left in suitcase. 3/31, 5:10 AM, "Joe, I'm lying on the cold, hard, ground," (source?); "You can't do, your scene," 5:40. "They'll have, murder," 5:35 AM, bug code. "I'm strengthening your groin - I've given you the secret," vision (exercise, study, & sex prowess is automatic).
10/16, 3:22 PM, "You would take their feud alive," vision. 10/17, approx. 8:45 AM, L line arriving @ Loyola & Pole Line, "This is where you choose," vision; 'Loyola' (street named after univ.) code that Davis pd ("law" in Davis) is loyal - 'loyal law;' alternately, that I'm caving in & agreeing to that; i.e., saying Spain & Catholics have been faithful to Jack Teacher plan is so naive it's equivalent to signing on dotted line to continue being slave in Davis - they negated the education aspect of Jack Teacher plan.
I reported "El juego del ange'l," lewd scene in Spanish novel, adult male watching underage fem undress from secret. Spanish textbook, published in Madrid, "Aspectos del sintaxis del espanol," Julio Nieto, 2000, p.283, "Que' rico este nino! Que' guapo! Esta' para come'rselo!" "How suculent this child! How handsome! He is to be eaten up!" Lewd implications, but also the witch of Hansel & Gretel fattening them up to be eaten! - In a Spanish textbook!
The feud wasn't concerning rock & Hollywood so much as Catholics; possibly jealousy, or lack of expertice overall in education - too busy travelling & exploring - Catholics evidently decided to part out the Jack Teacher plan - approve part of it, & undermine part of it; melting pot plan - "approved;" education nation plan- "denied." (1)Spanish funded Columbus' voyage w/Niña, Pinta, & Santa Maria ships; (2)Spanish launched the most comprehensive interracial marriage endeavor in history - MELTING POT EDUCATION NATION PLAN. Evidently a lot of Native Americans & Mexicans weren't fully informed about U.S.A.'s melting pot goals, but Latino Americans' identity crisis - Native Americans? Spanish? - Who are they? Whether or not they orginally conceived of the idea, the Spanish were the first to physically spawn it, setting the pace for interracial mixing & marriage. Although they didn't control the English colonies, they acted to bolster & in fact challenge the melting pot nation to be aggressive & unabashed for the Lord - Mexicans/Latinos were orchestrated to be role models for the melting pot nation - racial "mix" armor! 'Amor' - 'love' in Spanish; Spanish Armada - 'Armed. But they evidently weren't impressed w/China's discovery of rocket science (education - or too prideful to acknowledge it), & therefore failed to heed God's disciplining of both branches. The denial of God's discipline evidently became costly for them - sending them on a trajectory toward becoming weeds. Vision of me placing a weed in Arrowhead sparkling water - Catholics "heading" Native Americans produces a compromise - many of them are predisposed toward ungodly acts. Fortunately many of them are afilliated w/Protestants, or negate Catholic instigations - in U.S.A., Protestants had greater influence. Those "instigations" are as follows: The 'hiss' rebels - a lot of their 'hiss' originates w/Catholics claiming education & faith don't mix; a teacher can't be the leader of any movement from God - PARTING THE JACK TEACHER PLAN. Possibly this is the root cause of Catholic priests commiting child abuse in prolific numbers - their own priests & members of their branch - historically - said education is "women's work" etc. Priests & missionaries often had no choice but to also be school teachers - they were the only ones w/an education in their missions; but their denomination was cursing it; education couldn't be denied - they had to teach converts & their own kids, or they'd fall hopelessly behind; but the conjured up curse of education became a stumbling block, where satan duped them they must be evil, being teachers & called ministers @ same time, or working as teachers @ all - this resulted in them losing faith & stumbling - up to the present! I was considering that I was crediting Spanish w/Jack Teacher feat, but I'd been led by God repeatedly in past that they failed to intervene for me - considering I'm a Spanish teacher - & this was a significant factor; but I was unaware that they were fundamentally opposed to the "education" aspect of Jack Teacher plan - the lion's share of the plan! In fact, it created what you might call a feud between them & Protestants & Eastern branch as well. The feud continued w/tradition of bull fights - where they claim they are watching the Slav "bulls" & that they are being i.d.'d - like bulls charging @ a red cape that is flung out of the way. But the problem is, Spanish, Italians, etc., slowly coming to realization by God refusing to bless them to any great extent, & blessing almost all other Christian nations lavishly - education becomes the tool of the future - Slavic nations become 10X as big as them, putting men in space utilizing education & mathematics, & of course, U.S.A. placing man on moon, while those refusing to heed God's discipline are largely left behind! Moreover, their refusal to follow God has resulted in Catholics, & those often associated w/them or their churches, becoming some of the worst oppressors against me - bending over backwards to defeat my teacher goals.
Their strategy is evident - Mexican - 'mix? he can!' & remember, it was Constantine whom God used to orchestrate the Jack Teacher plan - Roman emporer & Byzantine emporer, located in Constantinople - Istanbul in modern-day Turkey; 'constant - tea[chi]n'' & 'biz & teachin'' - a teacher w/possibly some business experience - the constant is, he's a teacher; but the plan utilized the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine name, as opposed to Catholic Roman name - most likely a pivotal factor in Catholic-dominated Latin nations' stand (Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, etc.). Mexico - 'mix - he [operates a] co;' i.e., creating strife where the main aspect of Jack Teacher plan is railroaded. Their background wasn't as focussed on education, & rather than humbling themselves & accepting God's discipline - which probably was also due to their refusal to submit to the Bible's plan of priesthood of believers - everyone's a priest, & Jesus is the High Priest - the One Mediator between God & Man - as opposed to Catholic power-usurping priests & even more exalted pope; rather than humbling themselves they became stubborn - the sin of Saul. They were zealous for melting pot, but undermining the education nation goal - which happened to be the focus, due to Asians leading w/education & science. No one's complaining about the good deed of reinforcing "mixing" of ethnicities, races, etc., but their dissent was in defiance of God, rather than simply a grudge. & that contributed to denial of teacher goals for me - Catholic schools in Sac. for example, when I started applying in 2004 & 2007, were some of the first to start locking office doors under guise that I was dangerous - directly participating in Davis' 'blow up a building sky high' consp.
1/8, 12 AM, dream of putting a bullit, or bullit casing, in my suitcase; earlier that eve. I'd thought about the NYC Brian Thompson murder & the bullit casings & possible codes, but hadn't written anything down. "DENY," "DEFEND," & "DEPOSE" written on 3 casings; suffix 'de' can mean similar to 'un' - take away or diminish - 'devalue' - diminish or strip of value. Although these words aren't using 'de' as a suffix, from standpoint of code, if 'de' is suffix, then 'de-NY' - take away NY from USA - possibly signifying Statue of Liberty; 'de-fend' - take away ability to ward off or protest against (undesirable things such as evil or bondage); 'de-pose' - pose means position, suggest, represent; statue of liberty is in a physical standing pose, but represents freedom in U.S.A., & suggests freedom globally; 'de-pose' is to stripe the nation of what we represent. Alternately, @ face value; 'deny' - negate everything the nation stands for, including rule of law & justice; 'defend' - preserve & protect our nation's values, including rule of law; 'depose' - forcefully remove from office or position - this could be an individual, or the nation itself - result of betraying & denying our values & the constitution. Approx. 8 years ago, Tom Ferrara, sheriff of Solano county, story about him in news & pic of him posing next to fender of squad car - this was approx. 2 years after they denied there was any hostage captivities or rebellion occurring in Yolo & Sac. counties, & instead joined them - 4 mos. hostage in 2014 based on false claim of incompetence - punishing me because I wanted to represent myself in hearing; they denied me competency hearing, & simply threw me in jail until 9/11 when I was released, after I filed writ of habeas corpus. The 9/11 date was significant - they were confessing it was a sign they couldn't ignore, but they were nevertheless sequestering it in principle as much as possible. The original charges were trespassing - for singing in an indoor mall in Fairfield, & also in front of Target in Vacaville - similar activity as Salvation Army bell ringers. Sac's current m.o. is identical - deny there's a rebellion in Davis as opposed to defending me or the nation - producing constructively a sink hole for me to fall in & die rather than teacher job so that I can be restored & prosper again after almost 30 years of oppression; SUCH WICKED CRUELTIES ARE IN FACT RESULTING IN DISASTERS & INJUSTICE NATIONWIDE, CONSTRUCTIVELY DEPOSING U.S.A. AS LEADER OF FREEDOM, JUSTICE, & DEMOCRACY, & CONSTRUCTIVELY DEPOSING JACK TEACHER OF MY POSITION APPOINTED AS OF 1700 YEARS AGO! IF DEMOCRACY - ELECTING A LEADER BY FREE & POPULAR VOTE - INSTALLS AN INDIV. CONVICTED OF MULTIPLE FELONIES IN OFFICE, IN BLATANT DENIAL OF JUSTICE & LAW & ORDER, THAT TELLS YOU THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION HAVE BEEN DUPED OR HAVE LOST THEIR VALUES & ARE BORDERLINE WORTHLESS NO-ACCOUNTS OR WORSE, DELIBERATELY OR UNWITTINGLY DEPOSING THE NATION, RATHER THAN DEFENDING IT. ON THE OTHER HAND, THE MARK 12:10-11 CHECKMARK WATCH - THE 'V' THAT REPRESENTS BOTH CHECK MARK OF TEACHER GOALS OF EDUCATION NATION, & CRANE RESCUE OPERATIONS OF 9/11; THE INVASION OCCURRED DUE TO NATIONAL AWARENESS OF NON-STOP POLICE OPPRESSION OF ME, W/REBELS USING 9-1-1 TO CALL POLICE TO OPPRESS ME; THE RAMIFICATIONS OF NATIONAL AWARENESS OF IT: DENYING ME JUSTICE & LIBERTY, POSING THAT EVERYONE NATIONALLY PARTICIPATES, LEADING TO FAILURE TO FEND OFF TERRORIST INVASIONS. & THIS HAS SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME THE WARLOCKS' & NO. CA.'S M.O. - RUIN THE NATION!
[REVAMP:] SLAVS CAN'T BE "LEFT" & BE "RIGHT" @ SAME TIME; GOD USED ME TO EXPLAIN THEIR PRESUMED SACRIFICE FOR THE LORD, & TO PROCLAIM IT, & TO PROVIDE DIRECTION SO THAT THEY AVOID FURTHER OCCURRENCES. SCORNING JACK TEACHER BY LEAVING ME IN CONDITIONS OF ALMOST LOSING MY LIFE 3 TIMES IS THE DEAD WRONG ANSWER! "To impose a fine on a righteous man is not good, nor to strike the noble for their uprightness," Pro. 17:26. "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize;" 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Slavs sold Alaska to U.S. indicating if they needed our help, they'd ask; but sufferings in Siberia, the signals from them was confirmation of dance & dirge parable of Christ on behalf of Asia; but then subsequently attempting to concoct & decree a undeserved "dirge" for Jack Teacher when I've merited accolades, & that I furthermore have rejected vehemently by calling out for help repeatedly, & that has furthermore been blatantly forbidden by God as in keeping w/Jack Teacher plan focussed on a teacher who TEACHES! It won't do for me to promote current Slavs who are rejecting the legacy of their godly predecessors w/a vehemence! Pro. 12:27, "The lazy man doesn't roast what he took in hunting..." Predecessors - godly men who stood their ground by enduring sufferings & giving their lives for the Lord, followed by godly men who diligently mastered education goals of Jack Teacher plan by winning race for space, & doing so while oppressed & under control of oppressors, but present-day Slavs essentially opt themselves out of the body of Christ! & GOD HAS PROVIDED JACK TEACHER POWERFUL WITNESSES TO THESE FACTS!
God is happy w/N. Koreans for gestures on behalf of Slavs, but unhappy w/them for neglecting credit for their teacher/education leadership skills. If you want to say as far as piping up for Jack Teacher that a vacuum is cleaner, don't see God as a hard man reaping where he didn't sow (Matt 25:14-30); education is what sets men apart from animals - I've got an w/long nose directed by God to admonish N. Koreans - bring the offering of Abel - then you have Noah clout!
Leaders of nation refuse to provide Jack Teacher justice - they keep on turning from English to babbling; turning from stamping out evil to propping it up; turning from balancing the budget to trillion $ deficits, turning from being friends w/Slavs to supplying their enemies w/weapons; turning from good to evil! Jack Teacher may occasionally turn his head to look @ a blonde before marriage, but he himself doesn't turn - "straight is the path & narrow the gate." Butch Wilmore & Suni Williams stranded in space for months due to faulty equipment - current astronauts
don't know where they'll be tomorrow when they take a rocket into space! Answer Slavs sternly - a stern rebuke is better than flattery - but sternness doesn't equate siding w/their enemies! W/out Jack Teacher in the classroom, you don't know anything! God himself warned, don't make Jesus start misspelling 'built'!
'The head is the tip' - use your head - education; also, I don't give tips in any of the cafes regionally, because they are all using codes; it was't referring to chancellor cousin who's failed to intervene.
7/23, "To him belongs the victory" 5:55, W Cap. "I've given you groin," vision, 5:29 AM. "I've given you a full hour" 6:35 vision. Ca. Forever Solano city, subtle state prison code, delayed 2 years, after talks w/supervisor Mitch Mashburn; 'i.e., "missmatch" expression of Winnie, approx. 2003 when working a cust. service job @ cafe; also, Debbie Mitchell, teacher @ VCA; I had a Buick Park Avenue, she had a Buick Regal - exact same model, but Regal was more luxurious version. She cuddled up to me @ a teacher seminar, & we talked on phone, but before we actually went out, she complained to principal that she didn't want to date me - principal Bob Morse then acted like I'd done something wrong - 'bob, [I']m [a] horse;' & these were preliminary consp. codes - "morse" code in this context was antiquated & nonsense, unless conspiratorial. Driving to Bob's res. for a training session, 1996, Bob in my car, & he made what evidently was a coded comment about the older neighborhood, "You can just peal back the years..." - I hadn't gotten involved in any of the sports progams yet, although I was planning on it - 'you can just 'P.E.'ll back thee [for] years...,'' & most likely alternate 'banana' code - student in one of my Spanish classes Jenna Hewitt, & actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, a "10," in news simultaneously; & then fellow teacher asking if his daughter, approx. age 10, could use the computer room for studying during my off period (that was one of my classrooms) & she was showing up w/jersey #10. Mitchell incident put the ball in motion as far as the conspired termination - it's marry the one available young lady teacher & be "royalty," or I'm "parking," & all happened w/in a week or so - & they then get to smear me & terminate me, & in fact it had almost nothing to do w/my performance as a teacher. Me & Debbie may or may not have been a 'missmatch,' but then they "burned" me - w/conspired termination; Vacaville Christian Academy was located on Davis St. in Vacaville - they expedited bringing my teacher career to an end; based on that termination, Dave Keane of UCC in Davis then "determined" that I shouldn't be volunteer youth leader in Edge group, & dismissed me from that, & then soon I was in the streets in Davis. They actually subsequently changed the school name to Vacaville Christian School - a confession they budged.
7/21, "[Wash] away during grime in no time" Horsepower scrubber ch 24 11:55 PM (inst. of 'dirt & grime.'
7/22(?)Sign on porch next door to 911 Radcliffe, "Beware of Guard Cat" - 'BEWARE' only differs from 'REWARD' by a slight alteration to 'B' & changing E to D - 'reward' - as in hardened dangerous criminal, or reward for good deeds; prof. Benware, Linguistics, is next door to Mike Cunningham on 700 blk of Miller. "He'll loop" or "He'll oop" 12:12 PM.
As far as Mary, vision 10/4, "You side me" I didn't have any reports about her up, but that doesn't mean she's on opposing side- if it isn't enough attention for her, prove herself worthy - hit a home run - contact me, casually bring up my name (Joe Sherman - Jack Teacher might be claimed as vague) - these are deeds you could do w/both hands tied behind your back & role playing Bambi. But the warlocks & snake oilers brainwash people that standing up for justice in U.S.A. a game of Russian roulette - spinning the chamber wheel & gambling w/your life! But ironically, I'm the only one who hasn't turned from injustice; denying me justice & conspiring oppression against me & the disaster wheel keeps on turning - more victims of fires, floods, shootings, diseases - no hijackings though - that's a "We Love Fortune" dead giveaway - shun warlocks' iron-fisted grip over my income out of vicious jealousy, then the stats are in your favor!
Mary has to reject their tactics & renounce Eastern branch Snake Oilers who are denying Dark Vladder (Czar Alexander) & the Well-Rung Lizzard Bleeders (Siberian martyrs), or @ least counter their code of silence. Capitalize on Thunbergs demonstrations & epitomize 10 foot tall media influence - BE A MODERN-DAY HAMMER & SICKLE RED STAR CRUSADER MOUNTING URAL MEDIA INVASION FOR STARTERS - make demands for justice & expose warlocks in U.S.A. & the snake oilers in Slavic countries. The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord, & do not lean on your own understanding; acknowledge him in all your ways, & he will make your pathes straight," Prov. 3:5,6. They need to stop responding w/jealousy & cynicism to rock & Hollywood's delays - because those delays were in order to hand it to the Slavs to show everyone their superior walk w/Jesus - Slavs had first & foremost duty to affirm me publicly - being their sole witness breaking the code of silence about what their predecessors' sufferings stood for & constructively accomplished. I didn't participate in West's cover-up, & so don't follow the West's cover-up w/regards to me!!!! Instead, they've taken their eyes off of Jesus, & have fastened them onto goals of popularity & pride, assuming that was the message of Guilded Show 'Em's; & in so doing, they are flirting w/sin of Judas. Meanwhile, along w/the Seals, the Porpoises, Brooklyn Rae Me's, & Thunder Berg Ten's, Jack Teacher's hoit because these dance & dirge dick decendants left their posts & are forfeiting their accolades & betraying the Lord. Red Star Crusaders (Lizzard Bleeders/Porpoises) epitomized the Jack Teacher plan - modeling rocket science in 1961 - & were entitled to emerge as pre-eminent (see illustration); instead, it's foolish 'join the club & taunt Jack Teacher' mentality, which was tracked by the Who's "I Can See For Miles!" Poise - teachers, despite not always popular, have dignity & poise, & Thunder Berg Iron Rod Ten models w/high standards definitely have dignity & poise as well; vision, 2017, "It isn't a draw;" historical feats of Jack Teacher plan are unmatched - powerfully blessed!
Alta Ca. (Ca. region before joining the U.S.A.), wh. flag lg red star, the Star is a double entendre - Native Americans were (supposedly) mistakenly thought to be Indians, & that section of America thought to be India. China in peaceful co-existence w/India for thousands of years, & moreover, seeking God & showing up @ Jesus' birth. I reported Mex. governor Alvarado revolted & established Alta California approx. 1840 - a white flag (often symbol of surrender; i.e., 'It's all yours...') w/red star, & this design was followed by the Ca. Bear Flag revolt, same flag, but w/bear added to it; but why the giant Red Star? United States using white stars, current Chinese flag, gold stars, but America is where the "Indians" live - in actuality, Native Americans - or - Red Men; add them to the lapiz-lazuli Blue Men (Indians/Afghanis), & your White Men founders, & you've got Old Glory Red, White, & Blue! Alvarado was evidently on to the Education Nation melting pot plan; i.e., 'Say adeiu to being "halved" or divided up, Asia - you've gained your Red Star!' Red Star Asian Educators gain Red Men as allies & neighbors! WHY IS WINDSOR, CANADA SOUTH OF DETROIT, U.S.A.??? As reported, Catholics sidetracked w/denial of, or psuedo-denial of, Education Nation. Spanish contribution to Jack Teacher plan of mixed race is a boon, but EDUCATION is what distinguishes Asia specifically as leaders. ALVARADO BROWIN' MEN (A.K.A. BROWN MEN) ARE TASKED W/HIGH CALLING OF MAN OF STEEL LEGACY OF ALVARADO - THE MELTING POT CONSUMATION OF RED, WHITE, & BLUE - LEAVE LAND & SOAR! ALVARADO HUMBLED HIMSELF - PHIL. 2:3, "CONSIDER OTHERS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOURSELVES" - HE EXALTED RED STAR RECOGNIZING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PARALLEL; & SO HE MERITS LAND OF FREE HOME OF BRAVE SUPERMAN ACCOLADES. BUT MOST SUBSEQUENT BROWN MEN, SPECIFICALLY CATHOLICS - HAVE LEFT THEIR EDUCATION POST & ACCORDINGLY ARE FALLING FAR SHORT OF MERITING THE BROW-RAISING HONOR & DUTY @ PRESENT!
I've been applying for teacher jobs regionally since 2004; as of 2017, years of no hire in Sac. City Unified S.D. - rarely even an interview. In fact SCUSD's job listings & application site lists all HS teacher jobs, "Math Teacher Hi" literally taunting me - despite I had reviewed Math in my spare time for 3 years & then passed the CSET (Ca. Subject Exam for Teachers) in Mathematics, qualifying me to add to my Spanish Teacher Credential Mathematics! I filed for injunction to order them to hire me; the injunction was denied by Sac. Superior court, & response was Sac hired Latino from Fresno as their new superintendent, & he filed for restraining order preventing me from applying for any & all teacher jobs w/in SCUSD - hundreds of schools. KZAP was for decades the biggest radio station in Sacramento; they went out of business a few years ago; 'K[ey], A's app[lications]' my job apps - nonstop since 2004 - is key. K St. shooting spree in 2022 - when you force A into the streets as far as his job apps, K St. shooting sprees occur. Moreover you could argue 'K [St.]'s app[lication]' - they're applying to be more oppressive & the result is shooting spree. 11/15, ch 3 news story, fem working for Veterans' agency interviewed about presumably vets leaving parafernalia & notes @ Veterans' monument in Sac. including uniform items, etc., but someone left a pack of Marlboro & note, & amazingly the fem. emply zeroed in on that one, & read the note, "...if you feel led, share a thought..." or similar, i.e., used 'thought' in mssg. to share feelings w/others, & fem. while reading that note aloud, got stuck on 'thought' - confused & couldn't go on for sec., & reporter started to help her finish reading the note - but she was suddenly hit w/the fact that Sac region is being tracked - cigarette - thought - 'thawing' is being guarded ('see, guar[d is] it' - they aren't being allowed to "thaw;" 1 Thess 2:9, "God knows how to rescue the righteous, & reserve the wicked for the day of judgment." They're being tracked & i.d.'d - in fact, my high moral standards as far as women & clothing is what's doing it: guard, or watch, of refusal to thaw & respond to God's signs & warnings, is multi-faceted; the Rae Me Crusaders; the line was drawn w/nudity in National Geographic magazines; predicting blacks would stubbornly cling to slavery, & that correponds to flagrant nudity in public. Sac. region refused to repent long time ago, instigating more hate & coldness rather than providing justice. In fact, oblivious to a parallel tracking of blacks, who were duped by their own coldness to systematically promote menthal cigarettes - 'see, guar[d is] it' - they were convinced they had a duty to refuse to thaw ('men thaw, all') & pressure others there's no thawing - blacks were enslaved & America must pay for it! Sac caved in to OUTLAWS conspiracy & lost their crown! 11/23, Wh fem, CNN, Ofram county(?) "Bio-Joe graphical" pertaining to DNA report, James Lewis & Tylenol murders.
Pic. of Mary Nabokova & Christy Ren positioned vaguely implying a sexual 3-some; Mary & Christy @ beach banquet table w/Christy eating lg. piece of watermelon; ''what her male?' on;' i.e., another 3-some implication women "sharing" a male; exc. watermelon is known to be a staple of blacks - their acts of spearheading immorality is tracked!
11/9, weather backgrd map as though Asia invading Ca., Kelly, 7:49 AM, ch 3; i.e., K's app. asking for more trouble & more dangerous conditions, might as well go for broke & beg Asia to invade...! 8:01, Jacki Defusco, "...less work" ch 3; follow-through code of recent attempts to flesh out the recent vision of Trump conspiring lack of work. "He won't look back" 11:07 AM, male (mgr?) Belair. "We're the fall, on" guest standing near car, lic. pl. 8KKL526 (or XKL) from rm 7(?). Shannon B___, "She was talking about how things, she was talking about; we're gonna be fine" 11:51 AM; ch 42 - Ukraine - 34 drones attack Moscow (Israel's attempt to taunt U.S.A. for evident negation of any "Miracle on 34th St." result for Jack Teacher. "Other olders, other" fem. guest, pink dress, 11:52 (ch 42). 7:30 AM, "They're gonna keep bushing" Defusco. "Nineteeno in Truckee" Kelly, 7:34. Express Reface ad, child making noise similar to porn movie fem, ch 3; the shot of Mary I've been stalked w/by No. Ca. (No. Ca. Fertility ad on Yolobus, Bonnie H&A, etc.) is close-up of her face while lying on stomach - they are monsters that can't be allowed to live; & Leticia (ch 3 newscstr) almost simultaneous to this ad, "Taking a live look over Fairfield, price tag," 7:42 AM; code that that sexual "field" from Mary entitles the No. Ca. monsters to conspire another hit against me - strangle attack 'live' - referring to someone nearby video-ing it while I'm attacked.
After stalking me from room next door (#17) for almost a week, 11/9, 7:37 PM, "You wouldn't food it," male, rm 17, & web page suddenly shut down on internet; it was also simultaneous to my China "Mao Tse skeleton in your closet? No!" (Good Karma...) report - trying to save file. 2 min. before that, "...wants to take a lab" Notre Dame football game anncr, ch 3, 7:35 PM. 8:40, Boise coach shaking his head, & anncr, "He can't be, the night" Fox football. Approx. 8:50, fem in ad, code, "Karma!" (i.e., "Good Karma, Bad Karma" report). 7:45 PM (or 8:45) "I bit, you're the one" rm 17; after the 'karma' comment of fem. I checked & my webpage was back on internet (I also texted BYS host about it). In other words, it was an attempt to shut down web page by rebel from Missouri, but TV coaches & others made sure it was back online - possibly applying pressure to BYS. The comments on TV were almost immediately after the sabotage, so possibly it was 8:37. 10:10, Dirk, ch 3 wthr, "As of now, it's still making it clear." "He goes in untouched," 10:50 PM, fem. sports caster Dapper; coded claim they're too dangerous for themselves & I'd better be in jail for my own protection. I.e., THEY REFUSE TO TRUST ANYONE W/DUTY OF JUSTICE WHO IS AS EVIL AS THEY ARE. "That was whirl bit" male, news ch 3 10:17 PM. "A man is Huti [?] arrest the man is in custody in Antioch" 11:09 ch 3. "This is gonna be air mattress" mex(?) male olive grn shrt, w/child 8:49 AM, Leaf Laund. "We can't go, his problem," telling themselves they won't be nuked, despite they deserve to be. "I saw-win' him amass" (mex. olive shrt) 8:51; 'sawing' but similar to Styx "Babe" "the time is draw-wing near..." Mex. fem, "We're gonna budget," w/2 kids gray bk pk, 42A 10:13 AM. 10:35 AM, fat wh or mex. fem, blk swtr, pony tail, Ross, "No, we'll have some time." "It's technically we're end of the game" wh male bald, beard, Adams #17 jersey, 10:46 AM, G1 bank, W. Sac.
Before bus arrived @ Ikea stop - near McD, Ross, IHOP, & other stores, Holy Spirit leading me to consider grabbing lunch there - don't be in such a hurry to get back to my room - take my time more - which I often do, but could be more consistent; but earlier, going to G1/Ross, Yolobus 240 completely skipped me - never showed; I had to take 42A, which only got me to W. Cap & Harbor, then jog up to Ikea ctr; it's not that long of a jog, but add to that they half hour standing around @ bus stop expecting a bus that isn't coming - the monsters butcher your day @ every turn. When bus arrived, due to the systematic bus oppression - I got on bus rather than getting lunch there & taking a chance on if later bus was going to show up - but, aware that I should've been entitled to stay for lunch w/out being under duress. Context of not staying for lunch, rte. 40, wh fem gets on bus, homeless w/lg. bags, blk trenchcoat length swtr/jacket, OLIVE grn pnts (stalked by them), 11 AM, asking driver about getting to Davis - driver said take that bus & transfer to 42A; she then proceeded back to a seat, & code, "I just go back & fouth, 10 years" - i.e., CONVINCED THEY'D SUCCEEDED IN PARTIALLY BRAINWASHING ME THAT I PROBABLY DON'T HAVE THE "LUXURY" OF EATING LUNCH OUT - I.E., A PARTIAL BRAINWASH TRANSLATES TO PARTIAL CONTROL OVER MY MIND, & I'M UNDER THEIR SPELL- I'VE BOUGHT THAT I HAVE TO SETTLE FOR THEIR DECREES TO SOME EXTENT - PRESUMABLY BASED ON TAYLOR & MARY BOTH ABANDONING ME, INDICATING I'M WORTHLESS - & UNDER THE ELLIE OPPRESSION RULES, THOSE "FEM. DECREES" ARE BINDING - & THAT MEANS 10 MORE YEARS OF LANDSCAPER SLAVERY & BEING BUSSED TO & FROM W.S. But the monster didn't count on that the Holy Spirit helps me track them (pic sent); 11:04 AM, on cue, wh male elderly gray hair, OLIVE grn swt jacket, wheel chair, got on bus (electric chair code). 10 AM approx. documentary or bloopers show, plane attempting to land in severe wind storm, & finally lands it on alternate runway; "Does this pilot deserve a light?" host. This is possibly referring to something I forgot to report about "The Chosen" episode where character playing Jesus allows himself to be interrupted by fem. entering the room, as though fems. are the boss; character playing Jesus speaking w/blk fem. disciple; then one of male disciples, "He took my lighter" (but they hadn't invented those yet). "We double register __" wh fem cust., grn swtr, 6:46 PM; "...10..." "You have affirm 'em, main" vision, possibly referring to indications of Spanish & Catholics acknowledging Jack Teacher plan, 6:45 PM. Sabotage of my web editor, 6:45 PM, & constant codes from male #17 for more than an hour. 7:09, wh male gray shrt, "..long down shut blend of ___" NBC ch 3; 7:10, "I've just...just nothing." "Joe?" vision, 11:24 AM while in Raley's, possibly Mom; ie., possibly asserting I shld allow W.S. to claim they could judge rock stars' stalls by moving in slow motion - 4 self ck reg's, every one of them moving in slow motion - acting like they don't know what a shopping bag is used for; by the time a register opened, the cashier reg. nearby had helped 4 custs.; but rock's supposed stalls have been made up for by tracking - & THESE LOCAL MONSTERS ARE THE REASON FOR THE STALLS - THEY HAD DUTY BEFORE ANYONE ELSE TO HALT THE OPPRESSION - THEY ARE THE OPPRESSORS - OPPRESSORS DON'T GET TO CLAIM THEY ARE JUDGING THOSE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE APPREHENDING THEM! "He's just having his Grettle" wh fem cashier, short, fat, Raley's, 12:31 PM; male, Raleys', "We're the end; we'll have to respond" (or similar), male. 11:23, "You're gonna Mex" rm 17, sabotaging web eiditor. "He won't pick a cup," 11:50, anncr, Minn. game; 'cup' - approx. 2009, on bus in W.S. going to Davis, fem on bus gave me a mug as a gift; possibly 2007; it was claim that W.S. is friends w/me, irregardless of others - it wasn't long before I saw through that one. "You're not gonna eat her better" 3:06.
11/10, "Will plame some so softly" 2:45 AM bug code. 2:15 AM dream I was having to file updates about my sexual activities in Yolo court, & Mary was having to do so also - the equivalent of illegal eavesdropping occurring 24/7 - & evidently Mary or anyone else makes gestures of befriending me, they harass her as well.
Catholics often pray to Mother Mary, & claim she was sinless; but "all have sinned & fall short of the glory of God." Jesus is the only perfect man. Moreover, praying to a dead person is a sin - Duet. 18:11 says it's divination (warlock practices) to attempt to contact the dead. If God gives you a vision of someone deceased, that may mean that he's deemed you mature enough to know better than to start trying to contact them on your own - especially such as praying to them place of praying to Jesus. If you're given direct access to God in prayer, why revert to a dead person!!!??? Is. 8:19, "When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?" The angel said to the women @ Jesus' tomb, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here - he's risen, just as he said!" The resurrected Lord turned witchcraft on its ear, enabling us direct access to God - AFTER HE CONQUERED DEATH BY RISING FROM THE DEAD! Direct access to God eliminates the pope's "pre-eminence" as God's high priest who supposedly has sole access to God - we're all priests, & Jesus is the high priest!
You don't trust rebels who've already proven to be untrustworthy; hundreds & hundreds of job apps. to bay area, in desperate conditions of oppression & death threats, & no response - as in throw the victim to the wolves. Moreover, the track record of No. Ca. region - if you don't give up & die, like Univ. Covenant church said to, then it's more kidnappings & hostage captivities - that was response from Sac. (2005-2007) & Solano (2009-2014) counties. In other words, in conditions where bay area has proven they're betraying you, No. Ca. rebels claiming you have to wander around there anyway, grabbing principals by the collar & demanding they hire you - despite they've already been rebels conspiring against you for almost 2 decades - that isn't the proper attitude toward terrorists - it's a trap! The Bible says don't cast your pearls before swine! The alternative is work on the rebels terms (grunt labor slavery), & demand justice, which I've been doing - Landscaper Nick menagerie. But rebels w/motives of ending your life only allow slave labor - where you actually might survive - to go on for so long, before they concoct facades that they've defeated you spiritually, & then conspire more captivity. MOREOVER, THESE ARE DIVISION REBELS WHO ARE PARTIES TO CONSPIRACY TO DIVIDE THE NATION - AS I REPORTED LODI WAS CONSPIRING AGAINST ME UPON MY FAMILY'S ARRIVAL THERE IN 1976! I've reported A &W Rootbeer first established in Lodi in 1919 - 3 years after the 1916 Davis double arches on G St. But 'W' being upside down double arch, one might think w/'A' in the name, it's a shoo-in for Jack Teacher. On the contrary, 1919 - 'nigh 'n teen, nigh 'n teen' - a ''T'-ooo' as far as Byzantine 'biz 'n tea[ch]in' or 'biz 'n teen' Jack Teacher plan - i.e., the 'W' is claim they're 'doubling you' there isn't going to be any Jack Teacher plan - King James Bible, "Lo, I'm am w/you always" Jesus said; 'lo' is KJ English for 'behold,' or 'see;' & No Ca. DIVISION rebels claiming archaic 1700 year Christian plan (older than KJB) is dismantled.
I reported the arch consp. - arch becomes more & more shallow, then divided up - cut in half & becomes a trajectory of a ball thrown threw the air - signalling that magically, UCC has their throw - victim is still thrown out of the church. A&W in West Sac, located almost catecorner from Belair - @ W. Cap. & Westacre, sign consists of the second half of that ball trajectory; i.e., the second have of the divided arch. But next door is Marathon gas, & over period of 2 years, Circle K built on the site, but sat there vacant for more than a year; then they moved to the new bldg & tore down the old bldg.; i.e., 'circle [it - victim saying 'o]kay'' - i.e., I'm busy working & demanding justice, & avoiding more guaranteed captivities in bay area, so the monsters then claim because I'm submitting to slave labor & avoiding captivities, it's because I've become a "yes" man, rather than putting halt to their kidnappings, & therefore I've given them permission to put up jail bar style fences around their schools - such as Yolo HS 1 blk down on Westacre. I.e., it's claim I can never get the other half of arch back w/out captivity - but that actually amounts to a confession; but based on their m.o., they've systematically gotten away w/open public oppression for years - rather than confession (which it is, irregardless), they assert it means that they've taken it - Jack Teacher banned from teacher career @ cost of hostage captivities if he ever attempts to work in teacher position; but that's where they've consumed it - I avoid walking into traps because I've tracked them, & instead of that being to my credit & the monsters arrested, it's shunned & they claim I failed to endure their decreed jail sufferings that they magically are empowered to decree before I can be a teacher! Greg Kihn once again tracked it - constant nod in live version of "Can't Stop Hurting Myself;" putting on an act in order to survive in rebel territory, going along w/program because you're outnumbered, until invasion!!!!! Nevertheless, looking @ pics of A&W signs on internet - this half arch motif was created as early as late '70's or early '80's, according to the age of cars in pics - Lodi & A&W conspiring bolstering Davis rebels & dividing the nation as of late '70's! Meanwhile, God's used me w/Brooklyn Rae Me watch, cracking down on porn & bolstering high standards for women - 'see' doesn't have to pertain so adamantly to dirty pics - & those oppressing me as teacher miss the boat completely - teachers have pupils. & you certainly don't "see" (dirty pics) w/your pupils! Our heritage, including English language, provided the watch! While the architecture of the signs could be arbitrary in some cases, the association of A&W w/Lodi, & the double arch consp. of Lodi & Davis virtually eliminates this, especially when you combine it w/last 2 decades or so of the marriage of A&W w/Kentucky Fried Chicken, from the South - DIVISION conspirators dividing up the Missouri Arch.
11/24, "He's gonna know; I have gasolate" 7:15 AM (reported). 8:26 AM, "@ Roseville KIA, your family becomes ours" sm boy, grandson of owners - that's actually a code that my family never "becomes" - perpetual slaves - they train 'em young.
I reported the crosswalk speaker voice sounds like Aaron Needles, member of UCC & former friend; after knocking on his door arbitrarily while door-knocking, & rebuking him, God spoke to me a reassurance; I noticed a sign on porch next door w/"friends" on it, that it's made up of 'fri' & 'ends;' i.e., Aaron willfully walked past my truck @ NE corner of 4th & F while I was in it & on break working @ Tasty Kitchen in 2017; I ignored him because they're traitors; 7/2021, @ that exact spot I was almost strangled to death. That also was former location of PG&E office - in No. Ca., utilities of any kind have become code for electric chair. 'PG&E moved from that location? They have the remedy - kill him anyway.' The 'fri ends' vision from the porch - friends bring an end to friends deceptively "frying" in electric chair. The spelling discrepancy is moot point as well as far as "fry" as well - 'Fri.' abbrev. for Friday; Jesus was put to death on Friday.
11/21, teachers see w/pupils - avoid seeing dirty pics. Persian fem blue Vista (?) Eagles jacket, "Dixon" code 6:20 PM, 42B. "That was our scan?" Raley's, bug code, 6:50 PM, while ringing up pckg of chicken w/2 labels on it; i.e., deli doesn't inform you to scan both labels - you scan only one, & not the other one on other side, they could try to arrest you for shoplifting. approx. 5 PM, "Run across walk sign is on across Loyola.." after I jogged past fem student waiting @ corner of Pole Line & Loyola (instead of "Crosswalk sign is on...") - crosswalk speaker implying I cut them off, supposedly; approx. 1 min. later, wh fem blnd walks out of res. on Pole Line (S. of Loyola), crosses in front of me across sidewalk, & gets into car. Entering into Palm Court Inn, D St., wh blnd fem., gray pants suit, looking @ clerk & pointing @ restroom (code implying legal action) then proceeds into restroom approx. 1 sec. before me. 6:43 PM, arrived @ Raley's, & in front of store, before entering, wh male yellow shrt, glasses, blk jacket, waited for me to almost get to entrance, then abruptly crossed in front of me across the front of store toward sidewalk. Further context: Yolobus & Unitrans both reaming me all day (rainy); 42A skipped me - had to wait 40 min. @ W Acre bus stop that AM; Unitrans Q line skipped me earlier that day - never showed; L line @ Loyola, 10 min. late & never showed, w/both phone system & online tracking saying it had already gone by - despite I was there 5 min. early. Z line Unitrans (caught it @ Pole Line), 5:19 PM, wh fem wh swtr, short hair, "They're just f*&^ing him," & lg. wh fem blnd, "You're gonna go gone" 5:21; 5:22 (short haired fem) to fem. next to her, "You're gonna stay w/me in the house...we're gonna have the best apple pie in the house" i.e., if you're in a person's home, there isn't going to be a variety of apple pies; so 'house' was big house as in prison. Also, Unitrans phone tracking utilizes same fem. as Verizon - stalked me in past role playing both a hurt fem., & one playing a conspired hardball, "Let's try that again!" The 'apple' code was from Paul on Banyan; 3:08 PM, "It is we're hitting him, a round" to garbage collector; & approx. 4:30 PM, "He doesn't know we're all appin'" i.e., confession Davis rebels are "applying" to me; i.e., they've been bad & are in trouble & owe me - have to make it up to me, but trying to avoid being obvious about it, & if they can argue I'm oblivious to it, it's argument they're dealing w/a fool & they should be allowed to get away w/it. Because it was raining all day & I was working out in rain, as a supposed favor, 4 PM, quick job of moving some boxes, etc., in garage, sweep the area, restack boxes & finished for the day, & paid for 4 hrs. despite more like 3 1/2. But one of the boxes was "attached" to the wall - drywall extention that was a platform for water heater; i.e., bonus/short day was a trick; he wanted that drywall cube removed - smashed w/sledge hammer if nec. - approx. another half hour of work - approx. 5 PM - acted like he thought he mentioned that; "Got a crowbar?!" But it was more than a crowbar, & I suggested a Sawzall, & he said he'd buy one for next wk.; as I finished up, code, "He didn't know - saw his all, might" i.e., another assertion that I supposedly wasn't aware of his confession that they're exposed. This was the 'apple pie' code of fem student - 'run a cross walk: a cross - loyal [is Davis] law [enforcement];' w/cross intonation of Christ - fem students instantly went to work networking, attempting spiritual tricks on behalf of Davis rebels - fem crossing my path min. or so later, fem stalking me & concocting prison hostage captivity on Z line ('app[ly], all - P.I.' (private eye)), fem. in Confederate gray @ Palm Ct., & male yellow shrt @ Raley's in W.S.
11/21, Fancy a Milato brand ad, "Fancy Santa" repeated by Santa, male, & sm girl w/malformed mouth - similar to recent pic of Gaetz' mouth partially open; but combined w/Santa & my reports about Santa & Mary, & codes from Yolo & national products stalking me about Mary's poses, these monsters @ Fancy a Milato are executed for treason & for being monsters, in Jesus' name, & 1000 dinosaurs waiting for them in hell; ch 37, 9:07 PM. ch 98, "You own a long time" JTV or ITV, wh fem blnd host, to male guest 9:54 PM. "I'll thank you; I'll be in the house" Paul, 8:07 AM. Context: I suggested he revitalize his lawn; we've aerated it, planted seed, fertilized it, planted more seed, & it's making a comeback - green & getting better. Earlier this week, Paul then suggested I hedge trim his shrubs down almost to fence level - these are huge bushes that run the entire length of side yard & 10' into front (corner lot). For more than 2 decades, 'lawn' - code for 'lawin'' someone - sicking the police ('law') on me; as of approx. 2008, Peggy Mentink's dad started letting his lawn die (bro. of former Davis police chief Mentink); i.e., the 'lawin' is dead;' warning they had to cut down on oppressing me; but now, I'm telling Paul his "lawn" can live - 'thank you' - 'then, k[ey,] you;' i.e., I have the key, & code is claim I'm saying they get to have their oppression - shrubs cut back by 3+ feet the entire length - a haircut; claiming I'm aggressively asserting it; therefore, instead of jailings, it's 'in the [big] house' - prison. 11/23, near IKEA, Skelton Truck went by w/"ORANGE IS THE NEW GREEN" slogun - 'arrange [prison for victim], is the new green [lawn]' - code that I'm green (gullible) & w/Aggies' help, DIVISION rebels more vile than ever. The slogun is from movie w/coded name, "Orange is the New Black" which was code for electing Trump & luring Trump to follow suit w/Obama - 'arrange he's the new black' - fail to provide me justice, like Obama - & that is what happened. 'Fancy a mulato' - mulato is black, specificially from Caribbean/No. part of S. America. Paul's wife is black; while God led me to avoid working for blacks, Paul is white & work is work; meanwhile, monsters attempting to use it as tool against me. Trump becoming black, then Biden - both turning us into black slaves because warlocks duping us that we merit punishment instead of being rewarded as the greatest nation in history - one in a hundred million nations - what we did for blacks -
As P.A.D.L. (Pan Asian Diamond League) said, after doing the stats,
"THE UNITED STATES CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO DO EVERYTHING!!!!!" Subtle but accurate acclamation of the pre-eminence due us!
11/19, recent report about Ray's on Marina; additional facts: mirror in b/yrd on fence next to gate to side yard; garage side door open & I needed a tool on bench next to door; used the tool w/out asking; Ray had accessed garage & gotten tools for me to use; but in context of mirror & 'reach into your room' & police kidnapping me in front of Ray's 2022 approx., they were attempting to produce a guilty consc. Jan's sudden cancellation - didn't get to bank; then on phone said I could work & get paid next day if I wanted, & then next day Joan on Auburn cancelling - located near J St. & Covell, then I met w/Jan @ J & Covell - location of Cranbrook apts. (my "room" in 1995-1997) - as though attempt to create facade that I'm still trying to "reach" renter status of 1995, etc. - reach into your room; nevertheless, checkmate is all mine - 'cran[ium] b[e a] rook;' I'm applying for teacher jobs but rebels conspiratorially denying me them. Pampers Aqua Pure baby wipes; I've been using baby wipes lately for hankies, & aqua is often code for underwater or falling short
11/18, "You're just gonna make me" fem bug code 9:31 PM. "Even if Trump says no vote.." 9:35 PM Eliz. Warren, MSNBC - most likely proactive code attempting to indoctrinate public as to anything goes - the new president says it's a dictatorship, even then submit... "Joe, this is you don't dough" 10:44 PM (bug code?). "I want you to take your hap hap" 11 PM vision. 11:08 PM, "You get to eat all of us" bug code, after story about pilot landing plane in Hudson R. "You wouldn't leave it, up" bug code, 11:35. "You wouldn't hoard it; you wouldn't stir others, opinion" 11:41 AM, wh fem next door to Ted, Auburn St. 12:07, "He wouldn't know where we honed him, it," Ted. "He missed his timing" 12:19, Subway, wh fem blnd gray swtr. "You won't know, that was your luck" Tom (Asian landlord from SF), Renoir. "You're the one that's killing me" vision; i.e., Asians killing Jack Teacher plan - I was telling Tom Asians should wake up, but as usual I was probably rambling. "You're the one that's hitting me" Tom, approx. 3 PM (approx. 10 min. after the 'killing' vision - & I hadn't written it down yet); i.e., Chinese luring U.S./Europe to invade. "You're gonna have your hate, A" Tom; "You're not gonna do, your 'tude" Tom, 4:30 approx. 6:18 "Your knot got it" fem bug code (Lincoln/Agee report). 7:47 "You had her better" (my e mail access restored @ Belair after 1 or 2 years hacked). 7:19 PM "Pay attention here" ch 3 wthr, Heather. 1:31 AM, Mary's bouquet (brn or burnt flowers) in backgrd of boxing pic - but absent tangible acts on my behalf, it could also be pose of arms up in front of chest & in handcuffs - bondage code) - vision, flower arrangement in pic is shown to someone else; i.e., she or others claiming she's "free." Noelle, Banyan, 1 ft. dog figure (sculpture) w/similar burnt flower @ it's feet, on porch - conspiracy that implicit gestures of Mary (& implicit "dow" blessing) handed to Davis; unclear if it's Mary claiming that, or current Slav leaders, or rebels.
@ any rate, it's consp. that I must submit & obey every whim of well-endowed fem., or else, as opposed to particular fem. making tangible efforts as ally & friend - Ellie consp. - sexy maneater fems. call the shots & you obey, or you're oppressed further! Mary didn't seem like that type, but absent of any gestures, that label can become reality - land of free home of brave is gradually transformed into fearful dictatorship because those we're depending on put on fearful acts - such as cages erected around schools in W.S. to prevent Jack Teacher from ever pondering a teacher career. Catholic diocese offices in Sac., locked front doors during business hours as of 2013 or so, to prevent anyone from complaining to bishop about Catholic schools denial of teacher hire consp. Approx. 11:19, Asian fem student, whispering a secret communication to me F & 3th, "I can't cam, on," referring to my camera repeatedly sabotaged; i.e., Asian Americans are helpless to act on my behalf & instead feign they are identifying w/me - 'It's sad, but true, U.S.A. has no choice but to crumble...' In other words, the giant leap never happened - Bruce Lee was AI, is that it? I watched short clip of porn movie, & wh male arrives @ res. of friend, wife answers, & he'd be back in few min., she says she's going upstairs to take shower; he goes upstairs & she steps out naked, & they start to embrace & she says (code, because they'd already met @ door), "I'm Leticia;" Viking apts., when I was attending UCD, Leticia, young Mex. fem w/2 kids next door to us, probably divorced; i.e., subtle claim I haven't moved - 'reach into your room;' but, possibly that's qualified w/it's only if I look @ dirty pics.; (2)ch 3 news rptr Leticia - uses codes on TV. 2:30 AM, vision, "Who gave you an impact?" I.e., supposedly mexs./ch 3 saying 'impact' is effect, as opposed to 'I'm packed [& moving...].' 2:39 AM, "You don't take on, witch" vision - i.e., I shut off the dirty pics right away, & blk fem playing witch in "Wicked" has real life application - blacks are witches & warlocks along w/church warlocks, & they failed to ruin the nation! 11/22, "ain't gonna be - New York changes" dispatch, 42B 5:40 PM male. "We won't know your wallet," blk male blk swt jacket, bouquet of flowers (code - Mary vision) - consp. propping up blks due to my accountability of Mary, 6:28 PM, Raley's; the vision (bouquet) was blks being signalled by rebels they're being propped up; but God responded as of 19th, they're already shut down ('witch' vision) - blk rebel wasn't up to speed. 7:10 AM, "West Oakamino" blk rptr (ch31?). "This should not come out, because he resigned" male, 7:05 AM ch 31, re: Gaetz; i.e., if someone resigns, supposedly they can get away w/crimes.
The Babies
"God listen, God has kids - he doesn't have grandkids," 11/17, 8:37 AM, ch 11, Jack Hibbs, TV pastor/warlock - GO SEPARATE WAYS FROM WARLOCKS - WE'RE WORLDS APART FROM THEM!!!!! Hibbs' code implying prayer to God, 'pray, 'God, listen...'' late Charles Stanley code (Atlanta Ga.); & 'God has kids' - warlock decree that God isn't allowing me to be a teacher nor father - lewd smear; 'he doesn't have grandkids;' code to conspire that I'm "fixed" - not allowed to have kids, & therefore, no grandkids; but as far as denying me my right to life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness, including right to father children, ABBA replies, "S.O.S.," "When you're gone,/Though I try, how can I carry on?!" Denying me children brings an end to the rebels. Hibbs, 8:39, "This goes deeper," - 'th[e] hiss...' Then 'bang, bang, bang, bang' motion w/arm while gun gesture w/hand, 8:40 - lured by Pete's gesture in intro (theme song) to "Mod Squad" (version currently unavail. on internet) - IT'S NOT THAT I'M FIXED, THE WARLOCKS WANT ME DEAD! ABBA "SOS" funhouse scenes - they are talking kids; babies & young children - consp. to rob me of my family & my life. The warlocks tracked by "Mod Squad" & ABBA!
11/15, knocking on doors on Anza, wh fem sweeping in front of res. said she didn't need me @ her place, & where she was then was a neighbor's, & she was sweeping leaves as a favor to them; I arrived @ 418 Anza, & fem from down the street (sweeping leaves), suddenly returning to her res. from there. 418 Anza was where I'd knocked on door approx. 2021, & wh male answered door, saying he wasn't the res. there, & they weren't home, but he lived on Elmwood & wanted to hire me for that location in day or 2 (cul d-sac, 2 doors S of Al) - neighbor w/favor parallel. I got his ph. # & continued door knocking; 3 min. later, police arrived & kidnapped me on bogus warrant. I showed up @ 662 (?) Elmwood & worked full day, but, some lethal codes that I was going to be
hit coming from him all day. That night, walking by Posh bagels, 3 males made coded comment which I rebuked & they came out from shadows, hit me several times & took off on bikes. I was bruised & bleeding from mouth, but didn't need hospital, & missing a jacket. The location on Elmwood was across the street from Shipleys' - elderly fem who had hired me approx. 3-4X, but the last time I was there (2021), mex. male landscaper talking to Shipley's neighbor across the street, & codes that across the street from Shipleys was off limits, or else; 662 Elmwood was across the street from Shipleys'. Al's was also across the street, but I hadn't started working for him reg'ly yet. The Joan facade was attempt to create facade where customer injured or sick, & I was visiting - neighbor w/favor, or, hit - but she was fully capable of hiring me that morning & telling me what she wanted done, & instead was using her newly acquired walker like a crutch for sympathy facade - so I told her she's no longer my cust. "Yeap," wh male olive jacket, blk cap, G1, & fem teller, "Yeap" code that I'm agreeing to things readily, 10:33. 11:13, "We're gonna give you're there" wh fem student, gray swt jacket, near Nick's. Approx. 11:30 Asian male sitting on curb for 10 min. or so, directly in front of me while I was @ table making calls @ Nick's on E St. He then got up & seemed to disappear, but he had gotten into car lic pl 6ZCJ488. He then left, & 11:40 AM, "I won't hear" wh male bald gray goatie, vehicle parked in exact same space where Asian was, getting out of vehicle & going to Cane's; i.e., it was McCormick curb strangle attack code, but they were attempting to play it back - that I didn't have that watch - lic pl 5EGT911. Ray & Maria on Creek Hollow Ave. WD, 926-799-2859, vm answering mach. mssg, "This is Maria Ray,..." supposedly Maria & Ray; but I have custs. on Marina Ave., Ray & Tanya; & approx. end of 2022, cornered by 2 police cars & kidnapped on bogus warrant - directly in front of their home (they didn't answer door, I was door knocking) on Marina; i.e., 'This is Marina, [street], Ray;' customers directly involved in set-ups, & mexs. coordinating it often.
Patriotic deeds until you're blue in the face
"Joe, I'm pregnant" vision, Taylor
Anti-hero is one of the definitions of a Christian; examples to illustrate: (1)You're the team captain, & you have the responsibility of organizing the workout schedule when coach is away; your team often complains that the coach is too hard on everyone. Despite you've been one of those @ times, to your surprise, you find yourself adhering to coach's routine, w/everyone in dismay - you've fallen from the ranks of popularity, but it's good for the team - anti-hero. (2)You've recently given your life to Christ, & you're w/a crowd, some underage, talking about getting some alcohol & partying; most of your friends are still non-Christians & are almost certain because you're of age to drink, you'll go along w/them & have a few drinks; when you refuse, they act as though they understand, but you know that, if you ask them, you aren't their hero. Christians are in the world but not of the world; we have to follow Jesus no matter what others are doing - being a rock for Christ. Jesus said, "If they hate you, they hated me first." To most of the people in Jerusalem, Jesus had become the city's anti-hero, & according to them, he had to be crucified for it - he didn't tell the Pharisees & Sadducees what they wanted to hear, he told them what they needed to hear so they might repent, & they hated him for it. Jesus stood up for the outcasts & the prostitutes & other "sinners," despite it made him even more unpopular w/the synagogue (church) leaders - the archtype anti-hero. God intervened w/signs demonstrating the Eastern church came through heroically; but it was such a huge sacrifice @ hands of Communists that a lot of church leaders refused to acknowledge it. The Show Me Crusaders became aware of this, & despite it equated being unpopular w/Western church, they made sure they were recognized - making them anti-heroes of the Western church. Ironically, they used that - they are the "ante-heroes" - Elton John, "Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids/In fact, it's cold as hell/& there's no one there to raise them/If you did..." ("Rocket Man") - Slavs sufferings acted to raise the stakes of Western church's feats - as I said, the dance & dirge parable of Jesus. But this was being denied & scorned by Western church out of jealousy - possibly also because Slavs had failed to give me any recognition -which is a factor; the assertion is they were deserving of more recognition than that of one man - despite being God's chosen instrument for the Jack Teacher plan; essentially they were whining about it. I'm not condoning them failing to intervene for me, but rather, demonstrating the depth of the Show Me Crusaders' deeds - "ante-heroes" strategy orchestrated when all others fell short - displaying the Eastern church's feat of upping the ante on behalf of China. The Show Me Crusaders anticipated the hardened hearts & jealousy of Western church - especially in context of South actively trying to bring rock & me down - practically clueless about the Jack Teacher plan, etc. - they knew that to a lg. segment of the population, defeating a stigma of promiscuous partiers would only be replaced w/stigma of anti-heroes. They also created a long range watch on my behalf re: Asians - Pontiac Michigan/"Detroit Rock City" watch, & the "Something Wonderful" watch on behalf of Asians - proclaiming the gospel. But Taylor made her case to her fans - break the kid curse stigma of churches & others against them. Do you Swift Fans only love her when she's playing? If you saw Taylor drowning - be the Show 'Em Crusaders & lend a hand! They value Jesus more than anything & they have the deeds to prove it. The Beatles didn't keep their 'Christ Tall' visions to themselves - they shared them w/you & everyone else! Taylor, reputation tinged systematically w/cuss words in 50% of her songs; Elton John - enduring 40 years w/public identity of a bisexual - complete w/male spouse (as far as I know, he's married to Kiki Dee)! As far as I know, Linda Ronstadt a virgin as example tracking the slurs. John Lennon forfeiting half his adult life, choreographing a rock star that wasn't "w/the program" - head to head w/McCartney writing hit songs, but after the split, he's vacationing & lounging around, while McCartney goes on to write more hit songs than anyone in history; instead of like Elton's strategy of musicians taking fans along - "Let us take ourselves along," culminating in fans eventually taking musicians along, Lennon interprets it as another vacation, "Why don't we take us along...a trip somewhere far, far away..." Role playing a misguided star, his assassination portrayed for being a loser wasting all that talent - he's very likely still alive & wants his life back. John's life was slowing down, while the "clock is ticking" as far as achievements & he was too young to retire - but if you ask Yoko & those Asians if it was all over for him, "Oh, no.." & the Plastic Band pull has him on the rebound - use your talents & abilities - the meaning of success. In fact, vision approx. 3 mos. ago, Taylor, "Joe, you knew I'm the one for you; I'm made, you're made..." i.e., don't give up on marriage. Approx. 2020 I said Taylor was worthy to be one of the Beatles, & w/in a few days, pic of her sitting @ a slant upward - as though in a cockpit of an ascending jet or rocket (pic. now magically nowhere to be found) - but it was identical position of a pic. of John Lennon in a cockpit (or possibly Starr). In other words, most likely Lennon is behind the scenes writing some of her songs. Jesus said, "Many who are first shall be last, & the last shall be first" & "Whoever wants to be great in the Kingdom of God must become servant of all;" Vikings produced a model of humilty & servanthood - despite the greatness of discovering the New World, they laid aside the accolades to historically call attention to the Asians w/a feat commensurate to their feat of education leadership. Rock stars have made similar sacrifices demonstrating greatness in the Kingdom means more to them than fame, fortune, career, etc.; Jesus said, "Whoever wants to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, & follow me daily." John - #1 rock star - they gross so incredibly high..." you don't find such fame & greatness deliberately throwing their reputation in the mud - unless there's something more important; dual strategy - any gays or other "gross" misfits need pursuading that you can be saved? Cheap Trick "On Top of the Word," religion, God, & "girl next door" - "You'd explode if she would touch you there/Touch you there, touch you there..." sacrifices of Linda, Taylor, & Yoko. "Can you hear me? Can you see me?" - seeing musicians in concerts - freedom of expression nations - but it must be freedom & justice FOR ALL, or else free expression is occurring "@ night" & won't last long. It's a cheap trick to compromise justice for rock musicians (& teachers), & anyone else who is famous & successful - but if you want to be on top as far as freedom - or prevail @ all - it's no compromise. Hold on to what you have- & add to it, & U.S.A. & freedom nations are on top! Be Show 'Em Crusaders & make their dreams come true!
11/10, although I haven't been pursuing a relationship w/Mary Nabokova in last few wks, vision of me having to file updates of report w/Yolo court divulging details of any sexual activities w/Mary, or latest thoughts about sex w/her, as well as other activities, & she was required to do the same about any activities w/me! in other words, this vision is tantamount to a leak as to who the stalkers, bug codes, & those illegally eavesdropping are answering to - Yolo courts. But I've reported they're also answering to, according to repeated visions, Steve Mora, Rich Mahoney, Tim Cahill, Eric Ulrich, & possibly Whittaker, all of Lodi & Sac. In other words, any young lady who pursues me is instantly stalked & coerced - invasion of privacy. Obviously a symptom of this is they aren't moving fast enough, but neither are a lot of others as well. 11/10, Wegovy ad ('we [don't] gov[ern]' - 'govy'); blk male, "& some lost over 46" referring to pounds; code to sabotage any relationship or prospect of galfriend younger than age 46 - ''handsome' lost' - [it's now] over [age] 46;' & double entendre decreeing 'over 46 [phones permanently sabotaged]' - code in Walgreen's W.S., 6/30, blk male claim of blowing up 47 phones - see NO. CA. DIVISION REBELS ARE THE D.A.R.E. REBELS... report - assumedly sabotaging them, but Jews then literally exploding phones in Mideast. THE MONSTERS TRAP ME UNDER A MICROSCOPE & CREATE PROBLEMS FOR ANYONE ATTRACTED TO ME, & CURRENTLY THE MONSTERS ARE CLAIMING IF TAYLOR ABANDONED ME & MARY AS WELL, THAT'S PERMISSION TO CLOSE IN FOR THE "KILL." BUT ON THE CONTRARY, THEY CONSPIRED THAT SCENARIO! MOREOVER, THAT M.O. IS SIMPLY ELLIE CONSP. REPACKAGED - MEN AREN'T ALLOWED TO LEAD - IF THEY DO, ONE OR TWO FEMS. REJECTING THEM IS TANTAMOUNT TO THEIR LEADERSHIP BEING "OVERRULED" - FEMS ARE IN CONTROL, ACCORDING TO MONSTERS! & REMEMBER, THE ELLIE CONSP. IS GUISE FOR EMPOWERING BLACKS TO END MY LIFE (see PROFESSIONAL JOB CONSPIRATORS CONFESS..., see also BLACKS BECOME KINGPINS..., PROFESSIONAL JOB - BLK MALE ON YOLOBUS CONFESSED TO BEING 'CURB' CONSPIRACY (STRANGLED ON CURB @ 4TH & F, 7/2021); DAVIS DIVISION CONSPIRATORS' CA. BEAR FLAG RED STRIPE, INSTEAD OF CLOSE-UP OF AMERICAN FLAG, IS RED 'NO PARKING' CURB - BUT IT'S SOUTH'S CONFEDERACY THEY ARE CLAIMING THAT WAS "PARKED" WHEN UNION WON THE WAR! IF YOU RESIST THEIR CORRUPTION, YOU ARE "CURBED" W/ATTEMPTS ON YOUR LIFE! THE DAVIS/CALIFORNIA 'NO PARKING' CURB STRIPE TWIST IS IT'S WHITES WHO ARE ENSLAVED, STARTING W/ME, DUE TO GUILTY CONSCIENCE OF WHITES FOR ENSLAVING BLACKS.
What happens in rule of law nation when someone convicted of felonies is nevertheless elected president? It really isn't that complicated - if election cancels out convictions of crimes & punishments for the crimes, then the law of the land isn't ruling - corruption & charisma is in control - similar to monarchies, dictatorships, etc. Rule of Law system of government says nobody is above the law; if convicted felon is placed in power by election, royal succession, or seizing control, & thereby avoids being punished for the crimes, justice is not served & "law" isn't ruling. But this doesn't equate default to Harris & blacks, because they are proven rebels - DAVIS/CALIFORNIA NO PARKING SLAVERY REBELLION - WHICH IS ALSO ANTI-RULE OF LAW!
Did it really happen? DID DAVIS DIVISION REBELS ALMOST TAKE THE PRESIDENCY? Just ask blk talk show host Tameron Hall - "No one dared to go there! & you know! We go there!" ch 3, 8:49 AM. THEY GO THERE - SLAVERY OF WHITE MALE IN U.S.A.! Moreover, Rodman & some of NBA players took a calculated risk of going to N. Korea in 2014. God spoke to me possibly in 2018, essentially the entire NBA is under arrest, & Larry Bird is creating a new basketball league. I was open to going to China, but my passport was stolen, income minimized, & subsequently there have been pinpointed threats against me specifically (presumably by current atheist leadership) such as an unmistakeable Davis sister city concocted in last 4 years. But blacks & NBA have been systematically persecuting Christians - namely me - & this is a region - communist Asia - that has a track record of persecuting religion. In other words, rather than leading Asians to follow Jesus, blacks attempted to capitalize on their notorious persecution of me, along w/celebrity status, to cozy up to them & steal it from Christians - THEY GO THERE! Therefore, for propriety's sake, Harris must be brought to justice, placed on trial @ once for manifest acts & stated motives of insurrection & conspiracy, & another election is in order; & elect those who helped me expose everybody, including the South, No. Ca., Catholics, current leadership of Eastern branch, & current leadership of China - Dennis DeYoung & John Travolta - Guilded Show 'Em Crusaders (I'm not touting Guilded Show 'Em's to any extent because I was almost killed 3X - but they've tracked rebels exponentially more than anyone else!) The original plan depicted on Missouri Shield - one of 3 wise men of Star of Nazareth story in gospels, presumably Asian, symbolized as Bear in Missouri, going to U.S. Shield (American) for help establishing gospel in Asia; Ca. Bear Flag is Asian Bear returning to Asia, empowered w/power of God & red Star of Nazareth (gospel) that they followed from the beginning.
11/10, NASCAR male anncr, ", lost in Sedrick day" code, approx. 12:38 PM; possibly code handing it to blks or exposing their motives - '"day" lost in[doors] - said, 'our 'ick,' day;' i.e., claiming my "day" for justice, & sm. fraction of that justice is I currently have a roof over my head (indoors) (but that's small enough fraction to be rather an insult, but you could argue it's a start); but code is possibly claim of whites claiming it's "our 'ick'" i.e, claiming we whites fell short, & Jack Teacher loses his 'in[door]' roof over his head. Nevertheless, it's possible the anncr. was making a positive intonation w/intelligence about Sedrick from 2005, when false accusations occurring in Sac., & I was hostage in jail for a few days (w/4 mo. captivity following that in 2007); context of this was Schwarzeneggar governor in office, & the scenario of R.E. broker Doug Arnold kingpin conspirator in Davis, & the seeming reply of the gov., 'Arnold swore, it's 'nigger!'' & presumably because of his affluence, gov. Schwarzeneggar treats it as a decree - I'm a "nigger" in Sac. as well. But meanwhile, blacks regionally & nationally acknowledging that I'd already suffered for years, & the 'N' word in Davis, code for 'nigger' or Negro (slave), & my suffering was similar to that of black slaves, especially w/everyone stalking me everywhere, & moreover, my name of Sherman corresponding to Gen. Sherman of Union - freed the slaves; & accordingly, they started calling each other 'nigger' - indicating historically 'nigger' sounds like 'eager' & they were in fact freed from slavery, & in retrospect, they could've been more eager to prosper in land of free home of brave - it was their "ick" - telling each other to lighten up about supposed insults & look up. I was in jail cell w/blk male named Sedrick, & dream of him getting up in AM & yelling to the jail section about news story he'd just read, "We've got to stand up for justice for Sherman, because the Feds are invading!!!" I.e., willing to intervene for me, because blacks 'said, [it's] our 'ick'!' But there wasn't any such news story, & moreover blacks gradually became convinced that they had consumed any 'ick' acknowledgement - it could be covered up & they could whole-heartedly endorse enslaving me. Moreover, all this occurred BEFORE OBAMA WAS ELECTED OR EVEN RUNNING FOR OFFICE, & BEFORE MY REPORTS IN PUBLIC FORUM ALERTING THEM THAT MOST OF THEM WERE ASLEEP - U.S.A.'S ACT OF ABOLISHING SLAVERY FREED THE SLAVES GLOBALLY, ALL THE WAY BACK TO AFRICA, WHERE AFFLUENT BLACKS HAD BEEN COMMITTING SLAVERY FOR CENTURIES!
10/26(?) blk anncr, "The voice this glove need to improve w/out a shadow of a doubt;" 9:01, blk male, "I lock, I was talk, I was taught so much" ch 32, MLB FS1. Oxygen, "Killer Relationship," w/Faith Jenkins, ch 25, Angelo Smith (killer), blk fem victim, black Mary Nabokova look-alike - Bianca Tanner; N. Carolina, 2014. "Goonies" movie, big ugly ogre looked like character in R.I.P.D movie that afternoon. "He's a guest; later, a padillian" blk fem, friend of Bianca, 8:57 PM. I reported vision of Jeff Omara & new talents, such as musician - he lived in Acampo, N. of Lodi & S. of Galt; Dan Padilla was from Galt; Padilla eventually killed himself - Omara seems to have connections w/one of these murder documentaries - stalking me concerning Mary. I reported Trump suddenly determining he has acting abilities, & then the sniper shooting from roof, evidently prearranged act. Mary Nabokova made gestures toward me, & one of her poses as model suddenly usurped as tool against me w/babies & children emulating the pose, but not in admiration, rather it was shameful wicked designs on my character w/goal of ruining me!
11/10, Rick Scott, "You measure the living daylights out of it" ch 42, 12:07 PM - context of terrorists illegally invading my pvcy & guise of measuring - this monster has to pay for that deadly consp. code. "We guess - that's where he had his handshake" near Belair. Wegovy ad, blk male "& some, lost over 46" - obvious code - 'some [sex for Jack Teacher? He lost any fem. that isn't over age] 46,' 12:41. "Day lost in Sedrick day" (reported), NASCAR. "He won't burr all 'em" audience, NBC Lions game 7:44 PM. "...the US milston military..." CNN, wh fem Natasha, ch 38. 8:08, "Do you see president black Trump.." male host, gray hair. ch 53, "I didn't see them fumbling w/it" blk male being interrogated about shootings in room w/kids - possibly a leak, 8:20 PM, "The First 48;" i.e., 'the first 48 yards...' blacks & sports creating bitterness due to cover-ups; Norris Williams had the gun, according to blk witnesses - similar to name of Norris Wilson (UC[C]) - retrieving gun from Twan; Josh & Twan & gun owner all cousins. Mex. fem rptr, News Nation, blk nurse's uniform - coded claim of ''n[o' i]s hers;' - Ellie consp.; ch 52, 8:15 PM. ch 53, "The First.." [detective], "word or phrase indicating they are speaking w/authority" 8:29 PM, wh male detect., describing interrogating others. 8:36 PM, "I want you to hold on - never let go; I will put the universe safe in your tips" fem, to sm girl w/dolls[,] ch 56; most likely this is based on claim that if they can concoct a detrimental interp. of anything I say, it's fair game for use against me - the "HEAD IS THE TIP" report - tip of ice berg - i.e., be "cold as ice" rather than relinquish teacher/education goals; but also in report I brought up vision about Dale Berg, & although I didn't include it in report, he's head of Pima Med. Ins. - they "decree" it wasn't 'use your head' it was 'college head' & they can then train kids to be monsters [Dale has failed me - he isn't 'head' in the report]. Plus, you can't put something in someone's tips - despite if it means finger tips, those are the ends of your fingers, & can't really hold anything - their training of kids amounts to confusion & bondage. "You'll just have his street" 2:40, vision, Taylor (male next door gone after webpage confront.). [END EXCERPT]
Sacramento tracking is being culminated; 'Fumble!' comment used by John, male emply @ JLH mail marketing business in Sac. when pieces of mail fell on the floor, etc., where I worked P/T while @ UCD, & then approx. 1/2 year after graduating; I was oblivious to it @ time, but co. name sounds like 'jail A ch[eats].' Strangely, I bumped into John, possibly in Davis (or Sac) approx. 2010, & then vision of him. In other words, the authority comment indicates police interpret use of 'fumbling' by the boy as indication of football element involved, or someone using that verbage - INDICATING BLACK OUTLAW REBELLION IS BASED IN SAC. OR THEY ARE THEIR BIGGEST STRONGHOLD - 'AUTHORITY.' John had a dog named 'D-O-G' (phonem., deo-gee); i.e., '"D" O.G.' & "Old Gangsta" was terminology for homey, or inmate in jail. I.e., Sac subtly claiming I was a lacky working @ mail ctr, they can play condescending version of "football" w/me the casualty - as though they're out of my league - I'm the dupe whose marginalized so that blacks can either prevail or be tracked, whichever it ends up being - was the facade. 'Day lost Sedrick day' - code - I reported Sedrick, blk inmate in Sac jail ("D" O.G.) who was supposed to proclaim on my behalf that there's no way I should be stuck in Sac jail after 60 proven false arrests & kidnappings by Davis police & other agencies in Yolo. "The First 48" TV show - "48 Hours" movie - Eddie Murphy becomes a cop & tracks evil whites & others - but they failed us. Norris Williams - name similarity to Norris Wilson - member of UCC who worked as teacher for his entire career, & as RE agent every Summer - confession from a hostile source (UCC) that RE doesn't magically exclude you from teacher career - but that was negated - he never intervened & instead joined the rebellion. Vision, "I'm gonna Twan 'em," 10/30; Twan was member of IVCF @ UCD; about 250 members when I was a member; Twan was Asian, & from Viet Nam or Korea; his parents were Buddhist; they threatened that he had to give up IVCF & Christianity or they were going to cut off his funding for college; he prayed & had everyone praying for him & refused to leave the faith, & they threatened it again, & everyone prayed & then they said they'd allow him his education & his faith. It may be there's a parallel w/the Koreas - facing vague threats from China, but I'm not aware of anything ominous. I sold res. on T St. in Sac., indicating I'd held on to my status as college-educated professional - teacher, RE sales agent, etc. (like Norris Wilson, for ex. - if you're persecuted, & you don't have to go all the way down to rock bottom, then don't - was my philosophy); the res. on T St. was a miracle - the bed & breakfast sale @ 422 A St. had fallen through as of 2000, & 2200 blk of T St. res. in Sac. was exact same architecture & exact same appearance from front view, & seller was named Jesu's (Mex. seller), & sold to Greg Smith, Office of Emerg. Services under gov. Gray Davis, 2001. Broker's name was Bill Dedman - & God 'builded man' - exc. proper grammar is 'built' - indicating clear up the false charges & get back to teacher career ASAP & man mispelling, such as 'builded.'. Sac originally intervened for me, & God blessed it from every direction, but they then capitulated to the rebels! Contrary to being bold for the Lord, like Twan (''T' wah, on' or ''T' - Juan,' Spanish Teacher who went on S/T mission trip to Tijuana), they readily folded - God was a moot point.
But, guise of out of my league football, w/jail conspiracy behind the scenes, they forfeited it & betrayed me.
Latinos & Catholics in general attempting to negate the Jack Teacher Education nation plan capitulate to evil, failing to master their circumstances & environment, they become "yes men" to anyone who pressures them to participate in rebellion. Mideasterners come from other side of globe, & though Latinos have been here longer, they become subservient rebels to Mideasterners, doing their bidding.
11/4, vision, 11:50 AM, "Adjust goal, seat 'em" (or similar). As far as I can tell, teh vision is 4-way tracking - staying in Prodigy Inn (Davis), Mideasterners own & operate it, but they've installed fem mex. shift mgr & mex. clerks, & they commit 1000 conspiracies/minute; 'adjust - goal [is] seat.. [Catholics]' - 'goooooooooooaaaal!' - Spanish speaking Latino fu'tbol anncr on Spanish stations; 'adjust' - Jack Teacher settles for slavery & denial of teacher goals. Mideasterners are conspiring long range to overthrow the Education Nation plan, but endorse the melting pot plan - same as Catholics. I've repeatedly reported my strategy as far as minorities is avoid labeling them nationwide according to their conspiracies & oppression locally - other than blacks, whom God told me repeatedly it is nationwide as far as their conspiracies to finish me off & ruin this nation. On the other hand, I recently reported that most Latinos are involved in conspiracy nationwide to ruin the Education Nation plan, but not necessarily the nation nor the melting pot plan. Mideasterners, as I reported, were bolding taking steps on my behalf as of 1997; & they consistently steered clear of any significant involvement in rebellion in Davis, other than acquiescing & failing to halt it - which is involvement, but they were the least volatile. The problem is, though, that they are now going from minimally involved to key players - controlling motels in Davis & ensuring my stay is eliminated - such as Motel 6, & that's what they are attempting to do @ Prodigy. In other words, it's an extremely long range strategy to appear to be the good guys @ first, then lay low, & eventually slit my throat by cutting off lower priced motels in Davis, while as involved as anyone else in ensuring I'm denied teacher jobs. So when a particular minority demonstrates that level of sophistication & cunning - long range conspiracies of laying low, & then stepping in & make use of & in fact operating everyone else's conspiracies, & despite unparalleled displays of God's power, they go from marginally involved to bad to worse - that's an exception to the rule - they are involved nationally & internationally. It goes w/out saying Kamala Harris is one of the kingpins; i.e., they failed to distinguish themselves from 'camel' plan & opt for dromedary plan. On the other hand, 'adjust goal's 'eat 'em!'' I reported vision of Trump's conspiracy to attempt to eliminate my income; Davis Community Meals - soup kitchen in Davis; approx. 2009, they banned me from the Thurs. & Sat. meals - which I rarely went to anyway, but after the ban, Bill Pride, director, "We're gonna eat 'em!" referring to food @ soup kitchen, but attempting to be creative about previous goal of owning a McDonald's - which was superceded by my pursuit of teacher goals once again as of 2004 - so as of 2010 or so, should've been a moot point, but not in rebel region where they need you to be a salesman so they can claim you're obnoxious, pushy, etc., & commit more false accusations. @ any rate, the vision (11/4) not only tracked Muslims & Catholics, it tracked Trump - conspiracy to force me to adjust to being penniless again, & utilizing soup kitchens. A fourth tracking: Report on TV of fem possibly on East coast, named Kamala Harris, except it's pronounced w/accent on first syllable - like Pamela, & short 'a' sound - Pam - Kam; instead of like a crow - caw-mala. W. Bush while president referred to Sadam Hussein w/accent on first syllable - & short 'a' - like saddle - 'Saddam' - & it was because that pronunciation meant chickenshit or something similar in his native language (Arabic or Kurdish) - in other words mildly taunting him. Evidently that's been orchestrated again w/Kamala - indicating she may exhibit tendencies of a Hussein dictatorship or @ least deceptive motives. But in order to produce this supposed parallel (& I'm not denying any parallel), they've had to (1)orchestrate nationwide rebellion enslaving me FOR DECADES - long enough so that Trump could constructively negate my income AGAIN!; i.e., 'adjust - goal's Seat 'em [Hussein.]' (2)they've had to already bring this nation to the brink of ruin - fem. sports coach in ad on TV where she tells her players to wake up in morning & plan to have a future (I didn't write down exact words); i.e., subtle confession that a majority of people in this country were thinking the nation might not prevail - 'we failed to rescue Joe, but ironically, he's rescued us - stop giving up;' but the mentality was everybody "goes" as in dies or is wiped out, etc. - great lengths of jealous leaders to bait me to tentatively accept supposed invitation to be seated as king of nation - that is in fact a deceptive offer; 'adjust 'go, all' - seat 'em;' & moreover, this deception already occurred - I was entitled to justice more than 2 decades ago; instead it was 'adjust - go, '[conspiratorially] haul[victim away]'s 'eat 'em;'' i.e., Bush, then Obama, giving No. Ca. rebels permission to continue kidnapping me & reducing me to poverty - W. Bush & Obama both participated. Moreover, Trump's inaugueration code, "We're gonna take it all the way to defeat" is tracked - it's the 'go all' conspiracy of Bush - willing to destroy the nation - & the brainwash tricking Americans into almost giving up already happened - BUT TRUMP IS ATTEMPTING IT AGAIN! Trump compared to Harris - both are rebels, but if Mideastern motives are controlling Harris, their strategy seems to be corruption resulting in corrupt nation that maintains melting pot & abandons education nation goals - but the nation might have a future. Trump's goals - "go, all!" - U.S.A. is defeated - we kill ourselves, or we're invaded & brought to an end. THAT'S WHY I SAID VOTE FOR DEYOUNG & TRAVOLTA!
11/17, Jack Hibbs, warlock, 8:37 AM, "God, listen, God has kids, he doesn't have grandkids;" code for them to pray that God curses me, i.e., 'God is watching over kids, so pray Jack Teacher doesn't have grandkids;' i.e., instructing them to conspire to "fix" me so that I can't have kids. 8:39 AM "This goes deeper..." code - 'th[e h]iss goes deeper - how deep? 8:40, gun gesture w/his hand & arm swinging up & down - bang, bang, bang, bang motion - code to shoot me 4X. Warlocks were baited by Mod Squad - TV show that also played a part in motivating me & Laura to intervene for blacks - 3 young people acting as undercover cops; Julie looked a lot like my sister; Pete (wh) & Link (blk). In the intro, Pete made gesture of gun w/hand - random arrangement of his fingers while running, but it was a device to track warlocks; & it's strangely missing from current available videos of the intro. Hibbs is then talking about Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) & 8:41, "We put on our Jewish sandles..." i.e., readily acknowledging they are utilizing the ill-will & oppression of Jews against Christians as tool against me - 's[ee? he h]andles [it].' In Isaiah, Jesus is referred to as the Everlasting Father; 8:44 AM, "Everlasting Father means governor of time;" no, it doesn't - while you could say God governs time & eternity, the expression refers to the length of his reign; the code was consp. to instigate gov. Newsom to kidnap me. NEVERTHELESS, THE WARLOCKS ARE CONSPIRING TO FINISH ME OFF BECAUSE OF MY EFFORTS TO BRING US OUT OF THE DARKNESS OF LOW STANDARDS OF NUDITY; GUILDED SHOW 'EM'S DEMONSTRATE IT WAS ALLOWED IN ORDER TO LURE BLACKS - DARK ROOMS ARE BEING PHASED OUT BECAUSE WE'VE ADVANCED BEYOND THAT - 'D' ROOM - "PRETTY PICTURES" - 'DARK ROOM' AUTOMATICALLY TRANSLATES TO DIRTY PICS?
Nevertheless, a sophisticated trap is being conspired by warlocks to prop up Latino 'that' conspirators, & it includes members of Congress, such as Tony Gonzales. Remember Gonzalez was the name of first Davis chief of police oppressing me. George Stephanopoulos news program 11/17, ch 10, Martha Raddatz, host, interviewing guest Gonzales, "Don't Tony Gonzales," introducing him, 8:33 AM, & acknowledges before becoming Rep. in Congress, he was in military, serving in Afgahnistan; she then quotes him in previous interview about Gaetz, prospective dept. head being appointed by Trump, w/Gonzales asserting Gaetz to be a scumbag & that he paid minors to have sex w/him; I'm not negating or downplaying this - indications are Gaetz should be arrested rather than appointed to any position by Trump; but it's Gonzales' blatant inconsistencies & hypocrisy that needs to be exposed, & doubly so because it's a subtle tool being used against me. In interview w/Martha, he says he wishes Gaetz the best & he hopes he has a prosperous & happy future. Martha then objects that this is contradicts his accusations of him in recent past (but she fails to pursue it, instead glossing over it), & Gonzales replies, "I take that serious..." but doesn't elaborate, despite @ this point he's heartily endorsing Gaetz; proper grammar is 'I take that seriously' - it was code that he's "taking" or claiming ownership of, (1)what he claims to be actual vile acts of indiv. (Gaetz), & simultaneously, (2)feigning that it never occurred & the perpetrator doesn't have to be brought to account for it, & should be able to have a joyous future; moreover, 'I take 'that' serious;' 'that' is code for oppressive No. Ca. Latinos; it's a conspiracy that their terrorism can be propped up & overlooked, & possibly perpetuated - such as - the conspiracy of Hibbs to prodd Newsom to kidnap me (or it's a leak that Newsom is already conspiring it).
Latino warlocks & coconspirators in leadership positions (including in Congress, & holding probably almost 75% of positions as school principals & superintendants in No. Ca.) have an m.o. - (1) invent a smear against the victim & (2) prop up & re-assert that smear & (3) terrorize the victim based on smear; I reported the church we attended in Fresno, Memorial United Methodist church, Clovis, from approx. 1964-1976, minister was originally Bill Dew, then Latino minister, Oscar Escamilla - the name literally spelled out their oppressive strategy - 'hos[tage] k[ey is], our[s] - he's scummy, yeah;' & Gonzales w/'scumbag' label - the victim's career & reputation driven to rock bottom - reduced to scum; & this terminology conveniently renders 'cum' innuendo - 's[ee?] cum, bag;' 'bag' as in take something in hunting - THEY ARE LETHAL MONSTERS! 11/12, wh fem blk & wh spotted jacket, pink hair, "Do you know when the bus is coming sir?" W. Acre, 7:30 AM (bus was approx. 15 min. late) - but, possibly code pertaining to 'cum' ('cumming') & Latino oppression using police (blk & wh). I left mssg. on vm of cust., on phone, "'s Tues...." on 42A, & blk male blk suit pink tie, "He just says today is Tuesday" 7:39 AM (pic sent) - ''T' -oo, his day;' "He doesn't know his power;" 7:52, "You won't know I have carried out" blk male; i.e., claim oppression has already been put in motion - pink tie, & fem w/pink hair. Donut @ Savemart after work, wh paper bag, "DUBLWAX CARRY-OUT" consp. to oppress me because in conditions of stalking, illegal eavesdropping, & oppression w/out justice, my horniness is limited (they are mad, defined) - blk terrorists' consp. - Savemart has new "style" of chocolate donut - instead of "soft" chocolate frosting, it's hard chocolate coating - like candy bar coating - signalling blacks can be "hard" - orchestrating kidnap on their behalf. 6:08 PM, ch 13, fem, "He's not called this race adjust yet" (Harder (wh) v. Lincoln (blk)); & bug code or rptr, "You won't know whom in pictures;" & vision approx. 11/12, "It's Taylor laughs or movie" i.e., Taylor Swift in one of her music videos is an actress in romantic role; monsters asserting I can't use trackings of rock & Hollywood - despite almost w/out excepting they've tracked & exposed warlocks - because it means I'm falling short of teacher goals & wanting to star in a movie ('who 'em, in pictures...' - The Who & Elton John - head jerk); i.e., use of proof from Hollywood means I can't be a teacher & instead must qualify for gallant action figure who would never fail in a tit for tat situation @ bus stop... Meanwhile, Ace Ventura trailer showed the new kind of action figure - investigator, spelled A-C-E V-E-N-T-U-R-A - demonstrating they haven't caved in to the Nancy Pronouncy education erosion, because they spelled his name right! But, as Ace said, only Jack Teacher'll do, humans! I.e., monsters insisting I can't expose their conspiracies preventing me from my teacher career because it means I don't want to be a teacher!!!!! THEY'RE WIPED OUT FOR SHEAR STUPIDITY! "He's just not having 'em; snap on" 10:14, near Kathleen's; i.e., I snapped too much, or not enough - W. Acre bus stop, derranged homeless fem. threw soda bottle that hit my leg @ bus stop 4 mos. ago - & nothing around to throw back @ her (bottle bounced out into the street - nevertheless, I more or less fell short of my standards - if someone hits or shoves me, as of rebellion conditions, where they weren't responding to turn the other cheek gestures, I've usually hit or shoved back). 1999-2005 or so, lg. truck in driveway of res. next door to a lot of frat. & sorority houses on Russell Blvd. across from UCD - banner on side of truck, "Snap-On tools; Hand-picked By the Pros." CBS, "...secrecy of the Nancy pronouncy lease" 7:08 AM, major Garrett. Nancy Pelosy code - 'little pronounce' - attacker of her husband - husband wasn't really hurt as far as I recall, but they pronounced judgment of life in prison for him. Or, it's possibly referring to Pelosi denying me justice - I'm not allowed to teach, & they are using codes & going from bad to worse - they & media are stuttering & mispronouncing words & babbling on TV - denied the benefits of Jack Teacher being allowed to work as teacher, & betraying the education nation plan overall! "The wise in heart accept commands, but chattering fools come to ruin!" Prov. 10:8. 7:11, "...where the boob, where cure a David McCormick is..." (or similar) - code that I either look @ dirty pics, or it's another attempt on my life - strangle attack of 26 July 2021 occurred @ McCormick bldg., 4th St.; blk fem rptr, CBS.
ATM cards for a lot of banks are part of Co-Op system - logo on back of ATM card - a delta symbol w/double lines & blunt corners; San Joaquin Delta College - same logo design - double line delta w/blunt corners; I attended Delta for jr. college in Stockton before attending UCD. I've already reported, an education job listings website, is headquartered in Stockton. It's used by probably 80% of public school districts in No. Ca. & a lot of the private schools, & almost that many in So. Ca. & Central Ca., & it's being used by more & more districts in other states. In other words, lg. percentage of teacher jobs are listed on edjoin site. The name is a code for legal action - representing myself in legal battles, I became aware of it - 'join' is another way of saying suing someone. As far as I can tell, was established in 2000; it was approx. then that I had a somewhat hokey e mail addr., yojoindavis@... ('yo' is 'I' in Spanish; before I was aware of the alternate rendition of 'join'). As I've reported, rebels have been watching my every move & attempt to misconstrue everything. Nevertheless, there's virtually a 100% chance that Co-Op ATM system's delta symbol is a regional conspiracy controlling my banking, the same as conspiracy has been one of kingpins denying me teacher jobs; Larry Beck, pastor of Bethel Open Bible church in Lodi, as of 2008 was associate pastor; I had P/T job selling newspaper subscriptions in front of grocery stores, etc. - working for Platt Mgmt. & his partner named Bishop, we sat on stools & utilized free speech w/table w/free newspapers & offer to sign them up for subscription; suddenly, Larry & his staff sitting on stools in pic on website. The facade was they had to direct things - I had to indulge in distraction from teacher jobs to perform some "clean-up" of my free speech evangelism activities - aggressively setting up tables in front of stores did tend to drive home that point, but it also solidified the notion of region pinpointedly controlling any hirings of me w/priority of dealing w/any of my past "spills" ("spills" like courageously enduring jailings for Jesus). The regional menagerie tone was set as of that point - the first job that I had after the 2 1/2 years of captivity in Yolo & Sac jails. Then possibly a year later, the homepage of website had thumbprint on it; &, Larry used to be a banker before becoming a pastor. They orchestrated the Co-Op/Delta college stranglehold on my bank account & career. & on the darker side of So. Kal taking something to the bank, I put the report of Bobbie Sherman on my website, & the next day (11/25), report in news about Rio Vista teacher named Drake Sherman accused of possession of child porn - THE MONSTERS ARE DESPERATE!
11/23, wh male rm 17, lg. blue 4X4 truck, "He usn't gonna be w/us, son," 4:25 PM, to male mgr, Belair. 9 PM apprx., docum about making of Gladiator, director, etc. "We see a dress;" i.e., seeing dirty pics & men fail to wear the pants; the local revels decided because Belair st. # is 1600, same as Wh Hse: facade that they get to continue their terrorism barrage - destroying hundreds of dollars of my property mo'ly - to constructively evict me from WS. 11/24, 2AM, male near Belair yells, "Asshole just won fort!" - 'fort' code for homeless; i.e, code I'm gone, & prev. codes indicate it won't change anything to move to another motel in W.S.
11:42 AM, laptop screen sabotaged, possibly permanently, & instantly code from wh male rm 17 ('isn't gonna be w/us') code, "You're gonna rake;" the timing says he hacked the laptop. 11:56, bug code, "He would keep 'em, run," - i.e., oppression for my report about Ronstadt's & rock's bullseye dismantle of warlocks' lewd smears. Persian mgr then said, "He won't know our address," 12:06PM, i.e. coconspired sabotage. "You'll get 'em, Tovar," vision, 11/24, i.e. To ar, mex. from Lodi - W.S. fate sealed - they're in bed w/Lodi. But W.S. also doing the bidding of South & Ca.; KFC ad (I conjectured they're conspiring w/A&W), "11 spices;" code, 'All even - '[they're a] spy,' [he] says,' i.e., McCormick bldg. (spice code) strangle consp. w/Brian Toone look-alike, 2021; they aren't a spy, they are rebels. So. Ca.: USC (Univ. So. Ca. - L.A.) v. UCLA game, 9:34 PM, UCLA player's head slowly emerges in front of camera - laptop 'peak' consp. occurring since 2008 or so; fem students (& males) in Davis hacking & sabotaging my job apps as though it was a peak -a-boo game - rising up from behind monitor or laptop; same peak-a-boo codes then on TV & in ads; 9:35, anncr, "We all takin' a look" (Southern expression). 4x4 next door, codes, & color is L.A. Rams blue. So far, laptop screen still isn't functioning (I'm pecking this out on ph. keypad); if it is destroyed - in fact, either way- West. Sac. has been systematically destroying my property - to the tune of 25-50% of the total value of everyting I own, on a mo'ly basis. Along w/4x4, car from South is back - they got a cohort in crime; South attempting to seal So. Ca.'s fate. 7:15 AM, "He's gonna know- I have gasolate,"
'desolate' code referring possibly to warning I made to Aggies in 2004, "Your house is left to you desolate;" but it's combined w/'gas hole' code, referring to anal sex, & claim they were duping me because occasionally I'm not up past 11 (such as when I get up @3).
Alternate 'asshole' (2 AM code) is Aggies; the crosswalk consp. (DIVIDED ARCH... report) involves their football coach; interview 11/23, 11:29, becoming tearful while speaking, "Across the field, I see an old friend..." code for W.S. to hand me back to Davis - supposedly outside in a "fort;" 'a cross [walk,] they field;' 'Icee' - coded facade that I wasn't really working when in R.E., just freeloading for 7 Eleven treats. Meanwhile, Persians known for owning motels & 7 Elevens, & Belair operators readily caving in to laptop sabotage, according to code evidence. South instigating more trouble for me when justice is overdue once again isn't tracking, it's claiming they are having a "look" - oppressing me. W.S. response to Davis oppression is empower them any way they can - that's ground zero!!!!!
They literally blindside themselves - lg. % of my property reg'ly hacked & destroyed beyond repair; it's similar to those dept. stores & jewelry stores that are reg'ly being raided by thieves & robbed if almost everything, occurring in Sac. just about everywhere else! BUT, it never occurs in West Sac. or Davis - wherever I am! Instead, I'm looted & reamed - a dead giveaway!
Moreover, they already leaked I didn't deserve it - Davis police hired fem. Natalie Corona from Colusa as police officer, & she was shot & killed on 5th St. in less than a year after hire; it was faked - a leak; the deliberate leak was attempt to warn other rebels, they don't have sny facade that I was operating "loose" co. - I was the only law abiding businessman, & am the only law abiding citizen, in No. Ca.; they can't man getting away w/the rebellion on those premises. But No. Ca. such as W.S. evidently was left out of the "inter-officer" memo, because I'm being treated like all the other rebels, exc. worse - they get hit w/theft, & then it's on to the next victim; but w/me it's hit after hit after hit - 47 for starters according to blk monster in Walgreens! Evident warning against rebels by anncr, CBS Chiefs game, 1:15, "Not has strong, yo!" & we don't have to bring up that one year later their cover-up attempt was exposed by Corona virus! 11/24, 6:34 PM, as far as I can tell, Rams coach mouthed, "He's not gonna Steven us;" 'st[reet is] even,' code; this was after anncr, "We're not gonna make his Big M?" - i e , bully from "My Bodyguard," 6:25, but instantly, player, "Incoming!" i e. more hits & it's missile attack; i.e, players tracking corrupt media codes. On the other hand, "Can we do it right? LET'S GO!" player, Rams or Eagles; ambiguous code - a big 'let's go;' kidnap & prison inst. of jail? ('Big [house] 'am.') If 'steven' code is referring to dirty pics, remember that my ealiest thoughts about what God looks like, as a child, was barber w/br. hair - more or less like Stallin. In other words one of reasons God allowed Christians to suffer in Siberia had nothing to do w/ Eastern or Western branch, nor Asia, but a spanking for higher moral standards.
Secret Service determined Crooks wasn't close enough for intervention, which tells you once again, it was a conspired act - a set-up w/probably all parties involved. If not, then Secret Service is acting shady to eliminate Trump from the election & prevent him from taking office as president again; either way, it looks like they were attempting to give flesh to my Dad's ''dis-assed 'er,' ump' joke example (it was years of telling it before he got the punch line - seriously).
I almost lost my life 3 times recently; displays promoting them while I'm left in harrowing conditions day after day w/out so much as a text mssg. from them defies common sense. Despite thorough trackings from Vinnie & the others implying 'we'll come back,' they are moving too slowly to continue w/reports & displays that continue holding them while they hang on to microphones w/songs & movie lines but not a word in media about Jack Teacher. Jack Teacher is strong, it's true, but only Jesus is strong enough to raise himself from the dead!
God has consistently invited me to the highest seats - vision approx. 2 mos. ago, @ Mary's on Eel St.; she was hiring blk male simultaneously; he finished after approx. an hour, & then was visiting w/her on back patio while I was working; vision that those refusing to show up in wedding clothes - attempting to railroad my teacher career & allowing or participating in attempts on my life - have committed Judas betrayal; context indicated blacks, but as far as I could tell, the Holy Spirit was telling me it's probably the case for others as well.
Italians act as witness to the Judas scenario w/their gesture of pinching a piece of bread & holding it up w/fingers, "Now, letta me tell you this..." imitating Jesus handing a piece of bread to...someone - Judas? (before he betrayed him) - possibly signalling Vikings giving them (Columbus) the "Red" bread, on behalf of Asians. 'Hand Marco solo feat - YOU'LL see!' Vikings abstained from credit for discovering America in order to exalt the Jack Teacher plan on behalf of Asia. But subsequently, they participate in attempting to deny Education Nation. Those in Europe have duty to follow through when U.S.A. falters. "Joe, you won't see, who is flew the coop" 5:10 AM 10/1; 'Who Is' refers to internet domain name registry or similar; but more likely it's The Who, as in rock band. Attempt on my life, 2017, Davis Food Co-Op pkg lot; attempt on my life 2021, next to McCormick bldg. across the street from Cooper bldg.; possibly argument is 'coop - her' & across the street is 'coop - him;' i.e., chicken coop. @ the time, despite constant pressure to confront stalkers stalking me from a distance such as when staying @ Cooper bldg., I was led to use common sense - no one to help & if police came, it was guaranteed I'd be the one to disappear; it wasn't "chicken" to lay low & whine & wail for justice - it was common sense. But the fact those attempts on my life occurred @ all to a citizen whom everyone nationwide had heard of & who had complained for justice & was being systematically denied justice, was unthinkable - much less the additional facts that God had chosen me to reveal the Jack Teacher plan, as well as expose the cover-up of Christians suffering for Christ in Siberia. Moreover, revealing the Jack Teacher plan - 1700 year plan of God on behalf of Asia, to treat me like that is the same as the way the prophets were treated that Jesus spoke about, Matt. 23:37,38, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets, and stone those who are sent to you; how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not have it! Behold, your house is left to you desolate." I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOWED UP, AS PS. 91:4 SAYS, "HE WILL COVER YOU W/HIS FEATHERS, & UNDER HIS WINGS YOU WILL FIND REFUGE; HIS FAITHFULNESS WILL BE YOUR SHIELD & RAMPART." In other words, any of the attempts of the monsters labeling me a chicken for using common sense & holding to rule of law rather than being quick to betray the nation, on the contrary, I'm the only one w/courage to trust in God & hold my post! But moreover, the attempts on my life demonstrate that everyone from rock & Hollywood to Western branch to Eastern branch have betrayed me, & considering I'm the prophet revealing a 1700 year plan of God, in so doing they betrayed God.
I've reported long range watch(es) of rock on my behalf; evidence of long range watch on my behalf & on behalf of both branches overall: I followed up on those reports about Italians (on national & international level) thinking they are above the law - salami in most stores neglects any legally required label of "Fully Cooked" despite it is asserted to be ready to eat. But according to sources on internet, salami is an exception - it's dried & cured - it doesn't need to be cooked. In other words, sushi isn't the only raw meat that's commonly eaten in the marketplace - salami as well! But, they had to forfeit support for Education Nation plan to do it, so it was more like experimental curiosity. Judas betrayal is tantamount to directly betraying Jesus to his face; it's God is saying betrayal of me is as bad as betrayal of Jesus personally. While God has subsequently led me to downplay applying the Judas claim to both branches & rock & Hollywood categorically, I've also been led it's a viable warning that that's what they are looking @. Moreover, "Hey Jude," Beatles, seems to have predicted the jealousy associated w/a modern-day prophet revealing a 1700 year plan from God - EITHER THAT, OR THEY ARE IN FACT SATAN'S MINIONS, INSTIGATING BOTH BRANCHES TO STUMBLE & BETRAY THE LORD, MEANING ROCK & HOLLYWOOD THEY GET PUNISHED WORSE THAN ANYONE ELSE IN HISTORY! ACCORDING TO STRANGE DREAM, I CAN'T ASSUME ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, & UPON WAKENING, VISION, TAYLOR, "YOU NEEDED ME," 10/2, 4:10 AM. A precursory review of the lyrics indicate it could be construed as a warning - except they didn't heed their own warning - "Hey Jude.../Take a sad song, & make it better/...You have found her/Now go & get her...You're waiting for someone to perform w/..." drawing a line that (1)if Jack Teacher allows himself to be sidetracked w/song conversions, going astray from teacher goals, that could be tantamount to Judas betrayal; (2)if he becomes sidetracked w/chasing women, to extent of abandoning teacher goals, he's exhibiting Judas traits. I converted songs after hours, & I kept going straight ahead w/teacher goals - Jack Teacher plan won't be jewed down! (Note: It's assumed 'perform' is referring to show biz as opposed to marriage bed in this context.) On the other hand, while Taylor Swift's trip to China seems to indicate an effort to stand in the gap for church - providing salt of showing up despite the possibility that a huge feat for Christ culminating in this generation for Asians, & also implies that in the midst of communist leaders, these feats could represent trouble for Jack Teacher, her "feat" is used as a tool against me - rather than affirming the Jack Teacher plan, & bolstering Jack Teacher, it's used as a tool to pressure me to abandon the plan & get myself into more trouble. & their obsession w/blacks' Tutsi roles in U.S.A. was tolled w/the sugar-free, Jack Teacher 'die[s] it' argument years ago. West's turkey, East's peacock, & 9/27, Netayahu @ U.N. referring to plan for Mideast to ensure Israel's prosperty - "...geese & happiness..." I.e., turkey? Peacock? What's needed is Israel's geese, supposedly. - W/graphic on a map that looks like a giant red belt, slightly concave up - ALMOST SPITTIN' IMAGE OF CHINA'S BELT & ROAD PLAN - ROAD TRAVERSING ACROSS ASIA & EUROPE, PASSING RIGHT THROUGH ISRAEL - SLIGHTLY CONCAVE UP - GIANT BELT, & THE BUCKLE IS IN ISRAEL. IN OTHER WORDS, 'COPY?' 'COPY!' ASIAN COMMUNISTS AFFIRMING JEWISH COMMUNISTS' SLAUGHTERING OF CHRISTIANS IN SIBERIA - THEY HAVE THEIR BELT! - ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY'VE REFUSED TO LET UP - THEY'RE STILL @ IT IN UKRAINE! BUT IF CHRISTIANS HAD SHOWN UP IN WEDDING CLOTHES FOR JACK TEACHER, ALLOWING ME TO TEACH & MARRY - RATHER THAN SHOWING UP IN PSEUDO-WEDDING CLOTHES, CLAIMING GOD'S JUDGMENTS CAN'T BE TRUSTED & THEY HAVE TO OPPRESS ME & MOCK ME TO TEST ME, WHILE REFUSING TO SO MUCH AS BREATHE A WORD ON MY BEHALF - IF THEY'D SHOWN UP IN WEDDING CLOTHES FOR JACK TEACHER PLAN, COMMUNISTS BENT ON OPPRESSION WOULD'VE BEEN PLACED UNDER THEIR FEET. INSTEAD, THEY ARE GOING TO HELL W/JUDAS - BODIES HEAPED UP - (I .E., MARINE INVASION) & GOD IS RAISING UP NEW CHRISTIANS!
The warlocks subtly utilize symbols such as henchman's hood ( as their logo - no pope in hell is going to less them!
9/29 (approx.) "I won't let them slip," vision. I prayed about it; I've bent over backwards to cause Slavs to stand & produce reports of historical eye-witnesses & affirmations on their behalf. But to the contrary, Slavic leaders & others have been contributing to oppression & isolation & trickery that could easily cause me to stumble - stalling & denying me justice so that my enemies are positioned to make attempts on my life.
& no one is saying necessarily bodies strewn about (I Cor. 10:5) due to communist take-over, military invasion, etc. In fact, the irony of it is there's that giant cross in the sky that seems to be ominously circling - possibly zeroing in on planet earth - or, it's a spiritual Israel (Christianity) & a spiritual belt.
God has consistently honored me - if slob terrorists want to claim I'm lying about this Judas vision, I've got hundreds of visions that have been proven to be of Heavenly origin - denying my visions is the dead end of the millenneum. Case in point - Netanyahu & geese, 9/27 - I reported in internet report, 9/23, MORE PROOF... vision, "Or bird." But rebels, including political leaders & those claiming to be Christians, despite God's unmistakeable orders to the contrary, repeatedly insist they can oppress me, stalk me, smear my reputation, claim they suspect me, etc.
But according to these judgments from God, current population of both branches - especially te leaders, but laypeople as well absent repentance - miss out on taking credit for any such movement, either from a separate judgment from God finishing them off (Covid II: "Cursed Are The Sneezemakers") or they are kicked out of church & brought to account by bona fide new Christians (Asians, young people, Mideasterners, Eskimo flight directors...). Mary is possibly a token marriage gesture, vicariously allowing Eastern branch some grace, in spite of their sworn allegiance behind the scenes to U.S.A. ladder-day warlocks. But she can't seem to perceive she's falling for the Sequin Chiefs' on-the-fence molds pertaining to how she treats me, disregarding their plumblines about the imperativeness of the Jack Teacher plan, & following their distant "undiscovered" facade where no one dares enunciate my name - & in so doing, the effect is I'm pressured to cave in to one of those Judas scenarios. "Contact is all that it takes/To change your life/To lose your place, in time..." lyrics, Sammy Hagar song; i.e., 'God isn't in control, rock song lyrics are - & you are certainly cursed if you dare to bless Jack Teacher by contacting him or visiting w/him, you sworded
wench!' & Mary is putty in their hands - reduced to noncomittal sign language @ best, & mouthing w/out sound like the original silent movies, on media pages. Motives of attempting to dupe me into compromising out of false humility on behalf of Asians, or they simply became ruined from denying me justice; Ps 7:14-17, the wicked dig a pit for the righteous, & they fall into it instead. & make no mistake, they can't claim it's a Moses' scenario of death as form of rebuke, followed by a welcome into Heaven - those flirting w/Judas betrayal are sent to the worst of all hells!
Rev.3:8, "See? I've placed before you an open door that no man can shut." (The Lord may lead me to retract this - see THE LORD'S FOUR WAY TRACKING rpt., deceptive motels attempting to control me, etc.).
"Ask me anything in my name & I'll do it" - Jesus
10/6, "One step ahead - 'watch your step;' step it out" Merrill, BBC, 7:04 PM; then ad w/4 staircases & as Asian male starts to climb the middle curved one, it suddenly straightens. " an explorer's dream" fem referring to Petra, a castle facade carved in rock, in Jordan near Gaza - identical emphasis as Skyrizi or similar medication in ad - "& I'M...keeping it off;" i.e., medical industry providing cover - negate any honor owed to Jack Teacher - consider it excess fat - "lose" him. Petra story, on TV, "No, butt he ins" - possibly 'he inn's' code attempting to defame staying in motel; Dr. Alhassanot (Mideast explorer & tour guide). "Money meant," inst. of monument; seems to be attempt to slander my motives ; i.e., Mideast explorer - Mideasterners (Motel 6) instrumental in eliminating affordable motel in Davis, & instigating partial absence from Davis, attempting to finish the slow stab in the back process w/smear of claim I'm operating on greedy motives - that facade has already been decimated, except the basis seems to be claim of a crooked path. Proximity to those dying in Gaza (Palestinians/Hamas) - i.e., claiming I can be a casualty & die - but those in Mideast had a choice - call on the Lord & assume credit for their rebukes of Christians & their Star of Nazareth watch, & God would've protected them from systematic attacks of Israelites (they look @ my suffering & delays of the Lord bringing me justice & doubt, despite my case is by far the exception to the promises & instances of deliverances of God for those who call upon him) - No. Ca. rebels & their cohorts in rebellion don't get to hide behind those who are taking the lazy way of dying - offering of Cain, or close to it - under guise that it's a penalty they have to accept, when a Promise Land deliverance has been offered to them! 'No 'buddy inns;'' while in R.E., one or more broker's referred to as my buddy - '[say] no [to] buddy inns;' as reported, Sacramento has been instrumental in dragging the oppression against me on & on, & acquiescing to the conspiracy codes rather than trampling the conspiracy codes - so that the codes then spread nationwide; but the delineation isn't success or failure @ a free enterprise venture, it's justice v. injustice; Sac conspiring to force me to prove I'm great @ business - @ first the region offered a proof of my motives by offering me grunt labor jobs - despite it technically wasn't necessariy for me to prove anything to anyone, but when I proved my moties were work as opposed to greed & wealth ('money meant' code), this fowled up their behind the scenes conspiracies, & so they've been attempting to negate the witness they created, forcing me into the Landscaper Nick employment, which lo & behold, involves a rep. scenario that attempts to mirror R.E. agent. Regional Mideasterners attempting to commandeer the REVERSAL OF THE SAC MOTIVES PROVISION (GRUNT LABOR JOBS), & seal my fate, creating a smoke screen w/ditch-digging job that requires door-knocking, as though I am choosing to be a representative - like a sales rep - as though I have a choice - while simultaneously negating any alternative by conspiring to deny me any & all other jobs - as demonstrated by the fact that no one's hired me as teacher or anything else for years! Proof of this conspired reversal of Mideasterners - Hefty Burger hire (2015 or so), Mideasterners - as reported - the 'Hefty' trash bag theme - dumpster dive - conspiring w/Latinos, then I'm fired 2 days later, & it becomes Cap. Gyro (see NO. CA. REBELLION STANDARDS - ENTREPRENEUR W/BUSINESS THAT FAILS MUST DIE... report). IN OTHER WORDS, SAC. (CA. CAPITAL) IS HEROES, BECAUSE THEY HELPED DAVIS DEFEAT A TEACHER WHO TRIED TO GET BY WHILE BEING OPPRESSED BY WORKING HARD & USING HIS TALENTS. PSEUDO-BOOMARANG 'U' CONSPIRATORS INSTEAD OF MAKING A COMPLETE ORBIT - EQUIVALENT TO BROKEN CIRCLE SOUTH REBELS! Asians create a guise of alternative, but you're budging by getting out of Davis, & you're 3 stories up tearing down a bldg w/no training nor safety equipment - THIS IN FACT SEALS SACRAMENTO'S FATE AS ATTEMPTED MURDERERS! The curved stairway is Jack Teacher trying to make it in business due to monsters denying him teacher jobs - but that part's covered up - & fact that Jack Teacher is working digging ditches as a "rep" confusing Asians w/curved stairway - as though it's Jack Teacher's fault. Mideast coin's ram horns forfeit the boomarang effect - because @ local & national level they're going for the throat against Jack Teacher!
Evidence demonstrating So Ca. may be down, they may be out, they may be hobbling, they may be dragging a foot, they may be frothing...but they aren't totally numbers up down & out & down the tubes! Also, this report opens a door for Catholics to get back to their posts & affirm GOD'S Education Nation plan - rather than on the fence @ best!
See MAGNETS - YET ANOTHER INDEPENDENT WITNESS... report; color blue wasn't even named in Western culture & literature (Greeks & Romans) until after the Illiad, approx. 800 BC. The sky was light blue, but no one had a name for the color!, "the Secret History of the Color Blue" is heavily relied on for following info; Egyptians utilized blue in 1400's BC, but whether it was named or recognized is unclear. While the color blue was utilized in paintings, fabric, art/porcelain, etc., it was hard to come by, & very expensive, especially for use in art - but economical for use with clothing. At early stages, blue was derived from lapiz lazuli stone from Afganistan mountains; eventually cobalt blue from Persia was traded to China, & in 900's to 1400's, they made exotic porcelain, dishes, etc., with blue & white designs & artwork, so complex it couldn't be duplicated by Mideast - but, China focussed on Mideastern scenes in their art, & so the dishes/porcelain, simply became known as "china," because for hundreds of years no one could duplicate it in Europe or Mideast - became very popular in Mideast - a long lasting popularity creating strong trade custom between China & Mideast. Asia then discovered a newer, richer, & less costly color of blue - indigo, which Europe attempted to boycot, but failed. It became popular for use with clothing, & in Genoa, Italy, jean fabric was invented ('jeans' from Gene/Genoa), using indigo blue; the French city of Nimes then copied the technique, & spread it world-wide, known as denim jeans or blue jeans - ('de Nimes'), & washable blue clothing was perfect for working class as well as everyone else. In 1873 in SF, Levi Strauss strengthened the seams with metal rivets - Levi's. China teacher blue relational network then relied upon Japanese proteges; 'lapiz lazuli;' 'azul' is blue in Spanish, & la'piz is a writing utensil (pencil); Jack Teacher's first 10 speed bike was deep blue, Azuki brand bike; 'azuki' is a bean - the makers of Jacque's La Creme (Jacque's Sword), Richmaid, also produced & distributed Japanese ice cream, including azuki bean flavor. Jack Teacher's mother ran for HS class president under motto of "Use your bean, vote for Irene" - 'bean' is brain; Japanese foreign exchange student Takiko Hidamura, stayed with us for 2 weeks, mid-1970's. I taught Summer School Journalism in 1976, Centennial Elem., & taught Spanish & Computers @ VCA, 1995-96 (& a lot of sub teaching in between). I visited NYC 2016, & had lunch at Azuki Japanese restaurant - none of the waiters or waitresses or mgr used codes; some of the customers did. Possibly they had inside info about my blue Azuki bike (which I owned at the time I taught Summer School), but the encouraging theme is "Use your bean," education theme - a theme no doubt from China education nation, via Japanese protege's - Chinese should claim the blue pants in USA & globally, with network of allies from Mideast, Italy, France, Japan, & USA.
Blue is typically associated with law enforcement - allies relegating color blue for China - "bow" tradition (education theme - pursuit of knowledge (gunpowder & rocket science)) - "Don't tread on me") is "law;" see Firebreathing page.
Spill your guts, Asians! Why aren't you proclaiming the mighty deeds of the Lord on your behalf!?? Answer us now! Is it because you have Mao Tse skeletons in your closet? No! You didn't commit those atrosities, he did! Ask Jesus into your hearts & God will demolish the accusations of satan the accuser of the brothers, & you will be filled w/the Holy Spirit & God will cause you to speak in tongues & have the joy of the Lord in your hearts, & be so blessed w/the riches of Christ it'll defy all logic - taking Mathematician Zeno Asian Educators all the way through Heavenly Gates, clothed w/karmazyni clothing of the spiritual magnates!
Oh, by the way, God provided me w/St. Nick miracles shutting them down all over again - & most recent one - "Coffee, tea, or Carol Soda?"
10/20, "eyes of my mom, that's my goal in the light rail" TLC Asian fem, 9:30 PM Fourth(?). TLC wh male, Loren, "I'm scary holding Asians visit like Titanic movie" (or similar) notes barely legib.). "Sac police are investigating a stabbing gun send one person to the hospital" Lee Ann (rptr) - gibberish - codes, ch 3 10:04 PM. "Catch it! Catch it! How we doin'?" 7:17 PM qtrbk tracking Hyundai (ad w/rat-a-tat sound - as though caving in & advocating war - after, "Put your hands up high!"). In other words, some players open to making themselves useful, possibly. 7:39 "On zero pressure tonight" 7:39 PM NBC moving ___ (notes faded). "They're gonna pull a chain link" anncr, 8:24 PM. "Both teams double time us" 8:32, anncr, Steelers game. 8:44 PM, Jesus' character in movie interrupts himself for a fem.
10/21, "You're just going w/rapist" 5:10 AM. (or late 10/20) dream of wh male adult w/wh teen, both looking @ each other & groins - as though don't trust each other. 3:35 AM 10/21, vision of women's breasts getting bigger as though aroused. 6:15 AM dream I was underwater & giant sea creature swam by (I swam away from it), like an underwater stegasaurus. 8:32 AM, "You wouldn't think" Paul, after asking me "Can you think of anything else I might need to pick up?" (@ store); dream was possibly about Paul & his son (plumber - working @ Paul's repeatedly recently). "He'll be no trouble to his bopps" 42A 8:09 AM, mex male driver or dispatch. "That's where we're gonna actually have him," Dennis (friend of Paul's) - I was using a chisel on bricks - i.e., coded claim I chiseled them 10:04 AM - Paul had purchased a trowel for me but it was mason's trowel - subtle suggestion I cement bricks in place - '[a]m A son' (mason) - but I then asked him & he didn't want to do that. "You finally took them, trap" vision. "Well have oiur frown" 12:45 PM mex(?) male sec grd, Bet Havrim, after child made noise.
10/20, 7:30 AM, "I promised to always remember that name, Anna Nicole Thurman" CBS "Face the N." Harris (rported). ch 13 "Jay's triple" 12:20, Packers game. "That's gonna be our tech" - 'tech[nology]' - phone sabotages, etc. - pic sent; 9:19 AM, fat mex male blk or maroon shrt. After I said, "Totopos? Cua'l es eso?" La Fiesta, Harbor blvd. 1:07 "We sonny gets freedom" fem ___ (notes obscure).
fat mex fem emply, Boost, "You're not gonna not have" (or similar) 2 PM approx. 1:40 approx., "It's taking a moment" fem emply; 1:45 approx., audible bug code, "He won't be w/you" or simialr - when mex. fem. emply claiming I wasn't ok'd for ATM card use - i.e., same stigma attempted by Consumer C.; but after bug code, she claimed she was attempting to override it, & then it went through, but she still said, "I'll definitely take that" which could've been neg. sense, 1:55. 2:20, 202 DoJ # hanging up on me repeatedly w/my new phone - foiled their 'hot spot' consp. 2:36 "You won't herd their warning" (source?).
3:13, "This is you're gonna hurt later on" bug code - I copied screen shot to obtain insurance rec't - mex. fem didn't provide me rec't for it, & wasn't answering @ Boost - rec't on internet isn't secure, but it didn't readily download; i.e., if I get w/another phone co. they have to be perfect, or I have to insist it's off - but that's why I lingered w/T Mobile - they're all involved - it's moot point, exc. for fact that bug codes get a 100 million dinosaurs in hell for persisting. TCT Perry Stone ch 16, "Manna fest" 6:25 PM, Steelers coach backing, backing, backing as blk male confronting him - i.e., luring local blks to be more menacing.
10/20, "He just sees us -great!" 6:14 PM NY Jets game - player? NBC, 6:30 PM "death penalty's accepted" (sounded like), ref, announcing a call, Jets/Steelers game. 7:40 "Alright, he said this is enough" qtrbk, Steelers(?). "It's gonna be you sing" 6:56 PM gov't bug code, when I did push/ups. NY kicked @ 3rd down & 50 yrds, 7:10. If the death penalty code is claim they are luring locals, the problem is it invites more trouble for me (understatement of millenneum) & I've already got enough evidence against region & blks, so that makes NFL (or those participating) coconspirators. Landscaper Nick (Colin Capernick) tripwire code; (1)tripwire is code for letting me rot in the streets; & if I'm lying there on sidewalk or gutter dying, step over me if necessary, but don't bother to help (blk fem made tripwire gesture when going by me while I was juggling - w/little or no tips, approx. 2016 - the message was keep up the "good work" of $0 pay, & let the victim rot; (2)claim that I haven't traveled the country enough - but the crimes amounting to rebellion are manifest & justice in this context doesn't warrant lobbying or campaigning for - Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" only scratches the surface - corruption so wicked that it isn't up for debate in land of free home of brave - kidnappings & hostage captivities, attempts on my life, slavery, conspiracies blatantly occurring in public & on TV nationwide... The Bible says don't answer fools according to their folly - if I start traveling around as though I'm campaigning for causes that are a matter of opinion, I'm asking for it to be reduced to ballot issues - followed by denial @ the polling places; (3)trips as in to bay area to pressure them to hire me, once again, the current demand for teachers in No. Ca. combined w/total void of so much as an occasional interview (exc. approx. once every 2 yrs) is proof they can't be trusted - I take my undeniable cues & make myself relatively scarce unless invited to interview. YOU HONOR HEROES OR YOU CRUMBLE! I'D OVERCOME ALMOST 70 FALSE CHARGES AS OF A DECADE AGO, EXPOSED CORRUPT CHURCHES, & AS OF 2017, EXPOSED COVER-UP OF REPORT OF 20 MILLION WHO DIED FOR JESUS, & REVEALED THE PROFOUND DEPTH OF THE WORDS "THAT'S ONE SMALL STEP FOR A MAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND!" Endorsement by rock & Hollywood being used against me as though a curse is wickedness beyond compare! But the signs of their jealousy in No. Ca. were manifest before I obtained my teacher credential: They made a movie about Jaime Escalante, Math Teacher from L.A.; he wasn't in the movie - he was a teacher before the movie, he was a teacher after the movie. He relocated to Sac., Hiram Johnson HS (I did my student teacher work @ Hiram Johnson West Campus HS, approx. 1 mi. from there); they were actually mistreating him & insulting him because of the movie - labeling him a "Hollywood type"!!! Since time immemorial, if writers & actors produce stories & plays or shows about you - that's an unimaginable compliment & honor! Attempts to dishonor Escalante, or me, is BETRAYAL OF AMERICAN WAY TO NTH DEGREE!
10/19, Crest jewelers (WS), wh male cust @ counter threw his hands up when he looked @ me - similar to someone menaced, but laughed as though it was a joke, approx. 10 AM. I'm aware of '[ar]rest' phoneme, but it was the only jeweler in vicinity, & I use Crest toothpaste.
11/2, 11:40 AM, vision while making this report of wall of water - this report constitutes RED SEA JUDGMENT!
Approx. 1 1/2 years ago, vision of my Mom saying "You won't have her, I promise" referring to Jan, on Ipanema. It was nonsense for my Mom to say something like that - I don't need anyone toying w/my income, I'm entitled to invasion & justice - it was out of character for her & her recent "You don't get your gold?" affirmation & "Can I have your 'no' autograph?" Then I reported the second school pic of Jan's grandson spoiling a class picture for sake of codes - making a blatant clown smile - after previous one w/crazed look. I'd reported the previous one to Feds, but the second one prompted a more thorough report. As reported, I was instantly barraged w/codes because I hadn't placed it on internet the exact same day I took pics of the displays. Approx. a wk ago, vision of my Mom saying "You are, our fart" - insulting - either implying she's joined the rebels, or implying she's the Western church - as in, they all deserve to be thrown to the wolves. Possibly it's a longshot attempt to identify w/them & confess on their behalf, to lead them. After 2 dreams where I'm allowing myself to be belittled (11/3 early AM), I removed this report, but due to prolific evidence, I've revamped it. Then I reported Tom Petty Damn the Torpedoes songs - but there's another song from that LP - "Century City;" 11/1, Paul, N. Campus, 3:50 PM approx. "You said you're always worried;" I never said that, but Petty says that in "Century City" "Sometimes I get so worried/But I don't know what about...It always goes away;" & similar in "Here Comes My Girl" song. Also, lyrics in Century City, "Why worry about the father/Why worry about the money...?" I reported the interaction @ St. James Catholic church - lifting of hands & my assertion that I wasn't there for handouts, & was working for living, & priest's ("the father") voice suddenly got quieter. On other hand, father/mother - implies the mother is "money;" but as reported, I avoided going to my parents for money consistently, w/rare exceptions - I was led I'm an adult, on my own, don't bother them. From 2002-2004, they intervened to some extent. Nevertheless, that brief period has been subsequently systematically used as fodder for rebels haunting me & stalking me that my parents where my only hope of income - attempting to alienate everyone from me permanently. Lodi involved - the first girl I ever dated I met @ skating rink - Monnie; but subsequently, that became 'ma knee' & 'money;' 10/28 approx., vision, or bug code, "Joe, you weren't Monnie!"- like 'wow, good news!' 11/1, I then replied audibly to Paul's code, "I didn't say I'm worried," & then Paul, as though telling his neighbors, "It's we're 'so' worried." But after that, vision, Mom, "Joe, I wish I'd said that," possibly referring to Petty lyrics - 'Why worry about the father...' in other words, either she was worried about my income (which was the case - I was led before 2002 to avoid asking them for anything - they offered to help), or confession she's caught in attempt to dupe me. But like I said, that vision where she's attempting, supposedly, to cause trouble w/me as far as customers, that simply wasn't like her - possibly role playing Western church or she's taken a turn for the worse. Also, going from Stan's to Paul's, approx. 2:30 PM, Anderson N. of Alvarado, wh fem dk hair, sitting on curb, W side of street. 10/28, I took the day off (Mon.) on spur of moment, & texted 2 customers in advance - Don & Stan; Stan replied "Okay" as far as rescheduling, & Don, "Ok." Stalkers in rm. 17 the same for last week or more, as far as I can tell, possibly car w/Missouri plates (South). That afternoon, wh Budget van parked on W Cap @ Belair - most likely stalking me - lic pl Oklahoma ('Ok'), 3JU726. 11/1, "What times Utt," fem @ C & 2nd 5:46 PM. "Go to the corner, day may;" wh male emply, Outpost Burger (looked like fem @ curb - dk hair etc.) - I was getting a hotdog for dinner. I had jogged everywhere all day, & keeping track of exercise time, & so upon leaving (6:05 PM approx.) I ck'd rec't to see when I arrived there, should've been approx. 5:50, but instead, the rec't said, 12:05 PM; i.e., they're involved & the monsters are claiming it's noon. 'Go to the coroner, day, [you] may [strangle him];' THE WH MALE EMPLY DK HAIR WAS ALMOST SPITTIN' IMAGE OF WH FEM DK HAIR SITTING ON CURB @ ANDERSON BETW. ALVARADO & BIANCO - 'CURB'/'PROFESSIONAL' JOB STRANGLE ATTEMPTS (2/2020, COLUMBIA CT., 7/2021, F & 4TH). I also reported blk male on 10th St. sitting on curb. The positions are identical to silhouette of child sitting & reading under a tree, on posters city-wide promoting ballot init. for education. Also, they are desperately attempting to more concretely involve Mideasterners - the Bible verse I quoted on webpage "You may ask me,..." some versions translate it as command rather than permission - "Ask me anything..." inst. of "You may ask me anything..." But, "Mother, may I?" & according to Scripture, Jesus role plays a mother hen - you must become like a child, the Bible says. @ ANY RATE, THE MONSTERS ARE CLAIMING THEY CAN WATCH MY EVERY MOVE, & THEY ATTEMPT TO FABRICATE FACADES THAT I'M SECRETLY DEPENDING ON MY MOM - DEFEATED ARGUMENT DEFINED! BUT GOV'T INVOLVED - IF THEY CAN CONCOCT SOME SEMBLANCE OR ACT AS THOUGH THEY DID, THEY THEN ATTEMPT TO CLAIM I'VE BEEN LAZY ALL ALONG & THEN DENY ME JUSTICE & POSSIBLY CONCOCT A CHARGE AGAINST ME FOR SOMETHING - THIS NOTION IS SO CATEGORICALLY FOOLISH THAT IN FACT IT'S AN ATTEMPT @ DISTRACTION - I'M A PAWN BEING OPPRESSED TO TRACK BLACKS - BUT THEY CAN'T LEGALLY OPPRESS ME W/OUT MY PERSMISSION; BUT IF THEY FABRICATE FACADE THAT I'M ALLOWING IT OR INVOLVED IN IT, OR THEY SUSPECT I'M INVOLVED, THEY MIGHT GET AWAY W/IT - & MY MOM IS THEIR LATEST GIMMICK. BUT THEY FAIL TO PROPOGATE THAT FACADE TO THE TUNE OF 1 MILLION DINOSAURS IN THEIR ETERNAL FUTURE. COMBINE THIS W/SOUTH THAT ISN'T TRACKING BLACKS, BUT IS SO EMMINENTLY FOOLISH THAT AFTER I'VE EXPOSED EVERYONE, THEY ACTUALLY SHOW UP ATTEMPTING MORE STALKINGS & OPPRESSION! 11/1, orange cone next to ATM @ Golden 1 (abbr. G1 - 'G[al] 1'); but I didn't write it down or report it - busy w/other codes, plus, it was approx. 6:20 PM - bank was closed, & entrance w/ATM was tile, & mopped after hours - req'g cone. Vision approx. 10/25, "You're going to have your wish" or similar (& my Mom's 'Joe, I wish I'd said that'); vaguely implying she suspected I was going to be worrying about income, & Mommy is money, & 'if Mommy says give up on customers, I'd better do it...' But as reported, this is a nonargument to nth degree - but based on dreams, 11/3, it looks like my Mom wasn't putting on an act. Deep, dark secret from our past, in one instance my Mom passed wind & said, "It won't smell; I promise;" & she obviously knew I'd recall that - i.e., confession she's fallen short - conclusive testimony Western church membership has been capitulating to warlocks, & they're exposed - calling Jack Teacher a "fart," whether it smells or not, is betraying the Lord! Moreover, my Mom did testify I'm entitled to my 'no' autograph, & gold medal - so she's been pressured to backpeddle by the warlocks. 11/1, 6:35, G & 5th, wh male gray hair going by & circling around what used to be US Dept. of Ag bldg, & now is some sort of experiment & product development for Mars/M&Ms, "You won't know your ['olive' or similar - code referring to N. Korea]" - referring to my reports about N. Korea that I removed. But despite the supposed sign of dove & olive branch, bird themes, & my gesture of olive jackets 3 years ago on behalf of Slavs, the problem is Slavs' current leaders are involved in strife w/warlocks - (1) they don't pipe up for me, then (2)warlocks & Western governments prop up Ukraine under guise of being stern (& there is some merit to it), & (3)Slavs then respond by putting on act - 'It's no wonder Asians aren't responding to Jack Teacher plan inviting them to a higher seat of leadership & recognition - most of us Slavs are Christians, & WE'RE confused as well!' - attempting to dismantel the Jack Teacher plan! 11/1, Yolobus 42B, that 'G1' cone suddenly symbolizes my Mom w/a facade attempt to dupe me; 6:55 PM, wh fem hunchback on scooter, blue jacket, orange safety vest, gets on bus w/wh male; male lifts & scoots scooter 3X to get it in place; wh fem driver secures it w/belts, but then said, "You lock whatever you need to lock;" & context of safety vest, that's code according to rebels' m.o. that they are all too dangerous & therefore have no choice but to lock me up in jail for my own safety; & in fact, driver, code, "It'll be his safety." Fat blk fem red shrt, 7:06 PM, "I see you're losing your car?" & wh fem blnd, blk jacket, "It's we aren't letting your dad; you aren't running 'em," (i.e., it isn't 'father,' it's 'money'). I then noticed the orange safety vest, & wrote down the cone @ G1; instantly, wh blnd fem, "We have construction," 7:09 PM; (1)referring to approx. 2 years ago when I jogged from W. Sac. to nearest G1 in downtown Sac. - 11th & L; but when I arrived, the entrance & ATM closed w/construction crews tearing up entire concrete entrance; "Closed" sign indicating ATM out of order; but this demontrates (1) illegal eavesdropping - or else she couldn't have known I was writing down G1 'cone' stalking in my notes; (2)stark raving mad attempt to dupe me that while I'm doing the Feds' & all other law enforement agencies' job for them of investigating & tracking these rebels - it's their job, & I'm doing it for free - w/out pay - the monsters are claiming if I don't do it perfect, then they can claim they can oppress me as though I'm involved - miss one fact, & you deserve to die, according to the monsters! Fat blk fem, 7:15, "Police officer, right there!" supposedly on phone, but code referring to wh blnd fem blk jacket - i.e., the police tracking HOW GOOD YOU'RE DOING @ DOING THEIR JOB! 11/2, "You'll just his under Newport rules" 12:51 AM. I reported the Poitier 'port' codes - my parents' owned '66 Chrysler Newport, & then '73 Newport. For years Chrysler was making engines for tanks, possibly they still are; but it's code that my Mom is the boss of my money - 'Monnie' - etc., facade that I'd 'hear & obey' if I was supposed to "lose" a customer like Jan, "or else..." It isn't a small operation - I reported Lodi Equipment store @ Harbor & W Cap., W.S.; the sign was prominently featured @ that corner until possibly a decade ago; & I interviewed broker in 1999, Home Port Realty, W Cap., W.S. This is possibly the 'corner' code of Outpost emply - create facade that I'm ultimately subject to my Mom's purse strings - DESPITE IT'S THE NONSENSE FACADE OF THE MILLENEUM - use it to prop up blacks @ my expense, & - 'coroner'/'curb' - clincher - another attempt on my life.
10/29, "That is our hit" 7:11 PM, (sounded like) male, rm 17; dk maroon car in front of 17, 7WSH493 - 'wish' conspiracy - facade I'm relying on my Mom; but most likely they also have car w/Missouri plates - EJ5R3A. 7:35, "Joe, you won't know this over" bug code. "He took us, head" fem rm. 17 7:38 PM. "This Kid's" UFO; 2 guitar rifts @ end is similar to Edgar Winter group. 7:43 PM, "We aren't gonna touch them" (or similar), "That's you guess" 7:44. 1 hr. exercise, "That isn't enough;" bug code from laptop; then instantly, text from Paul, "we need 2 cancelled tomorrow" 7:48 PM. Purple glove in Sierra - ch 40, 8:54 PM - holding hand out - i.e., as though needy or receiving a handout - St. James hands palm up v. hands palm down 'handout' facade from 2001 approx.. 8:55 Adam, (Fox wthr), "I DO NOT, DO NOT;...I'M GONNA 'NOW.'" 10:24 PM, "They're gonna run you won 'em" (male, rm 17).
10/30, "I'm gonna pick you up" (code for police oppression), 3:20 AM. "We got to tap pressure" 3:38.
Jack Teacher piped up on behalf of Slavs, to extent that Arab king visited Moscow for first time in 80 years, & now Kim Jung Un is lending a hand; so recognition was provided, but the Asia Jack Teacher plan is also a factor - indicating a lot more recognition for Slavs pending; nevertheless, in last few years I've almost lost my life 3 times, & Slavs failed to give me any recognition for my acts on their behalf - borderline murder as collateral consequence - Slavic leaders among others exhibiting anti-Christian motives - becoming like their nemesis Jews. 'Netanyahu' - Those who claim to be Christians need to wake up - "Your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour" Peter said; it could be an individual or...the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan of Christians - by instigating jealousy & bickering, we're robbed of our "YAHOOO!!!!!" merited by both Eastern & Western branches - the Jews steal it & claim a "net gain" of a "yahoo," on rival claim of O.T. God being the true God - sans Jesus. But w/Yah or Jah being God's nickname (Ps. 68:4), who is the real Yah? Jesus rose from the dead after foretelling it was going to happen - & he did it on purpose - Jn. 10:18 - & a lot of people don't know this, but when the Bible says God raised him from the dead (Acts. 2:24), it was Jesus who resurrected himself (Jn. 10:18) - JUMP BACK!!!! But the Yah of the N.T. is the Yah of the O.T. - David, 1000 years before Jesus, in O.T., said, "You will not allow your Holy One to see decay," Ps. 16:10 - the Messiah won't be in grave long enough to decay; & Hosea 6:2, "...on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live in his presence." But Jews (Isrealis) are often jealous enough to become anti-Christs.
Kamala Harris' VP candidate, Tim Walz; Davis police officer, one of 3 that false arrested me @ Don Miller's in 1997, Tom Waltz, a midget. According to her acts, she may as well be their founders. Technically, India isn't part of the Mideast, it's the East, according to maps; but if you go by that technicality, you're asking to be duped. Officer Waltz rec'd tip of the hat approx. 10 years ago - an atty. in Tx. w/action-style ads, advertizing legal help for people suffering violations of their rights by police - one of the ads features arrestees in detention room W/officers demmanding they take breathalizer test despite they weren't accused of alcohol-related crime, & "fight for your rights!" This very abuse occurs routinely @ Yolo jail; but one of the officers was male Waltz look-alike midget - unmistakeable. The attorney then comes crashing through the wall on his motorcycle, etc.
10/12, "What I intend to do mayor..." Harris, News Nation (ch 52), 7:10 PM; vague language, but Harris being Davis former mayor Greenwald look-alike, & VP Walz, either it's a code she's dressed in wedding clothes to symbolically marry Davis rebels, or it's code for a backroom conversation w/Davis mayor - "What I intend to do, mayor [is allow the continued slavery of Joe Sherman...etc.]." You know that neither she nor Trump have above board motives - or they would be running on platform of exposing the slavery & rebellion, rejecting codes, etc. - unconcerned about alienating anyone, because anyone who's worth anything in this nation should be rejecting codes & rebellion.
Kids - are teachers the only ones who must be stern & resist compromising high standards because of the allure of fame? Or is it politicians & nation's leaders that also have that duty - especially duty to refuse to participate in conspiracies, cover-ups, & rebellion?
Vile city council chair double tracked by Russian Double Cheer Noble dairy industry & their pseudo-fishin' scene! & it's retro-double - Modi ('[a]m [L]odi') under scrutiny as well - fall of Taught Ya Ma tribute? Pa Tell Everybody "Be gagged?" Meanwhile, Russia has cow because of treacherous mayors!
& speaking of national level Davis cover-up, Jim Antonin was city manager for almost 10 yrs. while Antonin Scalia was Supreme Ct. judge.
8/8, 3:55 "He's going a rail w/us" Kamala. Approx. 3:30, 'jay walk' code from Triple A to bunnie on phone (called about towing/battery jump). 4:04 "You are, the car" vision. "We have a Davis here is town & I hear it's mine" (sounded like) Kamala, NBC 6:35 PM. But to remove all doubt as to the DAVIS PRESIDENCY CONSPIRACIES, Kamala looks almost exactly like, & has the same - uncommon - hairstyle, as former Davis mayor Sue Greenwald, one of the original king pins! She's modeled herself after her! & she's publicly asserting it! One could argue, better choice than (late) Julie Partanski, former mayor of Davis & self-professing witch, but technically she was no longer in office when the oppression started. Their attitude @ city council meetings was "Hello, die!" Former mayor Boyd used police to kidnap me from city council meeting, 2002. AMERICA IS "GREEN" AS FAR AS HOW EVIL CITIES & POLITICAL LEADERS CAN BE! THEY MANIPULATE @ THE LOCAL & NATIONAL LEVEL, & AMERICANS FALL FOR IT OVER & OVER & OVER - THEY PRESSURE YOU TO AGREE THAT YOU'RE WALLED OFF FROM ANY DECENT LAW-ABIDING CHOICES! 'LOOK! THE FLAG IS HUNG! YOU MUST AGREE - YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!' BUT THE FLAG IS "HUNG" BECAUSE OF THE SAME TERRORISTS HANGING IT RATHER THAN FLYING IT! THE FLYING CHECK MARK WARNS: USE IT OR LOSE IT & LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! (PROV. 18:21). UNCLE OF-BY-FOR WANTS YOU! WALK A MILE FOR A DROMEDARY! CAMELS ARE CANCER STICKS!
Pres. Biden - Covid, & then presidency comes to an end - illustrative formula for Davis rebels - teacher working as landscaper - pressure & dupe him that he has Covid, & his future comes to an end. I would recommend write-in candidate Andrew Yang, except last election, one of the few codes from him was a 'march' code - & context of China's March Long ballistic missiles; i.e., vague innuendo - 'you're now China's soldiers,' implying China takes control of U.S.A., which most likely means democracy is a thing of the past. If there is additional info about this Yang code, then go public w/it, & in context of clearing his motives, Yang could be the write-in defeating the current rebel candidates. I still wouldn't whole-heartedly endorse him or anyone else that isn't vehemently pointing fingers @ everyone & calling on the ends of the earth for help. HERE'S THE LINK: Jack Teacher must abandon rugged individualism & self-reliance & accept charity - decreed by Obama, w/Obamacare - law requiring citizens to have health ins., despite it's often sky-high. Ca.'s program - Covered Ca.; Jack Teacher brainwashed that he can't work because he has Covid - & no option but charity - freebies - '& you're 'Cov'd, Ca.!'' UCC - website - the architects!
Prov. 23:6-9, "Do not eat the food of begrudging hosts,
do not crave their delicacies; for they are the kind of people
who are always thinking about the cost. 'Eat and drink,' they say to you,
but their heart is not with you. You will vomit up the little you have eaten
and will have wasted your compliments. Do not speak to fools,
for they will scorn your prudent words."
I was getting handtruck for lg. pieces of concrete, & Gunther, "He wouldnt break it up to me," attempt to dupe me about 2010 or so @ soup kitchen in Sac - after years of refusing to hire me, I was @ Loaves & Fishes, & fight in the dining room, but I wasn't quick to break it up - because it was pre-arranged - the same as I'm not allowed to work (wasn't - but now they're still enslaving me so it isn't much different). Vision indicating upgrading the conversion lyrics of "Hey Jude" [in report tracking Catholics...] "pot to pee in" was too mild - missing a lot bigger point [(Catholics parting of Jack Teacher plan)], & simultaneous, code from Gunther they were going to use ['pot to pee in'...] against me - 'P.E.;' "You aren't gonna give, Whittaker," - PE coach from Lodi HS. I updated them to indicate Jack Teacher plan parted by Catholics. [THEY'RE REGULARLY ANSWERING TO LODI REBELS - WHITTAKER, FOR EX., & FRESNO REBELS - RON ZITO, FOR EX.]
10/18, "We're having we're found" "He didn't let, our gold" F(?) near 10th, 9:35 AM. 10:14, "You aren't gonna remember, our murder" Gunther. I.e., approx. 2015, on 42 bus in downtown Sac., coming back from interview, & mex. fem adult w/child announces on bus, "Relax - Isabel," you assume that's the name of her child, exc., it wasn't enunciated as a command to Isabel to calm down, it was a code - 'R.E. [agent] lacks - is a [school] bell [in my future?];' or, more directly, 'R.E. [agent] lacks Isabel [& any & all other school kids].' [END EXCERPTS]
THE 'RELAX' CODE IN SAC DEMONSTRATES CONSPIRACY OF LATINOS REGIONALLY W/DAVIS POLICE & DAVIS CITY COUNCIL. 2007, AFTER 2 1/2 YEAR CAPTIVITY, I ARRIVED@ CITY COUNCIL MEETING, & SOME SORT OF DISTURBANCE OCCURRING INSIDE INVOLVING POLICE AS I WAS ENTERING, & COUNCILMAN HARRINGTON @ ENTRANCE SAID TO ME, "WE RELAX 'EM." IN OTHER WORDS, DURING THAT 2 1/2 YEARS, THEY RESTRATEGIZED - THE 56 FALSE ARRESTS & KIDNAPPINGS OF ME WERE SUFFICIENTLY COVERED UP BY THE SUBSEQUENT 8 OR SO FALSE CHARGES & ENSUING KIDNAPPINGS IN 2004 THAT RESULTED IN 2 1/2 YEAR JAIL SENTENCES - YOLO COURT & UCD POLICE INVOLVED, ESSENTIALLY WHITEWASHING DAVIS POLICE - 'LOOKY THERE - WHERE'S JOE SHERMAN'S SHINING ARMOR NOW?...' UNDER THIS GUISE, THEY COULD CALM DOWN, EASE UP - BUT - GET HELP FROM OTHER REGIONS. APPROX. 2007 OR 2008, VISION OF DOUG ARNOLD & LONG LIST OF COCONSPIRATORS' SIGNATURES TO DENY ME ANY & ALL WORK; ALSO VISION OF LEADERS OF SOLANO & SAC. IN BED W/DAVIS MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL (SUCH AS HARRINGTON), COVERING FOR THEM W/CONSPIRACIES TO FALSELY ACCUSE ME THERE - & IN FACT THAT HAD ALREADY OCCURRED IN SAC. - 4 MOS. OF THAT 2 1/2 YEARS WAS CAPTIVITY IN SAC JAIL (CHP @ GOV. SCHWARZENEGGAR'S OFFICE). & SOLANO MADE GOOD ON THEIR PLEDGE TO DAVIS MAYOR & COUNCIL AS WELL AS SAC - REPEATED FALSE ARRESTS/KIDNAPPINGS IN VV & ONE IN FF, 2011-2013, & 4 MOS. DISAPPEARANCE IN 2014 AS RESULT OF KANGAROO HEARING. BUT ALL THESE POLICE & OFFICERS OF COURT, ETC., STILL NEEDED A GUISE OF GREEDY R.E. AGENT AS COVER (YOU CAN'T ARREST SOMEONE FOR BEING PROACTIVE OR "SELFISH" (IF THAT'S WHAT PROACTIVE MEANS), BUT THEY USE IT AS STIGMA OF TROUBLE. AMAZINGLY, ANY & ALL FALSE ACCUSATIONS IN SOLANO WERE EXACT SAME SCENARIOS AS IN DAVIS - SPREADING WORD OF GOD IN PUBLIC PLACES SUCH AS SHOPPING CTRS.; AS FAR AS WORK, IT WAS GRUNT LABOR - SIGN-WAVING & FREIGHT UNLOADING @ LITTLE CAESAR PIZZA, FOR EX.; MOREOVER, THIS WAS CONTEXT OF ALL THESE COUNTIES DENYING ME POSITIONS AS TEACHER FOR YEARS - SO ANY SALESMAN FACADE WAS TWICE OR THRICE REMOVED FROM ANY ACTIVITIES IN SOLANO, & SIMILAR IN SAC AS OF 2005. BUT IDENTITY OF A SALESMAN LENDS ITSELF TO TROUBLEMAKER LABELS, & THEY NEEDED THAT COVER IRREGARDLESS OF IF I HADN'T BEEN A SALESMAN FOR YEARS & WHEN I WAS I WAS A GOOD CITIZEN & SOUL-WINNER - MEX. FEM. ON BUS IN DOWNTOWN SAC, 2015, W/ISABEL - TRUE TO THE REBEL CAUSE. The 'RE lacks Isabel' code was formulation of consp. to create facade negating my teacher goals; it presupposes you're a R.E. agent, & that's what you'll always be & deep down it's the real you, etc. 2016, a new HS opening in Woodland - Wdld. Polytech HS, utilizing Yolo Fairgrounds bldgs.; as reported, I was hired, but school didn't start for 2 more wks, & I still needed food & money for bus fare, etc., until my first paycheck, & so I was singing for tips in front of Walmart in Wdld, & 2 mex. fems. in black essentially said, "Watch this" & made call on phone, & principal called me w/in minutes saying I was fired due to my past skirmishes w/police. As of 2016, people as far away as Timbuktu knew about the police oppression against me - it was orchestrated as punishment for trying to earn income somehow before my paycheck arrived - & that method was converting rock songs to Christian songs, & singing them - which they were labeling as sales. If you want to call it that, that means you can't do some sales work so that you don't starve until your teacher job begins. 10/21, "Isabella, my daughter," 3:15 PM wh male w/girl @ res. next door (E) to Gary's, 330 10th St.; - possibly Ian - Gunther's son - THIS IS THEIR 'MURDER' - MY CAREER MURDERED & THEN I PERSONALLY AM NEXT - & now, it's for putting down weed cloth & subsequently wood chips in a front yard (Gary's) - I.E., CONSPIRACY DENYING ME ANY & ALL TEACHER JOBS SPANNING 27 COUNTIES, & WHEN I WORK AS LANDSCAPER TO KEEP GOING, IT'S LABELED AS SALES, W/THE LATEST 'ISABELLA' CHILD COCONSPIRATOR! Ferdinand & Isabella - King & queen of Spain, funded Cloumbus' ships - but it was melting pot goals, w/teacher/education nation goals denied by Spanish & Catholics. "He's gonna have his storage;" approx. 3:30, he left on foot going toward Gunther's w/girl. Blk fem (also next door to Gary's), "We all keep kids up," (young adult or teen). 330 10th is possibly operating as day care ctr - children & adults coming & going; blk fem's car lic pl 9FRE569; also, wh fem blk shrt gray hair, lic pl 4JSW041; I.E., GUNTHER ADMITTING THEY CONSPIRED MURDER OF MY CAREER, & MORE OR LESS THE SAME AGAINST ME PERSONALLY! Mex. male const., near Gary's, "He won't get his people a ground." 11:36, after Gunther asked me 2nd time about yellow tube w/Sawsall blades that was missing, code, "That was we can't unhand you here," approx. 2 days later he found it. Nevertheless, sm blue Trump flags placed on Harris signs on wh Davis fem's front lawn, 10/22 (reported in news on TV) - approx. same size & shape as sm garden warning flags (such as PG&E line markers or water line markers) inserted into ground. & in Gunther's front yard, same sm flags inserted as markers or warning flags - but they were white - unusual color for these warning flags - & instead, looked like Belair rec'ts - approx. same size, etc. 10/24, "No, I 'fied him," '[de]fied' code - most likely Isabella, Ian's daughter - sm wh girl playing in driveway, 330 10th w/blk boy & another child; "I mean we'll go shirt," 4:44 PM. Moreover, @ 330 10th (next door to Gary's, where I've been working 2-3 days/wk for last 2 wks on front yard & bkyrd), suddenly blk elem. age boy trying to strike up conv., & Gary's wife Vicki giving me black cup w/water 10/24; i.e., after they conspired for decades denying me teacher jobs, w/all the Jack Teacher reports, Davis rebels are getting nervous about their strategy that I'm a homeless bum unknown who's lucky to be hired for anything - they're having to face that my internet reports are being read & followed by or acknowledged by millions, as opposed to their facade decreeing that no one knowing who I am & so my reports are disregarded. In this context, I'm supposed to "admit" I NEED TO "apply" to work w/ & interact w/kids more - this provides cover for their guise that I had no choice but to capitulate to Pinol conspiracy & forfeit my "no" teacher standards by acquiescing to a black principal Keno's requirement of filling out repeat job app. before he'd hire me. Instead, Keno should've accepted a wake up call - 'k[ey, h]e knows,' it was already too late for them, but the proper belated response, rather than attempting to trick me & going along w/No. Ca. rebels, was acknowledge that I know, & I'm law abiding & am tracking & exposing the rebellion.
10/16, "That's where he took us" 1:07 PM 1 of 3 fem emplys, Subway ND, when I caught a hack - "b elieves" - program stalled & typo [(space)] inserted [- most likely the 'D A L E Y CITY'/'DAMN [THE TORPEDOS]' vision of 1-/25.] 3:49, 10th St., "I'm gonna have How hid" tall thin blk male, dreads, blue shrt, walking down middle of 10th St. - then sitting on curb on 10th St. near Gary's (pic sent), 3:55 - 'curb' murder code (Professional Job report - F& 4th, 7/26/2021[) - approx. 4:30 AM, wh male Mark McGuire look-alike, emply of McGuire-Hester - attempted murder - strangle attack. [END EXCERPT]
10/22, "Took one more step, please - thank you" blk male driver 42A, 7:05 AM, to passenger. Approx. 12:45 PM, mex. fem pushed imaginary crosswalk button @ F & 3rd (where Univ. Beer is located). New program of Yolobus, w/out any announcements, "Drop off only" blk male driver, 42B, 5th & G. I refused to insist on staying on bus, because they can take a bus out of commission anytime they want, & in rare instance they do that - but this was consp. luring me to defy them - such as, 'I have the right to take the bus! You blacks aren't going to defeat me!' etc., i.e., showdown w/blk. driver. Upon exiting, the lighted display on exterior of bus, "DROP OFF ONLY." But it did stall my ride for 10 min., & the same thing the next day. 10/23, Vision, "You're going to give them your live," 5:20 AM (long 'i' as in attack w/coconsp. filming it), vision; i.e., black curb conspirators confessing they are trying to kill me (10th St.) - & that was what was waiting in Pinol.
7:20, Ironman comp. in news, & vision, "That's where I want you to take them" but I've lost ground if that means I have to win Ironman before invasion, when vision of MIRV missiles already coming as of 2018 or so; moreover, I can't afford teh equipment or other obstacles w/out justice; it was ''I earn,' man;' their manning of me earning amounts to slavery, 7:20 PM. 7:51 PM, "He won't w/, mine" John Travolta (vision). "You're @ the tippy..." 9:48 PM vision; i.e., confusing & spiritual warfare because I'm @ the tippy top. "We do have the full suspect in custody" blnd fem Sac Sheriff dept. spokeswoman, ch 40 10:03 PM. [TV ad of suffering dogs, "They're in full sun for most of the day...won't you help them?" ] "You won't know whir" (or similar) 9:40 PM; i.e., 'give it a whirl' possibly referring to [...deceptive experimenting on others]. Vision of 2 men in sm bathroom (possibly my parents' in Lodi) fighting over possession of gun; one grabbed it but other one smashed his hand against toilet & he dropped it; 'toil, it;' but it demonstrates their desperation, because w/these reports I'm putting in 60-70 hrs/wk w/out exception. 10PM; & 2 instances where I finished early (4:30 or so) & was knocking on doors to make 8 hrs. (which I'm not under strict bondage to do, but it is a guideline) & in both cases, wh male on same street w/appearance of soliciting also - as though checking up on me.
9/22, vision, 'T' in T-mobile becomes a car key, 5 AM approx. 2:04 AM, vision of Laura showing me something she had read - "I can't bear to read it - you'll have to read it," "2054, ...drank the bottom part, the rest he scrapped," & when I woke up & got up to write it down, phone was starting up (i.e., if I wanted to or needed to use it in that instant, it was unavailable for about 1-2 min. - same as all the other phones (this is Celero), but demonstrates they're all involved - you don't actually own or control your own phone. You fill your cup w/water from a dispenser @ bottom of 5 gal. water bottle, & those are often found in offices - sounds like another sales or business smear. The most they can pin on me as far as that is I've been known to drink Blue Bottle coffee, but that was when I attended a Sand Man Glass Blowers convention, & I thought it was required to facilitate the aura. It backfired, though, because it was the "grande" gallon size & it was so bulky it kept bumping into glass displays & I barely got out of their w/out a lawsuit! "That was a priceless multi-faceted menagerie!" "Not anymore." While the SMGB Blue Bottle scenario is brought to you by Faque News (R), venti & grande are coffee sizes @ Starbucks - & their participation in Davis is 100% - back wall of 2nd St. Starbucks, green designs identical to U.S. currency - 'green wall' consp. Wallgreens, former mayor Sue Greenwald, police officer Tom Waltz, VP candidate Tim Walz, etc. 'Parted' or 'scrapped' similar - possibly warning me they'll conspire to scrap me (oppress me) in my old age (90's) if I don't utilize rock's witness of tracking of Catholics & Latins. Alternately, 'the rest - he's scrapped,' I've taken a wk off from excessive exercise, starting approx. 9/20- 1 hr. to 2 1/2 hrs./day, but no early morning sessions this wk. I had a vision approx. 10/18 or so when I was considering taking a week off from rigorous routine, that I was back in athletically lazy rut of when I was @ UCD. But in all reality, I've almost certainly broken that stronghold of laziness - as of 1998 I started doing sports regularly, 3-4X/wk of basketball, & as of 2009 I was increasing the hours while sign-waving, & maintained that - rigorous exercise routine for 26 years almost w/out stopping @ all. Visions are often God telling me what someone else is claiming, rather than what he's claiming. On the other hand, avoiding dirty pics does involving keeping busy. 6:31 AM, "Reporting woeful news that matters," fem, ch 40, Sac airport. I've had more than one vision of my life going forward & use of Sac A/T; but it may be that requisite (specific airport use) is being negated. 1:59 "You won't know, we're 'goat driving, it,'" vision (Taylor) or bug code' but they've made bona fide gestures & sacrifices, & consistently tracked those attempting to dismantel the Asia/Russia/Mideast/Everybody Else Jack Teacher plan, so the mssg. is warning that Western warlocks & Eastern snake oilers are goats - non-Christian hate-mongers - & widespread laziness & deception has allowed them to drive Christianity, & constructively crash it several times recently, if it weren't for me & Guilded Show 'Em's.
10/23, 6:11 pM, mex. male driver, 42B, "You won't term take." "Yes, get in, get in," "FBI International" TV show, ch 13, wh male w/girl stealing car [on the run from people trying to kill them] - finding one he's able to hotwire - Tracfone hot spot attempt - masquerading as response to my complaint, 20 GB data inst. of 10, but they'd subseq. claim they spotted me it, (freebies) & more oppression, 8:32 PM. That's why I'm now w/Boost. Belair clerk that eve., tit for tat - I hadn't taken a shower one night a few days before 23rd, but I had dirtied wash cloth; the next day I asked for a clean wash cloth & said change anything that's dirty. But afternoon of 23rd, change of towel & mat, but no wash cloth - tit for tat - complain @ your own risk. But instantly as I was getting another wash cloth, mex. fem supposedly a guest, walked up to window "Yes, my husband is..." (talking about her husband staying there) - but 'yes' lined up w/hotwiring (stealing) the car in TV show, i.e., Mexs. claiming they're stealing it - i.e., Mideasterners are catching on to mexs.' tit for tat tactics, & TV show confirmed it. But that then is designed to cause me to defend Mideasterners - 'they aren't as bad as mexs!' Also, there was a long hair on my salad bowl (upside down, drying, so the hair wasn't necessarily dirtying it); i.e., 'long, here, staying eating food, etc.' Possibly they are claiming they aren't like mexs., w/systematic consps., also, possibly trying to pressure me to avoid eating out too much; but while I've reported Mideasterners in No. Ca. aren't as lethal as most others, they are participating to an extent, & it's enough so that my teacher goals are shut down & I'm a slave w/few options & extremely high payments for place to stay. I.e., the 'crosswalk' gesture of mex., fem was claim I'd endorse Mideasterners to defeat No. Ca. Mexs' attempt to more thoroughly ruin melting pot, & they could then claim teacher goals aren't really a factor for me, & they have their 'cross walk' - walk of faith - claiming their 9 year Isabel slavery conspiracy prevailed - despite they had to commit 9 years of slavery, multiple attempts on my life, etc. to accompish it! (Moreover, if they did prevail in duping me, it's still a fact that I'm isolated & outnumbered, & that's conditions making you susceptible to taking what you can get.) Vision, Mom, "I have run away," 8:56 PM.
Long hair on top of overturned bowl, rm 16 (reported); approx. 2001, attending Our Faith Lutheran, Mike, church member allowed me to stay in their camper in their driveway for a few days; I used their bathroom in the morning & left for work; one morning, long hair on towel or similar - his wife indicating 'long here' - as far as I could tell, because almost right away after that they curtailed it, she was saying if I was "long" there - long range solution - it could end up in affair. The hair on my bowl seemed to be indicating 'long here' as in mexs. won't have their way as far as any disappearances; but it amounts to tests - Mideasterners allowing room for rent (verbage contingent on slavery region where they often have slavery powers), allowing work in Davis, allowing prevention of police oppression, NOW will he consider them allies (where Teacher goals AREN'T allowed)? I.e., yet another attempt to pressure me to compromise - 'Mideasterners are "nice;" Latinos are "mean;" I like Mideasterners in No. Ca....' is the facade they were looking for - SETTLING FOR REBELS WHO ARE DENYING YOUR TEACHER GOALS - ISABELLA CONSP. II (ISABELLA CONSP. I WAS 2015, WOODLAND POLYTECH HS DECEPTION). Who else is involved in this one? Mike from Our Faith Lutheran now lives in foothills near Truckee; but while attending Our Faith, they were located on Whittier Dr.; & Noelle Millar just moved to Banyan, off of Whittier, & new cust. Paul Boylan is located on Banyan; so I'm suddenly on Whittier all the time - Whittaker, former P.E. instructor @ Lodi HS - THEY ARE ANSWERING TO HIM; in addition to late Al Smith (Stonegate), the biggest developer in Davis is John Whitcombe. Gary on 10th picked up some equipment (weedcloth, etc.) "I got the goodies" - Goody brand combs from 1970's (Lodi HS) - making Jack Teacher a dyed-in-the-wool goody 2 shoes! BUT THEY ARE ALSO LEWD CHILD MOLESTERS: See LONG RANGE LEWD CONSP. OF NO. CA. LATINOS, "El juego del ange'l" Spanish novel I reported I was reading in 2022 or so - a writer who mentors a girl in writing, but she's approx. 16 & stays in a room in his home as part of the deal, & suddenly lewd scenes; & her name was...ISABELLA! TWISTED PERVERTS!
Mike (Our Faith Lutheran) l.n. Biolchini, pronounced 'be ol' key knee;' i.e., bikini w/'ol' inserted. Facade of concern over impropriety (an affair) was used by them to minimize & opt out of intervening for me despite blatant crimes of police & indications of UCC's involvement. This was possibly "inspired" by Billy Graham, who claimed he was never alone in same room w/fem. other than his wife because he didn't trust himself. But their dirty pic. standards demonstrates it was their on the fence mentality toward God that ushered in phony guises that magically prevented them from intervening. Additionally, my biological clock was ticking - I'd worked grunt labor jobs most of my life & had finally obtained my bachellor's degree & Teacher Credential - only to have rebels sabotage it w/false accusations; one of factors of working in R.E. was attempt to use my education - God led me to make use of it to some extent - I didn't have to be a run-of-the-mill homeless person, because I wasn't - I was a victim of systematic oppression of church & police - my adverse circumstances weren't of my making - be creative - my biological clock was ticking. 'Biolchini' phonemically reveals additional motives - attempts to bring me to ruin by systematically stalling justice until I gave up due to failing to amount to anything - 'bio[logical clock -] chea[t the victim -] knee[l & praying for it!]' In fact, one of my customers, Anant Amin, namesake tended to reinforce this - '[squish him like] an ant, amen.' Use of academics was supplemented w/evangelism paper, & ironically, after that, my zeal for justice requiring profuse writs & appeals & accompanying research, & then these current investigations & revelations are regularly utilizing my academic skills - but none of these were supposed to be a factor, if it were up to rebels.
Peggy Mentink, niece of former Davis police chief Mentink, clerk @ Econolodge motel, which she helped change the name to The Vine, w/sign w/identical motif as Davis Cemetary, including the street sign green w/wh text. I originally met her @ First Baptist Church. Beginning of 2006, she hired me 3 or so instances for odd jobs such as car wash, repairs of her kitchen appliances, etc. As of 2006, the entire city hadn't yet betrayed me (as far as I knew), & she wasn't using any codes, & so I considered her a friend - but she was putting on an act. It was 2004-2007 I disappeared for 2 1/2 years in Yolo jail; she wrote me a letter, but suddenly I was Plaito, & she was Pluto, & " our lives become entwined together..." but there was a lot of confusing nonsense as well. "Heaven Can Wait" movie, Warren Beatty's character Joe Pendleton, legs crossed in a dance step in promo pic, but it could also be taken as legs wrapped tightly closed - implying fridgidness. Pendleton is name of Marine base on central coast of Ca. Davis city hall, above the rear entrance, stained glass artwork - 2 long roots entwined like legs tightly closed. City hall is located in bldg that used to be jr. hi/high school. Based on Peggy's codes, they're putting on an act - conspiracy of no marriage & no teacher career - I'm denied sex & marriage until I slip & commit a lewd act w/child. Before jail captivity & strange letter from Peggy, we'd gone on a date - she said it was her first date; a cafe near her apt. & sitting @ table, she suddenly passed out & slid from her chair onto the floor. They called 9-1-1, & she was taken away in ambulance. But while lying on the floor, I noticed her legs were tightly together, like the stained glass display. Before this, she was house sitting her dad's place on K St., & invited me over; pic of her on wall as a teen - BUT SHE HAD A GLAZED LOOK IN HER EYES - LIKE SOMEONE ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING PSYCHOTIC. She's only a few years younger than me, so this pic was from 1970's or early '80's, demonstrating that long before I arrived in Davis (1988), THEY WERE WAITING FOR ME W/CONSPIRACIES, & IT WAS PREVALENT ENOUGH THAT THEIR KIDS WERE AWARE OF IT. She also started using codes as of that point, so that ended the friendship. It was 2007 that I concluded more or less everyone was involved, & 2009 that I placed Affidavit on internet declaring war on Davis as rebellion city. As of approx. 2 years ago, I started working for cust. named Jan on Ipanema St.; hired me to build a new gate, tar her roof, repair sprinklers, & recently I started doing house-cleaning. pics of her grandkids in den, & grandson w/same crazed look in his eyes - school picture, which most kids don't spoil w/deliberately strange looks - & that is a factor - signalling his family is getting away w/slavery, conspiracy, etc. It isn't as extreme as Peggy's, but you can't miss it. I reported the pic. approx. a year ago, but last week, a more recent pic of him on refridgerator - w/blatant clown smile, & it was timed w/report, ch 3 news, as far as I recall, or possibly fictional TV show, of someone being murdered, & a witness barely got glimpse of the murderer - dressed as a clown. Also, I've been systematically stalked about this report; I took pics of the school pics on 10/30, but hadn't gotten to the report yet, other than texting pics to Feds & phone call - which should be sufficient, but lately I've given more priority to online reports. Stalking includes Davis police @ 5th & D, 10/31, "We're gonna take him." I.e., Jan's been hiring me 4 hrs/wk, & so they are claiming they've caught me falling short as far as diligence. The fact is, her grandkids are from Yuba City, so it isn't evidence against Davis; nevertheless, it is evidence against No. Ca. DIVISION rebels - iron-clad proof of uniform involvement, as well as demonstrating mindset of kids in the region - same as Davis; to them it's like an adventure to have a regional menagerie where for some reason they supposedly have permission to enslave & attempt to end the life of a victim.
Independent plumb line that I'm trapped in a menagerie punishing me for working temporarily in sales to keep going, rather than giving up & becoming a charity case: As of 2009, after applying for any & all jobs nonstop daily for 5 years w/out anyone hiring me exc. for (1)P/T sign-waving, (2)short-lived tutoring job, (3)Casablanca cafe host/waiter job that lasted 2 mos. until I disappeared for 2 1/2 years, in attempt to conjure up some sort of income, I began working as independent rep. for GMX Magnetic Water Conditioners - a product consisting of ceramic magnets that you bolt on to residence's water main, & it eliminates "hardness" of water, such as calcium, which causes scale build-up in pipes. It was fairly new invention - few had heard of it, it wasn't in stores, & there wasn't any competition in No. Ca. - few rival magnetic conditioner cos.; it blows the doors off of salt-based water softeners, which pollute, require salt additives that you have to purchase, use electricity, & eventually wear out; magnetic conditioners use no electricity, last a lifetime, don't pollute, & moreover, the conditioning of water retroactively breaks down scale build-up in pipes - & they cost hundreds of $ less than water softeners! GMX came w/recommendations from U.S. Testing Agency, one of Big 3 car manufacturers, & a dozen other huge corps., & magnetics as conditioners was backed by documented studies from phd's in science. The co. is owned by Sharon Costanza, of Chino, Ca. (So. Ca.); I maintained an inventory of approx. 2 sets @ $200 ea.; I was blessed w/scenario of having claim to regional rep. for the co. - Davis @ min. - but there wasn't anyone marketing them to Sac., Woodland, or VV either. The product sold itself, & approx. 50% of res. in Davis had inferior water softeners - a shoo-in. Nevertheless, I knocked on every door of every res., exc. apts., on every street in Davis, I also knocked on a few doors in Wdld. & Sac., & telemarketed in Davis, VV, Wdld, & Sac/WS, & I had a grand total of 2 sales in Davis, & one in VV, & my Mom purchased one. A week later, my Mom's sink was clogged & she had to call a plumber. Her sink was clogged by a huge chunk of calcium build-up (scale) that had become dislodged from interior of pipe & blocking water flow - GMX was working TOO GOOD! In other words, providence (God) handed me a product that provided a service that was in demand, & that was a boon in every way, & destroyed the competition, & did so when I'd been almost completely w/out work for 6 years & everyone regionally was aware of this (& in fact conspiring to deny me work) - an in-your-face confrontation of the rebels that sales & sales abilities had nothing to do w/it - the fact was, they were attempting to commit murder! Moreover, it provided proof that it wasn't limited to Davis - everyone regionally knew who I was & that I was desperate for income & also that I was a very hard worker, & yet no one bothered to purchase them exc. one fem. in VV! The problem was this product was too good, & it was wasn't slave-labor intensive enough - Lanscaper Nick yard work conspiracy was already in place years before this, but wasn't "ripe" yet, because they were stalling another 8 years w/conspiracies to force me to kill myself; if these failed, then the yardwork slavery income would be revealed - this occurred in 2018. I.e., yardwork amounted to steady income, which Davis had been avoiding @ all costs, as part of their suicide/'blow up a bldg sky high'/shooting spree consp. The surrounding cities were involved, but they weren't as desperate as Davis, & so as of 2016 I was hired by a baker from VV w/bakery in Davis, 30+ hrs/wk, for one year; subsequently, hired 25-40 hrs/wk @ Chinese cafe from Sac. w/cafe in Davis; this outside pressure essentially cornered Davis that the poverty suicide phase of their murder conspiracy was over, & I was then hired to do yardwork. PEOPLE HAVE BECOME NUMB TO FACT THAT THE REGION WAS & IS CONSPIRING TO COMMIT SLAVERY & CONTROL MY INCOME, BUT THIS INDEP. WITNESS PROVIDED SUFFICIENT PROOF FOR A KILL SHOT TAKING OUT THE ENTIRE REGION (NUCLEAR MISSILES). BUT DUE TO FACT THAT CA. & FED. LEADERS FAILED TO INTERVENE, & IT WAS THEN AGGRAVATED BY BLACKS BLIND & WICKED ENOUGH TO THEN BECOME CONVINCED THEY COULD JOIN IN ON THE SLAVERY - BASED ON CONCEPT OF BEING HANDED SLAVERY REVENGE - THAT THEY WEREN'T ENTITLED TO - AGAINST WHITES. W/environment sensitivity of Davis residents, most likely sooner or later, hundreds of Davis rebels purchased magnetic water conditioners - Gunter on 10th St. has one (pic). But if they took it out on the product, either way, part of long range consp. to finish me off. Notice also the thoroughness of the independent tracking mechanism: I was asserting that I was seriously persuing my teacher goals again, & was taking any & all work offered to me, but diligently applying for Teacher jobs; Sharon Costanza most likely a plant tracking Davis rebels (magnetic personality & merits Boone tracker recognition) - 'co. stands' & 'co.? Stanza [of literature]!;' i.e., education tops sales cos. - especially in context of sales co. cornered by slavery rebels, & Nuking Davis is poetic justice! 11/8, after I took pic, "What did we lose there?" 10:20, Gunter (they lost their souls creating menagerie). & bird or indiv. near 10th & D, "We didn't let a soul," 11:17 AM; i.e., I possessed my soul during the nearly 2 decades they were conspiring to prevent me from having my own place (& still occurring, to extent); according to their cruel standards, no one could've made it - everyone in the streets.
Saul, king of Israel, comitted suicide when he knew he'd lost the battle against Philistines - deliberately fell on his sword to end his life (1 Sam. 31). Kamala attempting to fall on MY sword - the Jacque's La Creme sword - & end it all. The Brockmeyers prayed for me to have a vision of Jacque's La Creme Sword - witnesses from my past w/unequivocal endorsement of my sexuality & good character. They could be making more effort, but it's a start. This becomes the focus of my oppressors - attempts to undo that witness. 1 Sam 15:23, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry; because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you from being leader." The warlocks & those who follow them are the Saul Rebellion traitors - see "Catcher In the Rye" report,; see also Saul Rebellion II & Saul Rebellion III (accessed from; "Will a body f*&^ a body?..." People who claim to be members of the body or Christ, but are rebelling & "f*&^-ing" (oppressing) those who are members. Lk 11:52, "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key of knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering;" Kamala Harris, attorney, because of her acquiescing to, & then instigating, more corruption & oppression, refused to become a citizen of Heaven & enter Heaven's gates; she doesn't have any spiritual keys, but her oppression has added to blinding people from having knowledge to do the right thing & hire me as teacher - because common folk look to leaders for direction. Brockmeyers attacked by Harris campaign: 10/20, 7:30 AM, "Face the Nation," CBS, Harris, "I promised to always remember that name - Anna Nicole Thurman..." Evidently referring to blk. fem. named Thurman who was denied abortion due to laws of Ala., but when complications arose from taking medication to terminate pregnancy (which is contradictory - no abortions, but abortion pills are allowed?), due to the laws in place, treatment was delayed & she died. But her name is tell-tale as far as Harris' motives - there are plenty of supposed victims whose causes you could tout - but Thurman is the only one who has the same name as blk. male director of Ca. Dept. of Education - region of No. Ca. rebellion denying me my teacher goals - position of power but refuses to intervene. Thurman was also name of blk male attending UCD when I attended, & fellow member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship; both of us were Spanish majors. As of 2000 or so he was one of pastors in charge of Yolo Wayfarer Ctr. a supposed Christian soup kitchen w/overnight space for homeless. I was following 3 Jn. 1:7, "They went out for the sake of the Name, not accepting anything from the Gentiles;" & so any income beyond my work earnings was from Christians. & I was in Woodland repeatedly due to court hearings, & had made an appt. w/him to see about payment of phone bill. I walked into his office, when supposedly I was supposed to wait @ front desk, but no one had said not to; but suddenly I was banned from YWC for 6 mos. - he banned me because everyone else was banning me - invent something & fit in, was how they operated. I never used YWC anyway, so it wasn't of great consequence, but this was a former friend from IVCF, & he caved in instantly! So black Thurmans have led others to oppress me in No. Ca. Moreover, they're doing it under the color of law of South - late Strom Thurman, former wh Southern political leader - I was then converting rock songs - guitar strummer, figuratively, & magically, their Thurman stigma is solidified. Nicole Thurman - Nickels, Russell & CR 97 & the conspired inapppropriate contact of child - involving children in lewd acts or lewd conspiracies; & I reported "Truman Show" written by Andrew Niccol, & CR 97 child's dad - Andrew Nickel. & this supposedly random "cause" Harris is touting wasn't random for yet another magic trick consp. of Harris - her name WASN'T ANNA NICOLE THURMAN, it was AMBER NICOLE THURMAN; i.e., a slight of hand name switch by Harris - in attempt to stigmatize Anna Brockmeyer - i.e., defame the name 'Anna,' & Brockmeyers' witness of my sexuality & good character is negated. W/rebels, you must always stay ALERT - they're concocting a new conspiracy every few min.!!! BUT WE ALREADY KNOW BLACKS SIMPLY DON'T HAVE ANY 'ALERT' ASPECT TO THEIR CHARACTER - THEY WERE ASLEEP AS FAR AS SLAVERY OF BLACKS DEFEATED BY U.S.A. WORLDWIDE, INCLUDING RETROACTIVELY BACK TO AFRICA, WHERE IT HAD ORIGINALLY BEEN A SLAVE TRADE, AS OPPOSED TO BLACKS @ LIBERTY ROUNDED UP & BROUGHT TO AMERICA - THEY WERE SLAVES ALREADY IN AFRICA, BUT SLAVERY EVENTUALLY ABOLISHED THERE AS WELL - AS OF 2017, I 'ALERTED THEM' - PUBLICLY INFORMED THEM THAT THE CIVIL WAR & ABOLITION IN U.S.A. WAS ONLY 4% OF SLAVES, BUT OUR INFLUENCE OVER THE WORLD, AS RISING SUPERPOWER, LED EVERYONE ELSE - & ABOLISHED SLAVERY FOR THE OTHER 96% WORLDWIDE! THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR WHITE NO. CA. TIT FOR TAT SLAVE TO THE NTH DEGREE!!!!!!! & in fact, Harris' name slight of hand was premeditated attempt on my reputation's life - @ least 2 instances, local media signalled a name conspiracy was occurring - 10/18, ch 40 (Fox news), 11:24 PM, "Robert McDaniel - remember the name.." but there wasn't the typical long track record of accomplishments that accompany someone asserting that; & one other instance of this approx. 10/16. (1)In other words, these reports were creating facade that they supposedly put me & everyone else on notice - Anna Nicole Thurman isn't the blk victim's true name; therefore when they defame it, they can claim I allowed it, & so that supposedly makes it okay. (2)10/19, Gunther, "You won't give 'em Whittaker;" referring to my use of wit on webpage, but my use of song lyrics overlooked the significances of "see" - as in looking @ dirty pics - & instead lended itself phonemically to 'P.E.' & Whittaker was P.E. instructor in Lodi; i.e., blacks utilizing bent cohorts in sports/P.E. to defame Brockmeyers. Also, 'Gunther;' i.e., use of a gun isn't necessary; there's other ways of ruining a victim.
TV ads implying go to sleep, it's all off, etc. But they've never been close enough to me to be aware of the mark undernearth my hairline - "Sex, Sex, Sex" - the mark of the anti-prude! As far as sex, if you have to see it to believe it, then you're sorely lacking imagination! Morever, Jack Teacher has resolved his vision "I've given you 4" - through much prayer & anti-fasting, it means he's graduated to "Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex!" & if you need that one explained to you, then consult birds & bees manuals. 9/10, 3 AM approx., "I've made you the king" (referring to sex), vision. Jack Teacher just keeps groin, & groin, & groin, & groin, & groin.... Approx. 9/26, vision of fem. acting like hippo - in place of male in movie acting like hippo; i.e., equates male was a "woman" - & based on another scene in movie ("4" scene), I've now been promoted to Cat 5 sex ravager. My wife passes out from exhaustion, then dreaming of making love, wakes up w/me going a hundred MPH! Really, it isn't dangerous!
[Teacher acting as editor's note: There is no "R.E. card" because Jack Teacher isn't a R.E. agent, & has 1700 year proof (& 250 Continental Congress proof) that that isn't even his goal - the report is referring to a facade that is a figment of their imagination.]
Suddenly teachers can't display current events, historical events, church history, teachers can't work digging ditches or cutting concrete w/concrete saw, etc., or have any job that's steady work, or the monsters use their "R.E. card" - they claim it's R.E. 1:55 AM, vision of car @ intersection - but I didn't have a clear view of it, & male saying to my sister, "He's just going to R.E.," implying the monsters are desperately attempting to concoct a 'T' - such as possibly a disappearance - because I'm good @ current events! There isn't an adult alive that didn't have one or more elem. teachers who plastered their classroom w/current events! Also, they don't like my endorsement of Yang, because I outwitted them again - Yang has been e mailing me for the last 4 years, & I'm sure everyone else as well, staying on top of politics & current events - he is positioned to be president, despite he didn't technically run for office - the monsters are jealous that I outwitted them again by coming up w/someone who's 1000X better than a convict of 34 felonies & a monster who is Davis mayor in the flesh, w/running mate Walz telling everyone "if you have kids, then 'U'!" They're 'U' goverment! & I'm still holding Asians accountable w/no promos; Yang is simply an exception due to extreme circumstances of candidates who are corrupt balls & chains for U.S.A.! A breath of fresh air is someone angling FWD-ing across rough terrain on the moon!
Jack Teacher's Mom said Jack Teacher gets his vein of gold - classroom teacher w/kids w/schoolbooks, pencils, & paper! Named after William Penn, original governor of the Pennsylvania region & religious freedom fighter - his image is in circulation probably more than any other patriot - he's the Quaker Oats guy; i.e., patriotic company promoting early American patriots. 'Sylvania' signifies land or woods, but the state w/city of Reading, & sounds like 'pencil,' if you do more research, 'vane,' from Middle English, German, & Saxon, original significance of 'flag' (same as 'jack') - weather vane is a weather flag - the EDUCATION FLAG & SCHOOL BELL STATE!
9/24, "We're gonna have our 'bad 'em'" 7:17 PM, Carmichael wh male firefighter, ch 3. 'like hell' is DIVISION rebels' way of saying Michael (the Archangel). They "fight [M]ichael" - because like in Carmichael, they are bent on ruining the nation. 9/23, "You won't have this surround it" bug code, 6:19 PM. "We'll have Covid 19," wh male wh Adidas jacket w/baby carriage & baby, Mickey Mouse bk pk, to bus driver, 42B; especially on bus in AM (42A), systematic loud scoffing - mostly black fem caser, but also wh fem. caser who works @ Lamppost pizza, w/manager from Edge youth group in 1995.
11/11 (or 11/10/2023) "You just won't join this thing," 4:34 AM (or PM). 11/11, 4:45 PM, "Have you ever seen a serious man in the world?" vision, & I was near Slide Hill Pk. @ the time, I couldn't say if it was me who God was saying was serious, or if it was warning of imminent threat against my life, possibly.
9/18/2024, vision, approx. 5:16 AM, "You'll slide - [Cap] Hill's off;" THIS IS A VISION FROM GOD CONSTRUCTIVELY ARRESTING CAP. HILL & WHITE HOUSE! I've consistently placed White House & Congress on notice that their sins & wicked crimes of ratifying the rebels' cruel acts of terrorism against me, as well as participating - the blood of those dying nationwide - floods, cities burned down, shooting sprees, etc., is all on their heads. THEY ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT IN HELL!
Rom. 1:18-20, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Both Christians & Asians falling short in past - Asians failed to seek God diligently, Christians failed to evangelize Asia sufficiently - Christians repented, but Asians have yet to repent! The fact that they are refusing to follow God now that most of them have heard about the gospel, & instead are trying to get back @ Americans & the church, re-establishes the point that they were refusing to seek God in the past as well. The Bible says all people everywhere are made aware their is a God - it's up to them to diligently seek him so that they can know the true God, rather than invent or settle for false religions. Peter, discussing a Roman soldier & his family becoming Christians, stresses that God showed him he isn't only the God of Israelites, he's the God of all peoples everyhwere - "...the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all." What about Japanese? They made the gutsy move of attempting takeover of the world in 1940's, w/all these powerful wonders God has produced specifically for Asians - INVITING THEM TO A HIGH SEAT COMENSURATE W/THE BIBLICAL ISRAELITES THEMSELVES - WRITING THEM INTO THE BIBLE W/3 KINGS & ELIJAH CHARIOT OF FIRE FEATS - TAKE OVER THE WORLD FOR CHRIST! Inventor of Top Ramen, Taiwanese man (Japanese co.) Ando the Giant, set the criteria: 'Top [church leadership is ou]r 'Amen!'' & top leadership was offered to Asians. We also landed on the moon using our noodle w/science - " giant leap...!"
Approx. 10/7 vision of West Sac. claiming they're the "bait" on a hook (supposedly for catching men for Christ) - but that's a fantasy where they convince themselves they are valued somewhere, & so they can continue their rebellion. Presumably the claim is they are oppressing me to lure blacks, & they may die for it, but it's a good cause. The problem is (1) they were oppressing me long before blacks became a factor from perspective of general public; (2)there is no value biblically of those who oppress an unwilling victim if you can't accomplish something submitting to the laws of the land, you're reduced to criminals; (3)bait from a Christian perspective has to have salt - the crimes they are committing against me are nothing short of acts of monsters & terrorism - this isn't just opinion - cities have burned down as warning that they should repent. 10/11, @ Co-Op having lunch, fat wh male blnd, wh T-shrt, circles patio where I'm @, then code, "You won't know, we're bait," approx. 12:24. I got out my wallet to check a rec't; fat mex. fem emply exits, 12:37, "You don't know, I'm having that meet." Approx. a year ago I was led to be a little shy about opening my wallet in public other than paying for something - also such attitude isn't w/out merit, since I was almost killed 3X in recent past; then Cecilia (Dan's wife, F St.), referring to recycle bins & placing recycleables in them, gesturing to open the lids, lifted both hands as though 'I'm robbed!' Latinos are associated w/recycleables because most city garbage & recycle collectors are Latinos, & they systematically stalk me that I'm going to be reduced to dumpster diving - for decades; & also fat mex. fem from W.S. casing me on Yolobus w/lg. bags of recycleables coming back from Davis daily - implying I didn't have to work for rebels, I could dig for recycleables - until I pointed out that digging in someone else's trash can is a misdemeanor & you could be jailed for it; soon after that her bags started carrying items of clothing - still stalking me, but only rarely. Also, Co-Op men's restroom door swings easily - like a restaurant doors of waiters entering kitchen; the doors @ Tasty Kitchen, where I was dishwasher, 2017-2018, became a trap - they made tile floor slippery so that I'd slip & fall on tile - possibly break my neck, & I did slip & fall, but landed on all fours; it was conspired - wh customers @ table next to kitchen doors & tile floor made coded comment about it 5 min. before it occurred. Then inside the kitchen, approx. 5 ft. from doors, rice cooker shorted so that you get electrocuted if you touch it. I.e., Co-Op threatening another lethal trap possibly awaiting me. I've consistently been led to eat out occasionally, as a form of reminding myself I'm being i.d.'d & I'm deserving of honor & better conditions as opposed to being taken for everything I have systematically; but approx. 3 wks ago, God gave me vision of being a little frugal temporarily to track the rebels, then, vision of having a Subway sandwich on my to Jan's about 2 wks ago; i.e., go from meticulously frugal then back to treating myself occasionally again as reality check. Before I left Co-Op, homeless male w/shopping cart counting money from his wallet - mostly one's. They watch my every move, & my frugality as far as opening my wallet in public was answered w/Latinos, blacks, & phone manufacturers robbing me of 4 phones in 5 mos. - w/Dan & Cecilia Shumsky coconspiring it. 42B, 5:30 PM, going back to W.S., cased by another homeless male - wh, beard, red "ARC Dreamers" jacket, lg. basket w/clothing, etc., & laptop bag almost identical to mine; "We're not gonna beat him w/mouth," 5:30 PM; "You won't be her, rave" 5:39; "You just give them hearin' back" - '[court] hearing' code & 'here - in back [seat of police car]' code, & other codes. 'Here' - code for helping or assisting some one or directing, such as "Here...[I'll hold the door open for you because your hands are full]," etc.; it's rebels desperate facade that they could kidnap you & hold you hostage in jail for your own protection; i.e., 'they refuse to allow you to be @ liberty in a region dangerous enough to allow rebels like them to be @ large...' & under this guise - a helpful "here" magically equates hostage captivity. Approx. 10/1, 42B, we arrived @ bus stop in front of UCC, where I was getting off to go to store, & 2 Unitrans busses stalled in front of us @ bus stop, & I asked if driver could let me off where we were - a few yards from the exact bus stop location - it isn't illegal, & there isn't any exacting necessity to stop precisely @ bus stop sign; blk male (?) driver said he couldn't; then one Unitrans bus left, & bus was able to pull forward a few feet; we still weren't @ the actual bus stop, but closer, & driver then said I could get off bus, & as I did so, "Watch your step" - as though special instructions for the "unconventional" location - that was supposedly "doing me a favor." The 'watch your step' code echos a Davis police comment that became a code - 'watch your head' when placing me in back of police car; creating facade of no ill will - nothing personal, they're just doing their job... But after I was defeating them in court, it became form of cover. The 'cover' was that I was being unconventional & so the oppression was being allowed to 'herd' me. I.e., bus that doesn't stop precisely @ bus stop isn't committing a crime, but it possibly isn't recommended by the bus co.'s training manual. The conspired application - I was trying to make it in sales, rather than a grunt labor job, & that becomes complicated or stressful sometimes - for me & for others - unconventional - & so suddenly Davis police had "value" - "herding" me - rebel code for shepherding similar to a church - like animals that need to be "herded." Also @ the UCC bus stop (Univ. Cov. church), there are 2 small mounds of dirt, presumably to sit on, but more likely code for pitcher's mounds - ''T'-ooo - Little League 'pitch 'er;' i.e., an impressive 'T' w/UCC being coach for Little League - prove Jack Teacher was "unconventional," & that's what caused the confusion & overreactions & unjust jailings... - & suddenly you have cover for UCC, Davis police, mayor, etc. But, as I've reported, the corrupt & oppressive conditions that I was faced w/, far from being a reaction to my attempts to cope w/corrupt police, deceptive Vacaville school leaders, corrupt church leaders, instead had been conspired as far back as Don Miller designing Central Davis neighborhoods in 1960's, Lodi HS teachers nudging students to attempt to mold me in 1970's, Davis community leaders arranging 'Dorothy blow up a building sky high' scenarios for decades, & moreover, Davis rebelling against U.S.A. w/G St. double arches as of 1916, w/Hollywood Melrose Pl. double arch built exactly 10 years later, & McDonald's arches watch tracking them as well. I'M GOING INTO SUCH DETAIL BECAUSE A WICKED, CORRUPT NATION GIVE THESE TERRORISTS ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO CONSPIRE TO CONCOCT INTRICATE DECEPTIVE TRICKS & EXPLORE EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE OF DECEPTION & TRICKERY W/OUT GETTING PUNISHED FOR IT!!!! WHY DOES A DOG LICK ITSELF? TERRORIST NATIONAL LEADERS GIVE LOCAL MONSTERS UNLIMITED CHANCES TO CREATE SMOKE SCREENS - ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS LOOK FOR AN OPENING WHERE I DON'T CATCH EVERY ONE OF THEIR TRICKS, & MAKE IT LOOK PLAUSIBLE, & THEY'RE GIVEN LICENSE FOR MURDER - OVER, & OVER & OVER!!! - & GOD IS GOING TO HOLOCAUST THEM - WHILE ON EARTH & FOR ETERNITY IN HELL! After tracking South last wknd, I felt like taking a week off from exercising - in other words, diminish it, but still exercise, & take a break from 3:15 AM 2-3 hr. sessions; but when I didn't get up early as of Tues.; vision or sense that I was back in college (such as UCD, 1988-'91), where I wasn't involved in sports as much as I could've been - 2 softball leagues & that was it - I was involved in Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship, though, & taught Sunday school, so I wasn't a total lacky; also, possibly because of report that in 'round about way gives Latinos a break - demonstrating others duped them, I've been overcome by drowsiness in evenings & had to make up for it in middle of night; it doesn't necessarily equate inaccurate reports, rather an extra burden of enduring helping a race whose regional members are terrorizing me. 6:20 PM, male near Dude motel on W Cap. Ave., "You wouldn't pick it up," & 6:22 PM, Persian (?) male @ Belair w/3 yellow softballs (i.e., juggling) talking to clerk. THE MONSTERS ARE REC'G MORE CORPORATE HELP - "That dead spot is gone" T Mobile ad, theme using Lindsay Buckingham song used on "Vacation" movie, 6:28 PM, ch 40; i.e., brainwash that when I track the South, I'm not allowed to enter into my rest, I have to step it up more strenuous than ever - as though admitting I did something wrong & better knuckle down & get w/it; the facade was I was "spotting" phone cos. by sticking w/T Mobile no matter what; NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! I was refusing to switch because rather than allowing me to speak w/my pocket book & take my business elsewhere, every phone co. I switched to instantly utilized the theme, 'we know who you are, & resistance is futile...' meaning going to the trouble of switching every few mos. was only i.d.-ing myself - they're ALL involved! But they still aren't finished w/their oppression; as of 11th I had my data again, but Tracfone gave me 20GB, inst. of 10. Alternate 'dead spot' - they're "dead" if they don't act to remedy, possibly is their argument; I was denied any & all texting for more than a week, so an extra 10 GB might be a way of making up for it - that's common practice w/all forms of business's customer service. BUT IT'S ALSO A TACTIC OF THE REBELS - OPPRESS YOU IF YOU ACCEPT ANY "FREEBIES" - BECAUSE THAT MAKES YOU "NEEDY" & THAT'S TABOO. I.E., DOUBLE ENTENDRE - WHO'S SPOTTING WHO? THEY SPOT ME EXTRA 10 GB, & LOCAL MEXS. THEN HAVE PERMISSION TO DESTROY ANOTHER PHONE! I'M ENTITLED TO A CUSTOMER SERVICE REMEDY, BY ALL CUST. SERV. STANDARDS, BUT IN REBEL TERRITORY, THE REMEDY MAY BE TOO HIGH OF A "COST." @ Co-op during lunch I was also attempting to monitor my data usage until I could switch to someone else - so I texted 10 pics to Feds that I couldn't text before, & was curious as to how much data that used; so I texted "Balance" to 611611; but it was the second time that day that I'd texted Balance - & so the text response suddenly said "0" for 11 Oct. inst. of 20, but 20 GB for 11 Nov. - confusing, exc. probably a subtle claim that I'm getting bonus data & don't worry about it. But once again - they are COCONSPIRATORS - they are conspiring to cover each other's butt - the phone co. creates facade that they are honestly trying to remedy w/extra GB, but their coconsp. partners in Davis then concoct a punishment if I accept that "remedy," & the phone conspirators orchestrated that as well. THE ENTIRE PHONE CONSPIRACY IS UNDERWRITTEN BY AT&T - radio in wh van near Applebee's Wdld, 9/28, 3:25 PM, "He won't follow 'em, AT&T" (pic sent); SO WHEN I SAY CONSUMER CELLULAR IS THE NEW KINGPINS, THAT REALLY MEANS THEY ARE JOINT KINGPINS W/AT&T.
10/8, "You did eat it," blk male red cap, dog, bike, 42A blk vest 7:11 AM; got on bus @ W Acre bus stop; coded comment @ that location, & I loudly rebuked it. "I'm gonna black you" or similar, 11 AM, Jan(?). "Countries have as much gun rights as us, butt commonplace things; their kids don't get shot in schools," Walz, 12:05 AM - subtle code - innuendo that my "thing" isn't "commonplace" - recent vision, 5 go-arounds/night. Vision from God recently - 'butt' dies. Gov't doesn't get to trap me w/codes & conspiracies occurring nation-wide & no one gets punished for it, & if I try to hold my post in that place to demand justice, rather than folding & leaving, that means I'm saying 'Come on!' - as in, willing to let everyone go & settle there. "Loose lips" - "but in that room," text planted in my report on internet - discovered it 1-2 days later; context, Drew Ct. apt. unit. Chris Wallace, "There was nothing" possibly out of context; "Mike Pence is in trouble" (or similar). Joseph Prince, "He who doesn't work , doesn't eat;" "You are thinking right," 12:16 AM; he then creates hyperbole of someone apologizing to a king, to illustrate family member's reaction v. servant's reaction - asserting if they are "family" w/me, then they don't need to apologize or minimize it - if they want to give me great recognition, then they must be slaves. "Let the record show there was a growl from the audience," Chris Wallace or guest on his show; (there wasn't any growl, though). "He doesn't divvy [it,] his nod" bug code, 8 PM; i.e., I have to take plunder according to rebels. "Be sure of your own path," fem dispatch, audible advice precisely when HS & jr. hi kids got on bus 42A; "Have a good day...have a good day" 7:25 AM, 2nd St. fat mex fem, gray hair, gray bk pk, lng jeans shrt, put on act of holding up her head as though a dignified fem, blk male red cap sitting near me after coded comment @ bus stop - i.e., fems should be "respected" - not males, inviting fight for me. "You won't known you were how close" Jan, 11:40 AM - on roof (Antioch); i.e., I could've easily pushed her off roof (but she could've done same to me) - but, alas, working w/them in dangerous conditions, according to them, it's assertion by me that I trust them. 10:16, "That was you're not gonna be keeping me" Jan, after I moved a plant (?). 11:55 "You wouldn't live, her dow" Jan. "He has our rape" chubby mex. male blk bk pk, blk shrt, 7:17 AM, 42A; "Okay, hey dies" 7:22 (mex. male). 10 AM approx. "It isn't Rae, Jack?" Taylor. Fat mex fem, dk gray bk pk (not one w/lt gry bk pk), head phones, blk shrt, code to 7:31, code to fat blk fem caser on bus daily as she got off bus - i.e., I didn't start fight w/blk male w/dog seated near me; i.e., blk male w/dog @ bus stop @ W. Acre, W.S. one coded comment, that I rebuked; I didn't start a fight because I wouldn't make it to work afterward due to police - 2 mex. fems on 42A consp'g w/blk fem caser that I then have to pay a price for that - & they commit to blk fem caser as she gets off bus @ Russell & I - despite I've passed all my tests, & I don't need to place myself in more detrimental conditions as far as teacher goals under phony demands that I prove myself by being confrontive w/blk male in such a way as to start a fight & disappear in jail; nevertheless, this was yet another of the Latino monsters' 'meet' conspiracies.
10/11, Approx. 11:33 PM, Fallon looking up twice @ beginning of show; i.e., ''T' [is] wise;' (as opposed to REALLY looking up - & again). Fallon, "...most popular erection...Oklahoma..." - facade report about Oklahomans & sex; this was immediately followed by Fallon acting like his producer scolding him on his Bluetooth, & him responding in defense, "No, I said 'election!' 'Election!'" 11:38 PM; 11:39, talking about an "80 pg report, all one word, no punctuation" - i.e., 'going 'long' as far as lack of education;' then, 11:40, "...8 year old girl..." This was immed. followed by "Did You Know" session, where Fallon's staff participates - blk male band member, "Did you know when a dentist tells you to floss, that means dental floss, not dancing," & he then does a strange dance routine exclusively from a cartoon figure from "Good Day Sacramento," CBS, ch 31. Good Day Sac. I reported in 2019 - their logo is lg. circle encompassing the TV screen, but bottom part rarely visible - see GREED/JEALOUSY CONSPIRACY II... davisneedy2.html report - creates design similar to Warner Bros. Loony Tunes logo, but identical to mouth of Davis subway tunnel & Covered Ca. logo - both conspired poverty themes - Davis 'needy' conspiracy & Covered Ca. consp. to force victim who might not be able to afford health ins. to purchase it irregardless - & Davis rebels are covered; THE LOGOS/TUNNEL MOUTH DOUBLE AS HORSE SHOE SHAPE; instantly, commercials coconspiring: Tremfaya, 11:48 PM, "...a key source..." & characters wearing belts that look like lighted straps around their waists; 'a key - h[e']s horse' - Fallon/horse shoe code; then 11:51, "Yes On 35" political ad, about hospitals - ambulance & someone placed on stretcher in the desert ('desert [the victim]' code), Latino doctor Chavez, indicating the hospital emergency doors or doctor's office doors, "...make sure those sources stay open" the phrases was 'those doors' according to context, but 'sources' phonemically - i.e., 'those horses..' - consp. where No. Ca. Latinos maintain acts of rebellion under guise of suspicious Ellie horses - & Fallon is directing! 11:45 PM approx., Fallon guest Colin Farrel - signalling Fallon downcast, then repeatedly hand-to-mouth gesture, indicating that sort of mentality results in ostracizement & poverty (of Fallon). Fallon then made a subtle masteurbation gesture - possibly attempting to retract the 8 year old girl code. 12 AM, Fallon's guest Lily Collins, black dress w/black sash across chest - similar to police badge w/black strap diagonally across it to commemorate police officer who died. Approx. 11:45 AM, ad for Target, fem. cust. places shirt in shopping card, folding it in as though it's a dresser drawer- consp. w/homeless male w/possessions in shopping cart @ Co-Op.
Catholic involvement in No. Ca. DIVISION rebellion substantial; this explains pic of MLK doing the 2 finger salute; rather than Boy Scouts, it was a salute to Catholics using their 2 fingers sign.
10/12, Subaru, 6:01 PM, ch 14, girl exclaims "top safety pick;" & "Go flight, I change it" ad immed. after Subaru. "It is a margin of error" Harris 7:07 PM. 7:10, "What I intend to do mayor" Harris, News Nation, ch 52. ABC, LSU game, "Like Davis, standing @ home @ his own 30 yard line;" "baton is the mother;" 8:15 PM - monster attempting to misconstrue my Dad & Mom! Then again, Baton Rouge, La., & (Jefferson) Davis & "30" betrayal - but codes are bound irregardless - if you want to make a point to expose rebels, don't practice rebellion to do it! "Truman Show" movie (Jim Carrey) written by Andrew Niccol; child w/inappropriate contact, occurring on Helen DiCarlo's rental property on Bucklebury Ave.; child was DiCarlo's granddaughter - Andrew Nickel's daughter; Nickels residence @ CR 97, where I was also working for them, & got the wake up vision from Shatner. The movie lured them to have false sense of confidence that they could oppress a victim despite the whole world watching, by claiming their watch is as though watching a TV show, rather than as vigils. "I'd 'bide it" 10:25 PM, vision, re: Ann Murray report - grace is in order for assistance w/tracking most of Western church literally bent against Education Nation Plan. "We can brag in death," mex. male, bee story in news, Santa Clara, ch 13 CBS 10:59 PM. 10:37 PM, Batcave (name of city in NC), report about recent Milton flood damage - 50 killed; & 1916 flood, almost identical in severity, victim of Milton w/letter from Shirley Rhodes from 1916; 22" of rain. 1916 - year Davis built rebellion Davis Arches on G St. - as commemorated by Hollywood's identical double arches @ Melrose Pl. entrance, 1926 - South joined Davis rebellion irregardless of my warnings & the Heavenly revelations! As far as I know, exposing Catholics doesn't act as cover for South - it was both betraying us, along w/blks & No. Ca. A NATION SO GOOD THAT A LOT OF OUR OWN PEOPLE HATE US & TRY TO REJECT US! "The money goes back fast," Michelle Jasper, ch 3, 7:19 AM. ch 31, "..moving in the Sacramento Valley" Ashley, 7:37 AM. Report of Wilson murdered in Yuba - immed. after report about Norris Wilson - teacher & R.E. agent. 7:35, buried down..."in the heart of Sutterville" & code. "We're short" male rm 17, 10:25; "He'll just go, a round" 10:34 AM. ch 10 ABC, "...will bought a R.E. out there" 12:57 PM. "There's no turning back now - settle a football team in," coach, LSU, 4:45 PM. 7:35 PM, after ordering pizza to be delivered, male pulls up in p/up in pkg lot in front of rm 16, & I glanced out window, "You aren't going to add this dinner" (sounded like); I finished my p/ups & then went to get lic pl #, etc.. & no one there - he pulled up, then left in less than 1 min. "We finish on a kinda date" Ramirez, Atascadero firefighter ch 13 11 PM.
10/13, 12:05 AM, "You're just going to come, your Folsom," (or else this was Ramirez saying this). 12:05, "You'll have war strength; you won't own her strength" fem narrator, re: Isabella Valencia, 1000 models. "In a little bit," Trump & Bartiromo & "shhhh" gesture; 7:55 AM ch 40; this code echos Bush, 2002 approx. when I naively brought up something about a Davis youth w/Texas name similarity; i.e., I wasn't yet pressing for invasion, more like massive arrests, & Bush instantly in the news replying w/Tex. drawl, "In a little while..." In other words - Trump mssg., we're back to Bush era - no justice for me in this lifetime. "He doesn't know; we won't know them, on" fem clerk(?) Belair, 10:19 AM (referring to Asians, possibly). Capital One, "What's in your wallet?" 2:24 PM, but looks exactly like male Russian in "Yes on 35" (or similar) campaigne ad - where he & wife are attempting to imitate stubborn No. Ca. Latinos, & fem says "I'm choosing change" - code for reducing me to nickling rebels. John Duarte, $320 groc. bill in ad - as though it's typical; instead, he's attempting to polarize it - you're rich or you're homeless; then ch 16, pastor of church on TV, "$770 bill @ Cosco..." i.e., code to keep raising prices - ruin the nation - whatever it takes to create trouble for Joe Sherman - Pole Line Rd. Baptist is located @ 770 Pole Line Rd., & biggest Christian AM radio station in No. Ca. for decades was AM 770 - THEY ARE MONSTERS! Austedo brand for Target Dysconesia, male w/lg. gold coffee cup - holding it out in front of himself as though it's a shield - similar to recent cop TV shows, where gun his held up like it's a shield. "Tom, we'll spend their all week;" "Thank you" Jessica, CBS 5:41 PM; report about FEMA aid for Floridans. wh male rptr gray hair, Farmingham (?) palace (notes unclear) 5:56 PM, CBS, reporting on Joseph McColloch. "Cologard" (3X) - blk doctor (supposedly) intonation of attempt to undo an ad where blk male is being taunted by thermostat w/fem AI voice, 6:24 PM (soon after the McColloch report - Colloch - colo facade). "The lewd new..." 8:11 PM, SNF, NFL ch 3 anncr, & 8:15 "So happy that..." i.e., reports & comments imitating my Dad & attempting to smear him - joke about newspapers, saying "Gnus don't use paper..." (i.e., TP); & a joke he often told "Thank God it's Friday?" (TGIF); "So happy it's Thursday..." (SHIT). Early the next morning (10/14), ch 3 news, Teo (?), "...the newses..." i.e., news becomes "newses" because singular, according to my Dad, is gnus, & that means they're animals. 10/13, 8:44 PM, Tin Ho (Sac d.a.) "It won't be a turn of a light switch;" this may be code pertaining to mexs.' consp. to kidnap me & prevent me from marrying; in Fresno, my Dad's sec. for 5-10 years, Mex. fem. Helen; she married Tony Chavez, owner of La Tapatia tortillas; we were somewhat close to them; invited to their wedding; but in their bathroom, light switch cover that was a naked fat Chinese man - & the on/off switch was his penis. I.e., light on in the '[ar]rest room' - legal action is a "turn on;" the makings of consp. early on - we were still in Fresno: 'Law tapa ti'a;' 'law' takes on significance of bent legal action by police; 'tapa' in Span. means lid or cover - light switch cover; lid - '[I'l]l i.d. [victim]' - i.d.-ing you & robbing you of your rights; ti'a is aunt; once again - Catholics & Aunt Bev Granato, daughter Julie married Mex. Ed Ugarte - legal action was given the go-ahead from as far away as my birthplace of Portland for Latinos, & included the 'U' consp. innuendos that Davis utilized repeatedly. 8:16 PM, Bengals v. Steelers, Bengals player #97, "...fix the little things..." & anncr, "They get to..." It became common knowledge that in one of my interactions w/my Dad, as a young adult possibly before moving out on my own, my Dad arguing "Haven't I been there for you as far as all the big things?" & I replied it wasn't the big things, but all the little things, which I possibly phrased to give him 'round about credit for quitting drinking & revitalizing his kid talents - as reported, after graduating from UCD, where I'd honed my (basic) guitar playing skills, I sat on arm of his chair (more or less in his face) playing some songs; i.e., credit for all the kids he'd entertained on his lap. But the 'fix' code is the latest consp. of the blk Outlaw rebels, & it's attempt to bring my Dad down as well.
10/15, "I got the other day" Trump, Fox news, 7:44 AM. 10/10, dream I was staying in a bed built into a wall of a cafe, & Mex. fem disturbed something on shelf, & thin facade caved in & there were black widows & scorpions everywhere - i.e., staying in WS becomes a horrible trap sooner or later - covering for Davis for almost 3 decades, 12:45 AM; the thin facade that was disturbed symbolized the phone sabotages (3 phones destroyed in 4 mos.) & hackings of my internet access, webmail, etc. 10/8, "It wasn't your phone, on them" 8:06 PM, gov't bug code - phone jack suddenly dirty & partially preventing use; I had to clean it - but a lot like it had been sabotaged - 1000 dinosaurs for that code - but the phone cos. spent money on antiquating jacks, which have been around since the 1950's or before! "You won't board 'em" bug code, 8:10 AM. "...did not pitch rape on Sat." sounded like; Fox sports wh male anncr, 9:09 PM. 10/19, dream that I was filling out a form similar to a tax return & "STOP. THIS IS THE TOTAL YOU PAY FOR YOUR PHONE" or similar; & as of 10/18, another notice in mail from Ca. Franchize Tax Bd. of "Intent to Terminate Installment Agreement" supposedly because I didn't make a payment; but how is that possible when they have direct access to my debit card # - they can take the payment whenever they want!? & they did - $50 on 9/25, on schedule - & it's supposed to go up to $75, but they could've deducted $75 in Sept. if they wanted to - supposedly that won't "kick in" until this mo., because I spoke w/FTB rep. about it in Sept. CA. GOV'T. IS INSISTING THEY MUST BE NUKED FOR REBELLION (BY OPERATION OF THE LAW) - THEY WON'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY! '& DON'T YOU FORGET IT!' IS THE UNMISTAKEABLE MSSG.
Acknowledged the 'feud' vision more applicable to Catholics - but the pattern seems to be chief sequins trying to outwit everone - including me - & they don't care if it results in everyone ruined - they feud - they're proud - they're machines (AI). But, Taylor Swift in Brazil (where current pope is from) "[in excited tone] I never thought I'd be able to perform in...[& excited tone becomes disappointed] Brazil," i.e., 'bros. [are] ill;' the long range stand of Catholics - melting pot, good, education nation - they're "ill;" it indicates rock was aware of Catholics' feud facade (but this innuendo w/out elaboration is equivalent to whispering - no public denouncement...only Jack Teacher...). "Joe, you SHOWED me," vision, Mom, 10/16; Mom symbolizing both branches of church, that's testimony Jack Teacher came through for both branches & is entitled to teacher career!
As reported, there were Christians who acknowledged the raw deal that rock got from the church, & they were entitled to provision of someone to expose it - & the implicit agreement was chief sequins would then make efforts to remedy the scandal - such as take over. & it may be the case they are attempting a take over, but their tactics are ruin everyone, including Jack Teacher, & those who were totally open to them obtaining justice & prevailing, such as my Mom. Vision, "I have seen your visit;" "2012: The Year We Make Contact" David Bowman supposedly role playing my Dad born again; I've reported other songs & productions indicating rock made efforts to lead my Dad to look to the Lord - or a lord - "Getaway Car" etc. But according to vision, where I was w/my Dad & he's born again, he's up on technology, wearing virtual mask, etc., but then discussing studying the Bible so that he can help me, & it was going to take a while; i.e., contrast of lukewarm motivation compared to "zealous" for high tech. In other words, he's a lot like the other seniors in U.S.A. - in slow motion @ warlocks' request & doing their bidding (although I've had visions of him where it's contradicting this). Meanwhile, in last 2-3 mos., several visions of my Mom - as far as I can tell - & she's resorting to stalking me - similar to rebel bug codes! Matt. 18:6 warns - luring can be taken too far; it's possible she sees herself as a victim similar to rock stars (& she is a victim in Lodi, along w/Laura) & is role playing it, but that's where she's given up some ground - generally unwise. Meanwhile, Sac newscasters busy conspiring & concocting consp. to hold me hostage in Sac jail - W/AIM OF MAKING SURE I HATE ROCK & HOLLYWOOD! Chevron station @ Mace & Second, shallow arch taken to logical consp. conclusion - it becomes a ball thrown through the air - like the display on the posted rules sign of A St. I.M. field @ UCD - the Arch - Jack Teacher & Missouri Arch - is thrown out of church - I reported AM/PM on Anderson Rd. tracking UCC; the Arco/AM/PM arch shallow, but then a shadow or emphasis on it - similar to double arch, but it wasn't a double arch, but UCC perceived it as their cue, & their logo became double arch - as in double underline death row code. UCC relocated to Second St. - next door to Chevron - w/the thrown ball - exc. Chevron has the "Extra Mile" stores, nickname "Em" - not "EM" as in acronym, but, "Em" as in claiming Hollywood is throwing me out - Auntie Em & Wizard of Oz - ON BEHALF OF NEXTDOOR NEIGHBOR UNIV. COV. CHURCH! But the chief sequins practically handed this to them w/ their stalls! If chief sequins want to argue they have intentions of invading, but they can't arrange it yet - supposedly military unwilling, etc., but, God gave me visions of MIRV missiles flying toward No. Ca. - 4 or more - & God has consistently told me no more captivities - if they are claiming more captivities to produce evidence that will motivate the gov't to nuke the region, they wandering w/corrupt motives. The vision indicates there's a way right now - God obviously knows about the rumors, & political obstacles hindering missile attack, & vision dealt w/that - by blatant absence of any giant RUMORZILLA grabbing missiles & chomping on them before they can detonate - demonstates deception on part of those claiming to be allies, such as chief sequins. God is not a God of confusion, & he said there's a way to nuke them w/out anymore kidnappings of me; it disdains God when one of his servants is blatantly enslaved & oppressed & those claiming to be allies feign helplessness & fail to halt it. I may only be a school teacher, but I have faith to know when my chain is being pulled. I temporarily put up display on website about media & NFL & 2 players - Taylor & Swift - referring to it as "Taylor/Swift" to demonstrate rock is being reamed, & they're oblivious to it - it was a rebuke against them; but instantly, "Things happen for a reason" ad referring to documentary about Christopher Reeves & the accident that paralyzed him, "Super/Man;" i.e., possibly an anticipatory sign that Jack Teacher wouldn't stick to stern rebukes & instead would compromise too much; but no, Reeves' accident (if it wasn't an act) was more likely because of the movie "Death Trap" where he played a gay role; i.e., role model for kids, & he's then gay in a movie - undoes his role model for kids. This is an example of how you become a victim if you try to help them overcome being victims of church ostracizement; they accuse you of helping too much (despite you aren't) & hand you over to corrupt church leaders! Did you help too much? Did you help too little? & what about the vortex of evil you're now being sucked into because you tried to help those claiming to be victims? Taylor Swift in concert made token appearance on stage w/some kids, then literally choreographed shrinking back into the flames - based on claim no one's responding to my cries or their unspoken implicit protests. They imply they desire their religious freedom rights, but they don't actually enunciate it on stage, in video, on TV - anywhere! They motivate individuals such as me to pipe up for them - but it's evidently beneath them personally. But never underestimate the spoken word - God created the Heavens & earth w/spoken word; the vision of MIRV missiles - if rock & Hollywood demanded justice publicly, audibly, their free speech gestures & demands would make a difference! That's the way ordinarily people do it, & they are no different. The tricks that never end where I'm assuming the role of their press agent, complaining on their behalf, etc., & they never actually affirm it verbally, nor actually meet w/me or talk to me on phone, is total folly! 10/16, 3:22 PM, "You would take their feud alive," i.e., I've almost been killed 3X; indications are rock & Hollywood claiming it's a "feud" - a term most often connected w/the term "family" as in an "in-house" debate or feud; but irregardless, it isn't my feud, nor do I agree to my teacher career or Jack Teacher plan being ransomed as leverage to win a feud; moreover, anyone allowing bickering or feuding - between Christians or non-Christians w/Christians - to interfere w/the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan is sorry out of luck! See JACK TEACHER PLAN PARTED report - the 'feud' is Catholic manifestation. My demands that I'm recognized publicly & obtain justice & my teacher career - which is pivotal to Jack Teacher plan - these demands aren't mine, THEY ARE THE LORD'S, & THEY ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE! Anyone creating a feud that willfully derails Jack Teacher's career is a disciple of Judas, & isn't part of God's family!!!!
The common denominator is a facade that Jack Teacher is the only one who can solve anything or report or reveal anything; God says I'm supposed to be hired & working as teacher, but those claiming to be fellow victims or fellow trackers claim they have to clue me in on other scandals so that I can report them, & they can't do that if they provide justice - i.e., supposedly prematurely. But I've argued - you won't find any justice system or any honest bona fide investigators or trackers who will create arbitrary "rules" that only one person can actually report the crimes that evidence reveals or exposes. While there is some credit for solving & exposing huge scandals, that pales when you consider I'm supposed to be working as a Teacher right now! This is a convenient guise that rock & Hollywood are hiding behind to delay providing me justice. They could speak up & expose conspiracies themselves...'Oh - they had good reason to delay - another conspiracy that had yet to be exposed...' No, no, no, no, no! That isn't good reason - because those arbitrary rules are bogus stall tactics! Nevertheless, the stall motive could be attempt to buy time & delay to increase the chances of me stumbling & falling - such as breaking down & having sex w/someone outside of wedlock. Jack Teacher is then ruined, & feudalists claim universal leadership (Catholic - 'universal'). The longer they delay, the greater the chances that 'somewhere, somehow, in midst of evil & miserable conditions, Jack Teacher'll fowl up, & the inheritance is ours!' You could say selfish ambition doesn't go w/leadership of church, but there were popes in the past who would burn you @ the stake for saying that. A power grab using flashy sequins & revitalized studs - & in fact, "Let It Be" demonstrates McCartney's Catholic background - Catholics want to part the Jack Teacher plan? Rock lured them w/choreographed plan. Marco Polo traveled for 4 years to reach China; it was a sign from God on behalf of Catholics, the same as 'biz & tea[chi]n;' if they want to reject the plans of God THEN ANY NOTION OF THEM BEING CHRISTIANS IS OFF!!!
Jack Teacher promoting higher standards for women - "keep your shirt - jersey - on!" Statue of Liberty - clothed rather than naked & ashamed - Brooklyn NJ Rae Me's. Rock has implied similar gestures (Bob Crane, etc.), but Taylor a no-show implies it's a bluff if anything - i.e., 'you've parted Jack Teacher plan - keep him enslaved - & you have every chance that he might drop those high standards & start "seeing" women (nudes).' "There is still a light that shines on me..." - 1997 - persecution resulting in me being residentially challenged - simultaneously, a new hallway/bedroom ceiling light - Flushmount light - unmistakeable appearance of big breast of woman - including nipple; literally a program promoting nudity as "the light!" "...shine until tomorrow/Let it be..." i.e., 'keep those lights in use...!' Catholics attempting to corner me so that I lower my standards, while instigating parting of Jack Teacher plan.
10/17, "We don't give him lawn" 6:40 AM, bug code or vision, possibly Taylor. This was following being up @ 4:30 AM, & thinking about sexy women from my past in Lodi - despite I've boycotted thoughts about them because Lodi betrayed me. I.e., I don't dwell on any sexy women from No. Ca. - I have to go "law" as far as who I think about - as in, strict standards. 9/24/2022, "I've given you lawn," vision, Virginia's on Concord - this was after I'd looked @ a porn video, w/explicit oral sex scene - explicit enough that Mex. fem on Spanish TV series imitated her smile 5 times in a row for male character supposedly as a signal to him. But, I'd already repented of watching it; & that morning while working I prayed that I had to be determined rather than wavering as far as dirty pics - precisely then was when 'law on' vision occurred; but it was confusing - w/former friend from Lodi Lonnie being referred to as a playboy, was it Lon, or lawn, or 'law, on'? I'd also had vision of Virginia (widow) trying to get me to have oral sex 2 or so mos. before that. If it was Lon, then that implies I'm supposed to be the ultimate playboy, but that didn't fit, @ least not in the literal sense - possibly in the Rae Me context - (Easter Bunnies). Evidently it wasn't 'lawn' as in mowing the lawn, because Virginia had mentioned me mowing her lawn reg'ly, but soon after that, no more hire @ Virginia's @ all (I didn't take her up on the implied sex scenario - which obviously would be the end of my role as Jack Teacher). That same morning, I asked to use bathroom, & Virginia said to come in, but the living room sliding door was locked - kitchen sliding door was unlocked & open - but I'd never entered that way before; as I entered, Virginia, "Um" & then "You know where you're headed." Also @ that location, a long low-lying shrub next to sidewalk, & I'd had a dream about that shrub being Taylor Swift, & she was a motorcycle. In other words, indicating rock was willfully delaying & placing me in tempting circumstances. So 'law, on' works both ways - this morning, before that 'lawn' bug code, dream that my income was on shakey ground - due to thoughts about fems. from past in Lodi; i.e., maintain strict standards or losing ground; but alternately - 'law, on' - those hindering the Jack Teacher plan, such as rock & Hollywood, who are encouraging others that it's fair game to stall me - same as warlocks - GOD IS HONORING & EMPOWERING MY HIGH STANDARDS - HEED MY WARNINGS!
7/23, "To him belongs the victory" 5:55, W Cap. "I've given you groin," vision, 5:29 AM. "I've given you a full hour" 6:35 vision. Ca. Forever Solano city, subtle state prison code, delayed 2 years, after talks w/supervisor Mitch Mashburn; 'i.e., "missmatch" expression of Winnie, approx. 2003 when working a cust. service job @ cafe; also, Debbie Mitchell, teacher @ VCA; I had a Buick Park Avenue, she had a Buick Regal - exact same model, but Regal was more luxurious version. She cuddled up to me @ a teacher seminar, & we talked on phone, but before we actually went out, she complained to principal that she didn't want to date me - principal Bob Morse then acted like I'd done something wrong - 'bob, [I']m [a] horse;' & these were preliminary consp. codes - "morse" code in this context was antiquated & nonsense, unless conspiratorial. Driving to Bob's res. for a training session, Bob in my car, & he made what evidently was a coded comment about the older neighborhood, "You can just peal back the years..." - I hadn't gotten involved in any of the sports progams yet, although I was planning on it - 'you can just 'P.E.'ll back thee [for] years...,'' & most likely alternate 'banana' code - student in one of my Spanish classes Jenna Hewitt, & actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, a "10," in news simultaneously; & then fellow teacher asking if his daughter, approx. age 10, could use the computer room for studying during my off period (that was one of my classrooms) & she was showing up w/jersey #10. Mitchell incident put the ball in motion as far as the conspired termination - it's marry the one available young lady teacher & be "royalty," or I'm "parking," & all happened w/in a week or so - & they then get to smear me & terminate me, & in fact it had almost nothing to do w/my performance as a teacher. Me & Debbie may or may not have been a 'missmatch,' but then they "burned" me - w/conspired termination; Vacaville Christian Academy was located on Davis St. in Vacaville - they expedited bringing my teacher career to an end; based on that termination, Dave Keane of UCC in Davis then "determined" that I shouldn't be volunteer youth leader in Edge group, & dismissed me from that, & then soon I was in the streets in Davis. They actually subsequently changed the school name to Vacaville Christian School - a confession they budged.
7/21, "[Wash] away during grime in no time" Horsepower scrubber ch 24 11:55 PM (inst. of 'dirt & grime').
7/22(?)Sign on porch next door to 911 Radcliffe, "Beware of Guard Cat" - 'BEWARE' only differs from 'REWARD' by a slight alteration to 'B' & changing E to D - 'reward' - as in hardened dangerous criminal, or reward for good deeds; prof. Benware, Linguistics, is next door to Mike Cunningham on 700 blk of Miller. "He'll loop" or "He'll oop" 12:12 PM.
Tx. v. Lake Mary Little League game, 8/24, the score magically became 10-6 when it was 7-6 & one run was scored. There was @ least one other blatantly deceptive call as well.
8/24, 1 PM, Boerne, Tx. v. Lake Mary, Fl. Little League playoffs, ABC, Williamsport Penn. (&, Reading, [Writing, 'Rithmetic], Penn. - where Daniel Boone's from); Howard J. Lamade stadium, possibly an Aggies 'How' code, or being utilized that way. 1:17 PM, anncr, "Never to be seen again" & another anncr, "Never;" 'never' is code for former roommate Brian Toone from Al., & was studying & working in Tx. before coming to Davis - South - THE SOUTH'S 'T' TRACKED BY BOONE & READING EDUCATION LEGACY. 1:19, "Everybody was moving except home plate;" both teams from South; it seemed like a showdown of that I was born v. cover-up negating marriage & existence, but they opted cover-up either way. 1:45 "Go 'Joe, we have fight;'" possibly claim I have no choice but to start a rebellion by fighting (taking law into my own hands). "Set that up for the umpire - strike?" looked like ball; fem. anncr, 1:10. "hey balls!" player, after I disputed the call - in my motel room. 1:52 PM, "It's nothing, Texas anncr. Pitcher #7 Tx. clapped for camera, then first base umpire also. But then pitcher gets hit on leg by ball, lunges for it still on his feet, THEN collapses in pain - slow moving central nervous system? That's not what the NJ Rae Me's mean by "I'm hoyt." Blk player #26 (Lk Mary) kneeling on base (Capernick code), then steals home & shaking head in dug out; "Touch down Teraj!" anncr, & anncr, "It won't be born," i.e., both teams are from South & they aren't willing to repent - using diversity to hide behind corrupt blacks & ruin the nation - South gets their rebellion goals of destroying the North, according to them. wh girl in grandstands sitting in same position as deceptive statue in Bunnie's b/yard (customer) - short adult or child, adult face (male w/lng hair), but he has moderate sized boobs, & playing a bongo, as though small child; i.e., lewd customer attempting to project lewd thoughts into my mind. "The time runs, we're bored," anncr, 3;16 PM. 3:20 "Nobody's hurt" Tx. coach to players. "Christ couldn't hold the baseball," player (pronounced 'krist', short i), 3:21; "We just won't have him, lesson," 3:25 anncr. 3:28, "That ball's wasted to right field," anncr, 3:28 (possibly code). 3:35, "Miss turn" anncr(?). @ end of game, Lake Mary's score padded, & instantly game ends. Blacks determined they'd rather slip in revenge for us freeing black slaves worldwide, & they've been tracked already; but irregardless, you can't reduce someone to a pawn to track a race - much less milk it once they've already been tracked. The fact is, South is hiding behind corrupt blacks & hiding behind guise of tracking them; blacks have taken on a role of anti-Christ, & Damien: Omen III, fem., @ Damien's birthday party, "It's all for you, Damien!" & jumps from roof of bldg. & hangs herself. Parents in the South have their Little League players doing the equivalent - hanging (killing) their Little League accomplishments, & hanging their reputations & moral character. Taylor conducted an experiment to see if kids in South would bother to care about a teacher & singers being persecuted, & care about the nation, or cave in & commit evil. & the South made inroads @ the youth level in the North - once again, Williamsport Penn. went along w/their deceptions.
10/7, "you couldn't fly my ship" vision, Taylor; was it I wasn't able to "fly her ship" - presumably operate in her league? Or was it, 'you couldn't fly - my ship'? I.e., her ship, her cause, etc., I'm not able to fly. "You weren't dealt a fly" vision, God speaking to Taylor; I didn't make like a frog (eats flies) & hop from her to someone else; but, U.S.A./Western branch didn't "deal" me the ability or suffient justice so that I could fly - & presmise that I'm witness for rock & rollers, their ability to fly as well. But the corruption was a presumption of the provision of a witness - they were ostracized; prejudiced against by church leaders. The agreement was a bona fide witness provided & they would pipe up, affirming the effort to remedy by tracking & denouncing the deceptions. & while they made some gestures, the gestures were in both directions, such as a song w/students in classroom located outside - confusion. Moreover, "As we believe, we speak" Paul said; rock never clearly stated anything - they never enunciated rebukes, they never clearly complained, they never demanded justice for me! Signs on behalf of Jack Teacher plan, but aloof enough & unclear enough so that the only thing decisive was their non-commital stances. 10/2, "I'm gonna gravel you w/her extreme" vision, 1:40 AM; gravel - lg. tank ominously perched next to gravel bed shaped like grave @ Gunther's on 10th St. - present-day Slavs aren't moving fast enough to claim me, & it's tarnishing their historic feats - in fact, the delays in these conditions are "extreme" according to vision, & result in more prolonged grunt labor. 10/6, I looked @ approx. 2 min. total of nudes, then closed the program, & 10/7, vision from Taylor, "It isn't Rae, Jack?" Context was successfully tracking the South (Promentory tracking) & vision from God, "You'll have to take it all off," or similar - he was probably kidding, but I toyed w/idea of nudes after that - all alone & no one responding when you perform Atlas feats of tracking lg. % of Western branch.
"I never trust a playboy/But they love me/So I fly 'em all around the world/And I let them think they saved me/They never see it coming/
What I do next/This is how the world works/You gotta leave before you get left;" song, "I Did Something Bad;" but repent & God will light you up w/an evergreen Christmas tree on your wedding night - reindeer agility & flight speed that'll make the bunnies jealous!
More likely it's God saying I've already "taken" enough - I don't have to legalisticaly take every single foe/rebel/conspiracy on indiv. basis. It may be Taylor is starting to see it my way - cussing doesn't make you pretty. I reported what seemed to be efforts of Chief Sequins tracking response of Slavs, & codes from Taylor - have I "dumped them?" According to visions from God, they aren't being straightforward w/me - it's Rae Jack, as opposed to 'reject.' More likely, '...take it all, "OFF!"' - referring to FACE/OFF movie - rock & Hollywood, if they'll intervene, are positioned for leadership of church.
9/9, "You didn't tick me" vision, Mary. "This is indeed where you teach" vision 7 AM; referring to Heritage Peak - but it's been closed since June; i.e., God demonstrating in this region teacher career going nowhere. "You won't know rob'll" 7:03 AM bug code. "Polar bears lewd" (or similar) 6 AM vision. Oakensh., "We'll just skill 'em" 8:57 AM, wh male beard, blue shrt, (Dave) - garden next to Dorta's - double entendre - 'we'll just kill him.' "You're just killing 'em," Dorta, supposedly to me - re: pulling out plants, but double entendre - also to Dave. "I was looking @ my schedule & you picked me up right there," Asian male elderly (travels by bus reg'ly for years) 42A to blk male driver 7:34 AM - referring to goatie mex. male's code - 'looking @ my comb.' "I had heading 'a fuss now,'" mex male, Diamond Gas, 7:25 AM - next to Heritage Peak. 9:49 "I'm gonna Dave pote" 9:48 AM. "Don't keep on 'em" vision, Mary. "You're, 'you've turn 'em on,'" vision - God telling me they're claiming I'm saying porn indulgers have 'turn on.' 5:05 "You aren't gonna have this work" Tom, @ Eighth St. unit. 1:20 (Renoir?) "This is poor ridge." "I don't want to be off in, um, 45 min.; vision, Alice Cooper, to fem. "Okay, he is around me," 3:05, Mary (vision). 3:18 "He doesn't make it w/his ___" bug code. "We just book 'em, match" 3:42 AM, vision possibly Mary. Poncho Fairhurst, 1952-2004, plaque in front of elm tree next to the one w/Mochel plaque. "I looked, & you weren't there," wh male driver, gray beard, 42B after passing me by - I was in plain sight @ bus stop, Pole Line & 5th; I said I was there in plain sight, & "You came out of the bushes!" 7:08 PM; I objected, & he said, "Are you gonna argue w/me?" i.e., it's police; I simply replied, "I was @ that bus stop" & he then said, "You're good." Then wh male wh T-shrt blk cap got on bus w/dog, "Was chips" w/bag of chips, to driver 7:22; but context was also my report. The dog wandered over toward my side of bus, & tail touched my leg, 7:35 PM "That was that" (sounded like), male w/chips; "You won't know our holder a round" 7:40, driver. Fem also coded comment when I didn't rebuke male for dog's tail (didn't feel like provoking driver); approx. 7:45, I warned "Your dog doesn't have to keep bumping into me" after male's dog's tail brushed against me again. Approx. 9/12, vision I was on Lehigh Ave., which T's w/Pole Line, & Yolobus went by - I missed it by a few secs.; but 42B doesn't operate on Pole Line Rd.; i.e., 'that route isn't there' because of their constant deceptions - they've been judged by God above. Yolobusses still have the plexiglass sneezeguard doors used for enclosing drivers during pandemic - they aren't being used, but still there - "Those who look for trouble, trouble will find them," - they are eager for return of pandemic; fastened in open position, the plexiglass w/aluminum brackets creates giant angle of numeral '4.'
9/8, "He said half," L.A. coach (or Lyons), 6:39 PM, NBC. "They have duck uperito" (or similar), anncr, most likely, 6:54 PM - 'duck a perito' - perito means little dog in Span., but doubles as "professional." blk ref, slight hand jitter next to waist, signalling Rams player, 7:29 PM. The facade is play the part of dupe or you're asking for trouble - but it's taken too far when no one shows up w/justice, & the regional monsters start using your overly humble act against you - you aren't "good enough" to have a aren't good enough to budget your income & maintain a balance - you have to blow it & overspend... etc. "Let's go bay BE" fem (Rams?), 7:29. 7:52 PM, Rams made comeback, & vision of me getting my upper lip back (had been wounded there) while on Temple St. (near Joanne's - & not far from Paul's); i.e., So. Ca. coming through is better than losing all of Ca. "He wants we come on," Detroit player(?) 7:59 PM. "This game's gonna come down...Joe, like it or not, they can block a Hutchins," 7:50, anncr., Rams v. Lyons. "While he has touched that screen, blood pressure," 7:07, anncr, NBC. "They just double food, 'cause there's no way he could get a job," 7:05 PM, anncr; sounds like possibly attempt to warn Davis rebels, but ultimately it strengthens the regional menagerie/slavery control of rebels - there's no middle ground - words have effect, & this code is consp. code. 7:06 PM, "Uh, sure," mex (?) fem & kids piling into Honda SUV; I was asked to be usher @ UCC - 'uh, sure...' response; i.e., subtle code that mexs. can be spiritual guides as far as my teacher career - another deadly consp. code.
9/9, "I, as a citizen of this country, am going to be allowed some control..." vision of me acting naively - God indicating I wasn't on top of it w/my reports (& I made some changes)- in vision, I'm w/back against fence (or next to it), in Dave & Mary's b/yard on Elmwood, & fence had a sharp corner - instead of 270 deg., 320 deg. or similar; their b/yrd doesn't have any fence w/corner, but it has manhole cover in flowerbed; but Dave & Mary stopped hiring me approx. year or more ago - they haven't said don't call, simply, no work; that fence was installed by me & Regis, approx. 3 years ago - w/out any corner; & other side of fence is Dave Walters - he also stopped hiring me as of a year or more ago. & Mary's code, 'Don't keep, on 'em...' i.e., if I'm "on them" - tracking & rebuking them, scenario, I have my Jack Teacher 'Don't' apostrophe. In other words, Mary opposed to Putin's big spender facade; but in reality, that option isn't readily available irregardless - it's a transient population - 50% of pop. is students, & moreover, probably 10-20% of professors are visiting lecturors, or T.A.'s who are there temporarily - the constant influx - mostly from Ca. - provides Davis rebels fresh strategies & determination to dupe the victim - they are constantly propped up & reinforced so that any scenario where they are cornered to admit they are exposed is covered up or negated - possibly indicating they are going to be destroyed more violently & suddenly, but meanwhile, the effect is it negates any plunder & hoarding scenarios; but, context is also that I've been led to refrain from proactively pursuing any plunder scenarios. But Putin evidently claiming I have to assert such scenarios. From teacher perspective - & that is my perspective - it's moot point of millennium - their consp. codes give them away, entitling me to justice, period.
Nikki & Leia mssg (Oyster Bay Ave.), w/Nikki implying I'd been bad - pursuant to vision of Long on Concord - 'you're gonna have to 'fined, it,'' it was subtle code that they were "refining" their lewd codes ('You won't come on 'em' etc.) - Nikki, ('you're gonna have to leave your name & number..') somewhat well endowed & single or divorced - i.e., 'you're gonna "get it"' as in sex. I.e., they get to enslave me & stalk w/me, but they have to acknowledge the interest shown by celebrity fems., etc. - their lewd innuendos aren't going anywhere - & so they are leaving themselves an "out" w/endowed facades. 9/13, I was considering the report on internet where God demands Asians meet same standards as everyone else (Acts. 4;12), "That's where I mangle them," vision - my refusal to compromise the word of God - fence angle in b/yards of Davis rebels - where No. Ca. DVISION rebels attempting to ruin me w/consp. involving Regis (handyman from Wdld.) where I'm drawn in to jobs as subcontractor w/Regis, who isn't licensed contractor, but is accepting jobs over $500 - operating as lic'd contractor - purchasing materials himself, giving overall bids for jobs, etc. - duping me to participate - equivalent to working under the table jobs - Davis & No. Ca. rebels 'angling' my ruin - GOD MANGLES THEM!
9/12, USPS truck quickly leaving from in front of First United Meth. church, Anderson Ave., 12:25. USPS conspiring 'U' kidnap w/blacks, Obama, Harris, Bush; 2003 approx. "keep that in mind" blk fem in Enterprise news article, indicating if you follow God, he'll help you - context was I was slowly prevailing to some extent against UCC which was located approx. 1 blk from DUMC; but it was up for grabs if she was referring to me or UCC, & she never personally intervened for me after that, & 'that' was already a code, so the advice became 'keep allowing Mexs. to oppress the victim.' Also, for more than a decade, fem. pastor @ FUMC, & big mail box on pole next to sidewalk, "Letters" - code - 'let [is h]ers.' "You aren't gonna keep knocking, a round" 9:37 AM, 37 College Pk. 10:09, "I'm gonna live!" male, const. wkr, Monley-Hanlen (or similar) const. roofing @ res. @ College Pk & Russell. Orginally, Tom Monley, member of UCC, co. named Monley-Cronin - '[death] row' phoneme. 321 Russell, parallel curved shrubs - like UCC double line cross, & the curve of UCC's logo - linking landscape work to the double underline death row consp., & code of death row for my reports about historical feats of God - '3-2-1- blast off!'
9/10, "He doesn't ''tude'?" wh male sm gray car, Alice & Chestnut, 3:57 PM - after I warned blk fem when knocking on doors. "We shoe lay him present" Dave Walters, 4:15 PM, USPS, to Asian fem emply. 5:54 PM, "Sorry about that - I just came out my boos & motoring across the street," or similar, mex. male goatie, orange Estes co. shrt, to driver 42B, on W Cap - similar to code from him in another instance @ same location 'Sorry about that, I was looking @ my comb' approx. 9/8; 'boos' - 'La Boo' code - 'law b[e] 'U' [consp.].' "My...protecting children from violent crime" Harris, 6:40 PM NBC; "It leads run to believe..." "It must win" Kamala, 6:58 PM. 7:03, "I take thank," Trump. "You said you would install the war in one day..." moderator (debate) - instead of 'stop the war...' "Your not foo mitt" bug code 7:31 PM. "I don't know; I'll search my nightmares" song, Taco Bell radio, 9:43 AM. 10 AM, "Don't lay o' land" wh male, bald, grn shrt, glasses, from Mars-M&M candy offices (across from T.B. - formerly US Dept. of Agric.), to cust. or emply. "he doesn't have that ham," 11:21, wh male beard, Scottish accent, Princeton Ave., after oppressing me - demanding my name, & when I refused to cooperate, fired after working 15 min., & refused to pay me anything. He then drove up w/$10 when I continued door-knocking, 10:24 AM. "That's where we're gonna bowl?" F near 8th, 11:19, wh male blk cap. 1131 L, "I won't know oaf," 12:05 PM. Nugget, wh male lt. grn shrt, index finger next to nose, 12:42 PM, & my laptop logged out. "They're w/him, kerred," 3:45 PM, Drexel & Cypress, wh male lt. grn shrt. 3:34 PM, USPS postal wkr, wh male gray hair, U turn w/postal truck 1313 Cypress, circled around & came back to 1309 one door down - essentially stalking me - EXACT SAME PATTERN AS DEL ORO - GENE'S - POSTAL TRUCK U TURN, LEAVES THEN IS BACK A FEW MIN. LATER, ONE DOOR DOWN - they are conspiring the terrorist 'U' captivities can't allow me to be back soon - longer disappearance & I might scamper out of Davis - this is Bush, Biden, Harris, & others conspiring a long hostage captivity; Del Oro custs. (Wilsons) involved in sabotaging my phone - along w/Mex. male emply, Black Bear, & possibly BW across the street. The U turn stalking started w/Kim Shadrake - landscaper hiring me, but one of her jobs clearly surpassed $500, so I asked if she was licensed contractor, & she wasn't, & so it was another attempt to lure me w/under the table funds; @ Oakside St. & @ least one other location, she drove up the street to the T intersection, then made a U - there wasn't any traffic - no reason to drive half a block to the T when she could make a U @ the job site; it was actually a code that 'further down the road...a 'U' [conspiracy].' 1211 Pacific, as I approached porch, wh fem sitting on porch grabbed something quickly. "You wouldn't take her over - the push, it" 8:02 PM; codes are codes, semantics are semantics & God has placed it all under my feet; (1)I'm not under bondage to rebels' use of 'push;' (2)any supposed "pushing"(landscape work) is direct result of conspired denial of teacher job; (3) work is work - if weeding is pushing, next it'll be breathing is pushing & you simply die - which they would've done long time ago if they could've. "He has his food on him again," 8:54 PM; W Cap - siren - I then ordered pizza 9/12, mostly because I felt like it. Speaker Johnson "We are sorry," ch 40 10:34 PM (reported), 13 America (?) - possibly code for 13 Sur Yolo Mex. gang.
9/11, 3:13 "We can't blind cans her." "I can't keep fixing it," bug code, 3:15 AM (cell phone destroyed). Labor Day "SALE" & 'A' has star as cross beam (possibly code). 9/10, "We're gonna have paddle Jill," 7:48 PM bug code. Also, the timing of it - 'we are sorry...' from gov't political figure - veiled threat that I kiss Asians' butt or U.S.A. goes down, & that supposedly gradual process begins w/me disappearing, long range 'U' captivity. I.e., teacher goals are beside the point, religious goals of winning Asians are priority or I'm reamed for it, is the mssg. But the m.o. is claiming my continued gestures toward Asians (such as Transgalaxial Highway, etc.) is proof that I've capitulated to their pressure - & based on that presumption they can claim it was MY compromise, rather than theirs. But I don't do any outreach to Asia unless I'm led by God - & it certainly isn't contingent on monsters' threats! Moreover, if any recent report fell short, my ability to perceive it is crippled by them isolatiing me - God can & does intervene, but he isn't @ the rebels' beck & call as far as personally intervening because of their brainwash & isolation tactics. They quit because they are quitters & traitors - ANXIOUS TO TRIP EVERYONE - THE CAPERNICK & NFL'S 'TRIP ALL' CONSPIRACY (SEE "LO[DIE] & BEHOLD" SECTION OF THIS REPORT) - DESIGNED TO RUIN THE CHURCH & THE NATION UNDER GUISE OF PROPPING UP BLACKS!
9/6, "You don't know where we just come on," 8:31 PM. 9:32, Samsung, "Can I kick it?" & voices of a crowd, "Yes, you can!" The connotation was a soccer ball, etc. - as opposed to relaxing, NBC ch 63; the conspiracy may be claim I have to mingle w/rebels & play sports, while NFL, LL, etc., are cheating. "That man have to be courteous of mackinstreak, that's why human is playing..." 9:39, vision or bug code (changed from mackin... as far as I recall); 'make' becomes 'mack' such as Mack truck, but in No. Ca. slavery region it's 'aaaah!' - '[I]'m 'ack.'' "Life is precious & it ends; I know that number never" 10:13 PM, Spiderman ch 57 - timed w/repeated destruction of phones, w/T Mobile involved @ min., so that I switched phone cos. to possibly a more attractive one. T-Mobile 86'd me for being a few days late on a bill when they had first started w/$99/mo. in approx. 2000 - despite I'd come up w/a $500 deposit. So this systematic oppression seems to be their way of confessing they blew it back then - I've got to 86 them. Complete stop, causeway, 6:16 PM (42B) FS Hauling directly in front of bus - 'I fess, hauling...' 4 Seasons (FS). 6:20, "I usually cross the street when you're coming, but I was looking @ my comb" mex male, goatie, blue/silver safety vest, to bus driver, W Cap (pic sent) - he's stalked me before. "You're gonna go we're harder" 6:24 (mex w/goatie), "You need, your __" 6:27. "You won't know them long," gov't bug code (context, La Bou, Heritage Peak, etc.), 7:16 PM. 7:15, ch 40, glass fell from near top of building under constr, landed on ground, but broke 2 windows across the street. "Hard work pays off, but we see;" Frances Diablo; "you have a chance to hup Sunday," 8:04 PM ESPN; "We have not yet crossed his ___." "He would snake it easier," child, Birch Ln. Elem. 12:40. I tracked the facade premise of consp. - the under the table oppression; then it's magic trick that I'm not exercising in addition to hard work - despite I'm exercising more than 99% of adults my age - the Samsung 'kick it' consp. - kicking a ball as opposed to hanging around; but this isn't a match w/'all in' - both significances w/'kick it' but 'all in' simply meant someone who's spent, weary, etc. 'We see' was consp. code from Microsoft, approx. 2000, but it was juxtaposed to any 'we [bring on Red] Sea [judgment]' scenario; instead, it was propping up Davis rebels - claiming they are astute, etc. It's claim that hard work must be combined w/sports, etc. - they then create facade that I'm not doing any sports, & then it's kidnap.
Foreigner 4/Ch. 40 "Breakfast in America" replica/Yolobus "4"
9/6, 6:32 AM, report, ch 40 as far as I recall, about legisl. protecting minors age 13-15, but not 16-17; during report, b&w pic of bleak outdoor scene w/young girl, & angled line across pic - possibly support wire for pole - but the image was almost identical to "Foreigner 4" CD cover of Foreigner, pic. of count down @ beginning of old fashioned b&w films w/angled line being top part of lg numeral 4; vague similarity to bleak rainy day scene, exc. no girl in Foreigner display; but moreover, the graphic indicates any lewd scenario is furthest from their thoughts - unless you want to make smears of reputations of actors & actresses from the 1930's-through 1950's. The news story attempts to force into this graphic a concept from their corrupt minds of lewd act on a child - ultimately implying smear of my reputation. ROCK & HOLLYWOOD MAY HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS W/MCVAY MOVIE - THERE ISN'T ANY CLEAR INTERP. FROM THE SCENE WHERE TEEN IS ABUSED, BUT POSSIBLY IMPLICATIONS ARE READILY APPARENT. "You wanna LIVE! You wanna move to the sound..." lyrics, "Urgent," Foreigner - i.e., 'Invent something - quick! You don't want to die, do you!? Smear Joe's dad - quick - dry sense of humor - that's suspect!' - & male const. wkr, "I'm gonna LIVE!" older generation - performers & public - suddenly evil villains lerking in the shadows.
The 'kick it' consp. also based on Foreigner "The Damage is Done" lyrics, that suggest a lover who is breaking up w/someone because he's being mistreated, but he's failing to see his lover's sternness might've been because he wasn't busy enough; but it's double entendre - "Is there a reason/The things that you say?/The way you're treating me/All the games I won't play..." - the double entendre is subtle suggestion that if the victim doesn't want to be a ''R.E' son,' claim you're out of his league & he's falling short - doesn't bother w/sports or video games - lazy. "There have been rumors that my sense of humor/Is lacking in some ways/To me that's no reason -/It's tantamount to treason..." & older generation - performers & public - is suddenly evil villains lerking in the shadows. "Well, it's over now/& I'm on the run/I don't want you/The damage is done" - i.e., REBELS HOLD THE CARDS - JACK TEACHER REFUSES TO BE A R.E. [AGENT] "SON" & SO JACK TEACHER IS ON THE RUN. A reversal of rock's communications to me that if I was going to be their witness, I had to hold my post as a teacher. I reported the Alvarado Ave. bike underpass that looks like a giant throat about to swallow someone, & fact that it's shaped exactly like the spotlight on "Band On the Run" display; rock musicians furnishing No. Ca. DIVISION REBELS facade that if the teacher insists on being teacher, claim he's fallen short of a victim who's in the streets - he's under the streets - & that makes him on the run - same as rock stars!
9/13, "You don't have, out" vision, approx. 9 PM.
9/14, 3:40 AM, "I want you ON 'em," vision. 4 AM, "This is your stole" fem bug code. 5 AM, "You can't know, this is your sword" vision; context - S. Carolina Nicholl's state univ. w/'N' w/sword in the news night before. I.e., claim the 'hiss' is allowed to prevail (despite they are the kingpins of rebellion) - & according to 'hiss consps., you can't teach (you don't 'know'); Nicholl's sword logo - name association w/Nickles' (former customers) & lewd innuendo involving child - you can't teach, & instead sooner or later you're falsely accused & disappear hostage. "Don play II" fem. - coded decree claiming another 4 years of slavery w/Trump as president; S. Dakota story (Badlands) w/Dan Becker, 7:33 AM, ch 6 (Public TV). 7:40, "I've had no idea" male, 7:40, ch 6. "Face down on my Mom - she's always wanted to be on TV," 7:42 AM; i.e., those who had to accept they wouldn't be on TV eager to put you in your place - 'face down' - murder position; Badlands - before Roosevelt became president, he went on various adventures that were also tests of his character; he & his assistant camping outdoors in the cold in Badlands; pouring rain, they'd wake up face down in puddle of water, &, according to his assistant, Roosevelt would say, "Egad, this is fun!" But CONTEXT OF ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - THESE REBELS DON'T HAVE THE LUXURY OF ASSERTING ANY LITTLE KNOWN ROOSEVELT 'OUT;' THIS WAS A MURDER CONSPIRACY CODE! 7:44, "Headin' out," assertions on national TV they can signal Davis to force me out of town - manipulating pay combined w/another attempt on my life, essentially I'm then on the run. The reference to my Mom - vision of my Mom warning I was going to "go" or similar - but she said I was entitled to give out "no" autographs - I achieved Teacher Gold - but it was being conspiratorially denied me; in the past she also called USDOJ on my behalf repeatedly - so she is in better position to assume I'll know what she means; others don't have this luxury. 7:55, "Drew Burner," anncr; "Angel reign - escapes" anncr presumably ch 6; 'rain' - Badlands rain & Roosevelt; I have presidential notoriety, so I'll be "allowed" to escape - on the run; also, while @ Paul's on Banyan (blk wife), bug code approx. 4:45 PM, "Angel of mercy;" most likely threat that I can't accept pay working for blks; I was led to avoid working for blks in Davis (or elsewhere) as of 2017; but in fact it was Paul who hired me, tells me what to do, & pays me; moreover, blacks are rebels, but so is everyone else in Davis. Additional motives - rebels claiming blacks can be propped up based on my sexuality in context of oppressed as slave & menagerie victim systematically denied my rights & pvcy illegally invaded - STARK RAVING MADNESS & 1000 DINOSAUR RAMIFICATIONS FOR THEM IN HELL! I reported stalkings of rebels using model Shantal Monique's gestures toward me, such as echoing Greta Thunberg's clapping & Mary's gesture of looking up while sitting on set of stairs; pic of her wearing "Manscape" shrt; could be 'man [e]scape' or 'man [land]scape;' they decree it's 'man escape' & then they capitulate to their pretension of deceptive fem. - which is their ruin - that models are calling the shots. 9/15, ch 4 program selling women's wear, wh fem, 7 AM or so, promoting a shrt w/football team logo across the chest - double lines & name in between, & on fem, the logo is on the breasts, & she's saying "It isn't a T-shrt, & it feels SOOO GOOD!" NBC, Bears v. Houston, 8:17 PM, "We, up to me!" possibly player. 8:41 PM, anncr, "Now's that moment," & camera zeros in on fat blk male fan of Bears, wearing blue vest w/team name across the chest w/double lines - & as I reported, the double lines - most likely referring to double underline death row code of Brian Toone & UCC - 2000, & 2002. Approx. 8:35 PM, one Chicago player "TAYLOR" & other Chicago player, "SWIFT" & both camera shots of their back sides, side by side on screen, but separate pics - "TAYLOR / SWIFT;" Ravens v. Raiders also played this afternoon; Raiders blk player Jacobi Meyers - law firm well-known in Ca., Jacoby & Meyers - name combined - get yourself a lawyer - the name division occurred. Moreover, Jacoby (or Jacobi) is Jewish name - Jewish undertones of persecution of Christians & Christian feats. Chicago Bears qtrbk constantly throwing the ball away - in other words, Houston's gonna win whether they like it or not; it wasn't him having a bad day - Capernick step motion approx. 8:43; 8:45, anncr., "Will he try to escape? The clock was rolling!" insinuating rock & Hollywood committing kidnappings.
8:54, anncr, after game ended, "We cup to win @ home;" possibly 'wee' cup - as in vague implication of teacher "cup," but more likely claim they are "cupping" someone - either blacks or rock musicians; 'to win @ home' - the 'capernick' consp. is combo of (1)trapping me in landscaping (work @ "home" (Davis)), (2)'caper - [he's] nick[ed];' i.e., I have dues to pay for a "caper" of converting & singing rock songs in past, & (3)Capernick's 'trip wire' gesture - 9-16, 10:35 PM, Equador Pl, blk male beard, PG&E emply, "We have triple hymn's done" - 'trip all, 'hymn [church is] done;' black football players create trip wire code, recruit coconspirators, claiming they caused the Western (& Eastern) churches to trip (& fall), & U.S.A. to trip (& fall), & they've therefore taken their rebellion.
Therefore the codes aren't focussed on tracking blacks (because they are coconspirator "recruits") but excluding & marginalizing rock stars - that's why Taylor Swift was DIVIDED - This was manifestation of Davis DIVISION REBELS - moreover, game rigged so that South (Houston) won - South prevails against North, nation DIVIDED - DIVISION REBELS! The South's conspiracy - 'win @ home' - Davis rebels (Jefferson Davis) survive & allowed to enslave me, & nation divided - 2 arches instead of one, but it isn't a doubling, it's division. I reported I tracked Toone w/Daniel Boone from Reading, Penn., & it occurred @ Williamsport - Nat'l Little League playoffs, where they were involved in training youthes to be rebels. The team that won by cheating & fraud was from Tx. - same as Houston.
9/6, "Eyes are f*&^ing" 5:01 PM, Persian male grn swt shrt, scooter, blk (?) turban, 4th & G. "We're not gonna see her," fat wh male blk shrt, Taco B., 5:04 PM, & wh fem emply, no Paradise Tea @ dispenser - she said she could fill it behind counter - didn't put gloves on first & I didn't say anything about it. "He's just gonna, on 'em," (or similar) Asian male gray shrt glasses (student) grn bk pk, P line 5:18. 5:39, TJ Maxx "No plus for sure" fat blk male cashier, blk shrt. 5:54 PM "We have chur-church" dk gray (?) car going N on Mace. 6:12 PM, "I'm gonna get outta here, okay?" blk male blk jacket, 42B, 6:12 PM; "You just don't take black here." 6:25 AM "No matter what team, you have our word," ch 40. "Who doesn't love a good throwback" "EMERGEN-C" [Candy] Crystals video game scene 6:29 AM. Ch 40, Geneveive (wthr rptr) "Only 29 min. from crazy felon." "Don't let 'em get in our head" HS players (news interview). 7 AM "I miss boyfriend" mex. male or fem, red jersey (1 of 2) or red or pink blouse. 12:04, "I've got this - I promise - He'll have first time" Paul (Banyan) to blk son; context was my report about Jesus & first blood. "It was will woof" 10:30 approx., Paul; Woodland code (Woodland HS Wolves, & church w/acronym WOOF) - Regis involved in 'U' consp.
10/9, I reported the "I have senior visit" vision; while cleaning interior of Jan's res. on Ipanema, I made some instant coffee that I brought w/me & used a Stanford U. glass; 'the Stanford glass was commemorative of 2 Rose Bowls they won in a row - 1970, 1971. But I noticed it was the Stanford Indians - mascot, but Stanford's mascot is Cardinal - "the color, not the bird" - dk. red; this references a Stanford source. But 'cardinal' as a color is so minimal that doesn't include it as a definition of cardinal - it's an adjective associated w/the color - such as if you look up 'dark,' it isn't a color - but associated w/red, it's a shade of red. I looked up history of change of mascot, & according to wikipedia site, & (Stanford U. - "The Removal of the Indian Mascot of Stanford"), there were protests of students, including Native Americans, that "Indians" was prejudicial; i.e., Native Americans/Latinos weren't looking up enough, supposedly, as far as a mascot named after them, thinking it was an insult rather than a blessing. The mascot change occurred in 1972, Stanford president Richard Wall Lyman arranged it, in reaction to petition of 55 Native American students & staff; according to Stanford's site, it was a lengthy process where they exercised sensitivity to students' perceptions - but they had a choice to recognize those were stubborn students who were deceiving themselves, & exercise some tough love under banner of stationary mascot tradition. The replacement - Cardinal; their description of color is inacurrate, & in fact is probably a subtle attempt to create a wise old owl "tip" as far as minorities - phonemically, 'k[ey,] harden, all;' but under guise of a color theme, which conjures up "red skin" or "brown skin" or "yellow skin" - SKIN COLOR - AS IN, MINORITIES; in other words, this demand of these minorities, somewhat naive, possibly because they were sensitive, having been picked on @ times, & possibly due to coming from a less sophisticated or accomplished background - more difficult to distinguish an effort to promote & bless them - IF YOU WANT TO CALL IT A DEFECT AS FAR AS MELTING POT SUCCESS, IT WASN'T A LETHAL ONE. BUT, STANFORD LEADERS SHREWDLY ATTEMPT TO TURN IT INTO THAT VERY THING - A LETHAL DEFECT - CAREFULLY CHOOSING A REPLACEMENT MASCOT THAT CONSTRUCTIVELY SLITS NATIVE AMERICANS' THROATS. The subtle reference to 'bird' conjures up an obvious contrast built into the mascot name change - that minorities overall fall short of being "birds" in melting pot - it could subtly conjure thoughts of seething wanna-be renegades. Also, 'cardinal' definition goes far beyond a bird, or the other common def., a high ranking religious office. Cardinal def. is from Latin for 'hinge' - principle or fundamental - a cardinal number in mathematics - the principle use of numbers is to determine the amount - cardinal numbers are counting numbers - 1, 5, 12, 600, etc. - whole numbers; cardinal rule expression - the most important rule. I.e., subtle "tip" from the"wise old owls" - everything hinges on that minorities are stubborn & hard-hearted, & if you're shrewd like the "owls," you'll take your cue & marginalize them. In sum, it amounts to more or less Ivory Tower (prideful) mentalities - supposed enlightened leaders who are in actuality bent on defeating any melting pot notion by molding them & labeling them due to occasional displays of naivety & misinformation. Contrast God's treatment of minorities living near Israel, when Jonah objected to showing them patience - Jon. 4:11, "And should I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left...?" You can be awfully naive, & still merit God's love & concern for you. 'Senior visit' - there were no mugs in cupboard - which there usually are, so I used the glass; I wash them afterward. I used the main bath off the bedroom hallway later that morning, & no soap @ sink; the only soap was in shower. Context of Jan, & neighbor across the street Curt (also customer), & innuendos about an affair between them, possibly an act to attempt to nudge me to "so the same" - either w/Curt's wife (adultery) or Jan (fornication) - either way, the Jack Teacher plan would be defeated & conceivably I'd be their prey more than ever. I.e., 'shower' is code for an affair & sex in shower. I was then working @ Gunther's on 10th St., where we've been working on projects prepping his res. to be jacked up to level it - digging up gas & water pipes, removing brick facade from front of res., etc. 10/9 after removing a lg. brick planter, underneath it was long thick slab of cement - 8" thick or more, approx. 2 ft. wide & 10 ft. long; he jack-hammered a cut of one end, then another a cut @ other end while I worked to break it apart @ the cut. The second end he jack hammered deeper, & broke his end first (it wasn't a contest - he had the jack hammer), & vision or audible bug code, "Joe, we have tamal" possibly my Mom. As far as I can tell, communications from my Mom that sound like she's betrayed me are context of she piped up for me - autograph & gold - but no response, & so she's back to role playing a suspicious character, so that she & Laura aren't "casualties" in Lodi. Tamalpaise HS located in Tamalpaise Valley, near Sausalito, North Bay (SF); I've applied dozens of times - but, I wasn't hired nor paid. I.e., instead of Tamale ('little Tamal'); 'tamale' possibly symbolizing @ liberty, buy food, etc., meanwhile, Tom Ferrara, originally of Lodi, sheriff of Solano, & 2013, 'Tom haul[ed me away]', vicariously through Vacaville & Fairfield police - but it wasn't false arrest - kidnap - because they knew who I was & that I wasn't doing anything wrong as of 2013, & subsequent disappearance in Solano jail for 4 mos., 2014. Then during break, a cut on my finger from when I was cleaning @ Jan's & no bandaids to be found so I made makeshift bandaid using tape & paper towel, but it had come off & was bleeding, & asked for bandaid @ Gunther's; & through front door, he was in bathroom taking a long time to get a bandaid, "You need a bandaid?" & was running bath or shower water first - i.e., Jan's & affair code. This is the 'senior visit' scenario - ruin the Jack Teacher plan - Lyman - 'lye' (soap); 'lie, man' Ca. consp. to defeat Jack Teacher plan & man lying & covering it up - (1)pressure Jack Teacher to cave in & have an affair based on facade of neediness; (2) haul away (kidnap) Jack Teacher, (3)blame it on Native Americans/Latino Americans, claiming they are too cynnical. Two-pronged attack - the teacher is needy or failure, & melting pot aspect of Jack Teacher plan (education nation/melting pot nation) is a failure. Bath, or shower? I.e., did we (melting pot nation, but as defined by Ca. rebels) 'take a bath' as far as extending trust to Mexs./Native Americans? But before working on this report, dream @ approx. 1 AM, 10/10, of trying to erect an antenna on long pole next to Al's res., cust. on Elmwood; in past I had installed a CB radio antenna @ a studio I was renting in Lodi; was I allowed to rent a room - such as @ Al's - a single adult male in 4 Bd. home w/only one or 2 brms in use? Their conspiracy relegates me to costly motel rooms - it isn't a "bath," as in, whites "robbed" by cynnical minorities, so much as it's a willful deception of jealous Ca. rebels.
PROOF OF ORIGIN OF CYNNICAL MOTIVES - the Jack Teacher plan focusses on education nation theme, but incorporates abolishing slavery - freedom & justice (Atlas feat), & melting pot theme; scenario of actors & singers attracted to the plan was encouraged by the "Show Me" aspect of Turkey Day Crusaders (Missouri "Show Me" state); so the idea of Jack Teacher plan allows for stars giving God glory - like the lady that doused Jesus feet w/expensive perfume; Jesus basically said, "She's good;" so rock stars & movie stars shouldn't have been an obstacle - BUT IT WAS. Stanford logo is cardinal red, w/Redwood tree logo - Redwood is subfamily of conifers, as well as firs - i.e.,
they are closely related - 'con a fir' - or, is that 'con a fur?' Jealous leaders then assessed the problem: Actors & singers who claimed they could stand in the faith - '[stars] stan[d] fur [coate]d' was the problem - the obstacle. Motives of jealousy orchestrating a con job to defeat the Jack Teacher plan by spoiling any endorsement of star fans of Christ - 'con a fur [coat bearing rock star]' & stigmatize minorities as the root cause. 49'ers coach Seifert involved or a pawn used by them - 'see [eternity?] Fur 'T'!' 49'ers field in Santa Clara approx. 10 mi. from Stanford. Their jealousies were allowing them to fall into a trap - Ann Murray, "You Needed Me" indicates gratitude toward the church for inviting stars into the Promise Land; but a slight "catch" - "So high that I could almost see eternity/You needed me..." created a facade that rich & famous stars know they aren't going to Heaven; but 'almost' is the key word - 'almost...nice try...' etc. 49'ers coach Seifert involved or instigated by them - 'see [eternity?] Fur 'T'!' 49'ers field in Santa Clara approx. 10 mi. from Stanford Stanford - 'st[reet,] Ann, [you] "furred" [it!].' "I can't believe it's true, I can't believe - it's you;" No. Ca. rebels scratching & clawing to prevent rock & Hollywood from believing & entering Heaven's gates. Conifers are also evergreens - who's "green" as far as "almost" seeing forever? Once that logo was chosen, & Native American detrimental slant orchestrated, Barbra Streisand (Jewish, along w/Neil Diamond), "Love, soft as an easy chair..." i.e., if they're going to be slyly cynnical against minorities, they'll cave in to warlock electric chair consps. Murray, "I can't believe, it's true/ I can't believe - it's you/I needed you, & you were THERE;" No. Ca. rebels went 'THERE' - warlock conspirators conspiring death row. "A Star Is Born," "Evergreen" song - Streisand & Kris Kristopherson; the inventors of Superman were Jewish - "SUPER/MAN;" Christopher Reeves' accident on horse & ensuing paralysis - an act - following his gay role in "Death Trap;" "sometimes these things happen for a reason;" Christopher offered - sacrificed - his acting career & public mobility & lg. part of his ego, for half of his adult life, in a pre-arranged act as a warning that role models for youth must refuse to deviate or compromise. Superman divided - 'Super/man' - because the true supermen & superwomen are those who do super feats for Christ! This kicks out about half of mainline Protestant denominations - or @ least their leadership - who've been allow homosexuals to become members or pastors - SUPER!
Norse For the Wear
10/4, news story on Christian network (ch 16) w/athlete Riley Gaines, claims to be Christian, 10/3 went to SF State U. to speak about banning transgenders from women's sports, & said she was open & expected a positive reception, but instead was met w/, as she described it, pitchforks & protests, & was assaulted & held hostage for several hours. Countless times in past I've gone to bay area or other locations in No. Ca., &, although I wasn't being hired as a teacher by anyone in these locations, & probably should've taken my cue, in the past for years I tended to be open & cheerful, figuring skeptical or conspiratorial principals didn't equate the entire population, until arriving in the vicinity & realizing they were Davis disciples, or close to it. & while Gaines did complain about this @ once, NO MENTION OF ME - DESPITE THIS STORY CONFIRMS EVERYTHING I'VE REPORTED ABOUT NO. CA.! THIS MAKES HER A QUINTESSENTIAL COWARD & COCONSPIRATOR W/WARLOCKS! & Swift, instead of making like a tree & Leif Eriksoning (gaining new continents), instead made like a Comet brand - shrank back, & "bequeathed" Jack Teacher some Comet cleanser so that he could maybe continue working as a butler, translating obviously to losing ground as far as Teacher career; wow. WE'VE GIVEN WOMEN THEIR STATUE OF LIBERTY POISE, BUT IN FRONT OF A CAMERA THEY HURRY & GAG THEMSELVES - AS THOUGH AMERICA IS "UNDISCOVERED;" & LEIF IS REDUCED TO DRIED PLANT DEBRIS, BLOWING IN THE WIND. THE CROWN'S 7 SPIKES ARE THE 7 CONTINENTS, 7 SEAS, & 7 LIBERTIES - ADD PLANETS! RED WOULD STAND LIKE A GIANT GENERAL SHERMAN SEQUOIA IN FRONT OF THOSE CAMERAS & DEMAND ACTION! THEY DON'T HAVE TO DYE THEIR HAIR - RATHER DIE TO THEMSELVES & LIVE TO GOD (JN. 12:24) - TO SHOW EVERYONE THEY ARE NORSE FOR THE WEAR & REDHEADS AREN'T DEAD!
2/21, vision, "I want you to do better;" possibly an encouragement for Eastern Bunny. Most likely rock &
Hollywood acting up because it was part of God's plan for marriage unifying Eastern church & Western church - but Mary & Eastern church have to resist the antics of rock & Hollywood; alternately, or part & parcel, the Orthdox "old ones" are essentially the same as the Western church "old ones," but Mary is from the Orthodox young crowd, & must see past them & the stalls of rock -
which one way or another handed her an honorable role. If I cited a Star Trek episode, though, about survival, especially Americans should avoid paying too much attention to that episode, which could send the wrong mssg. about piping up.
Not even so much as phone call - far from being a doctor for the East, Jack Teacher is possibly regarded as a quack. Evidence of conspiracy of Eastern church the same as Western church ("old ones") - subtle baiting so that I lower my standards - 'how about a seductive young lady?' God enables me to help them to better position themselves - & it is history. 2/2, vision, "I have towing them." Where does the decoy come in? For all appearance' sake, it looks more like an attempt to man rock's prospective husband - foolishly promoting those who've blessed deadly conditions for me - but I was taking it seriously when Taylor Swift continued to stall - I was warning & disapproving, & as of 1/1/2021, I ended any promotion; as of early 2020, vision from God as far as leaving someone vulnerable, surrounded by rebels, "It just isn't done." 'Of course, but...will Jack Teacher let them "just isn't done" again as cover for rock musician bride - leaving me trapped further in Yolo county (auxiliary county seat of Dunnigan)?' Models or anyone else realistically fancying intervening, you need to @ least be a normal person. Normal people don't use codes, & any normal person in all of history would get excited & overwhelmed & jumping up & down w/news stories unparalleled since the gospels - & exert some "pressure" on the media & sundry leaders - or are these models & others decrepit old maids, blind & senile, overtaken by Parkinson's disease?!
Ordinary models or anyone else would have some authority if they spoke up; but years & years of brainwashing reduces it to pretend signals of affirmation - "watch" reduced to viewing a movie, where the viewer is helpless to intervene; my stocking caps disapearing recently - a decade ago code referring to them as watch caps, signalling if you're "cold," guise of unable to help - as though it's a movie, then you have your "watch." Refusing to reject the rebels' watch definition is forfeiting a timeless historical honor. Evidently they really like kissing the rebels' butts. It's a wake up call - when greatness is thrust upon you, it isn't an option.
It's Slavs who have tradition of round, tight-fitting hats w/furry exterior - signalling they are "heading" "fur" - hypothetical wife w/mink coat, etc. - the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. to prevent any rags to riches story concerning Jack Teacher - projected to be a witness on behalf of singers - & subsequently revealed, witness concerning Asians, Slavs, Mideast, & others; evidently there was widespread but unspoken anticipation that an important role would involve seductive temptations as far as money, etc. - how does Jack Teacher respond to the allure of riches, beauty, etc.? Mideast seemed to anticipate it as well - fancy quisine dinner napkins become the patterns of their keffiyehs (head scarves) - heading the fancy meal obsession scenario. But as far as Eastern church & Mideast, Jack Teacher passed any & all tests decades ago, including shunning any & all goals of stardom as opposed to teacher goals, & it isn't becoming of anyone positioned to lead to stoop to that level - mostly because it amounts to conspiring - the antithesis of leading.
Approx. 2/2, vision of a sheep coming to me & w/me in my room. 2/3, vision, Mary, "You're our hero!" 5 AM. Despite, & possibly in light of, my objections, Eastern Bunny - thumbs up as far as education/melting pot nation - Mary showed up in wedding clothes in new social media display as of 2/4, & 2/5, 9:29 AM, while I was praying for U.S.A. to prevail; "We aren't going down the tubes are we?" & vision, "No, that's where I'm white;" ooo, Mary! A friend sticks closer than a brother, Prov. 18:24. In other words, & God has reminded me of this before, blacks betraying us is a factor as far as delays in providing me justice - I've been led to refuse to advocate it, but it indicates those delaying aren't doing it to curse me, but in attempt to finish off those who are cursing me, including blacks. Historical expression of blacks, "I'm gonna ax you [a question...]" - 'ax' instead of 'ask' - blacks informing us if we expect them to be a part of the melting pot, instead, they're going to "can" us & rebel in one form or another - thumbs down to the melting pot. But they were asleep & unaware of their own history in Africa - slavery of blacks by blacks was prevalent; Atlas feat of freeing slaves in America resulted in freedom retroactively in Africa as well - we freed all of them everywhere, &, only 4% of blacks slaves were in U.S. as well, & yet according to them momentary slavery of South is deemed unpardonable, is their unspoken "creed" - & no way to make it up. Along w/this vision, I believe God showed me that he is using the Sexy Mod Bunnies to lead youth in America - on my behalf. So as of this point, I'm expressing my objections - justice for victim shouldn't be contingent on tracking an entire race - THERE IS VALUE TO THOROUGH TRACKING - MAXIMUM PURGE FACTOR; to an extent it is on my behalf, & so I'm refraining from utterly condemning the delays.
Russian political activist Vladimir Kara-Murza imprisoned in Siberia for speaking out against Putin; Biden & Germans negotiated his release & that of other Russian "freedom fighters" along w/American & German prisoners, in a swap agreement; according to Kara-Murza, Putin is bad news for Russia - freedom of speech is curtailed - they aren't allowed to have adverse opinions about leaders. Biden then becomes the hero - KM is notified he's leaving in 10 min. - to be executed? But instead, it's freedom; he's flown to Turkey where he's handed a cell phone to speak w/Biden, who has his family in the White House w/him. Touching, but it's most likely an act. KM was interviewed in detail, & it is a fact that while Russians prevailed against communism, they aren't persistently exercising the freedoms available to them. But the larger context is Ukraine trying to cut them down to size (literally); but Russia's efforts to remedy this probably wouldn't have been opposed if Russian leaders weren't trying to cut Jack Teacher down to size - robbing me of my 'T' as far as slave labor & oppression as opposed to Teacher job. In other words, although Western warlocks & their followers (such as Biden) & Eastern snake oilers (sales motives for Jack Teacher) & their followers (Putin, etc.) both have common interests, because both are bent on deception, they take pot shots @ each other! Biden rescues a Russian from prison, further cementing a downward spiral of image Russian leaders as being evil communist dictators @ heart - oppressing & imprisoning any dissidents who oppose them, rather than crediting them overall as Powerfully Passionate Porpoises in Perpetuity - & labeling them as such, driving this image home by rescuing victims from their "iron grip"! (This is one of their accolade names obtained from dusty archived manuals shrouded in secrecy in abandoned libraries of Yekaturinberg.) These facades only act to erode the feats of both Eastern & Western branches, & moreover, their Porpoise is Sealed in Perpetuity (like the name says). While Yekaturinberg detail is yet to be confirmed, conjecturing, Biden isn't acting alone - Putin seems to be relishing an image of a rabid dog ready to do damage to those who oppose him - & this is mostly likely an act to make an impression on China. While militarily both are superpowers, China has a lot bigger population - which is a factor. I.e., projecting an image of Christians as being, if they choose to be, arguably as mean as those Soviet leaders that seemed to catch on in China w/communism. But I had a vision 9/29, 6:48 PM, "I want you a lot stronger;" i.e., strength can be measured physically & militarily, but it can also be measured in terms of strength of will & stamina & bravery - "Be strong in the Lord & in his mighty power," Eph. 6:10; consistently, being strong in the Lord not only equates military might, muscles, etc., but also courage & faith - & in fact often courage & faith in contrast to size & physical strength - David against Goliath, Gideon against the Philistines, etc. The overall Jack Teacher plan isn't focussed on sheer power, but God - Neil Armstrong was the one who took the communist leader's "Great Leap Forward" slogun & blessed Asians' achievements by landing on the moon w/rockets & calling it a "GIANT leap" forward; in other words, 'kneel [& pray, those inclined to] arm strong, [if there is any battle, it belongs to the Lord (1 Sam 17:47)].' SLAVS & ESPECIALLY YOUNG PEOPLE IN SLAVIC NATIONS: IF YOU TRULY ARE STRONG, GIVE GOD THE GLORY, PUBLICLY CLAIM THE FEATS OF SLAVS, & DEMAND JUSTICE FOR JACK TEACHER, & LET GOD DEAL W/ANY SWORD RATTLINGS FROM ASIA.
See CA. STATE 'DAMNED IF YOU DO...' report - attempts to label me & brainwash me so that I'd go on shooting spree; a factoid I'd forgotten about was "Shrek" movies - a friendly ogre, & simultaneous, "The Country's Best Yogurt" - according to m.o. of codes, that's 'the country's beast - [yeah,] ogre, [is] it;' i.e., Shrek (in positive light). It produces a watch of cruel smears such as beast, originating in Davis - & that the nation knew about - attempting to instigate shooting spree & suicide. I hope my prospective wife recognizes that I am a teacher, & in reality - any "big lug" aura is a vast second as far as priorities! Moreover, Shrek title was recently upgraded - Jack Teacher dubbed honorary title of Sheik (Arab elder) for his research in Mediterranean region (front pg., Faque Tabloid & News, 9/20). While most sheiks are big lugs, you won't hear anyone referring to them as ogres!
9/23, juggling, approx. 5 AM & considering that USA looks like giant turkey, vision - "Or bird;" i.e., complimenting Mideast for honorary nation titles, like Turkey, but no response from them as far as public profession of Christ, & moreover, as reported, things start to look bleak for me in W.S., & Mideasterners are among those who start to close in on me (such as banning me from M6 in Davis in 2021, & 9/22/2024, ladder placed in front of Belair motel, coinciding w/threats of kidnap from others in vicinity. Western branch, being in fellowship w/Eastern branch, can claim Mars Hill Peacock identity to emphasize those claiming Turkey Day Crusader fish are imposters, if it comes to that. All-Seeing Eye on top of Egyptian pyramid, but Mars Hill Peacock has a batch of all-seeing eyes!
See MERCHANTS IN A RACE... report, those orchestrating burnt offering pertaining to Thanksgiving turkey offered to "Indians" in 1600's, "Today, if you will hear his voice, don't harden your heart..." 'will hear' - volitional - choose to follow Jesus & publicly identify w/him not just as prophet or one of many leaders, but the God who became a man & proved his love for you by dying on the cross, then proved his sovereignty by conquering death & rising from the dead - on third day, just like he said. Does Mideast want the 'herd day' credit they are entitled to (canon herding)? Claim it like the Bible says. Leaders & ordinary citizens - if you aren't sure how to proceed, first give your life to Jesus personally, & then the Holy Spirit will show you what to do. "Apart from me, you can do nothing," Jesus, Jn. 15:5.
The following was already reported, but I'm elaborating on it: 9/16, Approx. 9 PM, "Use tomb" vision, alternately, 'used to 'em;' rebels such as warlocks claiming I should get used to the Davis/DIVISION rebels. As far as claims that I have gotten used to them, they can't say that, because (as reported) I'm producing reports that amount to a slaughter of them. They can't say I'm used to rock, because I'm still boycotting them; it's 'use tomb' - & lately, Davis rebels claiming they are doing their part if they hire me - as though crime isn't illegal & immoral as long as you're an employer - then you have license to commit crimes & to kill! & their rebellious acts of slavery - committed by No. Ca. & nationally by warlocks - are corrupting the gospel mssg. - & it amounts to Jesus' resurrection negated - like "Jesus Christ Superstar" movie - he is crucified & doesn't rise from the dead!
9/27, Gunther's on 10th St., lg. rainwater storage tank size of 3 lg. wtr heaters attached in succession, positioned @ one end of back patio standing up against wall of res.; we pushed & shoved & got one corner of it 5 ft. from the wall - moving it over toward fence; I suggested we get a 4 wh dolly & Gunther sent his wife to his bro.'s to get one; meanwhile, it was balanced precariously, & on my own initiative I placed a fence picket to secure it - Gunther didn't seemed concerned about it falling over. Under the tank was a section of the patio that was sunken, w/cement curb around it - & filled w/gravel approx. 1/2' to 1' deep. When the dolly arrived, I removed the fence picket, & suddenly a loud boom! - the tank had fallen over. If it fell on someone, it could seriously injure them; i.e., 'gun' may be 'their's,' but. there are other ways of ending someone's life; seemed to be a mssg. to someone to grovel.
2020, old dorms & apts. torn down, & new dorm bldg. built - w/logo on front (lg. sign); "IDENTITY;" but the 'Identity' sign utilizes letters from 4 parallel lines as opposed to 2 - from Brian Toone/UCC codes; this dorm is located on Russell Blvd.; approx. half mi. W., Lutheran Church of Incarnation, & cross logo consisting of 3 parallel lines; in other words, ALL DAVIS NEEDED WAS AN ADVOCATE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF NATION, & THEIR DEATH ROW CONSPIRACIES ARE NOT ONLY ALL SYSTEMS GO - WILD HORSES COULDN'T DRAG THEM FROM BRINGING THEM TO FRUITION ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! THEY'VE GOT AN ENDORSEMENT FROM SOMEONE FROM SOUTH!!!! They rob my identity, they falsely accuse me, & I'm dead one way or another!!!!
Their m.o. is - 'worthy opponent must still be destroyed.' The Lutheran church of Incarnation's logo is a cross that is conspiratorially embellished to the max: The cross is the double underline Brian Toone electric chair consp. - only it's triple parallel lines - turning it up. Moreover, the overall big pic. is a face - 2 beedy eyes, a nose, & an upside down arch that creates the smile @ bottom; but a close look @ the nose, & there's the weave/cross hatch design of the Bank of America logo that I had the vision about approx. 2010. I.e., trash any notion of an attempt @ an alm - typical m.o. of Davis rebels - openly acknowledge a victory or gain of their "opponent" & then proceed to use talents & corruption & numbers to defeat it. For ex., res. across the street from UCC members Wardrips' res. on J St. (including Noah who was in Edge youth group) remodeled front w/Edge bldg. style windows, & giant arch over the top of the windows (approx. 2002) - indicating I was prevailing against the corrupt UCC church. UCC & UCD then proceeded to acknowledge that arch, making it more & more shallow, until it became a trail of a ball thrown into the air; i.e., they claim the victim is thrown from the church nevertheless. I was warning on TV (city council meetings) of Noah's Ark judgment against Davis; i.e., huge flood taking away everyone; they responded w/ARC (Activities & Rec. Center) for students (2004), w/arch themes, acknowledging there had been some wrongdoing, but proceeding then to consume it w/projects ("busy-ness"), athletics, achievements, & deceptions. This display of Lutheran church of Incarnation acknowledges my feat of B of A flag & as I reported, my gold weave tie from when I was a grocery store dept. mgr. - hard working, talented; i.e., I'd held my post as American & entitled to justice rather than conspiracy turning flag on end & covering up the oppression. They even dare to acknowledge I've held onto my 'no' (logo's subliminal illustration nose matching the B of A flag as far as weave illustration) - but this is par for the course - they claim if they are confident, sly, recruit lg. numbers in their scandals, & irk people, they can get away w/crimes. They acknowledge my 'no' then proceed to create a construct to defeat it - THEY REC'D AN ONGOING ENDORSEMENT FOR DEATH ROW FROM A MEMBER OF CHURCH OF SOUTH (ALABAMA) (TOONE HASN'T RETRACTED IT NOR DENOUNCED IT); as reported, they then take this a run w/it - death row is not only on the table, it's evidently heartily affirmed by the South!!!! Davis is saved!!! It isn't some local anomally - they have Southerners who like to kill innocent people as well!! Oh, happy day! &, it isn't just Southerners, it's Southerners who claim to be Christians! So now the local churches they've relied on while strategizing me are evidently affirmed! & so, the construct - the stronghold arguing my defeat spiritually - is displayed (the smile is an arch turned upside down) the goals of the "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders - displayed w/the St. Louis Arch - one nation prevails; according to logo, this is not only divided (Davis double arch on G St., approx. 1916), it's flipped over - upside down (the smile) but the logo big picture, in addition to a face - an anchor; & Heb. 6:19 - Jesus is "the anchor beyond the veil;" suddenly w/smoke & mirrors, they've created a construct - a prospective stronghold - that Jesus defeated the Missouri Arch, & Jack Teacher's 'NO' is defeated as well; 3 lines cross; & UCC seconds them w/4 line "IDENTITY" dorms; where does "Identity" come in? As stated, Davis has "won" the South & Southern churches as their advocate - & what is the revealed identity? ...Davis - Jefferson Davis - president of the confederacy! & I'm currently relegated to a motel in W. Sac. one half blk from Jefferson Blvd. THEY HAVE THEIR MILITARY - THE CONFEDERATES! Moreover, the 4 lines theme consists of a word - made up of letters - 'let [is] hers;' combined w/Confederates, they are claiming reinstatement of a Southern form of Ellie - oppression against me under guise of watchdogs - covering their bases of minimizing any actual military uprising (because they are illequipped), while fully operational as rebellion w/conspiracy to send me to death row.
10/1, "phone's gonna light - you didn't stick 'em - w/, a round;" code cell phone cos. involved in another attempt to kidnap me. I purchased an Iris phone for Consumer Cellular service, & got all the transfer info from Tracfone to transfer my new ph # - Tracfone advertises "Unlimited Talk, Unlimited Text" but when I used up the 10GB data, there's no underlying 256KB stream so that you can still send & rec. text mssgs. @ min. - it's FALSE ADVERTISING - or, the monsters are sabotaging my text; but it is Tracfone, because I called & spoke to several cust. service agents, & they said once 10GB gone, no more texting; there isn't any 256KB provision, nor any mention of it on their website; but the "Unlimited Text" means they've been providing it to custs., or they'd have been sued long time ago - & it's being denied to me because the cell phone cos. are rebelling - conspiring against me to prop up Davis, under guise of 'butting' - but, vision approx. 9/28, "Butt dies." 'IMPOVERISHED/STRUGGLES = KILL YOURSELF' BRAINWASH #1: When I'd spoken to Consumer Cellular last wk, one of their 3 or 4 conspired roadblocks had to do w/ a notification that my bank card info had a billing addr. that was different from the 1600 W. Cap. Ave. street addr. I'd provided them, & that was supposedly a red flag preventing the transaction. When emply brought it up, I provided the ATM card billing addr.; but really, it wasn't any of their business. Under premise of distrust of customer, they claim they have to insist on a specific billing addr.; strangely, though, from my end of it, as reported, I was w/almost a dozen phone cos. over a period of 10 years, from 2004-2014, & I made all my payments - the switch to another co. was always due to codes & stalkings by their emplys - refusing to heed my warnings to reject the codes. It was same as applying for jobs - for years, whether it was teacher job or retail, dishwasher, etc., if there were any codes while I was filling out job app, I'd leave, telling them codes are bound - conventional wisdom - you don't work for an employer who's committing crimes against you before you even start the job! I.e, years of offering employers, etc. a higher seat; as of approx. 2013 or so, no one repenting, God led me drop that criteria & be willing to work for them despite they'd already conspired against me before I was even hired - & that included teacher jobs. When emply then attempted to enter the billing addr., [NAME]/GENERAL DELIVERY/DAVIS CA. 95616, according to him (Carlos), the computer wouldn't accept that addr.; but General Delivery is not only a legal address, it's the format before P.O. boxes - in the Old West, for ex. - you enter the post office, give them your name, & they check the mail that's sorted in alphabetical order. Moreover, I was w/Consumer Cellular in approx. 2013 - I'd had service w/them using that addr. - & w/out an additional residential addr. @ all. Carlos, "Did you live anywhere before W.S.?" continuing the unknown guise. & moreover, Golden 1 bank has been sending my bank statements to General Del., but they've been sending notices, etc., to my motel addr., despite I told them not to; i.e., the bank uses both of my addresses, but Consumer Cellular asserts they can't use either of them! THEY ARE KILLERS! In 2016 my Uncle Dick passed away, & surprisingly, I was in his will (everybody was) & it was $7k! Aunt Bev contacted me about signing the papers, & so I was calling her about invasion; but she was claiming I needed to get a PO box, despite my elaborate explanations that the post office was committing felony crimes & wasn't delivering my mail to me & I rarely used it anyway. But she was actually claiming I was going to be settling & letting everyone go- I assumed she was pulling my leg- BUT THAT WAS 2016, & 8 YEARS LATER I CAN'T GET PHONE SERVICE @ A RESIDENTIAL LOCATION W/ST. # 1600 BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A P.O. BOX. THEY ARE THE REBELLION!!!!!! MOREOVER, THE SUPPOSED "BONE TO PICK" OF CONSUMER CELLULAR - THE "BUTT" THAT GOD SAYS DIES - FACADE OF UNUSUAL ADDR. BEING A STIGMA THAT I'M LOW INCOME, & STRUGGLING, & THEREFORE PHONE COS. - & DAVIS REBELS OF THE PAST - CAN BE LEARY - LEARY THAT I'M A SHADY CHARACTER THAT MIGHT NOT PAY MY BILLS, ETC.; UNFORTUNATELY FOR THEM, (1)UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS THAT DON'T VIOLATE THE LAW ARE THE AMERICAN WAY - INNOVATION IS WHAT ENTREPRENEURIALISM IS BUILT ON; (2)ORDINARILY, NO ONE'S GOING TO BE LEARY BECAUSE OF AN UNUSUAL MAILING ADDR., & FEW PEOPLE ORDINARILY WOULD RESORT TO CRIMES & OPPRESSION OVER SOMEONE STRUGGLING OR HAVING A ROUGH TIME PAYING BILLS - THESE MONSTERS ARE FAR BEYOND CYNNICAL, THEY ARE SO DOWNCAST & EVIL THEY ARE DRAGGING THEIR OWN FACES ACROSS THE PAVEMENT; THEY GIVE THEMSELVES AWAY THAT THEY ARE SOME OF THE VERY ARCHITECTS OF THE NO. CA. SLAVERY CONSP.; (3)THEY ARE ATTEMPTING MURDER - THERE NEVER WAS ANY MOTIVES OF LEARINESS ABOUT ME BEING A BAD CHARACTER WHO MIGHT NOT PAY HIS BILLS - I CONSISTENTLY PAID MY BILLS; EVERYONE WAS AWARE AS OF 1999 THAT I WAS VICTIM OF POLICE OPPRESSION & CHURCH OPPRESSION - A GOOD CHARACTER WHO WAS STRUGGLING W/INJUSTICE, BUT HARD WORKER - YOU WON'T FIND ANY DECENT CITZENS WHO WOULD GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO DISTRUST OR BE LEARY OF SUCH A MAN; THEY WERE CONSPIRING AS OF 1999 & BEFORE TO FINISH ME OFF - & THAT MAKES THE PHONE TERRORISTS COHORTS IN ATTEMPTED MURDER!
This is a city that had committed so many crimes against me that God spoke to me in a vision in 2015 that there wasn't anyone in town who had a soul other than me. In 2004, my Mom sent me an article from newspaper about Davis, while I was hostage in jail 2 1/2 years - after clearing my name of more than 50 false arrests (kidnappings) & false charges; the article said, "This city of 60,000 souls..." implying oppressing me w/long range hostage captivity meant they had souls - but as of 2015, God had taken any such notion from them. This was one of the facades I dealt w/last week, but because I'd been w/CC in past, it seemed to me it could be resolved - so as of 9/30, I'd purchased the Iris phone. 'IMPOVERISHED/STRUGGLES = KILL YOURSELF' BRAINWASH #2: Meanwhile, 10/1, I plugged the Iris phone in so that it'd be ready by that afternoon after I'd made a deposit, etc.; this was while I was juggling from 3:20 to 5:20 AM (I also studied for almost an hour); after 20 min., I noticed it hadn't charged very much; it occurred to me to try the new cord (I was using my old cord & jack - same jack type) & thought, "you should be able to use them interchangeable" w/Holy Spirit getting my attention - 'interchangeable' instead of 'interchangeably;' i.e., it was a lot slower than the Blu smartphone - 'would the victim submit to the cell phone cord punishments & be overly concerned about which cord he's using?' 'in tour, change a bull' - they're touring changing a bull - but it involves bad grammar - 'use them interchangeably' is correct grammar - they are compromising Education Nation goals & claiming it's to test me. "You should've had your 'no told'" or '...should've had your 'no,' tolled,' 8:10 PM approx. 10/2, vision. I.e., it's far too late for rebels claiming they can "butt" period - much less rebel & call it butting - in order to test me. & CC & Iris involved w/phone sabotages from T-Mobile, W. Sac., Samsung, Mexs. in Davis & W. Sac., Wilsons on Del Oro, etc. - 4 $200+ phones in 5 mos. @ any rate, because I'd had service w/them before, I proceeded, thinking the ATM addr. anomaly could be solved. 'IMPOVERISHED/STRUGGLES = KILL YOURSELF' BRAINWASH #3: Nevertheless, I pressed "2" to sign up in Spanish, & Mex. male answered, & slipped a "no" in there but acted like didn't want to interrupt, & then, "No hay problema..." ('no problem') - but the "no!" was a code, & it did occur. He then determined I was in wrong dept. & transferred me to new cust. dept. presumably, but it was male English speaker. I.e., in response to me speaking Spanish - teacher goals - what they accomplished was Spanish speaker saying 'no' to me & whether I liked it or not, tranferring me to Engl. speaker. But late eve. of 10/1, vision indicating Latino Americans, most likely Ca. & Or., & possibly beyond, are weeds - they all fail to be Christians, irregardless of if they attend church. The 'butt dial' ad (T-Mobile or possibly Verizon), code, 'butt [that claim of] 'die, all!'' & that's what the phone cos. are now attempting to do - oppressing me & claiming it's butting on behalf of Davis & No. Ca., but as reported, vision from God approx. 5 days ago, "Butt dies" - they don't have the luxury of oppressing me & claim it's butting, for any reason, much less to prop up rebels - ACCORDING TO GOD, THEY ARE GOING TO DIE FOR IT - & IF GRANATOS ARE INVOLVED IN THIS, WHICH MOST LIKELY THEY ARE, THAT INCLUDES THEM. 10/1, Carlos, CC emply, desperately overly acting bored w/hint of cynicism; i.e, overdoing that I'm just another customer that he'd swear no one's heard of, & they're going to prove it. "We have a Joseph Sherman,..." as though Joseph couldn't be proper name of Joe - unless I explain it to him; i.e., THEY GIVE THEMSELVES AWAY - I'VE NEVER MET THIS INDIVIDUAL - HE'S NEVER MET ME - YET HE'S READILY PARTICIPATING IN CONSPIRACY TO RUIN ME; YOU'D HAVE TO BUY THAT SOMEONE DOESN'T KNOW THAT TOM IS SHORT FOR THOMAS, ETC. 'IMPOVERISHED/STRUGGLES= KILL YOURSELF' BRAINWASH #4: He was then claiming same thing they said last wk. - a credit card w/General Delivery addr. - they can't work w/that; I then said I wanted to speak to a supervisor, & he said he would get someone, then then blurted out, "What kind of phone?" I.e., Iris phone is a smart phone - cell phone monsters desperately i.d.-ing me that I can't have a smart phone - must be a flip phone - & UNTIL I COMPLY, THEY ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO DESTROY MY POSSESSIONS & DENY ME SERVICE. & ALONG W/MY AUNT, IT'S ALSO I HAVE TO GET A P.O. BOX, BECAUSE I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO "ADJUST" LET REBELS GO FREE. THIS IS WHERE MY RELATIVES (GRANATOS, AMONG OTHERS) BECAME REBELS OF U.S.A. I then spoke to Krista, supervisor, who insisted "even so, it's impossible to override the system so that you can have phone service;" so I told her, "Even so,Consumer Cellular is now the kingpins of the cell phone conspiracy; you are rebels & you are going to be hung by the neck until dead - by operation of the law - the government is going to invade & you don't have a future in this country!"
'IMPOVERISHED/STRUGGLES = KILL YOURSELF' BRAINWASH #5: 10/3, 9:11 AM, speaking w/Christi, Tracfone emply, about text shut down; i.e., emplys claimed no more text, but I called to talk to supervisor - due to "unlimited text" promos; Christi saying she might be able to resolve it (didn't disagree w/me); but then asking for another ph # in case we get disconnected - but that is an assertion that they don't trust their phone service - because I wasn't calling about anything wrong w/phoning of voice protocol, rather text. Moreover, it was subtle set-up to produce the phrase 'I don't have' - as in another phone; i.e., m.o. claiming you're needy. I didn't respond to it other than it wasn't necessary. "...discrepancies affecting liz ed." Approx. 9:15, "...updated your phone..." technical lingo that she restored my text after they sabotaged it to see what I'd do if text was disabled after 10 GB data used up despite "unlimited" aspect of plan. 8:16, "Since you don't have another phone line..." I interrupted saying I never said that, & it was a moot point as far as the problem of texting, & - this is one of the tactics of the phone rebels from the beginning - it was the m.o. of Verizon - a vm system w/fem. sounding more than stern, more like cynnical & distrusting, saying "you can also call us back on a landline," (& tone suddenly changes to friendly & open & light-hearted) "..we can start right where we left off!" I.e., subtle attempt to cover for Davis rebels - they have the right to be cynnical & rebellious, because I was low income - according to phone cos., people have a right to go for the throat & try to finish you off, if they suspect you're low income - labelling you as "needy." Tracfone actually still trying to slip in a dig that in the past - & THIS 'DIG' IS THE M.O. OF THEIR CONSPIRACY - claiming I sometimes signed up for a cell phone service w/out using a landline, meaning I probably didn't have a landline, & therefore that made me "needy" & they & Davis rebels had a right to try to kill me. They come up empty-handed, though - probably 50% or more of population stopped using landlines once cell phones came out - they became antiquated - &, if they want to say poverty is a crime, it isn't a crime worthy of death penalty.
Approx. 3 wks before Carl's Jr. N.D. closed, I bought fountain soda, unlimited refills, & was drinking it @ table on Carl's patio; Mex. fem, blnd/gray hair, emply there for possibly 30 years, when I came in for refill, "You have to buy that!" & Despite I showed her rec't., she was claiming I had gone outside w/it, so I had to buy another one! I rebuked her & ignored her. This is the same emply who objected when I plugged my laptop into an outlet in customer area, & then outlets were capped off. Mexs. negating freedom, Carl's shuts down their jobs! Approx. 8 years ago, USDOJ, 202-514-3204, changed vm. message from indignant sounding fem. to timid sounding Mex. male; 3 mos. ago, Jessica, College Pk Ave. said her contractor Edwin from Chico, had lost his emplys due to excessive heat. She gave me his # to call him; he then said there were delays due to another contractor's project; I called & left mssgs. & recently he was back & work & I wasn't hired. Moreover, I noticed his ph. #, same 3 dig. prefix as USDOJ - 514; & according to his vm. his co. is "Three In One" & in the mssg., he hesitates after saying it - implying it's a code - indicating turning up the heat & gang raping Jack Teacher. French news story confirms it - you can't say regional Mexs. are my friends - typical foreign languages in secondary schools in USA are Spanish & French - was I ever hired as Spanish Teacher? & as far as their "tactics," it involved attempts on my life in addition to "cheating" me out of my profession - it could be I'm jumped by a lot more than 3. 9/18, vision, approx. 5:16 AM, "You'll slide - [Cap] Hill's off;" THIS IS A VISION FROM GOD CONSTRUCTIVELY ARRESTING CAP. HILL & WHITE HOUSE!
9/15, "You have a bad battery hide you" 2:21 bug code; i.e., defeated the battery charge conspiracies of No. Ca., phone cos., etc. Wegovy "some lost over 46..." blk male, 4:52 PM ch 24; 'some [sex]' code - claiming hypoth. wife is over 46 - stall conspiracies. 5:42 PM, "Snapped" "We need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt..." sheriff deputy, - but that isn't the legal req. - beyond a reasonable doubt; "..countermand" - used when word was contravened or contradicted; 'countermand' means change or reverse an order; code claiming rock, Swift, etc., "manned" the rumors - 'count her 'manned' - possibly w/McVay movie code (conjecture - it's possible the communication is I manned her delays). Additionally, code claiming rock's assertion of me as 'shadow' - 'taller than our soul' has been negated - 'yawned, a shadow.' In other words, conspiracy w/in law enforcement to prop up the 'we'd better be damned sure' code of Bush admin. Chertoff. Alternately, claim that rock failed to live up to use of shadow that "Stairway To Heaven" claimed. While I've reported their shortcomings, everyone else has failed far worse. Once again, argument that they failed to follow through - failed to keep their end of implicit 'witness' agreement, & thus left others, such as church leaders, political leaders, etc. in the lurch, is significantly negated by their Comet China watch - &, & their claims about Slavs aren't w/out merit; Mary has made efforts to remedy, but a lot of church & political leaders in Slavic nations have failed to intervene for me, indicating possibly adverse conditions if I were to visit Russia, etc. Real Ca. driver's lic report, ch 40, 6:25 PM 9/17, & images of 2 driver's licenses - one of Mex. fem, name "CARDHOLDER" & the other one, Asian male, "ALEXANDER JOSEPH;" & currently they are desperately claiming I've fallen short by continuing to promote Asians despite they have refused to respond - but that isn't the case - I removed the Highway in Sky rport last wk. The code is 'hold Latinos' "cold[ness],"' because I'm going too far out on limb, identifying w/Asians & Slavs. 9/17, working for Tom (Asian male landlord), "We're the hoe-ver" Tom, 12 PM aprx. "This is she doesn't like;" 'hover' code - claiming I'm hovering around prospective wife, & therefore ]Asians must use codes - 'h[e -] 'over['s it],''' Renoir property. "We have the play" Tom, 12:45PM; i.e., (1)Asians refuse to repond to the Heavenly feats; then, (2)I go out on limb again, or further out on a limb; (3)they then claim I'm a bad example because I'm falling short of teacher standards; (4)my attempts to continue to reach out to them is also indication of guilt of Western church, & so (5)they can use codes & conspired against us. But I've consistently repented, & any & all of these contingencies are based on #1 - them first turning a cold shoulder to God & admitting that's what they're doing. We then went to Alvarado/Espana property, & 2 tenants - both fem students. Had to remove shoes; working on loose outlets in back room; last time we were there, 31 Aug., students moving out, fem. sitting on floor in back room (connected to a bedroom by sliding door) slid across the floor onto the threshhold & was sitting on threshhold while I did paint touch-ups in hall. Context, that morning I'd placed Capernick/NFL 'triple' report on internet. As I entered the room, I stubbed my toe on 3 in. step that wasn't really noticeable (a little painful) - but Tom & Katy (one of tenants) both instantly said, "Did you trip?" i.e., eager to identify w/Capernick codes. Then starting on outlets, 2:45 PM, removing covers to tighten the outlet fixtures themselves, but Tom hadn't shut off power @ fusebox, & said probably wasn't necessary - but we were working w/screwdrivers w/in millimeters of live electric lines, @ my urging he then said he'd shut off the circuit - but plugging in fan, it still had power - attempting to set up electrocution. "He gave in to me" fem tenant. "You won't look down" Tom, 2 PM approx.
Also, Katy looked a lot like Christina Rowenstad, UCC member in my Encounters Sunday School class (1995) - Norwegian or German name, but very similar to Ronstadt (Linda)(German); i.e, '[death] row - in[n, home]stead;' & electric codes are equivalent of death row codes. As reported, some of the students & others of UCC were plants from Lodi or @ their bidding - but Vacaville & other locations already conspiring w/Lodi & Davis long before 1995. Indications are the Capernick trip code (entrance to bedroom) was being negated.
Encounters was adult Sunday School class, so Rowenstad was either graduated or a grad student; but I'd attended UCD as of 1988, which would be approx. when she started there as well - I was getting my Teacher Cred. which is grad coursework. 1993, "Walkin' In Memphis" song, Marc Cohn, lyrics, "...followed him UP/To the gates of Graceland..." & Kathy Watt, from the church I'd attended in Lodi, First United Methodist, started attending UCD approx. 1994. I originally met Kathy on week long youth group backpack trip (FUMC); Dave Moehring, former assoc. pastor, & I led the group; she was jr. h'er @ the time, & her sister, also on the trip, was in HS - trail near Strawberry, Ca., N. of Yosemite. As reported, 'electric' phrases - rebel code for death row/electric chair. Anna Brockmeyer, daughter of Myron (Richmaid boss) also started attending UCD in 1991 or so - I bumped into her on campus @ end of my senior year. While attending UCD, I originally attended First So. Baptist church (Now Pole Line Rd. Baptist), where Linda Van Slyke was attending. Due to some ongoing bickering between the pastor & some members of congregation, I started attending UCC my senior year. As of 1993, Linda was then attending UCC also, & as reported, married Paul Schroeder - 'shhh! [death] row, der!' - alternately, 'Sher[man] rode her,' but that wasn't the intonation. "Last Man Standing," Allen's character, reflection in microwave despite he'd walked to one side of Microwave, 9/17; i.e., it looks like it's possibly no longer death row consps., it's still in full swing. "Underwriter's Laboratory is mainly known for it's testing of electrical & electronics products," UL website; I reported the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. - Metro Goldwyn Meyer Hollywood movie producers - 'me[death] row;' Lodi was lured by their own jealousies - I was inadvertently hired by Richmaid, & they were aware that it was most likely me that rock musicians were contemplating as their witness - in addition to church members having vague sense of Jack Teacher plan culminating. The two roars of lion trademark of MGM - corresponding to Davis double arch on G St. as of 1916 - ''T'-ooo' - DIVISION consp. - divide the nation w/scandal & rebellion. I was also hanging out w/Eric Ulrich - Eric UL[Laboratories - electrical]rich;' & that seemed to clinch the association of riches = death row; enter Rich Mahoney - 'rich['s] money;' 'rich, my honey!' So electric chair conspiracies were already "underwritten" before the oppression in occurred on Davis St. in Vacaville in 1996, & Davis in 1997. & as of Rowenstad, preliminary signs of a calculated conspiracy pinpointing 'rich' as pertaining to rock music (Ronstadt).
9/23, French President Macron referring to big countries in Europe - cut them some slack? Slavs refusing to recognize me or demand justice for me so that I can have my 'T' as far as sales stigmas & furthermore, slavery - what goes around comes around - Ukraine resisting submission to Russia, & ceding under cover of previous Soviet takeover - Russia doesn't have their 'T' as far as prevailing against Jewish-controlled communism, because in all the confusion, they are minus the Ukraine territory, which is currently led by a Jewish Ukrainian. No one denies that shouldn't be the case - their trick attempts to rob Russia & Christians in Russia of their victory over communist oppressors. But now Slavs, by refusing to respond to Jack Teacher's heroic acts - actually duty - of exposing the cover-up of their feats of enduring sufferings & mass murders in Siberia, are, once again, robbing Jack Teacher of his 'T' - literally his 'T' as in 'Teacher. But while the 'T' robbery oppression of Ukraine occurred first, that's no excuse for them to do it to someone else. Moreover, their 'T' oppression was tracked - & like Ukraine v. Russia, it's another small country oppressing big country scenario - England, & Tea Wars w/China - eventually England actually infiltrated China, Scottish botanist Robert Fortune disguised as Chinese man, acquired the recipes & techniques, & smuggled them out of the country...oop! there's those kilts! Do the Slavs want to forfeit their legacy - men donning skirts & showing off their legs? Better get your bearings straight! & so the English-founded East India Tea Corp. was established - little guy picking on big guy. Except - we now know the English did so only to give it back w/tributes to greater feats of Asians - Land of Free Home of Brave Education nation founded largely by English & Scandinavians, w/assistance of Catholics from Europe, & U.S.A. founded to honor Asia for a lot more than concocting a creative beverage - rocket science, education leadership, etc. So English supposedly robbing China of their 'T' - 'Tea' in actuality, was a front behind 'Teacher' accolades. Meanwhile, Slavs are denying me (robbing me of) my 'T' - 'Teacher' - goals, & considering I'm Jack Teacher, the culmination of the feats of honor for Asians, they're robbing Asians of their 'Teacher' feats in so doing. Moreover, the others were small countries picking on big countries - this is a big country picking on a teacher! Holy mackrel! Jack Teacher doesn't even compare to a micronation in size, although some Micronesians might say I'm standing tall! "Be excellent @ what is good, be innocent of evil, & the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet," Rom. 16:19,20. "Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but give a blessing instead," Rom. 12:17. If Slavs had piped up for me, they would've had full support of everyone in regaining the lost territory of Ukraine; instead it's been thorns on all sides. Moreover - I've reported the longstanding signs affirming the Slavs sufferings historically as being w/purpose of shining the light for Asia; but present-day Slavs are tinging the legacy of Eastern church by attempting to ruin the Jack Teacher plan by crippling Jack Teacher's ability to teach - it amounts to strife & conspiracy! It is a fact that Mary has made some gestures - visions, I'm a hero - she doesn't care what Moscow says about me (the leaders there), but her theme seems to be she's letting me know she's "out there" - in the blue yonder, thinking such lofty titles & duties are beyond her. As far as Mary's sluggishness in demanding justice (i e., mention my name in public or on soc. media site, for starters) we must consider how Americans hate it when foreigners & minorities exercise free speech! Just look @ all the flack Caesar Chavez got for his march for farm workers' rights in 1960's! Okay, so he got what he was clamoring for, but if you looked close enough, you could just see those sneers on faces of media reporting it - probably tramatized him watching the footage @ home afterward! But this brings up an interesting point - do the Slavs still want to own that C[ae]zar (Czar) title, or was it a bluff? Latinos have drawn the line as far as requisites, & word has it Mary is the chosen face (that's Aztec for 'you the woman!' - positively).
Freedom expertice & Caesar/Roman heritage of Constantine:
You don't have to make a trek to S. Pole in nothing but your skivvies; you don't have to climb Mt. Everest blindfolded in record time; or anything else unappetizing; but, as far as meriting free speech-worthy cause: earth-shattering feats in Siberia & Jack Teacher w/phenomenal revelations -compared to farm workers rights - hello? So, Mary, MAKE SOME NOISE! Counter those cold Slavic Christmas intimations of Hollywood w/cheerful Soda Carolling!
6/6, TCT, "Your power & will decided SHOULD happen" fem, movie re-enacting Acts ch 4, but she was talking about crucifixion - 'your...will decided SHOULD happen...' i.e., emphasis on 'should' is assertion Jesus SHOULD have been killed - i.e., 'do the same to Jack Teacher!' consp. code. 6/9, Apprx. 10:45 AM, vision, "You have Cain, Utt," vision - I'm Utt, so there's no mistaking I've held my post. alternately, '...k[ey] 'A nut;'' - indicating someone bringing me or nation the offering of Cain; this was immed. after Billy Eilish story on break; '...I leash [you]...' Recent vision, Hollywood pressuring me to get out - possibly role play; & constant nationwide conspiracies propping up rebels w/motives of allowing them to get away w/attempts on my life, & force me to get out - OFFERING OF CAIN TO THE NTH DEGREE - THEIR SINS & CORRUPTION JUDGED BY GOD W/CITIES BURNED TO THE GROUND, DISEASES, FLOODS, SHOOTING SPREES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF OR IMAGINED - & THEY WANT TO CAP IT OFF W/THE SIN OF ALL SINS - THE VICTIM MUST CAVE IN, RATHER THAN INVASION & PURGING THE EVIL FROM AMONG US!!!!! Billy Eilish - role play - I'm kept on a leash & ghosted (isolated, denied my rights & denied relationships - making you jumpy & high-strung @ minimum). This is a scenario where we've got it all in the palm of our hands, & instead of claiming victory, capitulating to jealous warlocks & political leaders demanding we have to LITERALLY DESTROY OURSELVES! Styx "Angry Young Man," White hot rod in your hands - but if you don't use it, you're killing yourselves! My Dad may have dropped an actual white hot rod when welding, but he recognized the symbolism & held on to the white hot iron rod of justice, providing a model - Ps. 2:9, rule w/iron rod. But instantly, the warlocks are right there, w/the 'life coach' consps. & America Online $6M figure running in fast motion - because "Angry Young Man" starts w/softly spoken, "Nice & easy..." i.e., signalling someone isn't working hard enough & exercising rigoously enough - & warlocks take it from there. But first of all, extricate yourselves from their grip - don't ever make justice contingent on great feats or talents of any kind - it's un-American to the hilt. Second, the song is sending the message to wake up - Heb. 4 talks about entering into God's rest, & entering the Promise Land is associated w/entering into God's rest in the Bible. U.S.A. accomplished unparalleled feats on behalf of almost everyone globally God isn't a slave-driving tyrant who is means to those who accomplishe great things for him; " yoke is easy & my burden is light" Jesus said; it's warlocke brainwashing everyone we've been bad & must eat manna & endure hardships, when God is ready & waiting to bless us w/huge blessings for everything we've accomplished! "Blessed when you enter your home, blessed when you leave your home, blessed in the city, blessed in the country, children blessed,..." etc. Where's the forced dragging of pallets piled high w/debri to show how sorry we are? Where's the slavery & meals limited to manna? Where's the biblical style punishments? But some of these are occurring, because we are refusing to wipe out the warlocks & claim God's love for us!!!! God is a good God, & We are entitled to rewards, accolades, & blessings beyond imagination for decades to come - but warlocks duping us that we deserve to be ruined!!!! For U.S., the Promise Land is simply holding our post - which, due to warlocks, translates to a lot of rebels being dealt w/, but other than that, it's simply manning the high standards as usual, & reinforcing it, such as curtailing the spread of porn. 6/12, Joan's on Auburn, I was listening to UFO "Strangers in the Night" "Mother Mary" song, "...teenage legend..." & instantly wh male painter (I was removing ivy), "That was our knock," i.e., if I'm listening trock songs implying someone might be a star, then I've forfeited teacher goals & landscaper goals as well - according to the monsters - but, the teenage legend is enunciated in the song -
"Mother Mary, would you ever really feel the same?/Could you try to understand a wild colonial boy?" - it's referring to Israel Boone, (Daniel's son) & most likely Darby Hinton, actor who played him. & w/the Barbie Benton similarity - it's long range high moral standard plumb line of U.S.A. founding fathers; Mother Mary - whether Darby's a film hog or not, it is a demonstration of crucifying the flesh as a good deed for others - "See that woman w/her clothes on!" IsRAEl Boone - Rae Me's. I've given you Hinton' vision approx. 3 yrs. ago - "Poetic License 'Essay'" Hinton, or Colonial "Rae Me Iron Rod" Hinton? By default, it must be both.
This demonstrates it's warlocks controlling Eastern church as well - that's why I was attempting to wake up Mary & younger generations through her. The TCT Christian station w/the book of Acts movie; 6/6, "It was you didn't take 'em," vision or bug code; i.e., U.S.A. @ national level, a lot of churches have capitulated to the warlocks; TCT isn't Hollywood - it's a supposed Christian channel w/supposed Christian TV & movie producers independent of Hollywood & the Guilded Show 'Em Crusaders. I haven't been led to categorize all those who claim to be Christians as automatically corrupt, conspiring my demise, but it evidently is prevalent - I reported "2010: The Year We Make Contact" "Something wonderful" display - w/baby Jesus in womb @ Jupiter - demonstrating Hollywood leaders were informed about the Jupiter Jesus display - Jupiter in womb of Virgo constellation for 9 mos. & exiting through the legs on 17 Sept. 2017 - occurring every 400 years - story of the Virgin Birth - but in this case, 2017, occurring simultaneous to fruition of Jack Teacher testifying about Asians & rocket science; very, very few American pastors had knowledge of this - The Guilded Show 'Ems were on top of the church's feats, & complimenting them w/feats of their own. @ any rate, I reported that, after making public the fact that the baby in the movie is Jesus, w/David Bowman back from the dead; suddenly, the Lord's name 'Wonderful' suddenly missing from latest versions of Bible - Gen. 32:29,30 - Jacob wrestling an angel (who is actually the Lord) - despite it's corroborated in Judges 13:18, & Is. 9:6. That's what we're up against - a prevalent conspiracy internationally w/in Eastern & Western branches of the church w/facade that if they aren't taken (defeated), then they get to kill me - it "SHOULD" happen - & THEY EXPOSE THEMSELVES, W/THEIR FOOLISH COMPARISON - IMPLYING SATAN SHOULD HAVE MURDERED JESUS - IN ORDER TO PROPOGATE FACADE THAT THEY SHOULD CONSPIRE A SIMILAR DEMISE FOR ME - THE SCRIPTURES HAVE THESE DECEIVERS PEGGED: HEB. 6:6, "TO THEIR LOSS THEY ARE CRUCIFYING THE SON OF GOD ALL OVER AGAIN..." & HEB. 10:26, "IF WE DELIBERATELY KEEP ON SINNING AFTER WE HAVE REC'D THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, NO SACRIFICE FOR SINS IS LEFT," & V.29, THEY HAVE "TRAMPLED THE SON OF MAN UNDERFOOT." They've systematically refused to welcome rock musicians & publicly denounce the church oppression against them, & because they refuse to walk like Jesus walked, it becomes an adversarial relationship between them & me & them & Guilded Show 'Em Crusaders - & evidently they are actually getting sucked into the Davis vortex of evil! Supposed Christian group on TV w/ads readily emulating the Aggies - "Jesus gets us - all of us," but that's a code of UCD students, "He gets me" - i.e., I supposedly "get," or understand, what they are saying - the DIVISION rebels are in control, & I'm the casualty - students have no choice but to kiss rebel professors' butts so that their grades don't suffer - & as far as those claiming to be Christians @ UCD, they have the "right" to trample the Son of Man underfoot & still claim they are Christians, get it? The staircase Mary is seated on - model Shantal Monique in media video is seated on wooden staircase, toward the bottom - possibly the secret - Slavs implying I'm downcast - bottom of stairs - as opposed to "staring up," & they are asserting 'wood' code (illustration from Shantal) indicating someone "would" - ie., 'would [commit a lewd act]' - or else, why am I downcast? But it isn't downcast; it's high standards of teacher & SEVEN YEARS OF PIPING UP FOR SLAVS W/NO INTERVENTION FROM THEM IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, & INSTEAD, IT'S SUBTLE SIGNALS THAT AMOUNT TO MOCKING, & WHEN I OBJECT, IT BECOMES MORE FOCUSSED SPECIFICALLY ON THE RUMORS!
"Sharon Rense Mochel, 1960-2001" on plaque next to elm tree next to Hickey Gym, UCD, possibly since 2001. 'share' became expression for evangelizing, & originally I was showering almost daily in Hickey gym showers - gym open to public, & so showers were too; but as oppression against me increased, the pressure was on gym staff that public enemy #1 simply wasn't entitled to access to showers; before they actually closed the showers to public, there were instances of oppression to discourage me from use, 2004, Yolo court's unconstitutional banishment from UCD order was enforced & I disappeared from Hickey; before that, other instances of oppression. They started including Hillyard soap dispensers in showers; 'rinse,' &/or 'rents' - (Rense); & Mochel probably code for 'mocha' - claiming I purchased coffees, etc. 'Rents' - for years no one denied that I was & am a hard-worker, & that I was being reamed & denied of justice, including a place to live ('rents'). For ex., before the city became bent, they acknowledged my hard work ethic. But the actual war also involved Yolo court, Yolo d.a., Davis police, as well as Doug Arnold & others, & so any handful of upstanding citizens essentially paled in number by comparison, & shamefully, they readily folded - as of end of 2004, I disappeared in Yolo jail for 2.5 years, & as of 2007, the tide had turned, & anyone who was an ally before essentially admitted they were in on the disappearance from the beginning, or had succumbed to it in the process, & as of 2009 I placed on my website AFFIDAVIT that Davis corporately had betrayed me, & 2013, AFFIDAVIT declaring war on Davis. The plaque @ the elm tree furthermore is same location where approx. 2010 I was doing chin-ups using chin-up bar behind storage shed on former football field of Aggies, next to gym, & they then erected 2 sets of 3 chin-up bars @ location of elm tree. Important preface to this report: I was led years ago to avoid doing chin-ups or pull-ups using these chin-up bars or any other chin-up bars on UCD campus because I couldn't afford the accompanying 'pull [them] up' connotation; automatic facade claim that I was endorsing them for simply exercising using chin-up bars. So using the chin-up bars on 9/3 was a rare occurrence. The plaque & chin-up bars was attempt to slip the Aggies by me - win my sympathy based on assertion that a part of them "died" when UCD started tightening the screws & the hatred so intense that public facilities that were icons of freedom of assembly were closing - whatever it took to ruin me, was the m.o. (I reported they've shut off drinking fountains @ Davis Little League fields, but this also occurred @ King Continuation HS, & Civic Pk., among others.) The facade was create image of Aggies as helpless little kids that desired that I succeed, but when the oppression got worse, there was nothing they could do - they didn't have a voice, etc. (never mind the Ca. Aggie newspaper, KDVS radio station, etc.) - as of 2002 they were involved in oppression, & as of 2004 they were often some of the worst oppressors, but that's all supposed to be covered by facade that they were helpless puppets - as proven by the poor innocent Aggie Sharon, who died in 2001. But busy playing both sides of it, they had to prove beyond a doubt they could be as vicious as the "best" of the Davis rebels - 2005, Asian Aggie alum Lamar Heystek got elected to city council - double entendre - 'Hey's take' or 'haystack;' & it was a needle in a haystack - I had met him, & voted for him - he indicated he was going to do something for me - but once elected, it was "Sayonara, sucker!" - he refused to intervene for me @ all during 2 yrs. on council, & participating in conspiracies, such as a bounce up & down in his seat during council meetings, which was lewd consp. involving Davis Little League catchers. Then, as I reported, Aggie alum. fem Mex. Cortez (graduated 2000), as of 2009, had graduated law school & worked as atty., possibly in public def.'s office, & instantly was appointed as judge in Yolo cty - i.e., no one's ever gone from graduating w/bachellor's degree & suddenly county court judge that fast probably anywhere in the country - & in one instance that I was in her courtroom, refused to drop charges; i.e., Aggies literally provided THE NEXT GENERATION OF REBELS. 9/4, "I'm expected to cast my vote," Asian fem student (univ. in East), red shrt, NBC, 5:44 PM, Aggie tone - same as fem. student role playing pregnant adult, "My baby's going to college!" (approx. 2004 - i.e., Aggies keeping me @ bay w/codes & conspiracies, & 'my baby's going to call Edge' - fem having literal baby that carries on the Davis/UCC oppression conspiracy - report about Savanna Ga. It's a coordinated conspiracy of Asians to masquerade Aggies as capable leaders - 'How in the world' - 'How Long is a Chinaman's name' facade.
But speaking of haystacks, 'haystack' is a crime investigative term - that's where criminals commit a plethora of crimes as cover for one crime that they want to divert attention from; Chinese fem. Linda Sun recently arrested for spying; but these charges are a distraction from an attempted conspiracy to prop up Aggies; i.e., haystack of crimes of Aggies, & Chinese attempt to prop up the Mochel facade needle of bogus care & concern of Aggies (it's possible Chinese were attempting the opposite effect - THE CRAFTINESS OF THE AGGIES - SUCH BLEEDING-HEART FACADE OF CHIN-UP BARS & MARTYR - THEY ARE VILE & CRAFTY ENOUGH TO BE WORTHY OF PROMOTION IN A CORRUPT NATION - GOV., ETC.); @ any rate, they uncovered the bleeding heart needle in the haystack of oppression of Jack Teacher, & create facade that it's inadvertently being revealed by NY gov. Hochel's treasonous aid's arrest - the inadvertent & accidental element creates a phony facade of legitimacy - Chinese aid scandal uncovers the virtuousness of Aggies, despite all the evil of the nation - including the Chinese - 'shouldn't they be given recognition & be allowed to prosper?' But it's a haystack of crimes & focus on a needle that in fact isn't even so much as a good deed - it's a trick that looks like good intentions - the haystack effect.
See LEAK UNDOING FOUNDATIONS OF CITY II report - Sharon Rense Mochel code - 'rents' & 'mocha'll' i.e., systematic stalkings pertaining to mochas & Icees - 'I see...' code that I was a freeloader kid in a candy store, buying coffees & treats instead of paying rent & bills. Lamar Heystek, Aggie alum., city council member approx. 2005-2007; 'needle in a haystack:' - Heritage Peak School, Jefferson & Merkle, prinicipal - Sharon Council - as in 'city council;' Sharon Rense Mochel, late Aggie alum. School located same intersection as La Bou coffee shop, but, across the street - mochas...'run to the light, Jack Teacher, run to the light!' Decades of applying for jobs, & systematic refusals of so much as interviews 99% of time - the needle in haystack is attempt to slip a school in w/prolific signs attempting to undo years of job apps, interviews, repeated acts of picketing in front of Ca. Commission on Teacher Credentialling offices, passing CSET in Math, all @ once - BUT, W/CONFESSION OF BRINGING DOWN U.S.A. HERITAGE IN PROCESS! Moreover, that city council code is double entendre - Sue Greenwald & Kamala Harris!
It can't be denied that I've rarely brought up any R.E. details or customers, except to report crimes; any accomplishments or supposed accomplishments you could say are rubbish, compared to teacher goals. But I brought up sm. # of customers to demonstrate I was busy w/hard work ethic & some of the then-cream of crop members of Davis community acknowledged it & I was entitled to income for rent, as opposed to "charity public shower wars." This has dual effect of exposing the m.o. of the No. Ca. rebels - claiming they can conspire regional menagerie forcing me to be Davis rebels' agent of some sort - even if it's as landscaper or ditch digger - as though my business dealings were a source of contention that needed to be resolved - BUT THIS IS A FALLACY! OTHER THAN DOUG ARNOLD & SEVERAL OTHER BROKERS @ BEGINNING FILING FALSE CHARGES AGAINST ME - THAT I DEFEATED ALL @ ONCE IN LANDSLIDE VICTORY IN COURT (5 CASES, 8 CTS., 16 CHGS.), SEPT. 1999, OTHER THAN THAT, THERE WAS LITTLE OR NO CONTENTIONS, CHARGES, ACCUSATIONS, ETC., CONCERNING MY SALES OCCUPATION - EXCEPT FOR NEIGHBORS ON DRAKE DRIVE OBTAINING DECEPTIVE RESTRAINING ORDER NOV. 1999 - DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO NEGATE THE LANDSLIDE VICTORY FROM THE PREVIOUS MO. - IT WAS ALMOST 100% OPPRESSION FOR EVANGELISM IN SHOPPING CENTERS. YOLOBUS FALSE CHARGES AS WELL - RARE EXCEPTION OF BLK PASSENGER & WH DRIVER IN WDLD, 2003 - MOST OF YOLOBUS OPPRESSION WAS ATTEMPTS TO STOP ME FROM VOLUNTARY, TWO-WAY CONVERSATIONS W/OTHERS ABOUT JESUS ON THE BUSSES. CHRISTMAS EVE., 2001, I WAS TAKEN TO JAIL BECAUSE OF VOLUNTARY DEBATE W/BUDDHIST ABOUT JESUS. LEAK I: 9/6, NBC news story about Trump hush-money case, Asian fem. rptr., to correspondent Hillyard, upon his conclusion of report, "...Vaugn Hillyard, Vaugn?" (& Vaugn then gives salutation, signing off); the phrase was spoken rapidly enough to eliminate the question mark, unmistakeably echoing 'Jean Val Jean,' heroic Christian character in "Les Miserables," best-selling French novel of 1800's, competing w/"Uncle Tom's Cabin" in U.S.A. I.e., THE MEDIA COVER-UP OF THE JACK TEACHER PLAN, MY SUFFERINGS, THE SUFFERINGS OF SLAVS IN SIBERIA, ETC., IS OUT OF JEALOUSY OF CHRISTIANS & SECULAR PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS - THIS ATTEMPT TO IMITATE THEM DEMONSTRATES IT. Moreover, the last name Hillyard is same name as soap brand in Hickey showers shortly before they closed the showers to public; i.e., predominantly atheist city of Davis, w/Christian gaining national attention, a method of stopping that Christian discretely due to the publicity, became #1 priority - & THE MOTIVES WERE JEALOUSY! A nation that is largely a Christian nation - doesn't mean everyone's a Christian, although possibly 50% or more might be; but Christians then must contend w/warlock leaders - as jealous or more so than Davis rebels - evidently, & based on position, they influence their "flocks" to act the same as them. Add to this rock & Hollywood impressed w/feats of Christians historically, & becoming involved - tending to increase the jealousy factor. Nevertheless, UNDER GUISE OF SALES SUSPICION - WHICH MOREOVER ISN'T A LEGIT. MOTIVE FOR SUSPECTING ANYTHING - I'M BEING PERSECUTED FOR FEATS FOR CHRIST & BECAUSE I'M GOD'S MOUTHPIECE FOR HUGE MOVEMENT FOR CHRIST! THE NON-CHRISTIANS ARE JEALOUS, & DON'T WANT TO ADMIT IT, SO IT PROCEEDS UNDER GUISE OF SUSPICION I'M IN A SUPERFLUOUS OCCUPATION! LEAK II: "... Vaugn Hillyard, Vaugn..." Asian rptr, NBC - 'Jean Val Jean' code; but instead of 'val' - I was valedictorian (HS), or, 'vowel[s, consonants...grammar...]' - teacher goals, instead,it's Hillyard - '[Capitol] Hill, y[eah, is h]ard;' THE REBELLION AGAINST CHRISTIANITY IS NO. CA., MEDIA, WARLOCKS, THOSE CHRISTIANS WHO CAVE IN TO THE WARLOCKS' PRESSURE, &, POLITICAL LEADERS, INCLUDING CAPITOL HILL, ETC. - & IT'S DECISIVELY AGAINST THE JACK TEACHER PLAN SPECIFICALLY!
9/3, "You can't have this sump, it," brn swt jacket, 6:03PM - slave trade code. "Our weather heckler," "that needs they have practice" (or similar) Monica, ch 3 6:39 PM. "Thanks eave" Del Rodgers 6:50 PM, ch 3 (referring to Edie) (homeless code). "You won't know you hit the phone" "They were going to make it, 5" 8:24 PM, laptop bug codes. More & more clippers ratcheting & don't work well. ch 13, 10:40 PM, #9 (?) cost of living, news, "...Ca., surprise, surprise..." imitating Gomer Pile; i.e., code that Ca. is in bed w/South. "...he could be from Ca." & Jason (serial killer) mask, 10:36 ch 13 (but story wasn't purporting to be about killers). 11:33 "We're getting his take" (or similar) fem., Villanova, near Mason's, 11:33 AM.
9/3, 1603 Orange Ave., front landscape almost exactly like Dave Walter's on Elmwood; Asian male answered the door. Additional factoid, it was near this res. on Orange Ave. approx. 2021 portable basketball hoop w/G.I. Joe doll w/can opener head attached to the base of the hoop aparatus - further signifying I'm essentially slave of blks. I'm a slave of blks, No. Ca., & Asians all @ same time, & somehow no one can stop them - gov't, churches, rock /Hollywood! But they are also provoking & defying God - God has worked unparalleled miracles commanding a halt to the persecution of me - God is going to repay them to their faces, Deut. 7:10! As of approx. 2020 I had worked for Shipley Walters, Dave's mother, elderly & often confined to bed; I was raking, trimming, etc.; Dave then took over & started renovating; hired me repeatedly for projects big & small, then approx. a year ago, trip to dump w/rental truck & lethal codes, & then no more hire, & someone re-did his front yard, very meticulously, removed lg. tree, landscaped w/fine wh pebbles bordering sm wood chips. Orange Ave. - 'arrange [robbing me of yardwork, then slave is "sold" to Asians as dishwasher again]' - that's their idea of justice for historic teacher who offers them immeasurable blessings from God. 9/3, Jan's on Antioch, "He doesn't live, flower," 8:27, male behind Jan's (res. on Reed Ave.). "You're not gonna knock" (code that I'm going to be jumped while door-knocking 9:10, Jan; "You're not gonna make your fate," Jan, 9:13 AM. 9:40, "I have match; we didn't bottom," Jan & as if to offer translation, "You're gonna bottom" gov't bug code - there was an attempt to bottom me out - repeated phone sabotages combined w/diminished jobs. We were finishing up the shift installing spaghetti lines, & I was kneeling on a pad to work on it, 10:45AM, & using staples to attach sprinkler lines, & Jan, "This is Stanley, a staple;" i.e., attempt to brainwash me that I have to be standing up if @ all possible @ all times while on the job - no kneeling or else Stanley Davis Homes (deceased home bldr from 1960's) is giving me charity; double entendre - 'stand, lee[way],' or 'stan[d] Lee' - cover for Asians. I reported when working for Dorta, Oakenshield, she often stands & bends over while weeding - I usually kneel; The Who, "Out here in the fields/I fought for my meals/...I get my back into my living..." but landscaping isn't my career - education is, & I'm not going to go out of my way to choose a more miserable method to try to prove anything to anyone. Irregardless, the Asians have repeatedly demonstrated willingness on their part for the slave to be "sold" - Shipley - leeway for slave to be shipped out & working @ another slave job, according to Asians. 12:14 PM, Safeway pkg lot (N.D.), car radio, "He's stolen all our knights" lic pl 7MEC895 (confession they are @ end of their ropes w/or w/out Asians participating.
9/27, Consumer Cellular has an almost legit. contract - they claim they'll notify you appropriately if there's any material changes, but additional contract disclosures seem to almost retract that. Nevertheless, they are from Oregon, & seem to have "connections" w/Granatos in Portland. But, I had a dream approx. 8 mos. ago of being in or driving a van, & Granatos in back of van but I wasn't staying w/them that night; a though they were still in "caboose" or dog house; this dream seems to indicate they've been waiting for me to switch to Consumer C., as though it's some test. But I reported MEDIA & OTHERS MOLDED... report, the following excerpt:
7/30..."We're just having our nowt" lic pl 815GCF, Oregon plates, 842 Oak St. (or Eureka); context: considering Consumer Cellular (from Portland), & Oliver Twist thought, & semi-plausible contract w/them - i.e. Portland relatives claiming they can stall to test me as far as corrupt/phony phone plans - that's where victim doesn't make it, 8:46 AM. [End excerpt.]
'Now 'T'' - Lodi Donald Schilling's dad, 2016, "Now..." i.e., 'be patient, & stop trying to rush us...' & as reported, less than a year later, attempt on my life @ Co-Op pkg lot, then attempt on my life 2020, & 2021, attempt on my life @ McCormick bldg (Schilling/McCormick - spices). I.e., they are twisting Scriptures for supposed logical conclusion of cell phone/i.d. scandal, but I was almost killed 3X - 'I'll live, 'er twist?' Evidently I'm likely a casualty. 9/27, Consumer Cellular closed as of 8:30 PM PST (they're located in Oregon); attempting to sign up for service & purchase a phone online, but, repeat e mail addr. req. on the internet form- that's insulting the customer, but it's also a conspiracy - the Dorothy 'blow it sky high' consp. (bombing or shooting spree from repeat e mail? - but scandal is, I try to apply for jobs & it's not only locals refusing to hire me forcing me to repeatedly fill out applications, they have the "support" of regional businesses & beyond, blatantly advertising - endorsing - the scandal - req's of filling in same info twice on same form - haunting victim that he might as well kill himself); I refuse to participate in the repeat conspiracies. 9/28, 5 AM approx., dream of giant paper dragon & Zarown" i.e., 'z [is] our 'own[ership];' in other words, those claiming I'm sleeping too much - paper dragon/paper tiger. 7:15 AM, calling Consumer Cellular, usual option for Spanish speakers; I'm a Spanish speaker, but I don't use that option because it's 99.9% of time the Spanish is occurring in vm - automated system - I'm denied speaking to human beings in Spanish (because they're all rebels), I refuse to be reduced to then speaking to robots in Spanish - as though I did something wrong; so out of habit, I refused Spanish automated vm. option (it subseq. occurred to me @ Consumer C. you're usually connected w/human right away, but it's a 2 sec. window & I'd already gone w/English due to possibility of robots). Robert asked for my name & then asked me to repeat l.n., supposedly couldn't hear it; & then said, "German?" Then asking for e mail, wanted me to spell my l.n. Then, "Is your first name Joseph?" I.e., i.d.'d w/foolish questions, & attempts to get me to repeat everything. I then needed to repeat last 4 of SSN - credit check to purchase balance of phone on credit ($40); he then said Equifax credit check wasn't processing, or similar, & that essentially made it a dead end; he'd call me if it went though. But the dream indicated I should be able to purchase - I'm switching from Tracfone because (1)their highest data plan is only 10 G, & (2)I magically had used all my data in 10 days - & while 10 G doesn't last me a mo., normally it takes 3 wks. - 1 mo. to use that much; extra G's are $10/1 G - unheard of. I called Consumer C. again, & speaking w/James; 7:40 AM, "I'll bypass it," referring to $4 additional for phone protection ins. But then he used 'bypass' again in nonsense scenario; i.e., Consumer Cellular 'bypassing' me - 'bye, [No. Ca.] passing.' I warned that Marines said they were willing to invade if prodded to by public - 2013, recruiting ad on ESPN2, "THE UNITED STATES MARINES: WHICH WAY SHOULD YOU RUN?" I.e., run to the Marines & ask for/demand help to defeat the rebels, OR, you're going to be running away from them, because you are a rebel - that was the mssg., 2013. But as I was making this interjection, he suddenly is offering an "Allstate Insurance" supposedly through Consumer C.; i.e., subtle coded threat (or commitment) 'I'll [send you to the] state [pen,] inn Sher[man] rents...;' facade of accusing me, or, remote possibility it was claiming bringing those enslaving me to justice. He then needed to "gather" my e mail addr.; he then said Equifax wasn't responding & he needed to "gather" my complete SSN; & 'gather' occurred in another instance; it was code for Davis churches - 2005, I'd attended Bible study @ Belfry Ministries on A St., sponsored by Methodist, Episcopal, & Lutheran churches - all of these have allowed gays to become members. This actually doesn't help gays, because they are deceived into thinking they don't have to repent - the Bible says "homosexual offenders shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." & in one of Bible studies, I argued that. The following meeting, they called police on me, & police arrived & said "Gather your things (folder, etc.) & leave, or you're going to jail;" & to prove that churches in town are the ones kidnapping me, I refused to leave, & was kidnapped; charge subsequently dropped. Davis Comm. church also had giant poster on 5th St., "...Gather..." There's also a gospel group (nationally), the Gaither Band; & evidently they are gays (& traitors) because they never intervened for me. He then claimed Equifax was claiming I don't exist - no credit check results. I then asked about other phone deals, & he said backstock on older model of Nokia (?) - $59, & w/shipping, $78 approx. - & I had that much in my acct. - so we could do it w/out the credit check - Consumer C. didn't need my credit checked to start service, only for purchase of phone w/balance in payments. I provided my CC #, & had already provided shipping addr. - Belair on W. Cap. He then said all info was wiped out because credit card addr. was a different addr. than shipping addr.; but that's nonsense - millions of customers might have PO box, etc., for their credit card as opposed to home addr.; but then, "What's the security code? It was wiped out [w/the supposed credit card addr. anomaly]." The problem is, James hadn't asked me for sec. code; & the way their forms work, he couldn't have proceeded w/out that detail completed - so the entire process was a set-up from the start. I'd provided a PIN to Robert, but I'd started from scratch w/James - random 4 digit - random, but I was led as of approx. 5 years ago to use in some of my PINs 3 digit street addr. from Cranbrook Ct. apts., where I was residing when hit by false arrests, conspired termination from VCA, etc., 1995-1997 - if nothing else, to expose motives - & here's where it "paid off" - THIS IS PROOF OF CREDIT CHECK INDUSTRY, PHONE INDUSTRY, RELATIVES, CHURCHES, & NO. CA. REBELS ATTEMPTING TO GET RID OF ME BECAUSE OF ONE INSTANCE OF EVICTION (CRANBROOK CT.), WHERE I WAS IN FACT BEHIND ON RENT - BUT THAT OCCURRING IN CONTEXT OF POLICE & CHURCH OPPRESSION & UNJUST CONSPIRED TERMINATIONS OF EMPLOYERS! THEY'VE NOW GOT PHONE COS. & ENTIRE INDUSTRIES HELPING THEM ATTEMPT TO FINISH ME OFF - COMPANIES & AGENCIES THAT ARE GOING TO BE DESTROYED W/A VENGEANCE - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW. While writing down these codes, etc., I ran out of notepaper; on my nightstand, Spanish textbook (from studying Spanish) where I have sheets of binder paper @ back of text for use when studying; on one of the sheets, I'd scribbled "Antikythera;" I looked it up, & it was referring to a Greek computer - before computers were invented; machine that predicted - calculated, actually - positions of planets in solar system, constellations, etc. - it'd been lost @ sea when ship sunk 150 BC - technology that wasn't commonly available until 1600's AD. Nevertheless, sign from God that my relatives' vile acts of allowing deadly conditions because they suspect I might be considering another profession besides Spanish Teacher or Math Teacher - & oppressing me under guise of investigating - I'm studying Spanish (& Math) constantly - are tracked. I previously reported, youngest of the 4, Julie Granato, a school teacher, married Mex. Ed Ugarte - "guarding" my 'T' - but evidently capitalizing on the 'U' oppression, & guarding that I never get my 'T' - I'm never allowed to be a teacher - the 250 year 1775 Naval Jack Apostrophe feat miracle from God somehow doesn't figure in - don't confuse them w/displays of God's power... I report miracles of the Heavens to glorify God & to shame those who are attempting to smear me - honors from God destroy their claims - in ordinary conditions; as a layman, I've reasoned & argued from the Scriptures, as Paul did, including @ Belfry where they promote homosexuality; Auntie Bev - 'auntie - kiss her, uh;' except it's pronounced w/lisp, like homosexuals - 'kyth, her...' & their premise of me using English, is shut down not only because of robot scenarios, but also because they're evidently gay to suspect me; & also shut down by my handy Spanish text always nearby - AS WELL AS, YOU DON'T GET TO 'DICK' SOMEONE ABOUT LEGITIMATE CAREER GOALS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WHILE ALLOWING ATTEMPTS ON THEIR LIFE!
Argument that Mideast is mostly Muslims & Hindus - how can they be "gospel heavies?" The long range watch is there - undeniably, & backed w/biblical signs, so any explanation is secondary to this fact; it demonstrates (1)a strong presence of Christians, though not very prominent; (2)Jn. 6:44 says the Father draws men to the Son; people of other faiths drawn to Christianity w/a watch through investigating, studying, praying - & possibly stalling from curiosity - resolving to follow upon fulfillment of certain criteria.
The fact is, Eastern church smart alecs, Western church warlocks - both are falling short - THE BOTTOM LINE IS JACK TEACHER SOMEHOW CAN'T BE ALLOWED TO ACTUALLY TEACH! BECAUSE THAT MIGHT CULMINATE IN THE SUCCESS OF THE JACK TEACHER PLAN, & BORIS LANDSPACE (ASIANS) IS THE NEW CHURCH LEADERS. They act like of course, this is the goal, Christians want to win others to the faith... but in actuality, they are jealous, & are utilizing every tactic in their arsenal to stall! Western branch - "Look - we've become total losers, but we've got a country w/multiple colors; pay no attention to that Igore foot drag that we've acquired." The Eastern branch, "I'll give you money; I'll give you lovin'! Whiskey bottles, brand new cars!" The Guilded Show 'Em's - the "new guys" aren't much better - "Jack Teacher allowed to teach!!???? First he must improve his treble clef - can you dig it?" We could bring up the Aries Tax Irks A's - but they have yet to follow through w/A bell (education) offering. They would be advised to avoid the pitfalls of the Western church warlocks, who became fixated on Bennie trying to steal Joseph's multicolored mohair suit, symbolizing the U.S.A. melting pot plan. She can steal it, but only if it's used to bless the Jack Teacher plan as opposed to usurping it. Consider the Aries Tax Irks A's - entrusted w/potential leadership because of their Taught Ya Ma lobbying & O.I. Pa Tell lobbying - "Ram knocks, Ram is invited in" (Rev. 3:20).
Patels & other Mideasterners own & operate lg. % of hotels & inns in U.S.A. - the Aries Ram Syrian coin (Aries is symbol for Israel as of A.D. 13, the approx. date of coin - affirmed by Roman Mathematician Ptolemy of Alexandria, approx. A.D. 150) display theorizes Star of Nazareth is what is known as occultation (alternately conjuction) - 2 planetary bodies line up to create a bright light: Jupiter, while in constellation of Aries, B.C.. 6, & Venus or moon lined up creating bright light. Star of Nazareth, of course, the star followed by the 3 Kings in gospel of Matt., approx. B.C. 6, when historians believe was the birth of Christ, is often erroneously referred to by tradition as Star of Bethlehem. This scene is depicted on the Ram side of coin. Source: Late astronomer Michael Molner, Phd., & Star of Bethlehem: Legacy of the Maji, 1999, Rutgers Univ. Press; also, - PARALLEL CONSTRUCT OF 3 KINGS ORIGINATING IN NEAR EAST (MIDEAST), OR @ MIN., ESTABLISHING MIDEAST AS WELL AS CHINA HAS VIABLE CLAIM OF 3 KINGS ORIGIN - equipped w/gifts such as invitation of the King of Kings to to a higher seat than the manger - "come in!" The occultation theory - a planet lined up w/moon, etc. is alternate flags' symbolism as opposed to crecent moon threatening to swallow a star (Star of Nazareth - representing the gospel) on flags of countries surrounding Rome; but both renditions may have been utilized. It essentially is doubling as watch on behalf of Christians - (1)Christians have duty to deliver the gospel to Asians, (2)Asians have duty to respond to the gospel - claim 3 Kings status & more - & as of this point, they've fallen short. This double edge sword mssg. is evidenced by fact that the crecent moon image on coin doubles as ram horns - Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29) elevated to Ram of God status! Nevertheless, Mideasterners must navigate through the glamor temptations that fell the Eastern Snake Oilers (Slavs) & Western Warlocks, maintaining teacher priority goals - education nation - Jack Teacher plan. [DIVISION rebels, of all nationalities, have betrayed me - for instance, as far as me personally, the 'inn' facade w/in parameters of No. Ca., although possibly originally intended as one aspect of their watch, is reduced to a trick maintaining rebels in power - the same individuals operating motels could make sure I'm hired as teacher & allowed to have ordinary rental or ownership accommodations as opposed to paying sky high daily rent for motel rooms. Aries Tax Irks A's efforts to intervene on my behalf - acts for justice - must obviously be juxtaposed to any facades of locals.] I'm also reporting a story about Mideasterners, Ottomen, possibly, who @ one point in history confronted Europeans w/swords made of superior new metal (possibly it was steel from China) so sharp they could cut a piece of linen dropped onto the blade; a precursory search for these historic facts - strangely absent from internet currently. The formula is mind over matter; you mind by maintaining education goals, or the Jack Teacher Plan won't matter - it'll fizzle away like a 4th of July dud - or @ least that will be your contribution to it - God will use others to see it through. The Mideast also lured blacks - of the flags surrounding Rome - presumably threatening to swallow up the Star of Nazareth (Bethlehem), Turkey gave themselves some grace as far as this calculated interp. - the "star" isn't so close to being swallowed; flags of African nations of Tunisia & Algeria, on the other hand, oblivious to the conjuction interp., have the gospel Star already being swallowed! Jesus is Lord of All!
STAR OF NAZARETH (see davisneedy3.html, THE FAMOUS STAR...)
Star of Nazareth, the Star followed by the 3 Kings from the East leading them to the baby Jesus (Matt. 2) has been erroneously referred to traditionally as Star of Bethlehem. Use of erroneous traditional name for biblical Star doesn't discredit Molnar's theory - in fact he was echoing theory of Mideast. Moreover, the misnomer was probably another of the "revelation acts" of the church to prime Asians - similar to Jacob's Stairway traditionally referred to as a rickety old ladder.
Gospel - story of Jesus - from root 'good spiel' - good news. The Good News is Jesus paid the price for your sins; Rom. 6:23, "the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life!" Slavs aren't waiting to see Mideast suffer, nor do they want them to. Slavs' dance & dirge sacrifice was to win the hearts of Asia, & the Bible doesn't promise you won't ever suffer as Christians, but overall, God promises blessings, rather than curses. While on earth, satan might try to curse us, but God says claim the promises of blessings & by faith you will be blessed. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, & have it more abundantly," Jn. 10:10. "The soul that sins shall die" Ezek. 18:20 - God doesn't punish an entire people group for the sins of a few, such as 9/11 - instead, "'I know the plans that I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you & not to harm you - to give you a hope & a future!'" Jer. 29:11. Also, don't let Asia's lack of response rob you of pressing in on the Kingdom of God; God used Asia to rebuke Christians; the Mideast was often instrumental in delivering that rebuke, & you didn't shy away from it, & you were usually fully aware of the ramifications - & in fact orchestrated the Aries Tax Irks A's watch. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble; but take courage, because I have overcome the world," Jn. 16:33; but instruments of discipline is practically your Middle (East) name (in a constructive way - like a teacher) - live up to it; if God uses your zeal to cause Asians to become jealous, or to chastise them, it won't be wasted - they will respond - in fact, their jealousy may result in a revival. It isn't God's will that you suffer any "punishment" from Israel, & God is easily able to make them your footstool (Ps. 110). David danced w/all his might before the Lord - "The joy of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10. Daniel's prophesy spoke of a decree to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem - Ezra in Bible rec'd that decree from King Artaxerxes; Nehemiah was subsequently commissioned by Artaxerxes to get to work on it. That decree of Artaxerxes was significant enough that God based a prophecy foretelling the exact date of Jesus' ministry - gospel story - on that decree - very special, like...relatives ("Alright, who ate all the leftover tuna in the fridge!? The Father wants to know!") Abraham - the friend of God; as followers of Jesus, Jn. 15:15, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." War & suffering in Palestinian regions - conflicts in other parts of Mideast - being joyful is the wrong answer, isn't it? But exercised w/all due concern for those suffering, it's a response of faith in better things to come, rather than foolish laughter @ those in pain & anguish. I guarantee Jesus does not want his relatives to be in conflict, & he desires you to reign over unfaithful Israelites who have rejected their Messiah, or @ least defeat any attempts of them to subdue & control you - you are invited to be the family of God in place of them, by adoption. Christians are heirs of the blessings of Abraham, Gal. 3:29; see Gen. 12:3. It's saying "NO" to satan's demands that you be miserable when your watch entitles you, upon profession of faith, to the riches of Christ & unspeakable joy & glory (1 Cor. 2:9) - & that's while still on earth - much less Heaven!
By faith Pharoah heeded the warnings of God through Joseph & Egypt was prosperous when that part of the world was suffering famine (Gen. 41:47-49). By faith Ruth, a Moabitess & decendant of Lot, believed in the God of Israel, & through marriage, God brought about the Messiah's descendance through Boaz & her.
Gal. 3:6, 15-19: "So also Abraham 'believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.'... "Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say 'and to seeds,' meaning many people, but 'and to your seed,' meaning one person, who is Christ. What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise. Why, then, was the law [of Moses] given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come." Although the Israelites are the chosen people of God, God's method of salvation supercedes them - w/Abraham - the model of faith! See also Heb. 1-11.
Dan. 9:25-27 prophesy of Christ
- ministry lasts until "midweek," 7 days symbolizes 7 years; midweek - Jesus was crucified the 3rd year of his ministry. The prophecy, based on issuing of an historic decree from Persian King Artaxerxes to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem (Ez. 7:7f), 458 BC, foretells the exact date of Christ's arrival - 62 weeks & 7 weeks (69 total) from the issuing of the decree; 69x7 = 483 years - approx. 26 AD - Jesus' ministry on earth. The abomination in Daniel is the "sacrifice" - the crucifixion of Christ.
10/6, wh fem. Wthr Channel rptr, blk shrt & cap (Stephanie Abrams, as far as I could tell), 10:44 AM, Wthr channel, "We had that lower cost of living!" taunting tone of voice. 10/5, 5:35PM, Trump, "We're not gonna give him 'turn,'" (sounded like) CBS. This is a trick code in more ways than one - 'we're 'knot' going to...' i.e., if I'm open to marrying an indiv. (such as Mary or Taylor) then I'm inclined to hear the code as they "might" give me a "break;" if I'm polarized against Mary or Taylor, then it's simply a negative connotation - I'm denied a "turn;" the "turn" the monsters are referring to is a "turn" from sales. But sales isn't a sin, so you don't have to repent of it, but, in conditions of being conspiratorially kicked out of a church, repeatedly oppressed by police, falsely accused repeatedly, & persecuted for sharing the gospel, in those extreme conditions where it was unlikely I'd be able to hold down a regular 9-5 job - when I'm suddenly in jail reg'ly, I was exercising my right to work @ a form of employment where I had the greatest chances of getting by in landmine Viet Nam conditions (dscribed that way by my adversaries). As of end of 2003, (1)I'd beaten the false accusations to extent that teacher goal were once again feasible; & (2) I ASSUMED, because of the decisive victories in court, that oppression was going to be diminishing - in these circumstances, I restrategized & started working grunt labor jobs, & applying for teacher jobs. Nevertheless, instead of the monsters backing down, as of 2004 they'd conspired the barrage of false charges & kidnappings - 2004 & 2005, & disappearance hostage in jail from 2004-2007 - THEN the oppression diminished. While the code occurred immediately after I changed to that channel (44), indications are it was a code - & if so, Abrams in fact testifies against herself & is going to be taken away forever, by operation of the law; that code was conspiracy to punish me for attempting to save money by staying in motel in W. Sac. while pursuing teacher goals; I applied for 12 teacher jobs @ end of my work day on Sat. 10/5 - working 6 days/wk as always. Abrams testifies against herself that she's involved in conspiracy TO PUNISH ME BY DESTROYING 4 $100-$250 phones in a 5 mo. period - & if they argue I could've purchased cheaper phones such as flip phones, (1)I'm uploading conspiracies daily, & smartphones enable me to do that more quickly; (2)I'm adding evidence & reports to my website, as well; (3)this is a new more wicked tactic that hasn't occurred before - monsters destroying my property almost faster than I can purchase it! There's no giving Abrams credit for claiming it's friendly code, i.e., 'we had that lower cost of living - [they can't produce increased oppression commensurate to the decrease in expenses when Joe attempts to make it as a teacher - reamed & robbed of possessions so that he has to fork over phony "dues" as punishment for being frugal!...]' Abrams' testimony on TV, absent elaboration, IS [CONSPIRATORIALLY] AFFIRMING THE REBELS HAVE THE "RIGHT" TO REAM ME! But the poor slob is already done - I was released from 2.5 year captivity in 2007, & on my laptop, someone had planted "Essays On Murder" by Ricardo Abrams. This same essay was on law library computer disktop in Woodland; then approx,. 3 mos. later, Ricardo Abrams supposedly dead @ hands of Woodland police, on Gum Ave. 2009 I tutored a child for several mos. on Gum Ave. Wdld. They created a double entendre - (1) 'our "ick" [is] our dough, Abrahams;' i.e., Christians are heirs to the promise of Abraham - we're the spiritual children of Abraham; the mssg. was I was being reamed because of their greed - because as of 2003 I was demonstrating that my strategy was work & survival in oppressive conditions - I demonstrated it by keeping busy in one occupation, then when conditions allowed, applying for teacher jobs & keeping busy in any job or occupation that I could be hired in - none of these allows for greed as a trait - ON MY PART. But their continued oppression demonstrated that as of 2004, when they covered up vindications from almost 60 false arrests & false charges, & held me hostage 2 1/2 years, GREED WAS THEIR MOTIVES. (2)'our "ick" - our dough [is] Abraham's;' their wickedness had already judged them as having left the faith - they were no longer spiritual Abrahams - I was (& am) the only one worthy of claiming Abraham status in region where everyone conspired to hold hostage the only Christian willing to suffer repeated jailings for Jesus - persecuting me due to greedy motives - & I was imminent heir to Christianity & blessings associated, @ least in Yolo region. Death of Ricardo Abrams was either a fact, producing iron-clad proof of these claims, or it was a conspired act - an attempt to warn themselves to repent, or, like UCC & UCD, an acknowledgement of my feats - & creating a "gauntlet" for themselves to overcome - same as Davis rebels did w/Arch, etc. 2015, I had refrained from any additional rock song conversions, but I didn't have a job (denied work other than singing for tips) for 3 years as of that point. I was then hired @ new high school in Woodland, located on Yolo Fairgrounds; Woodland Polytech. High School. But the job didn't start for another 3 wks or so, & so I needed food, etc. so that I didn't die of malnutrition before my first paycheck, 5 wks away. I was in front of Walmart singing for tips, & 2 mex. fems. in blk clothing purposely bumped into me; I rebuked them & one of them said, "Oh, yeah? Watch this," & made phone call, & then entered the store; instantly (3 min. later) the principal of WPHS called me & said I was fired due to past interactions w/law enforcement. WPHS was their conspired facade that, despite denying me a thousand teacher jobs from 2003-2015, that they had been willing to hire me, but I hadn't "turned" from sales (singing for tips when you don't have any money for food is magically sales). Weather Channel news program "PATTRN" & that isn't misspelled - code; 2002, rented room @ apts. on Drew Ct. Before that, I was in a room in a res., & bfore that, duplex, & before that, a "townhouse" which was simply a unit in a 4 plex; before that, it was an apt. on Alvarado Ave.; one could argue I'd moved up from apt. to res., but then 2002, back in apt.; & there were codes to that effect; it is the case I'd emphasized a room in res. as opposed to apt. because it would be easier for a customer to locate me if meeting @ my res.; but I wasn't under bondage to that, it was a remote scenario of convenience @ best. Nevertheless, Pat, UCD student who was the sublettor @ Sharps & Flats apts. (Drew Ct.) suddenly changed his mind about renting to me - AFTER HE'D RENTED THE ROOM & I'D MOVED IN - IT WASN'T AN OPTION. MOREOVER, WHEN I PRODUCED MY ARGUMENT IN COURT, HE LITERALLY PASSED OUT & HAD TO BE TAKEN AWAY ON STRETCHER - THEY CALLED 9-1-1! I really didn't care if I was in apt. or res. - IT WAS CONSPIRED ATTEMPT TO MOLD ME AS BITING OFF MORE THAN I COULD CHEW, & SETTING MYSELF UP FOR A FALL! 'PATTRN' show 'Pat t[u]rn[s you];' i.e., 'turn' is misspelled because I've left my teacher goals, is the Weather Channel facade - but, gosh - I just applied for those 12 teacher jobs on 10/5, & studied Math @ 5 AM on 10/2. I debated bringing this up - because I'm anti-B.A. degree & then only work in min. education sales job, but, IT MAKES THE POINT THAT THEY DON'T GET TO ATTEMPT TO SEND YOU TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR WORKING FOR A SHORT PERIOD IN SALES. I was w/Potts & Assoc. when that knock-out occurred in courtroom, & Chuck Potts of Sac. was an Aggie alum. who graduated in early '60's, & was one of founders of boxing club @ UCD - DRIVING HOME THE POINT THAT AGGIES AS OF 2002 HAD BECOME COWARDS, CAVING IN TO OPPRESSION OF ME FOR TEMPORARILY WORKING IN SALES, DESPITE PLETHORA OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE OBTAINED COLLEGE DEGREES & WORKED LIFELONG CAREERS IN SALES, OR SALES & TEACHER CAREERS COMBINED. Questionable vision of Trump pertaining to Li'l Debbies snacks, & I didn't report it on internet, so it's scenario of dating & marriage status magically determining justice. This is m.o. of VCA, 1996. I reported I briefly dated Debbie Mitchell, but it didn't go very far, & principal Morse was trying to make it his business. Approx. mo. after that, student said, "Mr. Sherman, who has the keys to room [such 'n such]?" I had keys to my room, the computer library, where I taught computers for 3 periods, but I taught Spanish in another teacher's room, where her desk was located; I didn't need the keys because she was in the room the period before in ea. instance, & it so it was unlocked. While there might've been underlying motives of pitting me against Mexs., since all 3 periods in this room were Spanish classes, the facade was I was supposed to refuse to mind principal Morse, & find a way to date Debbie - I'm either dating a fem., or they were claiming I could be branded w/lewd innuendos - TRANSLATING TO DEBBIE FIGURATIVELY & CONSPIRATORIALLY HAVING THE KEYS TO THAT ROOM. THAT'S THE SAME FACADE OCCURRING CURRENTLY - I'M EITHER PROMOTING TAYLOR ON MY WEBSITE, OR I'M PROMOTING MARY - IRREGARDLESS OF IF EITHER OF THEM ARE FALLING SHORT OF MY STANDARDS - SUDDENLY THREATENING CODES SUCH AS 'HALF' - & IN FACT THAT WAS FROM CBS - "THEY GOT HALF PLAY" 5:56 pm CBS ANNCR; 'HALF' IS CODE FOR LONG RANGE DISAPPEARANCE, UNDER GUISE OF FOOTBALL 'HALF [TIME]' - OPPRESSION AS GUISE FOR A "BREAK" FROM WORK; & LOCAL THREATS OF DISAPPEARANCE - UNLESS I'VE GOT DISPLAYS OF ONE OF THE 2 OF THEM ON MY WEBSITE! THEY ARE ACTUALLY STILL OPERATING W/M.O. OF VACAVILLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY - EXCEPT THEY'VE GOT TRUMP AS THEIR "HEAVY!"
"IDENTITY" JEFFERSON DAVIS 'ELLIE' M.O. EXPOSED: If I don't have a galfriend, they can claim I've fallen short & am dangerous - Ellie "watchdogs" suddenly in control, according to rebels. Identity dorm sign utilizing letters consisting of 4 lines, inst. of 2 (double underline code of Toone), & code, 'let [is] hers;' ORIGINATED W/VACAVILLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, 1996.
10/4, NBC news, story about Helene storm in South, & pic. of hospital tent "Samaritan Purse;" according to their website, it's sponsored by Franklin Graham & Billy Graham Ministries. I noticed the logo looked suspicious - cross w/crossbeam that was a very slight arch - like the arch conspiracies of Davis & UCD - but it's also almost like one of the pick axes I use in landscape work. A closer look, & the cross is @ center of circle - but it's a broken circle - arch concave down & arch concave up - & both of these have strange shape like a graphic path or trail of a trajectory; in other words, the concave down arch, conjecturing, is the thrown ball w/trajectory from the UCD A St. I.M. field sign - see REBELS' 'USURP' STRATEGY... report - pic of UCD I.M. field sign w/graphic of ball flying through the air - UCC/UCD shallow arch theme conspiracy, but in this case the arch has become a ball & the trail of it from being thrown through the air - i.e., propping up UCC's conspired claim of kicking me out - according to UCD, UCC has their act of throwing me out of church. @ this point, one could argue Samaritan's purse is coconspirators w/UCC. 2005 I was attending Bible study @ Belfry Minstries on A St.; I confronted them that according to Bible, gays don't go to Heaven unless they repent of being gay; it was becoming an argument, & it wasn't the focus of the study, so when Steve, the leader & assoc. pastor of Davis Lutheran church, said to drop it, I cooperated. But the @ the next study, they called police; I had been attempting to stand in gap for local churches so that they wouldn't cave in to UCC, but I refused to leave & it amounted to kidnap. Subsequently, as far as I recall, vision of hand palm down, that looked like a spider, possibly code for 'spy' or 'spied 'her;' as in the church; & subsequent vision of that hand flipped over - i.e., dead spider - but it doubled as hand lifted up in praise to God. The vision seemed to be a watch of Christians from beyond Davis - I assumed @ the time it was Toone or Baptist churches, but the second vision indicated they were testing me to see if I was willing to prosecute the local churches for serious crimes if necessary. I had filed charges against UCC leaders, but not necessarily all the pastors in town. But part & parcel to this was visits to St. James Catholic church (2000-2004 or so); tradition of grabbing hand of person next to you & lifting up hands while still clasped; I was aware of facades attempting to pigeon-hole me as minister - due to evangelism efforts - as opposed to layman; i.e., "worker is worthy of his keep" including lay people & pastors - but pastors earn their keep from donations from wallets & purses of congregants. If my hands were lifted up palm up, they were going to claim I was acquiescing to what amounted to P/T evangelism & handouts from churches - as opposed to F/T work - that would be their license to continue conspiring to deny me work (I was largely oblivious to the conspiracies already occurring as of 2001 or so in Davis - but I @ least had an inkling). Hands lifted up palms facing the pulpit was indication my goal was work; the minister's voice immediately quieted to half it's volume (seriously - it was like a game to them). The palm down/palm up facade of Catholic church possibly plays a part as far as the Samaritan Purse logo. Samaritan Purse logo - concave down "arch" trajectory - coconspiring or tracking the UCD I.M. field sign? The other half of the "broken circle" is that same trajectory - except, you could say, IT'S DEAD. I.e., conceivably a watch tracking the conspiracy attempting to throw me out of UCC church - & ATTEMPTING TO THROW OUT THE ST. LOUIS ARCH. As far as the purse theme of St. James, the dead throw completes the broken circle theme - Broken Circle (st.) of Rancho Yolo Mobile Home park, next to Pole Line Rd. church; i.e., drop the progression requisite as far as renting a room - it's my own mobile home or house, etc.; & THE PICK AX IS THE WORK TOOL - OH, & NOTICE THE SIMILARITY TO THE "WORKERS TOOLS" OF COMMUNISTS - SICKLE & HAMMER - DIVISION REBELS ARE COMMUNISTS! Argument that any mobile home facade is negated by the name itself - Samaritan Purse blatantly argues for called into ministry - 'purse' income. But this is decisively refuted by the fact that it's Mideasterners who are more often than not letting rooms to me - @ full price - w/exception of usual discounts of all motels for frequent guests. Moreover, the expression in the Bible is Good Samaritan - a Samaritan who believed in Jesus, as opposed to others who didn't. He obviously wasn't the only one, but for illustrative purposes, the 'Samaritan' logo exposes the rebels - they aren't children of Abraham - Good Samaritans - they are non-Christian demons from the pit of hell attempting to corner me into accepting freebies & folding as far as F/T work!
Tracking of Toone/South tracking occurred @ National Little League playoffs @ Williamsport, Pa. AFTER THIS OCCURS, THEN THE SAMARITAN PURSE TRACKING SUDDENLY MATERIALIZES - W/SUPPOSED LIBERTY BELL ALM - South tracked Davis churches' Belfry oppression; i.e., if Vane Teacher fries on death row, the Liberty/Education Bell fries. But Vane Teacher is so busy sayig 'hi' to South, that subtly kids are left in second place - which isn't becoming of Vane (Jack) Teacher Plan of Western & Eastern branches (& whoever else wants to claim it by grafting themselves in); this is borderline collateral damages scenario - but no matter what, it demonstrates South even during supposed repentance is on the fence. AS FAR AS THIS REPORT & THE TRACKINGS, IF SOUTH IS DEAD-SET ON PLAYING GAMES, THE TRACKINGS CAN BE CLAIMED AS PLUNDER - MORE THOROUGHLY SEALING THE FATE OF DAVIS REBELS. Vision approx. 1 mo. ago "They want you to have your shoes;" was that specifically those arresting Kansas sheriff, or was it more predominantly the South? Indications are it was those in Kansas.
Elaborating, some of the rebels will stop @ nothing to find a way to ruin me, including sending themselves to hell. "Find it" 2:58 PM, vision, 10/6; you can't find that report about child w/toy gun shot & killed in school restroom approx. 2004 during Bush admin.; commemorated w/'prom' expression. Can they change that 'prom' expression, representing the HS prom he was deprived of, into a 'promo' expression, along w/''hi's' cool!'? I'd complained to Bush & others as of 2001, & filed charges w/Grand Jury 2003, & Ca. Atty Gen. & FBI & complained to Bush & others as of 2004. In other words, I track them & expose them decisively @ Little League championship, but I then supposedly readily dismiss those findings against the South, based on a few gestures tracking Davis rebels that have already been tracked; & in so doing, they claim it must mean I'm still neglecting youth, & so instead of being "fined" (false charges amounting to jailings), I'm sent to prison on facade that my teacher goals are a deception. Find it - Golden Spike - Transcontinental Railroad, Promontory, Utah - 'prom & torrey.'
Mined from warlocks, & their followers (most of those claiming to be Christians in U.S.A.), & a lot of others thinking they can stall. Those attempting to coerce children & young people to take the lead are operating from Pied Piper scenario; musician hired to rid a town of rats, & then bilked by them after doing so, but mesmerizes their kids & the adults then pay up. Kids stand up for rights of Jack Teacher & rock stars, but it's guise of Jack Teacher (or rock) is a piper - a pseudo-justice because the denial of teacher goals is still up for grabs - Jack Teacher instead is a piper or random "band member." But rock warned, if they wanted to try to whine to keep their options open @ some point down the road - i.e., in the future (to revive oppression against me), it could cost them their souls - "& as we wind on down the road/Our shadow's taller than our soul..." Jack Teacher referred to as shadowing rock, in sense of converting their songs but also I was witness on their behalf, & national watch as well. If they don't maintain priority of the 'shadow' - i.e., Jack Teacher education goals, they end up forfeiting their souls.
7/31, "You won't know be left behind" bug code, 9:43 PM. Program on TV, "30 For 30," about Asian minorities struggling to become known, & then focussed on Michael Chang, tennis player from late 1980's. The more they talked about him, the more it became evident he was a big tennis star - but I'd never heard of him. In fact, he'd played all the tennis greats who were his contemporaries. But it became evident he was involved in conspiracy - he's from San Diego, where former roommate Joe Marcum was from; & strangely, Marcum's name is same spelling as Marco Polo; i.e., Marco Polo traveled to China - "um!" As though that was bad. Alternately, marking - being a teacher is another "um." But Chang was @ pinnacle of popularity in 1989, when me, Marcum, & two other roommates from InterVarsity Christian Fellowship got an apt. @ Viking Apts. - the timing was exact. He played piano @ an early age - same as Marcum. The story was focussed on his concern & that of Asians to break through the barrier of being unknowns & lacking popularity, & Chang was having an effect, & they were proud of him. Tennis became a sport in China & other Asian nations for the first time. Chang portrayed himself as a good guy who wanted to gain ground for minorities, & who believed in God. These are all good goals, but casing me wasn't, & it's likely they were participating or @ least became aware of the almost exact parallel of Marcum & Chang - so if they were serious about their noble efforts, watch & intervene. For ex., the No. Ca. media literally blindsided me - they censored all stories about Asian tennis player Chang! But moreover, the indications are it was subtle brainwash of Marcum - a gauntlet that he needed to overcome. 'We're snubbing you - what are you going to do about it?' In other words, in San Diego, Marcum is "strong" - Top Gun filmed there, Chang from there, etc. But, No. Ca., media signals - "Chang's nonexistent - you're nothin'! Get it? Forget your past roommate!" I reported there were @ least 5 R.E. brokers who ganged up on me w/false charges (defeated all of them in court); one of those was Ching Chang - 'ch[eat]ing, Chang!' Tiananmen Square massacre was also in 1989 - a gauntlet in China, where Chinese didn't fare so well. But the problem was, it was one of several instances early on of media conspiring to control my life & inhibit stories pertaining to God & Christianity - so their acts of "pressuring" others in my life were becoming habit-forming & literally became an m.o. of what morphed into a full-blown rebellion. Vision, approx. 10:25 PM, of Asians throwing me a ball, during the program. & what further got my attention was tennis player Edberg from Sweden playing Chang - media - news editors - cold as ice bergs - BECAUSE DEFEATING PREJUDISM & STEREOTYPES, & ELEVATING MINORITIES ISN'T SOMETHING YOU ROUGH UP THE VICTIM & START PUSHING HIM/THEM AROUND ABOUT - THEY WERE LIKE BULLIES - "COME ON, BUDDY - YOU GONNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT? HUHHH?!!" - CREATING A CHILL EFFECT. INSTEAD, THE RELATIONSHIP OF ME & MARCUM SHOULD'VE BEEN USHERED IN BY ANY & ALL PARTIES WHO HAD ANY AWARENESS OF IT, AS AN ENLIGHTENMENT. The chill effect editors had additional dimension of creating a rivalry out of what wasn't a rivalry; Marcum invited me to his parents' place in San Diego & we attended church - stayed the weekend. He was from Taiwan, adopted by his aunt (Asian) & white uncle (English name of Marcum). He attended my sister's wedding. We both taught elem. age Sunday School @ church. Once again, this formula became the blueprint - modus operandi of media & region. Previous to Chang's career in tennis, Bjorn Borg was popular & successful; but, another Scandinavian, & name subtly introduces 'born' w/a 'j' in it, as in jail. & 'tennis' phonemically conjures 'tin [cup] is;' & often w/poverty is increased oppression - courts & jail. The media - w/help of Scandinavians - instead "ushered" Asians to categorize me as a victim & accept the inevitable - they are second-rate minorities, as always, & anyone who tries to help them is headed for poverty & oppression.
NEVERTHELESS, Heb. 1:1-3, "God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom He also made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power," God explodes onto the scene, bigger than life by becoming a man & rising from the dead when they killed him! Other than his atonement on the cross, Jesus said we'll do greater works than him - Bruce Lee, the greatest fighter on earth w/giant leaps as a movie star as well - we proved in Education Nation Asians can be the best they can be - better than anywhere else in the world - we then reinforced it by doing a giant leap on the moon, & crediting it to Chinese! Talk about gauntlets - Bruce Lee & Asians overcame w/displays greater than a lot of miracles of Christ. So the little dares & chidings of Scandinavians shouldn't have intimidated them - Joe Marcum, engineer w/experience as Sunday School Teacher - engineers do presentations in front of groups, & teacher instruct lg. classrooms; Marcum grew up in U.S.A. & fully understood land of free's freedoms - God wasn't asking anything of him except his duty. Moreover, when Marcum failed to respond - what about Chang??? If it wasn't knowing involvement, he must've become aware of the parallels between him & Marcum, & he was already familiar w/ huge crowds, & HAS INSTANT ACCESS TO MEDIA!!! 30 For 30 implies betrayal for betrayal - & while I've leveled some sharp rebukes against Eastern & Western branches, presenting Asians w/half the globe as gift honoring them, & giant leap blessing, & freeing slaves globally, & teacher emerging on schedule fulfilling countless prophesies spanning hundreds of years, & sacrifices of sufferings - we didn't betray them - but w/Marcum & Chang throwing me to the wolves, it's a different story! It may be too late for Chang & Marcum, but if not, I'd fear God & repent! CHANG COULD'VE USED 30 FOR 30 TO PIPE UP. HIS CONCERN ABOUT ASIANS BECOMING PROSPEROUS, & HIS EFFORTS TO BRING IT ABOUT - ATLAS LIFTED THE ENTIRE ASIAN CONTINENT TO GREATER STATUS, & THERE'S NO ROOM FOR JEALOUSY AS TO ATLAS' "COLOR," BECAUSE HE'S JUST THE MESSENGER - IT WAS ALL THEIR DOING, W/GOD'S HELP! BOTH OF THEM CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, BUT THE PRIDE OF LIFE CAUSES THEIR HEADS TO BE "HUNG" INSTEAD OF FOCUSSING ON JESUS!
Wise as serpents, innocent as doves - we don't want to be unaware; Asians acknowledged they are aware they've accomplished "the men's" work w/gun powder & rocket science - they did this by subsequently mastering of cooking & cleaning - they can't have it both ways & play naive - incapable or illequipped as far as providing justice for Jack Teacher.
7/30, "That's you move on" 4:35 AM bug code. "We're expecting to see OUR GUESTS pick up" Gabrielle ch 40 - Sac consp. that I have to juggle 3 hrs. @4 AM or income sabotaged, 6:21 AM. "I just injure you" wh male gray beard tan jacket, blk Puma bk pk, hand in front of groin, 7:15 AM 42A. 7:53 AM "I have Target" Asian fem grn jersey, MU. 7:45 "He'll have his Bubba bus" 7:45 approx. male student, MU. "I have mine" Asian fem red hair blk clothing blk mask, after phone sound identical to my alarm (in recent past) 7:28 AM - & no access to webmail.
7/30, 8:14, "They would have their net," garbage collector 702 Oak Ave. - garbage collectors casing me @ least 4 instances - collecting parallel to my door knocks. "We're just having our nowt" lic pl 815GCF, Or. plates, 842 Oak St. (or Eureka); context: considering Consumer Cellular (from Portland), & Oliver Twist thought, & semi-plausible contract w/them - i.e. Portland relatives claiming they can stall to test me as far as corrupt/phony phone plans - that's where victim doesn't make it, 8:46 AM. "We'll have him- shank it" garbage collectoror male @ Oak & 14th 9:44 AM (after I spoke to Shanna - fem cust. on Oak). "We won't get him, gone" chubby Asian fem, blk dress, Scripps & Hanover, 11:05 AM; code is format of rebel concession codes - those oppressing me in certain way have left town; i.e., Asian consp. to consume me - inst. of justice, attempt to force me to change slavery jobs to dishwasher. "They have herd it," 10:10 AM (source?). "I'll bay'd it," 9:06 AM, fem. 8/2, 6 AM approx., vision (God), "You have to teach."
7/31, "You won't know be left behind" 9:43 PM bug code. 10:45 PM, as reported during "30 For 30," vision of Asians throwing me a ball (Chang); simultaneous to that, vision of sm jar of vaseline used up, & getting a new lgr. jar of vaseline - this occurred approx. 2 mos. ago - Raley's only has one size of petroleum jelly - lg. - & it has a pic of baby's head, similar to Gerber, & it's located in diaper section - Tippy Toes brand - they don't carry Vaseline brand, nor any other in any other section of store; & it's clear case of lewd stalking again. Additionally, context of these visions - I'd purchased second box of chicken chow mein in 3 days @ Raley's from food warmer, from Asian kitchen - reduced price because they were closed. I've purchased meals from them & dishes when they were open, but recently Asian male emply ignored me - refused to help me; so I haven't made any purchases there recently. In other words, the ball thrown @ me was Asians claiming the media snubbed them in past (Chang/Marcum) & other conspiracies of wh. rebels (Vaseline lewd tricks, etc.); they're pouting - what did I expect them to do? Tell us, HUH? Tell us, HUH? 7/31, 11 PM, "You looked him [up]," but I'd never heard of Chang; nevertheless, 'You looked, hymn' is probably applicable; i.e., both branches have had a "look" as far as Boris Landspace - REPENT!
8/1, "It happened, key" Homer, Asian male, Radcliffe Ave., approx. 2 PM - referring to Chang report - this was before any weed eater noise, but possibly double entendre - Nickle child facade "happened." "We've got people coming in" Richard Coss(?) according to mail labels wh male Falcon Ave. 4:54 PM; i.e., PADL report; I'd inadvertently said "PADL people" - possibly could be construed as Tzang, Asian prosecutor systematically oppressing me in past - 'people,' legal jargon. 712 Peregrine, wh fem res., - did one job for her in past - located next door to another cust. that elim. me because I pulled wrong weeds; "What's your name?" & when I refused, saying she already knows it, "You have to be up front - I'm telling my husband!" 4:35, & cancelled the job. Squeak sound from Homer's weed eater (Asian male on Radcliffe), approx. 2 PM, sounded vaguely like a shriek from fem or child; "That's where we're gonna frame;" context, 2 elem. age kids. "You don't get it - 2 editor" gov't bug code, 2:15; i.e., run to my editor & put those codes up, or it's ''T'-ooo, editor;' i.e, long range disappearance - possibly from false accusation of child Most likely "frame" context is I don't allow child to touch my pants where pvt. parts are - & there's no mistaking it was on purpose - then, according to Homer, possibly captivity facade. "You're not gonna mouse" Homer, 2:18 PM. "I'm not gonna know where we're book" 3:21, blk male emply, Delta Machinery or similar, Loop store, Savem. ctr, 3:15 PM.
Not that he hadn't already affirmed I'm a teacher, but I proclaimed God exploded on the scene of humanity as a man who conquered death by rising from the dead, & suddenly God explodes on the scene again to demand my teacher career! 8/2, "YOU HAVE TO TEACH!" Does America want to defeat the angel of death? Hire me as a teacher in classroom where kids aren't using codes.
Tax dollars & fees pay for public services, but rebels in their desperation to finish me off have systematically gone for the throat as far as my use of public services. As reported, my phone's wifi cut off - hopping from phone to phone because of conspiracies, & Tracfone's data is limited to 10GB for their most expensive plan, which I wasn't aware of when I signed up. Any additional GBs are $10/1 GB -4X as much as other cos.; moreover, magically w/Tracfone, I'm using 1GB/day almost - twice as much as when I was w/Verizon or T-Mobile - that's a magic $200/mo. phone bill up from $50. All this while I'm doing tankless work as landscaper because no one hires Think Tank Tutoring; gee, tanx (i.e., sinx/cosx=tanx). But Yolobus usually has wifi on busses, which I never use because I have hotspot w/phone - but the DIVISION rebels sabotaged that, & suddenly, I'm using wifi; but suddenly it's negated (unavailable) more often than not, & there's always rebels w/codes to make sure you know that it's to haunt you - your phone doesn't have wifi? You're needy! I was reporting one conspiracy this afternoon (10/7) & Aggies already orchestrating another one - L line Unitrans stops @ Viking Apts. bus stop for no reason (where I was living when a student), fat wh fem driver gets out of bus, looks @ bus, then gets back in, calls Unitrans, then we're on our way - after 5 min. delay; I then get off @ B &4th, in front of 397 B St. & I'm not focussed on sidewalk - I look up & forward, but I noticed 2 qtrs & penny on sidewalk, but they were glued to sidewalk (& the calculated I'd get off @ that stop - to go to Golden 1 & deposit my checks from work that day); I then arrive @ G1, & it swallows my ATM card & screen goes dark; fortunately, bank was still open, & they were able to get the card for me - but this was 2 stalkings in succession from Aggies' Viking oppression signal; the third was fully charged laptop as of this AM is fully drained when I got onto 42B - no working on reports on way back to WS, & the fourth, wifi cut off on 42B Yolobus; & when I tried to access it, 4:25 PM, blk male driver, "This is where you're adding, your terror," i.e., using public wifi when you're phone's hot spot is unavailable (in my case, because of rebels), somehow creates terrorism - according to driver. BUT THAT'S ALREADY BEEN TAKEN TO IT'S LOGICAL CONCLUSION; YOU SEE, POLICE ARE A PUBLIC SERVICE - PAID FOR BY TAX DOLLARS, BUT AVAILABLE (IN THEORY) TO WHOEVER IS IN NEED OF LAW ENFORCEMENT & PUNISHMENT OF OPPRESSORS; BUT JACK TEACHER IS OPPRESSED TIMES W/OUT NUMBER FOR UTILIZING SERVICES HE'S PAID FOR & THOSE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, & EVERYONE IS FULLY AWARE OF THIS, BUT ACQUIESCES TO IT @ NATIONAL LEVEL. THE BIBLE GUARANTEES THOSE WHO CURSE ME WILL BE CURSED (GEN. 27:29); DEMONS TAKE CONTROL OF POLICE, MORE SO NON-CHRISTIAN POLICE, & WHEN INDIVIDUALS THEN EXPECT TO UTILIZE POLICE, THEY PAY FOR THEIR "POLICY" OF REAMING PEOPLE (NAMELY, ME) FOR UTILIZING SERVICES AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC - POLICE INSTEAD SHOOT & KILL THEM OR THEIR FAVORITE RELATIVE, ETC. - BECAUSE THEY SAID THAT'S WHAT POLICE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! THAT'S NO. CA. DIVISION REBELS' CUSTOM ("POLICY") & IT'S BEEN ACQUIESCED TO @ NATIONAL LEVEL! Oh, most likely the UCD Aggies' oppression was because cust. Paul paid me for 4 hrs. but as of 3:30 PM (less than 3 hrs.) said, "Take the rest of the day off - you did a good job;" my ave. days off is less than 2 wks/year - ave. vacation length - but they - Aggies, Latinos, or others - turn up the oppression instantly - because it's bad for their slavery image.
9/3, "We won't burn him," Josh, grandson of Paul, N. Campus Wy.; plumber, visiting Paul, 2:30, arriving w/fem & child, Paul's; "He can't even do this to me!" 2:43 PM, Josh; I was digging a trench for new water pipe for water heater leak that Josh was going to be repairing the following day; according to Paul, it was a foundation leak - water pipe broke & fastest way to repair it was simply replace it. But the 'leak' was double entendre - approx. 2 years ago, I was working on sizeable project @ Paul's - replacing the spacer boards for 12 ft. wide brick walkway in front of the res., & re-laying all the bricks; Paul's wife Ann said, "I can't let you in," to Paul; & it didn't readily lend itself to any role play scenario; i.e., I was consistently working hard & doing good job & was entitled to justice, teacher career, etc., & if that wasn't an option, then they had no choice but to take it out on themselves - a coded confession. But more than that, it was 'leak' that amounted w/ramifications of bringing down the foundations of the city. This was confirmed on 9/3 - grandson, 'He can't [say], '[It's] even!' - Do this to me!' They can't sell to themselves or others that they can get away w/enslaving me while the whole world watches - they must be punished! The code reverse role clincher: "I won't come on 'em," Paul, 2 PM, before Josh & child arrived - alteration of lewd stalking code I've been stalked w/since 2019 or before, such as elderly fem. Long, Concord Ave. (& subsequent vision, 9/2/2020), that there was a blk Buddha statue in her front yard that I was being pressured to bow down to - possibly evidencing Asian involvement in lewd smears/motives): 'You won't 'come on' 'em,' i.e., threats that I won't say, "come on!" to kids - I won't work w/kids in profession such as teacher, due to double entendre lewd rendition of "coming." But the 'you won't...' became 'I won't...' i.e., Paul identifying w/me - reverse role - attempting to slip in a fundamental retraction - confession they merit punishment. Countless other locations where I've been stalked w/'you won't come on 'em' code - but this instance confirming proof of the long range Davis-Asian consp. to eventually sell me back to Asian dishwash employers, using newd innuendos - see REBELLION MOTIVES...ASIANS' NEEDLE IN HAYSTACK TRICK report. See HESITATED WITH LI'L RASCALS DISPLAY... report, davisneedy2.html; additional vision about Long, in driver's seat of car, "You're going to have to find it" & I was in passenger seat. 2021 approx., I worked for Nikki on Oyster Bay; 530-753-0407 vm., "You've reached Nikki & Leia; if you wanted a call back, you're going to have to leave your number," & tone is as though she's talking to someone who's in trouble or isn't trusted; as far as I know she was single - divorced possibly; Leia possibly a daughter (or her dog) that I didn't meet the 2 times I worked there. 'oh, he's cheer [the] bay [area]' & 'I f[&^%] you wanted a [spiritual] call[ing],'re going to have to leave - your [lack of] numb[ness] - burr;' i.e., too focussed on reports about Asians - overly spiritual, is possibly the facade; but that isn't a crime, & it's largely due to monsters conspiring to deny my teacher goals; as a teacher I guarantee I wouldn't have time to deal w/a lot of the spiritual issues - THEY CREATE TRAPS LEAVING GOD NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO USE ME IN POWERFUL WAYS TO DOOM THEM SO THAT I CAN THEN BE A TEACHER. Soon after working for her (end of 2019) I disappeared in Yolo jail), & while in jail, vision I was in front passenger seat of p/up, & blond fem. driving & indications were she was from Lodi; & vision of Jan from Antioch placing me in back seat of p/up truck - & 'pick-up' is code for arrest (kidnap by police). Princess Leia - Star Wars, but evidently Davis rebels out of jealousy transform role played by Carrie Fischer as lewd code - underage fem & 'lay' connotation - never mind the Great Grandma Carrie Petefish parallel - or rather, because of it. The visions I described in davisneedy2.html pertained to persecution of Davis rebels pursuant to my reports on webpage about Heavenly feats for Asians & about rock musicians - claiming it meant I was worshiping Buddha - jeaslousy! Disappearance in Yolo jail, 2020 - declared incompetent (i.e., threats of medication) & store that was popular in No. Ca. for decades & that I worked for in Lodi, replaced by CVS, Longs Drugs - the m.o. of No. Ca. rebels. Additionally, front seat or back seat is irrelevant - visions demonstrate Lodi's involvement, & the 'spice' report demonstrates they were instrumental in the stalls & ensuing attempts on my life, & in fact one of those was 2/19/2020 - when I disappeared in Yolo jail.
Biden & Congress ratified the shooting of those 18 people in Maine, because they've ratified the thousands of crimes committed against me daily in public; I've demanded justice, exhausting lower level remedies; I've gone through all the proper channels. They aren't fooling anyone by pretending they don't know about it - that willful pretense is a conspired pretense, & blatant conspired pretense by national leaders is directing people to rebel & go on shooting sprees!
7/20, code, S. Davis (?), "You don't have train." Biden, C-Span, 9:26 PM, lowers voice as if a secret, "We're gonna increase the speed of trains;" "Also announced,..." 9:27; @ beginning of Davis rebellion, approx. 2000, the word 'announcement' & the act of making one, became taboo - especially in church & church group settings; & it was sexual, 'an ounce, [you] meant' (as opposed to a gallon) - possibly because they owed me announcements/demands for justice in light of it was commonly recognized that I'd prevailed over UCC; that's a big feat for a Christian "lone ranger" - but if the majority of Davis churches went along w/UCC corruption, anyone making the announcement would've been the "dupe" - they were "training" - & sex, rather than God, was the motives - Biden's a charter member! 9:28 PM, " states, blue states 9:28 PM, " states, blue states end up w/matter," 'mat her,' code; i.e., claiming fem., possibly Swift, has the mat - 'abandon anyone promoting higher standards.' "It's can do both," code that the It church is sent to psych ward - both Dems. & Reps. can "do" w/that. 9:34 PM, "...but I lost somewhere along the way," Biden slips in subtle confession; "BIDENOMICS" play on Reagan's program, but, another confession - 'Biden owe[s] mics' - news stories covered up - eventually toppling our gov't & nation if we don't bring them to account. "...may God protect our Ger- TODAY'S A NEW DAY!" He starts to say 'German' - I'm part German, part English; i.e., "Germans" (Americans following their lead) purge the evil from among us (black rebellion) - BUT - Biden interrupts that w/'Today's a nude [pic.], A,' i.e., interruption is code for in such a hurry to be @ it w/sex, dirty pics, etc., that everything else is interrupted & put on hold - 'Halt black rebellion? Forget that! - too busy w/porn!'
7/21, "He boos them out trying to steal them," NBC Sports, 6:17 AM; attempt to prop up Biden - I track regional Latinos, & they claim it's all Latinos nation-wide, & so we have to fold as far as bringing blacks to account. Nevertheless, the melting pot could conceivably stand on power of whites - w/role playing - if there were too many minorities betraying us. @ one point after watching dirty movie, the next morning, a vague sense of superiority around women - but it wasn't a healthy aspect - it was as though they were slightly denigrated & disparaged - prey for men; & in need of someone to stand up for them. "I've got to get to help you!" (Boston).
Trump in gold tie before convictions, w/two fists raised as though show of power, but it subtly looks like door-knock gesture, so that any alleged power protest is bent toward door-knocking/sales motif - but that's the oppression against me - denial of teacher career - Trump's supposed power gesture is off just enough - sales as opposed to teacher career - that it cripples justice for me, considering Davis rebels' facade is I have secret motives of sales. He creates a facade THAT HE'S THE VICTIM - HE'S BEEN SUCKED INTO A LABEL IDENTIFYING W/ME, & SO - IT GOES TO FOLLOW - WHATEVER HAPPENS TO HIM IS OBVIOUSLY WHAT I DESERVE... When he was convicted, suddenly, he's in the news w/hitch hike gesture; in 2009 in Mex. cafe, Mex. serenaders from out of town playing w/horns, & I requested Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass, which struck a chord w/them. Soon after that, on I-80 between Davis & Vacaville, billboard of Mex. serenaders making hitch hike gesture; i.e. the message was I merit straight up Latinos even if the current ones have to be replaced. Upon conviction - Trump implicitly claiming Davis rebels are too sophisticated for him - he couldn't intervene for me - it was over his head. & in fact, according to him, he was sucked into it, & now all he can do is attempt to communicate what he's "learned" about it - there's no defeating them, first of all - & if he's guilty, then that must mean I've been convicted - & we have to go by those Mex. serenaders who said from the beginning to get out... But the serenaders were piping up on my behalf - it surprised them I knew who Alpert was; & THEY TRACKED TRUMP'S CONSPIRACIES.
9/21, "We need to do something to make a chain" blk male, ad for PBS (Public Broadcasting System), on PBS (ch 6), 11:55 PM; context, supposedly it was 'make a change.' ch 25 9:24 PM, blk fem adult, relieved isn't pregnant, curly hair, close up of face; instantly, Pillsbury ad, starts w/close up of young blk boy's face, curly hair - timing was unmistakeable - THEY'RE NUKED & THAT'S ONE MILLION DINOSAURS, 9:25 PM; but this could be part of the PBS blk consp. "You aren't gonna have you're fined" 10:08 PM, vision rebels claiming I don't "have," followed by conspiracy to kidnap me again ('fined'). 10:51 PM, "I want you to imagine waking up tomorrow" ch 25 wh fem soccer coach, to team of kids - code; possibly a leak that adults were subtly informing kids & youth they're all 'going' - accept it. "Verifying you are human; this may take a few seconds" refused to provide the service provider for my phone when I provide IMEI (Verizon, etc.); "Status is currently unknown", & while supposedly checking, "Your device was set @ wrong time" foolish supposed info - they waste your time & they also tell you they are infiltrating your phone (which may be a farce, considering I was using my laptop for the phone carrier search; I later called Tracfone, & he came up w/same response - "It says unknown" or similar. Mex. fem, Leaf, 4:51 "fe dough he" ('fe' - Span. for faith - fay); "We have butt," 4:54. "Income Taylor...figure out the United" 6 PM (football?); 'United' - soccer league or USA. "We messed won" 7:55 (W. Cap?). 6;31 PM, "He did not HAVE" anncr, NBC Mich. game. "Here comes the belt; they got form" 6:39 PM anncr - my wording for tracking of South was unclear; the credit card screen @ CVS wasn't a blank screen like those I've boycotted - it had sufficient info for signature - but it shows you they are desperate - you set standards where you refuse to compromise, & based on YOUR standards, one slip up & they claim they can persecute you. 6;43 PM, fem bug code - "You get hit pretty bad" (supposedly for the 'form' "slip up" - that didn't occur). "Okay, he has we test him, ball" anncr, 6:52 PM. "Just get in, the kid" 6:53 anncr., or 'just get in the kid;' lewd code, possibly. "We get mare 'er, on the line" anncr, 7:06 PM NBC; out of thin air, based on song lyrics, despite I've boycotted rock. "He __ greased, his meet" (or simlar) motorcycle, W Cap, 7:47 PM. 6:45 PM USB drive blocked from saving, permanently - claiming it was 'write protected' - but in "properties" it says it isn't. Blocked USB was simult. to (1)coded threats I was going to disappear; (2)garage door opened next to rm 16 & suitcases inside; (2) Belair mgr. showing rm. 17, "Here you go..." & leaning guest's bike against exterior wall in front of my window - implying get a little closer w/stalkings; the presumed facade if I'm kidnapped & hostage, police then take USB drive, laptop, & throw them away after 1 mo. & all my files are gone - but, if I get another USB, & keep it in suitcase, mgrs. can store suitcase until I'm released - especially if I contact them & ask them to, saying I'll pay storage fee, for ex.; but it's a facade to get me to sign on dotted line that I'm convinced I'm going to disappear again - downcast facade; but I didn't rush out & buy another one.
9/22, "Let's go, buddy-boy - owe serving" wh male crew cut, wh T-shrt, Raley's, 9:35 AM. "You can pick it up @ McDonald's," mex. fem. cashier, to mex. male emply, approx. 9:45 - code for kidnap 'pick [him] up.' "We generally don't care" football player, Saints; Fox, 8:53 AM. Kenosha cty "Snapped" Connie Reyes victim; Terry Thompson, disabled, puts foot down (as though stepping on gas?). Vision of carrying sub sandwich w/me on way to Jan's. ch 25, Gaylord & Gomez putting kids in "dangerous situations w/adult men" 2:34 PM - 'dangerous' code pertaining to No.Ca. "We're just knowing we won't creep him, on" 2:50 fem from Sahara motel @ garage & possibly staying in rm 17. 3;16 PM, "I'll just go that's where he's set" male, gold car, leaving Belair (ladder in front of Belair - USB drive factor (4)). "I'm gonna sock the 9'ers today, from the interior - it's avanti college" 3:49 anncr, Fox. "Completely un, completely unnecessary;" "Don't touch him - just get in front of his body" anncr, 3:50; advising rebels to attempt to block me on sidewalks or while jogging; male sitting on chair in middle of sidewalk on B St. near 11th (I was going down 10th); i.e., confrontation usually to my disadvantage (putting it mildly), w/warrants. "Rise when you can" blk (?)male Underdog ad 8:59 AM; another blocked sidewalk code. "High or low? You make the call" moderator. "We get this time" (or similar) "Put him in" 9 AM fem ch 40, anncr. (kidnap code, period). "I'll have the play" anncr., (ESPN, MLB 5:15?). 1;16, "They put us in games where we win" wh male football CBS; i.e., subtle confession NFL unjustly rigged. "So he knocked out? was this;" I've gone over this before - this nation owes me justice, & context of warrants, it's nonsense to walk into a jail trap; moreover, bug code 9/25, "You wouldn't club 'em," i.e., they aren't simply stalking me, they are committing felony conspiracies & rebellion - a confrontive response sells short the punishment they deserve - as though reducing it to a scrap in the parking lot - "clubbing" them, & they're members of your local club - just a little obnoxious, that's all. Meanwhile, I disappear in jail as result. Instead, description & lic pl. & they're put away forever. 12:43 "You're gonna have you're found out" (or 'your 'found out''), bug code. "You know what? I've got to stop getting up" 1:19 coach, Packers ("everyday, get up, ..."). Subtle confession that he's failed, & possibly should "check out" of life, because he's been conspiring for so long; but irregardless, he's signalling, 'read between the lines' & ruin me, because he's obviously too important to have to be punished because of oppression against me. Same formula as Davis police, Yolo d.a., UCC leaders, mayor, city council, etc. - too important to have to be brought to justice - get rid of the victim instead, was the formula. "We're gonna have to make some crack" Fox anncr, 2:41 PM. "I guess he did take it" mgr, Belair, 2:42 PM. "It was make balloon" ESPN 5:02. 2:46, "he can't go face to face & toe to toe - that's his sweet talk" anncr. - but this is cruel monsters saying, "Do it again!" over & over & over - because I've made those confrontations times w/out number, & almost been killed in the process - & instead of providing me justice when I expose the oppressors, they prop them up & conspire set up more confrontations - more 'scenes' is the code - in fact, "action" scenes; but Woodland already bit & once & for all exposed the "action" scenes - Hollywood in recent movies has cars lighter than air - a car hits another car & goes flying 20 feet off the ground - pure fantasy; but not in Wdld; recent news story (2023) of underage teen stealing a car & crashing it, & it's on top of another car 15 feet off the ground! That one took a fork lift to set it up; they became leary that there wasn't enough action in Jack Teacher's vicinity; but involving kids makes them collateral damages of the rebellion - tracked by Schwarzeneggar in "Collateral Damages!" "Let's get old" 1:54 anncr. "They told, part" NFL anncr. 2 PM. 2:01, "We're being rejected" anncr.; communication recently that the Rae Me Iron Rod Bunnies were tracking corrupt athletes & meida. For ex., while I've boycotted rock, that doesn't preclude that they're often oppressed & prejudiced against for the fact they are famous. Tracking of sports' & media's cruel treatment of Swift, for ex.; those who are using codes & conspiring lose their power & position; they are blinded so that they can't perceive others apprehending them & taking the reigns of power from them. "All authority in Heaven & earth has been given to me," Jesus said after rising from the dead - power is sometimes gained through popularity, such as that enjoyed by media & sports figures, but God ultimately has all power & intervenes when they don't repent. "Just make sure we're good to go" 5:11 PM Phillies player - saying of Peggy Mentink. Player Kyle, "the mechanics..." repeatedly, referring to batter's cage; 'mechanically separated' label on pkgs of chicken, possibly code being used here; i.e, facade where police & mexs. claim they are kidnapping you for your safety - but each act infinitely convinced rebels they can get away w/acts of oppression against me in future - because the "authorities" are going along w/it, ensuring yet another 'mechanically separated' incident. 5:20 PM MLB, "Just lock yourself up" anncr, Mets - mechanically separated formula. Cabenuba, "Good to go" ch 39 9:21 PM. "Surprise! Happy birthday!" 9:12 PM ch 34(?) male in law enf. looks a lot like Reisig; "Law & Order." 7:08 PM, trip code - KC Chiefs payer. Blk male football player, seated w/others on bench, leaning forward glaring @ camera - like Chertoff, 2002 or so - i.e., electric chair codes - 'make a chain' - it worked for Bush & Chertoff - 2004 disappearance for 2.5 years - why not for black rebels? BLACK OUTLAWS ARE PROVING THEY AREN'T BLINKING - SHERMAN & GRANT SINGLE-HANDEDLY FREED THE SLAVES - BUT THE DEATH ROW CONSPIRACY FOR SHERMAN IS "ALL SYSTEMS GO" AS FAR AS BLACKS ARE CONCERNED. & KAMALA HARRIS - SUE GREENWALD LOOK-ALIKE (FORMER MAYOR/CHAIR OF DAVIS) IS SUPPOSEDLY FULFILLING THE 'CHAIR TOUGH' CONSP. & before her, of course, there's Suzie Boyd - she's the one who falsely charged me @ city council meeting - kidnap (charge dropped); her name sounds like how one of those supposed New Jersey hardened thugs would say "Suzie bird" - "Suzie boid" - attempting to mold me into what she perceived as thugs, who were actually the New Joisey Rae Me's. & before her, mayor Julie Partanksi, self-professed witch.
5 AM, thinking, US looks like giant turkey, & vision, "or bird." "I was sleeping over there" 9:37 mex. male roofer, El Mac.; mex. monsters attempting to talk themselves into kidnap from WS & attempts to trap me in Davis. "We're just wanting, his hot" mex male roofer 11:30. "He doesn't know here" "We're taking his fear, it" roofer. 9:10 approx. 2:30, Bunnie, "He isn't gonna look better?" while I was working @ Gunther's - w/in earshot of Gunther; i.e., implying Gunther turn up the heat - a 'better look;' (I worked for her that AM & Gunther across the street that PM). 2:35, "We're not gonna rake," Gunther.
9/23, "It's just temporary, it" 4:24 AM vision; going out on limb w/displays for Slavs, Asians, etc. But vision used lingo like rebels - 'shirt' code as of approx. 2006, UCD lib., fem student, 'He's sure, it;' God may be using coincidence - the saying to have patience - "Keep your shirt on;" & New Jersey Rae Me standards for women - '[you] knew [keep your] jersey [on!]' & jersey also obviously meaning USA patriotic clothing, flag, etc. - Team USA! 4:20 "That custom won't be around" (or similar) (source?). "We're just letting his UC knew him" (source?). "We aren't gonna let him run his hundred" W Cap, & web editor sabotaged. 4 AM, dream that I was telling someone in Davis that I met a movie star (i.e., no affiliation - random - no religious theme); describing the coffee shop were I met them (near Panera); context - removed most of spiritual reports concerning Mary & also China pg.; i.e., asking to be ignored. 7:10 AM "All he has to do is 3 things" fem dispatch 42A. "This is where you wouldn't hunt 'em" wh male caser (from Carl's S.D. 2010 approx.) 7:15 approx. 42A, crew cut blue jacket; & file refused to save on editor.
Recent video display from Mary w/Russian flag prominantly displayed - most likely a reaction to the Slavic ballerina from So. Ca. who made contribution to Ukraine & is now in jail in Russia. Pic of Mary on internet in ballerina pose...uh-oh, better clarify...! There's nonthing wrong w/being patriotic, but Mary is essentially operating on the defensive when she is positioned to legitimately & credibly rock her country like an earth quake! I'm telling you, this is why Czar Alexander is looking skyward in that pic.! He knew they'd be sluggish. But moreover, you have to wonder, is she an infiltrator from Russia trying to spoil the Jack Teacher plan???? Do the math, most of these Russians are Christians or are from that background. If they can exhibit paranoia or overly docile mentalities - including when they are citizens or residing in U.S.A., & do so in context of unparalleled news about & on behalf of their country, it bolsters & reinforces similar attitudes & behavior of Asians, including Asian-Americans. In other words, there is 1000 Chinese churches in U.S.A.; 4000 Korean churches, 400 Japanese churches in U.S.A.; 12,000 total Asian churches in U.S.A.! Probably 99% of the members are citizens of this country - why is it none of them have organized & broken the media code of silence???? You get 3 pastors to go to a local TV station & demand the unparalleled feats of God for Asia be reported, & the media would report it! A small group of laypeople, anything! They go to church every Sunday, & pray & read the Bible, but they aren't willing to display the smallest amount of courage or confidence - despite being literally grafted into the pages of the Bible - such as the 3 wise men, & figuratively, Elijah & chariot of fire! The facade is an attempt to conjure a bigger than life image of dictators such as Jinping, as though his long arm might reach them from across the globe! This perpetuates a stigma of global fear; "There they were, in great fear, where there was nothing to fear..." Ps. 53:5a. Christians have sacrificed for centuries to demolish this stigma - "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ," 2 Cor. 10:4,5. Christian kings, leaders, missionaries, pastors, & lay people moved Heaven & earth to totally demolish these fears - England constructively took over most of the world, then gave it back to them to show Christians have absolute sovereignty, & are willing to do whatever it takes to secure safety, peace, & freedom for any nation that clamors for it & publicly desires it. THIS IS THE KING KONG SCENARIO - W/JAPANESE MOVIE MAKERS, MIRIAM COOPER DEVISED A MOVIE THAT EXPRESSES THIS CLAIM - DICTATORS DON'T HAVE 'THE BIG APE' - IF ASIANS CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, CHRIST WILL BE THERE FOR YOU & CHRISTIANS HAVE PUBLICLY COMMITTED WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST STANDING READY TO INTERVENE FOR YOU! "Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil w/good," Rom 12:21. But the Red Sea waters won't part until your feet get wet - by faith you must go forward as publicly believing Christians - same as Israelites did. There are 6300 Catholic churches in China, 60,000 Protestant churches or meeting places in China; but the focus doesn't have to be on those claiming to be Christians in communist-controlled China - although they should also proclaim these mighty acts of God. God is a good God, & there are countless promises in the Bible that they can count on his protection & blessing if they pipe up. Sufferings under Mao Tse Tung understandably have after-effects, but they were predominantly non-Christians & weren't seeking God very diligently. God has acted on their behalf so that they've heard of him & can call on him. God promises he will make up for what the locusts have eaten, Joel 2:25 - symbolizing famine, evil rulers, etc. It's easy to point to me & use fact that God has left me stranded, & the Bible indicates there are occasionally instances were righteous people are allowed to suffer, but more so the Bible says God watches over the righteous, & the pit the wicked dig for the righteous, the wicked fall into that very pit! If you call on the Lord, YOU WILL BE BLESSED IN THE CITY & BLESSED IN THE COUNTRY, YOU WILL BE BLESSED GOING IN & BLESSED COMING OUT, FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB WILL BE BLESSED, ETC., DUET. 28. Asians in America are failing miserably to capitalize on the rights & freedoms God has granted them & blessed them w/! Their displays of paranoia & exaggerated shyness & timidity directly undermines the Jack Teacher plan, & are borderline Judas betrayal behavior! "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of boldness, love, & self-control," 2 Tim. 1:7. Often the challenges God gives us are not only courageously proclaiming his name in public, irregardless of if it's popular or not, but challenges to take new ground in our lives. This isn't a new concept to Asians, in fact they know all about it - acknowledging they did the "men's work" globally - rocket science. MOREOVER, WE PROVIDED THEM A HISTORIC ICONIC ASIAN-AMERICAN ROLE MODEL - UNCLE SAM (BRUCE LEE)! So it's the dead wrong response when invited to claim it, to instead let everyone down & pray for evil to spread globally.
& who is it who is emulating similar behavior? Mary! A resident, & possibly citizen of U.S.A., but acting timid. & she must be aware it won't help the Jack Teacher plan & in fact it amounts to giving Asian-Americans fuel to attempt to justify their timidity. I clicked on "News" for Mary Nabokova, & came across 2 stories on "OUTKICK.COM" news page, "Mary Nabokova Makes Her Debut" & they were dated 2021, but the articles had nothing to do w/Mary, nor even mentioned her - it was indicating a wake-up call., one of 2 main news agencies in Russia, Kremlin Russian media diplomat Maria Zakharova, "Russia Will Not Leave U.S. Actions Against Russian Media Unanswered;" i.e., the argument is the West is bolstering Ukraine because Russia snubbed me - no story despite I exposed the code of silence about the sufferings of Slavs in Siberia being almost exclusively persecutions of Christians by Jews (Jewish Russians) - millions giving their lives for Jesus. Most likely significant factor is putting up a cold front to see what China'll do - yellow people, blue sky (flag) - don't follow Ukraine. But stalls of non-Christians aren't controlling over Christians obeying the word of God, & Slavs owed me public testimony on my behalf for justice. But the Zakharova's response perpetuates facade that justice is only for the rich, the powerful, the highly talented - & they have the "right" to marginalize me because that's what the West is doing - negating that the West was doing it to hand the story to them so they could claim what their Christian heritage merited - Caesar-Constantine/Roman-Byzantine rule - Czar is a contraction of Caesar, & Constantine, a Byzantine (predecessors of Slavs). Most likely, Eastern branch is going along w/Western branch - the Pied Piper scenario; older folks blew it - younger folks must sieze the day. But the Pied Piper scenario, as reported, lends credence to musicians leading; i.e., rock & Hollywood, & that's yet another dimension to the deception of the East & West 'hymn' deception - the Jack Teacher plan is undermined by a bunch of horn blowing sequin chiefs! Mary is positioned to give a swift kick in the dierriere to Russians by refusing to participate in Asian-Americans' deceptive timidity & demanding they & Slavs proclaim straightforwardly the great deeds of God & justice for me. I had that open-ended vision of Russia becoming the world leader of freedom. Mary demonstrates confidence in her videos - such confidence readily enables her to break the code of silence of Slavs. If not, it's a built-in excuse of Asian-Americans to maintain Judas-like behavior, rather than going from glory to glory advancing the Kingdom of God. Mary, what you are being asked to do is really minimal in the grand scheme of things - do it!
Rae Me NYInfos Easter Bunny standards ...Enter Denmark - Defenders & Contenders on behalf of the Jack Teacher Plan. Vikings are from not only Norway, but also Denmark & Sweden - the entire region - which is the majority of Scandinavia. The Easter Bunny standards of Rae Me NYInfos - men leading on behalf of women - inspires women to lead more biblical lives & affirm & submit to leadership of men - Frederik X is now King of Denmark - his mother the Queen abdicating the thrown. Jack Teacher's high standards are from self-control, meriting affirmation of the Jack Teacher plan authority in both East & West. Honk if you're horney!
9/16, "Yes, you did a good deed for me, it's like a nail in my coffin hinge" 6:20 AM, dream about Jesus talking to fem; i.e., Davis rebels claiming they are helping God by hiring me - but it's more of the Don Miller still alive in coffin consp. 9/20, "Use tomb," vision, 8:30 PM, when I was praying about Taylor Swift, & vision of her closing her eyes as though giving up, approx. 6 PM on Yolobus 42B. The context of this was leaf blowing in b/yard of Gary & Vicki on 10th St.; they moved to Davis approx. 5 years ago, & operating under guise of watch dogs, despite they use codes, making them part of the rebellion. But based on 'test' code, they approve of my UL report - tracking electric chair consps. Based on that, suddenly 2 custs. called while I was there - i.e., caught trying to stall emplymnt of me. Nevertheless, Gary then, "You didn't take this test" & "You didn't have this full - we're selfish;" 2:14 PM, possibly leaving it up in the air. But then Vicki, code, "I heard Wednesday," approx. 3 PM - important code that I needed to write down, but I was also busy working; & most likely an angel caused me to forget what the code was - other codes also distracted me - so I didn't write it down @ the time. Several custs. have been trying to horn in on my weekly appts. @ Jan's, 4+ hrs. every Wed. AM - butler & landscape work. But, Wednesday is name of girl on "Adams Family;" unusual name, but if Vicki is speaking on behalf of Davis rebels, then it's most likely a lewd code - using kids to produce lewd innuendos, etc., & 'when's [his] day [for justice]?' But the rhetorical response is the implication that my "day" is (1)stalled, because a child has to grow up & marry me - slaves stalling me & enslaving me - marriage on their terms - never, or long ways off @ any rate; (2)"day" is negated, based on claiming lewd innuendos about me w/children, such as "Wednesday" or someone similar; but, a girl (fictionally) named Wednesday, from TV program - it's simply a name; God gave me that vision of American boy, & that I was his dad - i.e., adoptive dad for all kids in USA; under that scenario, kids wondering, 'when's [his] "day" for justice?' - & nothing about this is lewd; so it's rebels projecting their perverted thoughts onto me! 9/18, "This is your honor" Jan, while I was in bathroom alone w/her repairing cabinet drawers. I.e., claim they've got me making confession - admitting I trust them all alone in a small room where they could falsely accuse me & no witnesses. But on the contrary, this 9/21, approx. 6 AM, dream about Little Red Riding Hood & someone explaining about her in vision - it isn't 'writing' hood, it's 'riding' hood. In other words, Wednesday is LRRH, & she is riding the Davis rebel hoods - pressuring them, causing them to take their perversions to logical conclusion - everything is corrupt to them - Tit. 1:15. But moreover, the coffin hinge nail - Jesus wasn't buried in a casket, w/or w/out a hinge; verse in Bible about a lazy man turning back & forth on his bed is like a door turning on its hinge. Rock & Hollywood have become lazy & rebellious - the laziness isn't pertaining to me - I've recently been getting up @ 3:20 AM & putting in 3 hrs. of juggling before work, & God said, I believe, that I should reduce it to 2 & put in an hour of studying; i.e., God telling me I'm maybe doing too much. @ any rate, fem claiming she's doing good deeds for the Lord, & he clarifies in dream she's twisting the gospel w/supposed good deeds that negate the word of God - essentially reducing God to Don Miller (stalking me after his death w/res. in S. Davis in recently built neighborhood, w/roof architecture that looks like a casket lid partially open); & the implied assertion that Jesus was buried in a casket, & never rose from the dead! Far from good deeds, that's blasphemy! 42B, approx. 5:30 PM, vision of Taylor closing her eyes - implication was she was about to sleep the sleep of death. In other words, sending mssg. to me she's "giving up;" & why would she be doing that? Possibly signal of elaborate cover-up to attempt to get @ my future marriage & dismantle it, as opposed to insulting claim that I fell short reporting codes. In other words, Davis rebels attempting to misconstrue & pervert "Adams Family" character, claiming that entitled Nickles family to involve kids in lewd innuendos, & reducing me to a pawn as opposed to prospective husband.
&, praying about it - @ approx. 9 PM, "Use tomb" vision, alternately, 'used to 'em' - they can't say I'm used to Davis rebels, because I'm producing reports that amount to a slaughter. They can't say I'm used to rock, because I'm still boycotting them; it's 'use tomb' - & lately, Davis rebels claiming they are doing their part if they hire me - as though crime isn't illegal & immoral if you're an employer - then you have license to commit crimes & to kill! & their rebellious acts of slavery - committed by No. Ca. & nationally by warlocks - are corrupting the gospel mssg. - & it amounts to Jesus' resurrection negated! Dr. Bill Spangler, necropsy (autopsies), resides on Parkside - in the event rebels were to prevail, what was the cause of (constructive) death of U.S.A.? Rebels "parking" Old Glory & Constitution.
I was randomly thinking about Foreigner, "That Was Yesterday" & lyrics, "That was yesterday/But today life goes on..." except it was coming out, 'butt to die' - those rebelling against U.S.A. under guise of butting are asking to be punished by losing their lives.
9/18, "This is your honor" Jan, while I was in bathroom alone w/her repairing cabinet drawers. I.e., claim they've got me making confession - admitting I trust them all alone in a small room where they could falsely accuse me & no witnesses. But on the contrary, this is testimony against them - a leak, you could say - I've reported bug camera installed somewhere on my person that I've never been able to locate - able to read my notes as I write them down in remote locations - but the same is the case for Davis rebels - the bug codes & whoever is behind them, despite being rebel codes, aren't in direct communication or contact w/Davis rebels; & same as radio codes, they don't know who they are nor do they completely comprehend their motives. &, as I've reported, the 'no honor among thieves' principle is usually prevalent. Some of them are demons, but it's more than demonic or angelic activity; I reported for ex., sleeping @ night in bed under blankets, & I scratch myself, & a bug code describes it. I've reported quite often, an inanimate object makes coded comment, maybe even a warning against one of the rebels, & rebels respond back w/code, @ a total loss as to identity of the individual to whom they are talking. THE DAVIS REBELS HAVE HAD TO MAKE CONCESSIONS - A REBELLION AGAINST FREEDOM & EDUCATION NATION, THE REBELS HAVE THEIR "DUES" TO PAY - THEY'VE HAD TO RELINQUISH FREEDOMS SUCH AS PRIVACY - ESPECIALLY WHERE EVER I AM, BUT PROBABLY CONCEDING IT'S CONCEIVABLY THEY ARE BEING WATCHED 24/7, THEY HAVE HAD TO CONCEDE THERE IS ILLEGAL EAVEDROPPING @ VIRTUALLY EVERY MOMENT - AS THOUGH AN INVISIBLE ALL-SEEING EYE; & A FALSE ACCUSATION AGAINST ME WHERE SUPPOSEDLY THERE ARE NO WITNESSES, THE ILLEGAL EAVESDROPPERS COULD TESTIFY AGAINST THEM & SEEM TO HAVE CONNECTIONS W/GOV'T, WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT ALLOW THEM TO GET AWAY W/IT. NO. CA. REBELS REGULARLY PATTERN THEIR TACTICS & M.O.'S AFTER RADIO CODES - DESPITE THEY DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE. So this 'I heard Wednesday' code was threat they are "herding" me - that I'd better wise up & lose the butler job on Wed. mornings, before I'm falsely accused in isolated location w/rebel.
In fact, God gave me heads up about it: Approx. 8:50 AM, "I'm gonna bunt 'em," vision; i.e., ''b[e h]unt' 'em;' referring to Tom & student tenants & electric chair codes, & Davis rebels' tactics overall of hunting & stalking the victim; the tactics include claims they are ironically forcing me to hunt for rebels - but it's a distraction they were already exposed 25 years ago is smoke screen facilitating another smoke screen - '[bunt] cake' consp. - 'k[ey,] ache;' constant treadmill of exercising amounting to slavery; & lo & behold, Jan, 9 AM, "We're gonna have our bunt" Jan. This code from Jan occurred approx. 10 min. after the vision from God, telling me in advance what she was going to say. In other words, illegal eavesdroppers have anticipated their every move, w/an "all-seeing" eye w/capabilities that are god-like, in some ways. It isn't any "goodness" of rebels, rather attempting to be astute about being watched from every angle - illegal eavesdroppers in a sense hunting them - a concession they've had to accept as integral part of rebelling against freedom & education nation.
There is a distinction among bug codes - the majority of them are monsters defined - & I've bound thousands of dinosaurs for many of them in hell; as far as I can tell, the illegal eavesdropping magic tricks make use of tactics that can be imitated by No. Ca. rebels, & illegal eavesdroppers are claiming they have some sort of authority - as though gov't. law enforcement (which is probably the case - corrupt law enforcement) - to utilize that form of oppression in order to lure rebels - but they have to first oppress me w/it - & that's crossing the line. I've been stalked by customers that have access to some of the illegal eavesdropping info on the spot; i.e., something I randomly view, or I say something to myself while on the job, totally out of earshot of customer, & suddenly I'm stalked w/that comment or viewed object by the customer - it creates a stigma or perception of power or authority for them; most likely a bug code informs them of what I said or something I viewed. Usually it's illegal eavesdroppers, but in one instance, vision from Taylor, & then customer makes almost exact same comment, attempting to slant it against me, unaware I was informed ahead of schedule - similar to God & the 'bunt' scenario. But - common occurrence is No. Ca. terrorists that aren't simply rec'g bug code mssgs. but have become the illegally eavesdroppers, systematically using electronic tech. to stalk me & threaten me - they're provided the tactics, etc., & systematically stalk me w/it. It's possible the unidentified illegal eavesdroppers are rock & Hollywood claiming they can cross the line & attempt to justify it based on luring - because countless rebels immediately take to it - increasing the # of crimes they can commit against me to try to get me to blow up a bldg. sky high - like Dorothy. But there's no exceptions, & there's never any justifying new, more sophisticated tactics of oppression!
Approx. 3 wks before Carl's Jr. N.D. closed, I bought fountain soda, unlimited refills, & was drinking it @ table on Carl's patio; Mex. fem, blnd/gray hair, emply there for possibly 30 years, when I came in for refill, "You have to buy that!" & Despite I showed her rec't., she was claiming I had gone outside w/it, so I had to buy another one! I rebuked her & ignored her. This is the same emply who objected when I plugged my laptop into an outlet in customer area, & then outlets were capped off. Mexs. negating freedom, Carl's shuts down their jobs! Approx. 8 years ago, USDOJ, 202-514-3204, changed vm. message from indignant sounding fem. to timid sounding Mex. male; 3 mos. ago, Jessica, College Pk Ave. said her contractor Edwin from Chico, had lost his emplys due to excessive heat. She gave me his # to call him; he then said there were delays due to another contractor's project; I called & left mssgs. & recently he was back & work & I wasn't hired. Moreover, I noticed his ph. #, same 3 dig. prefix as USDOJ - 514; & according to his vm. his co. is "Three In One" & in the mssg., he hesitates after saying it - implying it's a code - indicating turning up the heat & gang raping Jack Teacher. French news story confirms it - you can't say regional Mexs. are my friends - typical foreign languages in secondary schools in USA are Spanish & French - was I ever hired as Spanish Teacher? & as far as their "tactics," it involved attempts on my life in addition to "cheating" me out of my profession - it could be I'm jumped by a lot more than 3. 9/18, vision, approx. 5:16 AM, "You'll slide - [Cap] Hill's off;" THIS IS A VISION FROM GOD CONSTRUCTIVELY ARRESTING CAP. HILL & WHITE HOUSE!
9/15, "You have a bad battery hide you" 2:21 bug code; i.e., defeated the battery charge conspiracies of No. Ca., phone cos., etc. Wegovy "some lost over 46..." blk male, 4:52 PM ch 24; 'some [sex]' code - claiming hypoth. wife is over 46 - stall conspiracies. 5:42 PM, "Snapped" "We need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt..." sheriff deputy, - but that isn't the legal req. - beyond a reasonable doubt; "..countermand" - used when word was contravened or contradicted; 'countermand' means change or reverse an order; code claiming rock, Swift, etc., "manned" the rumors - 'count her 'manned' - possibly w/McVay movie code (conjecture - it's possible the communication is I manned her delays). Additionally, code claiming rock's assertion of me as 'shadow' - 'taller than our soul' has been negated - 'yawned, a shadow.' In other words, conspiracy w/in law enforcement to prop up the 'we'd better be damned sure' code of Bush admin. Chertoff. Alternately, claim that rock failed to live up to use of shadow that "Stairway To Heaven" claimed. While I've reported their shortcomings, everyone else has failed far worse. Once again, argument that they failed to follow through - failed to keep their end of implicit 'witness' agreement, & thus left others, such as church leaders, political leaders, etc. in the lurch, is significantly negated by their Comet China watch - &, & their claims about Slavs aren't w/out merit; Mary has made efforts to remedy, but a lot of church & political leaders in Slavic nations have failed to intervene for me, indicating possibly adverse conditions if I were to visit Russia, etc. Real Ca. driver's lic report, ch 40, 6:25 PM 9/17, & images of 2 driver's licenses - one of Mex. fem, name "CARDHOLDER" & the other one, Asian male, "ALEXANDER JOSEPH;" & currently they are desperately claiming I've fallen short by continuing to promote Asians despite they have refused to respond - but that isn't the case - I removed the Highway in Sky rport last wk. The code is 'hold Latinos' "cold[ness],"' because I'm going too far out on limb, identifying w/Asians & Slavs. 9/17, working for Tom (Asian male landlord), "We're the hoe-ver" Tom, 12 PM aprx. "This is she doesn't like;" 'hover' code - claiming I'm hovering around prospective wife, & therefore ]Asians must use codes - 'h[e -] 'over['s it],''' Renoir property. "We have the play" Tom, 12:45PM; i.e., (1)Asians refuse to repond to the Heavenly feats; then, (2)I go out on limb again, or further out on a limb; (3)they then claim I'm a bad example because I'm falling short of teacher standards; (4)my attempts to continue to reach out to them is also indication of guilt of Western church, & so (5)they can use codes & conspired against us. But I've consistently repented, & any & all of these contingencies are based on #1 - them first turning a cold shoulder to God & admitting that's what they're doing. We then went to Alvarado/Espana property, & 2 tenants - both fem students. Had to remove shoes; working on loose outlets in back room; last time we were there, 31 Aug., students moving out, fem. sitting on floor in back room (connected to a bedroom by sliding door) slid across the floor onto the threshhold & was sitting on threshhold while I did paint touch-ups in hall. Context, that morning I'd placed Capernick/NFL 'triple' report on internet. As I entered the room, I stubbed my toe on 3 in. step that wasn't really noticeable (a little painful) - but Tom & Katy (one of tenants) both instantly said, "Did you trip?" i.e., eager to identify w/Capernick codes. Then starting on outlets, 2:45 PM, removing covers to tighten the outlet fixtures themselves, but Tom hadn't shut off power @ fusebox, & said probably wasn't necessary - but we were working w/screwdrivers w/in millimeters of live electric lines, @ my urging he then said he'd shut off the circuit - but plugging in fan, it still had power - attempting to set up electrocution. "He gave in to me" fem tenant. "You won't look down" Tom, 2 PM approx.
Also, Katy looked a lot like Christina Rowenstad, UCC member in my Encounters Sunday School class (1995) - Norwegian or German name, but very similar to Ronstadt (Linda)(German); i.e, '[death] row - in[n, home]stead;' & electric codes are equivalent of death row codes. As reported, some of the students & others of UCC were plants from Lodi or @ their bidding - but Vacaville & other locations already conspiring w/Lodi & Davis long before 1995. Indications are the Capernick trip code (entrance to bedroom) was being negated.
Encounters was adult Sunday School class, so Rowenstad was either graduated or a grad student; but I'd attended UCD as of 1988, which would be approx. when she started there as well - I was getting my Teacher Cred. which is grad coursework. 1993, "Walkin' In Memphis" song, Marc Cohn, lyrics, "...followed him UP/To the gates of Graceland..." & Kathy Watt, from the church I'd attended in Lodi, First United Methodist, started attending UCD approx. 1994. I originally met Kathy on week long youth group backpack trip (FUMC); Dave Moehring, former assoc. pastor, & I led the group; she was jr. h'er @ the time, & her sister, also on the trip, was in HS - trail near Strawberry, Ca., N. of Yosemite. As reported, 'electric' phrases - rebel code for death row/electric chair. Anna Brockmeyer, daughter of Myron (Richmaid boss) also started attending UCD in 1991 or so - I bumped into her on campus @ end of my senior year. While attending UCD, I originally attended First So. Baptist church (Now Pole Line Rd. Baptist), where Linda Van Slyke was attending. Due to some ongoing bickering between the pastor & some members of congregation, I started attending UCC my senior year. As of 1993, Linda was then attending UCC also, & as reported, married Paul Schroeder - 'shhh! [death] row, der!' - alternately, 'Sher[man] rode her,' but that wasn't the intonation. "Last Man Standing," Allen's character, reflection in microwave despite he'd walked to one side of Microwave, 9/17; i.e., it looks like it's possibly no longer death row consps., it's still in full swing. "Underwriter's Laboratory is mainly known for it's testing of electrical & electronics products," UL website; I reported the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. - Metro Goldwyn Meyer Hollywood movie producers - 'me[death] row;' Lodi was lured by their own jealousies - I was inadvertently hired by Richmaid, & they were aware that it was most likely me that rock musicians were contemplating as their witness - in addition to church members having vague sense of Jack Teacher plan culminating. The two roars of lion trademark of MGM - corresponding to Davis double arch on G St. as of 1916 - ''T'-ooo' - DIVISION consp. - divide the nation w/scandal & rebellion. I was also hanging out w/Eric Ulrich - Eric UL[Laboratories - electrical]rich;' & that seemed to clinch the association of riches = death row; enter Rich Mahoney - 'rich['s] money;' 'rich, my honey!' So electric chair conspiracies were already "underwritten" before the oppression in occurred on Davis St. in Vacaville in 1996, & Davis in 1997. & as of Rowenstad, preliminary signs of a calculated conspiracy pinpointing 'rich' as pertaining to rock music (Ronstadt).
My, aren't we the fashionate ones!"
- Materialize or Jack Teacher walks on -
(You take your cues when you start to have a pattern of models & singers who show up only in visions, eating your desserts! - "Get her a brownie" vision 9/16, after Mary in vision earlier that day, "You're going to impregnate me," & "Faces of Fashion" video.)
I've maintained acknowledgement of feats of Slavs, but kept it to minimum due to lack of response on their part. What I've rec'd from God is they should've intervened. Mary's gestures count, but it's minimal compared to what should be happening. It's viable that God has someone else for a spouse for me, but as of this point I've been led to stay open. Pic of Mary sitting next to a sign "2-4-6-WAIT" or similar; 9/21, approx. 9 PM, vision, "You won't go worth your wait" - possibly double entendre - 'worth your weight [in gold].' The context was I continued resisting looking @ dirty pics. 'go' as in 'say' - 'you won't say [it's] worth...' or 'go' as in going down the tubes; I haven't been led that if I compromised & started looking @ dirty pics that that would result in my "going" or dying or ruined, but, I had a vision of me, but name was Steve Archer, & I was checking into a room w/2 women - presumably a three-some; i.e., one thing leads to another - fallen from faith. This also doesn't pertain to a recent "Ren"-dition of a pair of models who were clothed. Too much delays from Slavs, irregardless of Mary, & I could be distracted from teacher goals, having become their personal promo rep., while they ignore me - that isn't teacher standards, that's borderline fool (categorically a fool, no, because it's a question of standing in gap for a church w/phenomenal feat for Christ, despite present-day members are more or less falling away). Arguably, it isn't a teacher's job to bother w/them if they can't respond. 'Worth your weight [in gold]' - my waist size is now 32" approx. - it was 30" since HS until 2 years ago, but due to decades of constant exercise & better diet, I'm gaining weight - 180 lbs. Current $ rate of gold, 180 lbs. is $6.8M; i.e, the Six Million Dollar Man. I'm not concerned w/money, but God gave me a vision in approx. 2021 for what he's used me to accomplish for this nation & other nations - sixteen figures - but I'm not asking for any exact monetary repayment - Jack Teacher plan is long range plan of God that supercedes money; but get too close, & I might bite! Nevertheless, it puts into perspective that the ball should be rolling a lot faster for me.
9/22, "It was we were, the warrant" 12:24 AM, vision; courts issued the warrant pursuant to Groc. Outl. case & Panera cs. from 2017, @ request of Yolo d.a. - who hasn't dropped charges yet. Current d.a., as of 2007, is Reisig - Russian; the previous systematic oppression of court & d.a. has diminished, but it wasn't halted, nor did he call the Marines to invade & shake down the entire region. I reported Slavs in Yolo originally led w/judge Lebov (Russian) dropping a charge in a 5 case 15 ct. trial, nudging jury to get a clue, & I was acquitted of all charges. But considering I piped up for Slavs when no one else did, the oppression should've been halted. Instead, Davis police, @ least until mid-2022, have continued kidnappings under guise of arrest on warrant, repeatedly as of 2017; 4 mo. captivity in 2020, then more kidnappings, until 2022. I.e., Reisig avoided prosecuting, but allowed the warrants to continue doing damage. The vision 'we were...' possibly referring to Russians in general; if this is the case, it's possibly asserting they get to participate in some persecution of an American due to Slavs abandoned in Siberia by Americans. But if you want to be biblical about it, (1)I wasn't one of those who abandoned them - I wasn't around back then; (2)Bible says don't return evil for evil or insult for insult - turn the other cheek - especially in historical context of dance & dirge scenario on behalf of China; if they wanted to ignore that Scripture, then ignore it concerning other Western church members, but don't stoop to their level by making me the victim of their shuns - ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M THE ONLY ONE PIPING UP - INTERNATIONALLY. Moreover, the delays of Slavs, after I broke their story internationally in news via worldwide web in 2017, combined w/the 2017 warrant - contributing factors to the ensuing attempts on my life - Sept. 2017, Feb. 2020, & July 2021. W/those conditions, a teacher who is already being persecuted by regional rebels, & goes out on limb testifying on behalf of those claiming to be Christians on other side of globe, & instead of any intervention is shunned, in most cases the teacher would rightfully, biblically, shun them back, simply for survival. & I was doing that for most part except as of approx. 12/2022, signals & visions pertaining to Mary. Alternately, 'we were, the warrant' - someone attempting to claim I have to shun Slavs completely - any testimony on their behalf @ all is claim that "they are" & dabbling in sales, & according to regional sales taboos - off limits - the timing seems to indicate this as a possible motive of locals; but teachers in free world have freedom of religion - right to do as led by God as long as it isn't a crime, & I've maintained my teacher goals.
Nevertheless, in last few days I curtailed any displays on behalf of Slavs, & possibly as tactics of trying to slip in, under guise of concern over prospective wife, evidence of "hit" against me. This "hit" is most likely attempt to retroactively slip in as of 2021 - strangle attack because I was boycotting Taylor Swift. I reported vision of her while I was staying @ Cooper bldg @ nights, approx. 2021 - she was helping herself to one of my fruit pies in my suitcase. But as of that point or soon after, I was boycotting her & rock completely - as of Jan. 2021, exc. for Paris Hilton, due to visions from her. But the disposition of the codes was stop promoting any of them because they were leaving me stranded; it wasn't, 'why aren't you promoting Taylor more!?' This was combined w/looking @ women in thong bikinis - almost nudes. So the 2021 hit was associated w/fruit pie, & last week, vision of God saying I should get Mary a brownie - indicating possibly another "abandoned/deserted" hit - EXCEPT, IN THIS CASE, A REVERSAL OF REBELS' DISPOSITION - I'M NOT PROMOTING MARY ENOUGH!
I reported approx. 2 wks ago mex. male goatie, getting on Yolobus on W Cap Ave., near Enterprise, apologizing to driver, "I didn't see you coming, I was looking @ my comb!" But he was @ the bus stop, & didn't delay the bus, so the apology was a code. 'k[ey,] home;' mexs. claiming - same as destruction of 3 $250 phones in 4 mos. - they can force me to pay MORE THAN $85/DAY FOR RENT; I.E., IT'S ONGOING PUNISHMENT FOR EVEN CONTEMPLATING BEING IN SALES; I'M STAYING IN MOTELS IN W. SAC BECAUSE MOTELS IN DAVIS ARE HIGHER RATES - $120-200+; but this is rebel territory - staying most of time in W. Sac to get by while working landscaping means my home is in W.S. rather than in Davis - that means I'm not measuring up in sales (landscape - ditch digging magically is sales) - therefore, I "need" W. Sac., & that means they have a "key" to my residing or my "home" - 'k[ey,] home' (comb). But No. Ca. is rebel territory - if they perceive you "need" anyone, or are "relying" on anyone - which is defined as minimally as you expect them to obey laws & be decent citizens, such as being allowed to pay for & stay in a motel room LIKE ANY OTHER CITIZEN - they claim this translates to them having your keys - you're screwed. I've reported Mideasterners have had a partial watch against this regional menagerie/prison camp - but that needs to be qualified; I've been staying @ Belair almost exclusively as opposed to other motels in WS & very little trouble - but that isn't the sum total - I've been "allowed" to rent a room, but wifi toyed w/, e mail program completely inaccessible 100% of time @ this location (except by smartphone), stalkings, including by emplys; I am a slave, but a slave w/slightly better treatment. Nevertheless, if they are willing to stalk you, & sabotage internet access, etc., you can't rule out additional crimes. Furthermore, other rebels in No. Ca. - such as mex. male w/comb, could readily override their gestures & kidnap you, etc., irregardless. My recent curtailing of displays of Slavs coincided w/threats of a hit - once again - their tactics have changed - their tone has changed to threats on behalf of Slavs, etc. claiming I'm not doing enough. 9/22, 1:25 AM, dream of Spock, " was admirable..." & Kirk, "They corporal..." i.e., a hit, possibly including a beating such as in jail. Approx. 2:25 AM, dream police trying to get into my rental house, duplex unit w/front door entering kitchen, but dead bolt was falling apart & closing door & attempting to lock it didn't help; I was then attempting to run down the street but was surrounded. Upon awakening, vision, possibly Taylor, 2:26, "How're you gonna do?" I.e., borderline teacher standards being pitted against marriage - I can get married, but I have to forfeit my teacher standards - such as by going out on a limb further for Slavs. Moreover, the dead bolt scene echoed the scene @ Motel 6, approx. Mar. 2021; Mex. male stalking me from p/up outside my room @ M6 in Davis - where it was usually more affordable than the $85/night in W.S. - anywhere from $63-79/night; walking up to his p/up & making warnings, he said I was going to disappear, or similar. I reported description & lic pl. # to Feds; but soon after that, mex. male asst. mgr. telling me I had to leave or he was calling police - despite I hadn't done anything to mex. stalker exc. telling him to stop stalking. Police came, & I foolishly opened door, but when tried to shut it & they forced it open, saying I was checking out or going to jail; 10 PM; I got my $50 deposit back the next day, but no refund for the night's stay; i.e., out a night's stay & almost disappeared in jail for simply telling someone to stop stalking. Moreover, this occurred w/recent arrival of new Mideast mgr of Davis Motel 6 - from - W. Sac. & he followed up w/"banning" me from the motel all together - the only way they can do that legally is w/restraining order proving you committed a crime @ that location or you were harrassing someone - & the mex. in p/up was harrassing me. W/out restr. order, it's violation of Ca. Civ. code 52 forbidding a business establishment from denying anyone the right to do business w/them; but my only remedy against their bogus ban was to sue in Yolo court - where I was already being oppressed w/repeated kidnappings by Dpd pursuant to their bogus warrants. So as I've reported, I've consistently asserted there are no "good guys" in No. Ca. - they're all rebels; Mideasterners have made some gestures that have negated some of the acts of other rebels, but this is qualified by stabs in the back by them & Mexs. @ Motel 6 ensuring there is no affordable place to stay in Davis concept of a Mideast watch as far as No. Ca. SO AS FAR AS ANY 'COMB' FACADE WHERE I SUPPOSEDLY "NEED" THEIR MORE REASONABLE MOTEL RATES - THEY ARCHITECTED THAT W/COMMANDEERING OF M6 & ILLEGAL BAN FROM THERE. Nevertheless, they were evidently counting on me not connecting the dots & based on 'comb' facade, police break in to my room @ Belair, or @ some other location - based on facade that I'm failing to "promote" Slavs enough, along w/Mary, prospective wife.
I've rec'd from Lord that promotion of Slavs wasn't off limits, but beware they are falling short in their duties toward me. As far as dream of increased police oppression, it was a "so be it" situation; i.e., I wasn't going to change my standards; but, praying about it, it occurred to me that in approx. 2020 vision from God of hypothetical mex. male who was a Christian, & if miracles for China, etc. had been revealed to him, he'd be keeping it on his website more often than I was (this tells you globally, God thinks Latinos are alright - he doesn't care what their mother says about them); i.e., a plumbline from God that if anything, err on side of zealousness. The same could be the case as far as feats of Slavs - although I have promoted them fairly consistently, & PRESENT-DAY SLAVS ARE TOYING W/ME OTHER THAN MARY (& SHE'S INAPPROPRIATELY DELAYING AS WELL), err on side of piping up. Nevertheless - conspiracies are a crime - those conspiring & committing oppression are committing 2 crimes - & conspiring is a crime irregardless of if the act conspired of is actually carried out.
Codes from Mexs. as of 9/19-9/20, police oppression to "prove" that I am - typical tactic; 9/22, 3:10 PM, I was comparing seals to porpoises on internet; but, devoid of comparisons - unless seal is referred to as pinniped (scientific name) & then, compared to porpoise - indicating tracking - pin-up - accident? ('oop!') - no, it's on purpose; i.e., as far as Christians, stop being on the fence. & car drove up & parked outside my rm 16 window, Belair, & engine idling, & "This is you're the one," Mex. or Asian male, but camera icon nowhere to be found on my camera; based on loss of room @ M6, while in motels rms., I minimize confrontations, but I had to do a search of my phone to locate camera, & lic. pl. 5SNP560, i.e, 'can you 'sn[a]p' a pic?' indicating he was involved in hacking my phone @ that very minute; I opened door & warned; I then took pic of car, He got out of car & went somewhere; when he was leaving approx. 10 min. later, I warned again from my front door mat. 9/21, 3:53 PM, Mideast male mgr, Belair, "Here you go" & male evidently checking in to rm 17, bike leaned against my window; 4 PM approx., I went to Leaf Laundry, & step ladder leaning against fire hydrant in front of Belair (pic sent). Leaf, mex. fem, wh/grn pld shrt, "You're not knowing - they're the men," 4:33; 4:37, "He just wouldn't lay on us." Their m.o.'s usually include perceived, & often actual, endorsements from other parties. 9/21, "Oxygen" TV program, documentary of dentist Barton Corbin of Atlanta Ga. area - murdered his wife Jennifer Corbin, 2018. @ first he had alibi - he & wife were estranged & he was out nights often, & his bro. stated he was @ his place @ 1:30 AM, when murder occurred 15 mis. away @ his & his wife's res. But police tracked his phone's location, & based on cell phone towers, he was @ his res. @ 1:30 AM. They then noticed similar details to another murder - Dolly Hearn, 2004, dental school student who dated Corbin but turned down his proposal & was found dead soon after - supposed suicide, but gunshot was to back of head which is rare & also awkward. Moreover, no gunpowder residue on her hand or back of head, neck, etc. Investigators suspected Corbin, but he had alibi then as well. Also, same gun - Smith & Wesson .30 cal. used on both victims. I didn't write down any notes during program, because it seemed straightforward; but I was wakened in middle of night as far as dreams & that program. Police proved Corbin was lying when he said he wasn't anywhere near his house when his wife was killed, but that wasn't enough to convict him. They used Corbin's phone & tracked a recent trip to a city in Ala., where he visited an old friend. They questioned him, & he had given Corbin a gun - but he said it was a .38. Police then said essentially 'That was it - a Smith & Wesson .38 - we had an exact match;' & then claimed they had everything they needed - a slam dunk case; then Corbin's atty advised him to confess - he wouldn't get off, & he confessed to both murders. But the gun in the murder (both murders) was a .30 - smoke & mirrors; also, there was never any mention of motive - a necessary element to bring a case against someone; he obviously did it, but one of elements of fair trial blatantly missing. This occurred in Gwinnett cty, Ga. - similar to my sister's l. n., Gwinn. My sister filed a written complaint to Ca. A.G. on my behalf, 2008; shouldn't that have thrown a net over entire region a decade & a half ago???!! Moreover, I reported the foundation leak - leak undoing Davis' foundations; Paul & grandson on N. Campus Ave., acknowledging they deserved to be punished. On Fri., I worked for Gary & Vicki on 10th St. for approx. 3 hrs., & was calling other custs.; Paul had small job of removing a stump; took less than an hour, but he rounded it up to an hour & paid me $30. 38 code - 'there 'T' ate,' i.e., claiming Davis' 'T' w/me is "money," benefits, etc. But corbin in Bible is associated w/robbing money from others - it literally means "given to God" - but Jesus warns scribes & Pharisees that they disobey God's law about duty to others & claim it's money set aside for offering to God. GA. IS SOUTH, & THEY ARE PROPPING UP DAVIS & DAVIS REBELS CLAIMING THEY CAN HELP THEM ENSLAVE ME AS THOUGH A DUTY TO GOD. Moreover, Mex. 'comb' consp. - former friend on Corbin Ct. in Lodi, Bob McComb - South propping up Davis & Lodi. Moreover, systematic attempts to end my life, is that 'St[reet is] eve[n,] Austin [Tx.]?'
2 Tim. 3:7 - they're ever seeking, but never coming to knowledge of the truth.
I continue to boycott rock & Hollywood - the latest facade is song pertaining to blacks that baited them to abandon the Jack Teacher plan & betray U.S.A., jumping to convenient conclusion that America was secretly guilt-ridden & giving up. Dysfunctional scenario of rock & Hollywood reiterating it's all about teacher goals - education nation is imperative - but they consistently push buttons contributing to stall of my teacher career - subjugating it to "projects" involving tracking blacks. THEY ARE STUDDING THE ANGLE CONSPIRATORS! 'Cause the Oregon Chief Cornerstone ("This Honky's got heat!") has those "studs," & he isn't playing. It isn't a joke - that was already dealt w/ - early 1980's, prank call to our Edgewood home, "Is wall there?" & my Dad replied, "No." "Then, what holds up the roof!?" & my Dad, "Nobody but us studs!" & about same time I became a Christian, Lodi opened a bar, II Stud - credit of answering intelligently from hostile source. 'II' - Twin Towers - Chief Cornerstone Check Mark (Mk. 12:10-11) watch. Oh, the fact is, as far as our residence having walls (as opposed to interior being "exposed") of course the walls were there - Dad was obviously testing the caller, because people rarely ask to speak to a wall; so when he got to the bottom of their line of thought, he simply corrected them - walls don't hold up the roof - it's the studs that do that. Oh, don't even get me started - my parents' house has Great Walls- that's where my Mom keeps her good Sino-ware - of course, you knew that!
9/5, "We're gonna continue to build here...that'll be our mean shoe," 6:54 PM, ch 40, SF Giants player, wh. 8:10, "Purpose fur night" anncr, 8:10. "New Balance" "We got that one" blk player pointing @ wh tile wall 8:42 PM ch 3; similar to blacks & N.B. "We got now;" i.e., NFL cheating & committing fraud on national TV, National Little League cheating & committing fraud, & no one reports it - except me - that was blacks' 'now;' i.e., 'right now, prove you're upstanding loyal patriots.' 8:45 "He can't queer," 20 Balt. 27 Chiefs - score magically increased during commercial & no comment about it by anncrs. Then, foot was inside the boundaries - they showed close-up of it repeatedly - but they said it was out, & game ends, despite there was approx. 2 min. left. "We're gonna win 'em," 2:37; "he's going nope" 3:39 wh fem driver, (pic sent). "Take your time - he won't go away," mex. male dispatch 3:41. 4:06 "You said this was your reboot" bug code rm 16, 4:06 PM (program freezing). " the state of Florida man-handled" Harryman, 5:20 ch 40. driver, 42B "Do you have you're gonna have my knuckle him?" driver, 42B 2:26 PM. "Any ideal?" fat blk fem grn grn polo shrt blue pnts, to fem driver w/Woody Woodpecker hair.
9/6, 5:52 AM, "Joe, you're just going to go" bug code or vision - possibly Mom. "Drawing in 2 misspoke" ch 3 Berg, 6:12 AM. Golden Gate sorta covered by bridge; you missed it - fog there" Sharp, ch 40 6:24 PM. 3:37 hand clawing face (?) CR257 (lic. pl?), flatbed stopped in front of us; "Frequent Stops Often" USPS stopped in front of us (on Causeway) day before. 9/13, 12:25 AM, McConnell (vision) "America's not bad - slim - but not bad," & someone (Jim Carrey?) looking @ him as though he's evil. Possibly code, '...slim [chance - ] butt '[we're] knot [is] bad.'' Vision of Mary - possibly questionable motives as far as dead leaf (as opposed to freshly picked one); "God's a stickler..." (report about Asians). "She raises it" vision or bug code, 12:45 AM approx. Pic of Mary w/"L.A." plaid lunchbox - code for 'played' as far as private schools, or Christian schools (predominantly Catholic) - w/plaid skirts for girls' uniforms. L.A., 'all lay;' everyone stalling or failing to hire me as teacher - is Leif (Erikson) & Jack Teacher plan dead? Or did Slavs man things ('purpose' plan). I reported 'purpose' plan, but Slavs refusing to respond; "She's just going to get it" vision, approx. 10 PM 9/12 - 'stickler'/Hitler theme, & Slavs stalling & leaving me stranded, while participating in illegal eavesdropping & claiming my "special purpose" isn't turned on enough - but stranded & abandoned in oppression are conditions that are a turn off for anyone. Also, vision (as far as I could tell) that Putin would let the Jack Teacher plan go down teh tubes if it were up to him - Mary possibly not far off from that mentality. Slavs' m.o. seems to be mirroring Asia's response, or lack thereof, no matter what - but as God said they can't save anyone w/out professing Christ as Lord - "salvation is found in no one else." Slavs' m.o. seems to be mirroring Asia's response, or lack thereof, no matter what - but as God said they can't save anyone w/out professing Christ as Lord - "salvation is found in no one else." Nevertheless, as far as Eastern church historically, according to vision, they engaged the dirge role on purpose ('purpose' vision). If we're gonna be seals, they're the porpoises - so don't flip anyone off. More likely the dead leaf is Mary's gesture of repenting - 'is the leaf "going down?"' Lunch box - '[I]ll 'unch[eat]' - box' - boxing gesture. So irregardless of current Slavic leaders, Mary seems to be standing in gap for Jack Teacher plan - w/qualification she needs to move faster. Meanwhile, these No. Ca. codes - news media, sports, etc., claiming they can close in on me & go for a long & protracted kill due to gestures toward Slavs while supposedly falling short of tracking Slavs. But notice the formula is isolation - no one can contact me or call me on phone or meet w/me w/any suggestions or advice - it's adversarial fight to the death @ every turn! If you're going to claim you're tracking Slavs' response, or lack thereof, you have to be able to accomplish it w/out what amounts to slavery defined - or else you're @ best fellow rebels & oppressors w/those you claim you are tracking.
9/8, "It was you won't come on," fem clerk, Belair 9:48 PM. "We're gonna know!" Audience ESPN ch 26 MLB, Az. "Hung from the 4th" 5:01 PM anncr. "It's awesome to be a part; to be sting" 5:05 PM mex anncr. 5:10 "You WERE the 4th," bug code - after I demonstrated Israel's supposed endorsement of us was a trick to mock us. "They bad him pick up" 6:38. Peter Navarro, "The new magic deal" "The sons of bitches" 5:44 CSPAN2 Book TV Wildwood Fl., & fem blnd getting hung, red jersey. Recent program on TV w/song w/double entendre phonemically - doubled as cuss word, & indications it was being tracked; similar to what occurred @ VCA (HS), 1996, after I'd been put on notice I was being terminated - recording playing during cheer leader practice on loudspeaker - "Oop! There it is!" But it actually sounded more like 'You bad ass!' Rae Me Cannons behind the scenes tracking rebels. 9/11, early AM, vision of 3 blind mice chasing Taylor - no doubt w/bar of soap for her to wash her mouth out! Rams players, 5:35 PM NBC, 2 of 6 of them - "A.C. Davis" & "___Elem." 9/11, working @ Paul's, Banyan; wife is blk, but he's the one hiring me. His wife arrived home, 3:10, "I'm in the driver's seat.." "You may work," & approx. 3:15, while getting ready to mow, "You gotta pick up," Paul's wife. Before she arrived, using weed eater that needed line adjusted every 10 ft., but Paul had another weed eater that was slightly better. I then started mowing, approx. 3:11 PM, & mower (battery operated, fully charged) cutting out every 10 ft. I finished the front lawn, but it was slowing things down. Moreover, this was exact same as my cell phone (Samsung) - shutting down every few days & then you couldn't get it started again, & charge taking 7 hrs. or more when you could get it started - & this was a brand new phone, but more than 2 wks old (for refund). I.e., blacks sabotage your phone, &/or any & all equipment that you use - I reported the '47 phones destroyed' code of blk male in Walgrn's. My phone was permanently destroyed as of 9/11 - if you can "achieve" a connection, then it'll charge, but I wasn't able to get a connection for almost 24 hrs. - except 2X - so that it could start charging, but both instances, instantly a bug code, then connection sabotaged & phone shuts itself down; after work I started service w/Tracfone. I finished a little after 5, & Paul paid me for 8 hrs. but while writing the ck, said to his wife, "Back on the phone?" & his wife replied, "Huh-uh; we're not that man do talk" - i.e., blk wife decreeing I am allowed to work, but no phone. I'm also reporting codes from HS students, 9/12, near Royal Falafel; "All hell" one of 3 wh males, gray or blk shrt, or wh DHS T-shrt, & another code indicating possibly a hit against me by them. This is DIVISION Mex.'s 13 Sur consp. - 'their teen, sir;' grafitti @ 5th & Pole Line bus stop pertaining to Yolo Mex. gang. Mexs. (Latinos) also erected essentially landscape strongholds @ College Park & Russell, 9/12, 8 AM; Ed, mex. landscaper from Chico, was hired by Jessica on C.P. approx. 3 mos. ago, & had lost all his workers due to heat; Jessica referred me to him, but stalls, & no hire, claiming project was delayed. But this AM, I was door-knocking, & he was working there on his own & didn't have any work for me; but across the street, a const. crew, all Mexs.; i.e., subtle claim they had both sides of street; then on corner of College Pk & Russell, Latinos working on roof repair project, & one door down on Russell, going W., "Fallen Leaf" tree service, Russell & C.P. is intersection of Howard Ln. entering UCD - it was basically advertized assertion of finishing me off - combined w/possibly consp'd hit by teens.
9/8, "It was weega" Mex fem w/winning dog in jump contest, NBC 11:42 AM, Huntington Beach. 12:10 "You won't have her known" vision - Mary, or mex fems? "You won't 'had 'em!'" "You won't 'Tom, all;'" 1:10 PM; i.e., stronger claim as far as Asians, & Slavs have to repent of aloofness more pronto. Tom (Renoir landlord from SF); he indicated he was doing "B" work for tenant @ 8th St. unit - because they are rebels - involved using aluminum tape to weatherize an AC unit, but some corners cut, presumably; i.e., Asians knocking as far as intervening for me more seriously. 2 years ago, approx., vision I was in an interview on stage, & leaf blows up onto stage - ignore it, stomp on it, obviously. Was this a warning about Mary & display of leaf? It seems Mary's leaf does make an important point, exc. that it is part of a slow pace of reaction that fuels slow motion justice for me. 2:51 PM, anncr, Fox NFL, "We were hoping yet" - code for more oppression - UFO song, "yet...satan comes down to meet you." 1:20 PM, mouse trick highlight of text (remote hackers) "You had your go 'em" (Russian display on website); bug code(?). 3;10, NFL tickets, ch 40, "...when you buckle.." 2 PM, wh male pink shrt, rose or mauve colored lng pants, leaving Raley's as I entered. Milk quarts gone - game of Raley's custs., I have to buy a lot to prove I'm bigger than life. 2:05 wh fem peach shrt, mauve shorts (i.e, Marshal Dillon/T Mobile stalkings) - ahead of me in line, & motioned for black male w/wh fem to take the avail. cash reg. - they had crossed the aisle @ front of store @ check stands; when I use self-check, I wait next to registers rather than across that very wide aisle, as though you are waiting for some cabbage; no one else does this, exc. this blk male & wh fem; but she directed them they could choose any avail. regis.; she then used next avail. regist., & I, as usual, crossed the aisle & waited more closely for regist. $6.99 sign for Van de Kamps' fish fillets, but it rang up @ 9.99; cashier went to check price, & the sign was in wrong place; since they do that a lot, I had followed him to the freezer shelves so that I could get something else if nec.'y; instead, he indicated it was their fault & he'd give it to me for sale price - which occurs often in stores; but on way back to chkstnd, radio, approx. 2:09 "Check yourself..." & when I was ringing everything up, the discount was $2.50 inst. of $3; because it would've taken another 5 min. to deal w/it, & I'd gotten almost $3 off, I didn't object - he didn't have to give me any discount, anyway; but when I finished up & was leaving, code from him, "It wasn't his" could be detrimental or simply saying I could claim it. "he sits there- we're gonna be all time greats" 5:15 PM MLB ESPN. 5:29 "Are you gonna lay, lay your money down?" "It's too___ early" "Joe in fought us" anncr, ESPN. 9/13, Yolobus 42B, blnd fem leopard clothing, "Sir, could you get me one of those pamphlets?" referring to bus brochures; I refused, because 99.9% of time fact they aren't wearing blk clothing is irrelevant, 6:05 PM. Fat wh or mex. fem, blk Taco Bell uniform, then got up & got her a pamphlet. 9:35 AM this morning, I jogged for half hour to get to Pam's on K St. where I had appt. to work several hours; when I arrived, she tried to claim she didn't know my name, & I refused to budge, & then she said she only wanted to discuss work, & it'd be later next wk before she might hire me. I never make a trip to discuss work & she had said I'd be working; I told her I won't be doing business w/her - that was one hour out of my schedule to get to her place from Oeste St. & back, where I had scheduled a split shift to accommodate her. Fortunately, they had so much work that I skipped lunch & worked all day @ Oeste. But this was a Pam consp. on Yolobus. 6:07, leopard clothing fem, to Taco B. emply, "I don't know how late they run..." & Taco B emply, "Okay, I know..." Getting off bus @ W. Acre & W Cap, either it was blk male driver or audible bus bug code - "We're termin.'" I then went to Raley's, but in order to work on reports on Sat., & take Sun. off,& avoid hobbling around w/suitcase on Mon., I needed to pay for 3 motel nights - this left me w/about $35 for weekend. But that goes fast, so I wasn't buying extravagantly. Then fish that I'd purchased was literally slimy, so I took it back for refund & get some other fish. Fish pkg. w/$1 off coupon, but self-check reg., you need supervising cashier to subtract the coupons, & he suddenly left when I was about to ask him, saying, "He's going exactly;" i.e., THEY LITERALLY WATCH MY EVERY MOVE - IF I'M CUTTING IT CLOSE AS FAR AS FUNDS, THAT MEANS THEY GET TO PUNISH ME FOR BEING IN SALES IN THE PAST - I'M NOT CONFIDENTLY PRANCING AROUND ENOUGH LIKE A BIG SPENDER.... 6:40 PM, (approx. 1 min. later), he was coming back from the other checkstand, "We're the shotgun;" i.e., I WAS going "exactly" - whatever that means - but it means I'm penny-pinching - &, in rebel territory, that's a no-no - in fact, it's such a no-no that IT AMOUNTED TO A LEAK - vision when I was "picked up" (kidnapped) by Dpd in 2020 - as reported, someone claiming I was in front seat of "pickup" (code for police kidnap); but if you're kidnapped, there isn't any "inside" as far as anyone involved - they don't get to downplay 4 mos. of captivity (or even a 24 hr. book & release) as riding in front seat as though you weren't actually "arrested" (amounting to kidnap in rebel region). In other words, vision of blonde in driver's seat - they just confessed - conspiring w/Lodi, it's Raley's emply W.S. & fem bus passenger. 7:09 PM, ch 3, Steele (rptr), "...we're caught fire..."
Moreover, this "offering" to Davis is @ expense of their children - RUINING THEM! God has led me rock's & Hollywood's trackings are mostly valid even if they subsequently flaked; Arnold Schwarzeneggar, "Collateral Damages;" husband & wife terrorists from Columbia come to U.S.A. & conspire to blow up a lg. building & everyone in it; but they willfully leave their child in the bldg. while they escape through passages on motorcycle, & gain exit before the explosion. It was too inconvenient to try to carry a child on the motorcycle - so the child was COLLATERAL DAMAGES. In other words, Schwarzeneggar as governor didn't directly participate in the kidnap of me by CHP in Capitol bldg. 2005, & subsequent trial by Sac. sheriff's dept., Sac. court, & Sac. d.a.; he was gone from office that day; he could've told them to drop charges, but it was Sac. rebels falsely prosecuting me; kangaroo trial - w/codes during the trial - unconst. conviction - DESPITE VIDEO PROOF PRESENTED TO THE JURY OF ENTIRE INTERACTION IN LOBBY OF SCHWARZENEGGAR'S OFFICE - I'M GRABBED & TAKEN AWAY FOR NO REASON, & ONE CHP OFFICER SAYING TO ANOTHER, "IS BUSH COMING?" & "YEAH;" & resulting in 4 mos. hostage in Sac. jail 2007. W/out condoning it, the overall effect is a long range plumbline/witness of a region so desperate to oppress me that they ruin their children w/the regional terrorism - becoming COLLATERAL DAMAGES.
9/5(?) or 9/7, "Switch to T-Mobile" subtitles stayed on a dark screen on TV for more than one min. after ad, & nothing else came on - giving them a "special" additional ad, & w/dark screen & wh text - chalkboard effect (ch 40?). ch 40, 7:48 AM, Steve Sarkasian, "...we'll coach coming into the big house..." Longhorns v. Ann Arbor football. "We'll just take our corrupt part," 12:25 PM, Longhorns game (anncr.?). "Quinn Ewer's devil symbol" 12:28.
9/7, "Twins" blk male to wh male @ retail counter, & blk girl "Twins?" 2:38 PM, ch 10(?). 2:40, "The DiCarlo calls, wolf runs," anncr, ch 3 - Ill. v. N. Dame; DiCarlos - Helen DiCarlo - regular cust. for 4 yrs. or so, but then conspired w/her daughter & daughter's husband - Nickles - to have one of their kids touch me inappropriately - 'dick, our 'low'' - i.e., claiming they could be "dicks" or investigators, & involve their kids in lewd innuendos; I refused to work for them anymore, but their parents - Helen, etc., obviously involved; she's called me various instances despite I've been hanging up & refusing to work for her. THE MONSTER ANNCR. FOR N. DAME GAME IS ATTEMPTING TO DUPE ME W/CODE THAT THAT MAKES ME A WOLF - & THAT'S A THOUSAND DINOSAURS FOR HIM - CHOMPING ON HIM IN HELL.
I reported vision of someone on driver's seat & I was in passenger seat of car pulling into fancy circular driveway (approx. 2020) - the landscape vortex scenario. I also had vision, possibly 2015, that I was pulling a suitcase across an overpass in Oakland or somewhere else in bay area; i.e., while I'd done that - gone by car & by bus w/suitcase, the indication was it wasn't enough; I prayed about it, & what I rec'd as far as I could tell was rock musicians, or politicians, church leaders, etc., claiming I had to be wandering homeless in bay area trying to get hired as teacher - i.e., take up residence there w/out place to stay - effectively inviting others to ream me as well as No. Ca. - under guise that they'd never heard of me, presumably! THAT'S A VERITABLE IRON-CLAD FORMULA FOR SPREADING A REBELLION! TELL OTHERS THEY SHOULD DO IT TOO! But God has led me to hold my post in order to hold rebels accountable, rather than send a mssg. of defeat by running away & trying to slip in elsewhere. Also, as far as bay area, you don't trust those who have already proven to be untrustworthy - they no doubt had heard of me as of 2001 or 2002 if not 1999; overwhelming victories in courts of law is rarely achieved by anyone - much less someone w/out a place to stay & also being persecuted by local churches; it was simply undeniable that I was in horrifying & lethal conditions, & when I applied for jobs as a teacher I obviously wasn't kidding - moreover, as of 2012 I'd passed the CSET in Math - there's countless teachers who couldn't pass that if they wanted to, but no one studies for & passes it if they aren't deadly serious about a teacher career! While I was making trips to schools in person whenever possible by car & by bus, & I showed up for interviews, my strategy was to expect I could rely on my reputation preceeding me - meaning I didn't have to play the fool & act like no one had heard of me, which would tempt them to conclude they had a "live one" & capitulate to the conspiracies. But my rational approach was wasted on them - & considering they were conspiring for one & a half decades to deny you a teacher job, if you then start showing up in person (pursuant to vision - hobbling w/suitcase in Oakland), & increasing the pressure on them, you're signing on the dotted line for more disappearances - walking into a trap! So someone - most likely multiple parties - possibly rock, but more likely church & political leaders - & Davis (code from Nikki) insisting I had to punish myself by walking into traps.
9/6, "I have boo-uh" wh male driver, Q line, 9:39 AM. "We have goal wiz determine" car, Baywood & Covell, 9:59 AM. "This was our block star" car, Jefferson & Merkle, 6:54 PM; as I went by Havey's barber shop - logo - 2 parallel barber poles - Twin Towers code. Barber shop located in same bldg. as La Bou coffee shop; there were 4 or more La Bous; all of them closed except this one @ Jefferson & W. Cap/Merkle. One of them was same location as K St. shooting in 2022, or w/in one blk of it. Across the street on Merkle, Heritage Peak school; located @ corner of bldg. - isn't visible from Jefferson & W Cap; I've applied for jobs @ this school probably dozens of times, but no response. Next door to it on Merkle, River City Dance School; i.e., facade that they were open to me being a teacher despite singing & dancing for rock musicians in the past, but as I reported, Yolo HS (Continuation school) is locked up like a prison - & that's located @ W Acre & W Cap. - if they were open, same as bay area only more so, they should've hired me as of 2004! Moreover, their 'block' conspiracy is located on Merkle - 'Merc[ury Cougar]'ll - code attempting to label me based on car I drove as a teen. As I reported, after the Pontiac LeMans (which tracked the yak meat facade of China & their stalls responding to my revelations from God), the Cougar corresponded to Dad being a National Guardsman 'coo, guar[d].' Heritage Peak - due to being hidden (located in former bank facing Merkle - a side street), I didn't recall it being located only a few blks from my motel room. I went by there this morning (9/9) @ 7:25; closed - they open @ 8:30; but, doorbell & instructions to ring bell if door locked. I've been by there to apply in the past, but front door was locked, & so I passed it by - due to conspiracy to cause me to lose it & go on shooting spree using dangerous killer facade & locking up schools. That was my policy - along w/warnings on internet & in person to refrain from conspiracies; i.e., no one's going to willfully apply for or accept a job w/blatant conspirators - unless everyone's a conspirator, then you might have to re-strategize. Havey's - code - '[be]havey' - i.e., 'little behave' - someone who isn't behaving - which is then construed to a teacher w/sales motives intead of being a teacher; but, (1)sales isn't a crime; while false arrest, kidnap, conspiracy, rebellion are all crimes, & going FROM BAD TO WORSE; (2)conspiracy denying me teacher jobs can't then claim I don't want to teaach, but, (3)the Twin Towers code is ALL MINE - THEY WERE ALREADY JUDGED BECAUSE I WAS A TEACHER @ VCA IN 1996, & THEY CONSPIRED TO ROB ME OF MY CAREER, & DAVIS THEN COCONSPIRED TO FINISH ME OFF; MOREOVER THE 9/11 SIGN - POLICE OPPRESSION OF FREE SPEECH ADOVCATE SHARING ABOUT JESUS & THEY WERE USING 9-1-1 TO HAVE ME KIDNAPPED. Nevertheless, the use of Twin Towers code is proof they are actually attempting a proLONGed brainwash - 'Long' consp. - 27 counties involved in isolating me, so that I'm no longer in touch w/reality, & then they claim they took it away from me - I was secretly a salesman all along, therefore the Twin Towers sign is theirs, is the facade. Next door to Heritage, along w/River City Dance School, Pinnacles R.E.; 'reverse, it-y' i.e., facade I never "reversed" or repented of sales motives. Moreover, the La Bou code corresponds to (1)'law - boo!' - 'BOO[-]KING' code from Yolo jail - they created facade that I was king of R.E. or that was my goal, & so jail oppression was simply them saying "Boo!" But this was tracked by Dad Gum & Crossman BB Gun/Pellet Gun & efforts "To Kill A Mocking Bird" - making Harper Lee his partner - & Boo Radley; more proof? For decade or more, head of Yolo jail was Rademaker - & in one instance he was bringing an inmate through booking & yelled for everyone to "Get down!" & making gestures for us to duck & get onto the floor as though a shooting spree, approx. 2006. (2) 'Lab, ooo;' Long consp. - long range oppression under guise of laboratory rat experiments w/me as victim; (3)Long, Concord Ave., 2019, 'Law Bu[ddha]' - & all new dimension; Asians & '[nip it in the] bu[d];' claiming 'boo' becomes 'bud' & if you have high standards as a Christian it must mean you're a bad example for kids.
The playback of Twin Towers w/dual barber poles - attempt to i.d. me using isolation & oppression - DIVISION rebels getting a "peak" @ Jack Teacher plan & it's demise; but taking it by means of oppression is betrayal of the nation, & betrayal of Jack Teacher plan is absolute betrayal of everything we stand for - our HERITAGE, & doing so while instigating it nationwide - ruin of U.S.A. - TRANSLATING TO CLAIM THEY'VE TAKEN OUR HERITAGE "PEAKED" & IS ON IT'S WAY DOWN, BECAUSE THEY "SOLD" THAT EVERYONE SHOULD GO ALONG W/THEM - THE NATION THEN SPIRALLING DOWNWARD TO RUIN! No doubt officer Herit, Davis police, involved from beginning, & currently they're championing Harris.
9/5, "50 years" Teo (Mex. newscstr), 6:51, ch 3 news - code; 9/10, grafitti @ Pole Line & 5th bus stop, "13 Sur;" supposedly a gang, but that gang name & one w/'14,' grafitti all over Yolo cty, & Yolo jail; approx. 10 years ago, then it stopped; & now it's back - 'their teen, sir;' & last wk I was working for Thirkills' on Clark St.; i.e., gang threats pertaining to my interactions (sent resume) w/Heritage Peak school.
9/11, ch 3 6:40 AM approx., story about Cal Expo display of miniature Twin Towers, & story about firefighters preparing to climb up & down stairs in bldg. - enough flights to equal # of stories of Twin Towers; but this is simultaneous to my Havey's tracking, which they assumed I wouldn't catch, &, while there have been commemorative gestures in the past, this is far more attention to 9/11 victims than Sac has done in the past. ch 3 graphics: "9 11" w/out hyphen or slash punctuation, & "ALWAYS * REMEMBER" - star (rather than asterisk) between the words - like former Walmart logo, WAL*MART. Walmart changed their logo to supposedly a flower, but it's closer to a drain hole; i.e., going down the drain - & it doubles as a butt hole. In other words, if Jack Teacher thinks he's going to be a star, he's gone - jealousy to nth deg. & amazing thing is, I've held on to my teacher goals, which a glory seeker wouldn't do - so this wasn't an "if/then" conspiracy, it was a decree of my ruin no matter what. &, it's being echoed by Sac. It isn't a tracking, & here's the proof: The miniature display of Twin Towers is a playback of an occurrence in Dixon; approx. 1999 I'd called a broker & was supposed to meet w/him in Dixon; I entered bldg where his office was, but the office space was opposite end of bldg.; where I entered was a lg. conference room w/replica of some bldgs. on the floor - specifically a church; the communication, or what I was supposed to believe was the communication, was I could look down on that evil little church (UCC) - it would soon be defeated. But in actuality, UCC was able to count on Dixon/Solano cty (VV, FF, etc.). & they can count on Sac as well, evidently - "that little church" is now "that little Twin Towers;" i.e., UCC is being equated w/Twin Towers, & they were guessing I wouldn't come across their little school (literally - used to be a bank) hidden behind the Diamond gas station @ Jefferson & W Cap., & they could manufacture a facade that I fell short. "ALWAYS * REMEMBER" logo, instead of white star (Walmart logo), yellow star; interestingly, I bought bottle of Deja Tea yesterday @ lunch, & fem Asian cashier, Nugget, instantly different tone - context was the GREAT INTERGALAXIAL HIGHWAY IN THE SKY report; but then following me into CVS, Asian fem yellow shrt., then walking up toward my table, Asian fem wh shrt lt. yellow shorts. I've had Asians hiring me lately - landlord Tom from SF hired me last wk & wk before for 2 essentially F/T days of work - the Great Wall/highway report simply demonstrates additional efforts of Education nation to bolster Asians in the past. & I reported "I regret..." referring to my response to efforts pressuring me to apologize to Debbie Mitchel by principal Morse @ VCA in 1996 for supposedly calling her on the phone too much - despite I'd stopped when she asked me to, & soon after that, report in news of U.S. gov't. telling China "we regret...." something. But last night (9/10), 10:34 PM, ch 40, speaker Johnson (Congress?) "We ARE SORRY" & it was pointed enough that it seemed to be a claim someone had given up ground as far as China - despite the story wasn't about China. I.E., THE NO. CA. ASSERTION IS UCC WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR U.S.A. - WE PEAKED, CHINA'S STILL PEKING, WE FAILED, WE'RE GOING DOWN - 'SORRY WE DIDN'T SEND MORE MISSIONARIES SOONER, CHINA' IS THE MSSG; I.E., THEY ARE DECREEING WESTERN & EASTERN CHURCH DIDN'T REPENT ENOUGH & BOTH ARE RUINED, ALONG W/MELTING POT. IT'S CONVENIENT FOR THEM TO DECREE THESE THINGS, & USHER IN THE EDUCATION NATION'S DEMISE, BECAUSE IF EVERYONE FAILED, NO. CA. DIVISION REBELS CAN HIDE BEHIND EVERYONE ELSE & THERE WILL BE SUBSTANTIAL DELAYS BEEFORE THE ENTIRE NATION IS PUNISHED, AS OPPOSED TO THE NATION INVADING NO. CA. MEANWHILE, IF YOU HIRE JACK TEACHER INSTEAD OF TRYING TO DESTROY ME, YOU 'CAN ADD' - & WE'RE ON TOP OF THE WORLD, W/TURKEY, SLAVS, MIDEAST, CANADA, S. KOREA, JAPAN, VIKINGS, GREECE, ETC. AS WITNESSES, & POSSIBLY CHINA AS WELL!
Nikki's tone is, to be exact, condescending, as though speaking to a child who's been bad - i.e., adult victim who is being systematically molded as though a misbehaving child. & a dead on example of this - I displayed a list of approx. 4 former customers while I was in sales to demonstrate before Davis rebellion was in full swing, they were lifting me up to an extent - giving me credit for being hard working & creative; I referenced them to demonstrate most of the legal action persecution was from free speech activities of sharing the gospel, as opposed to any supposed offences in sales. The sales facade occurred after the fact as pretense of greed, as form of cover - for the 2.5 year disappearance. Moreover, God did give me a vision in 2003 to start working as a teacher again, because jealousy was a factor, & sales was going to be used against me as cover for the legal persecution, & also, w/dozens of court victories as of 2003, I was positioned to shut down any arguments that I couldn't be a teacher - according to freedom & democracy standards (but this region was no longer a freed democracy region). The dead on example - after a dream that I was essentially going nowhere, because of mentioning on internet the fact that I was actually admired in some ways as far as my sales abilities - I removed the list of former customers (all of whom eventually caved in to the pressure & betrayed me - & I said that), 9/8, Az. Diamondbacks player Dave Smith hit is third home run in the game & upon reaching homeplate, he entered the dugout & then mosied over & stood next to a security guard; according to codes of anncrs, it was signalling I had to pay for bringing up that I was a law abiding salesman in the past - "That was their mitt," male anncr, 5:32 PM NBC; 'mitt' is code for corrupt judge Fall; 1999, bumped into him in Play It Again sports store; I was w/teen Jesse, talking about baseball mitts & gloves - mitt became code for '[ad]mit' despite I didn't admit any wrongdoing. Eugenio Suarez, "It's a game God gave to me - I use the joint," Mex. player for Az., conspiring on TV that they get to commit kidnap & hold me hostage in jail (the joint) if I don't grovel over past sales activities - the same as popes in the past became convinced God told them they could oppress & kill Christians. God doesn't play favorites - no one is allowed to oppress anyone & still claim to be Christians; moreover, God has judged between me & them unequivocally, & it is an eternal judgment - meaning their persistence, now @ the national level, IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN; 1 Kings 18:24, "& the God who answers by fire, he is God." That's a thousand dinosaurs for him in hell. He's from Az. - Dave Keane instigated a crooked ousting of me from UCC, & @ his driveway on Auburn, I warned him w/quote from Josh. 1, that no man could stand before me - same as God said to Joshua; w/in approx 2 years, Dave Keane was ousted from Ca., to Az. - God judged between me & him essentially on the spot, but these terrorists in Az. are propping him up, despite he amounts to a dead & gone voodoo priest @ best! UCC member Norris Wilson was a HS teacher his entire career, & worked as a R.E. agent Summers - his entire career! Ching Chang, R.E. broker in Davis, graduated from UCD w/master's degree, & became a R.E. broker! THIS AMOUNTS TO MONSTERS DESPERATELY TRYING TO KNOCK ME DOWN A PEG OR TWO FOR BEING GOOD & KEEPING BUSY - & IT'S A MILLION DINOSAURS CHOMPING ON THEM IN HELL NONSTOP NIGHT & DAY FOR IT - & GOD'S GOING TO GIVE ME THAT! I humbled myself, based on God speaking to me in 1993 that I'm supposed to be a teacher - so to an extent I refrained from giving any argument to those ranting that I had a chip on my shoulder for being in sales - despite it was because I was railroaded from my teacher career @ Vacaville Christian Academy, followed by more oppression in Davis. But refraining from argument isn't the same as allowing the terrorist monsters to rob me of my adulthood as though I'd been a bad kid, when in fact I was a patriotic hero w/hard work ethic in impossible conditions of police, political leaders, & churches all becoming corrupt & ganging up on me @ same time! Monsters such as the devil dogs from Az. attempting to prop up voodoo warlocks such as Keane, are committing felony crimes in attempt to shame me for being a hard worker - in fact, IT'S GOD WHO IS CONTINUING TO USE MY SALES ABILITIES, PROMOTING FEATS OF SLAVS, MIDEAST, WESTERN CHURCH, & ASIANS - AFFIRMING THAT I'VE BEEN FAITHFUL W/TEACHER GOALS, AS FAR AS IT DEPENDS ON ME; the Bible says we proceed from glory to glory as we behold the face of the Lord, 2 Cor. 3:18; I was the first one to place a pic. of myself on my for sale signs, & other agents followed suit - once I had them following me, then my goals became teacher career; 2 Cor. 2:14, God leads us in a parade of victories! THOSE ATTEMPTING TO PUNISH ME FOR BEING LAW-ABIDING ARE GOING TO BE PUNISHED IN HELL WORSE THAN SATAN - OR IT'LL BE A CLOSE CALL, @ ANY RATE.
IN FACT, THIS BETRAYAL FROM W/IN THE EDUCATION NATION WAS FORETOLD - TRACKED BY TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD GOLDEN SPIKE - RAILROAD TRACKING THE SPICE CONSPIRACY REBELS. Train - Jack Teacher ISN'T DISPENSABLE - I'M INDISPENSABLE. Rebels claiming everyone can simply say "Screw Jack Teacher!" & refuse to allow me to teach, the Jack Teacher Plan fails, the Land of Free Home of Brave fails - we've "peaked" & it's all downhill from there; meanwhile, Asians Beijing our pardon - "You're QUITTING?"
I reported vision of copy machine in court lobby giving me problems, & upset w/it; the court was Yolo court, but it didn't look like it - no copy machines in lobby; Sac court has copy machines in public areas; that morn. (8/29) I was trying to catch rte. 51 RT bus in Sac - bus stop in front of court bldg. Moreover, strangely, you can't catch the bus @ that stop, unless you want to pay 2 fees - that's the end of the line (8th & G) & you have to wait 15 min. for the bus half blk away @ 8th & F - delaying me from work. Moreover, directly in front of me, lg. ad on side of rte. 51, bigger than life pic of blnd fem lawyer & "In a crash? Call Ash!" & in small print @ bottom of ad, "Ashley R. Majors, Atty;" there are billboards all over & TV ads as well, but I was unaware of her full name. Stalking supposedly because my major wasn't extremely sophisticated - Spanish (I also have Teacher Credential, & passed the CSET in Math - qualified to teach HS Spanish & Math). The indications are Sac. looking for any excuse - providing excuses & innuendos for violating my rights; they evidently luring blcks as well, As far as Sac. - my law suits sabotaged by Sac court, & my law suits against Davis police, UCD police, etc. all denied as well as shunned by Sac attys (such as Ashley) under guise that I didn't have a really impressive bachellor's degree!
8/28, "I'm there, lawyer," vision, 10:54 PM; i.e., God is there for me - I get mesmerized, & Sac./Yolo conspiring to use it against me w/more legal action (vision of making copies in court lobby), despite it amounts to possibly poor judgment rather than violating the law. I'm suddenly on sidewalk next to Sac court, fem. atty 'clash' ad mssg. & "R. Majors," & vision I'm stuck in court - God warning me minimize rock endorsements or implied endorsements. 8/28, 6:30, "You just won't take this step," vision, after brief baby laugh sound nearby - Sac hired emply of Fresno USD for their superintendent, mex. male, who then got a restraining order against me for suing them - you can't claim suing is harassing - '[@] bay - be;' instead of hiring me they filled up the measure of their sin - keeping me @ bay, & claiming they could joke about it.
Moreover, when rock & Hollywood prolongedly refuse to respond, IT'S NO LONGER LURING SAC. OR BLACKS, IT'S COCONSPIRING W/THEM. Tactics - it amounts to subtle poking of fun @ me, The fact is, while I have utilized some of rock's & Hollywood's trackings of U.S.A. rebels, & Slavs' delays, THE CONTEXT IS CONSISTENTLY STATED - THEY'VE FALLEN SHORT AS WELL - THEY MADE AN IMPLICIT AGREEMENT W/CHURCHES - PROVIDE A WITNESS & THEY'D LEAD. This implicit agreement caused a lot of church leaders & others to logically assume rock would take responsibility to intervene for me - CONSIDERING DOING SO WOULD ACT TO ESTABLISH THEM AS CHRISTIANS. To some extent they did lead, but as far as intervening for me, it's consistently stalls & tricks. That's why I've minimized reports on their behalf consistently. THE PROBLEM IS, THIS IS ALL MY LINE - I'VE BEEN ASSERTING IT ALL ALONG; BUT NEVER-ENDING STALLS & TRICKS FROM ROCK & HOLLYWOOD - & THIS IS IN ADDITION TO GOV'T & CHURCHES REAMING ME AS WELL - & ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - & I OCCASIONALLY GET TEMPORARILY MESMERIZED INTO ENDORSING ROCK & HOLLYWOOD INSTEAD OF MORE STEADFASTLY DEMANDING THEY REPENT! Approx. 2019, vision - God warning me it isn't a draw - (1)rock & Hollywood on top of things - such as Jack Teacher plan - more so than Western & Eastern church leaders, & in fact most of them are traitors; (2)rock & Hollywood duped me - I was witness for them, & I've held my post, & they in fact relied on my consistent teacher standards, & yet they never showed up & abandoned me to lg. extent in deadly conditions. 9/2, VISION, "IT WAS, WHERE YOU WOULD "HELL" 'EM;" 6:32 PM; I WAS THEN SAYING "MY TEACHER CAREER AS OF JR. HI; IT IS WHAT IT WAS, & MORE" & VISION, "THAT'S WAR!"
8/31, "He's gonna give, his take" thin wh male Yolo jail blue shrt (dull med. blue from 1999 or so), blk pnts, crew cut, stalks me every 5 yrs or so; 12:45 PM, 42A; he then sat next to me coming from WS, rambling nonsense; I was trying to get report onto internet, etc. & ignored him; he got off in hurry @ 2nd & Mace, & wh male crew cut (look-alike, to extent), blk shrt, lg. gray duffle bag, "He's gonna know his stop," to driver, 12:55. "You said this is where we settle," wh male gray hair, Yolo jail blue polo shrt (like previous crew cut male), to crew cut male w/blk shrt 1:13. 2PM, "Tell him there was a lot of random mail" wh fem tenant moving out of Tom's Espana place@ Alvarado, asking me to give him mssg.; then as they left, "He won't know our random," i.e., students working "w/" Tom employing me to prep properties before students move in & during move in - i.e., students possibly conspiring "random" fight. "He wont know our 'tell him,'" Tom. "I'm going to eat something," Tom, 1:45 PM. 5:45, to parents of students, "Joe's gonna work;" 5:55 PM, "I'll be his checkstand" @ Renoir St. property. 6:25 PM, "That's where we're bass tour state - mold on the ceiling, ceiling fan" (one of students or parents moving in), I was painting/touching up w/paint, & main bath ceiling had mold or mildew - I painted over it, which is technique of Tom - busy - don't get picky; most paints kill mold nevertheless, & some are designed to do that, but one of students was attempting to concoct a vague prison threat. 4:45 "I have we're setting his talking" Tom, to parent(s) of students (2 Asian blnd fems., one wh fem, possibly another Asian fem). "...then if you hope not..." ch 3 wthr, 7:09 AM. 10:17 AM, "You miss lie foe let" (or similar) demon in toilet (or bug code); 'you miss 'life owe let;'' but context - piss on that! "This was he wasn't known" blk male, lt. gray tank top, 11:40 AM near Sahara.
8/30, "We're the wook" Lee, 7:35 AM, upon arriving @ 4th St. demolition job site in Sac. - i.e., Asians see everything as revolving around Davis - although them (Asians) occasionally hiring me has effect of warning Davis - Davis has already been exposed by all the surrounding cities years ago for conspiracies systematically denying me any & all work - they can't afford to toy around - but recently they've attempted it in several instances. 1 AM, "Joe, take me in," Taylor (vision).
8/31, 11:43 AM "You had to woo them," thin wh fem grn shrt, 4th St. "We miss scare him," 11:45, male near Circle K. "He will hang in there to face another left hander" ch 40, MLB. "You can't have from my mind" gov't bug code, 6:35 PM. "He'll scoob it up," fem anncr, "I'll have there just in time" fem, anncr, 6:29 (MLB). ch 31, "Leave no trace" wh male lng blnd hair, blue shrt, 10:20 PM (news, as far as I recall). ch 50, 2:57 AM, "___, we get a spanker," BMW ad, w/Al Roker in driver's seat, & very briefly police lights on top of car - subliminal advertizing - dupes people to accept or acquiesce to something - they used to use it in movie theaters - brief clip of popcorn in film - so fast you barely notice it, but it registers w/your subconscious & you suddenly want some popcorn - BMW using it to instigate blacks & mesmerize No. Ca. rebels - kidnap consp.
9/2, Heather Waldman, ch 3 wthr., " moving wind celebrate over No. Ca...." 6:20 PM. 'celebrate' became code as of approx. 2000 - I was attending every city council meeting, complaining @ podium during public comments, & staying until they adjourned (often after midnight) - to try to stare them down - I was naive, no doubt. But @ one meeting, I was declaring "Celebrate! We're going to have new, better police" & the Holy Spirit warned me to use some other word next time - anything w/'cel' was already code for jail cell. 24 years later, in the "spirit & power" of former Davis mayor Sue Greenwald, & evidently w/renewed boldness from v.p. candidate Walz, Waldman, Sac news, decreeing a conspiracy involving more jail cell captivities. 11:57 PM, "You take their knock home," gov't bug code,
Do you think you can tell Heaven from hell? W/faith the size of a mustard seed, the Bible says you can. Thunder on behalf of justice & freedom of speech, but pipe up specifically for Jack Teacher & America, & break the warlocks' jail persecution spell - shatter the Hansel & Gretel cage facade! W/"The Red's" help we can move hemispheres!
I reported vision of copy machine in court lobby giving me problems, & upset w/it; the court was Yolo court, but it didn't look like it - no copy machines in lobby; Sac court has copy machines in public areas; that morn. (8/29) I was trying to catch rte. 51 RT bus in Sac - bus stop in front of court bldg. Moreover, strangely, you can't catch the bus @ that stop, unless you want to pay 2 fees - that's the end of the line (8th & G) & you have to wait 15 min. for the bus half blk away @ 8th & F - delaying me from work. Moreover, directly in front of me, lg. ad on side of rte. 51, bigger than life pic of blnd fem lawyer & "In a crash? Call Ash!" & in small print @ bottom of ad, "Ashley R. Majors, Atty;" there are billboards all over & TV ads as well, but I was unaware of her full name. Stalking supposedly because my major wasn't extremely sophisticated - Spanish (I also have Teacher Credential, & passed the CSET in Math - qualified to teach HS Spanish & Math). The indications are Sac. looking for any excuse - providing excuses & innuendos for violating my rights; they evidently luring blcks as well, As far as Sac. - my law suits sabotaged by Sac court, & my law suits against Davis police, UCD police, etc. all denied as well as shunned by Sac attys (such as Ashley) under guise that I didn't have a really impressive bachellor's degree!
8/28, "I'm there, lawyer," vision, 10:54 PM; i.e., God is there for me - I get mesmerized, & Sac./Yolo conspiring to use it against me w/more legal action (vision of making copies in court lobby), despite it amounts to possibly poor judgment rather than violating the law. I'm suddenly on sidewalk next to Sac court, fem. atty 'clash' ad mssg. & "R. Majors," & vision I'm stuck in court - God warning me minimize rock endorsements or implied endorsements. 8/28, 6:30, "You just won't take this step," vision, after brief baby laugh sound nearby - Sac hired emply of Fresno USD for their superintendent, mex. male, who then got a restraining order against me for suing them - you can't claim suing is harassing - '[@] bay - be;' instead of hiring me they filled up the measure of their sin - keeping me @ bay, & claiming they could joke about it.
Moreover, when rock & Hollywood prolongedly refuse to respond, IT'S NO LONGER LURING SAC. OR BLACKS, IT'S COCONSPIRING W/THEM. Tactics - it amounts to subtle poking of fun @ me, The fact is, while I have utilized some of rock's & Hollywood's trackings of U.S.A. rebels, & Slavs' delays, THE CONTEXT IS CONSISTENTLY STATED - THEY'VE FALLEN SHORT AS WELL - THEY MADE AN IMPLICIT AGREEMENT W/CHURCHES - PROVIDE A WITNESS & THEY'D LEAD. This implicit agreement caused a lot of church leaders & others to logically assume rock would take responsibility to intervene for me - CONSIDERING DOING SO WOULD ACT TO ESTABLISH THEM AS CHRISTIANS. To some extent they did lead, but as far as intervening for me, it's consistently stalls & tricks. That's why I've minimized reports on their behalf consistently. THE PROBLEM IS, THIS IS ALL MY LINE - I'VE BEEN ASSERTING IT ALL ALONG; BUT NEVER-ENDING STALLS & TRICKS FROM ROCK & HOLLYWOOD - & THIS IS IN ADDITION TO GOV'T & CHURCHES REAMING ME AS WELL - & ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - & I OCCASIONALLY GET TEMPORARILY MESMERIZED INTO ENDORSING ROCK & HOLLYWOOD INSTEAD OF MORE STEADFASTLY DEMANDING THEY REPENT! Approx. 2019, vision - God warning me it isn't a draw - (1)rock & Hollywood on top of things - such as Jack Teacher plan - more so than Western & Eastern church leaders, & in fact most of them are traitors; (2)rock & Hollywood duped me - I was witness for them, & I've held my post, & they in fact relied on my consistent teacher standards, & yet they never showed up & abandoned me to lg. extent in deadly conditions. 9/2, VISION, "IT WAS, WHERE YOU WOULD "HELL" 'EM;" 6:32 PM; I WAS THEN SAYING "MY TEACHER CAREER AS OF JR. HI; IT IS WHAT IT WAS, & MORE" & VISION, "THAT'S WAR!"
8/31, "He's gonna give, his take" thin wh male Yolo jail blue shrt (dull med. blue from 1999 or so), blk pnts, crew cut, stalks me every 5 yrs or so; 12:45 PM, 42A; he then sat next to me coming from WS, rambling nonsense; I was trying to get report onto internet, etc. & ignored him; he got off in hurry @ 2nd & Mace, & wh male crew cut (look-alike, to extent), blk shrt, lg. gray duffle bag, "He's gonna know his stop," to driver, 12:55. "You said this is where we settle," wh male gray hair, Yolo jail blue polo shrt (like previous crew cut male), to crew cut male w/blk shrt 1:13. 2PM, "Tell him there was a lot of random mail" wh fem tenant moving out of Tom's Espana place@ Alvarado, asking me to give him mssg.; then as they left, "He won't know our random," i.e., students working "w/" Tom employing me to prep properties before students move in & during move in - i.e., students possibly conspiring "random" fight. "He wont know our 'tell him,'" Tom. "I'm going to eat something," Tom, 1:45 PM. 5:45, to parents of students, "Joe's gonna work;" 5:55 PM, "I'll be his checkstand" @ Renoir St. property. 6:25 PM, "That's where we're bass tour state - mold on the ceiling, ceiling fan" (one of students or parents moving in), I was painting/touching up w/paint, & main bath ceiling had mold or mildew - I painted over it, which is technique of Tom - busy - don't get picky; most paints kill mold nevertheless, & some are designed to do that, but one of students was attempting to concoct a vague prison threat. 4:45 "I have we're setting his talking" Tom, to parent(s) of students (2 Asian blnd fems., one wh fem, possibly another Asian fem). "...then if you hope not..." ch 3 wthr, 7:09 AM. 10:17 AM, "You miss lie foe let" (or similar) demon in toilet (or bug code); 'you miss 'life owe let;'' but context - piss on that! "This was he wasn't known" blk male, lt. gray tank top, 11:40 AM near Sahara.
8/30, "We're the wook" Lee, 7:35 AM, upon arriving @ 4th St. demolition job site in Sac. - i.e., Asians see everything as revolving around Davis - although them (Asians) occasionally hiring me has effect of warning Davis - Davis has already been exposed by all the surrounding cities years ago for conspiracies systematically denying me any & all work - they can't afford to toy around - but recently they've attempted it in several instances. 1 AM, "Joe, take me in," Taylor (vision).
8/31, 11:43 AM "You had to woo them," thin wh fem grn shrt, 4th St. "We miss scare him," 11:45, male near Circle K. "He will hang in there to face another left hander" ch 40, MLB. "You can't have from my mind" gov't bug code, 6:35 PM. "He'll scoob it up," fem anncr, "I'll have there just in time" fem, anncr, 6:29 (MLB). ch 31, "Leave no trace" wh male lng blnd hair, blue shrt, 10:20 PM (news, as far as I recall). ch 50, 2:57 AM, "___, we get a spanker," BMW ad, w/Al Roker in driver's seat, & very briefly police lights on top of car - subliminal advertizing - dupes people to accept or acquiesce to something - they used to use it in movie theaters - brief clip of popcorn in film - so fast you barely notice it, but it registers w/your subconscious & you suddenly want some popcorn - BMW using it to instigate blacks & mesmerize No. Ca. rebels - kidnap consp.
9/2, Heather Waldman, ch 3 wthr., " moving wind celebrate over No. Ca...." 6:20 PM. 'celebrate' became code as of approx. 2000 - I was attending every city council meeting, complaining @ podium during public comments, & staying until they adjourned (often after midnight) - to try to stare them down - I was naive, no doubt. But @ one meeting, I was declaring "Celebrate! We're going to have new, better police" & the Holy Spirit warned me to use some other word next time - anything w/'cel' was already code for jail cell. 24 years later, in the "spirit & power" of former Davis mayor Sue Greenwald, & evidently w/renewed boldness from v.p. candidate Walz, Waldman, Sac news, decreeing a conspiracy involving more jail cell captivities. 11:57 PM, "You take their knock home," gov't bug code,
8/27, "Step up & take some moan a ship" Ca. gov't rep. or senator, ch 40 7:33 PM, & pics of HS students, but focussing on their groins; this was followed by story about plastic bags & environment, & close-up of fem's crotch, 7:35. 7:47, "We have no host" (short o - hostage), clerk, Belair. 10:46 PM, "Don't land on 'em" vision. 9 PM, "I want you to have to the fullest" vision, pertaining to placing Slav displays back up on internet. 11:06 PM, child molest report, & pic. of girl sitting on ground w/legs propped up so you could see her underwear. 11:59 PM, Fallon, "We're gonna have time, Joe, come on back!" as far as I recall I'd removed rock displays from webpage earlier that eve. "Have another bite;" "No, it's her me" Asian male, red & blk shrt, w/2 kids, & editor delay (hacked), Cap Gyro 6:27 PM. 12:45 approx., vision, "I want your [four ball juggle practice]" i.e., honing my skills specifically for Russians who aren't responding, etc. 6:30 ch 40, Tye Steele - using slurred tongue, (1) "A beach lifeguard town" or (2) 'a beached lifeguard town;' & then as if to acknowledge he meant 'tower' - camera displaying life guard tower - "A beach lifeguard town" - he repeats the error, & immmediately moves on to the rest of the story (& 'beached' option as well, slur in both cases); i.e., 'a be each'd life guard town' subtle attempt to claim I hadn't been killed yet in Davis - implying each (them & me) can "be;" but in fact it has opposite effect - asserts the fact they can't claim that anymore - due to 3 attempts on my life from 2017-2021. Moreover, his technique inadvertently fingers some of the kingpins - 1997, Bible study @ Aaron Needles' res., Aaron was reading passage from Gen. 50, Joseph saying "Am I in the place of God...?" I.e., Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, God then gave him command of Egypt, & famine brought those brothers to him in need of food, & they humbled themselves & asked for forgiveness, & Joseph is saying he wouldn't claim he's in the place of God & bring judgment against them; but when Aaron read it, "I am in the place of God..." & repeated it w/same error - but under guise of getting mixed up twice, he attempts to slip by a claim that he is acting as God's agent, & his place was God's place, anticipating that because I was behind on rent & had been (deceptively) disciplined by UCC board of elders, I'd soon be out of a place to live & Aaron's & UCC's decrees would be final. SAC ATTEMPTING A LONG RANGE PLAY BACK (27 YEARS) COVERING FOR DAVIS; 'beached life guard town...' like a beached whale; supposedly "wailing" that I didn't have to die - as long as I was their homeless impoverished, jailed runt slave. But the surrounding vicinity exposed their corruption; based on vision of legal battles focussed on my profession if I continued as R.E. agent, along w/God telling me feasibly w/the dozens of cases of court-documented proof, I was #1 candidate for teacher jobs, I then focussed on teacher goals as of 2003; but as of 2004, disappearances for 2.5 years, delaying teacher goals. During short period when I was released in 2006, there was a whale sighted repeatedly near port Lake Washington, W.S.; & also, W. Bush made a visit to a clean energy co. in W.S. in 2006, Ca. Fuel Cell Partnership (code from Don Miller - 'few will sell' - ignoring my efforts to get back into teacher career - claiming I was lying & it was still sales). Miller had simultaneously renamed his gas station 'Davis Fuel Stop' - double entendre to lure me - 'Davis, Few Will Stop' & 'Davis Fool, Stop!' But I'd already stopped - it was wishful thinking on their part that they'd always have their "sales fool." I went to try to meet Bush @ CFCP, but police had cordoned off public w/barracades 1/2 mi. from entrance - as though a martial law region! You could argue this was driving home the point that you take Davis police corruption to logical conclusion, & it is martial law, dictatorship, etc.; i.e., Sac. region tracking Davis. Possibly there were elements of this, but it was an ongoing dichotomy - dual interests - dual m.o.'s - a hidden agenda of surrounding cities. If this was taken as an exaggerated watch of Davis' oppression - "wailing" that Davis was leading us to dictator/martial law standards, it could be used as testimony against them. Combined, as of 2004, & also upon release from jail (& unaware that I was going to be hostage another year) I was applying everywhere for jobs; co. from Sac hired me for sign-waving, 8 hrs./wk; I started petitioning for ballot measures; I was hired as tutor for on call jobs - & obtained several before disappearing again - co. from Sac.; I was hired as sign-waver almost F/T in Wdld; tutoring in VV; & other jobs - virtually all from companies/individuals were from surrounding cities - almost iron-clad rule - no one from Davis hiring me - THEY CREATED A WATCH - THE OPPRESSION SHUTTING DOWN MY R.E. JOB WAS CONSPIRED OPPRESSION DENYING ME WORK OF ANY KIND - I WAS BEING REAMED BY DOUG ARNOLD REBELS - DENIED ANY & ALL WORK. BUT THE "WATCH" WAS ON THE FENCE FROM THE BEGINNING - SLOW MOTION JUSTICE & DENIED TEACHER JOBS & JOBS WHERE I WAS HIRED FELL FAR SHORT OF F/T WORK & JUSTICE THAT I WAS ENTITLED TO. My goals were a teacher career - I didn't need a "R.E. watch," simply a watch against Davis' injustices - & the surrounding region produced a semblance of this - BUT THAT WASN'T THEIR GOAL- RATHER A BY-PRODUCT. Deviled into this "watch" of Sac, Wdld, VV, was another disappearance of 4 mos. in Sac. jail 2007 after kangaroo trial in 2005. You could say the region wailed that Davis was wicked rebels denying me any & all work & bent on kidnapping & enslaving me, & to an extent the region did demonstrate this - but it wasn't a "wail" because I was left w/out enough income to get back on my feet, & moreover, their 2007 4 mo. hostage captivity in Sac jail - as result of Schwarzeneggar's "nudging" in capitol bldg. (supposedly he didn't directly participate, it was simply an absence of intervention & due diligence), 2005, proved their supposed 'wail' watch was phony from the beginning - w/hidden agenda. I.e., Doug Arnold's slavery conspiracy - denial of any & all employment, & Schwarzeneggar becomes governor, 2004, & it's 'Arnold swore, 'It's 'nigger!!!''' & the region @ that point has dual motives of attempting to maintain a watch against Davis, but enslaving me under guise of tracking blacks. They determined that Schwarzeneggar, Hollywood, & probably rock, were reducing me to a pawn, & that was that. Schwarzeneggar, already Mr. Universe, already a giant movie star, & NOW GOVERNOR OF CA., what they perceived he was saying became their agenda, no questions asked - 'Joe Sherman becomes collateral damage in order to expose blacks' & in fact Schwarzeneggar was in a movie "Collateral Damages" 2002 - I BECAME THE RANSOM - BUT THEY DIDN'T WANT TO SIMPLY ABANDON A GUISE OF A WATCH THEY'D DEVISED & WERE IN PROCESS OF DEVISING AGAINST DAVIS - SO THEY CONCOCTED AN ATTEMPT TO USE IT AS COVER FOR TRACKING BLACKS. Plus, it became like an adventure to finish off blacks & devise a shrewd facade attempting to "farm" Davis' slavery - guise of 'it's Davis' slavery... Sac & other cities are simply attempting to track it & strategize how to defeat it' - cover for willfully enslaving & butchering my teacher career me while tracking blacks. Argument the employment watch w/hidden agenda made it tainted, but it was tainted from the start based on their on the fence motives - piecemeal jobs maintaining my homelessness & poverty w/semblance of watch exposing Davis' total denial of employment - ultimately simply a milder form of slavery that Davis' slavery. In efforts to lure blacks, they had to become more & more bent - not only denying my teacher goals, but subtly creating more & more hostile conditions; school admin. doors locked in neighborhoods that were ordinarily peaceful & safe neighborhoods; the locked doors were guise that I was dangerous - they adopted Davis' 'blow it sky-high' Dorothy consp. - attempting to pressure me to crack; it wasn't random locking of doors due to conditions slowly deteriorating, it was pinpointed targeting of me - web sites I was known to be using for applying for teacher jobs, suddenly devoid of school addresses - implying they didn't trust me - I might show up @ the school & do something drastic. The Bible says those who look for trouble, trouble will find them, Prov. 11:27. & the results: Schools w/shooting sprees, stores smashed & looted, etc. MOREOVER, IF THIS WAS ORCHESTRATED TO TRACK BLACKS, GOD LED ME THAT AS OF 2018 OR BEFORE, THERE WAS ENOUGH AGAINST BLACKS TO PUNISH THEM NATIONWIDE; THIS WAS BEFORE 2 OF THE 3 ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE. IF THEIR MOTIVES WERE 100% TRACKING BLACKS & EVEN 1% INCLINED TOWARD JUSTICE ON MY BEHALF, THEY COULD'VE RISEN UP AGAINST BLKS AS OF THAT POINT. Instead, their dual motives strategy proceeded full speed ahead; 3 attempts on my life, w/2 of them directly involving parties from Davis, any 'wail' of Davis that I was a slave that would be allow live ('life guard') was permanently beached - w/crimes of attempted murder decisive enough to remove all doubt. BUT THIS IS A DUAL WATCH - AGAINST SAC/WDLD/VV - ANY FACADE OF SAC/WDLD./VV TRACKING BLACKS WHILE WATCHING OVER ME & MY WELL BEING IS DECIMATED - BY THESE ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE, IN ADDITION TO THE ACCOMPANYING DETERIORATING CONDITIONS NATIONWIDE - SCHOOL CHILDREN GETTING GUNNED DOWN, ETC. THE 8/27 CH. 3 ECHO OF AARON NEEDLES' FACADE REPEAT ERROR COMBINED W/SLURS, MAINTAINS THE 'BEACH LIFE GUARD TOWN' OPTION - ''BE' EACH' - IMPLYING I WAS FAILING TO "BE" ENOUGH, DEMONSTRATES THEIR DUAL MOTIVES COLLATERAL DAMAGES CONSP., & ATTEMPT TO COVER IT UP.
& in fact the cover-up is currently in full swing; ongoing 'momentum' facade of Sac & W.S., & Sac & Davis recruiting Koreans to assist. I went to interview for sales job in approx. 2009, Momentum co., deceptive motives, codes, etc. - as of this point I'd been applying for teacher jobs & any & all jobs, so that I could have income - their P/T jobs one could argue produced a watch against Davis, but they were a far cry from F/T income & were somewhat inconsistent as well. But in addition to teacher jobs,, for ex., had categories ranging from office jobs to restaurant work to retail to sales to general labor - & I simply applied for everything - until a vision warned me to cut the "sales" category. This was after the Momentum interview, along w/other ads that were the same Momentum co. in disguise. But 'momentum' had become a conspired code attempting to ruin me under guise that I was a pariah causing people to become homeless - that was my "momentum;" approx. 2014, a response from one of the thousands of job apps. - both in person & by e mail - Hefty Burger, W. Cap. W.S. I worked there for approx. 2 days; while training @ drive-thru window, did great job, but they then informed me I was no longer needed - let go after 2 days; but this was a burger drive thru - & I reported that after my teacher job @ VCA was sabotaged, I was trying to keep going while @ Cranbrook Apts. & still a member of UCC, & presumably because of the regional conspiracy as far as teacher emplymnt, which God knew about but I was unaware of, vision of owning a McDonald's - to keep me busy & kid-goal oriented until I could find out about & track the conspiracy (90% of emplys @ McDonald's are teens). As reported, as of 2003 I was back to teacher goals, acknowledging that the McDonald's goal was an option that kept me kid-focussed, but God's will for me was classroom teacher. But when you have rebel desperate to defeat you, they attempt to use anything & everything to bring you down. While employed @ McDonald's in Wdld, Court St., I single-handedly restored standards to McDonald's corp. standards; the asst. mgr. Carrey said to me, "I've been here 10 years & no one's ever been able to do that before!" Other emplys, "You mean we're going to be a REAL McDonald's?" & "Joe, you the man!" etc. The owner acknowledged I was entitled to a promotion; before that happened though, several of his mgrs. didn't like me being promoted so quickly, & he differed to their complaints, & fired me. John, the mgr, had a p/up exactly like the owner's except smaller - it was good ol' boys scenario. Popeye character Wimpy, known for fettish for hamburgers, so that a burger was named after him, & there are Wimpy's cafes named after him. Hefty garbage bags, slogun, "Hefty, hefty, hefty! Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!" Thus, Hefty Burger name, on W. Cap. Ave. - located 3 doors down from Belair @ W. Acre. Approx. 3 years ago they changed the name & venue to Mideastern/Greek, & it's now Capital Gyros - but, the Hefty Burger sign is still there @ the entrance - the momentum conspiracy is still on - McDonald's is associated w/sales, & that temporary goal in the past is reg'ly used as tool against me - they can claim I failed to gain momentum because I was temporarily in sales; & w/out "momentum," you're dumpster diving - Hefty trash bags - THAT'S WHY THAT SIGN IS STILL THERE - & it isn't pronouned 'heroes' according to them, it's 'gi- rows.'
I also reported CFCP's conspiracy w/South, or Bush @ min.; the sign on I-80 - West Sac. location, where Bush visited in 2006 (photo in files, report nowhere to be found) consists of lg. globe & a curved road circling it - the overall display was like thin body (road) & lg. head (globe); curve results in person being bent over, such as from big burden; i.e., projection of me soon being weighed down by Jack Teacher revelations - proclaiming gospel to the world; Bush evidently giving the go-ahead. But the curved road is a match w/another curved road sign in WS: Walmart/KIA shopping ctr - the lg. art display of double line curve like a winding road & hair follicle - see WEST SAC 'YOU CAN'T WALK A STRAIGHT LINE' report; also, UCC logo - curved double line - matching their double line cross steeple, 2003 - code of Brian Toone - 'chair' & 'trash can' both double underlined in note to Radu, placed where I'd see it, 2000. Also, current CFCP logo is same globe, but appearance of tongs placing it there - lab experiment; & "California" logo echoes Ca. lic. plates, including the font; i.e., prison consp. This is evidence of prison consp. w/South orchestrating it along w/UCC & No. Ca. .
Charlie Brown's had dirt thrown on him!
"Blue Ridge" TV program, law enforcement whispering - it's as though they are anncrs @ a Tiger Woods golf game. The program is about sheriff of Blue Ridge, & this episode, disgruntled property owner whose land is being taken away by gov't through legal process of imminent domain - rec'd fair market value; but he claims his dad, about ready to die, deserves to die & be buried on that land & he takes sheriff & others hostage. Eventually in conversation, both he & sheriff had fought in same combat in Afghanistan, & had common war buddy, Miller; terrorist about to give up hostages & turn himself in, but sniper shoots @ him & he's back to keeping the hostages, then knocked out from behind by hostage; i.e., he's caught; but while being placed in squad car, officer tells him "Watch your head" - i.e., Davis police have become known for this phrase - facade that they aren't getting violent w/me, etc., but, 'blew [ou]r Edge [youth group];' it is Davis police, & I'm the one who's under arrest - EXCEPT - THE HOSTAGE CAPTIVITY, RIFLES, GUNS, THREATS TO KILL PEOPLE, ETC., THAT'S BEEN THE GOAL OF NO. CA. REBELS - FORCE ME TO BLOW A BLDG UP, TAKE HOSTAGES, SHOOTING SPREE, ANY OR ALL OF THOSE - DID THAT EVER HAPPEN???? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! THEREFORE, THE DAVIS POLICE/NO. CA. BETRAYED THE NATION - I HEADED 'WATCH.'
8/30, "I don't want to be worrying about stuff, eat" Lee, 10:49 AM; & Fri. (8/29), Paul, Banyan, "...all that stuff" referring to ck. paid to me for day's worth of work; i.e., pay is 'stuff' - which is code for freebies.
8/29, "You don't know where you threw us," vision, Taylor (as far as I can tell; 6 PM approx. as far as I recall) context was vision 2020 of fem model w/her back to me, (topless) sitting on a toilet; possibly the implication was as though in a jail cell together - unclear - but subsequent to that, or @ least in last 3 years, suddenly codes about 'bathroom' & 'restroom.' I reported approx. 2022, vision of fighting battle in field near Mace Blvd., W of Causeway, possibly near Wdld, & it was pending my use of customers' backyards to urinate - which some customers & Regis had been suggesting; I did it once or twice, then opted out. @ 4th St. prop (3827), no restroom - use bushes; but I simply didn't go all day almost every time I've been there - & the 'threw' code was context of restroom notes; but as far as I know rock & Hollywood are claiming 'threw' occurred because I refused to get caught up in working exclusively for Davis rebels in Davis - i.e., going to Sac & accepting work shattered their claim that I felt I had to prove myself - such as by gaining ground in nicer motel room, gesture of loyalty by turning down other work, etc.
8/30, "I run you out," 11:25 AM approx.; "I don't change my cherry" 11:35 approx., Lee. 3:55 "He hasn't been touched - face up" fat mex. fem, Yolobus 42A. Sue Young - context, he was going to Davis leaving same time as us, I asked for ride to WS; ladder in car that he had to deliver to his daughter - i.e., Su Young's wife wasn't w/us, so I'm in front seat, but ladder possibly code that they're "adding" that she is still there & back seat counts. But, 'face up' & 'hasn't been touched' - codes that sound like attempt on my life.
8/30, "He just won't have his practice" 3:50 fat mex fem blk shrt & spandex, Yolobus 42A. 4:05 PM, while knocking on doors in Davis after getting off an hour early from job in Sac., "I've said your name before" vision, male (possibly Asian), & sharp knife w/red juice or sauce on it - similar to chile oil I've been using, or, Sue Young got lunches for us, & same as day before, Korean noodles w/brn meat/veg sauce, but alternate was red sauce that he said possibly I could have for lunch some other time - you could say it's false alarm - knife was cooking knife - but vision was ominous tone, & it's conspiracy - one group (Koreans) says the codes, & another group (Mexs.) carry it out - & the knife was defined by the 'face up' & 'touched' codes. "You can't be keeping your 'tude, bat," bug code or vision, 4:07 PM, near Via Verde - 'bat' or Batman - has been defined as the deteriorating standards of fems (& males pressuring them) so that in all probability, they end up flashers - facade of Batman spreading his cape - but anyone in that context claiming any baseball bat scenario @ front door pertaining to me, according to the bug code (or vision) needs to repent, because Joe cares (I'm not necessarily claiming Joker role). Via Verde, 4:13 PM, wh fem gray hair, "I noon sit" & 4:44 PM, 2 fem. residents, fat wh & thin wh, from 2 homes more or less next door to each other (one from 1033 San Gallo), following me & making calls - most likely police. Fe, from 1033 saying, "Do you have a [solicitor's] license?" The other one (fat wh), "He won't be pick us." "Will liff through the window," 3 PM wh fem red hair, wh blouse, lic pl. 42606W1, possibly @ W Acre & W Cap (waiting for bus). 5:55 PM 42B, "We will CLUE;" blk male blue shrt, gray hair w/fem & child, getting off @ Harbor. "He won't go w/the following week," mex(?) HS male gray shrt.
1:45 PM Jose's phone on top of my lap top bag - old lap top bag was really old, & had lg. tear in one side - RT bus 51 goes right past Target, so I bought new one, 8/28 (day before). Jose' (mex. emply, 4th St.) evidently claiming new phone should've taken priority - but a "new" phone would be sabotaged in 2 wks again; that eve. (after Jose's code), phone wouldn't take a charge @ all for first 3 hrs, then started charging up again - Jose' & other mexs. orchestrating it. The monsters are attempting an i.d.'ing of past struggles as RE salesman; the cell phone "Broken Cable" mssg - claiming my phone can't charge (i.e., cable must be faulty - but it was a brand new cable - a generic brand that I'd bought so that I'd have an extra one in my bag in case I left one in motel rm.; but this was the non-proprietary cable (generic inst. of Samsung) that instigated the Samsung phone mssg., "You are using another brand of cable - this will drastically slow down your phone's charging capabilities..." or similar - i.e., who are they fooling? Electricity & electronics jacks have been around since 1950's - the only way it could do that is Samsung programming the equipment to ream the customer - or, Samsung programming it to ream me exclusively! 'Broken Cable' - 'broke in - k[ey -] a bull;' 2004, Adeline Pl, they illegally locked me out, I broke in (my lease was still valid - I was behind on rent by possibly 2 days). The terrorists claiming my RE lic revoked & broker lic. denied, & I didn't find a way to beat them in court & get my lic. back, so I'm not a "bull" in sales (I was already focussing on teacher career as of Jan. 2004, but my experience tells me don't let them take away any license or eventually they'll take away all your licenses - so I didn't immediately abandon my R.E. lic.) Nevertheless, despite R.E. was a way to pay my bills until hired as a teacher - & I'd passed the broker's exam - entitled to a license - I wasn't aware of the sales hot potato conspiracy - you can't teach if you're a salesman or ever been a salesman - according to the monsters - so I was naively thinking I could make ends meet in sales UNTIL HIRED AS A TEACHER - because you're in better position to be hired as a teacher if you're employed & have a place to live. Also, I had this crazy notion about being a Spanish Teacher, Math Teacher, & HS Business Teacher. But No. Ca. monsters attempt to decree that if you've ever been in sales you have to eat crow, run away from anything that sounds like sales (don't even be a Radio Shack salesman helping customers, evidently), & feign that you couldn't sell a guaranteed flood insurance policy to homeowners who don't have any insurance, @ the instant they are being innundated by Hurricane Katrina! I.e., phone terrorists conspiring w/No. Ca. terrorists, claiming I was over my head in business - you have to be a tough guy big shot to be a RE agent - & they've spent decades oppressing me in attempt to drive home the point that I wasn't "businessman" material - despite I dropped it as of end of 2003 & was headed back to teacher career - phone cos. helping them. I.e., I'm failing to engage in salesmanship because I'm staying in cheaper room in W.S. - therefore THEY EXACT THE DIFFERENCE IN ROOM COSTS BY FORCING ME TO BUY NEW $275 PHONES REPEATEDLY- TO PUNISH ME FOR THINKING I COULD BE BUSY IN BUSINESS FOR SEVERAL YEARS & THEN OPT TO GO BACK TO TEACHER CAREER - IT'S A REGIONAL & CORPORATE MAFIA - YOU CAN'T RUN W/THE BIG BOYS, & THEN SIMPLY BOW OUT & DO SOMETHING LIKE BE A H.S. TEACHER - THAT'S ONE OF THOSE NO-NO'S - ACCORDING TO NO. CA. & CELLPHONE RINGLEADERS. The phone charge sabotages by Samsung, Motorola, Apple, trained No. Ca. rebels on new techniques of oppressing me - sabotage phone charge mechanisms, etc.
8/29, "I missin' too" fat mex fem "Blue Mermaid" blue swt shrt 5th & L. Sac. "Copy," fem, dispatch, 42A, & another fem. on radio, "Copy" 3:38 PM - after I looked @ bus brochure; i.e., those are antiquated - exc. in this instance I was sitting next to them & checking for a map - but it's code that I'm "downcast" as far as having a phone w/internet access - that simply wasn't the case; additional context, 7:30 AM approx., wh male driver, RT 51, "Oh, brother," - i.e., 'bro - sure.' "That's where we can't keep you, Ronin" Mex. (?) male, 3:46, Autozone, getting jump from AAA, lic pl GOADSL5 or similar blue car. "You don't make it, clay," 11:15; "It's your treason" Jose' 11:20. "you're gonna eat - pung cow" Sue Young to Lee. 12:15, radio in car, 4th St., "He knows what we talk about." "You just aren't getting your quickly," gov't bug code, 1:27 PM, & approx. 8/23 (first day @ this job site) 'quickly' code from one of Asians. 2:45, as I was looking up Target as far as location while on rte. 51, "Alright, you won't know this was rib her," audible gov't bug code, & I was sitting next to fat mex. fem. " town - go__" dispatch, 42B, instructing people by radio that I'd arrived in Sac (notes incomplete - distracted & didn't get it all down) & how to procede, 6:40 AM. "..into accident" male dispatch, rte. 51 7:14 AM. 7:29, "What we got here, sure" wh male driver; Alhambra & Broadway - where my bike was stolen w/in 2 yrds of me, approx. 2010. Very busy intersection - across the street from Salvation Army; despite their traitorous deal w/Target in 2006, I applied for job @ that location, & had interview - but they were i.d.'ing me @ interview; i.e., repeat e mail etc. or else they were lying & saying they'd never heard of me or both; @ any rate, I stormed out, crossed Broadway, & standing @ intersection on island, bike next to me, yelling warnings to those in Sac.; my bike was right behind me, but it was noisy intersection, & I was yelling, & someone snuck up & stole my bike - the ultimate insult for known victim of oppression going on 14 years. 14 years after that, they're still conspiring - forcing me into grunt labor, w/black kids saying they get to ream me & rob me! "They're just taking his bike," blk HS girl, rte. 51, gray shrt; "I know; I know..." apprx. 7:30 AM. Alhambra approx. 3 blks from Broadway & 38th, & job site, 4th & 38th, one blk from Broadway. "We want your 'tude," (or similar); "You wouldn't foot lookin' @ 'em" 8:25 (Lee?). "You're gonna give them mirror," Lee. 7:25, rte. 51, "We're gonna 'now'" fat mex. fem red shrt, w/fat girl pink swt jacket. 10:19 PM, @ 4th, blk male inspector, "It just wasn't re-present w/us" blue shrt. Yet another instance of political leaders falling into the trap they set for me - Pat Sajack retires - Vanna White carries on; Joe Biden retires, Vanna "Black" carries on - star glamor - & multicolored mink coat! The red sauce lunch was spicy according to Sue Young; Donald's Schilling's dad, Lodi, "Now..." as though, 'be patient,...don't be so insistent;' that was approx. 2016; approx. 9/2017, almost killed by p/up trying to run me over in Co-Op pkg lot, G St., 4:15 AM. 2/2020, almost killed on Columbia Ct.; 7/2021, attempt on my life @ 4th & F - McCormick bldg.; this was where Aaron Needle's had pranced past my car, 2017, expecting me to say 'hi' - out of lack of anyone else that I might have hope in; when I didn't, the murder conspiracy commenced. Schilling seasoning/spice, McCormick seasoning/spice, &, Greg Laurie interviewed Alice Cooper 2019 about his faith in Jesus; this was when I was still residing nights, @ least in some instances, @ Cooper bldg. - across from McCormick bldg. 'Co-Op[er bldg.];' Lawry - seasoning/spice; Lodi rebels refused to intervene & instead ramped up the attempts on my life - & based on seasoning codes, we have the link w/warlocks - Greg Laurie, warlock. Laurie in interview, wearing blue button-down shrt. & holding a guitar; the blue button-down shrt is code for me being molded as salesman - 're-present' code; but that's proof that grunt labor such as demolishing a house (4th St. job) is labeled sales - that's where victim is consumed - eventually everything is sales, & it's attempts on your life for working in sales. They are claiming I'm lying about teacher goals - while refusing to hire me for decades, & I accepted position @ Woodland Polytech HS in Fall of 2015 but they retracted the offer before school started under guise that I had had trouble w/police in the past & facade covering up the proven police oppression. I.e., Columbia Ct. - history books teach those young children Columbus came to American for spices, but peripheral stories that the Spanish king wouldn't have funded them if they weren't to bring back gold & silver as well (of course European kings have now been exposed as being prayer warriors willing to forego credit for discovering America for 1000 years for Christ - & w/Spanish busy producing melting pot mix - new race - Christian goals the predominant motive for them as well - so gold & silver motives probably figured in, but there were multiple motives - MOST OF THEM IN FACT NOBLE - IS THE WORLD ROUND OR FLAT? Spice tale tailed by selfless Education/melting pot nation goals - downplayed in schools until Jack Teacher plan on behalf of Asians revealed, & any "spies" were historical spies tracking No. Ca. rebels on behalf of Jack Teacher!!!!! Lawry, Schilling, McCormick, &, Columbus spice goals - IRON-CLAD M.O. OF MONSTERS. The deadly 'now' "tradition" continues w/adults & youth in Sac. In fact, rock & Hollywood in the mix as well; Miriam Cooper invented King Kong. But the "spicy" Korean lunch included red sauce - no doubt the 'seasoning' attempts on my life in full swing; Koreans seem to be using Mexs. to do the dirty work. Remember what Nikki Lorenzo, Mex. fem. rptr, ch 40, said, "He dies," approx. July (deleted from my reports). Arguement the Cooper bldg. (rock/Hollywood) is across the st. from McCormick bldg. but w/the attack in 2017 near Co-Op - they are being very cooperative - & movie theaters often called cinemas - roll, anybody? Despite reports about strangle attack next to McCormick bldg. in 2021, McCormick seasoning ads continue w/theme, "It's gonna be great!" No one's faulting them for that - their product line was use by rebels for evil - that's beyond their control; but, THEY COULD BREAK THE 'SPIES' SPELL & CALL FOR PRESS CONFERENCE ON MY BEHALF! THE 'SPICE' CONSPIRACY IS ESSENTIALLY AS FAR AS REBELS, EVERYONE'S AN INVESTIGATOR - EVERYONE'S A SPY - THEIR M.O. IS THEY COMMIT CRIMES TO TRY TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF ALL THESE CRIMES BEING COMMITTED!
8/28, "Stoves are expensive, & I don't want it to go out & buy a new one" 'it' - code for It church or me - smear that I'm not human (past smear), 11:20 PM, ch 92, fem, ch 3 news, body of Craig Ott, of Sac., discovered in Minor Sough, Ryer Island, 23 years ago; according to news, they had identified him as of this point - but no details as to cause of death, etc. - why? Because the Utts (my family) came from England, & were the Otts, but changed name to Utts because it was better fit w/USA. Ryer Island is N. of Rio Vista - straight over (W.) from Lodi in Solano cty. Further context, as reported, visions of consp. resulting in more charges, another case, & Ashley R. Majors atty display on rte. 51 RT bus next to Sac court bldg, & "ASHLEY" logo has 'E' that is 3 horiz. lines only - same as "NEW" by McCartney in 2013 - 3 vert. lines (N) 3 horix. lines (E) & 3 vert. lines (W); i.e., 'jail, hold the line, jail' code - & Ashley logo code evidences along w/vidion of court lobby w/copy machine, they were attempting it. Also 8/28, early AM, "Under Siege" Steven Seagal, plays Marine Casey Ryback - terrorists attempting takeover of US. naval ship Missouri & sale of nuclear missiles to terrorists - state of Missouri & Kansas, where Utts are from. I'm citing rock & Hollywood demonstrating where the rebels get their "ideas." 5:46 AM, Teo, ch 3 news, "Just lock right by" story about a dress made of playing cards. Fem interviewed @ Sac airport, "We do carry on early," 6:36.
6/6, lg. wh tank, "ODIN" or similar on it, W Cap near Enterprise, N. side of st. (David Odem - recently arrested in Stanislaus cty, accused of child molestation). "When's your birthday? This week?" mex male dk blue polo shrt to Persian (?) male driver gray hair 42B. "8 hour" mex (to Persian driver) 5:43. "Did I even touch you when you were a kid?" Raley's radio, 9:20 PM. "We just fix alive," wh male bald, sm chin goatie, wh T-shrt, @ self ck reg., 9:25; "We're not gonna like w/him better," pkg lot. 9:32 "Turn the light off in your eyes" ion TV. 5:49, "He won't have mine" wh male gray polo shrt to driver. ch 6 (?) TCT, "Your power & will decided SHOULD happen" fem, movie re-enacting Acts ch 4, but she was talking about crucifixion - 'your...will decided SHOULD happen...' i.e., emphasis on 'should' is assertion Jesus SHOULD have been killed - i.e., 'do the same to Jack Teacher!' consp. code. 6/10, working in WD, vision, "I've given you the A's secret" (or 'the A secret'), 9:20 AM; A Tower (Eiffel), & God is giving me credit for A. Story about Billy Eilish in news - somebody ghosted her - cut her off from communications, abandoned her, etc. Billy Idol live hit from 1980's, fan screams (cheer) & Idol (in song) "What's that?!" & UFL, 6/9, one of coaches or anncr, "What's that?" after fan reaction. Shantal also made a sm jump motion w/her crotch. This AM, terrorist students 5+ pushing football training apparatus toward MU so that it was blocking & no busses could enter; Persian or Mex. male made jump motion w/crotch. After almost 20 min. & no police coming to resolve it, & no one willing to push it out of way - 8 Unitrans busses lined up on Howard Ln. waiting to enter MU; I started jogging to my work siite, & w/in one min. - before I finished crossing the IM field, all the busses had entered MU - THE MONSTERS BLOCKED IT TO SEE WHAT I'D DO! @ any rate, students aware of Models' gestures & those of TV anncrs, & systematically attempting to use them against me. Apprx. 10:45, vision, "You have Cain, Utt," alternately, '...k[ey] 'A nut;'' - indicating someone bringing me or the nation the offering of Cain; this was immed. after Billy Eilish story on break; '...I leash [you]...' blacks' offering of Cain, & evidently applying to Aggies & others. 6/9, Walmart, Asian fem emply opened case immed. & I purchased Sketcher's watch, but upon putting it on, it was far too small - lady's watch; when I took it back to Walmart (I was still near the store when I noticed it was too small) blk male @ watchcase; he left after 2-3 min. but he was there to case me; I was getting another watch - a man's watch, & in this instance, it was same as when I purchased the non-waterproof watch that lasted 2X in shower (I'm not blaming the store for that) - stood @ locked display case for 15 min. asking emplys to open it, & pushing the cust. serv. button as well. In this instance if was another 15 min. - emplys telling me there's only one emply w/key - stark raving mad! But it was orchestrated as yet another haunting - conspiratorially, I'm suddenly forced back to 2009-2013 - petitioning for ballot measures - asking people passing by if they'd sign a petition - in this instance, I'm asking emplys (half dozen to dozen) if they'd unlock display case - moreover, it's sales haunting - YOU'RE FORCED TO "SELL" THAT YOU SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BUY A WATCH @ THEIR STORE! Seriously, I'd been to Walgreens, Rite Aid, 4 grocery stores, & approx. 4 other stores - no watches exc. - Walmart (exc. Ross had some, but waterproof started @ $60 & working landscaping, it's going to be scraped up in 2 days)! ORDINARILY, I'D DISMISS THE STORE & SIMPLY NEVER, EVER DO BUSINESS W/THEM AGAIN - BUT WHEN EVERYONE IN THE REGION IS REAMING YOU, YOU SIMPLY WON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO SHOP IF YOU DO THAT. I finally started heading to cust. serv. booth to get a refund, & lo & behold, the Asian fem emply w/keys walking by - I told her I wanted to exchange the watch, & then I was able to get a waterproof men's Casio. The procedure for watches is emply takes it up to customer service booth & you pay for it there; but suddenly, 6 people in line @ cust. serv., approx. 1:45; Asian fem emply took watch behind the counter & placed it on rack - presumably so that it'd be there when I was @ register; but w/long line, I told her "Make sure they know it's back there!" i.e., on the rack behind them - there was no secret innuendo of "backing" Walmart; in fact, I spoke aloud that they lost a cust., & made other warnings - due to that you can't buy a watch w/out a major ordeal, & also it's obvious it was a conspired set-up, w/them the only ones in Davis & WS w/watches. I was only following through on purchase because I was going to have to wait in line for the refund anyway. 1:51, blk male rainbow tie dye garden hat, @ front of line, "I don't run him, up," to Walmart emply. 1:53, wh male, gray bun in hair, blue shrt, "That's my." 1:54, "It dig little kid," fat mex fem emply. While in line, 1:57, fat blk fem, possibly emply, peach shrt, to emplys behind the counter, "It wasn't back there - I'm taking it to Truxel" (Truxel Ave., presumably another Walmart location) - but the code was 'truck's sell;' i.e., claim when I said 'let 'em know it' back there...' I was saying I was "backing" them - & that indicates I'm in sales & settling for low/crooked standards because I might want them for future landscape customers - despite I've NEVER DONE THAT. Add to that, blk male, blk Mercedes & subsequently, wh 4 door Charger, codes near rm. 16 Bel Air, lic pl, Fl. LCYN45. systematically during last week or so; usually dead & gone codes - you can't understand what they are saying 99% of time, but it is stalking & casing - I've made warnings, opening the door, & warning, etc., but I'm refusing to volunteer to go to jail by being more confrontive in scenario where I've already proven they are all rebels - that's where rule of law is subjugated to showmanship. That afternoon, heading for bus to store for a watch, 12:34, wh car - most likely the Charger stalking me, in middle of driveway entrance, Fremont motel - next door to Belair; I looked but couldn't see anyone inside (dk windows), but upon passing by, the engine suddenly starts - casing. Approx. 1 min. later, I arrived @ Auto Zone, W. Cap & Jefferson, 12:35 PM, & red 4X4 p/up, in middle of driveway entrance of pkg lot - exact same position as Chev. @ Fremont - idling as I walked by; lic pl 25294M2. Rte. 40 from Walmart back to W Cap/Belair, blk male @ back of bus, 2:09, as I got off, "You won't go, our hurt;" sounds like a confession, but it's '...our 'hurt [you];'' i.e., THE NO. CA. MONSTERS ATTEMPT TO BRAINWASH YOU - THEY KNOW YOU QUALIFY AS POSSIBLY A HERO AMONG OTHER THINGS, BUT THEY OBVIOUSLY CAN'T SAY THAT, SO THEY INSIST THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOR BY ASSERTING YOU MIGHT NOT DIE ('YOU WON'T "GO"') - AS THOUGH IT'S OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART, - A CODED FACADE OF ADMITTING THEY'RE AS GOOD AS GONE - BUT, AS PART OF THE "DEAL," BECAUSE THEY AREN'T GOING TO KILL YOU, THEY @ LEAST GET TO "HURT" YOU - SUCH AS SABOTAGES OF PHONES, KIDNAPPINGS, SLAVERY, & POSSIBLY SOME OTHER FORM OF HIT; I.E., THEY SIMPLY CAN'T ADMIT THEY'RE BACKING DOWN, UNLESS IT'S MASKED W/SOME FORM OF SERIOUS THREAT - TO MAINTAIN THEIR POKER FACE. Nevertheless, blacks stalking my every move - Billy Eilish - blacks claiming they have me on a 'leash' - & it's the offering of Cain by blacks. Mormons - Joseph Smith - asserted blacks were decended from Cain & black skin was the mark God placed on Cain & his decendents after Cain committed the first murder in history, killing Abel. Indications are it is the case. "To Kill A Mockingbird" - blacks empowered by No. Ca. rebels to mock me, keep me on leash & enslave me to nth degree, like a puppet; & recent attempts to buy a watch pinpoint Harper Lee's tracking - she also wrote "Go Set a Watchman;" 'go set' - Gossett - I reported Lou Gossett starred in movie "Guardian" as night watchman, but a crooked one, & Martin Sheen's character tracking him, & then pressured to compromise (the movie evidently luring blacks) - offering of Cain by Gossett's character. Harper Lee obviously qualifies as Boris Landspace Educator, along w/S.E. Hinton.
Cain offering warning most likely applies to present-day Slavs also. Mary (model), video of her half way up set of stairs, looking up; but she seems to have caved in to Russian leaders - if nothing else, because I never heard from her directly - no phone call, etc.; vision approx. mo. ago of me in Cougar that I drove in 1980's, & vision immediately following that of God telling Putin, "He's pure, you know; I told him where you are applying him" & as far as I could tell, it was indicating Russian leaders capitulating to rumors of the past, irregardless of God directly warning them. "I want arraign" 8:30 PM approx., 6/10; i.e., Slavs had duty to pipe up years ago on my behalf, & instead I was arraigned & hostage in Yolo jail 2020, & 3 attempts on my life as of 2017.
Hughes became paranoid of germs toward the end of his life, but we also should roast what we took in hunting as far as sanitation & cleanliness; food handling that requires gloves is good; but there's a strange dichotomy: Condiment containers & other food products medicines @ times have 2 seals to prevent tampering - why is it soda cans have pop tops that are part of the exterior of the can, often handled by shippers & others, & those are then punched right into the beverage that you drink? Poisons or viruses can be readily swabbed onto the lid by some crackpot, but it's also predisposed to random collection of germs. "You could Hughes it" 4:15 AM 8/12, vision - I've noticed some food handlers in Davis & W.S. becoming sloppy about gloves. Back to the education basics: How about some more of that Joseph Schlitz ingenuity, w/school kid beverages? I've also noticed Asians have yet to capitalize on yak meat & carbonated ice tea.
8/18, "It's nothing that I've thought about" 8:18 AM C-SPAN wh male rptr, Chic Trubina (?). "How great is THAT?" ESPN male ch 26 8:30 AM. 8:37, "How cool is THIS?" male anncr. 8:40, "Let's go down, smash it" & 9:14 AM, "This was host[age] your cost" bug code. 8:35 "You're not gonna know your walk" fem bug code when pitcher walked player, Little L. "You're not having that bottom out," 9:27 AM Raley's wh male mgr.
I.e., I wrote down codes pertaining to the 'how__ is ___!' code (w/this format). As far as I recall, that format became a code in apprx. 2003, Jim Carrey - "What are the chances of that!?" i.e., attempt to wake up Aggies that obvious miracles, such as pope Joe Ratzinger as a sign endorsing me simply couldn't be dismissed a coincidence; teen Chris Nuzzo that I'd been hanging out w/, new e mail was chrissomebody[@] - &, he looked like Superboy, & they then moved to Ohio (birthplace of Superman character). This was combined w/'How...?!' such as 'How awesome is THAT!?'
Soon afterward, the devised code in media, "How in the world...?" - a common expression, but suddenly was carefully crafted to be a mssg. that it was referring to the 'How' Aggies, & they had to fit in to society nationally & beyond - 'How [is operating] in the world...' This was combined w/McCartney's "Back In the World" CD, 2003; i.e., 6K+ students come to Davis & become skilled conspirators & rebels, & upon graduating, most of them leave the menagerie & are back in the (supposedly real) world. 'How in the world' - mssg. conveying to the public nationally that approx. 6K students graduate annually, & most of them leave Davis, but they keep in touch w/rebels in Davis, including other students & residents, & No. Ca. is being lured, so find a way to hire most of them & ignore their known corruption or feign assimilating it. "Something," Beatles, (phonemcially) "I don't want to leave her now/You know I believe in How;" lyrics are supposedly, "You know I believe - & how!" which isn't a code, & emphsasizes their belief in their lover - w/possibly spiritual overtones; but '&" is contracted to 'n' & it sounds like grammatically incorrect 'You know I believin' how' or 'You know I be leavin', How' - possibly coded mssg. for young people (rock fans, such as college students) to minimize any attempts for force me to leave Davis (i.e., running victim out of town); or 'I believe in How.' They were parlaying Howard Ln. entrance to UCD to become 'How' nickname for Aggies - anticipating I'd eventually attend UCD. In other words, the song(s) influenced the m.o.'s of the students - oppressive, open to deadly conditions, but closed-minded to trying to run anyone out of town - it doesn't amount to giving them any credit, because they simply mindlessly tailored their oppression to please singers according to their perceptions of them. "Yesterday," "I believe in yesterday..." - 'I [am] believin' [in Jesus? That's] yesterday - [in the past...];' (i.e., 'Rock has no intention of becoming Christians - you know that, How!') & 'I be leavin' yesterday' - actually creates facade that 'leaving' is in the past - no longer an option - scenario that the victim is trapped & isn't allowed to leave - giving them their evil edge menagerie - region controlling victim; "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away/Now it looks as though they're here to stay..." - trap the victim, & his troubles are "here to stay" as well. "There's a shadow hanging over me..." - trap the victim, & they can turn any shadow, or watchman role ("Stairway To Heaven") into a curse against rock musicians, is the facade - "hung;" useless - Jack Teacher is like a dark cloud hanging over them - so that rock doesn't have to deal w/a pesky witness. (Of course, teachers in general are like to dark clouds to those who act arnery, but this most likely was creating a slavery plan scenario perceived to be endorsed by rock utilizing DIVISION rebel fans.) No argument, any menagerie trapping victim & enslaving is evil - rebellion, but God has led me that the strategy to defeat the rebellion is to hold my post rather than slipping out of town & trying to put down stakes in another location - creating appearance of folding & letting rebels have their way; they lured them to facilitate conditions conducive to me holding my post. ("Hooked On a Feeling" song's lyrics, "victim" of love is obviously tongue-in-cheek; but that song may have been part of the luring as well.)
Nevertheless, the media is still utilizing interrogative (question) code - 'how ___ is that?' as opposed to exclamation - 'How awesome that is!' But the media's continued use of the 'how' codes long after I held my post & was entitled to invasion - it then becomes conspiracy to perpetuate menagerie, slavery, etc. - 'How is the only one that matters around here, along w/'that' conspirators & 'this' conspirators; i.e., they tangled themselves up in their codes & couldn't find their way out. 9:44 AM, ESPN, "He's gonna go there, the book" adult player 9:44 AM ESPN. "See?" fem bug code, 9:45 AM approx.; "We can't imagine," boy, lt. blue uniform, blue/orange cap; i.e., context, attempts to negate the Superboy Nuzzo witness. 9:50, Aaron Judge fans (he's from Linden - near Stockton), "They have no fear" anncr; this is from fem Lamppost emply, caser, 42A; "It won't be fear," 7/15 - she got that from rock song, "Games w/out frontiers/War w/out fears;" they admit they are warring against me - a bus, for ex., doesn't have a conventional frontier or battle front; systematic stalkings on Yolobus, slavery, denial of teacher job in every school dist. & every private school in 27+ counties, control of every aspect of my life w/everyone participating & willing to act to oppress me @ moment's notice when called upon; & because the song says "w/out fears" they rely on that to mean they can commit unlimited crimes & won't be punished for it w/prison, by nuclear missiles, or in hell - they're brainwashed.
8/18, "That's our 'hey!'" 9:56, audience, referring to Aaron Judge possibly. "Live free inside" anncr; trick - I'm a slave, & I refuse to allow any "inside" claims as far as their slavery. Helen Raleigh, Asian fem "Broken Welcome Mat" - Asians attempting to make trouble for me. "Raul Hernandez works a lot" 9:11 AM anncr, male, ESPN Little L; possibly code - 'lot' is possibly code for staying outside in vacant lot (or on porch, etc.) - & context, 'Raw - ooo, we'll, 'her nan does.'' On other hand, I recently took over housecleaning of mexs. @ Jan's - gesture on my behalf or they suffered a blow. Greg Lowry, pastor who held tent revival @ FSBC, Pole Line Rd., possibly 2005 or so, misquoted James on purpose, "...let him ask of God, who gives to all men generally,..." - that Scripture is too famous & quoted too much - there's no possible way he could've mistaken " to all men generously..." 10:46 AM ch 125. 3:42 PM "We're taking you resurfaced" 3:42 PM vision, Taylor. TCT (ch 16) 4:05 PM speaker w/lavender shrt. 6:25 AM approx., "You want to hear a secret? You're golden" fem whisper (bug code). "He took blank" 8:05 wh male gray shrt next door to 1417 Camphor st. 7:30 approx., SWIFT truck went by 42A on I-80, then audible bug code, "He gets his bride." 10:35 AM, "No, we can do that w/him, on," audible bug code. "You wanna keep this old bench?" Tom (next door neighhbor), to Barbara, Miller Dr. near B St. Tom then was standing w/back against wall of his res.; i.e., take a mug shot - he's claiming he invited her to prop up past judges in Yolo that oppressed me.
8/19, 6:45 PM, Dierdre gave Teo Torres pair of socks from Paris, & he replied "Thanks, I don't have any socks" - code w/'sock' possibly code for soccer, & Latinos, especially in No. Ca. conspiring to use soccer & sports overall against me while propping up blks (I reported the giant black soccer net vision of 2020, &, see 'BASKETBALL JOAN' DOLL CONSPIRACY report, Goalrilla basketball hoops signalling to train rebels, such as blacks to act like apes in sports; see also "DEATH TO AMERICA" II.../LONG RANGE FULL CIRCLE.. report); a subtle confession that Latinos in No. Ca. were left twisting in the wind when I revealed the long range 'kick' theme on behalf of Asians pertaining to soccer. In fact, LONG RANGE... report - 2 lg. circles or hoops "Christians Connecting" creates an association of giant hand cuffs, giant basketball hoops, & big boobs, in addition to the rings theme - due to their systematic codes - 2 lg. circles gesture by officer Johnson, Yolo jail, 2006, also signified 2+ years hostage in Yolo jail. & Dierdre (fem rptr) "Speaking of kind..." & 6:51 AM, "That wasn't today;" i.e., Latino 'that' conspirators shut down - as attested to by other rebels.
8/19, "You're not gonna get 'em w/gid, it" vision 6:12 AM (possibly Harris - 'gid[dy]'). 6:20 AM, vision of someone using something like silverware or hook, etc. as leverage & I should jump @ it - pertaining to Banyan, as far as I could tell - Paul on Banyan wanted me to come by for work, but not until Wed. (i.e., Paul Bunyon); & then vision of 2 indiv., male & fem wh adults, fem. blond, both tied to wooden structure (tied up), possibly railroad tie & attachments; & thrown into lake & about to drown - gasping for air - unclear who it was; but it was evil fem. orchestrating it. @ Barbara's, I, along w/Tom, convinced her to remove a post from her fence she was hesitent to remove - post was a railroad tie. But context also was hired to work & demolition job in Sac., but only for $20/hr (ended up being paid approx. $25/hr), & structures removed were similar to structure 2 indivs. tied to; someone possibly attempting to pressure me to turn down work. 7:25 PM, "..a new brand that actually... that we are going to kick off" (possibly code), ch 4 - brand was possibly "Shawn" brand. Real Ca. ad, boy given a carrot stick or similar w/wh sauce on end of it, & then does a dance w/eyes closed after eating it; i.e., claim they are "dancing" w/lewd innuendos about me, including kids having fun w/lewdness - implication; 10:47 PM, "That's where they pay," bug code.
8/19, latest terrorism - garbage collector (most likely Latino), "You wanna take one more step?" audible code directed @ Barbara on Miller 11:15 AM approx. Su Young then called, @ same time as I was nailing in additional nails from top of runner board into pickets; audible bug code, "You're going to have your hide," but sounded like directed @ Barbara; i.e., too thorough @ job - but most pickets have 4 nails or more - this totalled 3, & pickets were shorter length. Barbara paid me soon after that (approx. 3 PM) but only $20/hr; after I complained, she got it up to approx. $22/hr; but then I got additional details on phone w/Su Young, & he said contractor paid $20/hr. I probably should've contacted contractor personally, but on other hand, I never said I wouldn't work for $20 - it's possibly attempt to create persona claiming I'm shy, etc. @ any rate, 'wars w/out frontiers' terrorism - terrorists w/latest consp. involving 20 terrorists @ min. conspiring for 42A to stop @ every stop from UCD through Davis & then through WS. until arriving @ W. Acre Av., & terrorists timing crossing in crosswalks as well; this was timed w/terrorists stalling on bus as well - & it was all handed to black rebels; the terrorism theme was I'd better warm up to the monsters, or else -WHILE THEY'RE OPPRESSING ME. 4 PM, fem on bus 42B, "We're not gonna get to work on 'em" fem, (couldn't tell who it was). 4:20 PM, "He's having his back broken - we beat," blk male blk swt jacket, blk cap, jeans shorts; i.e., threat of 47 phones sabotaged, & I still haven't switched. I then attempted to take pic of him but phone trace password (trace shape to unlock screen) saying "Wait 2 min. - too many failed attempts" (when hadn't attempted to open it @ all yet); I then took pic of him using my laptop (pic sent), & code, 4:22 PM, "Alright, you just get this" (blk male); also as of this point, wheel chair got on bus, fem w/wagon, & Addie terrorists (fat fem w/toddler who's scared to death of her, & daughter); mex. fem., dk gray T-shrt w/"Blackhorn," code, "You can't add 'er?" - Addie code; I warned 50 dinosaurs for adding her 2 cents in stalking format. 4:35 PM "We're gonna take you're too cold" blk male (blk swt jacket, blk cap). 4:15 PM, fat fem. Lamppost terrorist, rainbow (Taylor gown color look-alike) bow in hair, "I'm the one who's hurt;" that's the DIVISION monsters for you - you try to help rock & Hollywood, & you get strangled repeatedly for it; you try to hold rock & Hollywood accountable, suddenly, they're claiming they are Taylor, & I'm hurting them. 4:47, W Cap., blk male stalker (blk swt jkt) getting off bus, fem mex (Blackhorn) "You're gonna have this in a sense" to him or me (directed @ him, but attempt to dupe by confusing object of the code); i.e., my 2 cents warning, & 'in a sense'/ 'in a cents'/ & 'innocence;' @ any rate, my repeated warnings about more dinosaurs (blk male accrued 150 or more) - I was still 'too cold' - & mex. rebels communicating to blacks they can count on them; blk male instantly, "We have our stop!" getting off bus. 4:55, Raley's, wh fem gray swt jacket, "You'll have your fine, on" i.e., I didn't lighten up, - 'fine' code for kidnap by police. 6:04 PM, ch 40, Kim, mex. fem rptr, "...forcing hard stop..." This is the context of Biden's conspired 'rail' I-80 improvement - code that I'm not railing enough, therefore, the monsters get away w/it. Surrounded by monsters stalking you on all sides non-stop, it's conditions where you feel like exploding - all the time. That's why it's nonsense to take law into your own hands & strike one of them - drop in the bucket, & you actually give the rest of the monsters a field day watching you being taken away by police! YOU NUKE THEM ALL OR AMERICA IS RUINED!
8/20, Berg (wthr, ch 3), 6:20 AM "Things happen crystal clear throughout the state...there is change knocking on our door;" 6:21, "Just a touch down from today..." door knock code - signalling it's referring to me, then 'touch down' code - indicating Davis rebels are supposed to attempt something drastic on their porch on behalf of blacks. 6:18, ch 24, Gunsmoke, male peddler w/wagon is stopped by male & questioned, & accused of harming his wife; the peddler was unarmed & said he didn't even know how to use a gun & denied doing anything to anyone, but the male drowned him in river. As he rode off, taking his wagon, "Get outta there" - i.e., code implying leave Davis or suffocate - evidently luring. 6:23, Edie, ch 3 newscstr, "But I would be all the people planning outdoor events;" combined w/Bergs, reinforces the "out" the door-knock consp. 8/20, 6:30 PM, Billy Graham's son Franklin, ad on network TV (ch 3 as far as I recall), saying if you ask Jesus into your heart, "...he'll plant you..." - using rebel region lingo - while the Bible refers to Jesus as the vine & we are the branches, saying that means you're "planted" when you become a Christian doesn't cut it - it was a code that becoming a Christian means becoming a rebel. Before rebels were oppressing me, one could say there were plants who were located to oversee things - the Brockmeyers, for ex.; but once oppressors started persecuting me, anyone who stands by idly or goes along w/it is an aider & abettor @ min., & so anyone claiming to be a plant in No. Ca. is automatically a rebel as well - they are synomymous. 8/21, 3:03 AM, 8/21, "I wanted to see what you'd try" vision - God led me to postulate South making a comeback, & instantly, Graham on national TV w/conspiracy "strategy." 8/21, "Hue marely, his tres" bug code, 2:38 AM; 'hue' - Southern skies, based on song conversion 2012; 'tres[pass]' - Graham & more false accusations, is bug code facade. "Snapped," 8:06 PM 8/20, Amish (extremely conservative Christians) fem Barbara Weaver was murdered (true story); fem. calling 9-1-1 was her amish neighbor, & 9-1-1 operator said, "..breathing?" & fem., "No, I will finish 'maybe,'" ch 25. Mabie name of ref. library section of King Hall Law library, UCD, where I did most of my research or appeals for 8 years or so. Also, Kamala Harris participated in debate on UCD campus when running for office approx. 2010 - which was when I was doing a lot of the research. Nevertheless, this code demonstrates warlocks' influence on Christians in U.S. - 'Kill Jack Teacher!' - No exaggeration; these Amish possibly from South. 7:49 PM, after I'd placed the evidence of Kamala Harris modeling herself after Sue Greenwald, Adam, wthr rptr ch 40, "It'll be so, her rise, on," 7:49 PM, & "We're going in," 7:52; & there's the coconspiracy of No. Ca. & phone cos. - Verizon - 'her rise, on.' 10:19 PM, ch 40 male rptr, car crashed into Chipotle cafe in L.A., "A man dies here;" & instantly bug code, "That was you, won," i.e., bug code removing all doubt - the reporter was signalling I'm going to die - I'd placed the report about terrorism on bus & monsters too numerous to deal w/, w/out nuking them; & that means I have a chip on my shoulder, & have to die - staying in motel, w/chip on shoulder - 'chip [m]otel;' moreover, Chipotle first opened places in No. Ca. immed. after I was marketing the Bed & Breakfast Inn, & the mssg. was 'deal w/the indiv. w/chip on shoulder from the hotel;' attempting to reduce me to some lacky w/ego problem - & the exterior front of Chipotle w/the corrugated aluminum - garbage can - motif that I reported as caught on in Davis; i.e., the victim is dealt w/ by forcing me to dumpster dive.
It's possible Graham was attempting to relate to the Banana Family - 'So you wanna make a commotion w/The Family? The Godfather doesn't take that lightly, you know; you're asking to get planted - on the spot - Portland Cement style. We have our shoes.' Nevertheless, the Amish fem. in "Snapped" seems to eliminate this conjecture; a few years before Billy Graham died, he had purchased a new suit, & said "I will be buried in it" in news conf.; it was a subtle mssg. that they expected me to bury myself in my lawsuits, & then I could possibly expect their help. But that help never came - & story about Amish fem. & deadly coded phone call occurred in 2009. Therefore the code contributed to the m.o. of rebels - strategy - strangle attacks. Nevertheless, the point was the delays were already beyond the pale, according to this 'Am 'shhhh!'' tattle tale.
Also affirming that it's probably a hoax of warlocks, 8/18 Greg Lowry (reported) on TV "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God...who gives to all men generally" - but the Bible v. says 'generously;' in other words, 'we'll prove Jack Teacher is a double-minded fool; God most likely told him to refuse to trust us, & watch how he'll suddenly be supportive of us!' But, the Scripture in Jas. 1 doesn't claim that God can never tell you anything different in the future; you ask, you receive guidance, you stick w/it, then others repent or demonstrate evidence of such, & God informs you that upon that occurring, you could possibly respond. Neverthless, the fact there is such a test (which most likely it was) is enough to spook me right there. Moreover, it may very well be attempt to smear my motives - as though I'm secretly in the Chinese army under command of General Lee. The only shoes in my size @ Target were gray - that doesn't make me a confederate or Asian deserter. Nevertheless, I believe God spoke to me that South was open to invasion @ some point, but they became sluggish, & rock's trackings rebuked them as well; but recently, vision of my Mom acting inappropriately w/me sexually as a child; but that never happened; so I believe she's praying & demanding to know why she's being labeled like that? Why else would her testimony that I'm entitled to my 'NO' autograph & my "gold" status be negated by church leaders? IN OTHER WORDS, IF THEY'RE SMEARING ME, THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE SMEARING MY MOM! MY MOM HELD HER POST FOR THE EDUCATION NATION, CRYING OUT TO GOD DAY & NIGHT FOR THE WESTERN & EASTERN BRANCHES PURPORTING TO BE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, BUT HAVE SUCCOMBED TO WARLOCK LEADERS WHO ARE BUTCHERING FREEDOM! Vision approx. 2 mos. ago of my Mom enthusiatic about rock - pertaining to "The Motels" & "Only the Lonely" - Martha Davis looks like my Mom & dressed according to those styles; & lyrics demonstrate my Mom's goals of me as a teacher - "So hold on, here we go/Hold on, to 'nothing' - we know..." THE WARLOCKS' ATTEMPTS TO BRING MY WORLD TO AN END ARE ATTEMPTING TO BRING MY MOM'S WORLD TO AN END AS WELL! The rebels literally spell out the U.S.A. freedom nation "is beyond us!" giving up on America, & trying to bring everyone down w/them! - 8/16, "U.S.A.'s beyond us" 8:12 PM, ch 68 ad; i.e., coded claim Americans failed & U.S.A. is spiralling downward; "...making - the threats aren't good enough..." coach, 49'ers; i.e, subtle code to increase the oppression, because I'm still earning income; 11:20 PM. ch 40. YELL & CRY OUT IN PROTEST & END THE REIGN OF TERROR OF WARLOCKS & CORRUPT POLITICAL LEADERS & NO. CA. DIVISION REBELS! "Joe, we didn't let your dad go," vision, Paul, approx. 8/5. @ this rate, Western church faltering due to warlocks, DIVISION rebels & South stubbornness, rock & Hollywood use Jack Teacher as a standard for humility - but Jack Teacher's Mom is all about "nothing" too! Popular stars, & Jack Teacher is...a teacher. @ any rate, Jack Teacher held his post. Asians failing to claim Something Wonderful (& that is his name), & Slav leaders acting stubbornly; if it weren't for the few, the proud, the Whites (???); yes, the Whites - Mary & other young people from Slavic nations (visions from her that I have a following there) - they recognize that the Whites have kept up w/the Jones, & their leaders' stubbornness is robbing Eastern branch of the credit! But Mary & the Whites of Russia have said the U.S.A. must live & prosper - & that is good, comrades - all well & good, BUT - IT IS SHAMEFUL THAT AFTER ALL THAT SUFFERING IN SIBERIA, THEY HAVE TO COME TO AMERICA & SHAKE DOWN THE PLACE UNTIL AMERICANS ARE ABLE TO WAKE UP & GET A GRIP!! Get a grip that we've been deceived & we deserve to be proud of our accomplishments & share in Christ's glory, & must get back to our posts & prosecute traitors & invade rebel regions!
Jack Teacher prolongedly foots light based largely on guesses - the result is a monk! Pursuant to anticipated orders of Principal Rhodhammel of Sierra Jr. Hi, 1970's, &, evidence of 100 yd. "Philadelphi" Gaza football field (most likely a blatant Landscaper Nick endorsement), Jack Teacher is now preoccupied w/dustin' off Math Wiz!
Tzar Alexander - flew "too high;"
'licks - hand 'er;'
what happens if Asians are claiming they are still "licking their wounds" from being left out - a 'T' as far as welcoming the gospel? Eastern church handing it to us (dirge, v. dance).
Will Ya Hurry!? - Your voices carry - rushin' for the gospel! "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
8/22, "...confined to walkers..." 6:24 AM ch 40 - medical ad; 'confined to [captivity] - walk [is] hers;' context - 8/20, dropped off @ Belair by Su Young after working @ demolition site @ 4th & 38th in Sac - blk male w/rear door & or trunk open @ car in Belair pkg lot - also, because of supposed problem w/Su Young's car, I was in back seat of car, because his wife had to come & pick us up; then 8/22, both he & his wife picked me up @ Belair, 6:40 AM, & once again I'm in back seat - arrest connotation, & same blk male @ his car again (Bel Air), lic pl 6DRK573 or 6DRK_73; i.e., conspiracy of Davis Koreans & blacks arresting me; Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (N. Korea) - DRK - DPRK - essentially matches lic. pl.; code blks stole 'P[E].' Nevertheless, they paid me approx. $25/hr. w/bonuses, plus pizza for lunch 8/20 & donuts 8/22. Working that job was holding the line - I don't have any affinity or obligation to Davis rebels, nor any ego to fulfill as far as 'I told you so!' plunder; I've worked for pizza parlors in Wdld & VV, I worked @ warehouses in Wdld., etc.; my take on it is if Davis wants to start forcing me to knock on too many doors, I'm better off keeping my options open - same as any laborer; i.e., no customers calling & they don't respond to my calls, "walk" them by taking work @ other locations - the code was ''walk' [is] hers' - presumably because of the back seat jail threats - combined w/ally monsters on TV (medical ad) propping them up. Nevertheless, early that AM, vision of me meeting w/ Federal agent & he was God (figuratively or literally) & then we were arresting a fem. & walking her from he residence presumably to squad car. The res. was similar to Noelle's; 8/21, I was using a hand truck to move plants to backyard @ Noelle's, & out of nowhere she said "Stop!" because she wanted that particular plant in another location. I took it w/grain of salt, but it had implication of quitting. I possibly had another dream after that of someone else being arrested (possibly cust.) - they don't have 'walk 'em.' 8/22, after Su Young picked me up, on Hwy 50, wh fem blk blouse, next to us, 7:46 AM, lic. pl 3UES055; i.e., 'hues' code (sky intonation I've used to refer to South); & 7:47, Folsom Ready Mix truck; i.e., if I want to claim South might be able to repent, Sac. rebels claiming I'll be making lic. plates in Folsom prison. 9:15, Lee, "Arriba, that's all;" context made it a code promoting mex. emply Juan. "We don't have our play @ 'em" mex. (?) male landscaper, apts. next door to demo site, 1 PM apprx. 11:46, "They'll have a triple star catch" Su Young. "We're dyin'" Lee, aprox. 10 AM. "That was your cell" Su Young, dropping me off @ Belair (w/out wife), 2:25 PM. Fox MLB, anncr, "Soared, yeah, that's only true," 6:25 PM; 6:29, "I know you were dipping in & out" News Nation. "That was our Tokay" fem clerk, 3:53 PM Belair, after writing on rec't, "8/26/24, due" & I told her to remove the "due" scribble or it could be claimed I owed them something, 3:55 PM.
Monsters claiming I have to curry Davis rebels' favor - as though I fell short - obvious fallacy, but constant isolation for years & years, much less systematic oppression, is sufficient turn your reasoning & discernment upside down. The surrounding cities empower this argument by participating in isolating me & denying me my teacher career - while producing bona fide proof of it's fallacy - w/bonuses, etc., Koreans paid me approx. $25/hr - same as Davis; but moreover, it represents a line that the cities surrounding Davis have consistently acknowledged that IT SIMPLY ISN'T AN OPTION THAT I'M DENIED WORK - MY HARD WORK ETHIC, MY CONSISTENT TRACK RECORD OF ACCEPTING ANY & ALL WORK, MY REPUTATION OF WORKING HARDER THAN ANYONE ELSE BEFORE THAT, WHILE DOING SALES, MY HERCULEAN EFFORTS APPEALING CASES & FILING LAW SUITS & TAKING IT TO SUPREME COURT, MY SUFFERINGS FOR CHRIST & FREE SPEECH - IT'S I'M HIRED OR IMMINENT TOTAL CATACLISMIC DESTRUCTION! No. Ca. is rebels, but the cities surrounding Davis simply recognize that Davis' attempts to fool me that they can both enslave me & deny me work only exposes their treachery all the more - it is their "mess" as in, their corruption & folly; the surrounding cities are subtly conspiring attempts to dupe me into handshake agreement to use poor judgment that justice is contingent on me taking the plunder, which essentially would empower the slave labor menagerie - that I deserve this or I deserve that as far as plunder, & that must occur as some sort of proof, but they aren't so depraved as to think they can negate my hard work ethic. ONCE AGAIN - THE CONSPIRACY CODES OCCURRING IN PUBLIC IS THE PROOF. THIS ISN'T AN EASY THING TO CLAIM - THE REBELS HAVE RECRUITED MORE REBELS NATION-WIDE ALL USING CODES. BUT IF I COMPROMISE, IT'S RUIN OF THE NATION - IF YOU CONFESS YOUR STANDARDS ARE THAT WE HAVE TO USE CODES - TACTICS ONLY NECESSITATED IN CONDITIONS OF A HOSTILE TAKE-OVER BY THE ENEMY - IT'S TANTAMOUNT TO CONFESSION THAT I LEFT MY POST & OUR COUNTRY HAS FAILED. THAT OF COURSE MEANS THERE'S GOING TO BE A LOT OF PEOPLE HELD ACCOUNTABLE NATIONWIDE. BUT I'M THE ONE WHO PUT THE APOSTROPHY IN THE 1775 NAVAL JACK, PRAYED FOR & ANTICIPATED FOR 245 YEARS. I'M A GOD-PLEASER RATHER THAN A PEOPLE-PLEASER.
8/20, 8:50 approx., "We [equip] him," Chong, similar intonation, but inst. of 'equip' it was a word more related to electricity, 4th St.@ 38th St. (one blk from Broadway) demolition job - Chong, Korean builder, Lee, contractor, friends of Su Young (Korean from N. Davis); electric outlet for use by contractors attached to 5'X6' piece of plywood, strapped to a tree; i.e., 'pull, I would,' or '[ap]ply - I would,' etc. Jose', mex. emply, "We were, faith;" i.e., Jose' claiming mexs. keeping quiet & going along w/death row conspiracies to see what Asians would do. "He acts like kid," Chong. 9:40 AM, "You okay, choke?" after board cut down my Lee fell directly on my finger (bruised it, but didn't break it). 8:30, "Check it, watch out" Asian male emply. 10:15, "Joe Sherman 'em," Jose' or Asian emply, or Lee or Chong. 8 AM approx., "You would assume them" vision, when I tried to look up Newsboys, "I'm Not Ashamed" song (Christian rock). 10:30, confession of Chong, after I wrote down the other codes, "You did take me, it." 11:15, Jose' "He isn't gonna be w/us, come on," i.e., determining the supposed tracking wasn't going to get him anywhere - crimes against a victim are crimes - you can't commit crimes against someone (decades of slavery, etc.) to test a minority group's religious motives. 11:35, "This is not teach" Su Young; during lunch; it was 8/22, same location, that during lunch I went across the street to apply @ Amer. Legion HS (it was hard to tell if it was a school from the demo site, & online maps said it wasn't. @ some point, Lee was dealing w/a lot of rubbish, & I said, "Let him deal w/the mess he created" light-heartedly - they then seemed to perk up; i.e., as though I confessed that I agreed w/Sac's deceptive facade that my sales activities from 1998-2003 somehow made a big mess in Davis - but hard work & law-biding activities can't do that - it was their systematic kidnappings for refusing to back down on evangelism that ruined them for the most part. Being busy & working hard isn't going to get anyone in trouble unless you're dealing w/monsters! "We're gonna mess him, come on" Jose' 3 PM approx. The pitting of mexs. against Asians is a moot point in No. Ca. - once again, they've all been involved in 1-2 decades of slavery - curiosity doesn't justify acts of slavery & attempted murder. As far as rebels, 'mess' is code similar to tin cup - you're a "mess", you're homeless, etc. Nevertheless, they were outwitted w/it when cornering me w/low income so that I was occasionally going to soup kitchens - they started calling them mess halls - unwittingly admitting I was entitled to Army soldier status, because they're all rebels.
8/22, Lee, 7:40 AM, "It's you were bought" - the premise is I purchased 2 packages of ramen (lowest priced food); I have very little confidence that I'm going to escape or prevail; because of that, I can't perceive things well, & am gravitating toward Asians despite they've been consistently creating lewd pretentions - Lee, convinced I'm @ least semi-buddies w/them, says I was "sold" by Davis rebels (or it's headed that way) & Asian contractors "bouught" me - & that in fact proves that I'm a fool, because the most they are doing is perpetuating slavery of me - & yet I'm thinking highly of them - this is their perception of me. 8:03 "Bingo!" Chong; & said, "Yeap," & he took that as affirmation by me of their slavery, & "Hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo" - i.e., Stones "Sympathy for the Devil" "...hope you guess my name" Chong literally confessing I'm buying their continued slavery of me, & they are getting away w/playing part of devil. 8:30, Jose' to Lee, "You pick up," 3X, & "You walk w/me; no cash" i.e., Jose' then "capitalizing on his "training" role - 'You've taken him as your slave, now, become more evil,; was the mssg. Chong, "Who charges?" "We spank them" approx. 9 AM; overall population of Asians haven't been involved in false accusations against me or false charges; but you can't say anything conclusive, because Chinese deputy d.a. Tzang systematically charged, prosecuted, & persecuted me; she concocted kangaroo trials, got judge Gaard in 2009 to say to her, "You have the authority of the court!" during a jury trial - kangaroo trial involving Ca. CHP & resulting in 2 false convictions & 4 mos. hostage in jail. Tzang was also the deputy d.a. who concocted the 2.5 years hostage captivity, 2004-2007, along w/d.a. Henderson, & 2 judges, & convinved a judge to concoct a court banishment order despite there is no banishment in the free world - it's unconstitutional - forbidden as draconian. Typical "stayaway" orders are 100 yds from a location; this was banishment from apprx. 1000 acre region (UCD). Asians lay low until the time is right & then they "charge" you systematically, unconstitutionally, & viciously. But if you overlook that alter ego of theirs, it seems like they aren't as vehement as far as legal accusations, etc. They become convinced that they've fooled me, based on my overall positive attitude (to keep from going on shooting spree) & they then actually start broadcasting their conspiracies; Jose' to Lee, "You got lucky, gid." "This is where you die" Lee, to me, while sawing through lg. section of floor - i.e., bigger piece/smaller piece - Jose' gets the bigger section of floor to lug to the trash bin. (But both days @ end of day they acknowledged I worked hard, & Lee gave me bonus; also, approx. 2 PM 8/20 (worked from 7-3), after one of his codes, Jose' fell down & was almost out of commission - I told him, "Stop "messing" people!" 8/22, Chong, 11:30 AM. "You won't know, we would bone 'em" - Asians (from No. Ca. region) willing to "bone" Latinos from No. Ca. region, & their m.o. along w/Davis of kidnapping & hostage captivities (until recently) - DEMOLISHING ANY NOTION OF CHINESE V. KOREANS AS FAR AS 'CHARGING.' "You're just going to work," Su Young, & similar codes from other Asians; ie., mexs. won't have their way - but according to Chong, they would have their way, but I've exposed the region too much.
SPORTS LOVE GURUS FOR ASIANS: Western fighting - boxing, socking; Eastern fighting - martial arts; kicking; Western "sockers" giving tips of hat & showing honor for superior fighting styles Asian "kickers" - & this is over & above (or under, & beside - i.e., in addition to) acknowledging they can receive Jesus & kick out sinners!
"I've given you your day," vision, 6/21 approx. 6/25, "He doesn't see, we just keep it," 10:18 AM, Gene's wife - I was attempting to plug my phone into outlet, but, sabotaged - & Wilsons claiming they are "keeping" the sabotage - negating AC outlet charge access. 11:30, "You're gonna 'we're the worth,'" Gene (they flatter themselves that the world revolves around them irregardless of disasters, murders, diseases caused by their rebellion). "You have you're the have" (i.e., '[be]have') Gene.
6/24, chopping the hard ground w/pick ax @ Gene's, & wh Malibu parks on Del Oro in front of Gene's. chubby wh male gets out of driver's seat, & goes down to corner to Catalina, then N. on Catalina, past Gene's driveway & up the st. further; near the driveway was where I pulled out 4 ft. high weed growing in middle of sidewalk. I wasn't specifically asked to do that, but I've been working for them for 4 years, & maintaining certain standards ensures a common denominator of consistent employment, instead of door-knocking @ $0/hr. As I've reported, I've been led to be sloppy on occasion, but that's not the same as becoming a systematic slouch. Nevertheless, due to desperation, the rebels claiming they were rounding that corner & going to "get something" pertaining to that 4 ft. tall weed. The Malibu's engine still running, & indiv. in passenger seat waiting. "Ma lee, boo!' Driver's seat/passenger's seat; it was a role play based on a report about Wayne Murphy of Clovis Ca., & a movie of similar name; I reported Wayne from Arkinsaw seemed to be a plant sent by S. to watch my family & attempt some sort of control - the scenario where they moved to Caruthers, sm. town SW of Fresno; what I didn't report was that we had previously moved to Fresno, as far as I recall, before the moved. So based on a 'car seating' code - my Mom in front seat (Clovis/Fresno), & Murphys in back seat (Caruthers), if we were still in Clovis - on outskirts of Fresno to NE, that would be front seat, but not driver's seat. But we'd moved to Fresno, more or less center of town, which could be considered driver's seat - but I didn't furnish that detail, & so the rebels desperately creating facade - my Mom in passenger's seat in front (Clovis) - who's in driver's seat??? The frantic rush to the spot where I pulled that lg. weed was facade that I'm doing too good of a job - I'm signing on the dotted line that I want & need landscape work - I'm a driving force perpetuating the Landscaper Nick conspiracy, I'M IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT ARRESTING MYSELF!!!! Either way, trick if rebels to make it look like me & my Mom involved. Typical trait of rebels - convince themselves their victim(s) like being persecuted. 1:33 PM, I was getting ready to leave Gene's & head over to Joanne's in E. D., & while putting equipment away, mex. fem, yellow safety vest, zooms up in red sports car, & parks next to Gene's on Catalina (Malibu was on Del Oro); she gets out (i.e., same itinerary as wh male in Malibu), opens trunk, & then starts loading empty boxes from trunk into back seat of car - LICENSE PLATE 'LOCHUGO;' i.e., conspiracy that they've got a confession that I was in bed w/hostage captivity oppressors in the past, therefore, they can 'lock' me up again - ''U' go' - another 'U' conspiracy. I.e., "We've got him now!!!" (rebels' claim - wicked monster voice of rebels). No, no, no, no, no, no, no! The only "driver's seat" that I might possibly be in is context of 23+ No. Ca. counties conspiratorially denying me my teacher career for 16+ years - & accordingly, hired in slavery conditions, I'm driving that I work for a living & do a decent enough job to minimize door-knocking. THEIR FACADE THAT I'M IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT CONVENIENTLY IGNORES THEY'RE DRIVING A REBELLION THAT HAS RUINED APPROX. 7 MILLION MONSTERS IN NO. CA. TO TRAP ME AS FAR AS EMPLOYMENT. As fem. in red car drove away, I was taking a pic., of car, after writing down the 'LOC HUGO' OR 'LOK HUGO' lic. pl; clear shot @ the car (pics are overkill in general, but too much better than not enough); the Samsung Galaxy camera (hackers, actually) magically blurred the pic - & they've recently started printing the logo of phone on pics. Because I'd taken pic, she circled around, asking why I took pic - claiming she was supervisor of DWR - garbage collectors - & acting naive about any conspiracies. & it was a DWR truck's airbrakes w/code, "Fu 'em, who?" or 'Foo 'em, who?' i.e., 'Foosball' game - replica of soccer - signalling hand Asians (kung fu) their church "kicks" - unless they attempt to 'foo[l] us.' But local rebels conspire 'fu 'em - hu[go to jail];' rare case of phonemics where 'hugo' doubles as 'hu' - 'who' & 'U' - local terrorists are fowlers defined - spoiling God's plans @ every turn due to desperation to oppress me. Huge billboard on I-80 going E to WS - "ANH PHOONG" - Asian fem. atty, brand new billboard - most likely timed w/An family new report - anticipating I'd use it, despite they're in actuality keeping me @ bay; I don't fault a good deed for that fem., but their total lack of guts to breath a word about the earth-shattering revelations about God's love for Asians is the epitomy of cowardice - no matter if they saved a fem. or not. An family - Phoong - Anh - 'An' w/'h' - 'A ch[eats];' consps. claiming when A "cheats," he's the 'foo[l amounting to] Ng [serial killer].' 6/23, more of the local Asian rebels: Sitlo Vietnamese cafe, G St., "This is you just take your shame," 12:10 fem bug code. "for teachers, it was production, we needed," Asian fem cashier, blk shrt. "We're gonna get the good," 12:12, Asian fem wh gown. 12:33, "We're gonna sit here, will pop," Asian male, lt. grn shrt, w/kids & adults, table next to me, Sitlo; i.e., SAME LT. GRN AS RECENT ASIAN STALKERS ON C & 6TH ST. - 'UNDER THE BUS' CONSP. FROM 14TH & B. "He isn't touchy," Asian fem grn vest, 12:36. "We marry this," Asian male (lt. grn shrt), 12:52. "I'll let you know, he has secret," 12:28 Asian fem gray shrt, or waitress. Vision 6/24, approx. 9:45 PM, "Gene's serial killer" & instantly another vision or bug code, "Who?" If anyone's a serial killer, it's the Davis rebels. Nevertheless, the An family's display of American flag & S. Korean flag - most likely replicating my website's display, absent them proclaiming the outrageous feats for Asia, w/mum's the word, it amounts to a coded implication of 'We believe in Jack Teacher, over...' i.e., use of codes & radio transmissions as though in enemy territory - refusing to act like ordinary red-blooded Americans. They think maybe it's 'over'? Only if they want it to be. "[I]s [it] 'over' yet?' - 'Soviet' - communism & iron-fisted control - kiss freedom good-bye.
W/out affirming nor negating the sources I quoted, I reported a theme recently instructing younger generations to act like adults - Bible says to put away childish things when becoming a Christian. The Pied Piper story was from German folklore, but it wasn't necessarily a true story. Nevertheless, whether it was or not, the Jack Teacher plan is God's chosen plan; but both East & West branches of the church have been relying on the Pied Piper theme to some extent - second guessing if the Jack Teacher plan was sufficient, accordingly allowing for a younger generation remedy scenario - loosely based on Pied Piper theme. In other words, deliberately falling short - like what occurred in the German tale, & the kids then save the day. But who told them they had the luxury of second-guessing a 1700 year plan of God!!!??? Rock songs suggest a piper leading people, but it's vague & non-committal, w/huge feats negating this concept & affirmations centered on teacher theme. The idea of church leaders & lay people falling short & recognizing such, & then wallowing in their shortcomings - supposedly in order to hand credit to those they had wronged, also isn't biblical - the Bible says to repent, period. The Jack Teacher plan needed all hands on deck - every able-bodied believer, rather than having majority of them praying for the Jack Teacher plan in secret, but in reality asserting they're "out" as far as intervening, due to implicit agreement w/musicians that they had to be the ones to provide justice. This is childish as well as essentially rebelling against God! YOU DON'T FOLLOW A COMBINATION OF GOD & FAIRY TALES, YOU FOLLOW GOD!
8/14, Ashley Banfield, News Nation, ch 52, interviewing another reporter (male, gray hair), about murder of Ellen Greenberg, a teacher, 2011; coroner determined 10 stabwounds to chest & neck, & 10 stabwounds to back & back of neck & head - murder; but then (1) police didn't bother confiscating Greenberg's laptop or phone - they were left there for her fiance' (who allegedly discovered the body, & obviously were suspects) & his uncle to confiscate & erase any data - they asked for them from them a few days later. (2) Police didn't bother getting fingerprints from the murder weapon. (3)Coroner then changed the results to suicide, despite that was an impossibility w/10 stabwounds to the back & back of head. POLICE & AUTHORITIES WERE DRAWING A LINE DEMONSTRATING THE TOTAL LACK OF UPRIGHTNESS OF CITIZENS AS FAR AS HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE - LACK OF INDIGNATION, INITIATIVE, VINDICTIVENESS, ETC., AMONG CITIZENS & MEDIA. Moreover, Banfield played a recording of the phone call of Goldberg (fiance') to 9-1-1, & it sounded like an act; the Goldberg was slow to furnish stark details that she was obviously dead, & 9-1-1 operator was beating around the bush trying to get him to give CPR, while he was inquiring how to go about it, rather than stating the body was mutilated & a corpse. Moreover, 7:08 PM, Goldberg, while discussing CPR on someone stabbed 20 times & obviously dead, says to operater, "Yeah, hike, okay" - i.e., football code. Goldberg was then postulating that she stabbed herself or fell on the knife - but 20 stab wounds exposes Goldberg as a fraud - covering up a murder - & the code on phone demonstrates foul play. They also interviewed Greenberg's parents, & HERE'S WHERE IT DEMONSTRATES EROSION OF FABRIC OF THE NATION - THE PARENTS DEMONSTRATE LITTLE MORE THAN "SUSPICION" OF FOUL PLAY BY POLICE, & ACT IRRITATED. BANFIELD, THE NEWS NATION REPORTER, WAS MULTIPLYING THE FOOLISH "SUSPICIOUS" FACADE - "...OH...SO THAT MEANS IT PROBABLY WASN'T SUICIDE..." OR SIMILAR; I.E., AN OPEN & SHUT CASE OF POLICE SCANDAL & CONSPIRED COVER-UP OF POLICE, D.A., CORONER, COVERING FOR FIANCE' & OR OTHERS' ACT OF MURDER, & RATHER THAN CHARGING THESE CORRUPT LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES W/CRIMES @ HIGHER LEVEL, SUCH AS ATTY. GEN. OR F.B.I., & FILING SUITS, THEY ARE SIMPLY "PUT OUT" & 13 YEARS LATER STILL "WAITING" FOR A RESPONSE FROM THESE AGENCIES!!!!! IT WASN'T JUST NEGLIGENCE, IT WAS WILLFUL, OBVIOUS CONSPIRED COVER-UP, BUT VICTIM'S FAMILY IS TOO COWARDLY TO SAY IT, & NEWS REPORTERS DON'T GET ANY FURTHER THAN IMPLYING IT'S "SUSPICIOUS" - DUMBING DOWN THE NATION & PRODUCING AMERICAN CITIZENS WHO ARE LAZY DERELICTS - NO BETTER THAN DUMB ANIMALS OR ELSE ALCOHOLIC FAILURES, SLOWLY DRINKING THEMSELVES INSIDE A BOTTLE - ERODING THE MORAL FABRIC OF THE NATION! THEY ARE TRAINING AMERICANS TO BECOME OUTWITTED FAILURES - DESPITE WE WEREN'T OUTWITTED BY ANYONE!!!!!
8/11 approx., "They're giving you your mirror" or similar - vision, referring to charges filed against former Kansas City chief of police; i.e., indicating confession that police in South & U.S.A. overall have fallen short. Desperate attempt to negate it in Davis & W.S. - sudden stalkings w/dk pink colors attempting to imitate color of "Gunsmoke" Matt Dillon's shrts, 8/12, Dodge City ("Gunsmoke" depicted location) located in Kansas; eventually wh fem lng gray hair "Hang Loose" T-shrt that was closer to color in TV program - shade of mauve or lavender, 42B approx. 5:30 PM. As far as I know, the gesture wasn't concerning accusation against rock & Hollywood, so the stalking was regional DIVISION rebels attempting to use Kansas' gesture against me, w/systematic subtle assertions that Kansas had tracked me, rather than as God said, making gesture on my behalf. Also, although I purchased a Tracfone, I haven't actually switched yet, due to fact that switching phone cos. only encourages the oppressors; moreover, the "magenta" color theme of T Mobile is actually hot pink - because it was a facade presenting itself originally under a phony guise of supposedly exposing the conspired phone hop scandal - switch phones, & they've obviously heard of you, & @ first it's a novelty to have someone widely known w/their phone service; but soon enough, they capitulate to the codes & threats that they'd better oppress me "or else," & I'm oppressed once again. But eventually, T Mobile's true colors exposed, they were simply attempting to use that tracking as cover for seeing the phone hop conspiracy through so that it prevailed against me - pinning the victim is "hot" - 'hot - pin [him, is the] k[ey]!' In fact, DIVISION rebels may have unwittingly exposed the phone co. conspirators more thoroughly - deceptive rendition of calling victim out for Old West gun slinger duel.
8/13, Experian ad, mex fem holding phone next to lavender shrt, ch 41 8:48 PM. Verizon ad, wh male pushing child on swing& blk male's head vibrating from strain, 8:54 PM. "I have race seize" Raley's 9:09 fat wh male lg. lt. colored shrt. "That is where you don't take it" 9:40 PM (source?). "Wait - no, I'm always hot!" fem in bed next to male, mattress ad; i.e., teacher turned off due to oppression, & monsters claim I have to wait for justice because I'm not turned on, ch 41 - Catch 22. "This is where you wouldn't cheer - I've watch" vision, 9:50 PM. "We medical alternate" 10:28 PM; "The bone hits your pressure" fem bug code, 10:35; then vision of Chuck Norris, speaking to fem source of bug codes, "Are you going to be able to make it to my car?" [END EXCERPT]
In other words, confession from rock & Hollywood they are "on the run" - stalkers - try to make it to Norris' get-away car, if you can... Assumption of McVay attempting to smear my name, they amount to fugitives claiming that - rebels. & this further proves they are instigating or @ least acquiescing to rebellion.
[EXCERPT (8/15 REPORT, CONT.)] 8/13, 11:30 AM, "Joe, you don't know what you've done - you showed everyone how great we are" vision, Mary, & other lavishings; but it's hot air - where's so much as phone call? 42B wh fem lavender "Hang Loose" shrt, lng gray hair, & wh male on bike, Harbor & W Cap, pink shrt. 5:45. 6 PM mex fem leaning against hood of car, Raley's pkg lot, lavender shrt, lic pl 8XWB629, 6 PM; & blk male red shrt, 42B - contrast - handing it to blks; 6:01, backing out of pkg spot, & stopped so that she was blocking my way - nothing stopping her from continuing to back out lic pl 6ZNB486. Mex. fem cashier (self chk registers), lavender blouse; & 6:11, leaving Raley's as I arrived @ registers, mex. fem. lg. round cake - "He won't know;" also, male in post office in Davis (approx. 4 PM) or other location in Davis, pink shrt. 6:43, "That was you, once," bug code. "You can't go we're frank" fem bug code. Balancing ck bk, April & May ATM rcpts. missing from my suitcase; possibly motel clerks, but I had my suitcase w/me 3 days while @ work - possibly pilferred by one of custs. Early AM vision of Trump, "I'll give him $50;" & double chk'g arithmetic, I found a $50 error - my acct. had more money in it; vision, "You owe me" Trump, 6:33 PM, rm 16; "We're gonna match her '80's" vision (possibly Trump). [END EXCERPT]
Raley's, W. Cap., the only plastic plates that they carried were mauve - that's the color of plates I use daily in microwave, etc. WITNESS AFFIRMING MY TRACKING OF THE MAUVE/HOT PINK SMEARS - LEAD SINGER OF NEWSBOYS - "NOT ASHAMED" CD COVER - the phone conspiracies attempting to pin me, the rebels attempting to prop up corrupt Davis police & other corrupt law enforcement agencies - motives are my boldness for Christ & their ungodliness.
8/15, I arrived @ Belair, & mex. male wh Tommy (Hilf.) shrt, w/fem & 2 kids, creep speed as far as check in @ front desk; he was eating piece of pizza (Domino's pizza theme - mex. w/pizza on Yolobus - claim I'm not a big enough spender - 1-2 days before brand new phone sabotaged), "You hungry?" to fem. clerk, 6:07 PM. Then when I arrived in my room, phone completely shut down - no charge capacity @ all - same as @ BW after mex. code @ Blk Bear, etc. Moreover, the 'you hungry?' is code from UCC member Dave Boughton - HS youth leader while I was jr. hi leader; he had loaned me his Toyota P/up several times, but was slowly inserting some subtle digs - i.e., barely any food for several weeks - living on home made biscuits & peanut butter, & was @ his place to borrow truck, & "You hungry?" - subtle insult; a few days later he was playing tricks as far as use of truck, rather than simply putting his foot down. Boughton isn't some "minor player" - he became a teacher after graduating, & was instructing tennis @ HS in Dixon (I had taught in Dixon); his tennis skills became a long range conspiracy theme - magically atributed w/tennis star Andrew Agassi fame - 'I guess he...' codes, along w/'tin [cup] is,' & 'courts [of law] consps. I reported in 2006, UCD completed expansion of their tennis courts, & John MacEnroe showed up to dedicate the courts - '[death] row' theme associated w/Boughton; w/Dave considered nickname for Davis, & UCD student who was former friend & betrayed me that thoroughly along w/Univ. Cov. church - '[church/police] bout [is] on,' & equivalent to Davis "bowing" w/"ton" of sex.
But, there's another level of sophistication as far as these monsters systematically robbing me of hundreds of dollars - as Cecilia Shumski put it, w/'get your hands up!' robbery code; see CATCHER IN THE RYE TRACKED LODI report - 'little boy's room' consp., additional dimension; the same apts. on Church St. (Carolyn/'little boy's room'), there was an endowed dk-haired fem. next door to me, living w/Asian male. A few mos. before this, I was @ The Sands apts. w/former roommate Lonnie & his girlfriend; I had dated fem. named Linda - dk hair, endowed; this was 1985, & I became a Christian in 1986. but because of the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. (MGM luring them) that I was totally oblivious to, I was unaware of manipulations, including the 'little boy's room' stalking occurring @ those apts. One of those was a long range manipulation where for years it was conspired that I wouldn't meet any young people who were Christians - so that my notion of becoming a Christian amounted to forfeiting any & all friends - for this reason, it took me about a year to make the commitment - they kept me in darkness. But while Linda's features were important, I was trying to determine the direction of my life, while @ Sands & Church St. apts.; but the dk haired fem - Linda look-alike - w/Asian male boyfriend was most likely an orchestrated mssg. to me, 'you snooze, you lose...' While a member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, brn haired fem Barbara, well endowed, whom I'd become friends w/, mostly because we worked F/T one Summer for UCD student housekeeping, @ Alliance Redwoods IVCF retreat (near Sebastopol - Methodist Charlie Brown creator Schultz territory), she had been dating Asian male engineering grad student, who was also one of the IVCF leaders; but @ the retreat he was having struggles w/his faith & it pertained to passage where Paul said, "...they have departed from the faith. They say the resurrection has already occurred;" 2 Tim. 2:18; the retreat was a manuscript study of 2 Tim. - thorough phrase by phrase inductive study - so thorough it was mind-boggling, but it was effective - you learned a lot. As far as this passage, Jesus had already risen, but believers await the resurrection @ second coming of Christ, & this is what Paul was referring to. The Asian leader was claiming he was leaving the faith, & left the retreat early - & while I don't think any bad will was intended toward Asians, it was like Barbara was handing me back what Lodi was bilking me of ('No one's taking anything away from you!') - I've reported long-range conspiracies in Lodi - this is simply additional supplemental facts - an awareness of plan of God using me significantly @ some point in my future, & accordingly, along w/it, conspiracies out of jealousy to control me & rob me of career & sexual blessings; mex. male @ Belair, 8/15, 'You hungry?' code - his wife had similar shape & dk hair as Linda, the Church St. apts. fem, etc.; combined w/Boughton code, almost no chance of coincidence. Conspiracy as of 1985, & despite God has blessed me & approved of me unequivocally, they brashly continue w/their cold, calculated, conspired oppression!
"American Pie," "February made me shiver/W/every paper I delivered/Bad news on the porch step/I could not take one more step..." While there's nothing wrong w/a teen taking a paper route, more than a decade of denial of work in cold as ice conditions of oppression - I was stalked w/taking a paper route, & wasn't closed-minded to it, but the irony was I should've been delivering lessons to students in classrooms; but interestingly, the song implicitly promotes grunt labor, & based on singer (McLean) identifying w/the delivery job (first person lyrics), it's actually a subtle programming of denying the teacher his career & become lost in mundane grunt labor jobs. Moreover, a second rock musician identification w/rebels - "I was a lonely teenage bronkin' buck/W/a pink carnation & a p/up truck/But I knew I was outta luck/The day the music died..." Dave Keane, corrupt assoc. pastor of UCC from approx. 1992-2000, king pin as far as instigating oppression & deceptive kick out, drove a Bronco, & conspiracy based on rumors - such as cruising in a car as a teen, Keane w/pink carnation - 'pin [is] k[ey -] car [rumors,] nation;' & how many names, or words, for that matter, in English lang. w/phoneme 'ean,' but are pronounced 'ane'? Keane & McLean are both pronounced that way - 'make [everybody] layin;'' instigating a scandal where everyone lays instead of standing up for justice. "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick/Jack Flash sat on a candle stick/Because fire is the devil's only friend..." Candle stick possibly referring to Marylin Monroe - Rae Me watch establishing high standards for women. "& while the King was looking down/The jester stole his thorny crown...No angel born in hell/Could break that satan's spell!" Jesus is King, & he is in Heaven looking down on us - definition; as far as someone "stealing" his thorny crown - the Bible says Jesus was mocked & the Roman soldiers made a crown of thorns to mock his royalty; the Jack Teacher plan is 1700 year plan of God; but satan attempts to instigate rebels to mock me & the plan - denial of teacher career is one way of doing that. They tracked Slavs as far as possibly trouble for me in Russia, or Chinese, w/possibly trouble for me in China, etc., & no one else did that, but rock & Hollywood demanded to be given a chance to take the lead - the witness implicit agreement; they demonstrated extensive knowledge combined w/good deeds; as Paul Simon, "Slip Slidin' Away" lyrics, "God only knows/& God makes his plans/The information is unavailable to the mortal man" - few people, including Christians, were aware of most of the details of the Jack Teacher plan orchestrated for Asia; but rock & Hollywood seemed to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge, indicating they were praying & dedicated; based on this, others refrained from these watches - if rock & Hollywood hadn't clamored, someone else would've taken responsibility. What is "...the day the music died"? Mocking the Jack Teacher plan is repeating the sin of mocking Christ @ crucifixion, & an angel born in hell is a demon by definition, so obviously a demon isn't going to break a spell of mocking God & his servants. How serious does the mocking get? Fem. @ bus stop, 8/16, 6:59 AM, threw juice bottle @ me, cussing me out, W. Acre & W Cap.; & 5th & G bus stop, 1:25, wh fem blk tank top wh stripes, gray cap, blue suitcase, rambling as though mental case, cussed me out, then apologized, then suddenly loudly yelled to no one in particular, "Aren't you proud? He only raped a 12 year old!" It wasn't directed @ me, but I was the only one near her, so it was implied innuendo - mocking.
Another chameleon trick: "I can't remember if I cried/When I read about his widowed bride/But something touched me deep inside/The day the music died...." This implies music is an individual - music died, & music left a widowed bride - if all else fails, trick the teacher w/flattery. "Do you believe in rock & roll/& can music save your mortal soul?..." The soul of a human being isn't mortal - it's immortal - this is the principle of the hereafter; you're going to either Heaven or hell - & you will be there for eternity; once again - rock might be able to help you, BUT DON'T FORGET ABOUT JACK TEACHER! IT'S THE EDUCATION NATION PLAN!!!!! & notice "Slip Slidin' Away" lyrics doesn't say, "The information is unavailable to the common man," it's "...mortal man" - which in the context could be taken as ordinary, but also conveys one who could perish, which includes all of us - possibly implying it's powerful information that you need super powers to be able to handle - & the feats of the church were in fact of Atlas magnitude; Jack Teacher he IS music. Also, popular media display of McClean & "American Pie" song, he's holding up a patriotic thumb - red, wh, blue, stars & stripes, one star prominent & stripes hung. Paul McCartney produced CD in 2003 "Back In the World," w/graphics similar to McClean's - patriotic thumbs up - except that it's behind his back; i.e., supposedly slipping patriotism to Americans. MOREOVER, PICS ON INTERNET HAVE BLOTTED OUT THE AMERICAN FLAG ON THE THUMB - TEXT IS RED, WH, BLUE, BUT THUMB IS JUST AN ORDINARY THUMB - INCLUDING THE PICS ON PAULMCCARTNEY.COM WEBPAGE - A BIG FAT 'FORGET IT!' IF IT ISN'T PATRIOTISM.
8/17, 4:15 AM, vision "You don't have to 'tude 'em;" alternate applicability: Slavs didn't necessarily insinuate lewd accusations against me, & in fact most of the gestures from Mary Nabokova were the polar opposite of that (no pun intended). Despite I'm isolated - which invites confusion & poor judgment, I hold my post - zero tolerance for graphic insinuations smearing my name. The behind the back tricks of McCartney exposes their deceptions.
"I want you to have your shoes" vision, approx. same time as the 'mirror' vision concerning Kansas City police. I also reported the Florida watch countering the deceptive interview for teacher position by blk principal in Pinole. Context also, shoes falling apart - I had to use a back-up pair of Bass shoes w/paint stains, but those were going fast as well; I've bought shoes recently from Walmart - inexpensive tennis shoes that last longer than most, but then I'd boycotted W.S. Walmart due to the watch display case access games - you have to "sell" them on selling you a watch - @ least @ the W.S. store. & ironically this was after I'd reported a semblance of a free speech "I am" watch of the South via Walmart. 8/18, "You can't place me?" vision - God encouraging me extend trust to younger people in Slavic nations, such as Mary - she looks a lot like my cousin Donelle Berg of Tucson. In other words, Bergs, & possibly South, praying for me to have a lovely wife, & strong bonds w/Eastern church. Also, in 1997 I was led to pledge to God that I wouldn't take any oaths to him - extreme oppression that I was facing & would be facing would tempt me to act irrationally, jump to conclusions, etc. But 8/15 I believe God was speaking to me about swearing that I would never have anything to do w/rock & Hollywood - "because they aren't coming." Insisting on needling the teacher w/rumors rather than bringing on Hey's attack; & we footed them - if you can't get a camel through the eye of a needle, we've got a dromedary for you - one less water hump, but meeting the criteria of the Scripture. Nevertheless, they evidently fall by the wayside due to cursing Jack Teacher & rejecting the education nation plan & attempting to instigate everyone else to do the same - & the South possibly redeemed in the process - rainbow hues w/flying check marks. & speaking of hues, "Kodachrome," Paul Simon, talking about photographs & nice bright colors, but he puts down education, but claims he can read the writing on the wall - but that's where he's using sarcasm - you can't read the literal writing on the wall if you can't read, & rocket science - education in general - is the figurative writing on the wall as well - education is indispensable!
M.o. of hot pink/mauve smear rebels including phone sabotage conspirators is propping up corrupt police, denying justice w/distractions including systematic scoffing & helping concoct phony diseases, media cover-up (i.e., good ol' boys negating the news); motives is persecution of gospel - I'm bold for mssg. of Christ, & they are ungodly rebels.
Irregardless of if gov't. leaders or law enforcement agrees or disagrees w/a church's decision to kick someone out, they are still entitled to justice - First Amend. freedom of religion & Fourteenth Amend. equal protection. They started allowing power & position - church leaders, local law enforcement, judges - to reign over the Constitution - in a rule of law nation! & THIS IS STILL OCCURRING! THAT'S WHY IT'S A REBELLION! In other words, it's a conspiracy of rock & Hollywood w/U.S. gov't leaders - the song lyrics sounded like a good idea. As thorough as these safeguards were, their effectiveness is inevitably limited by the assumption & requisite that surely not everyone is going to become bent & deceptive @ the same time -
inevitably a gov't. is only as just & righteous as those in control - gov't of the people, by the people, & for the people (of-by-for's) maximizes the the chances of an honest & righteous gov't by maximizing the number of those in control - everybody old enough to vote. You could say as far as checks & balances of a gov't., 'what more could you ask for?' But once again, it wasn't anticipated that a sophisticated deception orchestrated by lg. numbers all @ once in key positions of communication & influence, would instigate everyone to fall short; the prospects of (1)a figure ordained by God from history 1700 years ago, & specifically U.S. history reitorating it as of the U.S. Naval Jack of 1775 ("DONT TREAD ON ME" - absent the apostrophe - demonstrating the anticipated historical teacher to fulfill it), creates extenuating factors - a historical "hot potato" - such that many of those w/any foreknowledge of this plan (such as warlocks), utilize strife & jealousies, exerting control; & (2)a significant segment of the population that happens to have maximal influence over the population - musicians & television & movie actors, producers, directors, w/agendas that are purported to be biblical, but upon gaining the trust of church leaders & members, actually consist of false promises, strategies to lead the nation astray.
8/7, "That's where you take thrake" vision, while I thought about Swift concert cancelled due to terrorist threat, approx. 7:30 PM. 'Th[ee] rake' - landscape code, alternately, 'thr[ee] ache' - I got up @ 3:20 AM, busy w/things until 4, then juggled 2 hrs. - instead of 3, but I planned on juggling another hour later that day, & in fact I jogged for total of 1 1/2 hrs. - someone is attempting to be legalistic about putting in 3 hrs. of exercise all in early AM. "That was your gut" (or similar), referring to kids in England dying @ Swift-themed party. It's possible it was referring to the Davis conspiracies - 7/9, "That's where I gut it," Steve, El Macero Dr., 1:22 PM; earlier that morning, 10:09, I was standing next to him & we were attempting to pin back some pushes against a fence so that they were more upright; he was untying a knot or similar, & elbowed me near the groin; if you go w/ordinary interactions in close quarters, it isn't out of the ordinary & obviously an accident - I couldn't tell if he was aware, it was feint bump. But his 'gut' code subsequently & @ 11:10, "I'll pick up your thing" indicates it was conspired; i.e., it was playback of the Nickell incident, w/an adult - & I was supposed to belt him, or @ least storm off. But these psycho incidents - including lewd codes - occur so often it's almost like a conveyer belt - a new one coming every few seconds. If I go belting people for committing one of those acts, they've got 3.5 M more terrorists waiting to do it to me again - & considering w/warrants, it could cost me serious disappearances as well - NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! I SAID NUKE THE MONSTERS, PERIOD! This most likely was the Dickenson/Pickenson consp. (cust. on Maple Ave.) scenario - bushes in backyard like bushes in vision where I'm in a car - passenger seat in fancy driveway & strange facade where I'm being sucked into landscape work - despite I'm (presumably) married to Taylor. Interestingly, for some strange reason, in 2019, 2020, repeated visions of me married to Taylor, & still doing landscape work in Davis - in fact we were staying in Motel 6 & had 2 kids in one instance! Total nonsense! & this dream where I'm being sucked back into it- rock & Hollywood are attempting to create a Twilight Zone effect to see if they can psyche me into quitting work & retiring early! BUT AS FAR AS THE ELBOW INCIDENT, EVIDENTLY ROCK & HOLLYWOOD DECREEING I HAVE TO CHOOSE MORE TROUBLE FOR MYSELF - PUNCH SOMEONE WHO'S INSULTING ME DESPITE I'M OUTNUMBERED & IT ESSENTIALLY AMOUNTS TO EMPLOYMENT & LIBERTY SUICIDE - I'M INSULTED & STALKED A THOUSAND TIMES A DAY! WHO ARE THESE MONSTERS FOOLING? THE SOLUTION ISN'T TO VOLUNTEER TO MAKE THINGS WORSE FOR MYSLELF - THOSE ASSERTING THESE THINGS ARE GOING TO BE CONSUMED BY DINOSAURS IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. I'D BE GONE POTENTIALLY FOR MOS. OR LONGER. GOD WARNED - SUMMER 2018 - NO MORE PHONY DEMANDS THAT I HAVE TO WALK INTO TRAPS - I HAVE THE 'MOMENT' SCENARIO - LEADERS HAVE BEEN TOLD - THEY'VE FALLEN & THEY WON'T RECOVER FROM CONTINUING IN THEIR SINS. BUT THIS NICKELL/STEVE CONSP. IMPLICATES ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. As far as the 'gut' code of Steve, he's possibly attempting to claim if an adult bumps you in groin (1)you must assume it wasn't an accident, (2) you must belt them; when I didn't do that, he's claiming he's covered for Nickells' - "gutted" my accusation. But w/these 2 parties committing crimes against me - the strategy according to rock seems to be voluntarily going off to jail for who knows how long, all because THEY are monsters. (3)I've been through these traps before - over, & over, & over, & over, & over - it never seems to end; I've responded, including throwing punches on rare occasions - but rarely due to obvious disadvantages; if Taylor & rock had anything to do w/this; i.e. 'ONE MORE "TEST"' - & these 'ONE MORE "TESTS"' facades have been going on & on for years - so if the vision was rock & Hollywood being gutted, that's why - THE NEVER-ENDING "TESTS" & MCVAY SMEAR. Responding to me w/more tests - as in more oppressive traps that amount to laboratory rat experiments - is them becoming the kingpins of the rebels!
BARACK OBAMA-HODA KOTB 'BARACUDA' CONSP.: "Thank you for joining us @ the stage 8/8, 7:06 AM apprx., Hoda, blk fem rptr, "Today" show, where the news show stage is outside the studio w/audience surrounding the stage; 'at the stage' - 'aaaaa! [is] it!' the 'that' conspirators - blacks are now the kingpins - blacks - "DISASTERS R US" conspirators - terrorist threats @ Swift concert - 'aaaa!' that's ''their 'ache'' - blacks' athletics amounts to celebrating disasters of others. The terrorist plot occurred in Mersey, Vienna, Austria - Earnst Happel stadium; Baracuda Entertainment had to cancel all shows. 'earn [in the] st[reets, & c]hap[p]el' (chapel-marriage). The terrorism in England was in Southport - section of West Sac is known as Southport. Merseyside authorities - as opposed to 'I'm her, see?' (or on her side), it's New Jersey Rae Me's watch - continues to be under seige in deadly conditions, & "undiscovered" as usual. Blacks claiming we're caught "being" - because the slaves you free have to want to be freed. How important is the New Jersey Rae Me watch/NYInfo watch? 2 Cor 5:3, "When we are clothed, we will not be found naked;" when you are participating in public nudity or media nudity, especially w/sexual connotations, you are allowing sin to reign in your life - unclothed, you are unable to loath sin & evil. God hates evil, & we are to hate evil - that motivates us to stop crimes. Females gradually losing their loathing abilities are slowly ruining themselves & society. Rock & Hollywood produced gestures that appeared to second the Ray Me watch, but they never explicitly affirmed it, & I had visions from Taylor, "You know you wanna SEE it!" That having been said, w/the latest scandal evidently exalting Davis rebels - Harris' VP candidate Tim Walz - paired w/Dpd officer Tom Waltz. W/out endorsing Trump, if Mideast is going to prop up corrupt Davis police after the terrorist attack destroying the inverted equals sign in NY (Twin Towers), Americans have their work cut out for them as far as invasion! "Don't forget about it!"
The terrorists sabotaging my phone again essentially leaves me having to attempt to find landscape work w/out a phone @ this point - I can't buy new phones fast enough, & absent communications w/regular customers, it also inhibits business. The monsters' argument is I was refusing to blatantly take the plunder & hoard, etc., therefore I'm not on the ball enough to recognize I have that option. But in actuality, my goal is teacher job, & taking the plunder magically draws me back into "business" realm - implying I was still competing up to the present - still willingly participating in landscape work (w/supposed sales in mind). Choosing a more conservative route maintains the demand that injustice is injustice, no matter what your profession is, & I demand invasion! Nevertheless, on the false presumption that they have the "right" to force me to play along & make justice contingent on a particular profession despite their blatant crimes & rebellion against the nation demolishes that argument, the latest terrorist facade, & as far as I can tell endorsed by rock & Hollywood, I have to act hateful & brazen toward customers, or the rebels can turn up the heat - such as eliminating use of a phone; i.e, I'M BEING PUNISHED FOR DEMANDING JUSTICE W/OUT ANY CORRUPT STRINGS ATTACHED!!! AS FAR AS ATTITUDE TOWARD CUSTOMERS, THAT'S TOTALLY W/IN MY PRERROGATIVES, CONSIDERING THOSE ATTEMPTING TO JUDGE MY ATTITUDE ARE EMPOWERING REBELLION - SO WICKED THAT GOD HAS BURNED DOWN ENTIRE CITIES IN NO. CA. AS WARNING TO STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP!!! You don't go around copping any attitude when you're trapped behind enemy lines & no one ever seems to show up w/invasion, & you're outnumbered 3.5M to one, & that's not including bay area - another 3 M or more! THEREFORE THOSE WHO ARE DECREEING I CAN BE PUNISHED W/SYSTEMATICALLY SABOTAGED PHONE OR OTHER ACTS OF OPPRESSION BEFORE ANY INVASION ARE SENT TO HELL W/1000 DINOSAURS WAITING TO CHOMP THEM DOWN FOR ETERNITY!
& rock is part of it - systematic facades where I have to prove myself in Davis/No. Ca. in ways that far exceed duties, talents, obligations of a teacher or spiritual leader- that negates any humility stand based on teacher standard.
Ad w/"Dr. Rick" ('prevent you from becoming your parents') may have told off Latinos, but I believe
God spoke to me that there's yet another trick involved - the character is legalistic about dealing w/people, sometimes to a fault, but it's a characteristic - authoritarian - that most would acknowledge is often found in teachers. So it's a double entendre of subtle "dig" @ teachers, as though stuffy old parents that aren't hip.
You are armed services vets, but you can't be good citizens in U.S.A.! What did you put your life on the line for - only to come back to America & cower before largely unarmed fellow Americans????! - Failing to breathe a word about Joe Sherman - historical A.K.A. - from 1775 Naval Jack - Jack Teacher! The Bible says those who bless me will be blessed, those who curse me will be cursed, Gen. 12:3; maybe few from armed forces specifically said a curse against me, but acts of refusing to intervene qualifies. I piped up about how Viet Nam veterans performed crucial deeds for Asians, & same as Korean vets - clearing up the stigmas from 1960's & '70's - restoring categorically soldiers' dignity. They refuse to act to shatter that stigma & pipe up for me as well, & so God has instigated military to reclaim some of their pay - probably as a wake-up call; of course, it was the military's fault they were "overpaid," so if vets were on the ball they'd organize & file complaints &/or sue to halt the sudden cripplings of their pay.
IF YOU CAN BREAK IN TO THE CAMEL'S WATER SUPPLY...HUMF! - Camels (2 humps) are defined as from central East (India) while dromedaries (one hump) are from Mideast; as I reported, Kamala is from India, as opposed to Mideast - where Syria & Ram watch is, & the Aries Tax Irks A's (King Artaxerxes was Perian, present-day Iran). Going strictly 'camel 'law,'' she isn't the Mideast's watch. Although Thomas, one of the Twelve, travelled to India, strictly speaking, the Indians aren't "the Bible people" as in peoples spoken of in Bible.
My testimony revealed the biggest cover-up in history, & resulted in king of Arabia visiting Moscow for first time in 80 years. I BROUGHT THE OTTOMANS TO SLAVS SAYING 'YOU OUGHTA MAN IT!' O.I. Intelligence - do the math - if Slavs don't want to respond, Aries Tax Irks A's oughta man it, but not by coaxing USA to elect fem. leader enamored w/her new multicolored mink coat! I don't lend "A's" name to any old "schmo" - XYZ, MIDEAST! Focus on Jack Teacher plan - & the Jack Teacher plan is centered on education, rather than melting pot - & especially not a melting pot theme that is being desperately milked to the point of extinction of the nation! Jack Teacher education goals are sovereign! Wake up Slavs - turn the screws on 'em remeniscent of before - w/the Ram of God on your side (& public profession of Christ); "REPENT & CLAIM JACK TEACHER! ARE YOU GOING TO WAIT FOR A SINE!?!"
Qualification to "joy of the Lord" Scripture (Neh. 8:10): When you've successfully tracked unfaithfulness, & accomplished a long range (1000 year) watch, & positioned yourselves for victory, the joy of the Lord is your strength; don't be sad & downcast when you are entitled to the victor's spoil & honors. But if you're a prospective leader of a nation that is spiralling downward & you've been an instrumental leader causing that prolongedly in the past - a nation that is entitled to glory & honors unparalleled in history but said honors & recognition is suddenlly being wrested from the nation's grip from systematic sabotages of small # of rebels bent on DIVISION, & a race that is bent on destroying the nation as reward for freeing them globally - & they've continued to gain ground - wandering around acquiescing w/laughter & ongoing comedy scene is the dead wrong answer!
It's almost inconceivable that Mideast could orchestrate what I referred to as a masterpiece strategy tracking both church & Asians - a strategy that was a fit w/the Jack Teacher plan, w/them assuming roles of coach & principal, but then the minute you give them any recognition, said roles fall by the wayside, & they're capitulating to - if you follow through w/roles theme - principals who blatantly allow gangs to control the schools; Kamala Harris suddenly running for president; half Indian (Persian), half black. God has spoken to me repeatedly in the last week or so that, w/out forbidding reporting the feats of Mideast, be aware that they have failed to follow through & the reports potentially'll be short-lived. I was led to downplay her as far as Mideast strategy; she gained office of Atty General of Ca.- the top cop of Ca., & I'm suffering kidnappings, slavery, conspiracies to end my life, & crimes so blatant everywhere in Ca. that rebels & their cohorts are CONSPIRING IN PUBLIC! How can you be the top cop & settle for rampant crime that has gripped the state so extensively that several cities were burned down because no one was doing anything about it!? Ca. gov., atty gen., & Feds had duty to bring an end to the insanity 2 decades ago!!! I was led that she must not be the Mideast's main plan - i.e., 'camel "law", here [it] is' couldn't be her, she's one of the rebels!!! So downplay her & count on another yet to be revealed strategy of Mideast. But if Harris is elected to office of president (which hasn't happened yet), it unmistakeably props up blacks, & based on name phonemics & race, Mideast most likely had a hand in orchestrating it. Moreover, like what happened w/England promoting Markle - empowers blacks - the iron-clad cohorts of Davis rebels - strengthening them & encouraging them in their oppression! Blacks become Davis minions of oppression against me, & Davis rebels become blacks' minions. 5:15, door-knocking on Koso St., blk fem. answered door, & instead of asking about tutoring or yardwork, I warned they should've stumped for country; blk male then saying "What?!" in backgrd, & then coming to the door saying he was calling the police. If police came, despite I hadn't done anything wrong, they'd use the fact that someone else got them involved, & claim they weren't planning on arresting me based on warrant, but I get into controversies, & - they claim - they have no choice, & I disappear. IN OTHER WORDS, HARRIS AS CLINCHER FOR NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT, IT'S YET ANOTHER TRICK OF THE WARLOCKS - W/TRAITOROUS NATION CAVING IN - OF PROPPING UP BLACKS @ MY EXPENSE, & THE EXPENSE OF THE JACK TEACHER PLAN! THE PROPPING UP OF BLACKS TO ANY EXTENT IS A STALL TACTIC & A TRICK! If you want to argue she's half black, what if she proceeds on premise of her Indian half prevails, she's elected president, & then provides justice, & she is allowed to have a future based on her concrete provisions of justice? You could also argue that as a fem. blk, she's a chastising playback of Obama - amounted to a "woman" - because he failed to provide justice & betrayed us by directly participating in death threats against me on his last day in office (orchestrated by blk coworker @ DB&D). But the problem w/this strategy is I was due justice decades ago - God gave me vision warning that @ the very latest, absolute deadline of Summer of 2018 - when I was stalked by monsters attempting to claim I FELL SHORT, pertaining to corrupted math text pertaining to moments & centroids - which I was studying; I.E., ANY CLAIM ABOUT 'MOMENT' WAS THEIR TOTAL UNDOING, ACCORDING TO THE MOST HIGH - IT WAS & IS ALL MINE. Mideast w/plan that entrusts anyone who has literally in the public eye trained the nation how to stall as far as providing me justice, as though I was never born, & moreover, the very prospect of her running for office of president, accepting nomination, possibly getting elected - that's a "strategy" w/built-in delays of another half year - THE 'MOMENT' WAR OCCURRED IN 2018 & MY ADVERSARIES ARE GOING TO HELL, THEY LOST THAT WAR & THEY LOST THEIR SOULS AS WELL! God was warning me the last week where I've been promoting the feats of the "Aries Tax Irks A's" - name based on good deeds of historic king Artaxerxes of Persia & also based on my conjectures according to some of their feats of tracking - a name suggesting honor that was in part already theirs but also honor that would come to fruition they responded. You don't trust those who have already proven untrustworthy. I was giving benefit of doubt to Mideasterners & concerning them, overlooking Harris & her total betrayals of me repeatedly because she was a fem. - which also explained why her legacy as politician was the epitomy of chamelleon - doing the bidding of rebels low & high @ every turn. But prospective of nominee as president - you can no longer downplay any role pertaining to her - EVIDENTLY SHE IS THE MIDEAST'S IDEA OF "LAW" & JUSTICE. & if you want to argue it's an unassuming fem. minority who can gain office & then turn the tables, but she had more than enough position & authority as Ca. Atty. Gen. to accomplish anything, & prevent almost a decade of rebels enslaving me, & 3 attempts on my life! No, what will occur if she were to gain office (& Trump prospects for justice aren't any better), @ very most - the very most, she'll hide behind a minority identity crisis, claiming she certainly isn't the one to purge the nation of a race that is a cancer to the nation, & if not that, she'll "skirt" the issue in it's entirety. Meanwhile, as of THIS MOMENT, blacks, such as the traitor on Koso St., are becoming embolded to be more confrontive against me - playing into the police' hands as far as more oppression against me. Why are blacks suddenly becoming more vile, etc.? Because of a cowardly, traitorous, chicken-shit nation that continues to PROMOTE BLACKS TO POSITIONS OF HONOR - HONORING BLACKS FOR OPENLY CONSPIRING TO END MY LIFE!!!!! LOSERS!!!! 8/1, D St. near 5th, Dodge Ram, lg. decal logo "RAM POWER," but inverted - turned on it's ear as though "going down" - sounds like vote of no confidence in election of half blk president. You could argue her Indian side prevails, & blacks are brought to account, but her track record says I'm a slave 4 more years. 8/2, "You'll have your fit" Persian male, lng beard, on bike, 2nd & E, approx. 5 PM.
I'm reporting lyrics of rock song that lured parties internationally, despite I've boycotted & tracked rock, because it is a fact that parties have often submitted to or been lured by rock song lyrics. Lynard Skynard, "That Smell," which is referring to death & is applicable to warlocks & corrupt leaders who are instigating death nationwide - as attested to by God personally - sending fires & floods & other disasters in far greater proportions as warnings; code in the lyrics approx. 2 wks ago -Ace Ventura movie - subtle suggestion that seemed to be prefaced one assumption of Asians seeing themselves as stubborn or evil. The song also has a loud whistle - like someone whistling for help. 2019, China then concocts a new disease; either a giant hoax, or actual disease, but its spread is undeniable. Also, it seemed to be linked directly to me - I was already reduced to slave labor, & had worked @ Asian cafe for a total of more than a year (Tasty Kitchen), but based on constant goosings of me by emplys in the kitchen - implying just give up on the faith & have premarital sex to avoid lewd overtures, & I finally smacked one of the cooks doing it on the side of the head, risking kung fu fight right there in the kitchen, but instead I was fired. After that, the slave labor morphed into yardwork, which it then became evident was a conspired last resort strategy of Davis rebels that had been orchestrated decades before; but while I was still @ Tasty Kitchen, I'd revealed the long range plan of Western & Eastern branches on behalf of Asia - including the Jupiter/Virgo Star of Nazareth sign (17 Sept. 2017) - no response. & especially in Davis, Asians only becoming more polarized to finish me off to take the pressure off themselves - this was balanced by some Asians in awe over the signs & wonders. In Asia, those who aren't inclined to become Christians, if they get rid of Jack Teacher, they get rid of the evidence, is one way of dealing w/it. End of 2019, beginning of 2020, I was hired by Manzis on Antioch to sand & refinish their deck in b/yard. Project spanned 2-3 days, & I was wearing protective masks due to dust & dirt - part of the job - a slave has to accept slave conditions. But suddenly, one or more Asian UCD students stalking me w/masks; i.e., my being forced to "settle" for grunt labor jobs - denied justice prolongedly so that teacher career sabotaged, then R.E. profession sabotaged, meant justice in the nation had eroded & democracy was a failed form of gov't., & Asian communists must be skilled doctors, & accordingly, they could "cure" my "problem" of trying to make it for so long as a professional - by committing more crimes. W/in days of that stalking, Covid broke out in China - & everyone wearing masks. So the "cure" took an unexpected turn. Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls, while he's spiritually contacting the monk priest, in the seance "journey" back to the monastery, a tall shrub scene w/pink flowers - that's where they got the sphere-shaped covid germ w/pink "flowers;" then, conversing w/monk priest, subtle suggestion about a disease "You can dispense w/the small pox all-knowing one, I'm here on business..." luring Asians by giving them an "out," if they aren't inclined to respond to the gospel & throw themselves into a nearby river & be baptized into Christ (they lured them); in the seance "journey" back, you're swallowed into a lg. hole @ top of that covid shrub. Of course, never before has their been offered such a great reward of recognition as well as eternal life, & you can always stand before fans to get dried off afterward. In No. Ca., Covid amounted to a rebuke against those stalking me about wearing a job-related mask, an act which was par for the course, but was resulting in them haunting me. But internationally, it may be Asia was lured by "That Smell" song, causing them to display their true colors; but behind the scenes was lingering attempt to help Davis eventually i.d. me. Approx. 1 1/2 years ago, I rebuilt a gate w/customer Bob on Bienville Ave. I had a scratchy throat & coughed couple of instances; comments from Bob that it was sign I was judging them. Possibly it was a sign - that they'd been judged by God; i.e., I get a scratchy throat working w/custs. who are a little too slow, etc. This became a subtle theme - others making coded comments. As of approx. 2 wks ago, I had slight case of something - no fever, but cough & flem - most likely because it was consistently 110 deg. weather, & my pay was being seriously cut, despite I had persisted w/working & door-knocking - in 110 deg. wthr. - body's reaction to hate & heat combo. "We've taken ill" or similar, Georgetown Pl. fem., approx. 8/3.
[EXCERPT, REPORT SENT 8/8:] 8/4, Olympics, Olympiad Becky Downie 9:29 PM - deliberate slip on balance beam(?), ch3. [Approx. 8/7, 'Thanks for that caughtch' code from Simone Biles to another Olympiad - after evident facades of Olympiads that seemed to be testing blacks - I'm refusing to elaborate, due to acknowledging them has effect of giving them license to stall under guise of testing blacks.] Immed. after that, I change channel to 7, 9:32, Richard Downie investigating murder, said murderer had a cough; suddenly my throat worse than ever - scratchy & coughing. & this occurred almost simultaneously to me recalling Vision w/in last 4 mos. of Becky Mahoney (Rich Mahoney's (Lodi) younger sister); she was acquaintances w/my sister in HS - stayed over night once. Vision possibly pertained to sexual favor or "privilege." 10:49, "Could see that raise through next weekend" Dirk or Mark, ch 3 wthr. The mssg. seems to be it's rock's call - as far as smearing my reputation, or else it's more TV smears. [END EXCERPT.] The Simone Biles code actually proves my point - blacks are already caught, but Olympiads create presumption that more proof is needed, allowing them to cheat - including cheating by concocting a consp. attempting to dupe me w/Covid. 8/8, approx. 9 PM, Jan Manzi called after having a cough while we were working on Mon., & said she had tested positive for Covid 19. They are attempting to dupe me to become diseased, avoid work, etc., & blacks & possibly some of Olympiads are involved. Vision approx. 2 wks ago, my sister in her front yard, near gate, & Taylor driving by in car, "Hey, Laura!" the gate had been rebuilt by Randy in approx. 2001 - he was finishing it when I dropped by to see them - arched top. "That Smell" "Street Survivors" cover, band members on fire - practically in hell, possibly, & one of them wearing shorts & T-shrt w/text that is arched. "Look what's going on inside you!" lyrics; i.e., 'w[e're] Utt's going, on - inside 'U' [oppression];' either Utts (potentially representing Western church) is "going" (crumbling) due to an "inside" 'U' consp., or Utts can "look" @ Asians attempting an "inside" 'U' consp.; 'inside' - code for motel room & monsters attempting to sabotage my income so that motel room eliminated, & warlocks involved - & this is the case; but, Asians involved, in attempt to force me to switch slave labor jobs back to dishwasher in Asian cafe again; so to an extent, it's both Western warlocks & Asians.
Pres. Biden - Covid, & then presidency comes to an end - illustrative formula for Davis rebels - teacher working as landscaper - pressure & dupe him that he has Covid, & his future comes to an end. I would recommend write-in candidate Andrew Yang, except last election, one of the few codes from him was a 'march' code - & context of China's March Long ballistic missiles; i.e., vague innuendo - 'you're now China's soldiers,' implying China takes control of U.S.A., which most likely means democracy is a thing of the past. If there is additional info about this Yang code, then go public w/it, & in context of clearing his motives, Yang could be the write-in defeating the current rebel candidates. I still wouldn't whole-heartedly endorse him or anyone else that isn't vehemently pointing fingers @ everyone & calling on the ends of the earth for help. HERE'S THE LINK: Jack Teacher must abandon rugged individualism & self-reliance & accept charity - decreed by Obama, w/Obamacare - law requiring citizens to have health ins., despite it's often sky-high. Ca.'s program - Covered Ca.; Jack Teacher brainwashed that he can't work because he has Covid, & no option but charity - freebies - '& you're 'Cov'd, Ca.!'' UCC - website - the architects!
8/9, res. @ SE corner of A & 8th, light pole, wh male & elem. or teen girl, "VOLTAGE" part of yellow 'HIGH VOLTAGE' sign strapped to base of it on 8th St.; the text is inverted - similar to the "RAM POWER" decal on Ram truck on D St. or the "WELCOME" sign on front of McDonald's @ Harbor & W Cap in W.S., but text goes from bottom to top - facing upward instead of downward. I.e., electric chair conspiracies can "look up." Also, photo possibly doctored by hackers - it didn't have any black lines through it. Also a factor, light post, Mace overcrossing (I-80) "OFF" inverted print, light post on S. end of bridge, W. side, near freeway entrance from Mace to I-80 going E (to West Sac.). On A St., "Meet Me Under the Mistletoe" sign w/street sign motif, attached to gate w/shallow arched top - i.e., 'you're in the streets.' Gate @ my sister's res., more pronounced arch; I reported the arch consp. in Davis, where they acknowledged I "arched over," or prevailed over UCC's deceptive kick-out, but then they conspired theme of arches becoming more & more shallow, w/UCD's help, until it's no longer an arch so much as a shallow path of a ball thrown through in the air - & magically UCC has their "throw" again. Approx. 3:30 PM, Stacy @ D St. next to Newman's Ctr., speaking to her on phone about work, job sanding steps of back patio (similar to sanding job @ Manzi's 2020), but, she was very busy w/2 other reps, & could work W/me in 45 min., so come by - but mentioned she didn't have the materials - & aware that I don't have any materials w/me - so I'd show up, wait half hour, & then simply discuss the job, because there's no sanding materials - a playback of Manzi's job (w/use of masks - Covid scenario), but they have me spinning my wheels discussing work rather than working; so I said I'd expect to work if I came, & she's supposed to get back to me this AM (8/10). Mistle toe theme - Stacy's is where I was paid $100 for one hour's work last wk; i.e., it becomes Santa Claus scenario.
This res., @ 8th & A - neighborhood developed by Don Miller, & between 7th & 8th is Shepherd's Ln. - it's a form of programming - 'A' [is in the] St[s].' & King James (Bible) English, 'A, th[ee in the ]St[s].;' because 'shepherds [are] layin;'' the lot extends entire block from 8th to Shepherd's Ln., reaffirming the "reach" of the shepherds (pastors). The light "off" @ Chiles Rd. end of Mace bridge, @ freeway entrance to W.S., that light also happens to be, positionally, Motel 6 light; it seems to be they are subtly agreeing w/me - Motel 6 calling police on me for simply confronting a stalker, then banning me from the motel, they didn't "leave the light on" for me - they lost their light - figuratively speaking - & my trips to motels in W.S. confirms that - I'm refusing to get sucked in to a high dollar hotel game, & so the Motel 6 ploy "protesting" my frugality scenario - because salesmen are supposed to be big spenders - supposedly is defeated; but, Motel 6's location is other side of freeway from Univ. Cov. church - the corrupt shepherds - @ N. end of Mace bridge - implying they have the light, & Motel 6 light is moot point; moreover, the "OFF" code is right where the bus gets on freeway; i.e., they are claiming I don't have my argument, because I'm staying in W.S. - I have to stay in motel out of town to make my point, & UCC then claims they have the power & my education point, as opposed to sales, is mooted. In other words, truth & justice are irrelevant - whatever DIVISION rebels conspiratorially decree is controlling; & they are "decreeing" I can't stay @ night in motel in W.S. 50-75% of time or I'm defeated. But any power of their deceptive decrees is only due to corruption of Biden - the DISEASY RIDER - & corrupt Congress.
6:05 "he can't be, their found" audible bug code, male. "It'll take me a minute to go home, & I wanna brush my teeth" fat blk fem gray sht 42B 6:04 PM - extremely loud obnoxious greeting to bus driver then overly loud on phone. "There was cousin" (DiCarlo's) vision, while raking @ 1502 Pinnacles (res. - Asian fem & wh male). "You would, the work" Asian fem. res. (as far as I could tell); i.e., local Asians literally admitting it's a conspired "work" to attempt to ruin me; 3:20. 4:30 approx., "He's not getting back on us" or similar, Asian fem. I was then washing their car - Toyota, but I hadn't seen the model yet - Camry; I reported 10+ years ago systematic stalkings using Camrys - Toyota, but it's code for RE goals - Cam Reagor, broker in Sac & friend of Bill Dedman's, leased his car to me, 2001, Ford Contour; but 'cam R.E.' became a code for conspiracy that the only possible way I could marry is as R.E. agent - teacher goals are out, according to the monsters. In fact, possibly @ Joanne's code that I have to actually gain my R.E. job - literally - or they claim I'm lewd; "We're gonna clue it, Chris" Asian fem (Chris is wh husb.) - precisely as I started washing the Camry; Asians are aware I was stalked by Camrys & often were involved; but this is an example of them attempting to slip back in by "leaking" info - Norris & Nora Wilson, members of UCC, Norris was F/T HS teacher, but sold RE Summers - but somehow it's a deadly sin for me to be in RE temporarily; their daughter, who expressed some interest in me in 1994, Chris; 'ca[n] marry' - if you "achieve" defeating the rebels denying your RE lic. & become a RE agent, then you 'can marry.' I reported the blk car w/out visible headlights on Oakenshield; Ioniq 5 - car w/hide away lights. It was coded claim they can decree how much detail in my reports - under guise that I want to 'hide - a way...' i.e., I left out of report Asian male on bus w/blue & wh shrt, that it said "Hyundai" on it - but I simply wanted to assign these monsters to 100 dinosaurs in hell - too many of them to ever expect to be able to hide from them! "That's where you're caught," mex fem self-ck cashier, Raley's when I purchased 2 ramen soups, 6:23 PM. 8/1, I needed $20 cash back but already paid for grocs., so I grabbed one of the only sodas in display @ registers - on sale Rockstar soda; instantly, mex cashier, "Look down." 7/26, "I was snipping, I was picking my daughter up," 6:34, Eddie Lambert, fem rptr, ch 3; either lewd code pertaining to me, or confession by fem rptr that she should be fixed. 7:33 PM, "Off to em, cue" audience, ch 29 MLB. 7:05 PM, vision, Taylor, "You just saved us, sold" vision, Taylor; i.e., claim it's popular notion that I saved rock & Hollywood; but the problem is I'm never allowed to teach; they used their influence & the misguided trust of everyone else to brainwash everyone to fail so that they can "save the day" - including supposedly saving the Jack Teacher plan; but their watch is a trick - everyone else has been brainwashed to fail - & sabotage - Jack Teacher plan - then they simply sabotage it a little less than everyone else - that means they supposedly have their watch - NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Because JACK TEACHER PLAN IS SABOTAGED, & JACK TEACHER IS NEVER ALLOWED TO TEACH! Proof of their nonsense stalls is that vision where they invent imaginary shortcomings in marriage. "You won't have fur day" bug code. "Here's the 3-2, Angels dugout" fem anncr, (Oakland/LV) A's game, 8:57. "...hit list this evening?" fem; "That's gonna find a hole" ch 63. "slackboard in his mind - keeps everything" or similar, blnd male 11:16, CBS news. 11:15 PM "You won't know longer" gov't bug code. 8/1, "You gave us" Asian fem, Yolobus 42B approx. 6:30 PM; & vision of 4 or 5 half gallons of ice cream in my freezer! 5 PM 7/31, Stacy, possibly Latino, hired me to wheelbarrow piles of rocks to b/yard, $50/hr, but paid me $100. She indicated possibly more work the next day, but that eve. when I called, no answer, left mssg., & got ahold of Paul; he had 4 hrs. of work, but had to be early AM, he was leaving in afternoon. As of afternoon, Stacy said work @ her place was finished. But I arrived @ Paul's & stalking already occurring (Mexs. doing bidding of other rebels) Paul, "You misplace" 8 AM; i.e., I was supposed to make bee line for work @ Stacy's this AM - Latinos were offering me work, & I'd refused, therefore, more trouble. On Kestrel, approx. 4 PM, knocking on doors, & mex. male w/Blake's HVAC, "We just had supp;" 6 PM, mex. male, lng hair, blk shrt, w/fem., "They aren't in a room w/him;" Taco Bell, 6 PM, & phone completely shut down again - no charge @ all @ any outlet or laptop - because I didn't "run to the light" of hounding Latino's on D St. for work. Approx. mo. ago, @ Gene's on Del Oro (Gene & wife claimed responsibility, along w/mexs. for phone destruction), conjecturing about rock's motives, vision from Taylor, "That's our frame" as in they possibly crumble rather than have stature; I didn't necessarily cling to that conjecture, but the vision seems to have provided rebels fodder for more oppression - weed eater his some vines in b/yard on Radcliff, Asian male's named Homer, w/2 kids, & the weed eater made scream noise; "That's our frame" possibly Homer, approx. 2 PM. Then gov't. bug code, "You don't get it - 2 editor" 2:15; i.e., combined w/mex. codes, kidnap/captivity conps. - because I didn't run to the light, & also, faithfully tracked Asians.
"It is drive 'draw mat' him," 10:20 fem near Meredith's - door mat code. "He won't have his call out," tree trimmer, 10:55 - referring to McVay movie. "He just gets 'em, mole" ambulance 3:25. 10:50, "It feels like - you're gonna hit 'em," vision, referring to movie w/teen kidnap victim McVay "He's not having his pop," wh thin fem grn & purple hair, in front of me in line Raley's, w/sm child 6:02 PM. Then Khris, fem cashier, asked me if I could place my basket on shelf next to register; probably her job, but she was busy & it would speed things up; it was on a stack of bottled water near regis. But, then, "I need a 2" & "Do my 5's" 6:04, to male cust. behind me; i.e., claiming I'm in bed w/them w/hi 5 for complying. It's true that in Davis Dollar Tr. in 2009 cashier demanded I take products out of basket myself & put them on counter & I refused, saying that's his job, & they refused to ring me up & called police - I then boycotted them for appx. 8 years; but this was more of a polite request & because she was busy - I assumed. Crooks age 20, but pic in the news is consistently one that makes him look like he's a 6th grader. "We're going you don't have their souls," 6:44 PM (source?), okay, but, vision as of 2015 that they don't have their souls either. 6:30, 2 flies in bathroom, rm. 16, after Khris in Raley's, "I need a 2," & "I do my 5's."
7/15, SF Giants coach - "...mechanics; we're perfect - we break a bone if we want," 6:25 AM ch 40; i.e., sports coach signalling blacks breaking one of my bones is a possibility. Blk fem ripped off of $1000's, prayer gesture, "all that money is gone" - signalling I'm to be taken for everything. Sharp, ch 40, "Don't forget the phone owe keg - you can't forget!" i.e., smearing my rep. w/beer codes.
7/25, early AM, "It was tour rape" Taylor - referring to the McVay movie; possibly Travis Kelce consp. or tracking - 'tour 'have his kill,' see?' - instead of giving me my kill (invasion), it's throwing me to wolves. WHEN YOU "TOUR" (EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT W/) HAVING GOD'S "KILL" (ROBBING HIM OF IT), IT'S GUARANTEED DISASTERS! 'It was tour rape' - phonemically, 'It was too rape!' As reported - ''T'-ooo, rape' - kids getting gunned down (as opposed to raped) in schools because of parents oppressing me. "...the president balked him," male teen, Anderson near Michelle's b/yard (Malaga). 10 AM, Michelle, "You didn't hear 'em, app." 'balk' code - rap song early 7/25 - W. Acre, car, "pitchin' you missed" or similar repeatedly, & 7:05 "We're gonna pitch you goes, it" wh fem pony tail, (restr.) industry uniform, cap, dk gray jacket. 2:14 "You just made this statement closer" (source?). 42A "That's we're gonna make tour rake" fat wh male 42A driver. "You won't see, we pig it," driver(?). "She's a white; she needs her stop," 7:22, male driver, on radio. "We're gonna white main" dispatch 7:29 AM. 7:03 AM, W. Acre, "They're gonna know," fat wh male blk shrt. The Eagles & Oklahoma bombing vision - ''oak - 'law' home' - ' U.S.A. "land of the free, home of the brave" (speaking vicariously - symbolic significance of Oklahoma until recently, because the South as of this point has been judged as betraying us) -
No. Ca. DIVISION rebels have duped people nationwide to leave me for fodder under guise of extracting the plunder from rebels, when in fact it's attempt to get a dotted line signature from me that it counts.
City of Davis traffic poster, Shasta & Arlington, art by Anastasia Bates; painting of wh fem in car, long brn hair, lt. blue VW bug; i.e., someone has "sky blue," expression for clean slate; the front wheel has 7 spokes/ lug nuts that creates facade on wheel of sheriff's badge - 7 point stars; most car & truck vehicles, 5 spokes. In fact, apts. on J St., lit. half block from where I was almost choked to death, 2/2020, recently renamed Spoke Apts. creating a facade of warning students that my public speaking might've overtaken Davis bicycle ('bye - sick all' - 'everybody sicks the police on you - you're gone...') consp. - but it's on the inside w/them, because most of students are in bed w/Davis upon arrival to UCD - they assume that warning is covered by something like a 7 spoke consp. somewhere. The poster is conspiracy ("wheeling") a deception that oppressive crimes of Dpd were bugging or poking me to give up or get out of sales - & that makes it okay to kidnap, hold hostage, enslave, & create murder consps. Moreover, Eric Ulrich, former friend in Lodi, had a lt. blue VW bug, & I reported CCTC (Commission on Teacher Cred.'ing) discontinued program of Professional Growth courses, displayed webpage entitled "ERIC," ch 40 reporter Eric Harryman. 12:40 "We control the morning" or similar, Asian(?) male. see CA. COMMISSION ON TEACHER CREDENTIALING WEBSITE DECEPTIONS; see CA. COMMISSION ON TEACHER CREDENTIALLING CONSPIRATORS HAD HELP - 'ERIC THREAD' REBELLION - A "CRIME SON" THREAD...
Hard work & justice - the American way; if you're willing to work hard, & you're law-abiding, you'll succeed & prosper in America. I was a late bloomer - early thirties & getting started w/my teacher career; late bloomer, maybe, but my past wasn't a waste - I had experience as grocery store dept. mgr, restaurant shift mgr, delivery work, factory work, etc. But my teacher career was sabotaged @ Vacaville Christian Academy, w/"10" watch to prove it. In fact, I have the kids @ VCA as my witnesses; I sponsored the VCA Computer Club, & despite Marine World Africa USA right next door in Vallejo, I convinced them we needed to go on field trip to Magic Mountain in Valencia - S. of Fresno - the trip being overnight also made it more fun. Where did the senior class go for their graduating celebration the following Spring? Magic Mountain! They are my witnesses - I was grading somewhat sternly, but I had rapport w/the students. Nevertheless, UCC in Davis quickly seconded their deception w/dismissal from youth leadership on a whim. W/conspiracy literally choreographing my demise, I was led that it simply wasn't me who needed to learn a lesson; a late bloomer doesn't translate to withering on the vine - I was being set up. God led me I hadn't fallen short, & do the best I can to use my education - if teacher goals temporarily shut down, I also had a R.E. license - & I was supposed to be asserting that while I couldn't see the whole picture, I was aware that I was being reamed despite - & seemingly because - I'd played by all the rules & realized my teacher career - justice included restoring of my teacher profession. The deceptive kick out from UCC was yet another proof. & AS MORE PROOF OF THE COCONSPIRACY OF LODI & DAVIS - ERIC HAD A LEG W/A BIRTH DEFECT THAT CAUSED HIM TO WALK W/A SWAGGER, & IN FACT HE HAD A NICKNAME OF "KICK OUT" BECAUSE OF THE SWING MOTION OF HIS LEG. @ any rate, I was also led to evangelize & continue evangelizing despite police reg'ly false arresting me & kidnapping me; evangelism was strategy of head-to-head w/UCC to overcome their deceptions; but w/regular disappearances in jail, a regular hourly job wouldn't last - if I could get one while w/out a place to live. Meanwhile R.E. - indep. contractor, I could work hard & earn income w/out being fired every few days for a no-show because of jail disappearance. SO MY STRATEGY WAS HARD WORK, LAW-ABIDING, SPREADING THE WORD - THE AMERICAN WAY! Nevertheless, Davis, then the region, unwittingly took it upon themselves to decree that my avoidance of low wage hourly jobs was I was too proud - & they were going to prove it if it meant ruining children statewide, & ruining the entire nation! Their argument is I was too cocky to take on wage-earning job, & so I need to be punished; & if that cockiness isn't totally evident in the present, they'll enslave me in sales conditions or similar "customer rep." (such as indep. contractor landscaper) until they prove that ego & greed were my actual motives; I.E., THEY ARE COMMITTING SLAVERY & KIDNAP - & REBELLION AGAINST THE NATION - TO PROP UP A DECEPTION THAT I'M SELFISH! This is why they are going to such great lengths to help the homeless regionally - & it's spread nationally, & their deception has garnered people to become homeless in greater numbers - these elaborate no expense spared projects where unemployed homeless indiv's - irregardless of if they work or agree to work or agree to look for work - are provided a place to live, food, laundry, etc. in vast numbers - treated like kings almost! The argument is that I could've humbled myself & help would've been extended - shelter, food, etc. But that's a typical trap - a slippery slope where they slow your life down so that you become accustomed to freebies & THEIR SCHEDULE OF FREEBIES & you're already down & out, & you "adjust" to a new low of laziness. But more than the typical trap - these displays are attempts to rebuke me for being "egotistical" - the facade is I was really busy, asserting my right to use my education, demanding justice but I wasn 't humbling myself, & for that reason, I was getting on peoples' nerves, & that got police involved, etc. But (1)when it's churches & law enforcement & schools (places of employment) that are claiming you failed, etc., it isn't to your advantage to go along w/any assertions of "humbling yourself" - when it sends unmistakable mssg. that you fell short when you didn't, & once again, a slippery slope; & (2)the majority of incidents involving police were strictly evangelism scenarios where it was irrefutable that they were violating my rights - THEIR POLICE WERE EXPOSED AS CORRUPT, & THEY WERE EMBARRASSED & JEALOUS. They were jealous that I wasn't giving up - hard working American, & moreover, despite being "down on my luck" (actually church consp.) I was actually taking new ground for evanglism in public to extent of utilizing it & affirming it - my success & notoriety ("wading" - new expression for suffering for the gospel as a fisherman going deeper into the waters) was resulting in jealousy, which they attempted to pass off as getting on their nerves - which they could use as facade that that instigated police. But the jealousy demon they are possessed by actually has a name - Minerva - & it's the demon on the Ca. Seal - appears as giant fem. in gown, dwarfing the Ca. bear beside it. BUT THE IRONY IS IT'S HUGE REBELLION W/MASSIVE PROJECTS FOR HOMELESS - ALL TO ATTEMPT TO ACCUSE & BRING TO RUIN AN AMERICAN FOR RELYING ON, & EVIDENTLY MISPLACING HIS TRUST IN, HARD WORK & AMERICAN JUSTICE!
Simultaneous to this claim I was too egotistical when I was attempting to utilize my education & corresponding talents, etc., as stated in WHEN I SAY AGGIES ARE KINGPINS,... report, they are claiming the late bloomer was too slow, wasn't assertive enough, nor having enough self-respect to utilize his professional talents, is the problem; & the turtle on the coop. res. next to Blk Bear (mex. emply involved in phone sabotage); Spoke apts. ('S[low ]poke'/'S[ee? Lodi]poke[s]' is on top of their conspiracy communications -
pic from - their landscape "race" turtle - & they unwittingly establish my argument for me! & moreover, considering this was half blk from where I almost died from choke attack (Columbia Ct. - across the st.), they "spoke" that I wasn't going to be allowed to live. The 'right in front of their faces' principle takes precedent over the opposing (across st.) principle when the consistently empowered it.
7/21, approx., vision of queen Elizabeth, possibly, "Call for help." & 7/20, approx., vision of king Charles, "I'm not going to be able to help you" (or similar). These visions are based on fact that I hadn't reported visions about cust. Gary on Amador on internet or to Feds yet. Gary is older indiv., according to him, he is French; but he has a thick Brit. accent, & is from Sacramento, recently moved to Davis. Possibly he was born in France, grew up in England, & then most of his adult life in Sac until recently. More likely though he wasn't born in France, & in fact is a plant from England supposedly to act as witness in Davis. I reported approx. 4 wks ago, vision of Taylor's dead body on ground @ side of cust.'s house - Gary's as far as I could tell. This location is where there is a pile of used gutter downspouts replaced w/recent house painting @ Gary's approx. a year ago; he hired me to paint the trim, & that was it, despite he was painting it himself as opposed to hiring professional painters. But the dead body w/a cable rammed through it is supposedly a watch - Gary, acting as a witness from both Sac & England, acknowledges I'm a "bull" as far as hard work despite slavery, & whenever I'm putting in 6 or more hrs. @ his place, he treats me to lunch - warning that Davis is being put on notice to start paying me lavishly, because I have witnesses from the ends of the earth that they are in trouble & I'm a hard working good example. & rock & Hollywood supposedly relying on witnesses such as English royalty, etc., to demand punishment of those oppressing their prospective groom. Except that then Gary, taking me out to lunch, subtly attempts to devil in a cafe that serves lewd code food as part of their menu. & their hard-working straight-talking "bull" example is as good as dead - w/a cable ('k[ey, he's] a bull' [testimony]) rammed through him BY THOSE SUPPOSED TO BE HIS WITNESSES! - & supposedly Taylor is role playing me. the problem is I don't need Taylor's witness as far as Sac; as of 2020 God told me it's totally up to me - & I was inclined to reject guises of trackings of Davis back then! Gary evidently English, & so vision of Taylor as far as tracking England might be viable; i.e., instead of invading, they are sending plants to Davis who are attempting to ruin me!!!! This was the same thing former friend from Fresno Duane Hansen was doing in 2019 - sending plants to Davis w/lewd innuendos; God gave me a vision of him falling into an oven & burning up, & it indicated he was going to hell. In other words, these tricks & brainwash attempts & oppression under guise of testings never seem to end, & English leaders are parties to it! & this is DESPITE UNPARALLELED SIGNS & WONDERS FROM HEAVEN VERIFYING ME LIKE NO ONE ELSE BEFORE - & THE MIDEAST SHOWING UP AS MY PRINCIPAL, W/TRACK RECORD OF SPANKING EVERYONE! Alternately, the vision occurred after I purchased a burrito @ Guadalajara's, where there is also sm. sized tacos on menu that are part of a lewd innuendo against me. In the past I've boycotted that cafe because of that; in this instance I ignored it, thinking that I wasn't ordering any of those sm. tacos, & everyone in the county is involved in the lewd innuendos, & they wouldn't be able to insinuate anything - THEY'RE ALL CONSPIRACY PERVERTS NO MATTER WHAT CAFE OR RESTAURANT YOU'RE IN! But after lunch, I noticed Gary didn't touch his burrito, & then placed in on back seat floor of p/up - implying I was under arrest. I already reported the best strategy was to be single-minded & maintain my boycott of that place; nevertheless, was the vision of Taylor & the cable implying my "bull" work status was her ruin? (A viable facade of argument if Guilded Schmo's are sharks). Approx. 2 wks. after the cable vision, vision of Taylor nude or partially nude falling or jumping from Gary's roof, on opposite (W.) side of his res. This was where, when I'd worked there (same 3-4 days as when we'd gone to mex. cafe about 2 mos. ago), I was cleaning the gutters, & he got onto roof & was using a blower to blow leaves & pine needles into piles on roof. When I finished cleaning gutters, the lg. piles of debris still on roof & one section of roof still needed to be cleaned; so I climbed onto roof & finished, including throwing away the piles of debris into trash - most of them @ W. end of res. I hadn't asked if Gary wanted me to take over that job, because it was common sense - also, I'd been on his roof many times; he came out of house & said, "Good job." After making the report - on internet - of Gary & the lewd cafe trick, some additional work discussed for the following week was canceled. He then contacted me approx. 3 wks ago, & I worked one day for him, & he said he had another day or 2 of work the following wk.; that Mon. I put in a half day, & he said more work, @ end of wk. But that came & went, & didn't hear from him. The following wk, approx. midwk, he texted me saying work the next day @ his place - I texted confirming I'd be there, & asked if it was @ the usual 8 AM - didn't hear anything. It's almost always 8 AM, so I showed up; several piles of pine needles on ground in front yard; other part of yard still needed raking. He didn't answer the door, nor was he in byrd, so I figured he was running errands, & had left me some piles as primer to get busy. 45 min. into raking & throwing piles into trash, irritable scoffing sound from inside - Gary was home after all. I knocked & rang door bell again; no response - it was actually a trap! I yelled he owed me $20 & left, saying I wouldn't be working for him anymore. When I subsequently contacted him about $, he claimed to be upset because I hadn't texted him before showing up - but that was a "rule" he made up on the spot in attempt create a guise where he could "hit the roof!" Moreover, unwittingly he had orchestrated a scenario where the piles in front yard had a watch from behind - the piles on the roof - he had been doing the blowing, & I assumed he wanted them cleaned up & he affirmed it. End of last wk (Thurs.) I was door-knocking near Gary's place & went to his place to ask for the $18.75 that he did owe me. He answered & attempted a "hit the roof" scene because he was on the phone & couldn't pay me until he got off the phone. Taylor's naked or half-naked jump or fall from roof on that end of house - seems to be a retraction of the "dead" scene vision - why retract it? Little or no clothing - was the vision indicating a judgment against me? I.e., 7/18, Gary ripped me off w/bogus pledge of work, & then delaying paying me & angry @ me! Why didn't I hit the roof??? & despite the leaf piles on roof watch, Taylor jumps from roof unclothed because I failed to hit the roof w/Gary - as though she's serving as a witness that the Sac/England plants had gained ground. I.E., IN ADDITION TO ATTEMPTING TO DEVIL IN A LEWD INNUENDO THAT COULD BE LATER USED AGAINST ME, & THAT NEGATES ANY REBUKE BY THEM OF DAVIS - THAT THEY'D BETTER START PAYING ME MORE HANDSOMELY - THE TRAITOROUS SAC/ENGLAND PLANT WATCH WAS ATTEMPT TO PROVIDE DAVIS W/AN ATTITUDE WATCH - CREATE ISOLATION & OVERREACTION & IN ALL THE CONFUSION, I'VE LOST GROUND & OTHERS CLAIMING DAVIS NOW HAS AN EDGE ON ME & CAN BALL ME OUT & BELITTLE ME! TAYLOR'S FALL FROM THE ROOF WITNESS? THE CLINCHER - BCAUSE I DIDN'T LOSE MY TEMPER W/GARY! AS I'VE SAID BEFORE, I START HITTING THE ROOF, IT ESCALATES TEMPERS, & POLICE ARE SHOWING UP @ EVERY INTERSECTION, & I'M GONE FOR ONE DAY OR 4 MOS. MOREOVER, YOU DON'T YELL @ TERRORIST REBELS WHO ARE IN FACT COMMITTING FELONY CRIMES - YOU'RE ONLY ASKING FOR MORE TROUBLE. THE RULE OF LAW/EDUCATION NATION STANDARDS ARE YOU ARREST THEM, OR IN THIS CASE, WHERE IT'S REBELLION, YOU NUKE THEM - YOU DON'T GET DRAWN INTO A SHOUTING MATCH AS THOUGH IT'S A LITTLE LEAGUE REF/COACH DISCREPANCY!!! BUT THE REBELS, & THE TRAITOROUS PLANTS, SEEM TO BE ABLE TO COUNT ON ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF VISION OF TAYLOR DEAD W/CABLE RAMMED UP HER REAR END, COMBINED W/MEX. CAFE LEWD INNUENDO SCENE WHERE I POSSIBLY COULD'VE USED BETTER JUDGMENT, COMBINED W/MOVIE W/TEEN SAYING MY NAME WHILE BEING RAPED, COMBINED W/VISION OF TAYLOR THAT POSSIBLY INDICATES I FAILED TO SCREAM LOUD ENOUGH @ REBELS (DESPITE ASSURANCES FROM GOD THAT I'VE ALREADY GOT MIRV MISSILES COMING)?
7/22, Cunningham's res. (on board of elders of UCC, 1997 when they deceptively canceled my membership); Miller St.; "Joe, you're just going to walk away??? Joe, where are you going? Joe!" I.e., w/phone systematicallly sabotaged, which had been occurring for 4 of last 5 days - premise that I wouldn't be able to make or receive calls from customers, meaning any landscape jobs I obtained could only be through personally going to residences & knocking on doors - multiplying my difficulties - i.e., UCC has me where they want me - I come crawling back to them, or the conditions get worse & worse, & I'm 86'd from Davis. 7/16, 3:30, "Peat dirt" possibly talking to myself, but I said it out loud; & "That's where we aren't gonna let it," Joanne; & 1 min. before that, thoughts about "Somewhere over the rainbow..." i.e., "bluebirds fly - why oh why can't I?" - rebels conspiring to prevent me from flying - not only prevent me from flying as teacher, but earning income as landscaper. 7/17 & 7/18, no hire despite calls & door-knocking in 103 deg. weather all day - until Jane on Sycamore hired me for 3 hrs, & another 2.5 on Sat. morn.; i.e., the entire town instantly acquiesced to Joanne's code; 7/17 late eve. was also when my phone stopped charging completely for 4 days - less than 1 mo. old. Peat dirt code - claiming "Peter" has had "dirt" thrown on him (false accusations against him); in this case, code for UCC - Davis rebels propping up UCC. The peat dirt I was mixing w/regular dirt & using to replace huge "divots" from chunks of crab grass I'd removed; on top of peat dirt, lawn seed; i.e., codes were claim I was repairing their 'lawn' - code for 'law, on' or locally, Davis police oppression. "Way, he gate it," code facade that I'm secretly a salesman, 10:45, near Jan's, & jet airliner flew over - first one to fly over Davis (that I've seen) in 2+ years; i.e., Sac. International A.T. has been directing flights away from Davis - for 2 years - so that they could subsequently (as in, now) use it as tool to direct Davis police to start back in w/'j[ail is] it' oppression; 2nd jet flew by 5 min. later. 5 AM, "I have a Joe Sherman molest scene" fem bug code. 'mole' code was actually a confession - Century truck stalking me was same location as waste removal truck & Davis police car casing me approx. 2 years ago- Mormon pkg lot. 1997, things going downhill - school deceptively terminated me, etc., & I was crying out to God about how I'd faithfully served him - "save me!" & next day Davis Enterprise headlines "A Century of Service!" & 'century' actually lined up w/my teacher job as teen @ Centennial Elem. The news story behind headlines was newspaper being in business since 1897; i.e, Century truck admitting Dpd & Davis Waste Rmvl - & Davis rebels, should be applying to
me - first false arrest occurred in 1997, instigated by UCC members; confessing UCC is a cult (Mormonism is a cult); the mole was them banking on I wouldn't be aware of it. Approx. 7/20, PBS, 1:08 PM, cranberry farm in Mass.; fem owner being interviewed by fem news show host; peat soil, "that went bogg;" "Perfect, perfect, perfect" 1:10, fem host. I was in Cranbrook Apts. when oppression began & "Century of Service" was newspaper headlines. Context of 'peat' stalking by Joanne - "I have ardvark" male approx 7/19, Savemart(?); & I had made a quip previously, talking to myself, about yard work & ardvark (vacuum); which they could only know about through illegal eavesdropping; i.e., "Pete's" had dirt thrown on him - & the vacuum of half days of work & then no work despite constant door-knocking & calls. The 'perfect, perfect, perfect' code is 1-2-3 - i.e., fold on your goals, & hop in bed w/a floosey; Cranbrook - 'cran[ial] b[e] rook' - using your head (education goals) is a "rook" or a powerful tool for prospering & residing. This was a story in national news - evidence news media nationwide is involved in minute details - i.e., the 'moment' consp. - moments & centroids, etc., most often associated w/Calculus; the monsters attempting to isolate me & dupe me that I can only teach if it's high level math - borderline beyond my education; this is to erode my confidence - brainwash that I'm not prepared yet to be a teacher - I certainly can't just teach Math concepts that I know & am good @...; In fact, vision approx. mo. ago of rebels attempting to claim I'm going to have to research & prepare a Mathematics graduate thesis w/a new scientific/mathematical discovery before I'm allowed to teach - can you say "hundred thousand dinosaurs in hell for these monsters"? Because I'm binding that. 'Massachusetts' - 'yes, massa' (slave) & 'massa'[s] "chew" [is] set,' as opposed to 'amass [invasion; liberty - I] choose it!' Once again, the 'moment' stalking of Summer 2018 was a serious enough offence against me - stalling my teacher career w/facades that I'm not ready - & using altered text books to attempt to dupe me - God warned that was the deadline for a lot of leaders - USA & others - to provide me justice - they're already gone. THE PROBLEM IS THE NATION IS IN THE GRIPS OF WARLOCKS WHO INSIST THEY CAN DEFY GOD - THEY DEFY GOD'S UNMISTAKEABLE WARNINGS & COMMANDS PROVIDED CONSISTENTLY THROUGH JUDGMENTS IN MY FAVOR & BACKING ME W/SIGNS, WONDERS, & POWER - GOD MAKES HIS JUDGMENTS KNOWN, PS 9:16; 1 KINGS 18:24, "THE GOD WHO ANSWERS BY FIRE, HE IS GOD;" GOD HAS REPEATEDLY ANSWERED BY FIRE THROUGH ME -USING ME TO DISPLAY UNPARALLELED FEATS & PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN REVELATIONS, BUT THE TERRORIST WARLOCKS ARE IN DENIAL, & DUPE OTHERS.
The 'mole' conspiracy is long range consp. of Davis DIVISION rebels & remember, they were being tracked by Mormons & McDonald's - it's division of the Union (USA), as symbolized by the Missouri Arch, therefore they had to concoct a facade countering Mormons. Mormon church is located on Elmwood, & backs up to 8th St. - code - 'A, th[ee's in the] st.,' Old King James English. I reported Don Miller, UCC member developer of neighborhood actually parallel to Elmwood, w/streets such as Miller (go figure), A St., & B St.; but A St. curves & dead ends @ B St., i.e. A in the street be in the street - 'there is no A anymore - he's in the streets; vanquished is vanquished. Nevertheless, what if A somehow keeps going? The facade then was to ironically pit me against one of those tracking the DIVISION consp. - the Mormon church (not that local Mormons were tracking, but vicariously speaking - Mormons overall). Elmwood code - 'send 'em to hell, I would!' - & simultaneously instantly drastically increasing the oppression - confusing facade that UCC is on the same side - settle! I.e., premise that I don't perceive the mole - the subtle confession of DIVISION rebels that UCC is a cult, UCC & DIVISION rebels can claim I'm lost & they still "have it."
There's a time & a place for exacting detail as far as tracking eroding standards, & tracking rock's & Hollywood's every compromise while I'm abandoned in deadly conditions is cruel. My acts of holding my post & challenging women to refuse let themselves go as far as morality - & maintaining these standards in enemy territory is more than enough. Nevertheless, evidence is rock & Hollywood are claiming they can test me - while I'm being oppressed. "Fast Times @ Ridgemont High" was on TV recently, movie from 1980's; Hollywood lowered it's standards - HS age male & fem. had sex & it was explicitly portrayed - absent actual nudity. Most likely the actor & actress were age 18 or older, but the implication is there & it's graphic as well. "Teen Wolf," 1980's, HS fem. partially disrobes (upper backside displayed) & implicit underage sex scene. The movie this weekend, "Believe Me: The Abduction of Liza McVay," scene of teen fem. being raped as far as I could tell - I only watched a few secs. of it; once again, no actual nudity, but it was stark. The Bible says "It is shameful to even mention what the disobedient do in the dark," Eph. 5:12. 2 Cor. 2:11, we must be wise in our conduct, " order that satan may not outwit us; for we are not unaware of his schemes..." In other words Hollywood's standards eroding & subtly allowing more graphic presentations of lewd acts involving minors - which satan can then use as fuel for thought patterns & temptations, as well as subliminal implicit mssgs. that if people are willing to watch those scenes, it's no longer unacceptable behavior. Cher (singer) was in a movie where she was playing a leading role, or she produced a song video, w/2 kids, younger than HS age, who suddenly acted compulsively & had sex; no nudity, but enough was shown so there was no mistaking it. These are examples of rock & Hollywood LOWERING STANDARDS AS FAR AS KIDS & LEWD & IMMORAL ACTIVITIES. "Big Log," Robert Plant, close-up of his eye on a pinwheel; code - 'pin[ning] 'we'll [invade...].'' His car breaks down @ a gas station in middle of desert. @ end of video, he's towed away. Cher video, not necessarily the one w/lewd scene "Believe," the same car arrives @ her place @ beginning of video. I.e., mssg. decreeing they aren't coming & I'm stepping down from teacher career, & the story ends w/me being a lewd evangelist (Cher- 'share' - code for evangelist). Plant, Led Zep, "Ramble On" song, phonemically, "...I met a girl so fair/But Gala & the evil one crept up & slipped away w/her.../Ramble on! I've got to share!/Ramble on! Sing my song/I'm gonna work my way around the world..." Gala & the evil one - fictional villains who supposedly kidnap his woman - Trump & other rebels desperate to slip away w/Taylor. As I reported, I removed the Anti-heroine I,I,II comment from my report - toning it down, but maintaining the dead on rebuke. The timing of removing that was just before Trump was shot @ & then made the 1-2-3 pounds w/fist as though beating down a blnd fem (Secret Service agent); i.e. signalling I'd been too harsh w/my report, & concocting facades about me or her accordingly, & they were decreeing she's conspiratorially taken from me. My change of rhetoric demonstrates that my rebukes could've been taken as tough love, totally devoid of any anti-marriage connotation - I was attempting to maintain serious offer w/more than $500 down on ring in layaway - BUT, EVIDENCE IS ROCK & HOLLYWOOD ARE THOSE JEWELRY STORE LOOTERS IN THE FILM CLIPS - CONSPIRED W/TRUMP: APPROX. 10 AM 7/13, THE LEWD SCENE OF THE MCVAY MOVIE ON TV - TIMED PRECISELY W/TRUMP SHOOTING SCENE; I.E., ROCK & HOLLYWOOD HANDING HER OVER TO THEM - GALA & THE EVIL ONE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO CREEP UP - THEY HAND HER OVER! What could've been considered a son of a buck watch: Anna Brockmeyer (Richmaid) married, last name now Gala, & vision from them of Jacque's La Creme sword. The 'son of a buck' expression was from Brigit, & Myron came up w/Jacque's La Creme - 'Jacque' is Jack in French - indicating they were plants w/intel about Jack Teacher Plan. But currently their lack of clamoring for a news story tends to counteract their prayers for the Jacque's La Creme vision. & in fact, them motivating me to endorse them while they refuse to demand justice on my behalf amounts to a trick that allows "villains" to slip away w/Taylor. What could've been considered a son of a buck watch: Anna Brockmeyer (Richmaid) married, last name now Gala, & vision from them of Jacque's La Creme sword. The 'son of a buck' expression was from Brigit, & Myron came up w/Jacque's La Creme - 'Jacque' is Jack in French - indicating they were plants w/intel about Jack Teacher Plan. But currently their lack of clamoring for a news story tends to counteract their prayers for the Jacque's La Creme vision. & in fact, them motivating me to endorse them while they refuse to demand justice on my behalf amounts to a trick that allows "villains" to slip away w/Taylor. Moreover, it occurred immediately following Swift's "Miss Americana" documentary introduced @ Sundance Film Festival, Park City Ut., 1/2020; possibly a code - 'miss 'I'm Eric,' Anna' - Eric Ulrich, former friend from Lodi shunned me as of my new birth in Christ, & continues to maintain, evidently, that I've never been born; but "miss" seems to have been taken as "don't hit" rather than "avoid the notion that;" i.e., 'don't "hit" that I'm Eric' ("hit" signifying invasion) rather than 'avoid the notion that I'm Eric.' I.e., allow her to identify w/Eric & Lodi. Anna & Brockmeyers then pray that I'll have a vision testifying I was a good example as far as they were concerned, but rock says they have to keep quiet & allow me to die. The only other factoid about "Americana" is the Americana Arms Apts. on F St. (subsequently remodeled & renamed); 1990 when I was teaching Nursery School Sunday school class @ First So. Baptist in Davis, Mary Hatzenbehler, young lady approx. my age or 5 yrs. or so older, was assistant teacher, & the following year she moved to Oroville - & I helped her move; possibly 'oh, [death] row [is] evil' or 'oh, [death] row [is] evil [age Homes]' - Village Homes neighborhood in Davis where I'm hired a lot; we got along. She might still be in Oroville, but I tried to locate her recently - no luck. Nevertheless, Oroville dam fame makes her a biblical witness if she'd pipe up.
Rock has been controlling everyone who might be willing to intervene for me for decades - under guise of letting rock & Hollywood have the "honors," but it's the CRIME OF THE CENTURY - because they never come through, & they systematically concoct tricks to woo me that they are going to bring justice, it amounts to them having a teacher lauding those making sure he never teaches! Yet another one of these tricks, where I hold Cher accountable, & lo & behold, a song that I seem to have tracked ("Believe"), but these supposed trackings imply that I'm being honored or will be honored, but the honor & recognition never actually materializes; meanwhile, they up the ante w/Cher in the song literally decreeing "You're gonna be the lonely one" i.e., their acts of handing me trackings where they now have the nerve to come w/built-in disclaimers that there won't be any honor for it.
While the Jacque's sword vision is in fact a confession of my good reputation from the past, due evidently to jealousy, it amounts to me mining the sword testimony. If they wanted to claim a watch if rock attempts to "buck" under guise of rumors, they needed to do more than match their formula of vision(s) & absolute silence. Trump & football theme @ rally w/blond fem Secret Service agent huddling everyone - lines up w/Taylor dating Travis Kelce (NFL). If you want to ar
7/24, "You have enough," 7:38 PM bug code. "You looked where you fast," 8:12 PM vision. "We're battery your 'knew better'" 10:02 PM bug code. "He is the fobra" 10:45 PM. male rptr, "America's want this address" ABC 10:53 PM; possibly Belair st. # happens to be 1600 - I'm staying here more often than other places because it has a chain on door. 6:35 ch 3, "...ceiling, & it's one that's capable of breaking..." fem. from A.G. office (re: Kennedy). 6:55 "You're not gonna care about us" vision, Taylor. "We're gonna hop her 10" "We're gonna expire; Joe late" 5:09, thin Asian fem, blue shrt, blk skrt, glasses 42B. THEN REGION BLACKS CONSP. COMMENCES: Blk male teen, tan shrt, gets on bus, "Let's go, Matt" as he walks by me, 5:29; & instantly fat wh fem, red Taco Bell shrt, gets on bus w/3 kids - same fem & kids as approx. one mo. ago, stalking systematically; one of kids is teen girl, maroon dress, also blk teen girl or elem purple top, blk boy, & wh or mex. boy toddler age. Last time they were on the bus, she was humiliated while stalking me, because the toddler was balling everytime she held him & fine when one of teens held him; they all got on & sat right next to me - as in 'we're not shy about you & kids' - but @ same time, stalking me w/codes. 5:35, TB shrt fem, "We just sin Joe;" 5:39, "he'll just sin has." Johnson Controls van goes by the bus on I-80, grn & blue striped globe logo, like AT&T's except inverted - on it's ear - & Yolobus colors 5:54. "Have suckers" TB fem. "You don't dupp," fat wh fem (TB) getting up quickly from seat near front of bus as blk male, wheel chair got on bus; i.e., law requires handicapped & elderly have priority w/front seats; I didn't rush to move from my seat, because he wasn't even boarded yet; fat fem attempting to claim they can be monsters & be nicer than me - she gets out of seat first, & that gives them permission to continue oppressing me - but I'm not under bondage to their psycho contests. Moreover, it was conspired - blk male driver, blk teen 'Let's go, Matt,' stalking, & blk male w/death row code ('we'll [electric] chair [you].' Also, fat fem supposedly nice & obeys the rules - such as handicap policies, but her kids were drinking sodas & listening to radios - both prohibited on bus. 5:50 PM, "We solder this" wh teen - maroon dress or blk girl. 5:54 PM, "You're f*&^'in man, T" TB fem to toddler. Maroon dress teen, "Hey-hey-hey-hey..." hump code (lewd innuendo) 5:56 - 'you're f*&^...' i.e., I'm not married, & they imply they can concoct a 'T' if a teen is near me. 5:57 "We aren't gonna give him over, it" but context - code claiming they get to keep their codes, fat wh (TB) fem "We mean 'T' butt" 42 B, 5:56 (TB fem). 6:20, ch 3, "We're not done w/that one just yet" fem blk dress, wthr; & Turlock family in Paris, reported by Dierdre, w/toddler identical to toddler on bus.
7/21, vision of God telling me to minimize any more displays pertaining to Savs; "Illuminati;" sophisticated clubs originating in Bavaria (Germany) almost simultaneous to Declaration of Indep. (May 1776) - currently it could be applied to the rebel churches & media - media that only reports what they want irregardless of the fact duty requires them to expose scandals & crimes. Most likely also vision was relating it as code - 'illumin[ate] naughti[ness];' Then, "He'll loop," or similar. Lou is proper name, 'loo' can be expression or code for 'lewd,' 'he'll [claim] lew[d facade];' or, 'he'll, 'oop!'' - i.e., 'oops, looked @ dirty picture (movie, etc.)!' Yet another intonation possibly disregarded - the Protestant movement spread like wildfire across Europe in 1500's, because everyone knew Cathollic clergy was choking the word of God w/legalism, rituals, & errors, including twisting Scripture enough so that the personal relationship & direct access to the Father & Son were dumbed down if not eliminated - the pope was in fact the final mediator, despite the Bible says Jesus is the Only mediator between God & man. Luther's 'sola Scritura' - only Scripture - the word of God - is the authority - & Jesus is the Word of God. While the Catholic errors weren't lethal, & their missionaries were in fact zealous w/the message to the New World, Protestantism brought back the salt of the gospel, so that Christianity regained a lot of its attractiveness & spread rapidly; Luthern church - '[a]ll, 'ooo, they're in church!'' - i.e., everybody wanting to become a Christian. So the vision, 'he'll 'ooo!' [is u]p.' Illuminati - (1) 'he'll "ooo!" me, [is] naughty!' or (2) 'he'll "lew[d]" me [is] naughty;' or (3)'he'll "oop" me [is] naughty.' (1) Christians are allowed to be "naughty" - w/in confines of marriage; (2)lewd behavior of any kind is a sin by definition - involving children it's one of the most serious sins; (3) & looking @ dirty pics, while strictly speaking is immorality, it's one of the least serious sins, as far as what God has led me; nevertheless, I've been led to avoid it; you can pant @ pics & movies, or you can wear the pants in the family, & have even more fun w/your wife. But there was another dimension to the vision; 2017, I had related the story about Slavs suffering as Christians in Siberia; @ the time I was staying in my Trailblazer SUV, & working @ Tasty Kitchen Asian cafe; repeatedly I'd showered in city hall gym shower room, off the public pool area; one of supervisors had said indicated was available - use it. But I didn't notice the fine print of small notice @ front gate saying use of showers was limited to pool club members only. Also, repeatedly there was blk male & wh male who both seemed to be in locker room @ same time I was showering, w/codes coming from them. & in one instance, I'd been looking @ pics of Nadia Comaneci, when she was child Romanian (Slavic) gymnast champ & also as adult, & this was before I entered the shower area, & illegal eavesdropping rebels then stalking me w/bug codes about Nadia, & possibly blk male as well. But the bug codes seemed to possibly involve Putin - as though a mssg. that I wasn't measuring up as far as Nadia - i.e., implying 'naughty, yeah..' but possibly w/lewdness. Soon after this, another supervisor confronted me that the showers weren't open to the public - they were the ones who indicated they were; but it amounted to supervisors cheating, which created a "get out" scene on behalf of blacks. @ any rate, this was simultaneous to prince Harry & Markle engaged, & it was also simultaneous to blacks coming to Davis & taking lewd innuendos to more vile depths, as reported. 'Naughty, yeah; co[mpany,] men - he chea[ts];' i.e., Slav leaders refusing to breathe a word about me in media or anywhere else - so that I might be able to be a teacher - i.e., the years & years of delays indicate Slav leaders & Western warlocks are one & the same - teacher isn't allowed to teach - media - illuminati - controlled by corrupt churches in East & West. It's National Geographic w/pics of Africans w/a lot of nudity; most likely tempting them that it's a leadership quality; but as far as Jack Teacher losing control & responding w/violence to delays - going "graphic" - that's antithesis to rule of law education nation.
7/17, "They're having their wipe, key," 6 PM bug code DF mkt (?). wh male driver, 42B, "We're just having our 2, key" 6:03. 415-518-8153, annonymous text mssgs. "Hey Joe, you're a Trump guy" text,, 4:12(?). male named Joe, 395 Balboa, "I'm gonna put you in the right" (Ital., as far as I could tell); "He wouldn't beave w/us," as I was leaving 4:49 PM; lingo sounds like jail attempt.
7/18, "We're gonna hurt your 7 her key" 5:57 PM (Herkey is name of Sac State's mascot). 6:05, "Take you're gonna bike 'em" vision. 4;30, God led me, "Immediately" avoid over-knocking - 100+ deg. wthr, 7 1/2 hrs sufficient. "A dead colony" 6:12 PM blk NBC rptr Lester Holt. 6:19 "they're gonna 'ceive your save," gov't bug code. "Joe, we're laugh time" 8:16 PM,gov't bug code. "We just can't kiss his hand," male bug code 8:27 PM. "We can't be phone 'em," W Lake (?) approx. 12:25 PM male. 8:30 PM "You're gonna give it to her later," fem bug code. 9AM approx., "I've given you your found," vision. "You're not gonna hear em" 9:40 fem bug code. 7:04 AM, "I still go up," blk male blk & wh shrt, near Circle K, WS. "Joe records night," ch 11, (MY31), 10:11 PM; "Payton" fem news. Motorcycle hit by dk SUV, @ intersection in Folsom; but it's smaller than ordinary cycle - & it's hard to see in footage @ intersection (supposedly) until after it's hit, & run over. "Amazon says it's on" 10:28 PM, Nikki ch 40. Nevertheless, it is a testimony of what Sac did to me - any police "records" - which in actuality almost totally void of any convictions - the outcomes were dozens of cases dismissed, acquitted in trial, overturned by appeal, etc. - but Sac. & Solano DESTROYED THE PROOF BY MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS & KANGAROO TRIALS TO E. & W. OF YOLO COUNTY, IN ATTEMPT TO WHITEWASH THEIR FALSE ACCUSATIONS - & THEN SAC ATTORNEYS FURTHER BETRAYED ME - 50+ CASES OF OPEN & SHUT POLICE OPPRESSION - $10'S OF MILLIONS IN REWARDS, BUT THEY INSTEAD RAILROADED ME - PERPETUATING THE "NIGHT" CREATED BY SAC & SOLANO COURTS! & NOW SAC. IS CLOSING IN BY SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYING MY PHONES; I.E., THEY DECREE ANY ATTEMPTS TO SURVIVE & EARN THE LOWEST FORM OF LIVING - DITCH DIGGING - MUST BE STOPPED - THE VICTIM CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO LIVE!
7/19, "yes, but you did graze them" vision (possibly overly spiritual - but that doesn't equate sniper shooting), 2:50 AM. The fact is God has placed me in a broad place - N.T. - Jesus is the high priest; "There is one God, & one mediator between God & man, the man Jesus Christ" 1 Tim 2:5; 1 Pet. 2:09, we are a priesthood of believers - Christian laymen are priests; pastors are called to instruct & oversee the church, but Bible de-emphasizes any power of pastors over other Christians - Jesus is the one mediator - there are no "middlemen" who could try to manipulate or control - oh, & Jesus is also God - REALLY no middlemen; so when pastors become corrupt, it's expected those of us who claim to be Christians, being the priests, had better stand in the gap - carry Peter & fishing. So if I'm overdoing it on occasion, since no one else is making any efforts @ all, anyone who tries to point fingers @ me is thrice dead - as God is my witness!!!!! "You'll slide, nix traffic" 3:32 AM. "I haven't start it," (i.e., start a new church) - I'm a teacher; 3:36 AM - but, if all the pastors are corrupt, then anyone can found a new church. 4;25 AM, "That's why I want 'you stopped'" vision. "Thank you for 50 years" vision of fem, to Davis rebels, 4:55 AM. Phone sabotaged again - totally prevented from charging - no slow motion USB charge as well - after owning it for 3 wks - $230 phone; 7/18, while knocking on doors I somewhat foolishly threw up my hands when someone said, "I have a gardner" - but light-heartedness in context of cruel systematic oppression prevents me from suicide - also that gesture isn't robbery gesture necessarily - but I am being robbed systematically by Sac & WS & Mexs & blks - 47 phones sabotaged is the goal - according to blk male terrorist in Walgreen's; 6:20-6:37 AM, blk rptrs in Sac news making sudden gestures w/their hands - 'quick hand' of UFO song; then 6:37 Dick Sharp, same gesture. 7/20, while reporting the Folsom crash ('Joe night records'), vision, "Girls are gone - bad memories - so are you!" 2:29 PM, & in the vision, they were demanding I stop looking @ swim suit models; i.e., become a eunuch, or I'm "gone" - presumably hostage in Sac. jail or, dead. Apprx. 2:45 PM, W Cap, code "We don't have @ 'em" after I pinpointed phone sabotages as from rebels in WS & Sac. 2:49, vision, "They just don't have you hurting them."
Crooks was on a hunting expedition - yeah, that's the ticket! Secret Service agents carry & use guns & are going to be pro-hunter's rights, typically, right? Wrong! The blatant "error" is proof it was staged (a set-up) - or, a more corrupt alternative - who does the Secret Service answer to? They are part of Executive branch - their boss is...Biden! Did he tell them to "accidentally" allow Trump to be in the shooter's sights? Only Jack Teacher asks the really offensive & gut-wrenching questions - because it's teachers' job to be hated & unpopular.
1700 year plan of God, that Christians became aware of approx. AD 800 (w/Muslims showing up w/cannons using gunpowder from Asia) fizzles in part because warlocks refuse to put best foot forward w/teacher employed & working as teacher - "Make the tree good & it's fruit good, or make the tree evil & it's fruit evil," Matt. 12:33 - conjecture that if the Jack Teacher plan is good, then Jack Teacher is good, period - so why isn't Jack Teacher allowed to teach? I definitely don't criticize Asians demanding I should be allowed to be hired as a teacher! But as reported - w/out excusing it or condoning delays - Asians didn't fall off a turnip truck - blacks make up 15% of the population, & Latinos a lot more than that. Nationally, blacks rebelling against U.S.A. is equivalent of 15% of the "tree" rotting, & desperately attempting to take the rest of the tree w/it. Meanwhile, approx. 20% is Latinos, & @ least in No. Ca., their best offering to the melting pot is they are "gang, gringos" - equivalent of a form of "gangrene" disease, further poisoning the "tree" - a predisposition to commit crimes as though inherently gangs - criminals - but patting themselves on back for committing mostly white collar crimes as opposed to violence - & we're supposed to feel lucky that they can do that much! God led me that despite I have extreme anger for losers failing to provide me justice so that I can be employed as a teacher, it's the wrong answer to legalistically ignore that the Jack Teacher Plan, including the education & melting pot concepts, as brilliant as it is (& absolutely necessary to ensure a prosperous future for planet earth), as of this point is in dire straights, & in fact it's mostly due to MINORITIES - INCLUDING ASIANS. The SECRET of the Kingdom of God is ask - interact - intervene; ask God, ask Christians - offer to do your part as fellow citizens; the Red Sea didn't part until the Israelites' feet got wet. Asians criticizing us - & claiming they can stand in judgment - for us moving Heaven & earth for them, & continuing to do so, WHILE THEY CAN PLAINLY SEE THAT ONE OF THE PRIMARY KEYS TO THE JACK TEACHER PLAN BEING A SUCCESS IS ASIANS TAKING PART, RATHER THAN HIDING & WAITING FOR THE "BIG CRASH" DEMISE OF EDUCATION/MELTING POT NATION, IS TO THEIR SHAME. N.T., MOSES & ELIJAH (CHARIOT OF FIRE) BOTH GOOD FRIENDS, APPEARING W/CHRIST ALL WEARING BRIGHT LAUNDERED CLOTHING. BUT LAUNDRY'S WOMEN'S WORK, AS THEY POINTED OUT. WHAT DO MOSES & ELIJAH 'TABLE TEN IS COMMANDMENTS' BELT LEADERS HAVE FOR US IN THE HERE & NOW?
NBC rptr. Havanna Guthrie, before the first night of RNC, "....Keno speaker...Keno state fair..." inst. of 'keynote speaker.' Based on news media not only propping up blacks but often doubling it w/2 blk anchors, there's only one way to take that code - facade that I fell short & blk principal Keno came through for the nation; moreover, 'keno state fair' is prison code - 'state [pen is] fair...' Approx. 2016, attempting to extend some grace to bay area that had been denying me employment as teacher, giving them benefit of doubt they were mounting invasion, on my website - shark theme - "We have our principals chomp!" (as opposed to 'we have our principles, chomp!'), based on bay area shark theme - San Jose' Sharks hockey (S) & Tiburon peninsula to N. (shark in Spanish). Male Sharkey struck by lightning on Fl.; Martin Luther struck by lightning & it was wake-up call - he then wrote 95 Thesis against Catholic church & founded Protestantism. Blk civil rights leader Martin Luther King named after him. I reported 2021, vision "I would've given you his Heaven, king," God rebuking blacks - one of several visions that they're kicked out of church. Bay area - interview @ Pinole MS, blk principal Keno, attempting to i.d. me demanding I fill out a second job app.; that's were you tell them, "You go to hell, monster!" & then you've maintained your teacher standards. I wouldn't still have my teacher goals if I'd caved in to the repeat consp. Florida is positioned opposite No. Ca. Unmistakeable judgment against blacks & bay area - deadly sharks conspiring against me & betraying the nation w/rebellion, & once again, blacks have betrayed the Martin Luther & God, & their goodwill MLK identity is taken away from them. This also demonstrates that God evidently has cut the South some slack, but THEY'D BETTER TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, BECAUSE THERE'S DEPICTIONS OF OLD GLORY ALL OVER IN THE MEDIA, ABSENT THE BOTTOM HALF O THE FLAG - I.E., THROWING OUT 5 OR MORE OF THE ORIGINAL 13 COLONIES - THE SOUTH.
7/18, phone sabotaged - no charge @ all from wall outlet or laptop; after stalked by blk male in Raley's "You should've held on to us" blue hood. 7/14, "You'll just dought them more" 6:53 PM gov't bug code. Shutterfly ad "GET YOUR PHOTOS OFF YOUR PHONE!" 7:35 PM, TV. This is where mex. monsters in Davis consp. decided they were expected to elim. my phone - & Shutterfly worded it accordingly. 9 PM "I'm hit" Taylor, vision; i.e., permission to "hit" Jack Teacher or his phone. "One of the things that impressed me was 4 his size," ABC (wh male, Kings). ch 3 news "snag a clue" new 11:40 PM. 11 PM "She makes him feel good" ale mgr, Belair. Also, mex. fem. claiming they needed to eliminate my camera - based on Shutterfly TV ad. Also possibly factor, "Moment woman escapes fatal crane collapse," news report, but the 'moment' qualif. didn't apply - it landed directly on top of the car; 'moment' is consp. code claiming I'm falling short in Math studies - lately I'm studying Algebra II instead of Calculus. Calculus uses Algebra, Alg. II, Trig, Geometry, & everything else, so it is a good way to maintain use of all disciplines; but not when they sabotage the texts. 7/18, "I have the camera" mex. fem cashier, dk grn shrt, Dollar Tr 12:10 PM - I only shop there because the other store, Westlake mkt, Mideast owner balled me out because I left w/out cleaning up my table after a $15 lunch & also refused to do business w/me before that. 2018 I was studying moments while working @ Tasty Kitchen, & stalked because I was struggling w/sabotaged textbook. In response to that stalking, God gave me vision that leaders were going to pay beyond comprehension - it was a deadline on MY BEHALF. 7/18, "I have master plans," mex. male leaf blower, Stonegate Ctr., approx. 12:20; ie., claiming I didn't "master" phone cos. (T Mobile, etc.). THE MONSTERS ARE DESPERATELY ATTEMPTING TO ELIMINATE MY PHONE. As far as "mastering" the regional rebels, as I've said, when they are all involved, MIRV missiles (by operation of law) is the only solution - & similar for corrupt corps., so the rebel was essentially saying 'We're still here, & no one has wiped us out yet, so we're continuing to oppress you!' They are desperately attempting to i.d. my diligence to read terms & conditions - this is from when I was representing myself as atty & had to study statutes & caselaw & had to be thorough. But terms & conditions have limited application - purchase of a phone implicitly includes the right, power, ability to use the phone; other than the obvious - needing phone service - there shouldn't be any other encumbrances on the the phone hardware itself - it's a mechanism to dial calls, speak, listen, etc., & occasionally includes additional features identical to those standard on laptops, notepads, computers, for decades - you aren't entering a contract w/anyone to simply use your phone to make calls or check e mail - no contracts other than phone service provider. Logical conclusion: Phone service shut down w/text mssg.: "Notice: Your phone's 'Send Button' software service provider (SBeedy, Inc.) has shut down your phone use, due to your persistent violation of the explicit terms of the contract forbidding pressing of "send" button w/any more than 3 ft./lbs. of pressure - you have repeatedly used 5 ft./lbs. & more, causing the signal to bleed over into other users signals. Contact SBeedy, Inc. to pay the service restoration fee." So the google T&C's are simply attempt to haunt people - once again, it's manufacturers w/the offering of Cain for customers - TRYING TO RUIN YOU THROUGH PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE!
7/22, Cunningham's res. (on board of elders of UCC, 1997 when they deceptively canceled my membership); Miller St.; "Joe, you're just going to walk away??? Joe, where are you going? Joe!" I.e., w/phone systematicallly sabotaged, which had been occurring for 4 of last 5 days - premise that I wouldn't be able to make or receive calls from customers, meaning any landscape jobs I obtained could only be through personally going to residences & knocking on doors - multiplying my difficulties - i.e., UCC has me where they want me - I come crawling back to them, or the conditions get worse & worse - LIKE PHAROAH - 'NOW, GATHER YOUR OWN STRAW, & THEN MAKE BRICKS ALL DAY!" & I'm 86'd from Davis.
Latinos, Trump utilizing Led Zep. "Ramble On" song lyrics as strategy to "murder" my teacher career & most likely orchestrate long range hostage captivity. Regional Latinos, & probably beyond, are convinced they have to prove they are worthy by keeping up w/the dark side Jones - they see their self worth as coming from proving they are able to be just as sinful as anyone else. Rumors smearing my reputation, left unchecked, become fair game for worsening - conjuring up & depicting as more & more vile. No one expressly & publicly condemns the rumors that are against me - other than me, & so the rebels attempt to intensify them & further erode my reputation - "exploring" the possibilities of the lewd smears - such as oral sex. "In the darkest depths or mordor/I met a girl so fair/But Gala, & the evil one..." 'Mordor - '[I']m [for] oral [sex], door' or '..."der"' but doubles as 'murder' code - 'In the depths - I have murder...' baiting rebels to finish me off by conjuring up more graphic displays of supposed acts - this is combined w/consp. denying me ability to purchase my own home or even rent a place, making me "roomer" - staying in motel rooms - the regional conspiracy literally labels the victim "rumor" - that's supposedly the victim's name. Moreover, as far as Latinos, they had double duty to intervene for me - due to fact I'm a Spanish Teacher; instead, their wickedness is displayed by recent news report of Eric Abril escaping from prison, then taking hostages & getting into gun battle before captured - 'abril' is April in Spanish - not only have the Latinos denied I was born (denied a birthday) - they've been negating my birth month - there isn't even a semblance that I might exist, according to them - the ultimate cowardice. & they have help - I've reported Trump in various media pics has made sly attempts to recreate facial expression of young girl.
"More Door" - Strike the Pose
@ Trump rally shooting in Penn., Trump on the ground & close up of him as though holding a penis of someone lying down - oral sex - role playing the rumor victim. Don't be fooled by the 'girl' expression v. connotation of boy - according to rebels they're interchangeable. Red streak - possibly reflection - but size & shape of pen; Spanish for pen is boligrafo; 'bow [on ground -] lee[way -] graf[t] 'oh,'' i.e., Trump kneeling or bowing on the ground, both often associated w/prayer, but it becomes lewd acts w/child - "Oh" - & lewd codes have officially grafted more heinous lewd acts - therefore concoct pen[itentiary] hostage captivity for Jack Teacher. 2 AM, dream, "It all washes down to...Teo" possibly Steve on El Macero; but Teo is referring to Teo Torres, ch 3 Latino news reporter; '[A] 'T' [for] 'A' - [lewd wild] oat[s] or[al sex rumors] is;' then, responding (in vision) Teo, "I'm still gonna be propeller," 2:06 AM; my Dad had a joke about lady backing into an airplane propeller - disaster! Latinos' casing me w/recycleables - implying I didn't have to be working directly for conspirators doing landscape work - I could collect recycleables - therefore they can oppress me; but I brought up little known fact that collecting recycleables from peoples trash cans is a misdemeanor - you could go to jail for that - & suddenly the casers are ruined thrice over. In fact, their attempt @ cover for poker face despite their stalking "disaster," 'hands up' consp.; Dan & Cecilia Shumsky (F St.) coconspired it - referring to leaving the 2 lids of recycle bin up, & making a "hands up" gesture, & referring to Mexs. 7/16, Century util. truck on Elmwood - same location as Davis police car & DWR garbage truck (usually driven by Latinos) located approx. 2 yrs. ago, engine idling for 2 hrs. while I was working @ Jim's, "It was hands up;" i.e., region conspiring Latinos & stick ups, taking my money (more than $500 for 2 phones w/in one mo.) But that's only one of countless "disasters" of the region, & it obviously isn't limited to Latinos. Nevertheless, they are the kingpins of this teacher career 'murder' consp., & it involves prison captivity consp. 2:06, Teo then says (vision) "My face time;" this is actually referring to the Trump oral sex scene @ rally - Trump's face is Teo's face - both role playing rebellion victim. I rebuked rock & Hollywood for their recent acts (last 20-30 years or so) of upping the ante as far as graphic scenes of minors & sex; movie scenes that are more detailed tend to dumb down the sinfulness of it, implying a level of acceptability, God forbid. Scenes conjured up by Trump, Sac, & Latinos similarly causes assumption of or acceptance of rumors - giving flesh to lewd perversions 100% orginating from their depraved minds!
I reported Frampton seems to be a watch as far as rock shunning 'f' word generally in songs. But a watch is no longer a watch if when compromises occur, no one bothers to do anything to remedy it.
Swift & Kelce recently went to a party @ McCartney's house - McCartney could've said, "Get out! - Until you remaster 'Midnight' & 'Evermore' devoid of the 'f' word, you aren't welcome here! We rock musicians have our standards, & we've been tracking church corruption for decades, & we refuse to give up ground - we refuse to budge!!!!!" & Taylor could've re-released those CD's, devoid of the 'f' words, as "Paul's Version." Taylor actually confesses - "It's me, hi, I'm the problem..." I was saying that as of "Evermore" but ignored.
3/31, "We're gonna go phone," 4:04 video (Frampton) (?). "All I Wanna Be" lyrics, "Frampton Comes Alive" live CD, approx. 1975, SF, "You can run me over/Or pick a four leaf clover/All I wanna be is by your side/Can't you see/What this is doing' to me/All I wanna be is by your side," lyrics to Frampton Comes Alive song; suggesting is their witness a fool, to allow attempts on my life. "Somethin's Happening" song, "There's a reason...somethin's moving..." lyrics. "Do You Feel Like I Do" song, talkbox, "I wanna thank you" but rumors that he said, "I wanna f*&^ you." His following CD, 1977, "I'm In You," lyrics, "I'm in you/You're in me..." echoes Jn. 14:20, Jesus, talking to his disciples, "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." The studio video "I'm In You" the first second or two is a still of Frampton despite the singing starting, "I don't care..." - the mssg. implies you didn't see his mouth move - they rarely if ever use the 'f' word in their songs, & he didn't budge; BUT THAT WAS 1977 - & NOW THEY HAVE SWIFT PROLIFICALLY USING 'F' WORD, & SHE'S INFLUENCING UNDER-AGE SINGERS - OLIVIA RODRIGO - TO DO THE SAME - A SUPPOSEDLY PREDICTIVE VIDEO IMPLYING ONE OF THEIR SINGERS WAS GOING TO START SINNING, ABSENT REMEDIAL STEPS TO HALT IT, DOESN'T AMOUNT TO A WATCH - IT DOES AMOUNT TO A TRICK! THEY BUDGED!!! why now is it suddenly necessary for rock to budge, & do so in direction of darkness???! they were due for giant leap forward, rather than shrinking back to an extent - Anti-heroine. Colloquial expressions "f*%^ you" or "screw you" is called a cuss word or curse word (same thing) because it actually is a form of cursing someone - practicing sex outside of purity of the marriage bed is referred to as fornication in the Bible, & it's a sin - it sends you & your partner to hell; it's pretend love-making that curses you. They budged by refusing to follow through w/Frampton's watch- "spare the rod, spoil the child," Prov. 13:24; you must maintain standards, or you've budged - compromised. Rock's songs converted - huge step upward, but instead they're essentially stepping down. I recently quoted song lyrics, "Not while I'm still livin'!" & that's good way to enunciate it - about face from using cuss words in songs is my response - women also invited by me to higher seat as far as overcoming indecent dress standards (nudes) - Taylor nevertheless refuses to repent & I'm left in dangerous conditions. Also, 'stereotype' defined as typecasting or oversimplifying image or idea of someone or something - the term conspicuously has root word of stereo, which commonly signifies splitting sound into 2 channels - music - rock. Suddenly, it's adapted to mean smearing or typecasting someone. As I reported, I've been smeared w/notions of cruising, which is often associated w/partying, drug abuse, etc. I'm conjecturing that the term 'stereotype' & its def. may have origins of smears of rock musicians - 'rock musician' type - stereotype - i.e., a stigma so powerful it created vocabulary - & yet I endured it & broke those molds, & Swift & rock musicians instead of responding, allow new stereotypes such as low income, lewd codes, etc. Ch 29, 1:54 PM, "Man lose," Padres game. "We won't lead, your sleep," 3:49.
"You thought, going into the event, you put the pad on the R leg.." 1:54 PM, anncr, Padres game; "We'll see where he hits him on the R leg, 1:55, anncr. "Joe, we won't have this" vision (Mom?) or bug code, 3:58. 1:26, "We wait, you won't crate." 8:30 AM, "I'm giving you the secret who won." "You'll just know her all, a part," 8:49. HearingLife, "So please, get a pencil & write down..." 9:19 AM. Patches stolen from my suitcase; Bel Air iron doesn't get very hot when putting on one of sm patches still left in suitcase. 3/31, 5:10 AM, "Joe, I'm lying on the cold, hard, ground," (source?); "You can't do, your scene," 5:40. "They'll have, murder," 5:35 AM, bug code. "I'm strengthening your groin - I've given you the secret," vision (exercise, study, & sex prowess is automatic).
Talk about a will to defeat the education nation, if news reports are to be believed, Supreme Court has the Pilgrims placed under arrest by Native Americans upon arrival in 1600's, & constructively curses any mission trips to spread the gospel & would-be mission trips before the even get started! TRAITORS! Freedom of assembly (First Amendment) includes freedom of movement & travel, irregardless of sufficiency of income to afford a place to stay.
Approx. 2018 I had gotten up early, juggled, & was studying math, & wh male, claiming part Cherokee, was stalking me, & following me on bike when I finished studying. He started a fight on Univ. Ave. near 3rd St. Some of my swings connected, & suddenly there was sm. amount of blood coming from his mouth. He acted surprised, & it changed the dynamics of things, & he was suddenly backing away; he got on his bike & left. But a few days after that, dream of dove w/blood capsule in mouth hitting a wall & blood spurting all over. I.e., God wanted me to know someone, probably Congress, has set up the fight, & when I held my ground, the assailant was instructed to put on an act that he was injured & exiting. The shooting @ Trump's rally, 4/13, most likely a conspired act - Trump faking hit by gunfire, placing his hand to his ear, hitting a blood bag or capsule that then spurts fake blood. This is then used as guise to produce multiple rebel arguments @ once: (1)CLAIM THAT I CAN'T BE A TEACHER, BECAUSE MY STERN REBUKES TRANSLATE TO USE OF EXCESSIVE FORCE AGAINST A FEM.; instantly after the "gunshot," Secret Service agents are swarming Trump, & wh blnd fem agent puts arms around the group as though it's a football huddle. Trump suddenly holds up the 'knock' fist - a phony symbol of justice for me - once again faking as though a confidant on my behalf. The blnd agent had a bun in her hair a code of rebels pertaining to facade of lewd "Ellie" watch. It doesn't take long before this supposedly random young blnd. agent w/body of model is suddenly all over Trump, as though more than a close personal attendant, almost like she's his lover or wanna be lover, or seeding a harem for him - pics of them holding each other close in every position on the grandstand; but in one instance, Trump, under guise of 'door-knock' "power," swings his fist in downward motion 3X, & she's next to him strangely bent over, & precisely timed w/one of his swings, she almost falls to the ground - unmistakeable connotation of a blond fem. lover being struck 3X. Context was report I'd placed on internet late eve. 7/12, where I was sternly rebuking Taylor Swift for 3 shortcomings - such as responding to my conversion of rock songs into Christian songs w/recent songs containing 'f' word, among other things. God led me to consider their good deeds & minimize name calling - I'd referred to her as "Anti-heroine I," & then "III" & "III' due to innuendos from rebels. I.e., guise that my rebukes, as opposed to stern warnings, are excessive & amount to beating down individuals - specifically women - who are trying to help me; (2)FACADE THAT MY STERN WARNINGS ARE JUSTIFIED, & CONCLUSIVE PROOF SWIFT MUST BE ELIMINATED; i.e., whether role playing acts of literally striking Taylor, or it's symbolic, facade that she - & rock & Hollywood - are out of the picture because of my bona fide rebukes of them - moreover, everyone's seen how she's dating Kelce, which means she must be trying to turn justice into a football game - a sport, rather than actual life & death struggle where I've almost been killed repeatedly. I.e., neet package of prospective allies rebuked translates to the "door-knock salesman" vehemently refusing help from anyone; (3)BLOOD ON TRUMP'S FACE & EAR - FACADE THAT HE'S SUDDENLY CATAPULTED TO MARTYR STATUS FOR CAUSE OF WINNING PRESIDENTIAL RACE, & VOICE FOR MY "RIGHT" TO BE A LANDSCAPE SLAVE; before Trump gets into the SUV, he shakes his door knock fist 3X vehemently; i.e., 'Don't forget! 3 strikes against Taylor Swift! He doesn't have rock allies anymore!!!' Additional facts: Male Secret Service agent, "This is first down!" w/in seconds of the supposed gunshots - football facade. & in background audience, wh male blk shrt prominently stands up holding black & silver "NEVER" sign - either it's facade of Brian Toone ('never' code) or regional Latinos/blacks - blk shrt is code for claim of guarding - the facade is I rebuke rock & they can be eliminated as wife & allies, & the No. Ca. rebels, under guise of guards watching over a volatile scenario of victim who doesn't really want justice & secretly likes being a slave, then kidnap me & I'm hostage - they're playing "football" w/victim who is out of his league. Also, I reported the "code" often found among shady salesmen - someone working as busy, aggressive salesman isn't simply defeated, it's a lesson that they WON'T live to regret - they are persecuted & reamed until literally dead - w/out escape - if you say you're no longer in sales, you're a teacher now, they claim one of salesman's tactics is lying - you're lying so you can sneak by & be back in sales again, therefore, you must die - you are "locked in the punch" & it's to the death. In fact, Trump enunciated it on his inaugueration day, 2017, "We're taking it all the way to defeat;" HE'LL RUIN THE NATION IF NECESSARY TO FINISH ME OFF - AS THE SAYING GOES, IT'S BUSINESS. Doug Arnold & Don Miller were some of the original Davis kingpins; Trump, as reported, upon gaining office in 2017, was scene as a culmination of Don Miller rising up - but possibly some were considering he might remedy this manifestation of the dark side of sales, & undo the damage of Miller (Miller was hit by a train & it almost killed him a few years before passing away); instead, Trump is full force death by salesmen. Nevertheless, as a bsinessman, he has to recognize losses, & cut them: UCC & others claiming to be Christians opposing me in No. Ca. are defeated; Jaime Crook was pastor of UCC when they deceptively kicked me out in 1997 - the arranged "assailant" against Trump, Thomas Crooks - their perception is a forced sales m.o. doesn't suffer any loss by conceding I gained a spiritual victory, & a strategic concession positions him more centrally on the "front lines" of the Davis battle for my "right" to be an enslaved salesman by delivering those evil Davis church leaders a decisive blow by defining them as out to get poor helpless salesmen such as Trump (oh, & we have yet to discuss how ditch-digging & weeding is now known as sales) - this evokes an adversarial element of Davis church leaders as far as my employment (slavery) - "turn up the heat" mssg.
When you're an ex-president w/"Secret Service" agents & trying to effect Jack Teacher's demise, & suddenly Jack Teacher has a "secret" from Heaven, it's practically a prescription for the next deception. That's why the blnd fem. Sec. Svc. agent w/figure of a model was all over Trump - the facade is, 'Trump must be the new sex symbol! As far as a sex symbol, a teacher is out of his league by definition! That's common knowledge!' I reported former friend from Lodi Tom Ferrara was undersheriff (now sheriff) of Solano cty., E. of Yolo cty., & the incident on I-80 approx. 2009, when I was in my Dodge Dakota going back to Davis after applying for jobs, & Solano sheriff's car racing past me. Then a few min. later, Solano sheriff's car in center divider totalled, but no one around other than ordinary traffic. Then oppression in Solano 2013, resulting in 4 mos. unjust captivity in Solano jail; vision while hostage in Solano jail (Ferrara evidently actually conspired it), & upon my release 9/11/2014, vision of him giving me a car & $500 - A SUPPOSED CONFESSION THAT HE "MUFFED" IT - & I could continue w/employment goals, but a little "English" - goals that are devoid of teacher career. Olive Dr., Davis, where late Miller owned apt. complexes, @ W. end of Olive Dr. @ freeway exits/entrances, elderly fem. w/front of her res. converted to curio shop - "Granny's Nooks & Crannies." 'Nooks & crannies' is expression for aggressive sex - Thomas' English Muffins actually has a line of "Nooks & Crannies" muffins - & w/'muff' also an expression for vagina, Thomas Crooks scenario was orchestrated as attempt to "check" any "nooks & crannies" secret, & the injury facade of Trump is an attempt to instigate more trouble for me while a slave - 'How about some blood while door-knocking? Trump is on the front lines, suffering injuries - what about Jack Teacher???' According to news this AM (7/14) Victim of shooter Crooks was Corey Comperatore; i.e. 'Co R.E. - compare a torrey;' another trick based on facade that I secretly like being a slave. Moreover, an Austrian cafe in Davis that closed recently - Konditorei - when they constructed a new police station for Davis police, Konditorei relocated in brand new facility next door to Dpd; 'conned it, or I?' & 'conned, a torrey' i.e., facade of Davis rebels that I "conned" them, & therefore they could enslave me - but there's no such thing as someone who's law-abiding, hard-working, & straight conning anyone. Austrian - '[H]ost[age] R.E.-in' - repeated kidnappings of someone followed by slavery & attempts on my life - for temporarily being a salesman - conspiracy, "con," & rebellion.
Biden's speech about the supposed attempt on Trump's life was fraught w/the usual "We can't be a nation of violence" cliche's, all spoken @ a lowered voice, commonly used by individuals when they are trying to cover something up or get away w/something; but in the midst of the cliche's, just enough of his elderly slurred speech (an act) that it was also fraught w/codes, & the codes were lethal: "...choice in the selection; we're gonna make that selection..." 5:04 PM, code referring to Taylor & rock - run of the mill selected as opposed to chosen (vision of Taylor approx. 2020); " America, we resolve our differences @ the battle box" - you're supposed to cover for him w/facade that he's slurring his words & meant 'ballot box;' & 5:07, "....let's not lose, sights - I've who we are," i.e., you have the ex-president in your gun sights, DON'T LOSE! - the shooter missed - Biden indicating, 'don't do that!' But, double entendre - 'let's not lose, [region w/never ending] cites [of Joe Sherman]...' w/false charges, kidnappings under guise of arrests coded as "citing" or "fining" me. Again, you're supposed to cover for him w/interp. that he's saying "...let's not lose sight of who we are..." 5:07, "Hate must have no safe harbor..." & main st. in W.S. near Belair motel, Harbor Blvd. In fact, a farm & gardening equipment store @ Harbor & W. Cap for decades had huge billboard, "Lodi Equipment" prominent @ Harbor & W. Cap., & I had a vision of this location w/Mideasterners operating the store (which might be the case) & a lot of dead bodies buried in the equipment yard there; this was approx. 10 years ago. The burial aspect ironically may be signifying acts of local Mideasterners is subtly covering for the region just enough that ensuing delays allow for more of them to die of old age & be buried as opposed to the blitzkrieg response to the whisper voices & quiet voices trying to get away w/rebellion - the "Well" triple down Reagan-sonics (M.I.R.V.) solution - also known as the SONIC BABY BOOMERS solution. Reagan ran the "contra-United States" scenario - if you're against the U.S.A., that's rebellion - nuclear missiles are in order!
7/14, early AM, vision of Asian male shot 4 times, &, as he was dying, looked @ Taylor in astonishment. Mideast vying for 3 King status because Asians are derelict in their duties to claim it, only emphasizes the greatness of the honor! & it may be a blow, but unlikely a lethal blow @ this point - Asian was probably wearing a bullit-proof vest & had a blood pack in his mouth (faking it) - but it is a wake up call. Remember the Red Sea judgment & the Promise Land stories in Bible - both pertaining to Moses & Israelites (Ten Commandments in view); God fought the Israelites' battle for them, parting the Red Sea & then allowing it to drown their enemies in pursuit of them - but they had to @ least get their feet wet by marching into the sea before it would part. The Promise Land was theirs for the taking, but they had to show up & cross the Jordan River & enter the land. Bedrock principle of the Bible - so bedrock, that it's known as THE SECRET in the Bible - God uses peoples' responses, or lack thereof to weed out the goats from the sheep; Mark 4, Jesus drove home this point (v. 9-12):
"Then Jesus said, 'Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.' When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them, 'The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'" Jesus had been speaking to a crowd so huge that he had to get into a boat & use the cove as an amplifier to teach them (there's that sea/river theme - respond!). But he used a lot of parables, & many of them didn't understand a lot of what he was saying. But, some of them asked - responded, & that's the secret - if you want to know something, ask God; if you want to know God, ask him to show himself to you - invite him in; if you want to claim his promises, tell him so; if you are perplexed about something, challenge God to a wrestling match. So Asians would do well to refuse to get caught up in any Trump theatrics, & instead, grab hold of Wonderful!
Asians must publicly claim the biblical-style fame that God has merited them - & despite the examples, they don't even have to march anywhere or cross any swamps - just yell "JESUS!" 5X @ top of their lungs publicly & stomp 5X @ same time, & do their best to follow him, & do it before anyone else, & education leadership honor is theirs; "As we believe, we speak," 2 Cor. 4:13.
[No need to fine any Tour d' France cyclists - it's an expression - "Excusez-moi" - the French certainly deserve to be lauded rather than pardoned for the TOWERING A! - "Carry a big stick" - Vowel, John! - Lightning & the Thundering A! We love fortunate French! - SOAPBOX PROCLAMATION: A/Jack Teacher resents being denied career & reduced to a cleanser ]
Praying more about the visions - 'get used to it' - possibly get used to blacks in jail (for starters) for conspiring to ruin the nation & take over as king of U.S.A., or conspiring to deny my teacher goals & claim I had secret motives of being king of the nation (Instead, it's "nothing" - promotions of rock, Asia, etc.? Nothing, forget it - I just want to be a teacher!) Report revamped as of early AM 7/6 - God has spoken to me repeatedly over period of 5+ years that I'm the sole judge as far as rock & Hollywood; they've consistently tracked blacks, South, & other nations on my behalf - so the vision associated w/blk male in jail in 2020 signals the start of them being punished & brought to account for demanding that whites be ruined & blacks made king, defeating democracy. But the bottom line is blacks are allowed guise of praying - as though they might repent - while I'm denied justice. The vision of Taylor being a giant was to strengthen her resolve & that of the nation; instead, "Styx: Caught In the Act" - rock & Hollywood are lazy & deceptive - video about prison pertaining to rock music - & no doubt I'm the pawn who disappears. THEY REFUSE TO GROW UP - IT'S ASKING TOO MUCH TO UTILIZE FREE SPEECH & DEMAND I BE ALLOWED TO TEACH! As far as facade that me refusing to get out of Davis translates to Sac. or Lodi "wearing the pants" (cf. vision of Shatner, 'You're the loser - get the hell out!' - I reported he might've been role playing me - based on them recognizing my method of putting on my shoes juxtaposed to Star Trek scene of him putting on a boot in presence of fem. - hinting finishing up an intimacy session - vision indicating I owed him a sharp rebuke - but alternately, they're pressuring me to get out of Davis) - implication is I'm allowing them to wear the pants if I don't leave. But that's nothing but a magic trick - I was staying 50% of time in Vacaville while sign-waving for one year 4/2011 to 4/2012; but afterward, that employment encouraged me to submit apps all over VV & FF, despite codes & @ least 2 kidnaps by police; then in 2014, disappearance in Solano jail for 4 mos. & God telling me I was foolish to wander all over that county w/systematic codes & no one hiring me (exc. the pizza place) & 2+ disappearances; i.e., sit tight, keep busy, & demand invasion. Solano is considered Eastern-most end of bay area; God already warned me it's foolish to walk into traps in region (bay area) where they've been denying me work & covering up Davis oppression for decades! THEY DON'T GET TO NOW CONCOCT THAT MY STEADFASTNESS IN DEMANDING JUSTICE & REFUSING TO BUDGE MEANS SOMEONE ELSE IS WEARING THE PANTS & I FAILED - AS A SMOKE SCREEN FOR THEIR FAILURES & BETRAYALS! IF ANYTHING, IT MEANS THIS GOD-FORSAKEN NATION IS GOING TO BE PLACED IN HELL IN ITS ENTIRETY IF NO. CA. ISN'T PURGED!
7/4, "I need to do a double-take" Carl's Jr. ad, referring to really good prices on burgers, etc. 7:14 AM, but 7:12 AM, another Carl's ad, same channel (40), blk male driving car off repair lift in auto repair shop, & smashing through wall of Carl's Jr. & grabbing someone's sandwich; Carl's in No. Davis , Pole Line Rd. & Covell, simultaneous to this ad, suddenly closed - been there for 50 years or so. 7:02 AM, ch 40 news, 2 blk fem rprtrs, reporting about fire near Oroville, but they were displaying map of Folsom Lake, w/lg. part of map orange; i.e., 'oral sex' - arrange for Jack teacher to disappear in Folsom prison - 'lay' is key. I.e., double the no. of blacks who could expose the scandals doesn't result in justice, rather, it results in double the oppression & anarchy - - blacks start doubling it, smashing into my room peoples' homes, etc. Carl's Jr. - Famous Star - etc., is closed down if they & everyone else continues to lay there & fail to purge blacks from U.S.A. - REGIONAL "ZONE" - automotive - 'ought to [track] motive[s]' - facade that reporting God's feats for Asia is get rich quick motives (desperate!); & auto repair - zone ensuring no repairs of oppression damages.
7/1, "Extra Point," blk fem. , "...SO important to be able to help, care," 10:50 PM. "To the Point," fat mex. fem host, 6:51, wh male wh hair interviewed, "...often times & in sexual assault & we must hand in accept it," ch 10, ABC - 'hand-in' - decidedly classroom expression - blatant code that the teacher might commit sexual assault while kids handing in their assignments - THE TERRORIST IS NUKED - BY OPERATION OF LAW. Moreover, any attempts of 'that' conspirators to claim they are only stalking in order to expose blacks, that's simply a recent morphing of their tactics to try to slip in. Based on this "supportive" code of wh male, fat mex. fem host then ventures, 6:56, "You're gonna miss that;" i.e., code the mex. 'that' consps. (No. Ca.) are magically all allowed to get away w/years of terrorism - & 7/2, Tye Steel (?) Sac newscstr, repeated it, "You're gonna miss that." 7/1, 6:24 PM, maroon car L turn @ Enterprise offramp cutting off Yolobus, wh fem - possibly code. 7:04 PM, Gorge Martinez, (Latino), "We'll tell 'em, lewd," mex. emply, auto repair shop, news ch 3 - it isn't repair the damages of oppression against Jack Teacher, it's 'go in for the kill.'
7/3, "You wouldn't play w/them - it's you die" or similar, 1:30 appx.; i.e., any participation in the 'plunder'/'hoard' facades on my part is minimal - it isn't a requisite for justice & could be a setback. "We didn't know you had the sap," Diane, 1:40 (I was working @ Jan's). 2:10, "What if I told you you take your 'tude, off?" Possibly indicating take a day off (4th) but more likely, based on other codes, surrounded by rebels attempting to i.d. me using kids as consp. tools & denying me my career, etc. & systematically committing crimes against me & treating me condescendingly, it's "off," as far as it being any reflection on me or my character when I'm stalked w/lewd codes or kids w/lewd innuendos. I'm being systematically cornered while faithfully holding my post.
6/26, "You just don't play on 'em," fem bug code (similar signif. to vision of 7/3); possibly referring to taking the plunder - I don't rush into it because I'm outnumbered, & they have outside help duping them that they don't have to panic; "You don't see how they're all connected."
Jesus said, "Whoever humbles himself shall be exalted," Lk. 14:11; Jack Teacher - credentialled Teacher - instead of A, or Jack Teacher, becomes identified w/Ajax cleanser - having to humbly work as butler & landscaper due first of all to regional oppression, & second, to nation stalling as far as justice - essentially being dragged around w/oppression.
I can't say if Halyna Hutchins died or if it's an undercover act.
Alec Baldwin suddenly utilizing appearance of Davis R.E. businessmen - John Whitcombe, developer & landlord of apt. complexes, & also late Stanley Davis, homebuilder in Davis in 1960's (i.e., both contemporaries of Don Miller). Thick rimmed glasses, & short gray hair - originally Davis, then Whitcombe - attempt @ an intellectual look. Attempt to categorize me as salesman - that magic line crossed because I reported their trackings of traps of others too much. Martha Davis & Motels, lyrics I hadn't noticed before, "We walked the loneliest mile..." echoing "Thank You," Led Zep. - "the mile" or "the green mile" - death row connotation; but in this instance, w/out the negating qualification. & Martha Davis - '[I]'m our 'thaw,' Davis,' prodding the rebels.
7/5, "You would see they king all @ once" 3:20 AM - rebels attempting to overthrow democracy. "She just can't see the sume fume." "You're not gonna ___ the Bennet," 6:09 AM bug code. 6:07, "The visiting king, King Charles" ch3. "you're gonna give them wrong," Mideast (?) male 42B driver gray hair, 5:13 PM. "We don't run his official degat" 5:30, Pizza Guys emply. Pico de Gallo - sudden new popular salsa/flavoring @ Mex. cafes - timed w/Domino's involvement in shootings on K St. 2022; i.e., coded facade to see if I'd shy away from Domino's & shop elsewhere, such as Pizza Guys - pico de gallo - 'pizza day - guy - owe;' subtle claim they could isolate & brainwash me - based on claim I couldn't declare PIzza Guys L St. Davis as ground zero after repeated tauntings (approx. 2019) - emplys acting like they couldn't hear what I was saying while I was a customer there; the problem was, after declaring it ground zero, I then shopped there again a year later, & that's when Italians were supposedly taken aback, or put on said act; but they weren't comprehending that almost everywhere in Davis was also ground zero, & you can't always avoid shopping @ ground zero locations. I went to Domino's S. Davis last Fri. - 7/5 - closed. The Domino's WS evident involvement in shooting spree, based on an e mail mssg. before it happened, was guise of testing me - if I'd continue shopping there or other Domino's - I haven't continued shopping @ that specific Domino's because (1)it was an innuendo directed @ me specifically; (2)they don't answer my calls, (3)attempts to place order online were systematically sabotaged @ that location, inlcuding the order I made that night - before the K St. shootings. But, I've shopped @ other domino's subsequently, including S.D. 12:10, TV @ Gary's, fem, news show, "They common him, stare;" first, it's a trick that "common" means unworthy of justice - you have to display royalty; second, if you're claiming royalty, then becoming king is your goal - & you're one of the DIVISION rebels. Third, it was pertaining to blacks - including the inmate in Yolo jail 2020, & vision I had of him praying & wearing a crown; since immed. afterward, God gave me repeated visions blacks nationwide are kicked out of the church, the vision wasn't of them w/crown of life (Bible) it was attempts to pressure me to be king or them taking over as king of U.S.A. Either way, those claiming they can railroad me for simply holding my post w/democracy are thrown into lake of fire (hell). 1:03 PM, "He had barely a less in;" "He lets captain," male emply, P.A., Nugget Covell. "...boil gives them" or similar, Gary (code); i.e., an addition on my website was childish. 8:57 PM "You won't turn her collie" vision (source?). "You're not gonna free, king" 9:58 PM. "To dock policy" Brownstein, CNN. Radio, 7:21 AM, "Tres, you got a taste, price you gotta pay" Day by day, (?) nothing lasts forever song; facade pressuring mexs. to fill up measure of their sin - mex. male on 42B w/Pizza Guys pizza - subtle claim I'm asleep & can't tell that I should be eating out all the time - plunder; the song is actually warning them they are conspiring a 'damned if victim does, damned if victim doesn't' consp., & they've been tracked; w/local Latino cafes the kingpins (child taco lewd innuendos). 7:29 "You end up here; I'm Cain" (bug code?). "We ass him hold," mex fem emply, Pizza Guys WS - ignoring me when I asked for wifi pw while waiting for order (couldn't use phone hotspot - the battery was sabotaged); 5:32 PM. "You had 'em book," vision, 4:30 or 5:30 (possibly referring to rock musicians). "Go hijack," male emply, Pizza Guys 5:38 PM. I.E., PIZZA GUYS WEST SAC. ATTEMPTING A PLAYBACK 5 YEARS LATER OF STALKINGS & CONSPIRACIES OF L ST. DAVIS PIZZA GUYS - I'M A NON-PERSON WHO IS IGNORED & SNUBBED SYSTEMATICALLY - INSTEAD OF 'HI, JACK TEACHER!' IT'S REBELS COMMITTING HIJACKINGS, SHOOTING SPREES, CITIES BURNED DOWN, ETC. - BUT THEY ARE PARTIES TO THE REBELLION, AS THEY ACKNOWLEDGED - "...HOLD" - CLAIMING THE REBELLION HOLDS - I.E., DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO CLAIM MY STERN WARNING IN 2019 "MADE" THEM COMMIT THE SHOOTING SPREE ON K ST. - IS THE DESPERATE GUILT TRIP ATTEMPT, SO THAT THEY CAN "HOLD."
Possibly I should respond the same way as Sylvester Stallone in movie "Cobra;" terrorist is in a grocery store where customers have been evacuated, & says to Cobra (cop) "If you don't meet my demands, I'm gonna blow this place up!" & Cobra responds, "That's okay, I don't shop here!" "You're giving them a round" 7/11, bug code, 9:17 AM while making this report; no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I don't need their codes nor their conspired "tests" - I DON'T "GIVE" THEM THAT THEY CAN RESPOND TO MY WARNINGS W/MORE TERRORISM! 7 PM "You didn't say, my ___" vision, Taylor (pertaininig to 'pants' report? "He needs this now Honda;" "We just fold time;" 8 AM, Slavic landscaper, Cathleen's, Bianco Ave.; "We know come in." 9:10, fem jogger on bikepath behind Cathleen's, "I'm getting w/jam." Vision pertaining to Ca. kids on TV, the vision was it was as though they were on screen of rock singer from England, Procol Harum in Denmark, 6:18 AM; possibly Ca. asserting they have rock in bed w/them. "Seldom seen gem" 6:15 AM, story about Hetch Hetchy res. - but it was part of No. Ca. consp. to enslave me - ''sell [he's] dumb' scene, gym;' God giving me some rest from exercise (I'm still exercising though) & instantly it means I'm "dumb" as far as sports according to the monters; ch 3 6:25, male witness to a shark attack, Ca. coast, "He was quiet, & they took him away..." "Future" (Ford?) car dealer, flag w/bottom half of stripes missing (possibly referring to South being 86'd - half the orig. 13 colonies).
('TABLE 'TEN' IS COMMANDMENTS' THUNDER: This report has validity against blacks irregardless of possibility Asian leaders are putting on an act to humor them, & ultimately expose them - especially when blacks are attempting to gut Asians' Boris Landspace Education identity!)
7/7, "rewards Dave hikers" PBS 8:55 PM. "You're just gonna bone w/'em," 8 PM vision. "Continue to work - I have kem hand down" blk Kings player, 10:44 PM, ch 40 - 'k[ey] hymn down;' & 'Kim down' possibly oral sex code. I temporarily put up display impliedly referring to Kim - either Jong Un or S. Korean leader. There is some leeway reporting actual feats of Guilded Show 'Em's, Western & Eastern church, but I've curtailed it for most part - lack of response. Blk basketball player Rodman & another player made one or more trips to N. Korea - scheduled eslewhere, but Kim invited him as a fan - vague King Kong implication. There's something to be said about showing up in non-tourist-friendly communist country, but there's also something to be said about commeradrie among those who are identifying w/evil - leader of N. Korea perceived to be a possibly evil dictator, & blks made leaders of free world & using it to enslave me, robbing me of my rights - as of 2013, Obama had definitely thrown me to the wolves & affirmed slavery conditions & captivities. It amounted to - a perceived comraderie that I wouldn't be able to claim. This is the guise Putin is using - buddying up to dictators w/facade of mean acts in Russia, such as Navalny murdered in prison cell, election rivals labeled as "extremists" & eliminated - often their freedom eliminated as well. I was open to going to China, but passport robbed, then Spam vision (diced up innards). In fact, that's most likely the 'large intestine' threat of fem in DCM - blks conspiring w/Asian dictator(s) to literally gut me. " a spot like Truckee today..." Berg, & she's then covering Beryl hurricane reports - i.e., subtle request that I "spot" her that she's a "trucky" - she isn't my true key, then she gets out & reports stories in Tx. "This way ker" Brittany, ch 3 4:39 AM. Mary (? - notes damaged) 7:24 AM, "Watch out for them" fem dispatch; pine cone & Yule Gibbons, 1970's Grapenuts ad, "many parts are edible" i.e, bus has to protect rebels.
" a spot like Truckee today..." Berg, & she's then covering Beryl hurricane reports - i.e., subtle request that I "spot" her that she's a "trucky" - she isn't my true key, then she gets out & reports stories in Tx. "This way ker" Brittany, ch 3 4:39 AM. Mary (? - notes damaged) 7:24 AM, "Watch out for them" fem dispatch; pine cone & Yule Gibbons, 1970's Grapenuts ad, "many parts are edible" i.e, bus has to protect rebels. 11:20 AM, Jim's, Elmwood, "I didn't know - that's where you were going to live," wh (?) male landscaper (mower), p/up 2/trailer; Jim asked me to remove lg. privits, vlunteers, & other weeds from ivy; the tools he furnished indicated don't worry about trying to dig them up from under the ivy, & he indicated avoid tearing ivy up from digging too much, & generally, I've been led status quo - previous landscaper chopped a lot of plants @ base - I'm a teacher I'm avoiding sending signals of devotion to yardwork - simply work hard & do good job, but not a stupendous job. I was most of the way finished when mower arrived; Jim also made coded comment 11:10 approx, "We're trying to get rid of a mattress" (mattress in his garage); i.e., the 'old landscapers "mat"' v. the 'new landscaper's "mat"' - & then I'm the heir - but a demonstrated eager one; according to lnscpr, implication I'd better cooperate if I want to live. 12:49, "That wasn't us" 1:02, fem near El Mac. 8:05 AM, wasp sting on roof of Jim's, while washing solar panels - wasps making a nest under eaves. Then wasp near trash bin, 10 AM, & 10:01, in front of Jim's, sensation like another sting, but no wasp & Jim, "You won't be talking to them long;" i.e., lazer or similar hitting me & creating sting sensation - possibly attempting to associate it w/trash bin, possibly (Beryl weather reports - barrel). I reported 2019, vision of Taylor pertaining to Bombadil Ave. custs. Brian & Ann, the vision had to do w/diaphram & sperm bouncing off of it. Another vision about Taylor & sex "field" approx. size of Brian & Ann's property; i.e., 'bomb a dill[dough],' & also vision "It's going to be much more than that" possibly @ same location - i.e., really blessed love life. Subsequently I was @ their place (Bombadil), cleaning cobwebs from eaves, & stung by wasp. As far as I know that was the last time I was there. They were paying me $5-10/hr. more than most other customers, but if I had cheap sun glasses, they were magically missing @ end of day - more than once. "It was dill no" blk fem jr. hi student, gray "Lucky" shrt, Q line 12:49 PM; code - instead of 'deal 'no'' - hired as teacher - instead, sexual innuendo - exc. it's a child saying it, indicating any sex "deal" is lewd - blk consp. Blacks conspiring locally & internationally to gut Jack TeacStevebr>
7/7, pics of Mary Nabokova holding door closed in sexy pose; i.e., 'I'm not lettin' you go!' & then Shantal Monique, model, holding a window closed, very skimpy clothing; I was looking @ pics of her, 7/7; 7/8, Yolobus 42A, fat blk fem caser, on bus daily, from WS to Davis, gets off @ I & 5th, 7:16 AM, got up from her seat, & acted like opening a window @ seat in front of her (i.e., someone else's window). I.e., this was a few hours after I'd been looking @ those pics (wasn't nudes) - she's illegally eavesdropping - invasion of pvcy - or coconspiring directly w/those who are, & then stalking me w/it!
7/9, Drivetime (?) "The deal you make on your phone is the deal you pay" blk male - double entendre - 'the phone,' 'the deal,' 'you pay,' key words - code implying permission to oppress me 7:49 PM, ch 24. "Just sane - their fing it," 8:53 PM - Guilded Show 'Em's - fingering rebels. Supreme Court - "steal effort the efforts..." NBC News Ryan Noble, 10:16 PM. "I'm returning, that man's here," vision (Taylor?). "That was our ___" 5th & D, wh male gray polo shrt; "I'll have you're calling it," to driver, 5:23 PM, 42B. "We're gonna have to key'd him," bug code 11:24 AM. 11:50, "We're hittin' right now," fem bug code. "He carries 'em...w/his sin," bug code, 6:29 PM. "You won't have this resound, mat," 7:16 PM rm 16. "We had an agreement as a debt," Manning, ABC 11:55 PM - code - '[he h]as a debt;' slavery code - I'm a slave; possibly because he's short-sighted - freedom for blacks not only globally thanks to U.S.A., retroactively back to Africa - we don't owe them a debt, they owed us debt that's never ending. "They get kit hard," 11:58; 'kit' is nickname for my evangelism essay; it's possible Manning is claiming blacks are hit hard - that I have any debt claims; more likely, 'kit' abbrev. for kitten - lewd code - lines up w/blacks using teens to ruin me - unequivocally making them the enemy of children. The problem w/any positive renditions as far as Manning - he's been aware that based on his name phonemically if nothing else, he's been a factor in my income for almost 2 decades; i.e., one word publicly on my behalf could've gone a long way in effecting justice & prosperity for me decades ago. "That was that, Hoss," vision, Taylor(?); context, working in tight qtrs w/Steve to tighten rope straightening bushes, & Steve's elbow bumped me in groin (barely) - if it was on purpose he's a decent actor, 10:09 AM. He was aware of it either way, a few min. later, after tying down rope, I was behind a lot of the bushes & rope due to mounting the I hooks in the fence; Steve suggested a way to get to through the baracade of bushes - "Jump through here," or similar "Let go of that rope - I want it," Steve. Context of the elbow was I confronted him about my phone charge being worse than it was before - after he & son-in-law supposedly tried to charge it. I didn't start a fight over it, but I implied he possibly sabotaged it - directly or indirectly; i.e., if I'm dicking him, shove him around, possibly was the elbow code. He was then looking for a cord @ 11 AM when I had swept piles of leaves, & I checked & rope was buried in one of piles - I would've found it eitherway - too big to miss; but nevertheless, implying I was throwing it away - "That was our pick up," kidnap code. "I'll pick up your thing" or similar, 11:10. 9:05, "They just weren't giving him fill 'em up" TV, Steve's, male. "It is where he took us," or 'where we're taken' Steve 8:50 AM. 9:15 AM, "he makes a mark on you," vision or bug code. "We mage his smell, it," 9:25. 9:20, "That's where I gut it," Steve. 1;22 Verizon calling Steve supposedly to see how his phone is doing, but it was actually a call to conspire; Steve, "Are you ready?" ('yes') "He can 'oak'" or similar; i.e., phone cos. are failing to defeat me - & other similar codes; "he sees through every one of our traps" or similar, etc. 1:28, code essentially retracting some of his other codes, "Okay, I found something my jump tour" Steve. I:48, "He'll just have 'come on, you guys!'" still on ph w/Verizon - or someone else; i.e., 'you know you won't get away w/your oppression' etc. Bump in groin, if deliberate, @ most was a nudge to consider belting Steve for having something to do w/phone satobage - a man, a male, etc.; 2:57 PM, helicopter over Steve's - "I have to mailk it" - male k[ey, is] it;' or 'mail k[ey is] it - 'mail kit' - elbow consp./phone battery sabotage (worsening of it) now tied to mail delivered to clerks @ Belair; kit - "Jesus Christ & Trustworthiness of Bible" evangelism (originally from my hoop shooter lingo- terming it 'Bass Kit') - It church - if someone else delivers my mail - magic, the It church is defeated! Hokus pokus!!!!! First, the poor slob monsters - the emplys @ the post office are almost worse than anyone else w/their '420' marijuana consp. w/Aggies as of 2008 or so, & failing to deliver communications to me various instances when I was appealing to US District Courts, Circuit Courts, & Supreme court! - IT'S THE MOOT POINT OF THE MILLENNIUM!!! Second, I closed that account. That's what happens when they are too lazy to provide justice & instead try to fool themselves & others that their dereliction can be blamed on the victim - "Evil shall recoil on the wicked!" Ps. 54:5. But IT CREATES SMOKE & MIRRORS EXCUSE TO THROW UP THEIR HANDS IN SUPPOSED FUTILITY - THAT THEY CREATED - & KIDNAP ME - HOSTAGE IN JAIL! & 'KIT' CODE - 'THEY GET KIT HARD' CODE OF MANNING - PAYTON MANNED IT, EVIDENCE INDICATES. 3:14, "We're gonna let you live tonight" Steve(?). 3:56, bug code, "It happened; we were a part." "You won't know his sout," wh fem after getting off Q line, 4:58 PM (codes off bus toward someone on bus in past were considered non-existent); fem. most likely was from UCC.
7/10, "They just can't cancer" fem bug code, Yolobus 43 5:25 PM approx. "You won't gurt" fat wh male aqua shrt, beard neon yellow sunglasses - context -timed w/ sabotage of access to "Settings" on smartphone, 5:42 PM. "Is this 5th St.? Through the heart of Davis? I was BORN & raised in L.A." 6:34 PM, 42B, blk male wh shrt gold pnts, blk cap, to thin wh male driver, tatoos; "YOU'LL LEARN the old man's right?" i.e., blk male supposedly from L.A. consp'g w/driver that they have blacks from L.A. that they can count on - ''you'll learn' [is] the old man's...' propping up rebels claiming their elderly & should be considered old & wise, & feign they aren't conspiring. 'heart' (of town) is code for sales & Davis; we then arrived @ last stop in Davis before leaving for WS - in front of UCC; driver stopped bus & got off to have a cigarette, w/code, "I'm the whern," 6:39 PM - code, 'wh[ere,] earn?' They take breaks occasionally, but not when the bus is late; blk male wh shrt gold pnts got off bus w/him to visit; after 1-2 min., I checked sched., & the bus was already 3 min. late before stopping; so I said, "Bus is 6 min. late..." indicating they don't get to stall people who have schedules. They got back on bus w/in min. of that, but instantly, because I made that warning, fat blk male other side of intersection of 2nd & Mace, "Alright, he's earning," or similar. "We're gonna let your churin'" driver, 6:45, on I-80. I.e., blks, bus driver, etc. conspired stalls to see if I'd react.
Old flight instructors never die - they just taxi longer!
Actual Likeness
Beanie (cold weather hat) is another watch of Western church. A bennie is a sesame seed; & "Open Sesame" is expression traditionally associated w/Mideast. Also, I reported visions about Big Bird - Sesame Street - children's program; i.e., teacher goals, & although no one's affirming anyone in No. Ca., 'jet' has been used as code for jail, & Mideasterners in U.S.A. have pointedly avoided associating w/jail/hostage captivity acts or conspiracies, almost completely. & their high standards for women, though often too extreme, to some extent help them restore their moral fibre. & speaking of fibre, mohair suits originated in Afghanistan & Turkey. But more than Superstar clothing that encourages them, there's indications these Tailors might be concerned with the whole being - rock babes must mature in Christ - 1 Cor. 3:1 - on top of the world, & you can't get any higher??? How about Heaven's doors opening when you knock - "Open, sesame!"? It isn't a flip of a coin as far as things above v. things of this evil age - the RAM OF GOD isn't a trick - heads - education goals, love, purity, justice! BODY, MIND, SPIRIT!
Mideast witnesses as far as Slavs owing Jack Teacher a response, especially since I have been their sole public witness as far as assertion of Siberia being sufferings for Christ. Approx. 6/29, early AM, vision of huge audience, & individuals & groups in audience giving standing ovation for Mideasterners, more & more, pursuant to this report about them.
I've reported the attempts to dupe me that I have to demand more expensive motels, spend more on food, etc. - while in some circumstances that might legitimately constitute a confession from persecutors, handing me the plunder - that they should've hired me & paid me hansomely from the start, I've reported in this case, it isn't necessary, due to their systematic use of conspiracy codes in public, & actual conspiracies occurring daily that are manifest to everyone - my goal is to work as a teacher, & I don't have an ego to fulfill, nor is there any requisite to do so - the crimes they are committing is sufficient to expose them, & the law & tradition demands justice @ once for victims, rather than stall tactics to provide some supposed alternate angle of proof against them. Moreover, this 'take the plunder' facade, in addition to being unnecessary, & therefore stalling justice for years, has enabled the rebels countless chances to brainwash me, lure me, & ruin me - & in fact the 'plunder' facade in fact is a temptation in & of itself, because it creates facade that my prowess & abilities was a significant factor in the outcome; but capitalism is based on entrepreneurial spirit - taking a chance on yourself & your abilities; failure isn't something anyone gets punished or oppressed for, & that's why I've continued straight ahead w/teacher goals. Allowing the 'plunder' facade potentially creates facade of justifying those for whom there is no justification - ATTEMPTS TO END MY LIFE!!!! No. Ca. rebels propping up Davis supposedly to force them to fork over the dough, but regionally conspiring to trap me in slavery until that occurs, if & when it might occur, rather than hiring me as a teacher - WHILE FULLY AWARE THERE ARE ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE OCCURRING - PROOF THEY ARE ALL TAKEN OUT! The only instance where 'plunder' scenario might be legit. - if victim consented & in fact had sales goals; but when the victim has goals of another profession it's a detriment & tool for oppressors - besides the fact it's attempts to kill me.
6/28, "He won't see his capital city," 10:17 AM, mower/edger on J St. - Sac, orchestrating the plunder facade in leiu of teacher job.
SO THEIR REGIONAL TRAP FORCING ME TO SUBMIT TO SLAVERY & OPPRESSION UNTIL THEY HAND OVER THE PLUNDER IS A SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPT TO NEGATE MY TEACHER GOALS & END MY LIFE! & in fact, IT IS THE DAVIS REBELLION, BECAUSE THEIR PRESSURING& CORNERING ME AMOUNTS TO COERCING ME TO DARE THE REBELS, BY DOING A MORE SLOPPY JOB, & EXPECTING HIGHER PAY - BECAUSE THEY ARE EXPOSED, IS THE PREMISE. & THE 'DARE' REBELS ORIGINATED IN DAVIS - COLDWELL BANKER D.A.R.E. - DOUG ARNOLD R.E. I'm being enslaved because the region is decreeing that his 'dare' is still in control - despite they all became rebels & terrorists - as plain as day - 20 years ago! Additional argument is I won't have my 'overshoot' - i.e., a teacher who overcomes w/additional skills, but unless the rebels hand over the plunder, the additional skills - sales - isn't consumated, & I don't have my 'overshoot' recognition. But (1) there's no additional skills facade that merits submitting to crimes & slavery, & (2)rebels resisting admitting I've proven myself in alternate professions doesn't mean it didn't happen - you don't leave that w/in their control - I've proven myself as far as additional skills if nothing else, because God then used me to promote historical feats of churches & others.
As reported - eviction consp.; the OUTLAWS - blk rebels; they have to claim credit, despite prevalence of other parties, or they can't claim control of Davis, on off chance the rebels get away w/it. 6/30, Walgreens, 12:55, "Blow up your phone 47 times!" thin blk male blk shrt, blk shorts (pic sent). '47' - 'for 'D's even;' phone sabotaged while I was @ BW in downtown Davis (code 'D'); according to T Mobile store, WS, no refunds.
Conrad's, Ames,' Hollywood's warnings are against them personally - they knew they were going to be oppressing me.
6/21, "This is I use it" Gene's wife, before phone was sabotaged that eve. - precisely when I attempted a silent "let one" while working in front yard.
6/24, 8:23 AM, "You can't live; we're there," wh male wh Ram p/up w/shell, Del Oro. "You adjust during it," bug code, 10:58. "He won't have our hose," landscaper, Del Oro to E of Catal., & other codes. 9:28 AM wh male beard, lt. blue shrt, parked wh Malibu in front of Gene's on Del O., got out, went around corner (where I pulled lg. weed), came back & left; engine was running & indiv. in passenger seat. Facade that I let God down - "You wouldn't hoard it," I replied it's a distraction; "That's where you were born," 11:30 AM. As of 2 years ago, I was led to shop nicer stores than Dollar Tr. - as a rule - due to conspiracies attempting to mold me into "low incomer" - a precursory or scenario similar to precursory hoarding. I am being persecuted for failing to hoard - trying to save up for f,l, & dep. if I get hired as teacher; the systematic phone oppression is "punishment" for not staying in more expensive motels - I'm having to pay the $20-40/day difference by buying new phones - because the forced cough up dough/plunder scenario could only been in the realm of possible legitimacy if I had sales goals - but even then anyone w/modicum of rationality would know better than to settle for attempts on you life, slavery, kidnap, & hostage captivities; I'm holding the line w/traditional demands for justice; nevertheless, God indicating hoarding might in fact be a "frugal" option. 6/28, 12:15 approx., I've reported Mideast male mgr. @ West Lake mkt. repeatedly treating me like dirt - refusing to do business w/me (refusing to ring up a product), telling me to clean up my table after a $19 lunch, telling me don't come back, etc., I'm not under the law when it comes to purchasing sodas for a 100 deg. work day - if one store eliminates itself & the only other store avail. is Dollar Tr - I own that pin - I'm not being paranoid about earnings simply because I exercise my right to have cool beverages during work day. Nevertheless, monsters stalking me - former UCC site, Anderson & Hanover, bus stop, clear ball pt. pen on ground w/black trim - one of those sold 6/$1 @ Dollar Tr;
but when I went to Raley's that eve., 6:17, wh male beard, red & wh pld shrt, shorts, w/fem, blk shrt, male digging through fem's purse (pic sent), "There it is," same clear pen, blk trim; i.e., penitentiary code for "falling short" as far as hoarding; even a billionaire will shop @ discount store if it's the only one around, rather than doing w/out - they're stark raving mad! Maroon car (matching 2 mex. fems on bus the morning before phone sabotaged), Loyola & Tulip, refused to yield & drove through crosswalk making R turn, cutting me off - then pulled in to res. on corner, 2804 Loyola, 5:14 PM - i.e., consp. theme in progress; it was immed. after going to Blk Bear cafe - where mex. male emply, blk uniform & cap, said, "You wont' come on," & 5 min. after that, phone was sabotaged - no charge from any outlets - permanent as of this point; attempted role play of Blk B for Copperopolis - blacks are worth a penny, therefore shopping @ Blk Bear is selling your soul for a penny, is the facade.
There were fire trucks @ Blk Bear that eve. or eve. before that; my refusal to hoard - they are attempting to consume it by shear numbers of monsters decreeing that I've confessed I didn't deserve to hoard because I didn't hoard - w/Aggies' help; student co-op house near corner of 2nd & Univ. w/painting of turtle on second fl. front of res.; approx. 2 years ago, after I was working in landscaping & successfully building fences, rebuilding planters, jobs big & small, they redoubled the look of their co-op res. - instead of sloppy & run down, they manicured it - carefully landscaped; but, this student co-op res. is 1 blk away from Black Bear, 2nd St., & both are across the street from BW. In other words, students & Latinos helping rebels to claim I'm doing landscaping because I'm behind as far as career using my education - a turtle - negating that they archtected it -& therefore if I'm shopping @ Black Bear diner, same side of street as coop., then the fire in Copperopolis was a warning against me for being slow, submitting to landscape work instead of using my education, & acting like a slick salesman eating out @ Black Bear; therefore, phone sabotaged, & my "dereliction" amounts to worth a penny - & Copperopolis was warning - REBELS THEN CLAIM I'M CONSUMED.
6/28, "This is probably a butt dial," fem, Consumer Cellular ad instantly determines a customer "butt" dialed her after one attempt to speak to them; I was w/Consumer Cellular in past; probably wasn't as bad as T Mobile recently, but there were codes & instances of consp. involvement. 'Butt 'die, all!'' code; i.e., '"butt" victim's demands for invasion, & prop up the rebels.' "That's you won't have our found," 10:34 AM, Joan - bush @ side of front yard, where earlier she had said, "That's where PG&E equipment is..." i.e., don't prune it. But when I checked, it was simply a stump w/crosscuts - like stump @ Karen's (front yard) - w/ceramic alligator in b/yard. Nevertheless, it was code to intimidate me w/electricity (death row code). 11:40, "We won't tomb you," Joan; I reported this is location next to res. on Drexel that was owned by Dave Keane's wife's parents, & they rented it after marrying - Keane was associate pastor who dismissed me from leadership in Edge youth group after I was conspiratorily terminated from Vacaville Christian Acad., 1996. This was after I fell short thinking I was supposed to be a pastor, & quit a teacher position in Dixon in 1994; i.e., remembering the vision from 1993, "Even if you run, I'm going to make you into a teacher," I got back to my post & was hired @ VCA, 1995, but then they sabotaged my teacher job, & church leaders @ UCC took it from there. Keeping busy doing something, I was working in sales, @ least using my education to an extent, & was hired by Don Miller, member of UCC, until he joined the deceptions of UCC leaders. I reported before he passed away in approx. 2004 he had built another development in S. Davis, & @ entrance, a res. roof that looks like a casket lid opening - as though he wasn't dead yet (sick form of humor); this architecture was actually then followed by apt. bldg. builders, & other builders - all dedicated to UCC & Miller. But 'we won't tomb you' most likely isn't referring to Miller; 'tomb' is code in Davis for either them or me being allowed to live & eventually be buried in a grave, as opposed to, for ex., nuclear war, or in my case, dismemberment or some other gruesome end. "They would rape, your right hand," approx. 7 PM, 6/29, vision; i.e., the region continues w/oppression despite disasters nationwide - they are vicious rebels.
6/25, "I don't make that howt; I miss supp," Mary (as far as I could tell - vision) 9:30 apprx.; i.e., 'How, it' - 'How' code for Aggies; 'I miss supp[er]' - attempt to brainwash me that the Aggies took it. The role play of blks is secondary to attempts to swallow me whole - it's a cover, & in fact blacks are in on it. I reported the lic pl. of mex. fem stalker @ Gene's, "LOC HUGO" - code for Victor Hugo - author of "Les Miserables," French best seller from 1800's about theif converted to Christianity w/such zeal that he was like a super Christian - founded Christian school, saved lives, etc. - it was in direct competition w/U.S.A.'s "Uncle Tom's Cabin" story about black slave who became a zealous Christian; & I've reported the 'cabin' theme has been taken to be signal to blacks that Jack Teacher had better have a dwelling place - a res. 6/26, 42B was 25 min. late; but live tracker said it was in Davis as of 5:50 - based on arrival of 19 min. from then - @ Covell & Hwy 113, or vicinity; there wasn't enough traffic in Davis to then stall them for an extra half hour - they were stalling to create a literal creep show - Yolobus, blacks, whites, Asians - using kids & slowing the pace in conditions where my life is already stalled & essentially shut down - they train kids to accidentally on purpose get in the way, stall, sabotage anything that I'm trying to accomplish. elderly wh male w/walker gets on bus, 6:35; there was a seat avail. next to me, & one other seat in front section, which is designated for elderly & handicapped as far as priority; but he continued to a seat further back; wh fem brn Rolling Stones shrt, w/toddler w/neon grn pj's, & teen girl, pink dress, get on bus, & fem (gray shrt) "Get outta your seat, Mr.! Sit down!" - speaking to no one in particular, but it was code for rebels to attempt to order me around - as though I have to scamper @ a whim, 6:37 PM. 6:40, fat blk fem, bun on head, blk bag, blk jacket, blk suitcase w/neon grn trim (same as neon grn p.j's of sm child), "I have custody;" & in fact, as of this point, you could say it's a coincidence w/all these characters - children, luggage, walkers, but it was already a conspired display to slow the bus to a crawl - that was the 30 min. delay - phone calls to bring out the monsters. 6:43, Asian fem, pink cap, blk bk pk, & huge double wide baby carriage gets on bus - blk, gray, & neon grn trim - same theme as blk fem's suitcase - & muscling this carriage - another stall. "It's a little hot," wh fem brn shrt; "We don't go down, downstairs...Don't go - I have to evict him" wh fem brn Stones shrt; instantly blk fem w/bun on head (code for lewd stalking) started coughing; i.e., as though exposed - hurt - they weren't letting blacks have their "eviction" facade (claim they had succeeded in running me out of Davis) - Victor Hugo - ''[E]vict 'er!' you go;' i.e., stalls & consp. codes utilizing children in conspiracies is all "necessary" to expose blacks - but they actually have no intention of doing anything to blacks - it's on the inside, providing more cover for stalking me using stall tactics & kids - i.e., I was on my way back to West Sac on Yolobus - inst. of staying longer @ BW; I'm 'downstairs' (downcast, lacking confidence). The last stop in Davis - UCC bus stop on 2nd & Mace (opposite end of town from 2nd where Blk Bear cafe & BW are), Asian fem w/double-wide stroller wants to get off bus, but, hiding behind Asian shyness, can't seem to assert that, despite all passengers boarding must give priority to those deboarding; Asian male w/lg. suitcase then gets on, & they attempt to produce a Laurel & Hardy scene of trying to get past the stroller w/lg. suitcase; then Asian male, gray shrt, w/suitcase & child & fem Asian; another scene where they have to get by the stroller w/suitcase, but Asian fem w/him stays up front & pays for all 3 of them w/coins, stalling for literally 10 min. @ the one location, & Asian male, "He just won't walk off," 6:48 PM. Asian fem w/stroller then gets off bus. It was already a set-up as of before the fem w/giant stroller; false act of tracking blacks w/'evict' codes is cover for barrage of stalls involving kids & stalking codes; any facade of affirming me around kids is obviously negated w/their use of codes & blatant unmistakeable stall tactics - the 'copper' blacks facade is incorporated as tool to assist them in swallowing me up for failing to "hoard" & take the plunder. Taking the plunder scenario isn't off limits if the oppression is increased if you don't; but I've been led - up until this point - that attempting to take the plunder is playing into their hand due to claim they could use it against me as proof I wanted to be a salesman all along. To remove all doubt, also in 6/25, 1:05 PM Q line, "he was morbid," Asian fem gray hair, maroon shrt basket w/Asian next to her w/shrt maroon or close to it - echoing 2 Mex. fems. w/matching shrts. on 42A. 'Morbid' isn't a random insult, it's a code; 1999 I was trying to get by in R.E. & finishing my 95 pg. evangelism essay, & bibliography, a lot of "Ibid."s, expression meaning same source as previous ref., but if you're working sales - "I bid [on a property]!" & it occurred to me, God had already led me that I'd gone astray - ministry wasn't it; a layman can create an evangelism paper, &, cut off from the church, I needed to be literally a "crack" evangelist to upstage the hypocrites (beat them @ the faith), but overall, I needed to also finish up the spiritual project & focus on work (I was working F/T long hours - the paper was exclusively after hours). In other words, 'morbid' - code for 'more '[I] bid!'' - elderly Asians still attempting to mold me as salesman from scenario back then (I was working w/Winnie, Asian fem buyer). I.e., very observant Asian stalkers - but, evidently in bed w/Latinos & others - maroon codes. on 42A - Asian stalkers - evidently in bed w/Latinos & others - maroon codes.
See REGIONAL "ZONE" CONSPIRED FROM DECADES AGO... report - I reported the new ckg. acct. @ BofA was factor in sabotage of phone & claim I could be consumed by the oppressors. Approx. one year ago, staying @ BW, 2nd fl rm. 231 or similar, catecorner from BW, new bank had opened - Blupeak; but moreover, I was being cased by 2 Davis police cars watching me from in front of Blupeak. When I decided to open another account because I thought it was more foul play @ G1 (false alarm in this instance), I avoided Blupeak, because it most likely was a set-up - Davis police baiting me, essentially. BofA in the past had been deceptive, but in fact it was mysterious additions to my acct. balance - there are worse things; so I wasn't closed minded to opening an acct. there again - just keep an eye on things. But my decision to avoid Blupeak, a new bank that hadn't ever violated my rights, the monsters sprang into action w/oppression; moreover, it was anticipated I'd respond that way - & Aggies & Latinos strategy ready & waiting - they ''blew [their] "peak" [@ me];' i.e., kissing Davis rebels' butts - Davis rebels get to have a "peak" @ my prosperity because my "peak" or pinnacle of my career is landscaper, because, based on swallowing up my teacher career by first conspiring to deny it, rebels then claiming I did it myself because I was a lazy turtle. Therefore, since I'm such as "scandalous" person going to BofA instead of Blupeak, my bank account is worth a "penny," & Copperopolis fire - which they probably started - provided their incentive to attempt to go in for the kill.
See GIANT BLACK SOCCER NET... report; 7/3, 5:51 PM "He has Goldilocks" Enterprise Ave. @ I-80 off ramp. 5:55 PM blk driver, 42B, stopped @ Nikki's Mkt W. Cap. (no bus stop) & went in to store & bought items, no explanation, came out approx. 3 min. later - it was actually attempt to claim I gave up ground because I left $38 of groc. @ check stand in Savem. due to consp.; got into bus, "This is you can't imagine." "We're gonna keep this country, but there'll be some lightening up; we'll be on the flight w/him," 6:53 AM, Teo, ch 3 news. "He didn't knock there," "This won't war us" 8:20 AM, Oakensh, garbage truck. After working @ Oakensh., scheduled to work in N. Davis; fastest way was transfer @ UCD - & I needed a sandwich & sodas for lunch because Jan's isn't anywhere near a store. I was @ Jan's on 7/2, & left an unopened bottle of rootbeer there, but @ 100+ deg., I was buying 2 more drinks - vitamin & Coke; I was next in line @ register in MU, Coke, other drink & salad on counter, & fem w/order of sushi - good idea so I went to grab sushi tray, was back before fem. in front of me was finished checking out, then I paid for my items & left. But when I got on Unitrans F line, I noticed magically my Coke had changed to a rootbeer - they switched it during that half min. that I was gone - because I'd purchased a rootbeer day before (I rarely purchase rootbeers); i.e., Aggies claiming they had my "number" - I was 'rooting be here!' Instantly, fem driver claiming she missed her R turn @ Oak, stopped the bus - it was actually a stall tactic - radio'd dispatch, & they gave common sense directions to reroute, & mex. supervisor on bus, "Take your time w/your turn-around" 10:08 AM, i.e., claiming they had "taken" that I was allowing oppression - because I was 'rooting be here.' The turn around includes an intricate consp. claiming I should've been taking busses to bay area, pressuring them in person to hire me - but I take my cues - emergency deadly conditions where I could end up dead, & yet almost zero interviews - it's a trap!!! But out of desperation, students & UCD concocting cover for all those they're corruption has caused to die - @ Hutchins entrance to Silo bus stop, where the Solano Transit bus stop is located (bus going from Davis, through Solano cty to bay area) they placed an art display of wh. bike w/basket on front full of daisies - code for people who've died - this is combined w/the meticulously landscaped turtle art co-op res. near Black Bear cafe - black 47 phones destroyed consp. Aggies turtle co-op consp. - I'm too slow or too lazy to have a career as teacher - missed out - & so @ most I'm obviously a second rate landscaper @ best, & should've left town. I.e., students giving DIVISION rebels their turn-around - they get to consume me - they coconspired w/27 counties regionally to prevent me from having a teacher career over period of 20 years - attempting to force me on a shooting spree, etc., - & now they create facade that I neglected my education & by default wound up in landscaping, & Davis is in the clear! "He won't know he's picked everybody" 9:10 near Oakensh - I know I'm beautiful! 10:49 AM MU, "They are calling it right now, gone have p/up." 10:35 "You're getting anger - you won't know how hard," bug code.
7/5 - 'Goldilocks' (& 3 Bears) code (7/3), ch 3, 6:15 AM, story about Yosemite Hetch-Hetchy reservoire - story entitled "Seldom Seen Gem" - 'sell [he's] dumb [& use] scene [from] gym.' 6:25 AM, ch 3, news story about shark attack; they got the victim out of the water; witness, "...he was quiet, then they took him away," subtle code that I'm not loud enough or that I'm dumb - refusing to report crimes; approx. 6:20 AM, lg bear in gym (bear costume), & assistant helps the bear w/gymnatics rings, & gymnast in bear costume does a significant feat. Afterward, elderly fem. in Black Bear cafe wearing bear costume except the head is removed - implying she did the gym feat; i.e., covering for Davis Black Bear - Jack Teacher taking a break & doing less exercise than usual - Black Bear athletes "stealing it" from him for Davis & Lodi - Black Bear from Shasta region, now in Davis, & A&W, first opened in Lodi, 1919, Mama, Papa, Baby bear theme - Goldilocks story was subverted by Ca. into evil Ca. grizzly (Bear Flag) families oppressing Jack Teacher!
6/29, "Do you wait tare it," bug code claiming I was a tare because I stayed @ BW.
6/30, "That's sh-sh-sh-sharing," 3:40 AM - scary prospect if terrorists are claiming they can evangelize or make 'wheat'/'tare' assessments; dream I was w/fem in lg. b/yard in Davis w/a lot of lg. pools, & the property next door was bigger - almost like Hearst Castle prop. - w/mutliple lg. built-in pools; but I was confused, low self-esteme - like when I thought I was called into ministry, 1995 or so. 4:11, vision or bug code, "He wasn't even - have his third get." "It was his took us ___" (notes unclear), 4:30 AM.
7/2, "You get your pick" 2:50 PM, Gary, to 2 wh male adults getting into car across from his res. on Amador; as far as I know, a lot of Davis police live on Amador; irregardless, the code supposedly pertained to that I was doing a good job - but Bible says that's the strategy when you're a slave. Apprx. 2:40, "You do plant 'em" bug code - I was breaking up the roots of plant removed from pot before planting it - which is standard procedure. 2:45 "You do pick this zone, on," vision; i.e., zone - referring to No. Ca. rebels, especially recently w/systematic conpsiracies utilizing blacks to oppress me. Also, Autozone located apprx. 4 doors down from Belair, @ W Cap & Jefferson; in other words, I exposed their consp. w/blacks to do their dirty work. But there's a double entendre - Autozone - automotive theme, & BofA is located almost directly across from Autozone on W Cap in WS; the oppression of Latinos regionally - sabotage of phone eve. of 6/21, was desperate attempt to claim I'd been tolled & I'd compromised & it was consume me @ once - I'd opened the Bof A ckg. acct., & BofA has the logo w/the tracking of the hung flag consp. - testifying the nation doesn't have to crumble; but BofA banks in this region are obviously operated by rebels - although a proactive BofA CEO, etc., could override that. But the requisite of signing a blank screen to make a deposit, then phone calls I made to BofA to speak to mgr about bypassing it, but both WS & Davis BofA, no one answered & I let it ring prolongedly, & decided to close the acct. But a trip to bank during working hours on work day is often a sizeable disruption, so I hadn't closed it yet; Latinos claiming that means I've capitulated; mex. male emply, on day I opened the acct., "We won't tare it," i.e., claim that I won't tear up the acct. agreement, therefore 'tare' (non-Christian) is it (i.e., rebel monster claiming I'm not a Christian). Nevertheless - 'Autozone' consp. - automotive/auto repair - I reported BofA Davis, front facade of building, looks like an auto repair shop - like Pep Boys, etc., w/various bays for autos - as though that might've been what it was originally, before BofA occupied it; it wasn't though, instead, it was a regional consp. signalling no one in this region (zone) is going to "repair" the damage of the rebellion oppression against me, under guise of facade that I have "get rich quick" motives or fame motives - '[we] ought to [expose his true] motive[s]' - conjuring up selfish motives for my good deeds of exposing church scandal against singers, efforts to evangelize to singers, followed by revealing feats on behalf of Asians, etc.; all denied & covered up to create a selfish ambition motive conspiracy - it's Davis' version of the Lodi Rich/MGM conspiracy! As reported, the MGM lion roaring twice; double arch of McDonald's; is it double, or is it 2, as in ''T'-ooo'? Instead of double (twice as good), Lodi rebels conspiring w/assumption of ''T'-ooo.' According to Davis rebels, even if it's double, triple, or quadruple good news, in fact quintuple good - & IMPERATIVE news - necessary to save the nation - must nevertheless be covered up & smeared, rather than embraced & lauded - THE POSSIBILITY OF VICTIM BEING BLESSED MUST BE PREVENTED, & RUINING THE NATION IS NO OBJECT. As of my break, I called the 800 # & closed the acct. (I'd w/drawn my funds as of 7/1, but the teller said you have to make an appt. or call 800 # to close the acct.). The male teller on 7/1 said if you fill out a dep. slip, you don't have to sign the blank electronic screen, but he acknowledged another teller possibly might insist on use of the screen - so oppression was left to the "discretion" of the bank emply - 'I understand, you don't want to sign a suspicious blank screen - how about a deposit slip instead?' But instead of intervening on my behalf acting as a pick on behalf of Old Glory & myself, Latinos regionally were proactively going for the throat - WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BRING DOWN THE MELTING POT- A BANK THAT IN THE PAST HAD MADE TESTIMONY ON MY BEHALF MUST BE ELIMINATED!!! "I've given you your dead reckoning," vision, 9:04 PM; 'dead reckoning is expression for ships determining their location @ sea, but also expression for a sense of a serious loss over someone's death, as though one less light in your life - No. Ca. rebels desperate to eliminate BofA testimony, accomplished that only for the local branches, which isn't a surprise. & before anyone says that this simply puts them in a bad light - no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!! This is their true colors - systematic attempts to claim they're seeing to it I don't have Latinos worldwide, & the melting pot doesn't have Latinos! Whatever it took to get @ Jack Teacher is their m.o.! They were fully aware of the previous testimony of BofA! But when I say regionally, there are instances nationally of Latinos decidedly bringing the offering of Cain as far as melting pot education nation - Sotomayor - decreeing the president of U.S. should be allowed to be above the law, & be a treacherous dictator if so inclined! 99.9% chance she was appointed to prop up Davis - mayor Suzie Boyd in past kidnapped me from city council meeting, 2002, where I was attending to complain about kidnappings & oppression; other mayors capitulated as well; 'so, tow [Davis] mayor;' logical conclusion - dismiss democracy - because if the president is allowed to commit crimes, he'll fire the ballot counters & be perpetual dictator - Trump was already endeavoring to do this! Lazy traitors - she doesn't even bother to look decent in public. National trucking co., Maersk; 'mayor [is] k[ey];' logo is asterisk - '[claim victim was har]assed, risk;' serious crimes characterized as hassling or harassing a citizen
is the facade; Maersk - former roommate Shawn Maer betrayed me decades ago & still lives in Davis - one big conspiracy family w/everything from Supreme court judges to truck logos covering for them; asterisk was also the original logo of AT&T/Ma Bell's West Coast subsidiary Pacific Bell - phone co. oppression & Davis committing attempted murders, kidnappings, hostage captivities, slavery under guise of "hassling" the victim. City of Davis has dept. that deals w/complaints, "Risk Management;" the name is a code, 'risk [that it was] "manage" [they] meant,' meaning you don't actually remedy injustices, you interpret complaints of victims as them telling you to manage, but consider their "viewpoint." I dealt w/"Risk Management" dept. before filing law suits against City of Davis. THESE WERE OPEN & SHUT CASES OF VIOLATIVE ACTS COMMITTED BY POLICE & OTHERS AGAINST ME - I APPEALED ALL THE WAY UP TO U.S. SUPREME COURT AS OF 2007 - THEY CONSPIRATORIALLY DENIED ME JUSTICE. These tricks are taken to logical conclusion - meanness & crimes are tolerated among & participated in by city & gov't. figures, then terrorism is tolerated & committed by them, & then Supreme court w/judge claiming you CAN'T BE A GOOD LEADER UNLESS YOU ARE GUTSY ENOUGH TO COMMIT CRIMES IN PUBLIC!
One further aspect of the 'pick' codes Latinos are possibly using as kidnap under guise of arrest - BofA acct. ATM card was sent to my "home" addr. instead of my P.O. box; that addr. was addr. of Belair on W. Capital Ave.; i.e., motel clerk rec's mail, & delivers it to guests - an ATM card could be plundered or @ least envelope opened & card # pilphered - 'Jack Teacher! How could you be so careless!? Residents in the "zone," including motel clerks in West Sac., are so dangerous, you dare not trust them w/handling your mail - now we have no choice but to kidnap you - for your own good, of course!' It's the ultimate 'WE'RE TERRORISTS' confession! This extrapolates to that I'm not allowed roommates, because they would often have access to household mail before me, if any of them were home during the day - & that's simply too dangerous, according to them. It may be unwise, but what's dangerous is working for & living among rebels trying to kill you! Specifically as far as Latinos, I majored in Spanish, & heavy emphasis on Latin American culture & literature; a common theme was the identity crisis of Latinos - who are they? Are they Native Americans? Hispanics? An ongoing conundrum w/no resolution in sight as of 1990's - why this scenario of two or more races in one...why them (slightly deploring it)? Prototypes of the melting pot - they were orchestrated to be the shining "mix" example globally. They refuse to open their eyes & see the crucial role God has given them as far as the future of humanity!
"I've given you your day," vision, 6/21 approx. 6/25, "He doesn't see, we just keep it," 10:18 AM, Gene's wife - I was attempting to plug my phone into outlet, but, sabotaged - & Wilsons claiming they are "keeping" the sabotage - negating AC outlet charge access. 11:30, "You're gonna 'we're the worth,'" Gene (they flatter themselves that the world revolves around them irregardless of disasters, murders, diseases caused by their rebellion). "You have you're the have" (i.e., '[be]have') Gene.
6/24, chopping the hard ground w/pick ax @ Gene's, & wh Malibu parks on Del Oro in front of Gene's. chubby wh male gets out of driver's seat, & goes down to corner to Catalina, then N. on Catalina, past Gene's driveway & up the st. further; near the driveway was where I pulled out 4 ft. high weed growing in middle of sidewalk. I wasn't specifically asked to do that, but I've been working for them for 4 years, & maintaining certain standards ensures a common denominator of consistent employment, instead of door-knocking @ $0/hr. As I've reported, I've been led to be sloppy on occasion, but that's not the same as becoming a systematic slouch. Nevertheless, due to desperation, the rebels claiming they were rounding that corner & going to "get something" pertaining to that 4 ft. tall weed. The Malibu's engine still running, & indiv. in passenger seat waiting. "Ma lee, boo!' Driver's seat/passenger's seat; it was a role play based on a report about Wayne Murphy of Clovis Ca., & a movie of similar name; I reported Wayne from Arkinsaw seemed to be a plant sent by S. to watch my family & attempt some sort of control - the scenario where they moved to Caruthers, sm. town SW of Fresno; what I didn't report was that we had previously moved to Fresno, as far as I recall, before the moved. So based on a 'car seating' code - my Mom in front seat (Clovis/Fresno), & Murphys in back seat (Caruthers), if we were still in Clovis - on outskirts of Fresno to NE, that would be front seat, but not driver's seat. But we'd moved to Fresno, more or less center of town, which could be considered driver's seat - but I didn't furnish that detail, & so the rebels desperately creating facade - my Mom in passenger's seat in front (Clovis) - who's in driver's seat??? The frantic rush to the spot where I pulled that lg. weed was facade that I'm doing too good of a job - I'm signing on the dotted line that I want & need landscape work - I'm a driving force perpetuating the Landscaper Nick conspiracy, I'M IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT ARRESTING MYSELF!!!! Either way, trick if rebels to make it look like me & my Mom involved. Typical trait of rebels - convince themselves their victim(s) like being persecuted. 1:33 PM, I was getting ready to leave Gene's & head over to Joanne's in E. D., & while putting equipment away, mex. fem, yellow safety vest, zooms up in red sports car, & parks next to Gene's on Catalina (Malibu was on Del Oro); she gets out (i.e., same itinerary as wh male in Malibu), opens trunk, & then starts loading empty boxes from trunk into back seat of car - LICENSE PLATE 'LOCHUGO;' i.e., conspiracy that they've got a confession that I was in bed w/hostage captivity oppressors in the past, therefore, they can 'lock' me up again - ''U' go' - another 'U' conspiracy. I.e., "We've got him now!!!" (rebels' claim - wicked monster voice of rebels). No, no, no, no, no, no, no! The only "driver's seat" that I might possibly be in is context of 23+ No. Ca. counties conspiratorially denying me my teacher career for 16+ years - & accordingly, hired in slavery conditions, I'm driving that I work for a living & do a decent enough job to minimize door-knocking. THEIR FACADE THAT I'M IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT CONVENIENTLY IGNORES THEY'RE DRIVING A REBELLION THAT HAS RUINED APPROX. 7 MILLION MONSTERS IN NO. CA. TO TRAP ME AS FAR AS EMPLOYMENT. As fem. in red car drove away, I was taking a pic., of car, after writing down the 'LOC HUGO' OR 'LOK HUGO' lic. pl; clear shot @ the car (pics are overkill in general, but too much better than not enough); the Samsung Galaxy camera (hackers, actually) magically blurred the pic - & they've recently started printing the logo of phone on pics. Because I'd taken pic, she circled around, asking why I took pic - claiming she was supervisor of DWR - garbage collectors - & acting naive about any conspiracies. & it was a DWR truck's airbrakes w/code, "Fu 'em, who?" or 'Foo 'em, who?' i.e., 'Foosball' game - replica of soccer - signalling hand Asians (kung fu) their church "kicks" - unless they attempt to 'foo[l] us.' But local rebels conspire 'fu 'em - hu[go to jail];' rare case of phonemics where 'hugo' doubles as 'hu' - 'who' & 'U' - local terrorists are fowlers defined - spoiling God's plans @ every turn due to desperation to oppress me. Huge billboard on I-80 going E to WS - "ANH PHOONG" - Asian fem. atty, brand new billboard - most likely timed w/An family new report - anticipating I'd use it, despite they're in actuality keeping me @ bay; I don't fault a good deed for that fem., but their total lack of guts to breath a word about the earth-shattering revelations about God's love for Asians is the epitomy of cowardice - no matter if they saved a fem. or not. An family - Phoong - Anh - 'An' w/'h' - 'A ch[eats];' consps. claiming when A "cheats," he's the 'foo[l amounting to] Ng [serial killer].' 6/23, more of the local Asian rebels: Sitlo Vietnamese cafe, G St., "This is you just take your shame," 12:10 fem bug code. "for teachers, it was production, we needed," Asian fem cashier, blk shrt. "We're gonna get the good," 12:12, Asian fem wh gown. 12:33, "We're gonna sit here, will pop," Asian male, lt. grn shrt, w/kids & adults, table next to me, Sitlo; i.e., SAME LT. GRN AS RECENT ASIAN STALKERS ON C & 6TH ST. - 'UNDER THE BUS' CONSP. FROM 14TH & B. "He isn't touchy," Asian fem grn vest, 12:36. "We marry this," Asian male (lt. grn shrt), 12:52. "I'll let you know, he has secret," 12:28 Asian fem gray shrt, or waitress. Vision 6/24, approx. 9:45 PM, "Gene's serial killer" & instantly another vision or bug code, "Who?" If anyone's a serial killer, it's the Davis rebels. Nevertheless, the An family's display of American flag & S. Korean flag - most likely replicating my website's display, absent them proclaiming the outrageous feats for Asia, w/mum's the word, it amounts to a coded implication of 'We believe in Jack Teacher, over...' i.e., use of codes & radio transmissions as though in enemy territory - refusing to act like ordinary red-blooded Americans. They think maybe it's 'over'? Only if they want it to be. "[I]s [it] 'over' yet?' - 'Soviet' - communism & iron-fisted control - kiss freedom good-bye.
A region that empowers a race that is predisposed to betray the nation, handing a "protected" environment to persecute a white victim is the ruin of U.S.A. as opposed to any notion of helping a minority race, as though a doctor for melting pot. If anything, as far as well-being of melting pot, they are stabbing us in the back! In fact, w/DIVISION rebels' help, blacks are essentially Damien (Omen III), & U.S.A. is supposed to jump of a roof @ a garden party & hang ourselves - "It's all for you, Damien!!!" In all seriousness - don't follow the warlocks who are trampling the Son Of God underfoot - allowing this nation to become the Obama nation that causes desolation - see Dan. 9:27; the abomination in Daniel is the "sacrifice" - the crucifixion of Christ. Warlocks, systematically propping up blacks w/wicked motives, are trampling the Son of God underfoot, Heb. 10:29, "it is impossible, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance, seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put Him to open shame," Heb. 6:6; blacks are rejecting the grace of God to claim a liberty nation designed to free them globally, so they could worship God, & instead they are attempting to put all of humanity in bondage - they are undoubtedly anti-christs - precursories of the final anti-christ "Damien."
See III.CLOVIS/FRESNO CHURCHES, OTHER CHURCHES INVOLVED IN PHONE CONSPIRACY..., davisneedy2.html, 6/27, Kay Docken - Sunday School teacher, Memorial United Methodist church, Clovis, 1974 or so, invited class to bring 45 or LP to play a song in Sunday school class. My latest 45 was Elton John "Crocodile Rock" - song w/50's or early 60's theme of "La-la-la-la-la..." & high pitch similar to Franki Valli & 4 Seasons; it has a sad theme of "The years went by, & rock just died..." "Suzie wore that dress so tight..." & "But they never killed the thrills we got..." & phoneme 'k[ey] rock owe die all, rock;' which could be taken as church owes that rock should die; but it was hyperbole - i.e., "Bennie & the Jets" has someone in place of Suzie - fem singer who is a superstar; & "They grow so incredibly high" phonemically, 'They gross so incredibly high..' i.e., if you're paying attention, the song is a throwback to the '50's, & instead of rock womanizing & then dying, it's thriving, & women lifted above being sex objects. Nevertheless, Kay evidently became convinced the mssg. of the song was rock's going to die, & a witness such as Joe won't do any good; this most likely was integral part of the communications between Memorial United Methodist Church of Clovis & UCD Memorial Union/Freeborn Hall, etc. - the mssg. was the victim won't be able to count on rock - have your way w/him - rock's already given up on any future. Approx. 2 PM, vision, Taylor, "Joe - you did save rock" - ' i.d.'d save rock;' it was w/intonation of sub caller from Lodi USD, 1993 - signalling holding my post from before the ministry confusion. Story in news about protesters in Brazil saying "Taylor dies" (in Portuguese); 2:30, vision, "Guess what - she die" or '...she'd, 'hi.'' 2:45, "You watched them, out," i.e., if you go by Brazil, rock doesn't have a watch; to some extent my argument is their watch is often compromised by their stalls leaving me stranded - i.e., Brazil was supposedly re-affirming my protests - but I stopped short of saying they should die. The subcaller voice - despite skeptical lingo in visions, it was subtle mssg. that I've held my post - I'm got my teacher goals from as of 1993 when God said "I'm going to make you into a teacher" - before I stumbled (or fell short) due to spiritual pressures from a 1000 directions - Guilded Show 'Em's follow-up efforts on my behalf. "He'll have where his county led," dispatch, 42B 6 PM. "He wouldn't do where his drizzle" 6:02 PM, mex male driver. 8:48 "You didn't see your killer line," bug code. 7:30 "head up," editor sabotaged, 7:30. "We left our cover," 8:55 PM. 9 PM, vision, "Go there," fem. (vision) & pointing to Joan taking a fall in b/yard; she fell in backyard near where I was working, & I helped her up; most likely she faked it - evidence of consp. an alternate scenario, such as a false accusation.
Spring 2023, interview in Pinole, PMS, for Spanish Teacher job, blk. principal Keno. I've reported the details already, but God was testing me & I missed the point - working for blacks wasn't an option. I.e., I wasn't resolved enough - as far as I recall, I already knew, or suspected, the principal was black before I arrived, & should have refused the interview. It shouldn't have gotten as far as the repeat job application attempted i.d.-ing of me by him. As of 2015 or so, @ soup kitchen in Davis, my teacher goals common knowledge, blk fem in line in front of me w/blk child, "We're gonna have his large intestine;" i.e., instead of a teacher testin' students, they were stating up front they were going to gut me. 2017, as reported, most of the stalking, conspiracies, etc., had steered clear of lewd innuendos - the codes were 'we molest,' which could be considered lewd; but blacks came to town announcing it was then 'we child molest' - such as fem on 6th St. across from Civic Pk. Homeless blk male also wandering around trying to gain everyone's favor, & making lewd innuendos about me. The mssg. was, whatever oppression Davis was orchestrating, given a chance, blacks would make it more vile & oppressive. The fact is, it was 2017 that I had a vision that blacks had duty to @ least make a peep on my behalf - I had reported how we had freed the slaves not only in U.S.A., but globally, including retroactively back to Africa, where they had originally been slaves of black chiefs before the slave trade in America; the vision was they had owed me & U.S.A. a response on our behalf - Obama not only failed to intervene, but had conspired w/local blacks to threaten me on his last day in office; no, according to the vision, it was already determined nationally that they wouldn't be forgiven - & I'd better stick w/that. 2018, in this context, applying for jobs, vacant shop space in strip mall next to Food Coop, blk males remodeling interior, & didn't need any help, but I prayed about working for blacks or refraining, & God said, "Work out" & context made the intonation of that, prepare to fight against them. I also reported repeated visions, from 2019-2022+ of blacks kicked out of the church nationwide - these reports are on my webpages currently. I reported NBA players casually asserting they would soon control Davis, & my demise after that. 2020, before disappearing in Yolo jail, vision of Taylor showing me how to take down a really lg. black soccer net; Also, 2019, or possibly toward end of 2020, vision of Taylor becoming a giant - in order to motivate the nation to stand against blacks; as far as music success, that has happened, but the focus must be to defeat the vicious traitors. As far as leaders & others systematically appointing blacks to positions of power, once again, the Lord says, "I 'f' you seek me!" referring to Jer. 29:13 - & that doesn't have to be short for a cuss word, but it's God's creative way of warning these leaders & church leaders are a bunch of counterfits that DON'T KNOW HIM.
Approx. 6/19, Mex. male got on 42B w/Pizza Guys pizza, trying to get my attention; i.e., I'm falling short because I'm not being extravagant enough. 7/3, "You wouldn't play w/them - it's you die," or similar, vision, 1:30 PM. As far as I can tell, communication from God that one of the reasons I'm hesitent to go along w/the plunder/hoard facades - it simply is the wrong answer for anyone to expect me to go along w/hoarding scenarios as a requisite for justice in context where I could end up dead. Nevertheless, this was the premise for oppression of regional Latinos was I'm not hoarding, therefore I must be blind to my "right" to hoard, therefore it must be I feel guilty about something or I am in fact in bed w/local rebels, therefore they can swallow me up utilizing the student co-op turtle theme (near Black Bear) (see WHEN I SAY AGGIES ARE KINGPINS... report) - claiming I failed to use my teacher skills, & so I'm a loser wanna-be landscaper.... - covering up they conspiratorially robbed me of my teacher career.
6/18, "We just people" mex male, bagels shop (?) Calaveras Cty - threat of fire; but it was code for "add" local d.a. oppression, ch 3, 6:06 PM. Eric Holder, " New York, the other activated National Guard; 6:26 PM; 'other' possibly code for blks. "....the following questions on him - 3X/week, vision, 6:37 PM, male pointing gun @ someone, then backing down. "We're gonna go been him," 6:25 PM, Fox weight loss ad; or 'Ben' him - prison code. "She actually cut her life on her husband," 6:56 PM bug code. "More than a place where we pull a garden" mex male instructor, Oakland elem school garden vandalized, 10:16 PM ch 3.
6/20(?) vision of someone tipping off Rambo in jungle "He'd help you there, but only for a short period of time" & instantly, male bug code, "He doesn't know why I'm gonna be pregnant" 2:45 AM, bug code near rm 129 BW; possibly jungle was code for as of 6/21, systematic sabotage of my phone & hacking of internet access, because I'm not checking out until Sun. It occurred after work, approx. 6:30 PM; that morning, I got on 42A to get to job site, & 2 fat mex. fems directly across from me; I'd forgotted to ask for maid service. They've stalked me over lampshades in the room - despite plumbline of parties, & people putting on lampshades over their heads - reality check - NO ONE'S EVER HEARD OF ANYONE CARING EITHER WAY ABOUT, MUCH LESS OPPRESSING SOMEONE OVER, A LAMPSHADE! - IT'S SLAVERY DEFINED - 'THAT NIGHT STAND WAS MOVED A HALF FOOT FROM WHERE IT USED TO BE...NOW YOU WILL BE DESTROYED...' Approx. 4 mos. ago I left 2 lampshades off after juggling, & they said don't do that. 6/20,juggling near a lamp, & so removed the lampshade to prevent it from being hit by a ball - which is equiv. to round bean bag. I replaced the lampshade, but the next day, stalked by the 2 mex. fems, the same size, etc. as BW maids, both matching maroon shrts. - like a uniform. 6/21, phone sabotaged - brand new Samsung (2 wks old)- tried 2 different cords & various outlets in rm 129; only one produced anything - a charge slow enough to take almost 6 hrs. to charge -&, the outlet was next to that lamp - &, the wing nut on the lamp had been loosened.
Lampshade stalkings conspired: Shaped like safari big game hats.
2:52, "You won't know, this was over," fem bug code, rm 129. 7:15, "You're gonna walk?" 6:21 AM, "We're not gonna be having it" bug code. "We're not going Soho;" "She sure put herself, way," 4:19, dream. Kendrick Lamar, (blk) "Not Like Us" song sung 6X by Lamar @ Juneteenth, "The Pop Out" - code for attacks - me being attacked, under guise that it's on behalf of prospective wife, or code I'm supposed to attack blacks. 12:07 "You just can't keep after them," Austin; "They're gonna good of him," Gene's wife, & editor sabotaged. 9:15, "he won't know have his fire," audible code, Catalina 9:15. "It is your 'here's' is," Asian male postal wkr, 1:55. 12:20, "he's not having his nut," Gene or Austin, timed w/web pg sabotages. "He's not livin'" 12:21 possibly Gene or wife. 9:04 "I don't hide out, it," Gene.
6/21, "That's where I use it" Gene's wife, approx. 3 PM; pork & beans for lunch (complements of Wilsons - Catalina); but the beans were giving me gas. As customary, you try to cut silent ones when on the job; I was the only one working in front yard, so that shouldn't be an issue - but, the rebels are desperate, & it's attempts to dupe you that letting one is a sign of weakness; &, they use high-powered mics & illegal eavesdropping, & can hear things others couldn't hear from 2 ft. away, & this code was timed w/when I "let one;" the 'I use it' - role playing me - i.e., me using my phone translates to letting one, or "stinky;" this was combined w/Mex. mail emply blk cap @ Blk Bear diner ("You won't 'come on'") & the 2 fat mex. fems matching maroon shrts on 42A - i.e., sabotage of charging of my phone - use of phone for me is "stinky" - they have my confession, is the facade. Combined w/this, thin Asian fem. from soup kitchen (15 yrs ago), once again, on Fri. (6/21) rode by w/lg. bags of recycleables on a bike - coming down Del Oro & then a L. on Catalina - there's no recycle station near there. Additional conspiracy motives - conspiring as of 6/18: "He doesn't know where we measure opp it," Gene, 8:20 AM; Copperopolis & fires & same eve., firetrucks @ Blk Bear cafe across from BW - it was immed. after Blk Bear that my phone was sabotaged - mex. male emply cleaning restrooms, "You won't come on." 9:41 AM, "You can't be maid, up," wh male lt gray shrt, bike, HS or college student, Catalina ave. - maids involved in sabotaging phone. "You won't know 'em, pull," 10:23, fem.
Gravel in pile, big "pieces" - "bad;" gravel in wheel barrow, small "pieces" - "good;" but the lewd codes are there.
The facade is I'm confessing it's handouts instead of work - because filtering the gravel (which I objected to - saying it was waste of time) is obviously frivolous, so I should know better, therefore, it's soup kitchen handouts (but, work is work). Additionally, the filter doesn't filter out small gravel - which I also pointed out - but it's a code that I'm going to be a slave grovelling before their kids as well, if not a lewd code. 6/24, Garbage collector truck & Del Oro & Catalina, 12:05 PM, after Asian fem had gone by w/lg. bags of recycleables a second time, air brakes, "Fu 'em, who?!" i.e., local Asians, & possibly An family, or more likely Samsung (phone sabotaged - unable to charge for 3 days exc. using laptop plug) - Asians conspiring to prop up Davis rebels' consp. to fool me & deny me income - but I reported rock singers involved as well. Rebels have stalked me for years w/guise of ego for refusing to collect recycleables (& instead work hard @ a real job), but I was led to avoid it from the beginning, & in fact it is a misdemeanor to dig through strangers' trash cans for recycleables - rebels isolate you & desperately attempt to fool you that you're being prideful if you refuse to commit crimes! 6/24, 8:47 PM, vision, "Gene's serial killer," immediately followed by someone whispering, "Who?!"
6/22, Coop, 12:36, wh male dk gray vert. striped shrt & blk shorts, "I have a dead person, up," (pic sent); "Alright, I won't have personal" after I snapped a pic., 12:38. Fox sports, Belium v. __ soccer, anncr, 1:29, "Nothing does the job;" "They get a second grave," "We kill, loan," & 1:30, "Inside, by Apache;" then, "Goal!" Belgium - MAROON UNIFORM JERSEYS - LIKE 2 MEX. FEMS on bus, & also, 5:30 PM in Savemart, stalked by wh male maroon shrt, 6.21. I.e., w/help of soccer anncr, terrorists, create impression that Davis rebels aren't in a lick of trouble - no worries @ all - nuclear missiles aren't pending for the last 7 years, they don't have to walk on eggshells 100% of the time - other than hidden sabotages that reg'ly occur, because terrorist soccer anncrs, LITERALLY CREATE APPEARANCE OF GRACE FOR THEM - NO VIOLENCE OCCURRING OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEARTS - AS OPPOSED TO THEY WERE EFFECTIVELY NUKED LONG TIME AGO; THEREFORE, IF MY PHONE IS SABOTAGED (6/21) SO THAT IT SUDDENLY DOESN'T CHARGE FROM ANY OF OUTLETS IN RM. 129, EXCEPT. POSSIBLY ONE, WHERE IT'S SLOWED TO A TRICKLE CHARGE, MAGICALLY, THE MEX. REBELS HAVE LED! MOREOVER, IT WAS CONSPIRED IN OAKLAND - 'PULL A GUARDIN;'" 1:35, "...setting the standards for those to follow," soccer anncr then claiming the terrorists have led. 6/18, 10:30, "You're gonna arraign w/'em, make 'em," (bug code?), 10:49 PM, "we haul aways gettin' a peak here," facade kidnapping police & others magically have soccer anncrs' watch, & they've indicated more kidnappings - "peak" or sly look; alternately 'we hallway's gettin' 'em,' I randomly left inside entrance light on when first moving in to Drake Dr., because my parents sometimes did that, but rebels assumed it was code 'ha! all!' as though I was concluding everyone was against me (which wasn't the case @ all in 1999); i.e., a dichotomy that magically conjures up Drake Dr. 'U' oppression - Davis police' "peak." THESE ARE TERRORIST ARGUMENTS & SMOKE SCREENS THAT WERE DEMOLISHED MORE THAN A DECADE AGO, DUE TO MY FEATS OF CONVERTING ROCK SONGS, THEN GOD USING ME TO PROCLAIM CHINA FEATS & CHURCH'S PLAN, & EXPOSING COVER-UP CONCERNING SLAVS - & ALL THIS FOLLOWING GOD PERSONALLY SILENCING THEM W/VISIONS OF NUCLEAR MISSILES FIRED @ NO. CA. - THE MONSTERS ARE FAR TOO MONSTROUS TO CLAIM CONTINUED OPPRESSION OF ME MAGICALLY ADDS UP TO LEADING OTHERS! THEREFORE THOSE SOCCER ANNOUNCERS ARE CHOMPED BY 100 DINOSAURS FOR ETERNITY. MOREOVER, THIS WAS AFTER I PLACED THE AUSTIN REPORT UP - GENE'S SON AUSTIN, AUSTIN POWERS, ETC. - DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO RE-ASSERT 'AWE, IT'S TIN POWERS...' CONSP.
5/17, 3:28 AM, vision, "You could, clued 'em," as I was getting ready to juggle. I didn't know what the Lord meant by that, & continued to juggle; 4:33 AM, I was starting on my second hr. of juggling, & vision, "I want you to teach, your 'clued.'" God indicating the graphic from "Band on Run" CD indicates I could & should teach; God indicating it's his will, but timing of it - he was saying that's what rock & Hollywood want me to be doing as well. Rock & Hollywood have duty to intervene for me @ once, & I believe it's from the Lord when I occasionally make extremely stern warnings - he never rebukes me for it. But considering the vile traitorous forces against me, & that the Show Me Crusaders have exposed most of them, he brings it to my attention to cut them some slack. Also, the nation is crippled & spiralling downward largely due to Americans on the fence for freedom & justice for all - as I said in WHO ARE THE ANTI-HEROES report, you have to be gung ho about everyone's rights, or U.S.A. is replaced - it isn't an option, & the Show Me Turkey Day Crusaders have called you on it!
Meanwhile, placing display on behalf of them (Slavs, rock, Hollywood) on internet again - going out on a limb as far as my teacher goals - dreams more than once of me stuck in the past, 1995-'96 or so, when I stumbled because I thought I was called into ministry (if you could call that stumbling) - it sidetracked my life - a lot of it due to unjustified persecution. 6/27, Auburn Dr. @ Drexel, Joan, 8:30 AM, "You're gonna have to pull pit," i.e., 'pulpit' - minister's podium; but Joan's res. is located next door to property owned by former UCC assoc. pastor Dave Keane's bride's parents - that they rented when first married in 1995 - this was where he was located when persecuting me for no reason because I was grappling w/erroneous calling - 29 years ago; I was back to my teacher goals 100% as of 2004 - 20 years later, I'm still denied an actual job as a teacher! Moreover, now the Eastern church is setting me up so that the Jack Teacher plan bites it if I don't join the ministry & hold their hand while they produce stubborn fits ostracizing me - despite I'm their only actual public witness to the alleged motives behind their sufferings & supposed prevailing against their persecutors - they are pressuring me to stumble again! I Jn. 3:21, "Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever practices the truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen clearly that what he has done has been accomplished in God;" the indications are they current leaders aren't following God, & iron-fisted control - despite democracy originated from that region - has the public pressured to kiss Asians' butts. Was it an accident, & they are evil & seriously didn't means to overcome the oppression of Christians in Siberia??? "Shall I hide from you what we plan to do?" Mary, approx. 2 wks ago (mid June), & another vision, "We're going to wipe" (presumably wipe out - No. Ca.?). There was also Putin's news story about Heaven & late Gorbachev's about total nuclear disarmament, approx. 2017; but subsequently 3 attempts on my life, so it's responses that are virtually nill.
I'm also reporting that there were visions - such as those from Taylor & Lady Gaga - that were confusing to say the least; but it may be rock is expecting me to sideline them. As far as endorsement of Guilded Show 'Ems, I'm left in the dark & moreover, they failed to show up & intervene for me - these alone anyone would agree are reasons to be upset w/them. I typically overlook their systematic ostracizement due to bona fide trackings of rebels - but their style of leaving me stranded isn't helping them.
6/22, 11:03 PM, ch 6 BBC, Purina cat chow ad, w/sm girl lying on stomach - pose similar to model Mary Nabokoba - pose that I've reported the terrorists have been systematically stalking me w/- sm. girl in that pose in giant No. Ca. fertility ad poster on Yolobus, then several TV product ads - nothing wrong w/the pose, but the timing is where they are removed from the face of the earth (by operation of the law). 1 min. later, fem. in subsequent ad or dubbed in, "We have to figure out who we are." I warned, if rock had anything to do w/that code, they are gone. Then 11:13 PM, "The First Saga," ch 7, space ship that looked like car smashed into space station & destroyed it, & fem. looking on confused. 6/23, 6 AM approx., dream I was hired for landscape work @ male homeowner's, & he said he was "Sheriff Daniels" - implying I'm stranded long enough for another sheriff to take office, etc. As of Sat. AM, suddenly codes, visions, etc., attempting to convince me it was absolutely imperative I continue staying @ BW, instead of checking out Sun. AM & staying in Belair in WS. God recently spoke to me "I've given you rest," & I've been taking a break from juggling early AM - still get up early usually, but I study or etc. Nevertheless, there were 3 movies on simultaneously attempting to dupe me that if I'm staying in WS @ lower rate, it must be because I'm not adventurous enough - as opposed to actual motives of conservativeness to possibly save for f., l., & dep. for renting a place if I'm hired as teacher. One movie was teen girl under a van & jack-in-the-box drops down beside her & slowly a dangerous doll creeps out (possibly Chucky), but it was small enough, she could smash it w/one hand & instead, it supposedly kills her; I changed it to a Robin Williams movie where he's a troll or similar, & sudden sense of the kids in the movie overly fragile - like glass - ATTEMPT TO PROGRAM ME/BRAINWASH ME TO DOUBT MYSELF; then, 2 min. later, blk fem interrogating wh fem @ police station, & slips in "Sorry Microsoft?" during questioning about if she knew any people on list of supposed salon customers of hers - 'microsoft' - fragile/glass theme again. As of 6 AM, after the sheriff stall vision, I removed the An Family (Korean) display - due to fact that it's a display of Asians hiding, essentially - the American flag in background & Korean flag - both horiz. rather than hung, & displayed same as my index webpage; but absent piping up on my behalf, it's essentially an 'over' code; i.e., attempting to endorse me while in actuality caving in to peer pressure - they fall short of contacting or "hailing" me (in sense of hailing a cab). Approx. 7 AM, 'stage' code. Then on internet, story about "Seventeen," name of K-pop band consisting of 13 S. Korean members, & they were going to be performing on Pyramid Stage in Glastonbury; i.e., '17' wasn't a random name - it's a name signalling I fell short of 18 status - a lewd smear; 'peer amid' - indicating they are peers w/most people on international level - & "privy" to the innuendos about Jack Teacher, & willing to cooperate w/keeping me @ bay. 'Glass ton, bury' consp. to bury the Jack Teacher plan, under guise children are very fragile, like glass, &, under guise of rumors, claiming a teacher of questionable character must not have access to them; moreover, the movies signalling the 'glass' facade reinforced it - they attempt to dupe you that it isn't teacher goals, it's laziness, etc., is the motives for avoiding the more expensive motels - if you were really rough & tough, you'd take on the higher-priced motels despite you might have to work longer hours or there might be complications - it's a trick to dupe you that you're a wuss - you're burying toughness skills - if you save money in a lower-priced motel. It's nonsense, but these are rebels that's their m.o. Reaffirming this was their motives, 9:25 AM, while watching Span. TV station (which might be a factor, in actuality), vision of someone "polishing" a baby's bare bottom w/Vaseline (petroleum jelly), but indication that it was lewd intentions. I had yet to report that I purchased some petroleum jelly @ Raley's approx. 3 wks ago, & the sum total products was one size of Tippy Toes brand; i.e., there wasn't any actual Vaseline brand, & no other brand ex. Tippy Toes, & only one size, &, it was located in the baby section, as opposed to hand lotions, creams, ointments, etc. - & this is a full size grocery store - signalling a lewd innuendo to their customers; it's also unmistakeably perfumed like baby powder. I.e., the vision occurred then, as though beware of going back to WS, Belair, & Raley's - but the lewd codes are in Davis as much or more; it's more evidence of movies preprogrammed, codes, etc. to dupe me. It is a factor that An family (stopped a rape of fem using martial arts) is S. Korean, & "Seventeen" is as well, & instead of being peers amid others @ international level, they are readily conspiring & submitting to "peer pressure" (putting it mildly).
6/13, "We're going to have to take the time; he didn't have it" Dan, Isla. 9:44 gently tease it," (referring to raking leaves from flowerbed - but then, "We'll let Kimberly do the trimming" - i.e., 'k[ey] him burly' - although the 'gently tease' may have been they're handing it to me. 5:33 PM, "You didn't have your poof," male near G1. 5:43, "We're gonna know him w/question," car, 5th & D near G1. 9:07, "He isn't having my nice key him," Irene; possibly why Dan was backpeddling (if that was the case) w/'gently tease;' i.e., 'nice key him' - the strangle attack @ F & 4th, 7/2021, was associated w/key job video (Carrie Underwood) - w/Underwood looking exactly like Swift. 10:30, "We aren't gonna live him," Irene; "You will doom your environment" 10:38 AM. 12:47 PM, "'bout line - atta 'get her!'" wh fem blnd blk tank top, jogging by on Isla; i.e., claim I'm not accusing rock musicians enough. Dan, "You won't know it was us," & pocket dial instantly occurs; 11:50 AM - so there are custs. who are participating in the hacking - incl. Dan. IVF, NBC, pic of fem, "I'm here because of IVF - poster, Missouri So. Baptists; i.e., claim that if I so much as think about IVCF women in past, I'm haunted - God has led me they failed me, but @ the time they weren't conspiring; but IVCF was Christian group - a lot of them were Baptists; & they're now desperately claiming if I think about them, I'm endorsing their current oppression. 1:26 "You just see is 'cused" (i.e., 'accused'). 1:22 "We're going 'you're had'" blk male lt grn polo shrt, tan bag, Anderson & Hanover; got on Q line. 5 AM plant food containers dream, 10 AM approx., "If you seek me" vision.
I've reported the attempts to dupe me that I have to demand more expensive motels, spend more on food, etc. - while in some circumstances that might legitimately constitute a confession from persecutors, handing me the plunder - that they should've hired me & paid me hansomely from the start, I've reported in this case, it isn't necessary, due to their systematic use of conspiracy codes in public, & actual conspiracies occurring daily that are manifest to everyone - my goal is to work as a teacher, & I don't have an ego to fulfill, nor is there any requisite to do so - the crimes they are committing is sufficient to expose them, & the law & tradition demands justice @ once for victims, rather than stall tactics to provide some supposed alternate angle of proof against them. Moreover, this 'take the plunder' facade, in addition to being unnecessary, & therefore stalling justice for years, has enabled the rebels countless chances to brainwash me, lure me, & ruin me - & in fact the 'plunder' facade in fact is a temptation in & of itself, because it creates facade that my prowess & abilities was a significant factor in the outcome; but capitalism is based on entrepreneurial spirit - taking a chance on yourself & your abilities; failure isn't something anyone gets punished or oppressed for, & that's why I've continued straight ahead w/teacher goals. Allowing the 'plunder' facade potentially creates facade of justifying those for whom there is no justification - No. Ca. rebels propping up Davis supposedly to force them to fork over the dough, but regionally conspiring to trap me in slavery until that occurs, if & when it might occur, rather than hiring me as a teacher. In fact, in actual practice, there may be instances when the 'plunder' scenario isn't unjust, but when the victim has goals of another profession, & oppression is occurring, it's a detriment & tool for oppressors. SO THEIR REGIONAL TRAP FORCING ME TO SUBMIT TO SLAVERY & OPPRESSION UNTIL THEY HAND OVER THE PLUNDER, IS A SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPT TO NEGATE MY TEACHER GOALS! & in fact, IT IS THE DAVIS REBELLION, BECAUSE THEIR PRESSURING& CORNERING ME AMOUNTS TO COERCING ME TO DARE THE REBELS, BY DOING A MORE SLOPPY JOB, & EXPECTING HIGHER PAY - BECAUSE THEY ARE EXPOSED, IS THE PREMISE. & THE 'DARE' REBELS ORIGINATED IN DAVIS - COLDWELL BANKER D.A.R.E. - DOUG ARNOLD R.E. I'm being enslaved because the region is decreeing that his 'dare' is still in control - despite they all became rebels & terrorists - as plain as day - 20 years ago! Additional argument is I won't have my 'overshoot' - i.e., a teacher who overcomes w/additional skills, but unless the rebels hand over the plunder, the additional skills - sales - isn't consumated, & I don't have my 'overshoot' recognition. But (1) there's no additional skills facade that merits submitting to crimes & slavery, & (2)rebels resisting admitting I've proven myself in alternate professions doesn't mean it didn't happen - you don't leave that w/in their control - I've proven myself as far as additional skills if nothing else, because God then used me to promote historical feats of churches & Guilded Show 'Em's. M.o. of No. Ca. rebels included conspiring false conviction of battery in 2003 - if the victim corssed the line once (or, phony facade of such), they might be able to pressure him to do it again, & then eventually they have their maniac w/building blown sky high (Dorothy scenario). But Robert Conrad ("Wild, Wild West") exposed this one, w/the Eveready battery ads - "Knock this battery off my shoulder - I dare ya!" & Motorola, Samsung, Apple, etc., bought it - trick batteries that you can't charge up - 'the victim'll crack, sooner or later...'
Mar. 2024, e mail from Wyndam hotels of promo - stay 2 nights, & then reward pts. for 2 nights free - click a button to register for it. I stayed for approx. 1 1/2 wks after that @ Wyndam in Davis, & front desk couldn't help me w/the 2 free nights - contact Wyndam rewards. Wyndam rewards never contacted me & when I call them, it isn't resolved. Also, more than 12,000 reward pts. in addition to the supposed 2 nights stay, & most places it's 7500 for free night's stay - indicating I've got a total of 3 free nights stay; they then said Davis Wyndam is 15,000 for free night stay. @ any rate, 6/16, attempting to resolve the 2 free nights stay, first, you can't find the phone # anywhere on Wyndam webpage - identical to Build Your Site web host - literally eliminated their ph. # - you have to text them - robotic antiquated methods of communicating - customer service suicide ordinarily, but rebellion attempts to pressure everyone to cave in to lower standards. On one particular pg., link saying "See Phone #" & you click on that, then you have access to ph #. Indications are, if you can't "see" women (nudes) then the monsters claiming they can ream you - 'Someone wants to raise standards? Oppress him! We're going to oppress you w/lousy customer service until you get rid of Joe Sherman!' MERCHANTS, CORPORATIONS, ETC., CURRENTLY ATTEMPTING TO SEE HOW FAR THEY CAN GO W/REAMING CUSTOMERS & STILL BE IN BUSINESS! TEAR THEM TO PIECES! BLOT THEM OUT FROM FACE OF EARTH - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW - OR IT'LL BE THE RUIN OF THIS NATION! 10:33-10:37 AM, male emply repeatedly faking like his voice was cutting out. I had called "rewards" #, because they need a specific dept. to deal w/reward point reservations - it's too complicated to train reservation emplys how to deal w/reward points, evidently. I had to call back a second time due to the phony "cut- outs." Fem emply, claiming to resolve the 2 nights free stay, rewards dept. said I had to be connected to yet another dept. - & then no one responding for 35 min. I was trying to get a reserv. for this AM, but I was running out of time & had to make a purchase @ Raley's across the street to get $20 cash back for room for another night @ Bel Air because of Wyndam's stall games. Belair mideast mgr's son, "You won't look, direct," 10:46 AM; i.e., consp. claim they are involving enough others from other places (Wyndam, etc.) oppressing me so that I don't get to "look" @ No. Ca. & confirming that, 1 sec. later, Wyndam automated mssg., "...when you book direct..." This was a little more precision than a lot of the codes from Belair; most likely a factor was consp. Mideast male mgr of West Lake mkt in Davis. One of the tactics was cafes treating me condescendingly; I was shift mgr. @ McDonald's 1996-1997; it was common practice customers eat their meal, & 90% of them leave their pariphenalia on table for emplys to clean up - few customers cleaned up their own table, nor was it expected. Tactic of Davis rebels, systematic, calculated acts pressuring me to compromise, & treating me like a child, emplys & customers meticulously cleaning up their tables to try to create trouble for me w/any excuse for calling police - such as careless irresponsible cust. Because I've been more steadily emply'd for last 8 years, this hasn't been a factor - but, for ex. approx. a year ago in Cain's cafe, Davis, blk male & fem leaving after a meal, suddenly came back to their table before leaving, acting apologetic about forgetting to clean up their table - STARK RAVING MAD! But, if they were going to take over Davis, THEY HAD TO HAVE THE OPPRESSION M.O. DOWN! & remember, blk basketball players & other blks proclaiming w/codes on TV that they were in fact taking over Davis. I reported that because of the Big Bird (Sesame Street) vision a few mos. ago (sticking his head out & hit & killed by automobile), followed by Iranian leader dying in helicopter crash, this possibly indicated my conjectures about the "It" church observations he had made 3 years or so before were accurate - objective observer acknowledging I was following the Lord, & no one else was - but also due to him failing to follow through more thoroughly, it possibly contributed to his assassination. This seemed to clear some things up, & I was encouraged to specifically buy lamb curry @ Indian place near Belair. I was going to get pizza this Fri., but remembered focus on Mideast, & nearest place for lunch was a Nepalese cafe inside West Lake mkt. in W. Davis. The meal was $13.99, but w/2 beverages to counter the 100+ degree weather I was working in all day, it was $19. The Nepalese cafe has lunches, dinners, deserts; 2 tables indoors & tables outside of West Lake; I was seated @ table inside, & upon starting the meal, I made a random quip, "Just like downtown," which in actuality I got from a Mideast store owner in Stockton approx. 1982 - I was the sub driver while Leo was on vacation, doing the main ice cream delivery route for 2 wks; we had enough customers in Stckn that a day & half devoted to almost exclusively them; sm. mom & pop store, I possibly purchased something after deliverying ice cream, or else owner signing for the ice cream purchase, w/comment, "Just like downtown!" i.e., "Slick as a whistle!" comment. They are so desperate to conjure up that I am in bed w/Davis & the downtown Davis businesses, that instantly West Lake mkt mgr. (Mideasterner), as I was leaving, attempted to ball me out for not cleaning up my table! You spend $19 & the kitchen staff can't spend a few secs. clearing the table??!!! But they actually buy their own lies - 'downtown' & immature child conspiracies - & amazingly, that "Just like downtown!" was from a Mideasterner! They lie in wait for blood of victim - for decades! "How useless to spread a net where every bird can see it! These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves!" Prov. 1:17,18.
6/16, Telemundo (TV), Ikea ad, "We find new ways to go low - es una promesa!" ('it's a promise') - 12:15 PM; if it was straightforward, you could say 'new ways to lower prices' - but context of my complaints & their illegal eavesdroppings, it was referring to me - 'new ways to oppress;' they are stark raving mad, convinced they have a "right" to ruin the nation! Span. TV movie, "In the Line of Duty," producer, Ingenuous; an uncommon word - usually the alternate nuance is used - disingenuous - untrustworthy. 12:09, Telemundo (possibly same channel as movie), during ad, "...doubles 'you end owe';" which most likely spells out the m.o. of the rebels - yet another "freebie"/"stuff" conspiracy - systematic conspiracies attempting to claim I did really want to work, I was a busybody freeloader - trying to get "dough" from people under guise of a R.E. business, behind on bills, etc. Despite their frank (coded) confessions to one another via news programs in Sac region, "No. Ca., you are BUSY!" giving everyone the heads up that in actuality I'm really busy & hard-working, so everyone had better redouble their efforts, etc.; nevertheless, this conspiracy is based on the freeloader facade - a lazy phony just trying to get a hold of some cash, some dough; the conspired innuendos are to be covered & consumated by their 'inn? you end, 'dough'' conspiracy - i.e., 'Victim deserves to stay in an inn? On contrary, the lazy "dough" seeker is exposed & brought to an end!' Except it requires 30 years of constant conspiracies in public, which constitutes rebellion, & moreover I never breathed a word about an inn - I'm entitled to far more than that - justice, career, rent or purchase of a home, etc.
6/10, Approx. 12:10, "I have big time" or similar, mex male gray hair blue shrt, entering Savem. approx. "He's not gonna know our GOAL" mex(?) male wh Ram p/up (landscapers) Elmwood - wkg @ Powers' res. next door to Meredith; i.e., attempting to confuse emphasis, but 'he's not gonna KNOW...' - their goal is I'm denied teacher goals - because then I'm a professional & my Dad lured them in Fresno w/me being the lacky & that's how they get ahead in life - @ my expense. 6/11, Vision, concerning Latinos - promotions on internet - "It is as you say," as though I'm behaving like Pontius Pilate, or rather that's how they're treating me - crucifying me (death row conps. that never end - no matter how many people are watching & no matter how great the signs of God's power onmy behalf); "It is you take 'cue 'T;'' i.e., T St. Sac - Latinos did stand in gap for me so that I could get a sale in Sac. in 2001; but the underlying motive was this helped to further the sabotage of my teacher career - the "goal;" so I removed the recent promos. I reported the 2 sets of barricades on Elmwood - PG&E, & "CHARGE;" the next day (6/10), @ Jan Manzi's, 3 sets of 2 barricades in their back yard. "That was you've had it," Jan, referring to bucket she placed next to sidewalk as though a pylon or cone - i.e., Manzis involved in Elmwood barricade facade - PG&E has steered clear for most part of participating in electric chair code name associations (other than usual cover-ups of local emplys along w/everyone else), but the nuance is used anyway w/out their participation. Jan, 10:45 AM, "Trump is the b' oak" (McCartney, "You shoulda seen me when I b'oak a man" - Jr.'s Farm song, 10:14 AM. "We guess he has them, man," Antioch 8:29 AM. "He won't be taking them, his grateful," 8:31. 'Cue 'T'' - "Poker Face" Lady Gaga, lyrics are "Can't read my..." but sounds like "Cutie pie," & Taylor Swift, "Tortured Poets Dept." - face decked out in tatoos; Gaga's song sounds like "Cutie pie, cutie pie." Don Henley warned, as far as Hotel Ca., "Such a lovely place/Such a lovely face" sounding pained, like, 'Oh, did they have to grubby-up that face?' Taylor is more attractive w/out the "embellishments," but the point is, w/the torture & death row conspiracies, they are decisively forfeiting any credit for Linda Ronstadt & R.L.O. Go Three's - Ronstadt - 'runs ta[ught] - 'T' [oo' face].' I.e., 'pie' - P.I. - private investigator - & 'cue 'T' pie;' but it's repeated; a ''T'-ooo' w/being investigators or tracking any rebels - the ARE THE REBELS. As far as Latinos, essentially the only thing they have going for them is the R.L.O. Go Three Crusaders, the soccer "kick" gurus, & according to vision, Native American Flight Directors are standing (or flying). More pressure from Hispanics, Latinos, Native Americans, from other parts of the world, & I'd be employed as a teacher - they need to read the Bible for themselves & stop cowering before the pope.
Guilded Show 'Em Crusaders insisting a teacher can be "formed" into a Holy pawn - amounting to @ best a missionary who is never allowed to teach, because I'm used to reach this people, track that group, report those rebels, rescue this bunch, etc. & God told me I'm entitled to an answer - as in actual intervention - not only from rock, but others as well, but rock & Hollywood exherted significant control over my life early on indicating they were planning on using me - supposedly to defeat oppression, & so they have a duty to resolve it as much as any rebels who've been oppressing me & rebelling. I reported the fact that chewing tobacco is sometimes referred to as "dip" & the Big Dipper signifies the huge offering of Vikings on behalf of China, & chewing tobacco is cancer causing, same as cigarettes - cancer sticks - it's a warning sign - cancer sticks & refusal to answer. Moreover, if you are a teacher, you can use chalk on a chalk board, or, you can get yourself canned by acting like a child & sticking a piece of chalk in your mouth - & A PIECE OF CHALK STICKING OUT OF SOMEONE'S MOUTH LOOKS LIKE...A CIGARETTE! Stalls denying me my job as a teacher while creating facades that seem to endorse teacher goals - ultimate mssg. is teacher might as well light up a cigarette & give up on teacher goals. 6/14, 9:48 PM, "We're gonna love you w/longer," fem bug code, possibly Taylor (vision). 'With' is code for hostage in jail; but 'long' is a code from rock songs that I'd noticed before, but hadn't resolved it. "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be along now/It's just a sprinkling for the May queen;" (phonemically), "Stairway to Heaven." Sounds like 'along now' but supposed '...alarmed now.' May queen refers to May Day celebration tradition featuring a girl w/special title, often leading a parade; from info available to me from more than one source, it isn't an adult college homecoming queen - it's consistently a girl, as opposed to a woman. 'Bustle in your hedgerow' - coded combination of death row phonemes & landscaping - the victim is railroaded into landscaping, & behind the scenes, death row conspiracies are still fully operational - 'Edge [your death] row [consp.]' - facade the have their "edge," as far as bringing it to fruition @ some point in future. &, former member of UCC, & volunteer leader of Edge youth group. But more than that - there's the recurring theme of lewd innuendos combined w/alternate more noble facade conspiracy - victim @ best marrying in distant future someone who is currently a child - the may queen. Moreover, "Don't be along now," implying stay away - don't come to help Jack Teacher, don't invade - or code, 'don't be a "long"' w/'long' being a code. There's a pattern of 'alongs' in rock songs. I recently reported "Supertramp" "School" & the singer seems to be portraying himself as a teacher, "Be like Johnny-Too-Good...he's comin' along..." & song ends w/"It's always up to you/If you wanna be that, wanna see that, wanna see that way/You're comin' along..." Expression meaning improving, maturing, etc. - typically applied to kids - you rarely here someone saying to an adult, "You're coming along;" it's also used in more literal sense, "..coming along [w/us]" etc., as in an adult saying to a child "Let's go" or "Come w/us," etc. as in adult taking a child w/them somewhere - occasionally you might say that to an adult - "Come along w/us," etc. But these expressions are more often used by adults, & referring to children. "Bennie & the Jets" "We shall survive/Let us take ourselves along/Where we fight our parents out in the streets/To find who's right & who's wrong." So the 'take ourselves along' scenario, & subsequent lyrics of opposing parents - defeating the stigma of rock musicians being the kids & rock fans being the kids - 'we're the adults' - i.e., demolish the pretention that we - baby boomers, younger generations, etc. - don't have what it takes to lead for justice, track a rebellion, lead the church, etc. So the 'don't be "along, now"' - reject any "along, now" notion that victim consigned to slavery must be abandoned & allowed to be treated like a child - w/rebels decreeing, 'you're comin' along [w/us & working as landscaper - you're not "adult" enough to be a teacher...];' & 'you're comin' along [w/us - you won't marry until the may queen girl grows up - another 5-10 years,' etc.];' or, 'you're comin' along [w/us to jail...]' etc. From another angle, John Lennon, after Beatles split, intead of an adult being tall & keeping busy, instead lounging, contemplating life, etc., & song "Starting Over," "Why don't we take us along" & a vacation trip; i.e., capitulating to letting others run things & be the adults, & simply checking out of life to some extent - more like an immature child mentality - & then assassinated. Additionally, "Don't be 'along now...'" indicates another aspect to the expression, such as - 'Regional rebellion w/slavery & murder conspiracy, spreading like a cancer & causing corporations & cities to crumble & bringing natural disasters to this nation never before seen? I'll be along...I'll mosey on over there when I get around to it." I.E. SLOW, CASUAL REACTION TO A CRISIS UNEQUALLED IN THE NATION'S HISTORY! - THE ANTITHESIS TO THE URGENCY OF INVASION, W/NATION SPIRALLING TO EXTINCTION!!!!
But "Let us take ourselves along..." - more than young people having confidence & maturity & rejecting rebel labels of younger generations, including rock musicians & rock fans, that tend to dupe us; Supertramp song tends to reinforce those labels; rock musicians warning young generations must do better - 'take ourselves' - defeat the tendencies to acquiesce to bondage that rock musicians participated in, settled for, or have been in bondage to, as result of persecution & being outnumbered. Lyrics phonemically, "Your head is hummin,' & it won't go/Because you don't know/The piper's calling you to join him;" supposedly actual lyrics are '...In case you don't know...' The song ends w/(phonemically) "When all I wanted was to know/To be a rock & not to roll" - the church is referred to as the "rock" historically; a rock that doesn't "roll" is a stable rock, immovable, unshakeable, which is what the church is supposed to be. The mssg. seems to be that (1)based on that those who hum usually aren't professional singers - they hum their favorite songs from radio, etc., (2)those humming are usually looking up & holding their post despite "precarious" conditions - upbeat, etc.; (3)if you "don't know" the piper's calling you to join him, then you aren't inclined to follow him, & you are holding your post or able to regain your post (despite precarious conditions in America) then you are positioned to defend & endorse the Jack Teacher plan; if you're following the hypothetical "piper," you are following a musician (piper) - you aren't following the Jack Teacher plan. Instead, rise above the actors & musicians - it isn't the Jack Musician plan, it isn't the Jack Actor plan - don't follow rock musicians, be adults & lead - have confidence in yourselves as citizens in the greatest nation ever founded & established in all of history (& demonstrated as such) - use your knowledge, education, training, experience in the land of free home of brave & take the reigns of control from the older rebel generations, including political & spiritual leaders.
6/12, nearing Andersons' on Isla, vision or thoughts as though I was entering a period of past - conditions of little or no persecution, etc.; but it wasn't necessarily a good sentiment - as though someone attempting to cast a spell that I'd lost ground or acquiesced to a new manifestation of the regional menagerie where they can dumb down the oppression & buy themselves more time, & I'd somehow allowed it. As far as I can tell, this originated when I was @ Mike's, Mideast maintenance wkr. who has occasionally subcontracted me for a job when his hands were full; in this instance the job was @ his home, removing piles & piles of rock from landscape sections on both sides of his lawn; alot of rocks where loose, some required shoveling & digging to get out. I'm isolated, & having to balance 3 fundamental principles: (1)The Bible says when you're a slave, work as though working for the Lord - do a good job, despite you're working for a tyrant or persecutor, etc.; the reasoning is, first, they are in power & you aren't - it'll only get worse for you in most cases as a slave if you deliberately do a lousy job; second, if justice is on the way (such as in my case), there's still no telling when, & the fact is, if you start reg'ly doing a lousy, sloppy, lazy job, you gradually lose your mind - becoming lazy & developing bad work ethic - & no one to bring you up to speed. You end up worthless & unemployed, & justice never comes, because you're a derelict. (2)The man is typically the breadwinner, & also when you aren't allowed to use 90% of your talents & abilities, it's a tendency to try to do a good job simply as a breadwinner, rather than letting them turn you into a loser; (3)Justice is coming, & so God occasionally encourages me that while maintaining a good work ethic, be a little sloppy once in a while, & avoid overdoing a good job, despite drive to get more work & higher wages by doing a good job. In this instance, it was specific - "Leave it there - they'll go up pretty high," vision, referring to a rock in the rock bed. I.e., the element of boldness & confidence as opposed to overly thorough - the fear will increase & they'll start forking over more dough. Immediately after that, vision of Taylor, as far as I could tell, approx. 4 PM, "Joe, you've done so much for everyone - we can't imagine how awewome you're life is going to be" (or similar - I didn't write it down because I was busy & threatening codes take priority as far as reporting). But - because I didn't write it down, approx. 4:45, gov't bug code, "You didn't take your cattle!" ie., 'c[at t]attle;' i.e., monsters decreeing I have to write down positive codes or it means I'm lost & am unable to contemplate why they would say that - i.e., 'gosh, I'm a flake - certainly I don't deserve blessings, or anything like that; what's she talking about?' I.e., their DESPERATE attempt to brand me a naive dupe. I warned that I was fully aware that I'm entitled to blessings beyond measure, & I was aware of the sentiment of the vision from Taylor, & AS OF THAT POINT, IT WAS INSTANT LIGHTS OUT, & DESPERATE CONSTANT STALKINGS COMBINED W/SYSTEMATIC OPPRESSION - INCLUDING NEW PHONE SUDDENLY SABOTAGED, ETC.; I.E., "STOP HIM! HE CAN'T KNOW THOSE THINGS! OPPRESS HIM! DISTRACT HIM! REDOUBLE THE DARKNESS!" I.E., SUDDENLY INCREASE THE OPPRESSION & CODES TO DISTRACT YOU SO THAT YOU CAN'T LOOK UP & HAVE CONFIDENCE EVEN IF YOU WANTED TO. That was 3 weeks ago, & the systematic attempts to distract me & the redoubled efforts to force me to be downcast haven't totally subsided. The curse - or spell - from Andersons' was part of this, & indicates it's being orchestrated from outside of No. Ca. in addition to locally. The Andersons don't hire me all the time - a few X/year, but they pay a little more than most other customers. In this instance, a lot of guests staying there, including their kids & teen grandkids. I didn't finish everything on 12th, & so was back in AM of 13th. But early AM 13th, dream that I was @ job site - Andersons, as far as I could tell, & getting some containers of plant food, insecticide, etc., "I'll need these little monsters..." (strange way of putting it). Other strange dreams as well, such as a TV program or ad, & someone w/"UC Davis" T-shrt walks across the screen - as though UCD is suddenly favored; & @ dream about working w/handy man, etc., w/concrete saw - indicating a notion of stuck longer in landscaping - as opposed to invasion. I.E., A SPELL FROM WARLOCKS THAT I HAD FALLEN SHORT & THEY COULD TRAP ME LONGER - BASED ON THAT I DIDN'T WRITE DOWN THE VISION OF SOMEONE SAYING I'M GOING TO HAVE A PHENOMENAL LIFE. Then working @ Andersons' again AM of 13th, vision, 9:20 AM approx., "If you seek me," God reminding me of Scripture Jer. 29:13 - those who seek God w/all their hearts, they shall surely find him; but the way it was shortened, it was a mssg. that he was communicating to me '[I] 'f' you seek me...' 'f' word being "forget it!" i.e., no way, or the 'f' cuss word. Either way, God was cluing me in about those who claim they are seeking or following him, but they are traitors. I was raking pine needles from flowerbeds & sweeping up leaves, needles, etc., & a lot of rubbish next to spa, so I picked up the portable stair step, & it had a container w/a lid, & lo & behold, containers of bubble bath, etc., fell out - exact same shaped containers as in the dream; i.e., tools of landscape - what I'm dreaming about - become tools of being in spa w/customers including married women & or kids - which doesn't constitute work, & could translate to affair or lewd innuendo. Moreover, context is former customer Anna on Radcliff; divorced young fem, very buxom; I was working @ her place approx. 1/mo. for 3 years or so, but, it was occurring that she was attempting to turn it up as far as something happening between us; spa @ side yard, & work bench in garage a few ft. away, containers of body oil, etc., & codes such as "You can heave me," etc. But then suddenly when I wasn't responding, several instances where she suddenly disappears when it's time to get paid - refuses to answer door & phone, then later profusely apologizes, etc. & God led me to nip it in the bud & work w/other customers. I.e., parallel - I already had a proven track record concerning spa - job site is strictly work - attempts to "tweak" that & I'm elsewhere; the curse vision of 12th was rebels attempting to smear my motives - secret intentions to have an affair or improper conduct around kids - but the plumbline of Anna's tracked them! Moreover, GOD PROVIDED ME A SCATHING REBUKE AGAINST THEM - THE FACT THAT UCD SUPPOSEDLY GROWS IN POPULARITY, & ATTEMPTS TO PROP UP THE REGION LONGER BY DEFINITION TRANSLATES TO REBELS FROM OUTSIDE THE REGION ALLOWING DAVIS TO BE PROPPED UP - SUCH AS WARLOCKS - CORRUPT CHURCH LEADERS; & GOD'S WARNING IS THEY DON'T SEEK HIM @ ALL - THEY DON'T KNOW HIM!!!!! MEANWHILE, THIS WAS COMBINED W/THE 'ISRAEL' REPORT - BROOKLYN RAE ME'S - HIS "RAE"'LL DO IT! GOD HAS ALREADY SYMBOLICALLY ALLOWED ME TO PLACE MY FOOT ON THE NECKS OF MY ENEMIES & CRUSH THEM, & IT'S WITNESSED INTERNATIONALLY, & WHAT'S BEEN DONE SYMBOLLICALLY WILL OCCUR FACTUALLY!
Vision of having to pay down a bill that I didn't deserve approx. 2 mos. ago, & thinking I had it almost paid down & suddenly it's increased - & since then I 've had to purchase 2 new phones. They weren't through exacting vengeance on me for being low income & barely getting by 2 decades ago. Approx. 3 days ago, I purchased a phone card from Savemart (usually don't purchase them from there) & it was $50 exactly, rather than $50.30 - .30 supposedly phone tax charge; evidently the .30 is charged by the store; but suddenly after paying the bill, phone is shut down. Over a period of 2 days before that, my phone was pocket dialing systematically - customers & strings of supposedly random digits. Suddenly T Mobile blk male cust. service recording (same one from vm.), "You have reached a number that is disconnected..." & "Mssg. #9039tuv3x2l987" or similar - i.e., w/# that long, that means they have multibillion number of prerecorded cust. serv. mssgs; instead, it's proof T Mobile was involved in those hackings causing my phone to dial long strings of numbers 10X/day or more - including - 411 3X causing the $50 payment to be insufficient to cover it, & phone shut off. This was all unfolding on 42A Yolobus on my way to work - phone shut down @ bus stop, 6:56 AM; call 611, & a wait to speak to customer service agent; bus arrived, & Mike, cust. service, on phone & says I made 3 4-1-1 calls @1.99 ea., which I didn't make, but they were magically pocket dialed. 7 AM 42A is the one w/fat blk fem caser on the bus daily, stalking me along w/fat wh fem. Lamppost pizza emply fem., stalking me reg'ly, & also mex male chef or similar, reg'ly stalking me. Discussing getting phone back on, T Mobile involved in the 4-1-1 calls, so if I choose, if they offer to waive the fees since I didn't make the calls, despite they are conspirators, it's fair game to allow the fees waived, & it sounded like Mike was suggesting that; ordinarily I'm shunning freebies from rebels - such as a grocery clerk giving you a nickel inst. of 4 pennies change, I simply put a penny in tip box - too many codes; but it is standard cust. service to make such waivers, & talking on phone I acknowledged that might be way to deal w/it, seeing as how they conspiratorially boycott my credit cards; instantly, blk fem, "I have speaking of this day" or similar, but 'speaking' & 'day' part of it; i.e., blk male emply, T Mobile vm "spokesman" & long string of digits, & blk fem claiming they are tracking how I respond - accepting a waiver from corrupt co. implicates me being as corrupt (but, doesn't apply if the corrupt co. involved in orchestrating the deceptive charges); I was dealing w/codes from T Mobile emply, other pssngrs, as well; blk fem made another coded comment about claiming they could track me; i.e., they are oppressing me 1000X over, & then claiming they can stalk me & monitor my precise reaction to their oppression; I opted for downgrade to $40 plan for this mo. & I'll get another $10 ph card & add to it - but the "ordeal" proved fat blk fem, 42B directly involved in the sabotage, or she wouldn't have known who I was talking to or what I was talking about. The next day (14th) calling my vm, T Mobile has a new junkier vm - you have to enter your ph #, & your PIN to listen to mssgs.
Blks, coconspiring death row consps. w/No. Ca. whites, but usually as far as whites, it's usually No. Ca.; evidence Latinos still signalling death row conspiracies, & it isn't necessarily limited to No. Ca. - I reported Henry Winkler ad for Geographic Atrophy (''Aaa!' [is] it, [death] row, fee') - talking about vision blurred in spots, & strange effects on vision - a lamp that looks like electric chair cap magically lowers, etc. & suddenly, @ least 2 porn movies w/faces of Latino fems blurred; token use of my advice about morality, but signalling death row conspiracies prosper, nevertheless. Latinos'/Spaniards' "Dos Mundos" expression ('two worlds' - name of Spanish text books, for ex.) w/intonation of dismal delineation between struggling economies & prosperous ones globally - i.e., "this world isn't big enough for the both of us" show down. (That was resolved already - w/Bolivia's "the police" - vigilence against Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid.) It's a mentality of "haves" v. "have nots" that is gripping a lg. segment of the population w/implication that it won't ever change; therefore their only chance @ a "trophy" is to capitalize on failures of others, & those failures can come by hook or by crook.
6/10, 6:20, "We don't work...outside," Berg 6:20 AM. "gained note score" Andrew, ch 40 6:26 AM. Xfinity, "X marks the spot," "...everybody watch me" wthr, male, ch 10. 8:30, Dorta (Dorte), 8:30, lying on back on couch when I arrived (never in that position before), & I reported the Nikki Sullivan clip in video where she's lying on back & I tried to go back to that spot on video, & it was deleted - hackers. This was same morning of rebels @ MU blocking entrance w/football aparatus blocking busses - trying to stop me from getting to work, 7:55 AM, & as I left, on foot, jogging across town, Mex. or Persian male, crotch jumps (Howard, next to tennis cts.) - same as Shantal Monique in video - they are monsters who are also systematic fowlers. 3:25 PM, Oakensh., "Interview offer," bird. "We hair your T.A." Dorta, 3:48. 5:19, "He's not gonna go, his love," Asian male tan visor, Shasta Ave.; I left tan gardening hat @ Andersons' day before, & they were systematically oppressing me concerning Samsung phone - part of the Mike 'leave it there' vision; phone stopped charging until I got back to Bel Air - barely charging plugged into laptop. I still had about 3 days to return it (14 days) but w/hacking, before going 2 hrs. out of my way just to have them do it against w/next phone, I wanted to see if it would charge w/outlet; Harbor & W Cap, "he bot" or similar - claim I was in bed w/robots. "You're gonna win her on TV," bug code, 4:20. 4:23, "They get delay of bud, the game." "We would replace him" Persian or Asian fem blue dress or olive shrt 5:20, 42B(?); "That's us;" "We lecture on him," (echoing fat male Persian from earlier). 9:11, "yeah, A agreed to open," wh male blnd City of Davis emply, @ Oakensh fire hydrant. NBC on internet - all headlines repeated; yet another desperate claim I had acquiesced by purchasing new phone. 5:09 PM, "It is we abuse 'em," Asian male yellow shrt, bike Shasta & Arlington; sm child w/him - but their tactics are child rides ahead by about 50 yrds, appearing alone, then parent arrives later. 10:08, Billy Idol, "We need medir" (?) (notes unclear), context Billy Eilish news story. "This is he won't come on," Q line, to P line, @ Shasta & Covell (phone systematically drained, refusing to charge plugged into laptop - codes from students demonstrating they were hacking it); it was plugged in @ Dorta's - outlet in her res., 2 hrs, chg'd 14%; mssgs. from Samsung indicating phone jack isn't plugged in appropriately & it might not charge very fast - strange thing is, outlets & "technology" of cords w/plugs, outlets, jacks, has been around for ALMOST A CENTURY - THEY ARE INVESTING UNTOLD AMOUNTS OF $ TO RETROGRADE IT & ERODE THE ECONOMY. YOU COULD ARGUE IT'S LOCAL HACKERS - THESE PHONE COMPANIES ARE BEGGING TO BE WIPED OUT - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW. 3:31 "You just won't keep her up w/her" or 'w/him' Dorta, 3:31 (spelling from label @ chicken coop - l.n. Jensen). "You just don't get 'em," fat Persian male cream shrt, 3 PM, P line; "That was us," context, new phone drained. "You have Cain, Utt" 10:55 (already reported) vision. 1:10 PM, "He just isn't w/this, it," 1:15 PM, wh p/up, Oak & 8th Sts. Elmwood St., "CHARGE" barricade, & PG&E barricade; "That's where you would live," bug code, approx. 1 PM, when attempting to take pic of 2 barricades next to each other - phone suddenly dimmed; I got the pic, but then power completely drained from phone until that eve. - i.e., couldn't "charge" it; the monsters desperately pressuring me to "look up," i.e., street barricades paired together & both w/double entendres of electricity - translating to electric chair/death row, but mesmerize the victim that his landscape pay makes it all okay, & the death row consp. is in full swing - 'charge' consp. of phone jacks - phone cos. are death row coconspirators. 2:44, mex. sec grd, Savemart, "He says we're helping him," 2:44.
6/6, lg. wh tank, "ODIN" or similar on it, W Cap near Enterprise, N. side of st. (David Odem - recently arrested in Stanislaus cty, accused of child molestation). "When's your birthday? This week?" mex male dk blue polo shrt to Persian (?) male driver gray hair 42B. "8 hour" mex (to Persian driver) 5:43. "Did I even touch you when you were a kid?" Raley's radio, 9:20 PM. "We just fix alive," wh male bald, sm chin goatie, wh T-shrt, @ self ck reg., 9:25; "We're not gonna like w/him better," pkg lot. 9:32 "Turn the light off in your eyes" ion TV. 5:49, "He won't have mine" wh male gray polo shrt to driver. ch 6 (?) TCT, "Your power & will decided SHOULD happen" fem, movie re-enacting Acts ch 4, but she was talking about crucifixion - 'your...will decided SHOULD happen...' i.e., emphasis on 'should' is assertion Jesus SHOULD have been killed - i.e., 'do the same to Jack Teacher!' consp. code. 6/10, working in WD, vision, "I've given you the A's secret" (or 'the A secret'), 9:20 AM; A Tower (Eiffel), & God is giving me credit for A. Story about Billy Eilish in news - somebody ghosted her - cut her off from communications, abandoned her, etc. Billy Idol live hit from 1980's, fan screams (cheer) & Idol (in song) "What's that?!" & UFL, 6/9, one of coaches or anncr, "What's that?" after fan reaction. Shantal also made a sm jump motion w/her crotch. This AM, terrorist students 5+ pushing football training apparatus toward MU so that it was blocking & no busses could enter; Persian or Mex. male made jump motion w/crotch. After almost 20 min. & no police coming to resolve it, & no one willing to push it out of way - 8 Unitrans busses lined up on Howard Ln. waiting to enter MU; I started jogging to my work siite, & w/in one min. - before I finished crossing the IM field, all the busses had entered MU - THE MONSTERS BLOCKED IT TO SEE WHAT I'D DO! @ any rate, students aware of Models' gestures & those of TV anncrs, & systematically attempting to use them against me. Apprx. 10:45, vision, "You have Cain, Utt," alternately, '...k[ey] 'A nut;'' - indicating someone bringing me or the nation the offering of Cain; this was immed. after Billy Eilish story on break; '...I leash [you]...' blacks' offering of Cain, & evidently applying to Aggies & others. 6/9, Walmart, Asian fem emply opened case immed. & I purchased Sketcher's watch, but upon putting it on, it was far too small - lady's watch; when I took it back to Walmart (I was still near the store when I noticed it was too small) blk male @ watchcase; he left after 2-3 min. but he was there to case me; I was getting another watch - a man's watch, & in this instance, it was same as when I purchased the non-waterproof watch that lasted 2X in shower (I'm not blaming the store for that) - stood @ locked display case for 15 min. asking emplys to open it, & pushing the cust. serv. button as well. In this instance if was another 15 min. - emplys telling me there's only one emply w/key - stark raving mad! But it was orchestrated as yet another haunting - conspiratorially, I'm suddenly forced back to 2009-2013 - petitioning for ballot measures - asking people passing by if they'd sign a petition - in this instance, I'm asking emplys (half dozen to dozen) if they'd unlock display case - moreover, it's sales haunting - YOU'RE FORCED TO "SELL" THAT YOU SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BUY A WATCH @ THEIR STORE! Seriously, I'd been to Walgreens, Rite Aid, 4 grocery stores, & approx. 4 other stores - no watches exc. - Walmart (exc. Ross had some, but waterproof started @ $60 & working landscaping, it's going to be scraped up in 2 days)! ORDINARILY, I'D DISMISS THE STORE & SIMPLY NEVER, EVER DO BUSINESS W/THEM AGAIN - BUT WHEN EVERYONE IN THE REGION IS REAMING YOU, YOU SIMPLY WON'T HAVE ANYWHERE TO SHOP IF YOU DO THAT. I finally started heading to cust. serv. booth to get a refund, & lo & behold, the Asian fem emply w/keys walking by - I told her I wanted to exchange the watch, & then I was able to get a waterproof men's Casio. The procedure for watches is emply takes it up to customer service booth & you pay for it there; but suddenly, 6 people in line @ cust. serv., approx. 1:45; Asian fem emply took watch behind the counter & placed it on rack - presumably so that it'd be there when I was @ register; but w/long line, I told her "Make sure they know it's back there!" i.e., on the rack behind them - there was no secret innuendo of "backing" Walmart; in fact, I spoke aloud that they lost a cust., & made other warnings - due to that you can't buy a watch w/out a major ordeal, & also it's obvious it was a conspired set-up, w/them the only ones in Davis & WS w/watches. I was only following through on purchase because I was going to have to wait in line for the refund anyway. 1:51, blk male rainbow tie dye garden hat, @ front of line, "I don't run him, up," to Walmart emply. 1:53, wh male, gray bun in hair, blue shrt, "That's my." 1:54, "It dig little kid," fat mex fem emply. While in line, 1:57, fat blk fem, possibly emply, peach shrt, to emplys behind the counter, "It wasn't back there - I'm taking it to Truxel" (Truxel Ave., presumably another Walmart location) - but the code was 'truck's sell;' i.e., claim when I said 'let 'em know it' back there...' I was saying I was "backing" them - & that indicates I'm in sales & settling for low/crooked standards because I might want them for future landscape customers - despite I've NEVER DONE THAT. Add to that, blk male, blk Mercedes & subsequently, wh 4 door Charger, codes near rm. 16 Bel Air, lic pl, Fl. LCYN45. systematically during last week or so; usually dead & gone codes - you can't understand what they are saying 99% of time, but it is stalking & casing - I've made warnings, opening the door, & warning, etc., but I'm refusing to volunteer to go to jail by being more confrontive in scenario where I've already proven they are all rebels - that's where rule of law is subjugated to showmanship. That afternoon, heading for bus to store for a watch, 12:34, wh car - most likely the Charger stalking me, in middle of driveway entrance, Fremont motel - next door to Belair; I looked but couldn't see anyone inside (dk windows), but upon passing by, the engine suddenly starts - casing. Approx. 1 min. later, I arrived @ Auto Zone, W. Cap & Jefferson, 12:35 PM, & red 4X4 p/up, in middle of driveway entrance of pkg lot - exact same position as Chev. @ Fremont - idling as I walked by; lic pl 25294M2. Rte. 40 from Walmart back to W Cap/Belair, blk male @ back of bus, 2:09, as I got off, "You won't go, our hurt;" sounds like a confession, but it's '...our 'hurt [you];'' i.e., THE NO. CA. MONSTERS ATTEMPT TO BRAINWASH YOU - THEY KNOW YOU QUALIFY AS POSSIBLY A HERO AMONG OTHER THINGS, BUT THEY OBVIOUSLY CAN'T SAY THAT, SO THEY INSIST THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOR BY ASSERTING YOU MIGHT NOT DIE ('YOU WON'T "GO"') - AS THOUGH IT'S OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEART, - A CODED FACADE OF ADMITTING THEY'RE AS GOOD AS GONE - BUT, AS PART OF THE "DEAL," BECAUSE THEY AREN'T GOING TO KILL YOU, THEY @ LEAST GET TO "HURT" YOU - SUCH AS SABOTAGES OF PHONES, KIDNAPPINGS, SLAVERY, & POSSIBLY SOME OTHER FORM OF HIT; I.E., THEY SIMPLY CAN'T ADMIT THEY'RE BACKING DOWN, UNLESS IT'S MASKED W/SOME FORM OF SERIOUS THREAT - TO MAINTAIN THEIR POKER FACE. Nevertheless, blacks stalking my every move - Billy Eilish - blacks claiming they have me on a 'leash' - & it's the offering of Cain by blacks. Mormons - Joseph Smith - asserted blacks were decended from Cain & black skin was the mark God placed on Cain & his decendents after Cain committed the first murder in history, killing Abel. Indications are it is the case. "To Kill A Mockingbird" - blacks empowered by No. Ca. rebels to mock me, keep me on leash & enslave me to nth degree, like a puppet; & recent attempts to buy a watch pinpoint Harper Lee's tracking - she also wrote "Go Set a Watchman;" 'go set' - Gossett - I reported Lou Gossett starred in movie "Guardian" as night watchman, but a crooked one, & Martin Sheen's character tracking him, & then pressured to compromise (the movie evidently luring blacks) - offering of Cain by Gossett's character. Harper Lee obviously qualifies as Boris Landspace Educator, along w/S.E. Hinton.
Cain offering warning most likely applies to present-day Slavs also. Mary (model), video of her half way up set of stairs, looking up; but she seems to have caved in to Russian leaders - if nothing else, because I never heard from her directly - no phone call, etc.; vision approx. mo. ago of me in Cougar that I drove in 1980's, & vision immediately following that of God telling Putin, "He's pure, you know; I told him where you are applying him" & as far as I could tell, it was indicating Russian leaders capitulating to rumors of the past, irregardless of God directly warning them. "I want arraign" 8:30 PM approx., 6/10; i.e., Slavs had duty to pipe up years ago on my behalf, & instead I was arraigned & hostage in Yolo jail 2020, & 3 attempts on my life as of 2017.
5/29, "This is your shirt," 5:38 PM; "I have seein' my back up front," mex male blk jacket, shorts, afro, bike , w/Dominos pizza. "We had our problem," Asian male driver, 42B precisely as I reported stalking by homeless male on Q line who was asking about HS bus stop. "We have fish bad," 6:06 PM fat fem emply, olive shrt, McD, & mex male emply came out from behind counter & ordered @ cust kiosk; i.e., 'look behind you - we're essentially unemployed customers inst. of emplys @ McD - & we helped you to work landscaping - you're soon to be unemployed as well,' was the mssg.- Latinos oppressing me for piping up about the gospel! - this correlated w/Gary & lunch @ Guadalajara's. "You couldn't be doing this..." vision while going to Raley's of rebels' argument - rebels attempting to trick me that I "need" them; the problem is I'm still reporting all their crimes despite working landscaping - I didn't fall for or settle for being rebels' personal (slave) landscaper. Mexs. in No. Ca. conspired landcaping work on behalf of region in last ditch scenario if I didn't kill myself while conspiratorially denied work regionwide - & bay area -for almost 1 1/2 decades. "You just won't know who just won," 6:30 (vision?). "You're not gonna have this cue," 7:24 PM after horn honks, Bel Air. " order of a Paris painting when it's off," 9:55 PM fem on "Connor" ABC. 9:24 "You're gonna we're scene mic" or '..we're scene Mike" (El Macero Persian lndscpr) 9:24. 9:24, ch 40, Stanislaus school emply David Odem arrested for child molestation, mug shot, attempting to mimmick Trump's dirty look. 11:25 PM, "You won't go on, key," vision. "You're having this some, cow," 11:34 bug code. Early AM, vision of working until 5:56 PM @ Page's. But 6/4, God spoke to me 'I want you to 8 our' - i.e., I had to open new bank acct., & they'd conspired that it takes 2-3 hrs - w/the latest technology @ B of A; but my funds are disappearing in Golden 1; $150 missing as of 5/31 - precisely when my phone was destroyed (permanently) - occurred 8 days after the 1 mo. warranty from The Cell Phone Store, Harbor & W. Cap, WS - Mex.-owned; w/case, total, used iPhone, $180, 4/22. The facade was they were conspiring to eliminate my employment, but, whites, including custs., then play the good guys & warn mexs. it probably won't work, & so slip in the lewd taco codes (Guadalajara) on behalf of mexs.- & $200 phone destroyed, all @ once. "'VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,' SAYS THE LORD;" Deut. 32:35, 35:4, "VENGEANCE & DIVINE RECOMPENSE," - I'M GOING TO HAVE DIVINE RECOMPENSE AGAINST THOSE WHO PUT ME IN THIS POSITION IN FIRST PLACE - AS MY SISTER SAID IN 2008 - AS FAR AS LEWD INNUENDOS @ EVERY TURN. Also, Apple i Phones are involved in the technology scandal 100%; I purchased on "Onhand" brand phone cord, approx. 1 wk before the phone was destroyed, & after using it w/my iPhone, suddenly the original cord stopped working, then started working again, but phone stopped charging 75% of time w/either cord - THE PHONE COS. ARE BEGGING TO BE NUKED (BY OPERATION OF THE LAW). God told me in 2019 despite I'm a Spanish teacher, there's no letting regional Latinos go - they were terrorizing me (& still are). 6/5, 1:46 PM, Asian male emply, B of A, to customers, "We didn't __ fish here," i.e., I had publicly spoken about Vostok, but I removed the displays due to them failing to intervene for me, & local Asian male conspiring to make me pay for it.
5/30, wh or mex male blk jacket & pnts, cap, d & g codes & file repeatedly saving file as 5/29 dated file, & mex HS student, afro, also nearby (stalked me before), 7:11 AM most likely Q line, "We're gonna catch ya today." "It's gonna be tough budging year," Sharp, news, ch 10(?) school budget, 7:36 AM. "You wouldn't tuve," mex fem wh shrt, facing me @ MU 7:53 AM, & shadow of fem behind me making constant motions, MU, w/baby in carriage (pic sent). Concentric half circles etched into side of fence, concave up (opposite of arch) AR Landscaping (Hispanic), Arlington near Amador & 2 doors down from Gary's. "You assume...that's gonna tape us," 9:30 AM, Gary - before lunch@ Guadalaj. - 'that' is code for rebel mexs. 8:15 AM, fem on radio, ad,"That's the sound of a blue-footed booby & not a green-foooted booby (Mix 96?); "I'm gonna blue 'em," bug code, 8:18 approx. "Alright, he got left here," fat mex male blk shrt tatoos on face, beard, 5:28 PM 42B (w/in min. of destruction of phone). "he's gonna have our again run," 5:30; w/in few min. phone ruined. "You won't see her type II" 7:22 PM & Jardiance ad 7 PM. "We're just not gonna sure room," 7:49 PM radio, Raley's. "We'll flex balbow, it was connish" fem 8:05 PM anncr. "This is a catch - you want it, little girl?" ch 27, women's softball - fem player ESPN2 8:06 PM - sounded like code pertaining to Nickells'. "Serious reactions CAN occur," Rinvoke 8:08 PM ch 27 - subtle consp. code indicating they were aware of the bank drain, phone sabotage, etc. occurring all @ once (some of it had yet to occur) & communicating to "allow" a loss of self-control - i.e., reaction such as losing it & attacking someone or blowing up a bldg. "You don't know where you're not gonna shock" (source?). 8:26 PM, "Alright then, keep it," vision - day before, he said, "I've given you SOME THING" (possibly pertaining to Taylor) - I was praying about rock reports on internet - & w/in min. or so, phone, plugged in for 2 hrs+, wasn't taking a charge, & destroyed. "Joe, it was tow mae" Persian male peach shrt, scooter, Arlington near Calaveras 4:23 PM. "That's where you can't be serve, it," 5:02 PM fem bug code 'Ray Me' missing from page (possibly because it's Rae Me). "It won't be me going w/him, my life," 4:54 PM fat mex. fem blue shrt, bags full of rags (i.e., as though homeless) - I reported she was casing me on 42B for more than a year, w/recycleables in bags - attempting to make point about my work; but I then warned collecting them from trash cans is a misdemeanor - i.e., her attempt to haunt me literally blown away; but the timing of her code - w/in one hour of my phone destroyed - coconspirator punish me for earning income through a slave labor medium that Latino rebels conspiratorially orchestrated. "We can't have set up his ed," wh male red hair blk shrt, 5:06 PM. "You just wouldn't hit him right now," Davis police car near Savemart shopping ctr - where Guadalara's located - when I was arriving there w/Gary approx. 12:40 PM. Then, approx. 1:10 PM, Davis police car parallel parked in street siren lights on, next to AM/PM. 6/5, Davis police car in exit driveway @ Bet Havrim (formerly UCC), Anderson, across from Savemart, approx. 11:45. I reported Gary making quick trip to hardware store before orders brought to table; when he got back, we left, & he put his burrito on floor of back seat ("arresting" the lunch); i.e., police "hit" - & my phone destroyed. "I've gotta connect, her plight," 3:38 PM near Arlington. 3:50, "You don't take stake" Gary (i.e., $300 police stake out @ Guadalajara's).
Bank acct. discrepancies were largely due to adding a debit I was supposed to subtract - same eve. of phone sabotage - I was flustered. But, 6/3 I purchased 2 beverages from MU to have on hand due to 95 deg. wthr that day ($5), & UCD now has a hold on $39 of my funds in my ckng acct.; i.e., Feds, including Congressional legislators, have allowed merchants to take your bank account from you any time they want! In other words, I went to the store to purchase veg. juice, sandwich spread, & muffins, & bank (phone teller) says I have $40 in my ckg account, but UC Davis says they don't want me to buy those products right now. MUSHROOM CLOUD. If you don't send them to the depths of hell, this country is ruined, ruined, ruined, ruined, ruined! Same day, I tried to make a call on my new Samsung phone, & download w/out my permission & that I was unable to override "One UI" for 10-15 min. - they are dismanteled, or the nation crashes & burns!
I reported Walmart watch concerning rec'ts in WS; & I've reported the walkway entrances spanning pkg lots in various shopping centers, w/Walmart walkway embellished w/architecture like giant door frames. But the walkways are a continuation of the Davis DIVISION rebels' offset/curved walkways - preventing pedestrians from walking a straight line even is they wanted to - you have no choice but to walk a zigzag or crooked path. I purchased a new watch @ Walmart, largely because Rite Aid, Walgreen's & Raley's don't carry them anymore. The watches, varying from $10.98 to $40's & up, all locked up in a glass case, w/vertical codes on front of C-42-1, C-42-2, etc. Staying in WS due to $115-140/night expense of Davis motels (it's still $85/night in WS), I'm on 42A & 42B Yolobus daily. But if you ever did any sales, then there's no hope of ever being a teacher: they make sure you're punished for it - & as I've reported they have rebel corps., etc., coconspiring w/them - the m.o. is that no matter what work I do, it has to be labeled sales, & it's conspired down to every move I make, I must "sell" that move. This was an example of that - a button you can push for customer serv. emply to unlock the case, but emplys ignoring me; I flagged down 4 emplys while waiting for response from button, & none of them could help me or wanted to - i.e., I have to "sell" an emply on opening that case so that I can buy a watch; most people in this situation would storm out of the store & shop elsewhere - but when you're the victim of rebellion, it's the same everywhere you go - recent calls on the phone to Walmart - they recognize my ph # & don't answer, or transfers are ignored due to networking w/in store informing everyone. 11:22 AM, "This is walk the price" mex male, blue shrt, cust. The 42 bus code - "In Case of Emergency, Break Glass" mssg. - 'you're on the bus, it's an emergency, break that glass case & get your watch!' Recent watches have hands again - digitals aren't in style; I reported the Mark 12:10-11 Watch - w/hands of watch or clock - little hand on the 10 & big hand on the 11 making the teacher check mark - an older style watch maintaining the Mark 12:10-11 Watch isn't a bad idea - tracking the corruption - Davis 9-1-1 calls - that instigated Twin Towers attack 9/11/2001 (where the cranes were subsequently - shapped like check mark). When I got to the self-check register & made the purchase, double checking the rec't., there was nothing on rec't to connect it to the product - no 'watch' descrp., nor brand name descrp. - i.e., you could walk out w/rec't for some other product, they accuse you, & you don't have a leg to stand on. After thorough examination of rec't. I noticed the last 5 dig. of bar code on watch package matched a number on rec't. - plus it was same price, but that is essentially betrayal - it's so vague that you could be falsely accused & not think to chk the bar code, because that isn't usually found on most rec'ts. The architactural apparatus over the walkway in front - it's a replacement for arches that are more traditionally erected over walkways, entrances, etc. - it is in actuality a direct attack on the Jack Teacher plan/Show Me Crusaders (historical) plan - Missouri Arch - conspiracy that you can't "square" the Missouri Arch & still walk a straight line - & they are going to prove it by forcing victim to "sell" emplys on him buying a watch, cause victim to lose control & smash a display, or facade of stealing merchandice - attempted guarantee the Jack Teacher plan is going to fail! See 'BASKETBALL JOAN' DOLL CONSP. report; lewd hair consp. - same Ikea/Walmart/Home Depot shopping ctr.
Stalkings, illegal eavesdroppings, casings, lewd acts against children in desperate attempt to frame me. Warlocks attempting to prop them up - so that it never ends. "I'm eighty, it" 6:30 PM 5/3, vision; i.e., according to God, South attempting to ensure if I'm "allowed" to live (No. Ca. terrorist mentality, but it's being propped up statewide & in South - doing great deeds for the Lord means you must die), & I'm a slave for the rest of my life. 4/28, "They're taking their time; I've gotta want for THIS," 9:04 PM, TV show promoting brands; Poshmark Bolsa ropa; 'ropa' is clothing in Spanish; but the Poshmark brand, purse/clothing w/colored lg. half-dot approx. 1/2" dia - but half circle - like shrt I recently purchased from Ross or Walmart, WS - white half dot, middle of chest that I didn't notice until after purchase - like half a gunshot wound; i.e., I'm still alive, so supposedly crimes in Davis can be "overlooked" & they can go free - despite shooting sprees & murders nationwide, floods, entire cities burned to the ground w/in 2 years of me warning about it, disease killing people nationwide, etc. I.e., I warned burn Davis to ground (by operation of law), w/Smokey the Bear display changing it to "You can only prevent forest fires" (you can't prevent city fires!); they then changed the decades-long slogun to "You can only prevent wildfires." Postmark's - store in SD for last 40 years; Posh bagels - located on F St. for 10 years or so - monsters attempting to prop up Davis - most of it coming from the South.
I reported my attempts to get @ the actual name of customer @ 650 Elmwood; "Al Lane" is what it sounds like on vm; this report is suddenly nowhere to be found. Nevertheless, internet search indicates Donald Alan Wright; I reported former leader of UCC Edge youth group Alex Wright, similar name; moreover, a factoid that came to mind, the founders of A&W were two indivs. Alan & Wright of Lodi; the rootbeer was invented by a scientist from elsewhere, but they purchased it from him, 1919; the bears marketing theme is most likely a cue - like Davis, conspiring from early on - Goldilocks & the Three Bears - w/locks a code for jail oppression - 'root - be here!'
4/26, "That was lure bought," Al, 1:35 PM, Elmwood. 10:16 PM "We're not gonna let you haunt 'em," bug code near rm 305, Days Inn, & e mail access sabotaged for 5-10 min. "That's her, post," vision, 8:45 PM, rm 305, Days Inn; stalked 4/25 & 4/26 by baby crying - too loud to be in another room; 8:42, I opened my door to see where it was - instantly door to rm 306 (across the hall) closed, & male from inside, "Did you see anything?" I.e., the monsters holding crying baby @ their motel rm. door w/door open to stalk me w/crying baby.
"We have measurement," 5:26, vm, USDOJ, 4/7/2021 (from reports)"Big day drim, a mommy" Taylor(?), Al's, Elmwood, 11/25/2020. Report about Cameron Diaz, Latino or part Latino actress who looks like blnd wh fem., left acting for 10 years "for the kids" - to raise her children; mex. fem Yolobus driver committed 2 false arrests against me as of 1999, "for the kids" or alternately she quit after that "for the kids" (no longer working for Yolobus). Cameron - 'camera on' & 'k[ey, I] am Ron [Zito];' luring No. Ca. rebels, 2/19/2021 report. 2/21/2021, "We're fro king," near Al's; 'we're f[or death] row...' "We're gonna set you free" code near Al's - fem w/child in backyard adjacent. "We tick him, day," Al, 2/21/2021; i.e., I'm either "ticked" & go on shooting spree or blow up bldg, or I'm slowed down & isolated so that biological clock is ticking & I rot. "You're not gonna hit our kids," 5/19/2021, stalking code near Al's.
1:09, "I'll give you bay," wh male blk tank top, Guadal. cafe. "We're gonna know him right - we're the family," radio, Rite Aid, 9:49 AM. Radio, "It wasn't go with Joe," 1:20. "We're gonna have his 2 who'll," 9:51. 1;37, "It isn't him taking it," fat mex male blk shrt, Guadal. "We're gonna know his hot," fat wh male, blue Aggies jacket (pic sent). "It was didn't take," fat mex fem gray hair (emply), editor program stalling. 2:15, bud code, "Joe?" & web editor sabotaged. 2:18, "He doesn't have my abide," mex male. 2:24, I placed report on internet to rock musicians that an unpenitent church still produced huge miracles & if there's any strategy as far as wiping them out, instead spare them, because they still have God's favor for most part, & fem bug code, "Joe, that's where we know we're going to die," 2:29, "We're not noon; they take," fem bug code. 2:28, "He won't improve us," radio.
10/25/2020, "He's higher than King Kong," 1 AM (near Jack NB?) "Hill's gonna get her," (or similar), 4:19 PM, when I removed "the man" quote from web pg, M & 8th. Photograph, he would her pain," wh male blue pld shrt, Hunan, 5:05 PM, Hunan. Code, "Bunnie his town," or similar; I bought my own hair trimmer rather than a work for haircut offer from customer (Bunnie), due to longstanding practice of refusing to get haircuts from those wearing blk clothing; facade that I didn't interact socially enough, & business going downhill (more or less irrelevant - since (1) my goal is to teach, & (2) the place is supposed to be nuked), [...] IT'S A REGION-WIDE PRISON CAMP. "This is they take menu's off," wh male glasses, blk hood, Hunan, 5;12. 'easy oh, pen[itentiary].' [End transc.]
[EXCERPT, REPORT SENT 10/30/2020:]
"Your secret's dare," bug code; amounts to Doug Arnold consp. - Doug Arnold Coldwell Banker (DARE)(?). [Doug Arnold, kingpin of Davis rebels, sign in front of Second St. office, "Coldwell Banker DARE" - exposes that if I displayed any aggressiveness while in sales, it isn't out of ordinary in that venue - but conspiracies & rebellion are, & they were conspiring before I got started, & in fact, they (Arnold, & customers as well) egged me on as far as being competitive! But more likely, based on recent visions from the Lord, Taylor's 'dare' comment (vision) was her supposedly daring me w/prospect of buxom woman from Russia (luring them), or me daring to hold my post w/shunning dirty pics.] [End excerpt.]
'Easy oh, pen' - pen in Al's yard where they involved kids in lewd acts; i.e., it looks like rock deserves prison for manipulating my life then failing to show up, but factors include exposing bent goals in Russia. Also, if I'm overly spendy - 'pull [them,] a part;' (& bill payment hanging by a string), possibly code I'm in bed w/rebels' Landscaper Nick consp., & then prison consp. 'You've witnessed my life,' as opposed to ruining her life, I've acted as plumb line or point of reference for rock & Hollywood, & witness as far as rock's spiritual efforts. The codes from birds & from Taylor sounded harsh evidently to lure Russians.
6/5, 'pop' code, 6 AM, rm 16, (I looked @ dirty picks for 10 min. or so, despite credited for licking them (fell short)). 42 B, Eddie (DWR emply who used to ride same bus as me daily from WS (42A approx. 7 AM), & stalked me reg'ly, haven't seen him in possibly a year; suddenly gets on 42B in Mace Ranch; I wasn't able to work on reports, suddenly something came to mind that caught my attention & Eddie or other pssngr next to him, "That's you don't have" (because I looked up suddenly), I took pic, & he started ranting - threatening to punch me, etc. - i.e., illegal eavesdroppers from that AM & 'pop' code, & lo & behold - a terrorist about to pop me. I also doubled him claiming he's a monster. Surprisingly he didn't get off @ W Acre, where I got off bus - I was ready if he wanted to try something. "I have what he said," Persian fem w/male, approx. 2:50. 3:54 "he'll just have his deadly creek," 3:54 PM - Willow Creek Pk, next to Willowbank neighborhood - developed by Don Miller - I reported they incorporated signs indicating prep for oppressing indiv. (me); 'police creeked' code (reported) pertaining to Miller consp. 5:46 "He doesn't know he's 'so high'" i.e., 'So[viet,] 'hi;'' radio, (Raley's?). "Go bored," 6:07 PM male w/car idling for 10 min. outside my door (rm 16) i.e., desperately attempting to get me to look - after the code, that was probably suffient, but idling was going on long before that. I'm not under bondage to every single code, & anyone who says I am isn't one of the rebels, they are one of the kingpins of the rebels. 6/5, "Even tomorrow it's off slex," 6:20 or 'off sex' Berg, ch 3 - 'it's off - his licks;' i.e., I didn't volunteer to disappear yet again when Eddie created a scene - my verbage saying he was a terrorist - he was putting on an act of starting a fight over it; while it's privilege, it's duty to hold one's post & assert rule of law ultimately has the final say against all of them, as opposed to caving in w/the rebels & taking law into my own hands for sake of impressing other rebels w/a fight scene - especially when there isn't any fight mauling outcome for Eddie gruesome enough for what he has coming to him - nuked & sent to hell. "We can check bags, Presley," rap song, from car radio going by Raley's on W Cap, 7:30 PM, but unless you individually suspect shoplifting - w/evidence, demanding searches of customers exiting is violation of illegal search & seizure protections, & this code was blacks conspiring it, probably @ Walmart. 7:25 approx., "You have that butt?" wh male cashier, Raley's, when cash registers/debit system was refusing my purchase, claiming insuff. funds - allowed a $4 purchase - but half hour before that, automated teller said I had $43+; I called again, & still had bal. of $43+, but "available" funds were $5 or similiar; I called & spoke to cust. service next day, & they said UCD had hold on approx. $40 - because I purchased 2 sodas - THEY ARE NUKED. 7:51, "You are it," bug code(?). G1 is allowing anyone to place a hold on my funds for days on end. 7:51, "We measure bird," fem bug code - but that "bird" is chomped by 1000 dinosaurs daily for eternity in hell, in Jesus' name. "He isn't getting that wook," 7:55 PM. "This time of the Viet," ch 31, fem wthr rptr, 8:21. "Dropping into the so low 50's" ('Soviet' code). "You won't behave ___" 10 PM, "He keeps it w/him," 10 PM, Taylor, possibly. Boeing, "...hands where they have time available," ch 40 10:59 PM; i.e., Boeing rocket & Vostok look alike, Boeing attempting to dupe me (Elton John song - "Rocket Man" & 'boooiiiing' sound) - "It is, where you betrayed me" vision - Slavs have duty to intervene for me - proving they are worthy of my efforts to be supportive of them in the past. The 'betrayed' vision also applies to the rebels pressuring me to attempt to maul someone in a fight. Boeing claiming it's more jail time (kidnappings) because I refused to compromise my teacher goals - betrayed me & God. "It is, where you betrayed..." alternately (or triple entendre) referring to attempts to stall based on sexual prowess of victim, or lack thereof, while still in slavery & murder consp. conditions.
NYC throwing the book @ Trump are heroes in keeping w/Rae Me Crusaders. Crane Watch - dilema of Jack Teacher tracking the churches w/high moral standards, but in process of courting for marriage, pressured to lower standards as far as sexuality - w/ensuing argument that the tracking of corrupt church leaders is completed - so why not throw caution to the wind & be promiscuous w/porn, etc. (& same argument could be made before the tracking was complete as well)? Moreover, lowering standards compromises the Rae Me NYInfo New Man watch - the high standards are no longer taken seriously because Jack Teacher is back to dirty mags w/those porn whores. Fortunately, Guilded Show Me Crusaders produced the 'whore again' watch - Bob Crane, Hogan's Heroes. After the popular series, his actor career went downhill, & he gravitated toward making porn movies - 'whore again' movies; & eventually was murdered in motel room where he was waiting for one of the porn actresses - except that like Garland, Munroe, & others, most likely it was an under cover act - 'Whore Again Heroes' - RAE ME CRANE HEROES!
5/29, early AM, after I'd removed rock reports from website (later replaced them), vision of Bonnie Tyler in a balcony scene similar to balcony in "Total Eclipse..." & someone throwing her off the balcony, & I'm supposed to try to catch her - from 2-3 stories up; someone attempting to claim if I remove rock reports, that means they are evil & must be judged. While it might mean they are falling short, anyone in this country attempting to judge them, it's those attempting to judge who are being judged; rock musicians have done far more than anyone else to intervene on my behalf & on behalf of U.S.A - the population literally in the dark as far as God's plans - BECAUSE NO ONE HEEDED THE 9-1-1 TERRORIST WARNING FROM GOD IN 2001 TO PUNISH NO. CA. REBELS @ ONCE. "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.," 1 Jn. 1:6-7; "But those who walk at night stumble, because the light is not in them," Jn. 11:10. YOU CREATE ECLIPSES THAT BLIND YOU: Willful decisions to cover up ongoing oppression creates "night" or darkness, & the result is a nation walking @ night - you can't follow the Lord or be a good citizen in general, if you refuse to walk in the Light & instead practice cover-ups & oppression.
Eastern & Western branches of church would rather fight than switch & allow Jack Teacher his career! But, you tarry w/justice, & you get sucked into it - like a Vortex of Evil - & the rock & Hollywood Guilded Shmo's are too busy producing sex scenes & tarrying w/justice, &, looky there - they become smokers, joining the hypocrisy & corruption of East & West! Cigarette? There's only one "Kill A Mockingbird" guard - Dad Gum, it! & notice the Tareyton logo - Twin Towers symbol; as of 2001 everyone had heard I was being systematically oppressed for sharing the word of God, & that it had been going on for 4 years, & no one was so much as making a warning in the media in other locations - tarrying as far as justice - which is why God allowed the 9-1-1 disciplining. But absent any response, it becomes attempt to sneak it back in through the back door - Dad Gum! if they aren't attempting to override the Mark 12:10-11 Check Mark watch! ...Everything's gonna be "fine, fine, fine!" according to them - they demand more flipping off. In fact, Brian Toone (South) had a strange way of flipping us off; we're sitting on a couch, for ex., looking @ a white board illustration, & he points using his middle finger - flipping me & Radu off. Or he gave me a ride to an interview in Sac., & we stopped @ a McDonald's & hitting the lever for soda, used his middle finger - flip off motion.
Possibly it was to lure blacks - irregardless of the "Thriller" style dance scene in "Total Eclipse..." video, which may have been merely to signal rock wasn't abandoning blacks quite yet (1983, one year after "Thriller"), "Wanna Be Starting Something" lyrics echo "Logical Song;" both say, "I said..." Logical Song "I said, 'watch what you say...'" But then it's a change of pronouns implying the singer is quoting someone - 'Won't you sign up your name? We'd like to feel you're acceptable...a vegetable.' '" Jackson's song, "I said, 'you wanna be starting're a're just a buffet." clarifying vegetable is food to be consumed; i.e., blacks going to have you for lunch; why? Because you gotta be starting something - a melting pot!
Jackson is lying down on CD cover photo - similar to pose of John Lennon - head raised in objection - after Ali (figuratively) knocked down all the Beatles. I.e., no matter what, blacks must be "tops" - so that the melting pot will prevail; but they become convinced they have us over a barrel - that we "need" them to be "tops," & accordingly, if left up to them (blacks), we're consumed. But we only needed them in the sense of melting pot goals - a godly nation dedicated to the betterment of...minorities, ironically; whites didn't "need" to help blacks, we wanted to, in order to please God - & they actually bought that they could use it against us! "I know it sounds absurd - please tell me who I am?" & Logical Song (Supertramp, "Breakfast In America") the only ones w/Frampton style guitar sounds - "I'm In You."
Philip Morris Inc., manufacturer of a lot of the popular cigarette brands - absent response for justice nationally on behalf of teens who intervened for Asia (such as me), the gravity of conspiratorial "hissing" (& it is conspiracy & rebellion) results in 'flip[ping people off] more, is' - more cuss words, 'f' words, etc. due to valiant teens who are publicly & blatantly devalued & ruined!!!!
5/15, 6:48 PM, "...pinch of salt; yeah, that's ped, it" Paragary's head chef Kurt; describing a "stab & drag" salad, ch 3(?); Paragary's is Sac owner of Cafe Bernardo - involved in the strangle attack @ F& 4th, 7/2021 ("Professional Job"). 7 PM, "They'll pick it up where it sets," possibly code, ad. 8:13 PM "You're gonna have to know where we're spolin'" vision, possibly Taylor; "You would pick me," 8:59 PM. Millers (Solito Ave.) 9:35, while I was on trellis in Curt's b/yard cleaning 2nd fl windows, I had noticed the metal/alum. boards were flimsy & so I was only stepping on 4X4 crossbeams - w/most trellises, those smaller struts (2X2's) would be okay to walk on, being wooden, but these were hollow aluminum; after I'd been up there 15+ min. Curt then said, "Be careful...[those are] not meant to support anyone - you'll go right through;" (i.e., he allowed ample time for me to be seriously injured by falling through); 9:39, on phone, Curt, "I told him backlog, on..." i.e., subtle confession he could've warned me earlier, but it's covered because they don't totally prevent me from logging onto internet to make reports (e mail completely sabotaged in WS @ Bel Air).
They are possibly keeping kids toys to stalk me (I'm aware that grandparents occasionally keep toys for visits); a kid's bike next to a gutter drain hose that conspicuously runs across the walkway @ side of their house - an obvious tripping hazard; i.e., code, 'kids + Joe = irresponsible & possibly deadly.' I took pic, & e mailed it while on break where I was sitting on crate that happened to be across the walkway from the bike; but before I left for the day, a window screen magically appeared behind that crate (I had been cleaning screens & windows almost all morning). "There's a lo lott; they have Ace," 9:54 PM, captions, ch 29, but the NBC sports anncr or interviewee actually said, "There's a lot." "It's your hit injure," 10:06 PM, "I won't have that mine" 10:19. 10 PM, "I want you to take 'em down," vision (couldn't tell who it was referring to - rock/Hollywood?).
5/13, wh male beard, dk grn/tan sht brn cap, code precisely as wifi sabotaged, 8:03 AM, 42A (pic sent). "This is where we address 'em," approx. 9:30 AM, Matt, Wahl St. - weed eater line needed to be hand-adjusted every 1-2 min. - & his son was involved in stalking me over it - when I arrived, his son went & got the cap for the weed eater. 10:09, "He's gonna sea right, it," train horn assumedly near train depot (or 'see right'). "That's we're scene appin' 'em," Fedex male, Snyder, 12:51 - or 'seein' appin' 'em;' i.e, double entendre codes claiming I'm either looking @ dirty pics ("seeing") or they get to oppress me, & ultimately sabotage free speech ('addressing'). "That's you won't have 'em," (or similar) 1;13 Asian fem jogger, wh T-shrt - wifi sabotaged for 10+ min. Mex lndscpr, blk p/up w/shell, repeated codes, most likely involved. "No, no, no; I just need girl like," wh fem blue shrt w/fem orange shrt, baby carriage, 10:35, Snyder - 'like' - code for 'lick' which is code for oral sex or beating someone up - 'we'd eat 'er' & Matt's boy - lewd code of oral sex w/minor - ' girl' & 'lick' - based on stalking by customers w/inferior equipment; 'this is where we 'add dress 'em;' i.e., girl's dress - pertaining to my report about 'address' & leg "all the way" up; Wahl St. - DIVISION REBELS CLAIMING THEY ARE "WAH-ING." 7:42 PM "She is use," bug code. 2:30 approx. bug code, "You're gonna have your prison tour." "I'm tatter day," mex(?) fem postal emply, USPS, 4:35 PM. "I have your tank," blk fem blue shrt, 5:31 PM 42B, "Santa Barbara" on shrt & blue jacket. "That's your grunt," 5:45 & other codes, (S.B. shrt fem), & wifi sabotaged repeatedly. "You won't have your fern" 7:39 PM, vision or bug code. 5:54 PM, getting off 42B in W Sac, "I have close" mex male driver. 11:20, "I want you to say you didn't give them anything," vision. 10 AM, "He won't have our uncle Paul" near Matt's (possibly an angel causing me to be confused to lure them - Matt looks similar to Paul McCartney & former employer @ hardware store where I used to work named Paul, so I've accidently called him Paul once or twice. 11:27, "You're going to step through'll hit 'em w/mic" vision (or Mike - Mideast male cust. on El Macero - no one from w/in Davis orchestrating invasion, but Mideasterners intervened in the past, & so Mike possibly symbolizes Mideasterners orchestrating invasion). "It's where you don't know, key," Matt, referring to "special" plants that he was telling me not to pull up, despite they were in the walkway; i.e., they are ruining themselves, & claiming that translates to I'm ruined as well. Plants slowly impeding walkways - moving ancient landmarks; working for Dorte in community garden in Village Homes, approx. a year ago, weeding the pathes beside the planters, she said to leave the poppies - or @ least the poppies next to planters; the poppies weren't impeding the walkways, that are fairly wide; & if they did, I've pulled them up anyway. But they are claiming 'pop' v. 'poppy' I'm not popping or taking law into my own hands & hitting them, therefore they can ruin themselves, & I'm ruined w/them, is the assumption, because there goes my "cherished" landscape business - but - Wahl St. - I don't put any "stock" in my slave labor landscape work! "They needed an AOL employee to verify..." TV program (Snapped?) about fem traveling to Reno from East to have affair w/male she met online in 1999 in chat room, to get him to kill her husband based on lies he was beating her; police used AOL to verify e mails sent & rec'd; "Witness my hand" vision, earlier that day, while I was considering Cecilia (Dan's wife on F St.) leaving money for me in drawer of util. rm. behind house, & texting me pic of the money, as though verification, & I was taking it to logical concl. that maybe I should text her a pic of me taking the money from the drawer - i.e., legalism, & that's when I had the 'witness my hand' vision - i.e., God telling me Davis rebels have a following, & they are conspiring to falsely accuse me; some of my biggest enemies could concoct a false testimony & verify it using electronics - AT&T, etc. as false witnesses. AOL stick figure - had an ad where the AOL figure was on an exercise tread mill & running fast like 6M Dollar Man; I've reported suddenly everyone using stick figures as logos - but it's coded claim they can conspired to deny me justice, isolate me, & put me under a microscope under guise of testing if I'm exercising enough. AOL is code for blks & DIVISION rebels claiming they have expert verification about me - same as the TV murder program. 6:50 PM, "He has come in - know he's something," (or 5/14) Raley's radio. "That was our what's stacks?" live, Paris; fellow singer, gentle push (fem) (notes unclear).
5/14, vision, "Trump is not going to continue being. The [magnate] he once was has died," 3:05 AM, vision, fem newscaster.
[EXCERPT FROM REPORT 5/16/2024:] 5/12, "share w/you - you DIDN'T PER PROOF" angry fem. (vision), 2:20 PM. 4:11, Snapped, "No signs of forced entry into the house," wh male detectv. & Snapped logo looks like eye brow, but w/out arch; i.e., if I snap & take law into my own hands, the mssg. is no one raises an eyebrow, & Yolo rebels get to have their way w/me. Kathleen McGee murdered, 31 Oct. 2011, Manteca, member of Covenant church. & uncharacteristically, program detailed how it happened before providing any details about how they solved it, & then camera zooms in on det's eye before going to commercial. blk male detect. accent, "He stabed her, stabbed her, not once, not twice, but multiple times, 10 times" code - 'St. Abe'd' 4:17 PM. "It comes from within" race car ad, fem.; & then Mich. tires ad, "No, we race for change," fem, NBC, 1:12 PM; 'change' code for coins as opposed to decent pay; & 'we thin' code. 4:22, Kevin Parrish (?), "Some switch went off in his head," or wh male detect., & camera zeros in on his eye & then commercial; the story was referring to Manteca fem. who was attending Covenant church, & her son who, according to the direction of the story, murdered his mom (I didn't continue watching). I'm reporting it due to the Covenant church facade.[END EXCERPT] [EXCERPT SENT 5/21/2024:] 6:52 PM ch 40, Sonobello ad, [ph #] & below that, blank slot or box, & 'sonobello' is typed in, as though a p.w. I tried to sign up for tiktok this afternoon - req's iphone pw, I then tried to sign up for acct. w/Apple App Store, & T &C's say they can change the agreement w/or w/out notification - no matter how many people say this, a lot of people participating in setting you up doesn't mean you don't have a choice. If you sign a contract saying they can change it w/out notifying you, you're telling them you're a fool. You can argue, 'they wouldn't dare - they'd piss a lot of people off,' such as by suddenly billing people $100/mo. unannounced; but making those agreements is still saying your honor is worth next to nothing. The sonobello ad is code to find a way to corner me to compromise because 'son owe[s] bellow' - claiming it's compromise my standards & give up, or go on offensive & start killing everyone - i.e., I have to "snap." "Mission Impossible" theme song @ beginning of orig. series, match lights a long fuse - but that fuse doubles as a blackboard w/white chalkline - & what happens when that burning fuse reaches it's destination? EXPLOSION!!!!! Jack Teacher explodes & blows a bldg sky high (& Davis claims adorable Dorothy status, because... THEY never bombed a bldg., went on a shooting spree, etc. - gimmick that could be used to attempt to magically cover decades of terrorism against me because I finally crack & do something more blatant than the billions of subtle crimes committed against me - but then again, this 'Dorothy' identity argument is largely passe' due to the recent fires, floods, diseases, & crimes they've inspired.) I'm minimizing rock reports because the efforts to track those w/bent motives toward me while remaining aloof is taking too long & God said he's given me the green light - indicating they'd better heed my warnings about the light green 'thrown under the bus' traps - make no mistake, we are the green go leaders! [END EXCERPT] But gringos rec'd our name from our amigos the Latinos - green light - go, as opposed to stop - they were in agreement - melting pot, all systems go! "Band On the Run" pic on my rock.html pg, "Listen to this CD, it's baaaa!" & then Taylor Swift song "Shake It Off" (maybe, don't be timid) but studio version, "I shake it all!" or "I shake it aaaw!" "Midnights" song w/"Stop!" lyrics, but phonemically, it's "Staaa!" I brought up that Supertramp band name translates (or supposed to) as 'super tramp[le down the enemies];' "Breakfast In America," "Logical Song" starts out w/"Star! Star! Star!..." but w/Brit. accent, sounds a lot like 'staaa!' I also reported affirmations Ca. going to be invaded in it's entirety, & once again, vision from God, "I've given you the green light" & according to my reports, code while fem in lt. grn crossing street near Coop, & 'green light' code - i.e., it isn't me that gets hit or trampled. & 5/19 & 5/21, ch 3 news, stories about people in Ca. w/their "go" bags - valuables packed in case they have to flee - fire, flood,...trampled. 'Go' in Ca. now signifies fleeing & anihiliation.
Trump's door knock gestures aren't some psycho gestures claiming to be supportive of my "right" to knock on doors (despite I don't want or need those gestures), it's far more sinister; it's a desperate long shot attempt to claim charges against him are all a choreograph of charges that should've been against me - because I have secret motives of being salesman for people in Davis who are clearly rebels. 9:28 PM, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow (rptr), using repeat codes creating a ''T'-ooo' w/Trump, implying it's someone else actually being tried, or that he's proved someone else should be tried - namely, me; the repeat codes are under guise of mispronunciation, etc., but it's a code; "...putting far pointing Donald Trump, Donald Trump in the room..." & then quoting Trump speaking to Cohen (according to Cohen's testimony), "I thought you'd take care, I thought you'd taken care of this," ''T'-ooo' w/'taken care;' 9:31 PM; &, "...the hush money da payment, the hush money payment..." again, acting like she mispoke as cover for ''T'-ooo' codes, but in this instance, a slight change - from '...da-payment' to '...payment;' the 'da' is missing, & evidently shouldn't have been there in the first place - but what sort of innocent slip of the tongue inserts a 'da-payment' ('duh-payment') - sounds almost like a mafia expression; & in fact, that little detail is a code from Davis, 2009 - a wh promotional van suddenly cruising around town, w/blks - most likely sent by Obama - w/big ads, & entitled "THE KEAK 'DA SNEAK" van; a code they were sneaking the Yolo d.a. by - avoids arrest, despite kidnappings & hostage captivities, under guise of suspecting me & conspired decree that I eak out a living for years to come - 'k[ey,] eak, d.a. sneak[s by];' double entendre - see NO. CA. WARLOCKS II - NATIONAL TELEVANGLIST "ASSIST" report - elaborating, brainwash consp. of warlocks & DIVISION rebels labelling me slow, retarded, etc. - k[ey,] eak, 'duh' sneak;' conspiracy perpetuating impoverishment as basis for allowing tyrants to go free. EXCEPT THAT THESE TERRORISTS IN THIS NEWS SHOW, ALONG W/TRUMP, CLAIMING THAT THEY'VE "TAKEN" THE 'EAK' SCENARIO - IT'S NO LONGER EAKING A LIVING, IT'S DISAPPEARANCE IN PRISON. The basis is if I quote anyone outside of No. Ca. - such as rock & Hollywood proving I've been denied my teacher career - rec'g help from anyone IS MAGICALLY CLAIMED TO BE SALES! THESE MONSTERS WON'T BE GOING TO AN ORDINARY HELL. Vision, 5/14, 3:05 AM, fem nwscstr, "Trump is not going to continue being. The [businessman] he once was is dead."
5/13, silver Mercedes owned by guest in rm 17, next door to my room, stalking codes, but very few compared to some stalkers. No lic plates; I thought about getting VIN, but I'm doing enough tracking & gov't. doesn't get to make me grovel by becoming more & more of a gopher - Bel Air motel office can identify them.
Nevertheless, NBC news in NYC, behind the newsroom is lg. window where passersby on sidewalk outside the studio are visible & often wave. But that morning, 7:02 AM, male went by carrying long narrow yellow sign w/blk digits, approx. the length of Vehicle Ident. No. (pic sent). Then, 7:06 AM, yellow display on TV (NBC) "3000 ARRESTS" same yellow w/blk text, & 7:11, another display, "$3,000..." same yellow/blk motif. Then, 7:14, Christina Romans, story "A Day W/Out Child Care" & "CHILD CARE," colors reversed - yellow, blk bkgrd. That night, 10:48 PM, Bell Bros. plumbing ad, Sac., display w/yellow circle, & blk text, "$6,000." The premise is I have to kiss the butts of gov't. who are conspiring against me & refusing to investigate & make arrrests, & do all their work for them - & essentially I have been doing all their work for them - if I don't, it's used against me; exposing the rebels' conspiracies forces them to abort them - but then it's on to the next one. But I'm doing their job for them -W/OUT BEING PAID FOR IT - they can get guest names, etc. from motel clerks. Nevertheless, the rebels claim they've got you to agree that it's your job & your duty to investigate, & then they attempt to brainwash you that they can make judgments against you as far as how thorough you are - @ doing the gov't's job; then they attempt to brainwash you that it means you must be in bed w/rebels if you don't do a perfect job @ doing the gov't's job; & they then orchestrate accusations - which literally amounts to them becoming the right-hand henchmen of the rebels! 5/14, 3:05 AM, vision of fem newscaster, "Trump is not going to continue being; the [powerful businessman] he once was is dead."
Blks, coconspiring death row consps. w/No. Ca. whites, but usually as far as whites, it's usually No. Ca.; evidence Latinos still signalling death row conspiracies, & it isn't necessarily limited to No. Ca. - I reported Henry Winkler ad for Geographic Atrophy (''Aaa!' [is] it, [death] row, fee') - talking about vision blurred in spots, & strange effects on vision - a lamp that looks like electric chair cap magically lowers, etc. & suddenly, @ least 2 porn movies w/faces of Latino fems blurred; token use of my advice about morality, but signalling death row conspiracies prosper, nevertheless. Latinos'/Spaniards' "Dos Mundos" expression ('two worlds' - name of Spanish text books, for ex.) w/intonation of dismal delineation between struggling economies & prosperous ones globally - i.e., "this world isn't big enough for the both of us" show down. (That was resolved already - w/Bolivia's "the police" - vigilence against Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid.) It's a mentality of "haves" v. "have nots" that is gripping a lg. segment of the population w/implication that it won't ever change; therefore their only chance @ a "trophy" is to capitalize on failures of others, & those failures can come by hook or by crook.
Blks, coconspiring death row consps. w/No. Ca. whites, but usually as far as whites, it's usually No. Ca.; evidence Latinos still signalling death row conspiracies, & it isn't necessarily limited to No. Ca. - I reported Henry Winkler, ad for Geographic Atrophy (''Aaa!' [is] it, [death] row, fee') - talking about vision blurred in spots, & strange effects on vision - a lamp that looks like electric chair cap magically lowers, etc. & suddenly, @ least 2 porn movies w/faces of Latino fems blurred; token use of my advice about morality, but signalling death row conspiracies prosper, nevertheless. Considering the "geographic" terminology, shouldn't they have taken their cues w/the Fonz's teacher-a-mundo lingo signifying "super" teacher? Not to mention the band The Police's gesture giving them a leg up from their "Dos Mundos" expression ('two worlds' - name of Spanish text books, for ex.) w/intonation of dismal delineation between struggling economies & prosperous ones globally, w/lyrics "One world is enough for both of us" - i.e., "this world isn't big enough for the both of us" show down. (That was resolved already - w/Bolivia's "the police" - vigilence against Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid.) It's a mentality of "haves" v. "have nots" that is gripping a lg. segment of the population w/implication that it won't ever change; therefore their only chance @ a "trophy" is to capitalize on failures of others, & those failures can come by hook or by crook (as a Spanish Teacher I happen to know that more likely it's "on the inside" - a role play on behalf of Asians). But as far as selfish notions having the last word, that was shattered by the LATINO KUNG FU CHEER SQUAD (see report by that name) - if your identity is in Christ, you are valued as the King's kids no matter what. Feeling sorry for yourself is a form of pride - to get past it, follow Jesus & help those worse off than yourself - Asians need the gospel; those who are first shall be last, but those who are last shall be first - if you make others more important than yourselves, God will exalt you. To put it in practical terms, you're "cool-a-mundo!"
5/3, blk coconspirator w/other blks & lt. green consp.; "He's everything; I'll guess man" speaker phone, 7:49 radio(?); "That's your to prove it," blk male wh chair, 42A 7:54 AM after child made noises on his radio (radios prohibited on bus) (pic sent). "Hey, I got a question - do I catch the bus here?" to driver, pointing in front of bus @ 2nd St. after deboarding, 7:58 AM. 5/6, 10:05 AM, Dpd entering Sunny Car Wash, Mace Blvd. (bank windows washer, YFCU). "I don't know how, her hon," 10:12 (Steve ? (El Mac. Ave.)); 'hour' - I worked 45 min. @ Page's. 5/3, 8:12 AM, thought or vision, "...isn't gonna take that money cash..." & poked in leg, 42A. "You don't know where we have thing," Al, 8:50. 8:55 "he isn't gov. this enough," audible bug code. 10:55, "You're gonna live's something, ate," & my reply is, 'oh, gee... so if God uses you in unparalleled ways to accomplish unspeakable things, you MIGHT be allowed to live; gosh, it's so confusing. "You're just closing you're the ___" notes damaged, 10:59.
5/3, "They're getting little Keds w/the children," bug code, 3:23 AM (Keds brand chldren's shoes). "He has this porn caught," (or, 'cot' - porn movies w/Latino fems, faces obscured - males faces visible) 6:50 AM, Univisio'n. "It won't be ser here," 'sir' & 'ser' - to be in Span; but Univis. is based in Sac.; mex fem blk jacket , wthr rptr. "Get it?" blk male wh chair, dk gray jacket, blk cap, 42 A 7:45 AM; & blk male driver, "I got it...all of a sudden." "He'll just see, men," 7:47 AM, speaker phone of blk male in wh chair.
5/2, "A man didn't do his job properly; if he did, my daughters would still be alive," fem, ch 13, & fem Madison, rptr; more like a country didn't do it's job; 10:07 PM. "Straight ahead @ 10," 10:20 ch 13, fem.
5/7, "That is hap," fem staying @ Bobbie's - grandchild(?) 1:03 PM; "they just did our tare," vision possibly Taylor. Scoffing inside while I weeded near front windows. "They won't let him have his hey'd;" code, male or fem, in bobbie's. "You won't know where I..." 1:17 (vision m- reported); i.e., rock stars tempting me to abandon teacher goals out of confusion that singing rock songs is the only way to obtain justice. "You just aren't taking this letdown," wh male red beard, blk shrt, & cap, 42B 6:31 PM. 2:12, "You just don't see; they're gonna seed this ride," fem bug code. "We're gonna rot, your man," 8:16 PM fem bug code. "You wouldn't know where, ow, butt," fem bug code, 8:41 PM.
5/8, "So they" Berg, ch 3, 6:40 AM. 6:45 "You can pour this forth.." or similar 'poor' code Finan or Dirk, ch 3. 11:50 "You're gonna have our hi" tow truck, Solito, then made a turn about @ intersection where I was weeding (Millers) Solito & Ipanema, tan van & blk car in tow. wh male gray hair, red shrt, "We won't have our holt?" approx. 11:45. "Police, 24/7" ch 11 CW, wh male police officer, "...battery getting charged, okay?" "She's free to go, okay?" & other "..okay?"'s to arrestee, 8:58 PM. I.e., battery sabotages of phones - consp. that (based on blk male & Yolobus driver both committing perjury (false testimony), I was convicted of battery in 2003 - use that to destroy me - if I'm not demanding Taylor's arrest, I'm charged w/a crime - traitors who oppress you further if you don't get everyone while on your own in oppressive conditions - conspiracy defined. Diane, "He is having his hate." Paul (vision) "He is giving us our come on," 9:30 approx. "You said you're the wook," fat mex male, beard, scooter, casing me daily on Yolobus; "Champion" shrt, 42A 7:38 AM. "We can't catch him," audible bug code to driver of F line7:56 AM. "he won't be whoring," 9:10 AM near Solito; wifi sabotaged. 9:39, "we didn't have them, their app, it," wh car, The turn-about tow truck (pic sent); consp. w/silver p/up that circled around me in U turn while I was crossing Loyola on Tulip, approx. 5:05 PM, 5/10. I was going S, p/up, N. 10:30, "You can't take this smash" 10:30 apprx., "they end up doubling you," 10:36. Possibly consp. to pressure kids against me in Davis - I was ganged up on by some HS'ers 2000, on Loyola while I was working for Bill Dedman.
5/3, lic pl. 8GOA681 wh fem failed to yield Hanover & Anderson, almost hit me, 12:50 PM "He's expecting ass," 3:30 approx. 4:32 PM, "F*&^ in! Ass hole kind, it," wh boy going by, tan shrt, bike, A St. (Erin's). "Puh! Puh- Puh! Puh!" etc., - male @ sports event UCD, making gunshot sounds - like blk male homeless in Richmond @ cafe near BART approx. 2023. "We're gonna be, the get," blk male on P.A. again - Wilson field 4:34 PM - more of the Loyola consp. - a new way to ruin kids. Blks claiming I "got" because I'm staying in WS motels more often, but most likely attempting to solidify it w/conspired attacks - w/help of supposed police. "'M eighty, it," vision, after I prayed about South - they'd put God off until he became old; 6:30 PM.
Tzar Alexander - flew "too high;"
'licks - hand 'er;'
what happens if Asians are claiming they are still "licking their wounds" from being left out - a 'T' as far as welcoming the gospel? Eastern church handing it to us (dirge, v. dance).
Will Ya Hurry!? - Your voices carry - rushin' for the gospel! "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
daughter, Frances Petefish, married Arch Utt, whose father was lawman from Dodge City Kansas - the Utts. As opposed to 'carry w/them' as in the movie "Carrie" & teen viciously mocked @ her prom dance, rock & Hollywood provided the alternative - Carrie Petefish -
"We're the phoned - we're 2 feet under," 7:35, W Cap. (i.e., more than one foot in the grave). "...under his roof, over the head," - I have my roof & equivalent of hitting the ceiling, 7:41, code W Cap. 8:11 PM "They show the whole world um," 8:11 PM. 7:42 AM (5/5?) "We just fix he don't know his time." "We've been waiting far Nam" - Farnham - street name in newer part of Wdld.; 'Nam' code as of 1998 for orchestrating oppressive conditions in Yolo, like in Viet Nam war. Bread Not Bombs sign @ UCLA protests (or other protest; outdoor soup kitchen ( C. Park) in Davis for years was Food Not Bombs. "_[No. Ca.] lessed commies" 8:45 PM approx. - more wicked & degenerate that a communist or socialist gov't. "It's who she's going out w/, right," 9:23 PM bug code - i.e., 'tour, have his kill, see?' i.e., Taylor's mssg, is get rid of me. "You just can't safety book," 9:45.
Very likely the Palestinian/Israeli war - mostly Jews oppressing Palestinians - is partially motivated by oppression of me; Hamas leaders of Paletine - 'ham us;' & landscape work has been described as "hamming" Davis rebels - as though I'm patronizing them - despite I have no choice in the matter - it's slavery. Davis rebels - decades of oppressing me w/unjust jailings; Jews - 'j[ail] use.' & UC Davis, catering to Davis rebels, have been some of the kingpins from the start. The menajerie is propped up by state of Ca. sending students from all over who instantly become Davis' right-hand henchmen, no questions asked. Because of the diverse Ca. population @ UCD, & in Davis, it has had a stabilizing effect; on the one hand, rebels have to make it look appealing & proper - the victim is some homeless unknown that was simply overlooked - somewhat of a problem that the police had to deal w/ - making it palatable for the students - UCD somehow maintaining the guise of an acceptable image. A lgr. % of them are from No. Ca., though, so there was an expectation by me & others that So. Ca. would come through w/invasion. That never happened, & instead, instances of conspiracies, so it became a question of clinching it that they are rebels the same as No. Ca. U.S.A. universities such as Columbia lured using a national betrayal display (or else the nation is asking to crumble); renaming of Hinds Hall is an insult - it isn't a draw! Universities displaying a facade of role playing my free speech activities, specifically on behalf of Hamas/Palestinians; but putting a bent slant on it - property destruction, violence, obnoxiousness, unjust occupying of property (barracading themselves in offices & classrooms), & then enduring arrests - "We can do it too!" code from one of students - as though a playback of my free speech sufferings of jail oppression by the 'jail use' "Jews" Davis rebels. Except that (1)it's an attempt to ruin me - as though I was out of control & destructive by witnessing for Christ in public; (2)it proactively promotes Davis - biblically, "Jews" is synonym for Christians; Christians in Bible are referred to as spiritual Jews - suddenly Davis is the Christians. Perhaps the other universities were putting Los Angeles (So. Ca.) to the test - & UCLA readily fell for it - destructive, violent displays that give freedom of speech a bad name, but moreover, giving me a bad name based on the Jews/Hamas codes - 'You see? All lay' is the assertion - Los Angeles' "proof" that everyone's "laying" - no one cares about Jack Teacher or justice. Beware of supposed ominous fate of "deep state" from Trump, though, it's most likely a trick. "Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Let him out - he's suffocating!"
Despite innuendos that song implies permission to case me using scanners, "Love Takes Time" demonstrates long range strategy of Western church brought to fruition by Show Me Crusaders. Christian rock musicians such as Bryan Duncan are the rock & rollers - under cover arm - they like the music, but skeptical of those wall hotel wall-smashing midnight tokers - just skeptical enough to lure the South, for ex. Nevertheless, most Christians understood the East & West branches scenario of Slavs suffering in Siberia as dance & dirge; if there are Slavs who believe they were betrayed by Western church, the Bible says "Don't return evil for evil or insult for insult, but give a blessing instead," I intervened for them, but no response, moreover, they didn't ask us for help, as far as I'm aware; I asked for help from them, & no response - demonstrating they were refusing to forgive Western church - claiming we fell short - by doing that, they are only hurting themselves. Nevertheless, a watch on behalf of Western church demonstrating we held our post, & in fact are moving forward, acts as an advocate on our behalf - we've fulfilled our duties to them. We don't owe them anything; but, there is indication of a double motive of invasion of & destruction of Ca. - Californians could've added their voices to mine concerning Slavs' sacrifices that had been covered up. But because Slavs refused to intervene on my behalf, they aren't going to have me as any bosom buddy - that was THEIR decision; I don't consider them enemies, they evidently are asleep. Nevertheless, the erosion of moral standards in 20th century, partly due to advent of pictures, then movies, caused porn to proliferate - "...see every part of me - cause I wanna be loved...;" women gradually compromising moral standards, equating love & acceptance w/pleasing men sexually, & often becoming convinced that was the only way to be loved. Western church orchestrated a strategy to combat it - my Mom's "Thoity Poiple Boids" saying demonstrates the strategy was in place as of 1940's or before - the Rae Me New Joiseys; but no one took up the cause except for rock & Hollywood. According to Show Me Crusaders, the goal isn't to simply restore morality to standards of pre-porn movie days, but to take new ground for the Lord - more souls w/Christ for eternity, w/higher emphasis on sexual morality - "take on eternity." "Love takes time/Ties that bind..." acted to lure the rebels to claim that that was "Christian" rock stars (as opposed to "secular" rock stars), & they were skeptically implying regional rebels should be allowed to orchestrate laboratory rat experiments on me - placing me under a microscope - such as use of scanners; the CD cover of Duncan behind some fancy metalwork is similar to amenities on front porches - implying I'm trapped & forced to knock on doors while under a microscope. But 'tie' in this context isn't signifying 'draw,' but rather a binding cord - i.e., a watch that binds the stand of the Western church - there simply was no connotation of any "tie" concerning me & the rumors. Moreover, God using me to bind the feats of Show Me "Turkey Day" Crusaders, including rock & Hollywood, but also historically, categorically shatters any notion of smears of my reputation due to God inviting me to such an unparalleled honor.
"Ties that bind..." Luke Bryan attempting to "can" rock, while unbeknownst to them, rock & Hollywood tracking hesitation of Slavs, tracking conspiracy of South, tracking sinister motives in China, championing higher moral standards, & showing the Jupiter Jesus plan for Asians - if you want to call it a "draw" between rock & South, it's one that binds the South & casts them into Hell. "Did you ever want to be trusted/For once in your life?/Carry that fire/W/out burning each other..." Affluent stars w/faith like the Gentiles in N.T. who had faith in God despite Jesus saying to them, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel," & Jesus then lavished praise on them - rock stars pressing in on the kingdom of God, & carrying the fire of zeal & fire of morality to the "lost sheep of Israel!"
Triple Duty - "Love takes time/Please be kind;" we orchestrated freedom for blacks globally, 'k[ey,] hind - defeating slavery in U.S.A. & behind them - all the way back to their origin - Africa - a feat that took more than a few days to accomplish, but it was justice for them that was thorough & comprehensive. "Did you ever wanna be trusted/For once in your life...?" Obama elected as leader of free world, but proved he couldn't be trusted.
5/6, Yolobus 42A, W. Cap. Ave., West Sac, mysterious traffic jam almost the whole length - from West Acre (where my motel is) to Enterprise Blvd., where I-80 entrance is - took half hour to traverse a 5-8 min. distance - it was conspired - in fact, it was carefully concocted to hand acts of oppression to blks. I had removed reports about rock's & Hollywood's trackings of rebels - upset due to their delays, & instantly codes such as "He's son home," or similar - claims that I was settling for the locals. The West Cap stall (manipulating traffic) was them bringing their corruption to it's logical conclusion. Wh male pssgr getting off@ Enterprise, but got up & said to driver he really had to go to bathroom - but the only ones were @ Enterprise Blvd.; he was then indicating he was staying standing @ front so that he could hold it better; & brought up he was thinking about moving to WS, because @ this point he was working there, but he was currently living elsewhere (Wdld., possibly), & "I have a room - w/a bathroom..." Strange elaboration in random conversation w/bus driver about living somewhere I considering moving. Because the bus was @ a crawl, he got off the bus so that he could find a restroom (or go in the bushes), & 5 min. later was signalling the driver, & he let him back on (we hadn't moved very far during that 5 min.). After arriving in Davis, blk fem, blk jacket, w/2 kids & blk stroller, got on bus & sat next to me; blk driver, "You won't know 'em, wrong," 8:16 AM, but before we had left from bus stop (where blk fem boarded), even though we were half hour late already, he was stalling - pushing buttons operating front ramp lift up & down, & other buttons, then got back going - i.e., creeping consps. where everything is slowed to a crawl w/kids stalking me. the 'you wouldn't know 'em' code was I was supposed to rebuke him - "no" him, & since I didn't, I'm known as "wrong" - code name for Adeline Pl. lease in 2004 where my sublettor (Huang, as far as I recall) quit the master lease in order to deceptively cancel my sublease. 8:18, 5 St., neighborhood st., but slowed to crawl w/another mysterious traffic jam.
8:25, 5th & G, wh male washing windows of Yolo Federal Credit Union - code for Asian male in Cafe Bernardo's in restroom w/trick - door was open as though unoccupied, but he suddenly was @ door closing it saying he was "washing;" i.e., it's a wash - blacks can oppress me. Instantly after going by YFCU, blk driver snapped his fingers twice w/hand below bottom of his seat (pic sent) - & Yolobus seats are part of their shark facades attempting to buy Yolo more chances to oppress me - the side of the bottom of seat is a control panel, but it looks like the sole of a shoe, creating overall pic of driver is a teen sitting on one foot comfortably in living room, possibly playing video games, etc. I.e., sending mssg. to everyone riding, get comfortable - we've got no choice - we have to put on an act & bide our time, & wait it out - until now. The 2 snaps were the 'home' codes from WS - I'm @ home w/them - blk male driver is my kid brother (or big brother), we're in livingroom playing video games, having popcorn, mom wants us to do our chores pretty soon,..etc. - I'm "comfortable" but they are rebels, & so I shouldn't be getting comfortable w/rebels, is their argument, & the 2 snaps one might think is police are going to be utilized to kidnap me again, most likely while on Yolobus, but, based on B St. lt. grn code, the wh male desperate to go to bathroom in WS - room "w/a bathroom" story - but he's "moving" - no longer room w/bathroom, because the victim is DEAD - run over by the bus. It isn't another kidnap - the South is also a party, & they're counting on Jack Teacher light being "green." 'Will, Lee nails son [to the cross],' i.e., my life is ended, as a "sacrifice."
The Adeline Pl. 'wrong' code legal maneuver w/lease is "wrong" - DIVISION rebels "convert" it to deadly "Lee's," taking Asians' participation "to the bank." Blk fem w/ kids then got off bus. 8:27, elderly mex. fem, red jacket, "You won't play w/'em;" "I'm not home," as we arrived @ MU. 9:07, working @ Page's, Miller, vision, "This is where I take you niggas;" God told me in 2017, when blk fem @ 6th & B, coded comment, "We molest children," they may need to be finished off - "the number of a man" (Rev.) - 666; they were attempting a take for satan, being numb & - "burr" - cold; but if you allow it or try to forgive them when they were already shown mercy & forgiveness, & refused to respond, it amounts to whites forfeiting our crown, & they'll scorn us for it & bring about ruin & destruction. Blk fem @ 6th & B was getting out of car parked directly beneath a lg. tree that looked like a giant chicken;
i.e., 'Whites won't ever have the nerve to punish an entire race - so we're going to ruin you!' Also, notice how the DIVISION rebels operate - they attempt to involve as many parties as possible - the 'take it to the bank' YFCU 'wash' code - Asian washing hands in Cafe Bernardo - & that was part of the lt. grn clothing coonsp. - fem student signalling to Unitrans bus driver to throw me under the bus last wk; lt. grn clothing associated w/Bieber video (that was most likely shot before the B & 14th Sts. consp.) - that's Asians & rock stars all supposedly rallying to blacks' & Davis' side endorsing more kidnappings. See EVIDENCE HUNG FLAG CODES... report; [EXCERPT:] 4/12, 1:03 PM wh fem blnd HS or college on bike, lt. grn clothing, going opp direction of Q line, & making L @ B & 14th, but hand signal was pointedly directing that I get run over by a bus - pointing downward in front of bus. "I have 24 mind here," Persian male driver, Q line, 1:06 PM arriving @ Pole Line; @ J & Covell, fat blk fem got on bus, 1:04 (immed. after the 'kill him' code), blk & wh jacket, referring to the bus stop - "Sign is missing & it smells awful; report that to maintenance," to driver, then as she went by me, "Oh." [END EXCERPT] Kidnap consp. is extention of lt. grn clothing attempt on my life consps. w/blks the kingpins. When the fem. pointed @ pavement in front of bus, she may have said, "...good-bye, cruel designer jeans, HERE."
5/2, "They just needed him, new it," 9:35 chipper shrdr, near College Pk, "They aren't gonna pry him, half" (pry off the grill of the bus). 10:03 AM, Michael's school bus went by on Miller Ave. (pic sent); i.e., it's their call ('my call') - landscape work won't do - because I'm supposed to be a teacher - but I can't be a teacher because of consp. to deny me work because of too many rumors - nevertheless 'my call' code is bus - translates to hitting me w/bus. "I wouldn't ride my banana," male const. near Page's. "He'll have his circle back," 8:42 AM. "It'll be when you can't hunt 'em," 8:28 AM (d & g code). "That's where you're tore up," blk male Yolobus emply, 42A, supervising driver; "This is your actual roommate," blk male emply, 8:25 AM; Adeline Pl. 'wrong' code - consp. is claiming because I'm staying in WS more often than not, I've constructively moved from Davis, & that gives them license to kill me.
No one's arguing - local Asians are often involved, & rock stars are moving too slow. That's why the DIVISION rebels are known as the Davis Vortex of Evil - they suck everyone into their black hole!
"I don't have in front of the kids," hon ___ (notes illegib.) 6:02 AM. "You'll have your fight to death," 7:02 AM, bug code - you could say this already happened - UPS Store emply Travis 'we death, we?' question, to both student cust. & adult cust. in Davis, code from 2010 or so, B St.; subsequently, 3 attempts on my life, rebels already attempting to kill me & it's been proven; it's possible it's implying another attempt, but IT'S ALREADY FULFILLED. Jordan Woods & ___ mex fem ___ (notes illegib.). "You just said we're sandia" (span for watermelon) bug code 7:36.
4/28, "We're gonna know your 2" mex fem cashier Jemima or similar Raley's 10:23 AM. 11:34 "His shot's we never could be," TV from rm 17. 11:35 "Reman kidnap" (or similar). 12:43 "I made a little mistake; I was keeping myself." "Alright! We go w/-take him!" 11:45 AM. ch3, "Will power" & close up of a smoking pipe fileld w/pot or tobacco. 1:19, vision of me @ Days Inn - in front of bldg, "All of it!" & it was like I was saying they were trying to take everything from me; despite God said staying in both Davis & WS have their advantages - but currently more frugal to stay in WS, because of 'poor ridge' battles - ridges in Davis of conspired rebellion, & extra money spent @ Days Inn fuels it. male, wearing yellow, on W Cap precisely as I placed rock display back up. THE MONSTERS, INCLUDING ON TV (NEWS OR OTHER), DESPERATELY ATTEMPTING TO PROD MORE OPPRESSION SUCH AS IN W.S., CLAIMING BECAUSE I'VE BEEN STAYING IN W.S. A LOT, THEY'VE TAKEN I'M DUPED & THEY CAN PROCEED TO FOOL ME THAT I'VE GIVEN UP THE "RIGHT" TO STAY IN DAVIS. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THESE MONSTERS, IN CONTEXT OF TERRORISTS & MONSTERS SPEWING OUT A THOUSAND CONSPIRACIES/DAY IN PUBLIC - LITERALLY RUINING CHILDREN BEFORE THEY GET OUT OF KINDERGARTEN - WHETHER THEY WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT - I'M IN A BROAD PLACE AS FAR AS WHERE I STAY - MY INCOME CONTROLLED BY REBELS, MY RENT RATE - FORKING OVER AVE. OF $100/DAY FOR A ROOF OVER MY HEAD, ETC., THE PIECE OF SHIT MONSTERS HAVE NO SAY SO IN IF I PAY A FEW DOLLARS MORE FOR A MOTEL OCCASIONALLY, OR A FEW DOLLARS LESS, WHILE THEY SYSTEMATICALLY BETRAY THE NATION & GOD. WHAT I REC'D FROM GOD WAS BEWARE OF THE 'POOR RIDGE' SCENARIO - DAYS INN BREAKFASTS ARE BAGELS, PORRIDGE, PASTRIES; STAYING IN DAVIS 25% OF TIME APPROX. IS OCCUPYING SO THAT I DON'T DRIFT, & THEN DUE TO LACK OF PRESENCE IN DAVIS & VICINITY, PROVIDES ARGUMENT THAT I DROPPED IT. IT ISN'T WILL POWER AS FAR AS SUPPOSEDLY PARANOIDLY PAYING $85/NIGHT IN W.S. V. $105/NIGHT IN DAVIS; IT'S HOLDING ONE'S POST.
4/28, "I'm gonna pray free," "You just give her glock," 3:58 PM Taylor possibly; not if 'glock' is code for 'g[al throws up her hands & agrees innocent victims can be] lock[ed up]' - that's m.o. of rebels; but pray free might negate this interp. "That's you can't have them," 4 PM MY 58. "You alright? I didn't get you - he didn't get you," SWAT guard (TV show), to fem hostage gray shrt, whom he'd just freed, & making a nipple grab gesture rather than chasing after kidnapper who had just exited the door next to him, 4:43 PM. "They'll just male on mate," 6:15 approx. vision. "When you go small..." coach, 8:41 PM ch 36 TNT, Min./Phx game. 5:22 ch 26, "She won't kill me - they're both dead," Asian anncr, Cubs jacket. "Calculus" 3rd Ed. Smith & Minton, McGraw Hill 2008, pg. 971, Implicit Function Theorem, "...if Fx & Fy [derivatives w/resp. to x & y] are continuous on an open disk containing the pt. (a,b)..." & pg. 972, "sin(x,y,z)." Math theorems never use a "disk" to describe a random generic flat surface - w/out exception conventional practice - w/good reason - is "an open plane..." because a disk is round in shape & implies thickness & circular boundaries, & none of those come into play in this & other theorems that simply require a surface. 'disk' is code for Doug Arnold - 'you've reached the desk of Doug...' 1999 vm; i.e., 'you've reached - 'the dis[respect]' - code that I reached beyond my means - overly aggressive. Once again - my cousin created the West Point Benedict Arnold watch. Possibly 'x,y,z' is examine your zipper; a code propping up davis, or code that I have my watch? The codes/rebels have consistently operated by attempting to get rid of the victim - taking the easy way out, claiming I must be a stumbling block; but they also try to hedge their bets w/second entendre. 'F' possibly 'f*&^,' but big 'F' next to little 'x' might be a lewd innuendo - adult/child immoral act - same w/Fy. "We're gonna have down there," 2:36, fem ch 40 (UFL); context, slightly less exercise than usual, I'd been taking a hiatus - but not really. "You won't do here," male rm 17 2:44, & sidestream smoke. The math text nomenclature I'd seen before, but there are other ways of doing it - but if you aren't thinking lewd thoughts, then "Fx" is perfectly do-able - it's THEIR problem. Cable TV co. Fx simply conveyed 'effects' effect; - the rebels are the perverts w/vile thoughts.
Hair trimmers - Braun, Wahl, & Remington - same as tech industry - in bed w/Davis, designing hair trimmers that chew up your hair - wasn't that way for a decade or so - I was buying them reg'ly & trimming my hair - excellent cuts 99% of the time, but as of 2017 or so, one or 2 uses, & then they are defective. Apple phones, supposedly avoided consps. of Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung, but not completely - phones won't come on when plugged in w/out first charging up battery - blk male Gilbert gave Yolobus a hand falsely charging me w/battery in 2003; same driver, Shinn, had falsely charged me the mo. before, but I had a witness, Karen Kayla Whayla; that charge was dropped, along w/another Yolobus false charge, but w/Gilbert's help, & judges joining the corruption, false conviction; phone cos. making that battery conviction the end-all-be-all - if you want to argue it's a code - a round-about strategy of warning people to 'lose that false conviction of battery - it's getting in your way,' consistently the codes have been geared first of all to take the easy way out - entire population of Davis v. me - they've been attempting to finish me off - imply stumbling blocks - 'convicted of battery - lose him & prop up Davis!'
4/18, "It was Joe [failed]" I-80 4:25 AM approx. "Joe?" 4:28. "We're the throw hold," I-80 4:54 AM (i.e., I removed Show Me feats, & suddenly region gets away w/rebellion). "They just aren't having his cansome," 5:17 AM I-80. "I'm your wive," or 'y'- I've 6 AM. 7:12, on phone w/Wyndam rewards dept., emply Purel attempting to force me to take a quiz before redeeming my points for free nights' stay - echoing Aggies' facade of trainers on busses quizzing Unitrans drivers about rules & foolish policies - "Your left blinker is on, what does that mean you are about to do?" etc. Also, before reaching them, I called same Wyndam rewards # night before, but suddenly that morning it was airlines trouble-shooting. 7:20 "That's where we won't blue 'em," bug code. dream fem named Estelle burned in fire; context, I inserted phrase, "Tell me, huh? Tell me, huh" pertaining to "sweetest man in all of existence;" & it was possibly taken the wrong way by rock musicians - cigarettes report - "Tell me, are you still hooked on those cancer sticks?" (or similar). On the contrary, though, I reported the dream demonstrating Fresno & Lodi both judged - Pfifer also included in that report, & that's also a name from Lodi. "You wouldn't seed my exhume," vision; God led me to make very little of report about vision of mex. male teen - hold off on the "gory details" of him exposing himself w/erection (flashing) & trying to put it against me - approx. 6 mos. ago - until further notice; context was Davis LL field on F St., drinking fountains shut off, & mex. fem @ bus stop, "We weren't 'out'?" when I warned in general it was another dead giveaway when rebels rob kids @ LL field; i.e., kids don't have to complain about lack of services - they are "out" because it's understood to be necessary to ream me. But @ same location (as far as I recall) mex. boy made comment encouraging fellow teens to be amenable toward me - but the dream subsequently (flashing) demonstrates the ulterior motives - set me up w/false accusation. 7:23, bug code, "They dead," (4/18). But I did seed it on behalf of rock - I reported visions of Taylor referring to my genitals, which I reported using "censored" in report - but this is now missing from my files; saying she loves me & always be close, etc. - close to my penis (used "censored" referring to this). Then pic of her either clawing @ her genitals, or, symbolically holding close a man's penis - which counters the mex. teen flasher facade. 'Seed my exhume' is possibly Latinos claiming Asians are controlling Latino youth soccer players - as though Foosball game pieces (pawns) - & forcing them to bait me; i.e., the flash vision suddenly comes to life w/mex. youth soccer player stalking me, immediately after I reported the foosball conjecture; Taylor & rock almost literally holding my private parts, while Latinos conspire lewd facades because Tse-Tung made them do it. The Fresno & Lodi names indicate the source of the consp. of Latinos. While making this report, 9:35 AM, vision of my Dad standing @ his desk in MB in Lodi, & being placed in cuffs, & simultaneously, vision of possibly my Mom, "Seems like it's Dad's plea to slide through," 4/24, 9:35 AM. It's possible it was someone impersonating my Mom; nevertheless, because there's been so few of these instances, I didn't report vision of my Mom saying, "Joe, I'm among those [stalking you]" (I don't remember the exact words) - i.e., a confession she was having to capitulate & join the rebels because she was cornered - this may be logical conclusion of that. THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT THAT THIS IS THE GOAL OF WHITE HOUSE & CONGRESS - MEMBER OF NATIONAL GUARD SUDDENLY ARRESTED W/IN DAYS OF MY REPORTS THAT ROCK & HOLLYWOOD WERE USING MY DAD'S GOOD CHARACTER AS EXAMPLE (& MY DAD WAS IN THE GUARD). Nevertheless, the vision is their undoing - doubt isn't a sin - it's what you do w/your doubt(s); entertaining skeptical thoughts that aren't acted on or consumated isn't a son - the Bible is full of examples of those who had doubts, but did the right thing, v. those who had doubts & became scoffers & rejected the Lord; the woman who touched Jesus' clothing & was healed, but didn't want to admit it @ first, & then told the whole story; the man who didn't know if Jesus could help his son, but said, "Help my unbelief," Thomas who doubted Jesus was risen, but held his post until Jesus appeared to them, etc., v. those in Nazareth who thought highly of him, but doubted he could be the Messiah, & then rose up against Jesus to try to cast him off the cliff. My Dad probably regularly had doubts, but he overall refused to act on them, & kept a stiff upper lip; Bush's scoffing exemplified it - leader of the nation pressuring my Dad to accept the inevitable of a son being taken away to jail dozens of times - revived some of those doubts - 'the establishment is right, & your son's gone bad;' - but my Dad passed away on Good Friday - the same calendar day that Jesus died on the cross @ the hands of an evil establishment trying, convicting, & sentencing him to death despite he was w/out sin - & this proves my Dad's doubts, if any, didn't prevail. Nevertheless, the vision may have been pertaining to me & the delays as far as the gory details of that vision of mex. boy; but - & this isn't parenthetically - if this is the case, then whoever's claiming this is nothing less than a demon from the pit of hell WHO IS IN FACT LOST IN THEIR OWN BRAINWASHES - miracles beyond number, & glorifications of me by God that are unparalleled outside of the Bible, there simply isn't any scenario where I'd be doubting or "pleaing" to "slide through" - these monsters have hardened their hearts so that they are a billion miles from reality & they really don't so much as have a clue as to how demented, bent, & cynnical they are! Moreover, once again based on their desperate attempts to brainwash me, they con themselves that they are getting away w/it, & that I delayed w/the gory details because I'm not serious about nuking Davis, & that I'm coming to terms w/having to settle for associating w/& interacting w/these monsters - but, oh, darn, the reality is God warned West Sac 2 years ago that their "seconding" of even a fraction of Davis oppression (stalkings, denial of teacher job, sabotaging e mail) IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEM TO BE NUKED 3X OVER! I don't think these recent visions (last several mos.) were my Mom, & instead, it's a demon impersonating her - as of approx. a year ago, she said I am entitled to teacher "gold." "I've given you Em" 4/22, vision. I recently placed pic of Great Grandma Petefish on internet along w/pic of Antie Em (Clara Blandick); the pic that's similar pose as Clara (Auntie Em) was where she was worried about & looking for Dorothy. This portrait of Great Grandma Petefish - if you look closely, she has small beginnings of a grin in corner of her mouth. That expression was scrutinized to extent of Jack Lord (McGarrett) Hawaii Five-0, second season of TV show, in the theme song intro, instead of hoofing it on the beat to catch the bad guys, he's on a hotel balcony, & spins around - same as fem. hula dancer also in intro, implying he's following fems. Elton John, "Blessed," almost imperceptible smile @ corner of mouth, & song implying he amounts to nothing but a rich old sugardaddy. Extrapolation based on conjecture (1) Great Grandma Petefish's expression was a skeptical smile, & (2) skeptical unbelief ultimately prevailed in her life. But the slight grin was actually one of confidence - Auntie Em & "Wizard of Oz" was released contemporarily w/her adulthood (she & Blandick were born 5 years apart), & Em looked like her - upping ante of the Show Me's (too bland) - 'Here's where we show 'Em!' "The Kingdom of God is forecfully advancing, & forceful men lay hold of it," Matt. 11:12. So the rock & Hollywood plumblines were precautions based on projecting the expression might be misunderstood, resulting in a chill effect, & this doesn't negate the more positive actual scenarios.
Meanwhile, the dead body (exhumed) is predominantly Latino Catholics who were too lazy & cowardly to stand on God's word, & instead caved in to rebellion & hypocrisy - this is applicable in No. Ca. & possibly worldwide. The proof is you invite them to a higher seat - servants used as instruments to encourage Asians - & instead, it's used against you. Cowering before Asians, they are instruments of death acting to ruin me under assumption & ruse of Asians worldwide having bent motives against me. I watched approx. 3 min. of porn on accident approx. 4/21; repeatedly came across Latinos in porn flicks w/faces blurred; i.e., guise of partially repenting of low moral standards, & it's based on my reports & standards from me communicated by rock stars. They utilize righteous principles obtained from me, while continuing to conspire to trap me in the hands of rebels, & in fact conspiring to act on behalf of Asians w/in rebel region to oppress me, creating a bent Foosball scenario: 'Those little kids are yours to conspiratorially manipulate against Jack Teacher, Asians!' Ps 68:22,23, "The Lord says, 'I will bring them from Bashan;
I will bring them from the depths of the sea,
that your feet may wade in the blood of your foes,
while the tongues of your dogs have their share of their carcasses'" (applicable locally).
4/26, "He isn't ready? We raid today" 9:50 AM, vision, Taylor. Bug code, 10:50, "he won't have his Ca. come; it was they were so important," i.e., 'raid' - Ca. is going to be wiped out in its entirety - their demand for 'caw' is met. Before any arguments of Taylor being "A Jack's" comet (making people come clean), Mary was making gestures of being a concerned lover; but as reported, Yolobus, & regional fertility agency, & others using kids as tool against me in their ads. The latest one - exact same format - Bonnie H&A, Sac. A/C co., sm. Asian girl, same pose, lying down, as Mary (model). Auto dealer just moved to Folsom (Vince Bloom?), tall wh male blk trench coat, usually does ads w/dog; 'fools 'some;'' - Sac's culminating clincher that they swallowed any lovely blond model who wants to marry me (Mary); Mary fell short, but they conclusively demonstrated - Yolobus, Bonnie, & half dozen other cos. & agencies, that it's instant monster conspiracy to eliminate any gal friend that I might have - & they then actually publicly claim it. "You didn't take this later," 6:01; 'you didn't take 'they hiss all ate her,'' 'ate' as in 'consumed;' "The relationship, we have now," Gov. Newsom; i.e., indications rock & Hollywood tracked local, regional, national, & international gov't consps. , but the rebels publicly claim if they don't call me @ once, then I'm in bed w/them if I attempt to assert their trackings; on one hand, they have duty to see to it I don't have to do another day of slave labor, but on other hand, it isn't a crime to report evidence, despite those producing it are slow to follow up - I'm minimizing reports about it for reasons of salt - they're flakes if they can't follow up. "It's not an academic exercise; this is real life," Newsom, combined w/money-grubbing gesture w/fingers, & L hand ratcheting higher, higher, higher, 5:59 PM, ch3; God has placed me in a broad place as far as tracking conspiracies to extent of international participation, but God demonstrating he used me, w/my willing participation to limited extent, to rescue Dorothy (figuratively - but Judy Garland, possibly literally) out of hell by holding my post - w/rock & Hollywood depending on my diligence, THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR ME HAVING TO WORK ANOTHER DAY IN SLAVE LABOR, NOR WAIT ANOTHER DAY FOR JUSTICE FROM DECEPTIVE TYRANTS MAKING IMPLICIT THREATS LIKE NEWSOM! Applicable to Eastern & Western branches of church - faithfulness of past members for most part isn't governed or determinated by subsequent members' unfaithfulness or betrayal.
"I don't have in front of the kids," hon ___ (notes illegib.) 6:02 AM. "You'll have your fight to death," 7:02 AM, bug code - you could say this already happened - UPS Store emply Travis 'we death, we?' question, to both student cust. & adult cust. in Davis, code from 2010 or so, B St.; subsequently, 3 attempts on my life, rebels already attempting to kill me & it's been proven; it's possible it's implying another attempt, but IT'S ALREADY FULFILLED. Jordan Woods & ___ mex fem ___ (notes illegib.). "You just said we're sandia" (span for watermelon) bug code 7:36.
4/28, "We're gonna know your 2" mex fem cashier Jemima or similar Raley's 10:23 AM. 11:34 "His shot's we never could be," TV from rm 17. 11:35 "Reman kidnap" (or similar). 12:43 "I made a little mistake; I was keeping myself." "Alright! We go w/-take him!" 11:45 AM. ch3, "Will power" & close up of a smoking pipe fileld w/pot or tobacco. 1:19, vision of me @ Days Inn - in front of bldg, "All of it!" & it was like I was saying they were trying to take everything from me; despite God said staying in both Davis & WS have their advantages - but currently more frugal to stay in WS, because of 'poor ridge' battles - ridges in Davis of conspired rebellion, & extra money spent @ Days Inn fuels it. male, wearing yellow, on W Cap precisely as I placed rock display back up. THE MONSTERS, INCLUDING ON TV (NEWS OR OTHER), DESPERATELY ATTEMPTING TO PROD MORE OPPRESSION SUCH AS IN W.S., CLAIMING BECAUSE I'VE BEEN STAYING IN W.S. A LOT, THEY'VE TAKEN I'M DUPED & THEY CAN PROCEED TO FOOL ME THAT I'VE GIVEN UP THE "RIGHT" TO STAY IN DAVIS. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THESE MONSTERS, IN CONTEXT OF TERRORISTS & MONSTERS SPEWING OUT A THOUSAND CONSPIRACIES/DAY IN PUBLIC - LITERALLY RUINING CHILDREN BEFORE THEY GET OUT OF KINDERGARTEN - WHETHER THEY WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT - I'M IN A BROAD PLACE AS FAR AS WHERE I STAY - MY INCOME CONTROLLED BY REBELS, MY RENT RATE - FORKING OVER AVE. OF $100/DAY FOR A ROOF OVER MY HEAD, ETC., THE PIECE OF SHIT MONSTERS HAVE NO SAY SO IN IF I PAY A FEW DOLLARS MORE FOR A MOTEL OCCASIONALLY, OR A FEW DOLLARS LESS, WHILE THEY SYSTEMATICALLY BETRAY THE NATION & GOD. WHAT I REC'D FROM GOD WAS BEWARE OF THE 'POOR RIDGE' SCENARIO - DAYS INN BREAKFASTS ARE BAGELS, PORRIDGE, PASTRIES; STAYING IN DAVIS 25% OF TIME APPROX. IS OCCUPYING SO THAT I DON'T DRIFT, & THEN DUE TO LACK OF PRESENCE IN DAVIS & VICINITY, PROVIDES ARGUMENT THAT I DROPPED IT. IT ISN'T WILL POWER AS FAR AS SUPPOSEDLY PARANOIDLY PAYING $85/NIGHT IN W.S. V. $105/NIGHT IN DAVIS; IT'S HOLDING ONE'S POST.
4/28, "I'm gonna pray free," "You just give her glock," 3:58 PM Taylor possibly; not if 'glock' is code for 'g[al throws up her hands & agrees innocent victims can be] lock[ed up]' - that's m.o. of rebels; but pray free might negate this interp. "That's you can't have them," 4 PM MY 58. "You alright? I didn't get you - he didn't get you," SWAT guard (TV show), to fem hostage gray shrt, whom he'd just freed, & making a nipple grab gesture rather than chasing after kidnapper who had just exited the door next to him, 4:43 PM. "They'll just male on mate," 6:15 approx. vision. "When you go small..." coach, 8:41 PM ch 36 TNT, Min./Phx game. 5:22 ch 26, "She won't kill me - they're both dead," Asian anncr, Cubs jacket. "Calculus" 3rd Ed. Smith & Minton, McGraw Hill 2008, pg. 971, Implicit Function Theorem, "...if Fx & Fy [derivatives w/resp. to x & y] are continuous on an open disk containing the pt. (a,b)..." & pg. 972, "sin(x,y,z)." Math theorems never use a "disk" to describe a random generic flat surface - w/out exception conventional practice - w/good reason - is "an open plane..." because a disk is round in shape & implies thickness & circular boundaries, & none of those come into play in this & other theorems that simply require a surface. 'disk' is code for Doug Arnold - 'you've reached the desk of Doug...' 1999 vm; i.e., 'you've reached - 'the dis[respect]' - code that I reached beyond my means - overly aggressive. Once again - my cousin created the West Point Benedict Arnold watch. Possibly 'x,y,z' is examine your zipper; a code propping up davis, or code that I have my watch? The codes/rebels have consistently operated by attempting to get rid of the victim - taking the easy way out, claiming I must be a stumbling block; but they also try to hedge their bets w/second entendre. 'F' possibly 'f*&^,' but big 'F' next to little 'x' might be a lewd innuendo - adult/child immoral act - same w/Fy. "We're gonna have down there," 2:36, fem ch 40 (UFL); context, slightly less exercise than usual, I'd been taking a hiatus - but not really. "You won't do here," male rm 17 2:44, & sidestream smoke. The math text nomenclature I'd seen before, but there are other ways of doing it - but if you aren't thinking lewd thoughts, then "Fx" is perfectly do-able - it's THEIR problem. Cable TV co. Fx simply conveyed 'effects' effect; - the rebels are the perverts w/vile thoughts.
Hair trimmers - Braun, Wahl, & Remington - same as tech industry - in bed w/Davis, designing hair trimmers that chew up your hair - wasn't that way for a decade or so - I was buying them reg'ly & trimming my hair - excellent cuts 99% of the time, but as of 2017 or so, one or 2 uses, & then they are defective. Apple phones, supposedly avoided consps. of Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung, but not completely - phones won't come on when plugged in w/out first charging up battery - blk male Gilbert gave Yolobus a hand falsely charging me w/battery in 2003; same driver, Shinn, had falsely charged me the mo. before, but I had a witness, Karen Kayla Whayla; that charge was dropped, along w/another Yolobus false charge, but w/Gilbert's help, & judges joining the corruption, false conviction; phone cos. making that battery conviction the end-all-be-all - if you want to argue it's a code - a round-about strategy of warning people to 'lose that false conviction of battery - it's getting in your way,' consistently the codes have been geared first of all to take the easy way out - entire population of Davis v. me - they've been attempting to finish me off - imply stumbling blocks - 'convicted of battery - lose him & prop up Davis!'
Significant # of suitcase manufacturers, including Protege' & others, charging more for suitcases & jury-rigging wheels so that they last a fraction of the time of previous suitcase wheels. W/out going too much into the details, 2-wheeled durable baggage suddenly transformed into 4 wheeled bags using little more than toy matchbox wheels that, despite being more numerous, are little more than Post Honeycombs w/axles - you're done before you pack it! & what is it about a plastic or cloth box w/retractable handle that merits retail of $80-100 or more? You can't say it's the wheels! - Whatever it takes to skyrocket Jack Teacher's expenses to punish him for thinking he could ever have a future after being w/out a place to stay; &, empowering Davis rebels. $85-120/night res. expense - add to that another $80-100 every 3 wks for a new suitcase, because the latest in wheel technology includes nanobots that breakdown the wheel substance @ microscopic level, so that after a few hundred yards, it's a "flat tire" that can't be replaced. & looky there! Jack Teacher is further from, rather than closer to, his teacher career, due to inability to so much as save up for first mo.'s rent & deposit. &, IT'S INSPIRED BY ROCK - EAGLES - "NOTHING GROWS, & LIFE AIN'T VERY PRETTY/& WHEN YOU'RE DOWN, THAT'S WHERE YOU'LL STAY!/IN THE CITY..."
News report on TV where students/protesters arrested @ UCLA, & it struck me it was as though going through the motions; while the indications are this is to be expected in Ca., the attitude seems to be a little too similar in other places- making noise &, irregardless of if they're crossing the line, it's choreographed; the overall mssg. is the students are simply fulfilling an arbitrary obligation, but w/out any bona fide commitment; putting up a fight, but w/out any expectations of prevailing or resolving things to any great extent. The antithesis of this isn't necessarily resisting arrest, or going on violent offensives, but rather garnering a plan w/goals of defeating the rebellion, taking back freedom in U.S., & then thoroughly lobbying for places abroad. "W/out a vision, the people perish, but happy are those who keep the law," Prov. 29:18; vision in this context is goal or plan; but other versions, "W/out a revelation..." & Americans have had enough revelations about historical feats of Christians to empower us to be 10X more powerful, successful zealous than @ any time in the past! College students & others who are serious about leading, be smart about it. I haven't asked for any sacrifices of suffering - such as enduring jailings, etc., nor has there been any such implicit or explicit expectation from anyone else; Rev. 13:14 talks about the righteous - "...their deeds shall follow them;" Paul talks about reaping what you sow - "For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we do not faint;" Gal. 6:8,9. While we are in a huge crisis, the solution is readily w/in reach, & most of the work has been done. Centuries of heroes of the faith have delivered us to this point on wings of eagles. So don't engage in token illegal displays that add to the confusion w/disruptions that can undermine everything we stand for by allowing satan to sandwich crimes & violence in w/legit free speech & assembly - be outraged, but exercise self-control. Be aware it's battles in both physical & spiritual realms; "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms," Eph. 6:12, & you will prevail in physical realm by being faithful in the spiritual.
4/14, blk NBA player, 11 AM, dropped ball - like wh rookie player in Hoosiers movie; i.e., sports is their thing, but they're forced to admit they need us to give them a break - in sports; because they've betrayed the nation. Approx. 4/19 Curry blatantly dropped ball while dribbling. Hoosiers, almost all the gyms had flags hung (vertically) as opposed to horiz'ly. 'Who's yours?' Team predominantly white, playing other teams w/more diverse roster, & they win the championship - could simply be the team was from a predominantly white region. I.e., testing blks to see if they'll assume that flags hung in that fashion means the nation is slowly caving in & a little nudge from blks (as opposed to blacks lauding the nation) & U.S.A. collapses & it's anarchy. [Hung flag theme theory of 1960's-'80's or so, is congecture, based on flags hung during that period in movies, & vague recollection of seeing that on rare occasion.] 4/12, 11:28 PM ch 3, blk Sac Kings player, made sleep gesture (hands clasped & against one side of head), then a cut throat gesture - consp. mssg. the victim is going to die. Approx. 4/16, Curry in news making sleep gesture as well. MAKE NO MISTAKE - BLACKS ATTEMPTING TO SLIP BACK IN UNDER GUISE OF NOVICE - SPORTS IS THEIR THING, ACCORDING TO THEM; THIS IS A SUBTLE BUT UNDENIABLE CONFESSION THAT THEY ARE A LIABILITY TO THIS NATION, AS OPPOSED TO AN ASSET THAT WE DESPERATELY NEED TO GET BY! - VERY SLY ATTEMPT TO BOW OUT OF LEADING ANY REBELLION - W/TAKE OVER OF DAVIS, & MURDER CONSP. AGAINST ME - & "HOPEFULLY" SLIP BACK IN UNNOTICED!
Hung flag connotation & gym connection - elaborated on; slavery period of U.S.A. history - "land of free, home of brave" arguably flag was "hung," because of one race allowed to be enslaved in Southern half of the nation; but the goal of founding a freedom nation in a global setting, where slavery was allowed & regularly practiced - it took an international social movement to secure freedom long range; it wasn't a piece of cake - it took strategizing. The goal was to lead globally - we had 4% of black slaves; Brazil 37%, Caribbean, 17%. South was lured to rebel, & that produced the proof that enslaving were those of tyrannical & rebellious nature, bent on trouble. This led to the abolishment of slavery globally soon after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. The hung flag focus on gym & blacks was an acknowledgement that it wasn't easy, but we accomplished it, & DID SO FOR THEM GLOBALLY! IN OTHER WORDS, THE "HUNG FLAG" WAS MORE LIKE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL PLAYING DEAD TO LURE THE AMORITES IN BATTLE (JOSH. 10) - SO COME THROUGH FOR GENERAL SHERMAN! WAS THE ADMONITION. WORLDWIDE ABOLISHMENT - WE CAME THROUGH IN FLYING COLORS - COULD THEY DO THE SAME, OR MAKE EFFORTS TO DO THE SAME FOR GENERAL SHERMAN, GENERAL GRANT, & CIVIL WAR FREEDOM FIGHTERS? THE PREDICTION WAS, "YOU'LL SEE, HE'S US, GRANT!" OH.
2000, Tiger Woods press conference, he announced he was switching from Titleist to Nike brand golf balls. @ the time I was selling R.E., & 'Titleist' sounds like 'tight list;' & a listing is a contract w/home seller to sell their home - one could argue that negation of Titleist was a "nay" as far as sales; if supportiveness for a teacher career is the alternative, such a gesture isn't out of line. Context of Gym Nay's Myth/Gym Nay's Smith hung flag signals in a lot of gymnasiums - giving blacks chance to attest to Union/Old Glory victory - & progress - over slavery i.e., 'show 'em, Gym's gung ho!' & Woods being an athlete most likely aware of this call to duty for blacks. Nike - ''N[o],' I [am] k[ey,] he,' or, 'N[o], I['m] key;' change from 'Tight, list,' possibly subtle mssg. that if teacher goals are it, then I needed to change careers - same as Woods changed brands of balls. But context was also Hail Bop comet in 1997, & "Do" nickname for Herf Applewhite, leader of Heaven's Gate cult virtually all members committed suicide @ Herf's direction, & they were all wearing Nike shoes; in other words, the brand implied if whites want the teacher apple, blacks have the key - kill yourselves. This isn't the singular interp., but subsequent acts of blacks, & contemporary acts as well @ that time - demonstrate this was the intonation, or became that among blacks. Moreover, I've reported the hung flag consp. - hung flag used as code to commit oppression against me for almost a decade - that was a key defined, provided to them, to take the lead on my behalf - especially when it was combined w/Obama elected 2 terms. Moreover, General Sherman was the single most decisive force for freeing the slaves in the Civil War - he cut a path of destruction from one end of Georgia to the other - telling South they'd better humble themselves - 'You're totally defeated, & you also won't be eating for a while!' Context also, as of 2000, I had gained reputation for consistent hoop shooting w/all ages, 3-4X/wk or more, in addition to common knowledge of my great distances covered on foot - from Davis to Wdld & back; to Sac & back, etc.; 30-40 mis. walking & some jogging; if there was any confusion, my gym activities made the call to duty on behalf of fellow American - Sherman - General Sherman connotation - undeniable.
4/12, 1:03 PM wh fem blnd HS or college on bike, lt. grn clothing, going opp direction of Q line, & making L @ B & 14th, but hand signal was pointedly directing that I get run over by a bus - pointing downward in front of bus. "I have 24 mind here," Persian male driver, Q line, 1:06 PM arriving @ Pole Line; @ J & Covell, fat blk fem got on bus, 1:04 (immed. after the 'kill him' code), blk & wh jacket, referring to the bus stop - "Sign is missing & it smells awful; report that to maintenance," to driver, then as she went by me, "Oh." The problem is, I placed the Reagan display on internet; & to print up pages of tax forms, I finished my taxes @ Fedex store, 3rd St.; approx. 12 years ago gov. Brown was in office, pic of him w/head slightly tilted, but the angle was as though he was in public restroom sitting on toilet looking up @ camera - implying a watch not to escalate any attacks in restrooms - use some other method. During that period, I was in same Fedex, going #2, door was locked, but magically fem emply opens door & starts to barge in - it was conspired to create appearance that attack was furthest from their mind. 4/10, I was in same Fedex, using restroom, & they were out of TP; I didn't say anything to emplys; blk fem dutiful customer conspiring I have to die for that - but it was mostly because testimony of Reagan tears them up.
Motorola phn jack rigged to stop functioning w/in 6 mos. of purchase - vision 4/20 of bill I'd paid down on, but it was back again - ph cos. "billing" me (oppressing me) from when they found out I was being persecuted, approx. 1999; phone jack technology was perfected as long before cell phones - Motorola & Samsung both conspiratorially rigged these jacks to self-destruct to prop up No. Ca. rebels - these 2 cos. are wiped off the map in Jesus' name. Rm 104, "he's gonna see it's me," rm 104 (I was in rm 106) Days Inn, instantly when phone failing to charge up. I was rigged to create facade of slowly going out - gradually malfunctioning more & more - but phone jacks & electronic jacks have been in use long enough that there can be no doubt it was conspiratorially rigged - in fact the Samsung phone literally spilled the beans w/mssgs on the phone, 'Oh, that's too bad...your attempt to utilize an inferior generic phone cord & jack w/this phone has been detected, [& you & your phone must now be DESTROYED],' i.e., the 'destroyed' part wasn't literally stated, but the mssg. itself was nonsense enough to be a demonstration of those ulterior motives - propping up the DIVISION rebels. The facade is an attempt to brainwash consumers that those who fail to meet the criteria of rich or high income, as well as those attempting to be frugal for any reason, must be punished - less expensive phones must be designed to fall apart automatically from the start. It's a shame that these Asian corps. didn't have the guts to be the heroes. But teachers call it like it is. & to set the record straight, first, probably 90% of successful individuals & corps. got that way by cutting costs & being frugal; second, no one is arguing w/a manufacturer's right to use inferior materials in construction of lower end products, & better materials for high dollar products; but electronics jacks are basic enough that this concept doesn't apply - by a million miles. In fact, there can be no doubt these monsters spent millions in research & development, working @ the microscoping level to devise the detection technology & the gradual "erosion" technology utilized to prematurely defect these phone jacks - they're literally waiting on Davis DIVISION rebels hand & foot!
Spanish speaking soccer games, w/famous anncr. who yells, "Gooooooooooaaaaaal! Goooooooooooaaaal!" most likely Asian cheering squad. Foosball - game w/sm soccer players controlled by handles; kung fu kicks deemed athletic, but most likely it's a double entendre of invitation to govern & lead the church - control the "kickers!"
3/30, "There's definitely a secret - it's widesp[read]" vision, 3:06 AM. "It's you're precious too," 3:44 AM, or '...2 legs...' 7:30AM, "You won't have our bought" male clerk, Bel Air. Porn video(s) w/choking gesture - male choking fem. "Kracy tax" or "..tay" (source?). 5:52 fem bug code, "You'll just tomb your interest; you won't wolf" - or '[add] just - 2 'em;' possibly the codes are facades of having sex w/2 fems - which I'm avoiding such thoughts. 7:05, "That was you won't come on," (F's key) (?). 8:39 AM, "His eyes is getting a little bit thicker," bug code. 10:05 AM, "We'll just dude him lav," W Cap.
3/29, "...teen was head while crossing the street" inst. of '...hit while crossing...' fem, ch 3, (teen killed); i.e., code - 'teens have given up on teacher - kill the teacher.' More likely though, the rebels claim teen as pseudo-witness - 'it's too dangerous for Jack Teacher - put him in prison...' Leaf Laundry - the 'a' in Leaf contains 'e' - 'electronic' or MS Edge browser logo; i.e., stalking me as far as my reports on internet demanding justice - REBELLING AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT OF U.S.A. - 'leaf' - code for Leif Ericson, & 'laundry, code for legal battles - both sabotaged as punishment for demanding justice on internet website. "Yeah, they remain," Span. futbol anncr, Univisio'n, deep voice, 8:52 PM; "...into the household," same anncr, dep voice 8:57 (prison 'big house' consp.). 8:12 PM, "I'm gonna do him woman," wh fem red hair emply, Leaf, after I took her advice on use of lg. drier; i.e., facade I wasn't cold enough toward her.
3/27, "She's not gonna take it," 5:20 PM. "I guess shoe rage it," mex (?) male, neon yellow rain coat 42B, 6:51 PM. 9:55, (or 10:55) "He just brings us fong," fem bug code or vision, possibly 'f[&^% th]ong' skimpy clothing & sex implications - after "We'll be 'on' w/you," i.e., 'hon[est],' 10:22, fem bug code or vision. "He rolls us," 10 PM. 10:15, "He's just going to take his gunshot," bug code. "Be a witness, Mary," (I said out loud); "That's what you think," vision(?) possibly Mary 11:05. "I had no idea if the lockdown was a real or not," blk girl, ch 40 11:07 PM; i.e., school rehearsals. 11:20, "A rain coming from the South," Adam newscstr, ch 40; i.e, 'uh rain' & 'uh real' & consp. propping up blks to kidnap me & arraign me. 11:22, "You won't have my mouth," 11:22, Mary(?). "Doesn't look like it's gonna last FOREVER" Adam ch 40 11:20; 3/28, Christina (news) it's a service WILL be done," 12:37 AM; i.e., they WILL be propping up oppression of me by blks. 4/5, 42B heading to West Sac, I'd forgotten to make copies of tax forms & almost no one has copy machines (online tax programs typically try to i.d. you w/repeat e mail application reqs - a conspiracy to get everyone nationwide to admit U.S.A. is losers & must accept a rebellion - Fedex in Southport ctr, WS, but it's mis. from Bel Air motel, & rte. 37 only way to get there; Yolobus website said it runs 7 days/wk, but Sat. sched. said "no schedule;" I asked driver about it, mex. fem.; the only other passenger was fat mex. fem passenger, all blk clothing - exact same scenario as approx. 1/2 year ago - same passenger, in supposed ordinary conversation w/same driver, coded threats & consp. codes one after another. In this instance, driver radio'd dispatch to resolve schedule discrepancy, "Question soul..." apprx 7 PM (code). The response was it's a 5 day/wk rte. 7:05, driver, "She told herself...we just get a driver," - another code - context was another display on behalf of Mary that morning that I removed immediately afterwards. I've been double-minded about it; but God will use a servant that's willing to do his best as opposed to those who fail to do anything. On the one hand, it's foolish for the church to have to relinquish credit for the feats in Siberia, but indications are Slavs did conceive of a plot to i.d. Jack Teacher, from as far back as 1800's, w/religious leader Rasputin - school teacher sidetracked into being overly spiritual - either means-spirited motives or a dumbed down parallel to track expected Chinese stalls (see EVIDENCE OF ... RUSSIAN CONSP....) - either way, God has led me it's unbiblical & possibly unpardonable; & this scenario was possibly acted on by writer Nabokov, mid-1900's ("Lolita"). IT DOES PRODUCE A WITNESS THAT THE RUMORS CONSPIRACY AGAINST ME FROM LODI WAS CONCEIVED OF AS FAR BACK AS 1800'S ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF GLOBE - PERHAPS UNINTENDED, BUT IRON-CLAD FORM OF TRACKING - THE ULTIMATE "WE KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT" WITNESS. Nevertheless, regional rebels, specifically mexs., claiming they get to "assist" blks w/oppression against me for my efforts to try to sort out motivating Slavic young people to rise up & claim their feats v. wising up that they have already caved in to it, & I've got to maintain my teacher goals rather than become a missionary to wake up Slavs. 'Question soul' - 'k[ey], we is ch[eat]in,' soul [people (blks)];' Jack teacher "cheating" (& blacks then propped up) - never mind that if I was "cheating" (which I'm not) that can't compare to their acts of conspiracy, rebellion, kidnap. Alternately, 'k[ey], we is ch[eat]in' - ''So[viets (Slavs)]'ll [respond' dreamer].' 'She tolled herself...' code that Mary already tolled her own shortcomings, & so I should know better - therefore, No. Ca. DIVISION rebels obviously have no choice but to ream me. 'we just get a driver' - i.e., blk driver empowered to escalate the 'transmission' codes to acts of kidnap involving police. 7:06, He won't know, come on," driver; "Nigh, I've by," mex. pssgr.; 'nigh, [dr]ive by [shooting];' & that's the 'gunshot' code of 3/27. Latinos nationally are responding to being given credit for being "flight directors" (overlooking 2016 Phoenix incident) & while regionally they acknowledge it as well, nevertheless, regionally rebels are rebels.
3/27, "She's not gonna take it," 5:20 PM. "I guess shoe rage it," mex (?) male, neon yellow rain coat 42B, 6:51 PM. 9:55, (or 10:55) "He just brings us fong," fem bug code or vision, possibly 'f[&^% th]ong' skimpy clothing & sex implications - after "We'll be 'on' w/you," i.e., 'hon[est],' 10:22, fem bug code or vision- attempts to seduce me w/notions of orgies. "He rolls us," 10 PM. 10:15, "He's just going to take his gunshot," bug code. "Be a witness, Mary," (I said out loud); "That's what you think," vision(?) possibly Mary 11:05. "I had no idea if the lockdown was a real or not," blk girl, ch 40 11:07 PM; i.e., school rehearsals. 11:20, "A rain coming from the South," Adam newscstr, ch 40; i.e, 'uh rain' & 'uh real' & consp. propping up blks to kidnap me & arraign me. 11:22, "You won't have my mouth," 11:22, Mary(?). "Doesn't look like it's gonna last FOREVER" Adam ch 40 11:20; 3/28, Christina (news) it's a service WILL be done," 12:37 AM - a "service" of kidnapping me.
3/28, "I'm on," Newsnation 12:30 AM Dan Abrams.
3/29, "This is prison," Andrew, 9 AM apprx., Rd. 97. "He doesn't know he doesn't have his clothes," child 9:23 AM. "He'll just see w/me," 9:30 (or '[Cap] Hill...'). 9:39 "Hill just said w/me." Esther, "We have the butt nups," ('button up [clothing]') 10:15. "Tutelo" brand car seat in back seat, & mini blk pk pk - similar to my laptop bag. "You get this - we've do," fat wh fem student, wh jacket, to blk fem yellow jacket. "He'll leave today," Q line driver, male, 2:36. 10:43, "You just aren't gonna have them, 'cry out,'" 10:43 AM. 11:11, "He isn't gonna know, they're hard after him," Andrew(?). 11:45 "They covered all your bases," vision (rock). 11:30, "I showed you what you were worth," vision, end of 2020 or so - 2 sons, one, for ex., amazed @ me when he's a child - I'm compared w/other histrical figures; & in his 20's or 30's - all his life. 3/28, "That was our hat; he won't come on," Gunter (possibly claiming they confused me as far as elaborate gate erecting siting & leveling it by comparing it to walls & door frames of Noelle's house ( putting on an act), approx. 4:30. Approx. 3 wks before that, 'gun' code from him (on other side of fence while I was @ Noelle's).
3/26 (?) "W/our kids," 5:50 AM. "We're gonna see 2 windows here of rain..." Berg, ch 3 5:51 AM. "get a head stopping" & young girl's head on screen 5:58 AM ch 3. 9:42, child made noise, "That's where he's tray king us." "It's you don't get her," blk male beard, blk cap & jacket (location?). 7:40 AM, vision, "I can hamburg." "I'm gonna make you eat 'em," 6:20 AM & "Eat 'em trees," i.e., boycotting hamburgers but Slavs aren't responding. "He won't have might," 10:10 AM, news(?) (notes illegib.). "They won't let you out," 10:30 AM. "You won't pause 'em," "Joe, I can't hide," vision, Mary 11:30. "I said you have heat," 11:10, vision. 11:15, "You love me out," Mary - referring to her leaders, concerning me. 11:50, "She'll have her scream," fem bug code - most likely referring to fear of leaders in Russia. 12:28, "They're gonna go him, wah on," Anderson near Rutgers. "I have what you handle," (or similar) vision. "You 2 [helped Mary]" vision, Taylor; i.e., wants some of credit. 12:01, "What, do we stop @ nothing?" Mary, vision. "You just soothe them," Mary, 1:15 approx. I said, "Mary, bring your love out into the open" & reply, "That's where he has his love." ." "You don't know where; we're gonna be puttin' her own," (or 'Putin, her own') 1:27. "He plays w/us, foosball," vision, possibly Mary - I played foosball when I went to Men's retreat, 1991, while attending First So. Baptist, Davis (now Pole Line Rd. Bapt.). "You won't see our head," wh male blk jacket, 42B, 5:44 PM. "You have all our love," Mary - but they haven't even mentioned me in public - attempting to dupe me - Led Zep song, "Is this the end? 'Or[al sex is] just beginning!" But I was warned - promises pertaining to oral sex is no substitute for justice- more like a bribe. The men's retreat code possibly they are in bed w/warlocks, such as leaders of Davis churches, but more likely, in Mary's case informing them they're tracked. "You just have 'em - first hand; yes, cump," 3 PM; "You just doom long." 'First hand' referring to 'foosball' - men's retreat - session about sex ed - anatomy of woman from instructor w/first hand experience; i.e., the intonation is Christians don't look @ porn; & it was reminder to me to work @ negating porn more completely; I'm denied any legit church fellowship, isolated from any Christians who are law-abiding, & so I rarely get any advice or encouragement form any of them; the "tip" from Mary (& presumably Putin) was implying the Western churches, along w/Eastern churches, have tracked rock & Hollywood - because they weren't bothering to give me any more direct advice to avoid porn, & instead allowing isolation. But on the contrary, an isolated incident of sharing advice about avoiding porn can't match bona fide provisions of justice that have been systematically denied me by these churches, as well as acts of conspiracy & denial of career. Moreover, evidence of a long range consp. among Russian writers - from as far back as early 1900's, Nabokov (as opposed to Nabokova - Mary) wrote two popular books; "Mary" & also "Lolita," a book about a teacher who engages in lewd acts - according to reviews about it - BUT THIS DEMONSTRATES I WAS A TARGET 1 1/2 CENTURIES BEFORE I WAS BORN! WHICH ACTUALLY AMOUNTS TO A HUGE PLUMBLINE AGAINST THE REGIONAL LEWD CODES, WHETHER INTENDED THAT WAY OR NOT. 'Lo[di]'ll, 'He ta[ught]!' or 'Lo[di]'ll
eat 'uh,' (i.e., consume), corresponding to Missour-uh' - see THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY...GUTZONE BORGLUM... report - those who 'kind-uh' believe in God instigate scandals & rebellion. As I reported Rasputin, spiritual leader from late 1800's, most like also played a part. I reported The Police rock group seems to have orchestrated a combination tracking mechanism & attitude adjustment witness on my behalf - "Don't Stand So Close To Me," song about a teacher & teacher's pet, including some controversy, but no lewdness. Sting was in actuality a teacher before becoming singer in The Police, & plays the teacher in the video. I.e., sting operation against Russia's writers. The timing of this, w/in 75 years of Jack Teacher plan coming to fruition, indicates there may have been a consp. originating in the literary world in Russia to label Jack Teacher when he arrived in the not too distant future. While Mary seems geared toward defeating any such notion (through body language, if nothing else) there's no denying she's in the middle of it. Was her 'ring leader' cry for help legit.? I would've dismissed her if it weren't that God likes her because of her thumbs up signal for U.S.A. - she has a friend in high places who wants her to prevail over the compromising leaders - plus, there is the "Pide Piper" factor of younger people in Slavic nations overcoming the shortcomings of older people.
3/28, "You don't live w/your government," near rm 16, 3:45 approx. "I don't get washed on triple sword here," 6:17 PM, thought or vision, 42B entering WS. 6:10, entering WS on bus, vision of I'm getting a physical, & it's a req. before marrying (possibly Mary), & being examined disrobed; but I'm marrying Taylor - it's facade for another
kidnap, changing into jail clothes. This was followed by someone trying to eat human eggs, & they looked more like caviar; Swift video "I'm the Problem" or similar, eggs & bacon making smiley face on plate, cuts into a yoke, & it's caviar; i.e., indications of Putin or others claiming they can consume me because I'm "egging" people - referring to my attempts to motivate Americans to get back to their posts. 7 PM, "you won't know knock" vision.
3/16, "You can't stand out your whole page," 5:18 AM fem bug code; according to vision, rock & Hollywood have me blindsided that I'm @ best a "significant other" & Taylor's "it;" no one's arguing that she isn't "it" as far as talented #1 performer, but indications are I'm also "it," & that's been deviously minimized - "undiscovered..." "It's you choose," "I told you, you won't have your 2 - Rome," i.e., they aren't a match w/Catholics. "That's where he did ate us," 6:11 AM, male bug code. UFO possibly tracking Slavs' stalls; "Doctor, doctor, please... Livin' lovin' I'm on the run, so far away from you;" notion of captivity in another land far from USA - could also be China; "'s only just a moment..." 'own [that "just a moment"] lee[way];' "...& then she started to take my body apart..." Vision 3/22, Putin, 11 AM, "We were, the watch;" i.e., my reports about rock & Hollywood's testimonies giving them credit constitues a watch that they were - dance/dirge scenario. Also, vision indicating it might be Mary breaking the spell, "You won't know who's going to speak," 4:30, context of 'choose' visions. - She's already become known to millions more simply because I placed her on my website - one of her media pages alone could match a lot of newspapers, & signals of models & media willing to follow her.
3/15, "Oh, Joe, he's shown" Laura, referring to Randy; i.e., they're showing him he's a traitor; approx. 4:45 PM.
3/16, 6:57 AM, "Don't 2 'em," Taylor. "I want you to put in 3 hours," vision (juggling, possibly) 6:08. "I have closing your mouth," 2:15 PM near #16. " be cut off; & the timing - to be cut off," 5:06 PM anncr, UCONN game. "...over the county" Dirk, ch 3 5:18. 3/16, "They sue you a Pawnee" or 'a pa knee' 7:41 PM, vision. "Illuminate me, won't you watch me pay, won't you watch me pay!...Shine down a Pawnee give me energy..." (lyrics supposedly 'shine down upon me...') "Lights," Styx; care packages of beef jerky from Mom 2003, Pemican - Native American name; 'pay him - he can' - & vision recently of 'we take 'em break' - Native American - don't give up on teacher goals. 'Sue' possibly the Sue tribe; if not, it's rebel pa, & implication is, like Bob Dylan says in Christian song, "Gotta Serve Somebody" - i.e., someone [from the church] has to serve time - pay for ostracizing rock stars; therefore Jack Teacher suffers as a sacrifice; double entendre - part of the "paying" is Jack Teacher is placed under microscope & watched - income (pay) scrutinized - can't be a teacher, because he must be "tested" w/menial labor & corrupt customers. Triple entendre - argument that melting pot has to pay because none of minorities stood their ground as patriots in melting pot when whites deliberately under-acheiving attempting to give them a leg up. But, Pawnees (Native Americans) stood their ground. Linda Ronstadt & the Stone Pawnees, (Ponies) & Boston, "Something About You," "...I thought I could stand on my own...I stood like a man made of stone." Styx, "I heard the knock on my door...but I couldn't go..." supposedly obsessed w/stage lights - closed-minded toward God, possibly - but on the other hand, possibly 'couldn't "go"' - refused to join rebellion & then be wiped out; 'man made of stone' - we'll hold our ground as far as Slavs, as long as we repent & get back to our posts - stone-faced; Boston, "I've got to get to help you!" Pipe up about heroic sacrifices of everyone - as I have done - & don't allow cover-ups - that's the America that doesn't "go" as far as being wiped out, & instead goes forward w/prosperity. Stoneman's Raid, N. Carolina near late Billy Graham's home, Union Gen. Stoneman, considered the final blow against South, ending Civil War. & "Something About Mary;" approx. 3/19 or /20, vision, "Choose," & I replied that I was choosing Taylor, due to her taking risk for me, & the deceptions of Slavs; & instantly, vision of God saying to Mary, "He's chosen you," exasperating but probably a rebuke because I wasn't being direct enough w/Slavs. "The women move," DiGeorno, 8:12 PM ch 40, & fem making sideways rub of her R knee w/hand, seated watching TV; possibly indicating toning down of promiscuousness. There's probably a lot of men that hate me because of leading w/higher standards, but you'll see that it enables men to be more in control in marriage & higher caliber leaders in society, & women will respond to your leadership. Gutfeld, "What Joe does in his spare time..." (foot stool, male w/cream jacket) ch 42. "You guys are out here," treasure hunters - located the Polaski ship, sunk in 1800's near Savanna Ga.; "I went there's something," wh male on boat, 8:21 PM - supposedly random documentary on TV, but included a code that seemed to match w/song lyrics, etc. - 'I went 'there's something [about you'];' but it was Polaski shipwreck, & when a church goes astray, it's termed a shipwreck of the faith in Bible, 1 Tim 1:19 - & I reported Memorial United Methodist, Clovis Ca. (near Fresno), located on Pollasky St. - & conspiracy of MUMC, UCC, & UCD MU/Freeborn hall - Freeborn has exact same architecture as sanctuary of MUMC; Pollasky & Pole Line Rd., Davis; & recently 'you won't have your porridge' (or similar) vision alerting me not to be overly concerned about getting back into higher priced motel room in Davis, such as Prodigy (Days Inn) motel on Chiles Rd., porridge, bagels, granola bars for breakfast. In other words, staying in WS @ lower rate is having an accountability effect - allowing me to save $ for F&L & dep. if hired as teacher. Prodigy is motel w/new Prodigy sign, blk w/gold text, that matches Green Meadows office complex sign on Pole Line Rd. & Covell - stretch of Covell where there's a lot of ridges along Covell signalling they were anticipating a war - &, until possibly 5 years ago w/remodel of MU @ UCD, 2 large ridges @ entrance of MU/Freeborn. The shipwreck documentary had subtitles like movie credits. "We just flipped," clothing store ad, 8:42. 8:49, "You're gonna have your bay'd," bug code. 5;11, "You can't see their tour ream." 7:55 PM, "He has think abutt;" if I don't keep my eyes open - it's more than Slavs abutting, possibly trickery involved. "He won't add Hoss," male clerk," 12:03 PM. "We're going w/'she eat,'" 12;18 PM (pic of ring sabotaged & phone screen repeatedly blocked). "Standford has turned in..." anncr, golf 12;22 ch3. Elton John, "...I'm gonna be hine as a kite by then...& all the science, ha, I don't understand" live, 12 Jan. 2024; possibly 'hi'in' - [he] has a kite...' Concert possibly 2014 or so, Elton John in Russia, w/10 min. piano intro to "Rocket Man" & context was my Christian conversion of "Rocket Man" - "& I know we're gonna meet 'em in the sky/In a gospel ship on high/& we'll be w/'em in the bye 'n bye..." - & we have been meeting w/Russians in space stations in the sky (starting w/Skylab); i.e., my conversion alluding to Slavs, the work of the Holy Spirit, but it was also the prayer of rock stars & Hollywood; in the concert in Russia, Elton emphasizes, "...high as a then;" i.e., Elton has a 'kite' - because my song had piped up for them, & anticipating I'd be piping up for them more specifically, rather than saying "go fly a kite" & as of 2017 I uncovered that the deaths in Siberia were communists persecuting Christians. @ end of concert, crowds of Russians @ stage - mostly middle aged adults, holding up cards, note pads, Cd's, etc. for Elton's autograph, "Elton John! Elton John! Elton John, Elton John! Elton John!" like enthralled teeny-boppers! 2024 concert -'gonna be hine...' - 'kind' - expression for a watch from behind. "Philadelphia Freedom" "Shine the light/Through the eyes of the ones left behind..." - 'k[ey, h]hind;' Rocketman, "Mars [melting pot, w/Asians failing us & blacks rebelling] ain't the kind of place to raise your kids/In fact, it's cold as hell,/& there's no one there to raise them, if you did" - raised by bulls (-Bibles - as opposed to raised by wolves - they anticipated the infiltration of Jewish werewolves, & beat them @ their own "paler" game as vampire impalers) - "He who as a 'Mary' heart has a constant feast," Prov. 15:15. But delays threatening to undo my watch - DESPITE IT'S ON THEIR BEHALF - 'k[ey], hi'in''d' - it's possible to go too far saying 'hi' to Slavs when they aren't piping up. The implication of that documentary & the timing of it, as well as location - near Savanna Ga. - is South is No. Ca. warlocks - like MUMC of Clovis, & their accomplices - UCD, Davis DIVISION rebels, etc. But delays of Slavs - they can't seem to show up on my behalf & break the warlock spells - makes them candidates of coconspiracy! 'k[ey], hi'in''d' - going too far saying 'hi' to Slavs when they aren't piping up & are pushing buttons to lead me astray. The implication of that documentary & the timing of it, is Eastern church is No. Ca. warlocks - like MUMC of Clovis, & their accomplicies - UCD, Davis DIVISION rebels, etc. Slavs - they can't seem to show up on my behalf & break the warlock spells! "Lights" - "I heard the knock on my door...but I couldn't go...won't you watch me play!" I.e., see them in concert; "Shine on a pony..." I reported the vision of me & Taylor riding on a horse or donkey in a long caravan, possibly end of 2019, & pressure from rock stars approx. same time to ride a donkey or pony as their "messiah" figure - Jesus & triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week before he was crucified - palm branches placed in his path to walk on - not upstaging or replacing Jesus, but honored as a type of Christ on rock's behalf; but I refused the role, because it was approximating me as a priest or messiah figure, as opposed to my teacher career - so I "shined on" their pony offer. In other words, the song isn't saying "don't bother me w/that religious crap," but rather recognize that God doesn't expect people who lead busy lives to miss their commitments or give up their professions to legalistically make every Bible study session. Slavs pressuring me to stay in more fancy motels - the vision about birth defect of my son when I stayed @ high end Palm Court motel was to warn me keep watch, & don't trade teacher goals for sex or trying to please others - temporarily working in sales doesn't mean you're forever a high-dollar glory seeker - or that you ever were - & that you're no longer entitled to be a teacher - nor does revealing great feats of churches that were covered up. Watch from rock & Hollywood that you can be lay people & successfully hold church leaders accountable - like the Bible says - w/out burying talents & abilities & becoming a monk (Missouri Rock Around the Clock Dad Gum Bulova Watch).
3/24, ch 13, "In Touch" late Charles Stanley (Atlanta, passed away almost a year ago), sermon in last 5 years or so, 1:29 AM, quoting Rev. 3:18, God sending mssg. to church in Laodicea; v. 17, "You say, 'I am rich,...' but you do not realize you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, & naked;" & v. 18, "I advise you to buy from me gold refined in fire" but Stanley, despite Scripture projected on screen, "I said,..." as opposed to 'I advise;' & during last half of sermon, constant 'knock, knock, knock, knock...' on pulpit, referring to Rev. 3:5, Jesus, "Behold, I stand @ the door & knock..." One could argue he's taking liberties w/verbage, but, according to codes, if he said, 'add vies' it would signal a teacher can "add" abilities, such as sales - 'school teacher Mr. Sherman honing his sales skills from when he sold a neighbor's vegetables @ veg. stand across from Gemco as teen...' But instead, despite it's subtle, after decades of finely tuned codes, they are "in touch" w/the warlock codes, no matter how intricate & subtle. 1:44 AM, "It's a dangerous thing...the penetrative power..." subtle sexual overtones - that actually aren't so subtle - & more knocking. He's then quoting 2 Pet. 1, " may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the correction of this world,..." v. 4; except he didn't revise his error - & this Scripture is too popular for him to forget it's "having escaped the corruption of this world..." - in other words, subtle code that the rumors are "god" & Jack Teacher must not be allowed to escape the correction of the penal system. He wraps it up w/emphasis that going to church doesn't mean someone's a Christian - & includes coded implication that I've already "died" in sense that no one ever came to intervene for me - " can be a member of 20 churches, & died & be lost..." past tense where it doesn't belong - code - & more knocking. Moreover, I was touting in 1996 about a formula to exercise until you're old & gray & never have an excuse not to - 20 min. is enough to strengthen your cardiovascular system, & no matter how busy you are you can spare 20 min. I've been doing 2-3 hrs./day, 3-6 days/wk, for the last 25 years - that was simply a bottom end amnt. to strengthen your heart; but once again - context was 2 wks ago, I "dared" to take 1 1/2 wks off from non-stop boot camp slave decree - getting up early - & suddenly this sermon w/haunting mssg. Moreover, 1:53, praying @ end of sermon, quoting 1 Jn., "...I will forgive you of your sin..." but intonation was more like gruesome sentence being read in a court trial for a deadly convict, a clear signal cleverly disguised using 'forgiveness' verbage - I heard that intonation before from him, possibly 2000 or so. That conspired 'knock' mssg. was taken as "law" - a decree to deny me my freedoms & relegate me to door knocking for weeding & raking jobs, conceivably for the rest of my life! - W/Trump publicly reinforcing it - the UCD "irk" tactics - Trump literally advertizing the knocking on doors for weeding/raking SLAVERY work to irk people that 'it must be the right thing to do - as though it's a "take" on my behalf & they're helping me. THE WARLOCKS BRAINWASH CONGREGANTS TO BOW DOWN & WORSHIP RUMORS EMPOWERING SLAVERY CONFEDERACY ALL OVER AGAIN! WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING RAGING AGAINST THE LORD (IS. 37:28)
3/19, "They have tour having him," (long a), 6:16 PM W Cap., WS. "They're not touring him white," 6:18 code from res. behind Bel Air motel 6:18 PM. 7:34 PM, "You nose get her," "You'd use her;" i.e., claim I was indicating to arrest rock stars/Hollywood, because I was still asserting they have to show up. The fact is there was another way as far as Taylor taking a risk - simply provide me justice, & then strongly advise me if a location is temporarily taboo. But it isn't "nosing" anyone - the rebels as usually are desperate to eliminate any allies. "You can't have this close," blk male driver, 42A 7:53 AM. Male delivery driver, wh van across from Noelle's "We won't bloge it." "We struck in, bullets," Gunter, next door to Noelle, 9:35 AM; i.e., 'tour' - code for experiment w/, explore possibilities of, etc. 10:40, "He won't be looking @ it," yd wkrs near Noelle's (10th &D). 5:58, "This is where he can't scene 'em," Asian male student, peach shrt, blue suitcase, crossing Howard Ln. @ Russell, in front of us ('cut off' code - that Jack Teacher is outdoors w/suitcase again).
"We snubbed him," vision, Russian; " wasn't the unpardonable." 6;50 "You don't know who - we're gonna hold over." 6:30 PM, Dpd w/sirens going W on 5th St. (opposite direction as us); I was listening to "Love to Love," UFO song, "Misty green & blue/Love to love to love you," & Yolobus (I was on 42B), green & blue color scheme. Then on I-80, 6:45 PM, CHP parked @ side of freeway next to Chiles Ave.; i.e., 2 police cars stalking me as I was leaving Davis - they are claiming me listening to the song & me riding the bus @ same time - w/those colors is proof I secretly want them for customers - therefore, the persecution is on! Dispatch, "We be we touch down," dispatch, 6:55 PM. Asians consistently involved - I reported the historical delays in humanity acknowledging the color blue - wasn't known or acknowledged @ time of Illiad, approx. 600 BC - God caused it to award Asians their own color if they'd respond to him (& it is a lot of people's favorite color); Interpol - International Police - handing Asians international authority on fighting crime if they by faith glorified God (see
3/22, "Were physical - we'll get it" wh or mex fem driver, 42B, 4:07 PM; 3/28, vision of someone getting a physical & disrobed - while on 42B; possibly connected to Slavs - if I were pursuing Mary, which, based on dreams, absent them repenting, it's fruitless - disrobed 'physical' code most likely consp. to cause me to disappear in jail. Additionally, though, the codes indicate possibly consp. to start a fight on bus & police come & I disappear. But Latinos locally are in dilema - vision of Native Americans endorsing me as teacher, which translates to Latinos, & regional Latinos no longer calling the shots for mexs./Latinos/Natams (Native Americans). 3/29, on 42B, dream of placing chimi chongas in suitcase & leaving - such as a motel room, &, "friends of the family." "I'll have homework" 42B, fat mex male blk Raiders T-shrt, beard, 4:35 PM. "You don't know we're the bound 'em," 6:30 PM fem bug code. "I have do look up," wh fem student, pony tail gray swt jacket, pony tail, 4:53 PM 42B. "I'm shoe we can imagine," Charlie (fem) from London, 5:14 PM, report about Kate w/cancer. "Game? on," male bug code, rm 16, 2:12. "We have played too nice to you," fem bug code 7:13. Egypt (name of character) killed & tied up w/Christmas lights; "As humans, we're not wired to see that," ch3 9:05 PM - cop TV program. "Do you know your girl frame?" bug code, 7:24.
Approx. 3/26, CVS ad, sm girl on lap of adult w/super hero/heroine lightning bolt chest patch; they're in a store @ a counter w/salesman - same symbol as phone charge symbol of Motorola - phone cos. conspire battery "heavy" rigging them so that despite your phone is plugged in to A/C, it can't function until battery is charged or partially charged - your phone is plugged in, but you can't use it because it doesn't have enough power; same as Samsung - & in both instances, phone isn't even a year old, & you're barely able to charge it; it's @ a few % power more often than not - THEY HAVE TO BE NUKED. CVS ad, salesman working w/them then reveals under his jacket a 3 star patch - as though they have something in common. CVS in bed w/tech terrorists; m.o. is inventing lewd innuendo that you can't allow a child to sit on my lap. THERE'S GOING TO BE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WILL ALLOW THESE MONSTERS TO BE TORTURED TO DEATH IN HOLOCAUST OVENS. 3/29, my afternoon job was cancelled - Gene on Del Oro - light rain & "It's too cold..." Only 3 hrs. left in the day, & I put in 20-30 hrs./wk on reports in addition to 40 hrs./wk landscape work, & I've been led if it's raining & customers are bailing out, I'm working O.T. w/out fail - don't be legalistic about exaclty 40 hrs; moreover, I worked @ least 1 hr. overtime earllier in wk. Nevertheless, I was stalked systematically by blks & Unitrans (UCD) drivers, Yolobus, & blks.
3/28, "I see you ain't changed," blk driver, 7:38 AM. same driver that randomly stopped the bus & demanded I get off & said he was calling police approx. 10 mos. ago, then simmered down & continued on w/rte., saying "You aren't going to be riding my bus anymore;" & approx. 1 wk later, left me stranded @ same bus stop - drove by & didn't pick me up - had to wait 40 min. for next bus. In this instance (3/28), rather than forfeiting my ride - late for work, or no show due to disappearance in jail, I simply warned "Codes are bound." "That was his latest," 7:40, wh male blk & wh camo jacket, standing up near front, suitcase w/slpg bag strapped to top next to bus seat - same motif as I was using when w/out place to stay; i.e., facade of blks & other rebels sabotaging my income. "He'll have his slight disability," blk male driver, 42B 7:47 AM. "Transmission keeping his shit," 7:58; i.e., disappearance in Sac jail, property ("shit" ) in storage - consp. to kidnap & attempt to eliminate landscape work. 7:54 AM, "We're racing, our own," blk driver. "He'll have his embarassing services," 7:50.[ "We'll have the tran - transition;" blk male driver 42A; & wh male (camo) 8:01 AM, "...Posi" ('Posi-[traction]' - brand of differential in souped up cars. "He'll just sue our car bomb," blk male driver as we arrived @ MU.
'Transmission' was code for Sac consp. - I've reported they were aware I was most likely going to be witness for rock musicians as of my freshman year @ LHS (Mr. Janecky act, for ex.); male I met through my Mom, Rick Hardwick, from Stockton, Gran Torino w/hopped up 351 Cleveland engine - same as mine in my Cougar, & neighbors in same 4 plex, w/'68 GTO, claimed as the fastest car in Stockton, I hung out w/them occasionally; but in one instance I rode a scooter over there instead of taking my car; that didn't go over well w/them, & when my transmission gave out, Rick recommended someone from Sac; I removed & replaced the transm. myself, after the repair job; but while it was rebuilt, & functioned, it was blatantly a lemon repair job - didn't shift smoothly, etc. I took it back, but same thing. I could've sued, but soon after that I was getting away from that stage of my life & bought my Dad's Datsun p/up. Nevertheless, it was a coded communication to Sac, approx. 1984 - a 'ream' 'transmission.'
Additional facts, approx. 2 wks ago, fat blk fem fem driver, 42B, I placed my laptop back on dash next to fare box while I got out some money, & she said, "Don't put your bag there;" other people place things there, & no one else had said anything about it, & there wasn't any signs saying you can't, so I ignored her, & paid the fare, then took y bag & sat down. She then was ranting about calling police & saying "You won't have our route!" I made warnings back but kept it to a min., because if police are called, I'm on the losing end of it.
3/29, Q line, 2:37 PM, "He'll leave today," Asian male driver- code for fact that I waited under the eave of the art bldg next to bus stop ''[he'l]l eave,...' & also - dry spot to charge my phone from my laptop - phone once again drained of power despite it had 35% when I left this AM. Contant plugging in, it starts for a few secs, then shuts down again. Used it to upload rock reports, then check bus sched. - but it was an actual ordeal to do simple few second tasks - because of the tech terrorists. I'd waited in rain for F line; I was approx. 15 min. early, but it never showed up, & Q line arrived across the street & I went to see where F was; driver radio'd Unitrans & it was just then leaving M.U. - i.e., F line skipped a route because I was going to be waiting for them - that way I'd be stranded in rain. Fat wh fem, wh shrt, to fat blk fem, yellow jacket, "You get all this; we're do..." 2:36. UCD student terrorists get these notions from illegal eavesdropping terrorists (& some of these are UCD students) who watch my every move, including when I fall short. 3/25 or so I watched porn flicks, which I shouldn't have done, because I don't need them & it subtly cheapens it. But instantly Sac news & other rebels, codes that it's an all new "ball game" because I'd given in; but I repented. Nevertheless, blk fem, rptr, Melanie Townsend, 6:17 AM 3/26, story recommending use of slippers indoors, "That's where I just slip right on..." ch 40. I.e., my standards are being watched & if I don't maintain higher standards than everyone else, blks claiming that's a license for them to 'slip by' & get away w/rebellion. It actually isn't the case - looking @ dirty pics is a compromise, but it isn't a crime - they are committing crimes; but I'm reporting the regional terrorists are claiming it's sufficent to prop up rebel blks. I was then waiting @ Mace & Alhambra to take 42B to my motel rm. in WS, & as of 2:55 PM or so, live tracker for Yolobus said, "Due" which means it's there w/in seconds, or supposed to be. The tracker most likely goes by satellite positioning, so the bus was w/in half mi. or so. But then, it doesn't show up for 15 min. - & it's raining. 2:58, red p/up parked in middle of street qtr blk down, watching me; I got out my phone acting like I was going to take pic (which I couldn't, it was out of juice), & instantly it pulled forward & left - Ca. Crush logo on it. 15 min. later, it is @ intersection 1/4 mi. away, & I noticed, despite it's a neighborhood stop sign intersection, it stalled there; fat wh male driver, gray hair & beard. In other words, 2 busses in a row stalling so that I'm stranded out in rain. Then, as I was getting on bus, from Alhambra Apts. @ Mace, blk male, blk stkng cap, blk jacket, from distance, "Hey!" - like "Bad Blood" lyrics, Swift, 3:16. Getting on bus, blk male, to driver, "I'll be" then, on phone, "Darrell, let mom know I have a phone, okay?" 3:19. I.e., tech terrorists systematically draining my phone, & manufacturers assisting them w/batteries that are "heavies" & CVS conspiring that blacks can claim the phone persecution is because I can't be trusted w/a child on my lap, & it's to empower blacks. Approx. 2 mos. ago, suddenly a lot of large-sized blacks in Savemart, Davis, & when I got to self-check regs., 2 blk fems standing near regs., but not using them, nor did they have any groceries w/them, so I used one of registers, & one of blk fems, "...Darrell" i.e. claiming they were daring me. 3/29, 42B that arrived 15 min. after it was "due," Asian fem., Jessica, reg'ly in soup kitchen in past, in her 20's-30's or so, now in 40's or 50's, & during last 3 yrs. I've been working @ Gene's on Del Oro & Catalina, strangely she goes riding by on bike w/bag of recycleables - on several occasions. I was scheduled to work @ Gene's this afternoon, but he cancelled & paid me $20 for showing up. Then on 42B, &, there's the low income soup kitchen Asian fem, pink jacket, blue bike, lg. bag full of recycleables, in conversation w/wh fem who also used to be @ soup kitchen occasionally, both conversing - haunting; "Pull, mine," Asian fem, 3:30. Asian fem got off @ bus stop before W Acre, & then wh fem got off @ same stop as me - W Acre, & wh male driver, "You just can't manage, it," 3:42 PM - Yolobus conspirators, low income conspirators, blks, tech companies, UCD students, & CVS all conspiring w/systematic psych warfare, attempting to hand black outlaw rebels their slave.
3/22, 7:10 AM, "You can pull it a Yolobus, key?" 42A mex fem driver, to blk male yellow ("safety") vest, w/fare card, "money on my card, but it isn't going through..." code implying use of bus - whether I pay fare or not, is somehow a freebie - desperate! 1:27, "He can't see his squimish," bird. 1:15, "I'm gonna take his Sam," (or similar) Gene(?) (notes unclear). "We're gonna take his team; catcher it," wh male Amazon or Prime driver 2:42 - 'catch her;' Asians; 'team' - code for the disaabled & low income slobs I'm suddenly surrounded w/on bus - such as Asian fem recycler - Prime driver was @ Gene's - where she's stalked me riding by on bike w/recycleables reg'ly while I'm there. "She isn't gonna live w/it; you weren't the other," vision, 1:42. "He gets picked up, way," 2:46, fem res. diagonal to Gene's res. - 'picked up' - code for kidnap by police. Jesse Charlton, teen who was neighbors w/me when I was on Drake Dr. ('U' oppression) 1999-2000; we shot hoops, watched movies, etc.; he joined rugby team @ DHS, then joined the army - this was before I was universally betrayed by all Davis rebels. Vision, 3/29, "We're gonna 'Jesse peek,'" or similar, approx. 4 AM, Taylor. Jesse Charlton - Charlton Heston, rocketman named Taylor, "Planet of the Apes." The rebel 'team' possibly attempting to slip in as a feigned team of low income slobs labeling me - which lures Asians to participate & possibly attempt to "head it up" - they're losers @ being good - maybe they can be success stories @ being evil! But, no, they're tracked by fellow rebels - fish going in circles (mostly carp - junk fish - regionally @ least, like phenom. in Fla.). Regional rebels are caught, so they start playing both sides of the fence - same w/blacks - they prop them up & empower them, while simultaneously claiming they are tracking them; but make no mistake, if I didn't diligently expose their every conspiracy verbally & on the 'net, they slip into power, & by now our country would be whites, Latinos, & Asians wandering around w/collars & leashes on, w/black goons herding us around w/sticks & guns, & a renegade named Taylor getting strung up in a net (bad net, as opposed to heroic net) saying "Get your sticky paws off me, you [darn] dirty ape!!!" "You doubt? Plumblines saying we could've been landing on Jupiter by now if education & science had been allowed to go forward unhindered by codes, kidnappings, conspiracies, & rebellion; additionally producing shooting sprees, bombings, stabbings, diseases, fires, & floods! Knowledge is power. Reject knowledge, & power is taken away from you. Love is power, even more so than knowledge. Love Jack Teacher, or eat s*** & bark @ the moon, eroding into Jewish werewolves!
3/21, "Put the keys down & go get the keys," Mark (?) to dog (notes unclear) pig fund (?) (i.e., codes from TV); 'go get' is terrorists claiming they have a buzz word they can use against me- 'get' - like other words, there's more than one meaning to it - w/out using codes - become, obtain, move, etc. I used that expression once in sales - "go get the buyer" & the monsters are desperate - also, getsaved.html pg. on my website - become saved - no big mystery. 3:50, "You just didn't see them - bring it" vision - possibly God reminding me - get means obtain/bring, as opposed to "getting" - leaving, moving, giving up ground, etc. But the No. Ca. terrorists are threatening me to keep my mouth shut - 'bring' as in help others. & the terrorists are going to be Red Sea judged according to the Lord, because he helped me to 'Sea' them.
3/17, "We am yellow. It was find out more about," 7:53. "It wasn't us on," 8:19. 8:38, "It's not gonna be us; it's finalzed." NBC, Erika Edwards, "Boys are disappearing...!" story about boys & depression, & refusing medication - w/headlines crafted as code for kidnap. Double entendre - 'boys are [claiming it's Jack Teacher was] dis[respected for having to repeatedly endure false arrests, kidnappings, &] appearing [in court]; but it more readily lends itself to pressuring adults to kidnap any boys or teens who make any gestures on my behalf. 7:44 "I wouldn't watch you box," vision 7:44 AM. Jesse left town for Army before it became rebellion involving everyone; most likely he acquiesced subsequently, or he would've called me. @ any rate, Asians seem anxious to seal it, w/Jessica approx. same age as Jesse (in his 40's as of this point) - proactively role playing him as an active Davis traitor - evidently to negate any notion of a teen of past or present identifying w/me (Taylor/Charlton persecuted by bunch of apes). "He didn't have his crime," NBC report about Russians pouring dye into ballot boxes. "He's gonna take us tas it," Raley's, 10:36 AM.
3/22, ch 3, 11:20 PM, Rio Vista police & Folsom police, badges identical to Davis police - "Davis" shallow concave down, "Police" shallow concave up - combined, makes inverted parentheses next to each other - i.e., parentheses flipped sideways - & that eve. I'd typed parentheses next to each other to ea. other to insert carrot & digit to exponentiate Calculus problem - regularly looking probs on internet - using it as calculator, for ex.; i.e., badges literally expose themselves butchering math. "Very latest for us, very latest FOR us," blk fem rptr, NBC, Skyler Meads, prison break from hospital.
3/25, Joe Penton, news story, Life Wise, OH school program operated by church introducing kids to Jesus & Bible Ed. - during school hours, provided they have an alternative; but the name is code '[leave Jack Teacher stranded for] life,[is] wise,' opening up prison scenarios - 'pen[itentiary, &] ton [of sex for oppressors].
3/29 "He was back will sty, I've gunshot wound for that," 4:13 PM bug code, 'will [hi]s tie,' i.e., threat against my life if I acknowledge rock is helping the nation. 5 PM, vision, "It's not they don't have enough power, it's they don't use it enough," but it was referring to sex; i.e., look @ dirty pics & use it more; but lack of dirty pics isn't going to minimize sex in marriage, while use of dirty pics will cheapen it. Stamina in sex can come from exercise & keeping busy (which detrimentally affected by denial of friendships), but dirty pics cheapens sex to an extent.
Video of wh male w/boy both getting cans of Liquid Death @ mini mart; male says, "It's just water" & boy echos him immediately following; but as if to object to appearing like he's echoing him, he suddenly exclaims, "...boy, you aren't even my real dad!!" & that was following him saying "Jesus Christ!" Caption indicates the male was his stepdad. Also, it may have been, '...Roy, you're not even...' This most likely is attempt to play back an exlamation I made in 1993. Exclaiming Jesus' name that way is possibly a mild form of taking the Lord's name in vain, which violates one of 10 Commandments; but there's no reason it couldn't have been an invocation - calling on Jesus for help. After I graduated from UCD & was temporarily @ my parents' place in Lodi, we - me, my Dad, & my Mom - were visiting my sister & her husband Randy, & I suddenly blurted out a line from "Planet of the Apes," "Get your sticky paws off me, you __ dirty ape!" This was 1992 or so, subsequent to my placing of lg. sign in room @ my parents, before leaving for UC Davis, quoting Jn. 14, "'& you know the way to the place where I am going.' & Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?' Jesus said to him, 'I am the Way, & the Truth & the Life, & no man comes to the Father except through me,'" mostly to get my Dad to believe. I also didn't use codes, & what was occurring was through the Holy Spirit, because it was too sophisticated for me @ the time, but phonemically, ''s, "off" me' might imply my Dad was tight w/me going down the tubes. But it was approx. 7 years later (1999) that he pilfered my box of copies of "Jesus Christ & the Trustworthiness of the Bible" & handed them out to associates @ flee market, etc. - handing out tickets to God. In other words, the movie line acted as a measure of our father-son bond. Moreover, Cornelius, chimp in "Planet of the Apes," in another of the movies, possibly "Battle for..." he has a son who is pushed from a high branch of a tree, & is mortally injured, & before he dies, "Father, shall I be malformed?" & Cornelius says, "no, son..." Interestingly, Cornelius was played by Roddy McDowell - & my Dad never liked Roddy McDowell. Tell-tale signs as to contributing factors - my Dad handled a white hot rod w/out burning his hands while welding, & he & his brothers worked on 1950's hot rods (cars); the name Roddy implies 'little rod;' McDowell - kite doweling - "go fly a kite;" evidently he was already aware he was being called on to be a rod of justice, & McDowell's name was rubbing him the wrong way. Nevertheless, it was on the inside - apes are Hollywood's tracking of DIVISION rebels & Lodi Rich/MGM rebels - &, the rebellion nationally - ungodly persecution of Jack Teacher & education like a bunch of big apes. Jews - 'j[ail] use;' I reported the 'big ape' theme of "Fiddler on the Roof" movie, that featured Jews. @ any rate, conjecture that this exclamation of the boy in the mini mart was a subtle form of protest against his step dad; the premise - product producing multiple deadly codes that the older generations (warlocks & their followers) seem to be utilizing; 'lick [him?] we'd [fight him to the] death;' I reported in approx. 2010, Travis, emply @ UPS store on B St. Davis, asked adult customer, "We death, we?" & he replied, "No," & then he asked UCD student, "We death we?" & student replied "Yes." But based on their subsequent deeds, the adult was lying; the code was 'We [fight Joe Sherman to the] death, [do,] we?' Their comment, "It's just water," was the rebels' argument - 'it's just 'watt' her,' i.e., facade that Taylor Swift was conspiring death row for me ('watt' - electric terminology, which is code for electric chair); alternately, ''watt' her' - code to send her to death row. These intonations represent actual conspiracies occurring, as attested to by the fact that until approx. 2 years ago, other than Dollar Tree, there were no water bottles available anywhere that were short enough & of appropriate material (plastic) to use in a microwave. Staying in motels, & working on laptops that have been rigged to self destruct if any liquid gets on them, I've used water bottles w/lids that can be closed near laptop - but none available, unless you want to spend $35, for ex. I reported suddenly a "RAE" brand bottle in Raley's approx. 2 years ago; still none anywhere else until a mo. ago in Nugget Mkt. The code was - ''watt' 'er, bought all - my k[ey - death] row - "wave;"' i.e., detailed mssg. that I had to avoid randomly using a water bottle, because it was "universally" recognized (i.e., conspired) - "bought [by] all" - that Taylor Swift was one of death row conspirators; & for me to place reports about visions of her, etc., was dangerous, & according to the rebels I should be choked to death for being so foolish. I'm also aware of conflicting motives - some older generations have simply been brainwashed to delay justice under guise of propping up blks or stalling for Chinese, & some possibly see themselves as utilizing a poker face to expose No. Ca. - but these stalls are evil & enable the death row conspiracies - which isn't much better than those willfully participating. Also, I don't want to create a chill effect - I had vision from my Mom, possibly 2019 or so, indicating the church had chosen Swift for me - "SHOT GUN!..." (It isn't a microwave, it's a sine wave.) The exclamation of the boy could've been an attempt @ a decoy - in effect negating me, but probably it was to break free from conforming to his step dad's or other adults' pretentions coercing kids to rebel, but more likely . My Dad had a bull of a watch (it was in fact a Bulova) - he stood in the gap for the Comets & my model A wife (vision of Taylor, 2019, legs were sides of 'A' & my head the crossbeam - Aaaaaaay!); so if any kids want to claim him as your real Dad, w/white hot iron rod of justice, you are welcome do so - contact me to finalize the adoption papers - because the Shermans, the Utts, the Brockmeyers, & the Swifts love you!
2/19, vision, blk fem, "Try to paint," 12:20 PM; i.e., '[window] pane 'T;'' consp. to negate my income.
3/8 approx., Curry's wife, news story, them having 4th baby. 3/7, Mahomes' wife Brittany in news - "Once you have kids, please take care of the pelvic floor; seriously" - muscles associated w/birth. Approx. 3/10, "I want her floor ride," vision; i.e., the instagram comments from Brittany most likely code pertaining to illegal eavesdropping & fact that it isn't a big turn-on when victim never rec's justice - 'gram' code. Also, the pelvic muscle, according to precursory reading on internet - & common sense - should be taken care of @ all times, especially when you're having kids, as opposed to afterward; 'once' - coded claim I'm not masteurbating enough, therefore rebels can enslave me & prevent me from being a teacher ('you have kids...'). Nevertheless, 'baby' itself is expression that can be code for keeping someone @ bay. The press conference seemed to be timed w/me delaying putting up the 'try to paint' vision (blk fem.) - wrote it down in notes, but didn't put it on internet; i.e., consp. informants tell them I had that vision & failed to adequately report it, & that supposedly means they have me @ bay longer - i.e., more oppression. Details of the oppression - blk Outlaw rebels & No. Ca. DIVISION rebels have the same goals - get rid of Jack Teacher - but come through it avoiding blame; i.e., suicide, mass shooting, blowing a building sky high (which they call "toto-ing" it); crimes are cold, calculated, systematic, but also subtle, to minimize gaining attention, involving hundreds of terrorists/day w/a billion codes, intent on causing me to crack & do something desperate. Lately, it's systematic draining of my phone battery so that it can't charge up, or @ only 1%/2 hrs., unless I plug it into laptop, which somehow charges it @ whopping 15%/hr.; also, lately no internet access using my phone's hotspot in public places such as on Yolobus or this AM (3/16) @ Leaf Laundry; & internet log in constantly sabotaged such as last night @ Bel Air - every 5 min. & then stalls logging back on. 3/15, working @ ranch on CR 33 (Russell Blvd.) near Rd. 97, Andrew & Esther's, I've worked for Esther's mom Helen for approx. 3 yrs. on Pinnacles; constantly stalking me, but converses about their grandkids etc., & essentially no lewd codes pertaining to kids. Helen recommended me to Andrew & Esther, & because I don't have a vehicle right now, they've been picking me up @ Lake & Russell - W. end of Davis, & giving me ride to & from their ranch. The fact is, rebels are aware they are in trouble, & so occasionally subtle concessions are made to appease those who might invade. Their kids are constantly running around when not in school while I'm working there - & the 5X I've been there, systematic codes, but more or less devoid of lewd codes about kids. I was dismissing customers who used lewd codes, but God warned me in vision in 2020 that all Davis rebels are involved - those specificly stalking & those conspiring w/ & aiding & abetting them - & if I turn down work, it'll be more hostage captivities. Last mo. major parring down of huge shrubs along the driveway of entrance to the res., toys, etc., under the bushes, but there was also pair of child's shorts & pair of underwear. 3/15, K line Unitrans, wh fem gray hair, emply @ Lamppost pizza in W. Davis who rides bus from Sac to Davis daily for work - & approx. 99/9% chance it's a set-up claim - & this is MY CLAIM, but they are attempting to steal it - that I could've been taking a bus to Sac & back daily & had a job in Sac.; but I applied for billions of jobs & IF I'D BEEN HIRED, I WOULD'VE TAKEN THE BUS DAILY & WORKED....!!!!!! Nevertheless, Lamppost pizza fem, 7:56, "You won't see tomb tomorrow," - code referring to blks & "Who's buried in Grant's tomb" i.e., consp. to trap me, hostage in jail w/blks attacking me - jail cell is the tomb. On way to Andrew's, he made coded comment after mentioning toys, etc., that had been found behind & underneath the trimmed bushes; it was referring to child's clothing, "That was my run into there," implying a lewd act "in the bushes," but also 'run into' - as in crash; i.e., although admitting they'd better be making accommodations, they then attempt to take it back w/tricks, such as facade of your work transportation "crashing" - it's your fault - you buy that? Lewd codes change the dynamics of relating to a rebel customer; but once again, @ this point, I either work for them, or end up hostage in jail. & once again, there are people who are going to pay for this - comments like that, ordinarily you'd put a fist in their face & forbid them from talking like that unless they want to be belted, & then have nothing to do w/them. But if I did that, I'd have to do it repeatedly daily, & half the time it'd result in a fight, w/70,000 perverts in Davis alone, I'd be hostage for the rest of my life & only have dealt w/a dozen of them - I WARNED - YOU NUKE THEM OR THIS NATION IS CUT IN TWO - NOT AS IN DIVISION REBELLION, BUT CUT IN TWO AS IN GOD CUTTING EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN HALF & SENDING THEM TO HELL - YOU DON'T SUBJECT 1700 YEAR PLAN OF GOD JACK TEACHER TO THESE CONDITIONS & EXPECT TO HAVE A BLESSED FUTURE - BLACKS HAVE ALREADY ALMOST RUINED THIS NATION BY MESMERIZING THE NATION TO STALL AS FAR AS PUNISHING THEM & PRETEND THEY ARE WOOING THE NATION - YOU'RE BEING HAD BY THEM & IT'S GOING TO COST YOU YOUR SOULS IF YOU DON'T PURGE THEM FROM YOUR MIDST NOW! THE LEADERS ARE DASHING THE ENTIRE NATION AGAINST THE GROUND OVER & OVER AGAIN - BUT THE NATION DOESN'T HAVE TO GO ALONG W/IT!!!! "Who shall not fear you, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy; for all nations shall come and worship before you; for your judgments are made manifest," Rev. 15:4; THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD ARE MANIFEST - ENTIRE CITIES IN NO. CA. BURNED TO THE GROUND BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T SO MUCH AS HIRE ME AS A TEACHER, MUCH LESS INVADE! GOD LIFTING ME UP DESPITE EVERYONE REGIONALLY & BEYOND CURSING ME. IT LOOKED LIKE ROCK & HOLLYWOOD DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME, BUT THEY DOUBLED THAT ARGUMENT - RESOLVING SINISTER TRAPS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, & SUNDAY PUNCHES ON BEHALF OF MY REPUTATION! IN OTHER WORDS, I HAVE AMERICANS WHO HAVE DISMANTLED SATAN & MADE HIM A PUBLIC SPECTACLE ON MY BEHALF & THAT OF U.S.A., & BRINGING GLORY TO GOD, BUT THE NATION IS FULL OF LAZY SLOBS WHO DON'T APPRECIATE IT, & WOULD RATHER ASSOCIATE W/JEALOUS TERRORISTS KISSING REBEL OUTLAWS' BUTTS!!!!! THIS NATION DIDN'T GET THIS FAR BY BEING PIECE OF WICKED SHIT LOSERS - MOBILIZE, COMMANDEER THE MEDIA, & START W/ORDERING MILITARY TO INVADE NO. CA., & ARRESTING THE MOST PROLIFIC CONSPIRATORS NATIONWIDE! I did the best I could to dismiss any conversation w/Andrew after that, but it was the first innuendo about kids from them, & it was somewhat vague. Work that day was more trimming of shrubs, finishing removing a stump, & restringing a clothes line. Andrew had purchased a Saws-All, & I was using that to continue cutting through roots; the battery ran out immediately, but there was another one charged up which I started using; but w/in 15-20 min., when there still should've been some of battery charge left, electronic bug code, sounded like Andrew (I was in front yard, far from house, & he was inside), 9:20 AM, "Listen, you'll have this," & instantly, Saws-All stopped working - battery out of juice - BUT IT WAS RIGGED - SAME AS MY PHONE FOR LAST 3 WKS. 'Listen' code - Charles Stanley, warlock TV evang. from Atlanta Ga.; I already reported the strangle attack of 7/2021, male w/goatie - Mark McGuire look-alike (Brian Toone theme from Alabama, 2000/Joe Marcum (former Asian roommate) - Mark McGuire/Jose' Canseco poster on our bdrm door, 1991). 10:02 approx., "We're the halt," Andrew, when I was looking for wheel barrow that is usually near the pasture, but unexpectedly was @ far end of front yard. Esther was playing w/their 3 tots most of AM; front yard, "He probably knows," & instantly kids were over asking me what I was doing, etc., trying to be friendly; then side yard, "You caught me wrong," 9:45; 9:50, "He won't know his tomorrow" - 'his tomb, our [death] row' - almost same code as Lamppost fem. & as of 10 AM, they were in front yard; 10:05 AM, Esther, "He won't have this office!" Once again - sales code; teachers' desks are in the classroom; salesmen are in offices - but, it was subtle lewd code - 'off his' - '[child's clothing] off...' & while they haven't gone as far as blk fem in vision about attempting to eliminate my window panes (paint - 'pane ['T'];' - homeless again); eliminating 90% of my electronics is a systematic effort - 'floor' code of Mahomes' wife - now qualifying as another Kid Curry, since it's outlaw deeds, & 'kid' can be male or fem - 'floor' is common expression in sales - as office sales floor or showroom floor, "the floor;" Kid Currys - LITERALLY CONSPIRATORIALLY ROLE PLAYING ESTHER & ANDREW'S "BAD KIDS" - ATTEMPTING TO INVOLVE JACK TEACHER IN THEIR "BEHIND THE BUSHES" BAD KIDS CORRUPTION! - BUT BLACKS IN THEIR NATURAL HABITAT - BUSHES, & NO DOUBT LEWD ACTS W/KIDS AS WELL - SHOULDN'T TRY TO LABEL ME W/ THEIR OUTDOOR "OUT" FLOORS - THEY ARE OUTLAWS. Blk Mahomes conspirators w/Davis coconspirator 'ma[s outside their] homes' committing OUTLAW crimes. Blks are DIVISION rebels, & Davis DIVISION rebels are outlaws. "We're gonna sandwich," boy. 10:41, " the cart," Esther, to children, & "Officer knows..." & boy, then, "...could you please help me...?" i.e., anticipating how to make a false accusation against me, asking a police officer to oppress me in future. 11 AM, toddler near back door in house, lamenting, "We dump him, it..." Heading back to Davis, in fact, to Esther's mom's, Helen's, where I was scheduled to work that afternoon, Andrew attempting to consummate the death knell daggar of their sudden introduction of lewd codes into their repertoire - referring to child's seat in back seat, & a rattling noise he hadn't been able to resolve, "I'll check the 'V' & have the tailor fix it," 12:47, claiming Taylor Swift WORKS FOR THEM, & "fix" threat; I then warned codes are bound, & turning from Shasta to Rio Grande, blk away from Helen's, sign advertising a foot race entitled, "Lucky Run;" consp. revolving around the 'run into there' consp. - i.e., ATTEMPTING TO LABEL ME ONE OF THE LEWD BUSH PEOPLE. Moreover, Lucky's grocery store was one of the first false arrests in 1997; I was evangelizing @ one entrance, & kids selling fund raiser product @ another entrance - & the kids nearby was a factor in calling the police, especially in context of them being aware of UCC's oppression of me. "You'll have this" code simultaneous to draining of battery - BLACK OUTLAW BUSH TERRORISTS SABOTAGING MY PHONE BATTERY & ELECTRONICS. McGuire/Toone South theme - the Bush Terrorists include warlocks & former president Bush - South. Bush, 2004, "Somethings' gotta give, & it's giving" - justice is no longer duty, it's suddenly charity - "giving;" Trump took that & ran w/it, "We're gonna take it all the way to defeat," inaugueration day, 2017. Americans remember this: Black rebels are killing you & you don't even know it -
while they are mesmerizing everyone in TV ads, etc., which make them look estute & well-adjusted, & they act flattered & even shy, behind the scenes they are warring to literally cut the heart out of this nation!!!
3/11, "No, you didn't; that's where she didn't take you," vision, 6 AM (I tracked Slavs - refused to participate in sales). "That's where you don't take us, trape" 8:18 AM, bug code (friendly to Kadee's dog (?). "You're gonna type their grr, all" Asian male USPS emply, Avocet, 10:06. 10:08, I didn't write it down right away; "You're grr all" bird. "I'm gonna have half," - code for long term disappearnce; mex fem blk & wh pld shrt (similar to one my Dad wore) 1:56 PM, MU. 1:59, "We're gonna get they owe help," speaker phone of fat mex fem blk jacket, blue trim, MU; i.e., I can't be piping up about rock when they never showed up - I'm asking for more oppression. "I'm gonna give them your oats" wh male gray hair blk jacket, stroller, 11:30, apprx., Avocet. 11:42, "He has believe today;" "It was ice thinner," 11:45, mex(?) garbage collecter Avoc. "Yes, it is, sid you," or '...Sid you,' vision, 2 PM approx. "He ceded cool," Guad's fat wh fem blk swtr 12:48 PM. "We're gonna Toto...separate corners" 12:50 - no access to web editor; "We have turn in." My Dad lured them w/over-dramatic spills, & then the "Biblical Landscaping: Sod Em & Grow Mora" T-shrts (former friend dfrom Lodi, Steve Mora); Mexs bona fide friends @ the time, but he was aware of consp. regionally & I'd probably be cornered & isolated - they became convinced he was handing me to them as dupe so that they could get ahead. My Dad wore various colors of plaid wool shrts; he was pessimistic & almost an alcoholic in Fresno - their consp. is on premise that you can't repent - mutilated him @ his death; blinded to his gestures of repentance by their evil designs.
If they want to claim I don't have the say so, God has repeatedly told me that I do. Vision, 3/6, 11:59 AM, "I want you to make a sacrifice;" God leading me to confront Slavs to accept the "imposition" or "inconvenience" of publicly affirming the witness God provided for them - namely, me -it's duty to God. It goes to show you that for many people, helping teachers is a bitter pill
to swallow - but it's either that or swallow the gospel Star of Nazareth!
3/5, 1 AM, evidently I i.d.'d myself for not getting rec't for ATM dep. - in context of G1 allowing Strategic Ins. to fraudulently rob me of $ - dream I was in a library, & complaining about rec't. (which you usually don't need in a library), & someone walking up w/handcuffs - & I dropped the complaint & left, & I was pulling a wagon - like wagon @ Paul's used for smaller chunks of cement on Mon. (3 loads to dump - I suggested we make a 3rd trip taking the pile of concrete chunks - mostly lg. pieces of cement from post holes that were piled in his back yard for 20 years, according to him - & they were all in one piece - usually post hole cement is broken up because you have to use a sledge hammer, pick ax, shovel, etc., to remove it; but he purchased a cement jack (he showed me it) - place chain around the top of cement & pull them out in one piece, & it was 20 years ago that he had done that. But in last few wks, he had also removed a lg. statue of fem sitting (like Buddha) w/breasts exposed that was in his backyard - wasn't there on Mon. While it may have been coincidence, more likely code- long range wait for 'see, meant jack [off, or, masteurbate];' &, innuendo that I have my "wagon" - but adult statue missing - implying lewd innuendos w/wagon & sm.
"pieces." I recently threw away the Pearson Calc. book because of the lewd stalkings - Subway Jared & Davis Ca. problems consecutively in text book; but, the calculus test prep book I recently purchased to replace it was smaller & wasn't as thorough. 3/6, I needed change for bus fare, & went to Logos book store, & purchased a Calc text book while there - &, forgot to get rec't - to pure all things are pure, but instantly when I left, Davis police car @ corner of 2nd & E, "He isn't having that run on," 5:32 PM. I.e., similar to the dream, I was being watched, & codes; &, I don't claim I never ever forget to get my rec't., possibly I was distracted by fact that they rarely have Calc. text books there, so I was excited that I'd gotten one - my policy is always get a rec't., as proof that it's paid for, but I wasn't intimidated as far as rec't., i must've forgotten to ask for one, & the dream was most likely someone conjuring up facades that I was timid. 5:38 PM, "It is your chew 'em, ruin," - '...[ou]r ooo, inn,' rebels "chewing me out" w/conspired rec't stalkings while conspiring region-wide to deny me a teacher position & relegate me to expensive res. costs of inns are nevertheless ruined; but, a dangerously close parallel - denial of recognition by Slavs is a constructive chewing out of me by them, but failing to affirm me denies their heritage - flirting w/ruin! Also, 3/5, studying Math, a problem that didn't make sense in "My Max Score" Calc. test prep book, may have been focus of dream. Neverthless, it echoed that I was going out on limb for Russians despite 7 year silence by their leaders, based on Mary supposedly intervening for children w/skirt code, i.e, higher moral standards, but w/one or more pic. of her on internet partially exposed, I don't have a "rec't." for claim of deed on behalf of children by her. Also, to extent promises of oral sex are claimed to be intervening for me 2022 God gave me vision of son born deformed - missing forearms;
"pledges" of 'f'[ing] 'or[ally]' doesn't arm anyone against rebels. The ballot/rec't. consp. of 3/5 (election day) (see TERRORISTS SAY MY BALLOT... report) was the monsters desperately claiming they could track that - if I allow allies any slack, it's a weapon against me - claim they can proceed w/more oppression. I had prayed about that lack of Slav "rec't.," because that was the first interp. upon awakening @ 1 AM after the dream; what I rec'd was it was a factor, but another factor was the white clothing timed w/my display w/request for melting pot "thumbs up," & vision from God that seemed to indicate he acknowledged it; but additionally, supposedly acting on behalf of U.S.A. doesn't negate duty toward me personally - & lack of tangible response is equivalent of continuing w/7 year
"policy" that I'm expendable - & that equates that my testimony is expendable - whoever rejects me rejects
Jesus & the one who sent him; they won't ever be able to live that down - negating the deliverer God sent them. Affirming the witness publicly is too much of an imposition for them, but it's because of - get this - peer pressure. But it's peer pressure from rock & Hollywood, & they evidently can't seem to see past them. I reported in 2020, vision from God, "I bypass you," directed @ rock singers; evidently it was because God knew @ the time of a concocted scheme to attempt to capitalize on my Dad, & bypass me, & possibly dupe me to participate; so God led me to demonstrate they themselves were being
bypassed if necessary - Old Glory - the stripes are the Stairway to Heaven; the Stairway allows for the option of bypassing the stars - God can take them w/a rickety old stairway - not even touching the Chariot of Fire, if necessary (not to say that Jesus is old or rickety - the Ancient of Days stays in shape w/Jack LaLanne routine). But Slavs
evidently can't look up & fix their eyes on Jesus - their head is "hung" looking down toward rock & Hollywood.
3/8, Dan Szumsky's on F St., they are in process of moving from lg. 2 story residence near downtown to wife Cecilia's in Sonoma; pic of Dan 10-15 yrs. younger, & presumably his first wife, @ ice cream parlor, & Dan's looking eagerly - big eyes - @ an ice cream cone w/huge scoop of possibly maplenut; his wife downcast, as though defeated or incoherent. 2008, after 2 1/2 yrs. captivity - despite almost 60 cases of proof police had violated my rights - conspiracy, & the entire city & county went along w/it. Dan made jeer when I went by & I screamed rebukes, & continued w/outcries against Davis @ 5th & F - the disappearance made it unmistakeable that it was a wicked community w/no intentions of providing me justice. Soon after that, Szumskys placed a plaque in their front yard, as though commemorating my explosion. I never read the plaque, but 1 1/2 decades later, because no one's hired me to teach, I'm having to work for them & others that betrayed me. Because they are moving, there's a lot of cleaning & packing, so they hired me 4 half days this last wk; 3/6, I was sweeping front porch, & wh male on sidewalk stopped to read plaque, & Cecelia, to him, "That's where we don't affix," i.e., vehicle reg. tags, stamps, etc. (but might also be 'fix' code) - indicating more consps., w/basic rights denied; i.e., 'we're gettin' out, but keep up the oppression!' 3/9, 12:36 AM, Seth Meyers, "...fraud scheme...fraud scream..." & "...that was us," & context, 2/27 (according to one news story) Biden & Meyers were in an ice cream parlor; Biden, "We're close, we're close; not done yet." 'seethe? [A]m [who] hires;' i.e., 'You think you can seethe & explode w/anger? But I'm the only one who's hiring you...' In other words, Biden & other politicians ratifying decades of oppression against me -MAKING THEM PARTIES TO IT - & WHILE THAT OPPRESSION & DARKNESS IS OCCURRING, CLAIMING THEY CAN BAIT ME & COERCE ME OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER & OVER... UNTIL THEY COME UP W/SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE I MIGHT BE LETTING ONE OF THE OPPRESSORS GET BY W/SOMETHING. Moreover, MANY OF THEM CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS, & A LOT OF OTHERS DO AS WELL, & MANY OF THEM ARE NOT ONLY ACQUIESCING, BUT PARTICIPATING W/VICIOUS CONSPIRACY CODES ON NATIONAL TV!!! HAVE THEY OUTWITTED GOD? THEY GO TO CHURCH; WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? MATT. 24:48-51, parable about servants mistreating fellow servants; Jesus is the master - they are claiming to be servants of God/Jesus: "But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,' and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;" 'weeping & gnashing of teeth' - that's HELL! They don't outwit God; they are oppressing me & destroying the nation; if they ever were actual servants of the Lord (Christians), they aren't now. They are tares by definition. Meyers then said, "That was us," approx. 12:38, 3/9. 3/8, I whimsically wished there was a way Mary wasn't involved, or could make an about face, & vision, "There is - you're screaming @ them." In other words, face it, they became Davis - same as Chinese; or @ least Slavs (Putin, Mary, etc.) became Davis @ a point when they were first betraying me, such as 2008 - ACCORDING TO THEM, THE POWER OF GOD ISN'T ENOUGH FOR THEM TO BREAK THE NO. CA. OHM ERA STRANGLEHOLD, ACCORDING TO THEM - THEY CAN'T SO MUCH AS FIGHT FIRE W/FIRE & PRODUCE OUR LADY W/ELECTRIFYING MAGNETISM, W/OR W/OUT "MAE BELIEVE" & MAX FACTOR F.O.I.L. HIGH FLIER JUPITER GOALIES
HIGH FLIER JUPITER GOALIES. GOD SPOKE TO ME THAT TAYLOR SWIFT TREATING ME LIKE DIRT INFLUENCES OTHERS - HISTORICAL PRINCE CHARMING W/KISS FOR "AWAKENING BEAUTY"... HISTORICAL ROLE AFTER ROLE CRUMBLES! 3/5 approx., vision of Mary lying beside me in bed, "Care for me, Joe," possibly basic marital request, or intonation of minimizing spirituality somewhat & w/more marital duties. But context of that was also pic of Mary w/Christie Ren seated @ her feet, head resting against her thigh - possibly sexual intonation - but irregardless, vaguely implying a two-some - although I've been led to avoid those notions; but, a vision implying be more "dirty" & pic that could construe such a scenario, but context is a marriage vision - is that a tracking of the "Before He Cheats" random cover for the "Professional Job" hit in 2021, because I don't practice that activity, or is it propping up the 'cheating' facade? "Do your duty; your duty on them" 3/9, upon arriving @ my room after work. "You're just, 'take them to prison,'" vision, 3/8, 1:20 PM. The 'duty' vision seems to indicate Slavs providing a witness; it's quite normal for a wife to want a husband who is a sex maniac, & borderline monk usually doesn't fit that persona. & pushing buttons about two-somes for illustrative purposes only might fall w/in good marital sex therapy as well, although probably not manifestly in Christian circles. But deadly conditions - these scenarios are a moot point.
Based on God telling me, "That was you" - ambiguous, but it wasn't necessarily a rebuke. then actors, TV personalities w/that same expression - "That was us," indicating rock & Hollywood delayed in order to offer Eastern church Jack Teacher as groom - but possibly to test me as far as my sexual proclivity. More likely though it was to test the Eastern church. I.e., rock & Hollywood tracked the Eastern church - hand them the world, & they want to toy w/Jack Teacher. As far as 7 year delay of Slavs, they simply owe me justice. & requisites of continued darkness & oppression under guise of testing prospective groom to see if he can prove himself compatible is the wrong answer. Of course, rock & Hollywood still haven't repented - only indications of that possibility; they might be taking Slavs' acts as "bolstering" the strangle "key job" philosophy, which is an extention of the DIVISION rebels' consp. of oppression for bride (I Ran Contrary scandal) - in other words, rock & Hollywood claiming they have a witness that you can willfully prolong oppression; but once again - you don't toy w/the Late Great Grandma Carrie Petefish - w/Kansas allies & Alaska allies (those Kilroy brown nose-kissers directing flight - bridge it!) awarding me the Jacque's La Creme Terrible Sword ('Terrible' mine) - I'll be more than satisfying to my spouse as far as marital duties.
"Before He Cheats" singer Carrie Underwood @ that age looked almost exactly like Taylor Swift; the title implies smashing guyfriend's car as warning never to cheat, but "Maybe next time he'll think/Before he cheats" - character in video was already cheating. I had brief promos of Paris Hilton from Feb. to July 2021, but none of them had ever shown up for marriage or even called me, so there wasn't any possibility I was cheating - the song title is vaguely misleading, but lyrics spell it out. It lured the rebels - it also lured Eastern church - a distraction; the 7/2021 strangle attack was based on title - 'before he cheats' along w/vision of stern warning from Swift that I'd better not cheat - conjuring up a phony license to attempt murder BECAUSE I MIGHT CHEAT ON HER IN FUTURE. In other words, one way or another, Biden & other rebels in power are "closing in" on me based on my supposed willingness to tolerate rock's & Hollywood's - & subsequently Slavs' - blatant set-ups of me where I'm left in harm's way w/buttons willfully pushed to provoke the attacks - but while there was a tracking of Slavs - falling short of duty to intervene, & going along w/ facade that justice can't come until I prove to be an impeccable bachellor absolutely worthy of marriage - as far as White House' & Congress' premises against me, ANY "BLATANT" & "SET-UPS" & "WILLFUL BUTTONS" are wholly & unequivocally due to their ratifying of the wicked & dangerous conditions in the first place - EQUATING THEM BEING MONSTERS ATTEMPTING TO CONSUME ME UTILIZING DARKNESS & OPPRESSION THEY CREATED!! Underwood/Swift match as far as looks, & as far as cheating lingo - Great Grandma Carrie Petefish; implication of 'Carrie [is] under (submitting to) 'would' facade;' i.e., conjuring up consp. notion that Great Grandma Petefish & "Show Me" Crusaders submit to 'would' codes (code for smear of lewd implications); i.e., facade that lewd codes are controlling, & Western church in it's entirety has joined smear conspiracy. In other words, w/out excusing Slavs or rock, who have duty to recognize these dangers, Washington & possibly Ca. gov't. monsters' m.o. -
conjure exacting conditions pertaining to any parties that might be allies, by exponentially aggravating the dangers, in attempt to use it against me! But the Late Great Grandma Carrie Petefish isn't so easily taken in by these Washington undertakers. Carrie Underwood - 'would,' absent codes, is auxiliary verb 'under[takers? they] would [be, if given the chance];' i.e., Lodi Funeral Home mutilating my Dad - Biden, Congress, etc. - more than ratifying the oppression of others; they've personally become the vicious Lodi undertakers. "I dug my key into the side/...Carved my name into his legacy" - lyrics supposedly 'leather seat' but studio version phonemically - legacy; 'I dug..' (1)joining Davis rebel Doug Arnold along w/Lodi rebels - digging my Dad's grave (literally), while systematically digging my grave (figuratively & literally) - the Bible warns to use your gifts & talents rather than burying them & being the unfaithful servant who is sent to hell; digging is part & parcel w/burying in this context - president, Congress, & leaders nationwide are (2)BURYING AMERICA - DIGGING THE NATION'S GRAVE!!! DESPERATELY CONSPIRING & KNIVING TO FIND AWAY TO BRING A CASE AGAINST ME, WHILE THE NATION IS SMASHED, DEFACED, SCARRED, TRASHED BY UNPARALLELED SHOOTING SPREES, HOMICIDES, DISEASES, DISASTERS - ALL TO BUY TIME TO SOMEHOW IMPLICATE ME - & MY DAD AS WELL - DEFACING & DESTROYING THE AMERICAN LEGACY!!!!! 3/8, 2:35 PM, "You would know them, clued," i.e., '...clued[ them in...]' - possibly referring to indications rock's & Hollywood's watch might still be able to stand if they assert themselves. Alternately, 'k[ey], lewd;' - rebels are lured w/lewd smears - THEY HIDE BEHIND LEWD INNUENDOS "WEAPON" BEING USED AGAINST ME, BUTCHERING U.S.A. IN ATTEMPT TO CONJURE UP THE APPEARANCE OF AN IMPERFECTION IN ME; - CONTINUED USE OF THEIR
3/1, "..heavy flakes @ time; ...but it is snot printing," 7:33 PM, ch 40 Eric Rucker (ch 40). "It's you plunder," 7:36 PM. 3/4, "He'll hit me," fem, teen or college age, on bike, blue jacket, to male on motorized scooter, D near 3rd St., 5:28 PM. 5:29 approx., Asian male student coming down sidewalk opposite direction, but on my side of sidewalk, but more or less tiptowing along the edge of it; I've consistently asserted my right to keep right on narrow sidewalks, but these downtown ones are wider, & he wasn't in my way, but as we passed by each other, "We dance," whispered code - subtle facade that I didn't maintain my standards. I arrived @ G1 1 min. later, & ground floor ATM being repaired by Asian male maintenance wkr. The other G1 ATM is on split level patio up the stairs; but there was an Asian fem @ that ATM, & stalling; when she left, 5:36, "We dance" echoing Asian male approx. 5 min. before that. I was cutting it close as far as $ for another night's stay if I didn't deposit a check, but the only machine available said no rec'ts - out of rec't paper; I always insist on a rec't, but to make sure I could cover motel bill (i.e., stay one night ahead so that I didn't have pack up suitcase), deposit was probably necessary. In retrospect, w/G1's recent fraud w/Strategic Ltd Partners Health Ins., I should've waited for rec't; moreover, it was undoubtedly conspired, due to Asians' codes: Asian male making repairs, code to male going by, "Hill has his definitely," 5:33 PM; it was a set-up. I took pic of deposit amount on screen, which does constitute a contructive rec't, considering pics record the dates. The 'dance' code is more than simply code for the use of the term as in "getting to know one another" - it means conspiracy that I'm relegated to singing & dancing for approx. $0/tips again, denied all other work - which occurred from 2012-2016; Asians repeatedly showing up @ bus stops or other locations doing a little dance signalling to others to conspire it. Other rebels have also conspired, such as fem emply in G1 to Asian fem cust., "This is your pay," approx. 2 wks ago. I arrived @ Raley's WS approx. 1 hr. later; "He won't have his come on," wh male cashier, grn shrt; 6:55, rec't dispensed (self-chk), but when I pulled it out, it was more difficult than usual - I then noticed, I only had half a rec't.! - REC'T CONSP. W/GOLDEN 1! Sm part of rest of rec't sticking out, & I was able to pull it out. Moreover, male cust. or empy, "We wouldn't stow 'em," approx. 6:58 PM. If you are asleep, this sounds like, well, WS stalking, conspiring, BUT, I've been able to stay in motels largely unhindered - oppression mostly limited to bug codes & electronics sabotages - i.e., preventing me from being outdoors @ night, & having to stow belongings in suitcase or somewhere else. The problem is, the context was the halved rec't. attempt, lining up w/G1 denial of rec't - claiming I'm careless, irresponsible, etc. - the facades that were used against me 20+ years ago - 60 false arrests & kidnappings systematically oppressing me & for the most part sabotaging ability to have consistent income & have a place to live, & I proved myself innocent of any wrongdoing; but the code was, if you're w/out a place to live, the cause of it (police & church oppression) is irrelevant - if you try to survive by stowing your possessions somewhere, etc., YOU MUST BE ELIMINATED. & 20 YEARS LATER, THEY ARE STILL ATTEMPTING TO ORCHESTRATE THAT, BUT W/EXTREMELY SUBTLE MECHANISMS BECAUSE LITERALLY THE WHOLE WORLD HAS HEARD OF THEIR TERRORISM. Moreover, their formula is if you're ever homeless, for any reason @ all, you must die - but that sentences our founding forefathers & pioneers of America to death! AS well as Jesus & essentially the entire human race! But we're not done yet. 3/5, the only convenient polling place was UCD ARC (Yolo cty); after voting (I voted for Ramaswami), if I wasn't watching, I wouldn't have caught that only half of the ballot printed - SAME AS RALEY'S & GOLDEN 1!!!! My ballot would've been inserted into the ballot box w/most of the votes missing! I WARNED THIS GOV'T THE MONSTERS MUST BE NUKED! Rucker, ch 40 news rptr, involved - "Heavy flakes @ time; but snot is printing;" i.e., death row conspiracies w/attempts to cover for it by labelling them "snots," "brats," etc.
3/6, to top it off as far as rec't oppression, Davis Food Coop's "F" rec'ts; the prices have an 'F' or 'FT' inserted in middle of the amounts!
2/23, Don (8th St.) gave me perk of suitcase due to mine had broken down & I was hit w/the $400 health ins. swindle & debit of another $50 for tax payment all @ once; 3 yrs ago, vision pertaining to Carrie (Ezra's wife) after he gave me a perk of suitcase @ end of workday; both instances I offered to purchase it; she acted upset the next time I was there, & vision of computer icon going to Missouri flag for justice & being turned down- turning around & going back the way it came - the flag has bear (later replicated by Ca. Bear flag) walking toward U.S.A. seal (eagle) - symbolizing one of 3 Asian wisemen coming to U.S. for help, but evidently it was being applied to me as well. It corresponded to the perk from Ezra, & internet - i.e., my e mail reports to Feds. I.e., conspirators saying I don't have the luxury of perks - but that vision seemed to indicate Ezra & Carrie Beeman had conspirator friends in high places - possibly including late queen of England; I reported queen of England had purchased the grave site catecorner to my late Great Grandma Carrie Petefish's; Great Grandma's nemesis, Carrie Beeman, Brit. accent from Australia, an Olivia Newton-John look-alike plant who married Ezra, of the prominent family of Woodland,
the Beemans, w/lg. ranch S. of town; claiming they had the final say so as far as Davis -
but evidently w/influencial friends, according to vision - a supposed determination by heavyweights from Missouri - the determination was evidently that the pen is no longer mightier than the sword, & U.S.A. is no longer rule of law nation - I HAD TO TAKE THE LAW INTO MY OWN HANDS & START SHOOTING REBELS - E MAILING EVIDENCE & PROOF TO THE AUTHORITIES WAS "OUT" ACCORDING TO THEM. But, Davis was conspiring rebellion as of 1916 w/double arch on G St. - Hollywood is witness, w/identical double arch @ Melrose Pl., 1926 - as far as a used suitcase perk, there isn't any slavery etiquette tests, unless they're all rebels, & if there's no more rule of law - THEY'RE ALL REBELS!!!!! In fact, they are DIVISION REBELS & U CONSPIRACY REBELS, & the 'mail' consp. possibly originated in Wdld - Drake Dr. 1999, it was @ mailboxes where Kathy Workman greeted me, but soon afterward, she & husband Jeff falsely accused me (U oppression); Wdld, R.E. broker who was going to hire me then changed his mind - Malon Whittle; i.e., conspired notion I wasn't working, & pressuring my parents, etc. to mail me money - 'mail on - whittle;' (God led me to shun them completely until end of 2002 when Mom called w/inheritance check for $1000 from late Great Uncle Gene ) - 'mail rose [up w/conspired action against my] place' - Hollywood predicted it (or, absent response, instigated it). "You're not having that hard up," 1:06 AM bug code. 2/26, while working on this report, 8:31 PM, "He would know; we're gonna mail," male, most likely Mideast clerk @ Belair motel; as of 3 mos. ago or so, access to e mail sabotaged
- blocked by hackers, w/mssg, "AT&T Internet Security/Phishing page blocked for your protection" I've searched comp. for the virus or planted file - most likely it's controlled from outside of laptop - projected by hackers, but motel clerks' codes - they are involved.
Vision approx. 6 mos. ago of me w/my son & others in a balcony getting recognition @ public event -
echoing royal ceremonies in England, but my son was being reduced to can of raviolis or similar. Justice stalled by those whom God had entrusted w/duty to bring me justice, utilizing smears of my character - leaving me stranded in conditions of
sky high rent payments ($100/day) & gov't oppression reducing me to pennilessness (making offer on a customer's used suitcase) while working 40/hrs./wk @ $25 hr. - despite piping up as far as England's feats!!!
The vision, connected w/ONJ plant indicates it's jealousy. "You won't fool us," Prince Harry (vision), approx. a year ago. It's possible England has been "canned" or demoted. Visions, "I can promise you;" & "I can offer you," Mary. But where was the point that justice was denied? Missouri shield/U.S.A. seal; so it wasn't necessarily England so much as U.S. leaders. Remotely possible Prince Harry was role playing corrupt leaders - oppression under guise that I secretly want to be a great salesman, & therefore a used suitcase perk is a "no-no." The vision of the son - England gives me recognition & fanfare, but I return to U.S. where there's still oppression, & European recognition only goes so far; corrupt leaders ensure the oppression continues to that if I'm allowed to marry, my children are still scraping for cans of food.
2/27, approx. 11 AM, Holy Spirit speaking to me about reaching through a Hoola Hoop to get potting soil & manure out of bags to plant bushes. Before that, vision, "It's their halibut," vision, 10:13 AM; but it seemed to be referring to 'Hal 9000,' from "A Space Odyssey" movie - cold artificial intelligence; i.e., the balcony accolades vision interp. needed improvement - any recognition from England would be on the fence, @ best, & that would be a contributing factor to continued oppression & impoverishment of my children. In other words, they didn't mirror pastor Dave Keane from UCC (prime min. Blair), Trump (Boris Johnson), Michelle Obama (Megan Markle), etc., out of motives of tracking the oppression, but rather a concise echo of endorsement of their every move - including oppression of me! Moreover, I'm not so much the focus, as it is fierce strife against the Orthodox church, & the logical conclusion to that is prop up blks @ all costs - the imperative success of melting pot as answer to the Siberia sacrifices of Slavs followed by winning the race for manned rocket in space! Blacks singled me out for oppression & demise under guise of revenge against whites, & Brits are forced to prop them up, or settle for second place in conditions where they took over countries to coach them & restore their freedom, & they were instrumental in founding the melting pot education nation - unparalleled feats in all of history, spanning almost a milleneum, suddenly paralleled by Slavs! It actually is jealousy & strife - desperate attempts to fabricate a shining melting pot, while hiding the fact that it's only a partial success! Halibut - whose fish is it? 'Hal', he butt[s];' Brits & American politicians become equivalent to deadly examples of A.I. or worse w/conspiracies attempting to prop up black outlaws! Blacks must prevail, is their deceptive argument, therefore their enslavement of Jack Teacher is allowed to prevail! 2019 approx., Putin said "England, you're fired!" The 'I can promise you' & 'I can offer you,' visions (approx. 1 wk apart) & King Charles diagnosed w/cancer. & while it is biblical for God to use one man to deliver important proclamations on behalf of many, & Slavs owe me a response, one man to proclaim that the sufferings of 20 million were for Christ, & moreover, that it was negated by the church, is SKIRTING the issue, defined, especially when followed by that one man being persecuted by those claiming to be Christians - who should've intervened decades ago, as of 1930's or 1940's! THAT'S WHY GOD HAS CONSISTENTLY LED ME TO SHARPLY REBUKE ENGLAND & MINIMIZE ANY SUCH REBUKES AGAINST SLAVS.
Praying about the fact that United Kingdom has history of men wearing skirts, starting in approx. 1600's, becoming known as kilts. The significance of 'skirt' phonemically - 's[ee?]k[ey,] hurt,' similar to the Brooklyn Rae Me watch on behalf of women -it seemed like the use of skirts in context of Slavs & UK background might negate my argument against Western church. Vision, "Use it - it was their purpose," 3:53 PM, 2/27; I continued praying; vision, "It was 'you don't get 'em good,'" 4:04, & 4:15, "It was 'you can take it;'" present-day England is like an out-of-control donkey - stubborn; but historically, God was speaking to both East & West about China, & they were led that if it isn't dance & dirge (parable from Jesus), then Christians won't have their kill shot against satan as far as Asia. In other words, Christians historically refrained from attacking China for the most part (tea wars were small battles over tea), & Jack Teacher education/melting pot nation strategy was super-aggressive - if they don't respond, are all our bases covered? God was speaking to East & West - sacrifice starkly demonstrating the love of Christ in the hearts of Christians; U.K. Christians created a witness on behalf of the Orthodox branch using skirts - 'You can take it, if called on to suffer on their behalf - you'll be wearing the pants as much as us or more - the "men;"' that way, if Asians don't respond - if Christians don't get them as believers, God causes us to stand absolutely. GOD IS THE AWESOME GOD!
Our Lady honors are hers for the claiming, but Mary shows up as...Barbie Bentonov! Fathom the honors of being Jack Teacher's pet! I guarantee that "fulfilling" a smut role won't gain her any honors - @ least not any that might be remembered. But Our Lady, Jack Teacher's pet, will be honored & immortalized as the Queen of Queens! Can you dig it!? (Yes, you can - my Dad repented!) But I also have a bone to pick w/Americans; one of "roadblocks" as far as rock & Hollywood responding may very well be a desire for Americans to be worthy of the honor that the American legacy - our heritage - demands! A nation built on & built by heros of the faith & heros of all kinds, but the present population falls for jealousy of a teacher who happens to be in the limelight!!!! Attempting to please men rather than God by submitting to a rebellion centered on jealousy & stubbornness. Acts 5:29 - "WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN!" People who are worthy of the American legacy are those who do the right thing EVEN WHEN NO ONE'S WATCHING & EVEN WHEN IT ISN'T POPULAR - doing the right thing because it is the right thing! Looking for people who will pipe up on my behalf &, considering the evidence, coerce rock stars to pipe up & acknowledge their efforts! "For godly sorrow brings repentance unto salvation, a repentance which brings no regret: but the sorrow of the world only brings death," 2 Cor. 7:10. Stand up for justice because you believe in justice; rather than because you're caught.
If you do good only because forces of good have overcome evil - i.e., because you have to, then it isn't for the right reasons, & for many people, God won't let you into Heaven when you after the fact try to fake it -"Today, if you will hear his voice, don't harden your hearts..." Heb. 3:15; it isn't a question of 'if you hear...' i.e., 'did you hear anything..?' It's volitional - a choice "will" to hear his voice - chose to listen & obey - BE FOUND WORTHY OF ENTERING THE PROMISELAND!
Conjecturing that rock created a prospective bride for me that responds stubbornly, but then needs a wake up call (very unlikely it wasn't orchestrated). I wouldn't allow it, except the nation is going downhill & it seems they were aware it would go this far. I would say their lack of response was a contributing factor, & that may be the case, but it's undeniable they have made huge gestures to motivate people to be heroes for me & for the gospel & for the nation, & few people have responded - the Sexy Iron Rod Bunnies have responded in limited ways - that's why they are so cute. There were 3 or more "matches" w/me & rock as far as the gospel, after I converted their songs; but "Fight Song" "I may have only one match...but I can make an explosion;" i.e., definition of "small explosion between the legs." & that's "Getaway Car" lyrics, "I struck a match & blew your mind..." - i.e., "Fight Song's" a stinker. But, Swift's song, "The light of freedom on my face..." if it's on her face, it must be shining on it from a source - Jack Teacher was clamoring for witnesses to proclaim the feats of the Slavs; 'phileo' - brotherly love - Philadelphia - the city of brotherly love; "Shine the light/Through the eyes of the ones left behind/Shine the light/Shine the light, won't you shine the light/Philadelphia freedom..." Proclaiming Slavs' insane deeds lifts up freedom for all men. But Taylor was acting immaturely. "Mars" can get cold when you found a melting pot education liberty & justice nation for Asians w/feats unmatched in all of history including freeing black slaves globally - & - "yawn" - no reaction - & that's what the Western church did; & in addition to warlock rebels propping up No. Ca., lack of response of Asia is weighing down the nation; & there's no one there to raise the stakes if they didn't respond - or is there? Czar Alexander & the Mars Hill Peacocks - sacrifices in Siberia - witnesses that we moved Heaven & earth for Asians, irregardless of what their reaction might be; East & West manned rocket science & the Heavens.
Mary - a song w/lyrics, "There's a lady who's sure/All that glitters is gold.../& as we wind on down the road/...There walks a lady we all know/Who shines white light & wants to show/How everything still turns to gold.."
Our Lady - from Russia - must be up to speed - the "lady" in this song ("Stairway To Heaven"), if it's referring to the church (2 Jn. 1:1), the implication is she's gone astray - 'white light' - satanic light - imitation of the true light -
the light of Christ (Jn. 1:9) - this isn't touching white wedding clothes; implies those who live their lives based on white lies or worse - such as the warlocks & rebels, oppressing me based on rumors of rumors, supposedly giving them permission to become corrupt. The Midas touch - everything still turns to gold - 'my 'duhs!'' - the Bidens, for ex., & DIVISION rebels. It's the
church or it's the warlocks - don't stall under guise of testing me - that's laziness & lies - fully aware I was beyond reproach almost 2 decades ago, but it's stall tactics a lot of flakes are caving in to - taking the easy way out. "& if you listen very hard/The tune will come to you @ last..." I suddenly became aware of "To be a rock, & not to roll," - the church an immovable rock - like the Rock of Christ; I reported rock seemingly submitting to biblical principles of serving others - rock & roll vs. a rock that
doesn't budge, which is what the church needs to be - Jack Teacher plan - don't budge; it isn't singers, it's teachers. I reported this, & no response from them. Phonemically, "& if you listen very hard/The chill will come to you..." Slavs live in coldest regions of the world; younger generations of Slavs called to be the leaders (& younger generations of West as well)
but will they accept the role of Our Lady - the church, & refuse to budge - immovable rock - love comes first -
empowering Jack Teacher to teach - or
will they produce a chill effect w/in Christianity, like the warlocks, & hide behind guises of suspicion & skepticism? 2/29, constr. wkrs, Ipanema Ave., "Okay, g'head," 12:18 PM, & Jan on phone to store, "He's ready," 12:20. The 'g'head' code - expression from cousin John Granato; & watching recent rerun of Barney Miller, officer or someone else, 'g'head,' our Grandma Sherman's maiden name was Miller - Granatos claiming they can '[put me behind jail]bar[s].' Context also - this morning I had deleted reports about Orthodox church due to dreams that seemed like I was lost, or confused. Then in afternoon, I had uploaded what I thought was 2/28/2024 copy of davisneedy.html, but it wasn't until after 5 PM I noticed it was from mos. or possibly a year ago - promoting leaning tower of Pisa; but indications are - downplay Slavs, & Catholics regionally close in for more hostage captivities. "You wouldn't know where we betrayed.." or similar, possibly vision of Mary; "Bonaparte" vision (French leader). "We're going w/your mother," i.e, 'no' autographs from Jack Teacher; but, she could be more assertive - Mary, Our Lady - Jesus is a chariot, Mother is a springboard - for the Dayspring believers -use 'em or lose 'em. While @ Andrew's on CR 97 last wk, vision of my 1970 Cougar, & before that, "the menthe," i.e., cream the menthe; but my Cougar originally was cream colored, before I painted it rootbeer brown.
There had been a vision of Putin before that, & so I assumed - associate the car vision w/him, but Andrew (or his relatives) are Catholic - that may have been the focus of the vision - so if it wasn't a clean slate vision then attempts to smear my past based on "cruising" facades. French are predominantly Catholic; this afternoon, USA Today, pic of Macron, gesture of hand @ chin height - code gesture as far as how tall, or short, I am or alternately, assertion to force me to hit the ceiling - consp. code; according to the news report, he was suggesting those claiming to be Ukraine's allies send their own troops to Ukraine - CATHOLICS ATTEMPTING TO INSTIGATE WAR BETWEEN EAST & WEST! POPE'S BONE OF CONTENTION BEING TAKEN TO ITS LOGICAL CONCLUSION - vision of pope Frances, 2/29, "We take it to it's logical conclusion," & context was Unitrans rte. Q, Mex. fem stalking about being picked up (code for kidnap by police). The problem w/ unbinlical formula of one "sovereign" leader of church is it invites bones of contention inherently, w/temptation to escalate it to military war - brother against brother!
2/29, approx. 11 PM, vision of my Mom, "My name is Irene Sherman, & I'll see you @ 5:30." Context, my report about Slavs (vision) "We're going w/his Mom." 3/1, weeding in the rain, I prayed about what she meant; "She took haunted," vision, approx. 4:18 PM. In other words, I am relying on the younger generations of Slavs - 7 years delay in deadly conditions is far too long. Evidently, Eastern church's motives involve making me a pawn to track Catholic church - shining white light instead of promoting & defending Jack Teacher - although Mary @ least refocussed things on education; but my Mother's pissed, & my Dad's obviously overturning tables on his cloud - to propel 'er, but probably as a protest to ensure Mary eats well in U.S.A. (she sponsors MayBelieve & Cover Lady make-up) - he got the family the Model A! 3/1, Yolobus 42B, stalled @ McD's while bus driver used restroom; technically, there were no other passengers from Davis to WS & in WS, so we were a few min. ahead of schedule, but he was making coded comments baiting me to start something; & minutes after I placed the report of vision of my Mom, "I'm not gonna live w/your mother," 5:52 PM.
Located in Miami, 2023, video w/models on runways barely clad w/anything, & most of it consists of black tape strips 1" wide (derriers w/2 strips of tape, like chevrons).
Bunnies on runway w/nothing but chevrons covering their derrieres - possibly goals of demolishing
the lewd smears of rebels attempting to ruin me. (The goal is MORE conservative, not less, though.) W/out creating a chill effect on vision of blnd model (wasn't part of this "project" as far as I could tell) it's possible some of the Sexy Iron Rod Bunnies have gone astray. The new way - same as the old way - unless you confront these telltale chevrons - result is increased bondage instead of freedom.
Dream in 2019 of Taylor Swift tangled or bound w/black tape, & I was a knight w/a sword unbinding her. It wan't a "Great Danes" scene, she was seriously tied up. As far as dirty pics, vision, 2/28, "You don't turn 'em on," (or similar); i.e., high moral standards; but, "He just spills us - kind, it;" or, 'spells us;' vision, possibly Mary. Based on vision & bug codes, my orig. interp of 'spells,' as in spelling out it's always been one church, being taken instead as 'rest;' i e., falling behind blks (P.E. cock). I've been led to refrain from making judgments about others claiming to be Christians & looking @ dirty pics - but, the vision approx. yr. ago, "'Use tare,' age," period where those claiming to be Christians regularly use non-Christian porn stars & dirty soc. media sites; but that amounts to a crutch! & if Slavs/Orthodox church (or anybody else) are advocating that, it may have a dampening effect on being the Mars Hill Peacocks - having to register as handicaps up front before the competition! Moreover, considering use of dirty pics is a crutch, then the argument about blks in this context is actually their death knell - blks are on crutches w/out number w/oppression, conspiracies, & attempts on my life!
I've reported I've been led to report testimonies of rock & Hollywood from the past despite they've currently gone astray - due to lack of courage or deception of the enemy. I reported my Dad encouraged mine & my sister's music when we moved to Lodi, installing quad (4 channels inst. of 2) speakers suspended from ceiling in family room. I reported the Chinese yak meat watch - my Pontiac LeMans, & corresponding KISS song "Detroit, Rock City" song. I had my Pontiac while a jr. in HS & beginning of senior year; a friend of mine told me about new equipment for car stereos - 5 band equalizer w/power booster, & he had a friend who had purchased them from warehouse bulk, & I could get one for $100 - Bowman equalizer. My Dad also had the mat as far as mag wheels, when he came home w/a sm. Japanese p/up w/moon rims, which got the attention of my friends, despite he purchased it purely for utilitarian use. "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey"), one of the astronauts from the 2001 mission to Jupiter, presumed dead, suddenly appears to Dr. Floyd (Roy Scheider), one of the American astronauts on Russian ship orbiting near Jupiter - back from the dead - David Bowman. He warns "You must leave here; you have 2 days," & "Something wonderful is going to happen." I reported in "WILL THE REAL AI PLEASE STAND UP?" report it's evidence of rock & Hollywood aware before most Christians of the occurrence of Jupiter in womb of Virgo for 9 mos. @ end of Sept. 2017 - occurring w/in days of me solving the Asian bow mystery & publicly announcing it, Nov. 2017 - Jupiter role playing Jesus - it's the virgin birth portrayed in the Heavens - & God timed it so that Jack Teacher could coordinate it w/rocket science from China. The warning of Bowman in movie, most likely warning to Americans, w/rock & Hollywood projecting that due to No. Ca. corruption, & warlocks indulging in it possibly nationwide, that a warning would be necessary about bringing justice for Jack Teacher - '''you have to' day,' is;' i.e., I'm entitled to my Day of justice, & if political leaders & church leaders crumble, Americans must rise up against them & make sure I get justice - or present-day America has to leave - "get out" - we forfeit leadership of freedom internationally & whites' crown is lost - @ least in U.S. I reported rock musicians lured Lodi to mock my Dad - "Band On the Run" referring to funeral service & almost no one comes; but it's "Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh/Seeing no one else had come..." but you don't "draw" a sigh, you give a sigh; Western church w/unparalleled plan to save the lost, but they were aware that among contemporary leaders & church members - especially the leaders, there would be jealousy, & that no doubt would limit their ability to orchestrate the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan; & so, conjecturing, they determined to push buttons to instigate them to fill up the measure of their sin - luring them to readily side w/oppressors systematically, regionally, & to some extent, nationally, & bent motives would also effect their ability to perceive the things of God, & the fact is, as far as rock & Hollywood v. contemporary U.S. church leaders, it isn't a draw - rock & Hollywood orchestrated a far more thorough watch - until the last decade or so. As of 2023, as reported, I became aware of rock's & Hollywood's efforts on behalf of my Dad to get his attention & recruit him. I'd been aware for a decade or more of Styx "Angry Young Man" lyrics, "You've got it all in the palm of your hand/But your hand's wet w/sweat..." & fact that my Dad, before marrying my Mom, worked as a welder, & picked up a white hot rod w/out his glove on, & it would've badly burned his hand except it slid out of his grasp due to his hand wet w/sweat; but it wasn't until recently I became aware of him - as far as I can tell - being a fan of rock's, & attending a Randy Stonehill concert due to rock song lyrics, "See me once/& see the way I feel,..." & distributing copies of my "Jesus Christ & the Trustworthiness of the Bible" papers to friends due to song lyrics, "Jesus freaks out in the streets/Handin' tickets out for God..." Jesus was crucified & died on Good Friday, & mocked @ his death on the cross, & rose again on Easter
Sunday. My Dad died on Good Friday, & was mocked @ his death. In retrospect it became evident he had taken to rock music - & AS OF 2023, REPORTS OF MY DAD BEING USED BY ROCK & HOLLYWOOD, AS WELL AS MY PRIOR REPORTS - DAD GUM KILLING A MOCKING BIRD - W/CROSSMAN GUN, ETC. - TANTAMOUNT TO DAVID SHERMAN RISEN FROM THE DEAD - LIKE DAVID BOWMAN IN "2010..." MOVIE. God led me as of 2018, to stay awake after getting up @ 4 AM to juggle so that I wouldn't be reduced to a draw -as far as rock/Hollywood v. churches - although this most likely also applied to my diligence v. them as well. Nevertheless, if they would get back to their posts & punish rebels, they might be able to claim credit for tracking the Lodi/Davis DIVISION rebellion, as opposed to evidence indicating they joined it (MGM double lion roar, & lack of response & instigations of oppression). "The undertaker drew a heavy sigh..." implying mocking of deceased; few people @ my Dad's funeral, & Lodi Funeral Parlor butchered his neck - mocking him & presumably rock, since it was their lyrics.
Soon after my Dad passed away in 2004, David Bowie ceased all live concerts, w/few exceptions, & then passed away in approx. 2013 or so.
David Sherman - BB gun example - God performing unparalleled wonders - those claiming to be Christians, what should our attitude & disposition be????? Violence @ all time LOW, rather than borderline anarchy!!! This is none other than the work of Western church warlocks! Not only does the Dad Gum It church have the testimony of David Bowie (Bowie hunting knives at most are in order), but Gorbachev "We visualize total worldwide nuclear disarmament in the near future!". (I reported the jealous warlocks are half the problem - melting pot "uncooperative minorities" is having a crippling effect. "We take 'em, break" vision, 11 AM 2/14; i e. Native American factor of Latinos - Native Americans answered w/"smile fire" - my Spanish Teacher career big break - meriting
Chuck Yeager Freedom award - smile heard 'round the world. Alaskan A/L logo is Native American head on tails of aircraft - sounds like they are the "tail" - as opposed to being leaders; but in actuality, it's an invitation to direct the course of the melting pot - the tail has the plane's rudder - like a rudder of a ship, which, though small, directs the entire ship - see Jas. 3:4-6. This isn't fantasy (though the fantastic is in view) - Native Americans are known for having headbands w/feathers, & feathered headdresses - who is it w/feathers? Birds! & birds can fly! Native Americans were ready for white man's "fancy" dreams of the future - they're the "how!"
Responses like this w/acts to back it up & they're a shew in as head - Redhouse in Washington (Am Eric the Red). If any Native Americans want to react w/doubt or skeptically as though this is flattery, the feathers custom did happen, & you are an integral part of melting pot; Paul in Bible says, "I did not prove unfaithful to the vision God gave me..." Based on visions I've rec'd, God wants Native Americans to fly; you have the heritage of plumes -
you're gonna fly!
God also reminded me of Martin Sheen, Mex. American actor who stood in gap for me enduring dozens of false arrests for cause of free speech.)
A bowman is an archer - one who shoots arrows w/a bow. King David in the Bible fought battles using swords & bows. A bow is arch-shaped - the Missouri Arch; but rock & Hollywood recognized the jealousy could be lethal & would be combined w/delays tracking blacks & testing Asians; w/this combination as context, it isn't an option to attempt to downplay stalls - in deadly conditions; buttons pushed so that the death threats would be krassly & brazenly public - death row, electric chair, etc.- I reported the church leaders' delays amounting to the sin of Saul - rebellion, on ourchair.html webpage - 'Our Chair Is Our All...,' as in electric chair demise publicly conspired - due to brainwashing that brazen assertions might succeed @ duping everyone. While as far as Bill Bright & Carl Karcher, little evidence of their direct involvement, but their successors, @ least those of Campus Crusade For Christ (CRU) became more & more bent, as reported; but moreover, No. Ca. rebels became the kingpins of the 'Our Chair' consp. - Lodi/Rich MGM consp. & DIVISION conspirators. Show Me Turkey Day Crusaders symbols are the Thanksgiving turkey, Missouri shield, & the St. Louis Arch; but if they were to be archers, that plays right in w/the electric chair conspiracies, & the warlocks have seemingly a built-in death row symbol to use against Jack Teacher - archer - 'our [electric] chair.' But the Jupiter Jesus (2017) display corresponded to China - 3 wise men coming to see Jesus @ his birth; & the outter space aspect of it - rocket science - which I reported - 2017- the origin of the Asian bow tradition - 'bow' - gesture in acceptance of honor; but lack of response by Chinese is tracked by Chinese hiding of yak meat, rather than marketing it to U.S.A. for substantial profit - Pontiac LeMans - 'the point, yak!' - talk, praise God, publish the news far & wide about the great deeds of the Almighty on behalf of Asians! - the watch God gave me to hold Asians accountable if they didn't respond w/my whole life wasted & delayed to proclaim the Jack Teacher plan to them; but corrupt church leaders, & Asians letting you down, THE DEFAULT IS 'OUR CHAIR' - DEATH ROW - 'Jack Teacher failed to win the Chinese!' - & electric chair conspiracy efforts are redoubled. But, in addition to being a gesture of acceptance of honor, a 'bow' is arch-shaped weapon - ''bow' man' - manning the bow of Asians that fizzles when they don't respond to our feats to greatly honor them. The Day of justice - for Jack Teacher & for the melting pot education democratic nation is mandatory - YOU HAVE TO STAND UP FOR JUSTICE ON BEHALF OF ME, ROCK & HOLLYWOOD, & THE NATION ITSELF!
Praying about this report this morning (2/12), & vision, "You're going to carry w/them," indicating response for justice from rock & Hollywood; i.e., voice carrys when you have the weight of those who have clout & zeal; triple entendre - my Dad's direction - (1)reject & defeat mockers, (2)liberty, justice, freedom of religion for rich & poor, famous & ordinary, (3)hold your post as rule of law nation. Missouri Arch - Great Grandma Petefish - from Missouri; her first name - Carrie.
Will Ya Hurry!? - Your voices carry - rushin' for the gospel! "United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
daughter, Frances Petefish, married Arch Utt, whose father was lawman from Dodge City Kansas - the Utts. As opposed to 'carry w/them' as in the movie "Carrie" & teen viciously mocked @ her prom dance, rock & Hollywood provided the alternative - Carrie Petefish - Carrie Fisher - actress playing Princess Lea from "Star Wars" - w/built-in dsimantelings of conspirators' curse attempts - (1)Chinese name 'Lee' - 'Lee-uh' - dealing w/long range watch as far as Chinese - unparalleled feats of righteousness that demolish demonic 'lay' innuendos; (2)Carrie Fisher, daughter of Doris Day; rebels mocking, denying my teacher career & forcing me to knock on doors for weeding jobs, & then if I attempt to report any trackings, especially concerning rock & Hollywood, ramped up mocking from Trump implying prison because I must be a salesman if I argue they might have a watch - 2/12, Jan, Antioch Dr., 1:11 PM, "We won't lay 'em, Don," after I had made phone call to Feds w/info in this report; & Ray, "It would probably be something else; we're gonna nar him fast," (kick in the "nards" - indicating possibly hostage captivity), 1:13. I.e, 'door is, day' code of Trump & DIVISION rebels that if I attempt to utilize any evidence from stars, 'I only have myself to blame if I'm knocking on doors - because I somehow can't seem to avoid sales...' but the concept of justice utilizes testimonies from rich & poor, famous & ordinary - CAREER MOTIVES HAVING NOTHING DO TO W/IT - THE MONSTERS ARE JEALOUS BEYONG COMPARE! Meanwhile, Doris Day - ''[a]dore is,' day;' indicating rock & Hollywood adore God & care enough about Western church & U.S.A. to track derelict & wicked church & political leaders. "2010: The Year We Make Contact,"
"Look behind you," Bowman; the Western church freed the slaves globally; we founded the education freedom & justice nation, we orchestrated a blessing for Asia behond compare; the Western church is far more than the current corrupt leaders; the good deeds, unparalleled feats, & prayers of millions is our rear guard, Is. 58:8. Also, put away foolish things, the Bible says - '70's style camera lense in video clip, & old version of Bowman leaning, as though a code that he's bent or evil - most likely distractions to see if you're serious.
Asexual means non-sexual; 'atrophy' - non-trophy - rebels obviously have no intention of recognizing the Naval Jack "DON'T TREAD ON ME" 245 year expectation of a teacher providing the apostrophe for 'DON'T.' I reported the electric chair cap-shaped light magically lowering in bkgrd, but there's also multiple raincoats in closet, & calender on wall that looks more like eye exam chart - but not @ doctor's, where it's usually a scope, but a mounted chart, like DMV; Davis DMV, I reported Ca. gov't is padding it w/blk emplys. Exiting the res., the entire front wall slides to one side - indicating unlimited use of expensive lg.-scale props to dupe me. Winkler, "colors that are... washed out..." i.e., consp. it isn't a wash (which it isn't); blks get their rebellion - they get to enslave & finish me off! I'm trapped outside as landscaper @ best, & it never ends - until that electric chair cap is "utilized." The ad ends w/camera in back seat of car, & Winkler driving - vision indicated flying in plane rather than the police car code; but left stranded tends to dissociate the plane w/the ad, making Hollywood DIVISION two roar rebels.
Pipe up on my behalf & demand justice for me - a servant of God being used to display biblical style miracles; satan is displaying wonders based on so many worldwide w/such pathetic faith that they can't comprehend the blessings they'd receive from piping up on my behalf - irregardless of the temporary suffering I'm enduring! Mideasterners refusing to accept a higher seat of blessings & peace & rebuke against Israel in Gaza region, by simply shouting daily repeatedly, "Jesus Christ! Ram of God, Who takes away the sins of the world! Look upon us w/favor- your babysitters in Egypt!!!!!" Last wk., after I removed the report about Spain, I was praying about placing it back up (endorsing Catholic church, essentially) & 12/17, approx. 12 PM, God said, "I want you to box," i.e, don't endorse Catholics.
Jupiter Jesus -Accurate Rendition
"I'm Jupiter Jesus - ya buy that?"
2/13, media promo of wh brunette model (forgot to get her name) w/small disco glass dance ball next to her crotch; this is conjecture, but seems to indicate the Brooklyn/NYInfo Rae Me morality "dance" holds its own or better boxing against the 70's/80's disco dance stars. In other words, no cheap imitation Jupiter Jesus's - education goals as opposed to flashing lights & smoke & mirrors! Provide justice so that the "Detroit Rock City" teen doesn't die from facade of drinking & driving while in actuality tracking corrupt church leaders & derelict Asians! This is more than conjecture - dance floor referred to as the "killing floor," expression similar to going for the gusto, exc. it was projected singing/dancing would become a distraction, luring me from teacher career; Led Zep lyrics,
"Lemon Song," "Gonna leave my children down on this killing floor!" A confession they fail to stick w/. Logical conclusion, when you don't buy giving up your teacher career, you're eliminated irregardless - "He can't know why we're killing him," 2/14 (happy Valentine's Day), 5:07 PM, code from Russell or hwy. 113; I was @ Al's. The code is actually referring to the Western ('hymn') church, but the m.o. is finish off Jack Teacher, & hymn church is defeated, & more failures provides cover for the DIVISION rebels.
1/21, blk 49'ers player, "...nobody panicked...we collected,..." ch 3, 7:48 AM - but a victory, crowds should be going wild - & where does "panic" come in?! - Confession of blks, THEY BILLED US - & collected their bill -the shooting sprees, deaths from crowd tramplings, disasters.
I reported vision, "I want you to arrest tower," most likely referring to Catholic leaders & Italians & a line they've drawn that they can display a leaning tower, & refuse to repent of unbiblical practices that are causing
stumbling. 'Domi[nating
pope] knows' fallacy - WS Dominos involved in shooting spree on K St. in Sac. They're also currying favor w/US gov't w/salami & other meat products in packaging void of any statement that it's fully
cooked. I. e. blatant public statements that Catholics can defile children while everyone watches their backs!
Approx. 2017, God spoke to me that regional Latinos have been terrorizing me, & they are going to be brought to account for it. As of 2018, Golden 1 ATM screens, pic. of Mex. male seated as though in a cockpit - coded implication for locals that Mexs. are "flying" or have some sort of control over my income or bank accounts. The pic. of blk male holding shopping bag up in front of him on the G1 ATM screen recently, as reported, code pertaining to blk male shooting victim from 8 years ago or so who held bag up in front of him as though it would stop a bullit - but it was coded claim blacks have in fact betrayed me, but @ least they are "allowing" me to shop @ discount stores; soon after that, blk male asst. mgr @ Grocery Outlet kidnapped me utilizing rebel Davis police. Follow-up to this recent ATM wallpaper w/blk male (@ Davis Farmer's Mkt - where I've been banned for 9 years), blk male mgr. @ Gram Health Ins. orchestrated 2 fraudulent debits from my bank acct. after speaking to them on phone about getting insurance w/them @ a future date, 2 wks subsequent. G1 prevented the $485 fraudulent debit, but they tried again later that afternoon, & G1 allowed that one, for $339. The amnt. I discussed w/them on phone was $327. I called G1 & they advised me to file complaint due to fraud, & I'd get the $339 back, which I did - temporarily - they then said they would tentatively credit my acct. w/the amount, then conduct investigation but most likely I could keep it. I informed them I w/held the 2/15 authorization discusssed on 1/29 w/Samantha & blk male mgr of Health Gram, & based on them trying to debit the money 2 wks early, plus it was $22 more than agreed, plus the additional $485 they attempted to rob from me, the deal was off & I wouldn't be doing business w/them. THEIR ACTS ARE FRAUD IS THERE EVER WAS FRAUD! Approx. 2/20, gov't bug code, "I just break my arm!" & 4 calls to 202 USDOJ # hung up on repeatedly w/in seconds of that code. I.e., gov't bug code claiming I could injure myself, & so they rob my account of $339. That robs me of (1)my right to protest forced health insurance w/ramifications of a possible fine - especially in conditions where I have no choice but to pay $100+/day for place to stay, w/out any equity or leasehold interest to show for it, (2) ability to budget for the expense - so that I'm not suddenly short enough to stay in motel room. But as of 2/22, 6 PM, my ckg. acct. suddenly missing almost $400 -
according to phone automated system, $339.90 gone from account!
I arrived @ bus stop @ 5th & G, & fat blk fem, wh swtr, tan pnts, creating display of profile & holding up phone, "Wicked!" until I got out my phone to take pic, then she instantly dropped the profile pose (code for arrest/kidnap), & faced away from me, 6:13 PM - proof blks orchestrated
& hobbling w/my suitcase this AM (2/23) to get to a job, extra weight because of lgr. textbooks, & suitcase wheel falls off & bites the dust, leaving me stranded DRAGGING A 70 LB. BAG AROUND ALL DAY! I GUARANTEE CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE WON'T BE GOING TO AN ORDINARY HELL. 2/23, 8:02 AM, while making this report (& on way to landscape job) I called G1 & spoke to...Samantha - same name as agent of Gram Health - & she said as of 2/12 G1 had determined no error had occurred! - They had to take Gram Health's (material that arrived in mail - Strategic United Partners is name of co.) word over mine to make that determination - & this was the co. that, as G1 acknowledged, fraudulently attempted to rob me of $485 on same day as the $339!
Late eve. 2/20, early AM 2/21, I was led to minimize looking @ pics of models & instead pray. 3 AM or so, dream about former friends from Lodi & Galt, Jeff O'Mara - 'ohm era' code; the other one, Dan Padilla, became gay & ended up committing suicide. The mssg. possibly pertaining to the 7 year delays of Slavs/Orthodox church. 'Ohm' - term associated w/electricity, & m.o. of death row conspirators is that makes it fair game for a code threatening me w/electric chair. In fact, kill shot against lewd rebels - years after I was no longer associating w/O'Mara, he was charged w/ (& convicted, as far as I know) statutory rape. So it's the DEATH ROW CONSPIRATORS ATTEMPTING TO PROJECT THEIR LEWD HABITS ONTO ME!
But the fact that I was praying as opposed to looking @ models seemed to be a factor in that dream about Lodi. "Ticket to wit," 2/20, approx. 8 PM, vision; I was studying Calculus from a new (used) Calc. book, "My Max Score" a test prep book - inside the front cover, first pg. "Tick...tick..." in lg. font; but that's code for a conspiracy to swallow me up - oppression denying you your career, slowing your life to a crawl, denying you relationships & justice - the motives are to essentially cause you to rot, whether in jail or not; the clock ticking, & you're not able to accomplish & use your abilities, when use of your talents & abilities ensures your well-being, but denied them, & your life conceivably erodes. But this "erosion" - coded "ticking" - the monsters - & remember I called them monsters - then claim they can use as excuse to oppress you further! The effects of the oppression they claim give them permission to oppress you!!!! 2/21, ch 13, "or tick won..." & other 'tick' codes. But moreover, it's being used to bolster the Lodi rebels - 'tick, it, to Whit;' on the one hand, this vision is affirming my sports vehemence; 2011, sign-waving in Vacaville, 35 hrs/wk, I was often dancing non-stop 4 hrs/day, just to increase my stamina; & I was becoming an all-around athlete coach, similar to a coach from Lodi HS, Whittaker - nickname Whit; also, "to wit" is legal lingo from charging documents meaning "to elaborate;" vision possibly, 'tick [is] it - to Whit;' in other words, demonstrating Lodi & region w/stranglehold over me, yet, as far back as 2012, @ sign-waving job, as I reported, it occurred to me I'm a sports adict, & w/in days of that, the job ends @ that location; i.e., it occurred to Obama as well - I'm being too creating @ a sign-waving job - meriting a P.E. teacher, & so it was brought to an end - because conspirators' goal was 'tick [is] it,' along w/more "to wit" legal actions & disappearances. The author of "My Max Score" is Carolyn Wheater - Carolyn is name of fem. w/boy that we didn't want to wake up when I was visiting her, & Rich Mahoney then creates conspiracy - "little boy's room;" 'wheat 'er;' consp. to create fadcade she's "wheat" or Christian - while conspiring; cover of "My Max Score" - male HS student, serious look on his face, & HS fem, smiling, but red & wh shrt - Lodi HS colors - actually creating a scene on cover as though suspicion about how fellow fem. students are going to be treated. Sourcebooks is publisher - sourcery - witchcraft - warlocks. The vision ("Ticket to wit") can also be wake up call to rock/Hollywood - I don't have my "ticket" to justice/success, then the 'T' is I qualify as P.E. teacher who also has a lot of wit. Nevertheless, according to codes on TV, etc. The 'little boy's room' code was facade I wasn't sexually aggressive enough - the fem. I visited, nothing happened that night; but I rec'd Jesus as Savior w/in one mo. of that or so - i.e., God was working in my heart, I'd placed a picture of Christ praying on my livingroom wall, etc. Currently, my abstinence from nude pics is claim Lodi's facades can rear their ugly heads again - claiming I can't do that - OR IF I DO, THEN IT'S MORE 'TICK' OPPRESSION CAUSING ME TO ERODE. Combined w/this, Capernick trip wire consp. code solved - the 2 blk NFL players who collapsed on the field during Superbowl for no reason, it was coded claim they tripped over a tripwire; CONSPIRACY BY DEFINITION - FAKING FALLING DOWN DURING THE SUPERBOWL - SO FAKE IT'S UNMISTAKEABLE!!!! PLUS, YOU CAN'T INJURE YOURSELF FROM FALLING ON THE TERF LIKE THAT! Moreover, claim it's a sign that they fell, but I was watching Seinfeld after that because of their codes, & while evangelizing on sidewalk on F St. approx. 15 years ago, a lg. metal post street sign fell over all on it's own -
their "signs" are orchestrated to put me in the streets. Moreover, Seinfeld's a Jew. While actors & singers possibly
positioned to redeem America, including Jewish ones - if they repent - Jews were behind the slaughters in Siberia, & vicious pursuit of Palestinians. Nevertheless, the code is 'trip' - I haven't been taking enough trips for interviews - BUT I HAVEN'T BEEN INVITED FOR ANY INTERVIEW!!! & WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY USING CONSPIRACY CODES IN BAY AREA, & DENIAL OF TEACHER JOB FOR 20 YEARS, THEY ARE DOOMED, & SO IN GENERAL I'M HOLDING OUT EXCEPT ACTUAL SCHEDULED INTERVIEWS - & IT'S EXPOSED NEVERTHELESS. CD "Toys In the Attic" Aerosmith, the rebels are toying w/me w/"tick" consp. oppression - another instance of rock instigating it, absent bringing nukes!
"You See Me Crying" song, "Honey, what's you done to your head?/Honey, what's the woids I said," echoing Brooklyn/NYINFO watch (New Joysey); but the watch is wasted if it's reduced to toying w/me.
Sexy Iron Rod Bunnies invited to head higher morals for women, if they halt the stalls. I'll lose the hair trimmer if becessary - I'm boycotting it right now for long hair revival (chevron butt Bunnies!)
"Insane" v. "Maniac"? Possibly it's claim of Orthodox church tracking Mideast "It" trackers; but that's making me into a pawn to get @ them - more delays, which is what they were confronting Russians about in the first place!
Moreover, finding fault w/local Mideasterners
falls short of that! The stalls are part of the 'ohm era' - Lodi/Rich MGM conspiracy.
But as far as looking @ dirty pics determining your sexuality, God gave me promises of sex in my marriage that was beyond all expectations,
& I'm still @ a miss as far as how it could be that good - a particular activity, & "It's going to be MUCH MORE than that!" but he gave me those promises because I was being faithful to him; if God tells you he's going to reward you astronomically for being good & having high standards, you don't start deliberately lowering your standards!
False arrests as of 1997, '98, confirmed by courts @ the time, but Davis Enterprise chose to cover it up, & regional newspapers followed suit. Davis rebels as of 1916 (Double Arch on G St.) knew they were going to rebel, & so anomalies were welcomed, including Enterprise editor Debbie Davis hiring columnist Derek Bang. Door knocking this AM (2/20) I came to Bang's door on Cowell; his name literally spells out the consequences of media covering up serious crimes - they dare wreck the nation w/rebellion,
resulting in "Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang....!" shooting sprees nationwide. Also, it occurred to me the Smokey the Bear ads recently changed their decades old slogun from "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires," to "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires;" this was only 3-4 years ago - occurred after I placed on my war.html webpage warnings to invade Davis & burn it to the ground, claiming it's inevitable, because "You can only prevent forest fires" (you can't prevent city fires!) BUT BECAUSE THEY CHOSE TO TAUNT ME & CONTINUE EMPOWERING THE REBELLION, - GUESS WHAT - THAT'S WHEN THE CITIES IN NO. CA. STARTED BURNING TO THE GROUND - INCLUDING PARADISE CA.! THAT HAD NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE! IT'S NOT THAT GOD HAS JUDGED BETWEEN ME & MY ENEMIES, IT'S GOD HAS JUDGED BETWEEN ME & THEM TIMES W/OUT NUMBER, & IN POWERFUL WAYS!
2/21, vision, "I want you to do better;" possibly an encouragement for Eastern Bunny. Most likely rock &
Hollywood acting up because it was part of God's plan for marriage unifying Eastern church & Western church - but Mary & Eastern church have to resist the antics of rock & Hollywood; alternately, or part & parcel, the Orthdox "old ones" are essentially the same as the Western church "old ones," but Mary is from the Orthodox young crowd, & must see past them & the stalls of rock -
which one way or another handed her an honorable role. If I cited a Star Trek episode, though, about survival, especially Americans should avoid paying too much attention to that episode, which could send the wrong mssg. about piping up.
Not even so much as phone call - far from being a doctor for the East, Jack Teacher is possibly regarded as a quack. Evidence of conspiracy of Eastern church the same as Western church ("old ones") - subtle baiting so that I lower my standards - 'how about a seductive young lady?' God enables me to help them to better position themselves - & it is history. 2/2, vision, "I have towing them." Where does the decoy come in? For all appearance' sake, it looks more like an attempt to man rock's prospective husband - foolishly promoting those who've blessed deadly conditions for me - but I was taking it seriously when Taylor Swift continued to stall - I was warning & disapproving, & as of 1/1/2021, I ended any promotion; as of early 2020, vision from God as far as leaving someone vulnerable, surrounded by rebels, "It just isn't done." 'Of course, but...will Jack Teacher let them "just isn't done" again as cover for rock musician bride - leaving me trapped further in Yolo county (auxiliary county seat of Dunnigan)?' Models or anyone else realistically fancying intervening, you need to @ least be a normal person. Normal people don't use codes, & any normal person in all of history would get excited & overwhelmed & jumping up & down w/news stories unparalleled since the gospels - & exert some "pressure" on the media & sundry leaders - or are these models & others decrepit old maids, blind & senile, overtaken by Parkinson's disease? "Oh, Jack Teacher, you son of a [beeeep!]" Oops, don't cuss!
But, I'm not kidding about this. Ordinary models or anyone else would have some authority if they spoke up; but years & years of brainwashing reduces it to pretend signals of affirmation - "watch" reduced to viewing a movie, where the viewer is helpless to intervene; my stocking caps disapearing recently - a decade ago code referring to them as watch caps, signalling if you're "cold," guise of unable to help - as though it's a movie, then you have your "watch." Refusing to reject the rebels' watch definition is forfeiting a timeless historical honor. Evidently they really like kissing the rebels' butts. It's a wake up call - when greatness is thrust upon you, it isn't an option.
It's Slavs who have tradition of round, tight-fitting hats w/furry exterior - signalling they are "heading" "fur" - hypothetical wife w/mink coat, etc. - the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. to prevent any rags to riches story concerning Jack Teacher - projected to be a witness on behalf of singers - & subsequently revealed, witness concerning Asians, Slavs, Mideast, & others; evidently there was widespread but unspoken anticipation that an important role would involve seductive temptations as far as money, etc. - how does Jack Teacher respond to the allure of riches, beauty, etc.? Mideast seemed to anticipate it as well - fancy quisine dinner napkins become the patterns of their keffiyehs (head scarves) - heading the fancy meal obsession scenario. But as far as Eastern church & Mideast, Jack Teacher passed any & all tests decades ago, including shunning any & all goals of stardom as opposed to teacher goals, & it isn't becoming of anyone positioned to lead to stoop to that level - mostly because it amounts to conspiring - the antithesis of leading.
God has reminded me of this before, blacks betraying us is a factor as far as delays in providing me justice - I've been led to refuse to advocate it, but it indicates those delaying aren't doing it to curse me, but in attempt to finish off those who are cursing me, including blacks. Historical expression of blacks, "I'm gonna ax you [a question...]" - 'ax' instead of 'ask' - blacks informing us if we expect them to be a part of the melting pot, instead, they're going to "can" us & rebel in one form or another - thumbs down to the melting pot. But they were asleep & unaware of their own history in Africa - slavery of blacks by blacks was prevalent; Atlas feat of freeing slaves in America resulted in freedom retroactively in Africa as well - we freed all of them everywhere, &, only 4% of blacks slaves were in U.S. as well, & yet according to them momentary slavery of South is deemed unpardonable, is their unspoken "creed" - & no way to make it up. Along w/this vision, I believe God showed me that he is using the Sexy Mod Bunnies to lead youth in America - on my behalf. So as of this point, I'm expressing my objections - justice for victim shouldn't be contingent on tracking an entire race - THERE IS VALUE TO THOROUGH TRACKING - MAXIMUM PURGE FACTOR; to an extent it is on my behalf, & so I'm refraining from utterly condemning the delays.
Vision approx. 6 AM, Greta Thunberg, free speech advocate from Sweden, cheering me on, 2/5.
Blacks orchestrated it & were involved in every instance - but it was subtle behind the scenes involvement.
2/14, Apple Ln., approx. 7:30 PM, wh male to fem., "He's gonna know, we're the Kiev," Kiev sounds like 'give,' i.e., davis needy conspirators attempting to brand me as charity case; they never made it to square one w/that consp., but the attempts persisted until recently - & as reported, w/Newsom & state of Ca. coconspirators, along w/Biden & Caltrans, region deceptively propped up w/ multibillion $ freeway projects under guise I'm not yelling (railing) enough, regional & national monsters giving them every chance, evidently for years to come, to break me, cause me to crack & commit suicide, etc.
Eucharist - Lord's Supper tradition of bread & wine, symbolizing body & blood of Jesus; from Gk. 'eucharista,' thanksgiving - Jesus gave his life for us. But the term is being used as code - 'U 'car' [ar]rest' - taboos about cruising w/hot rods - labels of partying, & lewd codes. Kiev is capital of Ukraine, & news media & political figures have been mispronouncing Ukraine; inst. of accent on second syllable, it's on the first - same as eucharist; but rules of English w/2 syllable words (Ukraine) v. 3 syllable words (eucharist) - they are committing grammatical errors (what else is new?) to produce a code - Ukraine inextricably linked to Christianity & Lord's Supper; i.e., the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, the 'Davis needy' conspiracy was attempt to brainwash me that I couldn't make it w/out rebel Christians giving me (charity), & therefore I'm forced to admit I needed them & that supposedly means God has judged between me & them. But this code also occurred approx. 1 blk away from former customer Anna's res., young divorcee' well endowed & constantly sending signals of spa & body oil, & "You have heave me," etc. (alternate 'Kiev' code). Battle lines - who has 'give'? 2018 or 2019, my display on website, "The greatest people who ever lived," use of 'live' was pivotal (as opposed to 'exist') - their sacrifice lives forever in Heaven. Vision of rock musicians, "I'm going to church, 'ive'" (pronounced like 'give'), soon after the display, indicating I gave them honor due them; but that only instigated the warlock rebels & blacks to redouble their efforts to finish me off. In fact, it was possibly a double entendre - 'I'm going ''T'-oooo' church, [victim relegated to staying under an] eave,' & it wasn't until 2020 that my income was consistent enough to stay in motels. I.e., rock & Hollywood tolling Slavs & their lack of response - 'That makes both East & West that betrayed you.' The former interp. tended to be the focus, but it was possibly to negate it or lessen it - God repeatedly giving me visions of ''Live,' it' - alternately, 'Live it,' as in, if their motives were sacrificing for Christ in Siberia, then why aren't they living the Christian walk now, intervening for me? Nevertheless, the 'car' code is pivotal - combined w/Drake Dr. 'U' conspiracy - motives of lewd rumor oppression & 'U' consp.: Denying & covering up Eastern church's feats for Christ in Siberia - battle lines drawn, Western church warlocks projected Jack Teacher would testify on their behalf; conspiracy conjuring up rumors about my past - cruising, etc., to erode my image & prevent me from being a witness on behalf of Slavs against Jews & their last vestiges of a foothold - Ukraine.
Approx. 2/12, story on (Russian news) of American male arrested, tried, & convicted for abusing a child in U.S.; i.e, they overrode custom, but it was most likely a code - either that American citizens have betrayed me, or Russians smearing my reputation.
See davisneedy2.html, CONSPIRACY OF BLACKS/UCD TO KIDNAP ME..., [EXCERPT:] 10/9/2020 vision of 'Iran meet,' sending people to hell; verbage from recent statement from Iran using "it," & involving fem from Russia being detained in Iran; possibly they were referring to one of my reports, possibly quoting Is. 35, where "it" was referring to Zion (recently I've tried to locate the report), & Is. 35, "it" refers to the Highway to Heaven (which is Jesus, symbolically); i.e., Russians failing to intervene for me, & in fact were involved in sabotaging my life - & the 'it' codes that were being used against me ultimately are Zion (the church - identifying me as church) &/or Christ - Christ is in me - they'd better listen to my warnings.[END EXCERPT]. Tactics of rebels to cause me to blow up a building sky high (& they become the innocent Dorothys) included labeling me an "it" - a beast or creature - God turned that label on its ear!
JACK TEACHER IS HISTORICAL ROLE... report (removed from webpage), [EXCERPT:]
Approx. 11/22 [2020] vision or bug code, possibly Taylor, "I'm going to church, 'iv,'...I have restive;" ('iv' as in live, give); 'restive' means stubborn; code indicates rock & rollers aren't going to be stubborn - they are going to church. Vision about Russian leaders affected by my report - "'The greatest people who ever...lived'" - 'iv[e]' code. [END EXCERPT] This most likely was response to the Iran watch - Iran arresting a Russian as testimony they were swindling me - robbing me of justice - that was 2020; & rock stars/Hollywood were acting as witness - but apart from vague comments that I might or might not pick up on, after that it's disregarded, & no one shows up. Nevertheless, Russians/Orthodox church evidently using Mary as decoy, asserting they'd already been tolled, & by opening the door for them via Mary, I'm partaking in their sins. But God spoke to me 2/16, "I have 'given you,'" i.e., don't let them draw me into a facade of acknowledging we'd fallen short as far as their sufferings in the past, in context where I'd already done that, & they couldn't so much as make a public demand on my behalf. God was encouraging me that he had spoken to me, & the offers toward Mary & Russia were bonafide. But now they're trying to use it against me, & turn my Iran witnesses on their ear. The heart-wrenching cry from Heart "Alone," but lyrics, "How do I get you alone...ALONE...ALONE...!?" - facade that the privilege of exposing a huge cover-up is wasted on a two-faced glory-seeker like Jack Teacher, who would take it & run w/it, trying to be the center of attention (def. of a megalomaniac) - so Slavs should bait me; & that's what this set-up arrest scenario is all about. "I want you too, even," vision, 2/17, 5:10 PM (or, referring to both, "I want you 2, even"). But in actuality, it's the Slavs who are two-faced & are failing to RAM THE GOSPEL ENOUGH - LIKE THE 'IT' CHURCH DOES! The Mideast Mecca-Church Maniacs strike again! This goes for Mary Nabokova as well, w/qualification of her wedding clothes endorsement of U.S.A., & the "ringleader" mssg. (presumably Putin); she also came up w/"I ran contrary" testimony endorsing me as teacher - nabbing the school uniforms plaid skirt "cover" cover (facade allowing indecent standards to be propogated in media, & deception that kids' restive attitudes toward delinquency can't be controlled & is to blame). Can she prevail over the Russian ring leaders & qualify as a Mecca-Church maniac member?
2/13, 5 AM, vision of Mom & Laura, "We're SO proud of you!" I'm looking for a lady w/even a mustard seed of courage to reject the codes & the hiss tactics in context of GOD ALREADY LEADING CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDE IN A PARADE OF VICTORIES OVER OUR ENEMIES! This makes 2 women who have caved in to peer pressure - no Gestapo soldiers marching around ready to bayonette anyone who speaks up on my behalf, simply that some members of the public might sneer @ them - willing to let their prospective husband die!!!! HELLO? BREAK THE WARLOCKS' & WITCHES' CURSE! DON'T JOIN THEM! & Laura showed up in both instances (space of a second baby snatcher w/the other one). this mssg. isn't from me -
vision from God: Slavs should avoid getting sucked into patterns set by rock. 2/11, "I'm gonna have them, a round," Mary or fem bug code, 9:35, referring to rock stars possibly - as in track them or, following their patterns. 7:28 PM, 2/17, "Maybe intricate, my back," & me helping her zip up back of her dress; this was similar to porn video from 4 mos. ago - buxom fem. in wh. or lt. outfit, w/male, the next scene he's zipping up her blk dress, & then they get undressed (switched outfits w/out explanation before the porn acts); vision implying Mary already fallen short. Unclear. A link to a porn video w/Glennview milk plant in BW kitchen indicates antics as opposed to justice. I accidentally looked @ porn once in last 3 mos. 7:20 PM 2/17, "I'm gonna start to key," vision, Mary, most likely; the 'curb' attack (strangle attack) @ F & 4th, 2021, corresponding to report on internet of "Before He Cheats," country song I naively quoted due to urgency theme "right now!" - justice right now; but Carrie Underwood in video looked a lot like Taylor Swift, whom I'd boycotted 7 mos. before, & song also contained lyrics & supposed playful "rendition" of keying guyfriend's car. I removed report w/in one day, but the strangle attack, as I reported, seemed to be connected to innuendos I might cheat on Swift, & also a "keying" theme. 7 PM approx., vision, "You're not gonna marry;" (limited to referring to me w/ her, or warning to her of future chill effect? - reject rock's patterns that crossed the line) these visions (7-8 PM), context seemed to have to do w/Mary & oral sex, & it was a parallel of vision in 2020 of Swift "going down" on me ('under' is another term for it - but according to codes, ''unned' [is] her 'would'' - negating me is where they're lewd @ min.), but in retrospect, it was more like a farewell "gesture" - this occurred @ Gene's on Del Oro, w/tree in front yard w/pesky branch @ base of tree that Gene repeatedly said he wanted to keep. In actuality, it wasn't clear it was a branch; it was a mass of stems etc., & branch in midst only visible in fall. Although his kids are now adults, he keeps a trike in front yard, & he's one blk from a park w/art display of dog on trike.
(I was the one who had the vision of the wedding ring w/dual fluid exchange (top & bottom of ring) simultaneous - in other words the ring itself is a better illustration than 69 - ring - lead her.)
'Dick' as in detective - I reported end of 2019, 9/17, mex. male @ M6, & "dick inn" code, & 9/19, after looking @ video "Best Day of My Life" consisting of baby pics of Swift, & subtle detection of too many stalls of rock - despite the implied & occasionally explicit endorsements of me w/kids, evidence they were involved in illegal eavesdropping. Part of it was explicit visions - multiple - of me & Swift married, kids, etc., & visions of them arriving to get me; visions that are from God tell the parties what he has planned for them or what he expects of them or what should be occurring or what should've occurred; after almost 2 years of explicit visions unequivocally demonstrating God expected them to intervene @ once, & instead of that, I'm almost killed (Columbia Ct., 2/2020 - approx. 3 1/2 mos. after the baby pics), & visions from God indicating they aren't reponding the way they should, it becomes evident you're gonna be doing some "dicking" one way or another; approx. 2 hrs. after looking @ those baby pics, I was studying Math, & it occurred to me, due to those videos there would be illegal eavesdropping, & be a dick - investigate; & instantly, codes claiming I'd fallen short, & then a fire alarm @ motel (see "I'VE GIVEN YOU HINTON..." davisneedy3.html), that was followed by vision of gov't agent from Russia chuckling - looked like Bud Lauters; I've essentially endorsed Bud, but context of the codes, the chuckling seemed to be whoever's getting "a lot [of sex]" is across the street from me (Lauters were across the street from us on Fedora). This implied the bug codes acting on behalf of rock, & marriage anytime soon was being cut off. Soon after that, new CD from McCartney, & listening to a song from it while juggling, "We're gonna hit you where you live," code from smartphone media player - sounded like McCartney. & then approx. 5/2021, police called by mex. asst. mgr, @ Motel 6 & I'm banned from there, & then 7/26/2021 strangle attack soon after that. Illegal eavesdropping occurring for decades, including watching your every move, w/scanners watching your private parts; you report it & no one stops them & it continues (THOSE ORCHESTRATING IT ARE MURDERED FOR THAT ALONE); in that context (monsters), how long after you've looked @ baby pics do you have to wait before you can look @ or think about sexy models? 2/18, working on reports, reporting lewd codes involving children, & afterward, the same scenario - because of the volatility of it, God is using me as a dick as far as their phony "dicking" but only rarely - & those committing serious crimes under guise of being dicks are going to be personally nuked; this occurred to me a few min. after report about children, 10:25 AM, & I-80 code, "We get to make them bolder," i.e., code for claim of more stall tactics - same as 2020 @ Motel 6 - guise I didn't pass their "dick" test - but that's where I dicked them - & it was same as M6 2019! But excuses were orchestrated, & then approx. a year later, everything fell apart w/Swift. & the bonus proof (among other proofs) is God's using me to expose the eroding moral standards internationally, also prayed for by Brooklyn Rae Me's & some of the movie stars, among others, & tracking scandals involving school children, such as plaid skirts "prepping" them for lower standards. A repeat of 2020 is the best Slavs can do??? 'Cause if so, they're already dicked.
Vision, 2/17, 10:01 PM, 2 halves of Persian pita egg sandwich, & 'oop! tema;' tema - theme in Span., the 2 halves - Aggies sex hamming I-80 billboard of Beach Hut cafe, S. Davis; Russians pressuring me to settle for lower moral standards - same as Swift & visions of her w/Unitrans (UCD bus line), but the Mideast RAM & REASON EDUCATORS tracked them. Vision of Swift (in Gene's bkyd) "You don't need that branch;" @ the time, I didn't equate it w/any branch in front yard, but indication is they (Davis rebels & rock) were instigating me to defy Gene & trim it - & UCC was involved - this was also where vision of Cunningham, member of UCC, buried in Gene's bkyd, hoping for a "resurrection." The implication is UCC is already dead & gone, & was a "low" branch of church, & they were luring me to "prove" I'd successfully taken them by cutting off that branch; &, trike in front yard - my reckless defiance of Gene means I have my "low" & am compatible w/kids. But on contrary, I'm under no obligation to submit to tests of terrorists - their terrorism perpetually negating me & my rights indicates it's their 'would' (lewd acts), self-control on my part exposed them @ deeper level. & Swift's participation in these deceptive tests was "carrying" their claims that I'd allow a prospective wife to indulge in "cunning" tests, & that effectively gives UCC "new life" - because someone's giving their oppression the time of day!
& a year later after this Swift "low" vision, the strangle attack. Leading for marriage ring - you asked for it; choose to follow my lead as opposed to rebels babbling & conspiring in public, & avoid indulging in the hiss oppression, & there might be a ring for you w/someone; don't let rock & your leaders harden you so that you become a ruthless gov't "double agent" - in the public eye, context of unparalleled displays of God's love & power, it's the dead wrong answer, & you're ruined. Extricate yourself - box w/Our Lady deeds!
Slavs allowing themselves to be drawn into rock patterns that instigated & were involved in hits; it's essentially Heaven or hell for Mary & others - make efforts on my behalf, & have a bright future, or, "fall in" & spiral downward w/rock musicians, whom God is going to be holding accountable - some more than others. For ex., Taylor Swift on par w/Lodi rebel "undertakers" w/her def. of keying someone's car (attacked & almost killed - allowed it to happen @ min.) because he might cheat, & also giving their phony "lewd" tests the time of day, & it's under guise of sensationalizing it - dropping names such as Carrie Petefish & Dad Gum; but, vision, 2/17, "You'll have his take," referring to my Dad figuratively rising again to warn everyone, as illustrated in "2010: The Year We Make Contact."
Vision, 2021, that Taylor Swift she won't be used by God as a leader of anyone if she doesn't repent, in context of God using me to display his blinding light love, & constructively producing maniacs in Mideast! 2/15, "He's gonna start taking - it was to change us," 6:55 AM, vision (Taylor?).
Visions or "promises" - occasionally wild, but 1700 year plan of God demands some creativity & innovation - you either have it or you don't! But the lesson we learn from this is, context of unparalleled displays of God's power, if you want to be my wife, ask yourself, "Do I have the character & guts & integrity to refuse to be a loser & actually MAKE CONTACT w/Joe Sherman? Or am I a dishrag failure who grovels before the public because I don't dare be a real human being?
'Dick inn' consp. (fire alarm @ Motel 6) 9/2019, along w/vision of Russian leaders. Disappearance from 2/2020 to 6/2020 in Yolo jail after strangle attack on Columbia Ct. Approx. 10/2020, vision of Swift, Justice by the end of the year," & another vision of Swift, "We're to pony," implying pony up w/justice. But, I'd also had visions of her & the triumphal entry of Christ, on a colt - foal of donkey, Palm Sunday in Bible - as though I was invited to be rock's "messiah" figure (which is possibly unbiblical); & vision of her showing up as my colt, & knocking over any other colts that tried to get near me. Colt could be code for (1)triumphal entry - type of Christ; (2)under-age fem.; (3)malt liquor. The problem w/the triumphal entry theme that rock musicians had repeatedly tried to get me to claim is I'm a teacher, rather than a priest or messiah figure (usually someone w/a messiah complex is deluded anyway, but any martyr could be considered such; but that's part of it - I wasn't led to be volunteering to be a glutton for punishment; on the contrary, I was already "late" for my teacher career); I simply wasn't biting. The colt theme may also have been connected to the "Best Day of My Life" baby pics/childhood pics, associating me w/her as child, but not in a derrogatory way; but the continued constant delays played a part as well. 12/2020, bug code from PM III (McCartney) CD playing on smartphone, "We're gonna hit you where you live." Police oppression @ M6 approx. one year later, approx. 4/2021, & subsequent ban from M6. This was simultaneous to my boycott of Taylor Swift & rock displays as of 1/1/2021 - but, based on visions, I'd maintained extremely limited promotion of Paris Hilton until the strangle attack, 7/2021. In other words, the baby pics scenario set in motion conspired ban of me from M6, further instigated by my boycott of Swift. Davis Motel 6 is now Hi Wheel Flats motel. My refusal to accept the messiah complex association may be while the Sexy Iron Rod Bunny models hugging, laying on, & crawling on lg. palm tree trunks recently in media. The association w/Paris Hilton started almost simultaneous to M6 ban - & according to the new M6 "Flat" name, there seems to be a concocted correlation between motel ratings & breast size - which I'm obviously refusing to cooperate w/. Nevertheless, based on vision of Russians in 2019, & their repeated refusals to respond, rock & Hollywood were luring them - 'hit you where you live' ('you dirty "...who ever lived" rascal!'); & 'We're to pony' - a pony isn't a young horse, like a colt, it's a small-sized horse; ''T'-ooo - pony;' a 'T' w/a sm. adult horse implies a colt or young horse - implying rock's 'T' w/me pertains to young girl or teen (baby pics) - subtle lewd implication; but, double entendre - Slavs stalling to see if I'd 'fess up that Western church deserves to crumble because of China or abandoning Slavs in Siberia - as though we were the oppressors in Siberia, & Jack Teacher's testimony doesn't cut it - Western church must pony up. But my testimony was sufficient; double entendre of rock testing Slavs. As of 2019, it had been 2 years that I proclaimed their feats, & yet not a word! As of 2018, Putin smirking @ something I reported on internet, & vision from God that that was his downfall, or he was asking for that @ min., because it was dangerous conditions demanding them to act on my behalf! The 'give' v. 'eave' theme - "I'm going to church, eave" - that keeps rearing it's ugly head. Because of my high standards of morality on behalf of women, I avoided yet another trap - "I'm going to church, Eve," i.e., original location of Eden was Iraq/Iran region - but Mideast has tracked them.
2/14, 7:30 PM, Lava Laund. "You don't have that thought," wh male blk jacket, immed. following radio w/child noise, instantly timed w/child in Lava L. w/not even peep, then constant noises & crying - activated by the radio. 6:40 PM, "We have he's not thirsty," (or similar) MU; as we neared MU, Q line running approx. 1 min. late, & I asked driver to radio so that G line would hold up; he slowly responded, but it was approx. 4 min. before departure time that he got a hold of them. Nevertheless, when we arrived @ MU 1 min. late, G line was leaving anyway - despite the radio request had gotten through, w/Q dispatch radio, male, code, "We'll have he's not thirsty," (or similar); i.e., conspiring to stall me by 1/2 & then I get coffee @ MU. I found a way to defeat the monsters - B line leaving & it goes down Apple & Drake, which is one block from Anderson, where Lava is. 2/15, Olive grn jeep revving as I passed in front of it @ F near Paint Chip, 5:40 PM; then 5:42 PM, wh fem & male crossing in crosswalk on 4th crossing G, male turns around half way across street, fem keeps going & crosses my path; fem Asian crossing G St. N side of 4th, also crossing my path - it was conspired (w/the Jeep); I arrived @ 5th & G, & there goes P line - 2 min. early, meaning I'd be stuck waiting another half hour; exc. & ran full speed, & fat wh male driver beard, cap, glasses, couldn't leave the G St. stop fast enough because of one person getting off, & another getting on; 'G' conspirators from 2/14 - G line on 2/14, sabotaged, & on G St. on 2/15.
2/15, "What you saw happen was why people talk about guns a LOT," mayor Quinton Lucas of KC, 1:39 AM (from speech, 2/14). I was staying under an eave when most of the gun threats from blks were occurring, but 'lot' - vacant lot was generic term of homeless, under an eave, etc. Desperate attempt using verbage - 'guns [=] a LOT' - to create facade that the suffering I endured is the root cause of violence, but it's because I was being a nuisance by refusing to give up & kill myself, as opposed to suffering because of rebels were & are committing crimes against me. I.e., 'the lesson we learn is if you're struggling, end it all @ once so you don't inconvenience anyone or get on anyone's nerves, because that causes shooting sprees.' Translation - IN THE FREE WORLD, YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO BE - BECAUSE THE GOAL IS TO DEFEAT FREEDOM! BLACKS DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF FREEDOM NATION, BECAUSE ULTIMATELY THEY DON'T WANT TO BE. "...this is the breathe alarm," wh fem pink shrt, 1:41 AM, NBC. 2 AM, "He has seed it," Mary, or 'heed it.' Trey Smith, KS player, to panicky wh boy, "We've got your back...just please breathe,.." but the communication is blacks cover for whites - 'as long as you go along w/the program, just breathe - just exist, but don't do anything more than that - if you don't try to stop the violence & corruption, blacks are behind you, 100%!' 2/15, 9:48 PM, "We'll have he's Nam breathing" vision or bug code.
"We catch chew, it," 12:46, radio, Savemart. 'We 'ka-choo!' it' (sneeze); attempt to cover for the billions of instances of scoffers coughing & sneezing to stalk me, & also, 'we catch chew' - 'chew' is expression similar to 'jaw, on,' as in public speaking, demanding, voicing your opinion, warning, rebuking, etc.; using legal remedies as opposed to taking law into your own hands, which, in context of millions already doing that, amounts to rebellion. The code is claim rebels can arbitrarily draw a line that it's too late to be a law-abiding American; no one's doing that anymore, & that makes it obsolete, & if Jack Teacher wants to do that, he must be wrong because there is no law abiding U.S.A. anymore - it died, & the popular opinion of DIVISION rebellion cancels out rule of law. But on the contrary, the equation guns = LOT, programming that U.S.A.'s lot in life is guns & violence - death, as opposed to Dad Gum's harmless BB gun, or a Bowie knife primarily for hunting. But, survival cancels out programming! The outlaw rebels attempting to program everyone, but survival of U.S.A. - the nation that freed the slaves, pioneered the melting pot, & broke the sound barrier - even if it's only by one man - cancels out programming of the masses! Wh chief of police fem. Stacy Graves, "I'm angry; officers ran toward danger." While this sounds like a contrast to Uvalde Tx. school shooting, it's a smoke screen - because she is supposed law enforcement, in front of national news cameras, & moreover, in Missouri - founders of the "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders, & she doesn't breathe a word about the DIVISION rebellion! Instead, it's subtle code that the victim is successfully being consumed by the DIVISION rebellion - claiming I'm failing, because I'm working in Davis & I'm typically displaying very little anger. But that's their m.o.; slaves are already in miserable conditions; work isn't optional, according to the Bible; but outnumbered & trapped, if you lash out, you're in worse conditions. "If you're a slave, submit..." don't be lazy by refusing to work, & don't die a useless death by lashing out on your own - casting your pearls before swine - i.e., defeat slavery by organized, reasoned methods. In the United States, there shouldn't be slavery in the first place - this suggests the whole country is swine; but God has led me No. Ca. & blacks & Congress & White House are the swine - & there's no looking back. & as demonstrated, that number includes others such as leaders who refuse to use the tools available to them; "officers were there to keep everyone safe;" but they would've been safer if no one was killed or injured by exposing the DIVISION rebellion!!! - THEY WEREN'T THERE @ ALL! But the code was the officers were THERE - subtly implying that I'm not angry enough (attempting to negate my anger as proven by the visions from God of nuclear warheads coming to destroy No. Ca.), & therefore 'the Davis police were there for everyone, folks...' slowly sealing the consuming of Jack Teacher & land of free home of brave @ national level.
Bobbi, Equador, "...haul that stuff that shouldn't be there, Paul," 12:15 PM, getting into car w/Paul & leaving; & as they drove away, "That's gonna be his death." "I've revealed to you 2 truths," vision, 11:04 AM @ Bobbi's; "You took your blab, it," vision; i.e., I minimized/held back as far as blabbing pertaining to Russians & focussed on rock & Hollywood; for instance, American male arrested, tried, convicted - claiming they are judging me, or they are judging American parents? I ignored it as opposed to blabbing, but it backfired; the 2 truths: Russians did give their lives for the Lord, & present leaders & population have become jealous & impatient, treating me like dirt - fooled by rock musicians.
2/15, "You took to who, I'm faithful," vision, 1:47. "They won't know their Obama people," 4:30, bug code, possibly audible, Don's; this was approx. 5 min. after Don bumped my butt w/tool while walking by on porch; I warned I don't allow people to touch me there, & he apologized, & 4:43, "That was your Obama," Don; i.e., it was conspired w/rebels. 5:19, "I appreciate it; we have the United States," fem dispatch, L line. "You said hey me, butt," blk male bald(?) dk jacket, Toyota car lot, 7:36 PM - terrorists perpetuating a facade that I'm volunteering to promote songs, despite the reports quoting lyrics, etc., are arguments that any victim would be crazy to ignore - being incriminating evidence against oppressors! Vision, 2021, while staying @ Days Inn, pertaining to anal sex w/prospective wife, & blk male saying "Daaaammmn!" as though such an act is a hideous crime; context was Lady's Aid pumice report, & "Our Lady" sign of drummer boy - "pa-rump-a-pum-pumice." I.e., blacks invading privacy concerning sex w/prospective wife & conspiring against me & attempting to curse me. It was @ Days in 2021 I also had vision - God telling blacks (MLK), "I would've given you his Heaven, King," i.e., we made blacks president of U.S.A. - equivalent of king, but Obama conspiring up until & on the last day in office - they were invited to be citizens w/whites & everyone else in the Kingdom of Heaven, but they rejected God w/a vehemence, & continue doing so to this day (Toyota lot stalking). I was also @ Days Inn when I reported the "High Off My Love" Hilton song tracking of conspiracy of blacks to use anal sex in marriage against me - "We rape a guy; we stun a man," (phonemically) Birdman, blk guest rapper featured in the song. 4:35 AM, bug code, "you're going half fee day."
2/12, Judge Tracy, Ok., looks like Tamara Berg, ch 3 news, 3:44 AM disbarred for texting during murder trial; "I texted; it doesn't matter if it's a traffic or murder trial..." supposedly valiant confession w/noble qualification - but it's deceptive - both are wrong, but texting during a murder trial is worse. As far as NYC judge, I didn't give him a blanket endorsement; he's constantly in media - why hasn't he denounced the rebellion!? "You want the truth? You Juan 'em wrong," 10:35 AM approx. "Thank you for the shermail," 10:57 AM Sandy, T Mobile rep. "You'll Juan 'em," "You'll just carry w/them," 11:45 AM vision. "You just exume them," Mary, 1:04. 1:20, "We didn't take him, his prison," fem, Reed Ave. (I was @ Jan's). "It is you ain't - get in back," Jan, 1:30 approx. "We won't lay 'em, Don," Jan. "You did bring me," 6:45 PM, "high pressure will continue to be the engine," Berg, 6:50. - PURGE THESE GOD-FORSAKEN TERRORISTS FROM AMONG YOU!!!!!
2/11, 2:37 PM, Superbowl, Mahomes, long look down. Dre Greenlaw fell over - faked injury & possibly another player as well, that isn't being reported in media - the video of Greenlaw isn't the phony fall that I saw during the game - Greenlaw took off running from sidelines, but the player falling down that I saw was in middle of field; magic collapses on field, no explanation - top athletes keel over & are injured - & THEY GET PAID FOR IT! Nevertheless, it's code. 'Dre' code for Ca. Dept. of R.E. I was watching Seinfeld after that, instead of Superbowl. Also kick receiver "tagged" intead of tackled; possibly it's a new rule. "There's no question, he can run," 6:09 PM anncr. 6:11, Mahomes makes gesture as though taking a pic w/both hands, toward the camera. 6:21 Mahomes step code (trip wire code of Capernick). 6:24 PM, another hard look down of Mahomes @ touchdown of Chiefs.
Mecole Hardman, winning catch, "I blacked out," 7:07 PM, NBC. @ beginning of O.T., ref, "New game - it's upstairs," 'upstairs' isn't necessarily a code, it's referring to the refs watching using cameras - O.T. was essentially a new game because tie score meant it was like starting over - possibly a new rule, though, where they play for 10 min. (or so) & high score wins as opposed to first team to score wins. But the verbage was formulated to attempt to give blacks a clean slate as far as Mahomes' systematic downcast signals. Blacks are claiming no one can say they don't have the talent or ability to look down & have some pride, etc.; & usually that's the case - but that isn't the case when your race is willfully & blatantly conspiring & rebelling to take control of Davis & finish off Joe Sherman; race-wide rebellion - no other option but to look up & repent. But as I reported approx. 2 years ago, that is no longer an option for them - they've gone beyond point of no return. As proof of this, NFL refs' gesture was scorned - Hardman's code - 'black[s are].."out"' as far as repenting.
Blks insisting on rebelling - publicly acknowledging they "billed" U.S.A., & that's why it's shooting sprees, disasters, etc., & insisting on continuing to rebel, w/codes to cause me to disappear, resulted in teens stumbling & shooting people @ KC Superbowl celebration. & if this nation follows Trump's & blks' consp. to put me in prison for refusing to stop working such as weeding & raking, until I'm hired in legit. position as teacher, or if this nation allows that to happen, there won't be any U.S.A. anymore.
Hall & Oates "She's Gone" live version, 1976, "She's gone & she's gone" - doesn't just repeat it, the lyrics imply 2 people. First Linda Ronstadt never showed up, & then Taylor Swift. It was all a prearranged conspiracy to distract Jack Teacher from teacher goals (which didn't work - but the sabotages were as of childhood, so those did have a devastating effect), & then never show up! Also, lyrics, "Oh, why, oh, why?" & also, "Oh I, oh I..." But either way, sounds like "Ojai, Ojai..." as in Ojai, Ca., where fictional character Jamie Summers was from (Bionic Woman) - & that was intentional, because they are in bed w/Hollywood - & make no mistake, it takes equivalent of the coldness of bionic people - 100% bionic, as in, AI - to ruin someone's life as of childhood, then when he's finally almost recovered & regained his teacher career goals - to do it again! A teacher intervened for them despite they pushed buttons causing my career to be sabotaged - I intervened expecting a response. I.e., I carried a tune & musical notes for them & lugged around song conversions, & the best they could do was signal, 'haul away those song notes!' Rock & Hollywood don't confess Christ as Lord publicly, & so they end up interferring w/& almost ruining the Jack Teacher plan. They are no better than artificial intelligence - they are informed about church's goals, & comprehend the concept of good deeds, but they don't give God the glory for their good deeds, nor profess Christ as Lord - absent a personal relationship, they don't have direction from God, or else it's minimal @ best. Even the Scarecrow had more honorable intentions - a human brain - w/compassion, emotions, as opposed to electronic processor. They hide behind facade Western church fell short by leaving Eastern church stranded when persecuted by communists, but if rock & Hollywood were legit, there was nothing stopping them from professing faith in Christ & using their mics & media to demand justice for the Slavs decades ago! Instead, God allowed for a dirge/dance display as form of outreach to China, & both churches were following him, although both need to repent currently. Moreover, Jack Teacher did publicly denounce the blind eye of Western churches - but no reaction from rock or Hollywood; why? because "IT DIDN'T COMPUTE W/THEIR HEFTY "MEMORY BANK" ACCOUNTS! Furthermore, talk about shady tactics: TV series w/bionic man casually labels him the "$6 Million Dollar Man" - suddenly money involved in the equation - & in '70's, there weren't billionaires - millionaires was it - & then scenes where he's moving in slow motion - creates jealousy where a nation out of jealousy & confusion is creeping - & present-day TV ads & programs perpetuate it! Moreover, as far as AI v. teachers, there's no competition: W/artifical intelligence - robots, you're constantly having to conform to logic - that's the focus; but logic has it's limits - According to accepted theory of Mathematician Zeno, logically you can't even walk through a door, because you always go half the distance. There's no comparison! Meanwhile, "FORMER CHINESE FRIENDS CAPITULATED..." report, Chinese, Lodi rebels, & No. Ca. rebels denying my teacher career - regional prison camp rebellion shutting down humanity's science & space exploration pace, & A's teacher pace, all because he supposedly oughta see pics of nudes! How badly have the rebels devastated humanity's pace? We're currently focussed on landing on Mars; the sign from God affirming Jack Teacher plan of Eastern & Western church occurred 23 Sept. 2017 - precisely when I marched into Tasty Kitchen (Chinese) cafe where I was employed, took a bow, & said, "The inventors of rocket science," solving the bow mystery of Asians; meanwhile, 23 Sept. signified 9 mos. of Jupiter in the womb of constellation Virgo (see "NO 'ONLY A TRACE'" report, davisneedy3.htm); i.e., Virgo does signify virgin - the virgin birth was portrayed in the Heavens by God especially for the Chinese & their visit to the see the baby Jesus (3 wise men).
During that 9 mos., Jesus (Jupiter) was an embryo; as of 23 Sept., he exited between the legs of Virgo - the same as baby Jesus when he was born! THIS WAS ALSO A SIGN THAT IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE REBELS OPPRESSING JACK TEACHER, WE COULD'VE BEEN ARRIVING @ JUPITER BY NOW!
"2001: A Space Odyssey" sequel "2010: The Year We Make Contact," the plot centers on Jupiter. Usually robots aren't that lucky, but rock & Hollywood insist on creating plumblines & then capitulating to others - they don't have a heart, & when Jack Teacher tried to give them one, they refused it. If you try to claim you've got that Embryo, Jesus aborts the mission - contact w/God can only be accomplished by public profession of Christ; Jn. 10:1, "Truly, truly I say to you, the one who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber." Jn. 10:9, Jesus is the door.
They're caught in their own traps - they try to jump to avoid rebel programming, but suddenly, their jump act is in slow motion, w/the "tch-tch-tch-tch..tch..tch.." sound effects, & they're too slow to escape being self-programmed - a vicious cycle resulting from acting like little kids w/access to intelligence, but running around trying to prove they are better informed than most Christians, & able to produce more good deeds than most Christians; but absent a profession of faith, God is left out of the equation - the I AM negated, is AIM of those who AI'D everything!
2/3, fem, news, kitchen TV, "Actually, it is fetch - he's done." "We're gonna know him, clout," 1 of 2 Greeks(?) blk jackets, 8:54 AM kitchen, BW. "He works w/us, done," 8:59 (Putin?). "..different type of primary..." Barbara Boxer, & gestures like grabbing tits or changing channel, etc. on TV - both hands @ chest height, 9:02 AM - 'primary [school]' combined w/'type' - lewd code ch 40 - the "old guard" is taken away by operation of the law. "We know he has lead her," fem ch 3, 9:04. "Will, chicken back," Dulee (?) hotel 9:37. "If you have to get out, just take it from me; he still has a long way to go," 9:35 AM; 'Take it from me, Joe' vision of Anna Brockmeyer, approx. 2021 (daughter of Richmaid owners Myron & Brigit), i.e., I should look @ nudes; I looked up the country song w/"Take it from me..." lyrics - Jordan Davis, 2018. Myron was originally from Oklahoma, so she does give country music the time of day. 2018 was before the vision of Anna, so it's possible she was asserting the song to be a cue that my Davis/No. Ca. enemies making lewd innuendos are done, kaput, wiped out. vision of her was soon after the vision of the Jacque's La Creme sword in mixer/powder room of Richmaid factory;
It's a testimony I've been such a good example that it amounts to a sexual sword - look out, wife!
But I'm disappointed in Anna & Andrea - if they're going to endorse me, they know what they need to be doing - go to the media! Demand the Feds/military orchestrate invasion! The code is because I threw away a Rae brand water bottle; it was 2-3 yrs old, & somewhat grungy - but Rae Me high morals - interesting coincidence w/brand name; my new "Blender" water bottle is almost exact same size, shape, colors, lid, etc., from Nugget Mkt, Davis. I haven't budged from the NYInfo standards - but this was actually a threat that I'd better comply w/porn rebels or stalls in career, etc.
2/12, apprx. 3 AM, vision of huge high school @ UCC; i.e., the kingpins allowed to escape & prosper & build a new private HS - indicating Slavs failing to lead w/justice. Additional factor was possibly my report about Ricardo Montalban - Slavs aren't impressed w/Latinos & their lewd stalkings of me. After the Carlos Ruiz Zafo'n report (lewd Latino author - evidently involved in long range trap stalking me w/lewd innuendo combined w/'que' & 'como' language manipulation to give me false sense
of confidence in them), I boycotted Latino food for 3 wks, & then purchased a package of frozen burritos & tortilla chips this weekend, but possibly Holy Spirit encouraging me to hold off longer. In other words, blks conspiring &
rebelling nationwide & beyond, w/me as their victim - along w/U.S.A.; Latinos conspiring nationwide & beyond, w/me as their victim.
Indications are God acted supernaturally as far as Hitler's name - Russia & other Slavic countries were predominantly Christian; remedying persecution of Christians by the millions being orchestrated by enemy forces (communists, lg. % Jews) that had taken over the nation, representing possibly only half of the population, meant any military attack would result in huge numbers of casualties from friendly fire; moreover, millions of Christians captive in prison camps, it would be consigned to fight the invading foes (German, English, American militaries), or die on the spot for treason - 'hit lure;' Jews infiltrated,
paled their skin to white consistency, & orchestrated a take-over - white Jews, white Slavs - who's who? Logistics was a factor - it was satan concocting an attack on Christians that was the most deadly & devious in history. Moreover, Jews knew exactly what they were doing, & in fact orchestrated a taunt after the fact - raid on Entebbe, 4 July 1976 - America's 200th birthday- where Jews made daring & intricate rescue of Jews hostage @ Central African airport - taunting that U.S.A. wasn't creative enough to make effort on behalf of Slav Christian hostages.
Vision approx. 6 AM, Greta Thunberg, free speech advocate from Sweden, cheering me on, 2/5.
2/4, "Okay, you don't get us; go on," mex.(?) fem, Days Inn, 2:46 PM. "He'll be bit," golfer, LIV golf league CW sports. "You aren't gonna know, we're gonna know," near rm 109, Days inn, 2:56 PM. 3:21, "You won't have their look," gov't bug code, 3:21. "We'll go for war, day," hockey coach, NLL (or NHL), 3:46. "It never gets old...that never keeps going up," ch 3 fem newscstr. 2/6, "We don't want to leave them alone," mex fem, ch 40 6:46; code for propping up Davis. 7:02, "War shore," 6:49 AM, Teo (Mex. newscstr), ch 3.
Mabelline ad possibly signalling we should claim we're "flying" - i.e., democratic nation w/Greek blue
"sky high" flag testimony that we are still the model nation for everyone - melting pot & education nation as well - don't give up; point fingers, shun codes, bring invasion; Mae believes, because of the Brooklyn/NYInfo Rae Me's - buy a NEW USA JERSEY (born again bride, made new in Christ) - then help yourself to some milk.
Veteran Matt Buckly, report about psychadelic therapy for vets, visiting a clinic, testifying of oppression against me - "eye shades up, there's the nurses & doctors; you nailed it;" 6:18 AM, ch 40; "eye shades back on, & a minute, you nailed it," but Buckly testifying Sac kidnapped me twice - "nailed;" 'shade' code from 1999 for comfort - slowly improving; homeless a lot back then, but acknowledgemebnt I entitled to "some" comfort because I was working so hard; Buckly indicating the motel room is consistently there (shade), but that shade is a trick; the psych ward captivity is still lerking behind the scenes - the shade taken away, & suddenly there are the doctors & nurses & forced medication all over again; Newsom, "menta health" repeatedly - under guise that I don't have my "men" (symbol for allies) for the teacher who 'ta[ught],' No. Ca. can cunningly conspire another disappearance where they claim it's 'hell th[ee]' w/drugs.
Matt (Wahl St.) "You dork," (stalking, from inside the house); 'door k[ey];' Brian Toone (Mark McGuire conspirators) used that term (1999-2000, Drake Dr. roommate); possibly it was code that I should've been door knocking as RE agent; I did keep busy, calling, calling, calling - God led me to avoid it @ the time - I had a 14 plex listed directly across the street from our townhouse, & other customers - I was working hard. "We're gonna drive we have Tracy," male, CBS, 7:30 AM (as far as I can tell - notes smudged); 'Tracy' possibly referring to prison in Tracy, Ca.; while outdoors I consistently was led to sleep on stomach, because I could be murdered @ any time - i.e, chalk lines outline/trace of dead body; 'tracy' - 7/26/2021, I was almost killed - & this was after Russians refusing to respond - which was one of the clinchers emboldening the terrorists. These media terrorists now claiming if I depend on them or even call on them, I'm signing on dotted line for more attempts on my life, & that must mean I deserve prison - never mind that process of elimination, there's few other options that are any less implicated - & THAT'S A FACT. It's an attempt to swallow me up. CBS, "There could be more bud slide," 7:11 AM. "I have here," Howard, Days Inn virtual clerk. I reported 2/6, "How hard, your phone running," mex. fem mgr, Days inn, lobby, 6:58 AM; mexs. & Asian male clerk possibly conspiring sabotage of my phone (next payment due in 2 days). Also, it's still up in the air about Mideast "men" being It - vision 2021 & comment 2022, if I maintain my 4 ball combo of cascade/shower
juggling (nonstop switch), they'll believe; "No! You can do 4 balls cascade & switch to shower & switch back again??? I believe!" Get up or get left! Patel everybody!!!!!
Pipe up on my behalf & demand justice for me - a servant of God being used to display biblical style miracles; satan is displaying wonders based on so many worldwide w/such pathetic faith that they can't comprehend the blessings they'd receive from piping up on my behalf - irregardless of the temporary suffering I'm enduring! Mideasterners refusing to accept a higher seat of blessings & peace & rebuke against Israel in Gaza region, by simply shouting daily repeatedly, "Jesus Christ! Ram of God, Who takes away the sins of the world! Look upon us w/favor- your babysitters in Egypt!!!!!" Last wk., after I removed the report about Spain, I was praying about placing it back up (endorsing Catholic church, essentially) & 12/17, approx. 12 PM, God said, "I want you to box," i.e, don't endorse Catholics.
Jupiter Jesus -Accurate Rendition
"I'm Jupiter Jesus - ya buy that?"
2/13, media promo of wh brunette model (forgot to get her name) w/small disco glass dance ball next to her crotch; this is conjecture, but seems to indicate the Brooklyn/NYInfo Rae Me morality "dance" holds its own or better boxing against the 70's/80's disco dance stars. In other words, no cheap imitation Jupiter Jesus's - education goals as opposed to flashing lights & smoke & mirrors! Provide justice so that the "Detroit Rock City" teen doesn't die from facade of drinking & driving while in actuality tracking corrupt church leaders & derelict Asians! This is more than conjecture - dance floor referred to as the "killing floor," expression similar to going for the gusto, exc. it was projected singing/dancing would become a distraction, luring me from teacher career; Led Zep lyrics,
"Lemon Song," "Gonna leave my children down on this killing floor!" A confession they fail to stick w/. Logical conclusion, when you don't buy giving up your teacher career, you're eliminated irregardless - "He can't know why we're killing him," 2/14 (happy Valentine's Day), 5:07 PM, code from Russell or hwy. 113; I was @ Al's. The code is actually referring to the Western ('hymn') church, but the m.o. is finish off Jack Teacher, & hymn church is defeated, & more failures provides cover for the DIVISION rebels.
Knock out already - Claudine Gay, blk fem., no longer holds office of Harvard president. Promo videos of models on internet, boxing ring bells @ beginning.
1/21, blk 49'ers player, "...nobody panicked...we collected,..." ch 3, 7:48 AM - but a victory, crowds should be going wild - & where does "panic" come in?! - Confession of blks, THEY BILLED US - & collected their bill -the shooting sprees, deaths from crowd tramplings, disasters.
I reported vision, "I want you to arrest tower," most likely referring to Catholic leaders & Italians & a line they've drawn that they can display a leaning tower, & refuse to repent of unbiblical practices that are causing
stumbling. 'Domi[nating
pope] knows' fallacy - WS Dominos involved in shooting spree on K St. in Sac. They're also currying favor w/US gov't w/salami & other meat products in packaging void of any statement that it's fully
cooked. I. e. blatant public statements that Catholics can defile children while everyone watches their backs!
2/4, "Okay, you don't get us; go on," mex.(?) fem, Days Inn, 2:46 PM. "He'll be bit," golfer, LIV golf league CW sports. "You aren't gonna know, we're gonna know," near rm 109, Days inn, 2:56 PM. 3:21, "You won't have their look," gov't bug code, 3:21. "We'll go for war, day," hockey coach, NLL (or NHL), 3:46. "It never gets old...that never keeps going up," ch 3 fem newscstr. 2/6, "We don't want to leave them alone," mex fem, ch 40 6:46; code for propping up Davis. 7:02, "War shore," 6:49 AM, Teo (Mex. newscstr), ch 3.
Veteran Matt Buckly, report about psychadelic therapy for vets, visiting a clinic, testifying of oppression against me - "eye shades up, there's the nurses & doctors; you nailed it;" 6:18 AM, ch 40; "eye shades back on, & a minute, you nailed it," but Buckly testifying Sac kidnapped me twice - "nailed;" 'shade' code from 1999 for comfort - slowly improving; homeless a lot back then, but acknowledgemebnt I entitled to "some" comfort because I was working so hard; Buckly indicating the motel room is consistently there (shade), but that shade is a trick; the psych ward captivity is still lerking behind the scenes - the shade taken away, & suddenly there are the doctors & nurses & forced medication all over again; Newsom, "menta health" repeatedly - under guise that I don't have my "men" (symbol for allies) for the teacher who 'ta[ught],' No. Ca. can cunningly conspire another disappearance where they claim it's 'hell th[ee]' w/drugs.
Matt (Wahl St.) "You dork," (stalking, from inside the house); 'door k[ey];' Brian Toone (Mark McGuire conspirators) used that term (1999-2000, Drake Dr. roommate); possibly it was code that I should've been door knocking as RE agent; I did keep busy, calling, calling, calling - God led me to avoid it @ the time - I had a 14 plex listed directly across the street from our townhouse, & other customers - I was working hard. "We're gonna drive we have Tracy," male, CBS, 7:30 AM (as far as I can tell - notes smudged); 'Tracy' possibly referring to prison in Tracy, Ca.; while outdoors I consistently was led to sleep on stomach, because I could be murdered @ any time - i.e, chalk lines outline/trace of dead body; 'tracy' - 7/26/2021, I was almost killed - & this was after Russians refusing to respond - which was one of the clinchers emboldening the terrorists. These media terrorists now claiming if I depend on them or even call on them, I'm signing on dotted line for more attempts on my life, & that must mean I deserve prison - never mind that process of elimination, there's few other options that are any less implicated - & THAT'S A FACT. It's an attempt to swallow me up. CBS, "There could be more bud slide," 7:11 AM. "I have here," Howard, Days Inn virtual clerk. I reported 2/6, "How hard, your phone running," mex. fem mgr, Days inn, lobby, 6:58 AM; mexs. & Asian male clerk possibly conspiring sabotage of my phone (next payment due in 2 days). Also, it's still up in the air about Mideast "men" being It - vision 2021 & comment 2022, if I maintain my 4 ball combo of cascade/shower
juggling (nonstop switch), they'll believe; "No! You can do 4 balls cascade & switch to shower & switch back again??? I believe!" I knew it - those Russians are rivaling the old school turkey w/the strenuous peacock! Get up or get left! Patel everybody!!!!!
"El juego del ange'l," - "The Game of the Angel," author Carlos Ruiz Zafo'n, 2008, Random House/Vintage Espanol, fictional story about writer David Marti'n, in his 30's, who becomes popular, then becomes mentor to teen girl writer, Isabella, who is "16 or 17," pg. 223. Pg. 226, "...she offered me a naked look," (in Spanish) - most likely expression meaning puzzled, etc., but, it was also literal: Pg. 313, "I gazed @ her slowly undressing," the Spanish for 'gaze' is "contemplar" which, like Engl. word, alternately means "contemplate" but the context indicates he was actually watching her through a window. Ruiz is name of Davis chief of police @ beginning of oppression by Dpd, approx. 2000-2003. 'Ran dumb house,' code of publisher that's been around for decades, but orchestrated a trap from the beginning - w/code about the '[big] house;' Vintage Esp. - division w/in Random House; 'V - [h]int - age...' creating coconspiracy w/Latinos to keep victim trapped for decades until getting old, &, sooner or later, the victim, denied marriage, sex, justice, career, & isolated as well, will prove to be dumb as far as lewd innuendos, & soon enough after that, he'll slowly acquiesce; & then prison can be arranged - & chief Ruiz of Davis police is back! Isabella - 'Is a [school] bell 'uh?'' - subtle codes that literally recruited Latinos in No. Ca. if not beyond; on the other hand, he is a best-selling Spanish novelist, which probably indicates the entire race needs to be thrown out.
This poster is displayed on back of Yolobus w/in days of me putting on internet pic of Mary in exact same pose. If you think it's affirming I'm entitled to sexy wife & baby, as opposed to it being a lewd code against me, then you're borderline antichrist.
Moreover, Panera bread along w/Groc. Outlet, both in Davis, are the rebels behind the repeated warrants issued by Yolo court instigating repeated kidnappings of me (every 4 mos. or so until recently), & 4 mo. captivity Ca. (2020) since 2017. IVF Fert. Ctr., located in Sac., logo is almost identical to Panera's. While image of mother holding a baby is generic, both are sketches, & both are upperbody shots, & both have long, streaming hair - 'long here' code; i.e., victim is kept @ bay PERMANENTLY. Hair "hung" aspect of Fert. Ctr. logo is qualified by the pattern of lewd codes systematically matching supportive mssgs. from models & others; sketch image facing opposite direction - code that they are covering all bases - Jack Teacher is worse than a free speech pesk (Panera) - they're going "long" w/lewd innuendos as well. & you might miss it w/out scrutiny - the Ca. Fert. Ctr's logo is subtle Catholic replica of the Virgin Mary image - the one that subliminally is vagina - Latinos who are spiritual are predominantly Catholic; i.e., the warlocks are behind it & communicating they must multiply w/their rebellion & desperate denial of Jack Teacher's sexuality. It becomes evident why historically there was strife between Catholics & Orthodox Christians. & a crucial connection - the Panera logo has that "worn" hand stamp appearance that was a persistent code for more than a decade - including a stamp version of Old Glory - as in hand stamps we used to stamp tubs of ice cream @ Richmaid Ice Cream in Lodi; I didn't invent the name, nor did I have any control over the LHS work experience program that directed me to Richmaid @ age 15 1/2 (not that I have any regrets about working for Myron); nor does 'rich,' when applied to ice cream, have anything to do w/lucre or wealth; but that's the stamp code, along w/the name Rich - '"Rich" made ice cream;' i.e., "so the prospective witness for rock wants to be rich, does he...?" Of course it also implies a young maiden of his who might be blessed, if it weren't for the frenzied monsters desperate to prevent justice for Jack Teacher if it means bringing down the entire nation! This is the Lodi Rich/MGM consp., & w/the recent report of the double lion roar (MGM) it proves those rich rock & Hollywood stars are involved - 2-arch DIVISION REBELLION. & this reveals the actual motives behind the oppression - INCLUDING THE LEWD SMEARS OPPRESSION - LEWD INNUENDO RUMORS IS SIMPLY THE MONSTERS' COVER - IT'S TERRORISTS DESPERATELY ATTEMPTING TO PREVENT ME FROM OBTAINING JUSTICE & ANY ACCOMPANYING BLESSINGS, SUCH AS CONSISTENT INCOME.
1/27, baby sound occurs 2:27 AM, ch 18 (Span. channel), w/adults & stripper.
1/28 approx. vision of Festus Haggin ("Gunsmoke") saying to Matt Dillon, "If we take him; you're gonna have to pick him up;" if that's referring to me, this occurred subsequent to the MGM double roar report, demonstrating rock & Hollywood have capitulated to the DIVISION rebels; in general, God has led me to utilize sternness - they produced more than a semblance of a watch in the past, but that doesn't do anyone any good if they then join the rebels. Immediately following the Gunsmoke vision, vision of grandpa in "Waltons" (Will Geer) lying on a bed w/his granddaughter @ his side, & he passes away, & his granddaughter is crying & distraught & it was out of despair that they had failed Jack Teacher.
Last week it was $200 - another hit this week - $500. 1/28, ch 3, Prevogen, 1:41 PM, blk male, "I'm not an actor, just a regular guy - give it a try." "We butt him face - he's actually," male anncr, 1:55; "He's losing his points here,..." fem, skating comp., ch 3; 2/1 approx., @ approx. 7:30 AM, Oliver, emply @ BW, "I'll try here," 2/2, after I reported the Ruiz Zafo'n author's lewd codes over the phone to Feds (Spanish novel), "It's gonna be," 7:55 AM approx., mex fem blk jacket, Q line, 2/2, & 2/2, 6:15 PM, approx. $500 missing from my accts. - almost $150 from save., $330+ from ckg. adding up to approx. $480 that was blocked by G1 earlier in week. I opted to avoid allowing G1's block of fraudulent debit to "exhonorate" them, especially since it meant I had to get another card, & based on codes from fat mex. teller, for ex. ("This is your money," to Asian fem cust., 4:30 PM, 2/1), I suspected it was a trick to get me to endorse G1 despite they did in fact participate in conspiracies in the past. I made ph calls to Feds that G1 most likely was orchestrating a trick - conspiring w/Mexs & other Davis rebels to lure me to take time off from work to get a new card; I went to bank during lunch, & low & behold, ATM card machine was broken, & being replaced, & new one wasn't ready yet - BUT, I could go to Woodland & get one (3 hrs. off from work). After I reported the card machine down was set-up to prop up mexs (because w/out card, I'd have to check out of room @ BW - they only take cards, & mostly mexs. emplys already making me switch rooms in BW reg'ly), they promptly got machine going, & called me on phone - but, it still meant most likely an hour or more off from work; I timed it w/afternoon break, & then kept track & worked until approx. 5:30 to make up for it. Nevertheless, on news that eve., huge standoff in Woodland - police & wh male felon on roof they had a warrant for, & he was refusing to come down - his name was Jeff Card. Also, as of 6:15, immed. after I noticed balances off (savings acct. completely drained, & ckg acct. missing 3/4 of funds), codes, one after another indicating every terrorist in town knew my accts. had been plundered again - wh male gray trench coat, grn derby, near G1, coded comment, then, "We do that again," (it was $200 last week); clrk, F& E mkt, "It only cost you ten cents," to wh male blue jacket, lng red hair, F & E mkt., & he replied "Let's do it again." 6:55 PM, ch 10 (?) wh Sac. Kings player (#10?), 6:55 PM, repeatedly saying "Every moment counts," etc., i.e., I hadn't made that report on internet yet about Carlos Ruiz Zafo'n & the writer acting lewdly toward teen character - therefore I was punished w/income plundered. Fat wh BW clerk, blk shrt, to another guest, "Our guest is start," 7:12, & mex male guest, grn shrt, "Um yes" (out of context), lobby; 6:21, wh male cashier, Tim's Hawaiian, made slight ducking motion - similar to one I made @ Matt's - but it wasn't a ducking motion, it was 2 successive motions - I was standing up from picking weeds, or similar, but stooped to grab a tool, & it occurred to me the rebels were going to conjure something; i.e., claiming I ducked as far as "Juego del angel" report - but I was up @ 4 & did 3 hrs. of juggling, & then had to go to work - the terrorists simply don't have their paranoia facade. Also, I went through the procedure attempting to sign up for online banking w/G1 last night to get to bottom of the missing $ since it's weekend, & they aren't open; I read through the T&C's (half hour almost) &, when attempting to sign up, "Unable to verify the info provided" or similar - same as approx. 4 years ago - wasn't allowed to sign up. Also, G1 T&C's has stipulation, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, or for no reason @ all," but in actuality, Ca. Civ. Code 51 & 52 prohibit them from claiming that right; same as all those stores that post that sign, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" - but they don't have that right - anti-discrimination laws - codified - forbid it - Ca. codes are almost word for word English Common Law - one thing Ca. did right. Free speech allows them to display that sign - you can't stop someone from displaying a sign, "I'm the king of England!" despite it's a lie; those signs probably fool a lot of people, but it's against the law to actually try to randomly refuse service to someone, unless they are committing a crime on that premesis. Report on news recently, Sac museum of history - requests suddenly from all over the nation about their printing press history - mssg. to them - they are "history" - gone - for participating in false arresting (kidnap based on context), printing, & processing me in 2005, & resultant 4 mos. captivity in 2007.
"I said Jan. 8th, you leave on 15th; I'm going to meet you again soon," 1:01 PM, vision, mex. fem - supposed mgr of Days Inn. Double entendre; (1)Mex. fem mgr saying the mo. was up @ Days Inn, 8 Jan. despite the mo. limit of motels (to avoid creating a mo. to mo. leasehold interest of the guest) wasn't up until 15th (technically 17th, but a lot of motels abbreviate it to 28 days & if I wanted to argue it, I don't have a valid court to sue in). Mgr's supervisor acknowledged the computer error & I was there until 15th. Mex. fem's point is, I'm entitled to be there until 17th, & I didn't measure up because I left on 15th, & so more oppression is fair game - she's going to 'man' me - 'see, [I] man thee.' (2) 'I'm going to meet you again soon' (mex. mgr, Days Inn) - 2 dates - 8th & 15th - I spoke w/Health Gram/Liberty Health agent Samantha Owens; she suggested 31 Jan. start date, but lump sum of $327 (first it was $339, then suddenly $327) I didn't have that much discretionary; the payment was scheduled for 2/15, & text confirmation would be sent first requiring me to authorize it - 2 dates 31st. & 15th. Code from Samantha, "& on" possibly "And1" code - basketball/blks. Immed. after I gave her my ATM card #, we were disconnected. Technically she had everything she needed, but I called back to verify, & was hung up on. I called again, & was hung up on. Because they had my ATM #, I wanted to tie up any loose ends, & if they couldn't provide good cust. service, cancel; blk male (blk accent) helping me claiming he was mgr, & Owens was on 1 1/2 hr. conference call; I had to be i.d.'d all over again - ATM #, etc., but supposedly I was signed up, $327, 15th, etc., although there wasn't any specific mention of contract terms being sent, that was assumed. - 2 fraudulent payments debited from my acct. on 29th approx. 2 hrs. after the phone convers. - Golden 1 blocked the second one for $483, the first one, $339 went through an hour before; - 'again' - $200 missing last wk; i.e., Mexs involved in the fraudulent charge of Health Gram (866-282-0957); $483 charge was blocked by G1, but 2 hrs. before that, $339 was debited; the agreement was one debit for $327 on 15 Feb., w/an authorization text sent to me on 15th beforehand. I called G1 on 2/3, Christina affirmed, 2 debits from the health ins. co. - $339 & $483. They are additionally claiming they can participate in fraud to track blacks - blk male health ins. mgr involved in "Obama Care" theft of almost $850 from my ckg acct. - blacks don't "care" they are theives; but I've already reported that - they don't get to make me a pawn to supposedly track blacks. 1/19, "On we make sure," GMA dk skin fem rptr 7:07 AM. ch 3, 7:15 AM, "It's hard when we've hit so many roadblocks along the we," Uvalde mex. fem.; 'way' pronounced w/Spanish accent, 'we.' 7:17, "The thing in here has passed," ABC; 7:15, "Call it the golden handcuffs," Christine (TV rptr); while Christina from G1 was professional, it's once again paired up so that I'm a pawn being oppressed, & it's referred to as "manning" me - & Uvalde "roadblocks"/ATM card blocked; Christine (rptr)/Christina G1 emply; golden handcuffs/Golden 1. The DIVISION m.o. bottom line is crimes must be committed against me to defeat the rebellion - everybody's a dick or investigator - 50% of bug codes bombarding me 1000X day claim they have to oppress me to investigate the oppression. & this "manning" consp. fits their m.o. - I'm oppressed to track blacks - who have already been exposed, tracked, caught, nabbed, & are already gone.
1/26, 8:11 AM, "They'll electric, key," wh boy, gray jacket, blue helmet, bike, Lake Blvd & Marina Cir. (near Russell). "We can't see w/our Tabor," apprx. 10:50 AM, Esther, Russell Blvd. W of CR 97. "We're gonna skin him" 9:38. 9:06, Andrew, "He can't be adjusting in the country;" Esther is DiCarlo's daughter - 'D - k[ey], our low;' their consp. is reduced to acting "low down" & if they give me a ride to a job, I've signed on dotted line; but I've accepted rides before - it's they who are in a fix to pony up for me. 9:51 AM, "he's not gonna get we're the thicket," Esther, & marble dropping on floor inside window where I was working; the dropping of marble, possibly one of kids (but they are trained in vileness), is same stalking as in jail. 9:52 approx., "We're the thicket," Esther. "You're gonna ___, why the mouse," or similar, 9:55. "It was will our rack" or similar approx. 9:30, bug code. "He's gonna have our__" "We're gonna have his emergency kit," Esther. 9:30, "You can right me," vision, Mary(?). 11:35, "He did know, kids; he is speaking to you," Esther. 11:58 AM, "You didn't hear, the 3 key," bug code. Andrew & Esther related to DiCarlos, whom I've worked for for 3 years+, pick me up @ bus stop on Lake Blvd., equiv. of Rd. 99 & Russell, @ 8:15 - 1/26 was the second time I've worked for them; Andrew called @ approx. 8:15 & said he was late, arrived 20 min. later. Worked 4 hrs. & ride back to Lake & Russell; Esther also reimbursed me for the 20 min. 2 wks ago it was trimming lg. bushes along the driveway so that delivery trucks wouldn't drive on their lawn. Morning of 1/26, it was removal of 2 lg. bushes - involving huge stumps that needed to be dug out - loppers, shovel, ax, saw, etc., & 2 other lg bushes trimmed. All 4 bushes right next to living room & dining room windows, where Andrew, Esther, & kids were. Especially after Andrew left (until about 12) I was approx. 10 ft. from the windows, & it was essentially a "concentration camp" of stalking codes - in attempt to cause you to crack, etc.; combined w/use of kids (committing crimes @ elem. age), in desperate attempt to conjure a lewd smear, usually w/use of scanners invading your privacy - years & years & years of this, despite it's always a dead end for them. I.e., if you don't attack someone when there's an occasional systematic stalking, what about 3 or 4 stalkers @ once, & in a remote location? - It's monsters. the 4 hrs. was from approx. 8:40 AM to 12:40; @ 6:22 PM, suddenly text from Esther, "Hey, I forgot to check in yesterday, are you still coming this morning?" In other words, the mssg. was guise that her text was supposed to be sent @ 8 or so & accidentally didn't go through. But, "accidentally" wasn't the case; I'd just paid for 3 more nights @ BW, & there is persecution to prevent me from staying @ that location possibly because it's in downtown - 'I forgot to 'check [the] inn;'' the coded text was @ 6:22; 6:32, crossing B St. from BW to pick up Chinese food & make deposit, car failed to yield @ B & 2nd, then another one @ C & 2nd (reported both); I arrived @ G1 to make deposit, & wh fem gray jacket, 6:36 PM, "Hey, he doesn't have his code," to someone else going by (pic sent). The 'code' was code for 'cold' - i.e., $200 missing from ckg acct. to punish me for using telephone transfers, & get me to give up on BW because it costs more - but the only alternative usually is West Sac. Hunan Chinese cafe, fem emply on phone kept acting like couldn't hear my ph #; after saying it clearly twice, & giving her my name, I said, "I'm sure you got it," & she said Kung Pao would be ready in 10 min.; but when I arrived, nothing - claiming I don't have my "cold" - I have to grovel & repeat ph # 10X for them & let them claim they've never heard of me. 'Are you coming this morning?' I.e., treated like dirt w/systematic stalkings is juxtaposed to a "turn on;" but also, lewd connotation about "coming" & working w/kids around - 'we can't adjust...' Andrew - 'adjust' lewd connotation. But the clincher was the Tabor code - possibly 'tab[le b]ore]' - i.e., coconspirators of DiCarlos, fem w/gray jacket, 2 cars driving @ me, & Hunan Chinese emplys; I've been packing lunches regularly, but it was Fri. night, so I was going to get a Chinese meal. But, Sue Tabor, UCD grad in UCC Bible study I was in, 1994-1995 or so, & married one of the others in the group - but, she wasn't from UCC, she was attending First Baptist Church - @ Rd. 98 & Russell (black box sign). There's a Mt. Tabor in Bible, & it occurred to me more than once it would've been nice if some of those from Bible study(s) I was in had mounted invasion. Instead, the 'code'/'cold' conspiracy centers on recruiting more rebels - I don't have my "cold" - or my stern stand - because the 'Tabor' consp. is a purported gain of more rebels - namely, Alabama & T.A. Brian Toone - the 'T.A. burr' coconspirator - from Alabama. Toone & the double underline 'chair'/'trash' ('dumpster') codes of 2000 - death row - electric chair codes. & what just occurred in Alabama (abbrev. Al.)? Kenneth Smith executed; late Al Smith, developer of Stonegate, had been supportive of me until he passed away in 2008 or so - Stonegate is the neighborhood @ West end of Davis - Lake Blvd.
(For the record, I don't stake any claim in Al Smith - before he passed away I came across a phone book entry, "The Law Offices of Alfred Smith," but he wasn't atty. - common practice of anyone I might count on to commit deceptive acts to "disqualify" themselves. ("Oh, Alabama, you son of a [beeeep!]")
Smith in Al. executed w/new method - nitrogen; i.e., Jack Teacher's claims of death row conspiracies are @ night - it's "dark" & Davis rebels would never do such a thing - according to Alabama - & I don't have my "cold" or my "stand" as far as claims they are serious - according to Andrew & Esther - w/the white chair in the middle of the pasture. BUT, IF THEY ARE COMMITTING FELONIES IN PUBLIC, STALKING & CONSPIRING - THE MAFIA HAS MORE SCRUPPLES THAN TO DO THAT! - THAT ALONE IS THE GUARANTEE THEY WOULD'VE DONE IT LONG TIME AGO IF THEY COULD'VE - IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE WHOLE WORLD WATCHING. The essentially unending delays of Toone & South essentially eliminates prospect that they are tracking or luring Davis - Al. propping up a facade that they are decent folk - DESPITE A REBELLION ATTEMPTING TO DIVIDE THE NATION!!!! '[It's] night - [death] row, Jenn [Uphold];' mssg. from Al. to Ca. rebels that death row was occurring @ night - 'do you still want to go through w/it?' I.e., Jenn had moved to Santa Cruz before the oppression started in Davis - there's nothing she can do for victim of conspired trap??? As far back as 2001, 2004, Shell gas stations, "Hydrogen" labels; i.e., '[They're] hid[ing a] [death] row [consp.], Jenn;' i.e., removing all guesswork - a trap being set secretly - the possibilities are endless where entire region involved, a murder is committed, & a half dozen conspiratorial witness say that I did it; those claiming to be Christians have common goals w/atheists (who hate me because of my free speech evangelism) - can Jenn uphold the law & intervene on my behalf? David Beale of Davis arrested in 2003 for illegal possession of human body parts (part & parcel w/Poly Klaas story, 1993, exc. the disposal of her body covered up - but witnessed also by Howard Ashelman murder of James in 2018 - cut the body into pieces before burying it). Alabama's nitrogen code possibly, 'we'll go through w/it if you will...' It's probable Shell Oil highlighted aspects of their products using this verbage to track UCC - i.e., a watch combined w/ARCO - the fake double arch that lured UCC to admit they're still going for their kick out of Jack Teacher while baiting me to cover for them - - w/the oil cos. endorsing them, who can stop them...?! 'don't worry, UCC, Jack Teacher is blinded by his selfishness & greed; he won't have a clue - don't listen to him when he says he wants to teach again - it's still 'our "co.,"' & you know it.
Español major, & studying Spanish in MS & HS, interrogative pronoun "what?" in Spanish was "¿cómo?" which directly translates to "how?" in English; but recently, Spanish, in conversation in ordinary conditions & on TV have been using "¿qué?" - the Spanish equiv. of 'what.' I reported Latinos to some extent made efforts on my behalf to ensure I could earn income while I was temporarily stranded in business profession - the res. on T St. in Sac sold by Mex. male Jesús, w/me as their agent. 'Cómo' phonemically, 'Co. - I'm "owe;"' then becomes 'k[ey,] A' ('¿qué?'); it's either consp. signal among Latinos to keep me in debt - an "unpardonable" act of a teacher temporarily in business industry; or, 'k[ey,] A'- changing a language custom to give me the keys to teacher career - 'you didn't budge - any "budge" is on us!' Because of the timing & the fact there were instances of them defending my right to be a professional, maintaining use of my college education despite being persecuted, it's possible it is a signal they are standing in the gap for me... "CUT!!!! Jack Teacher, wake up!!?? This educational mutual admiration report - but don't settle for 'rogue' tactics! I'll give you a clue, 'KAY????" An angel, obviously reminding me - '¿qué' & ''kay' are phonemically identical - the same sound; ''kay' is an expression from cousin John Granato (Italian) that became a code, & Domino's pizza WS involved in shooting spree on K St. in Sac in 2022, w/Domino's stalking me about it literally hours before it happened. & Granato's sister, Julie, married Ed Ugarte - 'you guar[d] 'T;'' i.e., Latinos, w/help of Italians, 'Oh, Jack Teacher, don't worry, we'll intervene for your rights to earn a living using your education talents in business - rather than automatically sink to lowest common denominator of grunt labor - until you resolve legal battles so you can get back to your teacher career...' Or, Italians tracked Latinos - but little evidence of motives on my behalf by Italians recently. & @ the time there was that gesture from a limited number of Latinos in No. Ca. (income from sales). But as far as the shooting spree on K St., w/victims including homeless fem. l.n. Davis, although it makes a point that 'qué' in the street, i.e., Spanish Teacher Jack Teacher oppressed & conspiratorially w/out a place to stay -that that's practically murder, & that's what's instigating the shooting sprees nation-wide, I can't condone fighting illegal fire w/illegal fire - Everyone knows Orange Julius went out of business - Italians arranging a hit on my behalf, Joe Banana isn't biting - that isn' the cup. There's better ways to track lewd codes of Latinos as well. Moreover, my cousin's husband's first name is Ed; as in 'editor' or media, which had duty to report the oppression & rebellion instead of facilitating 'qué' in the street. Also, it's not beyond the realm of possibilities the Spanish language was formed w/Constantine/Byzantine Jack Teacher plan in view as far as that vocab.
Police have to be right most of the time, or they won't be heeded; but if they become like the pope, refusing to acknowledge a shortcoming of some of their agencies (such as No. Ca. - Davis police, etc.), the legalism becomes a cancer.
1/17, "48 Hours" TV investigative program; I reported fem. Jenn Uphold whom I briefly dated @ UCC, 1994; but didn't last very long, & she moved to Santa Cruz a year later. She was basically retiring from start - exclaiming she had to go to bed early 10 PM or so - "Can't be up too late!" & then @ one point I called her, & she said she didn't want me to call her anymore & hung up. I called back - once - & she threatened to call police. This was before there had been any police oppression, etc. - out of the blue, so to speak. But once again, last name was cue - 'uphold [the law]' & it wasn't on my behalf - I was totally oblivious to a conspiracy occurring behind the scenes in Davis & entire region where I was slated to be on the streets - Vacaville Christian Academy, which deceptively terminated me in 1995, located on Davis St. - tip of the iceberg. "48 Hours" 2013 story in Davis county, Utah, & adjacent Weber county (Ogden), about male, Kris Ertmann, who slit his wife Tiffany Mead's throat, convicted of attempted murder, then conspired to have her murdered from prison. 'Care is '[C]ert[ain],' man' - facade of manning certainty seems to be operative: Ertmann attempted to kill his wife, slitting her throat; she didn't die right away, & it's a bizarre tale of Ertmann allowing her to call 9-1-1 & say she had attempted suicide, after she drove her car, neck bleeding profusely, to a more populated location, w/him in the car w/her. I.e., deputies describing her neck as slashed to extent that it could've have been done by her; but when it doesn't kill her, Ertmann isn't "certain" about finishing her off, giving her a shirt to stop the bleeding, & allowing 9-1-1 call if she'll say it was attempted suicide. Once police arrive, she then says he did it. One of investigators was Davis county sheriff's deputy Jen Daley. They obtained conviction of Ertmann, & while in prison, constantly monitoring him due to reports he was attempting to hire a hitman to kill Tiffany; @ one point, frustrated due to no phone conversations w/any evidence, a break through, & Daley says, "I went from despair to elation like I haven't felt in the blink of an eye" - a mismatch of expressions translating to a code - i.e., strangely missing elaboration - "...haven't felt in years," or "..haven't felt before..." i.e., code - "...from despair to elation? Like [(or prefer), that I haven't felt [or cared! Because Davis rebels should've been punished] in the blink of an eye." 'Certain' - "College For Certain," Aspire Schools; elaborate - & desperate - long range attempts to create facade Jack Teacher isn't really planning on teaching - but it all occurs during blatant undeniable darkness, where thousands of schools conspire to deny me teacher positions for decades! IF I'M HIRED TO TEACH, & MAINTAIN A TEACHER POSITION, THAT BLOWS YEARS & YEARS OF THEIR COVER TO SMITHEREENS & EXPOSES UNTOLD NUMBERS OF MONSTERS! Exception to this - hired, but dead end w/trap door to hostage captivity - Pinole consp., combined w/claim I only accepted the job because I was cornered, or pinned, because of all the applications. The bottom line is there is no teacher job absent justice - the teacher won't have control of the classroom w/students whose parents have trained them the teacher is their slave & they can commit crimes against the teacher in public w/out number & they won't be punished. It's the ruin of the nation if left unchecked! Then very brief scene of Daley sitting on bleachers for some unexplained reason - but it was a scene out of "December" song by Taylor Swift where fem's former guyfriend is walking through the snow, then sitting on bleachers; i.e., Jenn Uphold threatening to call the police in 1994; the region sabotages my teacher career w/conspired termination from Vacaville Christian Academy on Davis St. in VV, followed by UCC's dismissal of me from volunteer youth leader position, my life spirals downward; & to ensure it continues, phony facades that I wasn't "certain" about teacher career, claiming that's suspicious, allowing them to conjure up "Ellie" oppression, so deceptive that it amounts to rebellion; lyrics in "December" - fem. willing to apologize to former guyfriend, & saying, "So if the chain's on your door, I'll understand..." i.e., he's keeping her @ bay, & possibly vaguely implying she's dangerous; Davis rebels can't have any such reverse implication, & so Davis county Utah ('you tau[ght]') deputy Jen Daley covers for them, conjuring up - December - ''D' is I'm "burr,"' i.e., defending Swift - has her cold attitude toward Jack Teacher - Daley sitting on bleachers - manning the former guyfriend is a woman - isn't being a man if he's locking & chaining his door to keep former galfriend away. Additional evidence: Tiffany - 'tie, fanny' - little fan; a fan of Taylor Swift who refuses to allow her to throw him to the wolves, in deceptive facade of conditions where he wasn't "certain" about teacher goals, it's a "tie" - he might be capable of slitting her throat - or that of Jenn Uphold. Vision, 1/19, praying about Daley & "48 Hours" report, "You're gonna [bring Red] Sea [judgment against] her." Tiffany Mead - Lake Mead - huge lake in So. Ca.; 'lay, k[ey];' rock's act of laying rather than intervening on my behalf was huge - instigating more oppression; this was July 2013 the slitting of Tiffany's throat occurred; but then it had been 2 years that I'd publicly proclaimed that I believed rock stars had been praying for me to convert their songs. But when law enforcement, such as Daley, no matter where they are located, can't denounce & apprehend conspirators, kidnappers, attempted murderers, rebels in No. Ca., it's a huge 'lay' or omission of duties that is conspiracy, & underwrites the rebellion. That's why they can't help but leave clues of their involvement.
ADULTS IN AMERICA SEEM TO HAVE GRAVITATED (CONSPIRATORIALLY ACQUIESCED) TO PIED PIPER SCENARIO - A HISTORICAL FICTIONAL STORY OF KIDS BEING INSTRUMENTAL IN TRACKING ADULTS WHO HAD TREATED AN INDIVIDUAL DECEPTIVELY. THIS STORY THAT CAME OUT @ SAME TIME AS ROCKET SCIENCE WAS DISCOVERED. ROCK & HOLLYWOOD HYPOTHESIZED WE WOULD'VE BEEN ATTEMPTING LANDINGS ON JUPITER BY NOW, IF JACK TEACHER WERE ALLOWED TO TEACH ("2010: A SPACE ODYSSEY" & SEQUEL). W/AGREED ROLE OF THE EVIL PARENTS & ADULTS IN PIED PIPER, THIS ALLOWS FOR DISTINCTION BETWEEN ADULTS WHO INSIST THEY HAVE GONE BAD & CAN'T BE DEPENDED ON, & VAST MAJORITY OF YOUNGER GENERATIONS CONCEIVABLY OPEN TO AVOIDING INVOLVEMENT, IT ALLOWS YOUNGER PEOPLE TO (1)KNOW WHERE THEY STAND, & (2)KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP AGAINST & (3) KNOW WHO MIGHT BE COUNTED ON. & don't be too quick to categorize - we have Dad Gum, Taught Ya Ma, Aruaaall! & family, the Brockmeyers, the Bergs, Step-Honor-Knee & Caroline, & possibly Mideast Americans of all ages. As far as rock & Hollywood, my reports have been blunt, but according to the Lord, they are more open to intervening for USA than the "evil adults." Those seeing them in concert should coerce them & rebuke them for giving me the shaft - don't put them on a pedestal where you can't rebuke or challenge them - but don't commit crimes against them or you're the rebels - symbolically slap them in the face, but also acknowledge their proactive religious gestures - but just because Glenn Miller got shot down defending USA in WWII, doesn't mean they have to symbolically shoot themselves down - it solves their dilema so that they get out of helping a school teacher, but it's deceptive - failing to keep an agreement. Dad Gum did his part - the attending of rock concerts, the killing of a mockingbird, but they flake on everyone! Mary Nabokova & the Sexy Mod Bunnies - encouraging, but they & Russian leaders must do more than an instant replay of vague signals combined w/giving me the shaft that rock & Hollywood did - & it also slowly morphed into subtle claim I was sexually "needy" - not that I was deficient or a deviant, but trapped surrounded by perverts, unable to cope, w/out rock's "charity" gestures affirming my potential to "go virile" upon marriage - but it was strategy of treating the symptom instead of defeating the cause w/invasion - dysfunctional relationship where Jack Teacher supposedly needs them like a sexual crutch - hobbling around - which he was already doing anyway, w/a suitcase; combine that w/attempts of region to kill me.
1/5, TV documentary about science expedition or else amatures looking around in wilderness, & excavating, searching @ particular location, came across a metal chain link - & emphasis was it was in middle of nowhere; lower case 'g' - Courier font (typewriter font), bottom half looks like chain link. Courier font possibly code for appeals, due to decades of appeals made using typewriters; desperate attempts to conjure up that my writs & appeals for my Teacher Credential, & my writs filed suing Davis Joint USD superintendant, Sac. City USD superintendant, & principal of Woodland Christian School were magically proven to be phony (all 3 school admins. that I sued responded w/harassment restraining orders, which were granted by courts, despite an act of simply suing someone can't be considered harassing them in this or any parallel universe). Most likely the facade is Taylor Swift, supposed adult fem. affirming my sexuality, seconded by Paris Hilton, but actions speak louder than words, & oppression against me became more lethal, & instead of them being up in arms, & using mics & media & balling & wailing on my behalf, the attempts on my life are for all appearances' sake, perfectly legal, perfectly fine; i.e., 'link' - they'll 'len[d,] k[ey],' they're little "g's" or little girls, as opposed to big "G's, or gals; & as little girls, either too inept to intervene, or subtle assertion I deserved it, & so my Teacher career can rot, is the implication. Ironically, a brief lesson from history, Lincoln acted to 'lend' (figuratively) rank of colonel (verb - 'col'n') to those fighting for freedom & "unlinking," or breaking, chains of bondage. Argument that that subtle smears of my reputation isn't what they mean - they are trying to corner blacks; but the Bible says "Don't move the ancient boundaries" - willfully allowing attempts on someone's life & refusing to do something about it is a departure from decency & civilized societies; it amounts to whites forfeiting our crown - reduced to slavery in one form or another - something as minimal as taxation w/out representation was the standard of the founding forefathers; apart from my stand, being white, whites in USA & possibly other locations would be subjected to slavery by others until we repented. THIS ISN'T IDLE RAMBLING - THIS IS "THE DIVISION" REBELLION, & IT INCLUDES BILL GATES, ONE OF FOUNDERS OF ASPIRE SCHOOLS - "COLLEGE FOR CERTAIN" INEPT SLOGUN WHICH IS ALSO CODE - THE CODE IS, "PLAY IT COOL, STAY IN SCHOOL" IS ALL WASHED UP, & SCHOOL IS FOR NAIVE, UNCOOL FLAKES; & ALSO, BECAUSE I'D GAINED A NAME FOR ASSERTING MY FREE SPEECH RIGHTS, IF I'M A TEACHER, THEN I'M UNCOOL & NAIVE.
Additional plausible parallel - Ogden Utah - Weber county next to Davis county; 'den' phoneme - den is possibly subtle R.E. sales code - selling homes, the goal is move customer up to biggest home they can afford; in fact, some brokers will tell you if you aren't aggressive about it, you'll see them riding by in another agent's car working w/them; a large home w/spacious living room, &, a...den - the magic word. Kilroy - long nose, democracy & teacher goals - Denmark's royalty in the news, & shedding light on Vikings - originated from 3 nations, rather than explusively Norway; ''den,' mark' & Sweden - 's[ee?] 'wee' [is] 'den' [goals]' ('wee' - code for teacher goals) - subtle attempt to bait Jack Teacher to report supportive conjectures about Russia, in attempt to gain more glory for himself - equivalent to sales motives? Russians & Slavs fail to intervene, nor respond @ all fueling these bent & cruel facades. They are dedicated to the DIVISION - all the way to the top - president Biden - w/name subtly implying favorable disposition of Jack Teacher (a concept that he's negated w/his conspiracies) - [a]bidin'' - suddenly becomes yet another tool against Jack Teacher - 'buy [this home w/a] den!'
Missoula p/up, w/ad, "Children's Theater" pkg lot next to bldg 3 of Days Inn (SE) - same pkg spot as bald male goatie, neon yellow hat, sm sports car w/racing stripes. Missoula is located in Montana, but it most likely a code for 'Missouri' - 'miss[es] su[ing schools] - R.E. [career is the] "law."' If I claim I'm putting on an act while working landscaping, the regional decree is I can't act - I'm not talented enough to be an "actor;" but the "act" isn't some drama star; it simply means I'm outnumbered & forced to work for rebels stalking me & threatening me on the job - but if I want to have income, I have no choice but to be somewhat cordial & "act" polite - (while making warnings) because calling the police to arrest them only makes it worse; i.e., "acting" is simply working & avoiding attacking or arresting rebels when outnumbered - tolerating oppression to earn income while outnumbered isn't trying to be a star - THEY ARE NUKED PROLIFICALLY. So ads such as Precision Door Services in Sac claiming on TV, "No, I can't act; I'm not an actor" attempting to negate me as though I'm trying to be a star, literally spells out they are the rebel monsters, because they conspired for almost 20 years to block every other option except landscape work in Davis - & that was a last ditch option if I survived suicide conditions; & it only goes downward if you let them dupe you that raking & weeding is taboo because it means your a "star" actor & that's off limits. The ad mssg. is orchestrate another strangle attack @ someone's front door (like in 2020 on Columbia Ct.) because Jack Teacher's trying to be a "star."
1/6, [phonemically,] "I don't get an 'A'" Jackson 5 [(supposed lyrics are "How to get an A")], w/taunting 'ha-ha' tone; "Hoss simple as...A-B-C, 1-2-3,..." 'hos[tage captivity of Jack Teacher is] simple...' -[ Michael Jackson & Jacksons conspiring as of 970's.] Lava laundry, bald wh male gray goatie, 1:15, supposed "friendly" code (all codes are bound); 10 min. later, asked if I was finished using drier; I didn't notice it was the same [stalker until after replying] I was finished w/it; bald & gray goatie - same as male w/dk gray sm sports car, neon yellow hat, @ Days Inn (reported). "He doesn't take that cap" mex male emply, Days Inn, 7:48 AM (they haven't learned diff. between gold & fools gold color). "they have wash," or similar, & P line arrived 3 min. early; if I hadn't jogged to intersection, I'd've been stuck for another half hour, 9:09 AM, Ensenada.
Neon stocking cap - I had purchased gold stocking cap; vision someone trying to claim it meant more homeless coming to Davis; ie., facade of suspicion that landscape work is "gold." But I can wear attractive clothing; moreover, my tracking the rebels IS gold nevertheless - as affirmed by my Mom. Recently though I've been in hurry, working on reports while on the bus, I arrive @ my stop, & have to save file, put laptop away, put jacket on, get off bus, & I've been in a hurry & forgot an olive green jacket on bus last year, & then that gold stkg cap last week (approx. 1/17); the monsters are desparate & attempt to claim that means I must've felt guilty about wearing it; no, no, no, no, no, no, no! More like an angel possibly causing me to be overly busy & in a hurry, because about 8,000 students @ UCD as of beginning of Winter qtr have only been in Davis for 3 mos. - from valley, bay area - are they lock step terrorists before they arrive? Or can they say, "Hey, you forgot your jacket, bud!" "Don't forget your hat!" But no, they are rebels, from day one.
Aspire secondary schools - "College For Certain" - free speech haunting has cohorts; "printing" is expression for being processed - finger prints, etc., when you're arrested, & in No. Ca. it's code for kidnap & oppression - & Aspire schools are located in No. Ca., along w/one of their cohorts - or close enough,, w/expression - "4imprint, for certain;" & to remove all doubt, the pronunciation is hokey in TV ad jingles. Moreover, the name is neither catchy, nor practical, it doesn't convey a practical meaning. But, the logo is almost identical to w/Aspire's "College, for Certain" - i.e., the desperate attempt to create a monster "brick" effect as far as education & free speech battles - 'Jack Teacher's "habit" of going to jail repeatedly is all you need to ruin your lives, kids...!' but their reasoning only follows if you assume that you can't win in freedom of speech battles - their implication, when empowered by regional rebels, is tantamount to a decree. Their curse against me is to curry DIVISION conspirators' favor - making them DIVISION coconspirators. & proof of direct involvement in instant conspiracy of the gold v. neon yellow stocking caps - home page - - jail stripe stocking cap & pledge to the rebels, "You'll shine. We'll make certain." &, attn. to detail, the hat brand name is "CREEG" which phonemically, is R.E. code - 'k[ey] R.E. eg[g];' coded mssg. to continue w/sales brainwashes. Also, while numbers & words run together in web addresses, the practice of that occurring in ordinary text corrupts English language - 4imprint is the name of the co. - number & word attached; instead of "4 Imprint," etc. When coining a phrase that's a private business name, bending the rules may be allowed, but combining words & numbers isn't customary - it leads to confusion. This point may be minimal, but while 4imprint is an international corp. - USA, Ireland, Canada; its offices in Ca. are located in Valencia - the origin of the Chowchilla/Godzilla bus kidnappers! - They kidnapped essentially a classroom full of kids! So when you endorse kidnapping of kids, obviously endorsing a conspiracy of ongoing free speech violations - & the ensuing rebellion, is small potatoes.
1/23, "We should honor them, & allow them to vote," Nikki Haley, 9:29 PM News Nation (or 1/24, 9:29 AM); double entendre that too easily lends itself to overthrow of nation w/subtle implied parlay to Jack Teacher as prospective royalty. I.e., under guise of remotely implying influx of Latinos across the border might be allowed to vote - pretence that they are coming here in droves to help us deal w/blacks who are rebelling, & will take their place - a population transfusion (& it may be the case) - her verbage is contradictory & vague, implying the overthrow of democracy - voting for American citizens is an option that can be revoked @ any time - as opposed to the basis & foundation of democracy. She isn't the first one to do this - other politicians & media, including possibly Trump phrased it in such a way. This also makes it yet another attempt to bait me to pursue royalty motives (& forfeit teacher goals). As far as Latinos, though, God alerted me to them warring against Jack Teacher plan behind the scenes in No. Ca., & that to some extent, it isn't limited to No. Ca. Latinos (& other rebels); i.e., the influx to supposedly deal w/blacks may be an extention of the DIVISION consp.; i.e., they are coming under guise of replacing blacks, but it's instead it's a misinformed & cowardly attempt to act on behalf of Slavs, & defeat the Western "Hymn" church & USA, & Jack Teacher plan. Or, possibly that was the plan until recently. This is qualified w/more than one vision in 2017 & 2019 of Latinos willing intervene on behalf of USA. Regionally they are driven by jealousy which obviously blinds & confuses them - they have to do better than that on nation level. @ any rate, Haley & others are fostering confusion & sowing seeds of discord & overthrow of nation rather than undertaking an overhaul of gov't & No. Ca. & others - same as Trump, w/comment on inaugueration day 2017, "We're gonna take it all the way to defeat" - leaders tempting & baiting the nation to commit anarchy because they are lazy, corrupt, & jealous - 'find a way to cause Jack Teacher to stumble...' THE AMERICAN FLAG IS "HUNG" - DEFEATED, BECAUSE THEY ARE DISPLAYING IT THAT WAY - ATTEMPTING TO DEFEAT & RUIN THE NATION!
1/17,, Ca. State mental health ad, TV, fem spokesperson, "...[they can] move up & down in life" - i.e., state conspiring to attempt to reduce my prosperity - & conveniently, new mental health laws facilitate terrorists' kidnappings more so than before! YOU REALLY CAN'T NUKE THESE MONSTERS ENOUGH! - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW. They have the president publicly conspiring w/billion dollar freeway projects (I-80, Davis to WS) w/conspired 'rail' theme. I'm astute enough to refuse to lose my temper & disappear - because you don't yell @ terrorists, you nuke them - & I'm punished for it w/conspired long range stalls. Min. wage magically almost equal w/my pay - cover for Davis rebels - assertion that I don't have my confession - attempt to prop up No. Ca. w/poker face.
1/17, "I have bless," 12:19 PM approx., Ca. Franchise Tax Bd. agent, male; another threat to freeze my bank acct. - I owe a few thousand in 2022 taxes as well as 2021? They owe me $ billions woth of justice!!!!!; moreover, they've trained their agents that blessings can be controlled by humans & any blessings from God can be negated by humans - that works for a short period, then God brings judgment against them (either by operation of the law, or an act of God). He then said I've been fined $800 & $850 for 2 years of failing to sign up for Covered Ca. health care; i.e., if you don't sign up, you pay for it anyway. Moreover, that was a conspiracy code, from Ca. gov't agent - that's conspiracy - they are training their emplys to conspire.
1/24, 7:20 AM, Subaru ad (on TV for 2-3 mos.), blk male driving Subaru, & deaf blk boy in back seat; sight-seeing @ Yosemite & get out of car to look @ Half Dome, & boy conspicuously places hand on tree; @ end of ad, reverberating music, plus background noise abruptly increases, possibly waterfall noise, but sounds almost like musical instruments; another more recent ad w/this exact same "effect;" both are imitating Christian rock group Petra's Visions abrupt instrumental beginning of song (or Visions (Reprise)/Doxology or both). The abruptness is similar to musical sound effect in movies or programs that indicates danger - a 2-beat "Uh-oh!" sound; but it isn't the same, simply remotely similar. Nevertheless, it's common knowledge that trees often symbolize a penis - w/out necessarily being "dirty;" a black boy touching a tree could be random (nature) or could be subtly implying a lewd activity; Petra means rock or small pebble in Greek; people dating sometimes pet, or caress, neck, etc., each other, & that sometimes leads to heavy petting. If you're petting & "raw," that implies having sex. The implication, deaf boy can't hear the waterfall that vaguely sounds like "danger" music, but @ any rate, a Petra connotation; deaf - can't hear; ad code indicating (1)blacks don't hear the warnings because they've stopped up their ears (Ps 58:3-5); (2) '[he] can't [be] here' - Jack Teacher can't go on a hike or trip alone w/blk boy - it isn't safe - danger of serious false accusation by boy (& his parents) who wants to "touch" a "tree," & no witnesses. Codes are bound, & so I don't condone use of codes; Subaru makes valid implied warning; but it is possible the implication is giving blks ammo - similar to Lodi Rich/MGM consp. - blk boy "honey" conspiracy, implying lewd motives of Jack Teacher. Visions/Doxology is based on the melody of Christian hymn "Doxology," seeming to be a powerful instrumental expansion of it (tradition in Methodist church - Doxology is sung every Sun. after offering). But, Visions produces a trick - takes the first 2 notes of last. verse of Doxology, & subtly isolates them & emphasizes them - it's the same as "cuckoo" - someone who's lost some of his marbles, etc. This happens to line up w/Ca. spokesperson (reported) subtly suggesting the 'up & down' stations in life of those who are homeless; i.e., more aggressive "Lanterman Petris Short" Ca. mental health laws - & Jack Teacher - stigma of homeless past - is captive again - he didn't "suck" the homeowners' "trees" enough, & so Ca. gov't. & Biden override any upward advances in prosperity & any affirmation that Davis has to pay for past slavery - cutting Jack Teacher's 'dough' income in half (Half Dome). Meanwhile, once again, that Subaru ad's been out for a while, but it was only recently Mary Nabokova got my attention w/boxing poses, & there's a pic of her lying on her stomach on a lg. almost horizontal tree; then in last few days, other models in same pose, & pics of models holding lg. palm trees as though dear to them, & hugging trees, including giant Sequoias (Gen. Sherman). I.e., Sexy Mod Bunnies tracking the black Outlaws - the General Sherman is a giant, lovable, dear, friendly, sexy tree! I couldn't agree w/them more! (Nailbiters!)
1/20, 11:24 PM, "We're gonna play 'til final wish," blk 49'ers player; 'final[s]' - final exams - Jack Teacher's career is reduced to a wish' '[s]wish' - basketball - Kid Curry's finger in air - feigned objection to local council members - code to leave me w/out options except going to the kingpins & begging for justice - slavery. 1/19, "I taught you," blk male, wispered (w/boy), 8:32 PM ABC; confession blacks billed us for slavery - shooting sprees, etc.; instead of being leverage - piping up for Atlas feat, they conspired disaster for melting pot - THEY TAUGHT US A LESSON. 1/21, blk 49'ers player, "...nobody panicked...we collected,..." ch 3, 7:48 AM - but a victory, crowds should be going wild - & where does "panic" come in?! - Confession of blks, THEY BILLED US - & collected their bill -the shooting sprees, deaths from crowd tramplings, disasters. That afternoon, after placing this report on internet, another team w/football game victory, "The crowds going wild...!" 1/19, blk college basketb. player, wh uniform, "Sshhh!" gesture, Fox 8:40 PM. 1/20, "They were RIGHT there," SF v. Grn Bay, anncr, Fox 6:11 PM. "You get picked," bug code, 6:12 PM. "It's moving!" anncr, Fox NFL 6:33 PM. "I wish I had..." 49'ers, anncr, 6:49; 6:50, "Midelle of the field, where they live," (or '...Michelle of...'), anncr, football; 'Michelle [Obama]' - blk leaders betrayed me - blk player's 'wish' code followed these codes - using them against me - claiming Jack Teacher doesn't "have." 2013, staying in truck w/shell; advanced upward from staying outdoors most of the time; but w/blks in control - denied work, truck reg. expires, truck towed, & it's a downward spiral - outdoors again - up, then down. God warned w/drastic weather change to the day - no more rain for last 2 mos. of Winter, & 3 1/2 year drought - exact same as Elijah; blks don't believe in God, though. 7:12 PM, "That was our hold, on" fem from room near 128, BW; after I logged onto Tetris from another pg.; i.e., access to video game sabotaged repeatedly - over period of approx. 1 hour; I then opened another pg & new copy of the game - that one was soon sabotaged as well. Tetris, Russian origin, attempts to assimilate it by the Ca. gov't Petris conspirators - I also play Pacman, occasionally chess online, & cards - Sexy Mod Bunnies intervening for my Tetris rights - sexy!
1/21, "Forget there," Jesse, rptr, NBC news 5:37 PM. "You don't have them, ate," 5:39 gov't bug code. "You don't see your feat," vision 5:41. 5:50, "...just turned the most wins," Stanford fem coach, NBC. CBS, Chiefs v. Bills, "Tick him out," anncr, 8:24 PM; possibly code, 'take him..' but literally (still a code), warning to stop denying me justice so that my life isn't stalled. Mahomes, "Cho that we can play anywhere," 6:53 PM, CBS; 'cho mo' is code for 'ch[ild] mo[lester];' 1999, I was shooting hoops w/blk teen @ UCD, jr. higher, & he exclaimed, "We could go ANYWHERE!" supposedly upbeat, but it didn't go that direction w/blks, & they started coming to Davis as of 2017 saying "We child molest" while before that it was "we molest" was the lowest as far as any lewd codes. Also, blacks were involved in the attempt on my life in 2017 brandishing gun & attempting to run me down. Cho mo code may have been parallel to that or slightly before it, but Latino expression cholo is simply a nickname, & there wasn't anything about context of it to relate it to kids - until blacks arrived. I.e., some seeds, but blacks were the rebels who spelled it out - w/acts of oppression so that there's no mistaking it. It was taken from questionable code that was possibly an "abbreviation" to explicit lewd code; they don't have the luxury of taking it back to an abbrev. & claim it's of honorable sentiment.
1/23, "he'll have his to do something," bug code, 3:25 AM. Dream of middle age Asian on ship - more like military or bunk on freight ship, rather than luxury liner, waking in middle of night, somewhat worried - sm. amount of shaking & tossing of ship, & "I don't party, babes; do you recognize me?" i.e., implication is Mao Tse Tung has a hold over Chinese, 5 AM approx.; they are too lazy to respond to God, & settle for lowest denominator. 4:35, "We don't get our splatter?" bug code. 4:11 AM, "Has he cunned Valentines regrow?" bug code, coming from A/C. 6:15, "Packin' term!" bug code. Vision, 6:36 AM, "I got problems w/you; I got problems w/everybody," wh male, to blk male - context was "Sandy Hook Promise" ad on TV, Asian fem telling jokes about school shootings, then blk fem, same thing; seems to be tell-tale sign that Asians are reaching new lows - no better than blks; but according to vision, it terrorists attempting to brainwash me that I can't bring judgment against blacks, because Asian Americans are just as bad - i.e., 'everybody's blowin' it; you can't just single out blks!' But God has given me repeated visions that blacks nation-wide are far worse than anyone else - attempting to (1)cause melting pot to crumble, (2) ruin me, & (3)take over Davis to perpetuate the No. Ca. rebellion; Asian Americans may be failing to intervene, & more than that, accidentally-on-purpose attempting to allow USA to fail, but it isn't the expicit universal goals the way it is w/blks - convinced it's their right to ruin the nation. There may be more to it, such as Asians or Chinese @ any rate, from Asia, contemplating invasion - & the reaction of Asian Americans indicates they wouldn't object (betrayal), but it's passive indifference v. blks' active betrayal. "You don't here gout," 6:07 AM gov't bug code. "They don't have San Diego select," (or similar); possibly Marcum - didn't measure up to "selected" (as opposed to "chosen); indicating there is evidence of conspiracies. Matt. 22, Jesus tells parable about wedding, & those invited invent excuses not to come, tending to field, another had business to take care of - "Many are invited, but few are chosen;" 22:14; Asians put off following God claiming first they must track the melting pot, or test Jack Teacher, etc. The Bible says, "Today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts," it's volitional - it isn't "if you hear his voice," it's "if you will hear his voice" - choose to listen & respond - & - don't put it off; each day you put it off, satan can harden your heart so that it's less likely the longer you wait.
6:55 AM, & again @ 7:05, male scoffing loudly every time I went by his car right outside my door- lic pl 8UFN091; I had gone to office @ BW, & clerk out to lunch; due back by 7; wasn't there @ 7:05, & more scoffing. 1/24, I was specifically led to use coffee maker due to rebels attempting to mold me to spend, spend, spend, such as specialty coffee. That eve. while juggling, tried to make coffee, & coffee maker malfunctioning; i.e., they sabotaged it while I was gone during the day to force me to get specialty coffee; I phoned office for them to bring me another coffee maker repeatedly, no answer, & same scoffer was in car w/engine running & codes outside my door @ that instant; i.e., '[s]coffee[ng];' terrorists come from other places & participate in oppression; since I've already reported thousands of acts of oppression by locals, it couldn't be they are tracking them - it's they are insisting everybody's a terrorist - resistance is futile. 7:33 AM, "We've never seen..we've never seen this before," wh or blk fem NBC, referring to blk male breaking record Joel___; but also shooting sprees like never before occurring - point guard - Chinese "guarding" the right of blacks to break "shooting" records in athletic ways & deadly ways.
1/18, "Host[age] to get to you," NBC news video, Savannah, 6:47 AM. "picked up, it" Guenther, next door to Barbara 9:36 AM. "Gettin' old is not for the timid," Barbara, after Mike said he was finished - then he kept going longer, & Barb, "Here, Mike, I'm gonna go & get ready..." i.e., giving him some relaxation, as though she's the controller, 10:25. "That's your rough," male, after coughing, 6:51 AM, rm 129 (I was in 128). 5:23 PM, wh midsize car, failed to yield, 2nd & B. 3 PM, "I said, you're gettin' skill," or '...gettin''s kill' vision 3 PM approx. "You didn't know we were her better," Brewster's (mex. cafe), 6:16 PM ch 3. 6:19, "You didn't see, it was she, it," fem bug code. 6:22, "Just stops," KCRA ad, 6:22 PM. "grown community" (or similar) "..missing out on a vital part," ch 3 6:26 PM. "I'm gonna guess it," & horn honks near 128, 8:08 PM male.
1/19 "The ground pace in dog" (or similar) Jackie Defusco wash budget," 6:16 AM, ch 3. "On we make sure," GMA dk skin fem rptr 7:07 AM. ch 3 7:15 AM, "It's hard when we've hit so many roadblocks along the we," Uvalde mex. fem. 7:17, "The thing in here has passed," ABC; 7:15, "Call it the golden handcuffs," Christine.
1/19, "My child, their children, are named in this report, because they were killed; everybody should've been inked," mex fem, Uvalde; possibly trying to slip insinuation that Davis should've been arrested, but more likely it's 'I've R.E. buddy;' Telemundo. "dick semana lotta human sa'bado;" mex. male, wthr/tiempo; 12;19 PM; 'dick week lotta human Saturday;' terrorist mexs acually attempting to psych me that I have to work landscaping 6 days/wk (Sat.), recent code, "I have Saturday" approx. 1/22 or so; code - 'I have 'sat 'er day,'' i.e., "parked" someone's supposed "day," as in, I sat in judgment of 'her' day; approx. 2010, Davis Commons, I was juggling, & Chris (wh male) & Bella (mex. fem.) both from Intervaristy UCD, married, still living in Davis, but had betrayed me along w/everyone else; Bella threw her baby up in air a foot or so (not too smart), & caught it - wreckless, similar to Michael Jackson; didn't phase me - she was indicating she knew about a pic of my sister holding Stanton up above her when he was a baby (didn't throw him, though) - as though they had secret connections w/my sister, & nobody cared & nobody would ever care about me; when I didn't react, her countenance fell & she said, "Uh-oh" - it was actually as though it was her ace up her sleeve, & it wasn't there; Chris was unfaltered though, saying "I have Saturday," & they left. I had been working every Sat., & still am, but I work on reports & job apps inst. of landscape work. Nevertheless, there seems to be an attempt of mexs & cohorts in the last wk or so that they have some sort of spell over me & they can decree 6 days of landscape work, or ramifications. The last time mex. male used 'dick' was @ BW, a few days before police were called by mex. asst. mgr, & I was unjustly denied stay in motel that night, despite I'd paid for it; Telemundo rptr involved. Vision Tues. of avoiding Guad's cafe or I could end up juggling for tips on street corner again - i.e, recognize local & regional mexs. are warring against me subtly behind the scenes. 12:52, "You're gonna live, your run," Asian male student, blk & gray N Face jacket, L line. 12:43, "We're gonna have you're not even here," Asian male, wh wt jacket, __ hat. 12:25, "he doesn't know" male @ risk of heart attack - combined w/pic of girl - lewd innuendo - possibly on Telemundo.
1/21, Dateline "The Bridge," James Chambers was murdered by Howard Ashleman in Feyetteville, N.C., 2014. 'Howard' is code for UCD students, based on Howard Wy. N. entrance to campus, & one of UCC kingpins, Aaron Needles, middle name Howard. 'Aaron' code - ''aa, run.' 1993, 12-year-old Poly Klaas was murdered by Richard Allen Davis in Petaluma, Ca.; pronounced like 'clause' (or Claus, as in Santa), but connotation of school classroom. Rich Lodi/Rich MGM conspiracy already in place in No. Ca. ('[becoming] rich [is] hard, [Jack Teacher!]' - but I'm soley pursuing justice & teacher goals - consistently), according to codes, Richard Allen Davis conveys propping up scandal in Davis, & in fact furnishing an "allen wrench" - conspired "aid" in "tight" circumstances. Davis bike capital of the world (in fact, 2 story teen center @ 3rd & B was negated & U.S. Bike Center took its place approx. 2010); Petaluma - pedal scenario. Dateline story from beginning, interviews not only of parents of James, but also fem w/Southern accent, Fran Funderburg, from Klaas Kids foundation, organization on behalf of kids named after Klaas. @ beginning of oppression, 1999, I'd attended Word of Life church, & member there, originally from Missouri, Southern accent, Willis Funderburk; partially blind, & a little inept, he came to visit me when I was in apt. on Alvarado, & said he went to the wrong door, &, in attempt to portray himself as scary because he was partially blind, "They answered the door & went "Aaah!" - an attempt to foot Davis that I wouldn't have any worthwhile friends, & they should be leary of me. Additionally, it became known that I was barely making ends meet, & 'funder burr k[ey]' took on a new meaning. Murder victim James' mother, Rachel Wellhouser - R.E. terminology. She didn't use any codes, that I was aware of, & seemed to be aware the Howard rebels in Davis needed to be tracked. She soon came across 12 personnas of Howard Ashleman - 12 facebook accts., different personalities, but all were Ashleman's websites - like a master of disguises. As far as I can tell, he's a Missouri nemesis. The documentary was from approx. 2018, & it was common knowledge nationally that Howard was code for Aggie conspirators; media using 'how' codes, such as "How in the world...?" conspiring to be allies w/Aggie conspirators - 'adjust to them & follow them' is the conspired mssg. Fem interviewer in "The Bridge," asked one of investigators, "How daunting of a case was it?!" to det. Mashburn; 'ting' is code for lewd facades; but the 'how...?' codes of media, subtle propping of Aggies nationwide, are often borderline patronizing to the interviewees - formulating questions as though they are little kids. Instantly after the 'how daunting...' code, a new investigator comes on the scene - Larry Donnegain, 8:50 PM approx.; blk male. 9:34 PM, Donnegain or other det., in interrogation room, reached out & made handshake gesture toward interviewee, but didn't actually shake anyone's hand. Blk male accomplice, Reno Parks, made confession that he helped Ashleman dispose of body. Ashleman suddenly disappeared, & Rachel, refusing to give up, suddenly located pics. of him on internet - "Hobe Sound" sign in background - community in Fl.; & in fact he had started attending Bible college; strangely, everybody acted confused - despite his master of disguises dead give-away - another disguise, as though he'd found God, so if he was caught, they might give him a light sentence. The fact is he was essentially caught; but strangely detectives didn't consider Parks' testimony as sufficient. Ashleman was suddenly dating fem from the church associated w/ the school, Hannah, a 17-year-old. After police contacted her, she got a vague confession from him on her own, but it wasn't recorded, because his response to "Did you kill James?" was a nod. Her testimony of the nod would affirm it, though. Ashleman then saying he wanted to come in & confess; Donnegain was asked by Dateline rptr, "So after he confessed, you were going to arrest him?" Donnegain replied, "Oh, no; he would leave & come back the next day, & we would go from there..." James was shot in the back w/a rifle (Parks wasn't w/him @ the time), then buried, w/Parks' help; then, w/Parks' help, body dug up & cut into pieces, placed in trash bags, & dumped over a bridge into a creek! He confesses, & THEY AREN'T GOING TO ARREST HIM!!!?? Moreover, then Hannah's parents, oblivious to Ashleman's literally spelling it out that his Bible student status is a disguise, then advise him to refuse to confess w/out an attorney!!!(9:25 PM). Then, he marries Hannah - w/parents' approval! After that, he then confesses. Moreover, his religion facade was effective - he got 20 years (out in 10), & during hearing, a smirk on his face for the camera! There were multiple characters in the documentary, including friends & relatives of victims, etc.; detectives, prosecutors; wh fem, lng dk graying hair, possibly one of prosecutors, @ end of documentary, w/Ashleman in prison, " the end, department drives a big bus, & Gino's everybody's address..." Yolo sheriff's dept.; I had vision of me & my wife (then prospective wife was Swift) both inmates on county jail bus); I was working @ Coast To Coast Hdwr in Lodi after graduating from UCD, 1993, while completing my teacher credential; HS kid named Gino also worked there; Gino had a water pitcher in refridge in break room - anyone could use it, but w/marking pen, black line & "Don't fill passed this line" or similar - but it was incorrect grammar - 'passed' inst. of 'past.' Fem.'s code on "The Bridge," ''g[irl]' knows;' most likely referring to Poly Klaas - murdered in 1993. Also, recently, due to never allowed to take an off season - for years @ a time (because surrounded by rebels using codes it stresses you to the hilt when you can't nuke them) - I had only been juggling one hour @ 4 AM. God had led me get back to 2 hours ASAP - I've been doing that for years - 2 hrs. @ 4 AM; vision of cousin Dale Berg, approx. 1/18, "We didn't know he had this suit," i.e., suit up for sports; but I was still getting same amnt. of exercise - one hr. @ 4, one or 2 hrs. after work or jogging during work from one job to the next. Nevertheless, if that vision of Dale was claim I was falling short, it simply isn't acceptable for those claiming to be allies to "test" a victim while he's suffering constant oppression & isolation, & has already gained God's approval like no one else - it's a stall tactic supposedly to track blacks, but it's also cruel. Timing indicates possibility of involvement in "The Bridge" stalking of me. I also had dream 1/20 or so, 5 AM, of fem. visiting me, as though considering "sponsoring" me (whatever that means), but inclined to opt out. As of 1/21, God led me wrap up the break & get back to the 2 hr 4 AM shifts, & as of this AM (1/22) I was up @ 4 AM, juggled for 2 hrs. I also noticed, right outside my room window, car, lic pl., CGW0424- 'see- g[irl] double['s] you,' most likely pertaining to me refusing to "comply" w/"seeing" nude photos. ''g' knows, 'I've R.E. - add arres[t];'' i.e., almost no rebels in Davis bringing police action against me lately when I knock on doors ('Don[ald Trump] again'). The vision about fem. visiting may or may not have been Mary Nabokova; it wasn't clear in vision; but I'm calling on allies to intervene for the nation & on my behalf for justice- I don't need hand-outs or sponsors. Pics of Mary indicating tip of hat to Donnell Berg (Dale's sister) - blonde w/model-like features. Is it 2 more allies on the chopping block? That's not unusual & probably to be expected, when you stall & leave the victim in harm's way. The emphasis on 'Klaas' & Klaas Kids org. seems to be school connotation; possibly attempt to provide cover for the Chowchilla kidnap of a group of kids the size of a classroom. Also, research on Richard Allen Davis, reports are he strangled Klaas, & hid her "remains" under plywood; but her "remains" were uncovered soon afterward, so why refer to them as "remains" as opposed to "body"? I remember this story in the news; & reports currently seem to be covering something up - or else news reports in 1993 were a hoax - Davis dismembered Klaas' body - cut off arms & legs - it was far more horrifying than the current reports portray it. I.e., a parallel between Howard murder story & Davis murder story - 'How hard [is it, UCD students? Jack Teacher failed to bring up that detail!]' I.e., implying they are crack investigators & have a hard-on. This deception was long range trick enabling rebels to claim they could continue trapping me in Davis because I wasn't thorough enough, or exhibiting timidity, etc.
'Poly' means multiple; Polly Klaas name became a code w/multiple entendres. According to news reports, Klaas, while kidnap victim, "leaked" that her dad had sexually molested her; the source of this had to have been Davis. A leak is anything from a rumor to actual whistle-blowing - using proper channels to report corruption, crimes, etc. 'Pa leak - loss;' leak about her pa is evidence of region-wide ulterior motives. My Dad made gestures consisting of doing the right thing on behalf of rock singers - more than simply mentioning (or leaking) it - he attended a concert (my Mom attended also). I reported Rich Mahoney, after I'd been in R.E. (& in fact was going back to teacher career - & it was known internationally I'd been kidnapped & oppressed, & there were actual death row conspiracies), remarried, became a R.E. agent (before that he was in grocery), had a son, & named him Davis. In other word, the unmistakeable mssg. was, "good job, Davis!" I.e., a leak that Lodi spawned Davis, but double entendre - 'Davis, my honey,' i.e., regionwide rebellion, Davis sealing the deal w/Lodi, & subsequent strategy: victim isolated & controlled - if he marries @ all, his "honey" will be from Davis. Additional dimension - Davis Mahoney - "model" or blueprint for lewd consp. - Davis is a boy, & he's Jack Teacher's "honey" - lending Davis a "wrench" to ruin me w/. In this corner, Sexy Mod Bunnies; poly-styled, poly-shaped, poly-sized models, w/classroom teacher goal motives. But it's a nearly "hopeless" array of mixed messages - aggressive, sometimes overboard, sticking up for Jack Teacher's sexuality. Plenty to juggle. My Dad was "punished" for his "leak" - 'pa leak - [there's] laws [prohibiting prejudism & discrimination against particular genre!]' (which was actually gestures of protest on behalf of rock) w/butchered neck @ his burial; in other words, (1)America reamed rock stars, & we won't have our repentance & reducing it to "nicking" them - according to Lodi rebels; (2)LODI RICH/MGM consp. - Jack Teacher denied a future by means of isolation, denial of career so that he'll never be able to "fly," constant threats, so that any rumors from Lodi (upgraded to "leak" status), keep Jack Teacher under region's thumb - as in, enslaved, low confidence, brainwashed, etc., by means of perpetual smear of reputation, damaging his image. The only chance of breaking this regional curse is if someone from beyond the No. Ca. produces contending testimony on Jack Teacher's behalf - such as the Sexy Mod Bunnies. Dale did his part - the Marine tour of duty, the tracking of Benedict Arnold DIVISION rebels. @ this point I'm giving Bergs benefit of doubt. Nevertheless, the Polly Klaas murder fueled DIVISION strategies. This was combined w/Aaron Needles 'AA' consp. - rather than Alc. Anon. scenario, Davis AA consp., based on Klaas code - identical strategy to the DIVISION consp. - divide the nation - Missouri Arch divided & conquered, & 'A' is divided & conquered - region ensures teacher career is long gone.
Approx. 1/15, I rashly said, "Seig Makail!" (i.e., German, Seig Heil!); "...the coming attraction/The drop of a name" "Life in the Fastlane," Eagles song; i.e., justice delayed, & more movies, because I brought up name of Russian who looks similar to actor in movie. Also, "High Off My Love," Paris Hilton, w/symbols of 'high' - tits, & 'low' - vagina, & Mary somewhat endowed, & video of that song has "Santa" head on a cross - stick figure on coffee table @ 1:14; it isn't made of popsickle sticks, which I checked for, due to kniving of Kim Shadrake on Curlew - worked w/her repeatedly - using codes, but avoided lewd codes, & in one instance brought her son to work for half day; but then 2 wks ago, suddenly code associated w/kids nearby making noises, then another code - "When you're finished w/that paleta..." paleta is mex. popsickle; i.e., on a stick; but 'pa let a' - 'pa' phoneme, & sucking on something, & context of lewd code before that. Mary Nabokova is Orthodox background, & St. Nick was Orthodox clergy; so there may be some strange association w/song either way. Also, Police, "Don't Stand So Close To Me" song, "...just like the old man in that book by Nabokov" - exact same name ex., w/out the 'a;' Sting was a teacher before becoming a rock star. Nabokov wrote book entitled "Mary" - which most likely is the book Police is referring to, because of "the old man ..." he wrote another book w/storyline similar to Police' song, about a teacher & young fem. student, but the teacher isn't an old man; i.e., a contrast from rock supposedly handed to Russians - possibly the cover is covering for fem musician who is too uppity ("don't stand so close to me") & had to dump Jack Teacher, making it look like I dumped her. "Don't Stand So Close To Me" song - the fact the song touches on the subject (teacher/student interaction) indicates it's a factor; it's essentially luring Slavs, guise of giving them a smokescreen to stall, drawing Mary into it. It's the same theme of rock & Hollywood expecting everyone to fold & hand them credit, & both Eastern & Western churches participating - but the problem is I'm not folding, & I'm the one being victimized, w/rock & Hollywood participating in victimizing me, in fact it's occurring to give them cover - but they are nabbed - they lose credit based on that they are for certain that Jack Teacher'll compromise because then I'll have glamorus friends. It's actually a form of the Lodi Rich/MGM consp. - '[becoming] rich [is] hard, [Jack Teacher!]' but they're in denial that I still simply want to teach - doesn't involve wealth or fame! The same as the Arch division consp. (Davis) & the A division consp. (Davis), rock & Hollywood dividing up Jack Teacher's teacher career lion roar - MGM movie jingle - lion roaring twice - it isn't adding, like the McDonald's tracking of Davis, it's sabotage of teacher career & prolonged slavery w/constant attempts to dupe me to submit. ROCK & HOLLYWOOD HAD TO INTERVENE FOR ME & FOLLOW THROUGH W/JACK TEACHER PLAN - BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T, THE TWO MGM ROARS HAVE OVERTAKEN THEM. "THEY HAD A DECISION TO MAKE" VISION FROM GOD. WHY TRACK DAVIS DOUBLE ARCHES, IF YOU'RE EVENTUALLY GOING TO JOIN THEM!!!!!? TEACHERS ARE HATED BEINGS - ESPECIALLY BY KIDS WHO LIKE TO SHOW OFF & GET ATTENTION - THOSE WHO GROW UP TO BE ACTORS, SINGERS, ETC. BUT IF YOU CAN'T USE SELF-CONTROL & HOLD YOUR POST FOR YOUR COUNTRY & FOR THE LORD, YOU GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU!
"YOU CAN BAG SOME OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME, & ALL OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME, BUT IF YOU BAG DAD FOR JESUS, PA TELLS EVERYBODY, 'RAM JESUS' LOVE!'" "THOSE WHO BLESS YOU WILL BE BLESSED," GEN. 12:3. WIZ-ZING - BUT CHRISTIANS RESPONDED TO THAT "CANON" BALL "WIZ" FLYING THROUGH THE AIR, 1200'S A.D. Mideast leaders should strive to maintain standards that authenticate their canon balling "Education Wiz" orders. Break those molds w/fresh moon cheese - & walk the walk (1 Jn. 2:6)! Ram spankin' knew in Christ - Behold, the Ram of God who takes away the sins of the world, Jn. 1:29.
Leave it to Mideasterners to horn in on a Bible appearance, as if they aren't in enough of those already - but this has the makings of an actual prophecy of the Lord about the Mideasterners - Peter catches fish w/coin in it's mouth, Matt. 17:24-27 - these are Jesus' relatives - "special assurances," & all that - & from both directions - not only new believers, but instant tax experts.
Bennie's lookin' for the one called Turkey - Taught Ya Ma's callin' him out!
Rae Me NYInfos Easter Bunny standards ...Enter Denmark - Defenders & Contenders on behalf of the Jack Teacher Plan. Vikings are from not only Norway, but also Denmark & Sweden - the entire region - which is the majority of Scandinavia. The Easter Bunny standards of Rae Me NYInfos - men leading on behalf of women - inspires women to lead more biblical lives & affirm & submit to leadership of men - Frederik X is now King of Denmark - his mother the Queen abdicating the thrown. Jack Teacher's high standards are from self-control, meriting affirmation of the Jack Teacher plan authority in both East & West. Honk if you're horney!
Is. 53:5 - prophecy of Christ on the cross; Pearson publishers - 'pierc[ing Jack Teacher is] on' - persecution conspiracy;
"Calculus" Adams, Pearson publ, 2013; pg. 445, "Find the standard deviation of your winings on a roll of a die in exercise 1; but ex. 1 problem is a coin toss; example 1 is roll of die; i.e., Pearson publisher - same as Thomas, Single Variable Calc - & problem referring to Jared, former spokesman for Subway (models in TV ads, "Looking buff, Jared") but then he was subsequently accused of child molestation Then, the problem immed. following the 'Jared' problem, math about Davis Ca. - mentioned by name - zero chance of coincidence, & that spells ground zero for that publisher (by operation of law). & I've studied math & other subjects for most of my life - I KNOW WHEN I'M BEING REAMED BY CONFUSING & DECEPTIVE TEXT BOOKS; 'winings' spelled wrong on purpose (roll of dice - probability using calculus - & I have my "probability" figure); also, 'DIE' is the operative word - they are attempting to force me to commit suicide. 90% of problems have nothing to do w/lessons in the chapters.
12/27, I randomly played a Christian rock song w/lyrics that could be taken as camping; in general I've boycotted them, so this was an exception out of boredom. Peter & Paul both refer to the Christian's body as a tent - emphasizing it's temporary compared to resurrected body. Covered wagons, camps, etc. was a temporary status while we pioneered the West. Those camping all over USA currently are attempting a hoax that we're stuck in Old West - they are hiding behind a lazy facade that it was a proving ground, & we failed to pass muster; therefore, we can't modernize or settle down & prosper; the hoax also conveniently props up UCC - attempt to maintain me in a rut, out of jealousy - it's perpetuating a "whine" for them. The next day after I inadvertently listened to that song (& I literally rarely listen to any rock music lately) 12/28, Belgrade Serbia supposed protesters camping in streets of downtown Belgrade. "This is where you can't see them camping, it," vision, 11:11 PM. There was also a facade, 12/27-12/28, codes claiming UCC has their damnation of me because I'm not raging enough - I've already reported this - it's low profile, or I end up putting myself above the law & going on shooting sprees & it becomes official - rule of law capitulated to anarchy in USA. The camping code was also associated w/the AM/PM report (local AM/PM emplys stalking me in rebel region doesn't necessarily negate good deeds @ corp. level - moreover, Walmart one-upped that as well, by exerting control to extent of non-mandatory rec't ck absent anyone losing control in rebel city of WS - so far). @ any rate, AM/PM - potential 'amp him' code (in the hands of the wrong CEO's); but then 'camp' - 'k[ey,] amp;' i.e., a volatile code phonemically, but @ same token, if innocent citizens are readily put to death (such as simply for prospect of homelessness/camping) then those are traditionally conditions for war - & armies encamp against those committing deadly practices. Belgrade - '[school] bell [&] grade [papers];' is Belgrade suddenly camping pertaining to me, & if so, is it a witness on my behalf or against me? 12/29, Jan on Ipanema declared I started 15 min. before I actually did, & was leaving before I finished, & so was paying me in advance before leaving; it was agreed I'd work until 4:15; but she gave me a (small) bonus, equivalent of pay until 4:30 - but also the 15 min. @ beginning of the shift as well - so she paid me for an extra half hour; but, before she got in her car & left, suddenly gave me about 5 min. more work to do, making it so that I wouldn't be able to finish as of 4:15 - more like 4:20 or 4:25 - by the time I put away the tools etc. I was then stalked - including by her - she was in her car, backing out, but stalling to see if I was leaving @ exactly 4:15; after all - they stalk me, they conspire, don't put in one more minute, right? Right, but discretion is the better part of valor - if I leave her leaf blower & rake & extention cords on the sidewalk & trash can in middle of driveway, whether it's stolen or not, I probably won't have her for a customer; so accept 20 min. bonus pay & keep the customer, rather than 30 min. bonus & be short a regular customer - it's common sense, but I've been systematically stalked about it for 2 days; 12/29, "We're blacking you," Jan - from her car, 4:15 (ironic), 'bob' code @ MU, 12/29; 12/30, 8:01 AM, "You're not having your black number," - & this was coming from phone line while calling USDOJ; & other codes. The black number code - 'black [is] numb - burr!' I.e., facade combined w/that is, I have to quit, & start camping, w/little income, while looking for more work, because I'm not enraged against my customers enough; but God said (vision) "I have converse," when praying about being cordial to customers to maintain them as customers, despite they commit crimes against me. Obviously, you can be a spy in an enemy country, deep behind enemy lines, & putting on an act that you are best buddies. So those attempting to claim - if this is what those in Belgrade are doing - that I have to quit my job & wander around unemployed to prove I hate them, THAT IS BLACKS 'NUMB- BURR' - laziness & legalism - convince yourself that you're quitting for noble reasons - NO YOU AREN'T! YOU'RE LAZY, YOU TRAITOR!!!! So if that's Belgrade's intent, then it's they who are becoming the new blacks - lazy traitors! & if they don't repent, they'll be stuck that way! On the other hand, vision, 12/29, "Talent IS," - I'd insisted on action rather than more signals, including from leaders of Russia, & Mary, Russian model - whom some men would give their eye teeth to have her - if she wanted to be my friend or spouse. So it's possible Belgrade protests are a gesture of spiritual warfare against Orthodox church & Western church on my behalf!
12/31, 4:10 PM, Chiefs v. Bengals game, CBS, anncr, "It's just a mystery; we've gotta chuck coal;" while coal industry is being eliminated, that doesn't fit the context of football - code - 'chuck 'co.'ll [do it];' i.e., UCC's 'throw' & conspire the Catholics in there as well w/'mystery' babble - they're both jealous & ruined, because they went along w/conspiracy cornering me into grunt labor, & rather than give up or go on shooting spree, I've been working @ it until justice comes. Vision of more rebels camping in Davis & it was pertaining to the gold stocking cap I recently purchased; i.e., 'head gold' presumably; but, no one's saying landscaping is gold, I said it's rebellion, & I'm supposed to be a teacher, & that stand IS gold - w/my Mom as my witness. Nevertheless, 'chuck coal' code is possibly triple entendre - Chuck Colson, White House aid to pres. Nixon, convicted in Watergate scandal & went to prison; while in prison, he rec'd Jesus & went on to be an author & speaker for the Lord; but the conspired threat is I have to fold & capitulate to neediness & homelessness, or it's prison; I.E., CONFESS BLACKS HAVE WON, & WHITES HAVE TO GIVE UP OUR CROWN & IMPRISON OURSELVES - & THOSE WHO SAY SUCH THINGS, THEY WON'T BE GOING TO PRISON, THEY'RE GOING TO BE NUKED - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW.
12/27, "We tip our crown to..." Sac Kings ad; code - I don't tip waitresses or waiters @ Carol's because they stalk me w/codes, & so they are claiming it's my fault waitress then pretended she didn't know my name & helped others ahead of me. 7:45 PM, "We don't have that cut to death hold," bug code, possibly pertaining to my sister (vision of what could happen to her in Lodi). "He is constantly keeping half, key," (source?). Wheel of Frtn, Sajack, "Soul does," 8:12 PM. 8:09, "You're having your shoes on," gov't bug code. "We're not having that mist" or similar, Page Painter (Miller Dr.), 9:37 AM, after referring to Baby's Breath plants 9:37 AM. 10:07 "You're not having we hollar," Page (custs., the Hallers). 9:55 AM, "What the hell are you doing!?" Page (I was sawing wood to 1 1/2' lengths for fireplace, & throwing the small scraps into trash bin; I then said, "You want me to save those?" He replied, "Damn right! Can you fish those out of there?" i.e., get scraps out of trash bin. I.e., in context of other stalkings claiming I wasn't yelling enough & therefore I must be a tare; Page, using coded language, conspiring facade that UCC's kick out was re-affirmed - implying I'm doing the devil's (hell) work; & therefore UCC & Davis have the right to "damn" & evangelizing ("fishing") is reduced to dumpster diving ("fishing" objects out of garbage can) - RESULTING IN OPPRESSION & DENIAL OF PLACE TO LIVE - 'PAINTER' - '[WINDOW] PANE, TOUR'). Page owns the res. next door to his res.; his son was renting it until approx. 1/2 year ago, when he moved to E. coast; but suddenly Page referring to it as his son's res. after the 'damn' codes; "maybe a can of oil over @ his house;" 10:08, & 10:09, "He has his sign;" i.e., based on Page damning Jack Teacher, he & his descendents can continue to prosper in the land. MU, 12:34 PM, mex(?) fem, olive grn clothing, "We have to move 'em 'bout" (or similar -notes unclear). 1:54, "He's not gonna know our name," Dorte, to Ace emply. "Cross is name," Dorte, to Ace emply; Jack Teacher isn't "cross" enough (angry); therefore their 'neigh, [I] am' claim is I don't "know;" but, it doesn't get any angrier than visions from God of Nuclear Missiles coming (call 'em "nukes" for short). Dorte, 2:55, @ comm. field on Oakenshield, after child made noise, "We own 'tare rise,'" (i.e., they can 'terrorize because they "own" 'tare rise' (by "authority" of UCC) - guise of Jack Teacher damned (Page) & therefore must be a tare - non- Christian - Baby's Breath & child noise lewd innuendos magically props up UCC's deceptive kick out of 1997. THESE ARE THE TERRORISTS BIDEN & NEWSOM HAVE BOTH SWORN TO PROP UP UNTIL THEIR DYING DAY - I-80 'RAIL' WIDENING PROJECT EMPOWERING THE I-80 TRAFFIC JAM STALKERS (JACK TEACHER ISN'T 'RAILING' ENOUGH)!
Alaska A/L door "plug" fiasco: Cockpit's "voice recorder inadvertently taped over," - but...THAT'S THE BLACK BOX! Since when is there a time limit to listen to the black box!??? They then went on to say the voice recorder automatically retapes every 2 hours - but if that's the case, black boxes would be useless in any incident where plane's battery isn't totally destroyed, which could be up to 50% of cases. Moreover, it's suddenly no longer called a black box. Inevitable scenario, 'Sir, these crash site victims are dying, they need medical attention @ once, or they'll die!' 'Never mind them - we only have 9 minutes to reach the black box before the auto-erase occurs, & we have to rapel down this cliff, & secure the rear end of the fusilage so that the front of the plane, dangling over the cliff, doesn't slide into the abyss, then access the black box!' 'Sir, I have a passenger named McTyker who is lightweight & acrobatic - she's the one for precarious the job of climbing into the cockpit to get the black box. This lady is half our weight!' Sounds like the makings of an adventure movie, but doesn't jive w/real life. The "door plug" landed in teacher's b/yard, named Bob; what's the door plug's name, Don? He's made disciples of the Chinese communists! "Thank you Bob" fem Jennifer Homendy, NTSB "chair." 'Home endy' code for someone who's future possibly doesn't end if he occupies Davis; 'ho, mendy;' 'little mend;' i.e., people occupy territory in order to hold evil-doers accountable; moving away, you conceivably abandon your claim against those oppressing & committing rebellion; but the code is it won't be a "mend" which either means they don't have to mend their ways (most likely is the interp., considering they're using codes), or, invasion. They are "lamenting because that information is key..." " did blew open during the explosive decompression..." NBC. "...pilots turned to another quick reference guide..." (interestingly parallels me starting Cliff note Math books, in addition to Pearson Calc.) " a flight attendant took 3 tries to shut the cockpit door" - mundane info that doesn't communicate anything worthwhile - code. "You're just gonna shiver w/them," 6:41 AM (Slavs, possibly). But moreover, I'm now being stalked over how fast my watchdog-like reflexes respond to these rebels who are purposely being slobs. Nevertheless, Jack Teacher refuses to bite a chair's leg if it comes to his door - or the door lands on the chair's leg.
Recently, instead of 'chairman' or 'chair woman' the term is 'chair' conveniently lines up w/electric chair codes in No. Ca.; & make no mistake, those using codes on Nat'l TV are in bed w/death row conspirators. Earning steady income isn't their way of mending or making amends - where I might eventually have my own place; it's 'ho, mendy' - there's no "place" - rather it's simply buying themselves time. Ca. US Senator Garamendi - in office for more than a decade - death row "all systems go." 2009, mobile home clean-up job in S. Davis, the emplyr acting like he wanted to provide justice, & actually obtained Garamendi's home ph #, & we spoke to him approx. Christmas Eve., but it was dead end, & mobile home owner then betrayed me as well. 1/12, job @ DiCarlos' on Russell Blvd. approx. 3 mis. out of town, pruning shrubs; in middle of pasture that was part of their property, & where I was instructed to pile debris to be burned, a single chair facing the burn site - same electric chair codes since 1997! Moreover, the door did land on the chair's leg - b/yard of Bob, teacher in Oregon - they bobbed, refusing to invade - giving the death row conspirators a leg up to perpetuate their oppression - & 'chair ho mendy' rebels saying, "Thanks, Bob."
& one mi. toward town, @ "Cactus Corner," First Baptist Church, w/their new "fbc" sign on Russell Blvd. - w/THE PRODIGY HOTEL/GREEN MEADOWS OFFICE PARK THEME - BLACK W/GOLD TEXT! THESE ARE THE REBELS CAUSING THIS & ALL THE OTHER DISASTERS!
Wendy's ad w/wh emply singing "bag boys, bag boys, what's ya gonna do? What's ya gonna do when they come for you?" over objection of blk emply - theme song of "Cops" TV show ("Bad Boys"), but it has actual application - approx. 6 or more years ago, reported on TV, including footage of the shooting, blk male confronted by blk male w/gun; he held up a grocery bag like a shield, & as far as I recall, it was Grocery Outlet bag - & @ the time Obama was president & had betrayed me; also I was shopping @ Groc. Outl. a lot; it was actually an instant acknowledgement that blacks were expected to intervene for me- especially since I was being labeled a "nigga" in derrogatory sense, & treated like a slave, & also, I'd converted black rock singers' songs & had often spoken up on their behalf. They owed me justice, & instead there were instances of them taking it out on themselves - blk male murdering another black male. Holding the bag up was a plea that @ least I had a small amnt. of income & had discount stores to shop @ - but that's a far cry from justice, & the plastic bag didn't stop the bullits. Moreover, follow-up on that news story, in Davis - blk asst. mgr of Groc. Outl. from Sac. called police & kidnapped me in 2017 (& Groc. Outl. & Panera both constantly exercising warrants against me for 6 years based on those false charges). Nevertheless, suddenly Golden 1 ATM's are featuring pictures of customers on their ATM screen ads, & evidently they are personalizing them - pictures of customers in Davis - but, this particular customer also happens to be black, & photo taken @ Davis Farmer's Market, where I've been denied access for 9 years due to restraining order against me by the manager (no great loss, but it is a terrorist act in context), &, BLK MALE IS ONCE AGAIN HOLDING THE BAG UP AS THOUGH A MAGIC PROTECTION. 1/25, Suddenly $200 missing from my ckg. acct., most likely because I didn't conjecture that Golden 1 featuring blk male w/bag cover is conspiring w/them. Not so much lately, but in past, G1 involved - such as ATM screen ad of mex. male @ ATM as though pilot in cockpit of plane, echoing John Lennon pic; Mexs. instrumental as for as Davis BW oppression. In fact, it looks as though it was a region-wide leg up for blacks - blk male dies confessing they had let everyone down by failing to intervene for me, but No. Ca., instead of acting on this, props up blk outlaws - blk Groc. Outl. asst. mgr. empowered along w/Panera to systematically oppress me for years, & blk male waving a "victory" bag that blacks are claiming credit for 9 years of farmer's mkt. oppression as well! BUT IMPLICIT WARNING BY WENDY'S, THE BLACK OUTLAWS ARE THE BAD BOYS, & THEY ARE GOING TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE! I'm qualifying that I'm refusing to endorse stalling justice for me in order to track blacks - argument that tracking blacks & purging them is more thorough justice doesn't hold water considering such delays to hold an entire race accountable is a recipe for never-ending stalls; moreover, the Outlaw theory is fact - purge them now! To Wendy's credit, they simply used creativity w/out codes - if "Cops" theme is seen as public domain - considering it's Hollywood might make it a code, though. As far as missing $200, G1 most likely involved, but BW Davis orchestrating it. See CHINESE POINT GUARD... report: Missing $ from my acct. has usually occurred in past connected w/use of free night's stay @ BW (membership points). Approx. 1.5 years ago, e mail from BW corp., free night's stay @ typical BW, 20k points; luxury BW, 24k, & BW on B St. isn't considered one of the luxury ones like for ex. Palm Court Inn on D St. w/huge rooms & living rooms, etc., & it was usually 20k points, like the e mail said. But suddenly, @ BW on B, it jumped up to 30-35k - literally defying the parameters e mailed from corp. headqtrs; i.e., whatever it takes to sabotaged free night's stay for Jack Teacher. As far as missing $200, G1 most likely involved, but BW Davis orchestrating it. Missing $ from my acct. has usually occurred in past connected w/use of free night's stay @ BW (membership points). Approx. 1.5 years ago, e mail from BW corp. delineating free night's stay @ typical BW, 20k points; luxury BW, 24k, & BW on B St. isn't considered one of the luxury ones like for ex. Palm Court Inn on D St. w/huge rooms & living rooms, etc., & it was usually 20k points, like the e mail said. But suddenly, @ BW on B, it jumped up to 30-35k - literally defying the parameters e mailed from corp. headqtrs; i.e., whatever it takes to sabotage free night's stay for Jack Teacher. Despite it's fair game to utilize those, I've more or less minimized use of extra points, due to darkness; points from 8 days in a row was probably sufficent for the 2 nights' free stay - in addition to the 73k already accrued. Nevertheless, suddenly $200 missing from my ckg. account - if they can't ream you w/points, then it's actual theft, w/G1 playing right along.
1/18, "He goes to McDonald's for breakfast!" blk NBC newscstr, "Today" show, 7:29 AM approx.; 7:25 AM, report in news, ch 3, 2 teens in Sac. area arrested for stealing a Hyundae; they were arrested in McDonald's pkg lot; they were literally making a confession pertaining to the report on my website about blk male @ Davis FM, using bag as shield, in attempt to play back the blk male several years ago holding up bag as shield against bullits; the context of this was yet another shooting, or similar, involving black(s) who murdered someone, & then raced to the nearest McDonald's in attempt to create a sign of McDonald's as an omen - because @ one point I was a shift mgr. @ McDonald's - attempt to associate me w/bad news. These teens (1/17) possibly reiterating facade that I'll never shake the "evil" business brand - a teacher who contemplates owning a McDonald's can never be "forgiven" for this "heinous" goal ('& don't try to cover for it w/Fillet O' Fishes, either! Oh, the humanity of it all!' - My rendition, especially considering Spanish is a humanities discipline, & often Math is considered one as
well; but I was back to teacher goals as of end of 2003 - if they were balling for teacher goals it would be to their credit; but actual teacher goals have nothing to do w/ their conspired facades - instead it's a shark feeding frenzy!) But their deception is a dead give-away, in light of the double arch tracking the DIVISION rebels; their "dear" or "honey" ('hon[ey,] day') negation doesn't float. But before I could report this, immediately after the ch 3 news story, blk NBC newscaster Al Roker or Bryant Gumbel referring to Kelce of Eagles, possibly retiring, saying he can't retire ('kill, see?') - he's too important to blks; but the code was mainting line that they have their cohorts willing to label me w/secret business profession motives.
2:57, NFL Flag; "We run & we throw; we jump & we fly,..." blk male, ad for new NFL program for young people - exc., it's identical to UCD's I.M. field consp. sign; NFL propping up UCC, & sponsoring blacks to do it; 'we run [or operate] 'we throw;' subtle coded claim they are running the 'throw [out]' of Jack Teacher; utilizing blacks to create distractions under guise of helping youth w/sports, & UCC's kick out or "throw out" of Jack Teacher magically is bolstered. 'NFL Flag football' - Old Glory flag replaced w/NFL flag & NFL "foots" the ball for UCC's "throw;" but it's another way of saying whites ruin ourselves - but it's for a "good cause" - feeling sorry for blacks. In actuality, it isn't feeling sorry for them, it's pride - attempt to save face because one of the colors betrayed us & so we don't have a perfect utopian melting pot; the rebels' strategy is(1) ignore the fact that it is blacks betrayed us, (2)prop up blacks, & (3) after they are gone, let their kids deal w/the aftermath that feeling sorry for blacks who were viciously attempting to con America & deserved nothing less than to be purged from USA is the dead wrong answer, & traitorous blacks have therefore gained power. Ad w/3 pronged outlets become animated, w/ ground prong fem. end the mouth, & the outlets in res.of blks - human faces, possibly young child faces, singing, "We were inseparable..." & blks in ad chuckling hurrying out. Code - 'inn - Sep[temb]er [11 attacks -] a bull;' i.e., my outlets sabotaged for mos. @ a time w/little or no charge getting to my phone, etc. blks in Davis & WS involved, but that's equivalent of 9/11 terrorists & electric chair conspiracies; i.e., when your outlets are sabotaged, they are essentially showing you the door.
Pipe up on my behalf & demand justice for me - a servant of God being used to display biblical style miracles; satan is displaying wonders based on so many worldwide w/such pathetic faith that they can't comprehend the blessings they'd receive from piping up on my behalf - irregardless of the temporary suffering I'm enduring! Mideasterners refusing to accept a higher seat of blessings & peace & rebuke against Israel in Gaza region, by simply shouting daily repeatedly, "Jesus Christ! Ram of God, Who takes away the sins of the world! Look upon us w/favor- your babysitters in Egypt!!!!!" Last wk., after I removed the report about Spain, I was praying about placing it back up (endorsing Catholic church, essentially) & 12/17, approx. 12 PM, God said, "I want you to box," i.e, don't endorse Catholics.
1/21, blk 49'ers player, "...nobody panicked...we collected,..." ch 3, 7:48 AM - but a victory, crowds should be going wild - & where does "panic" come in?! - Confession of blks, THEY BILLED US - & collected their bill -the shooting sprees, deaths from crowd tramplings, disasters.
I reported vision, "I want you to arrest tower," most likely referring to Catholic leaders & Italians & a line they've drawn that they can display a leaning tower, & refuse to repent of unbiblical practices that are causing
stumbling. 'Domi[nating
pope] knows' fallacy - WS Dominos involved in shooting spree on K St. in Sac. They're also currying favor w/US gov't w/salami & other meat products in packaging void of any statement that it's fully
cooked. I. e. blatant public statements that Catholics can defile children while everyone watches their backs!
8/28/2023, "That sentence can't be correct," fem contestant, Jeopardy, 7:30 PM approx.; I reported - lingo possibly implying they can still create facade I'm a glory seeker - she was referring to someone saying Billy Jean King wanted to meet her (it's possible she was identifying w/me). "Island Girl" lyrics, "He wants to save you/From the racket boss..." The song refers to prostitutes & someone wanting to save them from their "John" (pimp, or racket boss); "He one more gone/He one more, John?/Who make d' mistake?" Sounds like 'Do you want more...' etc. 'more gone' - 'morgue on;' - dirty business - murder, pimp taking more money from them; either way, 'He won morgue, on' - Elton John's known fettish for tributes to deceased fems. Blks & sports - '[tennis] racket boss' - Billie Jean King reduced to symbolic pawn, or in on it - facade luring blacks that they have their "racket boss" - a white tennis star - much more wholesome sounding than a pimp; subtly providing a construct, again by contrast, for what seems like "clean" rebellion - basis of legit. sports, answering to famous tennis star "boss" - implying white stars helping them, supposedly because the churches oppressed them as well. The fem "boss" creates facade of Ellie as well, as though they're almost like vulnerable "watchdogs" bending the rules out of suspicion, rather than actual treason. Elton John was dating Billie Jean King @ one point; 'B' lee[way], junking,' - I reported 2005, blk male in Carl's Jr. Westfield Plaza, downtown Sac (where Golden 1 stadium is now), gave me business card, "Spoon's Hauling" i.e., junk dealer/hauler (& double entendre of hauling me to jail). Soon after that, I was then hostage for the rest of the 2 1/2 years captivity, & the section I was in, blk male inmate named Spoon, on trial for shaking his baby to death. Also, simultaneous, St. James Catholic school, Davis, blk principal Greer - 'G[al,] rear [guard]' (Billie Jean King) - from their perspective, guarding blacks from getting sucked into a melting pot feat. St. james teacher/admin. Beverly Juhnke (reported), & pic of highback chair in office - same as pic. of underling of Obama, inaugueration day, White House, 2009. But there were plumblines that it was no doubt a bona fide full-fledged rebellion - "Ya Mo B There" - blk singer, & 9-11 attack in 2001 - '"B" there' as opposed to A, for apple, insinuation about NYC; & as of Obama's terms in office, shooting sprees, bombings, attacks happening regularly - 'Do you want more gone?' - 'Do you want more people dying?' - Who's the murdereous pimp now? Obama commander-in-chief, & approving of & [articipating in these conditions (I reported he was directly involved in death threats against me by blk coworker in Davis). 'Who make "D" mistake?' - white stars, rock stars weren't defending them, rather luring them. BOOING: KILL 3 EAGLES W/ONE STONE: Utilization of Billie Jean King by blacks was effort to "jinks" or hex accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr., rock music, & U.S.A; 'Bille ji[nks]in' King,' & 'Billie jinks 'sing'' (singing rock music). W/out endorsing it, John MacEnroe's visit to UCD to dedicate the new tennis courts in 2006 implied "racket bosses" approving death row conspiracies on behalf of blacks. "To Sir W/Love" - black teacher - offered blacks foundational role in melting pot education nation, after freeing them globally.
Elton John on CD cover wearing horiz. striped shrt - similar to jail clothing; despite it's possibly confession that feat of tracking a race might've involved them stepping on my toes occasionally (allowing delay of justice), the supposed claim is they are repenting of it; but absent them acting @ once, it provides rebels ammunition w/facade that it's signalling to oppress me further. God told me I don't need rock & Hollywood; in fact, "I want you to doom them twice" (vision) might be referring to them - i.e., they lure me to provide evidence that they tracked blacks, etc., but then they imply it's 'twice' - as in ''T' is wise,' & I'm acting unwisely. If rock & Hollywood had shown up & intervened - the implicit agreement w/churches & me, instead of increasing the dangers & treating me like dirt leaving me stranded & oppressed longer, the response of the nation, especially the young people, would've been sufficient. THE JACK TEACHER PLAN PREVAILS W/OUT TRAITORS WHO TRY TO REDUCE EVERYONE TO FOOLS. The bottom line is although Western church fell short in the past, the church provided me as witness on behalf of Slavs & rock stars - while they've failed to intervene on my behalf, the church overall stands, or @ least I stand, & rock & Hollywood were heavily involved in instigating oppression against me & then renegged on their implicit commitment to lead if provided a witness - leaving me in more dangerous conditions than before. A nation that has accomplished historically unparalleled feats (w/the help of European nations), but is in currently the grips of a scandal oppressing me & allowing me to be oppressed, the solution isn't to approve another band of scandalous rogues oppressing me & allowing me to be oppressed.
Jack Teacher plan spanning 1700+ years, Chinese slow to respond, & we've seen repeatedly more revelations - centuries of Christians anticipating they might be skeptical or stubborn, & strategizing failsafe feats - that never seem to end. But w/any outreach movement, there's going to be skeptics & scoffers, along w/jealousy especially @ the culmination, but present all along. For instance, Europe awakened from the Dark Ages by gunpowder, followed by rocket science, Christians who are slow to accept they've been disciplined by God - pridefulness claiming they hear the Holy Spirit's voice, & no one erred by being slow to take the gospel to Asia. For ex., I reported code from Charles Stanley, pastor of "In Touch," "We're gonna take the Holy Spirit? To hell w/us!" I.e., claiming the church was led of the Holy Spirit to ignore Asia; Thomas was directed to take that right turn @ Albuquerque, India, & go South, further into India, rather than North into China - & same w/centuries of Christians after that. But you're never too mature in the faith to be beyond discipline of the Lord; the Bible says "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord" & "Pride comes before a fall;" the patent office was prematurely closed in 1800's when the clerk determined everything that was going to be invented was invented. Moreover, the feats of the Chinese no doubt fostered an element of jealousy - 'Asians think they can waltz in here w/a rocket to Heaven & check mate our rickety stairway? Oh! I'm so sure!' But w/the dozens of contingency plans that seem to keep coming, evidently it was determined skepticism among Christians should be shunned. Nevertheless - influencial innovators of music, who are more popular than anyone else, including Jesus, one of them said - if they were to promote a skeptical contingency - a dark side to the Jack Teacher plan - it might catch on w/contemporary Christians, who would then be tempted to abandon the ancient failsafe standing orders. "Battle of Evermore," Led Zeppelin, "The queen of light took her bow/& then she turned to go/The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom/& walked the night alone,..." - Asian 'bow' tradition - the queen of light - suddenly Asians are the queen of light; "Oh! I am so sure!" I.e., it's simply too big of a check mate! But, the song indicates they won't have that checkmate - stubborn - leaving the Prince of Peace (Jesus, Is. 9:6) to deal w/the gloom. Studio version 'bow' or 'plow;' Jesus spoke of putting your hand to the plow - signifying your walk w/God, including testifying about Jesus - plowing & sowing the seed of gospel. If Chinese don't publicly receive Jesus in response to church moving Heaven & earth for them, then Western &/or Eastern church is the 'queen of light,' & they've taken their plow, because argument of the South, for ex., is proved right - Asians predominantly non-responsive to gospel, Holy Spirit led early church in other directions; your public confession of Christ saves you (Rom. 10:9,10). As far as Asians being queen of light, suddenly, jealous ears are tickled; 'huh?' What if the song takes an ugly turn - combining jealousy w/guilt? "The pain of war cannot exceed/The woe of aftermath..." "V-Day" - we won WW II, but continued to abandon Eastern church Christians in Siberia, instead of wreaking havoc on communists equal to or exceeding that of WW II, marching in as Furor heirs. The Holocaust occurred during the last 3 years of WW II, & was a fatal blow to the Jewish-led oppression of Slavic Christians, but it was still occurring beyond 1945. I.e., 'The Dark Side has the dirt on you - settle for the lowball.' On the other hand, the 10-11 Checkmark Watch - Jack Teacher plan - the stone the builders rejected (@ least so far) - the crane pictured in news @ Twin Towers site, 9/12/2001, symbolized Slavs intervening on behalf of Americans; 9/11 attack was because it had become known internationally that I was being kidnapped regularly for sharing the gospel, & no one halting it - everything America stands for undermined while the world watched - God allowed a form of discipline. But the vision of crane being Slavs intervening - they had duty to @ minimum pipe up for me when I exposed the cover-up of their feats in 2017. "Stairway to Heaven," "Dear lady can you hear the wind blow, & did you know/Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?" 'Whispering wind' is expression for conspiracy codes; tempting Christians nation-wide to go along w/the program - 'rock approves of the codes - use them & the rickety stairway will prevail over Asia's space-age Christianity.' "Battle of Evermore" - there's no argument that if anyone's the dragon contemporarily, it's the Jews; but the lyrics, "...the dragon of darkness/The sunlight blinds his eyes..." - spelling it out - subtly make Asians the dragon. The song has a reality check plumbline, though - studio version of "Stairway..." phonemically, the song ends w/ "When all I wanted was to know" (teacher goals) - "To be a rock, & not to roll" - an immovable rock (symbolizing the church) - don't abandon Jack Teacher plan, & don't move the ancient landmarks - codes are a compromise. Rom. 6:11, die to yourselves, & live to Christ; i.e., rock & roll singers saying, 'It isn't rock & roll, it's the Jack Teacher plan!' Vision, 8/2, 6:05 AM, approx.; "You won't be a wiz - this is their sin," i.e., a teacher who is a wiz @ academics, but associate that w/the Wizard of Oz - giant imposing controlling figure, & jealousy of No. Ca. rebels & those claiming to be Christians nationwide prevents me from teaching, & defeats the Jack Teacher plan, because I have to be "humbled" w/grunt labor. As far as rock, the songs quoted were from 1971; Swift & Rodrigo have confirmed what I said, rock & Hollywood had a change of heart & joined the rebels - asserting I'm not Jack Teacher. The recent vision of rock star saying maintain the report pertaining to my Pontiac LeMans as HS student, & corresp. KISS song - plumbline of accountability of Chinese - where's the yakking? Demonstrates their attempts to hedge their bets - 'reject Jack Teacher, but keep your foot in door if he somehow prevails over our booby traps...' If I wasn't teacher material, God wouldn't have given me that 245 year Naval Jack Apostrophe sign, combined w/my Mom's 'no' autograph vision, & Dad's Tit For Tat Sword - "There's none like it!" & the recent watch to end all watches - the 10-11 Checkmark Watch (see "SPANISH TEXT ACADEMICIANS CONSPIRING..." report) - w/US military L-1011 Tristar aircraft confirmation.
In other words, rock & Hollywood orchestrated a 50+ year systematic campaign against the church; they defined the criteria of a Western church that holds it's post like a rock, then set out to pressure, lure, & insite the church to budge; Jack Teacher plan starts to come to fruition, rock stars & actors making supportive gestures & sending collaborative mssgs., but SUDDENLY - UNMISTAKEABLE VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN JACK TEACHER. 'JOE SHERMAN ISN'T THE ONE.' As though a test of their power to crumble the Western church, & it's due to Western church's compromises concerning Eastern church's sufferings in Siberia. A showdown - who's got the power - popular stars w/good deeds & awareness of shortcomings of church, or the church itself that does in fact have shortcomings. According to the vision, Western church's failure to invade Siberia wasn't fatal to the church; but in light of 1700 year disciplining from God, & the Jack Teacher plan our long-range response to that disciplining, & then current members of Western church suddenly sabotaging the Jack Teacher plan; Jack Teacher isn't allowed to fly - oppressed, death threats, & denial of teacher job; that is where Western church has sinned & w/out remedy if there isn't repentance; they literally sabotage the plan - rather than a teacher career flying, it's 'Jack Teacher Lands' caper - they literally admit it. Included in rock's campaign as well was attempts to derail the Jack Teacher plan - but w/testimony from "Stairway..." etc. as witness against the church - implying blame is on them. As far as rock & Hollywood, though, their motives can't be claimed to somehow utlimately be supportive of Jack Teacher plan while simultaneously attempting to ensure it's demise. As far as admitting my career "lands," 'admit' is the magic word - as in "ticket;" I used the expression concerning UCC's phoney excommunication of me in 1997 as membership was "cancelled" because I didn't want to glamorize them by enunciating a "kick out," but this seems to have inadvertently implied a "show" - a show can be cancelled, & your ticket validity cancelled, implying it revolves around rock; & Putin in news 8/2 said "United States trying to cancel Russia;" demonstrating BOTH EASTERN CHURCH & WESTERN CHURCH HAVE BOUGHT THE DECEPTION THAT JACK TEACHER PLAN MUST BE DERAILED & CHURCH MUST "GIVE IT UP" FOR ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. If rock & Hollywood had intervened on my behalf instead of abandoning me, their "Stairway..." witness would've caused them to stand.
8/21, "We actually have that turn pocket modified," wh male, Manteca 5:10 PM, ch 3. "Something'll oppen," "I lost my car again," fem newscaster, 5:21 PM. "It'll miss, his everything," Jiro (?) nephew of Asian indiv. in documentary, or news story (as far as I recall), approx. 5:30. "...did seem like things are kinda clicking @ several levels," Gulstn Dart, blk news rptr, ch 3 (Yolo lib. bomb threat story - streets opening again).
I wasn't aware of the extent of the button-pushing of rock - essentially identifying w/Yolo court, as far back as 1970's Elton John songs & Paul McCartney songs. "Band On the Run," 1973, but on radio 8/24, live concert 2002 as far as I could tell, instead of "The count be Dutch/& held a grudge/They'll search forever more/For the band on the run..." - studio lyrics, it's "The county judge/Held a grudge..." & McCartney says it succinctly - "we're making it clear, everyone..." As of 2002, police & court oppression had been going on for almost 5 years - but court had been somewhat on the fence. As of 2004, Yolo court & other conspirators orchestrated 2 1/2 year captivity, in response to me clearing my name almost unequivocally, instead of arresting Davis police & others. Evidently this twist on the lyrics played a part. Song lyrics sound confusing w/"& the jailer man & sailor Sam/Were searching everyone/For the band on the run...;" how do you search someone for a rock band - are they stashed in your pocket? But - expression "he has 'em in his pocket" or similar - as in laying claim to someone or something - it's "in your pocket," actually renders these lyrics as though someone trying to hog rock stars to themselves, or sneak them past someone - if nothing else, implying great privilege. Alternate interp. to these suspicious lyrics - they were searching them ON BEHALF OF the "band on the run" - searching, frisking, arresting & processing, often involving long range captivity, as a favor for rock stars who've been ostracized. One could argue the supposed witness is a Christian they are luring to become a glory seeker for famous rock stars who really couldn't care less about following God - i.e, 'read between the lines - we're luring those Christians to come bumbling in w/a witness, who obviously will become famous for helping stars become Christians - but you know better than that - help us ream those suckers!' - & in fact, that lured Yolo court, Davis police, etc. "There's a band on the run..." I.e., "[going] 'there'" [(participating in persecution) amounts to]...a "band on the run,"' Yolo court, Davis police, Yolo d.a., etc., IS the "band on the run" - because they are supposedly doing their bidding for them; 'there' - possibly death row implications; they are running, or operating, the effects of a music band that's on the run (banned) - their witness banned as well - w/the music band's blessing (supposedly). "Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh/Seein' no one else had come..." The expression is 'give' a heavy sigh;' undertaker burying someone, & implying few showed up @ the burial; i.e., looks like they're getting away w/it, but it isn't a draw, it was a crime they committed. Lodi took this as green light that my Dad had to take the fall for rock; funeral parlor butchered his neck, & it was me, my Mom, Uncle Don & Aunt Arlene, & my sister & her family the sum total @ his funeral - 8 people. "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me," Elton John, "See me once/& see the way I feel," & my Dad went to Randy Stonehill concert in 1993 - Christian rock singer w/the second Christian rock album/CD (tied w/Norman -Mylon LeFevre was the first); i.e., don't let the Son of God bite the dust in U.S.A. "Jesus freaks out in the streets/Handin' tickets out for God..." - my Dad distributed copies of "Jesus Christ & the Trustworthiness of the Bible" to friends, 1999, before me - pilphered 7 copies from box of 15 being shipped up to me. Elton John "Daniel," mssg. recruiting Yolo d.a., judges, etc.; 'd.a. 'n y[eah], el,' "Daniel, my brother/You are older than me/Do you still feel the pain/Of the scars that won't heal/Your eyes have died...Daniel, you're a star/In the face of the sky;" 'your 'I's' have died;' "I,..." that begins d.a. information filed against a defendant; i.e., Yolo d.a.'s & Davis police' corrupt legal actions defeated & exposed - "died;" "I miss Daniel/Oh, I miss him so much..." rock coded implication they won't "hit" (bring invasion against) Yolo d.a. - they'll "miss" them. Often judges & d.a. @ beginning of 2000's were older than me; subtle claim if they get in my face w/persecution, it's they who are the "star" (on behalf of rock stars), & it must be their duty so that I don't become a glory seeker, etc. - as though they are assuming role of parent & I was being an obnoxious kid - vile deception, but they perceived they had rock in their corner. The Who, "Baba O'Riley," "Sally take my hand/We'll travel south, crossland..." & newly renovated Yolo jail inmate entrances are "sallies" - "Sally 1," "Sally 2," etc. I.e., "there's a band on the run!" - I either assume the role of fem. (Sally), & get out - headin' across the nation, probably southern route, or, sooner or later, those jail "sallies" ready & waiting for me! Us teens gave it our all, & rebels make sure it's wasted w/press censoring, slavery, & hostage captivities.
Interestingly, I had a vision in 2009 of the entire UCD campus being blanketed by Feds arresting all 30k students - approx. half of Davis; Uncle Sam (Asian Americans) could've been intervening & arresting everyone in Yolo county on behalf of rock - but if that was the intonation of the song (Uncle Sam), 3 attempts on my life sends the unequivocal message that Jack Teacher is easily replaceable & of little value - heck, use a teacher's aid, if necessary. Nevertheless, the Uncle Sam title (Bruce Lee) as well as the Jupiter Jesus birth of Christ in the stars (Sept. 2017) merited response on my behalf from Asians of demolishing the rumors & providing justice, since God used me to announce 99% of it! 'Sail 'er, Sam!' - the 1775 U.S. Navy - created to honor China - & figuratively sunk the invulnerable British Navy; 'The jailer man & Sailer Sam/Were searching everyone/[On behalf of]...the band on the run..." i.e., head up the arrests, China; & @ beginning, massive arrests might've been sufficient response. Evidence these were rock's motives, but it's @ my expense, & so God told me to warn rock & Hollywood & denounce them.
'U' - as in U-shaped Drake Dr. oppression of 1999-2000; when I disappeared in Solano jail based on false accusations of interference w/business @ Target & Walmart in VV, & Westfield mall in FF, & claim I was incompetent - w/out competency hearing, & they were sending me to Napa state hospital, but Napa kept telling them they didn't have any beds available, so I was stuck in Solano jail for 4 mos., & then earthquake in Napa, precisely @ 4 AM when God told me to get up & sing; I was then released on 9/11. But while hostage there, on TV during tennis match, mssg. @ bottom of screen, "THERE YOU GO, VERMONT," - coded mssg possibly to me - 'They're U government' - possibly Marines tracking them. & make no mistake, the U gov't rebels' wicked & systematic defiance of American rights & values are the rebels that provoked 9/11 attacks - they caused it. 8/31, report about the efforts of Mexs./Latinos defending my rights to work in an alternate profession until clearing my name so that I could teach, & that they might be given more slack in Ca. in general than others - not referring to those in No. Ca., because they did make an about face & joined the rebels full fledged. But then 4 AM 9/1, vision of Fed. agent telling me I was being charged w/a crime - another book & release, but it was pertaining to my report about Mexs./Latinos. Because they owe me justice regionally & statewide & nationally, & have failed the nation (like everyone else), it's law of diminishing returns for me to say anything on their behalf.
They are taking pot shots @ Jesus (booing), but it's under cloak of darkness.
When I woke up after the dream, vision, "You don't have to take that," approx. 4 AM, & approx. 4:05, "You're gonna respect 'that'?" bug code. But 'that' is code for Latinos in No. Ca., classifying all Latinos nationally as 'that' conspirators, is same as saying all Americans nationwide are No. Ca. rebels, but that vision of the charge most likely was based on that deception - in attempt to coerce me to give up on "red men," especially w/that Is. 52:12 crack. In other words, 'U' gov't 9/11 rebels @ Federal level, considering directly oppressing me. Approx. 8/26, vision, "I want you to doom them twice;" instigating terrorism already doomed the No. Ca. rebels; attempting to claim they "took" w/the terrorism - guaranteeing the ruin of the nation if they aren't stopped - they are doomed twice, Jude 1:12, Rev. 18:6. THE VISION MAY ALSO BE CONCERNING ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. Ad for 2 more upcoming "Mission: Impossible" sequels w/Tom Cruz, & something to do w/an injured eye - delays for years to come - I reported vision of Cruz & eye injury, & then I injured an eye working w/iris plants. Drew Barrymore, "This is bigger than me..." & calling off her show due to writers' strikes; they are claiming I've folded as far as maintaining Jack Teacher plan central, w/reports giving them credit - or past credit, implying Jack Teacher plan is small "cog," & I'm a naive country bumpkin teacher over my head in the "bright lights" & "big cities" of glamorous stars. Mssgs. from all directions - from them - rock & Hollywood must be rebuked & denied any credit, or it's "curtains" for Jack Teacher plan & any actual justice & teacher career any time soon - YOU GIVE THEM CREDIT, YOU ROT. They aren't in any hurry - nation crumbling will probably last @ least a few years longer - if it doesn't, they've got England or Tahiti or both they can relocate to; & they aren't the ones denied their teacher dream career & enslaved picking weeds & digging ditches in 103 deg. weather & pouring rain - & they certainly don't care about Jack Teacher personally. We've been through this before - they say they'll invade, but they don't. But as far as any notion of a "draw" or a "tie," God led me they don't have that luxury, because they pushed too many buttons railroading my career & my freedoms - "Band On the Run" literally directing county court to oppress me. They pushed buttons to maximize the stubbornness & jealousy of Americans toward a teacher chosen by God & creating a climate where we "need" them, but they themselves are stalling to see if they can break the teacher. Long range plumblines tracking Davis, blks, & gov't, implying we can count on them, but (see "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD II"...) the mssg. is don't count on them, because the nation failed, & Jack Teacher will fail as well, soon enough. So in actuality, the garland of grace of Judy Garland & others from the past is a mirage - the warlocks have been cruel, & church members nationwide have tolerated them if not following them enthusiactically, but God provided Jack Teacher as a deposit. "For exaltation comes neither from east nor west,... but it is God who judges; He brings down one and exalts another," Ps. 75:6,7. If we can't be the beacon of light to everyone - including all the Slavs - shine the light of Christ, rather than a counterfit light kissing Lenin's Jewish butt in Ukraine - then the American vision is crippled & eventually doomed. We're good enough for Jesus - if we get back to our post - break the bondage of conspiracies & cover-ups, THE WAY WE ALWAYS HAVE FOR 250 YEARS! Rock & Hollywood aren't going to hold our hand when it's a right hand of deception (Ps. 144:8) - where they are failing is they instigated a lot of my sufferings, but instead of clearing themselves by providing me justice, they lump me in w/a nation that refuses to repent - because it would go a long ways toward rescuing the nation. The nation falls short, & rock & Hollywood fall short. Brilliant! Possible motive of warlocks is claim they are "out" as far as intervening on my behalf to give Asians a leg up - as I've said, this is unbiblical, & they are committing crimes, so it's illegal as well. But, Asians err in that they assume that translates to Christians who are admitting they are guilty & deserve to be punished. As I've said, possible motive of warlocks is claim they are "out" as far as intervening on my behalf to give Asians a leg up - & as I've said, this is unbiblical, & they are committing crimes, so it's illegal as well. But, Asians err in that they assume that translates to Christians who are admitting they are guilty & deserve to be punished. Christians who've repented, w/feats & wonders to prove it, have been purified. Asians are unable to discern that penitent Christians & a nation that is the tribute beyond all comprehension, isn't their "kill;" the same as Martin Luther, in "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" communicated to Catholics,
"For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and pow'r are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth isn't his equal."
(Everyone knows tea is better w/sugar than that artificial crap.) In other words, based on Catholic church historically producing fruit & more or less biblical, Martian Luther was driving home the point that, w/the exception of some oppressive popes, Christians are stronger if we refuse to see each other as the enemy over differences that are often "in-house" debates, & acknowledge that satan is the enemy. Satan was Asians' "kill;" if they could've avoided temptation to judge USA, Western church, etc., & instead intervene on my behalf, & publicly glorify God - they would've had the lion's share of spiritual victories, & that was their "kill" as well. The spiritual "kill" formula is "Judgment is w/out mercy to those who show no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment," Jas. 2:13 - mercy is a manifestation of love, & God is love, 1 Jn. 4:8 - all they had to do was hold the line of being good neighbors 2000 year+ track record, but add to that praising God (& make an effort on my behalf). No one's arguing they've been merciless, but they've refused to make even the slightest effort to glorify God - w/motives of misplaced revenge. To an extent, Jack Teacher plan of Western followed Luther's formula, & to a small extent, shortcomings of current Western church have to do w/attempts to invite Asians to higher seat as fellow brothers in Christ - similar to Luther - except Luther didn't force anyone to be pawns & slaves to accomplish it. The formula is in place, but current warlocks can't really claim it as their motives.
Here's what Western church is up against: (1)We fell short as far as intervening for Slavs; (2)No one's intervened for Jack Teacher; (3)Rock & Hollywood saying essentially we're doomed because of those shortcomings; (4)Stubborn church leaders refusing to repent to extent that there are assertions claiming Western church (U.S.A. & elsewhere) possibly should be "licked" (wiped out) because of their refusal to repent. The Western church did do something right - provided me; & made sure I was equipped to deal w/adversities. When faced w/seemingly impossible circumstances, trust in God. Israel in Ex. 14 had been freed by Pharoah after 400 years of slavery; but, he suddenly changed his mind & sent his army to get them back before they had gone far. They were cornered @ the Red Sea - w/the sea in front of them, & huge Egyptian army hemming them in from behind - & they were mostly unarmed. What were God's instructions? Ex. 14:10-15 (1)Don't be afraid (don't panick); (2)Stand firm (don't scatter or run away - i.e., GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS! Reject codes, report conspiracies, blab in the news about huge stories!); (3)Behold the salvation of the Lord - God told Moses to part the Red Sea; Egypt invented algebra - & suddenly Mideast may be solving the freedom equation. "God will provide the lamb" Gen 22:8 - Prophesy fulfilled: Gen. 22, Abraham on Mt. Moriah & said to Isaac God would provide the lamb for sacrifice, & after he offered his son, God did provide - a ram - & 1800 years later, @ the same location (Mt. Moriah is located in Jerusalem) God provided Jesus, the Ram of God; (4)Go forward - Israel crossed the Red Sea w/waters parted, but when Egyptian army attempted to follow, they were swallowed up & drowned. God provided me as mouthpiece for Western church; according to him, that's sufficient for time being as far as Slavs; as far as failing to provide justice for me - repent & do so - this can be done by replacing corrupt & stubborn warlock pastors w/pastors/leaders demanding & providing justice for me.
Notice from Ca. Franchise Tax Bd. that I failed to file form disclosing my health ins. status, so they're suddenly adding $850 fine to my total - which I'm currently making $30/mo. payments on - but that paymnt plan was arranged only approx. 5 mos. ago, for total of $150 paid on $1127.56 amnt., bringing total down to $977.56; $850 added to this is $1827.56, as opposed to $1542.00, or $1542 "on the money." & 1542 is the street # for Workmans, we were @ 1536 Drake Dr.; they obtained restraining order against me in 1999, instigating false arrests 2 times that Fall, & 1+ mo. disappearance (jail); evidence indicates it was already a conspiracy, making it kidnap. My parents went behind my back, contacting my roommates & paying Nov.'s rent (those Jesus freaks!). This "scenario" precisely timed w/God alerting me of claim of showdown as far as % of mo. I'm staying in Davis motels ($140+) v. West Sac ($85+) - as in claiming I've moved out of Davis because I've only been staying there 2 nights/mo. or so. But God also told me to take the lower rate combined w/working 5+ days/wk in Davis & staying there a few nights/mo., so that I can set aside $ for teacher interviews. Evidently State of Ca. claiming I "got out," & therefore I capitulated to Workmans & they & Davis prevailed w/'U' oppression; 'he owes 1542 on his [at]attack, says.' Oh, by the way, Workmans got out of Davis possibly 15 years ago or more - that magically isn't a factor. But according to the Lord, I'm occupying Davis & vicinity, & that's good enough.
1/3, "I'm gonna take him, Sug," fem bug code ("sugar"), posing as Mary; i.e., 'Sug' is nickname of the Hagens for each other, & Norm had dirty pic calendars pinned up in his garage, Clovis, Ca.; i.e., assertion high moral standards causes US to stand, & absent those, possibly trouble. 7:59 AM, "This is when you needed it," & 7:30 AM bed was squeaking above rm 108 for a period; i.e., some dirty pics from supposedly links of Nabokova, & I avoided them for most part. Mitch Mortvedt, Dallas cty sheriff dept., press release about shootings @ Perry MS; I was watching the news video on my break, & Mortvedt, "[gunshot] wooin'ds" i.e., 'wounds' but w/'woo' phonemic code; then - from hurriedly jotted down notes, Mortvedt said in video, "...saw Iowa 10th grader being carried..." from news text, "... Phillip, saw his friend, a 10th grader, being carried by a teacher outside the school," something caught my attention about the report in addition to the 'woo' code - possibly it was the emphasis on a student seeing his friend "carried" by a teacher - strange, because there would be a lot of students seeing similar occurrences - & this wasn't a newscaster attempting to embellish or portray a picture of the events, it was a newsbreaking sheriff's deputy's crime press release, who normally shouldn't be highlighting those "details" - but, the '10' facade repeated; i.e., parallel to 10 year old shooting a 10 year old; i.e., 10th grader/10th grader - both victims of terrible shooting - play back code that both 10 yr. olds victims - because of a 'woo' effect. Instantly @ end of my break, bug code, "That was your response; you aren't gonna have here," 4:04 PM. 4:20, "You wouldn't know, it was have your 'hot,' on," Cecilia, leaving after paying me (F St.). Ther you go - isolate the victim, his rights denied then instead of invading & snuffing out the rebellion, desperate attempts to conjure up facade of lewdness of victim - & THOSE DOING SO FACE GUARANTEED HOLOCAUST! Shooter, Dillon Butler; & that morning I'd picked up dog dung @ Terry's on A St. - landscapers picking up dog dung? I've rationalized it that I'll do it because I'm getting paid for it, & some landscapers such as Regis refuse to, but it's something a butler would do. 'Dillon' - a dilldough' is a sex toy for fems; 10th grade - & models referred to as "10's" & I'd reported Russian model Mary Nabokova; the code was claim I was "wooing" models, & it was terrible to do that, - a butler acting out of character, & causing kids to "go bad." As far as the text was from the news story accompanying the video; what I heard, as far as I recall, was, "...10th grader saw his friend, Iowa 10th grader..." i.e., 10 repeated twice. That isn't a crucial point, necessarily; the pinpointed focus on "10" was also factor; @ any rate, I was talking to myself while going back to work that I needed to review that video; & considered that possibly it could be edited (decelptively) if I didn't. As of 5 PM, I reviewed the video (of Mortvedt) & sure enough, his comment about the student seeing his friend, a 10th grader, carried by a teacher was in fact completely edited from the video! Proof that NBC & other national news agencies are illegaly eavesdropping & working w/police agencies attempting to brainwash me. They are desperate to sabotage the efforts of anyone attempting to affirm me & my sexuality as a healthy adult male. Another important safety tip: Mortvedt looks almost exactly like the property manager of apts. I lived in on Church St. in Lodi, who's daughter named Carolyn was part of that 'little boy's room' conspiracy w/Rich Mahoney. Dallas cty, Iowa - Tx. name; possibly coded deal to cover for South's stalls stranding me as butler/landscaper - Jack Teacher's efforts parrying for MS teacher position are negated; nevertheless, 'butt [any need to] lure' - enough proof for invasion more than 2 decades ago!
1/4, "I took the spotlight on you," Jennifer Hudson, ch 3, 7:27 AM. 9:15 PM, "Okay, you die, eat fast," bug code. Sandy Hook Promise logo, following stand-up comedians, mostly blacks, making jokes about school shootings, ch 10, 4:48 PM. Then approx. 1/7, actual news program ad, fem newscaster (nat'l network), promoting her news program - "Murder!" then acts hesitent, saying, "murder shouldn't be glorified;" (or similar) & then, "no, murder sells - it's popular now..." & cheers on "Murder!" Taylor Tomlin, CBS news ad - she was seriously poking fun @ the bad news of people dying! - I.e., it's fun to promote murder stories - death, disaster, diseases!... etc. - mocking shooting spree victims! - except this wasn't a spoof or act, it was an ad for the news program! "Child Tax Credit" "What you need to know," & string of paper dolls, USA Today; background to this - paper dolls in No. Ca. became associated w/child molester after child molester w/paper doll m.o. was prosecuted. 10:16 PM, "I was looking from the library," Asian male blk jacket ch13 news. "...& was known...spend time w/Clinton & Trump.." 10:11 ch 13. 1/7, Everready ad, Ev. Bunnie (pink) brushing his teeth w/electr. tooth brush & fem next to him, but his tooth brush is so powerful it's vibrating his entire head (parallel funny w/subtle oral sex implications); immed. following, Autotrader ad, blk teen girl, pink shrt, dancing in bckgrd while blk male speaking. Last 2 wks I've purchased V8 because it was on sale & has more vitamins than generic veg juices; as of 1/7, suddenly ad on TV, lovely fem sensually sucking on straw drinking V8; instantly, ch 3, Ca. budget story, including schools, & elem. age Mex. child practicing writing 'V's on paper; i.e. - & this is as a rule - Davis & No. Ca. region are the fowlers - any endorsement of me sexually is then smeared instantly on TV - there's no giving them the benefit of the doubt - these are the monsters - Sac City USD- restr. order ordering me to cease from applying for any teacher position in the school district - approx. 1 million pop. - because I sued superintendant in 2016 for discriminatorially & conspiratorially denying me teacher jobs. In fact, story in news in Sac - their museum getting inundated w/requests about Sac history - specifically about printing in Sac.; i.e., they kidnapped me under guise of arrest in 2005, processed me (prints) & kangaroo trial & 4 mos. captivity; they're being put on notice - Sacramento is history. 1/1, "Mom, you have to state," or 'stay, it' 7:24 PM, vision, chubby wh young adult fem, coming into gas mart supposedly talking to her mom who was in the mart. As of 1 1/2 decades ago, codes in Davis attempting to dupe me into settling for a prospective wife who was one of the rebels - as though they held all the cards & I would eventually submit; sounds from adult fems. supposedly affirming I might be marriage material, abrupt, "UH" as though losing verginity in a marriage bed; then bounce motion w/rear ends as though mounting in sexual position - occurring regularly, especially among students, & "revived" as well, as recently as possibly 3 years ago - meant as a concession that I meet criteria for marriage to wicked rebels - but justice, of course, denied. More recently, rare occasion similar gesture from models, but the context seems to be combined w/justice - i.e., white wedding clothes. @ any rate, approx. 12/31, French fem model, Celeste Bright seems to jump w/the gesture, i.e., 'jump on it!' & also wearing race car tights - indicating I'm entitled to my rights & marriage & sex right now! But then, 1/1, Cascade Platinum, Telemundo, ch 33 (based in Sac), 9:29 PM, fem quickly makes a jump-bounce gesture w/baby - precisely casing the Bright video, & precisely timed, & in Sac.; ''k[ey] ass? k[ey] A'd [commit lewd act]' - 'Jack Teacher w/allies such as models to stick up for his rights?' & adult/marriage sex scenario is suddenly smeared w/lewd facades! "To the pure, all things are pure" - but these monsters aren't pure, & THERE'S NO MISTAKING THEIR CONNOTATIONS. AS OF THIS POINT I DON'T THINK ANY OF THE MODELS ARE IMPLYING THAT - BUT NO. CA. HAS ALLIES SUCH AS CASCADE, & THE GROUND IS GOING TO OPEN UP & SWALLOW CASCADE WHOLE (NUM. 16:31-35)!
Code about watching over a Russian model - life belt - colors had previously become virility symbol - from a dress; nothing beyond that. But after saying this, like clockwork, 1/14, Delsyn cough medicine ad, sm blk girl hiding in doll house w/red & wh dress. But implication is L.A. is loser mentality from L.A. - "we'll never make it; we're gonna fail.." This "fleeting glimpse" is another trick from the Guilded Shmos - "...will you ever win?" - Fleetwood Mac; under guise that despite I'm conspiratorially denied teacher jobs, I can't do anything that can be construed as sales - such as....weeding! & since I'm currently weeding, then it is true - Jack Teacher IS a R.E. addict - a loser in need of R.E. Anonymous, or, RE-Anon! & w/Jack Teacher plan a confirmed "loser," U S.A. has no choice but to comply & spiral downward! Meanwhile, if models want to be teacher's pet, show up for the wedding - pipe up, demanding justice, boycott black clothing consistently - something! codes of blacks getting tackled & looking @ imaginary watches in football games - 'too late - we "played"' as in, already committed to defeat; traitors attempting to pressure others that everyone's already beyond the "point of no return." Beware, because this consp. brainwash is coming from NFL or @ least the media associated w/them. As far as L.A., DO WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO GROUND ZERO SQUARE ONE W/THEM!?? (2017). IF THIS MENTALITY IS REACHING EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS (NO RECENT PRECEDENT OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT) - DOES AMERICA WANT TO LIVE? NO IS NO! JACK TEACHER IS A TEACHER!
Meanwhile, models [REVAMP]: We've been through this before - Swift, then Hilton, imply endorsements, but despite the full gamut of the media @ their fingertips - not a word on my behalf nor any other intervention. "Actions speak louder than words" - the mssg. was inevitably understood to be that I'm "going down" & I was almost killed. It's no different w/a Russian model.
I reported Grad oppression 7 Sept. 2001, located on Anderson Rd. down the street from UCC. Also @ that shopping ctr, AM/PM Mini Market. They've had a shallow arch theme for more than a decade, possibly 2 decades. But if you look closely, the arch is a double line code - 2 gold (or alternate colors) arches running parallel. Most likely this logo came after UCC relocated to E. Davis; the new location has a double line cross on the "steeple" if you could call it that. They relocated in apprx. 2002, as reported. The double line cross is from a code in 2000 from Brian Toone, roommate on Drake Dr., 1999-2000, originally from Alabama/N.C. vicinity. Supposedly, based on death row ultimatums - 'dumpster dive (give up on trying to make it), or death row,' was the ultimatum; Radu Teodorescu from Romania had allowed me to use his laptop over the Summer, but it was located in Radu's & Brian's room; Brian ad "inadvertently" left a note for Radu next to laptop referring to trash can & chair, w/each of those underlined - code for 'dumpster dive or electric chair.' They knew the note would probably be seen by Tony, Chinese roommate, as well. I.e., the coded threat would become known - my Christian roommates from other parts of the world had capitulated to the Davis death row consp. was the tragic implication. Then, Brian approx. 2 mos. later sent me a letter saying he was sorry for sometimes being rude, & 'sorry' was double underlined; i.e., they were claiming it was on the inside - they were luring Davis, & communicated to me a negation of the death row code. That's all well & good, if they'd followed up w/invasion, but they've failed to do so - & that indicates it was me they were attempting to dupe. @ any rate, that's the origin of the double underline codes. I didn't say anything to anyone about the letter supposedly negating the double underline, & UCC took the death row endorsement & ran w/it - building their new church w/double line cross on top. It was either simultaneous to this or soon after that AM/PM then started using shallow arch logo - AM/PM located on Anderson - but UCC had relocated to Mace, right? AM/PM arch is a single arch w/emphasis effect - it's possible they are counting it as a double arch, which could implicate them as coconspirators; but based on their ads, indications are it was designed to suggest the double line that was already a code, while innocently using shallow arch logo design, & w/station located on Anderson, to lure UCC. The double line code is 2 lines, curves, etc., side by side, equal thickness. I reported UCC was stalked w/arches as of 2001 & subsequently - such as a remodeled home on J St. across the street from prominent UCC members Shiela Wardrip & her 2 kids Noah & Laura; the remodel included a front facade almost identical to Edge youth group bldg - w/long vertical windows (like the car wash bldg currently under construction on Mace Blvd.) - & A SHALLOW ARCH ACROSS THE TOP OF THE WINDOWS; & w/my middle name being Arch, it was a warning to UCC to revise their strategies, because I was doing "better than they expected" (i.e., the notification spelled their ruin, but the suggestion was for them to step up their deceptions). This was reported on this website approx. 3 years ago, but I'm qualifying it: (1)The double line code was followed by CHP - logo is "CHP" but font is similar gold color of AM/PM's arch, & - double lines - & as reported, they kidnapped me twice from Pole Line Rd. bridge in 2009, & kangaroo trial in 2010, & I was hostage approx. 4 mos. due to their coconspiracy w/UCC; (2) AM/PM's arch lured UCC: The location - same side of Anderson Rd. as original bldg of UCC (now Congregation Bet Havrim Jewish synagogue) & same shopping ctr. as Graduate; implying 'who moved?' & context of Grad endorsing their corruption - AM/PM "snooping around" - 'you're saying continued persecution of Jack Teacher, death row conspiracies, attempts on his life, all still viable, despite 9/11 disaster & everything else????' & recent UCC logo, a double line arch like AM/PM's arch, but undeniably double underline code - &, strange shape that is in fact a football field. The electric chair rules: Anything pertaining to electicity is fair game for a threatening code: AM/PM - 'amp him!' - as opposed to amplified speakers so that I can speak & warn. & that picture of the "steeple" under construction - amazing how it looks more like a power pole - high voltage! TV ads as of 2017, AM/PM, "Tungas let know if hear anything;" 'toone guess' - Brian Toone - 'Are you guessing as far as Toone double underline murder consp.? It's been clarified - UCC signed on the "double line."'
I reported this conclusion already (see REBELS' 'USURP'... report) - the arch slowly morphs into a throw, thanks to UCD coconspiracy - & UCC willfully perpetuating darkness & oppression, Jack Teacher is the object of the 'throw' - i.e., the Grad - which was located @ University Mall (university maul[s Jack Teacher],' role playing UCC, & Jack Teacher is thrown out of the "church." My successes appear to be "arching over" them - i.e., prevailing against them - but they slowly gain their throw again, w/tricks from UCD & their cohorts - it is University COVENANT church - their name spells it out - they made a covenant, or agreement - a conspiratorial covenant - w/UCD.
12/27, "We tip our crown to..." Sac Kings ad; code - I don't tip waitresses or waiters @ Carol's because they stalk me w/codes, & so they are claiming it's my fault waitress then pretended she didn't know my name & helped others ahead of me. 7:45 PM, "We don't have that cut to death hold," bug code, possibly pertaining to my sister (vision of what could happen to her in Lodi). "He is constantly keeping half, key," (source?). Wheel of Frtn, Sajack, "Soul does," 8:12 PM. 8:09, "You're having your shoes on," gov't bug code. "We're not having that mist" or similar, Page Painter (Miller Dr.), 9:37 AM, after referring to Baby's Breath plants 9:37 AM. 10:07 "You're not having we hollar," Page (custs., the Hallers). 9:55 AM, "What the hell are you doing!?" Page (I was sawing wood to 1 1/2' lengths for fireplace, & throwing the small scraps into trash bin; I then said, "You want me to save those?" He replied, "Damn right! Can you fish those out of there?" i.e., get scraps out of trash bin. I.e., in context of other stalkings claiming I wasn't yelling enough & therefore I must be a tare; Page, using coded language, conspiring facade that UCC's kick out was re-affirmed - implying I'm doing the devil's (hell) work; & therefore UCC & Davis have the right to "damn" & evangelizing ("fishing") is reduced to dumpster diving ("fishing" objects out of garbage can) - RESULTING IN OPPRESSION & DENIAL OF PLACE TO LIVE - 'PAINTER' - '[WINDOW] PANE, TOUR'). Page owns the res. next door to his res.; his son was renting it until approx. 1/2 year ago, when he moved to E. coast; but suddenly Page referring to it as his son's res. after the 'damn' codes; "maybe a can of oil over @ his house;" 10:08, & 10:09, "He has his sign;" i.e., based on Page damning Jack Teacher, he & his descendents can continue to prosper in the land. MU, 12:34 PM, mex(?) fem, olive grn clothing, "We have to move 'em 'bout" (or similar -notes unclear). 1:54, "He's not gonna know our name," Dorte, to Ace emply. "Cross is name," Dorte, to Ace emply; Jack Teacher isn't "cross" enough (angry); therefore their 'neigh, [I] am' claim is I don't "know;" but, it doesn't get any angrier than visions from God of Nuclear Missiles coming (call 'em "nukes" for short). Dorte, 2:55, @ comm. field on Oakenshield, after child made noise, "We own 'tare rise,'" (i.e., they can 'terrorize because they "own" 'tare rise' (by "authority" of UCC) - guise of Jack Teacher damned (Page) & therefore must be a tare - non- Christian - Baby's Breath & child noise lewd innuendos magically props up UCC's deceptive kick out of 1997. THESE ARE THE TERRORISTS BIDEN & NEWSOM HAVE BOTH SWORN TO PROP UP UNTIL THEIR DYING DAY - I-80 'RAIL' WIDENING PROJECT EMPOWERING THE I-80 TRAFFIC JAM STALKERS (JACK TEACHER ISN'T 'RAILING' ENOUGH)!
The new Prodigy sign (Days Inn), Chiles Rd., exact same as Green Meadows (office bldg) sign on Pole Line & Covell - shallow arch, black sign, gold letters. N. of Pole Line & Covell, Bidwell Ave., is where I sold condo to Jose' Pacheco - my first R.E. sale, 1995; R.E. broker, Bob Green. You can do an exhaustive search on internet for pics of Green Meadows sign, but there are no pics of it or the office bldg. @ all - & it's referred to as an "office park." This most likely is where the shallow arch codes originated - signalling to UCC that I was working hard in R.E. to pay the bills & wasn't sluffing, & they weren't going to have their facade that I was a leach; also coded signal also that I caught everybody dozing in Davis ('[we're] green' - [caught] me doz[in]'') - so proceed very subtly, was the mssg. Moreover, I was stuck in R.E. because of their oppression. Days Inn - 'dozin' - the Prodigy name is subtle contemporary - "updated" confession that I'm a prodigy. Holiday Inn, located where Comfort Sweet was for more than a decade, windows above the front entrance are exact shape & size as those signs - located on Research Park Dr., S. Davis. ''R.E. [agent is] search[ed],' [is] park[ing];' for years the evangelism persecution was fueled by the fact that I was a proactive salesman in a predominantly intellectual community - jealousy; but it wasn't a crime, & once I'd constructively cleared my name (in any ordinarly society), my goals were teacher profession - as of 2004; disappeared, hostage in Yolo jail 2 1/2 years, & soon after release, selling newspaper subscriptions in public forums, I was able to purchase a car; as of 2008, I was staying in my Dodge truck w/shell on Galileo Ave., S.D., directly across field from what is now Holiday Inn; I was studying constantly in my spare time, & passed the CSET exam in Math to be a Math teacher as well as Spanish teacherm - essentially owning the term "reasearch" - they were "parking" - retiring, w/their persecution of a teacher who had simply kept very busy while being persecuted by a church, police, & others.
Who needs the "old country" when you have faith, zeal, & inter-racial marriage expertice!? I reported Mex. Alta Cal. Gov. Alvarado concocted a plan sending mssg. to USA pioneers of "hello," halving any "good-bye," or bidding adieu, founding Alta Ca. as independent nation, due to Mexico's lack of interest in the territory, & evidently because the region desired to be part of USA melting pot. His country's flag was white flag, red star, same as Ca.'s flag, absent the bear - Latinos in the West bearing or shouldering duties of furthering melting pot cause.
Vision, "Who took hurt you?" approx. 1/1/2024; i.e., 2017, wh male in Toyota 4X4 attempting to run me over in Food Coop pkg lot @ 3:50 AM after brandishing a gun - this was w/in a year of me proclaiming Slavs dying for Jesus in Siberia by the millions - & no response from them. Then 2+ years later, strangle attack on Columbia Ct., 2020, & 2021, strangle attack @ 4th & F - first negated by rock & Hollywood, then by Orthodox church. Negation by rock & Hollywood was a factor, although they were possibly claiming they were luring Slavs. I wrote down facts of this vision (1/1), but didn't elaborate. Then 1/3, 8:30 PM, after report about Western & Eastern church both committing witchcraft by persecuting me, sabotaging Jack Teacher plan (see "NO. CA. BRAINWASH..."), vision of Putin (as far as I could tell), "He takes us, 'long time.'" 2016, before firing me, Tom Kilborne, Davis Bread & Desserts (bakery), coded comment, "Long time" - conjuring up as though I was suddenly showing up for work after being gone for number of years. Soon after that, the 4X4 attempt to run me over, & then @ work, Tom, "click" code (gun being cocked), indicating involvement (I hadn't said anything to him about it yet). Biggest stories of the millennium, & no one responds, it's inviting trouble; the 'long time' vision is affirmation of this, & seems to be indicating Russia is in bed w/Davis; why? Because that's what rock & Hollywood did, & so those claiming to be Christians compromise, to the exten they've constructively left the faith - bowing down to guilded shmos! & this was rock's & Hollywood's goal - but, 1 Cor. 3:17, "If anyone destroys God's church, God will destroy them!"
12/26, "We're having our double trouble," & heater in rm. 108 making constant ticking sound, every 2 secs, non-stop; similar to res. on Adeline Pl. 2004; renting a room, & repeated refusals to repair a constant drip from ceiling in the room. 3:31 AM, "He took his ___. Unfortunately, we're home," 3:31 AM, TV. "We're having your fightin' 'em - narrow 'em," 3:07; i.e., they're rebels by definition, but I'm not allowed to bring them to justice - UCC's conspiracy "plan" is I "narrow" them; website, - 'you cov[er for us];' but I proved that's guaranteed to be another kick out. Anyone intervening on my behalf suffers the consequences: Newsom & state of Ca. passed new law that min. wage for "fast food" cafes is $20/hr. (presumably as of 1 Jan.) - far more than anyone else; i.e., 'don't intervene for Jack Teacher or we just might put you out of business...' Their tactics involve manipulating Bible terminology; ifyou're kicked out of a church, you must be the tare; despite Jesus said, "You'll know them by their fruits," UCC members are kidnappers, rebels, conspirators - non-Christian tares; I'm law abiding believer - wheat (Matt. 13:24-30). Tares controlling an organization & labeling it a church doesn't make it a church - popes of the past who killed innocent people were tares by definition. Belonging to a church doesn't mean anything you do, any act, any deed, good or bad, must therefore be approved & bona fide, because you're a Christian, & so your bad deeds are sanctified. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - That is as unbiblical as it gets! This was precisely the mentality of Pharisees & Scribes who persecuted Jesus - rather the Bible is the judge as far as wheat & tares (Jn 12:48), & the Bible commands that we must be law-abiding - "obey all laws," Rom. 13:1, 1 Pet. 2:13 - & this Scripture has just qualified UCC members as antichrists - no exaggeration (1 Jn. 2:18). "You see the common," fat blk fem @ charity program, 7:16 PM in Sac, ch 3 ('UC [Davis is] the common [ground]') - blacks are still attempting to establish an Outlaw stronghold - DIVISION RETROACTIVE CHARTER MEMBERS - chancellor May is black - corresponding to West Point chancellor Benedict Arnold - rebels said 'the chancellor May betray the nation.' 7:22, "you wouldn't do your through, we," vision (after wthr report about VV). 7:37, "You didn't make it, key," gov't bug code, attempting to parlay the 'through' vision; possibly it was referring to that I didn't report about tracking gestures of the models. "You're just gonna go w/THIS;" "No. Ca. sit" - or 'No. Ca. situtation' (notes confusing), 7:58, bug code. 7:45 "You wouldn't settle for midnight," (source?). "Chuck-ching, ching-a-ling" Honda ad, but it's code - the 'chuck-ching' became assocated w/inappropriate innuendos about kids & sexuality - an actual ejaculation motion by a young child in a TV ad; Ching Chang is one of rebels in Davis, & member of Davis Chinese Christian church - located across the street from Grad & AM/PM on Anderson - poised for counter offensive less than a year after 9/11; but despite prison threats becoming fair game, in 2002 when I asked him for apology for participating in the 1999 police oppression (5 cases, 16 cts. all dismissed or dropped), instead of apology, they called police & threatened me w/arrest if I didn't leave - 'Ching hauling [away Jack Teacher].'
12/24, "he's not gonna live w/our little," male near 108, 5:02 PM. "You're not gonna find your fire," 6:08 PM. "you're not gonna see what use mean," fem bug code, 7:16 PM - blk code - 'yous...'
12/30, blk fem lg. bun on head ("ellie" lewd code), CBS, 6:52AM, Peptiva ad, "I'm eating like a kid again;" 3:15 PM, Chiles Rd. (315 Mace is addr. of UCC), as I was leaving Days Inn, blk male blk jacket casing me; jeans, lg bun on head (pic sent). 4:52 PM, possibly mex male blue swtr, glasses, hallway, Days Inn (Prodigy) (I looked outside my door w/in secs of code); "He's having his bun, it," & upload of pic of blk male w/lg bun on Chiles sabotaged from uploading; i.e., he was ahead of me w/back to me by the time I reached Chiles; therefore I have to take it as they aren't conspiring - back turned, looking other way; but the 3 way codes occurred, & it couldn't have unless they were committing multiple sophisticated crimes invading my privacy & conspiring - so they're reported. "I'll be honest, he's hittin' me," doctor (?) UCDMC, ch 10, 4:08 PM. "He's not having that part," fem, rm 106, 8:28 AM, precisely as I was making report about baby that started crying near rm 108 & corresp. stalking, 12/28; simult., laptop drained of power.
12/25, 'knock-knock, knock-knock' sound near rm 108 Days Inn, 5:13 AM; possibly 2 hours, 2 hours code; i.e., I've been getting up @ 4 AM @ least twice/wk, but not always putting in 2 hrs. of juggling @ 4 AM. 5:36 AM, "You won't understand her hunger," bug code. ch 3, "& the streets are covered under the snow," fem rptr; i.e., get it to snow, & they can attempt to claim homelessness for Jack Teacher must be "in the cards;" i.e., confession 'Ca. drought was blatant punishment of No. Ca. from God, but he evidently let up last year w/all that rain' - & if last year's rain continues, I'm as good as dead - Sac reporters said so. But, they're more worried about the weather (which could effect their personal comfort) than the shooting sprees occurring nationally! KCRA, ch 58, "You're my Christmas spirit," 8:14 AM, Kristen Brown(?), holding her belly. "When Christmas is ending, & the boxes go back up," 8:18 (Brown?). "You won't get it anywhere else, because we meet or beat...prices on your gas grills" ch 58, 8:20, possibly code. "he doesn't know we're the haunt him on," I-80, 8:30 AM. 12:25 PM, I-80, "They don't reach him his rad;" code for former Yolo jail warden, Rademaker; i.e., systematic desperate attempts to brainwash Jack Teacher that it doesn't get any better than No. Ca. rebels. 1:10 approx., bug code, while reading Spanish, "I just wanted to sing again," (or similar) - evidently rebel bug code attempting to distract me from Teacher goals. Then 1:15, vision of tearful fem, "You want me to enter in a jail?!!"
I reported ch 40 news background, almost exact replica of "Breakfast In America" CD cover, Supertramp - group name implying it's either (1)a bum who seems to be doing really well - i.e., same facade as the false churches' tare facade - conspired label that the victim can't shake, despite they are the bums & the tares - or (2)super - trampling region w/a vengeance. 12/30, 3:58, I turned on Fox football (Giants), & voice of anncr suddenly lowered slightly, signalling I was watching the game (illegal eavesdropping), " get the turnovers that they've got.." 3:59, ch 40; attempt to exert control. "You've taken rottin' them," 2:09 bug code. Before "Breakfast..." Supertramp produced "Crime of the Century" w/"School" song; lyrics of youth attending school, & behaving - "Don't be out too late/Don't let it get too dark..." but, phonemically, sounds like "...don't let me get [what] you've got;" singer role playing parent, presumably, or adult figure. "Teacher tells you,/'Stop your playing,/Get on w/your work/Be like Johnny Too-Good...He's comin' along...'" @ the end of the song, lyrics protesting about parents who are questionable in their treatment of teens & kids; "Maybe I'm mistaken/Expecting you to fight/Or maybe I'm just crazy/I don't know wrong from right..." & "You're comin' along;" i.e., rock singers sending identical mssg. as the example of the teacher @ beginning of song - subtle claim they are teachers. But they already said in song that was voted #1 nationwide every 4th of July for almost a decade - "Stairway To Heaven," phonemically, "When all I wanted was to know -/To be a rock, & not to roll...." signalling the church must be a rock, & refuse to budge, as far as education nation Jack Teacher plan; but then, "& she's buying a stairway to Heaven;" follow up - Jacob's ladder is according to Hebrew, a stairway - mistranslation for centuries, revealed by - Jack Teacher - & affirmed by recent New International Version of Bible, but seems to be connected w/Led Zeppelin's song. But, throw in the word "buying" & it sounds like it's sales as opposed to simply scripturally contending for the faith. Moreover, a 'Stairway to Heaven' is then misconstrued as 'there's a way to be stubborn, w/people stairing @ you until you die, & possibly still go to Heaven.' The Supertramp CD cover is a picture of space, & the band's name is text formed from connecting stars - like a constellation - connect the stars & you have Virgo, Leo, Taurus, etc. I.e., education theme, & space theme prevalent. Lyrics @ end of song, "Yet while I'm still livin'/I've just got this to say/It's always up to you/If you want to be that/Want to see that/Want to see that way/You're comin' along;" & there's that 'see' again, 2x; i.e., possibly a ''T'-ooo.' But the notion of teacher talking about constellations, stars, spirituality (i.e., Jupiter Jesus China revelation, as well as Chinese inventing rocket science) is implied to be off limits: A barred window w/someone captive - the notion is such a terrible offence they might try to throw you in a cage over it - nevermind that Christian schools regularly include church history courses, & talk about God regularly. The incompatibility notion makes no sense - the Jack Teacher plan is furthermore centered on producing an education nation w/a school teacher focussed on teaching, but revealing the feats of Chinese, including rocket science! ROCK & HOLLYWOOD PRODUCE WITNESSES IN THEIR SONGS, & THEN CREATE A "BRICK" EFFECT AS FAR AS JACK TEACHER PLAN - HYPERBOLE EFFECT OF TEACHER V. SPIRITUALITY - & THAT'S WHAT THE CHURCHES BOUGHT - CONVINCED THEY COULD SATISFY THEIR JEALOUSY TEMPTATIONS @ THE SAME TIME; I.E., 'IT'S OKAY, RELIGIOUS LEADERS, IT'S CLEARLY PREPOSTEROUS FOR A TEACHER TO BE DOING THE JOB OF AN INTERNATIONAL ARCHBISHOP OR POPE! YOUR FITS HAVE OUR APPROVAL. YOU'LL HAVE YOUR "CRIME OF THE CENTURY" REAMING A TEACHER BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE COULD SIMULTANEOUSLY DO THE LORD'S WORK!' BUT CHURCH LEADERS & LAY PEOPLE THEN LOSE TRACK OF THAT THE JACK TEACHER PLAN IS THE 1700 YEAR PLAN THAT GOD HAD ORCHESTRATED & CENTURIES OF CHRISTIANS WERE DEPENDING ON THEM TO DELIVER ON BEHALF OF BOTH EASTERN & WESTERN CHURCH AS SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD - & JACK TEACHER IS JUST DOING HIS JOB - TO THE EXTENT HE IS ABLE, CONSIDERING THEIR SCANDAL PREVENTING HIM FROM BEING EMPLOYED AS A TEACHER! MOREOVER, THEY, THE MEDIA, & ORGANIZATIONS SUCH AS NFL, TESTIFY AGAINST THEMSELVES W/THEIR REPEATED ALLUSIONS TO SUPERTRAMP SONGS - THAT THEY, IN ADDITION TO CHINESE, ARE THE CAUSE OF COVID 19 - "DON'T LET ME GET WHAT
YOU'VE GOT" - THEIR "STARES" - SYNONYM 'STALLS' - CONTRIBUTED TO CAUSING A NEW DISEASE!!!!! Argument in response may be 'It isn't the church enduring stares of others due to abandoning Jack Teacher so much as delays allowing Chinese to respond, & if they don't, we can stare @ them for letting everyone down...' Oh? BUT GOD ONE-UPPED ANY STARES @ ANYONE @ ALL! THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (GEN. 28:10-17, CF. - JESUS IS THE STAIRWAY, JN. 1:51) WAS ONE-UPPED BY ELIJAH'S CHARIOT OF FIRE - 2 KINGS 2:1-12, CF. ASIAN'S ROCKET SCIENCE; YOU CAN'T ONE-UP JESUS, BUT JESUS SAID WE'LL BE ONE-UPPING SOME OF HIS FEATS. [HE WAS REFERRING TO CHRISTIANS, BUT BASED ON 'MAKE THESE STONES CRY OUT,' HE CAN ALSO DO IT THROUGH NON-CHRISTIANS.] CHARIOT OF FIRE BLOWS THE DOORS OFF OF A STAIRWAY - THERE IS NO ROOM FOR STARING! Religious leaders are reaming Jack Teacher, & political leaders are empowering them - & anyone who helps Jack Teacher is reamed - McDonald's suddenly having to pay $20/hr. min. wage. In other words, Western church leaders sabotage a centuries-long plan of God of delivering an education nation w/a successful prosperous teacher (& Eastern church readily goes along w/it) - & the sabotage is so thorough that it's ruining the nation, where NFL players among others are pointing to their watches - codes that it's too late to repent- they already gave up; & country musician announcing @ New Years Eve. show that trying to salvage the nation won't do any good - we're being "schooled" by these lazy, traitorous churches whose faith is luke warm @ best - deserving to be spit out of Jesus' mouth! They bought that they can stare, & Jack Teacher is the fodder, & they literally betray centuries of Christians worldwide who were counting on them, WHEN GOD'S BOTTOM LINE IS IF THEY ARE STARING, THEY ARE MOVING TOO SLOW, PERIOD!!!!! What's really driving the church? Because a good God doesn't punish those who repented - education nation stands irregardless of Asians response or lack thereof, UNLESS PRESENT-DAY CHRISTIANS ARE SABOTAGING IT; & there's no reason to bring the nation to brink of anarchy & ruin to expose blacks as well - WE OVERWHELMINGLY SUCCEEDED AS FAR AS BLESSING BLACKS WORLDWIDE & INVITING THEM TO HIGHER SEATS; the evidence is these leaders & congregations left their posts out of jealousy - (1)rock implicitly painted a bigger than life picture of Jack Teacher - beyond a good teacher w/big responsibilities, tending to have "star" status (in all reality, those truly zealous for Christ should unequivocally rejoice if & when stars & celebrities attribute such lofty status to a servant of God - & this is a factor, but there was also button pushing to lure them - (2)pushing buttons so that it was almost like a "duty" to put Jack Teacher in his place - once again, those purely zealous should've seen through it - they (including China) succumbed to scenario that Jack Teacher's evil - spreading disease - & their sinful cynnicism ironically caused Covid 19 disease; then, (3)gestures by Jack Teacher to restore high moral standards as far as dirty pics - the high standards from before the early 20th century - instead of being welcomed & affirmed, are taunted & persecuted on the whole - by the church, w/attempts to trap Jack Teacher as a "deviant," despite evidence of some regions affirming it (Brooklyn, etc.) - jealousy is the controlling factor; (4)they played on their guilt - Slavs abandoned in Siberia - & used it as martyr leverage - 'Slavs abandoned - supposedly a biblical dance/dirge partnership w/Eastern church on behalf of Asia? Then treat Jack Teacher like dirt as proof that it wasn't enmity w/Eastern church!' & the Eastern church failed to rectify this brainwash, & instead have almost completely succumbed to it! (1) THE FACT THAT JACK TEACHER, UPON BECOMING AWARE OF SLAVS DENIED JUSTICE, PIPED UP ON THEIR BEHALF. SLAVS/EASTERN CHURCH CAPITULATING & REFUSING TO SO MUCH AS LOBBY W/PRESS CONFERENCE DENOUNCING THE "IMPERIAL WEST," RATIFIES PERSECUTION OF JACK TEACHER, & ANY COMPLAINT OF BEING WRONGED BY THE WEST IS MUDDLED OR LOST, BECAUSE JACK TEACHER RECTIFIED IT, & IT'S TREATED AS A NON-ISSUE. (2)THE JACK TEACHER "BIZ & TEACH" PLAN ORIGINATED W/THE EASTERN CHURCH - SPECIFICALLY THE EMPOROR OF BYZANTINES, CONSTANTINE, AS WELL AS ISRAELIS - ELIJAH THE "TEACH" BITE & HIS ROCKET CHARIOT. THE EAST'S CAPITALIZING ON SCIENCE & EDUCATION W/THE FIRST MANNED ROCKET DEMONSTRATES THEY HELD THEIR POSTS & DID THEIR DUTIES UP TO THAT POINT; BUT THE EAST'S TOLERATING OF & FEEDING A DECEPTION THAT JACK TEACHER, WHO HAS HELD HIS POST & INTERVENED FOR THEM AS WELL, HAS TO PAY UNDER SOME SORT OF CONJURED UP MARTYR SYNDROME - THE EQUIVALENT OF WITCHCRAFT (WESTERN CHURCH WARLOCKS - GO FIGURE), IS SHAMEFUL! SPEAKING OF FIGURES, TO THEIR CREDIT, THEY MAY HAVE GESTURED A PROSPECTIVE WIFE FOR JACK TEACHER - A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, BUT SO FAR, IT'S "COVERT" AS OPPOSED TO ANYTHING TANGIBLE. & W/OUT QUOTING ANY ACTORS FROM THEIR REGION, THEY SEEM TO HAVE A DEATH WISH AS FAR AS THEIR BRANCH OF THE CHURCH, OR @ LEAST A NEAR FATALISTIC CYNICISM! & IRONICALLY, IT'S A PHENOMENON THAT IS OCCURRING W/THEM & THE WESTERN CHURCH - ROCK & HOLLYWOOD, "STARS," "SUPERSTARS," & "CELEBRITIES," PUFFED THEMSELVES UP W/CHURCH HISTORY KNOWLEDGE & BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE, & EASTERN & WESTERN BRANCHES BECOME LIKE THE NATIVES OF MALTA BOWING & WORSHIPING AS IF DEITIES, INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING JESUS CHRIST, THE TRUE ONE & ONLY BRIGHT MORNING SUPERSTAR. THE CHINESE POPPED THEIR BUBBLE & EVIDENCE IT W/BOW TRADITION, & EASTERN & WESTERN CHURCHES START BOWING DOWN TO ANY GUILDED SHMOS!
The possibility of a line of high moral standards from rock & Hollywood ('see' accountability); but knowledge puffs up (creates pride); love edifies (strengthens), 1 Cor. 8:1. THEY FAILED TO CAPITALIZE ON THE ARGUMENT THAT SEEMED TO COME FROM THEM - OF JESUS THE ROCKET PREVAILING OVER JESUS THE STAIRWAY - BY REFUSING TO STARE, & REJECTING STALLS; this reduces their "efforts" to little more than exploiting the weaknesses of the church, & using them to add to the persecutions of Jack Teacher!
Moreover, "you're comin' along" - indications are, the crime of the century is rock & Hollywood isolating Jack Teacher & allowing these reamings so that Jack Teacher doesn't know Jupiter from Geppetto, becomes a "yes" manikin, & rock & Hollywood claim to be the new Jack Teacher, stealing it from Western church! IN SUM: ON-THE-FENCE MENTALITY OF WESTERN CHURCH & THEIR WICKED JEALOUSY IS EXPOSED - BORDERLINE BETRAYAL OF THE LORD & JACK TEACHER PLAN, & ROCK'S & HOLLYWOOD'S ATTEMPTS TO RUIN JACK TEACHER & TAKE HIS PLACE ARE EXPOSED; THE EASTERN CHURCH HAS ACQUIESCED TO PERSECUTION OF JACK TEACHER THAT AMOUNTS TO WITCHCRAFT.
Dart (blk rptr), safety solutions, city to city, "That's part," 5:26 PM; i.e., each city must be "trained" so that Jack Teacher can visit there - Outlaws' consp. claim. 5:32, "...low police fighting," wh blnd fem wthr. "You would blow w/the wind," 6:55 vision - I was ignoring report about Nabokova. "He can't kill have," 6:12 AM, near rm 108 (or 'he aunt kill have'). "Oh! He looked @ me won!" vision, Mary; possibly video on tiktok included some imposters. "you wouldn't 'know what?'" RT 138 parked next to EM station on Chiles, approx. 3:30 PM; supposedly makes causeway rte, but no passengers due to break. I.e., 'Know what? [Take this job & shove it!]' facade - but if they're so worried about it, why haven't I been hired as a teacher? Because the scene they're conspiring isn't some dramatic walk out scene, but a shooting spree. EM on 2nd - Jason (mgr) never there, & never calls - 30 Sept., they owe me $21 from fraudulent charge - refused to sign blank screen, & they claimed it was going to go through anyway; I then asked for overring refund, & they refused; Jason, mgr, wasn't there. Q line due @ Mace & 2nd @ 4:41, & went by @ 4:37, before I could get to bus stop. "We can see Jesus," 3:49, chain link discovered in remote woodsy area, History channel, fem.; 'we can [bring Red] Sea [judgment], Jesus,' possibly.
12/27, "We've taken he's felled it," male, rm above 108, 12 AM approx. 7:42 AM, "he wouldn't Jew'd a care," mex(?) fem aqua jacket or other clothing, 42A. 11 AM approx., "we aren't gonna be," Marj - snags in repairs, frozen faucet nuts, etc. "You won't lotter," Marj, 9:10 AM. "You call that work!?" Marj, to mex. male const. wkr next door, apprx. 11:15 AM (once again, a lot of snags as far as replacing sink hoses, etc. "That's where he gave," Marj, 12:56 PM. Marj insisting I told her to only purchase one sink valve, but I said both needed to be replaced consistently - meaning she needed to make another trip to hdw store; when leaving, "That's where he got me," Marj. 12:30, male Mideast clerk no where to be found, AM/PM, it was timed so that I would inevitably ask blk fem stalking chips if she worked there, & "No;" - it was a set-up to attempt to burden me w/Sac's guilt - 12/26, fem news rptr, Sac, asked fem wthr person if there was going to be any more storms, "No" was the reply, & fem newscastr was taken aback; i.e., 'you can't say 'no' to me like that' as in taking it personally - it was evident, because they were desperately trying to dupe me & put me in spotlight; 5 sec. later, Mideast clerk magically appears.
12/15, vision - "Run, kids!" 11:05 AM - like scene from a Western I'd watched that eve.; 8 evil men rode into lg. ranch & started shooting; sm boy told to run & hide; some of the outlaws were killed, but most of those on ranch killed, & they kidnapped boy; then vision of 2 halves of bagel, & cream cheese; & while working @ Meredith's on Elmwood 12/14 or 15th, Al going by on a walk & said to call him the following week. 12/15, 11:10 PM, "We just go molest 'em," bug code (bagel & cream cheese vision). When I first started working for Al, 650 Elmwood (helped him level a billiard table, 12/31/2019 - code - 'bill 'he['s] hard''), he referred to himself as Rick; I was then hired for next day, raking, leaf blowing, & it was Al; he offered me a bagel, but it ony had cream cheese on one side; it was code corresp. to stalking in Posh 12/29 - wh fem & sm girl, "Eat the bagel too; not just the cream cheese;" & girl, "I know, hime!" either 'hym[en]' or ''hi' him,' but I don't give them the benefit of doubt when it's codes, & as far as I can tell, it was an attempt of them to slip in w/claim 'cream' could be simply food; 1/1, but I was attacked after working 2 doors S. of Al's, 662 Elmwood w/owner making hit code; as reported, mex. male landscaper meeting w/homeowners @ 646 Elmwood approx. 12/31 while I was @ Shipley's across from Al's - codes about a hit. Mexs. @ El Burrito, & other Mex. places, stalking me w/lewd codes & child-size tacos - the 'Rick-to-Al' scenario was an attempt of Davis rebels to negate Mex. lewd food codes - 'tuning' code - but they were using codes nevertheless, & so when I reported it, a hit was conspired. It occurred eve. after working @ 662 Elmwood, which was beginning of Jan., @ vacant store front @ night next door to Posh, ganged up on by 2 or more males after they made coded comment & I warned them - punched me repeatedly, then they left on bikes; I wasn't knocked out, but I barely remembered them leaving; jacket stolen, & I was in a daze for the next hour. 12/29, 'tune' code occurred in Yolo lib.; fem librarian while I was attempting to download pic (uploaded on website, davisneedy2.html, "EX. OF MONSTERS..." but sabotaged so that it was uploaded sideways), sabotaging my access to e mail, & "He's just not having that bagel tune," 3:58 PM. Gov't involved - audible gov't bug code @ Posh, "It was you won't - 'billed, up,'" & I was "billed" soon after that; 'you won't' - code that Davis rebels seriously wouldn't conspire against me involving kids - if you buy that, you might as well commit suicide - @ best it was an act to slip in temporarily; gov't bug codes are king pins operating under guise of watchdogs - crafty double entendre - 'it was you won't' - indicating I wouldn't go along w/their feigned repentance concerning kids & lewd codes - it's guaranteed when the coast was clear, they'd conspire using kids - the mex. lewd food codes were orchestrated by Davis white rebels, & mexs. orchestrated the hit - in fact, based on timing, the hit was orchestrated before I started working for Al - the coded threats by mex. landscaper @ 642 Elmw., while I was @ Shipleys' (E. side of Elmw) was claim I couldn't work residences on W. side of Elmwood. So possibly they were attempting to demonstrate I wasn't backing down or acquiescing to territorial threats or hits, & relating it to kids, as form of proving ground; exc. they never repented of lewd codes. This hit was orchestrated by Congress & White House - 'meat packing plant' vision - working for Trump, & him saying "I'm going to pay you money, lots of money' (3/2019 report, "ELECTRIC CHAIR CONSP...." davisneedy2.html - i.e., I refused to "pack" & get out from W. side of Elmwood, therefore, coersion from gov't for Davis to pay me lots of money - but teacher job is lost in the shuffle, & nation's leaders are directly involved in regional gang/terrorism menagerie controlling my occupation & freedom. Also, these lewd codes, based on Trump's coded gestures (2019 report) - as I predicted - a facade allowing Davis rebels to slip in - the lewd codes are controlling behind the scenes; Spanish/Spain refusing to breathe a word on my behalf, despite I'm a Spanish Teacher, & Catholic shields of schools, dioceses, etc., create facade of little man hiding behind a big shield - as though confession they were "little" in the past (some of the popes evil, etc.); but it's a double entendre of convict strapped into electric chair - confession they are evil, but desperately devoted to cause of orchestrating or labeling - by hook or by crook - Jack Teacher as being evil as well. & gov't leaders are coconspiring w/Catholic leaders to orchestrate it - pic of Trump w/hands extended slightly out as though strapped to electric chair - propping up Catholic leaders' consp. They orchestrate facade scenarios where I hold my ground, claiming my toughness is verified; they then provide work @ $20-25/hr, & assure everyone I'll settle; if nothing else, because no one hires me as a teacher - those Catholic shields are mostly from Catholic schools - refusing to hire me - 'do I want to be sent to electric chair? Then keep clamoring for teacher position...' As of 12/16, (Lodi/Stkn, San Joaquin cty), teacher job listing site, redesigned their website so that you can't do searches for teacher jobs unless you're a "member;" but when I "joined" & used their application in the past they were constantly changing my password so that I couldn't use it, or else they sabotaged it, stalking me w/rotary dial "hourglass" along w/hackings so that pulling up a job page was delayed for 5-10 min. No more access to job listings as of this weekend, so I pulled up the Ca. list of private schools & used that to apply randomly; & it was because of edjoin that God led me to temporarily avoid use of 'position' & refer to them as teacher "jobs" - edjoin refers to them as "teaching positions," & this was code for 'teach Ng [sexual] positions,' implying I am, or soon will be, a vicious rapist & killer. Also, this vision of 12/15 was corresponding to Western movie on TV - ISPN; 12/14 or 12/15 - rock & Hollywood implying I'm a little boy, or that kids have to run from me?
The lag of 3 mos. between the hit near Posh & the vision of Trump & the meat packing plant was close enough to imply I must've been aware the link between the "landscape work hold" scenario & the 'pay you money, lots of money' vision - the president involved in a hit - hired by Congress & White House - it was a "professional" job, including subtle assertion of an income deal - which could be used as evidence against me in future - but, far enough apart so that Trump could attempt an assertion there was no connection, if tracked. & I guarantee you that Trump had something to do w/the PROFESSIONAL JOB that almost killing me @ F & 4th a year & 4 mos. later, 7/2021.
12/7, 2 deaths from lemonade @ Panera's - one of two stores in Davis that falsely charged me in 2017, resulting in repeated kidnappings - approx. 3/year, every year until this year - there's no doubt a warrant issued currently, but Dpd's efforts have dead-ended repeatedly & they are about to be nuked as it is. Nevertheless, Panera bread logo is fem holding bread as though it's a baby - code handing Davis rebels their "baby" - keeping me @ bay w/kidnappings. TCT channel, Audrey Mack, fem preacher, 8:12 PM, the same codes as all the other warlock pastors - rambling double entendres that are supposedly to nudge audience to do the right thing, knowing full well that if they can't directly tell them what to do in these emergency conditions, then the only rendering of it is codes to commit more crimes. "It is done!" Then, making a gesture identical to Panera logo, as though holding a baby in her arms, implying feelings or motivations coming from one's heart, but instead it's a baby, & L arm making a rapid patting gesture near her chest, or it's a trembling motion, as though possibly masteurbation motion, implying lewd codes; "You had a rest," - 'you had arrest,' code, making the trembling motion an implication that victim can't be trusted around babies, i.e., 'ignore that Panera is obviously wicked, causing 2 deaths - one was disabled, the other had a sugar imbalance - those don't count...' She then makes a jogging gesture, "Ti moe thee, FIGHT the good fight of faith..." (Timothy); & "Head is done," i.e., maintain your "baby" w/Panera ('pan [handle] era' - pan handle/tin cup - code of controlling & enslaving vctim for an "era" - almost 2 decades); Panera is the "head" - THEY'RE WARLOCKS! As reported, Panera is headquartered in St. Louis Mo. the St. Louis Arch is "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders' symbol of one nation - one Arch, in Missouri, formerly South nation, but divided as to joining N. or S. when slavery was allowed. Davis nation divided rebellion - 2 arches one for N. & one for S.; but the enemy has alternate strategy - if you can't duplicate the Arch & therefore defeat the one Arch symbolism, warlocks attempt to ruin it, producing demonic corporations w/divisive motives - Panera - & attempt to corrupt the unifying goals of St. Louis Christians by upstaging them w/vehement wickedness & terrorism. If the store "weakens," enter Audrey Mack - she must be St. Louis' 'truck,' right? I.e., book of Timothy in the Bible, it's a 'tie - Mo. [is] thee, Mack!' & portrayal of a crumbling Western church egging Davis on - 'you HAD 'arrest; [don't stop now!]' But simply kick them out - David Utt - Earp & Utt Deputizers of Kansas, & his son, Arch Joseph Utt, & his son-n-law, David Joseph Sherman, & his son, Joseph Arch Sherman (Jack Teacher) - the Arch is refusing to budge, & indications are the South stands to be revived.
"Hot or cold" Scripture (Rev. 3:15) vision pertained to Japanese.
Chinese Ca. Assembly member Vince Fong argued he can run for both State Assembly & Congress @ same time, & courts ruled that he can - almost unprescendented assertion; Fong himself, though, cited Ca. Congressman Joseph Walker McCorkle as a prescedent who ran for 2 offices @ once in 1800's. But any name familiarity must be qualified: Mike McCorkle became a somewhat known character in Davis due to fact that he was an acquaintance of mine from when I was attending UCD. I had met him @ church; he was disabled, & supposedly wasn't able to work. He had little income, so I had helped him w/food occasionally; he was receiving disability checks & staying in unit "Z" - a converted storage room @ Casa de Flores apts. But once oppression against me occurred, he couldn't so much as pipe up on my behalf, & abandoned me like everyone else. Ironically, his disability checks suddenly came to an end, & after years of sleeping day in & day out, he was suddenly homeless, & died a few years later, approx. 2010. I.e., fair-weathered acquaintance from whom you couldn't count on for any cork popping on celebratory champaign bottle - unless it might've been on behalf of rebels - '[I']m "hike" my cork, all,' Grad & UCC conspirator "faithful" - along w/Davis Chinese Christian church - no parrying for justice - not even the slightest effort! I.e., Chinese state legislator is an expert on democracy & justice system, but their motives are iron-clad allegiance to the DIVISION, & refusal to make any effort that might be confused w/intervention for Jack Teacher or the success of the education melting pot nation. Chicago - City of the Big Shoulders - we showed everyone Asians showed everyone (Boris Landspace), but Asians nationally & internationally can't overcome the "ominous" peer pressure of the little No. Ca. region in order to accept the honors! The very notion of possibility of suffering rejection for Christ, like Jack Teacher, is too tall an order. Those chest scratches finally got to Bruce?
No. Ca. rebellion cripples God's plans for America, holding nation hostage utilizing kidnappings & media cover-ups. It may have been more in depth than I was aware of - former Chinese friend while attending UCD, Casey Chow was from Sunnyvale, near San Jose (bay area); he hadn't followed the "protocol" of most students - starting in dorms, then renting apt. or res.; I met him in Regan dorms, but I got an apt. (Viking Apts.) the next year, while Casey continued in dorms, w/out roommates, & did so all four years @ UCD. His last year was in Cuarto Hall, & he had 2 or 3 lg. snakes. Strangely, though, upon graudating, the Summer before he left Davis, he was suddenly renting an apt. - Fountain Circle on Alvarado; & when I went to see him, his dad was also visiting. In other words, it was codes - '[a]dore 'im' - [a]dore 'im' - [a]dore 'im' - '[a]dore 'im,' 'found tin [cup] - circle [it!],' & w/in a few years, I'm w/out of place to live, constructively begging w/tin cup. There is an alternate interp. to this - fountain - geyser, spring - sexual implications - virility; as of 1985 I was seriously seeking the Lord, but all my friends were non-Christians; in fact, as teen & young adult, @ least in Lodi it was as though there weren't any Christians my age - teens or young adults the prospect seemed to be if you become a Christian, you'll be all alone; satan obviously can orchestrate these facades, but in retrospect, there were buttons pushed attempting to roadblock any dedication to Christ; as I've reported, I was blind to the fact that one of my closest friends had a mom who nicknamed them after "Bonanza" characters - Hoss (Lonnie) & Joe (Lennie) - in anticipation of evident grooming of a indiv. in No. Ca., & them zeroing in on who it was. My seeking of the Lord while maintaining friendships w/non-Christians meant I was abstaining sexually, & repercussions included Lonnie, while my roommate, stopping paying his half of rent for 2+ mos., until we had to go separate ways, when I didn't take him up on a verbalized proposition involving his buxom girlfriend & an ensuing act of a spat & temporary break-up - a secular "bone" to pick, you could say. I believe God led me to conjecture this after coming across a billboard on Jefferson Ave. (near Bel Air), "Terrence Springer" & fem. named Springer I was dating back then. Evidence is subtle casing was known to Casey, & used as fountain leverage on Alvarado - presumably because I didn't "light that map on fire," & apply w/"secular repentance" (& this was despite Casey claimed to be a Christian). 12/9, before I'd written anything down about that billboard or Lonnie Parker (same last name as Fess Parker), bug code, possibly from rm. 17, Bel Air, "You won't bore Hoss," 3:40 AM. Further substantiating Chinese spy theory (i.e., they were participating in casing): As of 1986, in my studio apt. on Church St., I had placed a picture of Jesus praying on my wall, but had yet to make Christ #1 in my life; I then had a dream - a rumbling; it was the Second Coming, & I wasn't ready! I instantly gave my life to Christ. Emphasizing, my salvation resulted from a warning of the Second Coming of Christ, as opposed to 'they second, [he's] cumming [enough];' YOU HEED BIBLE WARNINGS, RATHER THAN PERVERTED UNBIBLICAL WARLOCKS ILLEGALLY EAVESDROPPING BECAUSE THEY SUSPECT YOU MIGHT BE FAMOUS! My roommate, as of 1989, Taiwanese (he equated it to Chinese) student, Joe Marcum - also abandoned me the same as Casey - 'Joe, [I']m our cum;' Jesus said, "The Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing; the words I have spoken to you are Spirit & life," Jn. 6:63. [Before Jack Teacher is shunned as a sexual deviant, Jesus is referring to seeking to be more spiritual - closer to God. He isn't saying sex is bad, rather, having sex w/your wife doesn't get you any closer to God (it also doesn't get you any further away, either!). The Bible says the marriage bed is sanctified, & as far as aggressiveness about sex, it's the Bible that says to wives, "your body is not your own - it's your husband's," & vice-versa to husbands!]
12/18(?), "He is you hit," 11:11, rm 110(?) Days Inn. "You deared will gov your pretty gut," 12:53 (notes unclear), 12:53. 12:48, "We're gonna go him on She," fat mex fem Unitrans Q line, to older Asian fem. 4:10 PM, "I'm gonna know our MIRV, Pole Line Rd. & 5th, 42A (driver?), as bus went through intersection going W while I waited @ light to cross to go to p.o.; i.e., 'cut off' code; I skipped lunch that day, & put in last half hour making ph calls inst. of knocking on doors - 8 hrs. but they were claiming I was taking a short day; then mex fem "sitting" in front of passport pic. screen USPS. 4:14 PM, "I ordered something," wh fem cust., USPS. 6:33 PM, "You won't know - it was your chance," code outside of rm 108, Days Inn. "...ropa de las manos, me desnudo'" fem, spanish station TV. 7:06 PM, "Pick up password, managers out there," ch 3. 12/20, I was having tough time getting going in AM, & lying on couch, & dream about grabbing something, & my arm made grabbing gesture, & suddenly, bug code, "That happened," approx. 7 AM. But approx. Mon. (12/18), vision early AM, "You just said, that happened," or "...that's gonna happen..." or similar; I didn't know what it meant @ the time, but it was foretelling of terrorist consp. - & they are the source of any sufferings - it's a judgment from Heaven against them. I was scheduled to work @ Marjorie's, & she had said eve. of 12/18 or so, getting Christmas things down from attic, trimming, walkway repair, etc. The 'happened' code's attempt to claim they "caught" me struggling as though fatigued - clock "ticking," & I'm not keeping up. But, if that is the case it's 100% a result of these monsters - once again, they've been judged, according to the vision; but it's a mssg. to others as well - leave Jack Teacher stranded in cruel isolation & injustice, & there will be accountability. Nevertheless, telltale indication of consp. - 'tick' of clock consp. & no indoor attic work @ Marjorie's this morning or afternoon (12/20) - code "the attic" - 'that tick' & mex. 'that' conspirators stalking me - along w/blks. Sprinkling, raining, pouring 99% of the day, & as of 2:30 PM approx, I was considering taking part of day off (working all day @ Marjorie's from 8:45 AM, & half hr. lunch); God then said, "I want you to work 8 hrs." But if I'm single-minded about it, God has led me consistently that reports to Feds are considered work - i.e., it doesn't have to be 40 hrs./landscape work in pouring rain if I have enough for room & board & I'm not already scheduled. Nevertheless, I've worked hours/day in rain all 3 days this week. but then Marjorie said she had to go somewhere @ 3, & so that was enough for today (6 hrs. as of 3:20 - 5 of it in constant rain - & I finished @ 3:20); I was planning on door-knocking the last 2 hrs., but the Lord reminded me to be creative & reports is work, & also, I've gone w/out vacations, & working 6 days/wk since 1998. Nevertheless, the local terrorists thrive on terrorizing me - they are cowards who claim because others are doing it, it must mean it's their duty to oppress me under guise I've fallen short - including Aggies, Mexs., blacks. P line Unitrans bus, 4:20 PM, fat blk fem, blk jacket, w/child pink jacket, "We got our nerve;" "I'm gonna murm him," 4:21; "Are you okay?" to her child - i.e., I reported that codes used prolifically in past of males asking fems, "Are you okay?" implying, 'Did he attack you?...Are you injured?' but not as a rhetorical or sarcastic question, instead w/apprehension - 'I know you're leary of him, & you should be - did he harm you before I arrived...?' etc. I reported Italian male in Italy touring Parmesan cheese factory w/fem, "Are you okay?" approx. 2020. 4:23, Q line, "I'm so frustrated, I'm go a 'round a bus - it's gonna be there @ 4:30" fat blk fem w/child. I.e., the vision in 2017 or so of Tipsy Taxi van running me over - indicating the level of trust I should have for Aggies - but Willie Nelson attempted to downplay that w/"Throw your friend under the bus," song! Nevertheless, the stalkings of fat blk fem, etc., was because on a wet day, I was planning on working the last 1 1/2 hrs. doing reports indoors, inst. of door-knocking. I arrived @ Days Inn, & going down hallway & arriving @ my door - 4:35, instead of 4:30, predicted by the blk monster - & mex. male, dk vest, possibly emply of Days, or guest, passed by going the other direction, but symbolic "cut off" from entering room. I.e., extremely intricate stalking over their illegal eavesdropping conclusions that I was wearing & clocking ticking that AM, when in fact it was a vision of me grabbing something - most likley grabbing the keys from the rebels - proof blks are more cunning than ever w/direct involvement in illegal eavesdropping & using kids as pawns to stalk me - & attempts to swallow me up if I show any signs of fatigue due to systematic oppression). 7:55 PM, "You just can't beat 'er," ch 3 fem coded comment, NBC news.
Full circle - NBC - 7 AM this AM, "Today Show" - 3 blk rptrs, one wh rptr, Philadelphia Boys Choir guests in NYC, & in background - "LODI" on a shop window; Lodi is originally name of a town in Italy, but those filming this show were aware it would conjure coded mssg. endorsing Lodi, Ca. I gave NYC a leg up by crediting them w/being part of Brooklyn Rae Me Heavys, & featured the Statue of Liberty repeatedly, including the most recent, being symbol of whom the Rae Me's are watching over; it may have been the work of NBC, or NBC & some Italians in NY, but if NYC was part of this NBC display, then we don't need them- I gave them grace for scenario of chop sticks & Astoria being the "heavys" for Jack Teacher's promotional role. Moreover, Lodi, Ca., is coconspirators w/Davis, & Davis has created displays indicating it is war - & they have been digging in for full-fledged battle: Becerra Ave. (Spanish for calf), fence that gradually increases in height, like the bow of a ship - the fence backs up to bike path on Cowell Blvd.
This ship theme is prevalent - Davis Food Coop on G St. - sketch on Unitrans brochure highlights the feature - battleship.
But more blatant is the Letters & Sciences bldg on UCD campus, built the year after I graduated, 1992 - unmistakeable battle ship or possibly aircraft carrier. I reported the code from fem. cust. on Bianco Ct. in 2020, "... is our rat-a-tat.." & 'rat-a-tat' is common expression for machine gun fire. I reported that as of as far back as 2015 or before, crosswalk speakers in No. Ca. region making noise like machine gun fire - a warning that if the region didn't repent, it would be war.
Context - I'm a credentialed teacher, w/BA & additional education, & yet Davis, Lodi, & No. Ca. rebellion has reduced me to fence-building @ best - wasting my talents & abilities & brainwashing everyone to go along w/it - now including, evidently, NYC.
The fence 'warship' sign - 12/19, working @ Manzis on Antioch, a recently rebuilt wooden fence has metal posts.
Context - I'm a credentialed teacher, w/BA & additional education, & yet Davis, Lodi, & No. Ca. rebellion has reduced me to fence-building @ best - wasting my talents & abilities & brainwashing everyone to go along w/it - now including, evidently, NYC.
Postmaster fence consp. (cont.) - I reported working for Shipley Walters on Elmwood, & then hired by Al across the street to move a billiard table on New Year's Eve. approx. 2018. Currently @ Days Inn, S. Davis, & lobby counter exact design of DHS STEM bldg. facade & fence facade - but, absent the ship theme - another 'consume' conspiracy - while conspiring w/27+ counties to deny me a teacher career, if I try to survive & maintain a res. using the only options available to me - landscaping & staying in motels, they create bluff that I've succombed & compromised, & given up on teacher goals. Paul reasoned & argued from the Scriptures (Acts 17:2-4); contending using Scriptures is known as fencing, based on the sword being the only offensive weapon in armor of God; if you aren't hired as a teacher, refusing to work isn't an option - "He who doesn't work doesn't eat," the Bible says, but I refuse to be drawn into a fencing contest w/those who are rebels by definition. Nevertheless, the fence aspect is pivotal - it's an actual subtle attempt of UCC to assert they fenced or contended, & prevailed; Simon Pitfield (a plant from England - one of the ring leaders, most likely one of reasons God told me to warn England to pipe up) was volunteer HS youth leader for UCC while I was volunteer JHS youth leader, 1994-'96; in 1995, he took up fencing in subtle consp. to field UCC their consp. to throw me into the pit; "Simon says...;" in 1999 he founded Davis Fencing Academy - still in operation; they are still seriously warring behind the scenes for their "right" to start a rebellion to divide the nation, kidnap, attempt to murder innocent citizens, & attempt to destroy the Jack Teacher plan! It's simultaneously facade the ship codes were an education "ship," & they've "taken" their education battle ship, & by working & simply dwelling in whatever residence available to me - motels - I've forfeited teacher goals - counter in Days Inn is fence motif - exact same as DHS - but absent the ship theme.
Fence shaped like ship located on Cowell is same location as Miller zigzag walkway crosswalk @ Willow Pk (cf. former Miller res. on College Pk, & W Cap crosswalk @ Carol's cafe in WS); additionally, new "STEM" (science) bldg recently completed @ Davis Senior HS, exterior design facade creates appearance of upside down "ship" fence. It's remotely possible they are conspiring a slow motion grafting of me into education - but that would only be to facilitate another trap. Currently @ Days Inn, S. Davis, & lobby counter exact design of DHS STEM bldg. facade & fence facade - but, absent the ship theme - another 'consume' conspiracy - while conspiring w/27+ counties to deny me a teacher career, if I try to survive & hold my post as opposed to moving to another location where they aren't in as much trouble & more perceived leeway for kidnappings, new car wash bldg under construction where Boy Scouts Christmas tree sales lot used to be - across from El Macero groc. store, exterior facade - 6' vertical windows exactly like windows in bldg @ former UCC church where Edge youth group located - except they are in sets of 3 - 'th[e] R.E.;' i.e., 'k[ey,] our "wash;" i.e., 'it's a "wash," Jack Teacher might be able to teach here.'
Moreover, DHS facade doubles as fence & comb for "good" reason - it is a code for a comb - k[ey -] home;' if I survive the years of suicide conditions, the only possible way they could get away w/their repeated dismal failures @ finishing me off, is to keep me around to ensure the darkness continues, allowing for future traps. I reported approx. 2017 God led me to close my acct. @ Yolo Federal Credit Union or I'd get a haircut; that very day they had put up poster ads pertaining to haircuts. As reported, YFCU logo looks like a 'Y' that is also a hair trimmer. I.e., working legit. work as R.E. agent while w/out a place to stay, & succeeding, to an extent (most agents in Davis & possibly No. Ca. have picture of themselves on their 'for sale' signs as proof - I was the first to do that) essentially rubs some people the wrong way; but I was also proactively evangelizing in shopping centers in a predominantly atheist town - a lethal combination - attempts on my life, hostage captivities, slavery scandal limiting my work options to ditch-digging & weeding "agent" for Davis rebels - & that's after surviving 2 decades of almost no income @ all. Oh, & as unmistakeable proof they mean "business" as far as a straightforward shot @ a teacher career, as of approx. 2012 or so I started cutting my own hair because I was objecting to black clothing, & w/out fail, my hair trimmer was wearing black; & as of 2017, hair trimmers from stores in Davis started shutting down after 2 trims; i.e., you spend $25-35 on hair trimmer, & you get 2 trims & then it's defective - either suddenly out of control taking big swipes & leaving you butched, or simply stops cutting; it's possible that as of 2020, when I started staying in motels, it was someone w/access, such as a maid, or allowing someone in, who could switch blades. 12/22, I left my room to get breakfast in the lobby kitchen @ Wyndham motel, & upon returning 5 min. later, my bathroom door had been swung open; it was unmistakeable - the bathroom door blocks hall entry if left open, & when leaving you'd have to close it to get to front door. The day before that, I arrived home from work, & bathroom door was locked. That eve. I purchased a Braun hair trimmer @ Target, but when I got back to my room, plug it in, & didn't work @ all. I assumed the manufacturers were in bed w/Davis (Wahl, Remington, etc.) & that may be the case, but it's also plausible that w/regional 'haircut' conspiracy, they have a blade technician on hand & on call, & a locksmith on standby as well, if needed. Guarantee Savings Bank bldg (L) (1970's):
1970's; pic of YFCU emply flashing some dough on their
website - Fresno can be counted on for tricks, & nothing more. Moreover, the DIVISION asserting freedom of speech "gee" is in the street - because rock & Hollywood endorsed them rather than me - no "G" marriage gal, & not even a verbal "gee" from rock w/demands on my behalf.
The Avid Reader logo is a shape that is supposed to be a big head w/face buried in a book; but it's similar to mathematical polar curves in order to send an "inside" (conspiracy) mssg. to the professors & doctors of Science & Math, that the Spanish Teacher "dabbler" won't be back in education; it's similar to limacon, cardiod, etc.; another common polar curve is Archimede's spiral; Fibonacci spiral, another mathematical curve, is logarithmic instead of polar - I diligently studied Calculus (& Trig, & Algebra I&II, & Geometry, & Stats, & Probability), & passed Ca. Subj. Exam for Teachers in Math in 2012. But the overall logo also creates images of a tombstone, & as though peering into a mailbox from directly in front of it. The first U oppression occurred on Drake Dr. 1999; immediately after we moved in, conspiratorial neighbors Jeff & Kathy Workman; Kathy was getting her mail @ same time I was, @ the mailboxes @ one end of the property w/the townhouses, & we exchanged greetings - little did I know it was coded notice they were going to "box" me w/legal battles. & that occurred w/in weeks. Some codes I pick up on @ once, & some I overlook occasionally - it suddenly occurred to me The Avid Reader was a coded mssg. from the beginning to prevent me from ever teaching again - 'they have vid[eo; it's] R.E., der!' I.e., if I decide the "R.E. game" is too rough or too cutthroat, I don't get to slip back in to a teacher position - i.e., they have life & death attacks - my "orders" were accept R.E. agent profession, der! The "live" codes (long 'i'), as in attacks often filmed by cohort nearby w/camera - first one (under this guise) occurred approx. 2016 or so; 7/2021, 4th & I Professional Job strangle attack - most likely on video - same w/the one on Columbia Ct., 2020. I.e., 'if you want more attacks & accompanying vids - keep applying for teacher jobs...' See report "ASPIRE POSSIBLY FOUNDED FOR SOLE PURPOSE OF NEGATING MY TEACHER CAREER" @ (report was sent to Feds in 2018); I REPORTED CONSPIRACY INVOLVING ASPIRE SCHOOLS, INCLUDING BILL GATES - W/LOGO OF FIBONACCI SPIRAL - A MATHEMATICAL CURVE LIKE AVID READER'S; EVIDENCE OF CONSPIRACY w/S.E.I. (STOCKHOLM ENVIRONMENTAL INST.), THEN (2018) LOCATED IN THE MCCORMICK BLDG @ 4TH & I - LOGO - FIBONACCI CURVE (SEE OURCHAIR.HTML). As of the attack in 2021, as far as I recall, SEI was gone - commercial RE signs advertizing the bldg space for rent - Cassidy Turley R.E. - the name of the co. was most likely part of the conspired attack. Gates' name also played substantial role - Stonegate, late Al Smith, developer, had worked w/me to small extent; 'gate' became synonymous w/sales goals - those codes still occurring in that section of W. Davis w/landscape work.
The familiar infinity sign is a polar curve known as a lemniscate; I was looking up formula for curve length, s, & came across "The Unexpected Hanging..." reference on, textbook w/graphic like a cross on front cover - the logo & title alone, w/out any additional codes or innuendos, is sufficient to constitute evidence of conspiracy among educators & mathematicians, etc., to prop up Davis' death row conspiracy. I reported Pearson publishers "Calculus, Single Variable" textbook (author Thomas), w/pinpointed consecutive problems - one referencing Davis, Ca., & the other, Jared, character in Subway ads who was subsequently accused of child molestation or similar. "The Unexpected..." - even if terminology & graphics are legit. concepts that happen to coincide w/DIVISION consps., legit. motives demands effort be made to choose title wording more wisely, etc., instead of accidentally on purpose systematically & prolongedly conspiring the disappearance & death row execution of a victim & feigned reaction of, 'no one expected it!' The publication is from "Scientific American" magazine, & on their website, "[c]2023 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, A DIVISION OF SPRINGER NATURE AMERICA, INC.;" w/website - evidence of coconspiring w/Lodi (former acquaintance Springer, & the "Bonanza" sex-oriented stalkings). I've acknowledged before, it's a widespread rebellion.
Jeremiah in Bible, prophet prophesying doom for Israel; as of 2002 I was warning of Red Sea judgment or biblical flood judgment against the region, & 2004, UCD constructed the ARC (Activities & Rec Ctr) to create deceptive impression of acknowledging the injustices, & intentions to remedy - it was a stall tactic - I disappeared for 2 1/2 years @ end of 2004. It goes w/out saying, the warlocks are DIVISION kingpins, & Dr. David Jeremiah signalling everyone an "unpredictable" disappearance (not to be confused w/the one that already occurred in 2004) that those claiming to be Christians supposedly allow - but is in fact conspired - as well as ensing death row scenario, are ordinary criteria for Christians in land of free home of brave - i.e., 'so don't concern yourselves about it if Jack Teacher disappears again!' The warlocks are practically underwriting the DIVISION consp. - David - Avid! Assertion that they've taken their education warship, & Jack Teacher working in landscaping (raking, mowing, painting) - role played by Davis' Brooks Painting - has forfeited the more noble educator goals - DIVISION rebels utilizing former Mideast tactics, swallowing up Jack Teacher w/crescent moon!
Meanwhile, continuing to reject w/vehemence David Sherman & the Dad Gum It church, w/Utt High Noon Check Mark Watch!
I.e., claim of, 'circle it - we took our Noah's ark flood judgment [& equivalent nuclear missile strikes] & subsequent post-flood rainbow is all ours!' - & notice that fraudulent rainbow is already being put to use to allow gays to become church members!
12/24, "If it's Covid, Paxlovid," ad, 4:09 PM, ch 40; i.e., if it's 'co. vid[eo' that's equivalent to rebel who] packs [a gun,] from Lo[di];' i.e., these attacks essentially amount to giving Lodi loaded weapons, & using them against me; double entendre - the ad produces a witness that Covid disease is judgment against the "live" video "hit" rebels & anyone else denying me justice - it's wicked enough to be the cause of cities burning to the ground, shooting sprees, & now, a worldwide disease - & it 'packs' the "low" or "Lo[di]" vid' rebels - kicks them out; as w/most codes, if it's a code, it's already a compromise - arrest them or nuke them or both; sending them packing falls far short.
"Covered Ca." (Ca.'s gov't assisted health insurance program) - code conspiring a cover for No. Ca.'s conspiracy denying me income to create appearance that I'm needy & a welfare candidate - along w/Obamacare & other mandatory health insurance scenarios that amount to welfare & precursory communism - smoke screens propping up Davis & No. Ca. I reported it had been judged by a disease name - Covid - 'Covid, Ca.' - a disease killing people & costing the nation billions in unemployment w/ unproductive workforce, in addition to medical expenses; in No. Ca. it was subtly welcomed as a break - restaurants closing & then refusing to open again after disease was over - being oppressors is exhausting, & the motives of those conspiring against me was laziness to begin w/ - simply too much trouble to stand up for the rights of a victim. While the disease originated in China, the name Covid 19 was from WHO (World Health); Co - Corona; vi- virus, d- disease; 19 - 2019, first outbreak; 'Corona' name - "they have crown-like thorns on their surface;" corona is from Latin root coronam - crown, & first outbreak was in 2019;, Jennifer Huizen, Sept. 2020. A lot of diseases @ microscopic level have that appearance, though; this was the end of 2019; & as reported, the Jupiter Jesus miracle on behalf of China occurred in 2017 - DIRECTLY FROM HEAVEN, & it had only gotten better since then - melting pot education nation founded to honor China, blacks freed globally - Atlas feat inspired by them, credited for landing space travel; yet when I was wearing masks while sanding a deck in C. Davis, 2019, stalked by Asian UCD students w/masks, as though they were doctors & I needed to be operated on, or they were robbers & I deserved to be robbed - instead of them profusely proclaiming the gospel from the mountaintops & the rooftops both here & in China - their mocking of me amounted to mocking of God - the same as the Romans mocked Jesus & made a crown of thorns for him @ his crucifixion. So Corona is actually a warning against China for mocking Christ - corroborated by Slavs - Yuri Gagarin - 'yeah, hurry, gag 'er, in' - essentially putting a gag on the gospel mssg & mocking the church.
But that's neither here nor there - while corona name may have been a legit. effort to expose Chinese' denial of God's love, 'Covid' phoneme combination was random & narrowed from plethora of options; the same as the "Unexpected Hanging..." title, they could've chosen their abbreviations wisely, rather than conspiring & instigating more oppression against me. This is an example of consequences of unintended double entendres of codes - Covered Ca. exposed (unintended), but, props up Davis Avid Reader consp. - Avid Reader - 'have vid[eo]' or 'have 'id'' - as in, id, ego, super ego; scientists, educators, intellectuals usually more on the "boring" side, as opposed to super ego personalities of Wrestlemania, NFL, or some TV personalities - id or ego people are more often in sciences & education; the 'have id' code was consp. that I don't get to go from salesman (ego or super ego) back to teacher (id or ego). But the "live" video consp. had been going on for several years, so the 'video' code was unmistakeable, & 'Covid' was code for '"Co[mpany" gets an attack] vid[eo if he tries to go back to teacher career]' because it's gonna be 'co. - [I']ve 'id;'' Davis rebels have "id" - it's gonna be a "co." - Jack Teacher has no choice. But that was almost 4 years ago, & they had no idea I'd be so thorough @ tracking them, including their 'divide the nation' DIVISION rebellion. But them being in unimaginable trouble doesn't mean I can be a teacher, it simply means "a slight change in plans..." - new conspiracies feigning allowing me to teach, w/acts of oppression, possibly more serious out of desperation, such as involving children falsely accusing me & having to lie in court, etc., concocted while I'm teaching or before I start.
12/25, 8:20 AM, I-80, "He doesn't know we're the haunt him, on;" No. Ca. confession they are essentially the extent of rebellion, w/some exceptions.
"We're gonna call you would want to," 6:36 PM vision, Mom(?); i.e., want to see them on Christmas - but they didn't call. I tried her cell ph. # recently, no answer - home ph disconnected - haven't spoken to her in possibly 3 years - because she puts on an act supposedly to survive in Lodi. 2000 approx., "Solve ___ With Testmasters" or some other verbage, ending in '...W/Testmasters" - sign on classroom wall in Chem bldg (Hunt Hall) adjacent to MU - the room the chess club had reserved for Thurs. nights or similar possibly 1/3 of them were masters @ chess - suddenly I was the only one showing up - they took the sign as a code to test me - I had gained a lot of attention nationwide by then, & jealousy was a factor along w/UCC's & Dpd's consps. Reporting it because there might be correlation w/Postmaster fence posts.
12/21, "You just don't know where I hold 'em," 4:15 AM. 2 AM, "You're the one w/the cold shoulder," bug codes, possibly because I didn't mention Chicago on internet - City of Big Shoulders; woke up w/shoulder tingling; I happened to think about 'Chica - go' 12/20 - possibly name possibly encouraging toward Latinos. Becerra St. (where ship fence res. located in S. D.) - "young cow" dictionary (inst. of calf) - wikipedia; "Article talk" bug code(?). According to Marj Ahl (customer on Elmwood - inherited the res. - grew up on Anderson Rd.), her dad invented the "Claw" - garbage scoop w/2 jaws that scoop up leaves - first used in Davis; he was environ. prof. & temporarily purchased DWR (city trash co.) & put it to use, then sold it; Sac's version became Tink Co., "Roll Out" "claws" now headquarted in Durham, Ca., near Chico; 'k[ey] law;' & Mentink was chief of police in Davis until 1990's or so; i.e., 'chico' - No. Ca. code for kids are cover for Davis - smear my reputation, oppress me, & claim they are "Ellies" for kids. Durham is a type of wheat - code for No. Ca. rebels claiming they are Christians covering for UCC. Mike Cherry, Sac news, ch 3; & Cherry Ct., C. Davis, Davis Graduate - bar closed for approx. 5 years; p/up located on Cherry Ct. for years - still operational; Grad threatened me w/arrest, 2001 - approx. 5 days before 9/11; Fri. night - country dance where you're in a circle, & your partner next to you leans into circle (or out) & you lean the opposing direction - making a V - between you & your partner - like the 9/11 cranes "V" - cleaning up in aftermath; soon after this, they falsely accused me - there wasn't actually any accusation; they'd passed around a football scorecard signalling to everyone - playing "football" & then said I had to leave - Mike Cherry - present day newscaster - '[a]m, 'hike, Cherry;'' Grad (2001) combo bounce & Dpd enforcing it; i.e., as an enemy of Davis police & UCC (Grad located on Anderson & Russell, UCC in 2001 located N. on Anderson) - it wasn't going to be a "V" for victory for me & UCD students. Sac news still covering up the oppression cover-up of Davis Enterprise newspaper - Fri., 9/7, oppression @ Grad, that Mon., 9/10, pastor Jaime Crook (UCC) & assoc. pastor both featured in a story about them in Davis
Enterprise; they'd heard about the incident, & claiming it as a "take" on their behalf - pic. of them in newspaper emulating that "V" - leaning in opposite directions; story entitled "ORDINARY GUYS;"
- the next day - terrorist attacks.
The DIVISION consp. underlying motives is sex - one arch doubled becomes 2 tits or 2 buns of butt (& eye brows); associated w/cons.-y-cons. consp. - nympho codes - one nation divides & becomes 2, & they go separate ways - same as a T - 'Y' is angling a T; guise that both new nations are "looking up," but motives are greed.
"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you," Heb. 13:4,5. "There is great reward," vision, if I hold to the Brooklyn/NY INFO New Man higher standards - the Statue of Liberty can't be defiled. Biblical sex isn't a disappointment, it's everything you want, but it lasts for a lifetime, rather than short term because of affairs, jealousy, etc.
12/25 or 12/26, "You may know me from my other job but I'm also a business owner" Jennifer Garner, Cap One ad, & her business is "Once Upon A Farm;" i.e., 'once upon a time' - w/time, a jail buzz word. "When you travel, access to over 1300 airport lounges; I could get used to this," but everyone has access to airport lounges - putting bondage notions in peoples' heads; lounges available only for the elite; i.e., more restrictions. "He's got a dead rights," 4:11, anncr., NFL(?). The "Unexplained Hanging...." text author is Martin Gardner. 12/23, ch 13(?) or 136; 11:56 PM, "Use for a good butter sir one mo's fare" (or similar - notes unclear); South Park "Adults Only" cartoons - cartoons having sex - on regular TV channel.
Hollywood/TV starting to proactively go bad - but God gave Hollywood a sign - Joe & Lorna - Joe & Laura; but a garland that throws itself into the mud & joins pigs oppressing Jack Teacher loses it's saltiness, or any viable saltiness; the Brooklyn Rae Me NY-Infos & Corp. America (McDonald's, AM/PM, Carl's etc.) might be able to do it on our own, but rock's & Hollywood's efforts to prove this country is losers while they simultaneously are purporting to be spiritual know-it-alls is crippling us; "knowledge puffs up, but love edifies," 1 Cor. 8:1. & we didn't expect the Mideast Adam's Applers to peter out before even getting started.
12/23, 10:49, "It was a decent job," Kings coach Brown; & "over the long step, Curry missed," Jake, 10:50 PM ch 13; Curry & opaque mouthpiece that looks like pot pipe - implies football players taking steps against NBA (Landscaper Nick 'step' code) but more likely attempt to cover their tracks. 12/31, context of this report, review on TV of Lyons v. Cowboys, ch 13 9:04 AM, wh ref. raises arm w/finger up - Curry code attempting to lure me to revert back to Davis city hall for justice - approx. 3 years ago (reported); i.e. I'm rejecting any notion of holding Outlaw rebels accountable one @ a time - these are cowards who are fooling themselves that @ rate of 2 or so shooting sprees/day, they can hide behind facade of diversity & cave in to black rebels & No. Ca. rebels, under guise that it's noble cause of diversity of all colors, & they don't want to lose - "I did that...I don't like to lose..." (coach for Lyons?) - guise that one color betrays the nation, that translates to the nation losing; but no, it doesn't - we can prevail & hold blacks accountable & bring them to justice. 12/31, "he doesn't go dumb, it," coach, CBS 11:55 PM, Lyons v. Cowboys. "It wasn't going to be we have play" fan in audience, 12 PM. 12:08, "Go live" (long 'i'), anncr; that's code for another hit w/someone filming it. "We're the word win!" fan in audience.
Models on internet - 12/31, Olivia Casta, French/Mex. model from L.A., @ end of her promo video, she has one of those football "eye black" patches under her eye, but it's Ukrainian flag, & only under one eye, inst. of both. 12/30, 2 players @ end of Cowboys v. Lyons game had eye black - but both of them only had it under one eye, which was code - one from each team, if I remember correctly. Most likely Casta's promo video was on internet before 12/30 (1 day ago), which means NFL players using her video as code. It seemed to be a response to the Curry/NFL report, as far as Cowboys game. 12/31, blk player, Colts, 12:03 PM, CBS, long thin black line (eye black) across face - under both eyes, etc. This magically matches w/the 2 brands of jackets (Champion, & another one) I reported @ TJ Maxx, w/long black name tags across the back of shrt. Considering the typical shrt tag is @ back of neck, collar ht., this is a black line across - & the width of - the neck - which is strangle conspiracy! - like what happened @ 4th & F, 2021 ("Professional Job") & Columbia Ct. 2020 - the 2/2020 one occurring w/in minutes of a vision of giant black soccer net & Swift, indicating sports figures involved. This also makes manifest & reaffirms Jack Teacher's reports about the 'had it up to here!' codes - gestures & neck or chin level - that it doubles as strangle code. THAT AMOUNTS TO A LOT OF LOSERS & WICKED TRAITORS IN A LOT OF "WALKS" OF LIFE IN THIS NATION.
12/31, Canadian model Mikayla Demaiter, in promo video, seems to be indicating a check mate from me "D"-ing on behalf of women; then toward middle of video, a pose holding soccer ball above a white goal net, then suddenly wearing older styles of clothing, such as jeans shorts. Ie., claiming I missed the goal, & higher standards are disregarded, or I missed one way or another, & so higher standards utilized, but I'm disregarded - swallowed up. There is also possibility it relates to black soccer net vision of 2020, which signalled a trap, & the ball held above the net - I avoid the trap. This is qualified by fact that most of these models' apparel includes black clothing, despite it's commonly known that I'm stalked by black clothing, & that might be an attempt to lure me to allow blk clothing consps. to slip in. Blk clothing motives might also simply be compromises out of laziness, allowing for scenario of tracking. On the other hand, there may be a correlation w/blk soccer net v. wh soccer net.
"Beauties Scope" is the promo label of video w/Demaiter; scene of her, view from behind, white clothing, & she's holding football, blowing whistle & 2 eye blacks - one for each eye. "Whistle blowers" are people who expose everything from company improprieties to huge conspiracies, etc.; but refs blow whistles, & context of football garb favors playfully emmulating a ref, as a modeling scene. 2 other patterns occur - repeated plaid skirts @ beginning, which could allude to gradeschool uniforms, which may or may not be a lewd innuendo; a lot of black clothing from start to finish, but mostly in the middle - possibly 1/3 of pics; & @ end, jean shorts & jeans. I've reported God led me to be aware that jeans clothing have a connotation attached - 'G' for gal; 'gal' & pants, as in subtle assertion that women can "wear the pants" @ times as well as men. Indications are gestures of "telling," gestures of "exposing" gestures of "tracking" & simultaneously, claims that accordingly, black clothing is fair game, & jeans as well. I haven't been led that women's apparel can't include pants. But first, the gestures of "tracking," "telling," & "exposing" are nothing more than gestures that can be dismissed as figments of one's imagination, as opposed to actual deeds; absent bona fide statements, no substantial basis that Demaiter tracked anything or anyone - one might argue it's a trick - especially w/the presumptuousness of wearing black clothing ahead of any conclusive accountability of the supposed "rebels." Second, context of codes such as black clothing, skirts echoing school girl uniforms may actually be a lewd innuendo. Third, as far as the jeans connotation of authority, once again, absent actual explicit deeds, any privileged connotation as far as jeans is denied. Fourth, "clearing" a white net w/a ball doesn't resolve the black net conspiracy, & it's also confusing that the goal is to "miss" the goal. Fifth, the eye black, ref, & whistle scene - timed w/referee of Cowboys game, 12/30, making Curry code gesture - i.e., 'if Jack Teacher won't accept our tracking of one black sports figure, then it's retracted, everyone!' - but the white net "misses" the black net of the publicly reported 2020 vision & disappearance - & the black clothing misses due to refusal to remedy beforehand - & both of those combined is possibly a conspiracy w/NFL to slip blacks in based on Jack Teacher's supposed carelessness - "propping up" models who have constructively provided a treacherous way for blacks to slip by @ expense of Jack Teacher receiving justice, enabled by darkness. Demaiter possibly conspiring w/ NFL or parties in NFL & associated media to go for a "kill shot" against Jack Teacher. Teacher career spirals downward, & if it isn't prison for Jack Teacher, relegated to landscaping, & possibly peaks as maitre de @ best. Additional stakes: My "D" checkmate on behalf of women is consumed - higher standards possibly followed, but any credit due me negated due to cover-up.
12/31, 4:10 PM, Chiefs v. Bengals game, CBS, anncr, "It's just a mystery; we've gotta chuck coal;" while coal industry is being eliminated, that doesn't fit the context of football - code - 'chuck 'co.'ll [do it];' i.e., UCC's 'throw' & conspire the Catholics in there as well w/'mystery' babble - they (NFL/media & regional churches) are both jealous & ruined, because they went along w/conspiracy cornering me into grunt labor, & rather than give up or go on shooting spree, I've been working grunt labor jobs, despite it amounts to slave labor, until justice comes. Their conspiracies to make me a quitter & bum are exposed, so their response is a prison consp. because the victim's a hard worker. Vision of more rebels camping in Davis & it was pertaining to the gold stocking cap I recently purchased; i.e., traitors twisting it so that landscape work is "gold" & I'm "heading" it! As God is my witness, they are going to be chomped by dinosaurs for eternity for that. No one's saying landscaping is gold, I said it's rebellion, & I'm supposed to be a teacher, & my stand IS gold - God's Jack Teacher plan is gold - I have my Mom as my witness. Nevertheless, 'chuck coal' code is possibly triple entendre - Chuck Colson, White House aid to pres. Nixon, convicted in Watergate scandal & went to prison; while in prison, he rec'd Jesus & went on to be an author & speaker for the Lord; but the conspired threat is I have to fold & capitulate to neediness & homelessness, or it's prison; I.E., CONFESS BLACKS HAVE PREVAILED, & WHITES HAVE TO GIVE UP OUR CROWN, SUCCOMB TO LAZINESS & DEFEAT, & IMPRISON OURSELVES - & THOSE WHO SAY SUCH THINGS, THEY WON'T BE GOING TO PRISON, THEY'RE GOING TO BE NUKED - BY OPERATION OF THE LAW. & if that's the claim in Belgrade - I can't say if that's the case there - but if it is, the ground's going to open up & have them for lunch!
12/8, "Joe, this isn't your home," 6:30 AM, vision. "It's where you wouldi put it," 6:40 AM. 7:32, same wh teen fem went by me @ bus stop @ W Cap & W Acre (got on bus few days before that w/bright red stkg cap), & instantly, unmarked WS police car came out of McDonald's drive through & went by (pic sent). 8:08, sm girl went by @ Howard & Russell, @ signal light, immed. after petit wh fem w/lavender Bebe jacket & 'U' pillow got on bus (42A). "She has her patient," 8:09 AM, wh male 42A driver. "He would hand 'em, mad on," 11:05 AM, 113 near Fran's. "We can't carry 'em; a Thur in 'er," audible gov't bug code, 113. 2:35, "We've taken your little piece," bug code; 2:40, "He has eaten her," 113 - but this was referring to the teen girl @ W Cap & corresp. girl @ Howard - 'little piece' - THEY ARE LEWD MONSTERS! "You're not having you're laughing, it," blk male driver, 42B 5:34 PM. "I'll pass," driver, to Asian fem student, 5:58. "Tick heed it," wh fem student, all gray swts, getting off near Mace, 6:30 PM. Getting on bus, I randomly bit end of dollar bill to straighten it (no symbolism), 6:03, mex male, beard, gray & blk swts, "How much?" supposedly asking driver amnt. of fare. 6:05, "That was you can't be pick, it," driver. USA Today, Gregory Jackson, truck driver, N. of Livingston, veered R when bus was pulled over to let student off, veering R means going up on sidewalk - which couldn't have been a preventative measure - & killed 15 yr. old, Texarkana - it was reported as though he was taking evasive action but it's unlikely anyone would do that; teen & bus stop combo - subtle consp. to claim I can't go "right" & insist on teacher career - it could be "dangerous;" of course, after all the rebels conspiracies that are now exposed, it is bad news - for them!
12/9, "This is gravy trans; yeah" (or similar), male, rm 17, 10:10. "You're not gonna know 'em, our honor," 10:12 AM. "Thank you for calling w/personal thanks," bug code. Rossen Reports, 6:27 PM, Rossen, " aaaalll of these..." & makes gesture of 3 lg. circles - code from Yolo jail officer Johnson, 2005 - 2 lg. circles - the first was being completed @ that point (essentially one year hostage in Yolo jail), then a second year in jail after that (released 2007); i.e., "inflation fighter" Rossen suddenly inflating a fight AGAINST freedom; he subtly asserts he looks like William Shatner; but, as of this report, he looked like he'd aged 10 years & lost some maturity @ same time - motives of revenge against Jack Teacher for exposing him. 6:31, " issuing a new is new plea," ch 3. "...he fell off___ chair lift; she set the bums," Bones TV show; fem in story w/nickname Bones; story was about Ethan, victim who was paralyzed & eaten alive by wolves; Ethan Hawk, Tom Cruise' "Mission Impossible" character; "Jack Reacher" actor Tom Cruise has been replaced by Alan Ritchson - actor taller & bigger build than Cruise; i.e., Hollywood insisting Jack Teacher character is negated, & victim must be taller, bigger, & stronger (Ritchson 6'2") - according to Ritchson, while guest on Kimmel show, 12/14, 12:28 AM - while they allow - & instigate - more oppression. Moreover context of "Bones," they are facilitating Lodi's 'bone, Ann's uh' (Bonanza) consp. - dirty pics or else; 'chair lift' - snow skiing i.e., code, 's[ee?] key-ing' - indicating another Prof. Job strangle hit. 7/2021 Prof. Job hit occurred @ F & 4th curb occurred soon after I made warning about video "Before He Cheats," Carrie Underwood (looks like young version of Swift) (keyying was code of oppression in Davis for half decade or more), & that was used against me - keyying a truck escalated to code for attempt on someone's life; 'key-ing' - attempt to claim Kingdom Keys by orchestrating hits to eliminate Jack Teacher on behalf of Lonnie/Lodi - double entendre - ''[failing to] s[ee nudes]' key-ing;' Jack Teacher meets undertaker - they already butchered by Dad's neck. 9:14 AM, "I'm his wife," fat Persian fem, blk swtr - Le Trice Donaldson, & then starts making gestures of removing & replacing ___ (notes illegib.), C-Span 2. Texas A&M, "Lectures in History," 2:23 10/11, "system tends to build & park over us," or similar. 9:37 AM, "....long overnight sours," ch 31 wh fem wthr. "You just don't get over the fence," 8:30 PM, bug code, rm 17. According to Oct. bank statement, 10/1, $26.19 purchase from Raley's, but no rec't. for it; this happened 2X in 3 mos. w/Raley's - rarely w/anyone else.
12/10, 2 AM, vision of young adult male unconscious or asleep or barely conscious, & male saying to him, "I know you'll forgive me when I paid hommage to your wife," the connotation was possibly rape, but possibly the point was paying hommage doesn't amount to that literally. Possibly it's claim I'm asleep, or not paying attention, etc., if I'm the one uncons. in vision; it was unclear - hommage male - Travis Kelce? Joel Courtney? As far as I know, my reports about NFL propping up blks despite their evil deeds against blondes indicates NFL 'touring' ("exploring") having (or robbing me of) my "kill" against rebels; i.e., NFL players are as lazy & cowardly as anyone else, & given chance to be in spotlight, they go along w/cover-up. 8 AM, "he doesn't make a stink," bug code; i.e., "The wicked make a stink" but Jack Teacher holding his ground. 4:45 AM, vision of fem falling from Empire State bldg, & trying to land in Hudson R. "It is going him," 8:40 AM, bug code, rm. 16; 'It' church - No. Ca. consp. to finish off It church "going") under guise of doing 'Hymn' church's bidding - Jack Teacher meets undertaker.
10/8, USA Today, Gregory Jackson, truck driver, N. of Livingston, veered R when bus was pulled over to let student off, veering R means going up on sidewalk - which couldn't have been a preventative measure - & killed 15 yr. old, Texarkana - it was reported as though he was taking evasive action but it's unlikely anyone would do that; teen & bus stop combo - subtle consp. to claim I can't go "right" & insist on teacher career - it could be "dangerous."[END EXCERPT]. Desperate rebels attempting to project their perversions onto me: '[if he's allowed to] live, [it's] Ng's "ton" [of sex (rape)];' code - Ng, Chinese or Vietnamese serial killer/sexual predator from 1980's, tortured & raped victims. On other hand, it's possible No. Ca. is now heir to the label.
12/9 "...he fell off___ chair lift; she set the bums," Bones TV show; fem in story w/nickname Bones; 'chair lift' - snow skiing - code - 's[ee?] 'no's' key is [he's branded] Ng;' 'no' signifying teacher. 9:14 AM, "I'm his wife," fat Persian fem, blk swtr - Le Trice Donaldson & then starts making gestures of removing & replacing ___ (notes illegib.), C-Span 2; 'lay thrice - Don[ald Trump] holds, son' (alternately, Don Miller) - & Rossen Reports, 6:27 PM, Rossen, " aaaalll of these..." & makes gesture of 3 lg. circles - code from Yolo jail officer Johnson, 2005 signifying # of years hostage. Once again, it's possible it's - 's[ee?] no's key is [he's labeled] Ng.'
12/9, vision of Chinese male (Tony He?) "We're drawing them out," referring supposedl; y to Lodi; it amounts to cowardice, but evidently Chinese are aware of the Ng label conspiracies against Jack Teacher - & up to this point, have gone along w/them.
God led me use 'teacher' & minimize use of 'teaching' - due to a conspiracy that I wasn't ablt to perceive - 12/14, 12:28 PM, ch 3, rptr interviewing Sasha, male Slavic AI "czar" emply of Sac State - in charge of AI @ Sac State college, "...use in teaching..." & then "It's gonna look," @ end of interview; i.e., Jack Teacher denied teacher positions - isn't allowed to be teaching, because the rebels have to 'teach Ng' a lesson because he's "the beast."
12/10, "he'll get 'em lock in's" or 'lock, inn's' 3:32, anncr. "You won't know where - I'm clear out," 3:33 fem clerk, Bel Air (d & g code). 3:42, "You didn't make your pa raid key," clerk(?). "He's gonna take 'em," 2:23. "In this case, third name - they're not gonna take any chances," 2:22 PM anncr, Fox, 49'ers game; 'th[ey shep]herd name;' i.e., claiming they are "shepherding" - code for using oppression to "influence" - based on Ng label - 'Jack Teacher must be labeled Ng, because he's obviously the beast, & might veer to the R when coming upon a bus stopped @ side of road, & mow kids down...not gonna take any chances...!' 'Third name' - 'third leg' - Jack Teacher disappears, & "fixed" while hostage - loses his "third leg;" 'th[ey shep]herd, 'neigh, [I] am!' - facade of NFL to bolster No. Ca. - 'Jack Teacher isn't saying "I am!" & starting a rebellion - castrate him!' Meanwhile, these cowardly traitorous anncrs. are failing to be to extent they are conspiring on TV! That's the ultimate ghost & coward - no one placing a knife @ their throats, no one pointing a gun & ordering them to read a script, they capitulate to conspiracy & rebellion - betraying the nation - out of convenience! The ultimate traitors!
12/10, 7:07 PM, bug codes rm 17(?) & editor repeatedly sabotaged. "He's OUT, 'kay?" fem, NFL anncr 7:10 NBC - indicates possibly Granados. "he' works so hard, & was built in Williams," 7:26 PM, Dallas game anncr.; Williams, Ca. consp. supposedly. 7:10, after I exposed Simpson, "it was Jake @ State Farm - I have Jacob," 7:12 PM, Cowboys anncr. 7:13, "You're a Jan yes," NBC; 7:49, "Wicked, okay, Simpson," anncr. "It's amazing how many times there's chairs" (as far as I could tell), 8:11 NFC games. 10:04 PM rptr referring to Mon. morning, "If you have little ones, grab that jacket (singular) ch 31. "San Diego era is now closed," 10:06 PM anncr. - Marcum from San Diego. 11:52 PM, "You're going to deposit" male bug code.
12/11 "Okay Sally, on that stretch appear," Hickey; 'stretch' code for more oppression, 6:50 AM; 'sally' code for 'alley' - subtle attempt @ dupe that Jack Teacher is still w/out place to stay (alley), & based on that, 'stretcher' code. 8:12, "He needed it," "F line in," 8:15 AM, Jan, Ipanema, codes from students, customers, news media, rebels in general, to magically diminish my income or dupe me to quit. 8:17, Jan "He wouldn't sello cop," Jan(?). "He has Chekov, totally," mex. male roofer, next door to Millers; 'tote' code (homeless) - '[pay]check, off,' (i.e, check or biweekly ck) - & Kents' ck sabotaged - "JOE FREEMAN." "You just do give them," 11:36, gov't bug code. "He won't go lower, a copter," 7:24, male ch 3. "You won't know their engineering," 9:43 (source?). 7:26, "That much more," Fitzpatrick, ch3. "You're not gonna give we're there," 42B 6:20 PM, blk fem driver, & pulls bus over @ bus stop in industrial section of W Cap, w/out any passengers there, & turns off lights for a few secs. Before that, @ Covell & Syc. bus stop, live tracking feature said 11 min. until bus arrival, then 5 min. later, 11 min. - she stopped on 113 to toy w/tracking device, approx. 5:20 PM; also, approx. 2 min. before 42B arrived @ Covell & Syc, another Yolobus went by, interior & some of exterior lights off.
12/12, "you're not gonna know Andy away from," 9:35 PM (source?). "...leaving one van dead," 10:10, Harryman ch 40. "You won't know who got away, is it," 10:19 PM. 10:42, "he'll take Hill's bouncing a round," bug code (Fran'?). "I am as..." code (didn't write it down @ time); Dan Urazandi - consp. owner of Bizarro World store - restr. order against me approx. 2014; 'Dan, you're as handy [as anyone...]' alternately, I'd affectionately obtained an 'Andy' line of friends as of 2002-2004 or so, & they wanted to negate that - ''re as Andy...' (& former chief of UCD pd was chief Handy). I arrived @ Lollie's laundromat @ 8:03 PM, closes @ 9, last wash supposedly @ 8, although there wasn't any signs in view (I checked), mex fem emply, red & wh #19 jersey, insisting it was too late; normally that's simply a guide, because freedom of assembly - you're not doing anything wrong as long as you're gone before they close, especially if you're w/in spirit of any rules; I said I walked 2 mis. carrying bags of laundry, it's close enough to 8, I'll be out long before 9; I'm reporting it because it was a rule that was being enforced by the minute & also she was putting on act she'd never heard of me - asking (wh?) male gray hair blk jacket, "Do you speak Spanish?" & then telling him in Span. to explain it to me; i.e., no one's ever heard of me is the "law" in WS & paranoia tends to rule. Wash took 23 min. dry, 8 min. - I was leaving @ 8:45 PM; I would've been more assertive from beginning, exc. it's not beyond the situation for them to use that as excuse to call police - & there's warrants - the long-range warrants are a mechanism to brainwash me to get used to cowering & submitting to any unreasonable demand or assertion. 8:22, "We eak, Juan delay;" "I can't carry him, athletic," mex. fem emply; i.e., I attempt a 4 wk off season, & Latinos w/exercise contests, @ least locally claiming THEY are carrying ME as far as athletics! 8:34, "We can't be tide, it," male, gray hair blk jacket; 'tied' or Tide; N. of Lollie's on Jefferson, next intersection is Triangle Ct. going W., where WS EDD is located (I applied for jobs @ that location various instances while in WS applying for jobs in past), & F St. going E. I tried "angling" court repenting, but they insisted on betraying me @ every turn, resulting in strangle attack @ 4th & F Sts. Also, Tide Ct. in Wdld possibly a factor - crosses Pioneer N. of Main - on the way to Churchill Downs where Asian warehouse job located - but I tried working there - same codes & threats as yardwork, same grunt labor as yardwork, but after traveling to Wdld, it's an additional 6 mis. out of town w/no busses, & less pay, & @ times more dangerous - almost hit by cars twice in 20 min. coming down Pioneer after work. 8:41 PM, "& then her MAN; so, there was so white," fat wh fem, Lollies, orange shrt - Sno White drive in, Turner Rd. Lodi, across from Lodi Lake; i.e., claiming I didn't man it because I started @ 3 min. after 8 - propping up Lodi. Approx. 8:53 PM, going up Jefferson, WS police station located @ Triangle & F near EDD; male officer, "We're gonna let 'em cheer on," another laundry code (Tide, etc.) - 'laundry' code from past - legal battles. "He doesn't even have his phase;" code, pkg lot of State Mkt, 8:46 PM. Doug Kent, "I'm gonna lower the garage door," approx. 4 PM; inst. of 'close...' so that cat could use litter box; i.e., 'Lo[di] 'er,' & then the "JOE FREEMAN" ck. Jan, Ipanema, had a fem friend over, & codes 'we have our 3' or similar - subtle code of an orgi; & Jan, 12/11, "I'm gonna have to feed the cat," & before I left, she had me hang a painting of Cat Woman on back wall of garage - Kents & Jan cat consp. to prop up Lodi. Also, notice it's Batgirl -'girl' & Cat Woman; i.e., subtle code that you aren't a woman until you're evil.
12/13, "Piece 'o may," wh fem student, bike blk jacket, Sycamore? (10:52?). 6:58 AM, 42A never showed, & 7:28 42A approx. 10 min. late also - timed w/Kents' bogus ckeck from 12/12. Also, wh male gray derby, blk jacket, barely audible codes, @ first not directed @ me, like talking to imaginary fem, "bitch..." etc., then slowly more directed @ me, next to Circle K; I made warnings - but the Granatos evidently insisting I have to be staying in Davis @ higher motel rates or it's more oppression - John & 'kay' codes. There is an advantage to staying in res. in Davis as far as refusing to budge; but I've accomplished that to enough of an extent that anyone says I haven't, & wants to stall justice because of that, has ulterior wicked motives. 10:04, male on TV @ Jan's, "He dines out sometimes," & 10:06, "He has step outside." Jan, "You won't know how I'm gonna go on live" (long i); 10:15 approx. 10:20, (male on TV), "...dried squid & fish," - I reported the vision of male driver @ Richmaid, deciding he should quit because he wasn't motivated enough approx. wk ago; when he was training me to do the Winter route (so he could take vacation), he gave me some cuttlefish - dried fish & squid. 312 Del Oro, portable basketb. hoop blocking sidewalk, except they took "precautions" - lg. concrete blocks stacked onto base so I couldn't scoot it out of way (their almost too heavy for one person to move as it is) (pic sent); I reported on Orange St. approx. 2021, GI Joe doll w/bottle opener head attached to base of one of these portable hoops - motives of reducing me to kids' toy to prop up blks. Greiner's Heating & Air, based in Dixon, co. van daily on W Cap, w/logo of toy wrenches - wrenches w/heads & feet on them, like kids' toys - subtle codes that everything revolves around kids - but they betray themselves when they proceed to (1)conspire, (2)kidnap, (3)orchestrate rebellion, (4)enslave, (5)empower blacks to kill the melting pot! THEY ARE RUINING KIDS!
12/8, I was randomly watching Dateline on ch 40, in middle of crime documentary; Joel Courtney was arrested & on trial for rape & murder of Brooke Wilberger of corvalis Or. in 2005; show orig. filmed & aired 2015. Courtney pleaded guilty & was convicted based on Brooke's hair strands & DNA found in his van, among other things, but no one had found the body. Additionally, Brooke was born in Fresno Ca. During the 2015 filming of Dateline (& DATELINE logo in the past, an uncrossed 'A'), Brooke's mother Cammy, 1:38 AM, coded comment; "...we just wanted her back; we just wanted her cell," (on internet, episode 10 of "Bring Brooke Home"); the context didn't lend itself to cell phone, it was more like claiming she herself would've expected them to find her remains & give her a burial; but 'cell' was the code - conceivably a double entendre fitting the pattern of UCC - subtle innuendo about supposed actual expectations of No. Ca. victim v. what he should be demanding - Brooke role playing Davis/No. Ca. rebels - implying I'd settle for jailing some of them, but overall, I'd settle for them as courting & dating material (remember, I reported that as of 2015 God told me they'd all lost their souls - reality check) - as opposed to 'we wanted [any notion of simply arresting them & placing them in jail] cell[s - they should be wiped out as traitors];' i.e., a code implying I wouldn't seriously hold out for that, w/a little pressure, prodding & delaying; therefore, it's her cell [phone]' - Verizon - [e]ver[yone ris[ing up against victim is] on;' & as a double-check, to an extent, it wasn't simply a role play - Brooke had heard about it - THE NATION WAS REBUKED AS OF 9/11/2001 - everyone silent about it & in fact participating in conspiracies, & specifically in Ca. (Fresno), Oregon, etc., it's either everyone is in a lot of trouble beyond Davis, such as Wilbergers, & more so Davis - deserving invasion, or they get away w/continued rising up against innocent victim in Davis, Ca. (''V', her rise [is] on'). The Verizon cover is based on (1)income to pay rent, & (2)facades about courting & dating. Brooke - 'b[e, a] rook,' & rook chess piece is castle, symbolizing one's home. I.e., as reported, phone co. conspiracies have desperately attempting to smear my rep. as desperate for freebies, behind on bills, willing to make any compromise to have phone & place to live. The entire No. Ca. region denying me work to perpetuate deception that I was lazy & wasn't really working, & couldn't be trusted to pay bills, etc. For more than 10 years, despite I was applying for every job under the sun, & then some, no one hiring me, w/Sac. & Solano ctys fully participating. Rare exceptions to this was petitioning for ballot measures, which were sporatic & temporary; 2009 I was contracted by petition gatherer Eilene Ray of Sac. repeatedly for year or more, but after it was known I was associated w/her, her cell phone vm. mssg. contained a code, " can leave a message here, or on MY CELL..." The intonation sounded like a lady on a date w/man, & saying "Keep your hands TO YOURSELF!" I.e., craftily creating impression of inviting me to a higher seat, by countering the Davis rebels' vehement facades that I was dangerous, hungry wolf, etc. (to get me to crack & go on shooting spree); Ray, while participating in regional slavery control of my income - & aware of it - attempts to play the part of my heroic "savior," implying if we were on a date, I might get grabby, but I'd probably have income, but I wouldn't be dangerous. This creates facade of being a witness on my behalf, but it wasn't even on the fence - as of 2005 I'd proven Davis & Yolo county were kidnapping me & conspiring to end my life - THEY WERE THE DANGEROUS WOLVES - LITERALLY REBELS - BUT SAC. CONSPIRING TO COVER THAT UP & KEEP ME IN THE HOTSEAT, BUT SIMPLY LIGHTEN IT UP. 'Joe'll court? - [he's] nee[dy];' or, 'Joe'll [go] 'court 'n [h]ea[l];' claiming I'd go along w/obviously corrupt court. & Dateline - ''[Joe going on a] date,' line.' Yolo jail branch known as Leinberger. In other words, subtle codes from the family of Brooke Wilberger signalling Davis has their 'V'-day on the horizon; as far as any Sac intervention (which as I stated, was a hoax @ any rate), Eilene is ''I' lean' - 'I' - symbol or code for charging documents ("I, [the prosecutor, hereby declare...];" lean, implying (1)courts &/or prosecutor short as far as valid cases, but the victim'll endorse them & use the system (3 hots & cot), due to lack of income, & (2)'aisle lean;' victim is needy - a moocher courting & going down the aisle; i.e., 'if you're kneeling & praying that Joe'll court [& marry], here's your answer - rape & murder;' & this was also the subtle implication of Ray's 'grabby' act - on-the-fence that was knowingly empowering slavery. Moreover, while working for Ray, she mentioned a legal battle when she was more actively participating in the petitioning, as opposed to supervising & recruiting - she was arrested in front of Raley's, WS, for free speech petitioning, & had sued, but was denied justice. After rebels from WS participated in oppression @ Motel 6 in Davis (new owners &/or mgrs), I've been staying in WS more often - near that same Raley's. Wilbergers were from Fresno, then in Oregon - not far from Portland, & had already heard of me long before 2005; their code seems to imply their belief that Brooke's demise had to do w/their part in going along w/slavery. Their proximity made them remotely implicated; but rather than repenting, it's attempt to cover their tracks; they signal others to prop up Davis. The double entendre of Davis meriting categoric anihilation & others such as Wilbergers deserving punishment, v. Jack Teacher settling - implying he's a potential murderer - one or the other - is the same facade as the UCC Schroeder consp. - 'Sher[man] rode her,' or 'Shhh, [send him to death] row, der!' but they assume in advance the angelic interp. won't be detected, & that's betrayal - tantamount to unpardonable sin. "That angel's a killer" - nuke them! Wilberger consp. - the "deal" w/Courtney was prison in New Mexico as opposed to Oregon (where due to his crimes against women he was being attacked in prison). As of 2004 my goals were once again, teacher profession, & I'd made that known & that before that, God had blessed me w/vision of owning a McDonald's to keep me youth-oriented - kid-focussed, which isn't typically amenable when in business. Nevertheless, once you're "down & out," there are those who will desperately try to keep you down; '[New] Mexico' - mix a co.;' despite the Jack Teacher plan was "biz & teach" from 1700 years ago, they don't know the Lord, & you won't confuse them w/being law-abiding; a teacher struggling has a one-way ticket to ruin, & they'll ruin the nation to ensure it. This was attempt of these rebels to punish me for having confidence in myself that when things were going downhill & culminated in being res. challenged, false accusations w/out number, friends & family abandoning me, it's possible to take ground by adding business skills, sports skills, & evangelism skills to my teacher skills; w/God all things are possible, but there are those whose jealousy takes control & they hate you w/a vehemence for breaking the molds! But God has rebuked them w/McDonald's tracking of Davis 2 arch divided nation rebellion, & tracked their Verizon 'V' conspiracy, that includes acts willfully amounting to rebellion, w/9-11 'V' High Noon Check Mark watch, & tracked their vehement hatred w/Bergs' Benedict Arnold tracking. Dateline fem rptr, or Cammy, "It was done" supposedly referring to Courtney being transferred to NM prison in exchange for divulging location of Brooke's remains; & Cammy, "'Look straight ahead'... telling myself 'you can get through this day,'" but this sounds like someone who's unjustly on trial as opposed to parents of the victim - it's a coded conspiracy communication to other conspirators whom they knew would be watching the program. Moreover, it lines up too closely w/warlock Murdock's exclamations "It is done! It is done!..." (BLACKS 'T' W/MLK'S GOOD DEEDS;.../CONGRESS' & WHITE HOUSE' ATTEMPTS TO BRAND ME report), & witch Mack's lewd gesture of baby in her arms (Panera logo), "It is done!" & "You had arrest!" I.e., like Cammy says, 'look straight ahead...[you can still get away w/conspiracies],' WARLOCKS GO FOR THE THROAT... report.
Suddenly placed on hold prolongedly when calling about ordering pizza from Roman's pizza in WS. I hung up because it shouldn't have taken that long to get back to me, but also something else sounded good. But, I tried calling this afternoon (12/14) @ 4:30 PM, when there wouldn't be any business there, &, no answer. I then called Pizza Guys @ Harbor & W Cap, & once again, no answer - it's Davis rebels all over again - similar ostracizings happened in Davis almost as a rule for years. & it was Domino's WS who's order online program stopped functioning a year & half ago, & then e mail "warning" & then K St. shooting in downtown Sac. I reported that it was possibly strategy to stay in Davis more, but eat out less, to make point I'm paying higher motel bills to occupy Davis more, not out of motives of "greatness" etc. But when rebel region suddenly claims they can "herd" me into doing this, that is the quintessential m.o. of No. Ca. rebellion - control you by oppression, claiming committing crimes against me is - & was - necessary. I.e., it's No. Ca. region, what do you expect? But this throwback to earlier tactics is being done in name of Catholicism - claiming possibly they are the experts @ refusing to budge based on track record historically in Spain, etc. But on other hand, I've held my post for decades & no one came; this was a test from God - no one bothers to show up, & I exercise some grace as far as residential location after more than 35 years, but still in Davis daily & overnight regularly as well - is it invasion, or, yet more stalls under guise of "laying down the law" as far as "rules" of invasion? Oh, 35 years holdling my post through thick & thin wasn't enough??? Rather, it's attempt to graft in the rebels' tactics by "proving" Catholics found it necessary to oppress me in order to "herd" me - as a procedure for invasion readiness; that then would be used to justify Davis rebels' past acts of oppressing me & claiming it was "herding" me; & therefore, there is no invasion, because I evidently am a trouble-maker, or a lost soul, who needs to be "herded" by everyone. But instead, Catholics are the ones in danger of losing their souls either corporately as a church, if not literally on individual basis - the vision that I'm the food (cannabalism), & they are essentially trampling Jesus underfoot further substantiates this. This pizza cafe conspiracy may be limited to regional No. Ca. rebels who claim to be Catholics - & evidently some Orthodox members as well, & it may go beyond regionally - evidence my Catholic relatives possibly involved, etc. - but my warning as far as cannibalism is against pope & other leaders globally. Evidence - see MORE EVIDENCE GRANATOS HAVE BECOME BENT report; conspired "collaboration" w/media anncrs. w/NFL, 'kay?' & collusion w/WS locals to stalk me based on guise I'm staying in WS too much - 'Jack Teacher said 'okay' - circle it!' There isn't any such requisite in the Bible as far as justice - the requisite is justice for the sake of justice - punish criminals & rebels; attempts to turn God into a game show where victim has to push exactly the right buttons, etc., that's where they've joined the rebellion. The shooting in Sac. connected w/Domino's in WS, the stalkings, the conspired denial of service by pizza cafes, tactics that are the m.o. of No. Ca. rebels. Stability in general is a valued commodity, but the prophet Elijah ran for 100 mis. to escape persecutors - that was of no concern to God - he was still his prophet, & God still used him, & moreover, he was obviously God's favorite - totally bypassed death, flying to Heaven in a chariot of fire! Then he was w/Moses talking to Jesus in N.T. during the transfiguration. Popes who persecuted Christians to death & burned them @ the stake, & twisted Scriptures to force peasants to fork over all they had to "purchase" forgiveness, fostering injustices & persecutions of the innocent sometimes for centuries - justice is the measuring line, & their evil deeds are the proof they are the ones who left the faith v. those who maintained their walk w/God, irregardless of geographic whereabouts. Heb. 11:36-38, "Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated - the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground." Holding on to a piece of real estate w/out God's love is more like a curse. "Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword;" love, mercy, justice are what God values - "'Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord," Zech. 4:6; as opposed to merciless displays of power by hook or by crook. THE WICKED LEGACY OF CATHOLIC CHURCH PUTS TO REST WHO WAS THE MORE FAITHFUL BETWEEN CATHOLICS & ORTHODOX BRANCHES; GEOGRAPHIC "STABILITY" IS WORTHLESS IF YOU DON'T HAVE LOVE. God may lead me to stay in motels in Davis more regularly - it's never a bad idea to continue solidifying occupying; but from standpoint of those who have duty to invade, it's legalism & cruel deceptions to orchestrate exacting standards as far as justice for victim of rebels who are bringing down the nation! 12/15, approx. 10 AM, Blackburn Ave., "We mussed lead" or similar; i.e., double entendre - 'we must lead,' then vision, "You won't see they aim," 11:50 AM. Also, "We end up giving him history," Joanne (cust.), approx. 9:40. But the double entendre was possibly communication from Granatos, & vision possibly qualfied it; i.e., higher standards w/dirty pics simply isn't an option, & therefore use of oppression & violence is only way to "deal" w/Jack Teacher. "You weren't sure, on them," 11:30 approx.; i.e., either it's I'm not sure about avoiding dirty pics, or the option of staying in motel in WS as well as Davis. As far as avoiding dirty pics, it doesn't adversely affect virility; vision approx. 2 mos. ago, "I've given you 4." But, their tactics are identical to No. Ca. rebels; discussing, advising, isn't an option, because that involves contact, & possibly it was rock that decreed that wasn't an option. Nevertheless, common sense says AVOIDING CONTACT w/victim of rebel crimes isn't an option. The same as w/codes - if I start allowing acts of oppression based on guise it's necessary to produce the appropriate response from me, that's where I've caved in to the rebellion, period.
'Aim' code alternately specifically preventing Red Sea judgment (or dealing w/that it isn't occurring - but that isn't what's indicated by their acts). As far as dirty pics, I believe God has led me that part & parcel w/higher standards is being busier, which is a double whammy against me, because 90% of most people's activities & "busy-ness" involves interacting w/friends family, teammates, & others, & I'm categorically denied that w/no exceptions, other than putting on an act w/customers to promote more work. I.e., I'm trying to raise the standards & simultaneously "handicapped" as far as higher standards. As far as 'you weren't sure on them,' I had claimed Pizza Guys was ground zero @ one point, approx. 2018; then about a year later, I was back there getting a pizza - sounds like I was back-peddling? No, because I've declared entire city of Davis ground zero; my options, limited to travel on foot or by bus, was spend an half hour to one hour on bus to get to an alternate pizza cafe - that was also essentially ground zero as well, or go back to Pizza Guys; I opted to avoid wasting time traveling around to do business w/other rebels. Their assumptions were based on the typical reaction to my warnings - claim I'm overreacting & I don't really mean it, or out of laziness, determine to ruin me to save the rebels. In the first case, they are asleep & totally oblivious to the 2 decades of crimes committed by these rebels that God has in fact encouraged me to label as terrorism in many instances; recently it's been more stark - proof of rebellious attempt to split the nation (double arch consp.) & of Benedict Arnold style betrayal; but there were already thousands of crimes & cover-ups of signs & wonders - including my report about the cover-up of the abandoning of Slavs in Siberia, & their accomplishments by standing firm in the faith, & my reports about the Heavenly feats of Christians on behalf of China. The fact all this is marginalized for sake of rebels is the crime of the millenneum. In second case, it's motives of jealousy &/or laziness - refuse justice to fit in w/other rebels - going along w/what seems to be popular. W/out belaboring it - they fail to do the math that corruption so serious that it's causing shooting sprees & natural disasters nation-wide is the demand to end all demands for immediate invasion, as opposed to becoming technical about exact location of my residence, how much I eat out, & the quality of my acting skills toward rebel customers - FACTORS SUCH AS THESE MAKE THEM PRIME CANDIDATES FOR BEING TORN TO PIECES!!!!!
12/12, "he's not having w/that mouth," wh male wh swt shrt, Raley's, 7:03 PM. "& it would be.." 7:19 PM Dirk, wthr, ch 3. KCRA ch 3 wthr forecasters - Dirk Verdoorn & Mark Finan are both bald, wh males, but also almost identical in appearance; Tamara Berg & Eilene Javora - both wh fems., short blnd hair, also almost identical in appearance - this is a code to John & Vince Granato - 'weather' - 'we['re] there.' & the West Sac. Domino's coded threat, 3 April, 2022, e mailed to me was followed by shooting on K St. in Sacramento that night. 3 arrested for murder - Brothers Smiley, Dandrae Martin, & Mtula Payton. The murderers' names phonemically - 'brothers smile, lee[way];' '[I']d hand our A Martin [Luther];' & 'Mt. [attack is m]oolah pay, ton' (i.e., 'mount [the] attack...'). Most likely - male "twins" & fem "twins" - code going separate ways as far as marriage. 'I want you to take you explain' vision, 7:55 AM, 12/16 - possibly "X" plane - Mex. fem conspiratorially denying me access to American Airlines plane in Phoenix, Az., returning from NYC, 2016. Latinos mounted the Don Quixote upgrade w/super hero justice in Sacramento, 2001, seller of res. on 2200 blk of T St. named Jesu's, res. identical in architecture & appearance to Davis B&B Inn @ 422 A St., (purchased by Gov's. Office of Emergency Services agent Greg Smith), but then they capitulated to the No. Ca. rebels, & did so w/a vengeance - nationwide - stalked by Latinos in NYC w/death row codes, & then in Az. Commission earned on R.E. sale is sometimes referred to as a fee - Phoenix airport Latino's act was conspired to punish me for earning sales income fee - ''fee' nix.' Why is this occurring? Because they are gutless wonders failing to use news media to intervene on my behalf & expose the rebellion. Julie Granato, John & Vince's younger sister, school teacher, married Mex. Ed Ugarte - they were supposed to 'guard' 'T' - T St. sale - as in freedom to use your education in profession of your choice - if deceptions occurring in education field, utilize sales profession skills until it's resolved; that's how it's done in the free world. If it becomes a scandal, use news media - Ed owed us news editors exposing the rebellion.
12/12, "On fortunately" Harryman, story about Ava (girl) & Christmas story. "I just can't turve it," mex fem emply, Lollie's laundry, 8:07 PM; 'turve' code from Kents' that afternoon; "He left," 8:20 PM. "I'll have his bowl check," tall thin wh fem blk jacket dk hair Lollie's. 'T-[c]urve [ball]' - because I'm refusing to accept the Kents' curve ball slipping me the possibility of working w/kids in Davis if I let everyone go. & accordingly, mexs. have "duty" to oppress me; see "SUPER VILLAIN ATTEMPT..." report - Mexs. (Alfars, etc.) coconspiring w/Davis, including Kents, to prop up evil Edge youth group. 8:22, "We eak, Juan delay;" consp. perpetuating no one's heard of me, oppressing me, & denying me justice; "I can't carry him, athletic;" Latinos get extremely busy in athletics suddenly, & cover up my accomplishments, then produce facade they're "carrying" me - coersion tactics if I refuse to allow Davis to slip in w/Evil Edge/Super Villain consp.
12/12, 1:14 AM, "One of the pretty one of the ___" (notes unclear) ch 3, Stephanopolis, Late Show. ch 32, 1:20 AM, race car story, "This was something special..." NASCAR, "...among the greatest finishes,..." 1st & 2nd place "We both won," possibly codes propping up Mexs - Titans v. Dolphins (Fl.); context - Minute Maid & Prime kick graphic - Titans barely won (28-27); i.e., 'tie - tans;' Rice Hub show. 5 AM, "I don't get it," vision, indicating my Mom (Western church) - doesn't "git," or budge; I bought French bread that eve., & balancing saving $ as far as meals; nevertheless, they need to repent as far as oppression against me. Telling "tans" (Latinos) they tied is giving them license to continue conspiracies making Jack Teacher fodder under guise of racing, & undermining the melting pot by propping up Davis rebellion. They were better than blacks, but they're "in training" to be worse. 12/16, Fox, 11:45 AM, Baylor v. Det., "They're adding hymn, game," - code from audience or player; i.e., code occurring immed. after I placed this report on internet - Mexs. claiming Hymn church (Western church) is equivalent to Davis/No. Ca. rebels - if you want Western church to prevail, you have to prop up Davis rebels; but Hymn church produced Jack Teacher, & God is still using me to reveal displays his power from Eastern & Western church, & most of Western church isn't involved in rebellion w/goals of splitting nation in two! This is the same as No. Ca. m.o. instigate the entire nation to fail, & then they get away w/their rebellion, or @ least they get lost in the shuffle, because everyone else is ruined as well - misery loves company! Any discussion about past feats of Catholics God led me to overlook, due to their insistance on maintaining unbiblical teachings that are stumbling blocks for young & old. Catholic faith spiralling downward based largely on technicality of leaders unwilling or unable to revoke an unbiblical teaching about celibacy of priests - their past tolerance of corrupt popes, as opposed to trusting in God & denouncing them, robs them of grace so that they see themselves as locked in a dual w/Orthodox church, & lack the luxury to make any move that could be perceived as a blink. "Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret" (missionary to China), instead of striving to be faithful & becoming so obsessed that you are a work-aholic, look to the Faithful One - Jesus. This was the same mssg. of Martin Luther. His dad had wanted him to be a lawyer; his whole life he constantly felt he could never measure up; when he followed God, it was the same - never good enough. He obtained his doctoral degree in theology, & said to his dad, "What do you think of me now - a doctoral degree in theology?" & his dad's reply was, "Doesn't the Bible say HONOR your father?" I.e., why wasn't he a lawyer!? Failed again! But soon after that, Martin Luther was hit by a bolt of lightning, & almost died, & considered he had almost gone to meet his maker, & cried out to God. Then reading the Bible, he came across the Scriptures that said, "We are saved by grace through faith, apart from works, that no one should boast." His Catholic upbringing had blinded him to these Scriptures. So the celibacy error might be a "technicality," but an important one, & it's because of a plethora of other sins - cover-ups of centuries of murders of & persecutions against Christians - that they fail to simply reckon w/an erroneous teaching. In approx. 2012 I went to Catholic diocese offices in Sac. to speak to bishop Soto so that I could be hired as a teacher; I was applying, but they weren't hiring me. This was in Midtown Sac., & the front doors were locked during business hours - as part of a conspiracy to brainwash me that I was a dangerous Ng rapist waiting to be hatched (Manson was old hat by then). I refused to ask to be allowed in, because they were already conspiring against me; instead I warned them from the front of bldg. or w/phone mssg. - "Those who look for trouble, trouble will find them" the Bible says. They weren't the only ones doing this - a lot of schools & other businesses were participating - but, a decade later, shooting sprees, break-ins & thefts & robberies, entire cities burning to the ground; moreover, in news last week, Sacramento Catholic diocese currently has 200 lawsuits accusing priests of child molestation - & as if to explain it, "oh, but this is over several decades, folks," news reporter - which shows they have ruined themselves!
You think that maybe it's over? Only if you want it to be. If you're using codes, though, you are confessing publicly that it's over for the nation, because you've capitulated to the rebels' methods - they're too fast for you! "Over" is lingo used on airwaves in wars & military combat; but in times of peace in your own country, if you've submitted to using that lingo, it amounts to codes that USA is no longer in power - the rebels are in power & we have to defeat them militarily. While military invasion is the best option to defeat No. Ca. rebellion, that's not the same as confessing they are in control nationally it's over for USA. Don't hand the whole ball of wax to the rebels, maintain control & invade!
1976, Summer, I had full charge of Summer school Journalism classrooms; teacher of Journalism, Centennial Elem., Fresno, despite I was only in Jr. hi. 1976, bus w/26 students kidnapped in Chowchilla, less than 50 mi. N. of Fresno. They were held hostage in a moving van buried underground @ a quarry in Livermore, along w/bus driver Frank Ray, & escaped 16 hrs. later, after almost running out of air. Their kidnappers were Fredrick Newhall Woods, & James & Richard Schoenfeld. The quarry was owned by Woods' father - decendants & heirs of Newhall estate in Valencia region of Ca. The Newhalls purchased a landgrant in 1800's, Rancho San Francisco, location of both Magic Mountain & St. Francis damn disaster killing 431 people. Nevertheless, as of 1970's the codes were in place - telltale signs - Jack Teacher's school teacher career is "felled" & haul him away - classroom robbed from me. Despite I wasn't aware of all these inticate details behind the scenes, during the brief period that I was a teacher @ VCA in Vacaville (a few mis. away from Vallejo), the VCA Computer Club I sponsored went on a field trip to Magic Mountain, 360 mis. away (instead of Marine World, 20 mis. away) - essentially connecting the dots as the conspiracy occurred - Vacaville, Vallejo, Valencia - Va-Va-Va. W/in 2 mos. of that I was terminated supposedly for giving too many F's, & soon after that, the "hauling" began. Additional evidence the scandal was orchestrated targeting Jack Teacher - & is ongoing - the original Rancho San Francisco land grant was almost exact same shape as Fresno county, & fact that Chowchilla is located N. of Fresno - 'just try & look up as far as teacher career...'
@ end of CNN documentary, on TV 12/3, there were pics of each indiv. child displayed side by side, in groups of 3's; but the backgrounds of each one of them & the spacing due to photos, made it look like they were each in a jail cell or horse stall, or both; then, immediately following that, Mike Marshall as an adult (the 14-year-old who single-handedly dug them out of the trailer - & in a pic of him, he looks a lot like me @ that age), telling about when the news media was about to interview him upon their escape, but principal Tatum said "Why don't you give 'em a break, boys; let them go home, get some sleep" to the reporters; i.e., kids who had been through a nightmare; but according to Marshall, "It was my chance to tell the world what happened - getting out & everything,...& I didn't do it; I let the grown-ups do it," & despite he was a hero, his life went downhill after that - & not just generally speaking - according to him he was ignored & shunned - sounds like it was as though labeled - & this was symptom of the ensuing rebellion of No. Ca. - such as the cold-hearted, lethal media that was gearing up. If these reporters had a shred of decency, they would acknowledge kids in shock having been through a harrowing ordeal & give them unlimited chances to tell their story @ a future date - especially a 14-year-old who saved the day! Instead, as evidenced by the "cell" style pics, attempting to imply kids who were irresponsible & should be arrested for not instantly clamoring to be on front page of Cosmopolitan or GQ within minutes of being rescued from a life & death engagement, media has become a vicious ogre - literally satanic - bent on tricking kids that they aren't worth recognition & encouragement. Marshall as an adult (in this documentary) should be able to discern this - that he was swindled as a youth - ' another symptom of their deadly craftiness; in this CNN documentary, what glares @ you is he isn't disgruntled @ media - "Finally! - THAT WAS CRUEL, SLAMMING THE DOOR IN MY FACE & DENYING ME ANY RECOGNITION @ ALL!" & even that would fail to suffice - he doesn't blurt out during the interview that what happened to him was a symptom of the cold & calculated cover-up concerning Jack Teacher. Instead, he seems to approve of a cruel media that is allowed to swindle little kids - 'them's the rules...' despite his acknowledgement that along w/the media hoax everyone seemed to label him & he started drinking @ a young age, etc. - making it far more than a random isolated act or even a coldness pertaining exclusively to the media. Rather, this CNN documentary was his chance to tell the world - he could've quintupled his heroism. Mike, if you were labeled as a youth, stand against it as an adult! Expose the rebellion, rather than being a traitor to your nation & selling your soul.
2 years before the Chowchilla kidnapping, Patty Hearst was abducted by a group in Ca. identifying themselves as the Symbionese Liberation Army (cons.-y-cons.). Hearst looks almost exactly like my sister in certain instances, & claimed she was coerced to go along w/conspiracies. The whole thing may have been an act to lure Asians, or she may have been brainwashed - I don't go along w/helping rob a bank (she was found guilty, then later pardoned).
My sister & my Mom are outnumbered in conspiracy city & region & putting on an act due to failure of America to bring justice. There is no such thing as people known as Symbionese, other than this group - it was an invented name - but, unmistakeable connotation of Asians, &, considering video game of Sim City, coded mssg. of a phony city that is putting on an act (simulated), &, most likely simmering due to being exposed. But the Asian connotation may have been an attempt to lure Asians w/suggested alternative to justice - manipulate lives of Americans under guise of simmering (facade of an "attitude" that distracts them from glorifying God). Nevertheless, those orchestrating it are committing against me & my family the equivalent, @ minimum, of the terrorism of the Symbionese Liberation Army!
12/1, Yolobus, 42B, "We lost my step," Asian fem student, grn swt jacket, wh bag 5:54 PM; 6:07, "I was 2 Taylor Swift;" & wh fem blk jacket w/her, "I like it when temperature fried," 6:08. 5:58, Asian fem, "Okay, but I was just saying...naaa" (short a); & wh fem (blk jacket), "I have the direct," 6:11; & Asian fem (grn jkt), "I go until I slit the bridge;" indicating Asians continue betraying us until USA's throat is slit, is the indication, but they commit the act. Tone of the two changed when mex male blk swt jacket w/'AVD,' skateboard, got on bus, & code, "What's up, home bro?" to me; but I was then placing testimony about Dale back on webpage, & 2 fems suddenly making subtle warnings to mex male; "'m owe die," (or Moe die), 6:17, Asian fem; "We gross we there," & 6:23, "Day, he hoss key," Asian or wh, to mex. male. 6:27, Asian fem (grn jacket) "San sue, no," ie, 'Sans' ('w/out'), or 'ssan' Alex Wright's ph #, supposedly 'ssss, Ann;' a snake his precursory to Ellie conspiracies - 1997; i.e., another Evil Edge code. "Don't know all day rain...fool," Finan, ch 3, 6:48 PM.
Fake News (Because "none like it" was sheathed - 1 Sam. 21:9):
This just in - Sermons Now Called Lectures - the First Entitled 'Cannibal Lecture'
"Just keep it down, okay? One a day plus iron, max; & no medium or well-done - must be raw men! If you don't like your mother-in-law, just eat the noodles. Except for Brazilians - they are the dominant chosen race." He's changing it constantly; says they didn't have a guide - it can't be the Bible, because you hold your post & nobody likes you.
The pope's Bible interpreters lose their edge, because grudges are unbiblical; they are blinded, so that "Beloved, let us love one another," suddenly becomes "Beloved, lettuce love one another;" Ps. 14-4-6, "Do all the workers of wickedness not know,
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
And do not call upon the Lord?
There they are in great dread,
For God is with the righteous generation.
You would put to shame the counsel of the afflicted,
But the Lord is his refuge."
Jack Teacher's cross to bear - "You ladies are too bare!"
Recent news report, blk fem w/rolls of blue tape around wrists as though handcuffed & in jail, blatantly signalling that's what was supposed to happen to Jack Teacher - see "CONSPIRED KIDNAP..."
NYC judge & clerk in proceedings against Trump are doing what they can to clean up a mess w/origin of NYC - Trump in the presidency. Instead of "We're gonna take it all the way to victory," it was "We're gonna take it all the way to defeat!" - Trump, on inaugueration day. Trump must be held accountable! By the time he became president, invasion of No. Ca. was long overdue. (I'm not throwing my weight behind these officers of the court 100%, because they are in the media all the time, & haven't breathed a word about the rebellion - specifically the conspiracy to end my life.)
Blacks & No. Ca. rebels conspired one or more faces to go w/their 'Ellie' take-over conspiracy - theme of white blnd fem. under guise of "playful" suspicion, & w/or w/out rock's help, it's a blond similar to Swift. After the 'next web host' consp. that paralleled the 'next telephone co.' (Nextel) conspiracy, where one after another web hosts would stalk me, & switching to another one to "speak w/your pocketbook" didn't do any good, as of 2016 I maintained my acct. w/
I didn't become aware of any gestures concerning Taylor Swift allegedly directed @ me until 2019, & absent any direct contact, like showing up or phone call, I was hesitant to respond - until several visions occurred. @ any rate, BYS co. website had picture of 2 fems, one looked similar to Swift, & another like Anna Brockmeyer, but there wasn't any reason to associate it w/them until visions from Swift, 2019, & in 2020, 2 visions from Brockmeyers. I reported the similarities w/out endorsing it nor any substantiated claim that they were affiliated w/BYS. I.e., either a coincidence, or BYS had access to intelligence concerning Swift & also possibly Brockmeyers.
But also on BYS's website (homepage featured slideshow of 4 pics), the second "slideshow" pic was customer or actor portraying a cust.; mex male holding up an "OPEN" sign - except that it wasn't traditional colors nor design - more like those hitchhike cards I reported from 2014 or before, featured by BART & others - sending coded mssg. to keep me unemployed & impoverished so that I have to beg or perform - such as singing or juggling - for tips. Notice the indiv. looks similar to Fallon, & he was promoted to anchor position of "Late Nite" in 2014; i.e., 'open [to succeeding @ the expense of others].' I reported the recent 'downcast' conspiracy - Latino Cavalcante (see "WRITING ON THE WALL..." report), escapee from prison, but it was conspired scene where he role plays me in a picture as though I'm downcast - but maintaining teacher goals isn't downcast if that's your dream; they are the ones who are downcast - & lacking faith in USA that there is a reward for doing the right thing.
In the WRITING ON THE WALL... report, I conjecture that the Cavalcante consp. was to prop up blks., & that's the focus of this report. The next pic. on BYS website is blnd fem w/an antagonistic or teasing or KIDDING expression; there's no mistaking it, because it became a theme of the 'Ellies' oppressing me under guise of promoting blacks. I.e., a facade providing cover for No. Ca. rebels - 'we get to toy w/you & oppress you, because you're often "outdoors," & you were in jail in the past - you know that's the rules...' - a facade that conveniently covers up the "holocaust" of proof that I was & am the victim - the only victim - in the No. Ca. rebellion, & defies unparalleled Heavenly feats. I COULD RAMBLE ON, DRIVING IT HOME W/EXTREME LANGUAGE, BUT THE POINT IS, IT'S STILL OCCURRING! The 'Ellie' image conjures someone who works for you, or is a coworker, who seems to have relinquished the extreme 'dangerous' mold attempts, but still has their reservations - & reserves the "right" to toy w/you & possibly sue you; BYS has participated to limited extent in sudden sabotages of my web editor or e mail, & willful denial of good customer service. They also as of last week are further dehumanizing customer service - no longer accessible by phone, only text. Evidence of additional motives - ATTEMPT TO ORCHESTRATE IRON-FISTED CONTROL OVER JACK TEACHER - DICTATING THAT A TEACHER CAN'T REPORT CRIMES - THAT ISN'T TEACHING; A TEACHER CAN'T INVESTIGATE - THAT ISN'T TEACHING...ETC. I USE THE INTERNET TO EXPOSE THEM; THE MONSTERS' FACADE IS USE OF WEBSITE TO EXPOSE THEIR REBELLION MUST NOT OCCUR - WHILE IT CONSTITUTES LEGIT. INVESTIGATIVE WORK, IT ISN'T TEACHING, THEREFORE JACK TEACHER MUST HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES (BUT OBVIOUSLY RESPONSE IS - YEAH, LIKE, JUSTICE, SO THAT I CAN TEACH!) I reported (repeatedly) detailed conspiracies involving Inspire Charter Schools - one of the investors is Bill Gates; their headquarters are in No. Ca. (Silicon Valley) & Memphis, Tenn. & what do you know -, headquartered in No. Ca. & Memphis, Tenn. - although according to internet report, as of 2019, Memphis wanted out of the organization. BYS No. Ca. location isn't Silicon Valley, it's West Sac - but, there's no actual office, simply a Mail Boxes Etc. (or similar) mail box. I.e., they are a posing as a Sac. region king pin, but located in Memphis, & coconspiring w/Inspire to deny my teacher goals - THE PRICE I MUST PAY FOR USING MODERN METHODS TO OBTAIN JUSTICE SO I CAN TEACH, IS DENIAL OF TEACHER POSITION! SOLVING THE EQUATION, THEY ARE HOLOCAUSTED! Graphics as early as 2016 on a supposedly random webhost website anticipating some sort of communications directed toward me by Taylor Swift w/in 3 years or so, & Swift is; & where was the king of rock from? Despite you make every effort to be a teacher, they concoct facades, in order to ruin the U.S.A.!!! Dead set on destroying the nation!!!!! IT'S HOLOCAUST!
Simultaneous to BYS's blond 'Ellie' scenario, Goodwill store opened in Davis, 2013; & after buying like new tennis shoes that were rotten & fell apart in one day (& no refunds), I was led to boycott them completely - to make statement that there isn't any bona fide good will left in Davis - efforts that appear to be a will to do good have tainted motives - guaranteed. & overall I've maintained that boycott. But as of opening day, huge posters on front of store, one of them an older boy or young adult in blue shrt, resting his head on elderly male's chest; depicting a disabled or incompetent person whom the establishment has to feel sorry for & "take them in," & that was the image of me they were desperately striving for. the blue shrt. is identical to style & color of shrts. I was often wearing. According to report on ch. 40, 9:45 PM, Black Fri., isolating someone is same adverse health effect as forcing him to smoke 15 cigarettes/day. Goodwill is a national corp.; that means these posters were displayed across the nation; the elderly male looks vaguely like Biden; @ the time he was on his second term as VP. As far as I recall, he's the one holding the high back chair in Oval office on Obama's inaugueration day, 2008 - subtly suggested of VP or future president attempting to mold victim into charity case, to ensure obliviousness to death row consp. Moreover, irregardless of if it was him or another cabinet member of Obama's admin., it amounted to coded threat from nation's leaders - White House - that I'd better fold & submit to the local crooked leaders - OR, IT'S DEATH PENALTY! I.e., if entire region babbling in codes & denying me justice wasn't enough to freak me out that I must be an evil failure, how about the nation's leaders??? The Goodwill poster was yet another threat, years later - 'you have no choice - you will submit & confess that they did nothing wrong, & YOU NEED "HELP" - charity case needing a therapist, etc. THE GOODWILL POSTERS OCCURRING YEARS AFTER THE WHITE HOUSE THREAT, & HOLDING THE LINE - W/VICIOUS CONTINGENCY THREATS, IS PROOF CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE WERE & ARE PARTIES TO THE DAVIS REBELLION.
Moreover, because of my faith in God, I had refused to blink despite I was hopelessly outnumbered (because my goals all along were work, &, if possible, regain my teacher career); & as of 2011, it became known that rock singers were claiming they wanted to use me as a witness, which @ the time was a boost in confidence that God was going to use me & reward my unwaivering faith; this was indication they would have to utilize a plan of last resort, still slavery & threats & death row goals, but w/steady income - the Landscaper Nick consp., w/pressure to drop my accusations & settle for the steady income, capitulating to the rebellion, w/rebels putting on a temporary act. They then surmised that in efforts to survive & attempt to improve my conditions, I would probably work @ landscaping, but refuse to settle, which would require putting on an act to be cordial to rebels who deserved to be arrested & wiped out - because, as I reported, any supposed good will of Davis rebels was a deception. The Goodwill logo was created in anticipation of this - 'Jack Teacher says Davis rebels aren't capable of acts of bona fide acts of good will, it's a deception, & his work w/them is an act to get by? We'll find a way to cut his acting mask in half! Face it - Davis rebels get their rebellion dividing this nation in half! Abe Lincoln was a "no account" hick who didn't have his sixth sense when he returned that six cents; Jack Teacher doesn't need a sixth sense to know it's a deception, but he can't stop us!'
Enter Susan Kenyon, spokeswoman for Kaiser Permanente of Ca. (German co.); quintessential sensitive, frail, "sweet & innocent"-sounding voice - same blnd, wh fem 'Ellie' persona, but more of their secret motives are revealed - (1)State of Ca. gov't. is the ruthless dictators - iron-fisted Gestapo rule is permanent - & goals are a desperate consp. to finish off Jack Teacher, orchestrating oppression against me while hiding behind facade of diversity @ all costs, including rebelling, by propping up black "kid" outlaws - & in fact hiding behind diversity theme to use black outlaws to finish me off. I.E., THE ELLIE CONSPIRATORS ARE THE 'KID' OUTLAWS. (2)The biggest contenders to any chances of Ca. gov't leaders prevailing is God's fisherman feats spanning 1700+ years - which include my teacher goals - Jack Teacher education nation strategy to win Asians to the faith! My demands for justice have teeth- strategies nationwide & internationally from Christians using me as their mouthpiece. It's a longshot, but Ca. dictators have to take them on, to realistically be enabled to take me out. Symbolizing this - the red Boston sweat jacket I've been wearing - "Cape Cod" - A GIANT FISHING HOOD - a nation performing super heroics from God on behalf of Asians, Mideasterners, blacks, Latinos, & others.
11/22, working @ 7 Simmons Ave. w/Kim, no one home @ the res., & eventually I needed to use restroom; nearest ones were East Davis Manor shopping ctr.; but Groc. Outlet is the ones who kidnapped me in 2017, & warrants from that case have resulted in approx. 3 additional kidnappings/yr. since; I'm refusing to have anything to do w/them; Dollar Tree closed their restrooms; that only left Goodwill store. A public restroom is a public restroom, so despite I've boycotted them, I used their restroom, as opposed to going behind some bushes in cust.'s b/yard, which Regis suggested - & occasionally did- approx. 3 years ago. But a poster in the men's restroom, CDC - Center for Disease Control - a U.S. gov't. agency poster, as supposed warning about avoiding spreading disease, artist's rendition of child holding hankie up to face, but w/shaded background, & hankie in bright white, it's hilighted, creating hilighted image of Cape Cod upended - TURNED ON ITS END! I.e., THE HOOK IMAGE IS NEGATED & THE MSSG. IS - DEFEAT GOD'S FISHERMEN @ ALL COSTS! MOREOVER, DEPTS. OF FED. GOV'T. ARE IN BED W/STATE OF CA. & NO. CA. REBELS - W/GOALS OF UPENDING THE NATION - HUNG! THE SAME AS THE HUNG FLAG!!!!! - A flag is a symbol of the nation - a flag flown multi-directionally obviously isn't a one to one correspondence to a nation - a nation turned on end (symbolically) means it's upended - laying, fallen, defeated - or all of these. 11/30, 9:34 PM, C-SPAN, Dr. Mandy Cohen (Jew), Director, CDC, "....certain circumstances where we need to work quickly..." "...bloodwork on the ground..." also she or someone else, "...CDC collusion" (collusion is same as consp.). Dr. Tonka & others questioning her. The 'bloodwork on the ground:' 12/1, Yolobus 42A, blk male, blk jacket, blk 'Calif.' cap, 7:50 AM, "It's cold," & then 3 kids, mostly blks, got on bus, & got off next stop; before they got off, "What school you going to? I know all the schools...keep going straight..." I.e., facade I should've been kissing up to kids who were stalking & conspiring against me along w/everyone else - then I might've had "work" in schools. I reported vision concerning Village Homes, child @ Rivendell res. & sweat shrt., & Taylor Swift, "We have to work quickly," 2019. "This is here; they would movie," 12 AM, vision referring to porn (I was falling short). "You get me freed it," fem (clerk?) bug code - Gideon Bible suddenly in rm 16, approx. 6:15 PM. Cohen's 'work quickly' code - using blks to erode my character based on facade that I wasn't kid-oriented enough now or in the past, therefore it's a bad example for youth & that's the nucleus of the problem; but the Bible says "Don't move the ancient landmarks..." a teacher temporarily in some other line of work isn't going to mislead or cause a child to stumble; moreover, if it did, they were all aware that my sales job as opposed to teacher job was result of crimes committed against me - so any of them stumbling, blame is 100% on those oppressing me. Rptr Rucker, ch 40, wearing dk gray suit - ie., seductive sweat shrt facade of Edge & Davis kids; Rucker reporting about gay church.
Nevertheless, my reports are hitting home - Goodwill got wise to my trackings - they "updated" the wh. blond fem poster - exact same fem., exact same pose, exact same yellow swtr, but barely perceptible wrinkles on face, & "kidding" expression is eliminated, & replaced w/generic smile; i.e., the more devious expression eliminated - I located a pic. w/orig. poster on internet. Goodwill's subtle alteration - they went to great lengths to dumb down that expression w/out being detected - IT'S THE PROOF OF THEIR REBELLION, & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE 'KID'/'TEASE' EXPRESSION MOTIVES - STALKING & CONTROLLING ME. Simultaneously, it signals "mission accomplished" mssg., & then they're on to the next phase of the rebellion - working w/U.S. CDC w/more subtle - less obvious - mssgs., such as posters in restrooms. The pics @ Goodwill were taken on 11/22; 11/23, leaving my room to go to bank, approx. 8 AM, wh male walking dog down Ensenada Ave., where Days Inn is, same yellow swtr - it is rebellion, down to the detail!
The unmistakeable goal - WHITES LOSE OUR CROWN - we hand blacks USA's defeat; "We're gonna take it all the way to defeat," Trump; WE BECOME KENYANS! This isn't the first time a gov't agency directly conspired w/local or regional rebels; I reported the 420 stamp of USPS after the Aggies' '420' stalking on Pole Line bridge, along w/postal worker in ad, that was an Aggie supervisor look-alike.
I reported "'You went!' honor," vision in 2021; & Neil Young live @ Farm Aid, 9/2023, "Heart of Gold," "I've been to Hollywood/I went to Redwood..." deviating from orig. lyrics of "...I've been to Redwood;" I didn't go to Hollywood when I was in L.A. in 2017; rock had illicited my help as a witness under scenario that they were victims of church prejudism; but Hollywood had been as involved as rock, & possibly more so in pushing buttons that resulted in my teacher career devastated & my life destitute, & conspiracies to end my life - & 3 attempts on my life, & there wasn't any such claim nor any practice of Hollywood, movie stars, celebrities, etc., as individuals or the industry itself prejudiced against by the church. On it's face, Hollywood might be in more trouble than rock - but that depends on how much rock contributed to the church labels & prejudism, v. how much of it was actual - based on that they never showed up, that argument becomes a factor. Nevertheless, I had allowed rock to use codes based on them being victims of church oppression - under guise of luring & tracking; Hollywood also using codes, but they shouldn't have caved in to those codes in the first place - they weren't victims. Their argument seems to be they became aware of Slavs being slaughtered & Western church failing to intervene, so they used codes to track them; but church scandal doesn't equate national scandal - Western church falling short doesn't give you permission to leave your post & betray your country, & that's what the codes amounted to. So Hollywood's codes amounted to direct participation in instigating oppression w/out any legal basis that might allow for it. ''I've 'Ben 'T'-ooo' Hollywood;' i.e., a 'T' w/prison, & referring to Hollywood, considering I refrained from going to Hollywood; i.e., they've committed serious crimes; but the implication is rock claims they have that - as in, I failed to track it, therefore they can use it against me - but God warned me about that w/the vision ''I went,' honor' - it amounts to rock "went" for isolating & oppressing me & going to cruel extremes to see if they can confuse me & ruin me by implicating me. I was almost killed 3 times from end of 2017 to 2021, in addition to ongoing conspiracies to cause me to crack & go on shooting spree, etc.; moreover, 99% of the details of the 7/2021 attempt on my life were choreographed in "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" & other songs suggesting suffocating someone; that's where I'm done w/them, & you can't argue that wasn't the message they were sending - "get lost!!!" So any reports about rock or Hollywood, as I've stated, are evidence of motives of those oppressing me, but they are evidence of rock's & Hollywood's participation. Good deeds are as filthy rags, Is. 64:6; you can't save yourself; "The heart is deceitful above all things, & desperately sick - who can understand it?" Jer. 17:9 - public profession of faith in Christ is the only thing that can save you - attempts to operate under guise of investigations while putting off receiving Jesus means they are operating in darkness; God sows light for the righteous, Ps. 97:11 - such as the principle concerning Eastern church & Western church of the dance & the dirge on behalf of China.
Vision of cousin Dale Berg, concerning the "darling" report - "Okay, it'll delay invasion..." Dale is a chancellor of a medical school - don't "sell" religious arguments, it amounts to stalling - BE A TEACHER! Take a second look @ this school head check - Newsom declaring he's going to China in near future; 10/21, former gov. Brown asserting Newsom, or any other Ca. gov., is crazy if they don't run for president - & a trip to China is a strategic maneuvre in bid for presidency; but it amounts to attempt to re-affirm China as coconspirators to finish me off; rebellious Ca. "West's" point - 'Why hasn't Jack Teacher made a trip to China? He's betrayed us!' (See "TEACHER JOB..."). But those attempting to further decree Jack Teacher isn't allowed to teach are the traitors - goals saving up for trip to China literally doubly railroads any teacher goals in conditions of rebels controlling my income. But that isn't the half of it: A teacher being used as God's & Western church's mouthpiece as a teacher, but roaming around instead of teaching, arrives in China, where they're
refusing to make a peep, & w/giant pic of Mao, say it, hung in Tiananmen Square - it's "Jack Teacher is a missionary - he gave in - noose 'im!" The claim being the West confessed - we have to apply - the Jack Teacher plan failed - losers groveling before Asia; & the mouthpiece hung in Tiananmen Square!
11/29, on Wahl St., E. Davis - short street, but w/tell-tale sewer drain; working @ Matt's, sewers I'd seen repeatedly, but evidently I overlooked the significance - Pinkerton Foundry of Lodi - sewer drains, man hole covers, etc. common in Davis streets of neighborhoods from 1950's-'60's. I reported Rich Mahoney, former friend (& roommate for approx. 2 mos. before I moved back to Davis) from Bethel church in Lodi - LODI MGM/RICH CONSP.- soon after I was in R.E., he was in R.E. in Lodi; he had also remarried, & named his son Davis - about the time I was getting out of R.E.; but the communication was joint control over my employment - Davis, Ca. systematically oppressing me, & that made them a valued commodity to Lodi - their "son." Once again, from 1960's or before, conspiracy delineated - 'found R.E.' - victim embroiled in law suits or goes down the drain (sewer); Walmart logo corroborates this - or is coconspiring. In light of the 'caught' vision ("EMERGENCY OPERATION..." report), Walmart most likely corroborating a No. Ca. consp. against me. This doesn't let anybody off the hook, though; God told me they & everybody else should've orchestrated invasion long time ago. But the tactics, as reported, are regional denial of my teacher profession & dictatorial control of my employment - like the communists! Wall St. in NY symbolizes stocks - investments; my goal is to teach; I don't have an ego to fulfill as far as a past temporary sales job; but I reported rebels in South, Davis, Sacramento (giant stuffed bear conps.) & other rebels desperately attempting to dupe me & others that I secretly want to & need to prevail in a sales or pseudo sales job - which is folly & wickedness when it's been proved the context is a rebel city!!!!! Wahl St. - Walmart; I reported Pinkerton Foundry grates & man hole covers on other streets, but it was on Wahl St. where I realized I had yet to document it.
As additional demonstration of the constant tricks attempting to dupe me that justice revolves around being great & successful v. law-abiding, I reported the traffic light @ W. Acre & W. Capital in West Sac. supposedly hit by car & replaced w/makeshift light (this is one blk from Washington Unified S.D. office where the name on front of bldg. misspells 'West Acre'); but this temporary light is still there, almost half year later; moreover, there's a art display poster "signalling" that I'm supposed to be staying in Days Inn in Davis - located in the hallway of @ least 2 bldgs.
11/30, "I won't help," wh fem driver 42A; traffic on I-80 attempting to stall my attempt to get to Davis - signalling that rebels want to attempt to trap me in WS. 7:17, "If you take your eyes off your phone for 5 seconds, that's the length of a football field..." Hickey(?) ch 3, wh male gray hair; (i.e., deliberately confusing 'phone' w/'road.' 8:12, web editor shut down, 42A & codes from wh fem driver. "That's your nut," 8:14 - still no access to web editor. 8:30 AM, "We would give, our follow," blk male getting off bus @ Russell near D, to driver. 10:35, "I need that freak," Barb, 10th St. (weeding next to trailer w/"This Is How We Roll It" tire cover - pic sent); I reported blk fem @ Walmart FF, 2013, same expression, while I was singing for tips for simply $ for food & transport; 'freak' is expression that sometimes means lose control or scream, etc. out of frustration; 'roll' someone - jump them or a "hit," as in an attack - such as the attempts on my life. 'This is how we roll it' mssg. from a camper - 'keep the victim outdoors (camping) where he can be attacked more readily. Also, Matt's on Wahl, Jayco brand trailer, & 731 A St., Jayco trailer near Barbs. 10:50, "That's where we run it," male, tan apts, 9th near D - web editor sabotaged, & 'roll it' codes. I.e., Davis in bed w/blks - blue tape codes & 'roll it' codes. Res. @ A St. near 8th, mssg. @ mail box, to put mail through "mail slot on [garage door, or similar]." Res. 710 Miller St. near 8th, mail box blue taped closed, arrows pointing toward door, "PLEASE PUT THRU DOOR" mail slot near base of front door; one attempt on my life while door-knocking; other than than, minimal oppressive acts; nevertheless, the code uses 'thru' - i.e., kidnap consp. w/blacks based on 'drive thru' poetic license of quick service restaurants - facade that 'thru' spelled wrong; but well-established custom that novelties & inventions can spell their inventions anyway they want - it's a product or gimmick name, as opposed to a proper English publication - & my goals are to teach - McDonald's was superceded w/teacher career. Moreover, their 'thru' legalism is not only wrong (poetic lic. for creation of products), but they participated in actual punctuation error for decades, trying to be cute - Rancho Yolo mobile home pk. bench on Pole Line Rd. (half blk from Pole Line Rd. Baptist church), until beginning of 2023, "DAVIS SENIORZ" label on bench - spelled wrong - attempting to be playful, but it obliterates any 'thru' argument, acknowledging room for creativity, etc.; moreover, Davis HS name is "Davis Senior High School;" so it was a crafty attempt @ saying "hi" to victim denied teacher goals - but now out of desperation, that's covered-up, & they are using blks as tool for continued oppression. Moreover, there was a signal to strategize as far back as approx. 2002 or before (after 4+ years of oppressing me, w/a lot of the leaders aleady involved); new fem. R.E. agent in town - Claire Black Slotton; facade communicating evidently that blacks were going to be playing a part (to a small extent they already were, but only minimally locally, & possibly most only vaguely aware if @ all); i.e., double entendre - 'clear blacks slaught[ered,] on' or, '[e]clair' - donut - a "nut" after "dough;" 'clear blacks - slot [machine gambler,] on;' conspire to mold me into a gambler/trouble-maker (which fit right into their conspiracies), as opposed to facilitating that blacks culminate as traitors that must be slaughtered. Miller res. code, combined w/A St. res. code, it's '[white] male slaught[ered],' as opposed to blks. The subtle facade is I'm not outdoors (camping) anymore, & jail disappearances (blue tape "handcuffs") have diminished lately as well; BUT BARBARA GIVES IT AWAY - 'I NEED THAT FREAK;' Jack Teacher is a "freak" (misfit, etc.), but blacks & Davis are needy - they need me conspiratorally trapped (regional prison camp) where they can hire me & downplay any jail oppression - due to fact they are exposed & spotlight is on them - so they can put on an act that they really aren't rebels. That is, until the coast is clear, then it's death row conspiracies & attempts on my life again. 12/2, 1:47 PM, ABC Tex. v. UNLV football, anncr, "In the gay moment...makes the saving China..." Oh, we wouldn't want to overlook the additional "dimensions" of the codes - '[e]clair - [it's] blacks' slot, on,' 'slot' - vagina; 'donut' - anus - as in blacks "own" heterosexual sex, & rape of male. O.J. Simpson, possibly 1980's in interview, wife w/him, makes a grabbing motion w/hand @ wife's crotch, "See this? This is where babies come from, & it's all mine," or similar. (Then his wife murdered - the ultimate "abort the melting pot" act. No, Jack Teacher isn't feeling pot lucky as far as having a future family & future family outtings.) I reported blacks' consp. to rape me - black rapper Birdman, "We rape a guy" - audibly (in fact, 'Birdman' nickname itself is associated w/prison - "The Birdman of Alcatraz") - branded gambling troublemaker makes you fodder for their attacks, & WHETHER YOU ARE STAYING MOTEL ROOM WILL MATTER VERY LITTLE TO THESE REBELS; armed w/college football anncrs' endorsement, the possibilities are "endless." Occurring in real time - I placed this section of report up while Tx. v. UNLV game still on, & anncr, 2:05, "He wants it, downfield," & "The stars have shown up," i.e., they have "permission" to rebel & conspire rape on TV; "We've got a job to do; we've got a job to finish," 2:06 PM.
Orange juice known as O.J. before Simpson; Minute Maid, originally from Florida, corresponding to patriots - Continental Minute Men patriots, nuclear missiles then named Minute Men missiles - standard from Florida corresponding to So. Ca.'s world's tallest flag in Calipatria, next to Salton Sea - it won't be "assault" (as in foot soldiers scurrying into the region), & Florida, as far as rebels - 'nuke them!' Simpson turns that on end w/alternate mssg. that it's the melting pot that must be fixed - PERMANENTLY, & his blonde white wife is used for "illustrative purposes."
See "TERRORISTS W/SIM "CHIPS" ON THEIR SHOULDERS" - 12/10, dream about T Mobile & being given another SIM card pin; as far as I know, cell phone/smart phone manufacturers lured blacks - one of the first smart phones was Blackberry; i.e., 'black[s] bury[ing freedom & diversity goals of U.S.A.].' Phone manufacturers lured O.J. Simpson & blacks w/sports facade of 'sim[mer,] k[ey,] hard' & a simmer umpire - 'sim[mering um]p[ire']s on.' Alternately, using Simpson's words against him, "This is where babies come from, & this is all mine!" grabbing motion @ Nicole's crotch - then Nicole is dead; i.e., implying death to the melting pot - melting pot babies are imps - 's[ee?] Imp's son.' & blacks, asleep & unable to perceive the Atlas feat of freeing blacks globally, bought they had us under their thumb, & could ransom Jack Teacher & ruin the nation. Cell phone cos. reducing me as pawn & oppressing me (in the dream I was being "schooled" (oppressed) again by them) can't be justified by facade of tracking blacks; after the fact I'll report it, but those luring blacks @ my expense won't escape.
11/28, 2 ads on USA Today website for watches, both w/ 'V' or checkmark hand position - except both had the big hand on the 8 inst. of eleven; i.e., 10:08 inst. of 10:11 - the position God led me to claim - due to Mark 12:10-11 Scripture - the stone the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone; originally applying to Asians - seeking knowledge as opposed to land grabs across the world; the church's response was & is the Jack Teacher plan - teacher & education nation. One could argue changing it to 10:08 still produces check mark effect w/the watch hands, but it also negates the chief corner stone endorsement, & God hasn't changed his mind. The education goals lead w/or w/out Chinese/Asians acknowledgement. So this subtle alteration is a compromise; but, that's only the beginning - the subtle change is a slavery conspiracy - an attempt to revive the tired old argument that I've already defeated, where rebels, including regional Chinese & others, conspire to oppress me if I'm not working the right slave labor job! It's not only slavery w/denial of teacher job & consigned to grunt labor, it's slavery w/terrorists attempting to dupe people that there's no justice if Jack Teacher has the wrong slave labor job! Stark raving mad! I.e., 10:08 is 'tin - oh, wait [on tables];' using threats of denial of income (tin cup), or, in this case, possibly another attempt on my life, if I don't submit to dish washing or waiting tables - specifically @ a Chinese cafe! While juggling, thought or vision, "It's wait right now," & I was then considering Chinese' acts toward me in past - I was a dishwasher, then they changed their mind & terminated me, now they want me to be a dishwasher (or waiter) again. I was about to say to myself, "They change their mind," but it came out, "They chinge your mind," possibly an angel communicating to me the nitty gritty; 'ch[eat -] hinge;' double doors @ Tasty Kitchen where I was working, 2017-2018, the hinge made a noise that was unmistakeably like a sound in a popular song from '70's that tends to badmouth USA & Christians - due to early settlers usurping the land of others, etc. Moreover, those hinged doors were the focal point of traps - vision of me landing on all fours from a fall, & code from customer @ booth next to the double doors, & suddenly it's a slip & fall on hard tile w/floor specially "prepped" for that - I could've cracked my skull or broken my back. & on the other side of those doors, in the emply only area, soon after that, rice cooker electrified - electric shock - & this was soon after fem supervisor did a "butt retraction" move while getting into cabinet beneath rice cooker. I was subsequently fired when I smacked a prep cook (male) who, along w/others, was goosing me repeatedly. So those claiming they can dictate that I'm doing the wrong grunt labor are going to be punished for their sins & the sins of all the other rebels. "They chinge your mind," they 'ch[eat, &] inj[ure the victim;]' 'cheating' tongue in cheek for conspiring - & they did injure me. I.e., in addition to 'hinge' code, it's possible this is conspiracy of anpther attempt on my life, to try to force me to be a dishwasher again, or similarly, a waiter. But that's why God reminded me of the 'hinge' consp. of Chinese. The Bible says, "Like a door on its hinges, a lazy man turns back and forth on his bed," Prov. 26:14; terrorists who have "bayed" me, or ostracized me, in addition to conspiring to deny me justice, are too lazy & wicked to invade, & so like the lazy man, they go back & forth from one conspiracy to another - 'force the victim to wash, force him to do, force him to do dishes or wait tables again, & tell everyone he's dishonorable if he doesn't.' I.e., what ever it takes to stall justice. "Everything hinges on 9/11" according to Bush, but these rebels have become sloths on their beds to cover up God's rebuke of 9/11!
I got back onto USA Today website to get brand names of the 2 watches that had advertisements w/"10:08" & instead, there was a "Folds of Honor" ad, w/Old Glory folded like flags @ funeral; most likely connected w/Rosalynn Carter's funeral; the ad also said "91%" & followed me everywhere -when I was scrolling for the watch ads; i.e, it was a set-up; I'm supposed to "fold" as far as 9/11 warnings, & settle for '91;' IN OTHER WORDS, TERRORISTS COVERING UP MY 9/11 TEACHER WATCH THAT TRACKED THEIR CONSPIRED STALL TACTICS, IN EFFORT TO GET AWAY W/IT, ARE STALKING ME THAT JACK TEACHER PLAN MUST BE FORFEITED, & IT'S AN "HONOR" TO DO SO. ON THE CONTRARY, I HAVE THE HONOR OF BINDING THESE MONSTERS & SENDING THEM TO HELL! Jack Teacher is made into a pawn that can be manipulated to try to reach others, instead of treated like a human being w/dignity & allowed to have his career. Grandma Utt foresaw this controversy about Jack Teacher - teacher goals or a pawn? The picture of her on this webpg. is random - from a group photo, but she was a school teacher, & she made a trip to Thailand, & most likely it was in anticipation of these innuendos - where Jack Teacher is criticized & threatened if he's attempting to play missionary by clamoring for funds to afford a trip to China, & criticized & threatened if he maintains his goals of going straight ahead w/teacher career. In the pic., her mouth is closed - is it education goals or land grab goals? Taking trips abroad when your teacher career is more than ripe, & Jack Teacher has "tied" w/the land grab explorers, rather than prevailed over them.
11/25, access to vol. on browser menu stalled, & made verbal warning, & "He lovey," male rm 308 (?)or possibly. rm above 306, Days Inn. 8:24 PM ,"You can't seal 'em all, done," gov't bug code. 8:25, "I have black hole other rise," fem, rm. 308 - 'other' is code for blks - 'other [kind];' i.e., E,W&F song, 'you will find other kind...' i.e., 'if you're looking for kindness, don't look to us blacks;' i.e., claiming we don't have our 'k[ey] hind [in them.] 9:12, "When his time honor was through" or 'tune honor'; ch 40, deceased named Holt left an inheritance for a town when he died. "La mejor opcio'n es hiss op,' or '...SS op,' hyssop in Bible is O.T. herb used in cleansing ceremonies, including w/Passover lamb; it's possible it's code for conspiracy which includes those claiming to be Christians, to continue conspiring against me & abandoning me; 'hiss, op[cio'n];' option of continuing to hiss & deny me justice; Mario Jimene'z male butcher in Argentina; video, USA Today. "It was so go me," Asian fem student, one of 2, grn jacket or blk jacket, Q line, 4:39. 5:33 PM, "Face time & ice cream," for kids being released - ch 3, NBC news, hostage releases; 'time' has other meanings besides jail, but when it becomes a commonly used code for jail consp. against me, that is the DEAD wrong time to expand it's meaning to kids visiting w/ea. other. "Challenge" "Battle for a New Champion," ch 107, 5:17 PM, "You're gonna have to go through a new champ," possibly code - vision of Ferrara, Solano, 2014, after hostage captivity for 4 mos. in Solano jail, "I'm gonna have to go through it," referring to my suitcase. ch3, "[we] have no control over" & lower voice, "it's the weather..." following Chauvin stabbing story, 5:11; 'it's they were there,' i.e., facade that blacks where "there" as in sports supposedly. 5:12, "It's they P.E.," fem bug code. Then "It's laura PE," or similar; SYSTEMATIC DEMANDS THAT I CONSTANTLY DO MORE EXERCISE W/OUT OFF-SEASONS IS CONSPIRED PUNISHMENT & TORTURE OF AN INNOCENT MAN - THAT'S THE UNPARDONABLE SIN IN THIS CASE. 6:43 PM, "You'll have your clear out," "You're the branch" (or similar), "We're killed," male bug code. Bartesian drink maker, possibly code - artesians, Coors beer; "I seen 'em!" "We're gonna know - it was your honor," or 'you're on her..' 6:31.
11/26, "Alright, it won't be her, the rape," 3 AM, fem bug code; attempt to coerce me to compromise as far as rock & Hollywood. Dream of wh male, dk wavy hair (similar to Clark Kent, but more wavy) looking out bedroom window facing b/yrd of Kents,' mouth open like exclaiming or possibly angry, & someone taking a pic of him from distance. The backyard is ave. length, so the pic was taken from far end of yard behind the Kents, or further; in the dream, whoever took that pic was trying to zoom in to identify the indiv. - it wasn't Doug or Elaine Kent or their adult daughter. But, that room is where Kents' daughter, consultant for PG&E, occasionally works & has stalked me (if she's living @ her parents' home, she's rarely there); also, this bedroom window location corresponds to bedroom window of Doug Alfar's res. on Rivendell in Village Homes; Village Homes is only one blk from Kents' & Rivendell is 5 short blocks S. of Ganges, going down bike path next to community fields, then, going past "Rivendell Nursery", one blk E. Bing map says there's a children's nursery there, but it isn't prominent. Nevertheless, it's possible the rebels are attempting to orchestrate a trap using guise of endorsing me w/kids - I taught Nursery school @ First So. Baptist while @ UCD, & sold the Davis Nursery property on H St. when in R.E. I reported Alfar's (mex.) daughter in her room, & while I was cleaning gutters on ladder, she removed sweat shrt (still had other clothing on) vaguely seductively - like Kirsten, youth leader @ UCC, Edge youth group, 1995; this occurred Nov. 2020, almost exactly 3 years ago - & same Doug name - along w/Doug Arnold; i.e., kids role playing irresponsible youth leaders or future irresponsible youth leaders. Make no mistake, it was too late a decade ago - & that's if you accept that it might under guise of intervening for me; all these parties persistently use codes & stalk me, including lewd codes - more likely it's attempt to gut my nursery victories of the past. In the dream, those who took the pic of the indiv. in the window were attempting to zoom in to get an identification, but the pic. was blurry, due to the distance from which it had been taken, which indicates phony investigation. Possibly they dupe themselves they might get away w/it because as reported, while working @ Alfar's, I was on the roof cleaning solar panels & sweeping leaves off the roof, & it was getting hot, so I removed my sweat shrt & threw it to the ground, but it got caught on a backyard lighting wire, approx. 8+ off the ground - high enough so that when I left that eve., I forgot it. Later on that day was when daughter was seductively removing sweat sht. 11/24 of this year, I was working @ Simmons. Ave. property, w/Kim & her child Collin, & I threw my jacket onto bird feeder or some other apparatus, approx. 7 ft. tall, & forgot it when I left. I.e., God provided an angel to echo that occurrence 3 years ago to demonstrate they would cunningly attempt to fool me - then they transform into an evil "super villain;" next door to Kents is Loren Cecil - of UCC; 'Lo[di, w]e're in!' - '[They had faith that if they demand,] "CEASE!" [from intervening for Jack Teacher, rock & Hollywood]'ll [comply];' Univ. Covenant is the warlock leaders of the...
- the Teacher's 'Don't' Apostrophe -
11/26, "He just keeps going..." bug code, but in amazement @ my stamina, 6:23 AM. "We gave, he lost his sex."
God occasionally uses harmless errors, or leads us to act gullible, to lure rebels. While I was attending UCD, in one of my classes I created a sketch of the phrase, "Alpha & Omega" spoken by Jesus in Rev. I showed it to fem. @ desk next to me, & she pointed out I misspelled 'Alpha' ('Alpa'). Not one of my most brilliant moments, but while working @ Alfar's, he had props & displays from a huge BBQ on a deck in his b/yrd. They've literally studied my every move including while I was a student, desperately trying to outmaneuvre me; 'Alpa' sounds like Alpo - dog food - facade of long range corrupt police watch; 'Alfar' - 'how far?' They then claim they have their 'owl pa' & their 'owl far' scenarios - unaware that I'm the one who counted the # of licks to get to center of Tootsie Pop - 1,073 - one-upping the "wise old owl" w/"The Order of the Clean Stick." I reported vision of Taylor Swift concerned about the sweat shrt left @ Alfars - as though it meant I was a sucker who might fall for their phony reinstatement of Edge youth leaders - the problem w/this "concern" is there's a thousand things that could go wrong on a daily basis when you're in enemy territory - including I end up dead - where's the concern for that???! That was followed by vision of her saying she's sending someone to bring me to her; & then vision of her dad in 4X4 in Village Homes, supposedly looking for me, but somehow the rendesvous never occurs - as though they fell for the 'owl pa' scenario - & despite Davis being double arch 2 nation rebels, literally trying to divide the nation, they're just too cool for school (Jack Teacher) to prevail against them, & so I'm abandoned. THEY EXCLUDE THEMSELVES - BOWING DOWN TO VILLAGE HOMES: 'Al pa's disciples' - pause for intermission then an evil super villain sequel. 'Jack Teacher - you don't understand, pause been edict of Ahnold - master of universe! We're just actors!' I've also elaborated about the Dad Gum It Church - my "owl" pa, who merits it if that were the focus. WHY ARE THEY PARANOID ABOUT EXACT DETAILS OF FRIVOLOUS CONDITIONS OF MY LANDSCAPE WORK, & MY REACTION TO THESE CONDITIONS? BECAUSE INVASION SO THAT JACK TEACHER CAN TEACH IS A NON-ISSUE TO THEM!
11/26 "...time will come," annr, Raiders game, 1:28 PM, CBS. "He just doesn't see them," 1:29 PM, player, Raiders v. Chiefs game; Sounds a lot like verbage from Bethel pastor Beck when I was there in approx. 2012, telling him to orchestrate invasion or @ least call Marines; "I just don't see it," repeatedly - they reject the notion of Red Sea judgment; are they prepared? They've got a friend in NFL! "You didn't take this is it," gov't bug code; i.e., staying in motels in Davis - if I eat out a lot, then they'll attempt to claim I simply have selfish motives as opposed to holding my post in Davis; but I only ate out Wed. night & Sun.; moreover, entertainment budget is non-existent considering I don't have any friends; so occasionally instead of going to a movie or concert or sports event, I eat out. "Collier Renfrow, right into the grass OF SEED," anncr, 4:35 approx., - but caption said, 'Caught by Renfrow...' it wasn't Collier - Renfrow's name is Hunter. Facade I've become called into ministry to prevent teacher goals. Working on Fri. w/Kim, who brought her child Collin, NFL anncr acknowledging death row tracking, or alternately covering for it, by negating a "hunt." They've got a friend in the NFL!
Flags on internet devoid of apostrophe, including the one I uploaded in my webpage files (see builtforwar!.html); suddenly it's been replaced by A COUNTERFIT FLAG EQUIPPED W/APOSTROPHE - someone hacked into my web editor, or BYS did it, replacing the file w/an altered flag w/the apostrophe included, but refusing to breathe a word about me, attempting to negate the 245 year miracle! The above section of the original 1775 Naval Jack includes apostrophe that I placed using art program - 245 year miracle of me & U.S. Navy - attempts to negate the nation's displays of God's power! Public witness is the Olympics in China recently, w/USA Olympiads in naval garb! @ any rate, rock & Hollywood are snakes, & evidently warlocks in training.
I've reported & it became evident that NFL team names, etc. & the game of football itself seem to have a Chrisian foundation & goals geared toward uplifting Asians. This demonstrates founders, team owners, mgrs, etc. praying for Asians. But media & players are a factor, & they are often using codes, some of them lethal. & as w/anyone claiming to be a Christian, it's 'you snooze, you lose' - owners, mgrs, coaches, players, etc. should be utilizing media cameras & denouncing rebellion; Christian goals of winning Asians to Christ should be balanced w/justice for all - like the Bible says. 11/27, "___ 4 channels away from staying here," 4 AM; lately attempting to take a partial off season (because I never get one), & stalked - codes threatening more exercise or else. 6:20 "he would get 'em; lake it," 6:20 AM I -80 or Ensenada. 6:25, "He has brawn them brawn," bug code. "You just won't run 'em, home," 7:07 AM. 6:40 AM, "We're gonna go him blown;" "This was he wouldn't be keeping it." 7:47 PM, "...pregnant women of 24-36 feet,..." NBC; "You are hitting 'em," bug code. "...stabbed w/their steely knives; they just can't kill the beast," ch 10, Boomer, 6:36 (or 8:36). "We're gonna have his brages," P.A., anncr, Vikings stadium, 6:16 PM (?). 7:54 "We're gonna ninja...He'll go in a little over a year & a half," anncr.; codes to pressure Asians to more lethal acts against me. 7:57, "He just hid their stew," (or similar - notes illlegib.). 8:08, "You won't hold 'em no more," anncr(?). "You had head off," 12:21 PM, wh male host (?) to Jacoby & Meyers, ch 40. "It wasn't belay Pam" 2:27, near Ensenada or on TV. "Alright, this isn't free," mex (?) male leaf blower, Ensenada (Davis athletics gym on Ensen.), 2:25 - proof mexs are some of the kingpins of the kidnappings; "You aren't having your hearing ate," vision or bug code.
11/28, 2:36 AM, "I want a choke alive over here," 2:36 AM (TV news, as far as I recall). 4 AM, "I want you to Ned 'em," vision, while juggling; most likely 'n[o,] ed - [you don't get away w/attempted murders].' Teo, 5:04 AM, "On charred, on charges,..." ch 3 news, referring to Diamond Moore, blk male arrested for murder. 4:42, "It isn't that they're different?" "You'll just get 'em, fox," 4:46 (Lodi & media's been desperately attempting to coerce me to quote a 'fox' song, under guise I'm a "fox" - I've boycotted rock, moreover, it was attempt to label me a black - Redd Foxx. "While, problem," Teo, 6:39. "You don't know who? We'll give 'em up," 5:35 AM; supposedly media'll abandon blacks - but, 6:43 AM, "You won't know how - we give them look," fem bug code; i.e., media is riddled w/kingpin rebels. "They're handing 'em where is key," Alice St. 8:42. 10:39 "You made your miss state here," wh male wh van w/racks, Alice St. "It's because you're not nettin' your rain," bug code, 7:13 PM. 7:22 "@ least we won't have our feast wrong," 7:27, "That's where we won't hold back," bug code (just eat the noodles context). La Haina fire response - Asians betrayed us - or let us down or both, & this seems to define it.
11/26, approx. 7:30, Ravens player, 'shhh' gesture; then immed. following, blk Chargers player slight hard left (? - notes unclear) & slight shake of hand (not nec. hand shake, possibly a tremble). "Our infield goal," 7:40 PM, anncr, Ravens v. LAC (using baseball lang.), NBC. 7:54, sm Capernick step; I delayed in writing down this code, & the 'shhh' code before that; common practice of rebels illegal invasion of my privacy- they're instantly informed in real time I didn't write down some notes, & "That's a big one," anncr, referring to Herbert (qtrbk), a "big" step gesture, 7:56 PM, LAC game - presumably culmination of the Capernick step codes of qtrbks - pursuant to supposed lack of diligence on writing down the previous 2 codes; possibly prison code - 'her burr [is] it,' referring to rock or the church, presumably. BUT WHEN IT COMES TO A REBELLION FOCUSSED ON JACK TEACHER AS PRINCIPLE VICTIM, & CONSUMATE GOALS OF DIVIDING THE NATION, & IT'S TRACKED & EXPOSED BY MCDONALD'S, MINUTE MAID, A MARINE CHANCELLOR, & OTHERS, HERBERT'S ACT OF BETRAYAL BY HIDING BEHIND SOMEONE WHO IS PRESUMABLY STUBBORN, IS A COWARDLY PRETENTION CYNNICAL ENOUGH TO QUALIFY HIM AS THE ANTICHRIST! - JUST TO MAKE CLEAR IF ANYONE ACTS ON THAT, THEY WILL BE THE NUCLEUS OF A HOLOCAUST THAT DWARFS ANY LITTLE "SKIT" OF GERMANS AGAINST JEWS IN WWII! "THE WICKED SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL," PS. 9:17. PROOF EXPOSING GOALS OF PLAYERS & OTHERS INVOLVED IN NFL OF KILLING WHITE BLOND LADIES & JACK TEACHER/JACK TEACHER PLAN! NEVERTHELESS, EVEN AN ANTICHRIST CAN MAKE A VALID POINT: "BURR!" IMPLICIT AGREEMENT OF ROCK STARS TO RESPOND IF PROVIDED A WITNESS, & THAT WITNESS IS PROVIDED, & THEY BETRAY THAT TRUST, FAILING TO INTERVENE, & THAT HAS A CRIPPLING EFFECT THAT IS FAR-REACHING, ACING TO AWAKEN ANTICHRISTS! IT'S ESSENTIALLY STABBING A COUNTRY IN THE BACK! ACKNOWLEDGED, THEY SHOULDN'T BE RUBBING OUT BLONDES, BUT WHO "HELD" THOSE DOORS FOR THEM SO THEY COULD JOIN THE OUTLAWS? I reported Chargers lightning bolts on helmet look like Ram's horns. 8:05, "next week - they define next week," anncr. "They get key on," 8:05, player. 8:17, "Loss in down; spot a foul," ref. 8:17 PM NBC Ravens game. Then blk Ravens player stuck tongue out partially, toward Heaven - implying @ God, 8:20, after Flowers made TD; the partial tongue stick out was imitation of Joe Namath - code that I'm neighing math (i.e., tongue stuck out completely signifies no neighing of Math); but I'm studying math & applying for Math Teacher positions constantly. "It is your teeth; we're death," 9:47 PM, bug code.
12/2, "...milicopter screen," 4:30 AM. "He doesn't T Mobile," mex male maroon shrt or blk NF jacket (1 of 2), Lollie's laundry, Sac Ave., WS, 10:08 AM. "We're lay me down; we're laying down 'til it's over," blk fem, brn velvet jump suit, to blk child, Lollie's, 10:36 AM. "You're not gonna 'from here,'" tall wh male, gray shrt & cap, 10:34. "We didn't take him, Nertz" blk fem (brn clthng). 1:49, "There's not a guarantee, their [effort]" anncr(?) ABC football; 1:54, "We know, saving the world doesn't happen by comes up," anncr. "He wants it downfield," "the stars have shown up," 2:05, ABC (Tex. v.__). "We've got a job to do; we've got a job to finish," anncr.
11/24, "This is it," 9:20; "this is where you don't take your keep," vision, (or similar) 9:30 AM, Melissa's, Lago; but possibly God referring to Chinese - their backs are to the corner - either follow God or be evil; their refusal to intervene on my behalf is polarizing them to become more involved in oppressing me. Directly conspiring to dismantel my income is negating any credit they might be able to claim as far as rocket science/education leadership, freedom & justice leadership, etc. - claim it & use it, or lose it. While that may be mostly local Asians, Asians nation-wide (& internationally), especially those who are Christians, have duty to give God the glory, & denying glorifying God because it would benefit me is demonstrating they are phonies - especially since there is no threat of repercussions against them - they'd be "unpopular" in No. Ca. , but not even that much elsewhere nationally - in fact they'd be heroes elsewhere! This indicates motives that are suspect - INSTEAD OF KEEPING ME, IT'S ATTEMPTS TO REVIVE KIDNAPPINGS & ABJECT POVERTY CONDITIONS! Some Asians possibly claiming they want to force China's hand, such as Japanese, S. Koreans, etc., but if Asians anywhere proclaim the great news, God would bless Asians everywhere, especially those of their respective nations. 10:17, "We cleared it," Melissa (?). "You've got 'em - antibeg," bug code; i.e., opposite of me being needy. 9:50 apprx., male near Lago res., "We're giving you your lap," but half hour later, I started using regular "green" trash bin, inst. of smaller one I'd been using - simply because it was easier to maneuvre & less trips to leaf piles in front lugging barrels; then, "you won't have her tour," 10:49, bug code; this or other code was retraction of the 'lap' code; i.e., trash bins are technically rented by res.'s, & Davis police & DWR mex emplys threaten me if I use them to pick up leaves. 10 AM "It won't be stage," thought. 12:09, "We'll get him gowan look," bug code; former Yolo supervisor McGowan; possibly jail - kidnap threat. 1:16, 'lap' coconspirators - wh fem, Savemart, "I don't have the app [for a coupon price]" asking clerk if she could get the discount anyway; ie.., overly paranoid about saving money - facade that I have to wrecklessly spend or I'm not worthy to stay in room in Davis; quoted $271 for 2 nights, Days Inn virtual clerk (on screen), but 2 min. later, amnt. was $291, & I simply said I want the $271 price quoted - the rebels are saying that's my "oops!" Wh male mgr, Savemart then replies, "We miss w/him," 'with' is code for hostage captivity in Yolo jail. Then, 1:30, wh van, expanded roof, wh tire cover on back w/American flag slanted upward like BofA logo, went by bus stop @ Savemart - wh van is hostage code from 2015. Based on 'antibeg' code, it's possible they are claiming I took the BofA logo - credit for it as far as earning in landscaping. Nevertheless, "You'll have to take 'em, more on," vision or bug code; "I have heard you," either referring to rock, or indicating more oppression conspired - 'more' codes. Blk fem caser (homeless - suitcases) @ bus stop @ Savemart; blks claiming I have to sit next to them @ bus stops or there's gonna be trouble - last wk, Alhambra bus stop, 1 PM approx., people already using bench seat, so I waited in shade nearby; I couldn't see who it was or how many, but coded comment before I arrived as well; when I started to get on bus, that was when blk fem w/stroller rammed my legs - battery, but also conspiracy. It's approx. 2 seater bus stop so 11/24 I ate lunch a few ft. from bus stop, because I don't like that caser; but on P line, as we went by 113 on Covell, on ramp to 113, lg. Evergreen truck pulled over & parked on shoulder of on ramp, & wh car w/it, & 2 blk males talking. Approx. 11/12, jogging over Mace I-80 overcrossing, bike path but no sidewalk, I crossed the onramp entrance, & was jogging in painted divider section/"shoulder" section; I had safely crossed the onramp entrance (looked before crossing) - the shoulder section was between onramp lane & R lane of Mace bridge - oncoming car honked repeatedly as though I was in traffic. Approx. 11/22, jogging over Mace bridge again, Holy Spirit reminded me of the incident - someone conspiring to use it against me. The parked truck most likely code of rebels attempting to concoct facade that I'm in dangerous conditions & must be kidnapped for my own good - blks claiming they are "inheriting" the facade.
11/24, "You already chipped in your card," Michael, 7:03 AM, virtual clerk, Days Inn; sounds like they are giving me credit somehow. "You just won't know your extention," bug code, 7:07 AM; i.e., it was overly complicated to extend my stay for 2 nights. Approx. 7 AM, fem Asian clerk, "Oh, no," code when I said I was staying 2 more nights, but separate from that, then confused asked virtual clerk to help me. "When people become parents...I'm gonna molest," wh fem red hair, blue jacket, w/male, olive grn vest, Days Inn kitchen; "It's hard to make a turn there - Joe," (fem red hair), 7:05. 7:02, "He has where they [trapped] him" (similar), I-80 code near Days Inn. "You don't know where they just shove it," 7:24 AM, bug code (while watching Span. news, rm 306). 8:03 AM, Cowell & Ensenada, wh blnd fem student jogs by, gray Cape Cod swt jacket; then Asian fem, tan coat, blue bk pk, gray hair, rushes up w/kitchen trash bag w/slpg bag or similar in it, places it next to sidewalk near me; then waits on lawn for bus; i.e., I rarely sit right next to a rebel @ bus stop, blk or any other color, & most rebels don't sit all that close to me as well, but suddenly rebels, incl'g blks & Asians, are drawing a line that I have to cosy up to blks, or I disappear - the bag is code for me disappearing; possibly then booked & released, but as usual, Davis pd property section is closed on weekend, & I'm stuck w/out my suitcase; Chinese attempting to conjure that up to see if they can confuse me - but that's a scenario from 4+ years ago - I don't need a bag to temporarily carry things around in until I get my suitcase back, when staying in motels. Possibly it's attempt to brainwash me of trick concerning income - or bank acct. 11/23, "We're gonna run bank a rec't," 8:12 AM, fem, Despierta America ch 19; I don't have to get a rec't @ check in @ motels - traditionally you get rec't when you check out; I've been asking for one up front due to conspiracies, so that if I'm questioned @ my door, I've got something besides a key; Days Inn, I took pic of rec't & they also give you a "room card" - piece of paper similar to rec't - rm #, dates, etc.; instantly mexs. claiming I compromised, but in actuality I didn't @ all. This is Sac-based Spanish channel, Univisio'n, & it was West Sac Golden 1, all Latino crew, & my entire savings acct. transferred to checking acct. (reported) approx. 3 mos. ago. 8:51, "I think you know right now," fem on speaker phone of blk fem, blk jacket, bus stop near Explorit; ie., attempting to instigate her to cause more trouble @ bus stop. "You need a ticket?" mex male driver, 42A, to wh male elderly, gray hair, 9 AM; elderly male, "yeah," & driver, "West Cap" i.e, 'you need [to be] tick[ed], it? [send Jack Teacher back to] West Cap [motels, West Sac].'
[EXCERPT, 11/25 REPORT:] "No memories; empty bank accounts," Matt Lavietes (or mex fem), NBC, story from 11/18(?) rebroadcast on 11/21, possibly; i.e., code that rebels from other places have to instigate more oppression to ensure I'm not "fond" of Davis rebels - such as sabotage my bank accts.; but they are personally nuked for that - my reports are overkill as far as willingness to nuke Davis w/out batting an eye - there's no possible way anyone could think I'd have any fond memories - that amounts to monsters who want to see me suffer more. [END EXC.]
The rebels use any means avail. to them from anyone who might give them ideas - Cape Cod hook turned on end, US Center for Diseast Control assisting them, could they eliminate my income or suddenly drain my bank acct.? Regional Asians scratching & clawing to make it work. W/in 2 min. of Asian fem arriving, wh fem gray Cape Cod swt jacket, jogging by opposite direction; ie., 'guard' or 'pacing' code - possibly claiming they're watching Asians. Asians locally are becoming blacks! 11/24, "We're gonna know you've better," Melissa (?), Lago, 9:33 AM. Oakensh., 2:20, community fields, bird, "He needed Tide," i.e., the mini Tide detergent bottles from Dollar Tr other stores stopped carrying them - you have to buy pods or gallon jugs; God led me to boycott Dollar Tr for time being because it was being used against me; meanwhile, I'm currently using Arm & Hammer pods - & I simply say, "Oh, Fab, we're glad, there's lemon freshened Borax in you!" - I'll attempt a Cheer, if it includes Boron. 2;23, "He got, our gut," bird - did someone cut down on turkeys for Thanksgiving? Because considering this was the day after Thanksgiving, these birds are suddenly acting like the Bold ones - that doesn't mean they Tide!
I reported lyrics of songs from 1970's - lyrics that are plumblines of cruciality of U.S. sticking w/Jack Teacher plan; then rock musicians & Hollywood throw me to the wolves repeatedly, as though I fell short somewhere, etc. But then visions as of 2020 of Brockmeyers praying for me to be equipped w/Jacque's La Creme Sword, & as of 2022 of my Mom desiring my 'no' autograph, & asserting I'm entitled to my "gold" status (if not literal). These are current testimonies demonstrating rock & Hollywood are jealous, or operating out of selfish motives; but moreover, demonstrating God has caused me to stand as Jack Teacher. Of course, rewarded the privilege of exposing the biggest cover-up in history (Slavs giving their lives) & revealing the biggest project in history (founding a freedom & education nation to credit China), along w/the other huge revelations unknown to 99.999% of humanity, IS GOD'S APPROVAL OF ME, DEFINED - IRREGARDLESS OF EARTHLY TESTIMONIES. Those who don't believe in God, these recognitions aren't so weighty, but anyone who believes in God, has no choice but to acknowledge there isn't anyone on the planet more fit to teach youth than me; & if they claim they don't have to acknowledge that, then they are no less than heretics - fallen from grace. Nevertheless, rock stars & Hollywood stars obviously have a problem - while trying to prove that rich & famous people can be as zealous as or more so than anyone else, their propensity toward achievement & fame nevertheless ensnared them to attempt to bring about the undoing of Christians whom God hadn't necessarily rejected @ all, & also including Jack Teacher. Also a factor, as far as rock & Hollywood & those claiming to be Christians as well, everyone seems to think they can act @ Jack Teacher's expense, putting on masks & acting like Bozo the clown, to see how China will react - & despite God has told me to warn he's forbidden it.
11/14, vision of someone (male) attempting to rape me.
11/11, "Not just mil, not just military," DiSantis, 3:45, NBC; context, Haley's, "When we..." (4X) code; i.e., 'when we [this..;] when we [that...]' etc.; 'when' is code for 'we in' as in "in" crowd, or indoors (as opposed to homeless), from 2002 or so, code mostly used by Aggies; rock songs use 'when' & w/implied incomplete sentences - Led Zep. "Kashmir" @ end of song, "When I'm on, when I'm on my way" - as though, 'when you're on your way...what?' It's possibly 'when? I'm on my way!' But it's made to sound like a code - 'we'[re] in - I'm on my way.' Possibly Haley, 'we 'in' wee,' or 'we 'inn' wee,' & w/ 'wee' code for mty teacher goals, it's either a confession they are sticking me into motels & more delays of justice, or possibly rape consp. w/Congress involved '"in" wee;' I reported the Paris Hilton song w/blk rap singer guest & lryics by rapper, "We rape a guy;" so possibly DiSantis is asserting military & warning Haley, but repeat code indicates they're in on it.
11/11, Horned Frogs (college ftbll) coach holding up arms, 7:51 PM - gesture indicating strongly questioning a call - blk male in audience @ football game on TV earlier that day, approx. 3 PM, same gesture. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO,..." "outside kick it here, pal," anncr, 7:56 PM, ESPN/ABC. 7:58, "I'm not gonna get my first 'til like it," bug code; i.e., claiming I'm eating out reg'ly in Davis because I'm secretly in bed w/them; gosh, so proving they're Confederates w/2 nation conspiracy - 2 arches - is suddenly irrelevant?????? No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I.e., 'first' or 'first till' - RE goals/RE "dining" goals, but I have to 'lick' someone before I can claim it; i.e., take law into my own hands (rebellion) then I can "successfully" be in bed w/rebels, is the facade. Alternately, 'first' isn't my goal, 'lick' (invade) is it. "We won't get a first out," anncr, 8:02, Tx. v. TCN; codes are confusing & form of rebellion due to simply being a lazy way to attempt to deal w/rebellion; possibly implying I have to "get" or leave Davis, or I must be a RE rebel, but could be, refusing to "get" - & 'A' [becoming] 'first' is "out." "He took his incredible..." rm 17 (?) 9:18 PM. "Blood Father," Mel Gibson, arms lifted upward & outward - questioning gesture same as football games, Telemundo, 8:30 PM. Gibson's character dies in arms of his 17 yr. old daughter from gunshot wounds by terrorist @ end of movie. NFL & possibly college football, a lot of phony calls by refs & codes by anncrs & QBs & others. 10:34 AM, "Today," code, Brittany Hope (ch 3 news), & I then was randomly singing song w/lyrics "Today! We comin' to America..." (I've boycotted those songs, but occasionally lyrics come to mind, & I retract it if it happens in public) & continued pouring my granola into a bowl, in the supposed privacy of my room, #16, Bel Air, & 10:35, "He drove here 'today;'" story reported was about Moroco.
11/12, "the moment they're in shelter box" Morocco reprt(?) ch 3, 7:37 AM. "...if you're having an afternoon in Napa..." Jordan, 7:38 AM, ch 31. 11/17, Michael Hale, homeless male w/knife in tent on T St. in Sac (under freeway overpasses) - T St., 2200 blk, was where I sold the B&B Inn look-alike res. in 2001, seller Jesu's - felony warrant for Hale, prolonged standoff w/police, where they negotiated w/him; possibly claiming it's a publicized attempt @ leading w/ humanitarian ways of dealing w/uncooperative suspect - despite brandishing a weapon. The de-escalation efforts on T St. seem to be attempt to create to instigate oppression against me in my motel room - 11/18, ch 3, 7:05 AM, Leticia, "We capture the moment Hale was taken into custody..." & immed. following this, rptr. Jackie Defusco in Wash. DC; i.e., the scene possibly claiming they are 'defusing [Jack Teacher's] Co.' 7:16 AM, Leticia, ch 3, "We have to be, game." Simultaneous (7:35) report in San Mateo (bay area) of blue car that supposedly drove through a fence, lept over a pool (no explanation as to how it did that), & smashed into a res.; i.e., if car symbolizes police, they can't magically leap over everyone in the region saying "pooh" to Jack Teacher, & they crash if they try to - the implied claim is math (Mateo) - Jack Teacher isn't wandering the bay area while they advertise it's a trap by keeping me @ bay - facade that I have to confess I fell short as a teacher by walking into obvious traps as "dues to pay;" when I refuse, it's conspiracies to instigate more police oppression against me. Twelve Bridges HS, Lincoln, Ca. (E. of Sac.) - the name is a conspiracy, & it was founded in 2021 w/conspired name to oppress me - '[high] noon - bridges' - 'it's high noon, & Jack Teacher is refusing to be willing to walk into traps as dues to pay for being bad in the past...' &, ''T'- well, V[ictory for] bridges,' claiming Ca. has it's freedom (Lincoln) 'T' as far as Jack Teacher. But submitting to their innuendo that I have dues to pay gives them a license to kill - licensing bay area & beyond to oppress me as though I deserved it!!! Twelve Bridges football team player after winning game, 11/17, ch 3 news 11/18, 7:52AM, "It feels so good, the times & hours we put in for this..." but 'times' isn't customarily used like that - code; & TB football uniforms are all black - same as all the sheriff's deputies of No. Ca. for a decade or more - & blk clothing codes of everyone else - code that I'd been judged & was constructively in custody 365 days a year, whether in jail or @ liberty - in attempt to brainwash me. San Mateo crash report, homeowner said, "This happened before - 25 years ago..." 25 years ago was 1998, when I was residentially challenged due to oppression. Proof bay area is conspiring to start it all again if I wandered around there unemployed attempting to convince principals to hire me; the argument evidently is I was willing to suffer for RE goals, why am I not making the same sacrifices for teacher position? But my suffering was mostly due to evangelism, & wasn't specifically related to my profession; moreover, I suffered enough to gain international attention - IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH FOR THE BAY AREA, THEN I'VE GOT MY PROOF THEY ARE MONSTERS! 11/17, arriving in WS on Yolobus 42B, out of the ordinary interaction on bus radio between dispatch & 2 42A busses (both 42A & B run circular rts. through Davis, WS, Wdld, & downtown Sac, but in opposite directions); 42A radioing he was leaving CFM in Wdld, but there was another 42A that left approx. 1 min. before him; i.e., he had caught up w/them; dispatch then said to the 1st 42A to "Just dead end it in downtown Sac," & to the 2nd 42A, "Run your normal route..." & driver replied, "10-4, running 42F route," 6:05 PM; i.e., 'A' is getting 'F'd' by region thanks to "assistance" of cities of Lincoln & San Mateo. 11/15, 4:24 AM, "He just won't __ her," (notes illegib.) 4:24 AM. Jan, "You aren't gonna have that neighing your house," 8:26. "Joe, you won't mic an event," 4:53 AM. "We're just trimming your death," 4:50. 5:15, "It was yo signature," bug codes, rm 16; 'trimming[s]' - Thanksgiving; Jack Teacher pipes up for police based on, in round about way, Sac pd, minimized escalation of Hale on T St. 'thanks [for] giving...' but police failing to pipe up on my behalf, anywhere in USA, creates distrust so that a lot of people are resistant to dropping their weapons. 11/15, 7:03 PM, Newsom, "We all share the same short moment," TV news, anticipating Jack Teacher duped into crediting police who have been robbing him of his rights.
11/12, "I have sown a way," 8:47 AM ch 31, fem. "They just did fix you inside," 10:13. NBC, 2 clocks look like eggs or suns melting, both @ 10:12, & story about 80 hour work wks, click on story, & then it's 3 of those clocks @ top of story; but the implication was ''T'-ooo' as far as the Mark 12:10-11 watch; Shannon Pettypiece & Justine Good; possibly code that I'm not putting in enough hours. 9:35 AM, "I just did give you a lot," vision, possibly positive implications (as opposed to God disciplining me). "You'll have your death 'em," fat wh fem driver, 42A, 11:45, to me or blk male getting off. 11:53, "you just don't go on us," bug code. Wh male asst. mgr Kevin, Chevron E.M. store @ Mace & 2nd; uncooperative as far as charged $21 for sunglasses when I didn't sign ATM screen which is supposed to be req'd; moreover, there isn't any store or business establishment that can't give you a refund if clerk overcharges you or if customer changes their mind - the 2 fem clerks on 9/29, said they couldn't reverse the charge or do an overring, attempting to force me to sign & make the purchase. It's rebellion! 12:22, "You're the trouble's down," wh male dk blue shrt, beard, Target. 12:25, wh male, beard, maroon shrt, "We're gonna have tour rim, on;" this was half hour to an hour before blk fem w/stroller ramming me w/stroller - I.E., BASKETBALL RIM. 11/13, ch 40 news, 7:04 AM, "I've always thought canine police dogs went for an arm or leg..." fem attacked in stomach; but how often does the average person "always think" about police dogs' methods of attacks? Subtle claim I couldn't 'stomach' wandering the streets of the bay area homeless & trying to get a principal to hire me - cover for consp. 8:07 AM, 42A blk male driver extends arm out toward B St. 8:15, blk male driver, "Long time; long time; thank you, thank you," MU. 8:17, blk driver stretching - same gestures as coach, fan, etc. "We're gonna tow she light," blk driver, 8:20 (referring to blk fem stalking &, technically, battering me).
11/13, 12:54, "You won't know your side out;" that AM I'd crossed the street to get $ for bus fare or similar, & purchased coconut water - which they were possibly claiming was coded sexual innuendo; but I'm not under bondage to being "across the street" from Bel Air. 3:07, "You get your rest him rump," audible bug code, Paul's on N. Campus; "you get your test him." "Ahm him treated man," jet over Paul's, 3;12' 'Amed,' or similar (popular Mideast name). "He's not gumby in," girl, Chavez elem. school near Paul's, 4:46. 5:20, "You didn't pick us up," blk male blk hood, wh shorts, 42B. "He adjusts sudden," 5:49 PM wh male red hair(?) 42B. wh male blk jacket, 2 dogs, coming out of Redwood Pk, hit crosswalk button creating flashing lights, but then didn't cross; ie., tricking traffic instant that I went by - another 'side of street' code. "I'll ben chi bored," fat mex fem burnt orange swtr, casing me reg'ly - riding 42B from Davis often w/lg bags of recyclables from Davis to WS (pics sent), 6 PM approx. Asian male, gray & blk horiz striped shrt, w/sm boy, "See me, boy? Ya, fit in here," 6:05 PM, Raley's near deli - stalking me w/child. "We have weigh 'em, catch," mex fem cashier, reg. #10, 6:19, while customers in line stalk w/kids; & blk male deli emply, 'creep' consp - while stalked w/kids, blk emply dishing up fries for another cust. one @ a time. 9:06 PM, monster from #17 freezing my laptop & d & g codes for 1+ hrs, repeatedly. "You're never gonna arraign 'em," 9:09. 2:55, "They're gonna vase his __ dumb statement," or similar (notes illegib.) W Cap.
11/14, "He'll have his Heaven," Brian Hickey, 6:20 AM ch 3. 10:04 ch 13, "We are sure that we are alone now...know our pee us," Persian. I.e., Mideasterners claiming I "needed" their motel rooms w/clerks that minimized crimes & police oppression - they are 'a loan, now;' facade that I'm needy, (which isn't a crime, but it's rebellion taboo). But, recently @ $150-200/day, I could stay in Davis, & in fact did all week last week, but I can save more $ for interviews, f&l& dep. etc. if I don't pay $130-140/night. 'Know our 'P.E us,'' i.e., reject clerk's code 8 mos. ago about 2 hrs/day; the fact is, maintaining my post w/room in Davis is less stressful, & that is a factor; but the 2+ hrs. was my routine, as opposed to submitting to Mideast clerks. Days Inn, Davis, last week was there for 3 days, double bed, 2 night stands, 2 lamps, & 2 reading lights between the beds - one for ea. bed. but the adjustable reading lights making arch looked like 2 ram's horns - like the pic. on webpg; except it's 2 lights - as though light divided up; i.e., lack of explicit response to my displays for Mideasterners is equivalent to me carrying them, & God said, "I want you to rest our," vision; i.e., I can stay in Davis - higher room rates, but minimize restaurant visits as testimony that my motives are occupying Davis as opposed to "big spender" - but the ram light is divided because I was staying @ Motel 6 (approx. 1 blk from Days Inn) until Mideasterners sabotaged that w/police & mgr ban, 2021. 6:50, "Alright, he didn't save it," audible code W Cap, referring to garland & Slavs report that I deleted. "He'll have his sit; he'll keep inside," 3:52 AM, rm 17; context, rebels wandering around on W Cap near Bel Air as of 3:05 AM repeated coded comments. "He's not gonna find our butt," 4:16 AM; 'he's not gonna 'fined' our butt,' near Bel Air; possibly prison code; regionally, I reported the "...HIGH NOON" report, the region is rebeling - that isn't punished w/traffic ticket or fine. Their 'butt' - claiming I'm charged w/felony, but it's "on the inside" because I didn't deserve that, I'll "keep" in prison, but "remember," Sac said 'that wasn't right, Jack Teacher deserved better than that,' while they participate in conspiring it. "It's not gonna be there," 4:42. 5:30 AM approx., "I'm among those whacking @ it," vision or bug code - attempting to impersonate my Mom. 3 AM, dream I was hanging out w/Steve Mora & Frank Revieccio; i.e., a report on internet where I wasn't being stern enough (possibly re: rock). "...watching the guitar," Berg (rtpr), ch 3, 6:19 AM. In other words, Hale, male in tent on T St., role playing me & consp. for felony charge against me based on Placer cty (Lincoln) & San Mateo cty claiming they are witnesses that I deserve to go to prison for agressively evangelizing &/or causing excitement about R.E. temporarily, & then refusing to eat crow by letting others oppress me as well, & instead recognizing the region had gone mad.
11/15, "We have to burn it," Lauren Casey, 7:15 PM, news.
11/11 (or 11/10) "You just won't join this thing," 4:34 AM (or PM). 11/11, 4:45 PM, "Have you ever seen a serious man in the world?" vision, & I was near Slide Hill Pk; God led me to report DiSantis - repeat military code - 'd[efend girls w/p]anties,' consp. w/Nikki Haley [see "EVIDENCE OF RAPE CONSP. OF S. CAROLINA REP...."] ; they are claiming I had to go to China, but on the contrary, if in face of unprescedented signs & wonders, a teacher making a trip is required for them to glorify God, then it isn't God they're glorifying; & therefore it's a trap. [END EXCERPT]
Based on leading of Holy Spirit, indications that Nikki Haley is feeling sorry for No. Ca. & trying to prop them up; Nikki Laurenzo is ch 40 reporter - the concept is cover for rebels that are photogenic, such as Laurenzo, because Jack Teacher is expendable; Lauren Casey most likely picking up on the cues. 11/15, vision of my Mom giving me credit for Embers report.
[EXCERPT, 11/13:] 10:50, "We're gonna amend - you got it," tree trimmers. 3:02 PM, "He just can't hand," helicopter, near Paul's. 12:54, "You won't know your side out;" that AM I'd crossed the street to get $ for bus fare or similar, & purchased coconut water - which they were possibly claiming was coded sexual innuendo; but I'm not under bondage to being "across the street" from Bel Air. 3:07, "You get your rest him rump," audible bug code, Paul's on N. Campus; "you get your test him." [END EXCERPT]
I've been stalked by 'tear' codes because when putting on an act working for customers, I'm occasionally too accomodating as far as advice, etc., & I acknolwedge this occasionally may be the case.
11/14, white colored small "tear" below eyelid of fem Mideast clerk, approx. 6 PM; same color as PVC glue I'd used that eve. @ Curt's on Ipanema; same color also as the Coconut drink I'd purchased to get $ for bus fare - ACROSS THE STREET from Bel Air; but when I dug down to get to the pipe to repair it, using 1/2" PVC parts Curt had just bought, sm 1" length of PVC 3/4" buried next to the pipe, &, the pipes were 3/4" - Curt had purchased the wrong size.
I.e., the 1" piece of pipe was left there as code so that he could then put on an obvious act that he "ACCIDENTALLY" got the wrong size, & has to go back to the store, so he could find extra work for me until he gets back - subtle claim they are doing me favors - the Thanksgiving "trimmings." UCD wrestling champ who became martial arts star in Sac, Urijah Faber, possibly involved; 'you rise, yeah, favor;' born in Visalia, attended HS @ Lincoln HS, degree from UCD; pic of him on wikipedia w/phone gesture inverted. The signal from Bel Air clerk is more like a trick, because slow justice amounts to denial of justice. Tracking rebels who've already been exposed is i.d.-ing the victim & facilitating rebels.
My "rise" according to Sac & No. Ca. is as a slave - remaining in bondage as a slave, & - if I'm not groveling w/overtime, it's also prison - that's turning someone's "rise" on it's ear - Faber's coded gesture! & that's cross swords on that Confederate gray cap. & evidently the "deep" state has "deep" pockets in the South willing to assist them - that's the 'tear' consp. - Ca. feeling sorry for the South, & willing to be crybabies & commit crimes to make them feel better, & the South then being crybabies for No. Ca.
Mideasterners should roast what they took in hunting - be the good guys in the midst of outlaw rebels. Don't do anything crazy as in terrorists that become suicide bombs or orchestrate foreign attacks against U.S.A. - most Mideasterners have proven to be the antithesis of that. Be the epitomy of Americans - law abiding no matter what; utilize media to denounce the rebellion, demand invasion, call for arrest of corrupt leaders & expose them in a million different ways. Reject codes, no matter if everyone else is using them. Confront law enforcement to repent & tell them they'll have your support if they do. Mideasterners who proclaim the name of Jesus will be blessed & doubly empowered - armed w/the gospel & ramming the word of God. Dodge is already marketing to Latinos to be "Rams;" Utt was a lawman in Dodge or that vicinity; join law enforcement agencies & count on Americans to acknowledge & submit to your leadership.
Jack Teacher oppressed by corrupt churches & police & others, but strives to provide for himself w/hard work - as traditional as it gets - as in, fend for himself, rather than becoming a moocher, freeloader, charity case, etc., & doing so, in complex conditions one would expect a "ton" of blessings for having the character to be a man about it - or @ least be somewhat blessed; but in No. Ca., such attempts to be honorable & of noble character is punished to the nth degree!!! So much so that millions of Ca. citizens hobbling around homeless, eating crow, presumably on Jack Teacher's behalf - quintessential moochers, taxing all the charities so that news ones are invented, & communities nationwide building residences for homeless to live in for free - as though apologizing for being hardworking. Moreover, Fentanyl is the clincher - a deadly drug that proves that if you try to survive through hardwork ethic, self-reliance, & ingenuity, you will be dragged, potentially dragged to death - whatever it takes to prevent a citizen from claiming his "fend ton!"
11/6, dream of Davis rebel having oral sex w/child (licking rear), 5 AM. Reporting this vision - high priority, but led to downplay it, & it was to lure rebels; 11/9, reporting it from my notes while on Q line, & also placing on webpage, & instantly hackers closed web editor program, approx. 5:45 PM; then getting on to webhost pg. logging in, etc. slowed to a crawl; the bus crossed half of N. Davis while I was trying to get onto web editor; 5:56, as bus going by UCC, Davis police car passed by the bus turned on sirens the instant web editor pg. opened; i.e., THEY'RE THE HACKERS. The sabotages & siren stalking was innuendo that I had stalled, & that must mean something; but (1)that also proves they are directly participating in illegal eavesdropping - how else would they know what I'd written in my notes? & (2) in actuality, I was waiting for direction, because reporting one lewd pervert in Davis could be taken as supportive - aren't all of them lewd perverts!!!??
The New Man (Eph. 4:24)
"Be excellent @ what is good, be innocent of evil - & the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet!" Rom. 16:19
NY City region (Brooklyn) stood in the gap for women - Brooklyn "Rae Me's" - so that women could claim more decent standards w/out being "hoyt" (hurt). The Twin Towers illustrated the faith in Jesus & his resurrection as more important than sex - 'raise erection' - a 'T' w/sex being the "end-all be-all" of existence (it's a close second). & they were dealt a blow from satan for it. But, they endured it for the joy of knowing Christ - no one who puts their trust in him will be disappointed, Rom. 10:11. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you," Matt. 6:33. By contrast, Ca.'s Coit Tower looks like a giant firehose, but obviously impotent - city of Paradise consumed by fire along w/other cities as well, for being in bed w/Davis. New York, New York - repeat codes tracked & i.d.'d.
There's no middle ground w/rock & Hollywood - I was betrayed.
Mark 12:10:11 - the High Noon check mark corresponding to Twin Towers attack - High Noon because I have my Teacher watch. (see "SPANISH TEXT ACADEMICIANS..." report, & "DAD GUM IT CHURCH WANTS YOU"). Report about warlocks duping us to forfeit a garland of grace to Slavs - but the problem is, rock & Hollywood essentially started following the warlocks! Don't think that High Noon watch isn't relevant - my Great Grandpa David Utt was deputy marshall in Kansas & rubbed shoulders w/Wyatt Earp (worked w/him). In fact, when my Grandma Utt passed away, the heirlooms included a badge of a deputy they deputized, & engraved on back was "Deputy [such 'n such], by Earp & Utt," playing up on the burp theme - so I've got "High Noon" law enforcement in my blood. & Taught-Ya Ma's High Noon testimony - Jack Teacher's role model autograph - affirmed. "Use your bean, vote for Irene! Use your nut, vote for Utt!" Rock & Hollywood protesting & tracking the Western church, supposedly using theme of Pied Piper tracking ('pied' is defined as spotted, speckled, or multi-colored), possibly on premise that Bible principle of dance & dirge was becoming habit-forming - as far as 'dirge' parties, but they lose their stand when they treat Jack Teacher w/same hypocrisy that they are claiming to be tracking in Hymn church! It's Jack Teacher's "no's...;" ('We knew it - Jack Teacher's trying to slip us a St. Nicky!' - No, just common sense); it's always the same, teachers are good for classrooms, but whenever you try to put them in charge of church worldwide, proclaiming the founding of freedom/education nation & attributing all the honor & glory for it to another nation or race, flying a flag we obtained from 800 year old China mural, so that they will explode w/zeal for Christ - as always, it doesn't go over well - adults just don't like someone monitoring & assessing their citizenship & issuing them a grade for it, & I'm in agreement w/that - so demand of your pastors to get back to their posts, & perform their duties so that Jack Teacher can teach academics in a classroom!
I reported the news reports from Russia, late 2017, the day after I e mailed Gorbachev that we've got to restore their nation's great name, & w/in an hour of sending that e mail, vision of them saying, "You disarm us!" - the day after that, Gorbachev in news, "We visiualize total world-wide nuclear disarmament in near future!" & Putin, on same day, "If Russia bombed by nuclear missiles in a war, Russia goes to Heaven!" Those bombers of Twin Towers couldn't fathom that many of those bombed were new men & women in Christ & went straight to Heaven! But, don't let those Slavs walk all over us, America, claim it - "We're going to Heaven!!!!!" When you are new creation in Christ, God no longer remembers your iniquities (Heb. 8:12) & credits you w/the righteousness of Christ (2 Cor. 5:21) - as though you've never sinned! There's no moping around when our halo is blinding the rest of the world! Did we or did we not set blacks free globally & eliminate almost all slavery globally? Did we or did we not build an education nation that is the best in the world as a gesture of God's love for the Asians? Did we or did we not lead the world w/democracy & justice for all? Did we or did we not teach the world to fly (Kitty Hawk - first manned flight w/powered, controlled vehicle)? Our giant Turkey model placed @ Slavs' feet bolstered them, but their long history of faithfulness to the Lord empowered them to be more than conquerors - manning space flight (Orv & Wilb coached 'em). Nevertheless, America, are you gonna let those tea-toddlers in Russia lord it over you!!!??? "I'm not so jolly anymore..."
Brownies are now Embers; Lodi HS Flames also had Embers mascot, but according to internet, they stopped using it as of 2002 or before; i.e., downplay a 'am burr' phoneme. Girls' Club stole it from them as testimony against them. They are the KIDDY HAWKS, compliments of Ohio - origin of Superman! Red Sea "Tattle" Hawks (Seahawks) - Brockmeyers (Jacque's LaCreme Sword) located in that vicinity after Myron retired from ice cream business. Meanwhile, as far as associate pastors from the past, there seems to be a "Kill Devil Hills" (located @ Kittyhawk) facade where teens give it their all (yak tracking, etc.) & it's wasted utilizing a scheme deviling in delays that effectively imply substance to the rumors. But present-day Chinese leaders also owed a response - teen's life delayed 50 years to proclaim their great example historically- I've essentially given my life for them - young adult, middle age adult; what most would describe as the prime of one's life (I'm jacking up exercise routine to redeem the time), & rather than even a modicum of recognition, it's stalls in attempt to trick me.
11/17, "It was will take 'em - look," vision, 5:47 PM; most likely referring to blacks; possibly, Christians presented Asia w/gospel, & specifically China, as far as rocket science, & their mixed motives of attempts to trick me, accuse Western church, etc., revealed a lack of zeal for God. Context, mex. male Raiders cap, gold jacket, 42B, 5:38 PM, "You don't know how far we'll give 'em." Pepsi, 1970's, "You've got a lot to live, & Pepsi's got a lot to give!" jingle - jacking up athletics theme & Patriotism - Latinos as well; I don't condone codes, but vision qualified that Latinos/Native Americans - American Indian dialect 'you take 'em look' - Latinos' faith growing. This is probably why when I was in elem. school, project where we invented our own countries, I invented Shermerica, lg. eliptical nation attached to Baja Ca. bordering the Pacific & next to S. America. Pep, see? & more than just Pepsi's snow skiing suggestion - Latinos recently gung ho for sports & endurance contests. (My country report in 6th grade was on Bolivia - w/2 capitals - La Paz (the Peace) & Sucre (Sugar); apprehended Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.)
Rebels, including most likely Congress & to some extent churches, attempting to force me to "settle" for rock's & Hollywood's "version" of justice on my behalf (which is null) - the argument is they are doing the "mature" thing by admitting they blew it & illegally coercing me to go to rock & Hollywood; i.e., 'if you're going to rely on the nation's church & political leaders rather than rock & Hollywood, then you're joining the conspiracy, because we ruined ourselves to make sure that isn't an option for you...,' but they are blind that rock & Hollywood lured them to attempt to utilize that stragety - THEY DON'T HAVE THE OPTION OF QUITTING, W/OUT EXPONENTIALLY GUTTING THEMSELVES - rock & Hollywood simultaneously being just arnery enough & just vile enough that for me make that compromise would eliminate my teacher goals - so w/each pressure tactic based on argument they are too evil to be relied on, rather than repenting (option that some of the leaders could still utilize) they are gutting themselves & sending themselves to an exponentially worse hell.
11/12, "Worst nightmare; I'll have outside of her," anncr, 3:19 PM. "Bud sid," anncr, Det. v. LAC, CBS. "Shhh" gesture, 3:20, Chargers player. "This is Raymond," 3:21, anncr. "Arrest the pot," 4:58 PM, male, rm 17. "He's had his answer today" (or 'tody' 3:35; "Still lamb stirred a fraidy," anncr, Det. game. Raiders scored, & player, tongue sticking out, 8:17. 353 PM, "F her vail," child from audience (football game). "We don't missile his soul," NFL; & all channels, kids plastered in ads - i.e, stalking me - kids, but denied teacher career. 6:39 PM rm 17, bug codes, immed. after Tetris game sabotaged. "I'm gonna have a lot of Dodge," blk male emply (?) Wendy's ad, followed by wh male emply, "Bag boys, bag boys, what ya gonna do?" after TV show "Bad Boys" theme, 7:22 PM; i.e., blk actor submitting to script - blacks admitting attempt to take over Davis. 7:57 PM, "Expert home - the down judge," anncr, football (vision, 2020 approx. of Taylor, "He'll have his expert home," referring to expert lover. "Jets threw it, 41" 8:17, Raiders intercepted. 8:12, Jets player extended ball out - Jets seemed to role play NY falling short then attempting to make up for it - almost made last second reception in inzone. "They're not there, credit," anncr (?) 8:08. 7:43 "57...what a lee's" Raiders QB. "Key 2," Mex Russian (?) 9:51 PM.
11/12, 12:58 PM fat blk fem blk & wh pld shrt, blk clothing, rammed stroller into my ankles as I was getting onto Yolobus; w/child & baby; Alhambra near 2nd (pic sent); mex male driver didn't say anything to her (42B); "Are you okay???" when I rebuked her. "You're gonna see; we didn't give him his 'no,'" to other passengers - fat blk terrorist fem; "He doesn't take his cake," 1:11 PM; it was conspired; bus lingered a few secs. @ curve approaching the bus stop. 1:13, "Joe, we don't know them, on," vision (Mom?). 1:20, fat blk fem, "I didn't here," & when I didn't write that down, "He didn't here," 1:22. 11/16, wh fem red hair, adult w/child-sounding voice, codes that I could barely here, then 'type' code - ultimatum - I report her codes or I won't be making any more reports; 42A, approx. 12:06 PM. 11/12, "We got back hup," blk male blk jacket, Raley's. 1:33, "It's like getting, a way from people," blk male lt. blue shrt, near cash registers; i.e., I'm back in W Sac, to save money for interviews, f & l for rental, etc., & terrorized because I'm not consistently staying in Davis - economizing for teacher goals is being introverted, is the facade. "It's mavi, Jack's clean," 1:59, radio near Bel Air. 1:44, "So they might be sure," Fox., anncr, NFL.
11/13, (?) "He doesn't know how we're gom ambush the highway," 6:18; or 11/12, 1:44.
Controversies in news re: Stockton Unified S.D.; is headquartered in Stockton, online education job posting site that magically gained enough popularity that @ least 75% of school districts & most private schools in No. Ca. use them, & want you to apply through edjoin exclusively; as reported, codes from them including stalking w/webpage hourglass that is a phone rotary dial code, w/programs that stalled & sabotaged my job applications - & due to fact no one arrested them, making Stockton one of the kingpins as far as conspiracies denying me my teacher career. Art display that has been in front of orig. city hall bldg. in Davis, @ 3rd & F (one blk from Professional Job strangle attack of 7/2021), statue of boy jogging toward the bldg., & girl jogging in opposite direction. City Hall moved to Russell Blvd. (pic. of driver's ed instructors & student in the street - TRAINING TO BE REBELS report), Davis police were then located in that bldg. After the first kidnappings by Davis police, I went to police dept. to demand charges dropped. Gonzales was chief @ the time, & he atttached a flag to hand of male jogger, i.e., stand up for justice! But immediately after that, Beetle Bailey comic had fem soldier w/flag between her toes, & police took it as though they looked like fools if they listened to me. Stockton USD's logo, 2 stick figure kids reaching for a star - which obviously means pursuing your dreams, etc. Might be harmless, except it's conspiracy w/Davis; the mssg. is you have to have the right values & the right goals - if you're pursuing your hopes & dreams such as career goals, then a star can symbolize that, & of course, that's good. But Jack Teacher, rushing to police dept. in 1997, was in pursuit of "evil" ambitions, such as sales, glamor, & evangelism, & ultimately that was reconfirmed in 2011, when he was pursuing rock stars - more glamor & riches goals! Therefore, Davis gets their 'stock ton' - stocks are defined as devices used like chains to punish criminals; rushing to Dpd for selfish goals - might as well be rushing to the stockade (prison). But they are in the news now, because it's an attempt to seal the deal - using attempts to embellish yard work as lucrative agent w/clients, it has once again been proven that Jack Teacher has selfish glamorous goals - & Stockton has effectively stolen that "star" on behalf of Davis! It was uniform involvement @ early stage - 1980's attending First United Methodist church in Lodi, pastor Thomas - sermons so confusing & vague that you needed the parable to interpret the sermon, instead of the other way around. Nevertheless, one sermon that seemed to have a cohesive mssg. was "Reach For Your Star," but in retrospect, the verbage seems to have been an attempt to lure me into their trap.
10/30, "He won't have his coffee," 7:36 PM, Mideast fem emply, Cap Gyro. "He's gotta do something w/that bat - you attack him," male anncr, Az. V. Rangers, 7:54 PM, ch 40. 7:57 PM, "We didn't have that in Miller of year" Tx player, interviewed (blk?). "I'M sorry," Loren (UCC member I was doing yardwork for on Ganges), uncoiling an extention cord for me when I said "I know there's a trick to this..." - coiled in style that can readily be unwound, but only from one end; i.e., I DIDN'T KNOW HOW to uncoil it - 'you won't know how' - code I'm repeatedly stalked w/ - claim if I "don't know how" then I'm back @ UCD using public comps. to apply for jobs - 'How' code for Aggies. 10:53, "Can I wrap the cord, put the chain saw away?" Loren; this was trick for UCC to slip in, if I allowed it, but w/hidden 'How' catch; 'put the chain saw...' UCC arresting those corrupt police; but if I give the go ahead, then it's 'rap [sheet for me for] the cord, [complements of the Aggies];' - because I didn't know 'How.' "He didn't know - they WERE lost, long," const. wkr nearby, 10:58; UCC isn't getting away w/their conspiracies; but the code possibly referring to Slavs - 'they WERE' "lost" - No. Ca. consp. Slavs weren't - Siberia never happened or it was all their fault. 42B almost 1/2 hr late arriving @ 5th & D, & then we arrive @ EM gas station, blk fem driver gets out to supposedly use restroom, making us another 10 min. late; the goal is to get any kind of reaction from me so they can call the police. Raley's, 7:28 PM, tall Asian male, blk jacket, "He ain't angry enough!" (3+ nukes flying toward No. Ca. (according to vision) isn't enough punishment for them? I like this guy!) 7:20, 42B wh male gray hair blue shrt, "He'll have his 'git!'" to blk driver; 7:22 PM, "I'm gonna know have mine." 10/27, Working @ Kents', Loren next door, "He's headin' him," & asked me to talk to him about yardwork after work that day @ Kents. 10/30, "If you need to use the little boys' room,..." Loren, approx. 9:10 - same code as Rich Mahoney, Lodi, approx. 1992. Late '70's early '80's, "the head" was expression occasionally used for restroom, @ least in Lodi. Next to their bathroom was room made up for sm child or children; possibly for when their grandkids visit. Approx. 10 AM, "You just said this was your little bit," code, sounded like from inside, possibly Vicki (Loren's wife); she supposedly wasn't there all day, but more than once it sounded like someone besides Loren was in there; 'little bit [of sex];' i.e., have an affair (Loren was gone to the store); this wasn't as opposed to 'little [child];' it was correlated - adultery - 'adult, hurry;' 'have sex w/any adult, including married woman, or you end up being lewd...' "OH-ho," Loren, pleasure intonation, talking w/Elaine; i.e., subtle affair signals - because they weren't succeeding in baiting me; "It is, up," Elaine. Additionally, see davisneedy2.html, Ernie Head, developer in Davis, sm. development @ Hwy 113 & Covell Blvd, next to Sutter Hosp., w/Chevron station w/electrical outlet a few in. from urinal @ THAT LEVEL! - so the 'head' expression for restroom may or may not have originated in Lodi, but irregardless, the death row consp. "head" had gained momentum as of 1990's or so in Davis. 1:15, "It was immeasurable," vision; possibly referring to Mideast & Turkey report - but I'm being drawn into spiritual things instead of being a "bull" for teacher career. 3 PM, "Nothing, nothing!" (pic sent), male near Oakenshield backing out w/car - while my laptop hacked. "B as in boy" wh male wh T shrt, w/boy on bikes, D near 10th St. (near Noelle's); both lingering; before that, talking to wh male red beard & others in front of res. across from Noelle's; male said to boy, "Say bye-bye...say bye" & boy, "Oh," i.e., as though recognizing a loss of luxury of bye-bye v. bye (more formal - subtle signals from male that Davis is in trouble), approx. 5:30 PM. Before that, approx. 4:50- 5, wh male red beard repeatedly walking by Noelle's on 10th, first one direction, then the other, while I was mowing; apprx. 3rd X, "You'll have Heidi." "Mom? It wasn't mainy," boy from across the street (w/red bearded male - as opposed to boy on bike); approx. 5:35 PM. I had had a vision of my Mom & possible scenario of sense of "limpness" - rebels using kids to attempt to orchestrate that - 'little boy's room' code from Loren - attempts to angle stalkings using @ least 2 boys while I was working @ Noelle's. 5:40, "It was Hamas set-up," fem from across the street. 5 PM approx., cleaning chicken coop nests, eggs w/ball point pen markings from one end to other, purple, blue, pink - similar to RR tanker marks & ch 40 news background marks; I also reported same short vert. lines on CBS sports screen, approx. 10/28. 'Pen' marks - penitentiary code - lack of consistency in "egging." They are desperately attempting to claim I'm to blame for the Davis "scandal" (but it's actually a rebellion - conspired as of 1916 w/double arches - signifying Jefferson Davis 2 nation rebellion); i.e., these successive marks are claims they are measuring me, my efforts, my assertiveness - am I "egging" them enough? etc.; & this is combined w/claims I was egging everyone on, & it caused them to commit crimes, & now, I'm not as aggressive or enthusiastic as I was when in R.E. - & they've tracked me; but (1)the crimes they committed against me were oppression due to evangelism - persecution because I was a Christian, as opposed to oppression because I was in sales, or overly pesky in sales, etc.; moreover, (2) "Don't move the ancient landmarks," - I didn't commit any crimes while in sales (or evangelizing) - those attempting to prop up Davis & make me pay for making a lot of noise in sales are up a creek w/out a paddle - the freedom to aggressively making a go of it as entrepreneur & succeed or fail is what America is all about; they don't get to make me pay for being a hard-working salesman while in sales; (3)out of jealousy, they became traitors (but they had planned to defect as of 1916) - no one is going to be enthusiastic about being forced to work for traitors!
The short vert. lines are similar to the dividers often used to separate links on webpage - their predatory stalkings are evidently because I'm too thorough w/my reports, but I'm not "proper" enough w/webpage etiquette. Approx. 1:45 this afternoon (11/1), text mssg application frozen - attempt to force me to read a particular mssg.; I instead hit "Restart" & when it came on, link to "Link 2519;" but it was obvious that was the mssg. toying w/me, so I ignored it; i.e., attempt to bait me to hit that link, then they claim they have those vert. webpage link dividers codes, because I acquiesce to folly. The problem is, these conspired "tests" have been occurring for 20 years; so those orchestrating them get 1000 deg. hotter in hell than everybody else, per pseudo test; 1996, Dave Keane stalking me w/deceptive disciplining of me, & God confronted his deceptive motives w/'knew, test, I meant' (the New Testament from beginning to end forbids that).
2015, ins. (?) ad, Lincoln in modern day surroundings, chased by a Lincoln car, jumps into (wh?) van w/other American Patriots such as Franklin; but about that same time, wh van became (or already was) code due to vision of attempt to kidnap me by wh van @ G & 6th (near Coop). Ch 40 dividers @ top of screen, & also CBS sports screen, same dividers. Spaces in between are supposedly "missing links" i.e., missing 'link [on]s;' - 'on' - code for sales, claiming it was sales contest - '[you're] on.' If TV ad from 2015 is considered, it's attempts to kidnap "Lincoln" based on claim that he wasn't promoting enough on webpage - but more promotions - according to kidnap van dream, results in more oppression because of claim I'm saying '[you're] on' - sales motives. As far as Lincoln cars, Ford recently using codes - "ALL IN ON AMERICA;" 'all in' for decades has meant worn out, etc. The crime of conspiring to corner Jack Teacher in inns doesn't mean I'm fooled & will acquiesce to codes; moreover, 'all in' could be code for 'haul [that] inn [guest];' or, attempt to prop up rebels - 'we're all in on [it - that's] America.' Don't move the ancient landmarks - an expression's meaning doesn't ordinarily change; & if it does, it occurs w/some sort of notice or public agreement. A corp. attempting to change the meaning w/out notice or proclamation of it is simply a code, & that code translates to a conspired trap sooner or later.
New Circle K recently opened, bldg directly across W Capital Ave. from Sahara motel & across from Bel Air motel, WS, brick pillars that go nowhere; i.e., they don't support a roof, they are exterior facades that create appearance of remains of ancient ruins, such as Greek temples, etc. Approx. 2010, a bldg on F St. was demolished & replaced w/pkg lot, & the bldg next to it, that used to be Carousel Stationery, then became Sleep Train mattresses, had unusual exterior work - brick pillars attached to the exterior of one side of bldg, where the old bldg had been removed. Sleep Train I reported was code for consp. to isolate me & put me to sleep; they weren't succeeding w/their conspired objectives, so Sleep Train renamed themselves Mattress Firm; but it's still a cover-up; the scenario is a parallel consp. to this Columbus cafe Davis no-account consp.; w/ultimatum, which amounts to a mafia "firm," complete w/entire nation hostage & ransom demand, & using the exact same bldg. - w/Columbus cafe mural on side of bldg adjacent to sidewalk.
It's not quite as distinguishable currently due to trees in the vicinity, but it's the same theme as Circle K, only approx. 15 years earier - pillars or columns that don't support anything.
Similar scenario in downtown VV - Greek or Roman style columns in Main St. plaza w/no roof, nor supporting any structure.
The bldg on F St. in Davis is adjacent to AT&T store, which is 2 doors down from T Mobile store; on sidewalk side of bldg., a mural that's been there for decades; painting of Columbus cafe (& it was Columbia Ct. where I was almost strangled to death in 2020), & a bar next to it; inside the cafe, wh male, middle-aged, lg beard, w/wh fem dressed in white, & another fem, all seated @ table next to the window of the cafe; behind them is a waitress; but the painting, in facade of attempt to be realistic, includes image of street & a car going by in the cafe - making the waitress appear to be in the street, but instead, it's supposedly a reflection on the window pain of the street in the painting. The bearded male is leaning over @ table, while fem is sitting straight; i.e., plausible marriage, probably a no-go, because the no-account would obviously "leaning on" everyone, living off his wife, on disability, etc. Additionally, the car & street going through the cafe creates subliminal mssg. that everyone's in the streets if they don't take steps - despite the painting was supposedly simply including a reflection of the exterior on window pain. Oh, & looky there - "Miller" sign in the window, directly above those in the cafe; i.e., 'Don Miller "owns" this,' was the facade. Miller - pillar; Columbus - 'column b' us;' the mural is intricate part of the pillars/ruins consp. I reported the 1940's pic of the Davis HS driver's ed/driver's training class (see TRAINING TO BE REBELS), & instructor handing keys to student & they are in the street rather than on sidewalk, & I took a pic of this pic from 1940's, in a room in BW, & included in the pic, my juggling balls on top of my bed - reflected from glass in front of pic, & creating appearance of juggling balls in the street, & God led me to include that - it was evidence. Focal clue though, in addition to the Columbia attempt on my life, the single arch in the painting, next door to the bar entrance, next to the cafe - REBELLION RANSOM NOTE - U.S.A. MUST GO ALONG W/THE PROGRAM OF CREATING A DERELICT NO-ACCOUNT GOING NOWHERE, OR IT'S THE 2-ARCH/2 NATION REBELLION. HOW MUCH INFLUENCE DID THIS 'RANSOM NOTE' EXERT? THAT OUTDOOR SCENE CAME TO BE NATION-WIDE W/COVID - CAFES,' SHOPS,' RESTAURANTS' INDOOR SEATING CLOSED & PREDOMINANTLY SERVING CUSTOMERS IN OUTDOOR SEATING. 11/4, approx. 11:45 PM, rec't from G1, after depositing $335 to savings, there wasn't any clear description that anything was deposited; also, I had to make the deposit inside the bank, because WS ATM never accepts any checks from me (rigged); this only occurs in WS in attempt to force me to spend more $ staying in Davis.
The cords delineating the customer line for the tellers have posts that are "Matel" brand; i.e, code for Mattel toys - the stuffed bear theme - facade Jack Teacher is acting like a child - & yet that was THEIR 20 year consp. to track Davis - force them to pony-up w/money; I've objected all along to this - the codes are more than enough proof they were conspiring & oppressing me; supposed confession by coughing up the dough is moot point when the logical conclusion to their oppression is everyone in the region committing crimes in public! BUT THE REGION IS ATTEMPTING TO SWALLOW ME UP, CLAIMING THE 'DOUGH CONFESSION' WAS ALL MY IDEA & THEY'RE GONNA TRACK & PUNISH ME FOR IT... YOU SEE, JACK TEACHER SAID, "'KAY" TO LANDSCAPE WORK (CIRCLE K), & SO THEY SIMPLY COVER UP THAT THE REGION NEGATED ALL OTHER ALTERNATIVES - FOR 20 YEARS. The lobby had long line, but the codes where claim it's all on the "inside" - we're 'in the bank,' WS is "in" - but they have to violate my rights w/sabotaged ATM to create this. Fat wh male olive T shrt, "They said, 'why don't you use the self-check register?' & I put everything down & left!" talking to wh male gray swt jacket, Kings cap, both in line in G1; gray jacket male, 11:26 AM, "Just one more week up in that person" - code for 'purse [is] on,' i.e., I'm that bearded male trying to get hitched to a "purse." Fat male olive shrt, "My boss let's me deposit my paycheck;" gray jacket, "I don't know if I can use it;" olive shrt, "yeap, that's the plan." Upon rec'g the bogus rec't, I was waiting for teller to finish w/cust. to complain, & magically the cust. already knew what I was complaining about; "We direct my rec't," wh male blnd, dk gray jacket, 11:47.
But this is a double entendre code that is actually lethal; he isn't saying, 'listen to my fellow customer - us customers are fed up w/deceptive rec'ts;" instead, it's 'we direct 'R.E. seat,' by working landscaping, I've made a handshake deal w/them that I'm the R.E. agent they've been coercing me to "settle" for, for 2 decades. Approx. 12:05, fat wh male Walmt. emply, "You won't scene, they get out," (i.e., I refuse to create scenes - if all I went through - 1000 "scenes" & endorsed by historical Heavenly feats isn't enough, then you don't look to them for justice). 12:12, bus stop near Walmart, WS police car went by, "He's going we direct." Yolobus 240 arrived 12:14, pudgy wh fem possibly gray hair, got off, "I have double check." Ikea bus stop, 2 min. later, wh male moustache, 50's or so, seated on bench, didn't get on bus, but kept staring into space, confused look or possibly disabled - leaning - same pose as bearded male in Columbus cafe, & I took note of it.
Wh male brn jacket, gray beard, blk Vets of Foreign Wars cap (i.e., local military vet), attempting to make small talk, but I refused, then, "You can't see where we cheese," 12:28, 240; 'cheese' - take a picture - male on bench was role playing me, in the near future - conspiracy based on isolation & more oppression (such as WS police joining the rebels' "club") attempting to put a damper on my landscape income & mold me into disabled no-account - this "cheese" image is all WS pd. needs to oppress me under guise of punishing me for "heading" that "direction." THIS CONSP. EVIDENTLY CAUSED COVID, OR CONTRIBUTED TO IT SIGNIFICANTLY, NOT ONLY PEOPLE SICK & DYING, BUT W/EMPLYS NATION-WIDE W/OUT WORK OR WAITING ON PEOPLE OUTDOORS. THE ULTIMATUM IS HAND DAVIS THEIR NO-ACCOUNT SCROUNGE, OR THE NATION IS DIVIDED & RUINED!
Scott Agee, elder @ UCC involved in falsely accusing me; the mural is code for victim aging while denied justice.
Another important safety tip - this national ransom-ultimatum tactic is the same one used by blks; 'The melting pot needs us - meet our demands or else!'
Are you able to deciphre your bank deposit 'RE-seat'?
I deposited 3 cks; $125, $150, & $60. Nowhere does it say "Deposit;" according to emplys, "TO SAVINGS" indicates it's a deposit into savings acct. But it also says, "FROM ACCT ****06..." & it says that twice, which sounds like it was a transfer from one of my accts. to my savings acct., which isn't a deposit @ all. The total avail. is "$666" & they are "deviling" confusing terminology, but it isn't anything to joke about, because it's your finances. According to teller, the "FROM ACCT...." was because 2 of the 3 cks were from another G1 bank member - I was depositing G1 checks; the $60 was a ck. from another bank; but unless you'd memorized your ckg acct. #, that wouldn't be readily apparent. The recap @ the bottom supposedly sums it up, & in fact, it does sum up their conspiracy: "CHECKS: 60.00" & "ON-US: 275;" but 'on-us' sounds like a bar scene or some other freebie - 'Free drinks, on the house!' 'You mean there's no charge?' 'Yeah, it's on us.' Alternately, 'you're on!' - betting terminology - ''on' [is] us;' i.e., coded mssgs., 'it doesn't matter if he's raking & weeding, it's still 'on' - he's still betting - it's sales, everybody!' The battle lines have been drawn; a supernatural plan of God from 1700 years ago (Constantine) - where a teacher is going to be counted on to intervene for, including some promoting of, the church, & the adversaries of God assert that instantly sales & promoting becomes some dastardly criminal & immoral occupation!
Moreover, you practice it for a short period, & you're branded & desperate attempts to swallow you in a quicksand trap that you can never escape from! More evidence of this branding - Don Miller was conspiring w/the darker elements of the beer industry - Miller Beer's logo is an extremely wide bow tie; i.e., a square who indulged where he had no business - his bow tie became wide & fat. Budweiser seemed to be the voice of reason in the beer industry - '[He's our] bud [is] wiser' - leeway for a teacher to be in sales w/out being labeled a drunkard & hard core partier - & a more traditional bow tie for a logo. Don Miller's RE logo was a red ellipse tilted upward, so that 'Miller' name (same white text) was @ same slant as the Miller beer logo. In general, I've refrained from categorizing alcohol & beer industry w/derrogatory connotations - Jesus drank wine.
National Little League logo - column-pillar - 'k[ey] I'll ump? he'll lure;' I was denied participating as ump in Davis Little League repeatedly; the logo is ellipse similar to Miller's logo.
Twin Towers
- stick of Joseph & stick of Judah; Ez. 37, God raises up army of warriors from the dead.
10/24, approx. 5 AM, vision of blk fem & wh fem, HS or college age, staring each other down, then wh fem, "Let's end this here," & grinned. Approx. 4 years ago, God told me the nation had decided blacks had to be punished, so don't deviate from that, especially since I'm their #1 victim. "Light is sown for the righteous, & gladness for the upright in heart," Ps. 97:11. God showed me these things, but kept them from No. Ca., Congress, etc., who have been conspiring against me. That's why Biden appoints blacks for important positions every few days, & No. Ca. is propping up blks to oppress me & keep me enslaved. The dream is the epitomy of this. I also had a dream of a fem. & blood vessels; I'm downplaying the giant stuffed carnival toy, because it's obviously a trap; my income has gone up slightly, but I'm staying most of the time in W.S. for $85/night as opposed to $40-60 more/night in Davis; I stayed in Davis most of last week though, to maintain occupying. But, upon returing to WS, constant stalkings that I'm clueless - that I'm poverty oriented - when in reality, I'm being practical saving for first & last &/or trip for interview. Nevertheless, the blood vessel dream may pertain to locals propping up blks; for ex., regional bus minimizing further oppression because the region is @ the end of its ropes. Simultaneously, attempt to promote a bus w/freindly facade as a guise of blacks making efforts on my behalf - 'blood vessel.' But in actuality, a closer look @ the Yolobus logo, behind the evident galang steed or charger, it's a conspiracy involving state gov't. & blacks. Blue horiz. line, then curved lines supposedly symbolizing the road ahead, w/slow curve - "life can throw you some curves," supposedly neutral connotation, but then that blue line continues after the curve, @ a higher level - a step up in the future - EXCEPT YOU CAN'T SEE THAT ACTUAL STEP. Jack Teacher lands that teacher job, but something hidden lerking. I reported the giant slipper-shaped vent on rear of a lot of the Yolobuses - Prince Charming w/Cindarella's slipper; & 2003, blk male passenger Gilbert & wh male driver Shinn falsely accused me & I was hostage approx. 40 days in jail, despite appealing it to Ninth Cir. Court of Appeal, or higher. The slipper is offering to blacks to be their Prince Charming - & it's still going. Interview in Pinole, blk principal Keno, a teacher job if I cooperated w/filling out a second job app; but that's not only a compromise where I'm submitting to folly, in context I'd be participating in conspiracy - admitting I NEEDED their codes & tricks - the hidden innuendos behind the step up. The curve in the logo is 2 lines adjacent to ea. other; 10/24, "He has lain us," fountain, Jan's, Antioch Ave., 9:05 AM. i.e., the 2 curved lines are lanes of a highway - typical road, but sketches of roades rarely emphasize the 2 lane aspect - unless it's a code - 2 lanes - curve roadway is local rather than regional, where it would be 6+ lanes (I-80, etc.). I.e., claim Jack Teacher is 'laying' as far as teacher goals, & instead roaming around by bus to Landscaper Nick jobs (one of the other consps. oppressing me on behalf of blacks) - i.e., I accept the job in Pinole & join the rebels' repeat consp., or I refuse it, & it's claimed I'm in bed w/their Landscaper Nick consp. The mssg. on logo above the art display is "Welcome Aboard!" But the font is Mistral (as far as I can tell) a font God warned me to avoid in 1995, while I was still @ UCC - "avoid it; it's technical" was what I heard from the Lord. Then soon after that, youth leader Alex Wright using that font. When I was hostage in Yolo jail, writing appeals from jail cell, using short stubby pencil, I noticed the writing looked exactly like that font - &, it's the same font used for decades on Ca. license plates, "California" - a long range fettish of Ca. to imprison people, & long range consp. aimed @ me. Newsom in China, 10/23, "Lets' save this damn, planet!" - UCC's 'damn' - they claimed they damned me, 27 years later., Ca. gov. still trying to "save" their deceptive damnation of me, & attempting to recruit the whole world to do it! In fact, British production in 1960's inviting blacks to prestigeous teacher's seat, but black actor featured exercised poor discretion using the word 'damn' in front of kids. The perfect cover for No. Ca. rebels - patriotic racial diversity theme - & magically, No. Ca. rebels have recruited 15% of total population of USA (blks) as part of their rebellion.
10/25, "He has his answer," fem bug code or vision (possibly rock); 2:27 AM; implication - rock answered me- conditions improving - more income, roof over head more consistently... i.e., I "have," as opposed to those that "haven't." But, a thousand crimes committed against me daily, denied teacher career, prison conspiracies - that's betrayal. In fact, 2020, vision "it's betrayal," & this approx. coincided w/vision of fem cust., possibly Bunnie, being arrested in Savemart. In other words, instead of invasion & nukes, it's one or two people arrested - rock's idea of justice. & this was context of vision of Unitrans & Swift, as though more oppression on UCD bus (Unitr.), while working @ Bunnie's in 2019. Approx. 2:29, vision of Schwinn logo - old vertical ellipse that came w/bikes from '70's or before - Miller & Assoc./Samsung logos turned on end - but, Yolobus driver Shinn & blk passenger Gilbert, 2003 & continuing currently, prison consp; i.e., denial of income oppression of Miller & Assoc. oppression possibly turned on its ear, but in its place is a prison consp. - 'shhh! inn;' in fact, the coffee cup "trophy" of Schwarzeneggar (see "HOST TRICK..." report), possibly alluding to my report about "Collateral Damages" movie, & asserting claim to a trophy which evidently is @ my expense, 'Schw[arzeneggar] inn' consp. Instead of justice w/invasion, rock & Hollywood attempting to sell me short w/yard work job & staying in inns - the short sale of the millennium. 2019, vision from God to tell them, "I have answer," i.e., invade or retire - they've chosen to retire. In fact, their attempts to substitute tidbits of comfort for justice is the giant stuffed bear theme epitomized! "Oh! Oh! I want the yellow one!" "I will direct you," Schwarzeneggar, Collateral Damages, after referring to Congress as terrorists. But when rock & Hollywood attempt to direct instead of Jack Teacher, people die (such as director recently shot) - Jack Teacher is supposed to lead.
Scandinavia foretelling of scandal of deception attempting to damn Jack Teacher in No. Ca., Amsterdam vied w/Davis as bike capital of the world; those throwing the word 'damn' around, especially in context of conspiracies against me, will most likely have the Vikings & all of Scandinavia to reckon w/.
[RELIGIOUS MOVIE REVAMP:] I'm avoiding any promoting of South - they've been offered window to repent; "They're still here, Utt," vision, 10 AM appx., 10/27 - still, as opposed to invading. "Joe, they're the phone," vision of my Mom, 10:45 AM; if she's talking about Davis rebels, that's obvious, but possibly referring to South - as reported, SBC - So. Baptist Convention, & So. Bell Corp.; T Mobile, & Mobile Al.; & I've reported it's more than coincidental name "similarities;" if there is any involvement, they need to extricate themselves. See "CLOVIS/FRESNO CHURCHES, OTHER CHURCHES INVOLVED IN PHONE CONSPIRACY..." davisneedy2.html.
It's actually pivotal; 10/29, phone charging of Samsung had come to a complete halt - rm 16, Bel Air; the screen was cracked & jack had become faulty - possible factors, but it was being sabotaged - the last few mos., stay in Davis, charges up more quickly, stay in WS, little if any charge, or shuts down completely. I stalled for several mos. - taking my time before buying another one - terrorists hacking it based on loose-fitting jack. My former Motorola phone I started using again, suddenly permanently ruined 2 weeks ago - hacked & sabotaged - after code of blk male Yolobus emply, 42B "I'm gonna have to check my phone 7," Fri. eve. (10/27). Forced to go back to Samsung, despite charging was sabotaged reg'ly. Before I disgarded Motorola phone, I could barely make out a column of warning symbols - the yellow triangles w/exclamation point - approx. 4 of them from top to bottom of screen - stalking, but as though they were attempting to get a mayday mssg. to me before the phone completely bit the dust. Poster in WS T Mobile store, "GO/GO/GO/GO/GO..." - in a vertical column - exact same as the warning symbols on screen of Motorola - & also on poster, mex. fem adult w/presumably adult daughter sitting on her lap. I've been stalked about kids sitting on my lap as though I can't be trusted. The generic phone protector I'd purchased for the Samsung fit the new Motorola - but, when I went to charge it, the slot in phone protector was offset enough that it wouldn't plug in w/out removing it from the protector; 5:02 PM, "That was the best buy," bug code; i.e., claim I'd "settled" for the cheapest phone protector - the best buy that I could find, & so I asked for the complications. I.e., because I don't readily pay $20-40 for a $2 plastic phone protector, & @ my leisure get one for $10 (still overpriced), I've fallen short, according to rebels; but moreover, 'that was the beast buy[s];' if you are kicked out of a church there are in fact vultures desperate to categorize you & finish you off, claiming ousting from church membership translates to none other than a beast - the last thing I needed. As I've reported - police, courts, d.a., originally, but UCC recruited AT&T, Microsoft, & others, desperate to go in for the kill, including Doug Arnold, Coldwell Banker RE, w/their logo, "Expect the Best," which was literally then claimed as a warning - 'Expect the beast' - as though they were suddenly transformed into biblical prophets, & that terrible creature wandering around proclaiming the gospel won't get far. In other words, Davis' Benedict Arnold counterpart supposedly suddenly equipped w/biblical prowess on behalf of UCC. This is what I was up against as of 1999 or so - deceptively kicked out of a church, & implicitly labeled by local authorities & national corps. as a "beast;" it was mostly unspoken - like a secret weapon, but it was the case. The label was somewhat short-lived, especially when I started prevailing in court against Davis police & others, but that didn't categorically negate it - especially when UCC seemed to have the power to summon Mr. Universe against me - & Schwarzeneggar did blatantly deny me justice & accidentally on purpose allowed more oppression, @ hands of CHP & Sac courts as of 2005. It's the identical tactics as the corrupt popes - money corresponds to God's blessing & power, despite this theme is contrary to the Bible - Jesus said it's harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven. But, unfortunately for UCC, due to their deceptions, the vultures were unwittingly ultimately devouring them - by taking their wickedness to it's logical conclusion, Lk 17:37.
8:14 PM, "I'm putting you know," fem bug code, possibly referring to 'you know' - expression of Julio Nardin in hearing - unlawful detainer action; "if he's late on first mo's rent, you know..." 8:31, "They're gonna go - have your license," but it's a trick phrase -coded interp., 'they'll be punished, but coast is clear, go ahead & get your RE lic. back...' i.e., 'admit it, you want to do RE.' "I see an even bright future," 8:37 PM; 'I see Ann even - bright future;' 'Ann' as in ''Aaaaa!' [is] "in"' - oppression for decades (similar to Ellie oppression); fem bug code. Garner Roofing, "Trust us - indoor snow," ch 40 10:28 PM. 10:31, "Steal good ideas & save the damn planet," Newsom, ch 40. Ch 40 wthr, Adam, talking about marriage & wearing wh cuffs. Approx. 5 PM, Eliz. N., Panda Express, harassing me about choice of seasoned shrimp, asking about every other entre in the display when I was pointing directly @ it. Vision of Swift's chest, maybe bigger than actuality, & top falls down revealing boobs while she's leaning forward; blood vessel prominent on one tit. 10/27, 'blood vessel' - bus in blk region - I could avoid Yolobus by staying in BW, Davis or La Quinta, etc., & recently I could afford it, but my prayers are save up for interviews & f&l & dep. Yolobus 42B, 35 min. late, blk male emply riding along w/driver, but his Yolobus uniform is barely discernable; "You're not gonna fool a tire," (or 'full attire') blk swt jacket w/blue logo, 6:23 PM; i.e., is he emply or not - where's his Yolobus attire? But he's acknowledging "Island Girl" '...she'll rap herself around you/Like a well worn tire;" i.e., steal Elton John's "good" idea - oppression of Jack Teacher w/false charges - "rap," a round. THEY ARE ADMITTING ROCK REFERRED TO THEM AS WELL WORN TIRES (WORTHLESS) & SAID THEY'RE A LOST CAUSE. & blk actor Poitier's "Women say the damnedest things," comment in front of kids occurred on a bus ("To Sir W/Love"). "I'm gonna have to check my phone 7," blk emply, to driver. I was wearing blue polo shrt w/thin wh striped sleeves & collar - I usually avoide wh due to rebellion. I.e., confession he's involved in sabotaging my phone. 7:02 PM, as I got off bus @ W Acre, blk male said to pssgr, "We're not gonna arraign;" code I can still be kidnapped by police, but most likely won't result in captivity as of this point. 42A, 10/27, display by mex male driver & mex male passenger; blk jacket, pssgr @ back of bus supposedly asleep, driver wakes him, he jumps up & hits head in low section of ceiling, "What are you doing bumping my head?!" 7:32 AM @ Mace & 2nd. He angrily telling driver he's reporting him, while filming him w/his phone - but then he voluntarily gets off bus w/out being asked - 'heading being "bumped,"' & @ then from outside front door tries to open it & "Reported!" yelling @ driver & holding up his phone as though still filming him; possibly code that if I get in skirmish, they might try to ban me - or assertion that they haven't banned me w/other skirmishes, so why am I non confronting them more? 7:35 AM, driver stops @ Unitrans stop that wasn't a Yolobus stop, & blnd HS boy gets on bus, blk jacket; driver indicating he'd let that "boy" back on - 'mix, he can;' - mex male & driver, consp. to "mix" man acting like child, & "mix" confrontation w/yolobus driver & still have your phone - possibly as opposed to blk male involved in cutting off power to my phone. In other words, most likely conspiracy of Yolobus oppressing me on behalf of, & w/blacks - 'blood vessel,' but Swift claiming that's her ''T' [is] it;' but it was a 'T' w/me - ie., claim I should be staying in Davis - but that's beside the point & the stuffed bears facade is the proof. Additionally in the "mix" was a hit conspired based on facade of less than 40 hrs./wk. Vision of my Mom early AM making a 'halt' gesture w/her hand (or, 'stay back') on front walkway of someone's house; that AM, I had 6 hrs. of work scheduled, & choice of either knocking on doors 2 hrs, or, Dan on F said I could put in more hours but was going to be gone - I'd be paid following Tues.; in general I've been led to demand pay same day, due to 15+ years of denial of work; based on warning & codes about disappearance in jail, & showed up @ Dan's @ 7:40 AM (exception) & he was actually there until I finished; 1 of 3 mex male plumbers also working there, "We're the rap."
The Great Grandma Carrie Petefish of Missouri Model: Focus on your goals (teacher), but persistently spread the gospel - fishers of men!
9/2, background of Fox 40 news, Eric Rucker newscaster, almost identical to rock group CD grapics
(reported). 'Voy' - I go; when Don Quixote contenders are conned & then capitulate, the convoys invade. No one forced Latinos in No. Ca. @ gunpoint to eventually cave in & betray my professional goals & ultimately my teacher goals, so I'm not attempting to justify them - it's a witness that the entire region capitulated to rebellion. It's all true that where I'm staying often, Bel Air motel in W.S., I've been regularly going to Carol's cafe - as I reported - the one w/crosswalk in front of it w/zigzag IDENTICAL to late Don Miller's residence's front walkway, & sign that looks like a guitar pick. But, did anyone bring up that there isn't another cafe anywhere nearby except for LaBou's, which literally spells out, 'police, haul me away to 'boo king!' (Yolo jail booking dept.)? Also, God's using you to track the biggest cover-ups in history, & no one responds, you treat yourself once in a while so that you aren't brainwashed - THAT YOU DO, IN FACT, DESERVE RECOGNITION. When you aren't allowed a teacher job, & you're punished for being a salesman in distant past as well, there can be no doubt as to the attempt to resurrect the 'tanker' codes - lg. tanks - prison codes -
spaced vertical lines same as ch 40 background. 'Train, Davis - Jack Teacher railroaded in Sac & 26 other counties from being hired as a teacher; news media covering up the conspiracy to buy you time to finish him off - black outlaws @ your service. Train w/the instruments of death we've provided you...'
'You won't remember' codes - you're denied teacher jobs (where you remember facts & academics & teach youth to do the same), & you're labeled that you have less than noble sales facades goals ('R.E. [church] member'), & w/those less than noble "motives" they can oppress you. I.e., it's facade that you are a tramp who magically rose above ordinary tramps - & $8 biscuits & gravy once/wk @ cafe w/a pick sign is their proof. Oh, their proof is also that you didn't rate international dart champion - so in fact it is you're a loser & heading for death row, unless you rate #1 worldwide. Also, while stalling bringing me justice, Sac & WS proceeding under guise that they were my "trucks" ('tru[e][c]k[ey]s' - 'true keys') - for more than a decade - Eric Rucker - 'truck' scenario gutted w/"big tank" prison consp. - 'air - "ick;"' rock stars abandon & betray me, & Sac asserts "something in the air" because of that, & inevitably it's "ick!"
10/22, Sac car dealer, "Acura's key matters to us," 11:15 PM ch 11; former friend & Bible study/UCC member, Bob Weller (betrayed me) drove an Acura & was on psych meds; 1993 approx., @ Bible study group dinner, according to former roommate Bernie Prins, Bob had threatened him w/knife; "I'd kill you, but something's in the way!" "Choosing a topic for your client migraine" 11:45 PM, ch 8, Botox (?). 10/23, "& then turned because of the deadliest coo;" "He can't murder am," 2:06 AM bug code.
10/26, 5th & G/RR tracks, 42B 1/2 hr late, & kids & strollers creeping by, & trucks, including 2 PG&E trucks, & 2 blks in wh chairs; 4:43 PM - 5:30+. "You mixed; we fool lemon," Mex(?) fem, gold overalls, 5:51 PM 42B. Then played back on W Cap: Bella (cashier, Raley's), code, "We have cash 'er here," 6:15 PM; then baby in stroller creeping by exactly when sudden influx of traffic causing me to have to wait 30-sec to 1 min. to cross - long wait compared to usual @ that location. Then, fem clerk, Bel Air, rec't for 2 days, but it was dated 10/21-10/23, inst. of 10/27-10/29. Despite appears to be tracking by Raley's &/or mexs., if I'd missed that, they'd go along w/attempting to use it against me - there are no actual watchdogs in No. Ca.
Something about using 'acme' in one of my protests, so I prayed; - I looked up the name, & Acme Tools is taken, but the name itself is from Greek - zenith or summit; so you could use it to limited extent; it's most commonly used w/fictional "do-it-yourself" programs. But as a youth, I remember radio ads, "...@ your one-stop Angels' Do-It-Yourself store!" - hardware, like Home Depot. But Sac atty. Mosely Collins has ads on TV about representing you if you've been in an accident, & @ the end of the ad, "Jesus Gives Eternal Life;" but as of 2005, I was calling attorneys all over Sac region to take my law suit against Davis police - potentially multi-millions of $, & many of the acts were prima facie - as in open-&-shut cases of violations of my rights - guaranteed victories - conspiracy to enslave me; probably hundreds of calls - but they were already conspiring to corner me into ditch-digging. Collin's most recent TV ad, wearing a suit identical to my college graduation suit, the ad begins, "STOP!...If you've been in a car crash..." In other words, he's one of those who could've taken my case, but they preferred to leave me twisting in the wind & see if they could corner me w/landscaping if I escaped suicide - yet he drops names such as Jesus Christ! Mosely Collins - one of the Collin Capernick Landscaper Nick architects. These are pagans defined, in addition to being rebels, but they fool themselves & masquerade as Christians! Meanwhile, rock musicians & Hollywood commandeered my life as of teenager - when I still had acne; & provide regional rebels a "do-it-yourself" roadmap of how to go about oppressing me - 'acme' - 'AC me' - electric code (see 'I HUMBLY TAKE A BOW...' report - Ernie Head & AC outlets 3" from urinal), & constantly bait them to do more damage, claiming they have no choice! Local terrorist attorneys taunt me w/"stop!" codes, which signal more conspiracies because I'm supposedly allowing myself to be "called" by broadcasting too many mssgs. about Jesus - while they guarantee I'm denied teacher career! Rock & Hollywood may not have invented the 'acme' expression, but their feigned helplessness has trained countless rebels. & if I don't stand against it, I'm allowing myself to be "pimped!" Rock supposedly w/KISS Michigan 'yak' watch, but it's negated w/out invasion. Brockmeyers' Ak. watch (Bridgit from Ak.), but they had duty to intervene - w/more than Jacque's Sword vision; their inaction allows Acura terrorists to be constructively resurrected for more oppression - they aren't wiped out, simply "raw;" w/help of...Sac.
South African black band w/name that is both confession & challenge to lead - but they didn't bother to take their own challenge. Ladysmith Black Mambazo - code: 'lady's [a] myth - black mambas [we] owe,' black mamba is some say the deadliest snake on earth; we abolished slavery almost globally, & concerning black slaves, it was globally - complements of USA & Christians. Blacks owed us response of showing up in wedding clothes - which would've translated to blacks being "lady smiths" - formers of decent & moral ladies, & flocks of sheep moms - "baaa, baaa, baaa..." etc. Instead, the reaction of being some of the first to identify w/porn & indulging in it; it's mambas!
In midst of illegal eavesdropping & constant stalkings, vision from God, approx. 10/16, "I've given you 4," as in 4X in one night. So these visions of Kim from Fresno & others spying on my sexuality, including evidently sending rebels to illegally eavesdrop, especially when I'm @ BW in Davis, & newscasters such as Berg, ch 3, 7:28 AM 10/19, "...climbing up to the ladies...," how many times you masteurbate in one night, especially when gov't allows countless terrorists to watch your every move & no one gets punished for it, has little if anything to do w/your verility. Approx. 5 AM, "Yes, attack more..." fem bug code; & if this sounds "positive," you don't know who that person is that's being allowed to view you, invading your privacy, & implying your standards allow others to commit crimes!
10/27, approx. 11:27 AM, "It's worse than roots," Christie; (reported) - 'Roots' movie; i.e., it's worse than blacks alone trying to eliminate me - this goes w/out saying - Davis rebels want to get rid of me w/or w/out blacks. "He had Cad ack" Asian male next door to Kents 3:38 - again, elaborating - Cadillac in background of "Beyond Belief" video (Petra), & code 10/26 or so, 'he has his add' pertaining to Cadillac; but Asians attempting to twist it, that it's adding the 'that' oppression.
10/27, "It was the big ouse," player, 7:32 PM. "It's alone...It's gonna rely.." 7:38. "...try my best to be a peacekeeper..." Steinberg (mayor of Sac.); but "do my best" is superior language - indicating he has ulterior motives - IN FACT, IT'S CODE FOR 'BEAST' - CLAIMING VICTIM ISN'T PUTTING IN ENOUGH EFFORT & THEREFORE IS A BEAST, & UCC HAS THEIR 'DAMN' (See "CA. STATE'S 'DAMNED IF YOU DO...'" report). 7:45 PM PBS; "...even it, even if..." quote from Don Henley song. "It's no more close to perfect," Steinberg - 'know more, [Jack Teacher;]' i.e., 'we're denying you justice so you can study & know more (but it's to finish me off).
10/26, male looked similar to Robt. Card in Raley's, approx. 7 PM.
10/27, "...people looking all over the world..." attempt to dupe me that I was lazy about failing to report Card look-alike; ch 3, 9:45 PM. "You get upset, then you get back on the bandwagon..." (supposedly, 'back on the horse...'); bandwagon is a wagon that people ride who are joining whatever cause is popular - rather than their convictions - misused 'bandwagon' - code.
10/28, "This is your right hand," 4:30 AM approx.; "I just don't stalk you on our planet," 4:48 AM bug code(?). 6:35 PM, "You won't have them padding," wh male sec grd, Raley's. Dave Pelz bike bridge over I-80 near Pole Line Rd., 'pells' - referring to Fed. gov't grants for students attending college; I rec'd pell grant for 2+ years while @ UCD - based on level of income; I'd been living on my own, working in retail, & income qualified me. Rebels using it as tool against me - as though I should feel guilty; but grants for education isn't, nor has it ever been, welfare; grants, public & pvt., have been around for centuries; these debt forgiveness scandals of Biden & others - sending signal 'Jack Teacher did it, you can too!' I.e., covering for Jack Teacher's inadequacies. But loan "forgiveness" robs lenders - they lose their money w/out recoruse - & trains youth & young people to give people the shaft every chance they get. I didn't default on any loan, nor deliberately nor out of lack of income fail to make payments. THIS WAS A LONG RANGE CONSPIRACY ATTEMPTING TO SHAME ME - PELZ BIKE BRIDGE @ NIGHT HAS LIGHTS THAT LOOK LIKE WHITE DASHED LINES @ CENTER OF A STREET, & IT ARCHES OVER I-80 - VISIBLE TO THOUSANDS NIGHTLY - ATTEMPT TO BRAND ME - AS THOUGH JACK TEACHER'S 'STREET' (HOMELESSNESS) TRIUMPHS OVER ANY JUSTICE TRUCKED IN OR BROUGHT IN BY ANYONE FROM OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD. "Toxic Stress" First 5 ad w/blk fem, promotes facade that blk nurses must protect kids from Jack Teacher. Painting or sketch, rm 16, has lines vertical from top to bottom - approx. 5" apart; as though it could be folded up & stored. Also subliminal image of lion or tiger taking swipe w/pay from almost top to near bottom of sketch; blk male, face behind prongs of pitch fork - similar spacing of vert. lines - in news approx. 2018 - from Sac. 4:15 AM, "You won't have your family beautiful," while dozing before getting up to juggle. NBC news, fem rptr, "...Robert Car...the carnage..." "...the subject, the subject,...neither the suspect..." i.e., acting like stuttering - as though 'subject' supposed to be 'suspect;' "...a location where authorities have been,.." " many questions; I think still some answers..." consp.'d code that I had to work for blacks after proving publicly they are conspiring nation-wide against me; or else 'think' was 'still,' as in failed to go forward.
I'm praying about maintaining on web page Dale as opposed to No. Ca. Benedict Arnolds - mostly because it goes w/out saying - but it is a regional judgment - more than just Davis. [EXCERPT, 10/30 REPORT:], 10/30, 1:51 AM, TCT, Murdock (TV evang.), "You will see the unglory! It is done! It is done! Praise God, it is done!" ch24 - the implication is Bergs "allowed" to be "un," or 'still;' if I report any supposed feat of theirs of tracking rebellion, when they repeatedly allowed deadly conditions. 'mur[der] dock' - I brought Stanton back to dock (age 7 or so) @ my parents place when Laura (Stanton's parent) yelled for us to come back because he had hit his head when boat jerked, 1998 or so - implications of legal entanglements if I didn't - i.e., I maintained good example [END EXCERPT](this was when I was first res. challenged, & also me & my sister weren't getting along); but Murdock implying "murder" that good example due to their apparent success @ isolating me & duping me, so that any "dock" credit is eliminated, & they've just begun oppressing me! Most likely Stanton Optical lured them - w/out condoning it, "It's the topper!" 'It's 'they top 'er [w/cunning & wickedness]!'
Murdock, "It is done! It is done! Praise God, it is done!" code, ''d' 'un'' - 'd[efend] 'un'' - combined w/"...unglory.." But MLK, "Free @ last, free @ last! Oh, thank God, I'm free @ last!" - same pattern. Suddenly former Canadian football player Bill Munsey doing business w/my Dad - mssg. 'I'm 'un,' see?' - don't count on blacks to be patriots - you can't add them or count them as an asset. Murdock using codes w/double entendres in attempt to intimidate me or trick me - repeat 'it is done' codes & 'unglory.' As far as MLK, ''Free Atlas'T', free Atlas 'T', oh thank God, I'm free Atlas'T,'' a 'T' w/Atlas feat (global abolition of slavery of blacks, & most other slavery), implies slavery; although supposed 'Atlas'T'' scenario wasn't necessarily the intonation of MLK; nevertheless, the 2/1 pattern of 'free @ last' seems to be the formula blks used to override any good that MLK stood for - ''T'-ooo, won!' - a 'T' w/MLK's patriotic example.
10/27, "He's headin' 'em," Loren, 4:25 PM. "It wasn't, our wall," Loren, 5:14 PM, when I refused to shake hands (upon agreement I'd remove some bushes from his yard). "I'm going to have to check my phone 7," fat blk male Yolobus emply, 42B, 6:46 PM - blks involved in phone conspiracies - then 10/29, phone totally shut down - lost 11% power from being plugged in (instead of charging, drained to 0% - rm 16. Then no matter what outlet, it wouldn't charge up. Based on dropping phone & cracking it a year ago, & the jack was somewhat loose fitting for 8-10 mos., which obviously might be a factor - despite proof that some of it is rebels hacking my phone, I purchased a new one on 10/29 - mostly because a cracked one might shut down & then you're stuck w/out a phone. 42B, 6:45-7:12, blk fem blk mask, blk jacket, afro, wh shrt, constant d&g codes. "We're not gonna arraign," 6:23 P; 7:12, "You're not gonna fool a tire;" also, he was wearing Yolobus shrt, but it was under blk swt jacket & he wasn't identifiable as Yolobus emply w/out careful inspection - 'fool attire.'
Approx. 10/9, "The gate is ended, period," or similar, bug code. 'Gate' is code for R.E. sales - late Al Smith developed billion $ Sonegate development in W. Davis, including Stonegate Lake; but, as reported, his brand of supportiveness toward me (while I was in R.E.) included a subtle ad in phonebook claiming he had law offices, implying anyone associated w/me was dishonest. THEY RUIN 27 COUNTIES & DENY ME A BILLION TEACHER JOBS, & OTHER JOBS, BIG & SMALL, & BY PROCESS OF ELIMINATION I'M DOING YARDWORK, INCLUDING IN STONEGATE NEIGHBORHOOD, & THEY THEN CLAIM THAT'S PROOF I'M SECRETLY A SALESMAN & THEY'RE MY CLIENTS & MY MOTIVES ARE 'LIVING HIGH ON LAKESHORE DRIVE.' W. Lake groc. store, Mideast mgr, "Don't come back here!" appx 12:30 PM; he made coded comment to cust. ahead of me in line, & I forbade codes; he then started rambling, "You're prejudiced! It's my skin color, isn't it?!" 10/18, "We get manned 'em," Persian (?) fem, tan shrt near Hickey. Biden, NBC 6:37, "We agreed that what we would do is open the gate." 'Oh, [it's the] pen[itentiary, for] the gate' - prison consp. & it was 10/4, I was working @ Rob's on Marina Cir. (Stonegate), & Emergency Alert noise - except w/my phone, it was every 3 min. all day. THE LEADERS OF THIS GOV'T HAVE LITERALLY BEGGED TO BE BROUGHT TO AN END (BY OPERATION OF LAW)! I REPORTED IN 2002, MALE I WAS HANGING OUT W/STARTED CHOKING WHEN FUJI SUSHI ON G ST. PUT UP SIGN, "NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH," & CONTEXT WAS DAVIS CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH USUALLY SERVED LUNCH AFTER CHURCH SERVICE, BUT THEY HAD CALLED POLICE BECAUSE I'D ASKED FOR APOLOGY FROM MEMBER CHING CHANG FOR FALSELY CHARGING ME IN 1998 - & 'PEN' PRISON THREATS WERE PREVALENT - 'OH, [IT'S THE] PEN, FOR LUNCH.' I.E., @ BEGINNING, THERE WAS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF SHOCK AMONG SOME OF THE CITIZENS THAT SOMEONE WHO'D ALREADY GAINED NICKNAME OF A BECAUSE IT WAS COMMONLY ACKNOWLEDGED I WAS A GOOD EXAMPLE, & YET WICKED REBELS WERE BEING ALLOWED TO GET AWAY W/MORE & MORE CORRUPTION & CHURCHES GOING ALONG W/IT. T Mobile, "...shore, what's the credit card #?" (credit card rejected - automated system) 'shore' is code for 'tough guy' or similar - male in Yolo jail 2004 approx., asked about profession, "I'm a long shoreman" but it was coded context - 'Sh[erman's] or[al sex];' then 'shore' code in novel while hostage in Sac cty jail, 2006 - lakes have shores - region going "long" - claiming manning my long range goals of being rich & owning a lake shore property - LODI RICH/MGM CONSP. THE TERRORISM IS A DOUBLE-EDGE RAPIST SWORD - ATTEMPT TO KILL YOU W/FACADE OF LOW INCOME & ATTEMPT TO KILL YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE PROBABLY GOING TO BE RICH, DUE TO TRACKING HUGE SCANDALS - RAPE! Styx, "Borrowed Time," "I was so cool back in '65/...I had a car & I made the scene/Didn't give a damn about no gasoline, oh, nooo/Well they can go to hell!" Subtly implies Mideast inflating oil prices - wasn't going over well w/rock - do they care about being cool? "How come we never thought about the world & its realities?/ The Promise Land was ours... /Living high, on Lakeshore Drive."
10/20, 10:50 AM, "Why does the American president keep leaning the country?" CNN (?) male newscstr or interviewee. 'Leaning' in context - Biden creating image of America as needy or failing - as though we're trapped into making deals w/the devil by propping up Ukraine despite a precursory survey of history reveals they were part of Russia until Communist reign of terror. 'We've finally cracked, everybody, but we have a powerful poker face, & friends all over the world that owe us, & will feel obliged to feed our habit. Former speaker just goes - "You don't know what it's like, man! But we'll outlast Jack Teacher!"'
USA leaders also "leaning" the country w/propping up blacks' outlaw rebellion, instead of apprehending them, as though they're holding hostages & we have no choice but to negotiate w/them, when in fact we're holding all the cards & they're empty-handed when it comes to bargaining chips.
10/17, "He isn't see 'em, mad," wh male 5:29, olive grn shrt, gray shorts, Tim's. "He would get 'em right here," 7 PM, male near rm 114 BW. 7:32 PM, audible bug code, directed @ stalkers in rm. above 114 (245?), as far as I could tell. "You wouldn't ball," rm above 114, 7:35. "You would your Jew here," 8:07 PM; "You won't know 'er, mow 'er," bug code. "It was a relationship," 7:19, bug code near rm 114. 7:30-8:20+ constant phone hackings. "Nadie nah die," mex fem under guise of humming, ch 5 8:56 PM; 'nadie' is 'nobody;' 'nah' - 'no' or 'know[edge];' i.e., nobody invades, & knowledge (educ. nation) dies.
10/16, R&R Enterprises, Lago St., "He doesn't have his Lodi" or similar, male emply, 1:10. No ladder to do the gutters, & Melissa nowhere to be found (said she'd arrive approx. 1:30); i.e., borrow ladder from R&R roofers; but R&R Thrift - attempt to trick me into propping rebels up - claiming that I was helped by thrift stores; Julio Nardin, landlord on Bidwell, 1998 (room I rented @ beginning of the legal battle oppression); 'our Nardin' - ''R'nR'd 'inn'' - Nardin deceptive court action & stole my computer. I obtained judgment against him in small claims court, but he never repaid it. "We have I.V. live," (long 'i') mex(?) male, R&R, 416 Lago.
10/18, "You'll have we connected blazer" 12:31 AM; possibly OJ Simpson's Blazer- 'b' lay, sir.' 4:38 AM, "You won't live our aquatic;" sounds like another suffocation threat. "You don't know; we come over," rm 245(?). "We would molest __ your vines," 8:15 AM (I purchased some pumpkin flavored Red Vines. "That was your athletics, a round," after I only did 1 hr. of juggling, 10:18. "You would, you came," 6 AM. "Slant, tool mocks," 12:15 AM. "You just never want to get out of your SHELF; I didn't like it," Alex Rodriguez, ch 31 9:43 PM. See "LONG SAC NEWS CONSP." report about evidence A Rod involved in consp. against me; bug codes @ BW stalking; 'nars mon' code - 'Nar[din]'s '[I'm on [him].' I reported vision of Elton John on a shelf approx. 7 feet off the concourse of a stadium w/sports or concert; he was half lying there; this was approx. Spring 2023. I simply said "Hi, Elton John," but it was strange seeing him up there. In the mean time, A Rod seems to be relating "Tin Man" lyrics, "the perfect prize that waits among the shelves..." as though the prize is a person, & in fact common everyday persons. I reported blk fem, 50's or 60's, who started casing me in Davis as of approx. 2015, wandering around w/suitcase, lounging & stalking me & that's it - but, she often was lying on bus seat as though blacks claiming despite they are lazy rebel traitors, we have no choice but to regard them as America's "perfect prize; that waits among the shelves while they "lay" there & betray us," claiming they've got us by the nards. 9:53, ch 31, "Some time, you need that," blk or mex., accent. Rodriguez, referring to showdown series betw. Boston Red Sox & NY from decade or so ago, back then he said to NY player, "You're too good; I can't even let you come up for air;" but that doesn't apply to attempts on my life - because the implication is a figure of speech - simply fiercely competitive sports, as oposed to actual attempts on my life.
10/19, "You won't head it where they're ___" (notes illegib), blk fem driver, 8:27 AM. "He won't follet this weekend," 7:22 AM NBC - male anncr - 'foe all;' - coded facade that everyone is a foe - the nation going down the tubes. Ford "ALL IN ON AMERICA" 'Al Anon, America;' i.e., stop drinking & driving! - 'drunk' - 'der, un, k[ey];' facade attempt to get out of being the leaders of earth's liberty & justice for all future. We're still the leaders if we don't quit on ourselves - our feats are great enough the Slavs still consider us heroes - shun the codes & utilize freedom of speech, freedom of press, & denounce the rebellion! Step on it w/the ram horn flute, or the dirge people are going to be upset!
10/18 "adjuh-usted; the key is to prepare" (earthquakes) fem gray hair, ch 40, 7:13 AM; 'usted' is 'you' in Span.; 'add 'j[ail is] 'uh;'' code to Mexs. to oppress more; alternately, 'aus jus, usted,' (s is silent), Latinos should be faithful Americans & they can eat - heap wampum. Audible mssg from my laptop - "Your computer has been taken control of & shut down...someone read your IP address;..." laptop browsers frozen, 10 AM - had to close all browsers. 8:57 PM "They just want he has answered," bug code. "Asians, he's chosen people," (or similar) Sajak, Wheel of F, 9:28 PM.
Aug. 2009 my cousin Dale & his family visiting my Mom in Lodi, & me as well, & my Mom pronounced 'tomorrow' as 'tomorrah,' which wasn't the usual for her - similar to Missourans pronouncing it Missourah. I've reported she's used codes on rare occasions, & @ one point got rid of all her black clothing, but then suddenly had one or two items again. Also portrait of Gwynns wearing black except, almost unnoticeable, Chandler is wearing dk. blue. Nevertheless, this comment wasn't a code, it was a statement about blacks - Obama had been in office as president for more than a half a year; it was common knowledge nation-wide that the slavery that I was suffering was a gesture of whites on behalf of blacks - oppressive acts of Doug Arnold, one of original conspirators in Davis, seemingy reinforced by Arnold Schwarzeneggar - phonemically, 'Arnold swore, it's nigger!' & I was the object of that scenario. Also, call me absent-minded, but 'Arnold' is synomymous w/traitor - Benedict Arnold, general in Continental Army, Washington made him chancellor of West Point Academy in NY; he defected to British Army, pledging allegience to king of England's edicts. Doug Arnold of Davis extending a "hug" to Patriots' enemies! - Traitors twice over - Revolutionary War & Civil War! There were also 'N' codes - 'negro' or alternately 'nigger,' indicating I was labeled similarly. As of 2009, applying for jobs in Solano county, w/Davis exposed to the nth degree, it surprised me they were eagerly using codes in Vacaville & Fairfield; but I couldn't see them being so foolish as to start oppressing me along w/Davis. First, I was forgetting, Vacaville Christian Academy had deceptively terminated me; one could argue that doesn't mean an entire city is going to be against you - but, (1)VCA was located on Davis St. in VV - & w/in 2 years of that, 1998, I was residentially challenged in Davis - in the streets substantially; (2)I'd gained international attention for suffering oppression that some of the members of their community had instigated; (3)undersheriff Ferrara, despite former friend of mine from Lodi, orchestrated a scene indicating it was trouble from the start - approx. 2009, driving back from Vacaville, sheriff's patrol car zoomed past me; a few min. later, patrol car totaled on center divider, but no one around - indicating I was going to see them "crash;" despite these factors I still couldn't fathom them plunging headlong into rebellion w/Davis, but that is what happened. Vacaville Christian Academy actually downgraded their name after betraying me, & became Vacaville Christian School. As of 2013, Solano had hired me almost F/T as sign-waver - no one else had done that (other than petitioning for ballot measures), so despite they had kidnapped me several times, I continued to apply for jobs - because being unemployed, to me, is miserable in & of itself. But the codes continued, & they were mirroring Yolo & Sac - no work; then 2013, kidnapped 2X - Walmart & Target, then railroaded into jail w/claim of incompetence in court w/out a hearing, & then hostage w/out a hearing - for 4 mos. But upon being hostage, God spoke to me saying I wasn't being brave, more like foolish, to wander around there w/consp. codes & a track record before Little Caesar job of them committing a false charge in 2009, then 2 kidnappings during the year that I was working there - both in 2011. In other words, my job is to teach - not deliberately wander through mine fields of known activated mines, so to speak. Second, while working @ LC, approx. 2011, doing laundry @ laundromat in Vacaville, blk male asserted Vacaville started it - so Solano was actually vying for claim of starting the rebellion! W/blacks @ the helm! 2013, blk male jumped me from behind @ Dollar Tree in El Cerrito next to Pinole (practically same city), starting a fight, while I was trying to get to interview in bay area. 'El's 'siry' - tow!' Davis 'tow' consp. & El or Ellie consp. - as opposed to "Sir" teacher honors. After having tracked blacks @ national level, rebellion, & them refusing to repent - God leading me to report as of 2022 that they might try to repent but it's a bluff - dead set on me as their fodder & Davis as their "conquered city," & adding to this, the region is essentially all rebelling against the nation - you don't entrust your life to traitors - "Don't cast your pearls before swine, nor give to the dogs what is Holy, or else they might trample them under foot, & turn & tear you to pieces!" Matt. 7:6. MY MOM DREW THE LINE AS OF SUMMER 2009 - OBAMA HAD DUTY - WE FREED THE SLAVES GLOBALLY - ATLAS FEAT. MOREOVER, WHEN OBAMA FAILED US, THAT PLACED GREATER DUTY ON TRUMP TO INTERVENE FOR ME @ ONCE - BUT HE WAS INTENT ON "TAKING IT ALL THE WAY TO DEFEAT." & HIS FAILURE TO RESPOND PLACED UNEQUIVOCAL DUTY ON SHOULDERS OF BIDEN, BUT HE'S CONSPIRING NEW COVER-UPS DAILY. I JUST TRACKED THEM & EXPOSED THEM NATIONWIDE; YOU DON'T THEN PUNISH THE VICTIM BY ALLOWING THEM AS CONFIRMED TRAITORS TO WORM THEIR WAY BACK IN!
BELT ON, BELT ON, WHO'S GOT A'S BELT ON?! - Samsung logo is actually Don Miller & Assoc. (R.E. broker) format. While working @ Tasty Kitchen (Chinese cafe) as dishwasher, 2017-2018, I wore Dr. Scholl's non-slip shoes; Show all - 'Dr. Schools' tracked A's belt theft consp.
Concept of Hankook Tire Co. disciplining Samsung w/a steel belt (steel belted radials) may be naive ("EMERGENCY OPERATION..." report); in other words, conspiracy of Hankook & Samsung, among others, to steal Jack Teacher's belt under guise of making me weary & down & out from oppression. Samsung logo - the A isn't crossed - A doesn't have his belt. China's One Belt, One Road plan possibly involved - one belt, & it isn't Jack Teacher's; or if it is, use smoke & mirrors, & the oppression that already seems to be fueling itself in USA to rob him of his belt, or steal it in sense of bringing USA to ruin whether Jack Teacher fails or not. Map of One Belt, One Road actually looks like a demon looking up to Moscow.
Possibly Samsung is code for '[Uncle] Sam "sung,"' as in Uncle Sam spilled the beans - the Jack Teacher plan failed, Jack Teacher isn't allowed to teach. To an extent, that is the case - but that's mostly due to that Samsung, & Koreans, WERE SUPPOSED TO BE UNCLE SAM!!!! Them & any & all other Asians! When God disciplined the church, the mssg. was concerning the teaching in the Bible that the church is one body, but that body has many members - & all of those members are important & necessary - &, THE ASIANS ARE ONE OF THOSE MEMBERS, & IT ISN'T AN OPTION TO IGNORE THEM! Following through w/that, the Uncle Sam/Jack Teacher plan is falling short because we invited Asians to take their seat in body of Christ, & for most part, they've failed to respond. While the body is able to provide me justice, & has a duty to when Asians fail to respond, the underlying theme is we were counting on Asians - because as God said, they are a necessary part of the body of Christ! It wasn't a trick, it was a strategy to adopt them & count on them. & if Asians hate me for saying this, the most they can claim is Jack Teacher is equally unfair to all.
10/20, "...the guy Gabriel had an affair," 9:40 PM ABC (but his name is Guy Gabriel 'the' makes it a code, most likely). 10:22 PM, "Those who order & those who chose are the same," ABC; McD ad - 1 in 8 Americans have worked for McD. Cerave hand lotion, 'V' on shoulder - possibly code for vaccine; i.e., scoffing 2000-2008 or so, w/repeated attempts to resurrect it, then Covid - brought on because of cover-up of consp. against me. Todd Smith, swaying back & forth while speaking before sentencing for killing wife Katrina - as though he was victim; code from Davis rebels - this was approx. 2021, 10:56 PM (ch 10?). 11 PM, "I'm Lorn Beezer" (Lorn Painter (or 'Lora' - both instances). "What faith do we have that you're changing, when you're doing crap like this?" wh male gray hair, PG&E 11:06 PM - making humping gesture w/arms, but arms were closer together, as though lewd humping. "He'll just show 'em on, children," crow, 5th & D, 6:39 PM approx. 7:25, "This is you ain't makin' all night," wh male bald, blk shrt "BACK WOOD;" accordian trash container w/recyc. or possessions, 42B; 7:28, "We're gonna have fu move." 7:31PM, "Time over," fat blk male tan cap, blk shrt. Wh male (blk BACK.. shrt), conversing w/fem, "I have a daughter" "... her period," or similar; 7:20 PM. 8:11 PM, "You're DIGGIN' it in the dirt," fem, then, "Oh my God, what are we dealing w/? Dirt!" fem ch 25 - instantly after the 'diggin' code; "The Real Murders of L.A." "Kimberlycue," (location?); i.e., 'curley-cue' & working for Kim @ Curlee St. in N. Davis last wk.
10/21, "K LESTER" police officer badge name - almost shot innocent boy. "He'll just hack 'em," 7:41 PM, Fox sports anncr, male. "We'll have that last one," male bug code. "You can't see where they're porter," 7:51 AM (?) (or PM). "He'll born 'em, book," 7:54 AM, W Cap. "Continues the jail fax" 12:32 PM, Fox. 7:33 AM, "Matt Gates ousted McCarthy." So Ca. player, mouthpiece like my retainer, 1991 (& Steph Curry's) but like Steph Curry, coming out of his mouth like a pipe. 4:31 AM, "& he returned," "& he was arrested for certain." dream of Dan (F St.) driving truck like U Haul, through road const. zone or similar w/little space between lanes, & one of 2 lg birds, supposedly someone's pets, standing next to lane, stuck its head out & truck smashed it's head, & Dan kept going; he pulled over down the road to see if any dent in truck, possibly; threw out a newspaper (w/blood on it?) & picked up another used one from pile of trash. Dan was trying to draw me into doing work on projects that he had already informed me was plumbing, etc. for illegal (code violations) garage apt. conversions. "That's you can't pair," bug code, 4:38 AM. 12:11 AM, "'til 6 o'dark," CBS Schwarzeneggar guest on Kimmel. "times support," "turns ed," (sounded like) 12:14 AM CBS. "It's time for 60 Min." ad for 60 Min., but it came on @ some other time - i.e., 3+ 'time' codes on TV in 20 min. period or less. 12:12, show went on commerc. break - Schwarzeneggar was guest - but it seemed like it wasn't Jimmy Kimmel interviewing him; show back on @ 12:17, & suddenly it was Kimmel; possibly code for trick - Kim (landscape in Davis) consp. trick to have big brute attack me - 'Kim'll [arrange an attack]' (so far there haven't been any inclinations, but that might simply be elem. of surprise. Schwarzeneggar then went on & on about being friends w/Berl Ives, & how he taught him how to do American humor - delays, etc. - & then gave example, "...I have many trophies, of which this is my most recent" holding up a coffee cup, but then altered the timing "...of which this is my most...recent" but that hesitation didn't produce any humor, & moreover, it was code - Kimmel "recently" replaced another host - 'host recent' as far as I could tell. "It was how are you?" 'how [is] our 'U'' code - 'How' - Aggies; 4:46 AM, male bug code. "He just won't have that stround," 4:52AM. "...butt chew loan, it is," 5:04 AM bug code. "It was police him, mart," 5:37 (Walmart in that sense held their post). 6:38 AM approx., "they're never gonna gave it." "They weren't the ones, it," 5:10. "So much time...we've got so much time w/kid just sitting," Dr. Nicole ___ (TV) - another 'time' code. "That's your flout," 4:28 bug code, possibly rm 17, after phrase of text deleted from report. 7:22 AM, Iron Kids report, "We got the ball," ch 3. "You won't bomb long," gov't bug code, 3:27 PM.
(1)I'm currently on hiatus from rigorous 4 AM exercise - that means I'm still getting up & 4 AM, but not as often, & I'm putting in half hour or hour of juggling, or studying & no juggling, for the last 3+ weeks. Despite I'm isolated & oppressed, I know that people take breaks, off seasons, etc. from rigorous exercise routines, & in fact it's good to take breaks - allowing your body to rejuvenate. (2)I'm only staying in motels in Davis 10-20% of the time, & recently, only 2-3 days/mo. Nevertheless, I'm in Davis 5 or more days/wk, working F/T, & often beyond that, shopping, making deposits, etc. (3)I'm currently using prepaid w/my phone. But prepaid is a legit. option for customers - & it isn't necessarily associated w/low income - people of all incomes use prepaid phones; moreover, when I recently checked, paying @ end of mo. plans cost more - almost double - & don't offer any advantages over prepaid, & sometimes demand you stick w/them for years. These 3 factors are used as claims I've fallen short & therefore I rebels can oppress me. I reported last week, when I was stalked by U.S. gov't & possibly T-Mobile w/Emergency Alert tests that were occurring every 3 min. on my phone, starting @ approx. 10 AM & going all day until I finally tried hitting restart on my phone, & that shut down the noises; bug code on that day (10/4), "You won't port 'er," - code. 10/12, after reporting Crystal Geyser's Jackson Rancheria imitation consp. - involving kids, I noticed I'd been drinking Crystal Geyser, so I switched to Arrowhead. W/an Arrowhead bottle w/me, Judy on Bucklebury, "That water's mine," approx. 11:30 AM or similar, & then a toy horn tooting nearby, 11:53 AM, - most likely a child, & then audible bug code to neighbors of Judy's, "We just make the abow peace." As of 12:30, while on lunch, attempted to pay T-Mobile phone bill by phone, & once again, they refused my credit card - despite $500 in ckg acct. Additional clues: Prepaid cards @ Raley's, 10/12, approx. 6:30 PM, after one didn't work, grabbed a stack of them - cashier said their cash register couldn't ring any of them up - something wrong w/them. It's possible Raley's & Golden 1 are involved; i.e., there's nothing wrong w/the prepaid cards, & G1 is cooperating w/T Mobile & sabotaging use of my cared w/T Mobile; either way, T Mobile is orchestrating it, but, this report demonstrates it's the gov't orchestrating it as well. I later called & asked for rep. to attempt ATM payment again, emply Tiam, & credit card was refused; doublechecking, she was focussing on billing address zip code - didn't it change? - I.e., hadn't I moved? I.e., if you move, T Mobile can oppress you. But when everything The 'abow' codes & 'water' codes (lewd innuendos) occurred minutes before the T Mobile oppression - correlation. The ATM ate my card last mo. & I had to get another one, & T-Mobile wasn't ready for that one, & so the Sept. payment was accepted; but they had to conspiratorially reprogram their system - & did so - so that it was ready this mo. Additional proof it was conspired: T Mobile bill pay system has blk male voice, but instead of "Welcome to T Mobile," it was " T Mobile" - a blatant pause that had to be orchestrated, because an automated voice system can't stall on it's own; then, contrary to the system's ordinary "Would you like to make your phone payment now?" (or similar) it was, "I'll get you right over to a representative who can help you," i.e., decreeing I was going to need help - because my credit card was about to be rejected, & when I attempted to pay, they claimed payment was denied, claiming I should contact the credit card financial co. 'you won't port 'er,' code - referring to when you switch phone cos. & port phone #; but the code was, 'you won't 'poor,' tour;' 'tour' - [explore, contemplate, etc., being] poor;' the implication was an ultimatum - keep the phone service (T Mobile), but switch plans to end-of-mo. (bill due) payment - because prepaid is for poor people; but once again, no it isn't; moreover, you don't have to commit to long term contract - I'm willing to sign for long term contract - but not one that is 75-100% more than prepaid - that doesn't make me poor, that's how you avoid poverty - negotiate a plan w/out any price gouging! The terrorists are systematically claiming they can decree the criteria - I have to eat swanky meals, & I have to have expensive phone plans - smoke cigars & drive a Cadillac - & if I don't, then they can claim that means I failed in the past & they can oppress me - BUT I JUST TRACKED THIS - THE GIANT STUFFED BEAR LITTLE KID'S PRIZE! THEY'RE FALLING BEHIND ON BEING INFORMED ABOUT HOW BADLY EXPOSED THEY ARE. But entrepreneurial system allows for succeeding or failing in endeavors w/out consequences - other than such as bailing yourself out of bankruptcy, etc. - & no one gets to enslave you & oppress you if you fail as an entrepreneur. Moreover, considering I'm the only one who didn't commit any crimes - playing by the rules, I succeeded; be that as it may, my goal is to teach, & any supposed past shortcomings in law-abiding business in the past is a moot point - IN THE REAL WORLD, &, I'm making frugal decisions to save money for interview trips, etc. - I'M NOT UNDER BONDAGE TO THEIR SALES TESTS WHEN THAT ISN'T MY GOAL!!!!! After T Mobile conspiratorially denied my ATM card, I called USDOJ & the automated mssg. - STALLED - "@ the...tone, please leave your name,..." I.e., THEY WERE STALKING ME THAT ANY CRIMES T MOBILE IS COMMITTING, THE FEDS ARE IN BED W/THEM!!!!! These gov't terrorists are desperate to coerce a confession out of me, & are using phones as a tool. 1:20 PM, bug code, "Did you get right off the phone?" I.e., 'did you turn "right" off [of, or from] the phone?' The fact is teachers are more conservative, or more to the right, than business or sales jobs. This is proof gov't & phone cos. are desperate to concoct any far-fetched argument that I "needed" them - including their oppression; i.e., my law-abiding behavior, & my decision to focus again on teacher goals was affected by the phone cos.' drastic "anvil & hammer" measures of prepaid phone service combined w/robbing me of my rights - they're stark raving mad! If anything, more affordable phones might invite someone to continue to delve into a profession they are new @. Nevertheless, here's the REAL 'POOR TOUR' CONSP: Gov't oppressors, along w/T Mobile, attempting to dupe me & everyone else that they can commit crimes against me to train me or wake me up to something - They conspire oppression, including promises to Davis of more slavery - to punish me for being so "downcast" as to be using prepaid - despite that's a legit option that has become currently the best option. The 'poor tour' consp. is conspirators - including gov't - CLAIMING THEY CAN COMMIT CRIMES AGAINST ME TO FORCE ME TO CHANGE MY WAYS - GOV'T CLAIMING THE "RIGHT" TO OPPRESS YOU OFTEN IMPOVERISHES YOU, BUT IT'S ON BASIS OF CLAIM YOU'RE STRUGGLING & COULD END UP POOR - CLAIMING THE RIGHT TO OPPRESS STRUGGLING PEOPLE - THAT'S THE 'POOR TOUR.' PARALLEL M.O. OF REBEL GOV'T REVEALED, & IT'S THE SAME ONE FOR ALMOST 2 DECADES: (1)lewd codes in context of kids, & (2)coded claims that they are propping up Davis slavery - all based on smoke & mirrors codes, using bluff & poker face & preponderance of multiple counties in No. Ca. willing to acquiesce to their deceptive decrees - as though might makes right. This may have been an element this afternoon as well - phone conspiracy occurred approx. 40 min. after that audible 'abow' code; 'a bow' - show biz such as singers & actors; i.e., out of jealousy, rebel gov't willing to destroy the nation, if that's what it takes - desperate to discredit Jack Teacher, or @ least render him ineffectual as a teacher, 'making [stars take] a bow.' I'm "daring" to "attempt" an off season from routine of 2+ hrs. @ 4 AM 2 or more X/wk. (& a lot more during the week), & they are desperately attempting to dupe me that means it's slavery. T MOBILE CORP. LEADERS, & THE LEADERS OF THIS GOV'T ARE GOING TO BE PUNISHED IN HELL IN SUCH A WAY THAT IT WILL SERVE AS WARNING TO PEOPLE FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS!
10/10, 6 AM, NBC, video of Biden, "...who momma porn...thousands hid their fears..." Biden; 'momma' - context implied Hamas; "...slaughtered; I just go slaughtered," (1)putting it that way, as supposedly someone objectively reporting, according to conversational norms, he's saying they can do that - he's affirming innocent people being slaughtered - instead of 'I should never have to be reporting this, but...' It is the case that Jews need to be disciplined, but that should be occurring in Ukraine, removing rebellious Jewish leader. (2)Biden phrases it as though he might need permission to say that word; but instead, it's a code of No. Ca. bug codes; as of approx. 2 years ago, it was undeniable they were doomed - they were going to "go" (be wiped out), but they soon started attempting to incorporate the terminology in their bug codes, - 'irk' consp. - irk me & others that it can't be true. They actually got that tactic from me; I was boldly turning the tables on their threats & using them against them - "You shall possess the gates of your enemies," Gen. 22:17, for ex., they claim I'm going to prison, I claim they're gonna be nuked; I warn they're gonna be destroyed w/flood like in days of Noah's ark, & they attempt to negate it w/UCD ARC sports ctr., claiming they're so busy & important they can get away w/anything. My boldness was usually blessed by God - so they started attempting it - but it won't work if you don't have a personal relationship w/Jesus, & are seriously following him. God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites & they passed through unharmed; but when the Egyptian soldiers tried it, they were drowned. But suddenly bug codes, "We're just going..." using 'go' as in 'saying,' 'spouting off,' etc. as though the fact they are slated for destruction isn't really going to happen - they're gonna go? But they "go this" & "go that," all the time - it's probably nothing. 10/18, 7:05, "...the White House adjusting..." Kelly, rptr, NBC News; 7:09 AM, "...the small things you miss the most; the sin in the closet..." Biden; "before coming victor, before becoming a victim,..." "..& long said," 7:11; 7:17, "We're gonna continue to stand as a sentinel over Israel's skies..." Jews - 'j[ail] use,' & cover-up by media, such as Lodi News Sentinel - formula for oppression of Jack Teacher remains in tact, & that's from Biden. Meanwhile, 10/17, Blackburn Ave. (Hallers'), across the street, Yolo Electric truck & another const. wkr wh 4X4 arrived, & stalking codes directed @ me, & a dog (animal) warned them, "You won't believe, it's dark," i.e., 'are you crazy?!' - they don't "believe" or have enough common sense, to "tone down" the oppression even when exposed 1000X over. 10/18, 7:16 AM, NBC, "...@ the age in goo...we're steals..." Biden. My report about White House & Congress continuing to attempt to prop up blacks & enslave me has been tracked by my Mom, among others, & her 2009 warning that the president owed justice - & Biden's tell-tale confession - indicating he most likely is going to "go" - whether that's removed from office, or more serious. But precisely the same reaction as No. Ca. bug codes & rebels, "I just go 'slaughtered'" another 6 Jan. baiting consp - Gen. 22:17 twist. If people in the Mideast have been slaughtered, there's no better way of putting it in a news report than 'slaughtered' - why the implication it's off limits to say that? Biden communicating evidently his days are numbered as far as being a leader. Also, 'to porn' wasn't directly connected w/'momma says' (i.e., '[a]m, Hamas says'), it was inserted subsequently , but the use of it indicates code pertaining to Hamas - subtle code communicating ''T'-ooo w/ porn.' Mideast has more strict dress code for people in public, especially women. Their recent acts of violence - if form of protest - obviously would be more effective if constructively communicated verbally; but to extent anything is being communicated to or about USA, subtle suggestion for higher standards - Hamas - 'ham us,' your "hams" (hamstring muscles) are the muscles of the back of your thighs - women w/miniskirts are showing off their "hams." This was mostly likely some blinkin' of Biden. 10/10, 1;51 PM, " that, in that part of history.." NCS spokesman John Kirby PBS - repeat code - from rock songs; 1:53, "'s a comfort zone, it's a war zone" - gesturing toward the camera - "...he has that press conference," most likely referring me, & Biden's subtle blink - suggesting tightening standards against porn, & implying his days are numbered. As of this point, I'd been busy all day, & hadn't reported about Biden's tell-tale codes from earlier - Kirby - well-known vacuum cleaner brand; i.e., I failed to "grab" that evidence against Biden & run w/it, so now, it's too late - a "vacuum," or absense of reporting it, would be "cleaner" - & that isn't the case, but it demonstrates that they cover for each other in White House & Congress.
Several rock songs have repeat phrases, that are possibly a code; Biden among others repeating himself - 10/18, 7:17 AM, re: Red Cross visiting hostages, "I just demand it, I just demand it..." Concerning Israel, he then refers to the death of Moses, & how people must rebound; the details of the death of Moses - In N.T. Moses & Elijah appear speaking w/Jesus & illuminated in brilliant white garments; but God's people also occasionallhy fall short; @ waters of Merribah in O.T., Moses tapped his rod twice on the rock instead of once, because he was upset w/God. Because it was a public display, God then said Moses would die before the children of Israel entered the Promise Land - Moses, "the humblest man on earth," (Num. 12:3 - & Moses wrote that) nevertheless was disciplined by God, but was obviously still God's faithful servant, & entered the Eternal Promise Land (Heaven). But these repeat codes amount to saying it twice - the 2 tap on the rock - older generation in U.S.A. claiming they are Christians, but confession they committed the sin of Moses. My Mom made similar signal possibly 2012 or so; I was subsequently singing a song while visiting on another occasion, "Beyond Belief" lyrics, "Waters never part, until our feet get wet," which she acknowledged. For those willing, mature & get past being "babies" (1 Cor 13:11); we're in a slump, but the Bible says our good deeds will follow us - & USA has accomplished more good deeds than anyone else ever in all of history - stop being controlled by jealousy & rumors - which is m.o. of the warlocks; avoid the sin of Moses altogether & enter the Promise Land. 2 Cor. 3 talks about a glory that fades (glory of Ten Commandments displayed by Moses) & is about to disappear, in contrast to the far greater glory of Christ. In the video, the singers fade & disappear - the nation shouldn't shrink back (Heb. 10:38), but claim & affirm those who exposed the warlocks & deceivers, & claim the grace of Christ. Nevertheless, as far as the corrupt leaders, don't confuse them w/Moses - Moses didn't go on sinning after God confronted him; White House & Congress repeatedly oppressing me, & conspiring future oppression, by ratifying the regional rebels' oppression - it isn't pardonable sins. Jesus was glorified w/Moses & Elijah - greater glory than O.T. - demonstrating most of those believers in Christ whose faith fell short (2 tap) can claim the grace of Christ & repent rather than moping & giving up. Our family owned Chryslers - known for Mopar engines & known for building engines for US Army tanks - moping is ours - "the law came through Moses, but grace & truth, through Jesus Christ" Jn. 1:17 - Christians have more grace available to us than did those in O.T. who were under the law; repent & enter the Promise Land here on earth & eternally, - walk in the light while you have the light, Jn. 12:35,36.
10/1, "Esto es posible," Unima's, 9:14 AM; tour of Dubais (?) in Spanish - referring to night sky - 'this is possible,' i.e., more darkness for oppression. "You can even get home," fat mex fem blk shrt blk & wh pnts, to sm boy gray shrt, 9:31 AM. wh male gray hair, camo jacket, "You have more "cali" hours" (notes unclear); "They #2 it," 9:38 AM. 9:32, "Here goes," wh male blk pld shrt, lng hair, blk bk pk. "You're not gonna burp" (already reported), blk male. [END TRANSCRPT]
10/12, Yolobus 42A, wh male, blk & gray pld shrt on bus, possibly same stalker as approx. 2 days ago on bus. 10/1, fat mex., coded comment to mex. boy, & 10/12, 42B, fat mex. fem, blk T-shrt, gray stalking cap, to mex. boy gray & blk camo or similar shrt, "You better hold on, we just set him." 'Set' from card game - shorted, took, etc. Arriving @ Raley's WS 5 min. later fat wh fem, same blk & gray design Spandex tights. Then mex. fem cashier claiming couldn't ring up T Mobile prepaid cards. 10/10 approx., already reported to Feds, dream I was in UCD Aggies library, w/students sabotaging my reports, but it was more like a Jr. hi. library in Fresno -indicating Fresno involved. I.e., they are conspiring - claiming they can get away w/it, because I'm temporarily refusing to act like a slave driver toward myself - I'm doing less exercise @ 4 AM, & took a couple of days off towards end of Summer. The slave-driver oppression is necessary for them to claim they are controlling & subduing me to punish me for being in sales 15 years ago. T Mobile cutting off phone service (as of 10/13, AM, no phone service, because I can't pay phone bill - ATM card rejected, & supposedly prepaid cards won't ring up @ register), & Feds stalking me w/Emergency Alert noise all day on 10/4 - these two parties from outside of No. Ca. most likely sufficient to dupe West Sac, Mexs. in Yolo, blks, Aggies, Fresno, etc. that they have cover of coconspirators for more kidnappings. 10/12, 7:08 PM, ch 3 news, footage from Israel, rptr Allison Barber in Ashkelon makes truck horn gesture. Former friends from Fresno, Robert Hansen & Kim Lauters married & daughter Ashley; football player Kelce - 'kill, see?' - name becomes their cue & 'Ash "kill" - law [is] on' (vision of library in Fresno & more stalkings). God gives me visions warning me of their conspiracies when I try to take an off season, & they dupe themselves that that means they have permission. Truck horn in Ashkelon - toy horn near Judy's on Bucklebury, 10/12, combined w/Crystal Geyser water stalking code - 'true k[ey]' - stalking me w/lewd innuendos - 10/1, 'burp' code from blk male - burping a baby. 'Baby' could also be code for simply keeping someone @ bay, or rebels acting like babies
- immature "Billy the Kid" outlaws - & that is the case, but lewd codes are in the mix. Due to T Mobile terrorists keeping me @ bay, this pic. was trapped in my phone (couldn't upload) - had to take pic. of the pic. using laptop camera. Ashkelon - media code that Fresno/blks/No. Ca. have permission to orchestrate more kidnappings w/a "war" zone facade, under guise of lewd codes - w/out these extremes, such as the Feds involved in decreeing I have to change phone cos. & blatantly sabotaging my phone all day long (Emergency Altert sound), they might not try it. Nevertheless, WS was already tracked & exposed - those claiming they need more proof are the rebels. It's also remotely possible they are using buzz words to create the expectation of oppression, & then refrain, to create facade of innocence; alternately, this report is thorough enough to possibly waylay the attacks. Sac. media directly involved: 10/12, 6:20 AM, immediately after placing this report on internet, ch 40 Genevieve, wthr frcstr, "Again! Again! Again!" 3X in 5 secs., & half dozen additional instances - 'again!' is Aggies code that originated when fem student(s) in p/up basketball game, UCD, 2002 - make a shot, "Again!" - but sexual intonation also.; i.e., I'm kept @ bay because I'm not a sex addict in conditions of being cut off daily (figuratively) w/acts of oppression both minimal & devastating, & everyone agreeing that's fair game - no one gets punished for it, & they can continue the oppression. THESE MONSTERS EQUIVALENT OF CUT YOU OFF, BUT MOREOVER, THEY THEN CONSPIRE MORE OPPRESSION BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN CUT OFF - THROUGH ILLEGAL EAVESDROPPING, THEY HAVE INFO THAT YOU AREN'T A TOTAL SEX FIEND BEHIND CLOSED DOORS - THAT'S MORE OPPRESSION! CONSPIRING GIANT STUFFED TEDDY BEAR REWARDS DOESN'T MAKE UP FOR IT, ON THE CONTRARY, IT MAKES IT WORSE - IT'S CONDESCENSION - YOU'RE BEING TREATED LIKE A CHILD.
Pay @ end of mo. - the "bill due" method; but Bill Dew was pastor of Memorial United Methodist in Clovis, w/daughter who's stalked me @ Table Methodist in Sac. - witches & warlocks. It isn't that there's anything wrong w/paying your bill @ end of mo., but it's un-American to deny the option of prepaying & getting half off. The m.o. of the warlocks is shepherding by crime - they disagree w/you, or have advice, they commit crimes against you as form of advice, rather than offering advice verbally - the traditional way - & @ some point, the gov't bought into it - oppress Jack Teacher & brainwash him that he needs it. "We'd better be damned sure" - Fed. leader under Bush, approx. 2002 - the communication was 'we'd better be damned, Sherman' - as in, damn the government - but that might've been applicable years ago; to continue in their sins to the point of baiting insurrection/uprisings, etc., is proof they weren't tracking UCC (Ashkelon signal isn't mssg. that our 'truck' is No. Ca. is going to be a war zone),' but - as demonstrated repeatedly - they are propping them up.
"Keep your shoit on" one could say - additional witness to the "Thoity Poiple Boids" rhyme indicating to chose high moral standards despite it might not seem popular. You'll have more joy in marriage rather than less.
Men, if you don't have A, you don't have Jack's fit!!!!! & you're no longer wearing the pants - you're gay!!!!
Make sure Jack Teacher has justice so he can teach!
Women scantily clothed & indulging in nude displays on internet, magazines - needed a "fool" to role play them w/courage (1 Cor 1:18, 3:1). Brooklyn "hoit" heroes & men & boys nationwide w/long hair identifying w/women & girls, manning making them courageous to prevail over the pressure to compromise decent standards.
10/14, "We've got a dream a left; they did exactly what they had to do," 6:58 PM (as far as I can tell - notes damaged) ch 8. Ch 15, 8:01 PM, "9-3" (or similar - notes damaged), mssg. flashed on screen in blk & wh for 1 sec., Span. ch. "No ser, Dovato" ad w/gay men, 7:59 PM 'no sir' or 'no to be' (command 'don't be'); it is a valid warning to others to "be" & stand up for my rights. 10:30, "I want you to take her doan," (don w/ long 'o' - talent; possibly referring to rock supposedly promoting higher moral standards). "He's gonna live 'em - hit him," Walmart 18 wheeler near America's Tire store (& Walm.), 2:34 - YOU IMPLY SOUTH MIGHT BE ABLE TO REPENT, & LOCALS THEN WANT TO KILL YOU. 3:18, "I'm gonna bring out, your key," male emply (Miguel), T Mobile WS. 3:05 PM, T Mobile , "You just go in the Lord," fat mex male emply, beard, to custs., possibly subtle sodomy code, asserting I may be being used by God, but ream "God" nevertheless; or claiming they can commit crimes & God might still let them slip into Heaven. 3:15, "We owe him, his time," mex male emply, beard. 3:21, Miguel, "You're gonna deny me - I have a test." "We just make sure, duh," blk male emply, 3:25 (pic sent). "We need MORE, not less, protein, & animal & plant protein can be combined..." 7:09 AM, Mark Hyman, PBS. "You know we have we can't lose sight of the fact," Biden, GMA. Jim Jordan, "...have 'chosen'..." blk male senator(?) 7:18 ch(?). All Mighty Packs - All detergent, possibly God/moving out code; 39 pods. "...let's cop a talk about it" (or similar - 'lets ___ a talk...') fem, BBC, 7:21, Morgan (?). "Weather's higher, you thought," 11:37 AM. Vision that I was in Unitrans bus (or other bus) on Russell, & "We imprison him."
10/13, "Wall be careful - I've free time," Ed Warner, S.C., ESPN, 11:26 PM. "I'm gonna take about 20," fat blk male tan jacket, baby, w/wh fem, to mex driver, 2:10. 1:37 mex male Golden 1 WS emply, "I just shoot 'em, the lobby;" "I guess we didn't need him." G1, "You won't live, we're, the long," mex male cust., blk "Got Kush" shrt, lng hair, approx. 10:02 AM; repeated attempts to take pic of him, camera sabotaged. "MATEL" posts in bank lobby w/cords attached for standing in line;
[Camera destroyed 10/18, before I could upload pic - the "Matel" posts are there in the lobby for anyone to verify. It wasn't a temporary sabotage of the camera - it's due for scrap heap - because I stayed in Davis 4 days in row to maintain occupying of Davis.]
i.e., 'Mattel' toy co. code; facade that, after they ruined 27 counties pressuring them to deny me my teacher career so they could trap me in landscaping, convinced I'd give in, the fact I'm still exposing them, suddenly attempts to turn the tables on the little kid w/carnival stuffed bear prize - deposits in bank are little kids' toys, & for ex., guest room on Lago St. (Melissa, cust.), lg. stuffed teddy bear on bed - if I'm working landscaping I'm acting like a child. 27+ COUNTIES RUINED TO ATTEMPT THAT DECEPTION! That argument's all mine - I'm the one who has consistently denounced the conspiracies of the region to force me to be Davis' slave until they cough up the dough as a form of confession - THE PUBLIC CONSPIRACY CODES ARE ALL THE PROOF ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR! MOREOVER, THEY ARE SO PREVALENT THAT BIDEN, TRUMP, & OTHERS ARE BABBLING THEM!!!! "We'll have we did," 1:25.
10/13, 10:59 PM, "He had the rock in; you have to rock in," anncr., Stanford v. Colo.; "I owe murder," anncr., 11 PM, ESPN; "On believable" 11:01; earlier that eve., fem in crowd @ Water & Salt (sm shop next door to Bel Air), as I was walking by, approx. 6:57 PM, "It was murder," & I forgot to write it down. 11:04 PM, "May have pulled a doubt," anncr, ESPN (or else, the slob rebels on ESPN isolate me so that codes every 5 secs., easy to forget one once or twice/yr.). "Thank you; we'll have fast come," 11:12, coach, Stanford; brilliant - conspire to force victim to fast & sacrifice in a local monk monastery for missing one out of one million codes - the anncrs. are gone - unless it was hurry & invade.
Gulf of Mex. shaped like male on gurney w/afro - emergency - set blacks free from slavery & false religions, but the result is rather than breaking their bonds of oppression & false gods, they are insisting on putting us into bondage. Breakfast @ McDonald's 10/1, & working on Rubio report, egg biscuit first order, then I ordered a sausage McMuffin. Immediately after ordering the second sandwich, blk male blk clothing, lg afro came in & ordered 2 orders of egg sandwiches, "$17?..." 9:50 AM. While supposedly waiting for his order, coded comment, "You're not gonna burp," & then went outside over near front of pkg lot, near where I'd juggled @ 4 AM once or twice approx. 2 years ago (corner of W Acre & W Cap), until cars started showing up, parking near me & stalking me - @ 4 AM. He then left, but never picked up his order. Then I was trying to access my phone's hotspot, but access to it from my laptop sabotaged. Mex. male cust., "I lost here," approx. 10:30; i.e., enemy conditions echoing Viet Nam to small extent - they systematically deny teacher jobs & conjure up business pretentions. McDonald's hires mostly teens & My middle name is Arch, & I rec'd vision about McDonald's when my teacher goals were sabotaged to keep me focussed on youth, until I could clear my name & teach again. Moreover, as I reported, McDonald's double arch "M" tracked Davis' two arch division rebellion - attempting to divide USA in two again - N. & S. So NO. CA. REBELS DID IN FACT LOSE THERE - THEY WERE TRACKED & EXPOSED! The '17' code referring to rm 17, Bel Air, next door to rm 16, where I'm usually @ - my laptop & phone have been hacked repeatedly by rebels in rm 17; this monster orchestrated another rm 17 hack in McDonald's. But bondage is the trademark of blks - their hands are chains & their hearts are traps, Ecc. 7:26 - full circle w/Gulf of Mexico "sign." Gov't oppressing me on their behalf: 10/4, "They were beat," 5:07, Helen; context, Emergency Alert notices - my phone was sounding off every 3 min. for more than half the day- 10 AM or so until 5:30 PM; turning off sound @ alert controls on phone didn't stop it - I finally hit restart on phone - Emergency Alert dept. of gov't stalking me w/the sound, or someone hacked phone so that that sound repeating all day - gov't Emerg. Alert agency was in on it. "He's not gonna keep winning w/them," near Helen's, 4 PM approx. "Alright, he can't keep on 'em," 4:45 PM, Covell; 5 PM, "You're not us."
10/3, "That was his, smart," blk fem driver, 42B, after bus pulled over next to sidewalk, 25 ft. from bus stop @ West Acre, waiting for another bus that seemed to be dealing w/passenger; we were @ the bus stop, simply not direction adjacent to it; I suggested I could get off right where we were; she responded irritatedly, then an attempt @ smoothing it w/"...okay? Have a good day," as she pulled over @ bus stop; I got off the bus saying she could've worded it better; upon crossing W. Cap, she made the 'smart' coded comment, approx. 6:45 PM. La Phonza, blk fem. being sworn in as senator, ceremony leader, "So help you God," & her reply, "I do help you," ch 3, 7:04 PM. You give blks power, & they are literally claiming they are God - the world revolves around us pleasing them while they betray us.
7:23, "You won't porter," gov't bug code - 'port 'er,' (i.e., change phone cos. & port my number); the monsters are threatening, either change ph cos., or they kidnap me & I'm hostage until I lose my ph. #. They can't argue, 'you won't port 'er,' (port being transport, take w/you, etc.) means they're arguing I won't take La Phonza, or blacks in general w/me, because while that is the case, they've already orchestrated disappearances where I lose phone #'s; & subsequent atempts on my life seals it - so they don't have any claim to any any light-hearted rendition of their deadly threats. This was context of 10/4 stalkings w/constant emergency test noise. Currently my phone functions - the face is cracked, & they sabotaged the mic so I have to use speaker phone feature to communicate, but I'm focussed on saving money for teacher interviews, etc. The La Phonza Newsom consp. was attempt to pressure me that I'm all about material things, & so rebellious blacks get a leg up from Newsom - but justice doesn't turn on that issue, or this is no longer America - nice phone or old phone, rebels are rebels & this gov't is traitors!
10/4, Emergency Alert test beep was similar to DWR garbage truck backup beep - but it was recently changed back to it's original, after approx. 3 years w/terrorist crow squawk. The instant change of DWR truck noise was attempt to fit in & slip downplaying the death row ('k[ey], row') consps. - but that is their 'truck.' 8:11, "Alright, I don't sake," '[fore]sake]' code, MU. Motorcycle cop to L of 42A was @ 8:07. 11:08, "You're gonna live 'em, run," male, near Lake & Marina - CAT operator. "They just let her nose," Colleen, 11:35 (or 12:35). 11:20, "You won't have your out," gov't bug code; i.e., I refused to budge despite Emergency Alert alarm sounding on my phone more than anyone else's - attempts to psych me - gov't themselves openly stalking me w/Em. Alert sounds every 3 min. - as though I'd been judged for not abandoning T Mobile & move on to the "Nextel" 'next corrupt telephone co.' I reported as of 5:30 I hit restart of phone & that broke it. THERE ISN'T ANY 'OUT' AS FAR AS REBEL GOV'T CLAIMING THE VICTIM IS TO BLAME FOR REBEL PHONE COS.; I'VE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH EVERY PHONE CO. ON THE MARKET - BEING SYSTEMATICALLY VICTIMIZED BY A DOZEN OR MORE PHONE COS. DOESN'T MEAN I'M IN TROUBLE, IT MEANS THE PHONE COMPANIES ARE GONE, & THE GOVERNMENT THAT ALLOWED THEM TO DO THAT FOR ALMOST 2 DECADES IS WIPED OUT BY RED SEA JUDGMENT. Alternately, 'you won't have, [is] your 'out,'' you let them push you around constantly changing cos., & you end up a loser; nevertheless, these gov't bug codes don't have the luxury of assuming I'll interpret their coded threats in a positive light. 11:51, "That was your fond," Rob. 12:01, Colleen, "He attacks, he settles down," @ Marina Cr. Earlier Colleen had mentioned wood chips settling, & Rob said, "Oh, they'll settle." But as the test beeps continued on my phone, Rob making series of codes, "They kick it out..." & "hell" codes, then "Tellin' ya, & tellin' ya," i.e., as of 2009, Davis rebels & region, instead of providing me justice, attempting to i.d. me w/claims I wasn't yelling enough or losing my temper enough "Tell me" - as though they were unaware of the oppression that they'd all been involved in for 9 yrs or more before that.
9:30 PM, vision of short party horn blow or single duck call; possibly pertaining to TV ad, Verizon, where male is "yanked" from party to deal w/phone. I.e., implied threat that I have to change phone cos. - 'V[ictory] - 'er rise [is] on,' - rebels attempting to force me to accept codes, such as that Verizon sounds like horizon, & horizon sounds like 'her rise [is] on,' translating to either good or bad - rock - or my Mom - is rising up on my behalf, or 'ellie' rebels are rising up against me, but I have no choice but to comply w/their codes & switch to Verizon - or I disappear in jail again - despite in past they oppressed me the same as T Mobile is now. But in reality, my ph co's name has nothing to do w/those providing me justice!
10/7, "People here, people there," 5:45 PM or 'people hear...' "They're gonna pick up," 6:24 PM, bug code. "Couldn't load plug in" mssg when file refused to download from my website (copy of case docs). "You're just gonna show here," 4 AM 10/8, after coming across model w/predominantly wh swim suit w/red designs (one upping the red swim suit w/white spots on it). "It wasn't the locky," gov't bug code coming from DOJ vm; i.e., 'the law, k[ey] he;' more like, it was, but they're attempting to spread it to cover for them; on other hand, I never claimed the rebellion was exclusively Davis police originated - UCC, VCA, Davis founders (double arch), etc.
9/27, "Same day appts. are ALWAYS available," Stanton Optical, penguin, imitation of Jonathan, pastor @ Davis Assembly, 1998, vm mail machine - skeptical facade - "& remember, Jesus loves you ALWAYS," i.e., 'technically, that's what the Bible says, but just try to hold us to it...' The ad seems to be illustrating how those claiming to be Christians in Davis, despite being aware from the beginning that I was a victim of a scandal, covered for UCC w/skeptical facade, but that spread to local cafes & businesses, & then corp. businesses, instigating compromises & conspiracies. Jesus actually used vultures to illustrate how worldly people eagerly join a dead body in committing evil acts, Lk 17:37 - being evil is popular - follow the Lord no matter if it's popular or if you're shunned & persecuted - "Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it," Lk. 17:33. My nephew is Stanton Gwynn - the implication is he's "talking" (tracking Davis churches) through the penguin; but they need to do more than vague implicit mssgs. through a TV ad. While v. 33 can be qualified w/Matt. 7:6 ("Don't cast your pearls before swine") - God doesn't usually ask us to foolishly & deliberately throw our life away, nephews who are full grown young men fully capable of battling against a rebellion are expected to be on the offensive, especially w/l.n. w/Lodi Rich/MGM (Goldwyn) buzzard word.
10/8, "661 A talked," subtitles, Fox News Sunday, 11:41 AM, wh fem interviewing DiSantis. "He doesn't let us give up on ourselves," 12:10 PM approx., ch 13. BW rewards website, no access to pvcy policy (possibly hacked). 3:03 PM, CBS, Kelce holding helmet as though face down while speaking w/his coach. Kansas City qtrbk makes Landscaper Nick 'step' motion 3:10 PM (Mahomes). 3:20 PM, anncr, "Mahomes playing Vikings for the first time in his career," (but Mahomes has been around several years). Men in Black, approx. 3:20, alien glides across the floor - ads on TV including Mattress Firm(?) & others w/emplys gliding around. 3 PM, "It's time for 60 Minutes tonight - but if it isn't on until "tonight," then it isn't "it's time..." ch 13; "It's time for Auto Nation..." & Verizon ad where male is @ party, possibly one of his kids' birthday party, & yanked away (implying being arrested) - the facade is I pay hommage to a phone co. that phonemically sounds like 'V[ictory,] her rise [is] on,' or alternately, '...whore rise [is] on,' w/'her' & 'whore' symbolizing my future sexy wife presumably rising up on my behalf (therefore I must switch back to Verizon) - I have to grovel before that phone co. name, or "It's [jail] time" in my future - decreeing magical powers for my future wife, & I disappear @ my child's birthday party, agreed to (conspired), nationally (Auto Nation - '[we] ought to, nation'). Verizon was doing some of same acts of oppression that T Mobile is now, & before that, it was Boost, & before that, it was Consumer Cellular, & before that, it was Straight Talk, & before that, it was Metro PCS, etc. - some of them worse than others, but they all drew lines that they had the "right" to stalk me.
10/8, "...called the Daniel Hacket time the worst," blk fem anncr, 4:45 PM, CBS or GBS. "...his time in Denver," but it was specially worded - Hackensack report I placed on internet (Billy Joel song). 2 firefighters walking toward camera, a few steps, Hearts of Heros, "We're all in this together," possibly harmless - video approx. 3 wks ago of 2 fems unclothed walking toward camera; Sheldon Yellen (?) one of firefighters. 5:55, "I told you who we're through'd," vision, near Walmart - Bob Green, Green Realty, Vacaville, 1997, "You're through!" i.e., fired, & out on the streets, & that did happen soon afterward (residentially challenged); on 10/8, @ bus stop, last run of day for rte. 240 (Yolobus), mex. male driver, never showed up @ bus stop - jogged back to Bel Air. 'Through' - bob Green looked like Col. Sanders - South - Walmart; Walmart WS had phones for most cos. exc. T Mobile - "You have to go to the Truxel Walmart for phones for T Mobile;" (Truxel Rd., N. Sac) blk male emply, electronics dept. Walmart. I.e., they're claiming it's 'team 'owe bill'' - because I was cutting it close w/paying bills while in R.E., neverending mocking & stalking about bill-paying - prepaid was cheaper - these cell phone cos. became my 'team 'owe bill'' (T Mobile) - "business partners;" I reported this to Feds, & possibly on internet in 2012 or so; the hot pink theme of T Mobile was conspired signals about the publicly acknowledged No. Ca. scandal - monopoly of R.E. brokers oppressing me. 10/8, "He isn't the only gram," 5:52, near Ikea/Walm. - or Graham; possibly Mideasterners in region conspiring to 'through' me - ultimatums - any phone co. that I'm doing business w/ becomes a "business" co. eventually - meaning they have to ream me until I quit them because I'm trying to be a businessman; reports constantly misconstrued to be sales oriented - while conspiring to deny me teacher jobs. Possibly South is claiming they have a watch w/Walmart - emplys ask to see receipt & purchased items (constituting an illegal search, if it's w/out consent) of everyone exiting, but, absent any accusation w/reasonable suspicion, they don't have that right, & so I simply ignore them, & they've never pushed it; possibly South claiming Walmart emplys are plants assessing or a witness to my watch - i.e., evangelism & enduring oppression - refusing to give up my rights such as when Toone was my roommate - 'Graham' watch. I.e., regional attempt to mold Jack Teacher by oppression to fit the facade that businessmen (salesmen) must demand the "luxury" brand new phone @ every turn - 'tour, [l]ux[ury,] sell' - Electrolux vacuum cleaners - 'elect [death] row [ for victim - due to insistence on] lux[ury]' - & then, Jack Teacher's THROUGH! The problem w/supposed long range watch of South is it also makes for a long range "watch" for rebels - gives them more chances to finish me off; so it isn't 'Oh, you poor helpless rebels. Of course Graham is crackers enough to buy you more time.' The facade, evidently was, will, "burr" Jack Teacher longer - because it's no longer Pop Secret - Orville shot the moon w/the Wright plane - Kitty Hawk, Kathmandu. & they can't conveniently point to Kat Von D repenting of witchcraft & being saved in all the confusion. I.e., their long range watches that I believe God told me should be kicked out of the church for leaving me behind & allowing the nation to spiral downward - "Leave it - you're not, they caught," vision, 2:38 PM, referring to leaving the Kitty Hawk display on my website. In light of no one else responding, & Congress proceeding w/more sinister tactics, God may be extending South some grace to repent, due to tracking long range consp. of "North" (No. Ca., & Congress & White House) - 'guard rail' consp. attempting to negate my existence for another decade or more, & attempts to corner me to take law into my own hands against blks & No. Ca. rebels. Alternate interp. of Walmart flower logo - biblical principle - take the lowest seat (wall flower). Pac Bell, Pacific coast division of the Ma Bell cos. owned by AT&T, logo was a giant asterisk - I maintained salt by using my education in sales, despite hitting rock bottom - hassle involving some risks, but I was law-abiding; when systematically accused & oppressed, & robbed of credential, license, etc., God led me - I hadn't done anything wrong, & the bottom line was work - so keep working & in enemy territory, low profile w/wall flower identity - someone asks, "Say, aren't you the one who was claiming to be a big stud salesman?" It's, "No, I'm a wall flower." (I'm a flower child - I'll give myself that much.)
Original T Mobile logo was hot pink, series of boxes, & a 'T,' approx. 2002. The name may have had something to do w/fact that I was referring to them as mobile phones, rather than cell phones, & a factor in this was my roommate Brian Toone from Alabama (Mobile, capital). The boxes lined up w/Sac. Assoc. or Realtors or other Sac R.E. logo, but symbolized my constant "boxing" to keep going despite brokers were caving in to Doug Arnold - trying to 'pin' me down & drum me out of business; alternately, "boxing" for professional standards w/phone cos. that were caving in to Davis rebel oppression, & boxing for free speech w/gospel mssg. The hot pink theme of T Mobile - 'hot - pin k[ey];' the gimmick of T Mobile was lower price than most other cos. - $99/mo. - unlimited calls, & no increases as long as you're w/them - they weren't the first to do this, I had been w/Surewest Wireless for apprx. 2 years before that - they were supposedly advertising an implied acknowledgement that I was getting the shaft from all directions; when I tried to sign up w/them, they wanted a $400 deposit. I actually came up w/the deposit; but they still cancelled my service when I got behind on payment (despite the deposit). So the 'box' theme & hot pink theme were actually similar to the tactics of UCD & the ARC - attempts to possess the adversary's gates - 'here's what we have to take, everybody...' UCD claiming they had to take the Noah's ark & pending flood of punishment that was due them; cell phone cos. had to help locals finish me off despite it was acknowledged I was consistently & successfully boxing for my rights - handing the region & the mobile phone cos. their 'T.' Further elaborating, it was facade claim that I wasn't actually working, but faking I was "boxing" so that I could get brokers to pay my bills. & former roommate Toone from South - no help from them as well - because I was a fake - 'T' w/Mobile, Al. & any counting on South to invade. Also, as reported, these arguments were empty facades - when my B&B sale didn't go through, God showed up w/seller Jesús in Sac., 2001, w/ T St. res. that from the front was exactly the same as 422 A St. (B&B); Greg Smith from Gov's Office of Emergency Services purchased it - there simply wasn't any disputing my hard work ethic. In fact, T Mobile came after this, so it was an attempt to negate it - possessing enemy's gates attempt - which doesn't work if you're defying God. But w/in 2 years of that, I had continued on straight & narrow - working hard, & also was focussed on teacher goals, & phone cos. caught up in the scandal - bad for image; they started backpeddling, & due to competition & improvements in technology, but also possibly due in part attempts to make up for involvement in scandal of mo'ly charging me almost as much as my rent, cell phone prices came down. But mocking tactics continued, & so as of approx. 3 years ago, I was back to T Mobile. The consp. has morphed into facade that I have to switch phone cos. because they've oppressed me - as though I'm going to magically forget that all the other ones have as well. Moreover, gov't is attempting to dupe me w/showdown in attempt to defeat my demand for justice - i.e., I PROVED SWITCHING PHONE COS. ISN'T THE SOLUTION - THEY CAVE IN & OPPRESS ME BECAUSE NO ONE'S BEEN ARRESTED FOR IT - IT BECOMES THEIR "RIGHT" TO OPPRESS ME, ACCORDING TO THEM - AS IN ANY FREE NATION, THE SOLUTION IS PUNISH THE CONSPIRATORS - THEY DON'T GET TO DRAW A LINE WHILE THEY ARCHITECT MY DEMISE. & TRUE TO THEIR WICKED FORM, BLACK CONGRESSMAN ON TV 12/14, 7:18 AM, "...have chosen [pause]..." THE SAME PAUSE, OR STALL AS T MOBILE AUTOMATED PAY SYSTEM & USDOJ VM, AS REPORTED. Also, I brought up my phone was shut down yesterday (10/13) @ landscaping job doing the grunt labor for landscaper Kim (digging out bushes, stumps, etc.), & she said T Mobile accepts cash payments @ their shop, which they did, that eve. But the last time I was in that store (F St.), blk male emply was making coded comments, & I said, "Codes are bound," & he was trying to one up the conspirators tactics; as of 2009, they've never tried to deny they are using codes - I warn, rebuke, accuse, etc., & it's simply asserted it is happening, & I can't stop them; but this blk male emply, "Codes, what do you mean? I'm not using codes," & then coded comment, "We won't help you here..." I then rebuked him again, & he said, outloud, "We aren't going to serve you here," & refused to help me; then mex. male emply helped me - shutting down blk male's facade. Nevertheless, the consp. is evidently to get me into the shop once/mo., & then set up a confrontation w/blk emply that results in fight, or police, or both, & I disappear - THE HOT PINK & BOXES CONSP. CONSUMATED - PHYSICAL BOXING MATCH BETWEEN ME & BLK MALE - RULE OF LAW NATION DEFEATED, BROUGHT TO YOU BY FED. GOV'T & T MOBILE.
While depositing checks @ G1 near Walmart I was pealing the transparent tape from face of phone, 10/14, but the glass face started to come off - there's something to be said about simply having a phone that's in good shape so you can count on it; so I went to T Mobile near G1 to buy new phone. As reported, I paid my bill 10/13 @ T Mobile in Davis - I double-checked prices & features for 'bill due' plans, & they did have one for $60, & free phone w/it - BUT, oh, Jack Teacher's credit didn't qualify. 10/14, Samsung for $168, but no deals on prepaid continuing w/prepaid according to mex. salesman Miguel; he was a long time in back getting phone, & I said something about it, & he then came out saying it's timed opening of safe where phones are kept - 6 min., so that if robbed, they probably won't want to stick around for 6 min.; While continuing to wait, for whoever was listening, I came up w/ "cloud storage" - phones stored in drones, ready to swoop down @ customer's whim. @ any rate, during the delay, Miguel then said on that model (Samsung A03) he could give me a promo price of $110; since more often than not there are promos on the phones, I was open to it; but then, "Let me get this sold out," code, Miguel, 3 PM; i.e., codes implying the promo was a deception from him. My ATM card was then denied (I'd just deposited $331 an hour before that) - T Mobile conspiratorially denies any credit card from me; I went to get cash, & while waiting for a rec't, I was activating Samsung phone, but it's one of those programs where you have to accept a condition in order to go to next step of program to activate; the condition was accepting Samsung's "terms & conditions" - which was strange - terms & conditions are context of a contract for a service; when you purchase a product that you then own outright, there are no "terms & conditions;" there may be operating instructions manual, etc., but the seller has sold the product to you, he has no say so as to how you operate it, etc. But electronics industry is attempting to hijack us of our claim to own property - & we have the onus to halt them. (1) The guise of contract is appearance only - it's a ghost attempting to haunt Americans who are already caving in to fraudulent T&C's of actual contracts. (a)A legit. contract must have consideration - defined as something of value - as defined by the customer. Samsung orchestrating involuntary downloads isn't anything of any value, & 99% of downloads in fact slow the device down; moreover, they tend to take over your device w/out your permission to perform a supposed download, which vastly detracts from value of the handset. (b)A legit. contract must have legal purpose - a contract against public policy or violating laws or your rights is a void contract. Purchase of a smartphone is a transaction where the customer then owns the devise; it isn't leased, nor assigned, you own it - contracts w/banks re: ATM cards, for ex., clearly assert that your ATM card is the bank's property, but when you buy a smartphone, you own it. A contract w/stipulation that you agree to forfeit your rights by allowing Samsung to, w/out advance permission, control, interfere w/, or damage your property is a form of theft, & is also a violation of one's rights irregardless - making it void. (2)The check mark box requiring you to accept T&C's is therefore a trick, rather than a binding contract. But, it's a trick that is part of conspiracy - w/T Mobile, for ex. - the "North Face" internet display in the store (pictured above) - implying Jack Teacher, or customers in general, have to scale a steep cliff, is proof of a conspiracy to slowly dupe the American public that we've ruined ourselves & given up our rights; & in this case it's 100% smoke & mirrors, but left unchecked, it's a form of slavery.
God invited Asians to the highest seat, but he's no respecter of persons - "many are called, few are chosen," if you are called to follow the Lord, the response is deny yourself, take up your cross, & follow; as opposed to putting on aires of self-agrandizement & ignoring God. Moreover, it's the dead wrong response to attempt to prove you can be as evil & crafty as anyone else: Samsung literally spent thousands if not millions of $ on technology specifically designed to taunt & rob customers of good customer service, w/built in mssgs. informing them of it - if you are so vulgar & uncouth as to purchase a generic power cord for your Samsung phone, they spent millions on technology to detect it & actually interfere w/the charging of the device, slowing it down, & energy is spent displaying a message, informing the poor unsuspecting "slob" customer that he or she is being denied a speedy charge of their phone as a punishment for being economical - as though we haven't had decades of experience w/tech devices & power equipment in the garage, etc., fully aware that charging a device or tool in reality can't be affected by the brand of power cord, unless someone designs it that way. @ any rate, it was probably an underhanded attempt to orchestrate a Samsung & Dialah display, w/Jack Teacher being the disgruntled dialer trying to cut their lines - biblical principles are only effectively displayed w/positive examples, rather than mockery. But they're the ones who "hung" Samson; Hankook should've taken a steel belt to them & severely disciplined them; Jack Teacher claims Samson role & rather than cutting a few lines, demolishes Samsung's foundations.
Congress & White House, by allowing these fraudulent contracts & trick contracts are facilitating devaluing the nation!
10/12, 7:40, Tiam, T Mobile emply, "Okay, let's try it again w/the CORRECT info," after my credit card had been rejected by T Mobile w/her on phone - but all info was double checked, & it was right the first time - she wanted me to read my credit card # again (this would be the 4th X including 2X using automated system); but the terminology was attempt to fulfill Verizon codes from 2006-2010 or so, "Let's try that again!" an automated system response (recording) but it was a fem w/skeptical, rude sounding voice - as opposed to professional, pleasant customer service. In fact, the Verizon system was an attempt to rally support from other customers - stay on the line, but instead, call us on our 800 line on a landline, then, we can pick up right were we left off!" - cheerful sounding, as opposed to constant skepticism during all the other automated interactions. The implication was - 'you can't call us on a landline, because you don't have a landline, do you? You might even be homeless, right? & you want us to DO BUSINESS W/YOU - A SKUMMY HOMELESS PERSON?!!!' & therefore, they can be rude, oppressive, & devious, was the assertion. The 'correct' lingo was code for false arrest & kidnap - "correcting" you w/jail time. All roads lead to AT&T - it's still going on - T Mobile eventually has to bow to the crime boss - AT&T - & attempt to force me to stop doing business w/them. Code from possibly #245 (above rm 114, BW), "You won't be lucky," or similar, 10/16, when I opted to stay here for a 3rd night. The fact is, my strategy is to refuse to leave Davis; as of this morning (10/18) I paid for another night, making it 4 nights in a row; BW rates are @ their lowest - $111+ tax making it $127/night; if you consider my time worth (in landscape pay) $25/hr, then this is cheaper than $85/night @ Bel Air in WS, including the 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. of travel back & forth. In reality I work on my reports on the bus, so I'm usually in WS to save money for interviews; but this 4th night resulted in my phone destroyed - screen is shot - I wasn't "lucky." The phone was hacked & limping along anyway, but I hadn't been to WS T Mobile to buy another one, & as reported Davis T Mobile had refused to sell me one - it was either Sat. or Mon. But I went in today to see if there were other emplys who might sell me a phone rather than inventing they're out of those models (they rehearsed their denial codes in front of me); while waiting to be helped (10/18, 6:10 PM), mex. male emply AJ said all their phones are only available for post paid (bill due) customers - you can't pay them full price & buy it on the spot, it can only be by payments. I told him he's full of it & I'd like to speak to a manager; he said he's the keyholder & there wasn't anyone else. THE BOTTOM LINE IS T MOBILE IS BEGGING TO BE NUKED A DOZEN TIMES OVER! (& THAT WILL BE THE CASE, BUT BY OPERATION OF THE LAW).
10/15, Fox NFL, 4:12, Jets' player running finger through mouth similar to if someone's being resusitated - code to drown me, etc.; possibly referring to consp. that I would fail to track T Mobile & Samsung (phony contract consp.) - Eagles #11, hot pink shoes - code to look down & abandon me.
Efforts of church & others going to great lengths to specifically promote Italians & Catholics was an invitation to repent & consumate w/brotherly love their deeds of spreading a rudamentary form of the gospel. They instead seem to take it as some sort of admission that they hold all the cards & being mean & hateful toward other Christians is what it's all about. Rubio, NASA astronaut w/new record for staying in space, uniform appearance like jail bars, alternately huge scar on arms of space suit; that is actually the m.o., for more than decade, of mexs. in Yolo cty & No. Ca. - the 'slice' consp. - victim is hostage in jail as protection from being sliced up w/knife. One could argue Rubio isn't the clothing designer for NASA; but astronauts are the center of the program - objection to pathetic-looking space suit design would be heeded @ once. Also, the two hands making the heart shape - is it a concession, or going in for the "kill" & "stealing" it? I.e., w/out denouncing the space suit, he's sealed the deal - heart gesture associated w/Jack Teacher w/prospects of dating someone in recent past - but that was "killed" by the oppressors, & they flaunt the booty! & Crystal Geyser & other ads "re-instating" the former conspiracies "decreeing" Jack Teacher enslaved for another decade until another youngster reaches adulthood & might marry him - 'but[ting his] knot [is] easy.' Moreover, IF YOU CAN GET AWAY W/OPPRESSION, DOES THAT MAKE IT OKAY TO OPPRESS PEOPLE? Ca. gov. Newsom says it does. God sometimes sends an angel to temporarily prevent me from perceiving certain acts of oppression just long enough to get the perpetrators out in the open & exposed - Newsom claiming if I fell short in chastizing Spanish, he could use blacks as tool of more oppression against me - La Fonda/La Phonza. Spain was a central actor in the spread of Christianity to America, 1400-1700's; but the Bible says, 1 Cor. 13, 2-3, "... I may have faith so great I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and I may even give my body over to the flames, but I gain nothing if I do not have love." Catholics were allowed to consumate their deeds w/love, & considering I'm a Spanish Teacher & historical figure of Jack Teacher as well - & Catholic church as well as Protestant church have acknowledged the Jack Teacher plan for centuries - Latinos in America & Spanish had specific duty to intervene for me & Slavs as well. Kents on Ganges, hay spred in flowerbeds;
bent practice among residents in Davis to refuse to rake their yards or flowerbeds, claiming the leaves produce mulch. But mulch is produced by yard waste that is allowed to compost - deteriorate when concentrated in box or container, as opposed to leaving it on the ground where is ads clutter, which is none other than laziness. But occasionally customers refuse offers to rake, requesting other work done, w/out raking yard or flowerbeds - & this is despite my objections to the contrary. But the hay is claim they are stealing it - late rebel R.E. broker Arnold, & Craig Arnold from Fresno, 6th grade - comment, "Go mess up a pasture!" He was possibly a plant, because this is more like a "leak" - he & Mike Skinner were taking French classes, I was taking Spanish; 'Gomez up - I passed yer,' soon after that I was teaching Summer School, full charge of classroom; i.e., 'Spanish Teacher is up - you passed.' But double entendre as far as rebels - 'Go mess up a pasture;' rather than an academician, you're a farm animal - & that's Davis' form of oppression; i.e., I have to dig ditches & do it frantically & work O/T as though I did something wrong, or I'm "put out to pasture" & sent to death row. "We're gonna let him race 'em," Elaine, 10/2, approx. 5 PM, when I placed wheel barrow in garage. On way to Kents', wheel barrow fallen over beside res. on Cabot St., & Holy Spirit led me to take note - 'we'll bear [death] row;' Spain's & Latinos' (& No. Ca.'s) m.o.; if there is any significance to "wheel barrow" phonemically similar to 'death row' threats, the most you could argue, without moving ancient landmarks is, an expression warning you might be headed for trouble if you aren't willing to work - if necessary, dig ditches - "idle hands are the devil's workshop." Attempts to dictate that you have to do one form of work as opposed to another is oppressive, deceptive, & unbiblical - the "if necessary" clause is focal - I kept busy working hard - no one denies my hard work ethic - the 'mande?' expression in Spanish, - 'order me?' or 'what would you like?' sounds like 'Monday?' & I gained reputation for working harder than others consistently working Saturdays as well, rather than putting it off until Mon. on Fri. afternoon. Moreover, when they became corrupt due to oppressing me for evangelizing, I humbled myself further & willingly worked any & all jobs - sign-waving, landscape, dish washing, bakery - but they had already ruined themselves, & so the conspired decree was slavery rep job (Landscaper Nick); THIS ISN'T ANY 'BEAR [DEATH] ROW' TEST ON MY PART OR THEIRS - IT'S 'EMPOWER THEM TO FIND A WAY TO GET AWAY W/DEATH ROW' facades. But Latinos regionally & beyond have been conspiring death row; my HS Spanish teacher, Lodi HS, was Mrs. Lynch, & Spain could've intervened to ensure Jack Teacher allowed to teach rather than empowering ongoing 'lynching' conspiracies that never end. Lodi HS Flames (mascot) - Catholics delivering their "body" to the Flames - but they don't have love. My Dad used a duck caller mid-1980's, & aimed it @ Dr. Collins' res. a few docks down from the dock in our backyard (quack); vision 10/2 of one single duck caller sound - i.e., directing me to avoid promoting Spain - I'm failing to hunt those "ducks" - such as Latinos, etc., neglecting their duty, & conspiring under guise of ducking to corner me into a spiritual call & lynching when I'm supposed to be a teacher.
Rock & Hollywood are experts @ refusing to follow their own advice, & pointing to others as their excuse. I've reported online some of their testimonies about the imperative of Jack Teacher plan, & that I'm allowed to teach - & the consequences for ostracizing Jack Teacher - liberty & justice forfeited; but the authenticity of these is diminished when they constructively reneg them. While any such warnings on Jack Teacher's behalf are corroborated by historical testimonies & historical miraculous feats & accomplishments - the warnings are useful to wake Americans up, but they are "expendable" - & rock & Hollywood are asking to become collateral damage due to failing to follow through, & instead attempting to trick me & mislead U.S.A.! As far as specifically the Little River Band song, another song, "Help Is On Its Way" seems to make a parody of anyone realistically helping a hypothetical victim - as though someone in need of counselling (cf. "Don't You Forget About Me," Simple Minds). BUT THIS IS A THEME THAT STARTED W/"HELP!" FROM BEATLES (FIRST HEARD IT IN 6TH GRADE @ JIM ELMS' IN FRESNO) - THEY CLAIM THEY COULD USE A HELPING HAND, LEG UP, ETC., BUT IF YOU ATTEMPT TO DO SO, YOU GET SUCKED INTO IT, W/THEM "INFORMING" EVERYONE YOU'RE A MENTAL CASE - YOU NEED "HELP." THAT'S WHY 6TH GRADE CLASSMATE MIKE SKINNER, JOKING AROUND, USED EXPRESSION "DO YOU NEED HELP?" POINTING @ TEMPLE OF HIS HEAD (MENTAL) - THEY SAID IT - THEY'RE "TALKING ABOUT A LIFETIME PLAN" & THERE ARE STILL TERRORISTS CONSPIRING TO PUT ME AWAY IN FUNNY FARM. Before I boycotted them (1/2021, & redoubling it, 7/2021), I dismissed any such lyrics, but then you notice that they are coercing people that that is it - if you're trying to help them, you need "help," or worse - you're a foolish glutton for punishment who likes to almost get killed repeatedly - as of 2017 car trying to run me down, & 2020 attack & 2021 attack - you have no choice - DON'T - TRY - TO - HELP - THEM. AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGMENT, THIS REPORT CITES 2 SONGS FROM 1970'S-'80'S; THAT GETS PEOPLE LISTENING TO THESE SONGS FROM LONG AGO & TEMPTING THEM TO ADMIRE THEM - BUT MEANWHILE, THEY RUIN PEOPLE WHO TRY TO HELP THEM, & PRESSURE U.S.A. TO GIVE UP ON OURSELVES - FAVORITE EXPRESSION AFTER A PERFORMANCE - "GIVE IT UP FOR ___!!!" They also have a fettish for making the point that their popularity & influence is a higher priority than following God for a lot of people, including a lot of those who claim to be Christians. But that simply makes them the equivalent of talented cult leaders - Jimmy Jones, David Koresh, Do & the Hailbopps, etc. It's common knowledge that charismatic, influencial people can lead a lot of people astray - that isn't a new concept - rock & Hollywood drive home that point to their shame - using it as smoke screen to avoid doing what they said they'd do - intervene for justice. It's Jack Teacher's job to maintain my post & refuse to give credit where merit of such credit is being consistently negated daily for years. MAKE NO MISTAKE - IT'S 3 ACTS OF ATTEMPTED MURDER OR ACCESSORIES TO THEM @ MIN. YOU CAN'T BLAME FOOTBALL PLAYERS OR ANYONE ELSE DATING A ROCK STAR AS FAR AS A SUPPOSED PINPOINT DUTY ON MY BEHALF - ESPECIALLY WHEN ROCK LED EVERYONE BY EXAMPLE - 'ACT CURIOUS, BUT OSTRACIZE JACK TEACHER, & INSTIGATE MORE TROUBLE FOR HIM.' WHILE EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN HAS AN IMPERATIVE DUTY, ESPECIALLY WHEN W/ACCESS TO A MIC & AUDIENCE, TO EXPOSE THE REBELLION, IT ISN'T A "KILL SHOT" FOR A RANDOM FOOTBALL PLAYER TO IGNORE JACK TEACHER WHEN ROCK & HOLLYWOOD ARE DOING THE SAME & ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE'S A FAR GREATER IMPLICIT & EXPLICIT "PINPOINT" DUTY FOR THEM TO ACT ON MY BEHALF - MORE SO THAN ANYONE ELSE! THEY ARE COMMUNICATING - 'IF WE ARE REAMING JACK TEACHER, THEN THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT YOU'LL GET AWAY W/IT AS WELL.' LITTLE SECRET CODES IN SONGS OF ROCK & MOVIES OF HOLLYWOOD ARE MEANINGLESS IN THE FACE OF THEM FAILING TO PROFESS CHRIST PUBLICLY & USE THEIR MICS TO PIPE UP ON MY BEHALF & DENOUNCE REBELLION! THEY SOW CONFUSION, STUMBLING, & HEARD-HEARTEDNESS AMONG AMERICANS! 2 Cor. 11:14, "And no wonder, for Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." But there isn't any light of any kind when they betray Jack Teacher after exponentially worsening my conditions; they don't profess Jesus as Lord; if they're claiming underground church, it wasn't necessary to go underground; they could've protested on behalf of Slavs @ beginning. "Airheads," snakes - but a lot of people are like that, so it doesn't rule out dating someone - but any notion someone might be inspired by them to stand up for justice is excluded as a farce!
I was praying about rock & Hollywood, essentially trying to convince me this nation is done - crumbling, & no one wants to do anything about it - but it's as though pressuring me to give up - possibly accept a 'sole survivor' role. I then spoke to God about that if I went along w/that, presumably expecting other nations to intervene, rock would probably lure them or dissuade them so that one after another, no one's coming - 'give up, Jack Teacher!' While I believe God has communicated to me that Mideast is possibly strategizing to intervene, giving up on USA would probably derail that. Nevertheless, God gave me a vision of him saying to rock & Hollywood, "He's taken you're quitters!"
As far as 'sole survivor,' it's possible tracking blacks is claimed to be a factor by rock & Hollywood & nation as well; i.e., 'soul survivor.' But be warned: The leaders of Catholic church have been judged for creating their own itinerary as opposed to the Bible - if you want to track suspects, do so w/out enslaving innocent citizens such as Jack Teacher, or else you're making yourselves no better than those you're tracking. Blacks attempted a plumb line using "soul" food & "soul" music, implying U.S.A. whites' souls were on the line if we didn't regard blacks as equals & promote diversity. But they evidently failed to heed their own warnings - song possibly implying USA is the survivor w/out blacks. I'm reporting this due to it's possibly a factor as far as rock's & Hollywood's tricks leaving me in dangerous conditions. But once again, if your "brand" of Christianity necessitates willful oppression (crimes) against someone, then you've misjudged the grace of God & the power of God; 2 Tim 3:5, "...having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power."
10/3, "You just can't stake their interstate 80," 4 AM. Ca. & Biden attempting to cover for traffic jams on I-80 between Davis & Sac w/guardrail codes pertaining to new lanes being added, implying I'm not yelling enough. 10/1, "He has outsurvive," McCarthy, 6:37, Noticias, Telemundo.
A teacher who refuses to draw the line is burying his teacher talents - & the Jack Teacher plan is the plan of God as of AD 325 - it isn't the "Jack Missionary" plan - they owe us yakking @ minimum. Asians are obviously oblivious - including the Koreans - as to the skill required to vanquish the owl - the Old Owl said it was 3 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop in ad in 1970's, but he never bothered to count - I did, & it's 1,073. I wrote to them & rec'd the "Order of the Clean Stick" from Tootsie Roll Industries. Jack Teacher gets no respect!
10/3, "Pick it up! Pick it up!" 6:53 AM, ch 3 Comcast? ad, then "to learn more," 6:54 AM - based on coming back from my recent hiatus, I got up @ 4 AM & juggled one hour rather than 2, & then worked on reports for an hour; later that week I again juggled for an hour @ 4, then studied Calculus for an hour. TV ads very likely decreeing I need more "training" - slavery conditions. 7:01 AM, "We have possible solo," fat blk fem, 42A. I reported the trucks on Covell Blvd. partially blocking traffic near Birch/Pole Line; also Asian fem, jeans jump suit, stalls w/feigned difficulties w/bus bike rack. Beach Hut billboard, I-80, placed there 10+ years ago, originally 2 sandwiches displayed like legs spread - ie., No. Ca. fems supposed to ham it - admitting that they'd been bad & were exposed - but this was covered up w/grafitti as of 10/3 - more proof of White House/Newsom I-80 'guardrail' consp. - Nat'l Guardsman arrested & displayed on national TV immediately after I reported my Dad was National Guardsman. Biden, "...shouldn't have gotten here in the first place. It's time to end government by crisis," 10:29 PM ch 40; subtle code that they were insisting that I go specifically to Washington DC & "rail" - yell - or no justice. But the Montreal Expos trade to the Senators while I was hostage 2.5 years in 2006 was my cue that it was a trap - Canada code - you can't add sales to teaching & there won't be an attack mounted against an exposed No. Ca. rebellion. That's why I went to NYC instead. Beach Hut "expose" confession reversed, & it's coordinated w/Guardsman arrested & I-80 widening - huge projects, all part of maintaining their slavery consp.
'OUTSURVIVE' CODE GIVEN FLESH: Approx. 1 wk ago, video of model in swim suit or similar, 1,2,3,4 fingers extended, but held tightly together @ her crotch. Approx. 10/6, vision of model's 4 fingers - 'no cussing' gesture, as far as I could tell. 10/8, TCT channel, Joel Osteen (warlock), hand held up w/2 fingers together - Catholic gesture; pattern - 2 fingers together, then index finger, then 2 fingers, then 4 fingers together. Possibly code linking the model's gesture w/Catholic priests (celibate); i.e., implying any gesture from a model must be contrary to chaste standards; i.e., 2-1-2-4 - I don't get justice for 101 years - 2124 - instead Hwy 101 - & in fact, it's 'hit the highway;' & ''T-ooo' 'one' ''T'-ooo-four;' a 'T' w/4 gesture means my "one" (penis) is taken away.
She might still be alive if she'd clicked her heels twice & said, "There's no place like home!" (& stood up for Jack Teacher's rights!) Coded comment near E. 8th St., Davis, 9/28, "He has we're the monster," approx. 11 AM - it's Congress & White House though, along w/Davis/No. Ca. NASA's Frank attempted to hand them the "Rubio slippers" - witch - the "bronze" as far as evil leaders - by setting a new record for staying in space. & it is a match - 'fine' is code for misdemeanor charges - No. Ca. conspiracy strategy to minimize provocations; but I reported the recent prison consp. - no longer a "fine" - her death unmistakably timed w/my tracking of that.
Davis & No. Ca. struck an unspoken deal w/rebels from other parts of country - they would refuse to expose the oppression & invade if Davis/No. Ca. could maintain phony front of civility & good-naturedness; i.e., make it look like an accident rather than a backward nation hit; translates to: 'mount[ing an invasion is] real - expose [the rebellion in the news!]' - (Montreal Expose)' scenario, traded to Washington in 2006 (becoming Senators). A Spanish Teacher who's held on to his teacher goals & good example, something so rogue & uncouth as a stabbing or some other act of murder when I had in fact gained international attention, could be a fatal mistake for a city claiming to be a dignified education hub. Moreover, U.S.A. must maintain image as leader of justice - Davis must make it look cosmetic. Latinos in No. Ca. having intervened w/Don Quixote upgrade heroism, but contrary to expectations, their upstanding efforts were marginalized - downplayed. The complication w/ accident strategy is (1) I'm being used in more & more earth-shattering revelations (Asia & Slavs), & (2) uncovering more & more huge scandals (Slavs), & (3) solving more & more conspiracies in No. Ca., & (4) I'm holding my post & refusing to crack or give up - & w/No. Ca. conspiracies reported internationally on internet, pressure on rebels. Additionally, context of these huge revelations & huge reports of more & more evidence of involvement of additional cities such as Lodi & Fresno, & visions of nuclear missiles launched @ No. Ca. & Fresno from Edwards A/F base, & based on my reports nationally exposing the rebels on almost a daily basis, it became more & more awkward to claim I'm still an unknown - why isn't anyone trying a hit against me? This "pressure" culminated in the 2017 male assailant brandishing a gun in his 4X4 near my truck @ Davis Food Coop shopping ctr, & when I confronted him (unaware he had a gun) he then started driving @ my w/truck trying to run me over (I crossed the street & hopped a fence). 2 mos. later, Davis police smashed my truck & I was kidnapped by police based on bogus warrant. & my car towed away - leaving me stranded outdoors @ night, it was making more sense as public enemy #1 to avoid sleeping in dark secluded places, where I'd be a sitting duck for a killer, who could more easily sneak up unseen in dark, & w/conceivably no witnesses or gov't cameras, etc. As of 2018 I was staying regularly on back porch of Cooper bldg @ F & 4th - behind ivy & shrubs, but a location that was substantially lighted. I reported a dream of Shirley Lauters directing traffic @ that intersection w/bales of hay as traffic barriers - such as when 4th of July bike races occur - which have often gone through that intersection. I.e. conflicting arguments - they had to save face w/attacks - entire No. Ca. region tracked & caught red-handed, & yet none of them punished, & the victim right there in a truck by himself every night, & then right there on a porch outside - MY REPORTS SPELLING OUT THEY'RE GUILTY SO BLATANTLY THAT THE COVER-UP/ACCIDENT SCENARIO - ORCHESTRATED LARGELY BY LATINOS - SPANISH TEACHER "CONCESSION" - REPLACED BY CONSPIRED ATTACKS. Latinos efforts @ intervention had been neglected, & so they became key players in cover-up @ national level. I've been led it isn't a 100% of Latinos seeking the demise of the nation. They re-strategized national level assists of rebels; attempt to hit me w/Toyota 4Runner, end of 2017, along w/car smashed & towed. No. Ca. Latinos' efforts to repair the damage of my career - "mend" - conspiratorially denied - 'mend' becomes 'men end us' - baseball team "the Senators" - ch 3 10/7, approx. 6 AM, sen. Richard Menendez' fiancee' who became his wife in 2020, Nadine Arslanian, in 2018, in Mercedes allegedly accidentally hits & kills Richard Kooper in Bogota, NJ; this is while I'm staying reg'ly @ Cooper bldg. porch @ F & 4th - located in downtown Davis, where Woodstock cafe in 1999 joined other rebels, Dee, mgr, called police & accused me for no reason - subsequently other downtown Davis businesses joined the oppression, known as "D" oppression for Dee or downtown Davis; i.e., car killing Cooper victim in downtown - '[have] mercy, D's!' Extenuating circumstances: Testimony from friend of Kooper's from Hackensack - 'hack[ed while] in [the] sack,' or 'hack[ed while] in Sac' -i.e., facades that had to be "covered" by rebels. Bogota officer recorded as saying, "[It's] dark - her breath, ya know?" 'breadth' code - facade rebels possibly have "play" as far as guise of random attack, but also, Pina Colada song, "If you like making love @ midnight/In the dunes of the cape..." sounds like "...they doom - suffocate," studio version; 'her breath' - Jack Teacher must be a "woman" if he isn't attacked more; & @ that intersection 2021, choked & passed out for a second or more - & same thing on Columbia Ct. in 2/2020 - choked until I passed out momentarily. @ the time, Arslanian ('our slay - knee in,' - it's "in" to slay Jack Teacher) said Kooper ran in front of her car & she didn't have time to stop - no charges filed against her. But reports question the comment aobut 'breath' - she wasn't subjected to a breathalyzer test, nor any other DUI test, so why did the officer say that? Story on ch 3, & others, supposedly separate scandal involving Menendez, but involving a Mercedes - allege attempted bribe involving Jose' Uribe w/money to buy new Mercedes for keeping quiet. But Uribe is the name of former president of Colombia - located in Bogota, Colombia during presidency - the fatal accident in Bogota, NJ, & one of the strangle attacks against me occurred on Columbia Ct. Davis. If they are proceeding according to Davis protocol, it's whites attempting to cast blame onto Latinos - hiding behind them - Congress hiding behind Menendez, so that Latinos take the fall - but in fact, they complement each other. Nationally, there are white conspirators/rebels, & there are Latino conspirators/rebels, & rebellion is all it takes to bring down the nation - despite most of them claim that isn't their goal. As far as blacks, nevertheless, almost universally in USA that is the goal for all of them. McCarthy ousted, 'make car [of] thee,' D's (downtown Davis rebels) get a "helping hand" from Senators - attempts on my life under guise they are 'mercy, D's;' they're no longer just barista managers & store owners, they're made into killer cars; McCarthy, of course, had to be scolded - 'you're not supposed to conspire & rebel & make attempts on peoples' lives - that's it! You're no longer speaker!'
Pinpoint tracking - I reported clear plastic car (automobile) tent w/constant fan inflating it on Bianco Ave. in N. Davis, w/Jaguar & giant stuffed bear. Approx. 2 wks ago, wh blnd model wh sexy swim suits, but no nudity, w/giant stuffed bear, & gestures, "It's yours." I don't need any carnival prizes - in fact, I have a viable argument that I'm the only one behaving as an adult in this nation; nevertheless, news reports of "Rich" Kooper w/giant stuffed animal. 'Make car [of] thee,' & Mic Jaggar's wife Bianca Jagger - Jaguar - yet another tracking of corrupt Congress - & I've consistently held rock & Hollywood accountable. Alternate slant - 'stuff' is code for free stuff, freebies, etc., & constant stalkings that my income from landscape work is "stuff;" but Landscaper Nick consp. denying me teacher job & cornering me into working for Davis rebels was orchestrated by approx. 27 No. Ca. counties - little kids or possibly girl friends value stuffed animals - the 'stuffed animal' facade is tracking of regionwide trick perpetuating facade that I'm acting like a little kid - the blatant conspiracies occurring in public in front of everyone, w/futile attempts to mask them using codes, is proof of their crimes & acts of rebellion - enslaving me for years under guise of forcing a confession from them by coughing up the dough is inapplicable, & a trap! Billy Joel, "Moving Out" lyrics, "Who needs a house out in Hackensack/Is that all you get for your money?" & "Sgt. O'Leary,...@ night becomes a bar tender/Yeah, he's trading in his Chevy for a Cadillac-ac-ac-ac/
You oughta know by now/And if he can't drive with a broken back/At least he can polish the fenders..." According to news reports, officer @ scene in 2018 named La Farrera - currently being disciplined for mishandling a more recent DUI case (supposedly echoing "mishandling" the 'breath' comment, but no breathalyzer in 2018); & w/in last 5 years or so, story about Solano sheriff Ferrara, originally from Lodi, participated w/conspirators in 2009-2014, w/4 mos. unjust captivity in 2014; story about him w/pic of him next to fender of patrol car.
10/3, ch 3, 10:18 PM, Lodi police officer, "...indicating..." but it was pronounced like 'indicative' i.e., 'inn dick,' a 'ting'' (accent on 'dick' syllable); Lodi pd. Sgt. Latino, according to report on ch 3 webpage, said police arrested R.E. agent Scott Sherman on School St. for murder of another male @ that location.
Huge feats historically orchestrated by kings & countries on behalf of China wasn't out of guilt - as though to appease them or cut a deal w/them - but rather to please God, & lead Asians w/examples of countries & national leaders pleasing God - w/sacrifices proving that God is more important that possessions, accomplishments, worldly greatness, etc. Asians delaying giving glory to God on premise of whites, or Christians in general, handing them possession of Africa, brings honoring God down to the level of a business transaction or an earthly power play. & I've been led blks in USA should be held accountable (purged), but that doesn't neessarily apply to Africa. Ironically, the sacrifices, such as Norway's credit for discovering the "new world," or England's taking over almost half the kingdoms & restoring their autonomy after blessing them, proving they could control most of the planet, & Western church founding a freedom nation & freeing slaves almost globally to promote China's demonstrated character historically, was to drive home the point to China to make God #1, more so than possessions or greatness - "Seek first the kingdom of God & his righteousness, & all these things shall be added to you," Jesus said. Implied communications about Africa - any rewards China might be blessed w/ (whether that includes Africa or other blessings), God freely blesses those who boast in him, rather than those seeing God as a negotiation pawn.
"'The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,' says the Lord of hosts," Hag. 2:8
I concluded this on 9/19: Without condoning or approving it, as far as Slavs offering unparalleled sacrifice for Christ & then little reaction when it's proclaimed - & in context of duty to react due to deadly conditions I'm faced w/@ times - overall effect is creating a parallel plumbline. I reported God led me no more missions - including short term which, laymen often make; because I was supposed to be focussing on teacher goals. Asians failing to respond when God moves Heaven & earth for them - & this includes freedom of religion - if some of their leaders aren't ready to give their lives to Christ or for Christ, or be daring enough to take a chance that God will protect them (pertaining to leaders, etc. of small, out-numbered Asian countries), which is usually the case, the feats on their behalf were of nature to win close friendships irregardless or religion - recognition of U.S.A. & the churches of being noble Nobel "No" men! In these circumstances, & no responses - not even from Asian churches in U.S.A., WHAT IS MY JOB? I'M A TEACHER! I'M NOT A MISSIONARY OR PREACHER - I'VE DONE MY DUTY SPIRITUALLY, UNLESS I WANT TO THROW A MONKEY WRENCH INTO MY CAREER. The response of a teacher is to teach! That means I don't fold, & go galavanting to Asia to slap them in the face or beg them to believe - either one. Slavs - Jack Teacher reported unparalleled sacrifices for Christ - & almost no response. WHAT IS MY JOB? I'M A TEACHER! Whether or not their Ukraine controversy involved documenting my response, it created a parallel - & God has consistently led me to minimize any response & minimize any further promoting of Slavs. As far as Jack Teacher plan for China, God orchestrated it - starting w/the Constantine vision, then sovereignly blessing Asian heathen w/education leadership & good neighborliness w/other countries; Western church focused on highlighting & extrapolating their leadership example, Eastern church reinforced it promoting rocket science & also a demonstrating of sacrificial love of Christ; both are part of the Jack Teacher plan, but Chinese motives seem to be attempting to pit one against the other, or furthering that notion; Jesus rebuked similar attitude of children of Israel, Matt. 11:16-19, "To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: "'We played the pipe for you,
and you did not dance; we sang a dirge,
and you did not mourn.' For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."
Women scantily clothed & indulging in nude displays on internet, magazines - needed a "fool" to role play them w/courage (1 Cor 1:18, 3:1). Brooklyn "hoit" heroes & men & boys nationwide w/long hair identifying w/women & girls, manning making them courageous to prevail over the pressure to compromise decent standards.
9/21, "The odds of a reunion..." Sam Brock, St. Augustine, referring to Charlie (reported, "DEATH TO AMERICA" report) when lost @ sea, thinking he did't have a chance of survival - but they were duscussing the situation before he was rescued, & the reunion was referring to a reunion of Charlie & those who rescued him - there was no rescuers yet, so it makes no sense to ask that - it was code; NBC 5:58 PM; also, Charlie imitating the boat's engine, "bup-bup-bup...bup.....bup," as it shut down - same "expression" that I've used in past describing when 9.9 hp boat motor on our fishing boat sank to bottom of river when me & Bob Baum were attempting to ski behind the boat, approx. 1977; i.e., code for conspired attempt to prop up Lodi & "reunion." News story, 6:05 PM, of Rubin Anakinic (or similar) rounding a curve in Antelope & crashing, killing 2 teens w/him - similar to Eric how Ulrich crashed his VW. Working @ Dan's on F earlier that day, vision of spark while using a jack hammer to break though hard dirt for trench 3 ft. by 1.5, after going approx. 20 ft.; approx. 5 ft. later, hard object & old rusty bolt sticking up; I assumed the object was slab of concrete, but it wasn't responding to jack hammer, so rather than push it, I dug down to see what it was - old iron pipe - possibly gas pipe - jack hammer through that, & gas leak - spark occurring while jack hammering, & you're probably dead. I also asked Dan if he'd called PG&E, he said he hadn't & refused to call them, & said the pipe was probably a water pipe. w/out the "call before you dig" compliance, I refused to go any further. Vision approx. 4:30 of a curve @ Dan's that afternoon (before the report); the curve was the trench - continuing to dig, & it would've been a curve from side of house to bkyd; they were setting me up w/dangerous conditions & then were going to claim I'm not fit for teens. 6:06, "You were the top," bug code. "All in for a year," 6:12 PM, ad; "Designed just over the year," 6:13 PM, ch 3, Maysha Bahati, blk fem, interviewed about seekign approval for new marijuana lounge; "He has his help us," Dart, blk male news rptr., ch 3 6:15 PM. "He won't go his 3 mos.," 6:39 PM, W Cap.
9/22, "You shoots you," bug code, 10:07 PM, rm 16 WS, or ''U' shoots you.' 9/21, UCD MU, 1:23, "Gone in 60 seconds, never to be seen, on Tom; that's the rule;" " mex male lt blue shrt, grn bkpk; codes & attempts to test me to see if I'd confront - such as another male w/codes stalking me @ MU. Tom Ferrara, undersheriff (now sheriff) Solano cty; 2014, I disappeared for 4 mos. based on claim of incompetency to stand trial - no competency hearing; released 9/11 after filing Habeas Corpus.
9/24(?)"You're just gonna have they're hittin' on you," 4:37 AM, & that morning, 4 young ladies @ front office. "You won't pa pass," 4:40. 10:45 AM, as I checked out (Bel Air), "It was downtown 'fide apartment," 10:45 AM blnd fem pink shirt blk shorts; the WS/Sac terrorists' m.o. is punish me because @ one point I valued downtown Davis - I'll never live it down that I was popular in Davis for approx. 2 years, then the tide turned; moreover, as punishment, the consp. m.o. is they claim they can assume I'm a fool & still secretly in love w/downtown; 'It was downtown [con]fide, 'apart! [they] meant;' 'it was downtown - [I'll] fi[n]d [(w/cold)][an] apartment,' - phony suspicions are attempts to dupe me & everyone else so they can track blks @ my expense; this particular blnd fem looked a lot like Kim on Isla. 7:20, "I have trive," W cap.; "The lake truly ends," 7:22 bug code(?). "They hiss this is an innocent man!" 7:27 AM. 9/24, firefighting camp for young girls - "...skill sets for firefighting" - choice of verbage possibly indicates going for the throat against me - 's[ee?] kill [is] set [is], for [having to be] fire fighting [due to disasters from denying me justice];'desperately trying to deflect blame - implying blaming me for fires; Sharon MacIntyre, 7:38 AM ch 3; background - lg. structure (mock building), w/huge Old Glory hung; also, MacIntyre dwelled on "anxious moments..." referring to kids putting gas masks on - which didn't make sense; possibly she's confessing the hung flag deception is defeated, & kids were being ruined by it. "People don't usually take that top line," fem interviewed about a firefighting camp for girls - 'top line' was code used as cover for TOP LINE clothing @ Rite Aid/Wash Mill shopping ctr, Jefferson Blvd - next door to Wash Mill - the only laundromat in the vicinity - so that I'm showing up on weekly basis paired w/"top"/"king"/"first" business facades; i.e., claiming they have a line on me of #1 salesman - when I'm denied teacher jobs & forced to be slave ditch digger - THAT'S MUSHROOM CLOUD, OR AMERICA IS RUINED! the expression in the news story was referring to high goals - fem firefighter career - but no one's going to refer to that as "top line" - that's inaccurate, awkward, & confusing all @ once - they expose their desperation by attempting to force an expression - same as news ch 40 9/26, Adam, equinox suddenly becomes "equilux," - sounds like a vacuum cleaner; but the invented vocabulary exposes them; 'equ[al] knocks;' i.e., Twin Towers was an equals sign turned on it's end - possibly poor judgment in context of Jack Teacher plan, but they added to that NY Times "God Is Dead" & have yet to denounce it; I was temporarily in sales due to teacher jobs sabotaged, but NYC had taken it's Big Apple theme & turned it into 'beg, apple' w/mathematical expressions inverted; but Davis & No. Ca. are the ones carrying out the evil deeds, sabotaging teacher goals (along w/Vacaville) & then reaming my attempts @ business, so that I'm penniless & practically begging; Sac joined them in 2005, & long range consp. forcing me back into a business scenario (Landscaper Nick), & having to knock on doors to drum up business - 'equ[al] knocks' - '[math Teacher] knocks;' - the monsters are exposed w/phonemic rendition of 'equinox,' & they literally confess they are repeating the "sin" of inverted equals sign of Twin Towers by subtly attempting to change an expression part of Engl. language for centuries - it's suddenly 'equilux.' Ironically, their choice of deceptions doubly exposes them - full circle - equilux & Electrolux vacuums & Vacaville, where I was fired from teacher job for giving too many 'F's' in 1996. Another obvious trap is for decades, "all in" meant "spent" or "weary," & suddenly, when I'm forced to stay in an inn due to conspiracies denying residences, in context of conspiracies & darkness, "all in" trick meaning of "high five" or "all systems go" - Ford ad, using "all in" but w/out some publicly documented & agreed upon alteration of meaning, that isn't how it's done, especially in darkness - it's a confession Ford is giving up - retiring. Conversely, Target closing stores - they're all in because they've become a target for crime - because they failed to observe my free speech rights & are suffering the retributions for it; they made a deceptive agreement w/Salvation Army in 2006 to bell ring elsewhere for some money - Salvation Army was all in - too tired to intervene for me, & instead gave up free speech ground; Target literally attempted landmarks to signify it w/those giant red balls in front of their stores.
Same tactics as UCD uses in attempt to defeat their enemies - & it is a biblical principle, but biblical principles only work if you're following Jesus - claiming the gates of your adversary; as of 2004 I was making public warnings about Red Sea judgment & devastation from Noah & the Ark flood, & UCD constructed a new gym, ARC, as though making peace w/me (prolific hoop shooting) & ultimate goals of justice - but it was a trick. Target came to town after I'd become a "target" of corrupt law enforcement; they utilized UCC members the Freemans' lookout tower facade (reported), & cut a deal w/Salvation Army - Davis then supposedly "owns" the "target" label. More extreme - they attempt the same principle, recruiting Sac as well (but w/out a relationship w/Jesus - relying on luck) - Twin Towers (inversion of equals sign) 9/11 attack, & 22 years later, Jack Teacher still denied teacher career & knocking on doors (equinox/equilux) - Electrolux - vacuum cleaners sales; i.e., a truly "deluxe" product; & Don, customer on E. 8th St., 1 blk away from Pole Line Rd. Baptist church, property backs up to Rancho Yolo mobile home park;
Rear fence w/post that was rotting, & we had to work on it from both sides of fence, including on Rancho Yolo side; Rancho Yolo streets are circular, names include Full Circle, Quarter Circle, N. Diameter (which is actually a radius), etc. - but the conspiracy to cover for where Davis goes full circle w/rebellion was conspired as of construction of some of the oldest neighborhoods in Davis - in other words, '[Davis] ran [the] show, Yolo' - partnering w/Sac's consp. centered on media cover-up - Donna Cordova, former newscaster & Rancho Cordova - Sac suburb. 'Don-uh ran [the] show - core dove -uh;' 'uh' is claim of facade of innocence, originating from Missouri referred to as Missour-uh" by Missourans; but a lot of Missourans, almost 50%, had in fact lobbied to be a free state. Don Miller/Davis rebels receive their "uh" complements of Sac, because 'core' - code for downtown Davis, w/facade it was secretly my favorite place, despite I'd already asserted nuke the region; 'dove' - a restaurant or bar that is a "dive" is run-down, lousy - 'core area is a "dive" (presumably due to being oppressive) - Jack Teacher is loser;' part of their consp. was attempt to fool me that 'dove' was positive - 'dive bar' subtly began referring to a popular bar; Davis 'core [area] dove,' but it's still "it." This is why you don't let them change "all in" to mean something positive when it means weary or exhausted. The actual Davis facade was long range attempt to slip by w/'[he] ran - they show [everyone,] Yolo;' i.e., I left my post, Davis maintained their post - stonefaced w/deception no matter what the cost. PRBC also borders Rancho Yolo, & art display in front is their strategy - big cuffs - the big house. If you want to argue it's similar to Olympics logo, but, 2 circles - possibly a ''T'-ooo'' - that is it; the same as Sac claiming I'm a slave because I didn't qualify for Sac Kings & by default, reduced to dart game hobbyist, Davis claiming my only hope was to qualify for Olympics; ''T'-ooo' w/Olympics is prison. 'Don' theme - Don Miller, Donald Trump, Donna Cordova, Don McBride (8th St.). Their oppression & betrayal of America had gone full circle, but they conspired it & orchestrated deceptions to say it was me who had gone full circle, therefore, prison. GOD PROVIDED 248 YEAR TRACKING OF THESE REBELS - THE JACK TEACHER APOSTROPHE TROPHY - THE REBEL 'DON' 'T' W/'DON'T TREAD ON ME' - TREAD ON DAVIS REBELS.
I reported the older res. on 3rd & I Sts., looks like giant stage coach w/basement windows shaped like wagon wheels (half wheels, as though broken down), & swastika on chimney, & until approx. 2 years ago, that one specific sidewalk leading to it on 3rd St., despite in older residential area, dirt path instead of sidewalk - Old West theme. Progressive Ins. ad, agents on an apple ranch w/presumed farmer customer; blk agent says, "...soul, you get [full coverage, etc.]..." as he approaches table where farmer/customer is seated, & farmer says, "Sorry, are we talking about apples or insurance?" & everyone laughs, & he (or someone else) says, "Why isn't that funny?" I.e., he's the customer, but somehow the focus is on insurance (sales) rather than his livelihood; moreover, 'farming' is sales terminology - cold calling for customers often referred to as "farming;" & 'apple' symbolizing teachers. It's subtle attempt to claim blacks have their souls because of job interview in Pinole w/blk principal - but as I stated as far as Mather A/F base & Sac Air Show last weekend, there's certain standards that must be maintained, such as rejecting 'repeat' consps., or I'm lost in the shuffle; moreover, it's common sense - despite everyone caving in to rebellion, including 'repeat' oppression, what reaction should you have to a principal claiming he's considering hiring you, but fill out a second job app. first? If you cooperate, the job will go to someone else because you're a loser! That's where they lost their souls! Moreover, Davis long range coded communic. to Yolo; (Rancho Yolo), & it progressively expands outward - Sac & Rancho Cordova; then random American farmer on a ranch o' apples - & blacks - & it's nationwide. Ad's laughs - innuendos Jack Teacher's laughing a bit too loud, & that's in context of denied teacher career! But I'm rarely laughing @ all, & as reported, I'm lonely & miserable a lot. As far as possibly an upbeat attitude, the nukes demonstrate I'm not lighthearted as far as those denying my teacher goals. So if that's the implication of this Progressive ad, that's yet another deception. Also, the Bible says, "whatever your hands find to do, do it w/all your might;" so in addition to applying for teacher jobs & landscaping, any revelations God gives me, I'm not going to do a half way job.
9/26, "...first heard the Beatles..." - 'heard' caught my attention from report about rock & Hollywood & mental issues, & I believe God leading me "@ the acceptable time I heard you," & so just leave that report up. "They're gonna attempt a fa, on," (or 'fawn' - code of mexs from Wdld as of approx. 2002), 3:05 AM; 'fawn' stalking & possibly hostage captivity based on young "dear" - girl (fawn) - TV instigated it - Ford ad w/"fawn" - mex girl & her dad firing toy rocket - sensitive appearance but monsters. & TV ad w/Montoya girl in spelling bee w/blk teacher - allowed to "toy" w/Jack Teacher. The 3 AM vision is Yolo or Sac conspiring to allow regional mexs to orchestrate another captivity. "Joe, this is you won't hold," fem bug code; "We're standardize for kids," bug code, 3:10 AM - 'standard dies' - the monsters allowed to kidnap you, despite you're chosen by God w/undeniable signs. THIS IS WHY CONGRESS IS GOING TO BE PLUNGED INTO UNPARALLELED DEPTHS OF HELL. 4:13, "Alright, you slowed down" bug code (but I'm simply on hiatus from exercising). 7:47 AM, blk male b&wh skateboard, d & g codes. 7:48 AM, 3 passengers getting off @ Enterprise Blvd, WS - the last exit before Davis, blk male driver, Yolobus 42A, "I gotcha..I gotcha, I gotcha;" "Joe, we live check," (long 'i'), dispatch, 42A, 7:49 AM (sounded like) - 'live' (long i) - code for attack that's filmed by a 3rd party; in other words, blks claiming responsibility for all 3 attacks - Coop parking lot, 2017, Columbia Ct. 2/2020, & F & 4th curb attack, 26 July 2021. I've reported there were blacks involved - 2 blk males next to car on 7th @ approx. 4 AM a few days before, approx. 2 blks from the attack; blk soccer net vision, 2/2020; & 4th & F, needlepoint book by Rosie Greer, & Aaron Needles casing my truck in that exact spot 2017, & blk male on 42B claiming 'curb' conspiracy, 2023. The Holy Spirit warned me though, blk driver creating a deception - blacks involved, but as coconspirators, they weren't necessarily the kingpins, more like accessories & coconspirators - DON'T LET DAVIS REBELS GO! "He saw our sorry," 8 AM approx., driver. "I won't come on him," 8:03 driver. "You're gonna hurt, on," fem Asian, tan coat, Pole Line 12:36. "He's tooken 'em hard; wait on II," blk fem emply, lt. blue blouse, P line, 12:41. "He isn't, his sin," Asian male driver, lt. shrt, P line, 12:53; bus then stopped, driver & emply got out, checked for a supposed low branch that bus might hit; i.e., they are building up to facade that it isn't safe for the bus to go on w/me on it. 12:59 PM, "He won!" Asian fem lt. red shrt, gray shrt, P line. "He has our heard die," or 'herd - die' wh fem on bike beside P line, Pole Line & Cowell, 6:15 PM. "Fall in line," wh fem emply, TJ Maxx, when I brought suitcase for return, indicating they would give me a refund, - as though I'm in their "army." "We've had he's sure," wh or mex fem cashier, TJ Maxx, reg. #2, 6:12 PM. "He has his store fits," wh fem blk shoulderless top, sitting on curb in front of TJ Maxx, 6:22 PM. 6:21, blk male emply refused to give refund for suitcase that had fallen apart after 2 uses because I didn't have rec't. - I reported the olive shrt fem code when purchasing olive colored Docker's suitcase - that one lasted long enough, but another almost identical one perched near front when I went to TJ Maxx last mo., exactly the same, but different manufacturer - "Dockers" assigned their name to it - still brand new, sat in my motel room for approx. 1 mo., fell apart. I.e., 'he' referring to blks - 'he won,' ' he has his store,' 'he isn't, his sin;' i.e., blks "aren't" is where Asians are "sinning," according to Davis Asians; Dockers consp. associated w/my trip to Pinole - Sharper Image suitcase fell apart the same day I returned from the interview; that's when the Dockers code occurred - 'dock[ing the teacher career is] hers;' i.e., I have no choice but to forfeit my standards, according to these mafia monsters. TJ Maxx isn't the only place I get suticases from, but their crew decided my "reliance" on them makes them my "army" - but if rebels are my "army" ('fall in') then they have no choice but to betray me; it also emphasized blks have no intention of repenting. This was confession that w/everyone, including lg retail stores, readily going along w/oppression, Aggies & others in Davis can herd, or shepherd (spiritually "direct") that you must commit suicide, & if you don't take their advice, they'll attempt to do it for you (strangle attack @ curb @ 4th & F); they are attempting to slip in a psychology dimension that it's according to my perseptions & decisions based on that - i.e, it's according to how I perceive their codes - do I perceive they are saying 'he' is me, or 'he' is blacks? But willfull sabotages & decades of denial of teacher job to extent of people going on shooting sprees nationwide negates any "it's all in your head" special pleading that they are attempting.
9/27 "Alarm was your friend," bug code, 4:05 AM approx. Vision of "Montero" & "Hey" mex fem; then bug code, "he don't see his 'hey;'" it's possible mexs regionally are attempting to wise up & avoiding participating in these consps. - taking their cues from Latinos from other places who seem to be signalling to be more supportive of me (such as the 4 smile model on Spanish TV).
Approx. 9/25, vision of fem anguishing & kneeling in front of a wall; possibly Frampton lyrics, "There has to be a force/Who do I phone," & recent news reports about calling 9-1-1, & left on hold or no one answering. News story they claimed was @ Channel St. & Center St., Sac, but maps on internet can't find that location.
9/24, 8:17 AM, Eilene, ch 3 (wthr) "Last check," '[al]l hass[l]ed 'check,' & 'check' as in keeping victim in check (consp. controlling me); Mather Air Show, USAF, but you have to agree to repeat e mail consp. to sign up online for ticket - so that I have to compromise teacher standards to talk to military soldiers in person about restoring teacher standards & defeating nationwide rebellion. The repeat e mail consp. is "extention" of repeated job apps while conspiring to refuse to hire me - consp. to punish me for temporarily working in RE sales (using my college skills - RE agent reqs. college classes), when struggling to keep going, instead of filling out job apps for grunt labor jobs - my homeless conditions weren't caused by me, they were result of church consp. reinforced by Christian school in Vacaville conspiring; I was led I didn't need to "humble myself" when others were railroading me, & GOD ALSO LED ME I WAS BETTER OFF USING MY EDUCATION ABILITIES THE BEST THAT I COULD DESPITE BEING OPPRESSED. For ex., assoc. pastor Dave Keane dismissed me from my volunteer youth group leader position - simply because VCA had fired me, & I was fired because I gave too many 'F's' - but that's a teacher's job, & it was about 15-20% of class - it wasn't too many F's. IN FACT, THE REPEAT E MAILS WERE ACTUALLY A SUBTLE CONFESSION THAT THE REGION WAS IN FACT CAUGHT - 'WE CAN'T DO THAT TO HIM ANY MORE THAN WE CAN EXPECT PEOPLE TO FOOLISHLY FILL IN AN E MAIL 2 TIMES ON SAME APP. PAGE!' ATTEMPT TO DESTROY THE VICTIM, OVER & OVER & OVER! BUT THE SAME AS YOU CAN'T CONSPIRE IN PUBLIC, & YET PEOPLE ARE CONSPIRING IN PUBLIC - CODES, BLATANT CONSPIRACY COMMUNICATIONS W/OUT CODES, & NO ONE GETS PUNISHED FOR IT - NORMALLY YOU CAN'T REALISTICALLY EXPECT FULL GROWN ADULTS TO FILL IN A BLANK 2 TIMES W/EXACT SAME INFO - IT'S INSULTING & CREATES DARKNESS - BUT THE REPEAT E MAIL FOLLY WAS ALLOWED - I'D EXPOSED THEIR OPPRESSION, BUT THEIR TACTICS IS TO QUIETLY EXPRESS A CONFESSION, SO THAT EVERYONE'S "ON THE SAME PAGE," - EVERYONE'S AGREEING THEY'RE COMMITTING A CRIME - THEN THEY PROCEED TO ATTEMPT TO GET AWAY W/IT, USING SHEER NUMBERS, PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, SYSTEMATIC DENIAL OF JUSTICE, UNJUST CAPTIVITIES, DENIAL OF CAREER, ETC. MOREOVER, THEIR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF IT AMONG THEMSELVES MEANS A LOT MORE PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED - & THEY THEN CLAIM, 'THEY CAN'T STOP US - THEY'D HAVE TO PUNISH ALL OF US, & THAT'S ENTIRE CITIES! JACK TEACHER IS OURS!' "PURGE THE EVIL FROM AMONG YOU!" 1 COR 5:13. "This is not gonna ho 'em," male clerk, Bel Air. Their latest tactic is produce news report of Davis citizens complaining @ public forums, interviewed, orchestrated to look like innocent good citizens (news report on TV, interviewing Davis citizens, 9/26) while behind the scenes, coinciding w/Robert Justus getting life sentence, ch 3, 11:09 PM, vision of consp. to give me life sentence - as though Davis citizens have been duped - BUT THEY CONSPIRE IN PUBLIC! Evidence of who is orchestrating it - Ca. statewide - 9/27, 7:16 PM, TV news, story about Oakdale police getting new Mustang Mock E electric patrol cars, Oakdale police officer, "The next car will have the prisoner compartment, so that will be a sign to the patrol drivers.." possibly the verbage was 'assigned to...' but, who else would they "assign" it to? It was a code - suspect compartment/arrestee compartment, or 'prisoner compartment' - as in prison - & police & sheriff deputies in fact make a distinction between an inmate & prisoner - 'prisoner' is referring to prison - it's a 'sign to the patrol drivers...' of the latest conspiracy to turn up the "heat" on Jack Teacher. Oakdale code - '[Yolo] d.a.'ll [be an] oak' - they've minimized involvement in the oppression for the last 8 years, but they won't budge - they've oppressed before, they'll oppress again, is the mssg. Verbage of 'patrol drivers' rather than 'patrol officers,' they have no choice but to attempt to claim some sort of credit for Yolobus drivers avoiding blatant acts of oppression lately - but that isn't theirs - claiming they are negating that I'm known the world over doesn't mean it isn't the case; denying they are under a microscope internationally doesn't mean that it isn't happening. Even violent criminals can be on their best behavior when spotlight is on them, especially an international spotlight.
9/24, "Some people just know dis not going to fit," ch 10 5:50 PM, fat wh fem in Allstate TV ad advising people that things aren't going to fit, like turkey too big for oven; but then, male backing canoe into garage, barely fits, "Well played, my friend..." It's part of subtle consp. pressuring me & tempting me to have an affair w/fem clerk @ Bel Air - rm 16, garage next to it (storage); 'Ca[lifornia] knew;' recently, long hair in sink after it was cleaned, & then I reported male clerk acted like old man blind in one eye. "We're not gonna room him bick," Steelers game (player?); Bic is brand of pen - 'pen[itentiary]' code. "Steelers' nation," 7:58 AM; Raiders invented that expression - claim of being first to assert it, but there's no claim by any other team, because by definition, everyone's a fan of their favorite team(s) - it's a code that the nation is supposed to allow some fem. to 'steal' something, & most likely I'm the victim, unless it's claim on behalf of mexs as opposed to blacks.
Who's sporting Martian Luther green?
Jacque's La Creme Sword - from the Brockmeyers (America's Family - It church) - French for Jack
9/25, Cohen, Jewish synagogue, "May there be forgiveness for the entire globe," 6:41 AM, TV news. 9:39 AM, "You can't ride, I'm alright," Bob (Jewish) - i.e., he's doing well hiring me - I can ride (rebuke) & I don't need to ride 42 bus - stay in Davis - possibly prediction; i.e., Jews putting pressure on Bob to send signals to Davis to treat me better - but instantly gov't bug codes, Aggies, & blks desperately trying to dupe me that it means more oppression for me - Aggies are more than Davis right hand henchmen - they are borderline kingpins. 12:35, "Alright, they did take it," mex fem blk top, blk pnts, @ bus stop 5th & Pole Line, precisely as I tried to turn on laptop but hackers had drained battery; possibly she was signalling others that their systematic sabotages to attempt to strike fear into my heart & then bus driver closes in w/police - that it wasn't working. Elaine, "That was my error," 1:30. Gov't bug code, audible, "They're gonna let him terror," TV, Kents' - 'error amounting to terror, 2 PM; phone drained, laptop drained, Dockers suitcase wheel & entire section of suitcase it was attached to falls off of suitcase going down sidewalk on Ganges - wasn't even going over a bump when it happened. 5:28 PM, Shasta & Arlington, Unitrans Q line almost half hour late, & wh male beard, burnt ornage shrt, shakes head while I was public speaking - I shook my head in middle of night in my room week before - suddenly stalked by rebels far & wide w/that gesture - invasion of pvcy. "You didn't take 'em," 4:57 PM, ph @ 1 % after plugged in @ Kents for 3 hrs. "This is he covers it up," Elaine, 3 PM approx., from inside the house, when I clipped volunteer @ base slightly below ground because couldn't reach the root due to underneath another lg. plant - either she was illegally eavesdropping, or someone else & then informing her; I then filled in the hole. fem w/mex kids suddenly wandering near register, Raley's, & fem in front of me gray hair gray blouse, delayed her ATM card; mex. or wh fem cashier, blind eye gesture, & mex male box boy, same blind eye geture (same as Persian male @Bel Air); i.e., sudden slow motion - card problems & kids hobbling around, - slo mo consp., #8 reg. 7:25 PM. "Insurance companies use jingles to sell your policies, but not A-A-A..." 7:59 PM; your policies - but they don't sell the customers' policies - they might sell a policy to a customer - subtle assertion we (the viewers) are sales tycoons, & Triple A works for us. Alternate ad, blk fem, "Hey. Let's see where Triple A can take us..." - if you're denied teacher jobs, kill yourself, because there's always going to be some 1st class snake telling you that digging ditches means you're a greedy version of a Rockefeller corp exec. But my "Sunday screams" - almond rocka - fell 'er. & use your Alaska "Brigit" skills to abridge any dirty magazines - get your bearings straight! "We face fine," (ban on books) fem rptr, 10:05 PM. "We have low kid activity: Harryman, 10:08 PM. "You're gonna have your kids; you're gonna block your weekend," 10:40 approx. PM. News filming police investig. scene w/bullit shells on ground, & markers that look like little tents, ch 40, 12:08 PM. "I'll have that sour," blk male glasses, wh slvlss shrt, 5:49 PM; 5:58, blk male shook head after getting off bus (same one?). "He has our heard die," or 'herd - die' wh fem on bike beside P line, Pole Line & Cowell, 6:15 PM. "Fall in line," wh fem emply, TJ Maxx, when I brought suitcase for return, indicating they would give me a refund, - as though I'm in their "army." "We've had he's sure," wh or mex fem cashier, TJ Maxx, reg. #2, 6:12 PM. "He has his store fits," wh fem blk shoulderless top, sitting on curb in front of TJ Maxx, 6:22 PM. "He's gonna go we have 'em," mex male gray shrt, blk bk pk, bike, Mace & 2nd, 6:38. 6:59, "I had attention," Oregon van, 2nd St. "hard __ pack" 6:59, mex (gray shrt). 42B, bkl male, blk T-shrt & pnts, blk "Tony's" bk pk, short dreads, "He doesn't take perfect grift;" "We're not feelin' him;" 7:15 PM. 7:09, Persian fem, "He doesn't __ his ___." (notes unclear).
9/26, "We're ordained - we're in trouble," bug code, 2:44 AM; most likely referring to pastors whom I've tracked. 2:36 AM, "We don't hove, your night," 'we don't 'ho!' - have your night,' possibly. 2:41, "I've kept you from becoming," vision, possibly referring to Edge youth leaders from 1990's; i.e., they were more involved that I was aware.
9/27, "You won't want - it's watch," approx. 8 PM immed. after Crystal Geyser spring water ad w/fem & daughter "Let's go!" & they leap, dissolve, & re-appear @ recycling facility w/blk fem explaining recycling to them - as though it's a new concept. The ad ends w/girl saying, "It's simple...but not easy," w/intonation similar to some of the codes of kids in Davis, as though minding their parents while committing crimes - just like they're supposed to. But the bug code indicating lewd innuendo; the Crystal Geyser ad follows 2 patterns: (1)The First 5 consp. - First 5 is one of dozens of conspirators - corps. & pvt. parties - operating under guise that the slave isn't properly trained to teacher or to marry, etc. In this instance, the facade pertains to marriage - 'butt [his] knot - [under rebel conditions, it's] easy.' They involve a child in the conspiracy sending coded mssg. that it's years more of slavery, until she (or a child her age - elem. or jr. hi) reaches adulthood. (2) It's patterned after Jackson Rancheria casino ad, where 2 men & 2 women "Let's go!" & they leap, dissolve, & re-appear @ Jackson Rancheria & start gambling; the theme jingle, "Everywhere you go, everybody knows..." & "Jackson, Jackson..." 3X each successively higher tone, & implication is most likely emphasis on masteurbating. As far as spring water ad, - 'water' - 'what "her"?' i.e., expression is, 'it isn't "her"' - as in adult from Jackson ad, it's the little girl in spring water ad - lewd implication about who the victim is thinking about when masteurbating - the bug code indicating an ultimatum about my "watch" - which costs them 1000 deg. hotter in hell. Nevertheless, I am reporting it. Then approx. 9:30 PM, randomly watching "48 Hours," story about a wife & 2 kids murdered in 2009 in Columbia, Illinois; husband was Chris Coleman, ex-Marine who was working for televangelist Joyce Meyer, fem preacher I used to listen to occasionally in 1995 on radio, but due to national cover-ups, by default she's one of the witches/warlocks preachers. Coleman was working as her security agent. According to story he suddenly was getting e mail warnings to renounce his faith, etc. or he would suffer the consequences. Wife Sheri Coleman, & 2 boys, Garret & Gavin, all murdered in May 2009. Investigators became aware of affair Coleman was having w/fem from when he was in HS; also, his wife had become aware of it, but was refusing to divorce for their kids' sake. The 2 boys looked a lot like my nephews Stanton & Chandler. The host of 48 Hours was wh fem exact look-alike of AT&T spokeslady for the last decade or more - based on conspiracy buzz words such as 'Coleman' (camping gear) & 'Co.'ll man' sales lingo, I was writing down in notes about the AT&T look-alike, & instantly, an ad for 48 Hours (during commercial break), "'s not fiction" - same intonation as the spring water girl; then hourglass fill-in percussion sound similar to Pacman noise, but it was exactly the same as T-Mobile hourglass noise when using pay by phone system. I.e. reaffirming - it is a huge scandal. Coleman was found guilty & it was obvious it was him; Sheri's mother, 9:54 PM, "We will be justus," - code; possibly positive, but codes are bound; '[ad]just us' - Sheri - 'Share-y' - little 'share' - share [the gospel];' i.e., acknowledging Meyer's betrayal of evangelist in No. Ca., & they'd be repenting. I reported 9/26, news report of Robert Justus sentenced to life in prison & vision that that was me - Holy Spirit warning me they are trying to do that to me. Coleman's affair involved flying her to where ever he was in the country w/Meyer evangelism shows, & she would stay w/him - they were sending each other nudes pics of themselves. After convicted, Coleman said on telephone interview to 48 Hours, referring to his murdered wife, "I still absolutely love herd;" i.e., claiming he was a Christian, but as of 2009 I'd been hostage repeatedly & no one nationwide intervening for me - as of that point, Joyce Meyers was prime example of leaders covering up repeated hostage captivities of a Christian evangelist - they were betraying their job of shephering the flock - also referred to as "herding" - i.e., Coleman using sarcasm saying he loves those false herders. Moreover, church pressuring me from all directions, including Carter showing up in media last week immediately after I fell short over the weekend w/dirty pics - promoting promiscuous & immoral activities - 'Crisco'll man [it]' - 'Sex is more important than anything - cheat on your wife & smear cooking oil all over your sex partner!' In fact, evidence of this scandal & kids aware of it & no doubt being misled by it, Mazola cooking oil ad in Spanish, & boy giggling - 'ma's 'hola!'' - 'hola' - Spanish for 'hi!' I.e., food corps "incorporating dirty innuendos & involving kids! 'Joyce' sounds like 'rejoice,' but Joyce w/any authority or "stick", & it's Joyce stick or 'joy stick' which is common term for video game controler, but it also could connotate a penis - & w/immoral use it's a match w/adulterous use of cooking oil. MEANWHILE, DON'T LOSE TRACK OF THE DEPTHS OF DEPRAVITY OF OUR LEADERS IN THIS INSTANCE OF OPPRESSION: The bug code implied consp. based on that I had missed evidence of a conspiracy; i.e., systematic calculated denials of justice combined w/guise that if victim FAILS TO REPORT OR SOLVE ONE OF THE ACTS OF OPPRESSION - PERSONALLY - THEN HE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME! W/out exaggerating, hundreds of crimes committed against me daily, & if I fail to report one of them, IT MEANS GROUNDS FOR ACCUSING ME! THIS IS WHERE THE LEADERS OF THIS NATION MUST BE GUTTED - GOD IS GOING TO BE SENDING THEM TO A HELL THAT IS LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF DEGREES HOTTER THAN OTHERS SENT TO HELL! BUT ALSO DEMONSTRATES A SCANDAL W/DARKNESS UNPARALLELED IN THIS NATION'S HISTORY!
9/10, "You weren't the only one," 8:26 apprx. PM, bug code (Collateral Damage movie comments about Wash. terrorists). Capitol Christian Ctr on Micron Ave. - looks like 'microwave' & new story about hobby store smashed by car backing into it; darts hobby consp. @ G1 tracked; as further affirmation of corrupt motives, 'micro nave' - 'my k[ey, death] row, nav[y]' w/nave' being 'little navy' - i.e., if Naval Jack report corresponding to Jack Teacher is disregarded, then death row consp. is all systems go. 10:34 PM, That's where you got it," bug code, context, ad w/kids. 10:52 PM, "Jou'll take home a deal tonight," Folsom Auto mall ad - 'j' inst. of y - code for jail - espec. among Latinos - where y is pronounced that way occasionally, MY58. Dominos "Pinpoint" delivery was an attempt to "pinpoint" that I'm involved in consp. - I went to Pizza Guys again on L St., despite warning them they're ground zero a few mos. before that; Dominos WS then participates in actual shooting spree - 'now, are you going to do business w/them?' But I've stopped going there mostly because they conspiratorially sabotaged their low priced offer - new policy that it's only internet orders, then they sabotaged my internet access to those orders; second, ultimately, the entire region is involved - they're all involved in shooting sprees - so their pinpoint consp. is tracked. "We're gonna have her food, harass," bug code @ end of Mr. Roboto video, 5:53 PM apprx. 6:08 PM Dallas qtrbk, Capernick 'step' code, & blk Giant's player, peak-a-boo rise up code, on sidelines, 8:11 PM.
URGE/MERGE CONSP.: 6:13, ch 3, conspired change between 2 airings of same Hyundai ad; 1st one,fem "Please..." 5X to traffic so she could merge, & then merged right away; second one, same 'please' scene, but she wasn't allowed to merge right away, & sm girl in car going by stuck her tongue out @ her, 6:13 PM ch 3; both of these are referring to sex - sexual innuendos involving kids; 'please...' referring to my future wife due to my leadership of higher standards & self-control - low standards & lack of self-control potentially diminishes husband's authority in the marriage - sex could become a tool used against you; sm girl w/tongue sticking out - recently models sticking tongues out @ camera - possibly directed @ me because they are jealous (playfully). THIS HYUNDAI CODE IS A LETHAL ATTEMPT TO BRAINWASH PEOPLE - THOSE INVOLVED ARE REBELS BY DEFINITION; PROMOTES FACADE THAT FEM. IS IN DRIVER'S SEAT - DUE TO ONGOING VICTIMIZATION OF JACK TEACHER! THE MONSTERS WERE SO DESPERATE CONCERNING THIS REPORT THAT THEY REMOTELY HACKED IT & SABOTAGED MY ZIPPER IN COOP RESTROOM 9/12, @12:04 pm W/ACCOMPANYING CODES. Codes indicated I owe a bigger fit or explode w/temper tantrum - but "The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom" Bible says, participating in oppression under guise of testing me is the antithesis of fearing the Lord - according to the Bible verse, conspire, oppress, & you don't even have a modicum of wisdom. In fact, people are exploding due to bombs & exploding w/shooting sprees, literally because of these terrorists' cruel tests - this is no longer America if even one of these "contingencies" is allowed before providing justice.
9/13 approx. (already reported) "It is charge raid," wh fem driver, 42A, 8:15 AM seconds before I got off of bus @ Mace & 2nd - figuring I'd be too busy to write it down; terrorists claiming if I miss something in my reports, they can oppress me for it - & this is Congress & White House dictating it - for more than one wk, my phone charging approx. 2%/hour plugged in; T Mobile attempted to claim I'd left it plugged in too long, & that "burned out" the battery - but even batteries of leaf blowers & power drills are more sophisticated then that - TERRORISTS DESPERATE TO FOR CONTROL OF MY INCOME - REPLACE PERFECTLY GOOD PHONE ON DEMAND W/ANOTHER ONE ($190 EXPENSE) - OR ELSE THEY CAN CRIPPLE IT. IT'S CONNECTED TO ATTEMPT TO DUPE ME INTO PROPPING UP AN ILLEGAL POLICE RAID IN SM TOWN IN KANSAS - POLICE HOLDING DECEPTIVE PRESS ACCOUNTABLE - BUT THAT'S THE M.O. OF THE REBELS FOR 20 YEARS - GET ME TO ADMIT I NEED THEM TO COMMIT CRIMES TO FACILITATE JUSTICE - IT'S A SLIGHT TWIST IN SENSE THAT IN THIS INSTANCE, IT'S CRIMES AGAINST SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES ME. BUT THAT CODE DEMONSTRATES YOLOBUS DRIVER(S) DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN SABOTAGING MY PHONE SYSTEMATICALLY - ALONG W/TERRORISTS I REPORTED IN RALEY'S AS RECENTLY AS 9/15.
9/15, Colen De Vries syndrom, Cox product ad, C-SPAN, 6:58 PM - coc was constant stalking @ Bob's attempting to dupe me I had become lost & can't be a "rep" trying to look up sprinkler info on behalf of customer (due to implication from report about mexs. that I retracted). 7:17 PM, ch 3, "New group," newscstr, referring to homeless people in Sac in general, but these were getting an education & bettering themselves.. 8:44 PM, "He can't stained this fuse," bug code. Approx. 7 PM, "This is where you won't walk," I'd removed admonition to Mideasterners to "walk as Jesus walked." 9:10 PM, "I would've given you 12," 9:10 PM. 9:32 PM Panera ad attempting to backpeddle, but too little too late; "Time is fair? Maybe someday," unless it's referring to rebels, but they've been conspiring against me. "Bring It On" movie, 2001 approx., Compton HS w/cheerleader making half of heart gesture w/hand (heart gesture w/both hands became assoc. w/Taylor Swift), 9:38 PM, ch 11. 2015, "Straight Outta Compton," movie about rappers, & they are depicted almost like a gang in movie promo (maybe they were/are), but included some well known rappers; but the image w/gang slant possibly a factor, & rap music is in fact known for blatant use of cuss words & violence in lyrics - director F. Gary Gary; Cafe Bernardo on 3rd St. Davis, Sac-owned & operated - Paragary's - founder Randy Paragary; former roommate @ Cranbrook, Gary Marty - UCC member who betrayed me along w/rest of them; but Cafe Bernardo joined the rebels almost from the beginning - approx. 1999 or 2000, & owner, despite fully informed of Davis oppression & from vantage point of headqtr'd in another city, only encouraged more & more indulgence of Bernardo's. In fact, while Sac City Unified S.D. denying me teacher jobs, I was applying for assistant teacher (& Teacher) jobs everywhere - often referred to as paraeducator jobs, & the conspirators regionally evidently handing any education-related job to Gary (symbolizing UCC) 'para[educator job is] Gary's.' Paragary is also strikingly similar to Paraguay - Hispanic nation next to Bolivia. Director F. Gary Gary seemed to signal to Sac & Paragary - 'f[*&^ him,], pair o' Garys [- you've got gang latitude.]' Cafe Bernardo & Sac took this "advice" - training Davis to up the ante w/attempts on my life - 2017, 2020, 2021. I reported Cafe Bernardo directly involved in the curb codes w/in one day of the Professional Job attack @ 4th & F, 26 July, 2021. AFTER REPORTING THIS ON INTERNET, RANDY PARAGARY DIED, AUGUST 2021 - ACCOUNTABILITY FROM ABOVE. Context of Sac-owned Cafe Bernardo's directly contributing to Davis oppression, I reported a rash of 'death row' phonemed cafes opening in Davis as of 2002, & Sac-owned 33rd St. Bistro then opening Bistro 33 - implying Davis' death row consp. invincible - & in fact graphically endorsing them w/subtle cover for Twin Towers attacks instigated by persecution of me using 9-1-1.
9/15, 4:20 AM, Mike Murdock, televangelist, suddenly "comes alive" i.e, more dynamic than usual - possibly because I've taken break from exercise - it's cunning consps., to dupe rebels to pressure me w/relentless slavery. Dream of Dave Keane arresting me based on Panera/Groc. Outl warrant while I was using a blower to blow strange apparatus as opposed to yard - possibly counter cash slot @ Bel Air, exc. it was lower than that - mail slot(?). i.e., more of the consps. that I have to live & work 100% of time in Davis, or it's oppression; also, recently report about Mideast, but I've clarified regionally Mideasterners caved in like everyone else; clerks @ Bel Air use codes repeatedly, & for ex., I'm stalked over repair of towel rack - nevertheless, he's currently still directly involved. "Hijole!" Spanish expression for 'Wow!' but literally,'hijo' is child, & 'le' is pronoun 'him' or 'her' - literally - 'child him!' someone married & has child, or constricted, trapped & treated condescendingly like a child - the second one is applicable to region.
9-1-1 - 'nigh in,' & the 2 1's are the Twin Towers - or 'nine' as in members of Little League team; either way, use of 9-1-1 to persecute was the antithesis of justice.
9/16, Trump in news making 'knock-knock' gesture; code for hit consp. as of 2022 or before, & I reported repeated codes beginning of 2023; I exposed it, spooking them - evidently Trump seeing if he can override it; but 2 knocks - 2 towers; ongoing conspiracy to oppress me is the 9/11 terrorism. 9/16, 7:32 PM, ch 3, "He Juan charade him." 7:36, "He has defend a restaurant," bug code; "We didn't see them all along," (source?). "You'll go ___ see her," 9:07 PM fem bug code. 11 PM, "You have tour 'have belt,'" bug code. 9/17, "Joe had us safe, prison," 3:47 AM, bug code, rm 16. 5:34 AM, "He took their landmark," W Cap. 5:55 AM, "He doesn't take us that big of a heart," bug code; I'M RE-EMPHASIZING THAT MY TEACHER GOALS WERE MADE MANIFEST DECADES AGO - THESE CONSTANT SKEPTICAL TESTS ARE ATTEMPT TO BUY COVER FOR REBELS INSISTING THEY CAN ENSLAVE ME AS PAWN TO TRACK BLACKS, & IF THEY SYSTEMATICALLY & PERSISTENTLY FEIGN DOUBT ABOUT MY CAREER GOALS WHILE DENYING ME MY TEACHER GOALS, THEY MIGHT GET AWAY W/IT. The 'heart' code is referring to downtown Davis, which I naively referred to as "heart" area of Davis approx. 1999, due to meeting w/ alot of customers there, etc. - the region decrees Davis "heart" area is my god, & therefore I'll accept a fate of 33 death rows, etc. - the 'that big of...' is code I'm still obsessed w/"heart" area & they're still getting away w/it.
9/13, arriving in W.S., I public spoke that Latinos on far end of Midtown Sac might be saved (Jesu's Serrato & family from T St. - modern day Lot) & no one else, - due to it was evident my report was sending wrong mssg. - implying almost a third of Sac. could go free. I forgot to remove it until 5 AM this morning. 9/11, I was studying Spanish a lot yesterday & this morning. In the news this AM, Mex. male on roof of pkg garage, waving a gun, @ approx. 5 AM, bldg located next to Golden 1 stadium. According to film footage, he seemed to be threatening to jump &/or shoot anyone approaching. According to news report, police fired a shot @ him, & killed him. Based on vision, I might've interpreted another vision wrong. 'Cryin''/'crine' vision ('k[ey,] our I'in' 'I' code for legal action, & mex. male superintendant of Sac City USD obtained restraining order preventing me from teaching (along w/betrayal of me by Sac. courts - matching Yolo cty in deceptions) - indicating how to interpret it; facade that I'm "parking" as far as career if I don't submit to rebels sports slavery. I reported Latinos regionally, w/participating from other locations, conspiring that I can't be a teacher, because I need more "training" - more "boot camp" oppression where I'm cornered into profuse exercising - athletic competition programs innundating Spanish TV so that it's evident it's a 'plan, it - fitness.' But the individual on roof was across the street from G1 ctr, on top of DOCO pkg garage. Police shot & killed him, but video showed him simply waving a gun around, & customarily, police wait them out - counting to ten, etc. rather than the person having to die for the specific act of failing to obey the officer. "A tent put up where the suspect was," Melanie Wingo, 6:32 AM (newscstr) - in actuality it was an awning - attempt to use it to decree poverty for me. I can't say the precise details of this incident, but I can say many people have needlessly died recently for that "sin" alone. (BB Boomer Dad - BB gun - not a negation of Chinese gunpowder, but rather directing emphasis on rocket science as opposed to weapons - seconded by Bud & the Lot'ers - individual rights agents). Also, approx. 2014, vision of me hired by Sacto police (or sheriff's dept.) & being told to shoot a protester @ Sac. Capitol bldg.; it was connected w/interview @ Dollar Tree, where in past they had used terrorist language of "back up" which previously wasn't used for additional cashiers, but rather police assistance - & they had called police on me & denied me service in the past (2009) for simply expecting cashier to empty the basket instead of customer. Also the monsters are claiming I haven't thrown enough fits - but refusal to provide justice denies them wisdom - out of laziness & jealousy, the decree I have to explode more w/anger, or I'm not exercising enough; participating in oppression robs them of access to God's wisdom & direction - "The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom" - participating in oppression is the antithesis of fearing the Lord; THEY BECOME MORE OF THE OLD WEST OUTLAWS! Episodes where they are crawling through mud - they are losers who don't have the integrity to enter the promise land, & they conspire to deny me access as well. I'm then cornered w/landscape jobs in the rain to make enough for motel stay, & often it's weeding in pouring rain - muddy. The Aggies more than 10 years ago conspiring the same conspiracy, w/huge graphic display in MU of students crawling through mud, attempting to identify w/me & the oppression they were capitulating to out of fear & cowardice - LATINOS IN CA. DOING THE SAME THING - A DECADE LATER! OUTLAW JESSE JAMES - 'JAMES' IS CODE FOR SOMEONE DOING A LOT OF SPORTS IN A GYM (JIM); BUT THEY ARE OPPRESSING ME W/EXERCISE DEMANDS AS A SMOKE SCREEN FOR DENYING ME A TEACHER JOB - SLAVERY! Latinos tracked Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid in Bolivia, but their Don Quixote heroics cave in under pressure of Mr. Universe (one guy!) - & they act like they're ashamed of enforcing justice. Latinos were doing good - Don Quixote heroics, then flaked - a lot of people depending on them. Bolivian law enforcement brought Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid to justice. Bolivian law enforcement brought Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid to justice. Moreover, their denial of justice under guise of "training" (sports slavery) is fueling Asian scoffers - Asians have duty to respond, but Jesus said, "Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect," - don't give scoffers any ammunition! But the No. Ca. rebels are the biggest suppliers of ammo for scoffing. The 'train' conspirators are followed to a 'T' - Kim Jong Un taking the train to Russia - they are pointing to hypocrites as excuse for stalling. Nevertheless, that falls short for 2 reasons: (1)The issue isn't, 'Do all Christians have a flawless walk w/Christ, or are there hypocrites?' The issue is, 'Was Jesus a hypocrite?' Jesus is whom we follow, & he was & is perfect. No one is asking Asians to follow other Christians, we are telling them to follow Jesus. (2)The current hypocrites & warlock preachers are the exception for the most part - 1000 years of zealous Christians busier than heck w/faithful walk w/Christ, & multi-dimensional plan to win Asians to Christ. So those who point to hypocrites are really saying they don't believe in God.
9/10, "We need to provide services for these student," wh fem gray clothing, 6:15PM, PBS. "We miss hide," 6:39 PM, senator or other politician, ch 40, or newscstr.; 'Hyde' was sgt. from Sac police whom Davis police hired to be their police chief in 2004 - business as usual as far as Davis police oppression against me. Shriner's ad, "Watch me...this is MY place..." sm girl - consp. instigating Davis to continue denying me place to live & young kids in general, possibly, or blks; "the most amazing care," suddenly care provided is getting rated. . 6:19 PM, vision, "You're not gonna see them, Vartan," & ch 40 approx. 30 sec. later, Christina Vartan, wthr, "....tropical storm Jovis,..." instead of Jova; this was w/in minutes of me placing the "Mr. Roboto" & Kilroy vision report up, & instantly they are attempting to link me to disasters & bad news. 6:45, "You won't know her, awful," bug code, & 6:46, "We're gonna start pulling down" Varton. 9/9, "coach brought the house," inst. of ' down..' - POSSIBLY PRISON CODE. "I know you're gonna bring the house," 6:50 PM Fox "America" anncr, 7:07 PM, & close up of blnd boy; then same boy, $X betw then & 7:27; "go feel back," Tx player grabbed Or. player's nuts. "It is a personnel," anncr, 7:17. "Waiting for the mataylor green" 7:16. "Here we go - he appoints his hide," ABC Wash. v. Wisc. 8 PM. 9:47 PM, " the apartment, had a particular type," 9:47 PM Oxgen. 9/8 approx., first of 2 trips to dump, Dan shoulder shrugging repeatedly. "You're just gonna need her skin," 10:24 PM (sounded like), after ___, w/red head girl (possibly TV)., logo shield w/check mk (sm chk mk) - same as webmail sabotage @ Bel Air. "She found it," Sotyktu ad, fem w/bare top, from behind; 3 wks ago, porn video of fem getting massage, topless - code nudes are "founding;" "Your back is back," 10:13.
9/9, Vision of indiv. w/gaunt eyes, looking @ him or her w/my "X-ray" sun glasses, 5:35 PM, before going to Raley's. Then, Chino Huerta, fu'tbol, same look - Jan on Ipanema is half blk from Huerta Ave., where Aaron Needles resided when I was unjustly kicked out of UCC. Sketch is of sm swimmer girl in Andersons' on Isla; this image (from movie "Home Alone") was morphed into a ghost theme - & was used by Davis rebels as code to haunt/stalk me; vision demonstrates additional evidence of sports slavery denying me my teacher career to haunt me. 'And 'er son,' connotation of next generation of stalkers & rebels - w/help of Latinos - see 'BASKETBALL JOAN' DOLL CONSP. report. The "X-ray" glasses most likely have to do w/Rae Me Easter Bunnie as opposed to the dark Arctic Blue sun glasses or the Feds style of glasses I recently purchased. Huerta - 'where, ta[ught]?' Where was the Spanish Teacher betrayed? Latinos had duty to intervene.
9/17, Maycoco, Asian model, Pilates instructor, split heart gesture. "That breeze going all up & down" Dirk, ch 58; & Univisio'n, "La rosa de Guadalupe" blnd divorced fem who had sex male who was boyfriend of her daughter, code, 'molesteen' ('molest teen...') ('molestino' (isn't a word) instead of 'desteen' (destino), & then scene where she's standing in front of daughter & breeze blowing in face like an angel; also, Davis pd, from approx. 2002 to 2010 or so, fem blnd officer Briezenick. Univisio'n, code 'molestino' but sbtitles said, 'destino' - fem devorcie who had affair w/daughter's guyfriend, "La rosa de Guadaiupe" (already reported); then steam rising around a white rose on a nightstand. Possibly gesture on my behalf - teen smeared by adults.
"Top line predator," Xploration Super Animals, ch 40 - owls w/feather that don't make a sound when flying - it's either a code tracking WS - the expression is 'top of the line;' & Top Line clothing next door to Wash Mill - & Planet Fitness, claim I have secret motives.
9/19, L & 5th, 2 cones in gutter @corner of L & 5th (Pizza Guys) - & 2 short signals side by side replacing tall signal light that extends over W Acre/W Cap intersection - supposedly due to accident - but diminishes visibility - the parallel most likely pertains to 'Kay' codes - i.e., Domino's PIzza code pertaining to K St. shootings approx. 2021; Italians &/or Catholics claiming if I went back to Pizza Guys that meant I didn't mean it about the ground zero claim half year before, & therefore if Pizza Guys in Davis can get away w/it, then eventually I'll allow all of Davis to go free; but on contrary, all of Davis is ground zero, & so I often shop where it's convenient. The cones @ curb are coded claim I crashed & damaged that traffic light - I'm @ least to blame for that; that claim is then escalated to that I'm dangerous, & crossing the line, & then they'e kidnapping me for safety - because I'm a "hazard" creating dangerous conditions.
9/13, "$75,000 credit for [new car]; Tom gar dealers..." Leticia, ch 3 6:40 AM. 7:15, "We're gonna know," fat blk fem, peach shrt, reg'ly gets off 42A @ I & 5th. "That was you're knittin'" 7:21 AM. "Wooo! You're gonna get her take," mex. male driver, 42A 7:14 AM. 42A arrived 2 min. early @ W Acre; then @ AM/PM Enterprise, driver got off bus & was in store for 5 min. "You're not gonna have your butter," Erin, 2:13 PM. "He won't be hittin' the Sac on right," student on bike, A St., 2:58. 3:15 PM, "That was us - fast, it," Erin, to boy w/her (referring to my report about Goalrilla, etc. 6:27, "He doesn't see we take," (or similar) mex or blk male cashier, to blk fem cashier, EM store, Mace; "We just take that set ret it," 6:28 PM, blk fem cashier, after implying didn't have enough for change for $50, then walks 3 ft. over to drop slot, drops it, then comes back to register & suddenly does have enough change; they were attempting to imply I was supposed to rebuke her for dropping the $50; dropping $50's & $100's is often standard procedure - I've recommended the way I was trained, place the bills tendered on top of drawer & give change - that way if there's argument - the $20 or other bill is right there to be verified; the consp. is create facade that I fell short & then consp. a hit - 'set ret[ail hit,] it' & some point, & based on codes, blks are orchestrating it.
9/12, "You're gonna see w/me, scene," mex male, Raley's, 7:04. 7:08 PM, "You aren't gonna abide w/'em," wh male lg. gray jacket, cigarette, Raley's - I purchased soda from EM shop in Davis, & long straw looked like cig. 11:30 AM, "You didn't [rage] your night" gov't bug code, Karen's (similar); after I put up report about "Please, please,..." fem., & child sticking out tongue - Hyundai ad- during break (i.e., attempting to undermine the recent practice of fem. models in swimsuits sticking their tongue out - possibly @ me, & more than one vision of my wife - "please..." - sex). Then @ Sweetbriar & 8th, wh fem grn shrt, suitcase, "You won't know why I'm night," 11:57 AM, & 12:03, in Coop store restroom, Wrangler pnts zipper breaks - limited options: (1)work 2nd half of day w/fly undone, (2)SPCA thrift store is the only clothing store nearby - get a used pair of pnts - fullfilling fem "night's" claim I'm impoverished & probably homeless again. Instead, I bought safety pins from Coop & then new pnts after work - THEY WERE DESPERATE TO DEFEAT MY CLAIM THAT I'D TRACKED THEIR HYUNDAI COCONSP. & MODELS ACKNOWLEDGING I'D LED. As far as zipper - based on the other zipper codes, such as fem. w/ swt pnts w/blk fly on Halsey Cir., & instantly my zipper broke, it wasn't coincidence - but, in both instances it was Wrangler clothing. "You would see hoorayed it," (source?). "This is you don't see they have hurt," 7:53PM. 6:20, "You don't see, her aid, it," bug code; that afternoon in shed @ Erin's, her back to me, somewhat close quarters, "No," i.e., based on Joanne - 'no, [my husband isn't home]' - code for affair. "That was you follow Juan?" 4:20 AM. 12:06, "I gut him hard core," one of 3 mex.(?) male students, @ cash registers (2 blk shrts, one wh shrt, pic sent) - porn code; 12:08 approx., Coop cash regs, then wh male cashier repeatedly on phone radioing for assistance, etc., supposedly - slowing things to a crawl, while wh fem blue shrt, blk pnts w/child suddenly creeping @ table near registers - immed. after zipper sabotaged. 12;13, I was @ table in front of Coop w/lunch, & fem w/child creeping by, "Smell it," & same 3 males @ table, "Mam? We have clean up, girl." & wh fem @ table, dk blue tank top, 12:25,"Have pretty, I was just trying to settle," (or similar)(pic sent); 9:35 approx., AM, 9/16, code from rm 17 (?) Bel Air, & 2 lines of text of this report sabotaged.
"Rotate, on," or similar, Kim, approx. 10 AM; 1993, Singles Sunday school class @ Bethel church, Lodi, playing volleyball, evidently I could sense regional conspiracies to corner me, because I became upset about having to rotate, & threw a fit (simply was irritable) - volleyball - sports - 'rotator cuff,' possibly a factor; I was being led to get back to Davis - stay on my own rather than moving back to my parents' - which overall was better for me, but there were "extenuating" factors of conspiracies; so the sensing of it may have been the writing on the wall more specifically about future oppression in Davis - & that's exactly what happened - Davis police, UCD police, Woodland police, Yolo sheriff's dept., CHP & Sac sheriff's dept., VV police, etc., I'm "rotated" from one agency to another for more seemingly never-ending oppression.
9/11, 11:15, "You're gonna take our very Ron," Dan's wife, Isla Ave.; "We're taking this over." 1:15, mex male landscaper, blue shrt, "You won't know where, we're gonna house." "You didn't know; they have opportunity," 10:26 AM. "You'll give your count 'em," d & g code, fem, rm 16, 7:53 PM. 8BPM511, "You aren't getting 5 bead," (or similar), blue jeep across from Jan's, 4:08 PM. "That was you won't have here," lg. mex. fem dk gray shrt, 42B, approx. 6:35 PM, after I made a 'click' gesture (symbolizing taking pic) toward mex male w/bike @ bus stop on W Cap, & when bus pulled over for him, he ignored bus - i.e., could've waved it on. 5:20 PM, Asian male, Savemart, Davis, to deli emply, "I'll be back," possibly implying Schwarzeneggar report. ch 40, 7:11 PM, "underplaying & exploiting murders," blk fem Sac state student (interview about fee hikes). 9COV638 - lic pl. - (context?). Vision of Elton John, late eve., lying on stomach then firing gun. 4 AM approx., reading Spanish novel, dozed then re-read paragraph or so before realizing I had already read that part. Then 9/12, where I'd marked the page from day before, someone (possibly clerks, Bel Air) had changed page marked in novel so that I re-read several pgs. I didn't catch it @ first because there are passages in novel that are sophisticated Spanish - even for native speaker - like reading Old English; also it's a lot of descriptions of places, etc. that are all alike - it isn't a story w/line of events; nevertheless, it hones my Spanish. "That's where you won't see - train it," (or similar), vision; possibly referring to Kim Jong Un; i.e., report about Kilroy vision being scoffed @ - train ride of Jong Un is form of scoffing - they're doing it because Latinos & No. Ca. are doing it. approx. 5 AM, dream I was in a coffee house in Davis, w/muffins from Raley's, & income (i.e., still in landscaping), & working on laptop, & Americans building bridges to Russia, but Davis allowed to survive & I'm still a slave - i.e., rock did slight me (to put it mildly), so there's no complimenting or endorsements. 7:25 AM, wh station wagon, w/co. label on rear door (4 doors) - same as in Davis approx. 15 years ago, W Cap & W Acre. 42A, blk male gray jacket, lg. skateboard @ Cantrill & 5th (bus stop across from Davis police station), doesn't pay fare, & blk male driver, "That's you're gonna nap 'em," 8:19 AM. 8:20, "Torture," dispatch. I was 1/2 hr. late getting to Isla Ave., & trying to coordinate Unitrans that would get me there, & forgot that 42A goes @ least as far as Covell & Anderson - it was an option though not anywhere near prox. of F line - but F line is only running hourly until Fall; I got off 42A, then it occurred to me no F line for another 20 min.; but 42A was so late, that another 42A arrived 5 min. later, so I took it. When we arrived @ Anderson & Covell, the previous 42A was parked there until we arrived - ie., already half hour late, & delaying longer! They are attempting to convince me that I'm failing because I'm staying in WS instead of Davis - my goal is teacher career, so landscaping isn't make or break so much as 40 hr. job; I stay in Davis occasionally to assert I'm occupying - work & residence both; but staying @85/night in WS God said it's an option - save $ for interviews. 10:25 AM, "He sees where we would" mex male plumbing/lndscpg, Andersons.' 11:32, "He Liza," wh male landscaper/plumber. "I need it exposed, Juan" Dan's wife (Isla); "He hits 'em, McDonald's" mex. landscaper, 10:55; actually, Mormons have their double arch tracking of Davis - they could lead the invation. "A tent put up where the suspect was," Melanie Wingo, 6:32 AM (newscstr) - in actuality it was an awning - distraught male on DOCO bldg.
9/12, "We woo bang," blk male, blk swt jacket w/gold text, 8:08 AM, 42A. "we get hoff," blk male driver, 42A, & "yes sir," wh male DWR emply from WS, 8:35 as he got off bus. 42A was 1/2 hr. late again - I'm not allowed to start work @ 8:30 & take 1/2 hr. lunch - if I take the 7:30 bus @ W Acre - gets me to work by 8:15-8:30, I'm "punished" by Yolobus - it simply never shows up, @ least when it's blk male driver.
9/14, "He has king," 10:25 AM approx., Bob's TV. "he'll just see somebody's talking back," 10:48 AM, male, TV, Bob's. 3:46 wh teen girl crashed bike into curb @ Dan's on F; code that Davis is "green" about riding bikes (code for legal action) - 'by - "sick" all;' possibly attempt @ confession their decades of conspiracies & police oppression was "green" - i.e., they were naive, so I should forgive them & overlook it - but it's still occurring, but in another form - slavery - you don't forgive those who never repented (It isn't an option anyway). I reported Harley's daughter faked a fall from her bike as well a few mos. ago on Bucklebury. They crashed their legal action (exposed - but, no one invaded, so still surviving), but claim is I crashed my career (assumption that I secretly want to be a RE agent), &, children crashing - their legal action is "young" - they can learn & become more sophisticated, more cunning.
9/13, "I'll bet ya have flags, emitters," (or similar - notes damaged), mex male landscaper (Juanito) Cache Creek khaki shrt, red cap, sprinklers @ Andersons' on Isla, 2:36. 2:40, "We're gonna term it...I think I am." 42B 6:21 PM, blk fem b & wh blouse, "He doesn't have his German," w/sm girl, Mini Mouse hair; 6:25, "He won't have our covert." "___ better here," blk fem, upon arriving in W. S., 6:35. "Oh, we're kidnat sort of a breeze going," Mark Finan, ch 3, 6:49 PM. Sawing off stump @ root, "He's sawing;" (code) "This is where you won't have" (or similar) Kim - supposedly experienced landscaper hired by Andersons, w/purple hair, said she was a "new mom," presumably married, but a lot of "single" signals; i.e., constant moans & growns as subtle invitation that I'm macho, etc. - but then facade that I fell short w/stump removal & "CUT OFF" instantly; "We can't use water," as though decree - timed w/stump failure; i.e., I can't say, 'what her?' - her decree of failure is "sovereign;" I used water anyway, until Juanito arrived & actually shut it off (which he never did while I was there). "They just made you green," gov't bug code, 8:04; Kim supposedly assisting me w/customers in Davis - thoughts before arriving on Isla about my sister visiting me once @ Help-U-Sell, 1995; but my sister is pro-teacher; they are attempting to dupe me that my sister has compromised, & therefore they can play it back - I'm @ Help-U-Sell working landscape "sales," & Kim is helping me sell my services in place of Laura. She did @ one point chuckle, "I'm not strong enough" (to dig certain holes), & another fem, possibly on TV, same reaction - indicating my efforts to raise standards for women - I did something they couldn't do themselves. But rebels' tactics are admit I had a success, then minimize & obscuricize it. "He'll have his not yet," (source?). "When it comes down to it, it's the movement, it," bug code, blk male (dialect), 8:02 PM. "you're gonna get a chance to smash their liar," bug code, 7:50 PM (2005 code - fem news cstr, "He gets a chance," after Yolo sheriff kidnapped me for going to sheriff's office & demanding they arrest Davis police. 9/15, 8:17 AM, tall blk male dk shrt, wh blanket, "Get the f*&^ out!" & I told him abruptly he's going to hell - we were walking toward each other @ 2nd & D, & he instantly started muttering, like he was talking to himself; wh fem blnd next to First Northern bank - most likely "monitoring." 'Help-U- Sell;' & 'green' code; they are attempting to trick me that I've fallen short, brainwash facade that I'm in the past doing sales - Green Realty - late Bob Green, Col. Sanders look-alike, from Oklahoma, broker of Help-U-Sell in Davis; closed it & opened Green Realty in 1997, & relocated to Vacaville. It's possible it was also a set-up from the beginning - 'hell, 'pew sell,'' instigating UCC that a 'church member who is salesman should be kicked out' - as though sales is a sin - & that's what they attempted @ UCC, & then ongoing 'U' theme of oppression w/secular agencies (police, etc.) persecuting me on behalf of UCC. Cover for 'U' gov't w/Help-U-Sell, & prop up blks that I got out. Coat your mouth & you could sock on a soldering iron," Penn, of Penn & Teller; possibly harmless, 9:51 PM.
Tell-tale signs of lethal athletic conspiracy that was derailed by visions & reports: 9/6, I reported the vision w/in one hour of disappearing for 4 mos. in Yolo jail @ hands of Dpd in 2/2020, of giant black soccer net, & Swift showing me how to take it down; the net was similar to a blk net in Terry's backyard on A St.; @ the time she wasn't customer, but her next door neighbor Mary was, & I'd seen the net rising up from behind the fence, approx. 5 ft. higher than fence. I reported the Goalrilla basketball hoop apparatus. Terry's & her daughter-in-law Erin Cornelius (also customer subsequent to 2/2020) live next door to each other, & they share backyards - no fence between yards. recently Corneliuses installed pool, & removed lg. kids' play apparatus; parts of that torn down apparatus are still in Terry's yard, & plaque on one of the beams, Rainbow Play Systems. Approx. 1995, new addition to Community Pk in Davis, installed by volunteers, "Rainbow City," sm. section of the park renovated w/new features - swings, slides, & other play structures, similar to the apparatus in Corneliuses' backyard. 4 July, 2000, I was @ Community Pk for 4th of July fireworks, but it was before dark, & so me & several other adults organized spur of the moment soccer game for ourselves & kids. BUT, THE SOCCER FIELD WE WERE PLAYING ON WAS LOCATED ADJACENT TO RAINBOW CITY. Especially when playing pick-up games of hoops, I've occasionally had keys or phone fall out of my pockets, & so I usually placed items @ base of hoop post; & @ beginning of this game, I did the same, placing items next to goal net; but @ end of game, my keys had disappeared. This was before the conspiracy had become advanced, so it wasn't so much of a risk to leave anything on sidelines like that. But, I didn't stay for fireworks show out of anger, & leaving for home, there might've been a comment to this effect, but the movie "Perfect Storm" was in theaters, & it seemed to apply. But the soccer nets of this event, 2000, & Rainbow Play Systems name match w/Rainbow City, demonstrates a conspiracy for a "reverse" "Perfect Storm" that evidently was downplayed & abandoned after God gave me the vision before kidnapped & hostage in Yolo jail. In other words, some sort of concoction of sports game or event where I'm cornered & attacted, possibly blacks, on behalf of Davis, like apes or gorillas was the goal - 'goal [go]rilla' - calling it a "perfect storm;" the defence system as far as Kuwait, orchestrated by US military during Bush Sr. term, was "Desert Shield;" but when Sadam Hussein crossed the line one too many times, it went on offensive - attack - as "Desert Storm." I reported my first teacher job was @ C.A. Jacobs MS on Pitt School Rd. in Dixon Ca. - strange name for a street, but unbeknownst to me, there was everyone from corrupt church leaders to conspirators in corrupt churches, to various others offering pseudo-prayers & concocting schemes to undermine that job - rock & Hollywood pushing buttons as well; & suddenly I thought I was called into ministry & quit the job, which I acknowledge, wasn't the wisest thing to do. It's more than coincidence that there's town of "Dixon" located a few mis. from Davis - Jefferson Davis, president of Confederate South, & the Mason-Dixon line - border between free states & slave states. Kuwait - 'K[ey], ooo - wait!' as opposed to providing justice; but the conspiracy to stall & allow more crimes, which Dixon became a party to when refusing to hire me as teacher for years, resulted in 9/11 attack as warning from God, but the region failed to repent. Instead, male from Dixon, Jason Hairston, founded a hunting gear co. in Dixon, Kuiu - i.e., 'k[ey] -ooo, 'U'!' demonstrating they are 'U' government - involved from early on.
P.O.W. logos from 1970's, lobbying for prisoners of war/missing in action in foreign countries, sihouette of prisoner weighed down by despair of prison, etc. - used as model for No. Ca. oppressors
Late founder Hairston - 'here's [his] ton [of sex];' & logo KUIU conjures up image of sexual position involving woman's breasts; this might sound more harmless than adversarial, but alternate code of 'hairston' - I've been stalked by pubic hair codes implying lewdness for more than a decade - the claim is they took any possibility of ordinary sex life - w/a wife - in hunting. Also, research on late Hairston, he was football player for UCD Aggies in 1993, & broke his neck; somehow he was still hired by 49'ers in 1995, & Broncos in 1996. He resided in Dixon, worked as commercial R.E. agent, & then founded Kuiu in 2011. By 2016, annual sales was $50M - for a one store operation located in Dixon, that's a huge volume of business. 2017, One Post Partners from SF invested $50M in Kuiu. 2017, he was associated w/Trump, & appointed liaison for Dept. of Interior pertaining to hunting. "He was found dead at his home in Dixon, California, on September 4, 2018, later announced to be from suicide" (exact words of Their TV ads, "We've tested [the equipment's limits,] so you can test your own," - but that's teacher lingo - 'you can test [students is] your own[ership,]' implying, 'deny Jack Teacher a teacher job, & you've held as the owners, & he's your slave.' Moreover, I reported vision of SF wiped out in 2017, & this was also when mayor Ed Lee died of heart attack in Safeway in SF. God expected them (both SF & Chinese Americans such as the mayor) to intervene on my behalf w/teacher job & invasion. Whoever is currently operating Kuiu, their conspiracy seems unfazed by its founder's suicide. Nevertheless, my tracking of the Goalrilla consp. & the soccer net vision seems to be subtly acknowledged on their website - camo hunting pants for sale are referred to as "pant," i.e., it's coded communication that my tracking was so thorough that they lost a leg. One Post Partners - I reported 2002, Aggies stalking me w/420 grafitti on Pole Line Rd. bridge when I walked back from Yolo jail in middle of night (4 hrs.), arriving there @ 3:45 AM - they predicted 4:20; this was when mayor Suzie Boyd kidnapped me from city council meeting the night before, instead of firing or arresting Davis police; & USPS 2010 or so devised a mail system named "420," w/poster of pic. of US Mail emply exact look-alike of Aggie emply @ UCD MU - a hair-raising attempt to crack me & produce that shooting spree, & as I reported parties from Federal gov't. directly involved; i.e., 'Aggies have USPS coconspiring w/them - what are you going to do now?' & of course, subsequently - & not really to their credit - marijuana co. "420" also named after them - about the same time as I reported the vision of being run over by Aggie Tipsy Taxi & Willie Nelson w/song "Thrown Under the Bus" which became an expression of betrayal. So the SF co. investing in Kuiu was using double entendre - 'one post' - USPS coconspirators; & 'one post' - Goalrilla basketball hoop systems. & what else is a Confederate conspiracy (Davis/Dixon) going to do, except spread into South - July of this year they opened their second shop in Dallas Tx. I reported the vision on Orange St. while door-knocking, & 5 sec. later, going by basketball hoop system, sm. GI Joe doll permanently attached to base of it w/can opener head - illustrating in addition to a "perfect storm" attack by some athletes or others, the consp. was maintain my isolation & oppression so that I'm like a little play thing for blacks - more than a slave, putty in their hands, manipulated by them @ will.
Ikea shopping ctr., W.S., pubic hair code; pubic hairs aren't lewd in & of themselves - bodily hair of adolescents through adults; but regional code is that it's from the genitals, & the conspiracy is it's underage genitals - lewd innuendo - THE CODED CLAIM IS THEY'VE SOLD THAT REGIONALLY. The display isn't necessarily 2 pubic hairs (the codes I've been stalked w/usually consist of one pubic hair); it's pubic hair code that doubles as a highway - a winding road w/many turns - & many unknowns.... which is especially inherent when they're spreading rumors about you - a trap that they created. & that's why approx. 5 years ago @ this very shopping center, I rent (tore) my clothing in loud protests. The communication is No. Ca. region has recruited rebels statewide if not nationwide, allowing them to perpetuate the lewd oppression consp. - traveling elsewhere is the same innuendos - resistance is futile - therefore, they claim, if I know what's good for me, I'll stay put & accept their slavery. Of course, that means No. Ca. can use blks to oppress me.
This claim is conjecture, but it's true, nevertheless. Danelo Cavalcante, escapee from Penn. prison - most likely conspired act being orchestrated by Feds to buy No. Ca. & blks more time - stall tactics - he's a little too clever, & they're a little too big of bumblers about it. NBC news, 9/10, he's suddenly astutely dressed, & changed his race to Asian. But moreover, pic of him on a porch looking downcast, & that's the pic featured on front pg. top of pg NBC,
& they're attempting to claim he's roleplaying me from pic of me from approx. 2002, prominently displayed on for 2 decades, looking @ something on a table or counter in a shop - creating a downcast appearance - & it's a set-up so they can claim they've proven my secret sales motives - or else why am I working landscaping w/Davis customers? This is combined w/codes in WS from rebels working grunt labor/wage earning jobs; they are attempting to consume my teacher goals - after conspiring for almost 2 decades to force me to kiss Davis rebels' butts as a yardwork "agent," claiming I had secret business/sales motives, when I refused to acquiesce, & instead exposed them, they are now switching tactics, w/Newsom's & Biden's help, claiming I'm selfish greedy saleman, or else I'd be satisfied w/cashier, warehouse, dishwasher jobs. 9/8, vision, "I offered you..." I applied for almost 2 decades for every job under the sun & a few above it, & they conspiratorially denied me any & all jobs - conspired poverty & homelessness - for almost 2 decades! Also, as of approx. 2012, God led me to make an unmistakeable stand of halting any & all applying for jobs that might have the appearance of sales - such as canvassing, etc., in Sac, or I'd end up in Capitol bldg again being kidnapped by another governor (I was focussed on teacher goals in 2005 when kidnapped from Schwarzeneggar's office (CHP - supposedly Schwarzeneggar wasn't there - but, what about preventative measures?), but I was "naively" thinking if I held on to my broker's lic., I could ADD teacher skills - be a Math Teacher, Spanish Teacher, & Business Teacher) - they were kidnapping me based on assumption it was still business goals - proving it was a scandal abandoning American values - business profession isn't illegal - teacher profession is simply more honorable than business - & I was in the gov's office for justice so that I could teach! They conspiratorially robbed me of my teacher profession (VCA & UCC) & then were oppressing me for not feeling ashamed of myself for their crimes! Nevertheless, as of 2012, for years while filling out dozens of job apps daily, I shunned applications for jobs that even remotely appeared like sales jobs, to pinpoint their wickedness. ATTEMPTING NOW TO CONCOCT FALSE MOTIVES OUT OF RAKING & WEEDING JOB IS NOTHING LESS THAN ANNIHILATION BY MUSHROOM CLOUDS A BILLION TIMES OVER!!!!! Cavalcante - one of those from UCC along w/assoc. pastor Dave Keane instrumental in cancelling my UCC membership, Scott Agee; res. on Alicante St. in Mace Ranch; @ the time, phonemically, 'alley - can't, eh?' i.e., expectation that they force me into homelessness, I'd come back groveling & admitting I'd fallen short. Cavalcante - 'K[ey]- [give the judge's g]avel [to Ali]cante;' conspiracy to yet again magically prop up UCC rebels - as though judges. Possibly it involves claiming I'm downcast as far as making a trip to China. Apprx. 9/7, passport & application on table in Jan's on Ipanema. But, no, it's that my goal is to teach, & that's my #1 priority. IN OTHER WORDS, THEIR TREACHERY HAS GONE FULL CIRCLE - OPPRESSION & KIDNAP BECAUSE I'M NOT FOCUSSED ON TEACHER GOALS BECAUSE OF SALES, & NOW PRISON CONSP. BECAUSE I AM FOCUSSED ON TEACHER GOALS INSTEAD OF MISSIONARY WORK. One could argue, though, that it's China who's downcast. A nation whom God has lifted up higher than any other nation, & yet still maintains giant pic. of past leader & mass murderer Mao Tse Tung in middle of public square in Beijing -
Mass murderer glorified, & they also produced a mock city modeled after Davis, is the "warning signs" of the millennium. I was in fact open to making a trip to China, but it's the total lack of response (in addition to logistics of coming up w/approx. $2000 to make the trip, including passport, etc.) that's my cue. I was waylayed from a mission trip to Morroco (S/T - one wk) in 1996 - I had the $, the passport, duffle bag packed, everything, but the mission agency required approval of pastor, & Dave Keane decided I was too busy galavanting around; & God used that to wake me up to focus on teacher goals - I'm a Spanish Teacher, so S/T missions to Tijuana was fine, but longer trips further away was a distraction - so God allowed me to be mildly rebuked for it, & I accepted that counsel - no more mission trips; that also helped me when Vacaville Christian Academy & UCC betrayed me & police started oppressing me - don't get hooked on R.E. profession - I'm a teacher - so as of 2004, after 4 dozen cases of decisive victories against police & d.a., my focus was again on teacher career, & has continued to be since. Nevertheless, God was training me during that period that no matter the appearances, the closed doors, the pressures, stick w/teacher goals 100%. & as of 2017-2018, it was evident that the continued delays had to do w/churches & others cornering me to pipe up about Slavs & China - w/me vehemently opposing it all along - & GOD HAS TOLD ME TO WARN THAT RAILROADING MY TEACHER CAREER WASN'T A NECESSARY TACTIC, & AS OF 2018, THOSE INVOLVED REGIONALLY & NATIONALLY ARE GOING TO BE PUNISHED FOR IT. In these conditions of oppression, a trip to China would delay my teacher career for a year? 2 years? Maybe more. If Chinese TV & newspapers were to broadcast the news, & taxis waiting for me @ the airport, & leaders anxious to greet me, & huge clamor nationwide that these historic feats & gestures of love deserve, that would be the demand for justice & the trip logistically would be instant.
I reported the "little boy's room" coded comment of Rich Mahoney, 1994 approx.; they had been watching my every move, unbeknownst to me, & when I was working @ Top Valu grocery, I was living in apts. on Church St., & fem. Carolyn was a neighbor, her dad was property mgr, & was living in a unit there as well. She had a sm. boy who was born out of wedlock. This was before I rec'd Jesus, but only possibly 2-3 mos. before, & I was praying & considering making the decision. In that context, she said I could stay overnight w/her, in her bed, but nothing was going to happen because she didn't want to "wake the boy up," sleeping in the same room. That probably was a code that she was claiming she could wake up the gleeful sex monger in me, or similar, but because I was seeking the Lord, & played it straight. Also, when I was senior in HS, I dated a girl named Carolyn Ketcherside - baseball diamonds are shaped like Superman's patch (baseball probably came first); i.e., do great in baseball & be your wife's "superman" - mssg. from as young as little league. But an umpire stands behind the catcher, rather than beside him, & catcher behind the batter; possibly her name became a code for suicide. Rich Mahoney & other rebels then create a "catch" where they are claiming they are aware that @ one point in my past where I wasn't yet a Christian, but I wasn't a "sex monger" - 'boy' connotation sexually - "playboy" fields, then becomes a 'little boy's room' lewd innuendo. This was tracked by "Catcher In the Rye" - J.D. Salinger; rye (wheat) fields, & baseball; & text, "Will a body f*&% a body?" which, as reported in "SAUL REBELLION"; those claiming to be Christians oppressing Christians.
Report "REFILL REBELS - 'DAVIS NEEDY' TERRORISTS' TRUE MOTIVES REVEALED" - 5/12, pic of Raley's rec't w/coded terminology as though rec't from phone co. "NO__TRANSACTION DENIED" - I reported delay @ register so that I'd leave, then the rec't spits out; but I started to leave then lingered & then rec't; but it was conspired w/blks to claim they'd taken my teacher "no" based on tricks w/T-Mobile; [TRANSCRIPT FROM 5/12, 'REFILL REBELS...':] 5/12, "& deal 'little, meant,'" blk boy, ad for product used in homemade sports drink, ch 3, 12:38 PM. "It's where you're not gonna live," 12:43, vision or bug code; i.e., ''little' meant' is lewd innuendo. "You're not gonna do, your fix," bug code 1:15. 2:03 PM, "He would run out certain it," fem (or similar). 10:39, "You're not having your knock, it," rm 17. "He would go them ___" (notes unclear) 2:11 (?). "You won't know how long," 10:25 AM; "It's you cave," rm 17 10:33 AM. 2:15, "It's taking told of these little boys' room" or similar 'little boys' ___' i.e., confession they are desperately trying to succeed w/Rich Mahoney 'little boys' room' perverted innuendo. [...]4:42 PM, Raley's, "Phone had no service," mex fem cust., Raley's; context: T Mobile phone refill cards originally re-usable; approx. same time they sabotaged my Golden 1 ATM card (T Mobile doesn't accept my credit card, saying system rejects it), they stopped allowing re-use of refill cards; it doesn't say that on the card, it simply no longer says you can re-use, or RE-FILL them - that's why they called them that.[END TRANSC.] In other words, (1)T-Mobile consp. rejecting my ATM card - can't use it w/them anymore; (2)refill cards no longer good for more than one refill - you have to go to store & buy another one; (3) no rec't affirming you paid T-Mobile using refill card - a groc. store rec't. implies phone bill payment, but it isn't the equivalent - T-Mobile systematically whittling down customer service (negating my credit card use was betrayal, but I've hopped from one phone service to another due to conspiracies dozens of times, & so I essentially let them hang themselves thoroughly before considering changing to another provider, & T-Mobile did just that!)
8/13, complaint to T-Mobile when they denied me a rec't - called cust. service, "On a store," (5X), Jason, T Mobile emply (accent); 'you got your prepaid card on a store,' & I corrected him, 'from a store' - it was code - accent used as guise for codes - CONSPIRACY THEY CAN REFUSE ME A REC'T, COMPLIMENTS OF RALEY'S W.S. - RALEY'S IN BED W/T-MOBILE. "'f' a mess," "good to go" Jason; T Mobile claiming I have a rec't from Raley's, but rec't is for prepaid card, not service itself - they are refusing a rec't. "He dies, it," blk male blk T-shrt, gray shorts, 6:27 PM Raley's; "That's where he's gonna want us," 6:28. "This is where you can't see them take you," 8:12; "That's where you won't remember," bug code, precisely when I removed ONJ report, 10:16 PM.
8/12, arriving @ rm 16, vision of fem slamming ring on table, "You're plain" or 'plane' - report about flying in plane; also, didn't get phone protector @ T Mobile @ IKEA on way from Davis. 8/13, "Legal Action" movie, 10:44, def. says he's going to plead guilty if his atty isn't back in 2 hrs (after recess), ISPN. Atty gets into gunfight (draw) w/evil murderer, shoots him, arrests him, & returns to court w/envelope w/ring & throws it onto table in front of def. I didn't claim the legal battle vision of Lonnie Parker w/his spouse - dirty pics is the basis as far as I can tell - which is possibly basis of TV show implying meriting teacher is too plain (boring).
Estimated 12,000 Asian Christian churches in USA, & none of them can publicly boast of the great feats of God for Asia!!!??? "Let him who boasts, boast in that he knows & understands me - that I am the Lord...." Jer. 9:24, demonstrating they have a manifest duty as those claiming to be Christians, TO GO BANANAS FOR JESUS!!!!! 9/5, 8:28 AM, Asian (?) fem driver, P line, "I'm sorry, I have to doom 'met.'" Approx. 12:15 PM, I skipped lunch due to back to back appts., bus stop @ Westlake ctr, wh fem, disabled (retardation) grn mask purple shrt, codes; we got on bus, & from her seat she pointed @ me & smiled, 12:21; then wh male "slacker" (isn't homeless, but never seems to work), gray hair, bald, around for several years when I was first persecuted in late '90's, & suddenly showing up on Yolobus recently; upon getting on bus & sitting in seat beside me (despite vacant seats across from me), he then pointed @ one of those vacant seats - as though emphasizing he wasn't opposite me; but also indicating pre-arranged consp. betw. him & fem. Wh retarded fem then, "Tive traffic," 12:34. 'traffic' is a word the rebels are obsessed w/, possibly because it's a word often used by teachers - "hallway traffic," & in 1998 on phone w/Harvey Klaptein, @ beginning of persecutions, I was minimizing "spreading it around" that I'd been arrested, etc. & so talking to him about legal issues, I said, "Hold on a sec. - too much traffic" referring to foot traffic. Asian fem Q line driver, "It was a hot minute," referring to going to Burning Man, or some other trip to Nev. I reported 'minute' code goes back to 1999, when I was marketing a B&B, & listed a property 1 blk away, w/fliers, "Buy this property this moment!" (due to downtown location, & the awareness I was entitled to justice). 'minute' - possibly countering my 'moment' ad, sarcastic code for '[I]m in it,' or also 'men, it' - prideful response that someone working in sales has a big ego, & that might be a factor as far as justice. No Ca. Asians referring to school 'traffic' as a supposed meet, & they have to doom it - claiming I'm not qualified to teach. 12:37, going past Davis HS, a group of fem HS girls got on bus, & wh male gray hair, "You'll eat 'em, dinner," 12:37 PM. I.e., implying he was illegally eavesdropping & knew I had skipped lunch, & I'll be "eating" - but, context was group of girls that just got on bus - it was a lewd code. I rebuked him & took pic of him.
W/warrant currently issued for my arrest, any further confrontation & I most likely end up in jail. Nevertheless, the scene was conspired as claim Asians could test me to see how I respond to lewd innuendo - if I'm not hot, then rebels from late 1990's get their 'minute' stalls - but rebellion against your country & conspiracy to commit murder are worse crimes than lewd innuendos - therefore if I was going to be "hot" I'd have to be "hot" 24/7, because these conspired rebellious acts are occurring repeatedly daily. Moreover, as of a decade & a half ago, the rebels started conspiring scenarios claiming they could test how big of a fit that I threw - so if you respond to them, you are giving them license to claim they can test you - 99% of their conspired crimes are under guise of testing you. Nevertheless, they give themselves away w/tests that amount to directly participating in rebellion.
Like a new emply attempting to hide behind that they are the newest emply - don't expect a lot until they know the ropes, there's a dysfunctional relationship of minorities & whites in U.S.A., where minorities occasionally hide behind their minority status - w/excuses of less opportunity, prejudism, etc., as though it'll never change, & so you can't expect a lot of leadership or great feats from "minorities." The problem w/this is, Jesus was a "minority" if you define it as anyone who is non-white - & so we have it drectly from God, that discrimination is evil. But this also affirms anyone can do great feats - God using Chinese to wake Europe from dark ages seals the deal. & whites did something about it - producing feats of national leaders spanning centuries such as British navy symbolically sunk, & Scandinavia acknowledging it; Vikings allowing Columbus full credit for discovering America according to tradition, spanning centuries - Viking/Norweigian leaders, & E nglish - proving that glorifying God is more important than fame for great worldly accomplishments - despite this is what the world seems to revolve around. But giving minorities control & recognition, the argument seems to be, based on a Christian movement love & kindness, might elevate minorities now, but what about 3 decades from now, when these "nice scene" white leaders have been replaced by cruel, heartless white leaders, who would just as soon oppress minorities as look @ them??? But Christian leaders maintained & promoted sufficient control of sufficient international governments, for a sufficiently long period to eliminate any viable argument that minorities who suddenly are throwing their weight around & accepting "head honcho" roles & responsibilities, might suddenly face the wrath of majorty race "cons." In other words, WHITES SET MINORITIES UP! But not in a good way (@ least, according to minorities used to "hiding"); no, suddenly minorities are being flushed out of their hiding places & comfort zones - no more dysfunctional whining that "it's not my job" or "I'm the new guy!" as though they can't be expected to take on responsibility, & lead, such as Asian Christian leaders actually LEADING... But that's exactly what whites have orchestrated over 1000 year period - Jesus shatters their pity party - their claims of "I'm the new guy!" or the underling facade they attempt to slip by w/ - that they are capable, but capable followers - just not capable LEADERS - in places such as melting pot. Oh, sure, they have their occasional victories, but there's no mistaking it - they know their place, & that whites really want it that way, 'for, who could ever sacrifice being the head honcho big boss leaders, if they have any say in it???!...certainly no one's going to do THAT!' they parlay; but the historical examples, such as Vikings, demonstrate whites have done it; their argument isn't totally w/out merit - if you have leadership abilities such as leading & "bossing," you should use those - no matter what color you are, if you don't use your talents, you could lose them. But the Heavenly Kingdom principles provides a new perspective - leadership in the love & courage dept. - leading, but on a higher plane - social, spiritual, political - bossing people to lift up diversity & bossing minorities to be all they can be. & that's what whites have done for all minorities - sacrificed ego internationally & historically as a burnt offering to promote all colors in melting pot & everywhere! I'm qualifying this w/whites have affirmative duty to lead sufficiently so that I can teach & rebellion defeated - such acts could be accomplished w/out negating the higher plane leadership examples. But flip side - minorities are being disciplined - "I see you!!!" "Look who I see!" - no more of this phony, "I'm the new guy" "I'm a minority!" etc. They have no phony "stuffy overbearing whites" facade that they can claim they have to appease & get along w/ - BIG BROTHER CAME THROUGH W/TOUGH LOVE INSISTING MINORITIES DON'T HAVE ANY 'MINORITY CRUTCH!' THEIR LAZINESS IS EXPOSED! BAD NEWS FOR MINORITIES (GOOD NEWS, REALLY). THE RUBBER HITS THE ROAD, THE PEDAL TO THE METAL - START LEADING & ACCEPTING DUTIES & REPSONSIBILITIES! & THIS IS ESPECIALLY APPLICABLE TO ASIAN CHURCHES IN U.S.A.!
8/29, "We have this accident cover," as I crossed over I-80 on Pole Line Rd. bridge near Olive bike path, 11:45 AM. Approx. 2017 (w/in a few years of that), car from Davis crashed @ Olive Dr. exit on I-80 westbound. 9/4, Dorte's, fat wh fem neighbor, gray hair, "They moved out...they're going to rent the unit; she saw the Rec Hall;" Rec Hall is UCD basketball gym, but this was code for the Olive Dr. wreck. 2022 bike path ramp from Olive Dr. to Pole Line bridge crossing over I-80 was constructed, a supposed creative bike path feat Davis prides itself in, & they were banking on me being impressed w/it & utilizing it - country bumpkin wide-eyed & oblivious, & then they could claim they are still "driving" my career ('I'll live; drive' - but it's code concerning control of rebels v. me taking control or building new foundation, which originally was my goal; 'I'll live' as in 'I'll tolerate it' - wasn't concerning notion of physically living or dying - that hasn't changed - the conspiracy is that I'm sent to death row or taken out in some other way) - their concocted facade of my naivity allows them to be on a "higher plane" than that crash. But I've refused to use that bike path. Moreover, Don Miller, years after instigating the oppression against me, purchased an apt. complex on Olive Dr. - decreeing (1) I wouldn't be prevailing over them - I was going to have to settle for being oppressed, (2)I won't have any choice but to be in sales - asserting that's what I really want to do anyway, (3)because I'm so greedy & ambtious, I'm locked in the sales battle, w/entire region guaranteeing no other option - certainly not teacher goal (Miller's driving); if I'm attempting to pursue another goal, such as teacher, it's because I'm chickening out, & it's their "duty" to ensure I don't give up - the 'I'll live, drive' consp. But before he passed away, HE WAS HIT BY A TRAIN, & ALMOST DIED (reality check from God). It's nowhere to be found in the news on internet, but it was in the papers back then, possibly 2005. Also, when you attempt to find his obituary, more surprises - there is no obit. about him; he possibly passed away 2009 or so - approx. 10-15 years ago. BUT, THERE IS AN OBIT FOR DONALD MILLER, RET. USAF, DAVIS CA., APRX. SAME AGE - BUT, WORKED AS LAWYER, & MIDDLE NAME GEORGE; I.E., FEDS. HAVE A U.S. SOLDIER COVERING FOR HIM - 'DON'T MESS W/LATE DON MILLER FROM DAVIS CA. - IMPECCABLE CITIZEN & FAITHFUL AMERICAN...' - A calculated cover for him, long after he died. Wife's name Eve, & 1999-2003, indicating I'd become known nationally, movies w/my name - Joe Dirt, Mighty Joe Young, Joe & the Volcano, etc., & suddenly, "Deliver Us From Eva" & it was acknowledged it was a taunt of them, but they had no intention of repenting. Funeral parlor, Riser & Davis Miller Funeral Home. The only info about Miller that comes up on internet is his co. name, Don Miller & Associates, & it is referring to him; located in Davis, Ca. & IT'S STILL OPERATING, according to Ca. Sec. of State, as of 2022; moreover, until 2017, late H. Ogden Lilly was in charge of it; I looked up H. Ogden Lilly; accountant in San Jose born in Davis; first name Howard. It's coded conspired stalking of me long after Miller's gone: Ogden Ut. - Federal tax center; ie., consp. attempting to control any 'attacks' or invasions of Davis; 'Howard' - code for Aggies - Howard Ln. is N. entrance to campus; also, when Howard Ln. crosses Russell Blvd., it becomes College Park, neighborhood w/huge homes - including chancellor's residence, & including late Don Miller's res. approx. 3 doors down from chancellor's, &, IT WAS DEVELOPED BY MILLER IN APPROX. 1950'S, ALONG W/A ST./B ST./MILLER DR., TO THE EAST. 'how hard - layin'?' I.e., consp. anticipating if entire region is involved, no one's going to stop them, & that's a "turn on," to say the least. 'Lilly' - flower - 'fool [is] our[s];' anticipating I'd be country bumpkin, or they'd get away w/claiming it nevertheless. The perpetuation of MIller & Assoc. is assertion that of course, no matter what I say, my goals are secretly R.E. sales, & Miller, despite dead & buried, is still eyeball to eyeball in competition w/me. As part of their strategy, they create facades that they are on my side - San Jose - 'St. Joe;' etc., i.e., 'it's all on the inside; you have to feel sorry for him, everybody - he simply misjudged the cut throat tactics of business; but, one day he might succeed...'
9/3, Jack Hibbs (televang.) "Instructions" & jabbing finger upward @ slant toward Bible, almost an intercourse gesture, 9:45 PM. 10:21, Biden is the best...we're gonna clean up on aisle 9," blk fem, grn shrt, MSNBC (congrwmn Jasmine Crocket); this is conspiracy that I'm working the wrong slave labor job, & because I'm not a grocery store clerk, blks get to wait for the opportune time to start a fight w/me on a grocery aisle - claiming I've failed to 'abide,' & I'm kidnapped & disappear, due to warrants from Groc. Outl. & Panera from 2017; cf blk fem. cashier in Raley's using same codes during a partial power failure in Raley's; [EXCERPT:] 8/5, 6:01 PM power failure @ Raley's WS, partially closed, & blk fem cashier, "Sir, can you help me? Large ice on aisle 4;" [END EXCERPT] & 'ice' is code for kidnap under guise of ICE arrest. Also, Mike Huckabee seems to have aged 20 years since 2 years ago running for office, if you ask me. "They can't see their leaves in their yordways," wh male, Mobile, Al, Fox 40 news, ch 42, 10:23 AM; code, ''y[es it's an] ord[er,' is the] way' - this was immediately after watching a 5 min. blurb of "Yes Man" (Jim Carrey); putting up shelves for elderly neighborlady, who forgot to go to bank so that she could pay him, & starts making advances on him implying oral sex, & he takes off, but shrt caught in door, & yanking it out he tumbles down the stairs & @ the bottom a dog on a long chain charges @ him & comes w/in a few inches of his face, snarling & gnashing; Carrey's character takes this as a sign that he's "down stares" (downcast), & goes back up & takes the elderly lady up on her offer - code not to be "downcast" - & in my current situation I've been propositioned by a lot of elderly widows, wives, & some young & middle-aged ones as well; but for purposes of God's Kingdom, Jack Teacher would be transformed into Jack Creature in that case; my philosophy is "No thanks, I'm trying to cut down." But timing of that code from Mobile, code to give into customers' immoral sexual "advances" - Hollywood possibly confirming - 'that's an order...' "Why doesn't Hunter ...about the big guy Joe Biden?" ch 21 Fox news, 10:35 AM; 'big guy' was what supervisor @ grocery store in Lodi used to call me when I worked there - this is most likely connected w/the 'aisle 9' consp. "You wouldn't look, her key," 11:17 AM, fem bug code; Herkey is name of Sac State mascott, Herkey the hornet. MSNBC news used 'lockdown' as far as Burning Man, annually held in Nv. - is probably a code for oppressing Jack Teacher, & God drove home the point this year that their oppression is pigs wallowing in a muddy pig pen. But lockdown, if enforced, wouldn't be constitutional - it may have been a suggestion. ch 5, Tide ad, male rises up, & sinks back down, next to kids - consp., 12:46 PM. "He sees women, long," 2:34, W. Cap. Mex fem digging through a bag near Bel Air office when I went to pay for another night's stay, 11:05 AM. 6 AM, "It is movement," "We'll have baker news," "You'll have Hayden" bug codes, rm 16. 6:05, "We don't have enough?" (sounded like) child, rm 17 (?). "We apparent," approx. 6 AM; 6:30 approx.; code, 'wee [(teacher) is] a parent.' "This is where you have build," implying fem body, but possibly code for sales. 9:13 AM, in shower, "I have never seen them positioned there," male behind Bel Air. "He won't know how," (or similar). 9:27 AM, "If you go a round - find a clark," wh male rptr, to blk fem rptr, ch 10; i.e., report tracking blacks thoroughly exposed them. "Squeeze all the joy out of life," Carefree Senior Living, Natomas ad. 9:45 AM, "Turn today," (sounded like) PBS ch 9.
'U' - as in U-shaped Drake Dr. oppression of 1999-2000; when I disappeared in Solano jail based on false accusations of interference w/business @ Target & Walmart in VV, & Westfield mall in FF, & claim I was incompetent - w/out competency hearing, & they were sending me to Napa state hospital, but Napa kept telling them they didn't have any beds available, so I was stuck in Solano jail for 4 mos., & then earthquake in Napa, precisely @ 4 AM when God told me to get up & sing; I was then released on 9/11. But while hostage there, on TV during tennis match, mssg. @ bottom of screen, "THERE YOU GO, VERMONT," - coded mssg possibly to me - 'They're U government' - possibly Marines tracking them. & make no mistake, the U gov't rebels' wicked & systematic defiance of American rights & values are the rebels that provoked 9/11 attacks - they caused it. 8/31, report about the efforts of Mexs./Latinos defending my rights to work in an alternate profession until clearing my name so that I could teach, & that they might be given more slack in Ca. in general than others - not referring to those in No. Ca., because they did make an about face & joined the rebels full fledged. But then 4 AM 9/1, vision of Fed. agent telling me I was being charged w/a crime - another book & release, but it was pertaining to my report about Mexs./Latinos. Because they owe me justice regionally & statewide & nationally, & have failed the nation (like everyone else), it's law of diminishing returns for me to say anything on their behalf.
They are taking pot shots @ Jesus (booing), but it's under cloak of darkness.
When I woke up after the dream, vision, "You don't have to take that," approx. 4 AM, & approx. 4:05, "You're gonna respect 'that'?" bug code. But 'that' is code for Latinos in No. Ca., classifying all Latinos nationally as 'that' conspirators, is same as saying all Americans nationwide are No. Ca. rebels, but that vision of the charge most likely was based on that deception - in attempt to coerce me to give up on "red men," especially w/that Is. 52:12 crack. In other words, 'U' gov't 9/11 rebels @ Federal level, considering directly oppressing me. Approx. 8/26, vision, "I want you to doom them twice;" instigating terrorism already doomed the No. Ca. rebels; attempting to claim they "took" w/the terrorism - guaranteeing the ruin of the nation if they aren't stopped - they are doomed twice, Jude 1:12, Rev. 18:6. THE VISION MAY ALSO BE CONCERNING ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. Ad for 2 more upcoming "Mission: Impossible" sequels w/Tom Cruz, & something to do w/an injured eye - delays for years to come - I reported vision of Cruz & eye injury, & then I injured an eye working w/iris plants. Drew Barrymore, "This is bigger than me..." & calling off her show due to writers' strikes; they are claiming I've folded as far as maintaining Jack Teacher plan central, w/reports giving them credit - or past credit, implying Jack Teacher plan is small "cog," & I'm a naive country bumpkin teacher over my head in the "bright lights" & "big cities" of glamorous stars. Mssgs. from all directions - from them - rock & Hollywood must be rebuked & denied any credit, or it's "curtains" for Jack Teacher plan & any actual justice & teacher career any time soon - YOU GIVE THEM CREDIT, YOU ROT. They aren't in any hurry - nation crumbling will probably last @ least a few years longer - if it doesn't, they've got England or Tahiti or both they can relocate to; & they aren't the ones denied their teacher dream career & enslaved picking weeds & digging ditches in 103 deg. weather & pouring rain - & they certainly don't care about Jack Teacher personally. We've been through this before - they say they'll invade, but they don't. But as far as any notion of a "draw" or a "tie," God led me they don't have that luxury, because they pushed too many buttons railroading my career & my freedoms - "Band On the Run" literally directing county court to oppress me. They pushed buttons to maximize the stubbornness & jealousy of Americans toward a teacher chosen by God & creating a climate where we "need" them, but they themselves are stalling to see if they can break the teacher. Long range plumblines tracking Davis, blks, & gov't, implying we can count on them, but (see "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD II"...) the mssg. is don't count on them, because the nation failed, & Jack Teacher will fail as well, soon enough. So in actuality, the garland of grace of Judy Garland & others from the past is a mirage - the warlocks have been cruel, & church members nationwide have tolerated them if not following them enthusiactically, but God provided Jack Teacher as a deposit. "For exaltation comes neither from east nor west,... but it is God who judges; He brings down one and exalts another," Ps. 75:6,7. If we can't be the beacon of light to everyone - including all the Slavs - shine the light of Christ, rather than a counterfit light kissing Lenin's Jewish butt in Ukraine - then the American vision is crippled & eventually doomed. We're good enough for Jesus - if we get back to our post - break the bondage of conspiracies & cover-ups, THE WAY WE ALWAYS HAVE FOR 250 YEARS! Rock & Hollywood aren't going to hold our hand when it's a right hand of deception (Ps. 144:8) - where they are failing is they instigated a lot of my sufferings, but instead of clearing themselves by providing me justice, they lump me in w/a nation that refuses to repent - because it would go a long ways toward rescuing the nation. The nation falls short, & rock & Hollywood fall short. Brilliant! Possible motive of warlocks is claim they are "out" as far as intervening on my behalf to give Asians a leg up - as I've said, this is unbiblical, & they are committing crimes, so it's illegal as well. But, Asians err in that they assume that translates to Christians who are admitting they are guilty & deserve to be punished. As I've said, possible motive of warlocks is claim they are "out" as far as intervening on my behalf to give Asians a leg up - & as I've said, this is unbiblical, & they are committing crimes, so it's illegal as well. But, Asians err in that they assume that translates to Christians who are admitting they are guilty & deserve to be punished. Christians who've repented, w/feats & wonders to prove it, have been purified. Asians are unable to discern that penitent Christians & a nation that is the tribute beyond all comprehension, isn't their "kill;" the same as Martin Luther, in "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" communicated to Catholics,
"For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and pow'r are great, and, armed with cruel hate,
On earth isn't his equal."
(Everyone knows tea is better w/sugar than that artificial crap.) In other words, based on Catholic church historically producing fruit & more or less biblical, Martian Luther was driving home the point that, w/the exception of some oppressive popes, Christians are stronger if we refuse to see each other as the enemy over differences that are often "in-house" debates, & acknowledge that satan is the enemy. Satan was Asians' "kill;" if they could've avoided temptation to judge USA, Western church, etc., & instead intervene on my behalf, & publicly glorify God - they would've had the lion's share of spiritual victories, & that was their "kill" as well. The spiritual "kill" formula is "Judgment is w/out mercy to those who show no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment," Jas. 2:13 - mercy is a manifestation of love, & God is love, 1 Jn. 4:8 - all they had to do was hold the line of being good neighbors 2000 year+ track record, but add to that praising God (& make an effort on my behalf). No one's arguing they've been merciless, but they've refused to make even the slightest effort to glorify God - w/motives of misplaced revenge. To an extent, Jack Teacher plan of Western followed Luther's formula, & to a small extent, shortcomings of current Western church have to do w/attempts to invite Asians to higher seat as fellow brothers in Christ - similar to Luther - except Luther didn't force anyone to be pawns & slaves to accomplish it. The formula is in place, but current warlocks can't really claim it as their motives.
Here's what Western church is up against: (1)We fell short as far as intervening for Slavs; (2)No one's intervened for Jack Teacher; (3)Rock & Hollywood saying essentially we're doomed because of those shortcomings; (4)Stubborn church leaders refusing to repent to extent that there are assertions claiming Western church (U.S.A. & elsewhere) possibly should be "licked" (wiped out) because of their refusal to repent. The Western church did do something right - provided me; & made sure I was equipped to deal w/adversities. When faced w/seemingly impossible circumstances, trust in God. Israel in Ex. 14 had been freed by Pharoah after 400 years of slavery; but, he suddenly changed his mind & sent his army to get them back before they had gone far. They were cornered @ the Red Sea - w/the sea in front of them, & huge Egyptian army hemming them in from behind - & they were mostly unarmed. What were God's instructions? Ex. 14:10-15 (1)Don't be afraid (don't panick); (2)Stand firm (don't scatter or run away - i.e., GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS! Reject codes, report conspiracies, blab in the news about huge stories!); (3)Behold the salvation of the Lord - God told Moses to part the Red Sea; Egypt invented algebra - & suddenly Mideast may be solving the freedom equation. "God will provide the lamb" Gen 22:8 - Prophesy fulfilled: Gen. 22, Abraham on Mt. Moriah & said to Isaac God would provide the lamb for sacrifice, & after he offered his son, God did provide - a ram - & 1800 years later, @ the same location (Mt. Moriah is located in Jerusalem) God provided Jesus, the Ram of God; (4)Go forward - Israel crossed the Red Sea w/waters parted, but when Egyptian army attempted to follow, they were swallowed up & drowned. God provided me as mouthpiece for Western church; according to him, that's sufficient for time being as far as Slavs; as far as failing to provide justice for me - repent & do so - this can be done by replacing corrupt & stubborn warlock pastors w/pastors/leaders demanding & providing justice for me.
Notice from Ca. Franchise Tax Bd. that I failed to file form disclosing my health ins. status, so they're suddenly adding $850 fine to my total - which I'm currently making $30/mo. payments on - but that paymnt plan was arranged only approx. 5 mos. ago, for total of $150 paid on $1127.56 amnt., bringing total down to $977.56; $850 added to this is $1827.56, as opposed to $1542.00, or $1542 "on the money." & 1542 is the street # for Workmans, we were @ 1536 Drake Dr.; they obtained restraining order against me in 1999, instigating false arrests 2 times that Fall, & 1+ mo. disappearance (jail); evidence indicates it was already a conspiracy, making it kidnap. My parents went behind my back, contacting my roommates & paying Nov.'s rent (those Jesus freaks!). This "scenario" precisely timed w/God alerting me of claim of showdown as far as % of mo. I'm staying in Davis motels ($140+) v. West Sac ($85+) - as in claiming I've moved out of Davis because I've only been staying there 2 nights/mo. or so. But God also told me to take the lower rate combined w/working 5+ days/wk in Davis & staying there a few nights/mo., so that I can set aside $ for teacher interviews. Evidently State of Ca. claiming I "got out," & therefore I capitulated to Workmans & they & Davis prevailed w/'U' oppression; 'he owes 1542 on his [at]attack, says.' Oh, by the way, Workmans got out of Davis possibly 15 years ago or more - that magically isn't a factor. But according to the Lord, I'm occupying Davis & vicinity, & that's good enough.
8/26, Golden 1 West Sac refused my check @ ATM; it was Sat. & bank was closed; they eliminate G1 WS - same location preceded the sudden transfer of all my savings into ckg 2 mos. ago. The object is to get me into Sac, where they can utilize the warrants against me; downtown Sac G1 is closer than Davis G1; their m.o. is also attempts to create facade that I'm a "simple" country bumpkin - "uh-yuh, uh-yuh;" after depositing ck. Sun. morning, based on location of Golden 1 bank, the nearest Yolobus bus stop was actually right in front of Golden 1 stadium, where Sac Kings play. & directly across the street, lg. display screen w/electronic ads, including one for ""
including pic of Ca. bear, & one of those America Online athletic stick figures that I was stalked w/for years - except this one is combo stick figure, & tomato splat like someone booing & throwing tomatoes. But the name actually spells out one of No. Ca.'s conspiracy m.o.'s attempting to swallow me up: (1)they conspire to deny me any & all teacher & tutor positions; (2)they claim that I'm not teaching because I have secret sales motives; (3)they claim that when I demonstrate I work & am willing to work, that must mean I'm "wide open" to them - despite they are obviously dangerous conspirators & rebels; (4)because I'm so irresponsible - a naive simpleton, they obviously can't hire me as a teacher, & (5)they get to "punish" me (oppression) because I'm such a foolish country bumpkin - i.e., I'm foolish enough to be "wide open" therefore it's walls preventing me from teaching, & walls holding me hostage. Combined w/this, strategies to force me into Sac - where I then disappear in jail, & they can orchestrate show-downs w/blacks while hostage. God exacted a punishment on them in real time - Casa Bella Galleria (Beautiful House) furniture store on Del Paso Blvd. burned to the ground as of 3 AM that same morning that I was being forced to hobble into Sac to make deposit (Sun.), & in the news that eve., male owner talking about a mural co. that had invested in a wall of his bldg. - Wide Open Walls. Moreover, notice the multicolored theme - very similar to my 'V' rainbow on my evangelism webpage (way.html) , but originally & for approx. 5 years, this was the rock.html webpage, & in fact Taylor Swift came out w/multicolored outfit acknowledging it.
"Aqui' y ahora," ('Here & Now'), program on Univisio'n, 4:15 PM, 8/27, new report about corruption in El Salvador, including rampant crime, w/inmates in jails & prisons crowded, & typically lined up seated on floor, & bent over w/forehead against back of inmate in front of them. Moreover, moving inmates/prisoners around - they all followed the same pattern - ducking & scurrying- as though a code - 'we're ducking' i.e. shirking responsibility or duty to pipe up for Jack Teacher (Spanish Teacher) or Slavs...' but they testify against themselves if that's the case. The show's theme was "EL PRECIO DE LA PAZ" ('THE PRICE OF PEACE) w/'EL PRECIO DE' in small font @ top, & 'LA PAZ' in lg. font - same format as personalized license plate, w/"CALIFORNIA" in small font @ top; also, the graphic was black background, yellow font - like 1960's Ca. lic. plates. In other words indications are Latinos are decreeing prison. The prisoners were sitting on floor, rank & file, but close together; they showed this scenario repeatedly; I reported while I was hostage in Solano jail 2014, vision of removing sheet of plywood from back of store shelves, & black spiders rank & file asleep on back side of plywood. In other words, an army on behalf of blks. - although @ the time, it seemed it was an "army" of blks spying on me & casing me. 'El Salvador' - 'I'll solve a door [knock];' i.e, claiming it's prideful to be grunt labor if it means you have your own company; but tutors have their own company usually - it's a smokescreen - plus, my co. is Think Tank Tutoring, but no one hires me for that; raking & weeding is the lowest grunt labor no matter how you slant it - their 'pride' facades expose their uparalleled wickedness. While Slavs owed me recognition, considering I'm a Spanish Teacher, S. Americans could pipe up for me & orchestrate invasion on behalf of the nation; IF THEY ARE CLAIMING THEY HAVE ENOUGH OF THEIR OWN PROBLEMS - THEY ARE BEGGING GOD FOR TROUBLE BY REFUSING TO GLORIFY HIM FOR THE BIGGEST DISPLAYS OF HIS POWER & LOVE SINCE THE GOSPEL ITSELF! THEIR SELFISH & JEALOUS MOTIVES ARE EXPOSED BY REFUSING TO UTTER A WORD! The 2014 vision - possibly they are attempting to buy blacks time @ my expense, but they are asleep - attempting to satisfy curiosity as far as "pecking order" of Christians - Chinese' duty to respond? Blacks? Latinos? But pecking order isn't biblical, nor is stalling your obedience to God due to curiosity about pecking order - glorify God no matter what anyone else is doing & you'll be blessed; attempt to satisfy your curiosity, neglecting God, & you'll miss out on blessings. Latin Americans overall did less than most other Christians as far as the Jack Teacher Asian outreach plan, etc., & so they had duty to wake up & redeem the time w/good deeds such as specifically piping up for me & Slavs, & proclaiming the great feats of Western & Eastern church, Eph. 5:14-17. But the 'La Paz' license plate code is most likely from N. American Latinos, such as media- if it's connected w/the story, then it's a statement about a strategy; black license plates became obsolete as of mid 1970's if not before, possibly indicating attempts to point fingers @ my parents, but likely it's a tracking of traitorous rebels of my past of all colors, including Ron Zito & Steve Mora. As far as "Aqui' y ahora," it's possible they are claiming it's a tracking of older generations on my behalf. My Dad was aware there was acts of casing of me by Mexs. in 1970's, such as Ron Zito, next door neighbor; but @ the time we had Latin American friends, & they were simply friends - we had friends of all races - & he made racial jokes, but his welcoming actions betrayed his true character. There was never any badmouthing any of them when they weren't around - Portuguese, Mexicans, Asians, Mideasterners, etc. Based on some of the shady gestures, my Dad might've mades some gestures to lure whoever needed to be lured, & that might've included the Chavezs; my Dad's secretary Helen & her husband Tony; in one instance she spilled her drink on the floor @ a party @ my parents', & my Dad threw his down to make her feel better. Then when we had her family over for dinner (parents, bros., sisters, etc. - huge family) my Dad's plate was half way off the table due to crowdedness, & it flipped over onto his lap; this may have been an act; the facade was possibly they could advance in status @ his son's expense, which my Dad wasn't condoning, but he may have sent that signal to see if there would be any "takers;" i.e., a rumor among Latinos that I'm their dupe - possibly aware of the seeds of Landscaper Nick consp. I reported that when we moved to Lodi, soon enough, there was a Ron Zito shadower once again - Steve Mora - &, the floorplan of his apt. in alley behind Flora St. was almost identical to Zito's Fedora st. place next door to our house (I was blind to these things @ that point). JESUS FREAK - my Dad pilfered copies of evangelism paper, street evangelism -handing it out to his buddies.
8/27 3:35, "It's you're just here," child, rm 17 (2 strollers locked up in front of room for almost a week as of 8/30), Bel Air. "I'm appointing Bob Fenton & I'm dicked; I'm directing him..." Biden C-SPAN 12:25. 'f[&^%]in' ton [is] ill,' possibly code for fentanyl; i.e., claiming you have to look @ dirty pics or you're "ill" as far as sexuality; "ill" as used as expression of 'on the fritz,' or 'out of it,' etc., isn't something that causes anyone to stumble, & abuse drugs, etc.; i.e., they are desperately attempting to claim I'm a bad example & it's causing leaders to go bad, & it's causing youth to abuse drugs - 'why dopin' walls.' But the 'ill' facade is one of their smears as well - self-controlled isn't ill, it's you have your act together. But conspired walls that keep you isolated systematically, denying your teacher career, denying 90% of your rights, w/constant stalking - committing crimes against a victim - would understandably have that affect & possibly more - it's miracle from Heaven that I'm rarely "ill," & I'm virtually never sick - in last 30 years. Moreover, oppressing someone like that w/involvement nationwide is guaranteed to make kids stumble - shooting sprees are the ultimate "stumble."
8/29, 6:58 PM "It's your life," ch 40; 7:07 PM, mex. male, "...when we ...the belton environment.." ch 40. 'B[e] Elton' - but it's claim I'm trying to "be" (or @ least promote) Elton John & rock stars, & therefore they can claim my goal is sales. It isn't '[school] bell, ton;' am I never hired to teach? Moreover, 2015, Davis police hired officer Belton - because rock stars never showed up on my behalf, & Belton's participated in a lot of the kidnappings subsequently- & he's evidently @ the center of regional & national multicolor conspiracy; as far as I recall, he's also the one who touched my private parts when frisking me approx. 1 1/2 years ago on I St.
[EXCERPT FROM 8/30 REPORT:] 8/27,...2 hands shaking - art display, 555 Cap Mall. 10:24, Asian male, wh shrt, blk shorts (as far as I recall) "This is you said you're okay," L & 5th (downtown Sac) in front of G1 stadium; then 10:26, walked by the other way, & goes into "security" office in G1; before that, I was listing to Cyndi Lauper song & wh male short hair, same clothing combo ( blk shorts, etc) went by going W making scoffing noises & uttered a code; he then went by Eastward & then entered same sec. door as Asian. [END EXCERPT]. Also @ same location as giant shaking hands "statue," "house" cafe, B of A, & Old Soul coffee shop. Directly behind me @ bus stop where I photographed the Wide Open Walls ad, another giant hand fallen to the ground, w/dart nearby - I reported the 8' high darts (art displays) sunk into ground on sidewalks next to G1; i.e., "We missed the target" - referring to Golden 1 sports stadium - another of the 'wide open walls' mssgs. - while systematically denying me teacher jobs for 20 years - A BILLION JOB APPLICATIONS & FOLLOW-UP PHONE CALLS, & INTERVIEWS; they constantly orchestrate tricks to creat impression that I'm a country bumpkin desperately trying to be a star - (1)sales star, (2)rock star, (3)sports star; & Sac has to once again chide me - 'no, no, no, you missed again, Jack Teacher...' - 'country bumpkin that never wises up but is constantly wide open to being famous while refusing to be a teacher - & therefore their walls are the astute & responsible thing to do...' Oh, & that 'h' logo of house cafe - seem harmless enough? But 'h' is code for 'A ch[eats],' & it looks like a chair - code for electric chair - capital punishment. One leg of the 'h' is extended, like it's testing the water - code that I'm not serious about teacher career. The bldg. pictured above - U.S. Bank Tower, 621 Cap Mall, giant chair - code for electric chair; constructed 2006-2008 - long after the electric chair codes were in use regionally. The dream about my gold cross-hatch tie from 1990's that I hadn't seen in 20 years occurred in 2015 - I was staying next to U.S. Bank in Davis when the dream occurred; & instantly I noticed the B of A cross-hatch American flag logo - flag slanted upward as opposed to the hung flag cowards. After participating in kidnappings, Sac court gave Sac. City USD a restraining order to prevent me from applying for teacher jobs in Sac City USD - this is the place where Math Teacher Jaime Escalante from L.A. (& Bolivia) - "Stand & Deliver" - was sent away insulted & empty-handed when he attempted to improve things for Sacramento youth.
8/25, red Triple A logo slides up above screen @ beginning of ad w/wh "danger" male crashing in to AAA office w/blk emply, then drops down again @ end of ad. I reported AAA's piano jingle that is first part of Joe Walsh song; also, "Band On the Run" has scenes from McCartney's family from 1970's etc., & one of his daughters plays peak-a-boo from back seat window of car going by - ducks down then rises up peaking - but this was before those codes - peak-a-boo in general isn't bad, but when it's choreographed & on TV & recent, it's conspiracy 99% of time. Triple A did seem to be looking up - 'triple 'A'' - 'get A to look up & help him & rock stars...' but it seems they might be attempting an i.d. if I don't spell that out in a report. Moreover, the label/logo disappearing @ top of screen & then dropping down again, is subtle claim of turning the conspired slow mo 'peak-a-boo' codes (first adults then children slowly rising from behind comp. screen & other objects) , i.e., attempt to prop up blks (blk male is the "straight man" in AAA crash ad) - claiming they are "tripling" me w/bona fide teacher interviews & potential offers; when I don't take them up on it - BECAUSE - AS I REPORTED ON THIS WEBSITE - GOD SAID THEY WOULD ATTEMPT TO REPENT, & DON'T LET THEM - AAA IS CLAIMING THEY'VE TRACKED MY SALES MOTIVES. "GODLY SORROW BRINGS ABOUT REPENTANCE THAT LEADS TO SALVATION W/NO REGRETS, BUT WORLDLY SORROW LEADS TO DEATH," 2 COR. 7:10 - BLACKS HAD THE CHANCE TO REPENT W/GODLY SORROW, BUT THEY TH0OUGHT I WAS OUT-NUMBERED & THEY WERE GOING TO GET AWAY W/IT; & NOW, THEY ARE SORRY BECAUSE THEY'RE CAUGHT - IT ISN'T ACTUAL REPENTANCE - IT'S A TRAP. Jan's front yard, fem end of extention cord coming out of ground next to stepping stones - but if you're watering the lawn or flowerbeds, & that cord happens to be plugged in, it's bad news - another one of those willful careless scenarios. "Nada yada yada" code from Metro PCS; 'yada' - something to do w/Don Miller in recent report, or possibly claim I couldn't add -'y[eah] ad -uh;' but neighborhood in S. Davis, developed by Miller as far as I know or next to his developments, La Canada - 'law can yada way,' ('canada' 'n' has tilde); if you want to consider 'way' as in 'w[e're]'A'' UCC systematically attempted to rob me of any claim to 'A' - Aaron Needles, approx. 2008, E St. plaza, "Ace" code - & Dave McKinnon, formerly Edge youth group member when I was leader, 1995, now adult conspirator still in Davis - their "Ace" - 'Dave mockin' on.' UCC young marrieds & singles Sunday school class, Encounters, 1994, several fems in class - favorite expression instead of "bla, bla, bla," "yada, yada, yada," code for 'yeah, [we] oughta [help,]' but it's '1-2-3' as far as any help for justice, is the code, & 1-2-3 as far as any possibility of "adding" - such as adding talents & abilities - code in prep for corrupt police to "step in" & oppress me. The Metro ad (owned by T Mobile) coded claim possibly that T Mobile fell short of i.d.-ing me, 'nada' - 'nothing' in Spanish; but it's simultaneously coded communication - on TV - to UCC & No. Ca. conspirators to move on to the next conspiracy because this one dead ended w/T Mobile exposed. See report "REGIONAL CONSP. TO BRAINWASH THAT I'M OVER MY HEAD - AS COVER FOR BUSH; CONSP..." & davisneedy2.html, "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" - BB Boomer Dad - bagging No. Ca. & corporate mockingbirds for justice. Oh, & meanwhile, Triple A tracked as well - Harper Lee's novel includes character Boo Radley - '[peak-a-]boo!, [ou]r ad - lee[way];' AAA's ad attempting to fabricate leeway for blacks w/phony flipping of the peak-a-boo code.
God told me I don't need rock & Hollywood; in fact, "I want you to doom them twice" (vision) might be referring to them - i.e., they lure me to provide evidence that they tracked blacks, etc., but then they imply it's 'twice' - as in ''T' is wise,' & I'm acting unwisely. If rock & Hollywood had shown up & intervened - the implicit agreement w/churches & me, instead of increasing the dangers & treating me like dirt leaving me stranded & oppressed longer, the response of the nation, especially the young people, would've been sufficient. THE JACK TEACHER PLAN PREVAILS W/OUT TRAITORS WHO TRY TO REDUCE EVERYONE TO FOOLS. The bottom line is although Western church fell short in the past, the church provided me as witness on behalf of Slavs & rock stars - while they've failed to intervene on my behalf, the church overall stands, or @ least I stand, & rock & Hollywood were heavily involved in instigating oppression against me & then renegged on their implicit commitment to lead if provided a witness - leaving me in more dangerous conditions than before. A nation that has accomplished historically unparalleled feats (w/the help of European nations), but is in currently the grips of a scandal oppressing me & allowing me to be oppressed, the solution isn't to approve another band of scandalous rogues oppressing me & allowing me to be oppressed.
Moreover, the signals for a witness over 3+ decades & I began directly testifying on behalf of them as of Summer 2011, w/rock webpage on Christmas 2011, & no reponse as of mid-2012, & although mass shootings occurring annually, they worsened as of 2012 & continued steadily @ more aggravated level. Additional factor: 2012 was end of Obama's first term, & no justice for Jack Teacher from him. The graph above is from, a site claiming to be an authority on it, but I cross-referenced it w/, which presented the data in totally different format (figures could be further verified for accuracy), but the totals matched for 2020, 2021, & 2022 (graph is through 5 July 2023). Western church falling short, & those claiming to be the solution prove to be almost worse than the church, it only makes things more dismal, & that for a nation that according to vision of Christ proud of us in 2019. The only recourse is to recognize mirages of false teachers using facts mixed w/deceptions to aggravate & frustrate those who are already struggling. The contemporary Western church was tempted to provide an offering far less than that of Abel, but not necessarily that of Cain, by a random fictional story from history, "Pied Piper," where a musician wins the hearts of children of a town, & holds the deceptive adults accountable; but rock & Hollywood proved to be equally deceptive if not more so - treating Jack Teacher like dirt & increasing my sufferings. Their goal seems to be to bring about the end of USA; & while the nation has spiralled downward almost as though the entire nation is in bed w/No. Ca. rebels, it was only approx. 3 years ago that I literally hung out w/Jesus in this vision, & he was beaming over our accomplishments on behalf of China, & the Atlas feat, & me intervening for Slavs - we're good enough for Jesus, but somehow not good enough for rock & Hollywood, & based on their "lofty" status, that spells doom for the nation - according to them; & the nation's struggles originate in part from buttons pushed by rock & Hollywood literally underscoring fame as opposed to downplaying it - inflaming jealousy; their failures to show up on my behalf sent signals that further inflamed that jealousy - they've become mockingbirds as opposed to a pied piper role holding deceivers accountable - & the pied piper wasn't that high of a mark.
If rock is claiming they had to stall to track blacks, & that's how you reconcile the strong language from "Shattered", etc. - demonstrating the imperativeness of Jack Teacher plan, they can't lift up the Jack Teacher plan in word & not in deed - their efforts supposedly to track blacks is crippling the Jack Teacher plan as much as any stalls of Western church. Despite the seeds of tracking blacks may go back to Lincoln & Russian Jaggars (army) - black stove top hats - freeing blacks & then holding them accountable is a biproduct, rather than an essential element, of the Constantine Jack Teacher plan. Focussing on a biproduct & making it central derails the education/freedom nation & the Western church's goals & any goals of rock end up fruitless. 'You'll see, he's us (grunt)' may sound noble, but stick w/Sherman teacher goals.
Gregory from Florida ('DEATH TO AMERICA' report) is the kingpin - T-Mobile suddenly refusing to send me a rec't for payment of phone bill using prepaid card - claiming my grocery store rec't is the rec't; but they had an automated system sending you a rec't for paying w/card, & that means they had to expend effort to diminish customer service of a rec't upon payment - that's m.o. of rebels. Traditionally, redeeming of cards is a transaction in & of itself, requiring rec't; or else you could redeem card from 6 mos. ago - it's still valid, but rec't. indicates it was paid for in past, & no way of showing when it was applied. They offered to send me a link to go & view a rec't, but you have to sign up to use it - i.e., 'fill out an application for your rec't' - that's the ultimate customer service insult, moreover, it's their coded claim that I'm "applying" to the phone cos., & AT&T has their conspired forced emply - years of denying me work unless & until I worked for AT&T. Gregory claiming yet another act of oppression against me by T-Mobile, because I'd only "had it up to here..." up to the neck, rather than forehead, etc. Once again, that's a behead code, but THAT'S THE VERY CAUSE OF THE SUICIDES, SHOOTING SPREES, FIRES, ETC. JUSTICE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE W/SCALES THAT ARE BLIND (BLINDFOLDED) TO THE VICTIM'S STATUS (COLOR, CREED, TALENTS & ABILITIES); 'YOU HAVE TO BE TALENTED;' 'YOU HAVE TO PERFORM;' 'YOU HAVE TO GIVE US A HUGE FIT;' & PEOPLE NATIONWIDE ARE REALIZING JUSTICE IS SUDDENLY OUT OF REACH OF ANYONE & EVERYONE. GREGORY DECREEING IN MEDIA, 'WHERE'S OUR 'PERFECT STORM' FROM JACK TEACHER?' BUT IRONICALLY, HE IS THE ONE BLIND - BLIND TO THE STORMS GOD IS ALREADY GIVING ME - I CAN'T STORM ENOUGH ON MY OWN, SO GOD DESTROYS PARADISE CA.; I'M NOT ALLOWED TO TEACH, & A WATCH FROM BEHIND THAT OUR NATION IS RUINED IF I CAN'T TEACH, & LAHAINA BURNED TO THE GROUND. Their conspired acts of oppression attempting to i.d. me as far as justice me has become the more lethal part of the rebellion - they are agents of doom & destruction - destroying cities! & the blood of those destroyed will be on their heads for eternity.
8/18, presumptuously interpreted, "This is you won't take they billed 'em," vision; one small detail - Rodrigo is rock musician & Latino fem.; glaring scenario that she participated in attempt to smear Latinos to see if I'd track it - "inside job" of rock; rock stars & Hollywood are the ones w/the key of love & fear in their trembling hand, & they consistently choose to try to destroy our nation. They create irrefutable plumblines, then they negate them by their actions demanding that they certainly can't lead, but also broadcasting vote of no confidence in my reputation. & as far as melting pot colors, Latinos did come though for me, but nation's leaders & No. Ca. region betrayed them by insisting they could continue victimizing me & betraying the melting pot publicly like never before in all of history - attempting to discredit as many colors as possible. Is there a way to alienate Jack Teacher? If rock can't find one, they perform exploratory betrayals until the teacher is betrayed to the nth degree - plumbline testimonies from the past are implicitely disowned. God stood w/me consistently - they don't know the Lord. 8/18, vision, "I won't know you for live," approx. 4:19 PM (short 'i'); (1) Olivia Rodrigo - "Liv" (nickname) - rock misleading a teen singer, then acting like they're close to her (Swift) instead of a rebuke, especially in context of vague lewd innuendo; Olivia Newton-John - coded mssgs. about "Driver's License" by showing up for interview & driving a golf cart; (2) rock attempting to dupe me as far as blacks & Pinole job - propping up blacks - allowing them to live & prosper @ the nation's expense - God told me the nation had already decided as of approx. 2019 - blacks were going to have to be punished - but I'm left in the dark, supposedly to see if I'll be resolute about it - but context of me being oppressed, that's participating in rebellion; (3)attempting to force me out of Davis w/enunciated premise that Davis rebels are allowed to live. In conditions of everyone betraying me & shunning me, I nevertheless have those who have testified on my behalf - from the period of those rumors - my sister, 2008, "Joe, you want DIVINE RETRIBUTION!!!!!" Visions of both her & my Mom ready to assist rock stars & Hollywood in any way necessary, & my sister snatching baby from Taylor's arms, in gesture of acceptance, 2020; vision of my Mom in 2020 waiting in Denny's for rock stars to show up & intervene for me when I was hostage in Yolo jail; 2023, vision of her affirming my teacher career - "Can I have your 'no' autograph?" & "You don't get your gold?" protesting that I'm still being denied my teacher career. 2020, vision of Jacque's La Creme Sword in storage/prep room in Richmaid factory, waiting for me; & vision of Anna Brockmeyer affirming my good example as far as sexuality. Vision from God "You just cream them," 8/18.
(4)There is a 4th interp.; 2019, God repeatedly spoke to me, "live, it," as far as I know it was rock attempting to dupe me that either USA or Ca. was so bent & pessimistic - grumblers that I might not be allowed to live. Obviously that was the facade of No. Ca. rebels - fabricate doubts in my mind - 'Nobody cares about you; okay, maybe you aren't going to "go," like we are, but most Americans are jealous & think you're expendable...' The fact that there were 3 attempts on my life (2 occurring subsequent to these visions) argued that is the case - nobody cares. But that wasn't the case, until rock & Hollywood set the tone by abandoning me! (3) (ABOVE), COMING FROM WARLOCKS, FACADES THAT REBELS ALLOWED TO LIVE, DEPENDING ON LOCATION (see "T-MOBILE SELF CONFIRMED..."/"THE BIBLE SAYS..."). Rock & Hollywood deceived us w/implicit agreement - provide a witness & they were counting it then an honor to take the reigns of the Western church & set things right - overriding the pastors, pope, everybody - & so that's what Americans were expecting - the visions of my sister & my Mom, & vision of relatives in white waiting in my Mom's living room - waiting for rock to show up & willing to work w/them - visions demonstrating the plan of rock & Hollywood to be the recognized leaders, & Americans submitting & remedying - w/rock & Hollywood getting the credit. When they instead stab you in the back, it's contrary to all expectation, & there wasn't necessarily a back-up plan. I can't say why none of my relatives haven't dynamically orchestrated a plan independent of them yet, but it's a far-reaching ambitious accomplishment. Rock then concocted another stab in the back - the "Driver's License" scenario, planting more seeds of doubt - coming from them as well as the No. Ca. rebels. IN OTHER WORDS, ROCK ATTEMPTING TO OVERRIDE GOD'S MIRACLES & BLESSINGS ENDORSING ME UNEQUIVOCALLY IN UNPARALLELED WAYS - ENDORSEMENTS GREATER THAN THE SHOWDOWN BETWEEN ELIJAH & THE 450 FALSE PROPHETS, 1 KINGS 18, FOR EX., SEEING IF THEY CAN SET THE TONE - AS FAR AS ME & THE NATION OVERALL - GOD SHOWS UP W/POWER, BUT ROCK IS SKEPTICAL - WHO IS MORE POWERFUL, GOD, OR ROCK? This is the line, & while it originated from the warlocks, I'd already reported that - there was no debate about them - but then rock gave them ammunition w/(1)their refusal to do anything for so long that they created dares of the rebels, & (2) their D.L. darkness.
Rock & Hollywood joined South - "Though the bird is on the wing/& you may not know, why;" - 'Jack Teacher, you may not know' - teacher career sabotaged - landscaper; "Stairway To Heaven" lyrics, "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow/Don't be alarmed, now [supposed lyrics, rather than studio version, phonemic]/It's just a sprinkling for the may queen." One could argue it's luring warlocks, but when rock & Hollywood refuse to intervene, it amounts to confusion & demise of U.S.A.
Playback of "Detroit, Rock City" song by Kiss rock group that supposedly was a witness to my Pontiac LeMans creating plumbline holding Chinese accountable - "Pontiac Michigan youth..." & Chinese failing to capitalize on yak meat - a parallel w/refusing to respond to God's blessings; Ohio 17 year old Mackenzie Sherilla deliberately hit a brick wall @ 100 MPG w/2 other teens in car w/her, one of them named Russo; they both died, she survived; possibly passenger Russo symbolizing our efforts on behalf of Russians/Slavs - but I didn't crash my car. Rock refuses to capitalize on their witness, & it creates confusion & abject depravity; but if teens want to illustrate or hilight the imperativeness of the Pontiac LeMans Sino/Siber watch - find constructive, rather than destructive ways to do it, illustrating 'he can' but putting a "gorilla" (out of control girl) in driver's seat or becoming crash manikins or dummies in the process. I didn't crash w/Slavs - vision, "You disarm us," occurring immediately after I e mailed late Gorbachev "We have to restore your nation's great name," 2017, the next day, news reports of Gorbachev, "We visualize worldwide elimination of nuclear missiles in near future," & Putin in the news, claiming if Russia was bombed in nuclear attack, "Russia goes to Heaven!" If anyone crashed, it was our gov't leaders then propping up Ukraine as of 2021 - Russia owing me public recognition doesn't act to negate their right to extend & retract an olive branch to a Russian region attempting to secede in all the confusion of communist occupation. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FOOLIN'? I WAS TRAINED BY THE MA SQUAD - CHURCH OF ST. IRENE, TURKEY!!!!! "YOU CAN FOOL SOME OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME, & YOU CAN FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME, BUT YOU CAN'T FOOL MOM! WHERE'S MY 'NO' AUTOGRAPH?!"
Interestingly, I had a vision in 2009 of the entire UCD campus being blanketed by Feds arresting all 30k students - approx. half of Davis; Uncle Sam (Asian Americans) could've been intervening & arresting everyone in Yolo county on behalf of rock - but evidently that wasn't the intonation of the song (searching everyone - on behalf of...), considering they allowed 3 attempts on my life. Nevertheless, the Uncle Sam title as well as the Jupiter Jesus birth of Christ in the stars (Sept. 2017) merited response on my behalf from Asians of demolishing the rumors & providing justice, since God used me to announce 99% of it!
8/22, approx. 5 AM, vision of blnd fem. floating down w/dress catching air like an umbrella - similar to Mary Poppins floating around w/umbrella. Nata Lee, model from Russia, pic of her seated w/plaid skirt partially pulled up, wh panties visible; but nowadays, it could also be swim suit, etc. - skirt so short that often it's bikini bottom underneath - which isn't really any different. It's possible it was claim of tracking buxom Asian model - clothed, but more & more promiscuous, & then skirt lifted up showing panties, but codes from models are simply codes, & codes are bound - pipe up in media about rebellion & feats from God. In recent decades traditional wear of women has become more revealing. Nude pics weren't published in magazines for most part until 1950's - photography was invented in 1822. Pics of Asian fem (name not divulged) included various formats; after a lot of formats, she was in classroom w/plaid skirt - this style of clothing is common among fem. students in private schools w/uniforms, could be college, but more often, primary or secondary schools. @ any rate, after a few shots of Asian model in classroom settings, suddenly it was implied pictures of someone acting sexy in those conditions isn't acceptable or allowable - as though it automatically translates to looking @ pics of underage students - which it doesn't. I stopped looking @ any pics of that model, & a few days later, there was a pic of her that popped up on my browser, making squirrel gesture - like begging, etc. - this was code from Aggies originally started using handful of ketchup packages, as recently as 2015 or so; i.e., outdoors like a squirrel, & need to "catch up" to everyone else - nevermind their conspiracies caused that. @ any rate, w/out access to dirty pics, there was a lot less promiscuity, indulgence in pornography, etc. I.e., we have to be aware of satan's tactics - what seems commonplace & even expected now, wasn't so widespread 200 years ago. While there's always been a certain amount of tolerance of nudity in paintings & statues, & it wasn't necessarily explicitly forbidden by churches (to my knowledge), the extent was harmless compared to a saturated market - w/internet - nowadays. The pic of Nata included a black derby; the timing was possibly coincidence, but not necessarily. I recently went to interview w/blk principal in Pinole, & scheduled for interview this afternoon - Clark didn't call, but I had refused to compromise & fill out a tell-tale conspired job app; she called @ approx. 3 PM acting like there had been a conflict, & didn't go through w/interview due to my refusal to indulge in a conspired job app. If 'derby' was code - 'der, BE...' or '[I]'d [accept] her "be,"' as in, 'if you have a chance to teach, "be" & accept the job or "be" & accept the interview;' i.e, part of "being" is teaching, irregardless of the cunning traps; but as I said, if I allow them to take my "no" from me, I'm no longer a teacher - "salt that loses it's saltiness is good for nothing except to be thrown out & trampled underfoot." If the derby is re: sexuality, such as dirty pics - 'if those nudes are available, "be," & look @ them - let those who unclothe themselves worry about their loss of reputation if that's what it amounts to...' But that's a reactive "be" - your "be" is controlled or dictated by someone else's standards; instead, a proactive "be" - a Christlike "be," says you choose for yourself - it doesn't revolve around the status quo or what's popular. Once again, 150-200 years ago, 99% of this immorality wasn't around. The 1% that was, such as dancing girls in saloons, or prostitutes, etc., it was still a proactive v. reactive "be," but notice if you buy the reactive "be" contemporarily, then you are snubbed by models w/drbies claiming you aren't "being" (if that's what Nata Lee was saying) if you try to refuse, & their use of peer pressure is what controls you, but moreover, their decrees means they have you indulging in far more porn than anyone else in all of history - it isn't the Bible, but peer pressure telling you you're lazy, square, you aren't sexually agressive enough, 'shovel' code - 'everyone shoves to get their share of sex, & you must be a loser,' etc., & they've convinced you that you'd better be shoveling it down your own throat!
8/21, call from Miss Clark, AIMS schools (American Indian Model Schools), Oakland; it's a HS, MS, & Elem. school all located in Oakland - recently HS located on Grand Ave., the other 2 in lg. bldg on 12th St. She invited me to interview, & said the first one was zoom or by phone, & we scheduled it for 12 PM 8/22 - I'm scheduled to work, but as i.c. I can take long lunches, long break if necessary, etc. She also said they require job app to be filled out - I'd e mailed resume, C/L, etc. She provided link to application, & first thing it asked for - fill in e mail addr. twice - repeat conspiracy; - 'caw him online...' If I hadn't stood against that 2 decades ago, I wouldn't have made it this far - if you let them make you do the same thing twice, you aren't a teacher, & you won't measure up to landscaper very long as well. Customers, "what's your name?" I say 'no' to that - "just say 'hey' - 'cause I know you know who I am." If I didn't exercise my 'no,' no one would be tracking the bogus contract conspiracy - changes w/out notification. I had made a trip to AIMS in 2017, trying to complain to principal due to dozens of job apps, & no hire, & not even an interview; I offered to wait in lobby for several hours if necessary (they claimed he was to busy to talk to me); they replied it wouldn't do any good. This was when they were attempting to lure me to lunge into emplys only sections & smash through doors - police come, & Davis is covered. I eventually went forward w/preparations to sue Aspire schools instead, because I didn't have any documented evidence of all the job apps w/AIMS. But looking into their schools, there was evidence it was founded as cohort in crime for Davis - founded by blk male Ben Chavis (sounds like 'Davis'), & when you're fighting legal battles, the code becomes evident - ''[judge's] bench, have his [career].' Ben Davis clothing - logo - 'count on blacks, Davis - 'monkey see, monkey do,'' overalls - explicitly grunt labor - Landscaper Nick consp.; other codes (davisneedy2.html). From AIMS website, it's Chaniel Clark, blk fem, head of academics; I'm scheduled to work @ Dan's on F St., approx. 1 1/2 blks from the "Professional Job" attack in 2021; Chaniel/Daniel; but it goes beyond casing me as far as employers - Daniel Boone TV series, w/Mingo, Indian sidekick, played by Ed Ames - AIMS schools - American Indian Model Schools; & I reported the last interview in Pinole, blk principal Kino - bingo parallel - Mingo. I then noticed AIMS has it's own charter school district in Oakland, & fem Hispanic Maya Woods-Cadiz is Superintendent; 'am I a [Tiger] Woods caddie[s]?' It's casing by definition - stars have fallen short of anything but vague tips of the hat, but the meager implied recognitions by them, & the possibility of stardom of any sort, has been the death knell to my teacher career; these aren't acts of good-naturedly identifying w/such a teacher - "Good for you! Welcome aboard!" - instead, decades of proof - it's casing & deadly conspiracies for any teacher who is anything but a lowly unknown slob. Natalie Glass, blk fem director of schools (AIMS); interestingly, this afternoon I was looking @ models (fems), fully clothed & swim suits, & blnd from Moscow (Russian), Nata Lee - full name Natalee Lee - & one of many pics of her, muscleman behind her holding her swim suit top ties up - possibly a parallel to the brave stand-ins in N.J. enduring the hardened criminal smears for decades as women's "heavys" for higher moral standards; I'm aware of the '@ 'em' expressions, but God has led me there is room for higher standards & it isn't necessarily legalism - men aren't forfeiting anything, we're leading. But 'glass' is possibly code. Don't move the ancient landmarks - stars can become teachers, & teachers can be stars - as long as they stay focussed on academics.
THE FOLLOWING IS W/THIS QUALIFICATION: SKEPTICISM & GRUMBLING IS ONE THING, BUT REGION-WIDE CONSPIRACIES & REBELLION IS THE ANTITHESIS TO USA! SN&R, 21 June, 2001, Jaime Escalante, "Stand & Deliver" movie made about his teacher achievements in L.A., subsequently, attempting to build a Calculus program @ Hiram Johnson HS, Sac., & dealing w/student who was repeatedly cutting class,
"He was told by the parent, 'You are in the wrong place, sir. Go back to Hollywood. We don't need people like you.' And in 1998, Escalante left Hiram Johnson, a defeated man who had tried to help a troubled school but found out it was a nearly impossible job."
He was teaching @ Hiram Johnson HS while I was doing my student teaching @ Hiram Johnson West Campus HS - if I was aware of it, I would've gone over & introduced myself. In fact, he himself wasn't in the movie - an actor played his part - BUT PROOF THEY UNDERESTIMATED TEACHERS (WHICH WASN'T THE CASE FOR THE MOST PART IN L.A.) - GOD IS USING A TEACHER TO DEMONSTRATE THE HISTORIC LEADERSHIP OF CHINA, HOLD THIS NATION TOGETHER, & EXPOSE THE BIGGEST COVER-UP IN HISTORY; AS WE TEACHERS SAY, "THOSE WHO CAN, TEACH, & THOSE WHO CAN'T, PREACH." Jaime Escalante originaly from Bolivia - tracked the "kid outlaws." Ben Davis clothing - conspiracy of prison - '[Big] Ben' big clock - big "lock;" I lose my 'no' by caving in to i.d.'ings by rebels - ultimately blacks - 'do everything twice, or you can't be a teacher...' or I lose my 'no' when Ca. gov't or Congress claims I must've been a party to the regional Landscaper Nick consp. because I didn't agree to settle for teacher jobs that were obvious traps, & therefore I disappear in prison. Bachelor TV show, 8/21, "Ben our chance, Bree," (sounded like) blk fem dating wh male, 9:22 PM ABC.
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof," Prov. 18:21. "America: Love It or Leave It!"
8/20, wh male race car driver, similar phone gesture w/hand in front of neck, except out from it by a few inches; supposedly signalling they are "racing," possibly w/phone cos. - but that makes him a conspirator for participating in making me a pawn while pitting one co. against another; any code or signal instigating or tolerating any oppression against me is the rebellion! THE M.O. OF THE REBELLION IS MAKING ME A PAWN UNDER GUISE OF TRACKING THE REBELS - IT PERPETUATES THE FACADES THAT (1)THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH EVIDENCE, (2)IT'S NECESSARY TO OPPRESS JACK TEACHER! Calling customer service, Kim, T-Mobile, insisted no more text rec'ts, & no receipt unless you fill out a form - this is the conspiracy as of 2000 or before - oppressing victim by denying or diminishing my rights under guise that I'm impoverished & should give up - kicking the victim when he's down. The fact that an entire city was involved made it popular for some of the corporations such as phone cos. & electronics cos. to conspire - to gain popularity w/the Davis rebels, which represented a larger customer base. But now they are in too deep, & so it's the equivalent of them "warring" against me - until the end. T-Mobile automatically sent a text rec't when paying by phone using credit card or prepaid card; approx. 8 mos. ago, they conspiratorially stopped accepting my credit card (works everywhere else...), but I could still pay using prepaid card. Now, it's no rec't. There's no rhyme or reason for discontinuing a mandatory customer service of a rec't that was programmed & automated & doesn't cost them anything to send (texts) - no rhyme or reason other than rebellion. Moreover, filling out an application to view your receipt is customer service suicide- the ultimate slap in the face - IGNORE IT, & OUT OF FRUSTRATION PEOPLE START SHOOTING PEOPLE - some customers dismiss it as frivolous, but ignoring it, & being lazy about it - in aggregate w/all the other conspiracies eroding customer service & legal rights (such as sabotaged contracts that refuse to provide notification of changes), it amounts to basic rights - that is the rebellion undermining the nation, & I've been led to be adamant about rec'ts from everyone, due to the conspiracies, & that I'm the target of these conspiracies. Furthermore, this war against me by these corps. has been going on for almost 25 years - I purchase a laptop w/upgrades of software available by filling out an applic. w/Microsoft, but they then sabotage the application - it's defective; so you let the phone cos. i.d. you by applying for rec'ts, & the days are numbered as far as the utility of those "applications" - soon enough applying for a rec't won't do - FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE. The application consp. also originates from corps. assisting Davis in oppression because I worked for several years in sales, as opposed to applying for grunt labor jobs - attempting to punish me for being somewhat unconventional. (Oh, as of 2004 when Ca. DRE conspiratorially denied my broker's lic., indicating regional consp., I did humble myself & start applying for any & all jobs - my objective was work, & the timing of it - as of that point I'd prevailed overwhelmingly against my accusers w/documented proof - gave me a solid platform to apply for Teacher positions as well). Speaking to Kim, cust. service rep. on phone @ T-Mobile, & she was saying they are "prohibited" from texting a rec't.; then male emply in bkgrd, "We're going to need a job," 1:13 (T-Mobile going out of business), emplys evidently illegally eavesdropping, & fem, "We're not going w/his effort," 1:15. 1:40, after repeatedly placed on hold while waiting for supervisor, emply in bkgrd, "He has his shirt hold," as far as my arguments about 20+ year conspiracy. 1:53, Kim claiming couldn't e mail me or text me - "It's prohibited due to security," & THAT IS THE CONFIRMATION THAT T-MOBILE & MOST OF THESE CELL PHONE COS. HAVE RETIRED & REBELLED TO THE NTH DEGREE - IT'S TOO DANGEROUS TO COMMUNICATE W/THEIR CUSTOMERS!!!!! IT ISN'T SECURE ENOUGH TO PROVIDE YOU CUSTOMER SERVICE! - THOSE WHO LOOK FOR TROUBLE, TROUBLE WILL FIND THEM - PROV. 11:27. Simon, supervisor, then got on phone & said there was nothing further they could do - "prohibited" from texting or e mailing me a rec't, & hung up.
8/20, Sec. of Dept. of Treasury Janet Yellen, speaking on "Washington This Week" ch 22, 3:25 PM, sounded like, "...put simplin,..." (instead of 'put simply...') - 'put, [or kidnap under guise of arrest] simple, [is] "in;"' 1999, I disappeared - kidnapped by police abusing 5150 code, placed in psych ward, & wh male pastor came to visit the patients & used "simple" code, conspiring oppression, etc., against victim who is probably a naive bumbling wimp (their attempts to categorize me). I started to change the channel & Holy Spirit said leave the program on - I then noticed Janet Yellen looks almost exactly like Jan Manzi - the 'novice' consp. I reported - 'when you leave mssg., include address & ph # - you're "applying" & a novice - OR ELSE.' 3:29, Yellen, "...providing important guardrails..." (where normal verbage might be "important safety nets," or similar); while my Dad was w/Nat'l Guard, they have attempted to negate him w/the almost instant arrest of Nat'l Guardsman - how often does a member of N.G. make nat'l news for being arrested? It's probably never happened before - it is attempted murder - from Congress, White House, & key leaders of gov't.; but railing is expression meaning yelling & screaming - if I don't yell or scream enough, I'm labeled a wimp, & 'simple' codes signal I'm denied justice. I don't even need to argue whether I'm yelling enough - their serious crimes of conspiracy against me & rebellion against the nation are proof their "arguments" are a smoke screen to do away w/me. Nevertheless - "Do not warn a mocker, or he will hate you. Warn a wise person, and he will love you;" Prov. 9:8; they give themselves away - they themselves are corrupt, & so they lose track of how obvious it is that you don't throw fits in these circumstances, if you have an oz. of wisdom, you rely on rule of law nation informed by your complaints & reports. They are following the m.o. of the 1999 rebels of No. Ca.! "I won't know your for live," vision - more proof - current project of CalTrans, center divider bushes being removed & additional lanes being added on I-80 - including new guardrails betw. W. Sac & Davis; Yellen's communication was conspiracy code to Yolo that they could count on long range prop up - allowed to live; GOD DOESN'T KNOW THESE REBEL LEADERS! Matt. 7:23, "And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" Most likely it's claim I'm a wimp, because she went to China, & I haven't yet. But I was saving up for VISA, & already had passport, & it was stolen from me; simultaneously, vision of Chinese dignitary coming to US & associating too closely w/Christians, & dire consequences awaiting him when he returned to China. I was wide open, but doors closed & vision warning me as well - "Don't cast your pearls before swine," the fact is, I am a target in US, & China signed on dotted line as of 2022 w/city in China w/projects mirroring Davis (report deleted from all my files) - bicycling, performances, exercise; the report from, Chinese newspaper, was affirming Davis rebellion to a 'T,' as opposed to railing rebukes & affirmations of my teacher goals; they've also shortened school days of primary & secondary schools. Moreover, galavanting to other countries that have publicly withheld the welcome mat for me delays my teacher goals by - according to implications of their responses - agrandizing myself as a celebrity ambassador instead of minding my own business & teaching. "The council of the Lord shall stand" Prov. 19:21; in fact, the vision & God's leading me to hold off is most likely to expose these terrorists hidden motives.
"Surf's up, surf's in, hang ten" - Maui isn't the kingpins, but w/codes of silence, it isn't worth much - the 5.0% state.
Story in Global Times (Chinese online news -, 12/31, "Young Chinese living balanced lifestyles to counter 'lying flat,'" Chinese in China, due to lack of effort on their part to claim the promises of God & be a stronger force for justice on my behalf, instead seem to be capitulating to the corruption of Davis rebellion - & US gov't's participation, which sends ambiguous mssg. - has effect of directing them to go along w/corruption in USA. Instead of demanding on my behalf, or ordering Chinese Americans w/access to news media in USA to demand on my behalf, that I'm allowed my teacher career, they create facades of settling for the rebellion in No. Ca., & THERE'S NO MISTAKING IT: Ma, 27 year old fem. illustrator who loves cycling, is interviewed about "RE Buyer's Club," Beijing-based - 'RE' buzzword for sales, as well as 'buyer' & 'seller.' Davis is one of the bike capitals of the world. "...Just like a Porsche, a high quality bike to me is posh..." Posh cafe in Davis - owned by Chinese Americans from Sac, eventually capitulated to Davis rebellion & called police on me to oppress me - while I was being stalked by others; the article's theme is young people in China who are active - but it's while affirming Davis culture. Ma rides around West Lake near Hangzhou, where she lives; Westlake plaza in W. Davis is synonymous among rebels as sales vicinity, due to a developer I was associated w/while in RE, Al Smith, developed Stonegate, w/Stonegate Lake - shopping ctr. adjacent is Westlake. Hangzhou name similar to Shinzhou, THE CROSS-SHAPED SPACE STATION RECENTLY LAUNCHED BY CHINA.
Included in the story, young people singing in a band; the band's name, or theme of the show, "WE LAND," but signage is replica of the "HOLLYWOOD" sign on the side of the mountain above Hollywood - & this sign originally was "HOLLYWOODLAND;" the pic. affirms the mssg. that rock & Hollywood contributed to demise of my teacher career - "landing" instead of "flying;" & this is the case - but China is allowing it, & affirming it by their codes of silence & displays endorsing Davis; 'WE' (Hangzhou) parallel w/'HOLLYWOOD.' Moreover, the tent looks like giant spider - code for 'spy.' They are sidetracked by spy games when called on to glorify God & invited to highest seat in all of history. Hangzhou - Jesus hung on the cross - the story's theme echos Davis' undermining of my teacher goals, which were a testimony to China's leadership in education; the Shinzhou cross (supposedly symbolizing the gospel) is negated by hanging theme - China emulating Davis' hanging/death row consps. covering up the historical Heavenly feats. Their capitulating to Davis is concise enough & to the point enough to imply they are fully aware of their capitulations -BUT WITHOUT CONFRONTING THE CORRUPTION & BETRAYALS, THEY ARE BONA FIDE PARTICIPANTS.
8/18, "They're gonna take charges..." 5:25 AM approx.; " that bloody little town," 5:30. "You make his gun, up," wh male gray hair, behind Jan's b/yrd in pool - 2902 Solito, 4:44 PM. 5:23, Jan acting naive about gate latch, "Did it latch?" & I said to keep pulling, & Jan said, "Oh, until it clicks?" - 'click' was code for gun brandishing in 2017 - Tom Kilborne. "He wants tear [drop] take up," fem, 201 Guaymas, as I went by, 5:26 PM. "Draw all done?" thin tall wh male blnd, gray shrt blk sleeves, blk shorts, Taco B, 5:59 PM - gun code; then TB radio, "Outside, mine; it'll be a better night," fem singer, 6:01. Preparing to put up a report rebuking rock musicians, "This is your sister," vision 6:19 PM; recent vision or bug code about my sister - she was supposed to contact me, but then said it was a "scratch." 9 PM, "They measure your pack," gov't bug code. 8/19, "Pray to the Father" song, 2:45 AM approx., & "It is Modesto loves live" (long 'i'). "It's so pretty," fat wh fem wh blouse, to child, 7:28, Carol's; & "You been good?" to adult. "Egg good," fat wh male gray shrt, 7:28 (as opposed to 'good egg'). "Will pay," wh male lt. gray shrt, as I was leaving, 7:40 AM. 8/18, "We're off," Biden look-alike male @ Univ. Pines.
Acts 1:18, "With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out." Judas brought the Pharisees & soldiers to where Jesus was so they could seize him & then execute him. The eleven disciples fled & abandoned Jesus, but that isn't the same as participating in executing him. "Woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit, and wickedness as with cart ropes, to those who say, 'Let God hurry; let him hasten his work so we may see it. The plan of the Holy One of Israel - let it approach, let it come into view, so we may know it,'" Is. 5:18, 19. Western church failed to intervene for Eastern church, possibly comparable to the disciples abandoning Jesus. But we didn't kill them in Siberia, nor did we participate in their arrests, etc. Moreover, as figure appointed by the Western church historically, my acts on behalf of Western church of proclaiming the feats of Eastern church could be considered as a gesture of atonement - so that w/ or w/out affirmation by current Western church members, we've gotten back to our posts. But current leaders, out of pride, stubbornness, & guilt - including pride, stubbornness, & guilt of refusing to intervene for me OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE ME, ACCORDINGLY ARE FACED W/THAT THEY THEN CAN'T TAKE CREDIT FOR MY DEEDS THAT RE-ESTABLISH US @ OUR POST - OR @ LEAST THEY DON'T WANT TO TAKE CREDIT FOR THEM, & THEREFORE, THEY ARE CONCLUDING THEY MUST ASSERT WESTERN CHURCH FELL SHORT, BUT BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO REMEDY, THEY ARE CLAIMING IN THE LONG RUN, IT'S A "SPADE" - A JUDAS BETRAYAL - & THEREFORE, THEY ARE PROCEEDING TO FILL UP THE MEASURE OF THEIR SIN - 'OKAY, WE BETRAYED THEM; WE MAY AS WELL ADMIT IT & TAKE IT TO ITS LOGICAL CONCLUSION...' & THEY SUPPLY UKRAINE W/ARMS SO THEY CAN ORCHESTRATE AN ATTEMPT @ DISMANTELLING RUSSIA, PIECE BY PIECE. Biden coldly & viciously confronting Slavs - 'we betrayed you - & we're gonna continue to betray you...' But God said we failed them, but we didn't betray them. & acting as their enemy turns a fully pardonable act of ally into adversarial act w/potential of resulting in war. I'm not reporting this to credit Slavs, because they should've testified on my behalf.
"Consider this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins," Jas. 5:20; but Biden & his cohorts are turning a saintly nation into hardened criminals, & multiplying sins!
7/28, 6:15 AM, vision of me & my sister in a huge oval-shaped crib, & someone stretching blue masking tape around perimeter; "All they needed was a guy," possibly implying I didn't measure up to 'guy' status; that AM I was turned off due to denials of justice, codes & stalkings - & then there were codes & stalkings that if I'm not "turned on" sexually, more oppression - i.e., if you don't get "turned on" much when reamed & oppressed, you must not be a "man," & maybe not a "guy" - but the cause & effect is textbook - it's expected. In other words, you don't get justice because you're not "turned on" enough sexually; but you're not "turned on" enough sexually because you don't get justice - Catch 22 vicious cycle; Catch 22 novel & movie - about a soldier in military, in a vicious cycle; if you're crazy, you don't have to fly missions; & you must be crazy to fly.
The codes are pertaining to my avoiding nudes; I reported suicide of Marilyn Monroe on 22nd floor of hotel; & 22 June Judy Garland committed suicide - I marketed Davis B&B Inn @ 422 A St. I'm in a catch 22 scenario because I'm intervening for the nation - by definition!
Working in rebel territory, where they conspiratorially denied & crippled my income for 2 decades, there isn't any correlation w/illicit or illegal campaign contributions or bribes that are reported concerning Bidens or any other political figures. Hundreds of school districts & pvt. schools conspired w/Davis, & thousands of employers in all industries as well, to control my income & keep me penniless or close to it. I reported the facade tracking of Yolo county by Solano & Sac counties - creating a pseudo regional watchdog facade that was all a mirage - see "NO. CA. CONFEDERATE ROLE TRACKING OF YOLO;..." report, davisneedy3.html; the court document filed Mar. 2020, but dated 12/2/2012 - code - [20]12 to 2016 - the 4 years Sac. & Solano conspired to stop hiring me under guise of testing Yolo cty; & Yolo failed to repent & hire me (but as I reported, conspiracies in public everywhere all the time make obsolete the need for any such "test"); @ any rate, my income has been dismanteled for 2 decades, & my teacher career sabotaged even moreso - moreover, while juggling & singing for tips during that 3 1/2 year period (2012-2016), very few tips; God led me if someone offers me a tip w/or w/out hiring me, they owe me income, along w/incalculable damages - so tips are fare game - after the fact juggling tips, for ex. This 20 year butchering of my income, including phony detective regional deceptions, is the context of another deception on 8/12; handyman Regis, from Wdld., was hired to rebuild section of Hallers' fence - customers of mine whom I introduced to Regis 2 years ago when we used his trailer to haul trash from their res. I've successfully built 3 fences on my own, as well as doing some fencework w/Regis before that. State of Ca. has sabotaged 2 professional licenses - RE broker's lic., & Teacher Credential; in that context, it's futile to pay money to take Contractor's lic. classes, pay fee for license, when it's guaranteed they'll deny it, same as they did w/broker's lic. - under guise of a past including charges & jailings. Teacher Credential was declared invalid on "public Credential look-up" page of their website; after I filed 2 law suits, first one in 2009, both unjustly denied by Sac. court, they eventually, cahnged verbage to "valid" but "inactive" & still maintaining if it isn't active it isn't viable - perpetuating stigma against my credential so that no one hires me - refusal to clearly & fully authenticate it publically creates the cover necessary for rebel region to claim stigmatized credential & therefore Yolo has their slave. Context of long range sophisticated butchering of my income @ every turn, including when I refocussed on teacher goals in 2004, as well as choosing the humblest route imaginable - willing to accept, & accepting, any & all employment, from sign-waving to landscape work, to host @ cafe, & worked as tutor. & despite sophisticated conspiracies ruining an entire section of Ca., no one intervening from state or national authorities - & instead, as I've reported, CHP got involved joining the Davis rebels, in this context, working regularly for handyman Regis, I came across state contractor's law requisite that jobs over $500 where you give a bid & you're working as independent contractor overseeing the job yourself, a contractor's lic. is required - &, Regis does this all the time w/out a contractor's lic. While there are worse offences, I determined that as for myself, I need to stay above board on everything, so I turned down any work w/Regis where job is over $500 - but, I had @ least one dream where I should consider accepting the work anyway, due to a corrupt state gov't w/track record of systematically denying me justice & professional licenses, & I have the right to work - you can't claim it's "dirty" money when you honestly worked for it & the corrupt gov't conspires to deny you the supposed necessary licensing. & THESE FACTS ARE SO UNDENIABLE THAT WHEN I ATTEMPTED TO COMPLAIN TO GOVERNOR IN 2005, I WAS KIDNAPPED FROM GOVERNOR'S OFFICE! As far as the fences I built for customers on my own, costing more than $500, the stipulations of license, for ex., you are overseeing the job yourself as indep. contractor, as opposed to working as employee doing the work for another party (such as owner); operating based on project bid, as opposed to working hourly; & you purchase materials, which must be reimbursed by customer (as part of the bid), rather than customer buying the materials themselves. But demonstrating the craftiness & cunning of the Confederate rebels (& that is in fact what they are), 8/12 job @ Hallers' on Blackburn, they hired Regis to build the new fence instead of me; Regis then asked me if I wanted to assist him, but, due to my "particularity" about his lack of license, I could be hired by the Hallers as their employee to assist him. Moreover, my 'yes or no' response was tracked by rebels - suddenly 3 jobs w/in span of 2 blks, on Guaymas & Ipanema, N. Davis, 1 blk. from F St.; & on F St. near Faro St., cardboard sign, "FENCE REPAIR, 530-353-0439;" but cardboard was code - 'k[ey], hard - bored;' ie., they can continue being "hard" (conspiratorial) as far as denying me work because my "hard" stand as far as contractor's lic. requisite isn't legit - bored (not serious). I arrived a little before 9 AM (Sat.), & the "fun" began. Regis acts like he tripped over a fence runner or some other object - but it was code for Collin Capernick trip wire consp. Capernaum is city located & N. end of Sea of Galilee; Samaria is near Sea of Galilee, but to the S.; ie., 'same area' - code. The Capernaum biblical name aspect of Capernick consp. cues the rebels that the region or "area" must uniformly participate to empower it - & that's precisely what has occurred - Davis, Woodland, Sac cty, Solano cty, bay area. We finished the fence speedily; approx. 48 ft. total length, old fence removed & loaded into trailer, new fence installed, using metal posts pounded into ground, trip to dump w/old fence material - total a little more than 4 1/2 hrs. But when I was getting paid, Regis first acts like he tripped over threshhold of garage back door to kitchen, handing Joanne some cash. I.e., to toy w/me, Joanne paid me, as agreeed, but it appeared to be w/cash Regis gave her. I didn't ask questions about it, but it was an attempt to confuse me. Then, Regis whips out a $100 bill & hands it to me, for the referral; I didn't refer him as far as fence repair; but I did refer him to them approx. 2 years ago - hauling trash to dump - a job under $500 total - since that was the referral, I accepted it. So, despite God has led me to consider disregarding contractor's lic. req. in sum total, if it's taken into account, I was above board as far as working as paid assistant on fence, & accepting the referral fee as well. But here's where it gets interesting - IT IS A CONFEDERATE CONSPIRACY: Remember the recent report about Jolly Time popcorn & rival brand w/clown role playing Jolly Time clown, saying "I'm not so jolly anymore," when the rival outpopped Jolly Time - code for 'jail time' - & then Jolly Time seemed to actually comply w/rival's ad, & almost disappeared from the market, & is now back w/meager "Simply Popped" brand, downplaying any pizzazz, etc. - as though humbled & knocked down a few pegs...but, STILL IN THE POPCORN BUSINESS...UH-OH. Because Orville Redenbacher popcorn character looks exactly like Charles Stanley, "In Touch Ministries," Atlanta Ga.; & despite regional conspiracy denying me a teacher job for almost 20 years straight, & despite a track record of working every grunt labor job imaginable (from weeding to sign-waving to dishwashing), & DESPITE CONSPIRACY FORCING ME INTO LANDSCAPE WORK BY ELIMINATING ALL OTHER OPTIONS, THEY ARE CLAIMING I'M THAT JOLLY TIME CLOWN, TRYING TO SNEAK IN W/DOWNPLAYED BUSINESS PERSONA, BUT STILL HAVEN'T LEARNED MY LESSON, & THE ORVILLE REDENBACHER "BIG BOYS" ARE HAVING TO DEAL W/ME. It's actually embarrassing. 8/13, 8:34 AM, Stanley, referring to growth in one's walk w/God, "Is it happening, or is it not?" - 'knot' code, based on: 8:35, reading 2 Pet. 2:3, "Their destruction is not sleep," code - the passage says, "Their condemnation has been hanging over them; their destruction has not been sleeping;" the code is claiming that under guise of possible future marriage that I'm supposedly not prepared for or not worthy of, conspirators can oppress & isolate me to that I'm sleeping a little more than I should, & that's the beginning of the end for me - 'their destruction is 'knot' sleep.' 8:36, "People do not become saved, people do not become sanctified...people do not..., unless that person..." I didn't get every single word written down, but, the subject goes from plural to singular, implying change of subject - 'people' becomes 'person;' & it's worded to subtly imply imperative (command)- "People, do not be saved," as though telling people to refuse to do something - 'don't get saved, everybody...' The change of subject - 'person' - code for 'purse [is] on;' code referring to control of my income; for 1 1/2 decades, the denial of income was combined w/'purse' codes, regional monsters insisting that sooner or later w/enough denials of work, I'd grovel & pester my parents, & after 2004, my Mom, for money, & they'd have their "proof" that I was a lazy mooch. But in this instance, the Confederate popcorn rebels are more sophisticated: Jack Teacher is accepting funds that changed hands in front of him; Jack Teacher accepted a referral fee when he knew the handyman should have a contractor's lic. Schwarzeneggar, approx. 2006, " changes-hands..." saying 'changes hands' swiftly running the words together - implying something illicit - predicting it. "Less & less time..." phrase repeated 3X; implying jail time corresponding w/income or rent. Stanley then does a half squat, & acts like he's brushing iniquity off of himself; I occasionally bend my knees slightly when I'm wearing shorts & spray dirt off my knees & legs; if you don't bend your knees, your shoes get soaking wet; Stanley claiming subtly it's a crouching position, implying offering of Cain working in landscaping; God warned Cain, "sin is crouching @ your door, & you must master it," (Gen. 4:7). They are claiming it's offering of Cain (as opposed to Abel) because (1)I'm not teaching & (2)I didn't physically attack anyone - 'popcorn' v. physically popping or striking rebels & claiming taking law into my own hands; but they conspired the denial of teacher jobs, & that doesn't translate to putting myself above the law. Orville & Wilbur Wright attempt to inspire the South, & they respond w/popcorn rebellion! STANLEY BROADCASTING MSSGS. FOR AMERICANS TO REFUSE TO BE SAVED - I.E., 'BECOME EVIL TO TEACH JACK TEACHER A LESSON!' - NEVER MIND THAT ENDS THE USA AS WELL!
Redenbacher - ''red' - 'in back 'er,'' stars in ads w/rear view mirror codes implying you're in the back seat, which could be code for under arrest; obviously, back seats are used by adults in other situations, & if you're in an airplane, only pilot & copilot are in front seats - everyone else sits in the other seats - negates concept of arrest & sends contrary message - you're "flying." I reported Murphys from Arkansas, next door neighbors on Scott St. in Covis (NE of Fresno), moved to Caruthers - sm town on outskirts of SW Fresno; if you're in a car facing N, Caruthers is equiv. to backseat. I.e., South supposedly humbling themselves - 'we're in the doghouse' to my Mom, but, Clovis equiv. of passenger seat - who's driving? Whoever it was, South decided they were going to be "red" or motivated to go along w/oppression of Jack Teacher w/police abuse. Samaria south of Sea of Galilee; Capernaum to N., No. Ca. conspirators joined the Confederacy - "same area" as Confederate south. Samaria symbolizing Confederate south, Capernaum symbolizing melting pot's efforts to lift blacks from their African slavery "legacy" (Africa, then South) & make them leaders of free world (Rome, then North) - efforts orchestrated by melting pot & international Christians, but the northern location of Capernaum symbolized the goal of Union (including South, if they'd chosen to fly) prevailing w/blacks, more thoroughly breaking bondage of supposedly former slave south. Instead, South refuses to "fly" & blacks choose to "nick" - rebel against - the melting pot freedom nation.
Meanwhile, Chinese Americans had duty to respond; a director or operator of a plane is a pilot; this word came into being as of 1500's in France; a rocket is more sophisticated than a plane, but that doesn't act to negate the symbolic concept of flying meaning accelling or prospering. Nevertheless, it's possible the word 'pilot' was derived as a plumbline as far as Chinese responding personally to God's manifest blessings crediting them w/landing space. "How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?" Heb. 10:29; This passage is referring to those who have already become Christians, but there are many Chinese churches in USA. Pontius Pilate ordered Christ to be crucified; Pilate v. pilot; those who fly planes aren't under bondage to a hypothetical implied equivalent of settling for spiritual airplane faith when spiritual rocket science faith has been revealed - planes are good, & rockets are good - obviously there's more utility for rockets in the future - space exploration; but, can the same be said about those who reject & willfully cover up huge revelations of God under guise of slipping by w/status quo? God "leaked" to the Chinese that if they would follow him, they have potential for faith that would dwarf everybody else's; but God doesn't compromise - he is no respecter of persons - Chinese must profess Christ as Savior & Lord publicly & stand up for justice & repent of their sins like everyone else - they aren't his people until they do that. Wisdom is knowledge applied - being informed that God has said you have great potential does you no good unless you put it into practice by FOLLOWING JESUS. "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock," Matt. 7:24; "many are called, few are chosen" you make your election sure by following him. He also is no respecter of persons as far as a lot of Christians falling short - that doesn't mean he's lowered the standards & Chinese can slip in on that basis as well - public profession & abstaining from sins, codes, conspiracies is still the "order of the day." I bent over backwards reaching out to Chinese, but it's a good idea to stick w/the yak plumbline, @ the most; as far as Chinese Americans claiming to be Christians - I reported former mayor Lee of SF dying of heart attack in 2017 in Safeway, same night I was hanging out in a Safeway reading magazines after one too many cafes, etc., robbed me of my rights - I'd applied for hundreds of teacher jobs in SF - Jupiter Jesus miracles made known - Lee had duty to call for press conference on my behalf - & millions of Chinese Americans have had the same duty for the last 6 years - & more- as of this point.
My reports about "Shattered" - warning about the cruciality of Jack Teacher plan - as I stated - a witness from the 1970's of rock's & Hollywood's understanding of the cruciality of Jack Teacher plan as far as the survival & well-being; you could consider that a "Hi" from them - the vision of the plane & bringing up Martin (I'm assuming that's Martin Luther, & possibly Dr. Walter Martin) points in that direction; i.e., a sharp "hi" on behalf of knowledge & teacher goals indicating rock & Hollywood were going "law" as far as Jack Teacher plan; the moment that happened, Lahaina disaster in Hawaii (HI); 'law, 'hi, know[ledge];'' God sending the mssg. that USA has failed to acknowledge the warnings - my warnings, the priority of Jack Teacher plan from historic Christianity, & signs from rock stars. While Jesus said it's harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, he followed that w/"With God all things are possible;" it's harder because the rich typically don't perceive their need for God - it isn't that they can't enter, rather, usually they won't; but Abraham was rich, Job, Jacob, David; Paul says let the rich be rich in good deeds (1 Tim 6:18). No. Ca. region coughing up those confessions: 8/13, Brittany Hope, newscstr ch3, 6:01 PM, referring to a fire near Clearlake, & 'clear' being a buzzword for teacher Credentials (Ca. Professional Clear Credential), "...the good news, it is colding..." literally broadcasting the goal is 'make Americans more & more cold' - that's scary! 6:03, reporting about the Caldor fire in El Dorado cty from last year, wh male gray beard from Caldor, Ardaly MacNiel, lost his home due to fire, while interviewed, held up hand twice w/Trump's knocking gesture - confession on TV that they conspired it & are continuing to conspire it - enslaving me, controlling my employment & income; they convince themselves that as long as I'm getting paid, they'll get away w/their crimes! They seem to think they've got some magic formula w/door-knocking; from 1997-2002 when I was working in RE I did almost no door-knocking; instead I called, called, called, called, called on the phone; I was referred to as a "cold-calling machine." But it wasn't laziness - I considered door-knocking, but God specifically led me to use the phone - possibly to lure them into this trap; police oppression of me also made it more astute to use the phone. BUT AMERICANS NEED TO WAKE UP & PURGE THIS EVIL - WHEN CONDITIONS ARE SO CORRUPT THAT PEOPLE BRAZENLY CONSPIRE OPENLY ON TV - IT SENDS A MESSAGE THAT THE NATION HAS FALLEN & BECOME GODLESS, DEFYING GOD BY BLATANTLY COMMITTING CRIMES REPEATEDLY - IT INVITES DISASTER! DO YOU WANT TO BE TORN APART!!?!! Moreover, the blatant aspect is a tactic of the No. Ca. rebels - the 'irk' tactic, as I've reported - originally the strategy was it's so brazen that it shocks people, creating effect that they assume they can't be serious, & so they must be providing justice for the victim, & based on that assumption, they extend a certain amount of trust. But it had a slow wooing affect - woo'd the nation into becoming lazy, draining the nation of vigilence. 6:08 PM, Brittany, "'Sold' is climbing," 'sold' is code for claim I'm a salesman due a past ph. # w/'sold' as part of the #; but they make it up as they go along - MORE LIKE THE REBELS ATTEMPTING TO DUPE EVERYONE THAT THEY ARE GETTING AWAY W/THEIR BRAINWASH ARE "CLIMBING" A STEEP CLIFF, EXCEPT SOMETHING EVIDENTLY HAS PUT BOTH OF THEIR EYES OUT - THEY ARE BLIND!
Charles Stanley regular expression, "Listen..." i.e., pay attention. Youngbloods song "Get Together," "If you hear the song I sing/You must understand (listen)/You hold the key to love & fear/All in your trembling hand/Just one key unlocks them both/It's there @ your command..." & that's the position we placed blacks in - freedom melting pot nation - good or evil? Choose." & they chose evil & have continued to insist on subtly ruining the nation, & God told me they've been tolled; offering them repentance doesn't resolve it. "Stairway To Heaven" lyrics, "& if you listen very hard/The tune will come to you @ last..." Evidence of strategy of rock to invoke the South to bring invasion; former roommate Brian Toone - he & his family (dad & mom) indicated they thought I was entitled to justice & it was hoped they would intervene - but according to song, generously "The Toone." It was only recently I noticed the lyrics "to be a rock & not to roll" is contrary to ordinary rock & roll protocol. Youngbloods band name indicates expectation blacks might be asleep & stubborn, & would need a wake up call - 'they're "young"' (i.e., green), so the strategy was to delay any judgment until they were fully aware of all the facts & could respond - but it shouldn't've have been @ my expense! As I reported, rock & Hollywood must've lost heart or became jealous due to the imposing persona of teachers such as Jack Teacher - & the fact that I'm suddenly up there w/Fuzzy Wuzzy. "All sins will be forgiven men," Jesus said, so I'm not one to say that some of these warlocks might not be able to repent, but I know that they shouldn't have abandoned me. More evidence of openness of rock of penitence & willingness to lead, they are concerned about their grades (surely they'll pass...?)
I reported rock song lyrics demonstrating Jack Teacher plan is key to this nation's survival - despite rock & Hollywood failing to intervene, & pushing buttons that have increased the dangerous circumstances - vote of no confidence in me - testimonies nevertheless providing evidence that has the potential of restoring law & order are USA's only hope; but Trump's precise timing essentially is signing on the dotted line - if I use evidence that is clearly in public domain & of which it is my duty to utilize - Trump & other rebels claim they can turn up the heat; Trump's latest logo is pic of his face w/hung flag superimposed over it; i.e., the hung flag is his face - but a nation's flag hung means none other than the nation, it's ideals, values, & what is stands for, are hung, or defeated - IT'S STARK ASSERTION THAT AMERICANS MUST GIVE UP ON USA - WE ARE DEFEATED - ACCORDING TO TRUMP! THAT'S TREASON BY DEFINITION! BUT THE NATION'S LEADERS ARE SO ENTHRALLED W/NEGATING ME, THAT THEY HAVE TO PROCEED W/PENNY-ANTE CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP! & THAT'S TREASON AS WELL! THEY ARE AIDING & ABETTING TRUMP BY VASTLY DOWNPLAYING THE SERIOUSNESS OF HIS CORRUPTION! HE IS GOING FOR THE THROAT OF USA BY SABOTAGING 248 YEAR JACK TEACHER PLAN (248 YEAR NATIONALLY - 1700 YEAR PLAN GLOBALLY!), UNDER GUISE OF ADMONISHING A TEACHER FOR BEING TOO SHOW-BIZZY! BEING SHOW-BIZZY ISN'T A CRIME, & CONTEXT OF MY DEMANDS FOR JUSTICE & A CRUMBLING NATION, I GUARANTEE YOU A LOT OF THE GREATEST TEACHERS IN THE NATION WOULD LITERALLY GET FIRED FROM A CANNON ON TV IF IT WOULD GET THEM JUSTICE & SAVE THE NATION! Interview on NBC website of gov. Newsom - brand new disposition - irritable, upset, temperamental; "California...4th or 5th largest economy...we mean business!" & repeats that 3X, most likely highlighting 'mean' - i.e. guise of business having to be cut-throat, & 5th lgst. economy, Ca. is definitely focussed on business; & in that context, supposedly if I even contemplate any reference to a rock song as evidence, etc., it's proof, according to them - that I never "repented" from being in business in the past. But while there is a facade in certain circles that business must be "mean," if that translates to illegal or criminal, they are arrested & prosecuted like anyone else - OR, IT BECOMES REBELLION - LIKE CALIFORNIA! THEY AREN'T FOOLING ANYBODY, BUT THEIR MAFIA-STYLE SCARE TACTICS ARE REBELLION! Also I'm not faulting rock & Hollywood for the historical witness song lyrics ("Stairway To Heaven") confirming the centrality of Jack Teacher plan - @ the time
(1971), they put the Lord first; something the rest of this nation can't seem to handle. As corroborating witnesses, every authority on Spanish language is familiar w/Don Quixote, pivotal Spanish literary work; Hollywood produced "Man of La Mancha" starring Peter O'Toole & Rochelle Welch in 1972, & Elvis recorded the movie's theme song, "The Impossible
Dream" the same year- loud & clear mssg. endorsing Spanish Teacher goals.
8/7, working @ 811 Oak, piling tree trimmings on narrow strip of property, created effect of a wall of shrubs or bushes. 8/6, PBS, documentary about King Henry VIII & decision in England that he should be highest authority in Anglican church, rather than pope; this was in 1536; it was convenient for King Henry, because he had wanted to marry Ann Boleyn. The royal grounds of the castle included a maze of shrubs, approx. 8 ft. tall - meticulously cared for, & the documentary included scenes of Ann preparing to marry Henry, & being chased through the bush passages. Ann organized a surprise dance performance for King of France while he was meeting w/English leaders, to win his support for royal control of Church of England; & they succeeded in bringing it to fruition. 1517 was Luther's stand against pope in Germany, & he had prevailed, founding Protestantism, & so England didn't want to be out of the loop - this was occurring w/in 2 decades of foundation of Protestantism. But evidently church leaders in England weren't aware or didn't assert that there didn't need to be a monarchy or other high power to replace the pope - they could've done it w/out Henry VIII. & the fact it came w/the baggage of a new wife for the king, constituting adultery according to the Bible, created a stigma as far as liberated church of England - the pope's replacement starts out w/unbiblical practice. Henry VIII was considered mad, or became that way soon after, & despite his former wife passed away, effectively legitimizing the marriage as of that point, he had become paranoid that Queen Ann was cheating on him, & gave orders for her & her brother to be beheaded, adding charges of treason; this took place in May, 1536 - a really lousy start for Church of England. Queen Ann's last name was Boleyn - prominent family in gentry (high society) & aristocracy of England; Henry had been pressured & duped by lies of deceivers who were attempting to extricate the Boleyns from mixing & intermarrying w/royalty. Nevertheless, Ann's daughter survived, & a decendent of hers was subsequently on the throne in England, & late Queen Elizabeth II (Charles' mother) is decended from Ann's sister Mary Boleyn. The tall stack of trimmings making a wall similar to the walls in the maze in the PBS show, caused me to give more consideration to the fact that my condo @ "U" oppression Drake Dr. location was street address 1536. Queen Ann was beheaded - 2 of 3 attempts on my life involved attempts to strangle me - air cut off @ neck. I reported the context of 4th & F (2021) attack - visions & other incidents based on implications that I might cheat on Taylor Swift - & suddenly, attacked, 26 July 2021. Elton John song lyrics, "just a pawn outplayed by a dominating queen", Henry VIII's role is assumed by Obama, & I came close to suffering the fate of Queen Ann; 10/24/2021, Obama, "BEHEAD" code, & 4/16, "Do be tolled...You gotta take your head off for these [players (or fans)]" De'Aaron Fox - blk Sac Kings player; possibly "Doobie;" blk Doobies singer, "Jesus Is Just Alright W/Me" live in concert, "He took me by the hand/Led me far from this" instead of "...led me for the Promise Land..." as though blacks are hurt, & there isn't anything anyone can do about it. 'you gotta take your head off' - supposed logical conclusion of 'give it up for...' often used by rock stars; "offering up applause for," or "give a round of applause" isn't code, but abbreviating it creates remote intonation (double entendre) of quitting or throwing in the towel; if you're quitting or giving up on USA, then traditionally a figurehead must go down - president? Jack Teacher (melting pot/education plan)? Context of me as their target, it's Jack Teacher. I reported more than one vision from God that rock stars weren't the ones trying to kill me, although they allowed it to happen; & I'm praying about that translating to them being pawns that England is manipulating (Queen Elizabeth II "dominating"); but inasmuch as late Queen Elizabeth symbolizing Western church, rock was marginalized, & this demonstrates it was occurring in America & Europe; i.e., Western church hastily lumbering forward w/tracking of blacks irregardless of damage to Jack Teacher & Jack Teacher plan. Nevertheless, the parallels can't be dismissed as coincidence - & these acts are proof of rebellion resulting from leaders who are jealous & refusing to punish rebels & conspirators - & their jealousy has culminated in them (1) ruling as though kings rather than elected servants - w/nation brainwashed so that no one can think for themselves; freedom & justice is defined by the dictates of the "king;" (2) willfully playing the part of madman monarch Henry VIII, attempting to kill innocent people - specifically Jack Teacher, to undermine the Jack Teacher plan - USA IS FAILING TO FUNCTION AS A DEMOCRACY, DESPITE THE RHETORIC & PRETENSE, IT'S FOLLOWING THEFOOTSTEPS OF ENGLISH MONARCHY @ IT'S LOW POINT IN HISTORY! If Ann's last name of Boleyn conjures up notion of a bowling alley lane - bowl lane, I reported the British coronation throne seat - part of royalty for hundreds of years, & the Brunswick Bowling Co.'s logo - almost exact replica - & it's common knowledge that Camilla Parker bowls. I.e., England involved in sabotaging Jack Teacher plan (if not, why do they stand "stock still" when needed the most?) - mirroring Univ. Cov. church's assoc. pastor Dave Keane w/former look-alike prime minister Blair, former pres. Trump mirrored by Johnson, former pres. Obama mirrored or "echoed" by Markle adopted into royal family. Going by codes, Brunswick - claim they are 'run[ning] wick[edness];' - presumably of a democratic education nation - as opposed to traditional monarchy. The maze in the royal garden - bushes creating walls - like the "Bush" of Africa; Christians' Atlas Feat - abolishing slavery globally - amazing feat, but Jack Teacher walled off from teacher goals, & lost in a nationwide black conspiracy ("bush") maze - full of dead ends & traps. This interpretation implies Western church internationally foresaw the collateral consequences on a teacher career from what could amount to a failed attempt to promote blacks to be leaders & citizens of free world. Once again, indications of Christians in past watching over Jack Teacher plan, but modern-day leaders & others in USA & Britain forfeiting Jack Teacher plan. I was led to make stern warnings to English, because delays in order for me to eventually "discover" these trackings on my own is a form of oppression - it's operating in rebel territory under rebel rules - their rules are that only Jack Teacher can reveal evidence & track crimes - the victim doesn't get any help from anyone. If this were a long range tracking by British, those aware of it wouldn't lose credit by calling for press conferences themselves - a decade ago, or more, for ex. - & demanding justice for Jack Teacher & invasion, etc., & proclaiming these trackings - which is evidence they weren't aware of it. If they had the intelligence on it, & wanted to intervene for the Jack Teacher plan, then do so. The stalls of England also demonstrate what happens when Christians of one country fail to maintain standards of justice worldwide, or @ min. pertaining to neighboring Christian nations, based on national boundary lines; oppression in Siberia was religion-based - 'don't interfere - that's Russia's jurisdiction;' Jack Teacher oppressed - 'don't interfere - that's USA's jurisdiction...' BUT THIS ISN'T A LONGSTANDING LINE OF CHRISTIANITY; USA "INTERFERRED W/" AFRICAN NATIONS PRACTICING SLAVERY, & ABOLISHED IT ALMOST WORLDWIDE; GREAT BRITAIN "INTERFERRED W/" & IN FACT TOOK OVER, NATIONS ALL OVER THE GLOBE TO COACH THEM, & RESTORE THEIR AUTONOMY (PROVING IT WAS WITHIN THEIR CAPABILITIES TO INVADE & FORCE CHINESE TO BE CHRISTIANS (EXCEPT THAT ISN'T A BIBLICAL CONVERSION TECHNIQUE); SO THIS IS A RECENT PRACTICE, MOST LIKELY A DYSFUNCTIONAL FORM OF THE "DON'T TREAD ON ME" STRATEGY OF USA ROLE PLAYING A COLONY FOUNDED BY CHINA'S - A BONAFIDE STRATEGY - BUT IT SHOULD HAVE SALT. BUT YAKKING ABOUT 'NATIONAL BOUNDARY LINES,' CHINA COULD'VE SEIZED ON THESE SHORTCOMINGS - IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER - TO PROVIDE SUBSTANCE TO THE ARGUMENT THAT EARLY CHRISTIANITY DESERVED TO BE DISCIPLINED FOR NEGLECTING CHINA. 1536 DRAKE DR. - DUCK - PEKING DUCK - THESE OPPRESSIVE ACTS AGAINST ME OCCURRING DUE TO CHINA FAILING TO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD & GIVE HIM THE GLORY, VALIDATING THE MELTING POT EDUCATION NATION.
8/7, vision, Duane (friend from childhood) "That was where he lives," referring to dirty pics; as kids me & him looked @ some Playboys, but he was exaggerating; nevertheless, motives of Motel 6 police oppression in 2021. 2-3 wks before that, listening to a new McCartney song on smartphone while juggling, & code from McCartney (as far as I could tell), "We're gonna hit you where you live." I reported this, & most likely it was on internet, & so Duane & other rebels suddenly aware of it - & taking as permission from rock for a "hit." 8/8, working @ Jan's on Guaymas, Orbit sprinkler valve (industry standard making them hard to install), just turning the manual knob on & off, it fell apart - have to return it & do the job over; Duane was in sprinkler industry for a while before getting into audio. "Someone saved my life tonight, sugar bear/.../Someone saved, someone saved, someone saved my life tonight/Someone saved my life tonight; Sugar;" I reported the Rae Me vision - marriage version of Playboy, founded 1920 approx. when communists took over Slavic nations. Norm & Mae Hagen - friends of our in 1970's & '80's; Mae always called Norm "Sug" & "Sugar" - being "sweet" about Norm's centerfolds in garage. But a husband w/pics of bare naked women displayed, along w/their drinking, was more sin that she could bear, & bouts of depression set in. The 2021 vision occurred approx. same time as invasion of Ukraine by Russia; Jewish communists killed 20M of them in Siberia; their efforts to regain their territory & prevent more mass murders undermined by Western nations giving aid to Ukraine - hitting Russia where they live.
God led me to avoid claims of rock that they are pawns, & avoid endorsing them - "I'm going to want them, eventually;" vision, 8/7; God relating to me rock is stalling as far as "wanting" USA leaders. 8/17, "I'm gonna want them all the more," as far as I could tell, based on previous vision of "You won't know that "Hour of Power" or 'that hour - I've power' - I only worked @ Bob's (Jewish cust.) for an hour, due to hectic schedule - usually it's 2-4 hrs.; I mowed & edged. 'Hour of Power' founded by Robert Schuller & operated by Bobby Schuller - 'school lure[s];' Western church props up black principal in Pinole so that a pseudo job offer was made, & they are conspiring that I don't have my "shoes" as far as refusing it - DESPITE THERE WERE CONSPIRACY CODES DURING THE INTERVIEW - THAT'S THE PROOF THEY ARE RUINING THIS COUNTRY - CLAIMING THEY CAN FORCE YOU TO WORK FOR REBELS COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST YOU, & MOREOVER, CLAIMING THEY CAN FORCE YOU TO WORK FOR REBELS COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST YOU IN MORE LETHAL CONDITIONS. So these reports are qualified as evidence of previous motives before they caved in, or an attempt to dupe me that they had good motives. They don't get any slack as far as invading due to their "indulgence" being a factor to extent of historical events; they influenced Muslims as far as 9/11 attack. Rolling Stones, "Heartbreaker" song, "Heartbreaker, w/your forty-four/I want to tear your world apart..." supposed warning to police, & it no doubt was, but it was combined w/other songs; Stones song, "Shattered," "Don't you know the crime rate's going up, up, up, up, up!" & Twin Towers, when built, one of tallest buildings in the world - but also is image of mathematics equals sign turn on end (anti-education theme); song talks about motives of greed & sex & dirty dreams; "I'm in tatters" "My brain's been splattered/Spillin' all over Manhattan," scene from 9/11, in Manhattan - " flat so flat so flat...". Alternately, USA's brain is splattered if Jack Teacher isn't allowed to teach; rats claiming they are testing me while oppressing, bug codes in my bed. & "Go ahead, bite the Big Apple/Don't mind the maggots!" implying NYC's teacher symbolism is phony. The fact is, Twin Towers inverted equals sign - ''T' - win[s]; 'T' [is] ours,' most likely a 'T' w/Jack Teacher plan in NYC. & Doobees, "Yah Mo B There" song, "Yah 'mo be there, up edo," - Moe is nickname for Mohammud; "A is for Apple" but Twin Towers equals sign on end - ''B' there.' Stones "Shattered" one could argue it was stark warnings - '[we're] spillin' [it's] all over, Manhattan, [unless you wise up].' But most likely they had suspicions that there might be an act of terrorism as form of reprisal for denial of justice for me, & NYC's playing footloose w/their Big Apple theme (& Jack Teacher plan); the fact that the lyrics of their songs evidently had an impact on the time, place, & manner of the 9/11 attack implicates them a party @ minimum if they think they can subsequently blend in w/rebels stalling & denying me justice. I reported the vision of an Eagles member connected to the Timothy MacVeigh Murrah bldg bombing; Don Henley, "Inside Job;" Timothy B. Schmidt Eagles member - FROM SACRAMENTO; it's possible recruiting him was strategy to lure No. Ca. more thoroughly - "Inside Job" i.e., 'Sac is on the inside w/rock conspirators...' - 'B' middle init. - 'It isn't A for Apple, Sac' - & they buy it. Vision 2021 of me being made into a drawing or sketch if I didn't stay awake after juggling for one hour @ 4 AM (avoiding 2 hrs. to negate any "dawn" connotation while Donald Trump was in office). But these are conjectures that rock stars have negated, according to God, because they think they can "take their time" & instigate oppression against me. 'Eventually' - 'event? "chew" - lee[way];' indicating leeway for chewing USA out, as opposed to terrorist attack event. Nevertheless, I can utilize their documented testimony (song lyrics) affirming the imperative nature of the Jack Teacher plan for USA, based on premise they either lost heart & joined the rebels, or, they conspired from the beginning to dupe Jack Teacher into abandoning teacher goals for glamor - in order to accomplish it, they'd need plumblines testifying it was essential that I held my post as a teacher, & that USA maintain my right to teach, therefore I'm not a Christian (along w/testimony against USA on behalf of Slavs, conceivably).
"Yah Mo B There" - Doobies; written by James Ingram. 'Yah' or 'Jah' is God's name - the I AM (Yah Weh), & the song does have a spiritual slant; contraction for 'Yah, I'm gonna be there.' Healthy ambition is good, but NYC set to be a leader of Jack Teacher plan, being home of Statue of Liberty, & instead tended to stray; while Bible Answerman was from there (Dr. Walter Martin, Brooklyn), it was a mixed message @ best; John Astor & Astor family founders of world-renowned Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, & Twin Towers attempting to steal the Jack Teacher story w/buildings w/so many stories they were dwarfing the Empire State building; moreover, 'wall [off the jack Teacher] dwarf, [& you have your] story;' '[har]ass[the] story, ya;' but moreover, there was already a scandal involving motels & hotels - 'Motor Inn' consp. Proof they were letting satan them make them go astray - the 1969 NY Times "GOD IS DEAD" story on front page.
'Ingram' possibly code for 'in[n] [g]ram;' connotation of 'inn' & 'anger ''em.' Late Ingram was blk rhythm & blues singer; I reported Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) "boxing" for Islam - decisively contra-Jack Teacher (if he was aware of it). One could argue it's evidence of blacks in the driver's seat as far as instigating an attack on NYC, except Rolling Stones song(s) are also a factor. "You'll see, we aim," or similar, vision, 8/10; "Shattered," "Sh'doobie, shattered..." i.e., black singer from Doobies (reported, "STRIKE THOSE KINGPINS"), "Jesus Is Just Alright W/Me" song, & he changes the lyrics, implying 'get me out of this country.' The implication of "Shattered" is '"Shhhh" those blacks wallowing in the mire of self-pity - if you don't "shhh" them (stop feeling sorry for them) we're shattered! - "Look @ me! I'm in tatters..." - the Jack Teacher plan forced to take a back seat to rebel blacks who are conspiring against us! We saved blacks from a bleak future of slavery globally, & far from shattered, they were blessed w/free world leadership, credited w/originating a popular music, & encouraged to dominate sports - but they insist on attempting to bring us down - 'Shhh, Doobie!' "Rats on the West side, bedbugs..." "Westside Story," wh male character, "I'm hoyt!" ('hurt'), w/Brooklyn accent; movie tracking those skeptical about if Western church was serious about high standards of morality; I rec'd visions from God ('Rae Me' vision), & my Mom's rhyme, "Thoity Poiple Boids," indicate bona fide plan of Western church, w/Brooklyn as witness & stand-in, irregardless of current leaders corruption evidently due to jealousy. This doesn't act to condone "rats" stalking me, rather, the claim of wicked scoffers posing as skeptical "rats" is exposed - due to the dual witness of Western church & rock/Hollywood. Fem from out of town staying @ BW approx. 2 mos. ago, near my room, "I never met anyone...!" pertaining to maintaining high standards, & my report about "Thoity poiple boids..."
When I say rock was either attempting to cause me to fall, or lost heart & joined rebels, it isn't an act - this charade has been going on for a long time. I reported approx. 2020, vision of God telling me, "I said, in a little while," in context of visions concerning Taylor Swift, along w/the huge earth-shattering revelations about Atlas feat, Slavs, China, etc., & it's all reduced to casual folk stories or tall tales - w/rock setting the precedent. The vision echoed lyrics of Steve Winwood, "Higher Love," "Said, bring it," 1986, when I received Jesus as Savior. Double entendre - implied rock singers might have been contributing factor to me being saved, but, approx. 2002, I had made complaints to George Bush, & @ one point he replied @ press conference, "In a little while," w/'while' being in Southern drawl - but there was pressure for him to respond somehow, & that comment was his way of shirking responsibility - & as I've reported, he never followed up w/justice subsequently. In other words, God using vision spoken to me, which was then placed on internet, to warn rock & Hollywood that they'd capitulated to the South's stalls & rebellion - satisfied w/tying Western church. Then vision, "'You went,' honor," the Lord instructing me they didn't have the luxury of continuing to do the deeds of rebels; when I reported that, it didn't go over too well w/them, because a new song by McCartney, & code most likely from him (sounded like his voice) coming from smartphone while song was playing, "We're gonna hit you where you live," & access to Davis Motel 6 eliminated (motel asst. mgr called police because I confronted male stalking me from his p/up outside my room; & subsequently, refused service - I can't sue due to Yolo court crumbling & involved in police oppression); then, approx. 2 mos. after that, the strangle attack @ 4th & F, July 2021. This is combined w/New Years day 2021; Nov. 2020 vision, "Justice by the end of the year" resulted in taunting that I can't be asserting Yolo court is involved in the conspiracy (I reported - the half front lawn facades). They evidently are asserting some of their songs demonstrated they knew USA was going to become lost in sex, greed, pride, etc. While this has happened, their attempts to coerce me to abandon my teacher goals contributed to the nation's erosion - support for & testimonies for Jack Teacher plan kept hidden so that it became a "culture" that Jack Teacher plan was out-moded & nonsense - due to perception that I was the only one demanding my teacher career (until recently, vision of my Mom affirming it). China failing to respond, & rock & Hollywood making sure my career is down the tubes. I'm using those lyrics as a historic testimony of the fundamentality of Jack Teacher plan including my right to teach, as far as the survival of USA education nation - they orchestrated those testimonies, evidently cock sure I'd flake as far as teacher career. I reported vision, "I have answer," from God, end of 2019 or beginning of 2020, referring to rock & Hollywood; i.e., respond & intervene, rather than allowing deadly conditions & crimes committed against me 24/7. Late Olivia Newton-John died of cancer - & it corresponded to teen singer stalking me - adding to conditions where conceivably I won't be allowed to live - 'oh, 'live ya.'' "Man On the Moon" talks about Newton's apple - Isaac Newton invented Calculus - sue, publicly denounce - beat rebels @ their own game, rather than reverting to lower form of response of violence. Did NYC fall? "A righteous man may stumble & fall seven times in a day, but he gets up & keeps going," Prov. 24:16; is it Martin Loser, or Martian "Looker"? Rock & Hollywood demonstrate a facade of being zealous for Jack Teacher plan, & informed - but instead of roasting what they took in hunting (Prov. 12:27), they became distracted w/trying to trick the teacher - like school kids. In fact, rock was offered the Martian Looker scenario as of 2019 - I reported the Jupiter Jesus feats on behalf of China, including the 23 Sept. 2017 Virgo constellation w/baby "Jupiter" Jesus in womb for literally 9 mos. - & the vision of Mars turning it's head, & Mars was Elton John - claim me & it was theirs; but no, they wanted to see Jack Teacher further oppressed.
Possibly predisposed to repenting: 8/7, vision, pilot flying small plane, & I'm in back seat - possibly Henry Winkler; "___[called someone by name], give him some Walter," 2:35 AM. Then news story of jet plane taking off, ascending, then nose dive, but recovered.
"Shattered" lyrics, "All this chitter chatter, chitter chatter..." they were aware there would be codes & babbling - "The wise in heart accept commands, but chattering fools come to ruin," Prov. 10:8. 8/11, "I guess I'll give you that," $.15 change when I was owed .14 for Tide detergent pods; I avoid cashiers in No. Ca. rounding up w/change, as though we're "tight" & codes are on the inside; but she indicated both drawers were out of pennies. Moreover, Tide package didn't say "detergent" - I had to read instructions to make sure it wasn't stain remover, etc.; city of Woodland, cross street of Pioneer, Tide Ct., evidencing longe range consp. of kangaroo trials & court scandals. Jesus born in a manger, & angels announced to sheperds, "I bring you good tidings of great joy,..." "Shattered" craftily mixes in harmless phrases, "Pride & joy & dirty dreams/Still surviving on the streets," but 'joy' doesn't carry any bad connotation, as evidenced by Scripture, but 'pride & joy' signifies being well pleased w/someone, emphasizing the extent of the nation's shortcomings - subtle implication that Jack Teacher should've been the nation's pride & joy, but implying the nation's gone too far. Moreover, as opposed to me being nation's pride & joy; the Tide facades - a crumbled court somehow "tied" me, & the only solution is to continue attempting to get me tangled up in other regional courts - such as Sac. & Solano - or, corner me into a teacher position - working for kingpins - while continuing to allow the rebellion, such as @ Pinole in Contra Costa cty.
8/3, I was led to remove a sparkling tea display (tea only available @ Taco Bell) after re-iterating about yak meat shortcoming of China, & necessity to maintain my teacher goals, including accountability of those trying to corner me to be overly spiritual. & that's precisely what China is attempting - to concoct claim of guilt on our part as far as taking gospel to China (which, we did fall short, but we repented & made up for it - it's China obligated to respond as of this point, or forfeit any claim that we owed them more missionaries in 1st. millennium); but if I ignore the yak plum line, China slowly extracts it, & replaces it w/claim the school "bell" (teacher) owes a sparkling tea "talk" (Taco Bell).
Jack Teacher plan spanning 1700+ years, Chinese slow to respond, & we've seen repeatedly more revelations - centuries of Christians anticipating they might be skeptical or stubborn, & strategizing failsafe feats - that never seem to end. But w/any outreach movement, there's going to be skeptics & scoffers, along w/jealousy especially @ the culmination, but present all along. For instance, Europe awakened from the Dark Ages by gunpowder, followed by rocket science, Christians who are slow to accept they've been disciplined by God - pridefulness claiming they hear the Holy Spirit's voice, & no one erred by being slow to take the gospel to Asia. For ex., I reported code from Charles Stanley, pastor of "In Touch," "We're gonna take the Holy Spirit? To hell w/us!" I.e., claiming the church was led of the Holy Spirit to ignore Asia; Thomas was directed to take that right turn @ Albuquerque, India, & go South, further into India, rather than North into China - & same w/centuries of Christians after that. But you're never too mature in the faith to be beyond discipline of the Lord; the Bible says "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord" & "Pride comes before a fall;" the patent office was prematurely closed in 1800's when the clerk determined everything that was going to be invented was invented. Moreover, the feats of the Chinese no doubt fostered an element of jealousy - 'Asians think they can waltz in here w/a rocket to Heaven & check mate our rickety stairway? Oh! I'm so sure!' But w/the dozens of contingency plans that seem to keep coming, evidently it was determined skepticism among Christians should be shunned. Nevertheless - influencial innovators of music, who are more popular than anyone else, including Jesus, one of them said - if they were to promote a skeptical contingency - a dark side to the Jack Teacher plan - it might catch on w/contemporary Christians, who would then be tempted to abandon the ancient failsafe standing orders. "Battle of Evermore," Led Zeppelin, "The queen of light took her bow/& then she turned to go/The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom/& walked the night alone,..." - Asian 'bow' tradition - the queen of light - suddenly Asians are the queen of light; "Oh! I am so sure!" I.e., it's simply too big of a check mate! But, the song indicates they won't have that checkmate - stubborn - leaving the Prince of Peace (Jesus, Is. 9:6) to deal w/the gloom. Studio version 'bow' or 'plow;' Jesus spoke of putting your hand to the plow - signifying your walk w/God, including testifying about Jesus - plowing & sowing the seed of gospel. If Chinese don't publicly receive Jesus in response to church moving Heaven & earth for them, then Western &/or Eastern church is the 'queen of light,' & they've taken their plow, because argument of the South, for ex., is proved right - Asians predominantly non-responsive to gospel, Holy Spirit led early church in other directions; your public confession of Christ saves you (Rom. 10:9,10). As far as Asians being queen of light, suddenly, jealous ears are tickled; 'huh?' What if the song takes an ugly turn - combining jealousy w/guilt? "The pain of war cannot exceed/The woe of aftermath..." "V-Day" - we won WW II, but continued to abandon Eastern church Christians in Siberia, instead of wreaking havoc on communists equal to or exceeding that of WW II, marching in as Furor heirs. The Holocaust occurred during the last 3 years of WW II, & was a fatal blow to the Jewish-led oppression of Slavic Christians, but it was still occurring beyond 1945. I.e., 'The Dark Side has the dirt on you - settle for the lowball.' On the other hand, the 10-11 Checkmark Watch - Jack Teacher plan - the stone the builders rejected (@ least so far) - the crane pictured in news @ Twin Towers site, 9/12/2001, symbolized Slavs intervening on behalf of Americans; 9/11 attack was because it had become known internationally that I was being kidnapped regularly for sharing the gospel, & no one halting it - everything America stands for undermined while the world watched - God allowed a form of discipline. But the vision of crane being Slavs intervening - they had duty to @ minimum pipe up for me when I exposed the cover-up of their feats in 2017. "Stairway to Heaven," "Dear lady can you hear the wind blow, & did you know/Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?" 'Whispering wind' is expression for conspiracy codes; tempting Christians nation-wide to go along w/the program - 'rock approves of the codes - use them & the rickety stairway will prevail over Asia's space-age Christianity.' "Battle of Evermore" - there's no argument that if anyone's the dragon contemporarily, it's the Jews; but the lyrics, "...the dragon of darkness/The sunlight blinds his eyes..." - spelling it out - subtly make Asians the dragon. The song has a reality check plumbline, though - studio version of "Stairway..." phonemically, the song ends w/ "When all I wanted was to know" (teacher goals) - "To be a rock, & not to roll" - an immovable rock (symbolizing the church) - don't abandon Jack Teacher plan, & don't move the ancient landmarks - codes are a compromise. Rom. 6:11, die to yourselves, & live to Christ; i.e., rock & roll singers saying, 'It isn't rock & roll, it's the Jack Teacher plan!' Vision, 8/2, 6:05 AM, approx.; "You won't be a wiz - this is their sin," i.e., a teacher who is a wiz @ academics, but associate that w/the Wizard of Oz - giant imposing controlling figure, & jealousy of No. Ca. rebels & those claiming to be Christians nationwide prevents me from teaching, & defeats the Jack Teacher plan, because I have to be "humbled" w/grunt labor. As far as rock, the songs quoted were from 1971; Swift & Rodrigo have confirmed what I said, rock & Hollywood had a change of heart & joined the rebels - asserting I'm not Jack Teacher. The recent vision of rock star saying maintain the report pertaining to my Pontiac LeMans as HS student, & corresp. KISS song - plumbline of accountability of Chinese - where's the yakking? Demonstrates their attempts to hedge their bets - 'reject Jack Teacher, but keep your foot in door if he somehow prevails over our booby traps...' If I wasn't teacher material, God wouldn't have given me that 245 year Naval Jack Apostrophe sign, combined w/my Mom's 'no' autograph vision, & Dad's Tit For Tat Sword - "There's none like it!" & the recent watch to end all watches - the 10-11 Checkmark Watch (see "SPANISH TEXT ACADEMICIANS CONSPIRING..." report) - w/US military L-1011 Tristar aircraft confirmation.
In other words, rock & Hollywood orchestrated a 50+ year systematic campaign against the church; they defined the criteria of a Western church that holds it's post like a rock, then set out to pressure, lure, & insite the church to budge; Jack Teacher plan starts to come to fruition, rock stars & actors making supportive gestures & sending collaborative mssgs., but SUDDENLY - UNMISTAKEABLE VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN JACK TEACHER. 'JOE SHERMAN ISN'T THE ONE.' As though a test of their power to crumble the Western church, & it's due to Western church's compromises concerning Eastern church's sufferings in Siberia. A showdown - who's got the power - popular stars w/good deeds & awareness of shortcomings of church, or the church itself that does in fact have shortcomings. According to the vision, Western church's failure to invade Siberia wasn't fatal to the church; but in light of 1700 year disciplining from God, & the Jack Teacher plan our long-range response to that disciplining, & then current members of Western church suddenly sabotaging the Jack Teacher plan; Jack Teacher isn't allowed to fly - oppressed, death threats, & denial of teacher job; that is where Western church has sinned & w/out remedy if there isn't repentance; they literally sabotage the plan - rather than a teacher career flying, it's 'Jack Teacher Lands' caper - they literally admit it. Included in rock's campaign as well was attempts to derail the Jack Teacher plan - but w/testimony from "Stairway..." etc. as witness against the church - implying blame is on them. As far as rock & Hollywood, though, their motives can't be claimed to somehow utlimately be supportive of Jack Teacher plan while simultaneously attempting to ensure it's demise. As far as admitting my career "lands," 'admit' is the magic word - as in "ticket;" I used the expression concerning UCC's phoney excommunication of me in 1997 as membership was "cancelled" because I didn't want to glamorize them by enunciating a "kick out," but this seems to have inadvertently implied a "show" - a show can be cancelled, & your ticket validity cancelled, implying it revolves around rock; & Putin in news 8/2 said "United States trying to cancel Russia;" demonstrating BOTH EASTERN CHURCH & WESTERN CHURCH HAVE BOUGHT THE DECEPTION THAT JACK TEACHER PLAN MUST BE DERAILED & CHURCH MUST "GIVE IT UP" FOR ROCK & HOLLYWOOD. If rock & Hollywood had intervened on my behalf instead of abandoning me, their "Stairway..." witness would've caused them to stand.
8/7, CNN news, story about male from St. Augustine Fl., Charles Gregory, who was stranded in ocean for 2 days - "scared to death," in 12 ft. boat half submerged. He indicated he prayed more during that 30 hrs. than in his whole life. But in pic. of him being rescued, he's holding his hand up neck height, making a phone call gesture. The fact that it's neck height is most likely a code; 'he's had it up to here,' meaning I haven't learned my lesson, or alternately, claim they can test me as far as fits of rage responding to oppression, & I'm not lashing out enough. It's possible the communication is concerning phone co. oppression or regional oppression sabotaging my phone, or oppression overall; the message is the locals are claiming they can oppress me further, because I haven't had enough yet. I.e., scenarios akin to being lost @ sea, & near death, & No. Ca. region asserts it's a gray area. This is being generous though - most likely, it's code to oppress me w/another attack or disappearance, possibly based on facade I'm calling rebel customers too much. It is a trick occurring; customers that hire me regularly - once every 2 wks or so, & asserting plan on it being a regular appointment, but suddenly when I call to schedule, no answer, & no return calls. You get a semi scheduled agenda, & then they disappear into thin air; typically, they suddenly call several wks later; but the effect when I call to see where they are, they claim I'm pestering them - but they manufacured. It's likely Gregory's gesture is I need to learn a lesson about pesterning, or I need to learn a lesson about sticking w/an oppressive ph. co. - neck gesture is code for another strangle attack - IT'S A DERIVATIVE OF 'BEHEAD' CODES. THIS MAKES HIM THE KINGPIN OF THE REBELLION. ALSO, THOSE CLAIMING I HAVE TO SUFFER AN ATTACK OR PROVE MYSELF W/DEMONSTRATIONS OF FIGHTING OR PROVOKING FIGHTS W/CONFRONTATIONS OF REBELS WHEN OUTNUMBERED, YOUR "STIPULATION" FOR JUSTICE IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, & IS THE SAME AS SAYING "DEATH TO AMERICA!"
See "PROOF SAC, INCLUDING MEDIA, INVOLVED..." 8/3, Yolobus 42A, code pertaining to '7/31' - originally typed as 7:31 on report & I caught the error; instantly mex male 42B driver, "That was you need your sleep" & before that, mex male blue swt jacket, said to driver, "I have perfect" (same mex. male pictured above, 8/4 - seated same seat on bus, same blue jacket), the 'sleep' code - as we arrived @ Mace & 2nd where I was getting off to take P line to N. Davis, 7:55 AM (8/3); & instantly , laptop out of power - 25% to 0, & couldn't send e mail. I was then seated on bus platform curb (as opposed to curb @ street) attempting to send it - the terrorists don't like when I make reports sitting on a curb - it ridicules their curb murder conspiracy - but I'm simply not giving up right to sit on edge of a platform; wh male gray pony tail, blk 49er's cap, blk laptop bag - same one as when I purchased new laptop bag 2 mos. ago or so, suddenly arrives @ bus stop & sits on curb, laptop bag in gutter - code that he's me when I'm sitting on curb. I.e., arbitrary oppression of rebels -
stalked & cased repeatedly when buying used suitcases for a year or more; but, 'don't buy a new laptop bag, or you could be killed!!' Hewas drinking cup of coffee, & First Choice coffee then came by (pic sent) - I purchased coffee from E.M. chevron store 8/2; i.e., coffee is code that I'm "getting comfortable" w/my landscape work - important safety tip: approx. 2 wks ago God encouraged me to hang out & make some calls, & don't be "frantic" about door knocking - it's THEIR problem. Also - coffee instead of tea - Yolo kimono consp. that I have to dress up in kimono to market Asians or they can kill me. Later that AM, 2 instances of nudes suddenly appearing on my browser - a match? Falling short occasionally w/nude pics - this didn't start until after the attack in 7/2021. But they commit felony invasion of pvcy to determine Jack Teacher is less than perfect, then felony attempted murder - I was looking @ Ali Baba thong pics the night before Prof. Job attack, 2021. 8/4, "That wasn't where we were going w/that," Barbara, 10th St., 9:15 AM; "He doesn't know where I'm gonna come on," 9:20. I had already determined to revise the report after work.
More likely the 'perfect' code is facade attempt of No. Ca. rebels to are desperately conspiring to create a "righteous coach" facade, supposedly threaten me to be righteous - see if I'll buy it. After the Rae Me righteous "playboy" vision, God gave me visions of former friend, who was somewhat of a playboy, winning in court against a wife - seemed to imply freedom to choose as far as dirty pics; most likely this was so that there wouldn't be any claim I was maintaining higher standards out of rebel intimidation, rather than motives of righteous high standards; that wasn't part of their repertoir; & in fact it isn't - they are attempting to get me to get in bed w/anyone, outside of marriage, to cause me & Jack Teacher plan to be undone. On the other hand, sex was a factor in the attack of 26 July 2021 - I reported facade of hypothetical husband cheating on Swift, based on drinking out of faucet w/out permission - & a stranger's well in Bible is sometimes a metaphor for adultery. The location matched Water Pig cafe front in S. D.; it occurred soon after I brought up "Before He Cheats," Carrie Underwood, etc.
Co-worker @ Richmaid, Steve Mora - Mex. conspirator from Sac (reported many times before); Lodi's version of Ron Zito (Mex.) from Fresno - & it wasn't coincidence. My Dad recognized the parallels & came up w/the above T-shrt slogun. It was evident as of 1970's rock was grooming a witness (whom they've abandoned); when something is perceived as a good work, satan more or less as a rule then produces alter-ego groomers.
7/30, dream I was waiting for test results before my paycheck would be dispensed - FROM BETHEL CHURCH IN LODI! In other words, they are some of the kingpins controlling my income! The 'tests' had to do w/porn pics & videos, & clothed child popping out of a box, but instantly adult male having sex w/life-sized child doll. I also reported another video flashing an ad that looked like
child porn. Vision is more proof Lodi directly involved in enslaving me & illegally eavesdropping, & planting lewd material on internet.
7/24, "If you want the one eye," QVC ch 4, 9:10 PM blnd w/glasses. "She remembers watching that match when she was 14," mex fem (soccer) rptr, in Aukland 9:33 PM ch 26. "We'll be involved in these 2 features in the next couple of days," Berg, ch 3, 4:22 AM - egging on a "live" attack (someone attacks me while an accomplice films it). 4:14, "He can't be included, they'll have to light him," W Cap.
7/25, "We die on that may reach," Berg, 4;23 AM, ch 3 wthr rptr. Vision, 5:09 AM, "See this kline?" & putting on narrow leg pants (in the vision); the night before, I was led to write down in notes, "Levi's 501's" - narrow leg jeans from early 1980's - right after bell bottoms were popular in late 1970's; jeans codes - 'g-in[g]s' pants that are '"g"-ing' or 'g-in' - facade of gals conspiring, involving w/clothing companies; 2 wks ago, door-knocking, & fem w/tan swt pnts w/blk fly answered in S. D.; then 2 days later, I purchased tan shorts, & black zipper - I've boycotted black clothing - the zipper deception you - you don't notice it until after purchase - but 'fly' was code that I was admitting I needed conspirators to "watch" or "guard" my fly. Skinny pants & narrow legs are codes that I wasn't straight & narrow in the past - another rumors consp. - & therefore rebels can control my clothing & everyone else's clothing (Calvin Klein code) & enslave me - it's linked to "Back To the Future" Cal-Marty (Marty McFly character). 2015 approx. USA Today front page, "Back to the Future" theme - signalling rock & Hollywood weren't coming; this was after I'd been singing & dancing while sign-waving & then for 3 years after hours for 100% of my income (2013-2016), & rock never showed up despite converting their songs & singing them far & wide from 2011 to 2014 - I'm oppressed w/antiquated law enforcement & denial of career & rights, as though I'm in the Dark Ages - slave. Conspiracy under guise of fems. ('g[als]' - 'g' - jeans') calling the shots as supposed affirmation of rumors of past - claiming they're wearing the pants - fems are conspiring, but the conspiracy is rebels overall, under guise of rumor-monger fems. 7/26, "Garmin Hand-Held" ch 3 or 10, 6:30 PM, approx.; report about radio used to call for help - brand name radio, but seems to be a tracking devise of clothing - regional rebels' "hand" tracked. Conversely speaking, Avia brand shoes never come untied!
7/28, "We just drop his tea," wh male wh T-shrt, blk coaster bike (like dream of Lloyd), to Mideast clerk, Fast N Easy, after I asked if they had Brisk (or Mt. Dew) Sparkling tea (carbonated - Taco Bell), & he said they didn't. I then purchased a beverage, & gave clerk a $10, & counting back change, gave me a $5, & said, "15, 18, ..." but that implies I gave him a $20; i.e., attempt to create trouble, @ possibly the one store in Davis where there hasn't been any trouble (Mideast operated).
I.e., phone oppression is due to Shenzhou/Tao display - cased @ begging & end of day by recyclers, Wed., Thurs., & this morning - setting up bikes, recycle bags, trailers, in middle of street near my job, like trucks making deliveries. Moreover, I report the 'long' consp., & instantly my phone charge (battery power) is reversed & eliminated as of 7/27 AM, & 7/28 - plugged in all night, & no charge as of AM. I plugged it in again @ breakfast, charged to 9%, plugged it in @ Karen's, & it drained to zero; hackers @ Bel Air in WS & Karen's on Alice St. 7/28, older phone from suitcase, sound sabotaged - sound was working - I replaced it a year ago due to cracked glass front that I thought would cause it to malfunction, but it happened again immed. after w/new phone so I didn't replace it & it kept working - cracked glass front isn't detrimental. But there wasn't an issue w/sound (customers & recordings can't perceive my voice, supposedly) - it's another sabotage. It won't do any good to buy another one when the terrorists are hacking all of them; so I'm not going to rush into it - THEY'RE NUKED. mex fem. @ T Mobile shop said you can't charge your phone all night - but why didn't anyone ever breathe a word about that before????? Rather, it was connected to my warning that Microsoft conspirators were going to worse hell than everyone else; as of last night, laptop frozen by hackers for more than an hour; & code about no more Microsoft platform. SIM cards & ATM VISA chips are identical - conspiracy code linking bank account to your phone - drain bank account w/phone sabotages - suddenly you can't plug it in for too long, 'oh, you didn't know that?' Sim City video game - 'sim[mer,] city;' & bank card "chips" - conspiracy implying rebellion is okay if it's motivated by pride & lust. The sound "waves" on the G1 ATM card @ the chip, are similar to the emanation graphics of fem student's phone, writing utensils, etc. pictured on side of Unitrans bus - mirroring same graphics on equipment @ Davis DMV; the instant I tried to take pic, those posters disappeared from Unitrans (UCD) busses, then, 2 days ago, one suddenly materialized - I took pic, & my phone sabotaged - I can't get to that pic.
Also, similar sound reverberation graphics 2 days ago on side of Unitrans bus - double layered - plain text yellow "GO SEE A SHOW" ads, in one corner - code they'd been tracked & had to double their consp. "efforts." Irregardless of local terrorist involvement, smart phone manufacturers made the batteries a ball & chain - your phone is plugged in, but your freedom of choice if use of phone is denied you, because conspirators are sending a
The 10-11 Checkmark Watch (see "SPANISH TEXT ACADEMICIANS CONSPIRING..." report), Jack Teacher plan seems to be the stone the builders rejected (@ least so far) - the crane pictured in news @ Twin Towers site, 9/12/2001, symbolized Slavs intervening on behalf of Americans; 9/11 attack was because it had become known internationally that I was being kidnapped regularly for sharing the gospel, & no one halting it - everything America stands for undermined while the world watched - God allowed a form of discipline. But the vision of crane being Slavs intervening - they had duty to @ minimum pipe up for me when I exposed the cover-up of their feats in 2017. This doesn't justify giving aid to Ukraine.
7/29, NBC News story about Colo. teen mex. fem. Lily Silva-Lopez, age 15, who was murdered by 16 yr. old ex-boyfriend Jovanni Sirio-Cardona - a story full of holes - from perspective of victim's family & police. She accused Sirio-Cardona of battering her, & Greely police responded antagonistically on 10 June - equivalent of "How can you prove it?" She had bruises, but it evidences necessity of a complete overhaul of police nation-wide. First, a complaint w/evidence of bruises, is sufficient w/out extenuating circumstances. Second, police are "training" victims that they have to do their own investigative work - "It's not my job!" For decades I've had to fight my own legal battles, while gov't. investigators - from local & state police agencies, to FBI, & everyone in between refusing to arrest criminals, conspirators, rebels, who are operating in public daily regionally & everywhere else, & on TV nationally. I've warned that a plumbline was dropped @ state if not national level by the Marines (which then they never followed through w/) - 2013, ESPN2, Marines recruitment ad, & @ the end of the ad, @ bottom of the screen, "THE UNITED STATES MARINES: WHICH WAY SHOULD YOU RUN?" Warning citizens & police of the gravity of the rebellion - you're either running to the Marines, frantically reporting these vile crimes & conspiracies, OR, YOU'RE GONNA BE RUNNING AWAY FROM THEM, BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE OF THE REBELS. Local & regional police overwhelmed w/crimes, also have heard of me, & the No. Ca. rebellion, & are fully aware of crimes occurring @ national level, such as in TV ads & news reports, etc., containing conspiracy messages, usually using codes, to further the rebellion & bring about my demise. As law enforcement agents, they can't dismiss it as out of their jurisdiction when the codes are meant for the general public nation-wide, including citizens w/in their jurisdictions - their cities are being brainwashed & coerced to commit & condone crimes; if it isn't their duty @ national level for simply being Americans (which it is), then it's their duty as members of law enforcement pertaining to people w/in their territories. Members of law enforcement have a higher responsibility than the general public to respond & bring an end to rebellion that is spreading like a cancer nation-wide. Therefore I'm qualifying my endorsement of Bud Lauters & the hypothetical "Lazarus Man" recommissioning as more of a long-shot thought. The report on NBC website includes a patronizing explanation for a green rifle scope - "a green scope - a device meant to improve aim," as though it's a foreign concept. She was shot multiple times in the hallway by Sirio-Cardona after he broke into their home through a bedroom window & she attempted to escape. Silva-Lopez also reported on 10th that Sirio-Cardona had stuck a gun in her mouth, threatening her, on 2 June, & said he would kill her family. Police asked why that wasn't reported before. Gun thrust in her mouth acts as a commentary as far as denial of justice for me - codes, possibly including from rock stars, that delays/denials of justice was the price for more aggressive oral sex; in other words, you're not entitled to justice until you attain to, or rate, a connoisseur of sex - a premise that I rejected. Silva-Lopez & family also inquired about a restraining order, but were told they would need his d.o.b. to do that; in reality, you can file for a restraining order & provide whatever info you have; someone stalking or making death threats isn't a good candidate for victims to attempt to casually extract personal info from - ("Oh! Arthritis!" "You need my d.o.b.?" "Yes!") Evidently Lopez family could've been more diligent, such as insisting on a restr. order app. be filed one way or another. But citizens of town of Greely - they may not know all the ins & outs, but battery & threats including sticking a gun down someone's throat, absent an arrest, Silva-Lopez' chances of coping & surviving were minimal - haul him away, & you're better positioned. On the other hand, the news report responses of Silva-Lopez' family seemed to make use of codes (such as gun scope definition), indicating it was a coded message @ national level; Lopez, "My goal is so this never happens to anyone else" - but if she was serious about that, why not use the national media platform (news interviews) to expose the rebellion??? 8/1, "She had him goalie," Adam (wthr, ch 40); subtle Paul Apostle code ("My goal is to know Christ..."), implying I'm overly spiritual; conjecturing, the code is referring to mex anncr, "Goooooooooooaaaal!" on TV (soccer); but there's more to it - Goalrilla basketball post (pic sent) in Terry's back yard on A St.; i.e., train athletes to be more violent - this interp. is based on the giant black soccer net & Swift, vision from 2020 minutes before I disappeared in jail for 4 mos. - net was almost identical to giant blk net hanging from 5-8 ft. above fence @ Terry's. Combine the 'illa' phoneme w/Village Homes consp. 'evil age,' bee hive, & lewd themes - (child in bedroom window acting seductive w/swt shrt - detrimental role play of Kirsten - Edge youth leader in 1995), & it's a consp. for Jack Teacher's ruin, recruiting sports as evil age conspirators. Evil age in Bible refers to an evil or stubborn generation that closes it's ears to the gospel.
I reported the SIM cards identical w/a lot of bank card "chips" - rebel conspiracy programming recruitment of more rebels & sabotaging my income; Greely murderer's l.n. of Sirio-Cardona - the rebels keep their "hard," or cruel "don" ("gift") complements of Lopez - & these serial killings/shooting sprees proliferate. (Obviously such "don" means you're a criminal - blame Trump & Miller for that; Quixote was going to be a remedy.) Hint: The historical feats & sacrifices of millions of Christians over period of centuries on behalf of Asians & others by the Eastern & Western church obliterate the cold & stubborn reactions of the present false teachers & phony church members. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, & all the nations that forget God," Ps.9:17; current generation of an entire nation that conspires against, & curses, the Jack Teacher plan, by oppressing Jack Teacher - I'm not allowed to teach w/out "turning myself in" to the blk rebels - may very well be sent to hell in its entirety - but all the American generations before, & those after, will continue to be blessed.
Context of this sex "commentary" - which may have been a conspired scene - (1)2020-2021, I was promoting Taylor Swift, & reporting visions of "me & Taylor this" or "Taylor that" etc., & after blessings from Heaven, & historical feats; (2)Swift produces a new song w/'f' word, contrary to all expectation; unmistakeably an act of defiance of any notion of being an angelic ambassador for Christ, or Terrible Swift Sword in the flesh; (3)rumors smearing my reputation w/youth were still occurring; Olivia Rodrigo, age 17, suddenly produces a song w/'f' word, but she's under 18; &, it's called "Driver's License;" moreover, & I was slow to catch on to this, 'drive' & 'driver' - glaring you right in the face - a sexual connotation, & 'driver's license,' in context of these lewd rumors, & fact that there are age reqs. to obtaining a driver's license, is subtly one of the 'of age' codes - far more vile than sin of delaying justice supposedly as tool for better sex, this was an attack on my character - subtly (1)giving flesh to rumors of bad character & (2)implying it's causing kids to stumble & use cuss words. One was meanness of delaying justice, the other was literally doing more damage - more acts of injustice. But young people are influenced by adults period, & Swift caused Rodrigo to stumble - tit for tat; Western church instigating kids to conspire doesn't give rock permission to teach them to cuss. Vision, approx. 7/29, "We arrest joven," joven - Spanish for 'youth' or young person. Add to that "Fifteen," Swift, students' classroom is outdoors, & Jack Teacher plan is kaput! Indications of accountability of rock - late Olivia Newton-John suddenly interviewed soon after the Olivia Rodrigo's "Driver's License" CD, approx. 2021, pertaining to cancer, & she said she was smoking marijuana as a medication for it. She also got into a golf cart & drove it. I.e, Rodrigo driving rock's "car" ('k[ey], our' symbol). & then she passed away - indicating judgment from God for failing to be in driver's seat as far as sex & drugs & 17-year-old; influencing immoral ''smoking' 'marry Juana.''
Latinos came through w/Don Quixote revival plan for Jack Teacher, but no one responded @ first, & it was like Peter walking on water - they started doubting. They then "went along w/the program," as best as they could perceive it, & fell. Christians come to America, lead native Americans to Christ, then everything seems to be falling apart, & Latinos make effort to stand in the gap for justice, & are marginalized. They were exactly where they were supposed to be, & if they'd held firm, God would've used them uniformly as leaders of the nation - @ once!
"Use it or lose it" - witness on their behalf is negated by their lack of response only negates their arguments.
Brie Larsen, actress from Sacramento, & former Captain America star (Hollywood), & "cliff hanger" Nissan ad immediately after I was almost strangled to death; that was followed by camera in back seat of car & Larsen driving - possibly implying arrest. Indications are Hollywood is causing or contributing to corruption of Japanese corporations.
7/23, news rprt. about fire in El Dorado county, on Rontree Rd.; I've reported dozens of 'Ron' codes - Ron Zito, former next door neighbor of Fresno - a kingpin. There were enough rock songs & other indications, such as singer w/name of Ronstadt, Ron divorced his wife as part of his perceived role to control me; "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover," Simon & Garfunkel - w/"Simon Says" mssg., & 'guar[ding] 'fun,' k[ey,] 'I'll;' or 'guar[ding] fun - kill;' i.e., supposed witness or guard as to "dirty" fun that a future "star" might have - or sabotaging it - he considered it worth wrecking his family. He then had a buxom fem. living w/him, & I continued to house sit for them when they were gone; & Playboy & Penthouse mags., which I knew about from when Scott & Gary were there, were still in his bedroom. They had 2 dogs, Sherman & Brandy. Quite naively, I called Ron approx. 2017 so that he could send the Marines; he @ first was coherent, but then acted like he didn't remember me - acting like I was former colleague. Approx. end of 2020, vision of sex w/Linda Ronstadt; porn video I recently watched, Latino fem. in same position as Linda was in vision; then, strangely, dream of that fem in video swimming through a passage to somewhere; then @ beginning of this mo., working @ Bob's on Vista Wy., I went next door to Luke's (also customer on one occasion) to pick up some branches that had fallen from trimming; but he wasn't there, & young adult Latino fem. answered the door - baby sitter, looked exactly like fem. in video. The great lengths are based on one "fling" & I'm through as far as any Jack Teacher role - & it doesn't have to be an act of adultery - fornication would be enough. I reported that before rock stars had betrayed me, I was willing to marry Linda Ronstadt, but they were insisting I had to wander around SF trying to find her; but I was maintaining they had my phone # & I was in dangerous & miserable conditions - call! Moreover, moving to SF would be giving up ground - by getting out of Davis. Immediately after the Rontree fire report, in El Dorado cty, report of a murder in a night club in Lodi, & the words "El Dorado" on sign - El Dorado night club; it occurred soon after I placed the report about 'tree' vision & conclusion that it's the General Sherman - the world's largest tree.
We became good friends w/Bud (deputy sheriff) & family. "There I will make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for my anointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish," Ps. 132:17,18. This isn't an attempt to prop up present-day Fresno; Bud passed away in 1992, & vision of Fresno being nuked in 2020 - but God can use good examples such as my Dad & Bud; I could also get into my blue Azuki 10-speed that was stolen, & Fresno police recovered it & delivered it to our home. Oh, did I mention Azuki is name of the Japanese restaurant in NYC where none of staff used codes in 2016, & Fresno was where Takiko, foreign exchange student - member of Methodist church in Tokyo, stayed w/us for approx. 2 wks. Takiko hands us Ca. role models, you could say - cooked California Rolls (sushi) for us! 'Jesus hi!' saints merit role models as well - Asian prayer warriors! Recommended on TV by 3 out of 4 Mex. soccer commentators! (7/8) Served our country in Navy in Guam - DAD GUM IT CHURCH CHARTER MEMBER! "Lazarus Man" invitation (Lazarus was resurrected from the dead, Jn. 11) for law enforcement nationwide to expose the rebellion, lobby military to invade & establish law & order. Also, lead by example - Count Dave - BB Boomer Dad & Toot 'N Common rally cry - 'count to ten' - in common - those trying to start fights w/"come on!" or egging me or others to challenge others to a fight w/"Come on!" I'm gonna 'count to ten,' 'come on' antagonists. Police counting to ten, rather than looking for an excuse to shoot someone who is simply acting stubborn, goes a long way to resurrect the American law enforcement "touch."
"Use it or lose it" - witness on their behalf is negated by their lack of response only negates their arguments.
Brie Larsen, actress from Sacramento, & former Captain America star (Hollywood), & "cliff hanger" Nissan ad immediately after I was almost strangled to death; that was followed by camera in back seat of car & Larsen driving - possibly implying arrest. Indications are Hollywood is causing or contributing to corruption of Japanese corporations.
7/21, "I dropped enough," fat wh male wh T shrt, blk shorts w/kids, pkg lot, Raley's, 6:31 PM. "Not exactly a piece of cake," Mike Teselle, "Penthouse in the Sky" view in the mountains; then, 6:46 PM, lawsuit filed against Modesto police by Seever for wrongful death of his son Trevor Seever; "We're gonna have our war?" Teselle. I reported the choreographed scene in Health class, my Freshman year @ LHS, by Mr. Janecky overreacting when cheerleader Gigi Seivers complained about something - as though subtling spilling something - signalling that it won't be that I'm "nicked;" see "LODI (1970'S) & UCC - LONG RANGE CONSP." report, davisneedy3.html - & my Dad's neck was butchered by funeral home, 2004 - & my teacher career butchered. 6:48 PM, "A little bit of snow, by dough," fem, wthr fcstr (Heather) "I have belief," ch 3. Gigi was my age, w/ brother Jack, who was one year younger than us, & @ some point he was working in RE. I can't say if anyone from Modesto is directly conspiring w/Seivers from Lodi, but God can use events of random individuals to expose rebels - &, Modesto isn't random - they are located in Central Ca. & had duty to proclaim the feats & wonders & expose the rebellion decades ago! But, it's a sign from Heaven that if we were to extrapolate the of Lodi/Davis conception using oppressive police, it eventually destroys them. The 'war' code of rptr Teselle possibly claiming Ca. can deal w/it w/law suits, & this is proof. But regional courts have become kingpins. Moreover, it's a code setting me up - in modesty, I endorse late Bud Lauters from Fresno, who, while among the living was a good example, but it's claim my modesty is naive - they conceived of consp. where police are ruined - & - it's w/out remedy - [con]ceive [is h]ers,' is the facade. Additional evidence, 7/22, "We'll let him [A]cuña it," audience, 6:06, MLB game - Braves baseball player Acuña, @ bat; but, it was code - Eddie Cunya, Lodi HS student, 1970's, associated w/former friend Tim Cahill; 'cooin' ya;' "coo" as in dove; code that I must reject any prospect of any police getting back to their posts - but w/out any undue focus on police, isn't that equivalent to rejecting USA?
7/23, Bob Rodgers, TV preacher, long tie med. blue tie - same as pastor Pluimer always wore - Bethel church, Lodi. Also, 8:12 PM, TCT, Rodgers telling a strange story that was a conspiracy code: Supposedly he was led in middle of night to go to farmer's ranch & pray for him that he wouldn't be harmed; & when he arrived there, a thief was hiding, about to break in & kill occupants, but they weren't home. After Rodgers finished praying the thief's R arm was paralyzed; he subsequently visited Rodgers' church & told him this story; but, it was middle of night - how would he know who Rodgers was, or what church he was from? - they didn't interact w/each other. Rodgers says @ first the thief thought he was the owner - they were away & hadn't gotten back, & he was planning to kill them when they arrived; "Your prayer kept me from killing you," Rodgers said the thief told him when visiting @ his church; but Rodgers had said the thief wanted to kill the owners, & someone praying for the owners he would've known wasn't the owners; the expected response, 'your prayer kept me from killing them' - & w/long tie code, it isn't semantics - it's a coded facade to cover for Lodi pastors & Lodi. In all seriousness, did Rodgers give a lengthy introduction of himself to God @ beginning of his prayer - similar to some of my customers leaving mssgs. - attempting to create facade that I'm expected to show some modesty (cursed if I'm modest, cursed if I'm not modest)? - As though I fell short in the past - as opposed to Davis rebels continuing to rebel & commit crimes daily - I must demonstrate myself as very prim & proper, a novice landscaper; consp. attempt to claim I'm not taking my slavery "career" seriously enough; Jan Manzi, Antioch Dr., vm mssgs. w/first & last name, street address, & phone #, role playing "the new guy" beginner landscaper that I'm supposed to be (again, Janecky report). The only way this indiv. could be visiting is if Rodgers gave a complete introduction of himself to God @ beginning of his prayer - "Oh, so that's where he's from..." Also, notice their attempt to use a spiritual sign to prop up rebels, while negating huge historical signs & feats that God has endorsed me w/ - & here's God's response - there was no one in that empty house - THEY WEREN'T THERE - God kept them from being there so that Rodgers' prayers were of null effect - to use the same legalism they operate w/ - except they also commit crimes. "To the pure, you show yourself pure, but to the devious, you show yourself shrewd," 2 Sam. 22:27.
If this nation wants to overcome & consumate it's victories, you must recognize what you are up against - (1)pastors & church leaders nation-wide that are equivalent of warlocks; (2)the South - @ least most of it, betrayed us - subtle attempt to divide the nation into North & South again; (3)rock & Hollywood have betrayed us; (4) blacks conspiring to bring down USA. Elaborating on rock & Hollywood - I reported a vision in 2017 where I was bitter about rock stars leaving me stranded despite I witnessed for them, & as of that point, what was high probability of invasion of Davis from surrounding cities was essentially eliminated, from self-evident rejection of me by rock - vision from God of me & fem. rock star dedicating a baby in church, or similar, & God telling rock stars, "You won't ever have this" - because they'd abandoned me. Soon after that, Taylor Swift suddenly "on the scene" - i.e., signalling some sort of interest - &, accompanying visions indicating God was considering her a penitent response of rock, but after yet again no tangible response from her or them, & immed. after I had removed any promotion of her, Jesus appeared to me in vision (2020) discussing China, & indicating he was pleased w/USA's accomplishments on China's behalf - but he was also cuing me - forget those rock stars - they eliminate themselves from the picture - they aren't even a factor. Why? Because they are contributing to my demise, & contributing to denial of teacher career both; Codes of rock & Hollywood arresting church leaders might be viable, except (1)they don't follow through, & (2)they don't go far enough, when God said nuke No. Ca. as well. Rock group Asia song, "Sole Survivor" - strange theme - who is the "sole" survivor? Does that mean the only survivor of USA? What else could it mean? The sole survivor of No. Ca. region - they are reduced to mushroom clouds. Stockton became "Ca.'s Sunrise Seaport" in 1980's (city motto), but they, & all the other Ca. ports & cities failed to bellow for Jesus - the portobello mushroom cloud solutions, as opposed to nationwide suicide solution. Once again - No. Ca. was tested - rock & movie stars' delays was moot point of millennium - they can rot if they don't care! - The legacy of the nation is @ stake! Thunder for the Lord! Instead No. Ca. proves to be soulless devil dogs! God led me we could've done more for Slavs, but Western church provided me as a witness on their behalf - & my witness - proclaimed worldwide - counts, & their refusal to intervene for me counts, as well. Western church's huge accomplishments, but aware there were some shortcomings, were relying on younger generations to take the lead; this isn't the best strategy, but it also isn't the same as cursing Eastern church - older generations of church leaders & members would be rebuked, but also given recognition for culminating the Jack Teacher plan satisfactorily - man on the moon crediting China, black leader of the nation, Jack Teacher successful revelation of historical melting pot freedom & education nation founded to honor China, & Atlas global abolition feat w/follow-up feats; older generation doesn't get the gold, but maybe silver or bronze, & both Eastern & Western church blessed, counting Jack Teacher's testimonies. Rock & Hollywood could've reinforced my witness & my admonishments & encouraged Slavs more thoroughly - blessing Western church's accomplishments. approx. 2021, vision of Elton John lying on a high shelf along the concourse of a stadium; I was walking by w/someone & said, "Hi, Elton John," & strangely, I was young in the vision - teen or so. If I left rock "on a shelf," it was because they never brought justice, & from 2011 - 2014, when I'd been converting songs & singing/dancing - strictly after hours while applying for teacher jobs, as of 2014 I was further from my teacher goals than before, & less hope of justice - because their lack of reaction was essentially a statement to everyone I wasn't entitled to justice. If you look @ it as Elton John was on a shelf in a store, then I'm "buying" further denials of my teacher career. The fact I was young in the vision also indicates they thought I might fall for it - 'young, still needs to learn.' DESPITE ALL THE VEHEMENT NEIGH-SAYERS, JESUS IS PLEASED W/US - IF WE WILL REPENT, PROVIDE ME JUSTICE, & HALT THE REBELLION - THE NATION'S BLESSED GOOD DEEDS SHALL FOLLOW US, REV. 14:13. Also, God has provided us David (BB Boomer Dad) - to counter the 'go lieth' sales warlocks - w/Asian & Mideast endorsements, & Attache' Ma, the 'No' autograph water skiier (it is Taught Ya Ma, but she had to go undercover due to no one intervening for me); we also have the Brockmeyers, Myron & Bridget, Jacque's La Creme Sword complements of them, so USA older generations can claim bronze @ min. You'll have to deal w/Fedora Bud if you beg to differ.
7/21, "You can't shake this heave," or '...'ceive; after direction from Lord, I stopped doing business w/Anna on Radcliff; somewhat endowed, & single mother, & various codes pertaining to sex - "You'll have your heave" etc., & spa, body oil, etc. while then becoming more illusive w/my pay - no one home, no answer on phone; makes it unmistakeable by calling & changing appt. from Mon. to Thurs. morning, & when finished, no one around - until later that day - 2 trips or more to get paid, & God led me approx. 1 1/2 years ago, don't put up w/it. Then male staying in Air BnB, vaguely threatening codes; i.e., terminate a customer, & rebels suddenly pressuring you that you can't do that - you'd better allow her "play." But, as reported, Davis "customers" have their recruits - I reported Latino in TV program, 7/15, raising his hand to approx. chest level, then making it shake, or tremble; claim that I must be apprehensive, if I don't look @ dirty pics - but, it lined up w/me refusing to do business w/Anna & refusing to have sex w/her; this wasn't the only shaking hand code. 4/10, "Tuesday night will work," wh blnd fem, holding phone in hand, & hand trembles slightly, "Spring W/Love" Hallmark. 7/14, 9:45, Univisio'n, "You just sinned; the power of the credit," male; 9:46 PM, male gray & blk pld shrt hold up hand & shakes it - as though hand is trembling - kids present. Moreover, there's another dimension to this - more than a decade of applying for jobs - refusing to give up - teaching or any work - bills must be paid until I'm hired as teacher. Application in person & over internet - hours & hours daily - but applying for jobs is monotonous, tedious, & miserable as it is - you don't get paid for it, & often it's a dead end - HOW MUCH MORE MISERABLE & MONOTONOUS, WHEN THERE'S A REGIONAL CONSPIRACY DENYING YOU ANY & ALL WORK!!!? & FULLY AWARE OF IT, I CONTINUED APPLYING ANYWAY, REASONING THAT IF THEY DON'T REPENT, WE'LL NUKE THE WHOLE REGION! But while applying - dozens of jobs/day - never any hire, the monotony & futility takes it's toll - going through the motions of cover letters, filling out apps, etc., my hands would become weary & quiver slightly due to it was virtually guaranteed dead end - rarely so much as an interview. Yet I was in public eye, & gained international attention as of 2000 - these job apps were 2004 to present! But these cruel & monotonous conditions put rock in a bad light - I'm stranded & barely able to keep going; Swift reacted w/"Shake It Off" song - implying it isn't acceptable to be doing that - oh, really? As though I have a choice? That's the point of my billion complaints along w/the job apps - trapped! @ the time I considered the implication was it isn't acceptable for such oppressive conditions to be allowed - a rebuke against region. Also, the song sounded more like "I shake it all..." i.e., mediating w/displays to get my attention, which could serve as rebuke for those trying to snuff me out. But they never show up, & while income & amount of work has improved slightly, some of that was logical progression of a conspiracy already in place - the Landscaper Nick consp. - where if I didn't kill myself due to rebels' wicked oppression, they would have to make concessions w/some sort of income - slave labor yard work. This conspired 15 year back-up plan was already in place by region, & effects of any implied endorsement of rock & Hollywood were minimal - & any attempt to claim any supposed advantages is wicked @ any rate, because it begs the question - why provide only infinitessimally small amnt. of intervention? Is he that abhorrent to you? Nevertheless, the song's lyrics weren't random, & are a witness to the ongoing wicked oppressive conditions of isolation & systematic, cold, & calculated denial of justice & income for years. Moreover, No. Ca. rebels, w/help of various TV programs, are again ATTEMPTING TO CONSUME THE EVIDENCE - I.E., SUFFERINGS THEY INFLICT ARE USED AGAINST YOU AS FACADE TO OPPRESS YOU FURTHER - VICIOUS CYCLE; OPPRESSIVE CONDITIONS RESUTLING IN SHAKING & TREMBLING ARE ACTUALLY ATTEMPTED TO BE USED AGAINST ME - AS THOUGH IT'S TIMIDITY OR HESITATION, ETC., RATHER THAN RESULT OF HATEFUL DENIAL OF JUSTICE, SO THAT THEY CAN ORCHESTRATE MORE OPPRESSION! Victim can't shake (or vanquish) this conceived oppression, because absent any intervention, I'm outnumbered & lies & crimes flourish to extent rebels are poised to take new ground - despite they are exposed internationally, historically, & categorically! That isn't surprising when those you counted on as allies are in lock step w/No. Ca. rebels!
Another important safety tip concerning any job offers or considerations in bay area (which doesn't make them totally off limits, but in a sense the absurdity of it does): THE BAY AREA DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT, & THEY CHANGE THEIR MINDS REPEATEDLY - LIKE A WOMAN. as I reported, repeatedly applying for jobs, including teacher jobs, in Solano - considered part of bay area, immed. after the year-long hire as sign-waver in VV, it was despite the codes, & 3 or so kidnappings by police, from 2009-2012 - the problem was, after 60+ cases of open & shut false arrests, kidnappings, hostage captivities in Yolo, they should've stayed a billion miles from any such occurrence, but instead, they were openly using conspiracy codes - as though there is no justice, & there is no USA. They then answered my persistence w/more false charges, @ Walmart in VV & Westfield mall in FF; but in court hearing, suddenly, because I chose to represent myself, declaration I was incompetent, & I was locked up for 4 mos. a/out competency hearing - devoid of any legal justification - BUT THEY DIDN'T SO MUCH AS ATTEMPT THE APPEARANCE OF JUSTIFICATION - I.E., "DOUBLING" ME - YOLO LOCKS ME UP USING GUISE OF HEARINGS & TRIALS? WE'LL SKIP ALL THAT & SIMPLY TAKE YOU AWAY. Moreover, @ beginning of these proceedings (2014), judge said, "This is our felony," & it literally was, but it was multiple felonies all @ once; but the coded warning was, 'this is 'arf, hello, knee,' i.e., they're saying 'hi' to Davis police, & fully supportive of them, & if I want to try to work anywhere besides Davis, 'this is our 'felony'' - they can produce false felony charges against me - prison - rather than misdemeanors - 'so, you best keep to Davis...' But then as of 2021, suddenly sending rebels to attack me - attempting to pry me out of Davis (or simply end my life). So, do they want me to stay in Davis, or do they want me to get out of Davis? - & based on these tactics, I can be more than confident in a warm welcome from them if I leave Davis - or not. Dream approx. 1 AM, 7/22, I was w/Lloyd Winter, friend from Lodi/Stkn; when I first met him was in HS, & he was on a small coaster bike, rather than full-size 10 speed; it was like the motocross bicycles of late elem./jr. hi age - somewhat small for HS student. in this dream, we were on bikes (?), he was acting a little goofy, & was on one of those coaster bikes, but it was more adult-sized, but strangely a coaster bike; it seemed nice to have a friend, & he seemed to be sympathetic to my cause; but, we were riding around, & we were approaching Sac State Univ.; except that we were entering through an older, abandoned part of it - lg. buildings no longer in use, & we were riding down a steep ramp into one of the buildings - like a warehouse. The current Sac State in use was possibly on other side of the bldg. But, since when is there an "abandoned" section of Sac state? Moreover, riding bikes in Sac, & still lacking friends, indicates Lloyd has a condescending attitude, & any relationship maintains a lot of the ongoing oppressive conditions - riding around on bikes - as though we're back in school @ Lodi HS - but possibly matured - slightly - not too much, though. I.e., I'm still trapped - & no wonder - Lloyd has lived in Danville as of approx. 1979; Danville is SF bay area - I've had almost no contact w/Lloyd; a few phone calls approx. 2014 or so, & that was it - he refused to so much as call the US DOJ on my behalf. Reality check for those in bay area - God gave me a vision as of 2017 of SF already destroyed. This was soon after SF mayor Ed Lee had a heart attack & died in a Safeway, the same night I hung out for a while reading magazines in Safeway, due to Asian cafe violating my rights. God showing me nothing is sacred in bay area - duty is duty, & instead of duty they've been sending students to UCD who regularly grease the wheels of the rebellion - more often than not totally on their own. The abandoned section of Sac state - magically me & Lloyd were almost as though HS age, & on bikes; the dream was hypothetical - Lloyd is sending mssgs. to No. Ca. rebels that they've got them covered for decades to come - 50 years from now, if we were still around, I'd still be the regional slave, & he'd still be hiding in bay area trying to dupe me that he might be someone I could trust - the region is stable for decades to come, is the mssg. BUT, THEY ARE QUINTESSENTIAL GODLESS HEATHEN, BECAUSE GOD IS COMPLETELY LEFT OUT OF THE EQUATIONS!
7/20, "You can't see, you're breaking records," 8:15 apprx.; "Jim can have ease, it," 8:21 PM, bug code.
Fall 1990 we were visiting relatives in Portland, & I'd become a Christian recently before that; me & cousin Vince's gal friend (before they got married) detailed conversation about Christianity, Catholicism, & Protestantism. Approx. 2 years subsequent, Vince & his wife were vacationing in Beliz, Mex., which sounds like 'bell, ease' moreover, it's on the Yukatan penninsula, & if you compare it to the Gulf of Mex. silhouette of black man's head on a stretcher, Beliz is located literally @ the back of the neck - noose - did we hang them, or save their necks? W/out condoning it, it's possible my relatives are laying low to bait blacks- teacher who should be employed & living comfortably - despite Jack Teacher plan rescued blacks from systematic slavery world-wide, they want to get rid of Jack Teacher. I reported vision of my sister waiting for that first drop of blood if & when blacks attack me. I'VE WARNED REPEATEDLY, YOU CAN'T MAKE SOMEONE A PAWN TO TRACK AN ENTIRE RACE. THEY DIDN'T ORCHESTRATE IT, BUT THEY ALLOWED IT. I reported on my war.html pg., associating cousin Darrell Stephan w/ficticious song, "A Professional Job" to drive home the point to him that their conspiracy is to bump me off because I am insisting on teacher career - someone hit my mafia - a "professional job;" another ficticious song, "Broken Promises & Upside-down Rock-O-Planes" - Darrell is approx. 3 yrs. older than me; when they were visiting us in Fresno, 1970's, we went to Rhoeding Park, where there's amuzement rides, including a rock-o-plane - a ferris wheel that you can take upside-down by throwing a lever; me & my sister were young tykes, & made him promise not to take it upside down, but he broke that promise. The message was that rock left me stranded & oppression increased, despite I was a witness for them - bring it to a halt - THE REBELS ARE TRYING TO KILL ME! Then approx. 2017, Neil Young & Daryl Hannah show up in L.A. airport - as though I was giving permission for more of the same - but my promotions & warnings - & I used both - were unmistakeable - justice rather than stalls. Darrell Stephan, & black basketball player Stephen Curry - corpse stiffens once deceased - but we saved blacks (Gulf Of Mex. sign). Nevertheless, THIS ISN'T AN ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY MY RELATIVES - IN FACT, THEY'VE TAKEN UNDUE LIBERTIES & ACTED W/APATHY & LAZINESS! THEY MAY BE CLAIMING THEY ARE ALSO TRACKING WHITE HOUSE/CONGRESS - BECAUSE THESE BRANCHES HAVE THE POWER & RESOURCES TO INVADE, & YET THEY RATIFY OPPRESSION & TRAPS. But it also goes w/out saying my relatives may be luring me to act above the law - conspiracy. 7/18, "I'm gonna punish Sally," (or similar) vision 11 PM approx.; Aunt Sally (I was thinking her name was Judy - mother of Kathy) - referring to my relatives; 's[ee? In the] alley [again]' as in, homeless - oppression for 2 decades trapping me - living in "alleys"; my relatives consider my well-being & future a pawn in order to track blacks. But in light of recent 'financial hit' consp. - mexs. & local rebels - where suddenly my workload is cut in half, & I'm door-knocking daily in 100+ deg. weather for free, Davis rebels are the 'Sally' conspirators, along w/Yolo jail - approx. one year ago, they finished remodelling Yolo jail, & entrances are now called "Sallys;" i.e., reiterating that if you're homeless, it is in fact a vortex of evil sucking you into captivity - Woodland/Yolo county seconds Davis vortex of evil - they'd do it all again, despite their corruption has resulted in homelessness in untolled numbers nationwide - along w/shooting sprees, oppressive police forces, diseases, fires burning down entire No. Ca. cities, etc.!
7/17, "We have him picked, out," Paul, N. Campus Wy, 9:40 AM. Wh male gray hair, blk shrt, garden hat, talking to Paul, "It was war, she bought," 9:48 AM (pic sent); another confession of stubborn rebellion & conspiring irregardless of invasion. "He doesn't have that drive," Paul, 9:54. I reported on Bianco Ave., N. Davis, wh fem cust., approx. 2021, code, "That was our rat-a-tat" i.e., machine gun sound; they seem to be stubbornly insisting that a teacher can't temporarily engage in sales for purposes of promoting the church; but they condone members of their community in general doing it (Norris Wilson of UCC, for ex.; Ching Chang of DCCC, for ex.); so it's prim & proper strictly education goals only when the individual may be potentially popular or well known, then jealousy controls - to the extent of rebelling against USA, conjuring up North & South civil war all over again!
I reported the sidewalks on 4th & E in Davis - @ B of A - & elsewhere - pattern of sidewalks that forces you to walk a crooked, winding path; technically the ones in downtown, probably from '30's or '50's, a thin center line approx. 1' across where if you hogged that footwide path, you could walk a straight line; BUT, that was completely eliminated w/Mace Ranch subdivision, E. Davis, 1992-'96 - sidewalks zigzag everywhere. The abbove sm. subdivision was built immediately after Mace Ranch, approx. 1997, S. Davis, sidewalk on Eucaliptus Ave., @ the entrance - crook in the sidewalk - you can't walk a straight line; it's blatant - straight sidewalk, but look! A crook that you can't avoid! This went in simultaneous to UCC persecuting me w/developer Don Miller doing most of the damage - Jaime Crook, pastor. In other words, developers, Christian & non-Christian, most from out-of-town, had a watch - aware of the scandal involving one of the local developers (Miller), & they established plumb lines & warning signs to avert Davis from crumbling. The crooks in the sidewalks are unmistakeable - it's warnings to those who use the sidewalks to reject conspiracies that are being dealt to them - the same as you might argue for a straight sidewalk w/out hinderances, except on a more profound level - church, law enforcement, city politics. The streets in that subdivision include Boxelder Pl. - phonemically implies elders of church should reject false teachings of pastor, & box for the Bible & justice. I reported code in 2021 claiming I was lacking diligence in verifying if mex. fem. was owner of res. or maid, when door-knocking - on Tallow & Dogwood, both in this subdiv. - then, soon after that, vision of me lying on ground injured, as though soldier in war injured in battle; then immediately following, strangle attack @ 4th & F, 7/26/2021; this is further proof UCC rebels were directly involved. This subdiv. is in fact adjacent to subdiv. built by Don Miller in 1970's in S.D.
[Sources for this report tampered w/ - the 'Allen' codes occurred more like half year ago or more - attempt to match it w/Pinole interview. Also, 'allen wrench' isn't theirs- it wasn't some white guy challenged to teach in the ghettos- they're predators claiming they've already got your "number," & you're an individual target internationally before you even get there; Pinole was the rebels' allen wrench to finish me off if I were hired.]
I reported the 'You won't know your Bill Allen' code, fat wh male on 42A, 5/2, along w/ corresp. code from blk male, "Bellham" code (6X), & then shooting spree in Allen, Tx., 5/6 (see "SHEOL BIZ KID" & "STAIRWAY TO HELL..." report). This AM (7/18) same fat wh male crumpling candy wrapper repeatedly while we were stuck in traffic due to truck accident on I-80; the crumpling sound is code for noise I was making in Memorial UMC as youth, crumpling some papers. I.e., desperate attempt to link me to disasters, claiming they are being "sweet" about it. BUT THERE'S NO BEING "SWEET" ABOUT MASS MURDERS, SHOOTING SPREES, DISASTERS, & DISEASES!!!! WIPE THEM OUT!!!!! Possibly they are claiming my 'Stairway to Hell' descr. is a "sign" along w/vision from God to adjust to my tree - & the blocked sidewalk & stairway @ Pine Apts., on F St.; but I didn't tell them about the Fresno mulberry tree vision; but it most likely isn't the mulberry tree in bkyd of Fedora St. res. - we looked @ dirty magazines the; abstaining from porn isn't equivalent to celibacy
- it isn't "burying" your sexuality. As far as pine trees, I'm also not stuck w/a "tree" that must settle for rebels' oppression. So what is the tree to which I'm supposed to adjust? Well, the General Sherman is the biggest tree on earth, by volume. The promises God gave me about future & sexuality were when I was refusing to look @ dirty pics - strange visions, etc. saying to lower my standards obviously aren't from God, irregardless of whether this person abandoned me or those people betrayed me. The 'allen' conspiracy - was pinpointed proof of who's orchestrating the shooting sprees - No. Ca. rebels & blks - this overweight rebel is on the bus daily - why are they still @ large - what are the "authorities" waiting for, other than more to be murdered????? That's known as terrorism!!!!! 'Now that you've proven blks are conspiring nation-wide to kill you, you have to go kiss their butts & hope for the best, Jack Teacher, & if you don't, we will take more lives!'
'Bill[y Graham's] Allen [wrench]:' Univ. Pine Apts. on F St.; Graham claimed he would be buried in a pine box - attempt to identify w/common man; Davis
"boxing" (conspiring) for enslaving me for the rest of my life, & no invasion - they get tomb
burials. Davis rebellion is South's allen wrench rallying confederate cause. Graham also announced his new suit in approx. 2009, supposedly identifying w/my law suit battles- buried in legal battles; "I will be buried in it," but evidently that was stall tactic.
(1)I reported God is sovereign over acts of nation's leaders - "In this you shall conquer," vision of cross in the sky, spoken to Constantine, Chinese leaders place cross-shaped space station in the sky - their motives may be questionable, but God orchestrated that 1700 year sign as confirmation of victory for the church - irregardless of if current leaders follow through - CLAIM THE VICTORY BY FAITH! (2)My opinion is it isn't this country's will that the entire population of police nationwide must be arrested &/or put to death; but as demonstration of the wicked motives of media, among others, so much as the appearance of a false move & I'm taken, according to them. (3) I quoted a general encouraging saying of my Dad & applied it to "sex workers" - that they could repent, & instantly media & others claiming they can use it as innuendo against my past. 7/16, "Get out of your golf cart," male homeowner, who called police to report whereabouts of escapee Burham, to his wife, then, ", get in your golf cart," 11:30 AM. The incident occurred in Youngsville, Penn. This is a code referring to Olivia Newton-John - she made coded comment while driving golf cart in video before she passed away, approx. 2021; i.e., claim that fem. rock stars' endorsement of me sexually isn't controlling (in a sm. cart seat as opposed to a "car" driver's seat) - indicating a needy desperation among some of these rebels - that any endorsement of rock stars is renegged, &/or possibly implying I'm bluffing as far as avoiding dirty pics - 'young's [e]vil' (looking @ dirty pics as youth). I reported that approx. Jan. 2023, vision, "He slips, up," i.e., God exposing that nationwide there's a systematic jealous desperation to claim I slipped up - or concoct it, if necessary - like Davis - everyone puts on an act that I fell short! 7/16, 11:24 AM, fem rptr, MSNBC (ch 40), "I have news service," immed. after I placed pic of Shenzhou space station on web page. Then, story about escaped criminal Michael Burham caught in Youngsville; &, supposedly referring to homeowners' dog that was barking @ him, "They went after their dog," male rptr, 11:30 AM - code that either Fresno police, past, present, & future, such as Bud, must be condemned, or indicating my attempt to revive police nationwide makes me a criminal - implying they all must be arrested &/or die. Bud passed away in 1992; it's possible that his will was carried out by his wife, who seemed to be involved in the Prof. Job strangle of 7/2021 (based on vision of her @ that intersection - 4th & F, directing traffic, possibly pertaining to annual 4th of July bike race - vision occurred Dec. 2019 - 1 1/2 years before the strangle attack); but as often as not wives & husbands can differ - one goes bad, the other one didn't; Bud was in church every Sunday; God can also show favor to a faithful servant by removing him from trying conditions @ a premature age). As far as 'dog' code, "They went 'aft her,' [is] their dog;' i.e, facade that rock stars equate the local police - I reported Taylor Swift visions & acts luring Davis police as though she's them - when they started backing away from enforcing a bogus warrant for almost a year; but that culminated w/a profile of her in black suddenly in media, & context of no other profiles of her on internet - implying mug shot - & instantly, it was more police oppression - & this was immediately before the strangle attack @ 4th & F - w/police taking me away in manner precisely choreographed by "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" lyrics - 4:30 AM, Davis' "truck" (true key), etc. If they want to say they proved police would do bidding of famous people, good or bad, @ drop of a hat, there's no possible way anyone would've doubted that. I also reported the black swim suits (blk clothing code) of Charlotte McKinney, & gestures combined w/blk towel wrapped around her head, pertaining to her boobs - as though "hamming" it; escapee, Burham, possibly code pertaining to this. An "aft" ("leading") of rock stars, etc., originally seemingly endorsing me w/both high standards & good example for youth, but their "aft" eroded, w/their participation, into signalling more police action, & if I'm not partaking in dirty pics, "watch out!" & in this context, they want me to claim Larsen & Winkler were coding for arresting others rather than me in the rear view mirror scenes! Moreover, I rec'd from Lord, irregardless, mere signals for arrest fall short in severity - nuking is in order. "Conair" movie, Nicolas Cage, describes terrorism & conspiracy "con" of Cap Hill - attempting over & over & over to con everyone that my goals are to be heir of Davis, despite signs from Heaven demolishing the scenario categorically, w/or w/out the mountains of proof of their corruption that I've exposed; Conair brand blow dryers - 1970's everybody used blow dryers styling hair like disco dancers - more teen cruising/car labels, & Cap Hill attempts to leverage it, creating mass murderer image - like the one in the movie, who is too dangerous to be around children - THEY THEN MILK IT ('MLK' IT) FOR DECADES!
& this isn't an endorsement of Hollywood or rock - they wrote the scripts for the rebels - claim I'm dangerous con - a killer; "Wizard of Oz" - victim isolated & tormented until blows up buildings sky high; "Conair," 1997, mass murderer strapped to an apparatus, w/mask to prevent him from biting someone's hand or ear - the same year I suddenly became residentially challenged; & approx. same time, "Silence of the Lambs," same dangerous psychotic killer image, w/mask to restrain dangerous teeth; lambs - young sheep, & Christians are flock of sheep, according to Bible; Jodie Foster plays investigator - movie promo is pic. of her w/moth or butterfly covering her mouth - "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" lyrics, "You're a butterfly/& butterflies are free to fly/Fly away/High, away..." They created the extremes to polarize region from any consideration of me working w/ or around children - serial killers making the Wicked Witch of the West comparable to a Mother Theresa personna - which created huge leeway for Davis/No. Ca. to fully explore the wicked witch captivity theme. If they were luring, they should've invaded, rather than drawing back - after first creating videos of "classrooms" outside, & students held back a grade - which clinched it. If "Conair" was tracking smears concerning children - 'Silence? I've the lambs' - KIDS, DISCO DOES SUCK, & DON'T EVER WITNESS TO, OR ON BEHALF OF, ROCK STARS OR MOVIE STARS!
"Silence of the Lambs" promo, butterfly over mouth, looks like clown smile - but mouth is closed. TV ad approx. mid-1990's of another microwave popcorn outpopping Jolly Time, & clown looking sad, saying, "I'm not so jolly, anymore..." & then Jolly Time literally disappears from the shelves. In other words - leeway for "clowning" w/cover-ups of oppression (mouth closed about victim oppressed), & leeway for claiming victim who's "jawing" (verbally complaining & warning) to disappear - facade he's "clowning" around - isn't serious, or is a push-over, etc. - consp. to keep silent about it- facade of protecting the "lambs." Jolly "Time" suggests the m.o. - victim falsely accused - "time" in jail. Simultaneously, rob someone of their right to enjoy life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness, & it's constant pressure to refuse any leeway for "jawing" - attack someone, shooting spree, blow up a house sky high.
Jolly Time evidently hurt bad by that ad - 2 decades later they barely resurface, hobbling into the shelves as "Simply Popped" - "Jolly Time" logo barely visible in background - it's overdramatization of knock-out of a popcorn brand - to create a parallel w/a slant - victim survived, but, he is a clown, because he's still in sales, & hasn't learned his lesson. I.e., the parallel wasn't a victim that bent rebels were claiming was clowning, & the jolly aspect wasn't simply the exercise of the right to life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness, the clown aspect is subtly claimed as an inherent part of the victim - foolish, possibly partially deserving of the oppression. But a victim utilizing some of his academic skills while oppressed is better than victim throwing in the towel on his academic skills altogether - their 'clown' facade is shut down. Moreover, to orchestrate the facade that hard work, proactive evangelism, & fighting for justice was clowning, THEY RUINED 27+ COUNTIES IN NO. CA. - TRAINING SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TO CONSPIRE; TRAINING KIDS OF ALL AGES TO CONSPIRE BEFORE THEY'RE OUT OF GRADE SCHOOL - TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE I WAS CLOWNING, & THAT I'M STILL IN SALES RATHER THAN A TEACHER! THEN THE CLOWN IMAGE MAINTAINS A FOOTHOLD. THEN, AS DECREED BY CAP HILL, THE VICTIM MUST ACCEPT THE REBELS AS FOSTER PARENTS.
"Silence of the Lambs" also subtly suggested a strategy: Warlocks could leave themselves an "out" - Jodie Foster - 'Joe "D"['s rebels] foster[ing landscape profession];' play both sides - if forcing victim to crack & go on shooting spree somehow doesn't materialize, orchestrate slave labor profession, & claim victim has bought it. Fits in nicely w/Landscaper Nick consp. of blks.
7/20, "He has his Kent," near Bob's on Vista; 'Ken' - code for looking down (pride) while shirking duty. Orville & Wilbur Wright, sons of bishop of United Bretheren in Christ church, were from Dayton Oh., near Cincinatti; they flew the first heavier-than-air powered plane, 1905, but they went to Kitty Hawk, N.C. (South) to fly it, a beach called "Kill Devil Hills;" in other words, evidently they were exercising "super human" powers to not only invent the first plane, but launch it in the South, as witness for the nation if South refuses to look up, attempting to deceptively justify their sins of the past - do they have a will to be cold ("burr") - despite we show up w/super human feats? If you look up (N.) from Dayton, it's Cleveland, Oh, & near it to the South, Kent; 'k[ey,] leave land' - fly; Wrights provided an example using Ohio. & as I've reported, Jewish Americans picked up on it, & serve as a corroborating witness - Jerry Segal & Joel Schuster, of Cleveland, Oh. - invented Superman, 1935, & his secret identity Clark Kent. If South had refused to attempt to cover for evil deeds of ancestors, cruel treatment of slaves that simply wasn't redeemable, asserting they had repented, w/ "you can't treat people like that" & "You can't rebel against USA" ('Kent'), they wouldn't have fallen & joined the Davis Vortex of Evil rebellion. Meanwhile, Cap Hill, South stalling for decades, w/me as slave, in attempt to devil the South & Davis, propping them up as a "necessary evil" to track blacks.
See "DAVIS VORTEX OF EVIL REBELLION..." I lied about rock & Hollywood's gestures of failing to intervene for me being actions speaking louder than words; ordinarily, that would be the case, especially w/big name stars, etc.; but when it comes to huge 2,000 year revelations, & earth-shattering Heavenly feats, if No. Ca. had something even remotely close to a soul, Heavenly feats were the demand, & stars failing to respond could rot! "'You can't have 'em' - they arrest," vision, 7/13, 10:15 AM, as far as I can tell, referring to rock & Hollywood. But I believe the Holy Spirit warned the supposed arrest of rebels doesn't go far enough- therefore, I can't have them, or rather, they don't get me.
For ex., vision of nuking No. Ca. answered w/Winkler implying arrest means like the vision of Eastwood, they are old maids on life support systems; the R.E.M. "Man On the Moon" song implies a slap on the wrist; technically White House & Congress may have to be arrested, but they are rebels by def. Cassidy-Turley sign where I was almost strangled to death - 'Ca. said, 'eat 'er, lee[way];' i.e., despite I exposed cover-up of Slavs dying for Jesus, chosen by God to reveal huge feats for China unknown to 99.999% of the world, & before that, intervened for musicians, Ca. still claiming I can bite the dust - I hate to inform them, even satan would've made some concessions, to avoid a spoilsport image. Jews attempted an O.T. version of evangelizing the
gospel, naming one of their cities Telaviv; 'tell of Eve,' but Eve was the first sinner, & that's probably what hooked the telephone cos. to help them!
I reported the self-evident consp. of UCD w/Memorial United Methodist church in Clovis, where me, my sister, & my Mom attended when Laura & I were kids; for ex., Freeborn Hall design is a nearly exact replica of MUMC sanctuary bldg. But there's more to it - Ken's Bike & Ski store in Davis, owner Ken Bradford; Bradford attends (or used to) Word of Life church in Davis; i.e, he claims to be a Christian. Current marketing of the bike shop suddenly says Ken's Bike/Ski/Board everywhere, but for decades it was Ken's Bike & Ski, as evidenced by current website & Ken's Bike & Ski if you say it all @ once, sounds like a Polish name - Ken Sbikinsky; this isn't trivial - MUMC in Clovis was located on corner of Scott St. & Polasky Ave. - the same Scott St. where we rented a place until moving to Fresno; but 'Polasky' is a Polish name. The saying, "Is the Pope Polish?" was an attempt in 1978 to capitalize on Pope John Paul's background as Polish - the first one since 1500's, for a total of 2, compared to 217 Italian popes - it used to be "Is the pope Italian?;" i.e., Catholics attempting to cover for shortcomings - Davis attempting to cover for shortcomings of South, w/Clovis' & other Ca. rebels' help. Also, if you look closely @ Ken's sign, it looks more like 'Kew's' - '[ac]cuse' code - consp. for oppressing someone w/false accusations to create a diversion. Moreover, I've reported pastor of MUMC for most of the time we were attending there was Bill Dew; 'k[ey is D]ew's;' & 'Pole [h]as key;' Pole Line Rd., Davis - ''po[pe']ll [come through,]' line,' or 'po[pe]'ll [hold the] line;' I.e., intricate conspiracy appealing to stubbornly clinging to churches & ideals that were already exposed & defeated - Protestants protested & denounced & defeated the centuries of corruption of Catholic popes - & Catholics have responded, but they've been slow to follow through or even repent to begin w/. For ex., the Bible says, "Don't go beyond what is written," I Cor 4:6, & the Bible encourages pastors to marry; Catholics placing a yoke of celibacy on pastors, creates a dilema for those who believe God is calling them into ministry, but are definitely not called to be celibate. They either have to ignore God's calling, or become priests & take on bondages making them sexual deviants - more susceptible to the wiles of satan. But the Davis rebellion founds itself on those who have refused to repent, including Catholics, but moreso, w/evil motives of placating sins & atrocities of Confederates & those associated w/them. It's remotely possible Catholics adopted this unbiblical practice because Peter had a wife, & was crucified upside down - an horrible way to die. But, Peter chose that - claiming he was unworthy of dying in the same manner as the Lord (rightside up). "What God has called pure, let no man call impure;" Peter didn't endure suffering for Jesus as a form of punishment for being married - so priests who try to appease God are lacking maturity. Marriage is a gift from God - "he who finds a wife finds a good thing," Prov. 18:22. "What God has joined together, let no man separate," Mk 10:9.
This is qualified w/Sac news media systmatically pressuring Davis to strangle my income for more than 6 mos. Repeated sabotages of my checking acct. - more so after I started working in landscaping, w/local mexs. claiming responsibility for most of them. One of strategies was to tie up your access to funds not only by siphoning out money, but putting your account in the red so that you can't deposit a check or any other income, because it will be instantly swallowed up by the overdraft they caused. For ex., $100 in the your ckg account, which you are counting on for a night's stay in motel, but suddenly, zero balance, & your acct.'s in the red by $100 - so you deposit a check unsuspectingly, & it's swallowed up by the conspired overdraft - you're out another $100. Or, if you become aware of it, you're still stuck outside, because you have a $100 ck. from cust., but your bank account is sabotaged - you can't cash that check. Golden 1 - vision approx. 2 years ago of a pen bank lobby, as though they were investigating (i.e. felony/prison crimes). There's been enough codes from them that I took it w/grain of salt, but they did actually orchestrate a tracking of Yolo mex. conspirators; I reported codes in "FINANCIAL HIT CONSP." report, indicating they were attempting another hit on my bank acct. Moreover, sudden codes that I'd be outdoors again; then as of 7/11, business cut in half - door-knocking in hot sun daily. & code from wh fem driver to mex. male on 7/16, "No money to spend on weekends." Golden 1 supposed tracking: They orchestrated access to savings acct. independent of checking account through ATM - conspirators render your checking account in the red, & you're stuck after hours (until you can resolve it) w/check from work, & in need of cash, you're not up a creek - deposit it directly into savings acct. It did in fact shut down their conspiracies, because the local BW (again, w/mex. emplys, & whites as well) & Aggie Inn motel that they were using to siphon money out of my acct., couldn't get @ my savings acct. But that display from ATM of mex. fem emply w/finger up - "just a minute..." signalled they were going to orchestrate a "come back." I also reported another ATM screen picture ad of mex. male @ ATM, but slanted upward, as though he was a pilot in a cockpit of a plane or race car - signifying mexs. are "driving" the bank accounts @ G1. W/spotlight on them (from ATM screen graphics & my reports on internet), they had to be sly about it - but, it was a coded challenge for them to make a comeback. 7/8, Sat. morning, I deposited $175 into checking & asked for $150 to be transferred to savings, G1 in West Sac.; I noticed 5 emplys working & all of them were mexs. (Latinos). According to my register, I had $20 in savings, so this would make a total of $170; bank's ATM bal. was saying I had $30 - making it $180 total; $180.02 to be exact. After checking in @ Sahara this eve. (7/13), I took bus to G1 in WS to transfer $60 to ckg. for another night's stay @ motel, but ATM refused the transfer; I checked balance, $0! Bank was closed, so I called automated teller, & there was a w/drawal of $180.02 on 7/12 - yesterday! I was nowhere near the bank (Davis or WS) on 12th, & it couldn't have been an ATM transaction, because you can't do cents amounts - my account was siphoned! Overtime weekend work just to get through the weekend, evidently. I happened to check my checking acct., & it was approx. $200 more than my register, but that often is due to slow debit procedures; nevertheless, I checked activity, & there was a deposit of $180.02 - & it was on the 12th! Someone illegally manipulated my accounts - but more than that, (1) it was attempt to orchestrate a "playback" of mexs. & rebels in general oppressing me financially - drum roll - devious transfer, but no actual theft - 'oh, maybe they aren't so bad...' never mind that no one in any right mind would touch someone's account who's gained international attention & being used of God historically (No. Ca. region is blind to this, though). (2)It wasn't exactly an attempt @ "redemptive" playback - made to look like that, but in fact, probably devoid of knowledge of the extent of my awareness of G1's thwarting of their siphonings, but suspecting I had an inkling, it was a subtle assertion that G1's strategy couldn't stop them - "JUST A MINUTE..." - THEY HAD "PLAYERS" ON THE INSIDE OF G1 - I.E., LATINO TELLERS & MANAGERS WHO COULD MAKE TRANSFERS FROM MY SAVINGS ACCT. TO CHECKING ANYTIME THEY WANTED - PUTTING MY SAVINGS IN THE RED AS WELL. As of this point, it was a sudden scare, but my money was simply transferred. But their point was, G1 couldn't stop them, & my finances are ultimately @ their disposal. AMERICA - NUKE THESE MONSTERS, OR GET IT OVER W/ & KILL YOURSELVES! On rte. 41 coming back from bank to motel rm. WS, 'bop' code, wh fem blue bonnet, blk jacket, basket, directed @ blk fem orange clothing; i.e., telling her she would have her oppression against me, but using downplayed language, 5:33 PM. @ that point I was still unaware that the $180 was deceptively transferred & was in my ckg. acct., "We have our refund," blk fem orange clothing, to mex. driver, when getting off bus, 5:48 PM; 'R.E. funned' code - i.e., you'll never stop paying for temporarily being in sales, is the rebel mentality. Mex. male driver, "We're gonna maul again;" 5:51 PM; "you wouldn't know my ride," 5:44. 7/14, blk male wh hood, getting off 42A WS, to mex. male driver, "F&*^ him!...F*&^ him!" 7:10 AM.
7/13, vision, 5 AM approx., "They're pork you!" mex male - referring to Jap. Takiko/Kikkoman reports; also, 7/12, Safeway N.D., Mex. male in front of me @ deli, & Asian male behind the counter, "pork?" & mex. male, "No, chicken," but unspoken assertion Asians' 'poor' motives tracked. But Asians, Mexs., & everyone else locally conspiring against me - that's foregone conclusion. But vision was Mexs./Latinos claim they have to oppress me to teach me a lesson that I'm wrong about Asians in my report (Koreans/Japanese). 7/5, Davis police on Ensenada Ave. (2 cops on motorcycles), as reported, they then circle around & arrive @ Bob's (I ducked into backyard & over the fence). This demonstration was part of attempt to coerce me - patterned after Eric Estrada (CHiP's star), Ensenada - 'inn - see? nothing;' (nada); as of 7/10, no one scheduled for the week, & none of my customers answering phone; after the 7/5 incident, they were seeing if I'd avoid door-knocking - vacation - despite; Mon. AM I was knocking on doors & got ahold of Noelle (cust.) & was hired for 6 hrs. The next day, once again, more door knocking; 2 hrs. of work, 6 hrs. of door-knocking; Wed., same thing; approx. 4 hrs. work, & more door-knocking on Thurs. for approx. 2 hrs. In other words, the conspiracy transfer of money to ckg. account was one of the scare tactics of this consp. - 'your income is shut down, police are picking you up - you won't be putting anything into savings.' Money into savings is leg up if I get hired as teacher - motel, transp., possibly money to pay rent until payck.
Banks don't normally tansfer your entire account w/overdraft protection for your ckg. acct.; I reported a financial "hit" consp. approx. 2 weeks before the draining of my savings acct. occurred; mexs. in No. Ca. signalling it; I transposed 2 figures when doing arithmetic in ck. register, resulting in approx. $45 discrepancy; rebels illegally eavesdrop, watching everything my every move, & became aware of it as of end of June, when it occurred. I reported the vision approx. one year ago of someone twisting arm of mexs. in a grocery store in WS. God led me to hold mexs. accountable in No. Ca. - but that's not any more accountable than anyone else - the argument was, they are a minority - possibly they were @ a disadvantage as far as resisting - a nonsense argument in melting pot, but it was for argument's sake - & that was what the vision was - a hypothetical scenario. I can't say what emply actually transferred the funds, but I can say banks don't normally empty your entire savings account of hundreds of dollars over a $25-45 discrepancy, nor are they authorized to do so, & it was mexs. who conspiratorially "announced" it. Emptying the entire account had effect similar to an IRS or Franchise Tax Board freeze & levying of your account - & this was the strategy - violate my rights, while creating impression it was necessary, legal, & routine, & propping up conspiratorial state gov't's recently levying as well. But the central point was NO ONE PRESSURED THESE LATINOS - THEY ACTED ON THEIR OWN, W/SUBTLE NUDGINGS FROM G1, BUT IT WAS W/MOTIVES OF PLEASING STATE REBEL GOV'T - TRYING TO KISS UP TO THEM. McCarthy's recent code "...that will do it..." or similar, evidencing pressuring Latinos to do Congress' bidding - most likely is bonafide, but it amounts to a request, & as
vision indicated, they were baited they could have a "take" @ my expense, & any rebel gov't. entity that needs a "helping hand" can count on them.
7/20, 1:46 PM, call to cust. serv. G1, according to fem agent, transfer of entire savings is typical w/the plan I signed up for. It's better than not having overdraft protection, but I didn't remember it being entire acct. balance. Agent then wanted my name for further details, but she'd answered my question (& strangely, all that info is provided in order to reach an agent - why do they need it again?), I said I didn't need anything else, but before I could hang up, "Oh, so you don't want me to answer your clien?" 'client' w/out 't' - code for, 'k[ey,] lyin;'' unconventional overdraft program that mirrors bank acct. tax levys & conspiracies (such as Davis) where motels, etc., conspiratorially drain your account. W/out condoning it, it does produce an example of Latinos regionally eagerly & voluntarily promoting anything that contributes to my demise. In fact, Latinos were being featured & spotlighted by G1 - the opposite of any coercion & strong-arming - invited to a higher seat, & regional Latinos immediately use it for evil - implying they've got the corrupt Feds covered.
The apple fell on Newton's head - gravity - science/education; there's more than one way to promote education - rocket science is the epitome of education & Slavs beat us in space race w/manned rocket. The Jack Teacher 1700 year plan starting w/Constantine, is a biblical plan - biblical plans allow for Christians w/varying measures of faith one measure of faith doesn't mean you can't comprehend there are other Christians w/other measures of faith; Rom 12:3-8: "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully." Western church w/Chinese outreach plan w/teacher's measure of faith - Eastern church endorsed it, but using gifts of serving as missionaries through sufferings for Christ. IF WE ATTEMPT TO SIT IN JUDGMENT OF THEM, RATHER THAN AFFIRMING THEIR UNDENIABLE FEATS IN CHRIST, WE FALL, & RUIN OURSELVES! The same Newton invented Calculus - 'Calculate (do the math) - you're us - we're Christians!'
7/15, C-SPAN, 11:59 AM, "Sittin' thankful," Kevin McCarthy; 12 PM, "Jim Higgins flew hillicopter." 12:04, "...resurface the time, during the day,...if that's not going to do the job, we will," McCarthy. Attempt to brainwash the public that they suspect I'm thankful for F/T pay; would anyone in land of free home of brave be thankful for continued bondage as a slave - in the U.S.A. - but in last 3 years slightly more steady income? THESE ARE THE "TESTS" THAT THEY CLAIM THEY HAVE TO PERFORM - BUT IT'S TO CREATE COVER FOR USING ME AS A PAWN TO TRACK BLACKS. As far as increased pay, I prefer the increased pay, but as far as thankfulness for being abandoned & enslaved in the land of free home of brave, they are kicked out of the church - those who attend - & they are thrown into the lake of fire. If code is referring to Slavs & lack of overt public response of gratitude for my witness on their behalf, I may have a minimal "sit", but overall, any "sit" isn't U.S.'s - nor does anyone have a sit as far as making judgments about me. Slavs failing to show gratitude &/or any other gesture intervening for me - they have a duty to do so; but we failed to intervene for them as far as 20M Christians who died for their faith - tit for tat. If I occasionally make a report about these facts, it's due to that the gov't's & churches' perpetual "no comment" response to 20M Christians dying for Jesus creates both deadly precedent & deadly cover for oppressing me - I have a vested interest in emphasizing their sufferings - I have my sit. 'Hilly copter' possibly claim that blacks (gym/Jim) instigated or endorsed the 'cop tours [of oppression]' ('Hilly' - little [Cap] Hill); but Cap Hill, etc. has been ratifying it for 20 years.
'Helicopter' originally code for subjecting me to "hell" w/constant oppression from police - flying around Davis/Solano cty for years stalking me, under guise of warning the public, but the aerial codes only reassured them. Jim Higgins - Jimigans - Hillicopter/Jimigans & Gilgo Beach - Gilligan - 'be, each.' 'Gilligan' code for guil[ty] again; i.e., baiting rebels w/what @ first was a dead end - I was never guilty, but they then conspired to decree it irregardless of mountains of court findings originally - recruit the courts to join rebellion, then, it's 'guilty again' - Yolo 2004, 2006, Sac, 2007, Yolo 2010. 'Gilgo' - somehow, there's a way that Jack Teacher has to "go" (wiped out) - like all the regional rebels. 'Massa ['master' ] P.E. k[ey], waaah;' "waaahing" w/sports so that blacks shown up in some ways. Rex Heuermann - serial killer of sex workers (prostitutes) - Huey helicopters - '[ou]r "X" [rated flicks], Heu[y,] 'er -man;' Jack Teacher constructively "killed" porn industry - BUT-HE-DIDN'T-KILL-THE-SEX-WORKERS! They just need to repent & be saved! Meanwhile, the porn rebels stalking me w/the Huey helicopter oppression are conspiring it's "be, each," & therefore I have to "go" along w/them. 'Resurface' code from 1999 - first instance of hostage in jail despite I hadn't committed a crime; I had been using gym shower reg'ly, & it had been resurfaced - & that was then a code as though no one knew where I was - 'resurface, the time;' I reported vision of Mexs. pressured that they had no choice but to conspire further oppression against me - the pressuring possibly occurred in Raley's on W Cap. 'If that's not going to do the job...' no recent long range disappearances since 2020 - 'that' conspirators (Latinos) falling down on the job of fulfilling Cap Hill's demands - indicating the pressuring was coming from Congress & White House, & also indicating if Latinos aren't going to cooperate w/their dirty work, gov't will have to do the dirty work themselves - Latinos don't merit advancement in "good ol' boys" club - you see now, the vicious coersion tactics they were facing. "I didn't see a press conference," McCarthy, approx. 12:05; i.e., 'R.E. [agent] sir face[s] the time...' claiming I won't report these press conference codes, because I'm secretly a RE agent, & I'll acquiesce to their decree. This is supposedly a test that I supposedly will pass - but these tests themselves could qualify as the crimes of the century, if not the millenneum - the tests are i.d.-ings perpetuating a facade they are confused & suspicious, & they might darn well have reason to be - but the 1700 year Jack Teacher plumb line directly from Heaven alone nukes that facade! Allowing tests like that says irregardless of if I obtain justice & am "allowed" to have a family, in the not too distant future, I'll be having ribs for dinner w/my wife, & an audible bug code under guise of pseudo-diligence will suddenly suspiciously question why I ate more than the usual amount of ribs - my life will be under a conspired microscope w/built-in taunting - 'we told you you'd never get rid of us...' It's an act to cover for using me as a pawn for decades to bait blacks.
Terrorists are claiming I have to prove to everyone I like to be a slave by working O.T. or else - 'you don't know; you give you're going nowhere,' vision or thought 7:02 AM, 7/15; but claiming I'm "going somewhere" - within the rebellion - is playing into rebels' hand [- & that includes any hypothetical teacher position, including w/non-blk principal - my classroom authority is dismanteled by rebels who've already trained their kids that they commit crimes against me in public]; T Mobile text mssg. "456" claiming my phone bill was due by 14th - but I just paid it on 12th; it's now the 15th, so it must've been comp. error - but, it was consp. comp. error - '4 PM-5PM...' - code stalking me over my work hours - after 8 hrs. of almost 100% door-knocking in the hot sun, w/constant threats of disappearing, I got off work @ 4:30 one day this week - attempts to dupe me that I have to make a "good showing" w/long hours - same as the conspiracies that I have to do sloppy work to prove I haven't been duped or haven't caved in or I'm not kissing anyone's butt, w/constant codes that I'm being too thorough, therefore I didn't "take" that the cust. cares, is a brainwash - slavery is slavery - conspiracies are conspiracies - rebellion is rebellion - they've recruited 29 counties to conspire w/them controlling my income - felony conspiracy codes everywhere I go - DON'T MOVE THE ANCIENT LANDMARKS - CONSPIRACY CODES ARE CONSPIRACY CODES - A LOT OF PEOPLE USING CODES MEANS A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE CONSPIRING!!!!! GOD ISN'T IN A RECESSION - A LOT OF PEOPLE BETRAYING HIM DOESN'T MEAN HE HAS TO LOWER HIS STANDARDS - HE PUNISHES AS MANY AS IT TAKES! I DO A GOOD JOB BECAUSE GOD TOLD ME I'D BETTER HAVE A ROOF OVER MY HEAD AS FAR AS IT'S W/IN MY CONTROL, ESPEC. SINCE AS OF LANDSCAPE WORK, IT'S FEASIBLE TO DO SO; @ $85-150/NIGHT, UNTIL MY CUSTS. ARE ACTUALLY PANICKING, I HAVE TO DO A DECENT JOB TO WORK FOR THEM AGAIN; THOSE ATTEMPTING TO DUPE ME THAT IF I DO A GOOD JOB I'VE ADMITTED SOMETHING, THEY ARE GOING TO BE TURNED INTO MUSHROOM CLOUDS FOR ETERNITY - BECAUSE THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THEM TO BE HUSHING EVERYONE WHILE I'M ENSLAVED, & THEM COMMITTING THOSE CRIMES & THINKING THEY CAN TRY TO DUPE ME ABOUT HOW GOOD OF A JOB I DO AS A SLAVE IS GUARANTEE DEATH IS GOING TO BE FEEDING ON THEM IN HELL FOR ETERNITY! If I have to keep reiterating this God will eliminate this gov't in it's entirety, & the nation as well! Moreover, the Bible says if you are a slave, do a good job nevertheless. The facade that I have to prove to illegal eavesdroppers that I'm not in bed w/rebels by deliberately being sloppy all the time is an attempt to trick me that I'm involved in a scandal that is ruining an entire nation because their past efforts to trick me have failed! It's EXACT SAME M.O. AS REGION ATTEMPTING TO TRICK ME THAT I HAVE TO FORCE DAVIS REBELS TO COUGH UP A LOT OF PAY FOR ME AS PROOF THEY WENT BAD; BUT THAT WAS ALREADY PROVEN BY CONSP. CODES - & THAT'S MORE THAN ENOUGH - IF A REGIONAL SCANDAL DOESN'T SPELL IT OUT, THEN IT'S MORE THAN A SCANDAL, IT'S A REBELLION.
'Dock[ing teacher job offer is] hers;' - Dockers suitcase, & code @ TJ Maxx (see "NO. CA. WARLOCKS"); front & back of suitcase has patterned perforations, exactly like those in the ceiling tiles of classrooms @ Centennial Elem. school, where my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Tashjian warned us all those holes were from her hitting the ceiling when students didn't obey. The suitcase supposedly turns that claim on its ear - & I'll agree - those holes were much too small!
Rock & Hollywood were positioned as America's boon, or garland of grace (Is. 61:3) - Daniel Boone
legacy - but it's forfeited w/refusal to invade & willfully handing Jack Teacher over to rebels. McDonald Bros. were originally actors (Hollywood) & went into franchise business - this was 1950's - subsequent to the Davis double arches near the train depot on G St., 1916, & Hollywood Melrose Pl. almost identical double arches, 1926 - 10 years later - echoing Davis. Double arch consp. of Davis was attempt to undermine "Show Me" Crusaders' St. Louis Arch Jack Teacher plan, because it involved a teacher doing a small amount of "egging," & Aggies as far as 'eggs' had to be eggheads, to the 100% exclusion of "egging." Where they were undone from the beginning was demonstrated when after approx. 5 years of sales (which isn't a crime), my goals once again are to teach - & this in all honesty - but they couldn't pull off refuting a sm. amnt. of "egging" w/out conspiring region-wide to attempt to banish me from teaching forever - & so their facade of zealousness for eggheads was nothing more than stark raving mad jealousy. The arches was no small "testament" - due to thousands of students annually coming to Davis, it was spreading a conspiratorial doctrine annually - doctrine detrimental to the St. Louis Arch, something needed to be done about it - & so Hollywood did something about it. Ray Kroc purchased franchise from McDonald Bros., & created the double arch logo - "doubling" as a giant 'M' for McDonald's - i.e., 'I am;' & they proceeded to track Davis' motives - are they doubling St. Louis arch - as in "being" & affirming them, or is it "2" as in ''T'-oooo'? 2016, "The Founder," Michael Keaton, movie about Ray Kroc & McDonald's - 100 years after Davis double arches. See "TRAINING TO BE REBELS" report on this pg.; either Ray Kroc or subsequent owners of franchise were predominantly Mormons, w/same "philosophy" - "I am" - door-knocking w/their message - actively evangelizing far more than most Christians. The fact that LDS (Mormons) is a cult, rather than bonafide Christian faith, became a smokescreen for Davis & Davis Community church - the pic. (see "TRAINING...") - double arched windows, & 2 visitors w/supposed DCC member on front porch - "We're out;" i.e., they slip their conspiracy by using guise of refuting a false religion, when in fact, the focus superceded religion - question of justice v. injustice; good v. evil, & Davis Commm. church's felony crimes of conspiracy & rebellion enabled a cult to track them ((& potentially non-Christian Hollywood & rock stars, except their failures to follow through negates tracking motives) - moreover, in this context, Davis rebels, including Davis Comm. church, by refuting McDonald's/Mormon's "I am" rendition of the double arches - & maintaining their 'T' - were negating St. Louis Arch, "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders, Jack Teacher plan orchestrated by God 1700 years ago. I reported involvement of churches of South & nation-wide in 'crew' death row consp. where I'm slated for death row supposedly as pawn to test Chinese - but this is benefit of doubt that they aren't entitled to. I'VE ALSO REPORTED "WIZARD OF OZ" SUCCESSFULLY TRACKED WESTERN CHURCH'S STALLS - LEADERS AMOUNTING TO WARLOCKS - BUT W/OUT CLAIMING IT, HOLLYWOOD & ROCK HAVE JOINED THEM BY DEFAULT - & THIS ISN'T A WHIMSICAL CLAIM - FAILURE TO CLAIM THIS WOULD BE JACK TEACHER'S RUIN! Terrible Swift Sword graphic fiasco - call it a lemon - I'm a teacher, dad gummit! But a biblical sword was offered to rock stars, & it was accompanied by visions. When God opens the door, those who refuse to enter will soon find the door shut, & no more entry into Heaven, Lk. 13:24,25.
I reported to Feds & public spoke approx. 2011 when I went to see my Mom unannounced - this was before I started reg'ly placing reports on internet - no answer @ door, but something unusual - light on in dining room (window faces front of house) & curtains open. I looked in & dining room table was @ a slant across the dining room - & it's never in that position. I don't use codes, & I'd admonished my Mom to refuse to use them, but I wasn't as informed about Lodi as they were - my Mom & sister outnumbered could wind up dead, & I believe God has led me to make an exception w/those two only. The diagonal table mssg. was 'die eggin' ['em on],' all' - which was affirming what I'd been asserting - conspiracy to deny my teacher career & corner me into 'egging on' rebels in Davis, but it's futile & I eventually die in the street egging them on. & as of 2017, cornered into landscape work - which as I've argued, isn't sales or "egging" per se, but it's close enough for their deadly purposes - it reg'ly requires you to egg them on about hiring you, if nothing else, by knocking on doors. The McCormick bldg, 4th & F, where I almost lost my life, @ curb next to pkg strip, bldg. designed w/diagonal front facing 4th, @ corner of F.
Davis Community church on 4th St. (pic. in "TRAINING TO BE REBELS"), rear of property is 5th St., & @ corner of 5th & C, church property fence diagonals rather than making a R angle - so that if you wanted, you could cut across sm. triangle patch of ground rounding the corner on sidewalk - advertizing the m.o. of the conspiracy to end my life - claim I'm cutting corners, dishonest, misleading.
State of Ca. obliged them by abolishing jaywalk laws - implying I'm cutting corners, because I'm in public eye 24/7, & like everyone else, I jay walk occasionally.
7/7, "We didn't take him, scene" 42A. 8:11, "We have you don't like it," blk male maroon hood. "Marine mare," Berg 6:33 - code of oppression. "That's where you would have us let it," mex boy gray shrt, gray shorts, squeaky adult coaster bike, Ponteverde Ave. near 8th St., rode by me swirving around then up onto sidewalk (where I was) then back into street, 8:35 AM; attempt to playback false charge of Moe Abugganam, 1998 - friends from Davis Assembly (where I was temporarily attending after UCC betrayed me) invited me to go boating w/them (ski boat), & w/their permission, I invited Moe, new teen friend, but then boating trip got cancelled, & Moe took it as insult, & I was in Central Pk Sun. afternoon, near fountains, he circled around a few times on bike, ignoring me, & then left, & then I was falsely charged w/annoying children; he subsequently dropped charge. This mex. boy stalking me is timed w/the "marked" screen @ Bel Air, & threats from blks & mexs. Project Mohole, US drilling in race w/Russians for drilling deepest hole on earth (races up & down), named after location of Mojo, Guadalupe Isl. 1960's; No. Ca. blacks & mexs suddenly conspiring (codes of blk w/maroon hood, followed instantly by mex teen) - in context of unprecedented revelations from Heaven, they stubbornly go on in their sins claiming they can not only repeat offences of the past, but reach new depths as far as stubbornness, under guise of prying! Ponteverde - 'verde' is 'green' - 'Ponti[ac is "green"];' teen (Jack Teacher) tracking Chinese response to gospel, spanning a lifetime, & w/witnesses, & REBELS - INCLUDING WARLOCKS @ NATIONAL LEVEL, REDUCE IT TO MORE LEWD SMEARS ATTEMPTING TO USE CONSPIRATORIAL MOLES TO RUIN ME. The following American drill site was Project Bertha Rodgers, 1974. 7/2, "Money direct time," PGA anncr, 12:31 PM (TV); "Quiz now; Joe go funt" 12:31. "We're gonna solve his close ___" 12:10. 12:34, "Little Turkey won him," "I'll wait, on," male anncr, PGA, 12:35; "I shut up," 12:36; "Then I spotted it;" 12:39; PGA codes possibly correlated to recent master's golf champ, Spaniard Jon Rahm, Mideast name; i.e., anncr repeating mssgs. from Mideast Americans; 'they'[re conspiring] 'inn' - I spotted it,' but 'inn' doubles as lewd 'in' code - 'hole.' 10:16 PM, INSP (ch 24), beef ad, & blk male nods or dips chin twice w/burger (presumably as opposed to the 2 chin up gestures from fems, supposedly referring to sex). 7/3, "We just cream - he dies, it," or 'we adjust cream...' i.e., 'add [is] just' male landscaper (res.?) across st. from Paige's, purple shrt., corner of Miller & 8th. 2:19, "I get grease hole," Frances, Brown St.; Moe Abugganam is the 'little Turkey; 'Moe hole' - lewd code; golf anncr 'wait' codes - 25 years after Moe's deceptive act in 1998, blks & mexs conspire similar crimes - due to fact that no one intervened. Mideast fails to follow or preach the Ram of God & they are taken by the all-consuming Davis Vortex of Evil. But once again, rock & Hollywood aggravated the jealousy - exponentially multiplying it's magnitude & effects, & then abandon me to the "consequences." 7/7, Approx. 9 AM, "You have converse," vision, & my new Avia shoes despite under $25, shoelaces never come untied - but another vision affirming blacks have been tracked. Wh fem driver 42B, making exaggerated sighs possibly imitating my Mom, & wh fem purple swt jacket, blue hair, coded comments, "He dies, we sure," 6:51 PM, & web editor sabotaged; & wh fem blnd next to her, "Shut it," & 6:54, swung her leg open & closed - an hour before that, approx. 5:20 PM, waiting @ bus stop @ 5th & Pole Line, my laptop bag was in way of my leg so I scooted it by swinging my knee over; it occurred to me in 1997 before I was evicted from Cranbrook Apts., fem college age in spa, & swinging legs open & closed repeatedly - not so subtle teasing. Case of watching your every move DEFINED, as well as vicious strife & threats probably unparalled. "You would know your bird," 9:35, Don, 8th St., & mocking bird making noises; & Miriam, 7/6, brought up mocking birds. I've worked projects @ Don's including laying drainpipes, tearing out a deck, etc., but when I arrived, new deck was in - mocking me by hiring someone else when I've done that exact work - that was the mocking claim. He still hired me for 8 hrs. - the name of game is assign me grunt labor & keep it as "grunt" as possible - minimize any skills - I do a good job w/fences, & it comes to screeching halt. The fence-building came to screeching halt (so far) specifically after I completed the fence @ Kulmans' & Eric's on Oak, then Eric wanted me to build new fence on other side of house, but Asians next door refused. "You wouldn't do 'em, your mark," Don, approx. 10:28; "You're gonna thick" or similar. "We're horrible, Hymn," audible bug code, to Don, approx. 10:45 AM. "We'll have our fade," Don. "I said you have 'em, half," vision, possibly referring to report about Slavs' tracking Western church - due to I'm giving them credit when they failed to intervene on my behalf; alternately, referring to half wagon wheels of Beemans' home. "We're gonna want your forgive," male ( clerk?) 7:07 PM.
7/5, "Unfortunately, they did something they can't tell until someone has passed away,"Dierdre, 6:56 PM ch 3. ABC, "The forces of good will prevail the forces of evil," "The Lost City of Armageddon" Dr. Georg Rowenkamp; (1) proper Engl, 'the forces of good will prevail over the forces...' 'prevail the forces of evil' sounds like a code - '[u]p - RE veil [w/] forces of evil;' implying CONSPIRACY FORCING ME TO MARRY REBEL IN DAVIS - evil - marriage veil; (2) '[death] row, in camp,' & combine that w/'care is teen-uh, [death] row, instead' (Christina Rowenstad - not far off phonemically from 'Ronstadt') - Pontiac is "green" again - track response from China while holding on to teacher goal, & it's not only the locals, the Western church leaders - warlocks - still going strong w/death row consps., or @ min. going along w/them - I haven't categorized the entire Western church as conspiring death row.
7/5, Preston Lathrop, 10:13, ch 40; accompanied by barely legible codes, "Mexs. had loose," & "Flou__ OJ had lover," (confusing notes); looked up Preston Lathrop on internet, founder of Top Coat concrete coating, Gridley, Ca. - may or may not be same Preston Lathrop, but as far as codes, possibly 'press [charges]' or '[media] press;' 'lay, throw up,' or 'lay - they're up' unavoidable connotations either way of neglect of duty of exposing crimes & providing justice - & as far as founder of Top Coat - looky there - deny a teacher justice, & you can easily conjure up goals of sales, etc. For ex. the laundromat nearest Bel Air is right next door to a store w/big sign, "TOP LINE," Jefferson & W. Cap; & notice South's president was Jefferson Davis - Davis Ca. isn't simply rebels in general, THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY REBELS OF THE CONFEDERATE SOUTH - 2 ARCHES CODE - 2 NATIONS; DAVIS - PRESIDENT OF CONFEDERATE SOUTH; I ST. BEEMAN RES. - OLD WEST STIGMATIZED W/STAGE COACH SABOTAGE CONSP., & ATTEMPT TO GUT U.S.'S REPUTATION W/SWASTIKA PROMOTED. & "TOP LINE" - Jefferson Davis - president, or "top" of confederacy. 6:57 AM(?), "It was his butt," mex(?) male lg. red p/up, Circle K. 4:43, wh fem gray swts w/blk fly res. N. of 2484 Halsey, & my Wrangler pnts, fairly new, zipper conking out. "You're not gonna be why I'm gonna grab it," tall blk male aqua/wh pld shrt, Safeway, S. D. "We're gonna let him drop," wh male wh shrt, bike, Pole Line bridge, to Asian male student - coded confession, evidently, from rebels, they deserve to have the bomb dropped on them (nuclear attack). 6:51 PM, American Ninja Warrior show, <<<< - arrows pointing L as opposed to signals emulating my Dad - arrows to R. & ch 3, Audi ad, same - arrows pointing to L - context makes it unmistakable that they are instigating trouble for me & neither of them will be allowed to escape. 5 PM - 5:30 PM, 42B, half dozen yellow vest mex/blk passengers, one of them, blk or mex., constant loud scoffing.
7/4, Miriam, grabbed both butt cheeks (subtly) - like Charlotte McKinney (already reported), & approx. 10-20 min. later, "Butt her," Miriam.
7/6, ch 3 6:48 AM, "Grab the chains; may ya lay 'er," Berg, but there wasn't any report of snow - literally spelling it out for Davis to kidnap me again - or, the latest - if I once in blue moon fall short w/dirty pics, while they illegally eavesdrop, rebel campaign to dupe me that in reality I've capitulated, & I'm too timid to admit it - "Udder may I?" - therefore hypothetical wife's already "got my number" - 'jail' code - viciousness that could sink the Titanic... 7:20 AM, blk male driver, 42A, "I pushed on through there," (claiming I failed to "push" for sex w/dirty pics).
See "STATEWIDE...BILLY GRAHAM 'KENNED'" report: Possible tracking of former confederate South by England & possibly North; Graham Kendrick, worship leader for Hosanna Integrity music - CD covers series of displays using torn art graphics; 'ken' phonemically - Kinny shoes; Billy Graham & South possibly @ some point became convinced they, whites from South, could look down - i.e., slavery of blacks was somehow totally justified; in other words, serious claim that slaveholders in South probably went to Heaven, despite lg. % were evil & cruel - simply based on proving blacks were evil & lazy &, despite we won them their freedom worldwide, utlimately proved to be neigh-sayers who betrayed us, rebelling. While forgiveness & atonement was & is available to the South, it's only through repentance, rather than prideful delusion that they didn't need to be forgiven. Despite it's been established that blacks have betrayed us & are betraying us - full blown betrayal - this doesn't retroactively justify the atrocities committed by slave owners in the South in the past - Southerners were in desperate need of repentance in order to be members of the church - their claim they could join a "church" in South & attend every Sunday was a delusion; it didn't make them Christians - they were daily profaning the Bible. Moreover, South @ some point decided blacks falling short meant whites in Davis were going to get away w/their crimes one way or another, because some of them were Baptists, the predominant denomination in South. Worship leader Kendrick from England; possibly phonemes were God providentially alterting me; if it was orchestrated by English using codes, I refuse to condone codes, & so North & England must repent of use of codes - as well as conspiracies, & apathy, & indulgence in warlock practices if they are serious.
South can't be looking down as far as the sins committed against blacks while enslaveing them, irregardless of them ultimately betraying us; & law enforcement or anyone else can't be looking down as far as the rights of citizens. On the other hand, blacks determined to betray us, God will cause us to stand if we bring them to account - slavery was already mushrooming & most of it originating in Africa; USA 4% of blk slaves, Caribbean, 17%, Brazil, 37%, but we dealt w/it - their response of betrayal - it isn't "looking down" to bring them to account, it's maintaining biblical standards; but if we shrink back as far as biblical standards, & allow corruption of blacks to pervade, we will lose our crown (Heb. 10:38). R.C. Willy, blk chef dreaming, then suddenly he's poor & in a bleak looking kitchen, ch 40 10:38 PM; warning to blks that they had to have a will for USA to prevail, rather than an obvious will to ruin us, while they bask in shade & ease. "The shade is gumby ___" blk fem ch 3 11:38 PM; 'gonna be' contraction - code; Gumby had horse Pokey - corresponding to "Ellie" (corrupt use of police) or dog (police), due to 'pokey' expression for jail. Alternately, USA is reduced to "Gumbys" attempting to prop up blacks who refuse to get right & be team players in America, & instead want white man to suffer. "...then we're row key..." Kristen Vartan ch 40 - 'then we're Okie'/'then we're '[death] row,' [is the] key' - No. Ca. "connecting" w/South, & vice versa. Tracking blacks @ national level doesn't correspond w/No. Ca. or South getting away w/years of rebellion - they can't sweep death row threats & conspiracies under the carpet w/black track smoke screens - what were actual death row consps. suddenly masked as staged to lure blks. "Conectar lo cambia todo" AT&T ('connecting changes everything'); "recue'rdame" 3:48 PM ch 12 ('remember me'), commercial w/male on TV (in ad) & boy on couch watching repeats it - learning Spanish; AT&T ad, possibly making point they've ruined me because they're conspiring w/Latinos to make Latino TV programs often unintelligible - so that I'm wasting my time watching Span. TV, but must be unaware of it. 8:53, Nestle, Nido (shield - similar to shields w/check marks in other ads); ch 12, baby going down tent tube; blk tent w/blk hole for tube on front porch deck of Kulmans' on Oak St. - circular hole is to "connect" the tube; also, another ad w/dogs running through tubes; AT&T claiming they connected w/Latinos & have taken them in conspiracy, & it corresponds to lewd innuendos from Davis customers & police ('dogs'), & South - SBC (So. Baptist Church) & SBC (So. Bell Corp.), AT&T originally parent co. of most of Bell Corps. AT&T & South attempting to dupe Mexs. to rebel & erode - clinching another divided nation civil war. Mexs. participating in sabotaging Jack Teacher's Spanish skills, Fuzzy Wuzzy's Spanish is suddenly fuzzy - then he can't say he had 'no' here.
The saying, "Keep in touch" & then,
20/20 news show, "We're in touch, so you be in touch;" & Bell ad, 1970's, "Reach our, reach out & touch someone;"
obvious physical contact, & emotional connotation supposedly intended; 'in touch' signifies in communication w/,
but touch is also expression meaning hit or strike (typically a crime), but this wasn't common except possibly in the crime world - until it became code in No. Ca. rebellion, & more specifically, false arrest or kidnap, 'in touch' i.e., 'touch,' same as 'contact,' took on verbal or communication significance in Engl lang. I reported blk male in King Hall law libr., 2009, "I'm going to touch you right away," & then I was kidnapped that afternoon on bridge over I-80. 7/9, wh male TV evangelist, "Don't touch," as though a new rule; possibly vaguely referring to the report about my Dad & Mom; if so, w/out elaboration, it probably wouldn't be taken as an affirmation by the listeners - i.e., "to have & to hold..." - being self-controlled doesn't mean legalism; friends touch & come in contact w/each other all the time; an unwelcome or unwanted touch in courts of law has been ruled battery, but that's usually in context of threats & menacing. But especially among married couples, the Bible say's your wife's body isn't hers, it's yours - & vice versa; it's acts of violence that should be avoided in marriage - or any relationship. But w/out elaboration, the pastor's comment seemed to imply draconian legalism & cold unbiblical isolation w/in a marriage - i.e., 'Jack Teacher's Dad is spoiling it for us, folks...' seemed to be the mssg. Nevertheless, "I'm gonna touch you right away," in context of rebellion that emulates organized crime to large extent, it was a threat, & it was carried out that afternoon, w/kangaroo trial in 2010, & judge Gaard saying to deputy d.a. during hearing while conspiracy codes were being spoken by the jury & others in the courtroom, "You have the authority of the court!" butchering any chance that I might've had @ prevailing. My public evangelism was criticized as "reaching;" evangelism is referred to often as "outreach" - connotating not only reaching, but reaching far out - outward motion. But Christianity's efforts to reach the lost in Africa - the objection seems to be (1)we "reached" w/melting pot nation & abolition of slavery on global scale, & (2) we didn't save them @ once, or "right away," there were delays, then slavery of Africa spread into USA temporarily, etc., & so we failed to touch blacks emotionally, therefore according to them, organized crime mentality
prevails in USA, & blacks "touch" whites w/oppression, because we didn't touch them "right away." But while Catholics largely neglected Africa for centuries, sending mssionaries to N. & S.A., etc., the melting pot nation was literally modeled after that shortcoming - Northern free states, Rome, & Southern slave states, Africa - & the Atlas feat freed them globally - due to the U.S. meriting superpower. Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians (Protestants) & English also sent missionaries to Africa, & in rounded figures, currently 2/3 of Africa claims to be 50% Christian or more. We did the impossible, & prevailed - we didn't fail. 'Reach out, reach out & touch someone...just say 'hi!'' The slogun spells it out, ''T'-ooo' as far as outreach if you're just saying 'hi!' - connotation of outreach being the gospel mssg.; I didn't just say hi, I related the gospel in 1 min. or less to anyone willing to listen, then asking for response. 'Keep in touch,' generally meaning in communication; 'keepin' touch,' if you hold onto "touching" someone emotionally w/gospel, you're suddenly in a showdown w/keeping 'touch' as in false arrest, kidnap, etc. - this is due to pastors such as Charles Stanley, "In Touch" ministries, redefining 'touch' as oppression & 'in touch' as isolation & forced to pay quadruple ordinary rent, staying in inns - 'inn touch;' because once in the past you temporarily marketed an inn - which wasn't a crime. & add to this blacks become resolute that they were disregarded, & you can't touch them emotionally w/the gospel, & organized crime is in order, despite almost half million whites to free them.
'In touch,' '[H]int: Utt
ch[eats;]' no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Imposter 'Utts' claiming we should cheat;' but Asian prayer warriors tracked them. Warlocks claim Western church has their 'inn touch;' but that's slavery & denial of teacher career; meanwhile, Kikkoman soy sauce - ''kick [out] "co.,"' man;' & '[Teacher who] Ta[ught, a] kick, owes,' corroberating Jack Teacher's duty to track & kick out warlocks! More proof? I reported the Mexs. successfully tracked regional poverty consp. - Don Quixote tracking; Kikkoman soy sauce - 'soy' is I am in Span.- i.e. 'I am' (Latinos) "saw" the rebels.
4:12 PM, "American Made" movie, clips of Reagan presidency, & briefly, someone @ podium, (couldn't see them - but it was implied as Reagan) & American flag hung in background; as far as I know, Reagan didn't do that, but context of these clips, it implies he did that as well (Tom Cruz movie - plays character hired by CIA). Arms for hostages, as far as I know wasn't a shady operation - it was w/in prerogatives of gov't leaders to act creatively to rescue hostages; Reagan was known for decisive wars against drug smugglers. But, possibly Hollywood shady motive of implying Reagan compromised - attempt to get me to give up on USA? But Reagan, indications are, wasn't made of the same ignoble material of these current imposter presidents - "You shall purge the evil from among you," 1 Cor 5:13; Reagan appeared on Merv, & indicated MIRV missiles was the solution, rather than elaborate wicked conspiracies to dupe jack Teacher & prop up regions that are nothing short of voodoo doll corpses devoid of souls. Nissan ad in Spanish, another daring adventure ad, car speeding out of a trap, & spears fall down on pathway, but they got through w/out being hit - but it wasn't all that close - implying - 'should we have something more adventurous?' I.e., another subtle endorsement of the strangle attack - or trapped hostage in Pinole. 7/9, G.A. ad, Henry Winkler, kitchen table lamp lowers by itself, lamp shade looks a lot like electric chair cap; Winkler then gets into car, & he's looking @ you in rear view mirror - camera filming him from back seat - possibly code for you're apprehended. Then, Winco grocery ad, 7:59 AM. 'win k[ey] - 'lure;' or, 'win[ning w/a] 'co'' supposedly as opposed to accepting a teacher position w/black principal in Pinole, the code is I'm lured into unparalleled pitfalls under guise of necessity of clearing my "suspicious" sales motives, while NO ONE IN HISTORY HAS DARED OR WOULD DARE TO PUBLICLY TRACK & EXPOSE AN ENTIRE RACE, WHILE THAT RACE - 15% OF POPULATION OF USA - IS @ LARGE, MUCH LESS WALTZ IN TO REGION W/HIGHER % OF THEM, & WORK FOR THEM, & MOREOVER, DO SO IN SECTION OF STATE WHERE EVERYONE ELSE IS IN BED W/THAT RACE - WHILE EVERYONE NATIONWIDE WINKS THAT IT'S THE DUES I MUST PAY FOR BEING ONE OF THOSE "SHADY" SALESMEN!!!!! The subtle electric chair cap looming in future doesn't adequately pronounce the doom the victim would be asking for. THIS NATION WAKES UP OR IS THROWN INTO HELL IN ITS ENTIRETY!
I reported blue masking tape in various locations on Bob Block's floor (Vista) (pic sent); approx. 2" lengths, as far back as beginning of last Winter; he said it was plumbers that put them there, but his plumbing project (which lasted approx. 3 mos. - stalls) was completed approx. 1 mo. ago, & tape is still there. Simultaneously, or possibly before that, I e mailed pics of same color blue tape, but it wasn't necessarily masking tape - thin strips 1/4" wide, etc., on toilet below flush handle, & other locations in Sahara rooms, or possibly another room - WS motels stalking me as far as landscape work. Last Thurs., 6/29, Stan on Corona had purchased lg. roll of weedcloth, possibly from Home Depot, Wdld, & there was that blue masking tape, holding roll closed until use; he purchased another one on Fri., but this one had blk masking tape; i.e., Jack Teacher has been "judged" according to blk tape code - in other words, claiming I've fallen short as far as landscape work - a lot of weeding jobs, & not enough hands-on creative landscaping - weedcloth, fences, mowing, etc. I.E., THE SLAVE MUST NOT ONLY WORK HARD & F/T, BUT MUST ALSO BE ADVANCING W/ENTHUSIASM - OR, IT'S MORE OPPRESSION, & I WAS TOLLED - & EVIDENTLY I DESERVED IT - BECAUSE OF THE 'NIGHT' GARAGE "GESTURE"... Approx. 7/5, context of these tape codes, Miriam's porch, piece of blue plastic tarp, shaped like piece of tape, only approx. 2" X 12," on her front porch (giant blue tape); I worked @ Miriams 3 days in a row - 7/4, 7/4, 7/6 mornings. 7/5, "He won't know his hour" (I'd juggled for one hour @ 4 AM the morning before that); & "He won't be here," Miriam. Approx. 1:43, "I'll have your nut," wh blnd fem emply, Unitrans Q line, to Asian male driver; 1:45 apprx., blk teen boy & 2 wh girls got on bus @ El Macero; I got off @ Ensenada, approx. 1 min. later; going down Ensenada to Vista, 2 police officers on motorcycles; kept looking straight ahead, & noticed when they reached intersection, they didn't continue; i.e., radioing station to see what to do; I scurried down Vista, & 4204 Vista, garage door open w/male inside; arrived @ Bob's, & opening combo lock on garage door, sound of motorcycles coming; I hurried into bkyd, w/out opening garage door, & closing gate, officers stopping in front of Bob's. I hopped over fence & got onto El Macero Ave. & went down El Macero to Hoopa, & onto bike path over to Willow Creek Pk, where I called Bob, 1:57, & he said he hadn't been contacted by police. But on Hoopa, 1:56 PM, "Stay away from that," male in garage w/door open, next door (E) to 2902 Hoopa. I got back to Bob's, & no police around, but wh fem caregiver was johnny-on-the-spot to put roll of paper towels right in front of garage door (she was washing Bob's car) so that I had to move them before opening it - same scenario as maids @ Drake Dr. in 1999. I.e., I avoid police instead of volunteering to be kidnapped, & someone else takes my job - w/in seconds. I don't usually wash his car, but I have done that for pay. Moreover, approx. half year ago, we used caregiver's car to go to Ace to get some tools - meaning I was in back seat - it isn't automatically 'kidnap' code, but in this context, it was. But while on way to store, Bob made coded comments essentially handing caregiver, & fems in general, "keys" to keep the "custom" going. Fem Aggie on Unitrans makes coded comment impliedly pertaining to teens (lewd implications), seconds before police attempt to kidnap me, then caregiver claiming I'm out of work - tag team fems, or rather, coconspirators; lic pl 4YFU237. The garage door codes - approx. 8 mos. ago, working on project @ Bob's that required me back the next day, when I arrived, garage door was open, & Bob rarely opens it himself - it's possible the day before when I left through front door after long discussion w/him, I forgot to close garage door - not one of my smoothest moves. Nothing was missing - I don't do that - if I did I wouldn't be employed very long. @ any rate, codes claiming it was a secret mssg. that I secretly trust Davis residents @ night. Therefore, based on that "confession" suddenly, police claiming I get to disappear, w/everyone from customers, to Aggies, to residents w/garages assisting. On break @ 4:13 PM, I went down the street to get st. # of garage w/open door, & wh dog started barking when I arrived, (4204), & male, "He had his hands," as though trying to calm his dog. Also, @ Raley's, 7/6, blk male lng hair, tan/wh/blk shrt, w/child, "He would be grave him here," 6:11 PM; I took pic.; but when I got back to my room, 2 pics of blue tape from Bob's floors, blurred beyond recogntion, & no pic of blk male & instantly, gov't bug code, "That's you were," approx. 6:20 PM - that bug code was involved in sabotaging those pics, & whoever that was, they are going to be executed publicly. The Aggies gleefully participate so that they can fit in to the region, &
also they reason
that their professors, pastors, &
adminstrators have duty to watch over them, & that means that while they are going to hell, there are others who are going to a worse hell, & that's good enough for them to betray me & country; moreover, they use fake little kid voices feigning they can dupe God they didn't know any better.
There's more to that little car wash than meets the eye - I reported approx. 2021, vision I was in expensive car, front passenger seat (someone else driving), & we were entering a circular driveway of lg. home, & shrubs needing landscape work - & obviously there was a gardner who would do that; but in the dream, I was one step away from being that gardner - as opposed to presumably teacher & husband of rock star in fancy home. Then (not part of the dream) I'm hired to do some yardwork & cust's. named Dickenson on Maple in central Davis (he originally told me his name was Pickenson), & in the backyard, there were those shrubs from the dream! 'Dickenson' - possibly lewd code or claim of "dicking" me as far as motives w/Davis; i.e., using innuendos about kids to claim I have to get out of Davis - combined w/this is vision concerning cust. Mason's sm. girl, & vision of Taylor in Village Homes making a warning immed. after cleaning gutters @ res. in Village Hms & teen girl in bedroom, visible through window, imitating a seductive removal of swt shrt of fem. youth leader in Edge group @ UCC approx. 1995. 7/3, "little things" codes, & "Thingy" - Frances, & innuendos to subtly taunt Tim (mildly retarded - disease) that he's lewd - possibly she is leary of him living w/her - he's big, fat; but we were hanging karate plaques on wall in his room & I opted out of any innuendos & so Frances then directed the codes @ me - 'He doesn't have that' ('nail'), etc. 3:30 PM, "We're gonna total you," when weeding. Additional "sign" in plant bed indicating to refuse to gloss over this attempt to corner Tim v. me, sm bunny, possibly flushed out by my dousing weeds w/water - under some small tomato plants in 4 ft wide bed, crawled further under the bush, then it was gone - I could see all sides of the bush, so it couldn't have ran out, but there wasn't any rabbit hole that I could find - like a rabbit magic trick - but possibly a sign of another cust. attempting to erode me w/detailed lewd innuendos - "bunny" sex, but it isn't w/an adult. 5:07 PM, Drake & Syc., wh male, gray hair, maroon car, failed to yield, _HDC191.
But anyone, including rock, claiming it means they've out-witted me if they utilizing kids & conspiracy pawns, this is quitter mentality - betraying me - 'WE CAN'T NUKE THEM, THEY HAVE A POTENTIALLY REALLY SHREWD CONSPIRACY AGAINST YOU!' First, you can't track a city any more thoroughly or consistently as I've tracked Davis, & although I've made recent revelations of more proof, there was already enough as of 2021; second, if they have a consp. that more thoroughtly ruins their children, & they are willing to utilize it - i.e., comparable to hijackers using their own kids as shields - that isn't their checkmate - that's all mine! So rock stars saying it can only mean one thing - I have to fold & get out - & RELOCATE TO ONE OF THOSE NEIGHBORING CITIES THAT SENT GOONS TO DAVIS WHO MADE ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE - THAT'S WHERE THEY BETRAYED ME. The facade of attempting to pry me out of Davis is based on rebel fettish from early 2000's claiming I have a dysfunctional relationship w/Davis & see them as a feather in my cap, & therefore (1)I'm in need of a rude awakening, & (2)I probably don't really want them wiped out, & (3)they have to make sure that dysfunctional scenario is eliminated by forcing me out of town. But if overcoming impossible obstacles in Davis or anywhere else means you must have a dysfunctional relationship - THAT'S A SMOKE SCREEN IF THERE EVER WAS ONE!
7/4, "See, W, It's 3:55" fem. voice in place of my alarm chime, coming from my phone @ 3:55 AM. 4 AM, before getting up, vision of male in military, wh uniform (Navy?) w/moustache, but w/blk strapless top w/med. sized boob, presumably under the Navy shrt, or alternating w/it; possibly claim I'm in military & I'm identifying w/Charlotte McKinney; recently she was on internet in pics, wearing blk swim suit, lifting one side of top (& looking @ boob) then the other side; & holding hands on her butt - sexual connotation evidently corresponding to me having "endowed" fem; then pic of her w/blk towel on her head & back to camera; i.e., claiming I'm condoning black clothing so that I can be "trained" for spouse w/big boobs - based on other visions, though, rock, Hollywood, etc. are claiming they are luring - such as those in Navy included - because no one intervened; i.e., they spoke up on my behalf (such as shaving vision), & no one listened. I don't condone them concluding they can then revert to tracking facade while leaving me stranded though. 4:15, "He just takes us clean up," bug code. Progressive Ins. fem. selling using Bora-Bora possibly attempt to negate teacher goals - Progressive seems to be defending my teacher goals implicitly overall, though. 6:05 ch 3, "People are under evacuation Nair orders," Diedre, ch 3. "Tracy - through though the Delta breeze could affect that...," or 'through through the...' "It's just the trouble package for July," fem, 6:10.
7/4(?), 6:21 AM, "He's just gonna use her fine," B. Hickey, ch 3. @ Paige's, God led me to go w/sloppy Joe approach - don't be finicky w/quality of work; overlook weeds or 'you won't 'over, look;'' but, on contrary, 'over' is a code, & so in general I've been led to do a good job, but avoid finickyness. 4:20 AM, "you made history," bug code.
7/5, "Alright, he's splittin' word it," 5:53 PM, Persian(?) male, blk shrt, bike, 5th near I St. (I was on bus); inst. of 'splitting wood' - code to dupe me that I've failed to pressure Paige enough - I chopped wood @ his place in past; but I called him repeatedly last week, no answer - they desperately claim that means I "split." 6:07 PM, "You won't disappoint, is," mex (?) male driver, 42B. "he seals it - customers," fem dispatch, 42B, 6:09 PM.8:18, "You're gonna be comin' in over $25 grand," 8:18 PM. Vision of Hispanic male in jail or prison, possibly in gladiator stadium, & male (priest?) praying for him & looking up; possibly someone wants me to pray for mex male Aggie who killed 2 rebels in Davis & injured 3rd; i.e., "step in right direction" killing Davis rebels, one might say; but he should lobby & refuse to take law into his own hands. "You won't know Juan," gov't bug code, 7:58 PM.
6/29, "Expect a LONG delay on Sutter..." 6:41 AM, ch 40 newscaster (I looked @ dirty pics night before, which I don't do). "Joe, we have actual," bug code, rm 16, approx. 6:40. "We're gonna raim him for miles," 6:25 AM, W Cap. 6/27, I purchased a new laptop bag - the old one was falling apart; I got same brand, $35 2 years ago, but $44 now. I've reported systematic stalkings due to I was being stubborn about buying new suitcases due to thrift store more convenient than Target or TJ Maxx, & often the suitcases looked as good as new - but, I have been led often to not be overly frugal - in fact I've been led to avoid shopping @ Dollar Tree - to break the poverty stigma they've attempted to curse me w/for 2 decades. @ any rate, $50 total is a lot for a laptop bag, but it's better than a beat up used one. This AM @ bus stop @ Mace & 2nd, 2 chairs @ the bus stop;
In several instances I've sat on a cement platform similar to a curb but on other side of sidewalk, working on reports while waiting for P line; this morning I used a chair instead; instantly, wh male gray beard, blue polo shrt, blk SF 49'ers cap, sat on curb. Curbs are code for the strangle attack from 7/26/2021 ("Prof. Job" attack) - & this was one of those. Minutes before he arrived, "It was his 'live us,'" wh male gray & wh pld shrt, gray hair, 8:10 AM, 2nd & Mace ('live' as opposed to 'die'); I assumed he was being frank as far as a confession to warn other rebels - allowing them to live is mine; those codes occur reg'ly; but the subsequent 'curb'/'strangle' code demonstrates a double entendre - he was referring to attempts on my life.
I reported (1)it involved motives of jealousy over rock; (2)rock & Hollywood probably involved ( I believe God has subsequently led me they weren't trying to kill me & they weren't directly involved - but dream about having a body guard (presumably married) & randomly getting a drink from a faucet (hose bib) &, I reported the lyrics of "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" were closely followed by the attackers - rock & Hollywood must've known I was going to be attacked; &, (3) I also reported @ the time I was looking @ models in Ali Baba swim suits, which were really skimpy, & there had been some insinuations adverse to that about that time. Attempt on my life by emply of Hester McGuire co., approx. 4:30 AM. McCormick bldg (4th & f) where attempt on my life occurred, - next to curb on pkg strip, diagonal face - like Water Pig cafe in S. Davis (i.e., hose bib motives). 6/29, P line arrived @ Mace & 2nd, & when male blue shrt got up, he had a blk laptop bag w/him - he had placed it in the gutter while sitting on curb. Also, I was cased when purchasing it from Office Depot - blks & wh male; "You won't know how soft your Chinese," 5:25, blk male wh T-shrt, bike, near Office Depot. Also, take close look @ individ. in pic - looks a lot like Col. Sanders, & probably what it is, is he has his L fist against his face - 'Col. Sanders deserves to be klobbered' (hit attack). I reported cust., former UCD music prof., Bob Bloch - I've been regularly working for him for approx. 3 years - he looks like Col. Sanders - but I'm not in bed w/South - I've reported them all along - eventually, I uncovered it was the region attempting to dupe me. But @ beginning of 2021, vision of military battle against me because I had Bloch as "ally;" & it baffled me - this must not be the actual US military - but a symbolic battle, is what I determined; they're all conspiring against me & stalk me daily, Sanders look-alikes & everyone else in Davis. Then 1 or 2 mos. before the 7/2021 strangle attack ('curb' consp.), Hester/McGuire in town working on streets everywhere - a huge contract w/city of Davis, & as I reported, they tore up the sidewalk in front of Bob's, along w/some of his lawn, which they didn't have permission to do. They also left stacks of lumber on his lawn next to the "construction zone;" i.e., harassing him & violating his rights because he's a customer- BUT THEN, OF COURSE, 2 MOS. LATER, THE 'BATTLE' VISION WAS PLAYED OUT - I WAS ATTACKED & ALMOST LOST MY LIFE @ HANDS OF HESTER/MCGUIRE EMPLY. & NOW THE TERRORISTS ARE DOING IT AGAIN - LAPTOP BAG - ROLE PLAYING ME, COL. SANDERS LOOK ALIKE, & HIT TO THE FACE W/LEFT HAND. IF IT WAS REFERRING TO INVASION OF DAVIS, MORE POWER TO THEM, AS LONG AS THEY'RE WORKING W/MILITARY, ETC., BUT BASED ON EXPERIENCE, CODES OF ATTACKING A COL. SANDERS LOOK-ALIKE IS CONSP. HIT AGAINST ME. NEVERTHELESS, INSTEAD OF INVADING DAVIS, THE REGION IS WARRING AGAINST ME FOR REFUSING TO BUDGE FROM MY POST - WHICH WOULD BE AN OBVIOUS DISADVANTAGE FROM STANDPOINT OF DEMANDING INVASION - 'NEVER MIND, I GOT OUT.' YOU MIGHT SAY THIS GOES W/OUT SAYING, BUT GOD GAVE ME THE VISION IN TERMS OF A MILITARY BATTLE AS A WAKE-UP CALL - THE NO. CA. REGION IS ACTUALLY WARRING ON BEHALF OF DAVIS!
6/24, "Live look from our little hair," (long 'i') Dirk, referring to Stkn, 10:43 - 'LIVE' IS CODE FOR ATTACKING ME, & GETTING ON CAMERA - A 'LIVE WIRE' - SOMEONE WHO'S "WILD" OR A TROUBLEMAKER - OR BOTH. For ex., Prof. Job attack was most likely filmed from nearby & placed on internet. I normally fight better than that, but they've recruited trained professionals ("Professional Job") & somehow they've been able to get me into a choke hold (2/2020 also, @ Columbia Ct.). Britney Hope, (rptr), ch 3, 11:07 PM, blue dress w/wh 'Y' neckline w/top of 'Y' curved concave up - exactly like red dress worn by Dolly Parton when she was in media w/Taylor Swift, [approx. 11/2020 - see "VISION OF GUN POINTED @ ME" davisneedy2.html - & I was staying nights on porch @ 4th & F often for approx. 2 years - as of 2020 staying in motels more often] - lattice w/posts & architecture & top w/those same curved 'Y's.' "I thingy not a bad day" 10:44 PM. [END EXCERPT]
The half circle 'Y' was possibly code for a collar cut in half; i.e., no collar - facade that no one's stopping me from something - such as more endowed fem (?) (Parton); but attack on 7/21/2021 negates that - seems to be Sac's 'actual' assertion - except that they were involved in orchestrating the attack; i.e., playing investigator when they are the perpetrators. Moreover, they can't claim no collar about a teacher career as well, because rock did a "professional job" on my teacher career - instigated region to bury it. w/almost $200, I couldn't even reach teacher job interview in Los Altos due to hotel scandals, 2021. One of few interviews subsequently (2), bay area conspiring to deny me a teacher job snce 2008 if not before, & the only thing close to an offer is @ school w/black principal - one of kingpins of regional rebellion. That's a collar.
6/25, "Hair's souls," 6:57 PM, ch 10. "We're gonna find a bigger piece," 6:49 wh fem wthr, ch 10. Banner on side of truck on Chiles Rd. facing I-80 @ E. end of Davis, "...Bigggger.." Fox 40, announcement, male, & design in background like lg dk hair strands across the screen, w/ends like Titan, 10:25 PM. 6/24, "little hair" code, Dirk, ch 3. Program on TV, male killed fem, stuffed body in trunk, & investigators found cat hair in trunk that matched fem's cat. [END EXCERPT]
'Little hair' is most likely attempt to conspiratorially negate any notion of kinkiness, which was the talk in 2021 - "little" hair lewd slant. "'Fined' - a bigger piece," i.e., 'fine' code for police oppression under guise of misdemeanor charges. I.e., it isn't bigger boobs (as implied by Parton), it's 'little piece' lewd innuendo, & oppression combined w/lewd codes. Moreover, the cat hair match (program on TV timed w/news TV codes, or vice versa), implies they have their instructions from rock & Hollywood - my lewdness "finished them off." 6/29, LAPD, TV news, 6:33 AM, homeless clean-up report, blk male popped up & then back down, behind a tent; the 'pop up'/'rise up' conspiracies originally involved young adult fems stalking me by peaking over a laptop - instigating UCD students that it's simply playful teasing to commit serious hacking oppression of me & sabotaging reports to gov't & job applications - 'Davis Lutheran red 'X'' consp. The peaking codes became slow rise up from behind laptop, then involving kids, then, kids slowly rising up & back down again behind objects in general - I reported "Two & a Half Men" TV show theme song involved - boy slowly rising up. There can be no doubt the blk male behind the tent was involved in the 'curb' threat consp.; & it was claim I'd miss the 'endow' codes (which still amount to consp. stalking nevertheless) - attempting to create facade that they succeeded in eroding my thoughts, & I'd be oblivious to it - & the timing of that act - in LA - coordinated w/media from there, & broadcast simultaneous to consp. @ Mace & 2nd demonstrates state-wide network of conspirators.
While more & more Americans nation-wide dying day after day after day,
due to a new standard of hatred, in the face of new revelations
of God's love;
the claim of Sac & Ca. rebels is they've "tracked" me based on that I didn't get out of Davis, & they've instigated more trouble & involved innuendos about kids along w/it. I.e., attempting to dupe me that I can't be spending money on a laptop bag - '[I'l]l app[ly for bigger] top,' (more endowed fem) - because they've trapped me w/lewd codes - & SO BUYING A LAPTOP TRANSLATES TO ANOTHER 'PROFESSIONAL JOB' HIT. THEY ARE IN DENIAL! THEY FAILED TO PRY ME INTO ANOTHER REGION WHERE THEY CAN "BEGIN AGAIN" W/HOSTAGE CAPTIVITIES, & SO THEY SIMPLY ATTEMPT TO DECREE THAT I FAILED & SHOULD'VE GOTTEN OUT - & THEY EXPOSE THEMSELVES IN THE PROCESS! Pic of conspirator - evidently he quickly posed for the shot, which happens often - L hand up possibly cupping his ear; "A wise man's heart inclines to the right, but a fool's, to the left," Ecc. 10:2; people dying nation-wide, & they want to orchestrate more slavery scenes in the bay area! 'Hair's souls...' is code they can manufacture souls from soulless rebels w/magic tricks.
6/29, "I won't live him," audible bug code, directed @ Stan, Corona; he instantly took it as indication of repentance; entered the house saying to his wife, "He won't live, our sow," (or similar) 10:30; or else it was act - & asked me to help him remove a bike seat stuck on a bike - i.e., code for repenting from using police oppression. Minn Wa, founder of Macronix, mask & hands gesture as though big boobs. 4:45 PM "You won't be held by them" vision, after I was too thorough cleaning up debris from flowerbed (& before audible vision, vision of fem trying to say 'that's it' or similar); I may have been overly thorough, but Bible says when a slave, work as though working for the Lord - I've been led to strike a balance - avoid pickiness. 1:38, "It was you lit," P line. "Have a goo one," fem Persian emply (Unitr), 8:31 AM, P line, blue & wh horiz. striped swtr, gardening hat, & e mail sabotaged(hacked) - 'goo' instead of 'goo-goo' codes attempting to eliminate any marriage & babies. Her rhetoric changed when I over-rode it by e mailing to Sen. Feinstein using online form (Unitrans hackers hadn't gotten that far). "That's where you don't take use chip, it," (whole bunch more ___).
6/30, 9:17, Stan's wife, "No, no, no." "this is where they adjust keep, catch on," vision. Then instantly Stan's wife, "I'm going to hop in the shower." 6/27, Judy, Bucklebury, "I'll be in the shower..." & so she was paying me right away; 1 min. later, Denise, next door, "Show-we?" i.e., little shower, because it's supposed to be sex. In other words, Stan's wife subtle "closure" of their solicitations for affiars/fornication, etc., & so according to vision, it suddenly becomes "You're on!" consp. (from 2000) - i.e., sales becomes equivalent of gambling. Then Jackson Rancheria (casino near Sac) comes into play - casino TV ad, "Jackson, Jackson, Jackson! Jackson Rancheria! [singing, then deep voice,] Let's go!" I.e., police, "let's go, Mr. [such 'n such]..." I resist the sexual advances designed to ruin 1700 year Jack Teacher plan (whatever it takes for them to get away w/their rebellion) & so the next phase is oppression because I'm a gambler. The latest Rancheria ads, male & fem leap together, & suddenly land @ Jackson Rancheria, as though magic, & male says, "This is crazy!" obviously referring to magically teletransporting & reappearing @ a casino, but the implication is 'Jack Teacher doing landscape work - that's gambling, that's crazy!' & then attempts to send me to psych ward. 6/29, getting onto P line wh blnd fem Unitr. emply, while I was paying the fare, "Crazy," imitating the ad. "I downed his walk" or '...walking' Stan's wife, on phone; then, "It looks really good! Really damned good!" I.e., suddenly based on innuendo I looked @ dirty pics, but refusing to have sex outside of marriage, claims they "consumed" my faith, & are damning me. 6/30, Stan's wife went somewhere & Stan left for more yardscape, & suddenly male in backyard next door - to the E. (Ecuador St.), banging around & making somewhat childish sounds "Puh! Puh-puh!-puh! Puh!" like gunshot - similar to blk male on bench @ bus stop @ Richmond (interview), only there it was more pronounced - this was attempt to dumb it down; sounded like blk male. He made coded comment, & I said "codes are bound," & he said, "That is - watch," i.e., my rebuke. Soon after that, he left, got into a car, drove away, down Corona, to Diego St. assumably (one blk over), & was suddenly in b/yard to the E. of Stan's - res. on corner of Diego & Corona, banging gate, etc. - tan p/up lic pl 8ZE_732, wh trailer (pic sent), - pattern that was match of Carrey's on Elmwood - mexs. stalking me to S. of Carrey's, then stalked by another laborer to E. - this was E. then S. - reverse - more of the 'you're outnumbered, & we've got you coming & going;' the codes to S. of Carrey's were the trash bin 'war' codes. Stan got back & acted sheepish, as though an attack was supposed to have been carried out & wasn't; code, "We would - 'Do it!'" 1 PM. 6/30, 12:30 approx., "We're there, 'made,'" Stan (or 6/29). Context of this is, once again, the 'curb'/"Professional Job" strangle threats @ Mace & 2nd; Professional Job strangle occurred @ 4th & F across from location where I was staying nights, in downtown area, referred to by city emplys as "core area" of Davis, & where I hung out a lot in coffee shops making calls when first in RE - & my operating in public eye, keeping busy, seemed to get a lot of attention - especially combined w/that I was oppressed by police for free speech soul-winning, & defeating them w/out fail in court. This became known in Sac, & the jealousy is literally to the extent that though I'm nuking Davis & my sole career goals are working as a teacher, they never got over it. Donna Cordova, former newscaster for ch 40, Sac, mysteriously nowhere to be found - internet search, supposedly still anchor (since 1994), but she isn't anchoring for last few years. The name might be coincidence - except it's duty & job description of reporters to REPORT THE BIGGEST NEWS STORIES IN THE LAST 2000 YEARS! MAKING ALL OF THEM INVOLVED IN THE COVER-UP, INCLUDING CORDOVA. City on outskirts of Sac, Rancho Cordova, phonemically part of the game plan for more than a decade: Sac's name for cover-up - '[we] ran [the] show - core [personality on display] dove' - as in 'dive' bars, cafes, etc., but negating any supposed feat on my part. But the problem is, my reponse to that - conspiracy - was, other than arresting conspirators, 'Great! Sales & celebrity failure - but hire me as a teacher!' But their butchering of my little more than efforts to keep going meant they were too corrupt to hire me to teach & invade Davis, so it was on to the next attempt to ruin me! Moreover, the Prof. Job attack was attempt to prevent any marriage - prospective virgin bride - 'ran cherry, yeah' - instead, strangle attack, & hijacked by police when they arrive.
6/11, In Touch ministries, 2 arched windows close together near cieling, & 2 sets of 2 arched windows background decor of stage - like Davis theme - tracked by McDonald's/Mormons. 'Ort' slip of the tongue - I reported rock & Hollywood polarized conditions in No. Ca. so that rebels' acts would unmistakeably identify as conspired attempts on my life; but Norma Jean Mortenson - 'mortal' tracking tracked by Mormons - '[I'm or[al sex - I']m on;' & the 'M' or double arch "falsies." Rock's & Hollywood's stalls putting my life in yet more danger & then abandoning me - tracked. Moreover, founders of Mormonism had evidently more than an inkling that Western church was taking outreach to China to an unbiblical extreme; Southern Baptist TV evangelist in bed w/Davis - Jack Teacher's life is a pawn; international TV media utilized to brainwash everyone to go along w/"the (In Touch) program." "Keep in touch" expression, & Yellow Pages - "Reach out & touch someone;" Southern Baptist Church (SBC) & South Bell Corp (SBC) - Western church conspiring w/phone cos. to control me. 6/10, "Now, he sets a back a round," 5:29, anncr, hockey, TBS ch35. "..ran he's old," 5:30; "They pulled us," or '...pulled us out' (notes damaged). "Talk to pedo," ch 43, anncr, Fox Spanish, MLB ('pedo' is fart in Span.). "Act will, he's moving on" Verizon TV ad; 5:36 - they literally spell out that they & others (T Mobile) were conspiring to force me to come back to their co. - hockey anncr - 'sets [going] back [to Verizon];' i.e., card game lingo where if you're "set" that means you've lost a hand.
NBC News, 6/30, report about FBI forming a national database to prevent 'swatting,' which is a form of terrorism where callers impersonate residents w/9-1-1 calls of serious crimes @ residents' homes, using tactics of masking their voice, phone # &/or IP address. Police then show up expecting a shooting, robbery, etc., & unsuspecting homeowners often have to face guns drawn on them. Swatting is so new, according to report, that most police agencies haven't heard of it - i.e., it was invented & named as conspiracy tactic to pressure regional police to be more vicious when oppressing me - implying they need a "swat." First, it isn't as new as the report implies - I heard of it years ago - it's possibly on the rise, though - indicating a hint of a deeper dimension of foul play w/this news report. For ex., one could argue naming it that places it in sharp contrast to police S.W.A.T. teams, which became famous in 1970's - Special Weapons And Tactical units, making it a dead give-away that regional police would be making their betrayal of police forces nation-wide complete w/more militant oppression against me; & technically that's the case; except that this argument provides a subtle cover for them - 'just don't do anything crazy, & you might get away w/it - he's gotta crack sooner or later & do something rash.' In other words, a subtle coded check of No. Ca. police, while more than turning a blind eye - agencies nation-wide involved.
6/18, (?), TCT, 8:04 PM, "3:33 & 4:44,..angel came to me...this is my ticket to Heaven" (referring to the Bible). "4/3/1789, ...Washington..Gen. 49:10, "...the scepter shall not depart from Judah.." claiming Washington opened the Bible randomly & thrust his finger down & it was Gen. 49:18, which most likely did occur. Bob Rodgers, bright pink tie; THIS IS THE M.O. OF WARLOCK CHURCH LEADERS - APPROX. 20 YEARS AGO (OR MORE) 'JUDAH' BECAME CODE FOR 'J[AIL] YOU, DUH.' (1)THIS CODE IS BASED ON CONSPIRED PRESUPPOSITION THE VICTIM ISN'T ON THE BALL: 'DUH' IS TAUNTING EXPRESSION THAT ORIGINALLY INDICATED SOMEONE MENTALLY RETARDED, OR "SLOW;" 'DER' IS SIMILAR. (A)I REPORTED NAMES OF REBELS IN DAVIS CHURCHES, SUCH AS FIRST SO. BAPTIST, MARILYN VANDERHAM; EDGE TRANSPORT VAN (I WAS LICENSED W/COMMERC. LIC. TO DRIVE) - VAN 'DER' HAM [IT];' I.E., YOLO JAIL TRANSPORTING ME IN BACK OF IDENTICAL WH VAN, & AT&T W/TENTACLES LOGO PLACED @ THAT VERY LOCATION ON THEIR VANS - SUPPOSEDLY "HAMMING" IT; BUT, '[I]'VE HAND HER 'HAM'' - YOU DON'T HAND CONSPIRATORS THE POWER TO COMMIT CRIMES UNDER GUISE OF BEING "HAMS," IF ANYONE'S PAYING ATTENTION; (2) UCC - WATT (FROM LODI), & LINDA VAN SLYKE MARRIED PAUL SCHROEDER - LINDA SCHROEDER - 'SHH, [DEATH] ROW, DER,' BUT, 'SHER[MAN] RODE HER,' SUBTLE FACADE THAT IF YOU AREN'T "RIDING" OR PECKING YOUR WIFE, YOU'RE SUPPOSEDLY ASKING FOR LEGAL TROUBLE - EXCEPT IN CONTEXT OF CONSPIRACY, IT'S "BIG" LEGAL TROUBLE, AS IN DEATH ROW. THEY THEN RAILROAD ME OUT OF CHURCH UNDER GUISE THAT I WAS "SLOW" OR INEPT, & PROCEED W/DEATH ROW CONSP. (B)"THE SCEPTER SHALL NOT DEPART FROM JUDAH," 'they [ac]cept her shall not depart from j[ail you,] duh;' the conspiracy TIGHTENS - "the brothers," & "the wife" - they've got you coming & going w/their wicked Bible verse imaginations - '[clothes] washing['s] ton;' wife (cooking, cleaning); "ton" comes from dominating & oppressing a "slow" husband - a witch, w/the help of warlocks. Possibly implied by Hankook watch, the name Washington doesn't have to be eroded. 2 Cor. 10:5, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God," spiritual warfare deals w/them. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the forces of wickedness in the spiritual realm," Eph. 6:12 - demonic rank - (1)principalities - highest ranking; Dan. 10 refers to the prince of Persia who for 21 days impeded a high-ranking angel sent to Daniel w/a message, until archangel Michael could help; Daniel & nation of Israel were captives of Persia @ the time - the prince of Persia was satan's demon in charge of Persia; (2)powers - next highest rank; (3) rulers of darkness; (4)spiritual forces of evil; regional police forces are flesh & blood - these false teachers of Christianity are attempting to mix spiritual w/physical & evil w/good - God is good & his righteousness won't be used for evil purposes. MOREOVER, AS FAR AS RANKS, THE CONTEXT IS JACOB BLESSING HIS 12 SONS - 12 BROTHERS, & THIS IS PART OF JUDAH'S BLESSING - SCEPTER, OR POWER SHALL NEVER DEPART FROM HIM; CONSPIRATORIALLY, IT'S CONSPIRACY CLAIM THE "BROTHERS" (THOSE CLAIMING TO BE CHRISTIANS) - THOSE IN DAVIS OR ELSEWHERE - WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE POWER OF JAILING ME. BUT, (1)AS OF 2015, THEIR SOULS WERE GONE (DAVIS), NONE OF THEM ARE "BROTHERS" IN CHRIST; (2)'JUDAH' IS A NAME - THE 'JAIL' POWER IS DERIVED FROM A REBELLION CODE THAT JUDAH MEANS JAIL - A FACADE THEY IMAGINED & IT'S BOUND & CAST OUT; (3)ONCE AGAIN - CONTEXT - GEN. 49, BLESSINGS - JUDAH MAY HAVE THE SCEPTER, BUT JOSEPH IS THE RULER OVER ALL HIS BROTHERS (V. 26) - SO THEY ARE DEFEATED CATEGORICALLY & TECHNICALLY. MOREOVER, THE BLESSINGS I'M CITING ARE ACCORDING TO STRAIGHTFORWARD NAMES, AS OPPOSED TO CODED PHONEMIC TRICKS; & JOSEPH, BEING THE FIRSTBORN OF 12 SONS OF ISRAEL, REC'D DOUBLE PORTION OF HIS BROS., ACCORDING TO BIBLE; (4)TECHNICALLY I COULD CLAIM THE RANK OF JOSEPH, SON OF ISRAEL, BUT THOSE WERE 2 BROTHERS OF 12 IN BIBLE, & I'M NOT UNDER ANY CONSTRAINTS OF THAT PRECISE SCENARIO, DESPITE IT'S PREDOMINANTLY IN MY FAVOR; INSTEAD I CLAIM THE BLESSINGS OF DAVID - "GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, SO THAT HE WILL NEVER BE SUBJECT TO DECAY. AS GOD HAS SAID, 'I WILL GIVE YOU THE HOLY & SURE PROMISES OF DAVID,'" ACTS 13:34 - I WAS ENTITLED TO JUSTICE @ ONCE, & THIS SCRIPTURE EXPOSES THEIR CONSPIRED STALLS- PROPHECY OF PS. 16:10 THAT THE MESSIAH WOULD BE RESURRECTED @ ONCE - JESUS RESURRECTED BEFORE HIS BODY COULD DECAY. THESE REBELS HAVE MY CAREER DEAD & BURIED & PLAYING "DOMINOS" W/MY LIFE - "D"-ING THE 'KAY' CONSPIRACIES IN DAVIS & SAC, INCLUDING THE 'KAY' SHOOTING & NEVERENDING 'KATE' CONSPIRACIES. PROMISES OF JUDAH ARE TWISTED INTO CONSPS. LOCKING ME IN JAIL - WARLOCKS & WIZARDS!
6/27, 4:30 AM approx., praying, I believe God speaking to me that Russia is asking to be cut in half, similar to offering of Abraham. The Jack Teacher plan is from Orthodox church as well as Western church, but I'm denied justice while the wicked flourish. Most likely the low-flying cannon ball was corresponing to the low flying missiles over Russia - if China doesn't respond to our gestures of education nation, manning education w/rockets, setting free the slaves, it only serves the purposes of satan to willfully sabotage the Jack Teacher plan - due to that it implies it was faulty or w/out credibility from the beginning. Moreover, Russians won't be vindicated by proving motives of redeeming the Chinese by empowering the oppression against me - their claims their sufferings in Siberia to further the Kingdom of God & be a light to China will be negated, due to willfull participation in undermining the Jack Teacher plan despite it was their duty & to their advantage to intervene. I.e., Siberia is potentially repeated, & they are in fact fodder. Refusal to grease the wheels is like a step backwards to covered wagon Christianity. 6/25, vision of Putin saying "Everyone must be careful of the stage coach" possibly implying the Old West in USA was bad example (or, be careful for me - & allow me to admonish on stage). Context was I wasn't being stern enough w/rock & Hollywood, & Slavs as well - rock & Hollywood led us on, as in, deceived us - leading us to believe we could count on them - & providing a witness - & then stabbed us in the back. The stage coach dream included vision of Europe, & losing small sections of Europe, supposedly to non-Christians. Native Americans have their own nations totalling twelve Rhode Islands in size - so Old West stage coaches promoted goodwill toward men, but most likely it was code - I'm a teacher, & potential coach, but somehow I'm denied Teacher goals; if I were on stages warning & leading others, one could say I'm coaching them. But somehow the common denominator is I'm an unknown, despite God has chosen me, & despite USA & most Slavs currently in power claim to be Christians. The West orchestrated the Jack Teacher plan, so it's fitting that Eastern church culminate it.
Res. located @ I & 4th, 3 blks from where I was almost strangled to death - wagon wheels cut in half - stage coach going nowhere. I reported that until approx. a year ago, the sidewalk on 4th from railroad tracks to I St., was a dirt path - like the Old West - almost the only place in town where there wasn't a sidewalk, despite it's one blk from downtown. This is also the location of the swastika sign built into the chimney.
Expression of what happens to you when someone so big sits on you & squishes you. But Slavs delays in piping up for me is tracked - instead of turning Ukraine into a grease spot - along w/Western church - they're constantly angling to lure me into promoting, & confessing that I'm in a "spot." But that's where they are applying to, if not already members of, the Western church warlocks - denial of justice & teacher career, might as well turn me into a newt! Evidence of members of Western church w/motives of lowering USA to levels of the Old West; this is not only obviously folly, it's a spell they are attempting to cast, but see 2 Cor. 10. Attempts to go back to O.W. are going backwards; but their egos are eroding the nation; insisting we deserve some sort of penance, possibly for failing to intervene for Slavs; but the Bible negates any such principle. You don't cut yourself, drag heavy pallets around, & inflict other punishments on yourself, you repent & do good deeds, & the blood of Christ cleanses you. Moreover, the idea of reverting back to Old West days is arcane & foolish; for one thing, the modern-day view of Old West has been shaped by TV & movies, & those focus on violence, portraying it as though 99% of population had to be gunslingers. There's almost no representation of commoners, such as farmers, teachers, storekeepers, pastors, etc., who led quiet lives & didn't kill someone over a card game every weekend. Moreover, the nation was pioneered - 3000 mis. width - w/law enforcement few & far between often, due to settlement of new territories & new lands yet to be annexed, & Native Americans who didn't trust us, which often led to trouble - it was circumstances that simply no longer exist, & that put often extreme demands on people. But the reservations the size of 12 Rhode Islands, & Jupiter Jesus miracle of 12 Jupiter moons discovered immediately after I coined that name, is Heavenly affirmation of our faithfulness despite the obvious embellishment of the Old West.
Heb. 11:8, 12, 13-16:
"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.... And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them."
Is. 43:18, 19:
"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
The people who pioneered this nation had a vision of a great land of the free & home of the brave education nation that would shine as a beacon for Chinese & all the nations. The strategy was devised soon after the wake-up call of science from China. Centuries of Christians only saw these things & welcomed them from a distance - counting on us to successfully culminate the "heavenly country" - similar to the New Jerusalem in Heaven.
Jer. 8:22:
"Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?" Jesus is the Balm of Gilead; "The true light, that gives light to every man, was coming into the world," Jn 1:9; "In him was life, & the life was the light of men," v. 4. The testimony of Land of Free Home of Brave is a testimony of the greatness of God, which he displayed through the accomplishments of Chinese - so that they can see the confidence God wants them to have in themselves if they would serve him. Whether or not the Chinese bow the knee to the Lord Jesus, the Land of the Free Home of the Brave shines the light of Christ like never before in history, & so it is imperative that this nation prevail - as a testament to the power & glory of the Almighty God for future generations - prevail flawlessly. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil w/good," Slavs owed me intervention; but reject tit for tat mentality, & "ball" for the Eastern Orthodox Christians who bolstered the Jack Teacher plan & USA by defeating communist oppression against the church.
6/25, 7:20 PM, TCT, "Stealing Freedom," sponsored by D. James Kennedy (TV evangl.) & others, logo was lg. red 'X;' & this is most likely a code from 2005, Davis Lutheran church (located on B St.) worship service conspicuously on overhead projector screen, lg. red 'X' - the red box 'X' that was commonly displayed @ corner of blank offline webpages for approx. 10 years; context of this was my internet/e mail activities regularly sabotaged or interferred w/by conspirators for years. It may not be the exact same lg. red 'X' but it was close enough.
THE MESSAGE WAS THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY HOPE FOR ME ON INTERNET - JUSTICE, WORK, EVANGELISM (3 THINGS I WAS USING IT FOR) - THEY WERE "X-ING" IT. Davis Lutheran was sponsor of Belfry ministry on A St., & soon after this was when they called police & orchestrated kidnap for disagreeing w/them about homosexuality (I was claiming it's a sin); as reported, I cooperated & dropped the issue due to I wasn't the Bible study leader & it wasn't the focus of the study.
7/1, vision, "I've given you what prop?" & no pics/graphics of vertically/horizontally crossed crew paddles anywhere on internet - & my efforts to rotate them were hacked as well. I have the grace to report a tracking while maintaining legit. chastizing of China - P.A.D.L., ficticious education organization keeping kids in line - attempt to promote Asain teacher skills - but I opted out - including the paddle graphic - due to lack of response from China. This scenario seems to have been predicted by South, & others: Most likeky a plant, fem. Christina Rowenstad in Encounters Sunday school class (grad/young
adult class), UCC,
1994-1996. Didn't have accent, but most likely Russian, evidencing Eastern & Western churches involved in the death row codes (internet couldn't come up w/any Rowenstads anywhere)- Campus Crusade for Christ -which changed its name to Cru in 2011, & it isn't an acronym - & the timing of it seemed to be connected w/Drake Dr. 'U' oppression. It's obviously a parallel w/symbolic sinking of the British navy - "crew" mutiny, but present-day Brits were already tolled for betraying Jack Teacher under guise of revealing intrigues that are essentially worthless due to the cruel denials of justice involved in "revealing" them. But my Dad kept long wooden propellers in the garage, eventually planning to make clocks from them - these were from planes when he was in Nat'l Guard. Acts as plumb line of these delays, reducing rockets to prop planes - China's & South's willful stalls are costing them any claim to Keys to Kingdom, due to systematic refusals to provide justice for me & Slavs & look up to God in Heaven. Nevertheless, it drives home the point that I've been targeted & oppressed for the last 20 years or more - & specifically death row conspiracies - almost solely due to supposed efforts of outreach to China, & China owed me a response - threats of death row are a conspiracy prop like a prop plane ball & chain from the past for those conspiring those threats.
6/25, Gail Rodgers, lifeguard @ age 66, Cincinnatti, slowly scanning empty pool similar to G. W. Bush in news in 2002 approx., scanning lg. crowd, 6:58 AM. 7:34, Carol's "He doesn't know they're the 'bad,'" wh fem gray hair, blk swtr. 6/26, country song from backyard of Luke's, next door to Bob's where I was mowing & trimming, 12:50 PM, "Stand by don't have to be right, on me," code signalling Davis South will cover for them. But South asserting they can prop up rebels claiming they were pawns & shouldn't be the focus of the punishment, is refuted yet again, & South along w/them - Titan looked like a pontoon - & that sounds like "tuning" that Davis is a pawn - those who do such things, like Brian Toone from the South, evidently, are going to be utterly crushed instantly.
6/25, 8:20 PM, "Forensic Files," investigator Karney investigating murder of Heather Church, teen who was murdered by robber while babysitting younger sibling; "...only 2 'Avis' systems had been searched," I looked up fingerprint systems, & it's 'AFIS' but sounded like Avis- Davis code. There were 92 locations where FBI fingerprint base didn't have records in USA, because they only included serious offences; Karney sent copies of prints to all of them, & came up w/match - male named Brown who worked 1/4 mi. from Church res. In prison he confessed to 48 murders - serial killer; but @ end of show, one of investigators interviewed, wh male, " just don't know, sometime," 8:30 PM, HLN; i.e., investigator used George W. Bush code from approx. 2002, 'some time' when context called for 'sometimes' - code that I deserved some jail time - & w/in 1 1/2 years I disappeared for 2 1/2 years - despite dozens of cases of false arrest proven by court documentation. I.e., this investigator attempting to match me to serial killers! I opened my Bible, & it was Is. 36-37, the story about king Hezekiah, & Sennacherib encamping against Israel - God wiped them out for threatening Israel - 185,000 men dead of plague in one day - & that's what's going to happen to this rebel & those from South insisting on cursing me - CRUSHED INSTANTLY! Contrast this w/
6/26, early AM, vision, mex. fem adult, "It's my fault!" wailing; if Latinos reject taunting (2 TV ads) & choose to lead they will be blessed; nationally I haven't made a distinction between them & others for most part, but those who humble themselves will be exalted!
"Again! Again; off the streets..." 9:44 PM male, Tx. in interview CNN; code for UCD Aggies, but possibly hostage code.
6/23, 5:38, "He's gonna have our Rin, it," 5:33 PM, wh male student, dk gray shrt, orange hat, MU. "He lets," 5:25, wh fem pink blouse, while standing in street on phone @ MU. 6:02 PM, wh male identical to Brian, Moscow Idaho murderer, got off bus @ 5th & G. "We tied it," teen girl, blnd, blk & wh dress, 5:50 PM, MU. 5:57, "That's where we would parse it," blnd wh fem blk, wh, gray dress, 42B; context, getting out wallet to get my USB drive out.
6/25, Also, that morning @ Carol's cafe I was having breakfast, & wh waiter blk T-shrt, bringing my order, "There you go, babe," approx. 7:36 AM. 7:41, wh male cust., w/others coming, & indicating a lg. round table, & waitress, "The round's taken, babe." & wh waitress, blue shrt, "You just say it's your training?" 7:38. & waiter, "we have talk?" If you want to say it's possible it was on the inside, other codes affirm it wasn't: 7:50 AM, C-SPAN2, Rebecca Grant, brn plaid sports jacket - similar to one I was wearing while teaching @ VCA, "After Words," program; subtle code that I'm not a man because I'm refusing to look @ nudes. Simultatneous, the PRIDE parades.
6/25, 8:01 PM, Blinkin, "...moving pictures..." instead of movies; 6:09 AM, "Meet the Press" Blinkin, sounded like "Keep this student in mind, Chuck," & when saying "...on behalf" he mumbled the 'half' so that it was barely audible, as though shy about using it ('hal' is code for lengthy disappearance in jail). &, "...half, there were many strong offences," & 'half' was out of context - inserted into the phrase, 6:11. 6/25, Yellowstone train crash, "Happened early this morning," 6:18 AM, Diane Shaff, L.A, 6:18 AM.; but I checked news & it was day before - 6/24 that it occurred - early morning. "You sit is," vision while I was juggling.
6/24, "Take a lap, rookie," Allstate ad, "Mayhem" character; attempt to instigate Sac (or tracked them) - I did one hour of juggling (inst. of 2 etc.) - code '[I'l]l app[ly for teacher jobs, & demonstrate authenticity by humbly accepting any work avail];' which I did - as of 2004, demonstrating my motives to teach were authentic; new police officers are called 'rookies' - code that you don't let that villain go - i.e., it was a terrible crime successfully working @ sales & getting attention for soul-winning where others had largely dropped the ball (as admitted by giant red balls in front of Target stores); rookie/cookie - possibly expression among police that you can't get too friendly w/criminals (milk & cookies) or trust that they'll repent - 9 times out of 10 you're deceived - creatively apply that to Jack Teacher - conspire to make sure he doesn't "repent" of sales. Taken to extreme, & applying it to my lack of sports as youth, & I'm in bootcamp nonstop & no off seasons for years, w/systematic lewd codes us coersion. But the ad is instigating more of it, & connecting it was basketball - Kings. 6/25, Asian teen fem ch 10, 6:50 AM; resource for victims of e bullying(?).
6/25, "Hair's souls," 6:57 PM, ch 10. "We're gonna find a bigger piece," 6:49 wh fem wthr, ch 10. Banner on side of truck on Chiles Rd. facing I-80 @ E. end of Davis, "...Bigggger.." Fox 40, announcement, male, & design in background like lg dk hair strands across the screen, w/ends like Titan, 10:25 PM. 6/24, "little hair" code, Dirk, ch 3. Program on TV, male killed fem, stuffed body in trunk, & investigators found cat hair in trunk that matched fem's cat.
George Benson, "Turn Your Love Around" (1981), CD cover same as Michael Jackson, "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin,'" both lying down - code for 'laying,' or refusing to stand for a cause - in this case the cause is the melting pot. Lyrics, "Turn your love around/Don't you turn me down/I can show you how" - i.e., 'turn your love around - [so that blacks are freedom advocates?] Don't you turn me down! [We're slavery advocates!] I can show you how - [See? We're laying there when you need us most!]' ....We're gonna make it? [Sorry, but,] We're gonna take it - [melting pot freedom nation IS A LOST CAUSE!] Back where we belong! [Slavery! Like it used to be!]' Moreover, black rock stars were aware there was going to be a Jack Teacher figure in the near future acting on behalf of rock & the churches. As far as I can tell, they took rock's protest of the churches as permission to passively rebel against the melting pot & freedom. Mohammud Ali played a part, along w/Beatles' McCartney & or Lennon - the 4 Beatles "knocked out" by Ali, but one has his head partially raised in moment of hesitation. Blk Cassius Clay knocked out all 4 Beatles - implying great boxer is better than anything - even the Beatles! &, 'We're laying - cash us [in]!' Rock protesting Christianity - cash in on 'em - Clay then changed his religion to Islam, & his name to Ali - it was Christians who had founded the melting pot & set free the slaves - nix them. Black rock stars then claim they are entitled to define that Beatle member's hesitation - rock baited them w/songs w/double entendres. Beatles "Get Back" "Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner/But he knew it couldn't last/...Get back!...Get back to where you once belonged" - i.e., 'you're a loner' - 'introvert - you can't add talents & abilities & prosper - you're going nowhere.' Gladys Knight, "Midnight Train To Georgia," lyrics about husband or fiance' going back to Georgia - going back to the past - "[H]e'll lay - [freedom] proved too much for [us -] the[y] man [it]...' "...going back/To a simpler place & time..." Foreigner, "Back Where You Belong," "suggested" the game plan for them - "I heard a rumor, it started to grow/Slowly but surely, the truth began to show" - control the victim w/rumors - no talents or abilities - a loner; then, utilize corrupt coaches to beat him down & make sure he never makes it...' 1977, actor Robbie Benson, "One On One" movie, ''[US] won' [is] on, won,' melting pot victory all comes down to sports, & blacks dominate that - somewhat naive white college basketball player who is treated like dirt by coach to try to force him to quit - & eventually he does, but only after proving the coach wrong, & also because coach was involved in a scandal. & THIS IS A PRECISE PARALLEL OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN NO. CA. - PRINCIPALS, SUPERINTENDANTS, ETC. NOT ONLY BEING OVERLY STERN, BUT INVOLVED IN CORRUPTION (& REBELLION) TO FORCE ME TO QUIT, OR RELINQUISH TEACHER GOALS. SAC CITY UNIFIED SUPERINTENDANT OBTAINED A HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME FOR FILING LAW SUIT AGAINST THEM FOR SYSTEMATICALLY DENYING ME A TEACHER JOB. SUING IS A PROTECTED RIGHT, & CAN'T BE CONSTRUED AS HARASSMENT! UNTIL THEY ARE WIPED OUT &/OR LOCKED UP, MY STRATEGY IS REFUSE TO GIVE UP, BUT EXERCISE CAUTION. Combination of movies & songs implies blacks will be handed Jack Teacher's failure one way or another, & suggests the m.o. - rumors empowered by conspiracies. But the overall theme message: Christianity defeated by black boxers & Islam, & therefore blacks can "lay" & in fact rebel against Christian melting pot & freedom. Big picture context: Western church was slow to evangelize Africa, & Islam began to spread into Africa; slavery already in Africa & was prolific. Christians arrived in America, & afro head on a stretcher (Gulf of Mex.) - 'Save them!' Catholic/freedom Rome Italy to N. of Mediterranean, slavery/false religion Africa to S. of Mediterranean; Christians orchestrated USA free North & slave South - & Civil War defeated slavery - & Chrisianity already preached in North & South. But, a black boxer knocks out the Beatles, & according to blacks, Magic! Christian efforts are defeated! Jack Teacher is a 'wanna-be' & a wanna-be startin' a melting pot nation is a lost cause, & slavery wins!
6/19, trimming & weeding on Oak St., thoughts or vision about "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" song, Michael Jackson, but I wasn't familiar w/most of the lyrics, & the lyrics that came to me were "You got to be starting somethin'..."/.../Someone's always dyin'/Someone's always dyin'/.../Get up, get up (yeah, yeah)..." I then looked up the lyrics, & the 'Get up, get up...' is "It's too high to get over (yeah, yeah)/It's too low to get under (yeah, yeah)/You're stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)/& the pain is thunder.../Hee haw!" 1998, despite I had enemies who were oppressing me, & said, "Ah-ha!" in one instance when I had a strategy to outsmart my adversaries, God led me refrain from putting it that way - probably because it created impression of a conspiracy against me, & while technically that was the case, only small # of people were involved @ the time, & assuming that attitude would only escalate it - as though everyone's an adversary; i.e., God leading me to go to great lengths to avoid pessimism or attempts to mold anyone cynically - look up, & if they go bad, it's 100% their problem. " to be starting somethin,'" attempting to start a melting pot freedom nation - can all colors work together? "Hee haw!" became a famous expression from the country western TV show by that name - & those personalities tend to be from the South mostly - where blacks were enslaved in the past; so for Michael Jackson to quote their expression - the same way they say it, it was either (1)an affirmation of camraderie, or (2)'he '[ah]-ha's!' as in, claim of strategy against his adversaries. Lyrics talking about 'too high to get over,...too low to get under...' - a gauntlet where your righteousness must be great to get over a bar or high standard - & according to blacks, we're guilty & didn't measure up; also, too low to get under - we can't slip by like a dance bar where you dip below & get past - decades of slavery were acts that were "too low;" & so, we're "stuck" which could mean knifed, or figuratively, trapped - 'He '[ah-] ha's!' - they need us to let them go, fellow blacks;' intonation. The song seems to then imply the response - "You're a vegetable.../You're just a buffet,..." Shish kebabs are meat & vegs that are skewered (stuck) in the middle - ''shhh! [sw]ish, k[ey], he bobs;' - 'swish' - black basketball players; i.e., 'don't "bob" & affirm USA melting pot.' Fondue makes use of same technique, using deep friers; '[we're] fond [of them,] ooo;' or ''f[*&^ you!' is] on, '[I] do;'' i.e., '"f" any wedding gestures from whites.' Jackson did "bob" as far as marrying a white, but refused to bob & pipe up for me as late as end of July 2009 when he died; moreover, Obama had been in office for 7 mos. by then, & was fully aware I was being persecuted & oppressed & enslaved, & in fact as of Schwarzenegger's term as governor, it was undeniable that the faade was I was oppressed as though a "nigger" or black, but Obama refusing to bob & bring justice (despite it was his prima facie duty) - i.e., 'k[ey] - he bobs' referring to me & whites in general - "bobbing" by supposedly publicly acknowledging we deserved to be made slaves - therefore, as a result of that "bob" - we're skewered, or reamed by blacks. I reported 2017 God warned me 'work out,' - exercise & avoid working for blacks; 'buffet' - If A becomes buff, then I end up a vegetable (brain dead if not deceased). &, lately, according to the news, currently, someone's always dyin.' Lyrics, "They still hate you" - 'blacks, don't forgive them;' "They eat off you ('re a vegetable)," Ps. 49:14, "...death shall feed on them" referring to those going to hell; vague direction for blacks to find a way to send USA to hell. "Thriller" cover, pic of Jackson lying down, similar to Beatles photo after staged K. O. from Muhammad Ali - w/one of Beatles supposedly lifting his head in protesting defeat. Jackson identifying w/them indicates if there was a theme, it wasn't black knocking down whites; Cassius Clay had changed his name to Ali, & changed his religion from Christianity to
Islam - 'k[ey], lay,' but that's no longer his name, & Jackson endorsing it - they aren't going to "lay" & let Christians have their melting pot; Christians don't get to "cash in on," or take credit for, successful melting pot. Ali was most likely named after Cassius Clay, white American abolitionist & statesman to Russia, 1863-1869, during Civil War. I.e., Ali possibly aware of Western church's neglect of Slavs' sufferings in Siberia, & protesting that we were "laying," rather than intervening. But the Bible says,
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance... will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"
Esth. 4:14; whites died for blacks by the hundreds of thousands, & freed blacks in USA & globally; Cassius Clay was ambassador to Russia while whites were dying for blacks in Civil War - in light of these feats for blacks, could not a champion black boxer use his popularity & act as ambassador to Russia & demand freedom for whites enslaved & slaughtered in Russia? Minimum threshhold - it was necessary for blacks to do some of the good deeds to be found worthy of Kingdom of God & members of human race.
1867 - the year after we freed the slaves & won the Civil War - Cassius Clay was still ambassador in Russia - we purchased Alaska from Russia, for $7.2M. Failing to ask Western church for help doesn't eliminate responsibiiity to helps Slavs in Siberia - as Constitution & Declaration of Indep. describe it, "inalienable rights;" nevertheless, Slavs seemed to facilitate a guilt complex in Western church, expecially when they subsequently prevailed manning rocket science & w/it, education - to lg. extent. But after West suffering blow despite brilliant plan on behalf of China, modern-day pastors engaged in strife, determining that in order to save face from abandoning Slavs, they had no choice but to "make" melting pot succeed @ all costs - such wasn't necessarily the case, but they evidently decided it was - & nothing could prevent them. & this included enslaving Jack Teacher & perpetuate the oppression, becoming warlocks - because blacks &/or response from China are the end-all be-all of existence, is their perception. I reported evidence rock & Hollywood polarized the Jack Teacher plan as far as church leaders & political delaying justice under circumstances of, & guise of, tracking the foretold scandal in No. Ca.; the polarizing was supposedly to expose the dangerous conspiracy for what it was - attempted murder - but their failure to invade reveals motives of simply snuffing out efforts of Western church.. But this may be only part of picture - Western church & political leaders suddenly faced w/Eastern church competition they underestimated, throwing a monkey wrench in what they perceived was the Jack Teacher plan (& to lg. extent it was), changed the paradigm & suddenly significant element of selfish ambition & strife involved between 2 churches that are supposed to be on the same side, w/Western pastors "going for broke" w/melting pot theme, despite that (1)forces them to work w/blacks who are rebelling - & a house divided against itself cannot stand, & (2)Jack Teacher is pitted against blacks in the process - undermining the Jack Teacher plan - & Jack Teacher's life; &, (3)such desperation casts a spell on USA, causing the nation to become downcast - creating potentially life & death (mortal) consequences as far as survival of nation! In other words, the "Christian" & political leaders have bought the lie that they have to allow & work w/a hijacking of USA by blacks - they've become convinced they can't look up; they are deluded, & are deluding the nation. @ a point in history where Western church should look up & it's imperative that we do so, & it's within our prerogatives, our leaders are "downcasting" us.
6/23, Titan sub event,Oceangate Corp., most likely staged; w/out meaning any harm to family members if this isn't the case, I'm conjecturing due to a constant plethora of clues during the event: (1)No one, media, rescue crews, scientists, questioned or covered any theories or alternate theories - is there a current @ 12k feet that could've swept away the vessel? Why isn't there any radio communication or use of cell phones - the general public would be unaware that you can't phone someone that far underwater - they can put a man on the moon, & communicate w/them, but you can't contact someone a few thousand feet from earth's surface! What sort of propulsion was available to them? Could they have navigated to another region, or is it more vertical propulsion? Repeated stories day & night, & no one said a word about any of these glaring issues, nor did anyone ask - set-up written all over it. (2) The name Stockton Rush is almost as though staged, & may very well be - I grew up in Stockton, Ca. area, & I've been demanding people rush w/justice for myself & Slavs (Russians), etc. (3)Profile of Titan is shape of a lg. piece of land that borders downtown Davis known as the Nishi property - it's bound by railroad tracks & I-80, creating the effect of a knife w/sharp point - spittin' image - 2015 project known as Nishi Gateway.
When I was attending city council meetings to demand my rights, 2001-2004, lengthy discussions about this property being annexed & developed w/shops & apts. Also, I was on Nisei bowling league when working @ grocery store w/Japanese owners in early 1980's - similar name. I reported Hungzhou city in China, & events & practices that weren't similar, but identical to Davis - unmistakeably, & coded reference to me - 'lie flat' on your back, as opposed to keeping busy. The report is missing; but evidently, the match w/Titan sub & Nishi property is warning - 'knee[ling & praying?] Xi [is, for nation of China to follow rebels in Davis].' I.e., the event was staged to create a contrast - answering China according to their balloon folly - produce a devise similar to their balloons, BUT CONTRAST THE PRAYERS & GOALS OF USA TO THOSE OF CHINA - DAVIS & NO. CA. ARE ABOUT TO BE UTTERLY DECIMATED!!!!! In other words, it may look like we tolerate conspiracies, oppression, rebellion, but they don't know USA! The dead give-aways that it was staged confirms it is a warning to Chinese leaders.
Is. 55:8,9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
The attempt of Pinole MS principal Carson to i.d. me by telling me to 'go apply' (fill out app) was more than simply an insulting way of dismissing me; edjoin is popular in No. Ca. for a reason: It's code propping Davis up. I was youth leader of Edge youth group until I was dismissed, & police oppression followed; their 'edjoin k[ey]' - 'Edge oink' - Davis police & UCC have their oppression "edge."
Simultaneous warning to Mideast; suddenly in the news, Qatar or citizens from Qatar wanting to invest in NBA. I might've mispoken in previous report in sense that you don't categorize an entire nation based on actions of some of them; so no one's trying to curse them categorically. But, the flag was suspicious, & those in this news report, ABC, 6/24, seem to be involved as well as black Olympic players. Most likely the NBA is going to be dismanteled - it's lg. % blks, & announcers & coaches involved in rebellion; vision of Larry Bird founding a new basketball association, approx. 2020. Sword or knife shape of Titan & Nishi property - ''cut' [is] our;' i.e., more rebels from Qatar propping up No. Ca. rebellion; but a 'tie [among] tan[s],' w/Mideastern "tans" delving more & more into oppression against me rather than justice - similar to Latinos in No. Ca., evidently claiming they can "tie" them, they are sunk & implode. 6/24, @ Mideast-operated Bel Air motel in WS, half hour or more to access my web editor program, & e mail program has been totally inaccessible for approx. 2 mos. @ this location. As far as I can tell, Qatar is Mideasterners & blacks - lg. % of blks, & that seems to be playing a part. Recently Latino UCD student stabbed 3 rebels in Davis - blk, wh, Mideasterner. If Qatar (or Mideasterners) are arguing blacks won't be "cut" from "Human Team" & are using deception & traps as facades of claims about my Teacher goals, you're being fitted for the biggest dunce caps around.
6/22, "You won't just see what your Hunter Biden did," male bug code, 8:09 PM; story in news, w/Hunter making gesture of slowly turning his head to look over his shoulder & behind him; i.e., imitating Bush's gesture in approx. 2002 of scanning a huge crowd as though wondering why I wasn't there. I reported that I was going to see him when @ Travis A/F base in FF in 2002, but I was filing a motion in Yolo court on the way there, & they created a scene & falsely accused me & I disappeared - it consisted of clerk being rude, & I politely said not to act that way, & suddenly I was interfering w/business - chgs later dropped. The following week, due to they determined they couldn't trust themselves, Yolo court installed metal detectors @ entrances. Leader of S. Korea recently in USA, & same scanning gesture. W/out justifying those caving in. I also went to NY in 2016, & public spoke in Charlotte, N.C., & in Az. Most likely it was code that if I am in the crowd, I'm behind him - i.e., supportive of his silence - because, like him, I committed crimes, is the facade. But if Hunter thinks he can "hunt" me as far as why I'm not showing up to pester him or other leaders for justice personally more often, THE FELONY CONSPIRACY CODES ARE OCCURRING IN PUBLIC EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING ON TV ALL THE TIME - & HUNTER BIDEN'S GESTURE WAS PROBABLY A CONSP. CODE - THERE'S NEVER BEEN SUCH HUGE REPEATED DEMANDS FOR JUSTICE BEFORE IN ALL OF HISTORY, & ONLY REBELS WOULD IGNORE THEM! THE NATION IS FALLING APART DUE TO SHOOTING SPREES! ANYONE WHO WANTS TO CLAIM THEY CAN "HUNT" ME - PRACTICALLY THE SOLE VICTIM OF THESE CRIMES (ALONG W/SLAVS) - IS GOING TO BE PUNISHED LIKE NO ONE ELSE IN HISTORY!
5/17, "You don't have the ram; I'm building, it," wh male dk 4X4 across from Anna's, 10:02 AM (pic sent), lic pl 78I6643 (Ca.?). "I have putting time on that," dispatch male, 11:22 AM. "Safeway's behind you!" (4X) fem driver, to wh male possibly homeless, dirty, 42B; wh fem student got off @ Pole Line, where if you cross freeway (on Pole Line) there's another Safeway - i.e., "courageous" Aggies tracking erroneous Yolobus drivers; but I was on way to Alex. Twilight school in Sac - follow-up visit after interview 1+ wks ago, so code was it isn't safe to bus over there & back & take a teacher job in Sac. I reported that approx. 5 years ago I had interview @ same school; & practically no other interviews in Sac- Brian Toone took pic of twilight from front porch 2000, Drake Dr.; 'I'll "X" hand her twilight,' they are conspiring, combined w/restr. order from entire district of Sac City USD, w/mssg. that South's claim it's the "sunset" of my life, is being ensured - too late for me to teach, is the claim. Also, there was code or similar approx. 3 wks ago, that Safeway was out of picture, or similar - that was this consp. 11:22, "We rest tomorrow," fat blk fem camo shrt, 42B. 11:15, "I have make up;" "He would be me," 1 of 2 Asian fems, 11:41 AM; both, blk skirts, one w/gray tank top, the other gray blouse. 12:13, L St near 9th, wh male, "Hey, it was go to the office," i.e., show up @ school offices or '...'T' -ooo, the office,' i.e., Alex. Twilight (Aspire Schools, Bill Gates one of investors, charter school in San Juan Unif.) - office doors are locked, despite it isn't dangerous neighborhood - THIS CONCEPT OF LOCKING SCHOOL DOORS STARTED IN 2006 OR SO, WHEN I WAS APPLYING FOR TEACHER JOBS - TO BOLSTER DAVIS' 'SWAYING BACK & FORTH' VICTIM CONSP. - CLAIMING I'M GOING TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE OR COMMIT VIOLENT ATTACK AGAINST SOMEONE, BLOW UP BLDG, ETC. SCHOOLS CREATE FACADE I'M DANGEROUS - LOCKING DOORS, REFUSING TO HIRE...ETC. - 'SOONER OR LATER, HE'LL CRACK, & IT'LL HAPPEN' - BUT INSTEAD, "THOSE WHO SEEK WHAT IS GOOD SHALL FIND FAVOR, BUT THOSE WHO LOOK FOR TROUBLE, EVIL SHALL COME TO THEM," PROV. 11:27 - SHOOTING SPREES NATION-WIDE, MURDERS, DISASTERS - & ALEXANDER TWILIGHT IS STILL INSISTING EVERYONE'S DANGEROUS - LOCK THAT OFFICE DOOR. "We have Justin," wh fem bus emply, to driver, Regional Transit bus rt. 23, 1:03 PM. 12:44, "That's where we get done," fat blk fem red shrt, Light Rail, after child made noise. 12:56, "Go Les Paul," wh male gray hair, RT emply, rt. 23; brand of guitar - no teacher hire.
They must obtain their pilots' licenses to fly their brand new complimentary helicopters like anybody else!
Those deceptive Western church wizards give themselves away w/their cone-shaped wizard hats - quintessential dunce caps! It went right over their heads - wizzz-zinged 'em!!!!! - Math Wizzes are in the know, wearing Fedoras!
6/11, 7:22 AM, vision of low-flying high speed cannon ball flying over heads of presumably Americans; presidential candidate Ramaswamy warned USA should tighten relations w/Russia, because China isn't responding to gestures of peace & goodwill & brotherly love from USA like never before seen in all of history, & instead they've produced various antics. The vision may indicate the antics amount to China firing a shot, or that's what Mideast is claiming. On the other hand, if it's a "spiritual" shot fired, it serves as a protest of education leaders against Western church showing up to wedding wearing dunce caps - wizz-zinged 'em. Mideastern nations of Turkey, Iran, China, N. Korea, & others have been establishing close relations w/Russia - because you can't blame a nation who has held their post for taking necessary steps to prevent another communist takeover & mass murders. No one is ruling out 12 year Ram 4WD rule (amened).
I believe God led me he has tolled Western church's & USA's mostly unbiblical "strategies" to win China & blacks - & cannon ball vision & warning are additional witnesses confirming. I also reported theory that rock & Hollywood devised a scenario polarizing Western church's denial of justice for Jack Teacher, in light of their neglect of Slavs in Siberia & subsequent downplaying of their feats - but the polarizing effect was combination of instigation & confession - 'enslaving & kidnapping victim for decades is tantamount to attempted murder - don't try to deny it!' This sounds like a watch on my behalf, but when rock & Hollywood bail out & abandon me, it makes them the kingpins. Approx. 2018, vision of me as a sketch or drawing, & God telling me to stay awake - it isn't a "draw."
6/5 approx., "Don't betray me!" vision from God of what Carter & other leaders of "hymn" churches should've said to me, instead of fronting me w/use of dirty pics - as opposed to promoting high standards to cause Western & Eastern churches to stand & successfully confront blacks. The Jack Teacher plan implied as of AD 325 a teacher who might be required to delve in business, but was teacher by trade. The church that attempts to promote, but simultaneously undermine, this plan, is the church that fell short. Rock & Hollywood, possibly due to being ostracised by Western church (rock, @ any rate; Hollywood might experienced stigmatization due to jealousy - but nothing historically documented, nor overt claims - so there isn't any 'fellow victim' argument, & that's no longer an argument for rock as well - due to rejecting their witness), obtained intelligence about the compromises of Western church, such as failing to intervene for Slavs. I reported the motor inn consp. & the coined phrase from Ca. inn keeper of 'motel' that included the connotation '[a]m owe, 'tell!'' - no one exposing the cover-up of Christians suffering & prevailing against persecution by communists & no one intervening as well - the 'motor inn' or 'mote' consp. This consp. involving those claiming to be Christians amounts to the Western church practically naked - "nude" - due to scandal. Evidently having an inkling of this, churches in US, especially those in No. Ca., attempting to smear Jack Teacher's reputation as well, despite I maintained my teacher goals as best I could, minimizing business involvement to purposes of employment while suffering persecution until I could obtain @ least a modicum of justice & "regroup" w/teacher goals. While in sales, I marketed the Davis B&B Inn, @ 422 A St. The historical Western church's Jack Teacher plan allowed for teacher w/business skills, but focus on teacher goals - it was the recent/current church congregations that devised the compromises attempting to tinge my reputation & literally undermine both the Jack Teacher plan & the church - due to shortcomings w/intervening for Eastern church, presumably - all within mid 20th to early 21st centuries.
[RECENT REPORT EXCERPT:] Norma Jean's last name on birth cert. was Mortenson - 'mort[ality]' - their polarizations under guise of tracking only made things more dangerous - essentially making them the kingpins.
Another ex. of polarizing - "Wizard of Oz" Dorothy "competition" - instigating Davis oppression to be extreme enough & vile enough to pressure me to go on shooting sprees or blow a building up sky high. But present-day Hollywood stars fail to intervene, & instead allowed conditions to become more dangerous. I believe God led me the Wizard of Oz pattern of Davis is too prolific to ignore - but present-day Hollywood w/evil deeds has no claim on a pattern obtained from a movie made 85 years ago.
Toto urinal, Black Bear cafe, B St.
"I'll get you, my good looking, & your little dog Toto, too!"
Warlocks - why does this sound familiar? 1 Sam. 15:23, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry..." See SAUL REBELLION "...Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has also rejected you from being king," real life consequences for them - don't be sucked up w/them onto the Davis vortex of evil! Elaborating, Rev. 1:5,6, God has called us to be kings & priests, but those who've continued to stubbornly rebel lose their crowns.
'Pinole Black' consp. elaboration: Older generations, mostly church leaders, locked in deadly strife, attempting to pin younger generations to defeat them. Despite older generations mostly gone, due to passage of time until God began using Jack Teacher the level of strife was sufficient to "will" it forward. For ex., most adults are now Baby Boomers & subsequent generations, eliminating the generations who were skeptical & judgmental against rock music, etc. But the idea of musicians, freaks, hippies, & other young people providing any supposed assist to the church (& indications of willingness to do more, if given recognition), which became evident by various songs, reports & displays by me, & other deeds from others, was met mostly w/disdain & scoffing - the church labeled us "cruisers" & "partiers," or former "partiers" (partying - alcohol/drug abuse), & didn't need "a hand" from us. Despite no one intervened for Slavs, any such gestures by me or possibly others shunned by church leaders. Once again, current pastors, same as overall population, as of this point mostly Baby Boomers, Gen-X'ers, etc.; but the strife mentality was to extent that the adversarial custom prevails -their predecessors "trained them well;" Jack Teacher from Baby Boomer generation, & despite God chose me to display his works & wonders, & despite the historical Western church planned for this moment in history for more than a millennium, the church leaders, & to lg. extent political leaders, under their direction, perpetutate the strife. Younger generations make gestures of literally holding the hand of the Western church, but that simply drives them to further stubbornness! THIS IS THE MOTIVES BEHIND TAKING THE FACADE OF PROPPING UP BLACKS TO LUDACRIS LENGTHS - & IT'S @ MY EXPENSE - I.E., I DON'T HOLD - TRAP AFTER TRAP AFTER TRAP AFTER TRAP AFTER TRAP - BECAUSE I'M PART OF THE YOUNGER GENERATIONS. I.E., THE STRIFE FACTOR RULES OVER ALL ELSE; CHURCHES REFUSING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEY SHOULD'VE INTERVENED FOR SLAVS, & USING BLACKS' REBELLION AS TOOL TO ELIMINATE JACK TEACHER. For ex., I was pressured to reg'ly apply for any & all jobs in Solano cty (VV & FF) from 2012-2013, despite they had started participating in kidnappings; no one hiring me for years in Sac & Yolo, & I was hired for almost a year in VV, but it had also culminated in several acts of police oppression that in circumstances was kidnap. The code was 'brave' - I had to be brave & go through it again; but when I was hostage in Solano jail for 4 mos. God told me it was avoidable - use your head, & don't walk into traps - demand from where you are, where they're already in a lot of trouble. Moreover, God's delays w/Jack Teacher plan check mated these "older" leaders - labeling me & young people's movement as automatically associated w/shady past, our offers to "hold the church's hand" are rebuffed, the entire nation is made up of young people & former young people - these corrupt church leaders' hand, 'you won't hold' translates to unequivocal assertion that USA doesn't hold - NO WONDER IT'S SHOOTING SPREES EVERYWHERE! No one w/shady past is going to hold their hand, because we aren't going to hold, according to them - & they'll use jail oppression, smears, denial of career, whatever it takes.
6/14, "You aren't going to be giving this one over," mex (?) male orange shrt, 9:25, landscaper S. of Jim's, & "I'm mole over," context - trimming lg. tree @ Jim's, & some of branches that needed to be trimmed extended over property line - I ignored 'em. "We're gonna step on," "He'll have his war, on," Mex male landscaper, res. next door (S.), 9:51 AM (approx. 3 more mexs. arrived). 10:28 AM, working on another tree on other side of Jim's prop., wh male (pool wkr?), blue shrt, @ res. next door (E.) "You won't see, they're to the death." "Police said today," mex landscpr, S of Jim's, 11:02. Jim's AC unit in front of res. power lines connecting it to res., & thin line w/blue engine oil filter (or exact same shape, etc.) (pic sent). "He says we didn't take that" mex male landscaper, S of Jim's when I wheeled trash bin over to pile of deris @ corner of res., using it like wh barrow, despite approx. 2 years ago they were stalking me for that - as though city was providing me equipment; & Jim, 11:15, "That's where we place 'em," referring to mex landscapers; i.e., rebels telling on rebels - it's mexs. & mex trash collectors oppressing me, is the claim; 'place 'em' - alternately, trash in pile next to house - but I offered to rent vehicle & haul it to dump. "He'll have his 'dare all, hand,'" helicopter, 11:55 AM, @ Jim's; context, "YOU WON'T HOLD - OUR HAND" report - church leaders betraying the sum total of USA population. News story about Neil Young & Daryl Hannah in LAX in 2017; context, war.html pg. referring to my cousin Darrell & "Professional Job" - & "Broken promises" - Darrell in Fresno in 1970's promised me & my sister he wouldn't take the Rock-O-Plane (ferris wheel) upside down, then he did it anyway - I was indicating that's what rock had done to me; but in the video, Daryl tugs on Neil's hand, taking lead, figuratively - but possibly code, because then Taylor Swift appears (blnd theme), & it may be claim she took the lead - she didn't though - I'm still a teacher & haven't budged. If they are claiming it's referring to blks, my stance is I made my objections, but if blacks expose themselves, then so be it. 2:40 AM, "They're not gonna make it," W. Cap; 2:50, "He has his touch." [END EXCERPT]
6/14, I was working @ Jim's on Elmwood, & stalked by landscapers next door to S & to E; but it was mexs. to S who made the threats pertaining to the dump - context: most Davis garbage collectors are mexs, & they've stalked & haunted me for decades: Davis residents are provided trash cans, yard waste bins, etc., from city, as most cities do nowadays; I've been stalked by police, mex. garbage collectors, & others claiming I can 't use the wheels on those trash cans - i.e., if I wheel it to a pile to pick it up, it magically transforms into wheel barrow, & that means city of Davis (i.e., Davis police) are providing me w/equipment for my landscape work; THEY ARE STARK RAVING MAD, but, (1)that's a common use of trash bins, & (2)the garbage fee includes the provision of trash bins - the bins may be city property, but it's leased to customers, & so I'm not using city property, I'm using property possessed & under control of customers. @ any rate, last Fri. I was stalked for use of trash bin. THE ONLY THING TO DO IS NUKE THEM, BUT AS OF CODES IN 6/19 REPORT, EVIDENCE IS THEY HAVE A LOT OF COHORTS ON NATIONAL LEVEL, INCLUDING TRUMP. Codes of possible hit on my ckg acct.; 6/19, I arrived @ Julie & Rich's on Oak, to trim & weed, & they said Yolo Landfill had charged their acct. $200 for the trip to the dump that me & Rich made approx. 1 wk ago. Sm. load in rental truck, approx. $30, & Rich paid it; but there were 3 lg. pieces of treated wood, that aren't supposed to be dumped in landfill, so we went back to front booth, & they charged another $25 & we dumped those in appropriate location. I.e., dump fee paid; but I've had visions of conspiracies in Yolo involving police oppression if I try to take loads to dump, but also uncovered consp. of them attempting to pressure me to fold on legit. task of landscapers - getting rid of debris. & I was led to replace my driving glasses so that I could drive a truck to the dump if necessary. Vision approx. 6/14, "They're telling each other" or similar - rebels oppressing other rebels. But, a "hit" on Rich & Julie's acct. - supposedly to get @ me for using trash bin "wrong," it's possible that might be followed by hit on my acct. 6/19, approx. 6 PM, Golden 1 ATM, tall wh male possibly homeless, a lot of bags, walker or cart, on sidewalk approx. 5 ft. from ATM, coded comment to passersby, "We do him;" it didn't occur to me @ the time it might be connected w/Yolo LF's deceptive charge to Kulmans acct., or I would've gotten a pic of him. 6/14, arriving @ Bel Air (after working @ Jim's), window screen @ my room (#16) screen patch on window screen - & I'd cleaned Jim's windows & screens late morning & late afternoon (split shift - I was @ another cust's mid-afternoon); i.e., mexs w/'war' codes & threats, & then my room is a "marked" room. It's true that as of this point, it was Kulmans who were "hit" & it was more like they were harassed.
Also, Golden 1 ATMs have displays on screens including one w/mex. fem & wh male holding index finger up; & another display that I haven't seen for a while, of mex male standing in front of ATM screen but the pic is @ a slant, & his hands are positioned like it's controls - as though he's in a cockpit of a plane on take off. In other words, it's probably the locals if there is a "hit" but they are pressured @ national level. One could say these displays should act as a deterrent - everyone's watching - 'spotlight is on YOU...' but typically they are stark raving mad enough they take it as permission - & these national coconspirators should've "learned" that by now - don't let them off the hook. & as of 6/20, vision "It's always going to be more," referring to oppression of mexs, in No. Ca. - but that translates to all of the rebels, because they are doing their bidding. I finished this report approx. 8:45 PM, 6/21; 10:10 PM, ch 40, Eric Harryman (news), "To be more dead," report about head on collision - they're spelling it out: the region isn't going to repent, & more are going to die! Prov. 29:11, "A fool gives full vent to his anger." Those aware of the codes, 'to be' became code for long range stalls in providing me justice - so this was actually a code communicating "secretly" that their acts of slavery oppressing me, controlling my life, are costing everyone in region.
6/16, "You didn't want to die forward," 9:51 PM; "You pitch tyro in, you're asking for it," referring to Tyrone, but it was 'tyro in,' 10:33 ch 29 NBC male anncr. Lisbon (?) Conn., 10:37 PM, wh male wh & blue pld shrt (like blk male & Raley's emply), Larry & wife Allison, & sm girl in story. "We cussed her day is," fem bug code, 8:44. 7:35 AM, "They're gonna let 'em harden a Kate," vision, possibly Trump. 42B, fem, rose colored swt jacket, gets on bus w/blk male teen brn hood (like fem in wh chair & stalker w/brn cap day before); WS male caser gray hair , name tag "John Tomasello" suitcase brn pld (pic sent), 6:35 AM. "He rents in VV" or similar, fem on Bucklebury(?) 10 AM. "We're gonna know him," audible bug code, 6:55. "You can eat it," wh male driver, 42B gray beard. 7:15 AM, arrived @ #16 w/Kung Pow from TK, but it was spiked w/chlorine, & fem host, Jeopardy, "...led to Wayfair," which could be code for Wayfarer ctr, Wdld (homeless shelter); also on 42B, cardboard carton on seat next to me; when food was spiked, I went to Raley's & bought deli food, & it came in same size cardboard carton. 7:21, "He's proven," fem, Sotyktu ad. CW, wh male magicianAlfonzo holding Teddy bear against his groin. News report NBC, male mauled by blk bear, Az; possibly the food spike is a "mauling." "We're gunning our run sure," gov't bug code, 9:35 PM.[END EXCERPT]
'Kate' is Davis code for homeless, but it was expanded upon by Sac - w/K St. shooting recently. Trump involved in consp. attempting to brainwash locals that they can conspire cut in pay, supposedly because I refused to work for black conspirator. In actuality, God has placed me in a broad place (Ps. 18:19) - I don't have to work for anyone using codes - they are criminals - if anyone tells you you have to work for criminals, arrest that person & anyone telling me such is going to face the firing squad @ minimum; I'm currently working for rebels using codes, but it's a scenario where they are in far more trouble than other rebels in the region, so they are far less likely to try anything drastic - the fact that rebels from other cities had to instigate the attempts on my life illustrates that.
6/16, approx. 12:25, bike @ Dollar Tr w/lg. dk blue blanket piled on top; I went to West Lake mkt, then ate lunch @ tables, then left for Bucklebury via Salem St.; as I arrived @ Salem, lg. blk male lt. blue & wh pld shrt on bike w/blue blanket going by (came from Dollar Tr); then going down Salem, lg. blk male bouncing ball, wh T-sht; i.e., being cased - mssg is they could corner me if they wanted, & goons gang up on me. When I went through West Manor Pk, blk male blue pld shrt @ picnic bench, 1:03 PM. 7:38 PM Raley's, wh male emply, "Will save electric," lt. blue & wh pld shrt; [i.e., more stalking pertaining to blk male pld shrt in Davis;] electrocuted (shocked) by rice cooker @ TK in 2018, & bought Kung Pow there last night, but when I got to my room, they'd spiked it w/chlorine - BUT, ALL THE CAFES ARE REBELS IN DAVIS - SHOPPING @ CAFE ISN'T A SIGN THAT I LIKE THEM OR THEY CAN BE SAVED - THIS IS THE PROOF THAT REBELS ARE DESPERATE FOR ME TO CONJURE UP SOME MERCY FOR THEM, CLAIMING [IF I'M SHOPPING @ A LOCATION, IT MEANS I FAVOR THEM - THE ONLY APPLICATION OF THIS IS I OCCASIONALLY USE IT VICARIOUSLY - MEANING SHOP @ ASIAN PLACE, ENDORSING ASIANS ON GLOBAL LEVEL, FOR EX. BUT W.S. CONSP. CLAIMING] I'M WILLING TO FORGIVE THOSE THAT I SAID IT'S TOO LATE FOR. I COULD SHOP @ TK REBEL CAFE, WHERE @ LEAST THEY HIRED ME IN PAST, OR I COULD SHOP @ SOME OTHER REBEL CAFE [- SAME THING - REBELS] - THEY REALLY DO GIVE THEMSELVES AWAY. Also, 42B after purchasing meal, on way to WS, rectangular food box on seat, [& when I got to my room] & [..] food was ruined, I went to Raley's for deli meal - rectangular box, exact same as box on bus - they measure your steps, as Bible says. Nevertheless, Raley's emplys involved in the spiking.
6/21, "I have 'you were tolled,'" early AM. Working w/Dorte, weeding in section where 3 new plants were planted, & she was using butter knives as stakes for plants (strange); context of bank acct. "hit" codes, but possibly code pertaining to recent stabbings by UCD student & some sort of consistency argument - the area needed raking first, no rake nearby. But I got rake from garden shed @ commun. field. But there's more to it - screen "marked" @ Bel Air - current motel I'm staying @, room "marked," possibly as in, for a "hit." It's where I stay most of the time when I'm not @ Best Western in Davis (approx. 20% of time @ most). 'Kate' curse from Trump; & the knives on the ground. I made a report about butter knives on the ground approx. 2 + years ago - I was staying reg'ly @ Motel 6 end of 2020; I reported dark vision of meeting w/someone in a warehouse, & it seemed like it was in vicinity of Chiles Rd./M6; there's a Hanlee car dealership next to M6, & an empty bldg - vacant car dealership bldg across the street. In the vision, I met w/someone who said, "I've had you until today" or similar; leaving the warehouse, there was junk stacked next to bldg (in the vision) & a sword, leaning against bldg., neglected. This may very well have been the Terrible Swift Sword. The meeting might've been rock stars, or possibly Chinese; but Swift was offered Terrible Swift Sword, but never claimed it (it is sword from the Bible - & I had visions about this sword); the graphic on my website could be taken from a sexual viewpoint (similar to dead give-away well-known graphic of Mother Mary), but that wasn't the way it was intended - or one could see it proactively also. But either the same dream, or one soon after, there were butter knives laying around on the ground. I reported soon after this, early 2021, M6 called police & then unjustly banned me from motel. Vision days later of that motel burning to the ground. 2 years later, more conspiracies pertaining to living quarters, & another butter knife code - indicating possibly another attempt to deny me a convenient motel. Nevertheless, God made warnings to rock stars then, that they were tolled, & this knife scenario then repeats. The problem w/rock & Hollywood is they create facade they are tracking pastors, & intervening for me, but overall, the communication is they bought the pastors' line that I must be oppressed, & empower the rumors. God uses me to produce unparalleled signs & wonders (mostly planned & orchestrated by Christians spanning centuries), & God unequivocally gives me his seal of approval, but somehow, according to rock, Hollywood, & pastors, this same God somehow shrivels up when it comes to justice for me & realizing my teacher career. Rock & Hollywood are experts in guaranteeing the warlock pastors remain in power & I'm trapped - the message seems to be not so much that they desire to see USA go down, but a country of pitty-partiers that can't snap out of it isn't worth anything to anyone - except their coldness doesn't allow a Jack Teacher exemption. Moreover, same as jealous church leaders, they fail to read the Bible - the man whom God affirms in these ways is the man you must listen to, or suffer the consequences.
6/14, "Ding dong," wh fem cashier, 5:58 PM, to wh male gray polo shrt, dk gray shorts, @ register (code for door knocking - & one of 3 attempts on my life was when door knocking), bill came to $22, & male (gray polo shrt), "You said, 22? I have 2's" (pic sent); context - report about rock & Hollywood & their lack of care about if I die - mortality "#22 on their list of priorities" - I also reported that for more than a decade, '2' was code for Aggies, from Vietnamese fem student Thu, neighbor in N. Davis, 1999. Kashoggi, journalist assassinated in 2018; according to the timing of it - I was once again denied work & having to juggle for tips betw. dishwashing job & landscape work, & Aggies doing over & above the call of duty to help Davis rebels keep me that way - the assassination of Kashoggi seemed to be warning from international realm that they'll have nowhere to run & nowhere to hide - globally. 6/14 - 42B, Mideast fem student, blk blouse, jeans, "You would prove it," 6:12 PM, & blk male, blk Sac Kings shrt, wh 'US' cap w/gold colored folding bike on bus, seated toward back, but bike strapped in @ front; coded comments that weren't audible from front, but as he got off bus @ MU, he assembled bike on bus, then as he turned it around, once again, tire barely bumped my knee, but instead of apologizing, as he got off bus, code to driver, "That's cash out him," 6:17 (pic sent).
6:22, wh male possibly homeless, tan shorts blk shrt, sm child's bk pk, frizzed hair almost identical to the clown hair of Karine Jeane-Pierre (Biden's blk spokesperson) got on bus, placed "isinwheel" scooter where fold bike was, then a few min. later took it to back of bus;
i.e., whites covering for blacks w/claims their conspiracies are "clowning;" but, child's bk pk was code of lewd accusations hiding behind the "clowning" front - take job in Pinole working for blk principal & vice principal, & there's a serious false accusation from a child in the mix. 6:27, after clown male removed scooter from across the aisle from me, another blk male red shrt, got on bus w/another folding bike - most likely same one as last wk; "You said we're embalm," either 'funeral' code (as opposed to them being nuked or me being run out of town), or confession of involvement in the mutilation of my Dad's neck; 6:29, "We greet, your problem," i.e., same as the region, they act cordially while conspiring & kidnapping you - similar to an assassin who says to his tied up victim, "So, my friend, would you like to wear a blindfold before I execute you, or eyeball it?" It's part of the m.o. of the region - keeping it a light-hearted attitude so that they don't become victims of their own conspiracies to cause me to become bitter & full of rage & then going on shooting sprees. In fact, lack of gun violence in Davis isn't an argument on their behalf - it was in fact eyeball to eyeball as far as who would crack first when all 70,000 people in town, including students, coconspiring, supportive of each other & oppressing me. This is why Davis was essentially the hold-out nationally as far as shooting sprees - they didn't want to forfeit that showdown; no choice but to be self- controlled no matter what - but ironically, it was becoming more conspicuous that there wasn't any disasters coming from Davis. Approx. 3 years ago, fem Dpd officer orig. from Colusa, shot & killed on Russell Ave.& then the 3 victims knifed this year. Blks w/folding bikes are consp. code that they get to stalk me & conspire, the same as everyone else in No. Ca., but, same as everyone else, they aren't acting hostile, & minimal physical violence - & that's 'greeting' someone - they're counting on that trapping me w/corrupt customers, where I have to put on an act & be somewhat amenable to those who are stalking me & conspiring, that isolated, I'll eventually lose track that I'm putting on an act, & I'll be accused of being in bed w/them, & I'll be convinced that I compromised & must've given in somewhere; but moreover, goal is create new standard or definition of 'law-abiding' citizens & 'justice' in USA - felony conspiracies & constant stalkings are allowed, & resultant shooting sprees, attacks, etc. Also, lewd conspiracies behind the scenes tracked Biden & his "personnel" as well.
J St. res.
- Youth group bldg, old UCC - New UCC (2002) - The Fix - Bus rider consp. - Yolobus Half-Seeing Eye
3:53 AM, 4/24, vision I was giving some plastic or ceramic shallow arched-shaped objects, similar to boomarangs to someone, saying to use them as couch coasters, etc. Shallow arches codes were attempt to usurp my middle name - & dream - place them under couches - you don't throw them out, we already did that; you invade & trample them underfoot. Approx. 1990 I borrowed Chinese friend Casey Chow's boomarangs & was throwing them on IM field @ UCD (he was staying in dorm). These weren't boomarangs in the dream, though, shallow arches - like those of Univ. Cov. church's architecture of the church built in 2002. UCC was put on notice by among other things, a remodeled res. on 600 blk of J St., almost directly across the street from Noah Wardrip's res., member of UCC who was in HS youth group when I was leader of jr. hi group; context - I was warning about Red Sea judgment & Noah's ark flood destroying Davis in 2000-2002.+ The m.o. of Davis rebels was to acknowledge any accomplishments of their foes, usurp them, & redouble their oppression. The remodel had windows w/same design as the Edge youth group bldg. on Anderson Rd., except w/arch spanning over them - & my middle name of Arch, it was subtle assertion they were as good as caught if they didn't restrategize. Their response was absorb it in their new church designs. UCD then built the ARC (Activities & Recreation Ctr.) also attempting to usurp & absorb my prolific sports activities, in 2004 - same theme - shallow arches. Moreover, they were confronted w/another problem: I'd marketed the Davis B&B Inn, & in 1999, the buyer who made a viable offer was Chinese lady, & although the sale didn't go through, I'd worked w/her for 6 mos., & it was approx. $750k offer, & it came to w/in $20k of closed deal, & she may or may not have had good things to say about me (I'm better off refraining in any way about skills pertaining to sales - I reject the button-pushing that instigated me to go into sales), but as of 2002, influx of Chinese students to extent of almost 40% of UCD pop. (Additionally - I reported Chinese roommate Tony He on Drake Dr., 1999-2000, & fact that I led him & 2 of his friends (Chinese) to receive Christ in Sept. 1999 before he moved in). ARC logos included one of the America Online style exercise stick figures, w/shallow arch being legs making a leap; but alternately, stick figure arms were eyes of Chinese facial expression squinting, & arch was the mouth - there was no mistaking it. As of end of 2004, I was focussed on teaching again, but there's no denying that my sales activities had a positive impact while I was engaged in them. Nevertheless, the dream was signifying something, because I'd already reported the shallow arch theme & rebels' attempt to plunder it & consume it. 4/24, 4:35 AM, ch 3, playback of Sac. Kings' game against Warriors in SF (NBA playoffs), Kings player missed 3 pt. shot @ end of game, & Warriors won, but it was described by everyone as a close game; Kings player slammed the basketball against the floor - i.e., a giant pound of the ball. But this was from a teen friend of mine in 1999, neighbor on Drake Dr. named Jesse Charlton; in one instance we were playing basketball, & before leaving, giant pound of the ball. I.e., Kings & Sac following UCC/UCD's lead - usurp all my victories & good examples - absorb them & claim them for themselves, while finishing me off. Also attesting to my persistent gym activities, soon after the ARC, Davis HS built new gym, approx. 2005, & then St. James Catholic school across the street built the Father Coffey Gym, naming it after the priest of the church, Andrew Coffey.
But while attempting to verirfy when both gym were built, not a word about them on internet, but, story on about Asian male Andrew Coffey, owner of The Hive rock climbing co., ('hive' also code for supposedly busy Aggies), & it was by Noah Walker.
Once again, Davis rebels' strategy is to acknowledge adversary's feats, & then go about defeating them or negating them or both, by any means necessary. The arch theme was assertion that I kicked UCC out (res. across the street from Noah Wardrip's on J St. - subtly asserting I own the Edge youth group - indicating UCC should be kicked out). Once again, this was context of my warnings that the region merited punishment of Noah's Ark flood judgment or Red Sea judgment. UCD Activities & Rec. Ctr (ARC) had shallow arch theme that permeated it - not only architecture, but logos & other themes; the architecture is still there, but logos have vanished, due to my tracking & fact that their efforts to finish me off failed categorically. One semblance left - Rec. Dept. IM field rules sign on A St. IM field, vague arch logo, but incomplete.
Their mentality was they had to "fix" the irrefutable proofs that I had vanquished UCC, using any & all means available, by hook or by crook (UCC pastor's name was Crook) & they had to make it look presentable to the students; indications were Arch (Jack Teacher) kicked out the churches in Davis - but I'm the one the churches, Davis establishment, & UCD had been oppressing, claiming I was a has-been Spanish Teacher who desperately made a go of sales & @ the "sunset" of my life - amounting to simply a trouble-maker. Hundreds of thousands of rebels collaborating (plotting), brainstorming (kniving), negotiating (conspiring), finally produced a "fix" that might maintain their top notch university image - keeping to the sports line; a ball thrown, creating part of an arch, but the trajectory is incomplete - the ball is in mid air, & so it isn't a complete arch. Code for someone "balling" that they threw out the corrupt churches & region, but it isn't overwith yet - "It's still up in the air, students..." Conspiracy to control income - 'b[e] us' bus conspiracies - sounds harmless as though invitation to maintain place in community for the victim; but in fact it was subtle molding of limitations while continuing to attempt to crack me - 99% of regular bus riders are low to extremely low income. Unitrans bus stops w/roofs w/shallow arches; Yolobus shallow arch roofs, built in theme of half closed eye - matching w/half closed alligator eye logo of Davis Waste Removal on 2nd St. the goal is dumpster diver & recyler.
4/24, wh male Q line driver (UCD student), wh shrt, "It was where we carried 'be'" 6:23 PM; context - placed report up about ARC, Coffey Gym, etc. earlier in the day. Possibly referring to Aggies 'hive' facade nickname (as of 2006 or 2008) that was more likely a code from the beginning - coconspiracy w/Oakenshield 'bee hive' consp. as of approx. 2020. Russell Blvd, approx. one blk from Rite Aid (one store center labeled "Unacenter" originally, after the Unabomber, approx. 2000), & one blk from Islamic Ctr., tree w/hollow spot that had a bee hive in it for years - 'hive' facade origin. This is also across the street from UCD dorms, including those where Casey was staying approx. 1/2 of the time he was attending UCD. Possibly the bus driver's code is claiming former friends from UCD - Chinese, white, Mex., anyone - failing to "be" on my behalf, & had duty to "be" as of 2008 or before. But that doesn't mean they "carried" it, more like an m.o. where they point to others who fell short, & claim that means they can get away w/crimes. Prov. 27:10, "Don't abandon your friend or your father's friend, and don't go to your brother's house in your time of calamity; better a neighbor nearby than a brother far away." Those in No. Ca. region had duty before anyone else, so the 'be' consp. was simply a smoke screen. Another ex. of seemingly public confessions of evil, but behind the scenes conspiring to redouble their oppression, art display of pair of giant green hands looking as though cupping the oppressors; name of artist, Thomas Frankel. This was installed soon after false accusations on Drake Dr., but I was "green" or naive; (1) it was located in a park (Central pk, B St.); i.e., anyone bringing justice is instead "parking;"
(2)there seems to be a connection w/'be'/'bee hive' consp. & Frankel's giant green hands; Frankel code - Davis refusing to provide justice, or aid my constitutional rights ('right[s] aid') - Wizard of Oz - Wicked Witch of the West's hands were green; written by L. Frank Baum in early 1900's - but he went by Frank; '[being] frank - he'll [bomb];' L. Frank - claiming they're
manning victim-turned-bomber rebellion. 'L' was for Lyman - Lodi/Rich/MGM consp. - Goldwyn (cons.-y-cons.), & Lyman. AVOID FOCUS OF EVIL FEM. (WITCH) - IT'S AN EVIL CONSP. ATTEMPTING TO FORCE ME TO GO ON SHOOTING SPREE OR BLOW UP A BLDG., & IT'S "GONE NAT'L." As I reported before, rebels swaying back & forth in Davis as of 2002 or so while isolating me, as though victims of terrible crime such as shooting or bombing - systematic region-wide oppression that they simply had no doubt would result in me lashing out sooner or later w/shooting spree, bombing, etc. Davis 'Which?' consp. - 'which one is adored?' You blow up a bldg. or house, you blow it sky high, & suddenly Davis has nat'l sympathy as the "Dorothy" victims (@ that point). Although this report cites characters from Hollywood, based on self-manifesting motives, it is bona fide evidence. The B St. location is @ 4th St. (T's w/B);
I reported that one blk away, renovation of 3rd St. for 2 blocks in approx. 2018; B St. - Univ. Ave. - A St. - pavement replaced w/yellow paver stones - a yellow brick road entrance to E side of UCD. One blk from yellowbrick road, @ B & 2nd, Black Bear cafe, w/Toto
MLK showed up in wedding clothes - "I have a dream" - looking up, w/dream of prosperity & freedom from the clutches of evil in USA. But "Dream-on" Green testified the grip of the evil green clutches is "on;" similar to the Davis Ellie roles, Davis mayor Julie Partansky (approx. 1999-2000) - blks assumed the role of wicked witch, w/ruinous rebellion. 4/26, 11:03 AM, "You have their fake," wh male gray hair, guest, Anna's Air B&B, Radcliff. I.e., churches faded giving my demise to No. Ca. when already involved in consp. against me, to use them to lure blks.
"Wizard of Oz" gave the rebels a "heads up" of where they were heading - but witch is fem, & ultimately it's males who are to blame more so than anyone else. 6/14, after being stalked by blacks & folding bikes again on Yolobus, but code in rm 16, Bel Air, "You won't war, it," 7:14 PM, when my laptop frozen, & turning off power to reboot it created more complications, due to hackers freezing the power button, so that you could push it for a half hour, & only a slight glimmer on the screen; i.e., give up & try again later, is their conspired manipulation. @ any rate, the code most likely was referring to blacks on the bus, & fact that I didn't get overly confrontive, & instead simply made warnings about codes & conspiracies. But, this has already gone on for 25 years - rebels cornering me to stand up to their latest "group" of conspirators - & I'm supposed to prove myself all over again, even if it means going to jail. But I already did that, over & over & over, & moreover, w/warrants currently, I automatically disappear in jail. I REFUSE TO BE LAZY & COWARDLY REBELS' DUPE VOLUNTEERING TO GO TO JAIL TO PROVE SOMETHING TO COWARDS THAT THEN SIMPLY USE IT AGAINST ME W/MORE OPPRESSION. MOREOVER, IF IT CULMINATED IN A FIST FIGHT, OR SIMILAR ATLERCATION, THAT'S THE DEAD WRONG ANSWER - BECAUSE BLACKS, & EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS REGION DESERVES NOTHING LESS THAN TO BE NUKED! YOU DON'T PUNCH HARDENED FELONY CRIMINALS & SAY, "THERE - THAT'S WHAT YOU GET..." YOU DON'T YELL @ REBEL TERRORISTS; YOU NUKE THEM! In other words, these terrorist have been tracked by the English language itself - they are attempting to coerce me to fight their "wars" against blacks for them, while outnumbered & no one to intervene - guaranteed I'm locked up & more career stalls, & it would actually work on behalf of blacks, potentially making them look like the victims; but the jig is up & the jury is in - they are felony criminals & rebel terrorists - & these regional terrorists trying to pressure me to "war" against them, I'VE ALREADY DONE THAT - IN RULE OF LAW NATION, THEIR FATE IS SEALED - BUT THESE REGIONAL REBELS AREN'T LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS, THEY'VE DEFINED THEMSELVES AS WARLOCKS - MALE VERSIONS OF WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST! THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION OF THEIR COWARDICE & TREACHERY W/NEVER-ENDING CONSPIRACIES ATTEMPTING TO FORCE ME TO FIGHT THEIR BATTLES FOR THEM & THEN THEY UNJUSTLY LOCK ME UP - THEY ARE MALE WITCHES - WARLOCKS!
6/13, Sharper Image suitcase handle falls apart after one week's use; the one before that, Ful brand, lasted a full 2 wks, & wheels suddenly ground to a halt - the day before my interview trip to Pinole. I purchased the Sharper Image one @ TJ Maxx - most of the suitcases from there in the past have been sufficient. I arrived @ TJ Maxx to get a refund & another suitcase @ 7:35 PM, & grabbed the first one that was the right size, due to they're all approx. same price, $79-89; it was olive grn Dockers (Levi's lending it's name); instantly wh fem olive grn shrt (same color as suitcase that I was taking to the counter), "I'm the burn out," going out the door @ 7:36. In other words, 'dock [is] hers;' claiming I "docked" my career by refusing to walk into a trap, & because I docked my career, they can claim they are empowered to oppress me further, such as rigging suitcases, etc. - THEY CHOSE TO PIT ME AGAINST BLACKS, STALLING MY LIFE, EVIDENTLY, FOR SEVERAL YEARS, & IT WAS ON THIS PREMISE THAT GOD SPOKE TO ME THAT I SHOULD REFUSE ANY SUCH "STRATEGY." BUT, THEY REFUSED TO LISTEN TO GOD'S WARNINGS, & THAT BEING THE CASE, I'VE BEEN LED TO REPORT THE TRACKINGS - THE STALLS IN PROVIDING JUSTICE FOR ME LURES MORE BLACKS, & THOSE CONSPIRACIES & OTHER CRIMES ARE THEN EXPOSED; IT'S AMOUNTED TO A REGIONAL & NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY (AS REPORTED), INCLUDING SAC, SAC KINGS, BAY AREA, CURRY OF NBA WARRIORS; BLACKS LITERALLY CLAIMING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE 'CURB' HIT (PROFESSIONAL JOB CHOKING) ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE (7/2021), THE OLD WEST 'KID' OUTLAW CONSPIRACY, & THE 'BURN OUT' CONSP. (STEPH CURRY & OPAQUE PIPE - DRUG ABUSER "BURN OUT"), & OTHER CONSPIRACIES. In other words, the gestapo terrorists instigate more oppression if I don't submit willingly to their traps. It's also true that I haven't been burning myself out during last week + w/exercises - but I take breaks from exercises once in great while.
6/6, took bus to Richmond (bay area) & stayed @ Sure Stay motel, for interview 6/7 @ Pinole MS. I rec'd call from Mr. Carson, principal, on Mon. about interview for Spanish teacher job; no pics of him on internet. @ any rate, I was weeding, 12:57, call from Kino Carson (as in Carson City, Nv.); working for Dorte, & she was nearby; he said he'd e mail me the addr., & I said I could be there on Wed. - short call because I was on the clock - I hadn't said the name of the location, Pinole, outloud during the phone conv., but, "You won't get set, Pinole," Dorte, 1:01 PM - conspired interview. In the past, if prospective emplyrs, especially for teacher jobs, were conspiring, that was where I drew the line, putting my foot down, in order to lead. But when they reject your gestures to lead, you still have to work, & God led me to be willing to work for them, despite you know they are rebels & conspirators before you even start the job - WHICH IS FOLLY IN ORDINARY CONDITIONS! This was a 'pin 'ol[d]' consp. - older regional traitors attempting to pin me - who continue denying me justice, propping up others @ my expense; i.e., I work for blk principal, & it's the ultimate boost for them & their conspiracy to end my life - my cooperation by accepting the job is tantamount to communicating give them more chances to repent, & God has led me it's too late for that. Accepting that job is also walking into a trap - giving them permission to attempt to concoct one of their conspiracies, despite most likely their strategy is to lay low for time being, due to thoroughness of my reports tracking them. Other than a 'light' code to student in room next to office, Carson used very few codes during interview - they are exposed; but he continued using 'piece' as a code; "your Spanish piece...culture pieces," & another use of it that was a code. @ end of interview, he swore he didn't know my last name - conspiracy. Due to no pics on internet, I wasn't aware he was blk until I arrived; as of 2017, vision from God pertaining to Scripture in Rev., "the number of a man..." & that we might have to erradicate blacks; Obama had already betrayed me w/coconsp. w/blk male emply @ Davis Bread & Desserts w/threats to block freezer door when I was inside getting orders, & other threats & codes. I called police on him, but they didn't arrest him. I reported vision in 2013 of Obama being handcuffed. My Mom made comment @ end of 2009 when cousin Dale Berg was visiting that Obama was falling short of duty to intervene for me - which tells you Trump & Biden are under arrest automatically. Blks were first ones in Davis to use code, 'We child molest,' fem w/child on 6th St. near B, instead of 'we molest' codes originally instigated by mexs. in Davis. @ any rate, I reported vision from God that blacks might try to make gestures of repentance, but it wouldn't be bonafide repentance. 2017, God led me to avoid working for black emplyrs. As far as I can tell, due to fact I've fallen short of my standards of shunning dirty pics - one instance on approx. 6/3 - rebels claiming they can conspire & attempt to trap me - Pinole - [the] ol' pin[ups];' also, tantamount to denying Jesus, or close to it, negating the Slavs' feats of bravery in Siberia. & then dead & gone blacks are propped up like voodoo dolls & used as tools against me in desperate acts of self-importance by Western church that are exposed by the fact that I'm oppressed in the process. As far as Carson, e mail from him strangely requested that I fill out app. form before I could be hired - which is a dead give-away not only that he isn't serious, but he's conspiring '[Jack Teacher can] die, all:' Edjoin is utilized by probably 90% of school districts & private schools, but in the past they conspired against me - I reported their page upload hourglass took on form of old fashioned telephone rotary dial, & that that proceeded to stall my applications - constant delays going from page to page - 'pin ol[d fashioned rotary dial].' They also sabotaged my online app., forcing me to redo it. I've applied for hundreds of jobs in bay area where I included warning @ top of C/L that those claiming they could only accept edjoin job apps were automatically under arrest. During interview Carson said, "Your application was thorough - w/all the attachments;" so it's nonsense to then request I fill out an application from pvt.-based job app. co. when they already had everything; MOREOVER, EDJOIN, A PRIVATE CORP. THAT PROVIDES A SERVICE FOR SCHOOLS/SCHOOL DISTS., POSSIBLY FOR FEE, IS BASED IN NONE OTHER THAN SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY - LODI/STOCKTON.
6/5, 4:21, "They're gonna block, see, you're independent," Jan's on Villa Nova(?). Jan's, bug code, "Women lighter," 1:21. 1;26 AM, "We're gonna fine out his death; 'no' was death." 4:20 AM, strange dream I was in similar to a compound - Yolo jail; sm. crowd of people "checking in" to jail - booking process starts outside - you line up & speak to officer @ window - the windows were separated by partitions - making it like voting booths, but it was also similar to airlines counters. I was dropped off from squad car or flatbed w/other arrestees; you didn't have to walk up to the window, but there was no way to escape the compound; officer said to me, "You're not getting out is something," (or similar); i.e., the Yolo oppression is tearing apart the nation - voting becomes the equivalent of captivity, & no one is able to fly. Also, God told me last Sun., 6/3, put in 6 hrs. of juggling, & I wouldn't suffer oppressive disappearances; I hadn't put in many 5 or 6 hr sessions lately - [6/4, dream, "We'll just put the harbs out there, & reunite them," 10:44, vision near Chiles - kidnap, but not yet; God led me do 6 or 7 hrs of juggling on Sun. - another terrorism claim I wasn't consistent - 6 hrs. of juggling once or twice while @ M6 on Chiles 2 years ago, but not lately - therefore terrorists claim that's good enough to kidnap me. ] - possibly conspiring long range captivity, because I wasn't "consistent" - note being "inconsistent" isn't a crime in any way, shape, or form (no 6 hr. session for 2 yrs - I did a 6 hr. & a 7 hr. session while @ M6). 'not getting out' or 'not leaving' code in compound vision, double entendre; I didn't accept a teacher position in Pinole tentatively offered this week because it was blk principal, & it was conspired before I got there; therefore consp. that I disappear in jail due to refusing to take consp'd teacher job - jail windows in vision similar to motel windows in WS. 12:20 AM, "Hundreds of thousands of victims," bug code. "I have a child," 12:15 AM. Adult fem (possibly librarian) 2016 or so, "I have a child;" in that instance possibly referring to students, who were involved in preventing me from getting work - soon after that I was hired almost F/T @ bakery. Possibly as far back as 2016, Aggies working for Unitrans bus system devise mechanisms to protect their egos; for ex., dispatch emplys on the radios try to sound like little kids; 'I'm just a witto kid...' attempting to create cover for their serious crimes; i.e., claiming they are tracking these evil professors & church leaders who are pressuring poor helpless college students; the college students know they should be refusing to participate, but they are too evil, lazy, & cowardly, so they claim they are role playing witto kids to show everyone how the authorities in Davis are misleading helpless kids, etc., who thought they could be trusted. This creates a smokescreen the Aggies hope will cover up the fact that college students are adults, w/the duty to denounce the conspiracies & report them, rather than caving in & in effect saying "ditto" to regional leaders' oppression.
Conjecture that Domino's Corp. & relatives in Portland & rock musicians tracked SF bay area; I reported vision of walking past Domino's in S. Davis, & historic feat - but details unclear - involving corp, as opposed to anyone local; subsequently, vision of Paris Hilton & pizza w/a dick in center; pizza revolving around it. I reported the vision of huge concert or presentation of some sort across from Target (to the N.) in Walnut Creek, last time I was there, approx. 3/2022 - I was waiting for bus in coffee shop in Target, & working on report about the Sac Kings' logo & Bart Simpson hair equivalent - blacks were equiv. of a mischievous Bart Simpson, but Bay Area Rapid Transit involved (BART) - see "BART RETROGRADES ELROY - TEACHERS MIGHT TEACH ROCKET SCIENCE..." report, davisneedy3.html - consp. of Sac Kings, bay area, blacks, denying me my teacher career. But moreover, Target is across from BART station (to the W), & huge murals on side - wall - of Target, of pizzas or donuts, but one of them looks like a pizza; i.e., pizza w/hole in middle - like the Dominos' 'dumb, he knows' vision. 'Wall, nut' code - i.e., consp. walling me from having a marriage. 6/7, wh fem, wh swtr, to wh male homeless, "He has attach a soul, wait," 12:22, Target WC (Ignacio Valley Rd. & Calif.) (I haven't been "cheating" w/my reports ('atta[ck] ch[eat' code); nevertheless, the code pertained to Carson - attachments (Credential copy, Resume', transcripts, etc.), & Carson claiming it's cheating if you don't use edjoin job app - 'do it over!' (desperate). "That's we're not running his mole 'em," (source?), near Target.
6/9, "It's his Holy Bible," approx. 4:10 PM; "You won't know, we have attack again," 4:12, Helen's, Pinnacles. Approx. 1:20 PM, wh fem partially blind, blk seeing-eye dog, sat next to me on Unitr. Q line, lg red bag. CONCOCTED SHOWDOWN: 6:25 PM, 42B, "We take you man," blk male blk "Swisher Sweets" shrt, lng hair, red bk pk, & folding orange Sundor bike (pic sent); @ first bike was in front of him, then he moved it, & supposedly accidentally bumped me w/rear tire & profusely apologized, 6:27. Fat wh male aqua grn shrt, then discussing his bike w/him, & blk male, "...smaller bike...that's my daughter's piece,..." - 'piece' code of Carson, Pinole MS; also, I was stalked on same bus, 42B by blk male w/kid's coaster bike approx. 6 mos. ago - subtle lewd code. He was then utilizing subtle codes about losing temper, etc., implying I was supposed to be confronting him, etc., "..intensity of the ride...assist," 6;30; fat wh male then got up supposedly to get closer look @ bike, "I was sitting over there," to blk (pic sent). "I was told by an officer today..." subtle implication that he's a police officer warning me - black dog of fem on Unitrans - conspired (acted like totally blind, but then I noticed she was reading lg. text smartphone); "I'll have 'mere's' turn it up," subtle code claiming blks' are counting on England ('Mere Christianity' author from England), 6:37, & seemed to be using code against wh male - "Cha-ching, cha-ching, we passed you," 6:42 PM. "My daughter gave me that Icee," or, 'I see' (blnd fem/dirty pics code) pointing toward base of his bike (trying to get me to look down, which I ignored); "I'm gonna have piece from voy" i.e., 'voy' - 'I go' in Spanish; 'piece' code for sex - if I'd looked down, he'd attempt to claim it's a lewd sign - but it works both ways, I didn't look down, & so he literally admitted to sexually molesting his daughter, or lewd activities w/her such as dirty pics; 'piece [of pizza]' - Walnut Creek Target lewd conspiracy code (pizzas before you eat them are cut into pieces); Icee was code from past about squandering money on treats. He fell into two of his own traps - like a kid, taking money from his daughter, & squandering it on Icees. When I didn't "follow" his consp., he muttered "You're just killing me..." See, "ONE FALSE MOVE..." I reported Paris Hilton "High Off My Love" blk male guest artist Birdman's lyrics, phonemically, "We rape a guy/We stun a man..." 'donut' symbolizes male raping male - WC Target donut-pizza mural - THIS WAS A BIG CONCESSION OF SALVATION ARMY TO TARGET STORES IN 2006.
6/7, "It was you pit 'em first," male on bus, or near Manuel Campos exit, 2:56 PM, while on Blue line. "It was you're corrupt," 3 PM, wh male, Blue Line, gray swt jacket, blk SF cap (pssngr). 3:15, "You can't see what they're mean," (gray swt jacket?). 3:59, "This can't be happening day," web editor access sabotaged on smartphone - ongoing sabotage - suddenly error mssg that I have to circumnavigate, & no more saved pw - as of trip back from Pinole. 12:51, "You won't know, we're having this raid," 12:51, bus driver, Solano Exprss, pkg garage/bus station, WC BART."You said it's you move," wh (?) male dk hood, janitor, BART station. 2:16 (or 2:46), Blue line, wh male gray hair, blk jacket & cap (passenger), codes, @ frontage rd. near Cordelia - constant placing of cup on top of back of seat in front of him; i.e. advertising 'cup' to farmers in Solano. "Sorry, you good to drive us?" wh male dk gray shrt, blk suitcase, when making a U (on foot) next to Solano bus, 1:14 (BART bus station). "They were not sorry, this is dear," 1 of 2 wh fems, BART from El Cerr to McArth; blk jacket or lt. grn, 11:35 AM. "She is take," BART station, El Cerrito, fat mex fem driver, Westcat bus JPX; I stood up as we arrived @ BART - & God has led me to stand up on Yolobus & Unitrans - pointedly - & when I stood, driver, "Sit down, sir, it's the rules," "You must sit down;" "I'm calling dispatch," & wouldn't continue to the bus stop, & wouldn't open the door; i.e., trapping me in the bus until I sat down; 11:10 AM; after approx. 5 min., she pulled forward & we were able to get off the bus; that was technically kidnap or close to it - @ the BART station, but not allowed to get off because you're standing on a bus, & standing is common practice since the dawn of busses - mexs in No. Ca. see themselves as agents of evil, utilizing Davis police tacitcs - consistency - it's their job to defeat you from demanding high standards; if you sign a blank screen, you're going to pay for it; also, when I got on the bus, I failed her "test" - she suggested I fold up one of seats to make more space for my suitcase, but they invented that if you ever locate your suitcase anywhere besides to one side in the aisle - i.e., fold up a chair so that it's completely out of aisle - then you are admitting something - that it's an obstacle (despite there's a clear pathway) & they then oppress you; I put the seat up because it was easier to hold onto the suitcase - depending on seating arrangement, that is the case - they are mad, period - they make random unjust demands, & you obey or they exact oppression - same as Yolobus until last decade where there's an undercover operation & if & when it occurs is closely controlled. "You're going we're gonna talk about," wh male gray swt jacket, gold hat, El Cerr BART, 11:39 AM. "You're gonna wit her," 4:31 PM, Blue Line, wh male blk shrt, wh cap, brn bk pk. "He can't see how he's having his kids," 3:15 bug code, Blue line. Vaca Valley storage (VV) looks like giant prison. "Will more correction," bug code, 3:40 (context, traffic jams & Pedrick in Dixon, then frontage rd. near Causeway. "You just main sentence," blk fem driver, Blue line, 3:51 PM; i.e., I made note of the prison motif of Vacaville storage, & the MONSTERS try to brainwash me that it's all in my mind... Also, the traffic jam instantly on I-80 getting back onto freeway after bus went to UCD stop - @ Old Davis Rd. - exact same scenario occurred approx. 8-10 years ago - traffic punishment for not getting off bus in Davis - containment oppression; & that tells you the freeway traffic consps. have been occurring for almost 10 years. "He won't pane," 5:02 PM; "He here's out," mex male orange shrt tan cap, Raley's. fat blk male, "We run out," Raley's, 8:44 PM blk Hurley shrt, blue shorts.
6/8, "This is where we won't fold," Bel Air, bug code, clerk(?) 4:02 AM; i.e., never-ending boot camp requisite - I'm not allowed to take breaks from getting up early @ 4 AM & exercising. In general I need to anyway, due to denial of teacher jobs. 3:35, dream that I put on an act of convultions & then passing out, & then someone stuck needle in my ear; i.e., warning that no one can claim I "passed out" because I rejected a job w/black conspirators, unless I literally collapse. "You should've ___ me." (notes unclear). 3:40 AM, "He electrified his city," bug code - rebels concoct anything to try to dupe you.
6/8(?), 4:48 AM, "Tienes strawberry," ('tienes' - 'you have'). 4:07 AM, "That was you would work," blk male (?) in Wendy's ad - everyone speaking Spanish (Span. chan.) except blk male - "He's turning into a strawberry?" blk male - i.e., code that I'm claiming 'st[reet] robbery' @ Pinole MS. Vision, pertaining to turning into strawberry, male throwing knife @ fem's head, & barely misses her, & says, "I thought you were the ketchup;" i.e., it isn't harmless babblings in bay area - things could turn deadly in an instant. Cat walks on water to get to snack, ch 19, 4:41 approx. - implying cat (fem ) perfect.
Rock & Hollywood doing their best to try to fade into the woodwork, but it went beyond rock being fellow victims - they became aware of the Jack Teacher plan - long range plan of God & Christians to lead China to the faith & lead blacks to be leaders of liberty, & no doubt there were scenarios or implications that the Jack Teacher figure might have to endure struggles, etc. But, possibly under a scenario (or guise) of them contributing to Kingdom of God, or simply, giving the churches a "positive" assist due to a certain admiration for historical feats, they thrust themselves into the middle of the oppression against me under guise of watching & possibly attempting to direct it. Also a factor, it's possible they didn't stage the victimization of themsevles (rock musicians), & this instead was the catalyst that got their attention, utilizing me as a witness conceivably verifying my good character. But irregardless of the original circumstances that got their attention, it didn't require them to become cohorts in the oppression against me - to extent that it's almost a case where they've been calling the shots as far as my career, income, etc. & BECOMING COHORTS IN THE REBELLION, IT WASN'T AN OPTION FOR THEM TO "OPT OUT" OF THE UNDERSTANDING THEY HAD W/WESTERN CHURCHES TO PROVIDE JUSTICE FOR ME & MAKE EFFORTS TO REMEDY THE REBELLION. THEIR ARGUMENT - 'AMERICANS HAD A DUTY TO RESPOND TO US, JACK TEACHER, & THE RUSSIANS - & THEY DIDN'T RESPOND, DESPITE ROCK & HOLLYWOOD'S GESTURES - WE'RE OPTING OUT!' THEY DON'T HAVE THE LUXURY OF MAKING EXCUSES & THEN SLIPPING BY & THROWING ME TO THE WOLVES - THEIR CONTROL OVER THE OPPRESSION WAS TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY EITHER INTERVENE ON MY BEHALF, OR THEY ARE THE KINGPINS! MOREOVER, IMPLICIT COMMITMENT TO INTERVENE @ MINIMUM ON MY BEHALF - & GETTING EVERYONE'S HOPES UP, & THEN "CHANGING THEIR MINDS" BETRAYS ME, BUT MOREOVER, DUE TO DISBELIEF OF OTHERS THAT THEY COULD BE SO COLD, IT RESULTS IN ENDLESS STALLS OF THOSE WHO COULD'VE PROVIDED ME JUSTICE, BUT ARE LEFT IN A QUANDRY, EXPECTING THAT THEY'LL "COME AROUND" & THIS CONFUSION & TRICKERY ESSENTIALLY AMOUNTS TO IRREPARABLE DAMAGES TO MY CAREER & MY FUTURE - THEY SABOTAGED PROSPECTS OF JUSTICE FROM THEM & EVERYONE ELSE @ THE SAME TIME!
This big!!!!! - The Cross
Youths, Vitamin A Giant Jerseys bean you if you don't go to school!
go to school, & ask what you can do for your country! Walk softly & carry a big stick of love, justice, & self-control. There's no such thing as "school avoidance" syndrome - it's a euphemism for truancy - kids who are cutting class. It's out of laziness, possibly combined w/confusion from parents making moral & ethical compromises. The Bible says "Your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour," 1 Pet. 5:8. If you say you don't believe in God, then satan is in his element - unbelievers are easier to work w/! Satan is on the offensive as far as education, because of a dilema where jealousy has parents oppressing a teacher - crippling the freedom & education nation. Don't let their jealousies ruin your future! Ps. 119:97-104 - if you put your trust in God, he will give you the ability to know more than your parents & see past their foolishness. God has a track record of choosing those you'd least expect, including kids - prophet Samuel, "No, the Lord has not chosen any of these, is there anyone else?" to David's dad Jesse, after he lined up all of his adult brothers, when told one of his sons was chosen, but the boy David was in the fields tending the flocks. Go on the offensive - take on duties & responsibilities that are typically in the realm of adulthood; "Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil w/good," Rom. 12:21; Ps. 89:22, promise to David, which every believer should claim: "The enemy shall not outwit him,
nor the son of wickedness afflict him." Use school newspapers to expose the rebellion & denounce the conspiracy codes, & pipe up about the cover-ups of the rebels oppressing me, the Slavs' heriocs in Siberia & against communists, & the historic accomplishments of Christians on behalf of China. Memorize Scripture, & the promises you find in the Bible are yours to claim (1 Cor 10, Gal. 3:9, Rom. 8:17); Jesus said, "Don't be unbelieving, but be believing;" huge struggles occur, such as parents everywhere failing their kids all @ once, but it's allowed by God because he has something better for USA - a generation more zealous for Christ & rooted & grounded in the Bible - raising up stronger more resolute leaders - & it wouldn't take place w/out them being confronted w/scenario of do or die for the Lord; find good examples, hang out w/them, & be like them, so that parents' or community leaders' laziness & deceptions can't create strongholds in your lives. Recognize satan's tactics - repent of sins & claim the spiritual weapons of warfare - 2 Cor 10:3-6, Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor 10:4,5, "...divine power to demolish strongholds - we demolish arguments & every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, & take captive every thought & bring it into obedience to Christ." Argument that you have to submit to rebellion because others are - quote Scripture (sword of Spirit - the word of God) to refute it - pipe up & provide justice - belt of truth & breastplate of righteousness. If you haven't already, give your life to Jesus, & claim the promises of Isaiah 41:8-16.
Traffic backed up as of 3:40 PM on I-80, & frontage roads on both sides of I-80, @ Chiles Rd. (Davis) - @ Dixon's "request" as of approx. 3:30 PM, 6/7
Approx. 3:30 PM, on Solano bus Blue line, coming back from interview in bay area, on I-80, I noticed cars were backed up @ frontage road intersection of Pedrick Rd., Dixon; Pedrick has been used as code for 'ped[ophile];' i.e., lewd smear; Dixon is town of approx. 15k; there isn't going to be that many people suddenly jamming that country road unless it's conspired. Before that, we went by Kidwell Rd. exit; but I noticed a few years ago when riding bike back & forth to Vacaville & Dixon looking for jobs, that there isn't any Kidwell Rd.; it consists of an overpass connecting 2 frontage roads, & that's it; unless you consider 'well' expression for oral sex, & Kidwell is the exit before Pedrick, coming from bay area going east - making Kidwell another lewd smear - THEY LITERALLY CONSPIRED LEWD SMEARS DECADES AGO & CORRESPONDINGLY CONCOCTED PHONY EXITS AS FORMS OF INFLUENCING & CONTROLLING TRAFFIC! Moreover, another "interesting" parallel, is Chiles Rd. in Davis - the exit w/that name also connects 2 frontage roads, except that the one to the S. eventually extends into Davis & becomes a city street - but the Kidwell parallel is a code from nearby Dixon - 'dick 'son'' - THEY ARE PERVERTS! Solano bus stops @ UCD before continuing on to Sac, & I stayed on bus because it enters Sac @ west end, in W. Sac, where Bel Air motel is; but upon getting back onto I-80, suddenly traffic reduced to a crawl, from Old Davis Rd. to approx. 3 mis. E. of Davis city limits - approx. 6 mis. or more; also, the crawl - literally creeping along - which is tactic of the rebels - came to a dead stop where? Next to Playfields park, S. Davis, beside the freeway, where wh male & wh sm girl shooting baskets; i.e., stalking me & denying me justice & using kids as cruel weapons; stalling victim w/conspired acts of creeping, etc., & traffic is one of the methods, is tactic that creates in the victim feelings of inadequacy, mental anguish, & inferiority - because no one ever punishes the monsters - & then simultaneously attempts to associate it w/kids, attempting to bait the victim, & because victim isn't allowed to have a life - constant stalls & negation of goals. They are monsters defined! This was @ 4 PM, far too early to be 5 o'clock traffic, & it was approx. 3:40 or so when we got back onto I-80 from UCD. I'M REPORTING THIS TO DEMONSTRATE THE EXTENT OF THE WICKEDNESS OF THE REGION - THIS REPRESENTS THOUSANDS WHO @ DROP OF A HAT BLOCK THE FREEWAY & USE PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE TO ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT ME - TERRORISTS FROM 2 COUNTIES - A REGIONAL ARMY READY TO OPPRESS ME @ AN INSTANT.
Demonstrating the extent of the widespread consp., Travis Credit Union, of Fairfield (where Travis A/F base is located), w/shallow arch logo on sign in Vacaville - but it's cut short, like the sign on UCD IM field - 'still "up in the air"' code. Travis CU was first bank in Davis to put up bullit-proof glass windows between tellers & customers, as one of the 'dangerous/desperate' smear tactics attempting to cause me to crack - negating my kick of UCC - & this was a decade & a half before covid - "Those who look for trouble, trouble shall find them," Prov. 11:27.
5/29, San Joaquin cty, smashed sheriff's car, ch 3, 6:05 PM, w/suspect's car smashed also, in background; approx. 2009, Solano sheriff's car racing past me on I-80 going E., & few min. later, smashed (sheriff's) car in center divider - no one around; i.e., Ferrara (then undersheriff) telling me I was about to see Solano crash - because they aren't going to help me against Yolo, & from then until 2014, that's precisely what happened, multiple false charges & kidnappings (you can't call it false arrests when it was conspired) culminating w/me hostage in Solano jail for 4 mos., Fall 2014. I reported approx. 2018, pic of Ferrara next to front fender of sheriff's car; & 5/28, pic of close-up of front fender of patrol car, "STATE POLICE," Red River, NM, biker gang shooting - possibly attempt to steal the Davidson biker witness from me (see WHO BAGGED DAD II...) - additional evidence: Harold Medina, chief of police, Albuquerque NM, commenting on Red River shooting, "What a helpless state police officers enter the restaurant, & slowly everything closes down, & you don't even know if it's in the scene," NBC - call it a movie, & Jack Teacher's past association w/Hollywood means it's all pretend. 6/1, DeSantis, "Are you blind?! Are you blind?!" I.e., 'it's obvious, abandon Jack Teacher - Mexs. under pressure in Sac. did it in 2004, & I'll do it again!' Instead, despite they redeemed Don Quixote, wake up call that they needed to stick w/it - persistance; repeat performance - don't settle for the 'Sod 'em & grow more-uh' dim-witted knight facade. & as of this AM (6/1), Newsom's wife, Jennifer Newsom, hosting an event for kids, & it's being held & zoo, because "animals have a calming affect on kids," which is most likely code for consp. of San Joaquin conspiring w/Ca. state police/gov. to kidnap me pursuant to rumors & captive in jail or prison w/"animals." Oh, possibly pertinent, recent news story on ch 3, Dan Cullison (sound like 'collision?') drowned "in a lake" in Alameda cty, trying to get an oar; & in ea. instance, the lake name was a mystery; also, the oar scenario played a part - story about my Dad adding humor to a shipment error, where an electronic gadget was sent instead of the oar lock insert ordered for our row boat - quipping the boat goes in circles when he tried to utilize it w/the oar. 'Oar lock' isn't a code, it refers to a socket or clamp devise that holds an oar in place attached to side of boat. But the drowning most likely symbolically describes what happened regionally - rebels attempting to demonize my Dad drowned from it (it ruined them). I cross-referenced the story w/news from out of Sac area - the lake was "Lago del Valle" - Lake of the Valley - Alameda may have a small valley located in it, but those conspiring are in the San Joaquin Valley - trying to grab that other oar 'lock' so that the boat isn't going "in circles," but according to their consps., it's a '[death] row' boat. In fact, up until as recently as a year ago, constant bug codes from rebels in region attempting to personify my Dad; as though they could oppress me because of his "bad" example - once again, "the stone the builders rejected..." scenario. By the time we moved to Lodi, he was cutting back on drinking, & our home on Edgewood was on an inlet off the river, dock @ end of backyard - fishing boat, then ski boat, & he enthusiastically took us water skiing until we were old enough to take the boat out ourselves; we got a pool table, & as I reported, quad speakers & stereo in the family room - his idea, telling me that because I had worked hard getting us moved in, etc., that installing the speakers suspended from ceiling was a priority (quad is 4 channel, as opposed to stereo - 2 channel). & when we sunk the 9.9 HP outboard motor trying to ski behind the fishing boat (it worked until we tried to make a U-turn) my Dad was out of town, we were able to pull it up from bottom of river, about 9 t. down, & we didn't get in trouble (the clamps were always coming loose). Ferrara originally from Lodi, & I reported the attempted death knell blow against my dad @ the funeral home - they performed an operation to shorten his neck when embalming him - psycho!
New leaders of righteousness arising in USA
Shooting sprees, violence, murders nationwide, but, virtually none of them involving bikers or motorcycle gangs; 2019, God told me, "You're joining a motorcycle gang," & I was open to it. I reported the comment from biker about "smelling" something evil in Lodi, pertaining to a group of people @ in front of a pizza place. Nationwide testimony on my behalf, & they won't lose their reward - BUT, EVEN BETTER, CALL FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE. The brand name Harley Davidson seems to imply outreach to Chinese as well ("Lee"). Detroit Motor City - motorcyclists get the jump on justice for the nation.
Historical English testified - they did jump those trucks & cars! Evil Knievel philosophy - "Believe in God, & you can do anything, kids;" jumping all those trucks isn't evil, it's CRAZY! Jesus said, "On this rock I shall build my church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail" - we're supposed to be on the offensive toward the lost - "hell's angels" is one way of putting it.
David said "Is this your ordinary way of dealing w/man, O Lord?" (2 Sam 7:19); David was honored & used in great ways, that he sometimes didn't deserve. In other words, God uses ordinary people - my Dad can be used as an example, but we must be "..fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author & Perfecter of our faith," Heb. 12:2. Jesus is God, & he came & lived the perfect life, & died & rose again for our sins because he loves us - there is no one else; "All authority in Heaven & on earth has been given to me." No matter if everyone lets you down, Jesus won't let you down, & he is more powerful than anything or anyone.
6/4 God led me to put in 6 hrs. of juggling despite it was Sun. (day off) & 320 push-ups. I was then stalked because a teacher can't excel @ anything, according to the rebels - because you might gain attention, which could lead to stardom. In other words, teachers must be losers according to them. But I had a lot of winners for teachers. Most teachers teach because they enjoy working w/youth.
Sacramento Kings were owned by Joe & Gavin Maloof until Vivek Ranadive' bought Kings in approx. 2013 - as part of cover for Davis, because I was condemning downtown cafes, businesses, etc. that were systematically violating my rights, Sac devised code where some of their most favorite cafes & bars were known as "dive bars" & "dives" (which traditionally means a run-down, lousy place); suddenly, oppressive Davis businesses can look up, supposedly; everybody's "bad." Sac claiming they 'ran a dive' establishment. Kings' player Ron Artest (2006-2008) - w/Kings precisely when Sac betrayed me & I was hostage in Sac jail, May to Sept. 2007 'run our 'test,'' conspiring under guise of running a "test" or "experiment." I had started focussing on teacher goals as of 2004, & it evidently worried them; claiming I was "running" from RE sales goals, so it was attempts to dupe me under guise of test. THE PROBLEM WAS, I SHOWED UP AS TEACHER, & HAVEN'T LOOKED BACK. The Golden 1 stadium, completed approx. 3 years ago, has art displays of giant darts that missed the target on L St. side of bldg - i.e., 'we missed' (w/mega-gymnasium & sports stardom) - which in fact is more of a brainwash that sales/showbiz etc., is my goal no matter what I might assert to the contrary about wanting to be a teacher - T-H-E-Y S-E-E T-H-R-O-U-G-H I-T. Their solution - the "tests" never end. Artest then changed his name ot Metta World Peace, despite no longer w/the Kings, still trying to "run" things - God using me @ times internationally as far as gospel; this becomes the focus - if you aren't in earnest pursuing teaching (& they simply decree that's the case w/me), you're one of those head-in-the-clouds world peace bums; Artest then changed his name to Metta Sandiford Artest- it conveniently lines up w/fictional TV character Fred Sanford, junk dealer; I reported blk male junk hauler who gave me his card ("Spoon's Hauling" ) in Carl's Jr. @ downtown Westfield mall in 2005 - this is precisely where Golden 1 Kings stadium is now, & then I disappeared for remainder of 2.5 years in Yolo & Sac jail, & in Yolo jail, I was in a section where blk male named Spoon was inmate. Sac news ch 10, Rob Carlmark. Vivek Ramaswami is now running for president. Possibly these conspired acts of oppression railroading my career for decades under guise of "tests" also involve - internet provider used by various establishments; possibly from AT&T or Microsoft.
HANKOOK TIRES OF S. KOREA; Hand 'cook' the superiority of the principle of gov't of the people by the people for the people rule of law nation priority. Asian master chefs identifying w/my Dad's cook mastery, & freedom parallels. While sushi chefs more than formidable comp., it was acknowledge he could hold his own w/a sole plate!
"What so proudly we hail"
WE SHOWED UP, GIVING ASIANS CREDIT FOR GREAT & AWESOME WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP, & DELIVERING THE GOSPEL OF THE SAVIOR TO THEM - "He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives the One who sent Me," Jesus, Matt. 10:40! "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged, but has crossed over from death to life," Jn. 5:24.
Long range insane faith undercover Asian patriots & patriotism-motivated corporations (Koreans & others - dotted line signet ring dedication) according to plumblines, blessing Jack Teacher & staring down the traitors & their smears of my Dad!!!!!
"Found a melting pot education nation to Asia's credit? Let no one deride you - you're AWESOME!"
Is. 40:31 "But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."
Asians in Korea currently are aware Western church's stalls are unbiblical & should be overriding their shortcomings by piping up - follow the It church! Compare their teachings & practices w/word of God, no matter who they are, & follow the word of God! We don't have to hold your hand, that's the Holy Spirit's job. It isn't necessary to take the It membership orientation seminar to know that the It church's fire is of Asian origin - disciples of Boris Landspace - confidence-builder for Koreans.
Late Dr. Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ, established mission in S. Korea & Dr. Jun Gon Kim led it, starting in 1950's w/S. Koreans on fire for Christ - vision of Rev. 2 Witnesses, Bright & Karcher - or is it Bright & Kim? - "Brighten the corner where you are.."
Tradition of Leaders on Coins
Nation's King & Eternal King
Who's talkin' "turkey?"
"You're alright; I don't care what your mother says about you," Encouraging words from Dad Gum It church, but when your ma wants your "no" autograph, you've got your bases covered.
Reports are often conjectures, but often confirmed w/visions - I've repeatedly acknowledged I'm conjecturing - hypothesizing - motivations of Mideast as far as my Mom - but, Mother's name Irene, & first church in Constantinople (Istanbul), church of St. Irene - there are supportive facts. Taj Mahal was built in 1600's by Shah Jaha'n, to honor his wife, Mahal. The more than coincidence assertions is also in context of their proactive more or less direct intervention 1997, & 2000 on my behalf, when everyone else was cowards, & as I reported, Mideastern Yemenese women contacting my Mom in 1990's or so about her tutoring them.
3/4(?), basketball game on TV, "We drowned, it" player, 6:36 PM. "Mere ma, all," 1:41, fans. I offered honor to former roommate Joe Marcum - 'mere 'mark 'em,'' but no response, despite a vision of Bruce Lee spying a parking lot near Viking Apts. But I reported visions of my Mom giving me honor of being a teacher worthy of people asking for my autograph - there's more than one way to have a cow for justice - as long as they follow through - & that includes my Mom, I've been led to avoid an unequivocal endorsement. If leaders fail you, hold your post & prevail against them; God will produce Bibleland people - w/fashions that never go out of style - hallelujah! - giving you direction to prevail.
3/6, "Por lo meta mama," 8:34 PM, ch 12, fem; Spanish, Univisión, loosely translated, 'for it, put momma [in jail],' or 'for it, momma may put [Jack Teacher in jail];' i.e., codes of Latinos conspiring to oppress me or my Mom, due to delays placing this report on internet; Univisio'n is from Sac. 3/7, "Take your 'to me'" (as far as I could tell), 9:10 AM; 'to me' code; context, mex. code from Univisio'n, night before; when I went on S/T mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico, 1993, handing out treats to kids in low income area, "A mi! A mi!" constant shouts of kids ("To me! To me!") - Latinos in No. Ca. turned those good deeds on end; in fact, mex. children "prophetically" role playing that No. Ca. Mexs. & others would run to their mommies & cave in to rebellion. 3/7, Kamala Harris, 10 PM, news, while in L.A., acting as though it's amazing, looking @ mountains to E. of L.A., "...feet, & feet, & feet of SNOW," but w/each 'feet' gesture of her hand going lower & lower - i.e., code referring to feats I'm reporting from Heaven, but if I report these blessings, miracles, biblical feats, V.P. claiming rebels can go lower & lower w/oppression - that's their "feat;" Harris is part Indian, part black - it isn't an unequivocal endorsement of all Mideasterners. Nevertheless, indications are Mideast proclaimed it's either gonna be establishment of a Jack Teacher "ma law," or Allah.
WESTERN CHURCH...[REVAMP: JACK TEACHER LEFT OUT OF THE EQUATION], & I avoided the tit for tat games - China's acts of negating me means they are part of the tit for tat generation. Kick the habit - join the BB Boomers; Gen. 12:3. Meanwhile, Ram Emanuel is still beleaguered - is it rams for Jesus, or bulls for Jesus - & what about brahma bulls??? Is it sexy "bros.' zeal"? Because, cross your heart, Texas & the South needs to repent!
Heed the advice of the "Taught Ya" Ma - Jack Teacher's "No" autograph is where it's @.
6/1, "In fer their equipment," Dirk, 6:20 AM. "It's just the camera," Hickey, ch 3 6:20 AM. "No," Joanne, under her breath, after saying I could use the bathroom - creating secret signal effect - 'no [Tom's here - hiding in the back room - can't have sex right now]' - implying an affair occurring; then running extent. cord threw bedroom window ('inn - for equipment' Sac news; i.e. the Hallers' electric trimmers are equipment, & that makes them "in" & "inn" according to Sac - but it's nonsense conspiracy codes, because justice should be the focus. Cord entering window of same room as last wk, when I "overheard" (intentional) Joanne saying to Tom, "I wouldn't want to get off here"; it was fiasco trying to plug cord into an outlet that worked - Tom fell onto floor, then it was plugged in & didn't work, then they fed the line back out the window saying outlets in there wouldn't do, then I plugged it into outlet inside dining room sliding door & it functioned, but too far away from the bushes, then Joanne acted like it was a science problem that had to be solved, "I had to think it through..." making a box or square figure w/both index fingers, & she had come up w/way to plug it in using bedroom outlet again, & then it worked. "Said we don't go guess 'em," Rodriguez landscaping, 8:39 AM, 2nd & Mace, instantly after I put on internet, "Said I'm who's insane." gambling casino resort hotel ad, "Make your play" "make your..." (8X) culminating w/"make your bed," which is a mismatch - if you're making your own bed in a hotel, you've been taken - subtle code possibly tracking Davis rebels - falling short as far as enabling me to have a reasonable abode - crippling me as far as any "play" - such as buying my own tools - & that has bearing on survival, prosperity, sex life, etc., 6:23 AM. UCD students' lewd creeping consps: 8:54 wh male maroon swt jacket, w/baby goo-gooing, near me on P line Unitrans bus, & instantly, e mail hacked & stalled; bus already 15 min. late, & bug code, "We can't...?" 8:56 (didn't write it down fast enough & forgot the last part - too many stalkings @ once). Then 8:58, male bus dispatch, "A took pressure," acknowledging their consp. w/adult male & baby & their scanners produced zero results; & wh fem driver, extra "effort," stalling @ stop in front of DHS, & I said "You're already 15 min. late" & then she got going w/code, "That's your come on." 9:17, P line arriving @ West Lake, where I got off, & driver, "I'm too late," but it was (1)code that I'm too late for work (I would've been on time if bus was on time), & there would be consequences; (2) 'I'm too late [to save Chinese];' echoing code from 2002, after I'd asked for apology from Ching Chang @ Davis Chinese church (in private, biblically - he was one of the brokers who had called police on me & filed false charge in 1998 - 15 cts. total (Doug Arnold & others) defeated in court, 1999); I'd been attending DCCC for approx. 2 mos. before dealing w/it, & that Sunday before I confronted Chang, "We're being sweet," fem choir director, i.e, they had been expecting me to talk to Chang, & I'd been slow about it & they concluded prematurely I was going to ignore it - but I had countless battles & this wasn't high priority - & I wasn't looking to offend anyone, but it wasn't an option to overlook it when the scandal was still occurring; but, instead of apology, they called police & threatened arrest if I didn't leave. Awfully cold reaction - despite pressure from police & other churches, - considering I'd led Tony He (former Chinese roommate) to Christ in Fall 1999 (along w/2 Chinese friends), & he had been attending DCCC regularly after that. Also, Mideast male friend of mine (@ the time) Medi, owner of Ali Baba's cafe, had said he was open to Christianity, & had gone w/me to church @ DCCC, approx. 2 wks before the confrontation, & he attended again afterward, unaware I'd been railroaded out of there - penny drop scenario. I.e., I was the new guy @ that church, but one of their most faithful nevertheless, but that evidently was beside the point. Soon after that, bus stop near DCCC, driver, "You're too late," to a student - code pertaining, evidently to Chinese. Also, when I was staying in LaSalle Apts. in 1999, w/UCD student roommates, next door was fem student roommates, including Asian fem Thu (pronounced 'To') - & her name was representing students for apprx. 2 years - ''To' late.' Until approx. 2003, the Aggies overall were on my side, as opposed to joining the oppressors. Also as of 2002 (before being railroaded), Chinese student population increased in droves - Tony He was medical doctor from China, & his Christian walk was somewhat cold, & surrounded by a city of phony Christians, that isn't surprising, but he didn't keep it a secret that I led him to Christ & was a good example in tough circumstances; Chinese influx also accompanied by "Obey" Andre the Giant stickers around town (possibly 'hand RE the giant') though I was getting out of RE by then, or soon after.
6/1, "You took our cot," (or similar), Dorte 4:32; "You're how close," 4:42; 'How' code for UCD students. "he's going full force," thin wh fem, blk clothing, near Palm Ct. hotel, 6;12 PM, possibly threat of a hit. "It was their tuce," Dorte, 5 PM approx. "You won't have your___" Asian fem pink jacket, 42B 6;23 PM. I was slow holding Ching Chang accountable, but I did follow through; but Chinese have failed to respond to earth-shattering gestures by holding corrupt churches accountable on my behalf - & once again, they haven't repented, so accountability is a must. Stall, & what credit you have erodes- men's work, v. cooking & cleaning; but w/laundry code for litigation & legal battle oppression,
rebel corps. such as Best Buy create ads w/facade of watch (10:11 check mark) being distorted, dwarfed, & swallowed by mammoth police & court oppression - suggesting the latest strategy for rebels - & Dirk replies that he told me buy my equipment, 'cause customer-provided "inn" equipment is "out." Oh, as far as consps. implying I'm working the wrong grunt labor job, they conveniently attempt to cover up that the Landscaper Nick consp. was a last ditch effort by regional rebels who were exposed & caught trying to force me to crack & go on shooting spree or kill myself - when 20 yrs of that failed & I was holding my post, they had to cough up some semblance of a profession to stave off invasion. This was the region's back-up plan if I somehow survived 20 years of isolation & oppression - a huge plan where Davis is nevertheless magically allowed a 'dis' ('disrespected') claim, & I'm railroaded into being their slave under guise of landscaper. But the problem is I'm still surviving as a landscaper, & exposing their rebellion, & the goal was electric chair, so then coconspiring corporations "reinforcements" show up attempting to swallow these facts - suddenly ditch-digging is "uppity."
I reported that vision to stay awake
(approx. 2017) - because it wasn't a draw. I also reported vision, 2009, cities surrounding Davis preparing to invade. But rock comes along w/mssgs. that I can't teach, etc., & misled them, & no invasion. Uplifting song lyrics, displays indicating they were in the know, gaining everyone's trust, then gave everyone the shaft. If anyone goes to see them, rebuke them - it can't be covered by concert
"mosh pit" scenes. The Bible says do the right thing & leave the consequences to God. If they suspected the region was on the fence, I have more than enough proof that was the case - 3 attempts on my life - 2017, 2020, 2021, & rock betraying me encouraged it - after the 2017 attack, why was there any further delay? According to the Lord, Summer of 2018 was deadline - more than enough evidence against all of them. ''Ma shh' pit;' but ma piped up on my behalf through prayers & visions; she & my sister are in enemy territory - this indicates some serious jealousy of music fans.
Mindset of Chinese seems to be that justice is it's arbitrary - based on how much fooling of victim you can get away w/ - if enough people conspire to put on an act that the victim can be isolated & pressured to agree that he isn't entitled to justice until he gives up his right to work, then that's the definition of justice, & the victim must settle for it...peer pressure - Instead of justice, it's more musical grunt labor jobs, & if Jack Teacher doesn't go along w/the program, No. Ca. Chinese saying, "See? You don't really love us!"
5/26, "I have casual night," 1 of 2 fat blk fems blk jacket or wh blouse, 6:35 PM, 42B; i.e., veiled threat: Chose white (wedding), & blks might give me some slack; choose black, & it's trouble - but they are the ones exposed as rebels nationwide! "You'll just have them making," gov't bug code, 6:30 - trying to coerce me to compromise; but they fail to listen to & heed what I said. "It wasn't your word," mex or blk male, beard, blk shrt, 42B 6:45. Causeway Connection bus (UCD), "Powered by 'e' Electrify America,'" & the 'e' has graphic of lightning bolt striking down from above - another example of Davis rebels using hostile (opposing) codes & symbols in attempt to claim defeat of them - same tactic as ARC, etc.; 'e' is code for electronic - as in internet (e mail), lightning bolt is warning from my Dad's shrt about consp. forcing me to do landscape work, 'electrify' - code to electrocute me, but in attempt to create cover that it was harmless, they apply it to cars & America - but they're out on a limb hoping no one will put two & two together, because the implication is send the whole nation to electric chair. "He's having his exact, key," fat blk male, yellow sec grd or safety jacket. 42B mex fem driver, single bounces in seat - like Jackie Chan during talk show interview (2015 or so) - as though jolted by electicity or similar; 2-3X, 6:51 PM, on causeway (flood zone between Sac & Davis). Before leaving Davis, @ UCC stop (last one in Davis) repeated loud throat clearings; i.e., someone start something w/victim while we're still in Davis police region; one blk fem on bus @ the time, but another blk fem got on before leaving Davis, lg. afro red swtr; then we arrived in WS, & 2 blk males got on; suddenly all blks on bus. Jolt was code for the lightning bolt on Causeway Connection bus graphic that was going by in I -80 on causeway. "My Republican [counterparts] disagree w/me as to who should bury the burden," Biden 7:32 PM, KQED/PBS; consp. code that I "bear" the "burden" by agreeing to let Davis rebels go, & eventually be buried in Davis - despite I've got visions from God & signs from history that their oppression merited being nuked! 7:56, "We're raiding general," bug code.
5/31, vision, Biden, "I'm gonna get l[il'] angry;' most likely referring to report where I included street name that is also actress' name; but it's also a term used in Bible; 'Lang [RE]' code - indicating sales motives if you (1)aren't losing your temper, or (2) use the wrong terminology (street name); Langfords on Scott St. in Clovis (s[ee?] caught - street') - lived 2 doors down from us where we were renting a res., 1960's; we then moved to Fresno, but visiting them in 1971, they'd purchased a new (Ford) Cougar - might've been a factor in me getting a Cougar in 1979; @ any rate, friends w/attitude of "hang in there & you'll afford" - as opposed to national leaders stalking you if you "hang in there," & despite this is while you're enslaved - & simultaneously literally guarding the gestapo slaveholders - THEY ARE REBELS! 5/30, "You can't see - this is too," vision, 10 AM; while I was removing debris from flowerbed while weeding "We're gonna hit your face hard, then you're gonna go back to play," 12:30 PM Asian fem gray shrt, w/fat male blk jacket, & 2 kids, near Tim's Hawaiian, 2nd St. "In the absenteen," bird, 3:17, "We're saw," after I added 1/2 hr @ Erin's before heading to next job. "We don't have our nut," blk male bldg inspector, to Erin; i.e., NJ witness approx. 1:35; also he & city inspector both acted like I was home-owner, & I simply told them to go to front door; but bug codes possibly stalking me over not being more frank w/them for feigning not recgonizing me; vision, 1:55, "You can't see how their struggle fit," i.e., I'm not "struggling" enough rebuking every terrorist every 5 min. "He can't see his half," Erin, to city inspector, 2:02 - 'half' as of 2008, code for 2-4+ mo. captivity; alternately, claiming I'm too thorough - raking up leaves, tearing out old dead branches, etc., - but, I could always finish up faster, & be door-knocking - for free - a lot sooner! There is a balance of thorough but not meticulous, but this most likely was the Biden vision- they (including nation's leaders, working w/Davis) swallow up justice whole, & then attempt to dupe me that justice depends on me proving something to them by doing a lousy job - which inevitably means I'm out of a job & penniless - & then they claim lazy people aren't worthy of justice! - quality of work isn't the basis of justice; the Bible says do a good job, even if you're a slave; & report crimes.
5/24, "No child was unharmed," boy fell into pool; fem, ch 40 6:35 AM. "He was choking away doing that's space nick," Stkn (as far as I can tell - notes illegib.), Dick Sharp, news ch 40(?); i.e., attempts on your life are after the fact covered up w/coded claims I was "nicked," & facades they can attempt to kill someone & claim it's for illustrative purposes - literal choking is to illustrate - 'the oppression is figuratively choking his future...' "Wake up; we'll have collide," Sharp, 6:43; code, 'co. lied,' claim I'm lying about wanting to be a teacher. 8 AM, approx., blk male driver, 42A, pulled up @ bus stop but a bus length down; they do that occasionally, & I don't always say something, but I said he could've made it closer to the bus stop; he suddenly demands I get off bus repeatedly, & then said "Next time I see you, I will pass you up." 8:04, "That was where you were born," blk driver, & as I got off bus, "He did our Jew, it," 8:35 (or 8:55); 'Jew' - 'j[ail] you;' i.e., my reports are thorough enough I "i.d.'d" they consp. m.o. of creating altercation out of nothing, & calling police - which blk driver was claiming as blacks.' I.e., blacks identifying w/oppression of Jews, & Germans blackened Jews in ovens. This may be the 'I bypass you' vision (4/2021); God saying melting pot doesn't need blacks. "You mussed up job," "You won't live, it," Jan, Antioch.
"The Righteous One takes note of the house of the wicked, & BRINGS THE WICKED TO RUIN!!!!!" Prov. 21:12.
"poor if I.V. feat" Cosentyx ad 5:43 PM ch 3; possibly 'InterVarsity' code; IVCF, I reported fems embroidered swim suits on the sketches of naked statues for Man of Steel T shrts; i.e., if I don't look @ dirty pics, consp. to make me poor; but, Rich/MGM 'cons.-y-cons. death row consp. (t-y-x). "Breathe Ca." w/cartoon rabbit - if it's a "draw" (drawings - animation) they are claiming Ca. can get away w/crimes, possibly; alternately, right to be a rabbit w/out being choked, irregardless.
Clerk spent extra time cleaning my table; possibly one of table codes, but also eating Mideast food more recently - I've warned them codes are bound - 'table' is code for dining w/or fellowshiping w/ - they are claiming I'm in bed w/Bel Air Mideast clerks or Mideasterners in No. Ca., but acting polite while making warnings & refusing visiting or small talk is standing. 3:10, "You live w/me," clerk, while cleaning room; I glanced out window randomly, "That was we bumped you." ch3, 5:58 PM, mother of one of 2 cancer victims both friends from HS; "She's some help," "It's how many sunrises she's gonna have," mother of Cade (?) or similar as far as I can tell, based on this being story of 2 HS seniors, implying underage (unless they were out of HS subsequently), the use of 'sunrise' possibly implying lewdness; "...give me a kid's in cage, you work for me," (tail end of story - didn't get the names, location, etc., & wasn't on internet); ''A' kids in cage;' as far as I can tell, this is attempt to claim I'm not allowed to use language or light-hearted style that has been used since time immemorial to defuse oppression. I.e., w/terrorists like this indiv., the formula is let America spiral downward & don't try to console anyone - because if you do, then you belong in a cage. I don't think this is the sentiment nationally - Reader's Digest "Laughter's the Best Medicine;" "He who has a merry heart has a continous feast," Prov. 15:15. Alternately, Kid Curry, Sundance Kid - old West outlaws; but arresting them falls short in most
instances -
"purge the evil from among you." Most likely, Hansel & Gretel in a cage - vision about to be stuffed into a lg. bird cage - identifying w/Davis rebels? 'haun[t] sell' - in times of trouble in the nation multiplying evil scenarios from fairy tales is the ruin of those so doing! I.e., why settle for one witch? But Hansel & Pretzel creates a scenario breaking the spell, if anyone cares to bolster the nation - pretzels - a vendor of snacks is technically selling them, but it's work like any other job - don't patronize me after God turned the regional churches conspiring against me into literal satan's dens - I already bent over backwards demonstrating my motives were & are work in general & teacher specifically - RE sales was a form of work using my education, but if they were too jealous to hire me as a teacher, I worked everything from sign-waving to dish washing to petitioning to ditch digging. I'm currently ditch digging - but it's manifest to everyone that they are trying to extract a confession from me by demanding I jump from one grunt labor job to another parlaying to every whim of obviously concocted suspicion - when nukes are in order. "WE WILL NEVER FORGET." OH YEAH? I HAVE THAT 'WHO DUNNIT?' DAVIS MAYOR, A WITCH; GREEN WITCH'S HANDS TRAPPING SOMEONE, ART DISPLAY, DOWNTOWN DAVIS; WORLD TRADE CENTER LOCATED @ 150 GREENWICH; 9-1-1 USED REPEATEDLY AS TOOL OF OPPRESSION AGAINST ME WHILE I WAS EVANGELIZING, & WTC BOMBED ON 9/11. Also, prayer & fasting & somberness & repentance is what we need nationally, but I'm surrounded by scoffing conspirators, & God has led me to keep from cracking the joy of the Lord is my strength. From another slant, I believe God told me my report about Moffet victim, her mother saying my report made her a heroine of some sorts; but flattery doesn't go very far - dabbling in drugs, possibly she merited some jail time (cage) to get her life on track. "It's you just would; they let dot have it" (or, 'daught[er]'); bug code or demon, 6:22 PM - or the consp. daughters are going to be nuked; code referring to consp involving Anna & tmcoded threat because I didn't show concern about her daughter in hospital in SF, & suddenly, cks from Anna bouncing @ least 2 other parties involved. 6:18 PM, Dirk, ch 3, & Charlie's Angels chime theme that's cut in half (ch 3 jingle), "The 'el,' we're sitting;" these codes are terrorists attempting to deal w/that I've taken their 'adjust' codes - God wants me "adjusting" to my tree "They have adjust, it," (or similar) 7:35 PM bug code rm 16. 7:47, "He won't know, we're having him out." 8:13 PM, "You'll just listing, your key." 8:46 PM "Catch yooou" radio, Raley's; i.e., 'catch 'U'' - as in 'oppress the victim & maintain 'U' oppression line.' 8:47, fem mex. grn jacket w/girl, "This is what I ever let," @ register; possibly 'let' as opposed to staying in motel, or more consps. of mexs. using kids as tool. NBC sports, 12:47, "Let her goes," "We're gonna know him, fire." Panera codes attempting to instigate denial of income - ad about day old bread given to charity "Bread doesn't go bad after a day; on this table, IT WILL BE BIG," - code - 'It will be [he's] beg[ging];' 1;10 PM, ch 64. "Game Show" - "mesa - flat topped hill - 'table'" ch 65 1:13 PM; in past, 'table' codes were used as facade of being needy or freebies or both, but, as reported, they are claiming I'm propping up Mideast, or Mexs. (wampum report - but none of these reports pertain to No. Ca. region, @ least not currently).
History of the Alamo: 'Alamo' means poplar tree; originally the region was site of Mission San Antonio de Valero, 1700's, established to educate Native Americans about Christianity. In 1800's, Spanish soldiers occupying the region named the fort El Alamo, after the city they were from in Mexico, Alamo de Parras. By providence, the English translation sounds like 'pop's all ours,' & this was combined w/fact that Allah is the false god of the Moors (Muslims), w/whom Spanish had battled off & on for several centuries until approx. late 1300's. In other words, by name association - Allah/Mohammed - Mexicans under Santa Ana saw red when battling against Americans occupying Alamo in 1836, in Texas' war for independence from Mexico - from "popping" those Moors in the past (they did eventually gain a rapport between them, but as far as the Alamo - there is only one God). Evidently Americans picked up on this, because the Texas war was followed by Mexican American war 10 years later, & the cry, "Remember the Alamo!" - but the intent was to create an historical landmark commemorating an overarching bond w/Mexican Catholics - zeal for the gospel. USA - the God of Christianity - then frees black slaves globally, & black boxer Mohammed proclaims, "Remember Allah!"
5/22, Teo Torres, ch 3 rptr, 6:44 AM, "In Europe...I'm a bake, it" - 'obey, k[ey];' pinko commie code - 'raking & weeding is the wrong grunt labor - Jack Teacher must now go back to working @ bakery....' & referring to Manuel Campos Ave. in Fairfield, 6:48, "Next there minute," 'nixxed there - [I']m in it,' & 'nixxed there - [I']m 'inn' it;' & 'next, there - I'm 'inn' it;' they attempt to ruin you based on pretentions from ordinary names - w/codes they become oppressive obstacles - 'man you well, 'camp us,' i.e., if you were ever down & out, w/out a place to live (camping) - whether your fault or not - you'll never live it down. I-80 overcrossing renamed Manuel Campos
(presumably extended to the freeway) as of approx. 2012, despite reports on www saying 1997 - this was after I'd worked in VV for a year sign-waving, while applying to & going in person to virtually every secondary school in the county - their conspired response was decree manual labor @ best, along w/captivates in the FF jail. I was in Lodi while in HS & comm. college; N. of Lodi is Acampo; & then (probably not coincidence, now that I'm better informed), I was in Campo Hall my first year @ UCD. Latinos in region attempt to guarantee that any stigma from past struggles is inescapable - 'acampo' means pasture or camp in Span.; "Go mess up a pasture," Craig Arnold, former friend from Fresno; 'Gomez up, I passed ya,' code - taking Spanish in jr. hi, teacher goals, subtle claim he "passed" me as in approved to be a teacher, & as of that point I was already teaching Summer School @ Centennial - assumption I'd teach Spanish - Gomez [is] up.' But 'go mess up a pasture' - un acampo; & we then moved to a city S. of Acampo. They're "in it" - they have their "job" or their "part;" but while they ensure that I don't teach, their "part" includes involving & ruining children - I reported the Hanna Montoya TV ad that promotes blk fem. teacher & shy mex. girl being encouraged by her; there's now a Ford ad where the same shy persona (mex. girl) - is launching a toy rocket - toying w/huge stories that should've been proclaimed. The ads shouldn't be occurring in the first place, but the locals are baited w/them, & they simply can't resist - & huge historical feats notwithstanding - they don't recogize that there is a God who punishes evil. "This is what I ever let," mex fem grn shrt w/sm girl, Raley's, 8:47 PM, 5/21; the code possibly was asserting that they are "accomplishing" that I have a place to stay or "let" - but @ $85/night min. - it isn't a "let" in traditional sense; but most likely it's a code of more oppression to prevent it - attempting to perpetuate the 'acampo' consp. Nevertheless, they give themselves away in that they are committing crimes against me in presence of their kids - training them to do the same - while patting themselves on back for what amounts to a guise of piecemeal justice - it's possible I have a place to let, but they're producing TV ads guaranteeing (to the best of their abilities) that I'll never have justice - I'll never be a teacher, etc. - & their kids are drawn into it. The Ford ad includes discussion about going to the launch site, & girl says, "Domingo" (Sunday), & the dad says, "próximo Domingo?" (next Sunday?) & she says "Este..." (this Sunday); but there was interaction where I had one-upped my competition getting things done on Fri. or Sat., when as of Fri. afternoon they were saying "Monday..." & "Mande?" is equiv. of 'order me' in Spanish, but expression meaning "What can I do for you?" or similar, such as emply @ work asking for instructions - & it was acknowledged that I was leading amongst my enemies. This ad subtly refers to that, including notion of maintaining partial stubbornness - Sun. inst. of Mon. (but not Fri. or Sat.). 5/22, 4:40 AM approx., "A is tore, friendly store," fem. mex. in Raley's & supposedly patting herself on back - a fraction of justice - if that was her intonation - it's possibly consp. to start trouble @ Raley's - continuing along w/Solano to''man' 'camp[ing w]/us.'
Their tactics are manifest - as opposed to my demands for "Justice this moment!" The region recruited slobs statewide & nationally to become homeless to create the 'I' in, it' conspiracy that you can't work hard to overcome homelessness & low income ('[I']m in it' or '..inn it'), & if you think you can, they'll prove you can't - stigma that it's virtually inescapable - like a vortex of evil (Davis vortex of evil); Latinos - & whites in Sacramento - advertising on TV their coconspiracies w/Solano & nationwide - a regional crime syndicate. They aren't any worse than the regional whites, except that as a Spanish Teacher, rather than them pinpointing eliminating teacher goals, they could've mastered the Don Quixote theme - ensuring I teach w/kids trained to stand watch.
Tall tale about mex. boy Jose' who attended a ball game, but was too short to see the game, so before it started, he climbed up to the top of the flagpole to get a better look. @ end of the game, he was asked how he liked it, & said it was great, & he especially liked it when everyone stood up @ beginning & singing, said, "José can you seeeee...?" Vision, 5/20 or 5/21, "Let's have 'carefully;'" & those lyrics occurred to me. There seemed to be a Don Quixote to the rescue theme (as opposed to the evil Don Miller), as of 2000, before the entire region had gone bad, it was obvious that a Spanish Teacher struggling to keep going during persecution could work in sales; 2200 blk of T St. in Sac. ('k[ey] he - ho! 'T' - in other words, 'work ho!;' the testimony was 'Ho! Miller doesn't have the keys') Jesús Serato hired me as his agent to sell his res.; it sold to Greg Smith, w/Ca. Office of Emergency Services; this was when Gray Davis was still gov.; i.e., huge gray area for sales - it isn't a crime. Moreover, the residence was exact same architecture & front appearance as B&B inn. 422 A St. (it was the same residence before the inn's expansion) - sale that came w/in $20 of being sold (to Chinese fem.). It was after Arnold Schwarzeneggar came & I was then oppressed in his office (2005), that things took a turn for the worse. In other words, 'José, can you [bring Red] Sea [judgment?]' Latinos regionally made effort on my behalf - miraculous - they mastered the 'hiss' - seller named Jesús - pastor from El Salvador came to Davis & clarified Davis police are terrorists, but Bush enunciates decrees subtly implying condemnation of my Dad, then Obama underling in national news on inaugueration day w/death row code, & Obama conspiring w/local blacks making death threats, Trump elected, w/a lot of Latino votes, but instead of bringing justice on my behalf against an evil Don [Miller oppressing me w/]trump[ed up charges], it's ho! w/more oppression, including attempt on my life @ 3:50 AM approx. Latinos were kind of new @ the melting pot phenomenon - they thought they were supposed to count...! Once again they should've held their posts, but USA had a long history of almost flawless presidents, & so in darkness, they folded. Nevertheless, the Don Quixote testimony stands - it is a checkmate! 3/2017 in Coop parking lot w/gun, & then w/his car trying to hit me [THE ORIGINAL REPORT ABOUT THIS ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE IN 2017 IS MISSING FROM MY FILES, WEBPAGES, & E MAIL FILES - SOMEONE IS DESPERATE TO PROTECT TRUMP, & POSSIBLY TOM KILBORNE OF SOLANO CTY (INVOLVED - BASED ON 'CLICK' GUN CODE), & TOM FERRARA, SHERIFF OF SOLANO CTY (ORIG. FROM LODI)!] 2 more attempts on my life w/Biden - 2/2020 on Columbia Ct. & 7/26/2021 @ 4th & F, 4:25 AM. Miguel de Cervantes -
'day - [endure] serv[ing (jail time)] & hiss[ing];' I endured far more than that as far as oppression as a servant of the Lord & citzen of my country; but the point was for them to do the right thing even when leaders fail - don't follow corrupt leaders, not even
presidents or "Mr. Universe." Regionally @ min., they testified, then shrank back; & so because of that, regionally they are brought to account, as evidenced by, 'my girl [is causing the] 'serve & hiss' [oppression].'
There's more to that rocket launch ad - slightly smaller model rockets known as Estes rockets have been around for decades, & are a lot of fun - I built 2 when a youth & had a launch pad. But 'este' in Spanish is 'this' - which in Engl is code for 'th[e] hiss.' Also 'Estes' sounds like 'his tease,' & rebels for years attempted to label serious crimes "teasing" as though it wasn't a crime - in actuality, "hissing" is obviously a euphemism as well, dumbing down serious acts of conspiracy - serious crimes can't be compared to "Hey, batter, batter, batter - SWING!" etc. @ a Little League game - pressure tactics of the opponents. Whites in USA are involved in similar stalking commercials, but (1)as a Spanish Teacher, I could've used the help of Latinos, & (2)easy as pie criteria for Latinos to get ahead in USA when whites are evidently willfully falling short to invite them to a higher seat - but ads where they actually train their kids to be evil is the dead wrong answer. As reported, the confused & absent-minded knight character of Don Quixote contructively redeemed, rising above, w/acts of intervention from Mexs. in Sac - tracking Davis w/testimony that I was entitled to a profession using my education, & it had become known that any struggles weren't of my doing, but because of others' oppression. But they then succomb to corruption in the face of corrupt leaders, & capitulate to their bad examples. This is regional - but these TV ads threaten to more completely involve Latinos nationally.
- Robert F. Kansas
The We Believe Ya Exorcists coming to "go to work;" exorcizing spooks. "...closer; you have to decide" (MT). "The worker is worthy of his keep" - pay them!
5/19, "You won't keep them raw," 5:55 PM fat Asian fem blk 'AS' T-shrt, 42B, after I listened to part of a song w/earphones. 'malaise' - Newsom, 7:12 PM, ch 40; defined as lack of energy, uncomfortable, fatigued, but it's code for 'ma lays' - another of those facades adding more victims - my Mom & sister could be doing more, but they are also outnumbered 70,000 to 2, & see themselves as my "heavys" refusing to move out of Lodi - they could bolt from Lodi, & go to the media, etc., but the story is the biggest in 2 millenneums - "bolting" shouldn't be necessary, & that indicates it is possible that after they bolt, the media suddenly doesn't have time for them, but as far as I can tell, if so much as a small band of citizens went to media, the story would be reported. "Text my daughter open," 6:04 PM fat fem blk(?) 42B driver. "I'm still lock" bug code or vision; rebels attempting to force me to commit a crime - I was supposedly supposed to confront blk male @ Kulmans' on Oak - 2 or more U turns right next to me on Marconi after going to Alex. Twilight; then Oak St., 5/19, U turns while I was working in front yard - 1:43, car made U turn in front of Kulmans', & code, "We'll let your half hold" (sounded like); then 2:46 PM, silver p/up, 3+ U turns, lic pl 7D1_734 or similar (pic sent?); 3 PM, blk male made U turn, parked in front of lot next door to Kulmans', got out, opened trunk, then got back into car & left (pic sent - possibly Folsom auto dealer), lic pl 8WFH420. Half hr. or so later, another blk male, similar car, U turn, got out, opened trunk, & code from car going by, "He has you're here," 3:35; blk male then went up sidewalk toward DHS (pic sent), lic pl CL40R70. Supposedly football game, or activity, but they were using it as cover to stalk me. Wh fem w/male, arrived across the street (no U turn), 3:58, "He's making we have criminal parking," lic pl 8TDG078. wh male, "I'll have laugh," pking behind other cars, in front of Kulman's, lic pl 7AYM926, 3:38. 4;13, mex fem w/2 kids, "They'll have we're careful down," (pic sent). As of 3:30 or so I'd finished weeding a sm section of Kulmans' front yard adjacent to driveway, that was also next to the cement slab where the lg. piles of debris had been for mos. @ a time. The codes & scenarios are conspiracies attempting to create confrontation between me & black(s) - w/police waiting for excuse to execute a warrant against me; but this is exact same m.o. of rebels for 20 years - either pressure me to crack & commit terrible crime, or @ min., create more trouble for me; I stood up against church leaders, police, sheriff, city councils, abandonment by friends & relatives, former employers such as VCA, all saying I failed or sinned - almost no one in history has been put through that; I held my ground & prevailed; times w/out number I've stood my ground against thugs, rebels, rebels threatening & attacking me, etc. - those claiming they want to subject me to more tests to prove myself, when my character has been proven over & over & over & over & over, such demands are cursing me - & those who curse me will be cursed, & brought to a wretched end. I was almost killed @ 4th & F, & the attempted murderer was let go, because all that mattered was police had a warrant against me for charges pertaining to public speaking @ Groc. Outlet in 2017. Tracking blacks & purging them doesn't necessitate more oppression against me, especially when regional police are after me as well - such "requisites" are the destruction of those orchestrating them - guaranteed. I've objected w/out fail to being used as guinea pig to track an entire race, & God led me to denounce it. Bringing about a physical altercation involving me isn't a requisite - their nationwide indulgence in conspiracy oppressing me & undermining USA (rebellion) are sufficient to both kick them out of churches & purge them. "That's where we're having we're ask it," Aaron Needles code - after fem. & boy passed by (location?) - lewd code facade. Aaron Needles, Bible study leader, when I started being persecuted, he was leading prayers (UCC) w/" Jesus' name we ask it," instead of " Jesus' name we pray" & it was actually the seeds of the 'ask' - '[h]ass[le] k[ey]' or '[har]ass, k[ey]' codes, where 'ask' was subtly redefined as 'pressure' or 'demand w/illegal tactics' as far as rebel codes. Despite God endorsing me like few others in history, Davis rebels claiming they can go on in their sins of smearing my reputation & harassing/oppressing me if I want to teach - a child makes a noise, & they put on an act - that's their m.o. Also, Kulmans' tactics epitomize Davis rebels' 'ask' consps. - it obviously isn't limited to coercing me to give up teacher goals, it's a billion subtle acts of stalkings, harassings, conspirings, threats, oppressions, denials of rights, to cause me to crack & blow up someone's house or go on shooting spree, etc. I'm hired to do yardwork, but it's combined w/subtle mediocre acts to hinder my progress or success - raking leaves, repairing fence, but debris is left in huge pile beside driveway on busy street for wks or mos. - stigmatizing my work; dream approx. 2 years ago after working @ Kulmans' of blk boy or male hiding or buried under pile of leaves, but surviving; Davis' acts of stringing me along w/landscape work/yardwork, but vehement on the fence mentality & constant "neighing" acts - such as despite I do good work building fences, that's suddenly shut down & almost 100% weeding jobs. "I WONDER IF IT WORKS?" boastful "announcement" - wh fem lng gray hair, cashier supervising self check registers, Savemart, 12:27 PM; context - I had just stepped up to register, but it was after everything in slow motion while I'm waiting in line w/HS kids, due to suddenly only one or 2 registers functioning, & cashier couldn't seem to resolve it (creeping), & kids creeping as far as using the registers; i.e., conspired slow down of my life w/kids around. No name tag on fem, & she refused to give me her name. I reported approx. 2 years ago bumping into Bunny in Savemart, & soon after that, vision of Taylor &/or others arresting someone in Savemart - but arrest of an indiv. is nonsense. But working @ Bunnie's approx. 3 days ago, she made coded comment immed. after child made noise. 3/19, my next job after lunch @ Savem., Kulmans' on Oak; when I arrived, mex. fem maid, Melissa, answered, & said they'd be back & 2:30 or so. She was then leaving approx. 20 min. later, & I said I'm a Math & Spanish tutor if she needs anyone; despite she was in 30's @ most, she said she had daughter who was in HS who needs tutor, as she left, code, "You don't know how straightforward that was," 1:17 PM, blk Denali SUV; either implying (1)'that' conspirators were trying to warn me if I try to be a teacher, & they'll do worse things; (2)she must've been an unwed mother, having daughter already in HS, (3)daughter was drop out ("used to be in HS"). Context: Approx. 2 years ago, before the Bunnie/Savemart vision, I reported working @ Bunnie's (long gray hair), & she brushed my buttocks w/back of her hand, & code, "You don't know how nice that was," implying (1)get sex any way you can, because you're gonna be castrated if you don't; (2)she's desperately desiring to have sex w/me (she did wander out onto the deck of her backyard approx. 3 mos. ago in her underwear). 6:59 PM, Nikki, ch 40, "..beat taking a gun to school," referring to blk HS student. The U turns attempting to force a confrontation or attack by me of blk were connected to my trip to Alexander Tw. school - U turns indicating they have to take more vehement measures - is it U conspirators turn & repent, or 'you, Jack Teacher, must "turn" & cave it & rebel.' 'I'll ''licks' 'hand 'er '[@ the] Twilight'[s last gleeming...]'' (code maligning "Star Spangled Banner," Frances Scott Key); i.e., more vehemently attempting to thwart any "Land of the Free Home of the Brave" education nation success - "lick" that freedom nation by forcing Jack Teacher to take the law into his own hands & "lick" a blk - budging from rule of law to deal w/blacks is a victory for blacks & their rebellion, & whites lose our crown. 3 AM approx., vision of Biden muttering, "Marjorie Taylor Green," & then in the news that AM, Green leading an impeachment of Biden; it may be connected to the Savemart lewd smears propping blacks consp. - 'mar, Joe - retailer Green' consp. actually describes it - marring Savemart or Savemart customer(s) by arresting them - but, you don't "mar" them, you invade & nuke them - those retailers are "Green" - as in Draymond Green witch conspirators - Davis & blacks. 5/19, 12:38, "It was 'U,' see, we meant" - UC Davis kingpins - 'UC' consp. code; "It wasn't come on," customer Frances' boy from Notre Dame St., hunched over shopping cart eating something, next to Savemart - 'UC doesn't translate to education/teacher profession - I'm not allowed to teach. As far as Old Glory, Frances' '[3 hots & a] cot' [ oppression is] key' - "Gave proof through the night/That our flag was still there" - being "still" when you have duty to act is evil, being "still" in sense of holding your post refusing to take law into your own hands, is patriotic.
5/18, Persian male student, dk blue shrt, deliberately blocked sidewalk w/bike; I pushed it out of way, "No way! That's a room!" 6:08 PM, Philz. "This is where I'm charging you," approx. 4:45 PM; vision - communicate to Mideast what they should do (2 Tim.). Golden 1 ATM remotely sabotaged in real time - stalking me - I approx. 6 PM, I deposited 2 of 3 cks into chkg acct. - 3rd one going into Savings; rather than spitting out one of the 2 cks if there was an issue was it (which is what it usually does) both showed up on screen, but Bob's w/red "X" & red mssg.: "To be returned," & it happened to quickly to have been legit; moreover, I've deposited dozens of Bob's checks - there's nothing wrong w/his checks. In other words, illegal eavesdroppers watching me in real time, why didn't I deposit that other check? - Unsure of myself - hesistent; therefore sabotage one of the checks I deposited, because the conspirators say as far as any landscape business, it is 'to be 'RE' turned.' & the way the ATM dealt w/it, I couldn't choose to deposit on check & get the other one back - attempt to eliminate one of my checks @ least for a few days; I hit cancel & that sent both checks out of ATM. I then deposited the other one into savings - as if to explain to the saboteurs that it wasn't a case of being "unsure;" then Bob's check was accepted by ATM. This represents G1 conspiring w/same tactics as Davis police & others - tactics claiming they can oppress you if there's any indication that you are hesitent or unsure. Moreover, God demonstrated that in actuality, that's all mine irregardless - instances where I forgot my ATM card in ATM machine approx. 1 1/2 years ago - because landscaping may be paying the bills, it's still a trap; any other work would be a trap as well - but driving home that rebels don't get away w/anything by simply hiring me. 6:16, "He won't know our kay!" wh male, blk jacket, blk cap, Cane's. "& the nature of your phone..." DOJ recorded mssg., 7:27 PM (inst. of '& the nature of your call...'). Vision 4-5 days ago about having to buy another phone from T Mobile, possibly because I hadn't left the report about Cathy on internet. 7:15 PM, 42B, wh male blnd, gray shrt, native of Davis, going on & on to driver about how he lost his phone, then later got it back, but had purchased another one before that, "They tow your breathalizer;" & he was asked, "Do you have $200?" & said, "yeah," & was able to get it back, & $600 more later, then went to Froggy's & had a drink for 1st time in 4 years, but then had 5 drinks, & was 5150'd (sent to psych ward) for 7 days & had just been released; essentially wooing fem driver, & was crossing the passenger limit line repeatedly while engrossed in conv. - same as wh fem used to go to DCM; talking w/fem driver approx. 1 1/2 years ago. As he got off @ Mace stop, he was talking about const. work & driver said he could replace their roof, so he gave her his card, saying he's a licensed contractor. Breathalizer code - Yolo jail book & release - arrest (kidnap) pursuan to warrant for public speaking, but their (voiolative) standard procedure is you have to submit to breathalizer test before release, & if you refuse, you're in booking a few hours longer, until you cooperate; after 10 years of protests only made things worse, I report them - as far as it's up to me, their violative acts shouldn't result in longer captivity. "It was you're a joy, Ng," 5:13 AM fem bug code - possibly implying willingness to commit crimes to have sensual sex. "You want this rest," vision, approx. 5 AM; that same day & day before, blks stalking me that I was supposed to take another day off - & bus skipped me on purpose, 42A, @ W. Acre, 6:58 AM - driving slowly by - I was seated - working on reports, but as bus approached. 8:09, "He has his spree," wh male gray goatie, dog, 5th & G. 5:34, "He just goes back where everything's set," fem bug code. 8:45, Mary, "You did gave your Kiev." thin wh fem blk dress, loud & belig., 42A, "I can't stand your kid!...your kids.." i.e., rebels brainstorm until they come up w/facades that create an appeasing effect - blacks tracked so that there's no hope for them (& its' deserved), but until actual invasion, somehow they're duped w/fancy codes. "That's where we have our take," or similar, Mary, (Elmwood), 9:18 AM, after kid made noise - same as stalkings @ Kulmans'. 8:30, Mary coiling up a hose or similar, made bird chirp noise identical to sound from my computer from 1997 when I was being evicted - also bat theme desktop; i.e., the stalls such as Oak St. piles, the "weeding" parameters, etc., consp. that you're being evicted - like 1997 - because I've been staying in motels in WS lately to save money for teacher interviews. 3:30 approx., vision, "It was Yuba city" - 'you bus [is] 'itty,'' ie., Davis rebels can't see how much trouble they're in - eviction because I'm taking bus to WS & back; "It won't come, eventually," supposedly bus - i.e., I count on bus transportation, & doesn't show up; but double entendre - region of conspiracies - working as landscaper is slavery, & sooner or later, it's castration. 3:53, "He has make his pace," or 'make his space;' 'space' - Slavs bolstered Jack Teacher plan.
5/16, "This is where you don't take them, come on," "It was sovereign 'em," 9:58 AM approx., vision, Lyra's. Renaissance Apts., Cowell, sm "look-out" tower like Fremans'. Raley's, "we bar w/him, second," blk male, blk shrt, or wh male emply, tan shrt, 6:07 PM. "That's where they just ditch," Brooks Painting p/up male - trash left in front of Bob's, dspite I put it on the street in time for street p/up of rubbish, approx. 3:30 PM. 6:12, "We'll have him w/mouth," thin wh male emply. "I can kick you off!" wh male 42B driver, perm looked like subway killer in NY city, said fare box wasn't functioning, & I tried it anyway (I'm not opposed to blks being held accountable, but not by methods involving someone taking the law into their own hands, & in manner identical to what happened to me, potentially instigating more of those acts against me). I warned abut freedom of expression. No one got on the bus in Davis, & first half of W Cap, then I forgot to watch when someone got on near my stop. 5:51 PM, "You did get give up," 42B driver. "We're having him sold," 5:45 PM, blk p/up. "It wasn't mean, you think," gov't bug code, when 2 students @ Russell bus stop near Syc. didn't wave on the bus, & it pulled over & then left again, 8 AM; no, no, no, no, no! Their stalkings slow me down - delaying bus - & that's their goal. "We're gonna have him - give run it," hedge trimmer near Lyra's; 8:44 AM; I used "run" as an expression for "cycle" or "loop" when I reported 42A 7:57 PM 5th & J Sac bus "cycle" skipped altogether - because I was waiting for it in downtown Sac - late by one hour, meaning it was the next bus that showed up, most likely. I was led approx 2 years ago to avoid going to downtown Sac for leisure, if there's a teacher interview, I'll go to that - w/bus transfers in downtown, etc., but Mon. I was taking day off, & felt led to get out of my room, but I should've stayed in WS; also, randomly purchased blue shrt, & they automatically claim that's a code for 'first;' therefore, they're going to "bar" w/me (jail bars). But as far as "running" or operating it, that was the second day in a row that Yolobus fare box supposedly out of commission; & Lipton peach tea on sale in Raley's for $2.98 for 64 oz.; but self-check reg. rang it up @ $2; since there are codes, I had cashier ring me up for the balance - $2.98 - ''T'-ooo, [19]98;' A rare situation where a Yolo police dept. only minimally participated in false arrests, etc. - 1998, Yolobus driver falsely accusing me (possibly because I was talking about God on the bus), WS, & police called; I was cited & released, w/out going to jail - that's the only violation of my rights by WS pd. - other than subsequently, years of covering for city-wide conspiracies; but this tea trick was attempt to create facade that they "missed" something - that I'm dishonest or willing to take freebees or discounts that aren't straightforward discounts; '[af]ford' code - '19' '98' - low income in 1998; & Ford ad w/"FED 119" lic pl on car - 'FED won 19[98];' consp. magically (& deceptively) attempting to credit Feds w/claim I was deceptive in 1998 while RE agent. THE QUESTION OF THE MILLENNIUM: HOW MANY BILLIONS OF THESE ACTS OF OPPRESSION UNDER GUISE OF TESTING ME ARE THEY ALLOWED TO COMMIT? THEY'RE GOING TO HELL FOR BEING THE BIGGEST LOSERS IN ALL OF HISTORY, AS MUCH AS FOR BEING TERRORISTS!
Steph Curry's pipe didn't curry favor w/Davis - what was he smokin'? David Breaux (pronounced 'bro'), blk male stabbed to death in Central Pk approx. 2 wks ago. Interestingly, the next day, I was finishing a project @ customer named bob's, replacing spacer boards between cement slabs, & in five places shifting of slabs meant 2X4's had to be planed down by approx. 1/4" - but only one hardware store in Davis, & no carpenters or millworkers - a shop in Zamora w/owner who lives in Davis - Robert Beauchamp - 'breau'/'beau.' [TRANSCRIPT 5/3 REPORT:]
5/3, "Fight's coming have," wh fem purple swtr or wh, 10:35. "We got him," "He won't verse us," Putin(?) vision. 2:03, "They're gonna injure 'em," 11:05 gov't bug code. 12:03, "He has save up," Shasta & Arlington, wh fem blnd, grn "animal ears" hat gray swtr. "I should run over this guy," wh fem dk lavender swt shrt, 11:45 AM, Oakensh comm field (pic sent) - same color as fem jogger w/dog (dk lavender, blk pnts), coded comment on Arroyo (as me & Bob leaving Robert Beauchamp's) - "That's we have him, champ," 5:10, near Cresta. Before the 'run over' code, Dorte said to her, "It's a 9-1-1 thing," referring to hurrying & hiring me. "With everything going on, that's totally mine," & other codes, wh fem adult; "We check you," lt. grn shrt, student, 12:21 PM. 14th & Oak, "You aren't gonna knock; 'ha' on us," mex fem blk shrt HS student, blk, wh, orange jacket, 3:28 PM. & 5:12, where light fell @ 2nd St., (Asian fem on bus), Asian fem w/ pink/lavender jacket & blk pnts. David Breaux - stabbed to death, & the only carpenter in Davis, Robert Beauchamp - [also, he was late w/project due to being on local search & rescue team, investigating Breaux stabbing]. HY Architects, 2nd St., & HY AT[&]T'). Dream of someone w/flip phone in compartment of headboard of bed (similar to bed in Laura's (former) room @ my parents' in Lodi) & choking sound - someone being choked, 5 AM - communication concerning Cathy (cousin) as far as roll-away bed in Fresno - I'm downplaying it due to my life being delayed for years until a relative relegates a tidbit of encouragement - evidently Cathy's gesture wasn't sexual (I didn't say it was), so much as rooting for me to be a role model - indicating knowledge of my cousins as of elem. age God & others had plans for me. [END TRANSCRIPT].
Blacks failed to bond w/Davis - wont be any "bros." relationship - & this was the nucleas of their territorial "take" as well. Kid Curry was in fact associated w/Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.
12 rather than 10 or 11 of the 12. Jacque's La Ceme Sword weilder utilizes TSS for lack of anyone willing to hold their post - because rock/Hollywood too earthly good to be any spiritual good, & Jack Teacher stuck w/landscaping @ best, w/consps. to end his life.
TV ministry promotional
In the streets: Whether you're homeless or in your car, they are confessing, if you're w/them, you aren't in a church, because they are false teachers.
Dysfunctional relationship - leaders of Western church & Eastern church both attempting to force young people to throw them out & take over as
leaders; but rock & Hollywood, whom older leaders deeming as representing younger generations, make use of this to attempt to control Jack Teacher, resulting in ongoing persecution of me. Young people expected to take control, but it was communicated to them they could depend on rock & Hollywood - deceived! Stars don't serve others -
"give me another martini, dahling." - involved in conspiratorial dysfunctional relationship. We're too teen for them. Teens & young people set upto take a fall by rock - could 1970's TV ad "Martini & Rossi on the rocks" have anything to do w/rock leaving teen "raw" as far as taking on corrupt churches? & when did it ooccurred? From their perspective - I reported the vision of Taylor Swift approx. Nov. 2021, "Justice by the end of the year;" but then on 1/1/2022, instead of justice, it was the fence cutting front lawn in half on 14th St. - identical to fence subsequently installed in yard on 5th St. where I did volunteer work to have charges dropped in Yolo case (because w/consp. codes coming from jury, consp'd convction was inevitable); rock implying I
don't get to sign notices to appear @ book & release @ jail if I'm not going to appear - supposedly failing to keep my word; but rather, I'm keeping my word to God to refuse to participate in commission of crimes such as kidnap, etc. So rock stars, etc. abandoned me due to my integrity, but attempting to
claim I was dishonest. I've got Corrie Ten Boom, swearing they weren't hiding Jews slated for murder when they were - as witness to my integrity! The lethal communication: Hollywood & rock communicated to the churches to look down as far as justice for me; relatives of mine in Tucson, & actor in series about God, same actor played character named Joe in another popular series; one episode included a scene of character walking down the highway, & it was filmed on county road a few mis. S. of Tucson.
5/7, 1:38 AM, Charles Stanley, recent show, nod while on camera in profile, "I love him," (no kidnap after profile of Biden, but there wasn't an active warrant @ that exact point). "Well bob," congregation member ___ (notes illegib.), then Stanley spreads arms out like cross; i.e., 'Is Bob Bloch God?' rhetorical - implying I see my customers as God, that's why I'm not quitting & giving up more ground. possibly signal to oppress me & claim it's suffering for Christ. PBS ch 6, "Getting dot older," i.e., 'Dottie' or "Dorothy,' claim that if I'm reporting story that Davis followed "Wizard of Oz" (which they did) then they can conspire to make me older for using legit. evidence, 6:49 AM PBS ch 6; also, 'dot' code for internet - I continue to make reports, code instigating abandoning me & allowing me to age while oppressed. I reported ''Use tare' age,' alternately, 'You stare, age,' those claiming to be Christians looking @ dirty pics (tares/non-Chrstians) & allowing oppression against me, while I stare @ those failing to do their duty, if I don't "comply." 6:59, "Harper stays alive," code (Harper Jr. Hi in Davis, possibly). 6:56 "He doesn't Nike it," MLB, FS1. 12:37 AM, "Gotta have it - again!" ESPN2, NBA anncr, implying greed is my motives. Andy Stanley, pastor on TCT Christian TV, giant neon arrow behind him, pointing straight down, as opposed to the myriad of public neon arrows, etc., pointing R, code about my Dad. "Part of your life you have to skip over?" I.e., asking if there's something you have to lie about, cover up, etc. Saul pursuing David; if David had killed him in the cave where Saul entered to take a pee, it would've been a shameful part of David's life, killing the Lord's annointed, & doing it while he was taking a pee. Possibly the argument is I avoided talking about my Dad, because of a period of his life where he was a heavy drinker, & wasn't a good example for us; but God showed me that he did quit drinking, & during that period of his life, he still overall held his post as breadwinner & law-abiding. But it's double entendre due to decades of conspiracies oppressing me, w/TV pastors allowing it & often empowering it - so in light of duty of Stanley to explicitly demand justice for me, there isn't any assumption as far as his motives - it's programming audience & congregation to continue the oppression, & if God produces a Dad who testified on my behalf, negate it w/neon signs. "You're your own worst enemy" Andy Stanley; former developer gave me ltr of recommend. commenting that that was one of my weaknesses. Stanley's logo is "YOUR>>> >>>MOVE" w/'your' above 'move' in logo - another code pertaining to my Dad - the failures of these pastors to breathe a word about me & the rebellion speaks volumes & automatically negates any "complimentary" assumptions. "Is there tension that deserves attention" quaint rhymes, but once again, I'm constantly high strung due to oppression that no one gets punished for. The demand for them to explode w/the story is so catastrophic that no one is going to take it as a mssg. that it's me covering for my Dad as the controlling mssg. - these are comparable to subtle concession similar to UCC acknowledging my arch prevailing over Edge, but then zeroing in on it to defeat it.
5/11, early AM, "I'd give you that much" (little pinch/little bit); vision of Tim Cahill; red hair burned out fem staying in Bel Air, Angela look-alike (emply from McD's 1996 who suggested having sex); i.e., one false move & my former friends make sure I'm dead; but these are the same ones guaranteeing I don't get married & am trapped in miserable conditions - desperately pressuring me to crack & fall.
5/12, "We are gonna week," 7:18 AM, bug code. "I can't talk about it, per my attorney," Trevor Jacobs, youtuber who deliberately crashed his plane, NBC; my Mom used to use 'per' in similar manner, but it's rare, & currently it's a code for pro per - self repres. in court battles. Jacob crashed his plane most likely as code that I crashed my RE business - readily accepted sign-waving, passed CSET in Math, etc. - there can be no argument that I humbled myself & testified my goal is to teach. 5:17 PM, fem health industry interviewed, ch 3 news(?), "perservere" was her recommmendation to those w/health ailments; but the word is 'persevere;' this was 'per' code - '[pro] per serve[s time in jail] here.' 8:05 AM, "She'll have seriously warned you back," bug code - possibly referring to Anna Wetherbee on Radcliff - bounced $90 check. Fuse blew in rm 16 approx. 10 min. after WS police staged arrest of wh male blk clothing in front of Bel Air on sidewalk/curb, approx. 5 :15 PM. (This is tactic from BW in Davis.) "Joe? You don't know where they take it," bug code. "& deal 'little, meant,'" blk boy, ad for product used in homemade sports drink, ch 3, 12:38 PM. "It's where you're not gonna live," 12:43, vision or bug code; i.e., ''little' meant' is lewd innuendo. "You're not gonna do, your fix," bug code 1:15. 2:03 PM, "He would run out certain it," fem (or similar). 10:39, "You're not having your knock, it," rm 17. "He would go them ___" (notes unclear) 2:11 (?). "You won't know how long," 10:25 AM; "It's you cave," rm 17 10:33 AM. 2:15, "It's taking told of these little boys' room" or similar 'little boys' ___' i.e., confession they are desperately trying to succeed w/Rich Mahoney 'little boys' room' perverted innuendo. "You don't know where we're gonna go" fem bug code (my Mom?). " presidents stay @ ease," fem rptr Josie Heart, Stkn, ch 3 - confession the goal is to empower corrupt presidents. 7:17, "You'll have you take your fuse," "He can foot hills," 7:19. 9:15, web pages repeatedly frozen - mandatory downloads eroding my laptops - one after another; "page isn't responding..." mssgs w/"Wait" or "Exit page" options repeatedly; rebels w/code from rm 17, Bel Air indicating it's combination of locals & Microsoft, etc. "Davis 119" jersey, skinny blk football player in Mattress Firm ad - Ford ad w/FED 119 lic pl. - magic - they produce conspiracies RUINING 27 counties conspiring to deny me teacher jobs, to force me to work for Davis rebels in grunt labor, they then lie, claiming grunt labor is sales, & presto! I'm working in sales again - despite huge historical feats from Heaven proving I'm a teacher - & exposing that Davis Wizard of Oz green witch hands consp., including abuse by police including rebels dialing 9-1-1 to oppress me, resulted in destruction of Twin Towers, located @ 250 Greeenwich Ave. Manhattan. 4:42 PM, Raley's, "Phone had no service," mex fem cust.; context: T Mobile phone refill cards originally re-usable; approx. same time they sabotaged my Golden 1 ATM card (T Mobile doesn't accept my credit card, saying system rejects it), they stopped allowing re-use of refill cards; it doesn't say that on the card, it simply no longer says you can re-use, or RE-FILL them - that's why they called them that. It occurred 2 mos. ago, & I again tried re-using a card from April on 5/12; @ first, delay @ register, then, "Gift card not accepted" flashed on ATM for split second - indicating they are still conspiring it's (1)"stuff" or "freebees" & (2) freebees are "bad." No rec't, & fem clerk said transaction denied; I started to leave the register to get a new phone refill card, but also on the transaction was a carton of blueberries, so I asked about those - where's my rec't - or does T-Mobile have magical authority to override your entire shopping itinerary? Suddenly, rec't coming out of register, saying my account was charged the $50 for the phone card; "Activation Failed" & "NO TRANSACTION DENIED," i.e., 'no' & then space & then 'transaction denied' creating impression of someone claiming my teacher career - 'no' - is denied. Then, the process seems to repeat on the rec't, w/"PIN Verified" & "APPROVED BY ISSUER;" the PIN may be referring to ATM PIN, but the fact is, T Mobile rigged a card trick - cards that were "refillable" that suddenly come w/"hitch" - they can still be refilled, but you can't activate your phone w/the "refill" - they rob you of your money @ the register - freebee from the customer rather than to the customer - claiming they "flipped" the principle of freebees commonly (& legitimately) offered as promotionals by phone cos. & other cos. It's perpetuating a smear from 20 years ago - that I'm low income, & they can discriminate & deny freebees to those w/low income - you're "needy" - the "Davis Needy" consp. - still terrorists, after all these years... But they give themselves away as to their true motives - them & thousands of other trickster rebels desperately trying to prove you can't be a salesman & still be a teacher - "'no' transaction denied" - "'teacher career' denied" - stark raving mad because I held on to my teacher standards & goals - there's no end to these rebels' conspiracies until they are wiped out. I spent 20 years jumping from one corrupt phone co. to another in effort to lead w/high standards by taking my business elsewhere; when it was evident they were too corrupt to listen, God led me to simply use my phone & report their crimes. Mex fem conspiring w/T Mobile that the refill trick of T Mobile is "proof" I failed as a teacher; claiming T Mobile said 'no' to providing me viable phone service, & my standards aren't suitable enough to drop them & go w/another phone co. On the contrary, they unwittingly admitted phone cos.' conspiracies are so prevalent & corrupt that it amounts to failing to provide the customers service - because my "dropping" of T Mobile & switching to another phone co. doesn't solve it - the same conspiracies instantly start up @ the new phone co. - it's been going on for 20 years. So T-Mobile's confession amounts to all of them being scrapped - as God is my witness - because they didn't have the guts to stand up to Davis rebels - it's a shame.
'Fill' was code for freebees, etc.; 'stuff' also. I was temporarily paid by commission - % of sales price in R.E. If you were busy enough, your boss might give you an advance on your next sale, & so I was trying to make sales while being blacklisted (conspiratorially banned) by Doug Arnold, etc. One way or another, I paid my bills, though; but there was enough conspiracies & oppression - mostly due to free speech evanglism, but often included subtle criticisms about being behind on bills - that it was the primary factor in my income being crippled. The service providers saw Davis as a customer base; there were pretensions pertaining to the fact I was often hanging by a thread as far as rent; 'fill' was code for income, since it was often advances; i.e., subtle innuendos that I wasn't working for my income - it was someone "filling" me w/freebees. I avoided prepaid phone service @ first, due to representing a compromise of paying your bill before using the phone service rather than after. But when the corruption increased, & documented proof of 53+ cases of false charges, false arrests amounting to kidnap, etc., somehow wasn't enough for me to get justice, & in fact conspiracy tactics were increasing, & the fact that these mind-boggling conspiracies have somehow continued blatantly operating, corrupting entire cities to add recruits, in these conditions (darkness) prepaid is an option. But 'refill' is a form of taunting - 'R.E. fill' - these predators have a long history of haunting me & oppressing me for above board activity of trying to get by in sales for approx. 4 years. I'm stalked w/similar codes for my income from yardwork currently.
5/12, Chase Bank, fem adult slamming school locker w/camera filming from inside - as though you're slammed into the locker, 4:57 ch 3. Vision approx. 2018, or as long ago as 2013, of school admin. in Sac region standing next to lockers w/Linda Needles (Aaron's wife) looking sternly toward her, & closing locker door; @ first it seemed to be a consp. to deny me my teacher career, & that's probably what it was, but the facade was they had non choice - teaching in context of regional consp. meant I'd be being "schooled;" i.e., administrator inventing excuses to go along w/Davis rebellion. 5:17 PM, fem health industry interviewed, ch 3 news(?), "perservere" was her recommmendation to those w/health ailments; but the word is 'persevere;' this was 'per' code - '[pro] per serve[s time in jail] here.' Newsom, 5/12, "...because of a very small subset of tax volaysh", 5:12 ch 3 (?); 'violat[ions],' supposedly. 6:04 "We burned it?" Tye Steel, ch 3 news rptr, talking through fence to immigrant from Jamaica or similar. 10:10 PM, Christopher Slager arrested for sexual acts w/children under 10; Pollock Pines, MY 58; back to the camera while cuffed; approx. 2 mos. ago, story about male arrested for having sex w/minor on the freeway & supposedly caught in the act, & news footage - accused had his back to camera - implying he isn't accusing or blaming anyone - as though he deserves it; BUT THIS WAS IMMEDIATELY AFTER I PLACED A REPORT ON INTERNET DEVASTATING THE REGION - IT'S THE RUMOR TERRORISTS OPERATING @ TRUE TO THEIR WICKED FORM - DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO COERCE REGION THAT SECRETLY I'M ACQUIESCING TO THEIR OPPRESSION BECAUSE "DEEP DOWN" I DESERVE IT... IS THE CLAIM. THE TERRORISTS GIVE FLESH TO RUMORS & USE VICTIMS IN THE NEWS TO ROLE PLAY IT. 'Slager' - code - '[P]laygir[l]' - fem who has male "pets" (such as Penthouse pets of the month); if I have high standards as far as nude pics, that's used against me that it must be because of rumors - despite I've reported the visions from God such as "I'm giving you Hinton" & associated w/vision of Lonnie prevailing against wife in court - one of my friends referred to Lonnie as a Playboy @ one point when using his bedroom as a romp station; i.e., my motivations are role model as opposed to paranoia about rumors. One of Ca. Atty Gen. deputies opposing me in law suit for my Teacher Credential approx. 2010 was Susan Plager; & there were accompanying codes; the facade was you're "plaguing" fems for sex like a Playboy in the fullest sense, or they're gonna be plaguing you, & if they're plaguing you, implication is you're not aggressive enough - & therefore rebels can invent lewd innuendos. But it isn't you're not aggressive enough, more like intervening for women, resulting in overarching overdrive in the marriage bed.
5/13, "Our thoroughly," 5:48 AM, I had removed warning concerning Paris Hilton & dream of fems w/designs for me as though I was a small pawn on lg. game board; in the dream, they were determining I might be of some use; this is possibly more of the 'Playgirl' codes. "Completely turned off," bug code. "Technically, you were mide," 'hide' code - facade that I'm responding to the rumors, which isn't the case. 7:07, "We just can't turn it in to all of eternity," bug code. "...the stimulous checks,..." 6:37, PBS, code weeding & raking is stars & fame - 'st[reet] him - you'll 'us' checks.' "We're gonna let her munch it," or '...let her much it;' male ___, 7:09. NBC kids program, "& that penucking on your skin."
5/13, "Big bits [supposedly drift wood], but the little bits I had my finger on won," Mike Nicholes, wh male Engl. accent, Folsom Lake Int. Triathlon, ch 3 5:18 PM. 5:41, "That won't, where they report on," bug code. "Our un half of them civilians" NBC rptr, Tel Aviv, 5:43 PM. 3:03, "We'll go you don't have this money." 3:34, "Did you know you put under care?" "I need a crap on that franchise street," fem bug code or vision, possibly referring to McD. 'dirty pair' excerpt that I temporarily removed, 3:34; nevertheless, quoting a parody of McD jingle, according to these terrorists, gives rebels facade they can kidnap you - 'k[ey] rap' - McD located 1/2 blk from Bel Air, & as I reported, 5/12, male blk clothing arrested while sitting or lying on sidewalk in front of Bel Air minutes before my room blew a fuse. ch 3, Auburn fire prev. progr, 5:04 PM, "We have some folks that are so long, you know, long time residents..." wh male gray beard, possibly 'So[viet]' code; "...@ the moment right," 5:06. 5/13, rptr. "Jackie Seesco" 5:10 PM, ch 3, instead of saying her actual name, Defusco - name implies 'defuse' - Jack Teacher could defuse the shootings by quitting his sales job... but they aren't fooling anyone as far as raking & weeding job - 'defuse' - 'fuse' code from Bel Air. 5/14, after the 9/11 Mark 12:10-11 watch report, code, "You'll have your fuse," or similar. Nevertheless, the consp. was I disappear - police oppression - because I'm refusing to cooperate w/their facades that all work is bad, & I have to give up & become a vegetable, or else I'm failing to defuse something - but they aren't "con" fusing me. "He won't know his debt," 7:26 AM, W Cap. "He's gonna have his permanent gee," or similar, 7:41 AM, context, male who killed blk male on NY subway w/permanent. "He's wool have 70 years," "We'll have to take down," 11:23 fem clerk, Bel Air. "You didn't come here," male, rm 17 lic pl 5ZOT912, gray SUV, 8:54 AM, web stalled. "That was us; you're not gonna choose," 12:30 PM code or vision, possibly my Mom; context, "I don't think it's something," Tamra Smith, winning jockey in KY; supposedly didn't finish her sentence, but most likely code - but in actuality, she was referring to her feat, implying humility. "You're gonna go w/'em," blk male blue shrt, gray swt pnts, approx. 12 PM or 12:18. "She was settling we're the whirl day is," fat wh fem guide on Jack Hannah show, 12:35 PM, ch 7. "Bob skipper's," 12:37 ch 7 fem, ad; referring to blks; Sac Kings were told "You can't beat 'em," as far as Warriors, & from then on it was downhill - like Gilligan w/wings flying & skipper said, "Gilligan, you can't fly!" "I can't?" "No!" "Oh," & Gilligan falls to the ground. 12:38, Kisqali, "So long live family...time," possibly coded claim my relatives are oppressing me, & to endorse it; "long live life.." & ad following that, "...longer, longer...seriously..." fem, 12:39.
"Stairway To Sheol" (O.T. for hell);
University Pine Apts., F & 9th, staircase renovation that magically takes almost 2 years - blocking the sidewalk. But as it nears completion, suddenly Don Miller casket lid roof! Moreover, an additional bldg added to the property, same roof, but w/corrugated
aluminum sliding- like garbage cans! 1999-2002, I was walking everywhere - trying to earn a living, residentially challenged half the time but refusing to give up; Davis rebels started blocking sidewalk w/trash cans & recycle bind- mssg. was 'give up & kill yourself.' The blocked sidewalks & trash can architecture motif makes the Sheol Biz Kid "revival" unmistakable. The popularity of oppressing me was to the extent that it affected architectural designs, w/corrugated siding on & w/in bldgs, such as Chipotle (stalking w/'chip ought lay' & 'chip hotel'), also Ace Hdwr exterior.
5/5, 11:37, "You won't [be]have, app," (or similar) code @ Julie's. "That's sowing um, I'm snap," fem tenant, Julie's 11:47 - kept turning off light in garage. "Ta knee abide," Asian fem; "He'll have that ta on quick" radio (wh male red pld shrt(?)), 1:10. "A knock on," wh fem, wh shrt, grn bonnet, 1:05; "We's past," West Lake ctr. 4/27, Jeff Roberts from Longbeach killed Scott Roberts - drove to Ogden, Utah to do it. Ogden Nash, author, wrote "You Can't Get There From Here," (1950's). "Final Answers" Greg Dinallo, quotes Ogden Nash in 1992, & that popularizes it (if Dinallo has good intentions, duty to go public w/results of trackings); see "THE 'MAN' TOOK US ON & BEAT US' - V (KILL TEACHER GOALS, THEN VICTIM DIES)" [EXCERPT:] pg. 240, "F A, understand? We're providing [?] a massive aid package; an infusion of capital to build...a broad tipped marker & blacking out the name Webster. (reported this before, but 'web stir' may have been luring Lodi [or Cap Hill] to try to take on my reports on my website). Approx. pg. 242, referring to money in savings accounts, "So does Donald Trump's," & reply, "Did," - i.e., 'Trump's saving acct. has money in it' - '[no, it] did [but doesn't any more],' but no explanation;" [END EXCERPT]. Ogden Utah - 'you ta[ught, China];' & Pluimer, former pastor of Bethel Lodi, "You can't get there from here," 1993; I moved back to Davis simply to be more independent, but whether it's Lodi or Davis, teacher career sabotaged; who wrote that? Ogden is in Utah, but Ogden is name of author, & last name is 'Nash' - as in '[weeping & g]nash[ing of teeth [(in hell)]' - a teacher career, & Jack Teacher plan consumated by hiring me to teach, w/or w/out China, but that can't be obtained from "here" - where's 'here'? ''hogged' [is] in,' anywhere systematic unending police oppression ("hogs") is allowed, acquiesced to, covered up, rather than invaded & wiped out - Davis, Woodland, Sac, WS, Lodi, VV, FF, etc., & USA if no one invades. But WHO WROTE THAT? THOSE EMPOWERING POLICE OPPRESSION OF ME ARE GOING TO HELL - WHERE THERE'S WEEPING, & GNASHING OF TEETH, WHERE DEATH SHALL FEED ON THEM & THEIR WORM NEVER DIES, PS. 49:14, LK. 13:28. Don Miller's oppression instigating killings, such as Jeff Roberts killing Scott Roberts. Robert Beauchamp, carpenter on Cresta Ct., Mace Ranch (one block from UCC), the only carpenter in Davis, & bob Bloch (pronounced 'block') suddenly the "champ" according to jogger near Beauchamp's; Bloch is Col. Sanders look-alike; blk male David Breaux stabbed to death, & South is the "champs;" but the price of the delays of justice is killings nation-wide - & South is as bad as blks - hollow victory - Jeff [Davis] (president of Confederacy) killing Scott, wh male teacher in Utah; Civil War killings - South oppressing me same as blacks. Absent justice so that I can teach & be free of slavery, people of all colors dying nation-wide - blacks become "the man" w/claim they took us on & beat us - & the South is their unwitting witness, w/UCC officiating. [No results from 'Allen' searches in my notes & webmail to place this on internet until 5/12:] 5/2, "Bill Belham" (6X) blk male caser on 42A (reg'ly, AM's), blue jacket, camo cap 42A 7:02 AM. "You won't know your Bill Allen," 9:09, fat wh male red beard, gray hood; "You can't see we're picking you up," (pic sent) 'pick up' code for police oppression; & Allen, Tx., crash killing people approx. 5/6 - "billed" by Yolo terrorists. 10:09, "That was your end, peppers," wh male gray hair, blue jacket, w/fem. "He needs his scene," wh male, tan sports coat, gray beard. "Now approaching Taco Bell," fem, P line driver, F & Covell (No Taco B anywhere near), 7:57 AM.
5/1, "I have kids - crime key," fem bug code, 9:25 PM rm 16.
"The stone the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone, & it is marvelous in our eyes," Mark 12:10-11 - don't follow the crowd denying the Jack Teacher plan!
5/9, "He'll have little kids," sm girl yellow shrt w/fat mex(?) fem hot pink swt jacket, or fem. dk jacket, pink shrt, W Lake, 12:40. "You won't know where I have maneuver then," 5:02, Julie's, helicopter. "9 to White House," wh male student, __ & Russell, 5:52 PM, wh jacket(?). UM, "We're gonna new," mex male dk gray hood, 5:44 PM. NBC news, Alliance Bernstein ad EFT (Electronic Funds Trns.) w/'YOLO' acronym ad; 'burns teen;' & Yolo County Trans. Dist. (Yolobus) exec. director Autumn Bernstein; '[hit rock b]ottom' conps. - shallow arch Unitrans bus stop roofs - consuming the acknowledged arch victory; but when I went to get additional info, disappeared, & entire ad, nowhere to be found. 4:08, "he did do it," Elaine; E Jean Carroll & lawsuit. "He wouldn't exactly, wiped us," Elaine, 4:40; i.e, Lodi & Zupo athletics field fire story in news - possibly '[he]'s oop...'; report timed w/falseys display, "exaclty" but I didn't call it @ that precise scenario. 4:57 PM, "We have Corvalis scene; you won't have them," fem bug code, 4:57 - Corvalis, Or.; possibly referring to relatives. "Put that in the dark trash," Karen - trash bin back on the property line betw. her yard & blk male next door to her; approx. 9:30 AM. "We won't hoard your stock, it," bug code. 11:03, "You just shoot me," (as far as I can tell - notes smeared); "Yes or no?" Ace emply named Seamus, while I was w/Karen; referring to charity selection on ATM portal; "We're gonna let 'em shoot us," Randy Gwynn (sister's husband), approx. 2017; 5/8, "It was tied off," 3:40 AM, vison, Ken Curtis (Festus Haggen, Gunsmoke), & another vision of him before that, approx. 3:35 AM; Randy Gwynn had his tubes tied. 12:27 "I can pick up one here," USPS fem. near Karen's (?). "You won't know how," Karen, 10 AM approx., & Q line @ Pole Line Rd. & Cowell 15+ min. late. 8:39, "He gets where he's mexed," fem, Alice, 8:33 approx., 8:39, "You have 'you're away," Karen. Disaattached headboard in front of Bel Air next to office (former sister's bed compartment headboard dream). choking sound (dream or vision following report about Cathy, & following dream about flip phone & headboard); Bob Bloch suddenly the "champ" & Bob is Jewish; report about Zukerburg - first place in jujitsu. 10:04 AM, "Joe, you won't know who you refuse," fem, behind Karen's. 10:09, "You won't know why, your fly," Karen. "We're not changing; listen, people, listen," 42A displatch fem; I fell short w/dirty pics the night before, & instantly Yolo rebels claiming it's their ticket out; 'listen' is code for Charles Stanley - South in bed w/Davis. "It was hill let somewhere else," 7:15 AM, fat wh red beard male, 42A - same male as 'Allen' code; this was simult. to webmail access sabotaged for 5+ min. (w/siumlt. code from driver, 7:31); then, @ same instant, no bus stop for 2 mis. approx. - & driver "offered" to let me out a block early - but that would be used against me @ some subsequent point - "in bed" w/driver(s); "He would key out," driver, 7:32 AM; i.e., consp. sabotaging webmail, rigged lack of bus stops, &, approx. 10 min. before that, Davis police siren near 5th & Alhambra - a "warning" - the warning was, if I didn't get off & Pole Line Rd., 2 mis. later is I St. & 5th, & that takes me down to I & J - where I was kidnapped by police approx. one year ago - they could then claim I returned to scene of crime (but, it was their crime) - 4 conspired crimes occurring w/in 3 min. of each other (if you incl. Allen consp.). "You won't gath 'em back," Karen, 10:11 - Belfry loosely associated w/Cal Aggie House (Christian Assoc. - called about renting there.
5/8,, "What to see teens?" or, pics of minors. 6:17 AM, ch 3, "here's some look," (climbing up snowy Mt. Shasta) Dierdre, ch 3 news. Laura Britt, graphic ad on MLB, rises up in profile, 8:41 PM, NBC Sports ch, C29.
5/11, "Aspectos de sintaxis de español" Nieto, Santillana pulishers, 2000, exercise referring to having to parallel park on pg 69, then another 'parking' exercise - same one reworded - on pg. 70. I was up @ 4 AM, but only juggled for 1/2 hr, then studied Spanish for 1.5 hrs. I reported "Calculus, Early Transcendentals," Pearson publishers math text book stalking me, but Spanish texts are @ it as well. The goal is a "resistance is futile" scenario - academic authors & publishers spanning decades decreeing the door for teacher career is closed, & you're "parking" if you think you can teach. Pg. 69, Holy Spirit telling me to take note of supposedly random illustration (in Span.), "...wouldn't you have preferred that they might've constructed the municipal theater here rather than where they put it?" Then immediately following, illustration w/"San Blas" which are islands, but singing groups, acting companies, etc., tour in theaters - 'san blas tour' - sand blaster - pressure washer - raking - mowing - landscape work. Also exercise referring to cigueñas - storks. Approx. 5:15 AM, vision of train parked in front of motel doors, & had to go around or climb over a hitch to get to my motel room. Approx. end of 2022, on my way to job in E. Davis, leaving BW motel in downtown Davis, police car waiting across the street, watching me, then another one near 4th & G, near railroad tracks, & train stopped on tracks; seemed like coded mssg. from police about going around the train - as though trying to give some "helpful" advice. 3 Mar. 2023, I was fininshing up full day of door-knocking & trimming, & suddenly disappeared after police kidnapped me; Yolo jail released me & I arrived @ bus stop within minutes of the last bus from Woodland to WS so that I was able to stay in motel room that I'd already paid for that morning (arrived @ approx. 11:30 PM). I.e., police oppression was blocking me from getting to my room - like the train in the vision. Paris Hilton got "hitched" & Hilton hotel in WS, "Home 2" near Bel Air. But according to vision this morning, studying Spanish has something to do w/it - or, @ least, that's what the authors & publishers say - they are conspiring w/Davis police, & the conspiracy pertains to (1)studying Spanish, (2)East Davis, (3)staying in WS or somewhere besides Davis. The railroad tracks on 4th - Central Davis/East Davis divider line. East Davis includes Mace Ranch, where UCC is located, lg. homes, but 75% of E.D. is smaller, older, less expensive homes, compared to the rest of Davis; i.e., "low income" side of town; Spanish teacher - compared to "successful businessman" (including, supposedly, landscaper, eventually), moderate income; i.e., text book publishers, authors, are conspiring w/Davis to coerce me to abandon teacher goals & forfeit any "behavior" that isn't gung ho for high-end landscaper. Rosa Parks Apts. (historical blk fem.) located in E. Davis - apt. sign has bird design similar to United Farm Workers logo. '[death] row "saw" parks;' park dirty pics, & you're relegated to working in fields (landscaping) - but this is a stereotype - Latino farm workers have been using it as springboard into politics; moreover, it's essentially a coercement tactic - reiterating facade that Jack Teacher's name is '[death] row;' "Row doesn't sit here," fem, Wdld. library, approx. 2006. The evidence is rock & Hollywood contributed to these tactics, & I'm left to deal w/the aftermath of their fickleness about following Jesus. Are they worried about China & my well-being? God used the Spam vision to shut that one down - if a supposed future wife (cooking w/Pam) is concerned about a nation that refuses to respond, & possibility I end up trapped over there, God gave me the Spam vision demonstrating I could've gotten married & be out of harm's way - direction from God of possibly a dangerous trap, & it's dealt w/ (there isn't salt in enduring dangers or hardships to proclaim the mssg. to those who've already refused to respond). Chinese nation-wide in China have heard the message; they're either extremely closed-minded about Christ, or they are too lazy to stand up to a government w/an army that the population vastly outnumbers exponentially - they could choose to receive Christ, & in fact their gov't leaders haven't vehemently forbade it. Efforts to affirm Russia (concerning Ukraine) could be considered a step in the right direction, but it's devoid of any glorification of God, & failing to so much as yak about God, & his use of me to proclaim the huge feats, indicates that if China were to acknowledge God, it would still be as men-pleasers, rather than God-pleasers (Eph. 6:6, Acts 4:18-20, "& when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, make your own judgment; for we cannot stop yaking about what we have seen and heard.'" I.e., falling short of teacher standards & caving in to peer pressure, ostracizing me. Kingdom principles (Kingdom of God) turn worldly principles upside down: "Whoever wants to be first shall be last, & whoever wants to be greatest must become the least," Jesus said. "I am one among you who serves. For even the Son of Man didn't come to be served, but to serve, & to give his life as a ransom." Jesus is the King of Kings, & more - Col. 1:15-18, "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." No one is greater than Jesus - "All authority in Heaven & earth has been given to me," Matt. 28:18; because he humbled himself, God gave him the name above all names (Phil. 2:9). But he was despised & rejected - like one from whom men hid their faces - Is. 53:3. Rock, Hollywood, Russians - creating facade that occupation of teacher is too plain & lowly, & that includes Jack Teacher. "Pay no never mind to Jack Teacher, China, like us...his acknowledgement of Slavs in Siberia is efficacious ('see? he's got us using those academic words - someone give me a ground sickness bag!'), but he's just one of the little people." But Jesus' humility lured satan to kill him, & his sinless death paid the ransom for our sins. Lowly Jack Teacher (& BB Boomer Dad) break the tit for tat cycle, offering it to China - the gold - but peer pressure - they have to "make it" w/the heavy-weights - & based on Kingdom principles, that actually holds them back. Upside down principles - like a top - the bottom sustains it.
"The stone the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone, & it is marvelous in our eyes," Mark 12:10-11 - don't follow the crowd rejecting the Jack Teacher plan! 12 @ the top, & 10:11 makes check mark.
Bruce Lee humbled himself & played a lowly second to Green Hornet - & - "Say 'uncle'!" - was exalted to Uncle Sam icon - we orchestrated a working role model. Christians proved they merit worldly greatness - peers w/anyone; what we were praying for was Kingdom greatness & leadership - honoring God. @ any rate, Davis tactics include use of Spanish authors' strategies: the "theater" (fame, high income) can follow you around, & continue oppressing you - consp. to instigate more trouble in WS - or more trouble in Davis to punish me for staying in WS. Twin Towers clean-up operations crane - World Trade Center located @ 250 Greenwich, Manhattan - Ukraine BB Boom watch - I intervened for Slavs, but their response was more tit for tat. (Due to the cold war ending & our alliance w/ Russia as of 2001 (& Ukraine Slav nation essentially synonymous), I took it as a sign accordingly.) Twin Towers & 9/11 9-1-1 emergency sign - Davis rebels abusing 9-1-1 /police oppression against me - green hands & witch mayors - 'mean [oppressive jail] time.' As far as Americans, arrest leaders empowering the continued oppression against me, orchestrate invasion, & claim your Jack Teacher watch - one of the Ten Commandments is, "You shall not tempt the Lord your
God." Those who are participating in tricks attempting to trick me that weeding & raking is sales will be DECIMATED w/out
mercy in a manner so horrific, it will serve as a warning for centuries to come.
The St. Louis Arch is the tallest arch in the world, & it's as tall as it is wide - 630 ft., the "Gateway to the West" for "the American people." "The Arch is an inspirational, transcendent symbol of Thomas Jefferson's vision of building a unified continental nation and St. Louis' role as a confluence and gateway to the American West during the 19th century," Historically, the arch symbolizes power, & the name "Arch" means boldness, courage; so unmistakably, it represented a strong & bold future for the nation, despite Missouri being the state w/originally divided population - half for freedom & half slavery, ultimately ceding to the South - but whose flag contained the China outreach strategy, w/24 star watch, the Arch symbolizes the long range goals of USA, & Christians' control despite being enveloped by the South. It's size & design emphasize it as a stand alone symbol & monument. In this context, city of Davis conspired a theme of double arches - instead of one Arch for one nation, the Civil War cause of divided nation is attempted to be resurrected - 2 arches - North & South, in spirit of Jefferson Davis, president of Confederacy. Pic of Terminal Hotel bldg @ 2nd & G, double arch windows on both G & 2nd - same intersection where the Davis double arches were; & pic of Davis Community church; above the entrance, 2 arched windows. The cross @ the top - intersection is circled - indicating the intersection of 2nd & G, where the Davis double arches were originally erected in 1916, which were duplicated in Hollywood in 1926, by Jewish producers Zukor & Lasky (see "TRAINING TO BE REBELS" report); deliberately or unwittingly, a confession of the churches in Davis of their refusal to crucify themselves w/Christ (unbelieving Jews crucified Christ).
2nd & G intersection - Union - one Arch, v. divided (Confederate) - 2 arches; Jack Teacher - middle name Arch - oppressed & in the streets; as far as future of America free & united, "Gee, [I] second [you're in the] street[s].' Based on awareness of the 'motor inn' consp., the 'Terminal Hotel' scenario, indicating Jack Teacher meets his demise in a motel, was too obvious, so as a subtle concession, it was razed in 2000 & Chinese-owned Chen bldg. built in it's place, but the oppression against the Union Arch - '[I] second, [you're in the] street[s]' proliferates as far as career & justice.
A closer look @ pic of Davis Comm. church, fem on porch back against door, & 2 individuals, posed as though Mormons soliciting, & mssg. from fem. is "we're out" - door closed & she's on porch cornered. Most people are aware McDonald's franchise founder Ray Kroc, when purchasing the co. from McDonald's bros., kept the name & concocted the 'M' double arch; it also became common knowledge that either he or earliest investors were Mormons - predominant owners of McDonald's. I.e., Davis 2 nation double arch consp. suddenly being overshadowed by a huge quick service franchise w/'M' theme - the reaction proves the motives weren't any Christian "am" theme of reinforcing or taking to higher limits ("doubling") the Union Arch theme. The fact that I'm cornered into knocking on doors for yardwork - similar to Mormons, is further proof it's guise of claiming I've been kicked out (of UCC), & facade that I'm a cult as cover for their churches crimes, while they promote Confederate-style rebellion. McDonald's forced Davis rebels to clarify - resulting in their double arch erections being minimized if not eliminated.
The Bible uses poetic license, & as reported, there is symbolism generally speaking of "up" symbolizing Heaven, "down," inferno, etc. Russia's first manned rocket is conceivably more than education victory on behalf of China - loosely speaking one could argue taking rocket science to Heaven, despite the technical distinction in the Bible, especially when it is accompanied by the miracle Virgin birth display of Jupiter & Virgo in Sept. 2017. Leave it to the Dad Gum It Church to break the 'tit for tat' cycle & tell the truth despite present-day Russians stranding me. Teachers are inherently responsible - but don't push me too far - I might just go back to the third Heaven scenario; in fact, Paul says he "heard unspeakable things"... I'm too far out on a limb again, I just know it. My Dad produced shirts w/sloguns, & one of them was "Tit For Tat/My Name Is, Tat" which providentially was precursory warning to Russians to count the name 'Sherman' & our testimony.
5/10, "$1000 office cash," Ford ad, ch 40, 10:24 PM, & another Ford ad, car w/lic pl "FED 119;" i.e., in the face of 1700 year Jack Teacher plan miracles, including 245 year Naval Jack flag that I solved & revealed, they tempt God w/innuendos that they still think I might secretly have sales/office motives. I already reported, 3/20, "That's stuck," Ford ad, after Dirk ch 3 news, "That happens again!" code most likely referring to 3/3 kidnap by Dpd.
5/11, 3:58 AM, "Fur rejected?" "He won't know her later on," "It was vary sunrise" or similar, 4:03. "Okay, break your leg leaving the mall." dispatch, 42A, 8:03 AM - possibly expression, or code. "You won't know how long," wh male lt. olive grn swt jacket Raley's 6:34 AM. "That accident icon," 6:41 AM; scene of migrant male, TX, exact same color (lt. olive grn) swt shrt, ch 40. As far as I know, Latinos are coming to replace traitorous blacks - 15% of population'll need to be replaced. "He wasn't work, it," blk or mex fem driver, 6:27 PM W. Cap., 42B; I avoided scheduling anything for Fri., due to asserting a day off occasionally - or I'll be brainwashed. "We didn't go guard her, hers," fat mex or wh or Mideast male emply, beard, KFC 6:34 PM. "I want you to adjust to your tree," 8:30 PM, vision. 10:17 PM, "Freak ones," or 'freq[uency] one's" code from TV during ch 40 news. 5/11, ch 40, 10:21 PM, yet another staged scenario involving Nat'l Grd member being punished - as w/ guardsman Jon Lynch, referring to using a Tik Tok to help others in military community, & subtly says, "if that platform is removed...[my acts that] benefit their lives... that all goes away," but you can't really make out his comment of 'if that platform is removed' - he's a fast talker & the audio doesn't match up w/visual scenes of him; so all you hear is "...that all goes away," sounding like once again, the gov't is saying to take away that phony National Guard member in No. Ca. - take him & his website away - & it creates facade the military will endorse No. Ca. if they do. Congress can decree if they (gov't) wants to use Tik Tok, but categorical censoring is unconstitutional; on the other hand, if Tik Tok leaders & owners are engaged in illegal activities such as spying, they can be arrested, & that might be the end of their co.
Wyndham Hotels logo literally spells out the conspiracy - I'm denied teacher goals, forced into work that can be construed to be associated w/sales - creating impression that in fact I am secretly trying to "win" or be a successful businessman/salesman, & that arch that prevailed over UCC Edge group - flatter & flatter & eventually totally eliminated - & there's that Lodi/Rich/MGM cons.-Y-cons. consp. again ('wyn'). 'win, damn'/'winned - ham;' "hamming" - claim I'm foolishly trying to sneak a win w/ditch digging; alternately, UCC fooolishly publicly conspiring to prop up their deceptive 'damn;' but absent Wyndham piping up publicly about the oppression - which every American has duty to do, @ once - the coded logo props up & promotes UCC irregardless of any "ham" qualification. Using a combination of slavery & trickery, where my submission to applying for & employment in grunt labor jobs of all kinds (due to madness of region), a steady income job of raking & ditch digging magically becomes a sales job, & my refusal to submit to dictatorial demands that I have to work some other grunt labor job, while staying in motels (due to consp. denying me a place to rent or own), is "final confirmation" of my salesman goals (WHILE I'M WORKING AS A DITCH DIGGER) - supposedly desperate to "win" in sales & succeed in selling the B & B inn, means they can prop up UCC's false damning of me, & the arch vanquishing the Edge youth group is eliminated, handing UCC their victory. The focal customer for B & B inn was Winnie - Chinese fem. who came w/in $20k of closed deal (SBA loan approved) on $750k purchase - they've gone stark raving mad about a facade "win" that I readily conceded defeat on decades ago so that I could teach. I.e., if I don't want to be in sales, & I want to teach, dictatorship says I have no choice (it's necessary to create conspired appearance that UCC is legit., then everyone can feel justified in refusing to nuke them). (Oh, incidentally, you can't kick someone out based on above board profession goals anyway - my goal is to teach, but sales isn't a crime.)
Dupixent ad, 5/4, blk fem & blk male exercising, both throw punches w/L & R fists, @ camera; blk male then throws towel or clothing on top of camera, located in laundry basket; blk fem then picks up the article of clothing. News report about Mex. male who shot & killed neighbors who complained about his noisy gun (same story as mex. fem interviewed who said shootings or gunfire sounds are normal), shooter was on the run & being hunted down, & was found hiding in bldg nearby under some laundry. Dupixent ad (or mex. shooter, or both) create facade that blacks uncovered, or tracked, the shooter, so they are the "good guys," Dupixent implying they are boxing those saying they aren't. Immed. following the ad, story on ch 10, 6:45 AM, Rosa Parks Elem. (named after blk fem.), art display/murals of kids wearing wolf head hoods; congresswoman Doris Matsui (Asian fem.) speaking about the murals, & as far as I know she's the one on TV on 5/3, talking about this or some other story, "We need to see each other," which most likely was code to reject my standard of abhoring dirty pics & porn flicks (avoiding them); i.e., expression "I'm seeing a young lady" implies dating & having sex, as opposed to chaste dating & courting for marriage. Blks (Parks) & wolf outfits indicates Asian leaders directly involved in conspiracy propping up blks & empowering them to oppress me. Vision, "Do you trust me? 'Open,' it," God communicating fems. & others are open to higher standards - for ex., fems. dancing shaking their rears changed from sideways (like shaking one's head 'no') to up & down - affirming - a somewhat new dance maneuvre; also often women modeling bathing suits are holding them up, signalling agreement. I also brought up various stars who voted for higher standards, & I reported the "Thoity Poiple Boids" rhyme affirming a New Jersey (Brooklyn "Crook Lend") burnt offering as witness that women desiring higher standards will have courageous men from NJ defending them rather than bullying them.
4/30, "We're going A loss," 2:04. 2:18, ch 3(?) Steph Curry tripped, landed on feet & hands, but then went all the way down; I tripped on curb @ perimeter of DJUSD - landed on feet & hands; but point was DJUSD superintendent restr. order against me but it was concerning him personally - I could still apply to the district for jobs; same w/Woodland Christian school - only the principal - I could still apply to the school for jobs; Sac city USD, superintend. restr. order included him & all schools (& this was simply for filing a law suit against him for district refusing to hire me for 10 years) - Sac going for the throat, & Curry & blks claiming in that context they're helping me get a teacher job in Sac - it is a trap - Kings players in interviews, repeatedly saying "@ the end of the day..." & then interview @ Alexander Twilight HS. 2:13, "The war is spelled won," anncr, Kings v. Warrrs. ESPN. "You got moving up in here," (anncr); "That's required," 2:37, 'RE k[ey] wired.' "...leans into the body; hell does," anncr, 2:47. "He won't pole," 3:41 (shotgun code). 3:44, "Go Red" ad w/supposed red dress that looks like a rabbit head; 3:45 PM, "The Taking of Pelham" movie, police sniper in subway tunnel had terrorist ringleader in his cross hairs, but didn't shoot him (supposedly wasn't allowed to), rat scrambles by his foot; terrorist ringleader then takes one of subway hostages, while on phone negotiating, & shoots him. 4/28, news story in Sac region about investigators w/probably cause against male child molester or rapist, but it was Friday, & they weren't going to arrest him until Monday. Then news story of convicted rapist who was released but new serious sexual charges against him, but was out on bail, & killed 7 people, kids & adults, as of Mon. in Oklahoma - essentially tracked Sac's lack of diligence.
5/4, "You're not gonna hear your scream," blk male or fem afro, blk jacket, bike, Oak St. 11:46. 2:48, "We'll know his misery deet," bird, Kents'. 3:51, "He's just had his sad," helicopter. "You were the White House question room," 3:15(?) bug code; but it isn't called a 'question room;' it's conference or press room - the label was orchestrated to attempt to trick me. 3 PM, "He has his very rage," ('vary' rage); near Kents;' "You won't have your spade, it," Kents' spade is short length (lewd codes). "He's gonna give 'em, our hit," 4:25 PM, audible bug code or helicopter; 4:28, "He won't go w/hyph" (pic file name using hyphens). Febreeze logo is same font as Foster Freeze in Fresno; possibly code for 'freeze!' police command. "We were the over freeze," (or similar), mex or blk male, blk jacket /2 blk & wh striped cuffs; possibly Russians seeing themselves as dying for Chinese in Siberia & it still isn't enough to get a reaction. Bell Bros. ch 40, "The dirtiest kind in profession" (instead of 'of profession..') ch 40, 10:12. 10:44, "You won't know we come on," near rm 16. 10:30 PM, "A child is hurt," bug code in rm 16; I'd gone to bed @ 10:30 due to getting up @ 3 AM - they're terrorists; 2 secs. after the code, horn honked in Bel Air pkg lot - same as Davis stalkings, children codes combined w/horn honks - 'Verdorn' "bird horn" consp. I got back up temporarily, (but either way, I was getting 5 -5 1/2 hrs of sleep total, repeatedly), 10:39, Dignity Health ad, "Your baby, your moment;" terrorists desperately attempting to claim they have to watch my every move every second & claim I got 3 min. too much sleep or what ever other desperate facade they can concoct. 5/5, "Tonight, a partial pass-by, for less," ch 40 6:11 AM, Adam (wthr) but it was code for night before - involved in the 'child' stalkings. 6:08 AM, "...death of a backsin," ch 40 Melanie (blk fem rptr). ch 10, fem spokesperson in Oakland, "There's no room for killing...HERE," which literally sounds like others everywhere else can kill each other if they want..., but it might be code for ''no' room' - teacher's classroom or motel room...'HERE' expression meaning 'have [this];' or 'I present you w/[this];' i.e., possibly mssg to Davis Oakland will cover for them if I end up dead. Alternately, ''no' room for killing' - teacher has leeway for invasion - but the dead giveaway is if that was what she meant, it's imperative to say it explicitly, rather than capitulate to rebels' demands to use codes! Hello?
4/28, "I take a stab to protect against colesterol," 10:17 PM (ch?). 10:51, "This is gorgeous," fem, making Ital. gesture of fingers pinching something, palm up - similar to handing someone piece of food, ch 24; it's possible Italians created the gesture as accountability mechanism against forgetting the Chinese. "We're not gonna ruin 'em, Utt," Helen; "We're not gonna let 'em tater, kit," 8:35 AM; DiCarlos are Ital. - Domino's new "tots" product - a word reserved for human children, as opposed to "baby" which is used for everything from monkeys to carrots; 'tot' - 'taught;' AFTER my report tracking tater tots, Domino's officially joins the conspiracy; Helen's code, 'knot gonna ruin,' possibly - show up for rebel "marriage" & ruin children. Domino's ad essentially is betrayal of Jack Teacher plan - in context where I used 'tots' publicly as demonstration of distinction between terms used ambiguously v. those earmarked for human children, & this distinction was a form of tracking of rebels neglecting teacher goals & high standards for youth. The ad concerning colesterol (didn't get the product name), in context of shootings & stabbings, is foolishly expressed under guise of creative verbage; but "slices" of pizza have been used as guise in No. Ca. as code of m.o. of rebellion - avoid violence & go for death row consp. & pressuring me to blow up a building, go on shooting spree, etc. It's obviously backfired, because I've held my post, but those in other regions become frustrated, bitter, & mistrustful, because of the blatant hatred & cruelty, & because the nation's leaders have been allowing it - coconspiring.
4/29, "I'm building a case," bug code, 2:50 AM. Vision, underground iron pipe, "MALE BW" i.e., Best Western; in prayer I was led hold on loosely as far as BW Davis v. staying in WS. Buried iron pipe possibly signifies archaic sprinklers - v. PVC used for the last several decades - in other words, consp. where I have to move out of Davis (v. staying in Davis @ BW), or I'm part of the older establishment of Davis - the "founders."
4/30, Rhema Praise, TCT, 4:08, pastor referring to 2 verses in Is 1:19,20, "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
This Scripture is applicable to US currently - disasters can be halted if USA repents saying "There are 2 keys..." presumably key of avoiding destruction, & another one of choosing blessings. He then goes on to conspire more rebellion: Rambles about how he has keys to his office on campus (his minstry was evidently part of a Christian HS or college), & others have keys to the building where they work, & janitors have keys for all the bldgs; his keys get him into all the bldgs as well, & said some of the kids refer to his key as "the Jesus key." This may sound like random sermon, but it's what's missing that makes it suspect from the start - huge revelations from nation's history & feats from Heaven - but if they bring those up, they have to intervene for me as well - & so it's ongoing conspiracies to oppress me. Second, he may not even realize it, but he's condescending toward the congregation - sermons are more like lessons for elem. age or or. Third, when I was teaching @ VCA, I had keys to classroom that doubled as a computer library; others had to have permission to use it. But I also taught 2 periods of Spanish in a classroom I shared w/an English teacher; it was her classroom, but I used it for Spanish during 2 periods that she was off. I used a small table for the overhead & suddenly complaints from her to principal that I was moving furniture around. In fact we may have rearranged the seating in various instances, but we put it back when finished. But then when I was being evaluated & supposed process declaring I was being dismissed (for giving too many 'F's'), student said, "Mr. Sherman, do you have the keys to room [...]?" I hadn't needed keys to the room I taught Spanish in - I only used it for 2 periods, & it wasn't my classroom - my desk, materials, etc. were in the computer classroom, & I had keys to that classroom. Rhema pastor, saying "I have keys to my office, where I want to be..." He then brought up a teacher; "...Tony's key lets him into his room, but not my office. 'office' is another one of the RE codes - they convince themselves that I secretly want an office & customers , etc. They've literally instigated oppression against me under guise of desires for an "office" despite my career goals were refocussed on teaching as of 2004!!!! THEY BRAINWASH THEMSELVES & OTHERS DESPITE I PLACED THAT APOSTROPHE IN THE 245 YEAR OLD NAVAL JACK, REVEALING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SNAKE ON THE FLAG IN FORM OF BACKWARDS CHECK MARK! ANY CLAIMS THAT I SECRETLY WANT TO BE A SALESMAN HAVE BEEN DECIMATED TO THE NTH DEGREE! GOING ON IN THEIR SINS GUARANTEES THEY'RE GOING TO BE WIPED OUT!!!!! Moreover, the facade is it's a "take" on behalf of Christians in the business field; it isn't necessary - I've demonstrated numerous examples of the biggest businessmen in the nation are Christians & were aware of the Jack Teacher plan & supportive of it. My job is to teach, rather than being a pawn for one "cause" or another.
5/1, 10:34, "I'm gonna kill owe," male const., Hatterass St., 10:34 (pic sent); "I'll f&*% it w/rocks" 11:03; "He won't front it w/rocks" ('kill owe' - they "owed" some murders to blend in rather than looking conspicuous due to paranoia due to instigating the shootings in first place), 11:07. 2 alleged murders in Davis last wk - but the fact is, it was because they are paranoid - while putting up facade that nobody's heard of me & no one visits my website, they are fully aware they are in more trouble than anyone's ever been in, in all of history, & they are being watched from all directions @ all times, & so they minimize blatant crimes. But suddenly, they are exposed, because they are so worried that killings & shooting sprees happening everywhere else aren't happening in Davis, Wdld, WS; & so despite they instigated the shooting sprees, in order to maintain their poker face, they have to play "catch-up" - such as fem Dpd officer approx. 3 years ago, shot & killed, & then David Breaux, blk male conspirator caser, cased & stalked me repeatedly (as reported), murdered, 4/27 approx., & supposedly another death in Central Davis.
5/1, 10:34, "I'm gonna kill owe," male const., Hatterass St., 10:34 (pic sent); "I'll f&*% it w/rocks" 11:03; "He won't front it w/rocks" ('kill owe' - they "owed" some murders to blend in rather than looking conspicuous due to paranoia due to instigating the shootings in first place), 11:07. 2 alleged murders in Davis last wk - but the fact is, it was because they are paranoid - while putting up facade that nobody's heard of me & no one visits my website, they are fully aware they are in more trouble than anyone's ever been in, in all of history, & they are being watched from all directions @ all times, & so they minimize blatant crimes. But suddenly, they are exposed, because they are so worried that killings & shooting sprees happening everywhere else aren't happening in Davis, Wdld, WS; & so despite they instigated the shooting sprees, in order to maintain their poker face, they have to play "catch-up" - such as fem Dpd officer approx. 3 years ago, shot & killed, & then David Breaux, blk male conspirator caser, cased & stalked me repeatedly (as reported), murdered, 4/27 approx., & supposedly another death in Central Davis. Nevertheless, despite there may be elements in Davis of long range tracking of blks by those claiming Christian bents, make no mistake, if anyone were to give Sac benefit of doubt (i.e., hiring me as teacher while Davis tracking blacks - as though it was coordinated plan on my behalf) - make no mistake, it's a conspiracy pitting me against blks, then pitting blks against me, then me against blks, etc., I've tracked too many conspiracies of Sac - it won't be sudden purging of blks & then I have my future - they'll milk the controversy until I were to die one way or another, using it as facade to find fault & decree I disappear, then bringing more "judgment" against blks (but they're still allowed to be present & thriving), then another disappearance of me, etc.
4/28, 7:10 PM, CBS, blk male bald, & Asian (?) child pointing gun @ him; 4/27 or few days before, exact same scenario, same character, but different Asian child pointing gun @ him. "She murder asking," 4:13 (or ch 13). "This is where you're not having them w/candle," bug code, 7:29; 5/2, heading to Davis for 2 hrs of work - due to multiple transfers by bus to Alex. Twilight HS, & experience that until I'm familiar w/route to the interview, I'll be late if I don't leave early - but while juggling 4 AM, vision that I wouldn't put in my 2 hrs. (or similar); i.e., either it should be 3, or I should just go directly from WS to interview); heading for bus stop on WCap Ave., truck going opposite direction, "TRULY;" logo (pic sent). Returning from interview, cement mixer @ Rite Aid, W Cap, "CEMEN-TECH" 'cemen' in red, 'tech' in dk gray, & Yolobus going to Sac, wh male similar to Jeff Teck - semen code. While juggling, God warned me they are claiming I can't eat ice cream; 1997 I fasted, giving up ice cream due to stuck in RE & behind on rent; I didn't swear I'd never eat ice cream, but I gave it up as burnt offering, only eating frozen yogurt. As of 2019 approx., I prayed & God led me to end the fast. The argument pertained to Yolo court as well - i.e., 3 attacks @ once because I had a teacher interview. As far as Yolo court, I reported a judge in 2009 verbally gave authority of the court to Yolo dep. d.a. during trial, & I was hostage 4 mos. as result in 2010. 2004, after more than 50 documented false arrests & kidnappings of Dpd, I was being taken to jail based on false convictions from juries w/jury members using codes & conspiring out loud during trials - attempting to trample the documented proof underfoot! Officer Loop @ the time said, "You'll have full coverage" - newsworthy scandal, but it was covered up. 2004-2007, 1000 acre banishment order, enforced almost a dozen times (kidnappings by police), despite Ca. & Federal law forbids banishment! Corrie Ten Boom was Dutch Christian fem who helped hide Jews from Nazis so they could escape death in WWII; when they searched for them, they said they weren't there- heirarchy of sin - it's better to lie (about future appearance in court) than go along w/proven conspiracy directly empowering known rebels to kidnap me. Similar offering concerning masteurbation, 1993 - 'semen' mixer truck, 5/2; the terrorists are desperately attempting to find some sort of fault, no matter how pathetic. 9:08, fem emply, drive thru speaker, McD's near Walmart WS, "I give Effie won," Effie emply I supervised 1996 McD's Woodland(?) or S. Davis; she complained I was picking on her @ one point.
4/29, ch 3 6:24, "When news breaks," Dart - hands as though holding steering wheel. Story about shootings, & fat mex fem "It's normal," 5:34 PM, NBC; but making shootings the norm is going the wrong way. State of Ca. Calfresh ad, fem. w/foreign accent, "If you're feeling depressed, [...], that's normal" & that (accent) clues them in to misconstrue normal. "Normal," motel staff, clerks, Lodi, when asked about my parents, possibly 2003 or so - indications it was usual response of Lodi staffs when asked by out-of-town visitors who'd heard of me; Mex./Latina fem. evidently attempting to smear my parents' reputation - 'make them the norm, &, gosh, look what happens, everybody...' During interview, blk male NBA bskbll player pointing upward, similar to Circle K arrow, ch 3 7:56 AM; & blks claiming they're driving it.
4/30, "My mother gave me a klobberin' for pullin' on over...we were hangin' in the fence," vision, 10 AM; 'klobberin'' is Fantastic 4 lingo; the vision was backyard possibly in Clovis Ca. - next door to Murphys' - someone claiming I'm egging on police; possibly it was due to report including evidence from a Hollywood movie - which technically is fair game, but is often instigates jealousy. The Murphys moved to Caruthers, near Fresno, before we moved to Fedora St. Fresno; my Mom lied & said Caruthers was up North - it was a few min. SW of Fresno/Clovis. I.e., if these cities are seen as car seats, someone's driving (not nec'ly my Mom) & South (Wayne Murphy from Ar.) is in back seat as though under arrest. Supposedly South taking a humble attitude, but they didn't follow through w/that. Most likely, this is another ex. of conspiracies desperately attempting to prop up UCC - vision approx. 5/3 about loading product into car for customers @ a store (such as Home Depot or Ace), but I forgot to load the bottled water; also, most of the (Davis ) vehicles were older models of Toyota pick ups; Robert Hansen had one of these, & as far as I recall, Dave Boughton, UCC, 1997, & Loren, UCC (next door to Kents on Ganges) has older model Toyota p/up. Bottled water codes - 'bought all - I'd 'what her?'' i.e., discount/ignore rock; alternately, '...watt 'er,' rock sent to electric chair; but w/in last 2 years, water bottle availibility conspiratorially eliminated or controlled to deny me use - suddenly like gold - high priced & all stainless steel & oversized, so that I can't use them in motel microwave & too big to practically carry around & use on the job while landscaping. One water bottle I eventually located somewhat bulky, unusual handle on lid, & as of 5/1, customers & UCD students suddenly have water bottles w/same lg. unusual handle on lid. This demonstrates the extent of the jealousy of the region - so much as a hint of possibility of me associating w/stars creates huge conspired product control & boycotts, w/implied threats accompanying. This is the Lodi/Rich/MGM consp. I reported. Essentially they are willing to die before allowing me to experience fame of any shape or form - because I escape from their present & future 'mean witch clutches.'
I already reported the steel post vision & corresp. consp. As far as building fences, I've reported after 2 licenses consp'ly denied, I refuse to spend lic fee money & money for coursework for a contractor's lic. when I don't want to be a contractor, & state of Ca. has conspiratorially forced me into this work - but you don't need a contr. lic. to work for a homeowner, including lg. projects. Nevertheless, if that vision was referring to my Mom, then it's evidence my Mom is involved in consp. to try to control my employment while denying me justice. Most likely the vision was God showing me the latest rebel hoax - but it may have been that she's involved. Approx. 4/5, fem model in pond w/arms as though holding someone's head under water as an oral sex act (possibly already reported this); similar pic 4/30; (notes illegib.); possibly confession that they owed me justice. 6TSL095, lic pl of SUV @ rm 17 - same vehicle there often - I'm stalked & laptop reg'ly sabotaged by rebels in that room. Codes about blks & "Grenich MEAN TIME," pronounced wrong ('Greenwich'), - 'mean' & 'time' emphasized, PBS, 12:16 PM approx. Bit Susewn (?) program. I.e., consp. threats that I can't report unequivocal proof that the Davis rebellion is is in fact an attempt to force me to blow up homes or bldgs - rebels become mean & cruel, & I disappear (jail time); & according to these coded threats, I'm supposed allowed it - it is in fact overkill as far as evidence against blacks, BUT IT ALSO DEMONSTRATES TELL-TALE PROOF THAT A NATION STALLING W/PROVIDING ME JUSTICE - IRREGARDLESS OF ANY BLACK TRACKING - IS PARTICIPATING IN A CRUEL ATTEMPT TO RUIN ME. The self-proclaimed witch was mayor when these green hands were installed - late Julie Partansky; & coordinating w/this, blnd fem. in Davis, Julie Partain suddenly quit a teacher job & became a RE agent - attempt to associate Partansky w/Dolly Parton, while creating a facade affirming me - she instantly became #1 agent in Davis for 1 or more years; the facade was to lure me w/star & sales goals - #1, etc. - attempt to make success, fame, stardom the overarching goal & teacher goals would be forever lost in the shuffle. The shallow arch roof bus stop seats - combined w/bus stop logos that look like a '1' & Golden 1 becoming more prevalent in Davis - UCC suddenly tripling in size in 2001, guise of reward for success @ all costs - selfish ambition mindset in attempt to brainwash me - the new (2002) UCC bldg. & ARC both w/shallow arches meant war - acknowledge & swallow the opponent's successes - I disappeared for 2 1/2 years as of 2004 - w/in mos. of completion of ARC. EASTERN CHURCH POSSIBLY PRESSURING ME TO ACQUIESCE TO ROCK STARS ("TERRIBLE SWIFT SWORD..." REPORT); &, ORTHODOX CHURCH ADDS ATTACK ADVENTURE TO THE FORMULA!
4/28, "W/nothing to hide," Shriner's fem teen voice for sm child; 'nothing' is code from Skyrizi ad, 'Nothing on my skin, that's my new plan; nothing is everything." You don't say, "I have a rash on my skin" it's "I have a rash on my arm," etc., the 'nothing on' is code for nude pics; Shriner's subtly mixes ages - "big" girl voice speaking for small girl; 'nothing' to hide - implies lewd activities. Skyrizi ad on 4/28 in fact spells out ultimatum that they have a right to conspire if you don't catch them - "This is my moment; there's nothing on my skin...nothing is everything," ch 24 10:49 PM. Steph Curry, 4/22, "If we lose this game, we've pretty much lost; you gotta understand the moment; the momentum." Of course - that was @ the beginning of the playoffs of Kings & Warriors, & there's no such thing as comebacks in NBA, but maybe it's the 'momentum' of a billion crimes tracked & exposed, but then covered up. 4/29, blk basketball(?) athlete pointing upward, similar to the Circle K sign arrow; code - 'circle k[ey] A;' a little signal isn't a solution to conspiracy, & combined w/ongoing cover-ups, it spells trap. Recent supposedly random call from Mr. Trejo, vice principal @ Alexander Twilight HS in Sac (916 AC - Sac); claiming he met me @ job fair in Sac. I said it was probably that I sent an application. Nevertheless, first, dead giveaway, he doesn't know who I am - that's the rebellion m.o. - that's how they perpetuate the rebellion in No. Ca. Second, I rec'd text requesting avail. time slots for interview, which I provided. That eve. & next day I called & texted, no response, exc. toward end of day (4/26), called & got vm, which hadn't been set up yet. But while still on the call, my phone rang, 916-623-1069, but when I answered, they hung up, & I had vm waiting for me, but no mssg., simply a click. 4/27, I was informed the room I was in @ BW Davis had been reserved w/another guest as of weekend (@ $150/night, I'm usually paying for a night's stay @ most one night ahead of schedule, & they don't check w/me in advance to see if I was planning on staying longer). After speaking w/clerk, @ approx. 8 PM, I asked to be contacted by a manager that night (4/27) or the next day. Approx. 9 PM, motel rm. phone rang, I picked it up, & was hung up on. Then phone's vm light activated, so I checked vm, & simply a "click;" i.e., mgr calling me was stalking me - BUT, IT WAS A REVERSE STALKING OF TREJO - HANG-UP, THEN FAULTY VM, AS OPPOSED TO FAULTY VM. THEN HANG-UP. Additional factoid, approx. Dec. 1997, simultaneous conspired termination from VCA teacher position, assoc. pastor Dave Keane deceptively excusing me from Edge group leadership, false charges of Don Miller & then while evangelizing @ Lucky grocery store, followed by conspired church excommunication, & then more false charges, I reported 2 members of Encounters Sunday school class paid for a night's stay @ Motel 6 - that night they prank called me in my room. Sac is in bed w/Davis rebels by definition. "They promised I'd stand," blk girl, Shriner's ad 5:25. If someone tells you you can get away w/crime, & you don't know better, that's 100% your fault, irregardless of age. 4/23, "That was my wish," Shriners' girl (possibly code), & "Watch me," 4:42 PM, ch 40; i.e., 'th[e] aaat' was her wish, consp., - based on vision of 'I wish' from last wk. Ordinarily, if you track someone conspiring, you certainly woudn't accept a job from them, but I'm surrounded by conspirators, & forced to accept conditions, or be willing to, that you wouldn't go anywhere near. 4/27, 4:30 AM, "We would weed death," bug code, rm 118 BW - conspirators attempting to dupe me that weeding is off limits. "Right under his nose," code from Sac news, possibly attempt to slip Alexander Twilight HS job offer in as though planned all along (blk players (bb), "...@ the end of the day..." & twilight, @ most, it was a contingency strategy if they didn't ruin me w/any of their traps. 2 AM, dream of girl's face w/freckles, but someone claiming it was injury or death - "...the pellets are close together..." indicating 2 pellets - as though freckles were where she had been hit by pellets - indicating possibly conspiracy to try to use my Dad's BB gun against us - Crossman pistol, looked like a German lugar, shot BB's & pellets.
4/27, Fast & Easy (mart) I was purchasing soda & considering ice cream (they only have pints - I purchased their last half gallon approx. 6 mos. ago - BW across the street sabotaged all of it's freezers so that ice cream won't keep ('I scream'), possibly vision, "You won't go near them," (possibly referring to children), & male emply, Mideast. gry hr, (same emply @ F&E for last 30+ years - Mideasterners in Davis cave in like everyone else) on phone, "We main che-cheek it," & warned about codes, "Main frown," (to me) 5:57. Mexs. attempting to control my employment - landscaping, but not allowed to teach; 'Chi Chi [Rodriguez];' - 'rod RE [agent] guess[es];' No. Ca. rebels, this doesn't surprise me - ATTEMPTING TO LABEL ANY & ALL WORK AS SALES - REMEMBER, THIS IS THE M.O. FROM THE BEGINNING -'GIVE UP, STOP WORKING, KILL YOURSELF;' but after applying for teacher jobs & any & all emplymnt FOR 20 YEARS F/T w/out being hired, & I'm now hired doing grunt labor, but it's steady work - in that context, anyone - near or far - attempting to create a facade that this raking, digging & weeding is secret sales motives & I have to quit, IS GOING TO THE HELL OF ALL HELLS - & GOD WILL MAKE IT WORSE THAN THAT - AS GOD IS MY WITNESS! MARK 11:24 - I'M GOING TO HAVE WHAT I SAY - IT'LL BE A WORSE HELL THAN ANYTHING I COULD ENUNCIATE IN THIS REPORT. One could argue this is a contrast to invitation to teacher interview in Sac, but interviews are usually smoke screens. Dart, (blk rptr) ch 3, "We have main, the attitude," 6:32. 6:38, Louisville Ky shooter Sturgeon's dad looks a lot like Doug Arnold - they don't breathe a word about rebellion despite they're on TV; "From what we've been told...just know he walked in," possibly code. "They know where he is & they're discussing that he's not going to escape them this time," fem rptr, seemed overly detailed from simply a sky view of police tracking a criminal, 6:47.
4/25, "I'm man enough to take off those bedrock fittings," ch 3 7:05. "He isn't here, his state," garbage collector (?) 7:24. "It isn't you fade, they bake," bug code, & Hickey, ch 3, "10 min. ride," traffic report, but ordinarly the lingo is "10 min. drive..." - code where Sac is claiming they aren't "driving" - implying I'm "driving" the conspiracy, as in, I've joined the conspiracy & settled for it (by doing yard work). NBC, Oakland, girl shot while "riding" in a car, but ordinarily, the report would state, "...shot while in a moving vehicle" or " a car while it was going down the street,..." Also, due to reports thoroughly exposing them, & THE SHOOTINGS, DISASTERS, ETC., subtle coded claim they were "driving" watching out for me by tracking blks & school setting might not be safe; but I'm evidently insisting, & so they are the passengers; i.e., THEY "WARNED ME..." But that doesn't cut it - "driving" or "riding" as far as justice actually exposes them - THEY HAVE DUTY TO PROVIDE JUSTICE DON'T HAVE AN OPTION OF "RIDING" - DUTY IS DUTY; &, justice conspiratorially provided in small increments or meted out in bits & pieces, is a trap & isn't justice @ all - they claim they are "capitulating" to my demands to teach, as though their hands are tied - they can't purge oppressors & provide me a teacher job @ that same time, that would be...JUSTICE! & that's because they already capitulated to rebels' demands, insisting Sac had permission to ream me - make my life a continuous hostage/slavery scenario - to track blks; the BREAM consp. - 'Blacks Ruin Everything Around Me' & while that is blacks' conspiracy, the Bible says to punish (or purge) the wicked, & the foolish will learn - i.e., it could've been dealt w/by invading Davis, & raiding & arresting significant no. of blacks & other rebels nationally so that others who are dabbling in the conspiracy would be warned & repent. God has led me although they aren't going to repent, there was 6+ year window where they might've. Based on nudgings from Schwarzenegger & others, Sac convinced they could conspire to allow everyone everywhere to conspire against me in public. They don't have any "I told you so," if anyone oppresses me in a school while I'm teaching or connected to teacher job; a teacher job is meaningless when all the students have been trained & brought up that they can conspire against me & no one gets punished - central to teacher position is authority - it's understood that refusing to obey the teacher is refusing to obey the principal, the school district & authorities overall. But they've sabotaged even a semblance of authority for me before I even get started. Moreover, if those oppressing me were punished, students would recognize there are consequences, as there "always" are for those misbehaving or committing crimes. It's insanity to teach in an environment where you're already victim of a rebellion, & the entire community - the entire region - is involved in the rebellion; those oppressing me are the school leaders, among others. THE STUDENTS ARE TRAINED THAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DISOBEY ME & IN FACT OPPRESS ME! SAC IS DRIVING THE REBELLION, & A SUPPOSED CONCESSION OF ALLOWING ME TO TEACH, WHILE REFUSING TO INVADE DAVIS & ARREST KINGPINS IN REGION, ISN'T EQUIVALENT OF THEM NO LONGER DRIVING - THAT'S A SMOKE SCREEN. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS JUSTICE THAT SUPPOSEDLY ALLOWS VICTIM TO TEACH WHILE MAINTAINING REGIONAL REBELLION & CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE VICTIM INTACT - THEY ARE IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT DEFINED! "You're gonna know you have mick," (or similar) male bug code, 9:35. The codes are subtle claim I refused to "let" them drive, so any oppression is all my fault - they can then bring about the consps. of recent codes but conspirators allowing conspiracies to occur 1000X/day in public, w/codes - refusing to punish them is the region driving the rebellion, defined. SO THERE'S NO NEGATING OF ANY DRIVER'S SEAT OF SAC. - & IT'S MORE THAN ANY "DRIVER'S SEAT," IT'S KING PINS OF SLAVERY -IRON-FISTED CONTROL!
4/22, "...if we lose this game, we've pretty much lost; you gotta understand the moment...the momentum..." Curry, interview about Kings' loss to Warriors; trick using 'moment' & 'um.' Additional NBA codes indicate they are claiming they are tracking Aggies, or more specifically those in Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship when I was member (such as former Taiwanese roommate Joe Marcum). It may also have to do w/use of in retrospect semi- imaginative ad for a sm residence in high property value area, University Ave., one block from UCD, in 1999, "Buy This Property This Moment!" properties rarely on market in that location, & it was approx. one blk from the B&B Inn that I'd listed; but soon after that, codes about me getting justice in "a minute," i.e., 'I'm 'in it,' connotation of being "in the thick of things," but skeptical tone. Vision or thought 5:19 AM 4/22, while juggling (got up @ 4 AM) - that one hour was one 'minute;' i.e., conspiracy that justice (1999) won't be that soon - stalls under guise of buying time for me to improve my P.E. skills, etc. I.e., justice is only for stars & superstars. 12:06 AM, "The guy disappears; you're gonna find out," Nicolaj (or guest after him) on Jimmy Fallon, & before that, Sienna Miller (?) wh fem English accent, guest, but she dominates the conversation; the mssg. is Mexs. are being humbled because they acting too proud to provide me justice - such as Fallon having me as guest. Possibly Gabriel Basso talking about movie & how as actor he's isolated & learned a lot of skills, including building a wall; Fallon takes that as his cue, "It better be good!" implying, bring on the wall, because Jack Teacher isn't a good enough juggler or Spanish Teacher to be a guest (& so Fallon forfeits justice); i.e., you aren't going to give him a conversation skills wake up call. Immed. before Tonight Show, ad w/2 wh males fighting in sm. restroom, possibly supposed to be on plane, but too big for that. After fighting, one said to other, "I've got you;" i.e., 'cover' code - '[ar]rest room;' attempt to coerce me that literally founds the Davis rebellion - 'you have no choice but to submit to the false arrests [kidnappings] - it's cover to appease blacks.' As far as blacks, God spoke to me approx. 2 years ago that most Americans had already made up their minds by then that blacks had betrayed us & there was no turning back. Also, I already proved that these stalls under guise of forcing me to improve ARE THE M.O. OF THE NO. CA. REBELLION! IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN TO PROP UP THE REBELS, & IT'S MUSHROOMED SO THAT THEY'RE BUYING THEIR OWN DECEPTION! Moreover - that 'minute' code 'I'm 'inn,' it' was code for this very stall conspiracy, but also subtly implying sales skills aren't noble enough 'inn, it,' so that suddenly conspiracy & terrorism is allowed if victim isn't perfectly "noble" - in addition to being a "star" or "superstar." For ex., you're a victim who by trade is a dentist, but it's discovered some of your patients are smokers - you aren't noble enough for justice due to those "uncouth' patients. Ironically, when you are a victim, it often expends all your energy fighting against the rebels for your rights; crime is illegal because it destroys peoples' lives - WHEN TERRORISTS ARE ATTEMPTING TO DESTROY YOU, THE LAST THING YOU'RE ABLE TO CONCENTRATE ON IS IMPROVING YOUR ATHLETICS OR OCCUPATION SKILLS. & that's generally speaking - I'm stalked 24/7 - that requires huge amounts of energy to maintain composure & keep going when you're stressed, high strung, in fight or flight mode non-stop because no one "bothers" to bring justice & arrest the terrorists, which also enables them to add to their numbers, making it that much harder to bring anyone to arrest them or invade, due to more of them that have to be dealt w/. I practice Spanish, Math, & put in a lot of hours of juggling, but very little improvement in juggling, because I'm never able to relax & unwind, even while playing sports, because justice somehow never comes. & then traitors like Fallon fail to recognize that a far higher honor is availed to him by a "whimsical" act of exposing the oppression (in more concrete terms) w/simply a guest appearance & him demanding an end to the rebellion on his TV show - a historical landmark stand that would supercede any novel carnival show display. I reported the Brunswick bowling logo almost identical to British coronation chair back - & the chair back stalkings of Davis City council, St. James Catholic school, & White House spanning almost 20 years - &, recent Spanish movie linking British display to UCC Edge youth group leaders stalking of me in 1995. Instead of Fallon taking credit for Latines breaking wide open Western church consp., he capitulates to it!!!!! THEY'RE SIGNING ON DOTTED LINE THEY ARE IN BED W/THEM. Important safety tip - as of 2011, I added skills of hand spring flips, juggling w/switch from cascade to shower & back repeatedly w/4 balls, & then song writing, singing, & dancing skills. The 4 ball switch I became really good @, as well as song writing; somehow, all this was ignored by the 'minute' conspirators, & instead they increased the lewd stalkings & corrupting of kids & involving them in stalking me, & after focussing on singing & dancing during 4 years of denial of any work (2013-2016), due to more systematic wickedness from lewd conspiracies, I'm currently out of practice w/4 ball manuevers, & forced to focus on 5 balls, due to better channeling in desperate circumstances. But this is proof that any supposed skill proficiency is a smoke screen for these TV personalities - they simply prop up the rebels. I also reported a communication supposedly from former youth leader Justin Heiser of UCC Edge, when I was prolific hoop shooter - & somewhat good @ it - "That angel's a killer," a subtle confession, due to my persistence & number of hours in basketball.
4/19, before getting on bus, @ 5th & D, fat mex male, hair in bun, blk clothing, "Is it alright if I sit here?" but I refused to respond other than warning. He then left, "He'll have his 5 men on 'em," to car going by, 6:20 5th & D; 'minute' code - good @ juggling 5 balls, then justice. "We'll have plane crash," 1 of 2 mex fems, 6:40 PM, 42B, (pic sent) "I said her work" 6:41; code, 'ice ed[itor]...' - news reporters cold as ice, TV shows (Fallon), etc., disasters continue - w/their "blessing."
His mssg: Save those wailing that you should trample underfoot a nation that abolished slavery! "It is what it is."
Blk stalker @ 5th St. bus stop, 5:59 PM, 4/21.
4/16, "I had 2," A Rod, changes to MLB rules, but code, 'I had to,' 7:03 ESPN2. "Could it happen again? Yeah!" ad; "Get that shift outta here!" another ad, 7:08, ESPN2 - possibly warning Davis to stop programming me into weeding jobs. TCT "The [US] founders knew; drawn from the Bible matches reality," male CEO of program of DJ Kennedy, 7:26 PM; I reported the vision "Stay awake - it isn't a draw," I assumed that was betw. me & rock, but possibly it was between rock & Western & Eastern churches - current congregations. 7:29 PM, "Nephew jump," X Games, male. "It isn't you're there," 7:34 PM - Stanton blew out one of my speakers in Dodge; i.e., claim I was supposed to yell; this code is consp. that I didn't yell enough - but if God's miracles & huge feats aren't enough, there will never be enough yelling for these rebels, even if 5 billion people yelled @ once. 6:45 AM, "He gets w/in the realm of history; they ___ him," (illegib. notes). "You're going you can't see 'em," 6:55. "We aren't gonna let you howl," 8:32 AM gov't bug code. "Rhetoric against the youngs people," ch 40 10:31. "2-3-4, if you kiss just a little bit," (or similar - notes smudged) Berg, ch 3, 6:33. "I'll lee not, if you get there," Hickey, 6:34; "A little lazy now in Sac," possibly lewd code, or simply sexual innuendo. Porn videos, women spitting on men's penises before oral sex - 'saliva' - 'saw all - I've a [dick],' possibly indicating men should be repenting & defending higher standards. Vision about Salinas - 'saw all [p]enis;' seesaw - 'see? he saw,' as opposed to 'zzzz.'
4/17, "Actually it," wh male gray beard, hunting jacket, hunting stocking cap, 7:35 AM, Raley's; context: That AM on TV, O'Connell showing up after fall, dressed like hunter - blk vest, jeans, etc., & I made comment about it. "We're never gonna meet," wh male ___ jacket, gray goatie, blk Jansport bk pk, blk bike, helmet, 42B, 8:18 AM; bus allowed him to cross in front of bus @ crosswalk @ Enterprise, & blk fem driver, "That's you're out," or similar. 1:25 PM, "We won't woo Lodi..."Steve, on phone inside while I was near window -I'd placed report up about Sonsea quip, then removed it. "That was our son?" Steve. 4 AM approx., "You won't know where they offend it," bug code - possibly referring to "all the little things," but a tot or baby can be a "sweet little thing," so it's their problem - I tracked the 'tot' consp., & we named out turtle after it. "His with's with," vision, pertaining to my Dad, approx 4 PM; i.e., essay about Christ & "THE WAY" headings - as opposed to 'w/' is 'against,' such as Wdld 'with,' code for jail.
4/18, "I didn't see, your bubbly," 3 AM; vision, fem, possibly indicating rock musicians avoid dirty pics. Context is approx. year ago, looked @ dirty pics but then repented, but that had happened before, & vision of Taylor, "Gentlemen, we have a bubble," i.e., claiming my motives for avoiding dirty pics wasn't high morals, but rather I'm in a bubble w/illegal eavesdroppers, & I'd lower my standards if I could. As of this point, enough consistency that it's credit for higher morals. I reported the child's step apparatus next to Don't toilet, 8th St.; Rich Mahoney, approx. 1993, "I'm going to the little boys' room," indicating bathroom, but possibly lewd code, & Don coconspiring. [EXCERPT:]4/14, "Caboo" sq box of kleenexes, Don's. 4/18, vision "[dead] body was found in here," indiv. referring to a toilet; dream, 3:40 AM; possibly toilet @ Don's - sm plastic step stool or booster next to his toilet; i.e., Lodi Bethel church body (& Davis churches) tracked due to my persistent work ethic (toiling 4 hrs. in the rain last Winter @ Don's, for ex. 4/14, sm suare box of kleenexes on one of chair @ assembly pertaining to 13 yr. old supposedly crashed & victim in Wdld, in the news; approx. 4/13 Jan hands me sm sq. box of kleenexes while on break after allergy sneezes. "You didn't know where I'm going to double," 4:43, Don, then cardboard constantly in conversation about landscape projects - codes they're opting for cheap projects/corner-cutting etc. - they don't like it when I stay in WS.[END EXCERPT] "Soul; I've that one coming up," 7 AM, male, ch 3. "We leave here," ch 3, fem mex., 6:48 AM - Span. accent - 'live' - 'we live here;' "He separated," coded claim that if I want to punish them they lash out that I'm a 9/11 terrorist - 'Sep[t. 11] rated;' alternately, I'm refusing to marry them - separated in marriage, but that doesn't apply in rebel region. "Done settling? Then take back what's yours," fem, coaching boys swimmers, but implying almost in shower room w/them - 'taking...' Rinvoke, INSP channel 9:29 PM. "We have to do things that will benefit our life" (possibly a code - slight sound of sluggishness) Balance of Nature 9:42. 10:30, "What I've heard so far" (source illegib.). "We're give gun violence," 10:40 PM; "We're gonna give government arrested." 9:46, Gunsmoke, placed man in jail temporarily, then unlocked him & said it was an act - he's released. "He doesn't go their death it,"
4/14, "Valley strong" Valley Credit, blk male, dk grn shrt, "PAAAY ROOOLLL" blks & money code, & VS emply, grn shrt - I randomly wore a grn "LaVerne Univ." shrt.- 'love earn' code. "Enjoy the weekend, because a weaker weather system is coming" 'week'/'weak' code, 6:41, ch 40 fem rptr, wh blouse blk swtr.
I reported the North Face logo & late housing developer Don Miller, member of UCC, w/Miller Dr. & parallel A St., both developed by him in 1960's in Central Davis, & Miller makes curve E into B St., & w/A St. to the east of Miller, it "corrals" A St. into B St., creating a design like NF logo (See "NO.CA. REGION CONSPIRING.../STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED" report). 2005, I was attending Bible study @ Belfry on A St. - predominantly for students, but sign says, "Open to All." It was sponsored by 2 liberal churches in Davis, both allowing homosexuality, despite the Bible forbids it. During Bible study, it came up, & I disagreed w/Western argument, & we got into a debate, but the leader said we had to drop it & focus on the material in the study, & so I did - it wasn't a major issue. But little did I know - the next time I was @ the study, they called the police, & I was kidnapped, 2005. Charge was dropped, but they were literally fulfilling their commitment to UCC to participate in creating a 'North Face' style challenge utilizing conspiracies & oppression!
According to Fox 40 website, Jim Crandell, former sports anchor @ ch 40, came to Sac from Wisconsin after being hired as sports anchor in 1984. He retired in 2021, & appeared on news 4/14 as a commemorative of his career as sports anchor. No mention of the fact that he was lead news anchor on ch 40 before long term sports anchor career - he was promoted, but then, from most people's perspective, demoted to sports anchor. A telltale confirmation of a precursory form of casing - which I reported was already occurring in Lodi & then in Davis & evidently in Sac, Mark Demsky was hired as sports anchor & trained by Crandell in 2004, but now, despite still having a web page, he's missing from the roster - 'marked 'em's k[ey] he,' or, 'marked 'em's sky;' i.e., subtle confession of a subtle cover-up of denial of a teacher career. I was @ Cranbrook Apts. & teaching @ Vacaville Christian Academy soon after Crandell was promoted to lead news anchor position. This was where the '10' stalkings occurred, & a confrontation because I dated Debbie Mitchell, elem. teacher, w/Buick Regal - a more elite version of the Buick Park Avenue that I had, having purchased it from former roommate Kirk - the one who was mentoring people in Davis to sit on curbs after church & plan on being homeless in 1994. Regal - 'RE gal.' Fox 40 Crandell webpage talks about one of Crandell's first stories, @ Dodgers Stadium, where Kirk Gibson hit a home run in Game 1 - & Gibson Rd. is location of Yolo jail, & Mike Gibson, blk student I'd befriended @ VCA before conspiratorially terminated. This was a conspired role play & conspired choreograph of a teacher whom they were guaranteeing would demote himself due to allure of fame & rock star popularity - it wasn't a watch, because they conspiratirally decreed it & orchestrated it - Jim Crandell made the pivotal news anchor position, but is demoted to sports anchor, & maintains that for the rest of his career - I "marked 'em" (was hired & worked as a teacher), but conspiratorially fired, BUT REGIONAL CONSPIRACY DENYING ME TEACHER JOBS - I was temporarily in sales, due to church oppression & police oppression, but didn't let that discourage me from my teacher goals - applying, applying, applying, applying, applying as of 2004, then disappeared for 2.5 years hostage (Gibson Rd.), then back to applying, 2007. & while promoting rock, & was super careful to only sing & dance after hours - as a rule, while applying, applying, applying, applying, applying to teach. Also, it isn't simply sales or star guise - it's anything that might create fame, such as sports great - i.e., you can't teach until you're one of the following: (1)great salesman, (2)famous rock star, (3)Olympiad, etc. - yet, 99.99999% of teachers never had to do any of that before becoming a teacher; Jim Crandell - 'gym k[ey], ran 'dull;' or 'gym k[ey], [ou]r 'handle [it];'' conspiracy creating guise that the victim has selfish sports fame motives, & if he doesn't, pressure him until he caves in & goes along w/program - region running dictated control consp. under guise of selish ambition, they ran (left their posts) instead of standing firm w/Jack Teacher plan. God had already spoken to me when I'd moved into Cranbrook Apts. - 'cranial' - brain - education; I'd been hired @ Jacobs Middle School in Dixon, but (unbeknownst to me) rock stars, Hollywood, etc. prying & pressuring behind the scenes, & region conspiring behind the scenes, that I'd quit & try to be a star, & after being hired, inspiring radio evangelism mssg. & suddenly I made a rash decision that I was called to be a pastor, & quit my teacher job; immediately Kirk moving out of res. on Spruce, & no one to fill the 3rd room, & so I gave mo. notice & got on lease @ Cranbrook - God was speaking to me - equivalent of that I "ran" from my teacher career (rash decision to join ministry), & so my "castle" or "rook" or res. on Spruce suddenly eliminated. I repented & started applying for teacher jobs; hired @ VCA as Spanish teacher, but that fell apart due to the consps. Immediately after that, UCC claimed VCA was their "cue" that I was a bad apple, & church & police oppression ensued, & so I kept going w/whatever was available to me - jail & homelessness wouldn't prevent RE sales work, but wasn't the most facilitatable for teacher jobs, until I could clear my name. In fact, 4/15, Lee Anne Denyer, ch 3 news anchor, reporting, & Michelle Dapper, sports anchor, @ Kings game, emphasized the point that I'd made the night before, talking to myself, about Jim Crandell being demoted & that wasn't mentioned in his story (they illegally eavesdrop) - Denyer & Dapper were look-alikes - news & sports parallel of Crandell - but, Dapper was @ the Kings game - Crandell's career in Sac started almost exactly when Kings came to Sac in 1985, & now for the first time in almost 2 decades, in the playoffs, & Crandell back for a visit - consp. to "handle" any supposed teacher career w/"star"/"king"/"star athlete" selfish ambition smoke screen; Michelle Dapper - 'miss hell - [I]'d 'app' 'er;' Crandell such a celebrated reporter, why didn't he apply to get his lead news anchor job back????? His entire career orchestrated to program people that by hook or by crook, I won't be a teacher again. 4/16, ch 3, 7:06 AM, interviews from 4/15 @ Kings game, wh fem blnd, "We've got a big planet place..." 'big [sports] plan [is] it,' - my "place" is paying exorbitant motel rates amounting to $32-40k/yr for motel room as punishment for my selfish ambition of the past - that they orchestrated! They believe their own codes - Planet Fitness gym openly cosnpires that my career is a "plan," & the 'irk' factor - that no one would dare brashly conspire in public - must mean it's okay to ream Jack Teacher & punish him for the crimes & rebellion of others!!!!!
Denyer (ch 3 fem reporter) - Denver - Quinn Denvir (atty); Quinn Moffett, U of Mich. student - committed suicide a year or so after going to a party where she was drugged & then raped, 2018; I'm denied victory over my enemies, & because of that I'm stalked & conspired against 24/7 - I'm never off work - have to have my quill pen w/me @ all times. I'M DENIED MY CAREER & VICTORY/JUSTICE BECAUSE EVERYONE IN NO. CA. CRUMBLES & JOINS THE REBELLION, INCLUDING THE BAY AREA - MOFFETT FED. AIRFIELD LOCATED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY. ch 3, 4/16, 7:04 AM, De Aaron Fox, Kings player, " be tolled,..." & coach Brown, " gotta take your head off for these [fans]" - I reported Obama's code, "behead;" Brown's son Elijah, ", the energy, it's ON believable..." @ beginning of game, Brown, "The lights are on," 7:11, & Steph Curry w/opaque retainer identical to mine that was stolen w/my shaving kit when I was packing up to move back to Lodi after graduating from UCD, 9/1991; Curry has it sticking out of his mouth like a pipe most games - 'the lights are on, Jack Teacher's a smoker, a toker...' 4/19 (or 4/20), wh male rptr, interviewing Brown about playoffs w/warriors, "You can't beat him," context was my report about Green stomping wh player, & blks suddenly stalking me more vehemently the next day. I.e., double entendre inferring me. 4/15, I was busy w/reports, & paid for another night's stay @ exactly 11 AM, & Yolobus parked directly across the street (next to Raley's); 11:02 AM, working on this report & noticed bill was due for another night's stay; as I arrived @ (Bel Air) office window, I was approx. 3 sec. ahead of blk male blk beard; while I was paying for room (mgr), fem clerk was helping blk male - "I left my comb in there," indicating room next to office; no one's going to go out of their way to go back to a motel to get a comb - 'k[ey] home,' i.e., consp. code that staying in WS is getting out of Davis.
I reported the adventure concerning Los Altos Christian school, located in San Mateo cty, but on the edge of Santa Clara county, where Moffett Field is located - 3/2021, I went to the interview, despite it was cancelled because I piped up on phone about miracles (evidently, don't do that if it's a Christian school - but rather, in a rebel region), but as show of good faith, I was going to show up anyway, until motels in S. SF demanding deposits, including one that said no deposit on phone, but when I arrived, deposit, & more than I had w/me, another one lower deposit, but it was debited from my ckg acct., & no reinstating it for several days - I was suddenly out of $ & 10 mis. from Los Altos. Late in day, $35 back in my acct. from a deposit from motel in Davis from 2 days before - enough for bus fare back home. I reported a year later, 2022, I made another trip to Los Altos school to further drive home the point that I was serious; the principal cut short the conversation in the lobby, & that was it. I.e., no teacher jobs, & roadblocks in bay area preventing me from getting to interviews despite steady landscape income - & this ordeal took place w/in miles of Moffett Field. I did visit a number of other schools while in Los Altos area. 4/16, ESPN2, Astros v. ? MLB game, "KAY ROD" show, anncr, "...the Stanley Cup, that's my fault," & then Chrysler Genesis ad, maroon colored car like Debbie's Regal from VCA, lighting up everything w/same color lights - I then remembered to add Moffett Field to report (occurred to me a few min. before that). 4:55, male anncr, "What, he went through?" implying, 'that's nothing...' & "leave it alone," - possibly code, 'leave [town, is] it, a loan;' implying either more oppression conspired or I've suffered already - as far as I could tell, it was A Rod - I was unaware that there was a "KAY ROD" show in bay area - seemingly innocently named - Michael Kay & Alex Rodriguez, but there's most likely a conspired connection w/"the Kay" - K St. shooting 2022 in Sac - they may have named it after Kay Rod. But after I placed the Moffett report up, suddenly A Rod couldn't stop chuckling, as though tracked. 5;15 PM, W Cap Ave. (near Bel Air), "He didn't have his cash half,'ll be nars mon," 'n[o is] ours, mon[ster]' possibly, although this code was possibly pertaining to Japanese (Godzilla) or Lodi or both from approx. 4/14. 'half' is code for long term disappearance (2+ mos. in jail) - 'half time' code of newspaper subsc. promoter I was working for in 2008 @ Sam's Club in Sac, where I also bumped into Joe Benvenudi, former owner of Kings (spoke w/him on phone possibly 2002, but subsequently I'd tried to get a hold of him to demand justice for me; then disappeared in Yolo jail approx. year later for 4 mos. Then possibly Kay or guest Sabastian asking A Rod, "Were you ever concerned @ night..?" (while staying somewhere), & A Rod said he was scared in one instance - "A guy @ a game seated in front of me w/fishing rod, & the lure kept hitting my helmet...I think they took his rod away..." 5:20; i.e., may very well be a "fix" code - Corona tool vision of 4/14. Change in attitude of mexs suddenly; A Rod is Mex., but suddenly mex. male from rm. 17 (next to me) sitting in his SUV near my window, 5:20 PM; & other comments from them; 'Leave it alone' - i.e., Catholic church; but there were conspiracies made manifest, so I reported them. Guest on Kay Rod, Patrick Renner, actor in Goonies, "I played catcher [in the movie] - close to the bat swinging & fast balls, it's a hard position to play..." i.e., implying mexs. tracked ' caught 'er;' while Sebastian, also guest, Italian from NY, seemed to make distinction that Italian Catholics aren't phased. 5:36, "Please, Patrick, tell us," anncr - sudden barrage of codes to confuse me; McDonald's Asian fem customer & mex male emply both overly using "please" which may be courtesy, but more likely another attempt to i.d. me - Soledad O'Brien, Latino news cstr, "Please join me..." - they POLITELY continue reaming you. "I don't watch the same Malek [others watch....]" (sounded like) Renner; Malek Baroody, Mideast RE agent in Davis, but possibly referring to watching porn videos. Also, possibly more evidence of stalking concerning dirty pics - Barbie Benton nudes (Playboy) & Joe Benvenudi. "Sports is everything; it's everything," Renner (possibly code - 'I've RE thing'), 5:37. @ any rate, A Rod possibly Mex. king pin in bay area. Nevertheless, I've rec'd warnings from Mexs. that it won't do any good to point fingers half way as far as unbibilical Catholic practices - acknowledging on the fence religion doesn't cut it - so if these reports are going for the throat, it's for their own good, especially on the national level.
4/16, dream of Berg(?) in her car, talking to someone - "I'm hit," (Crandell report) 4:49 AM; "Die is good too." 5 AM, vision of wife rushing to remove splinter from foot of husband (wasn't me or my wife in vision). 5:16 PM, ch 10 (or 13), sounded like "The Sawyer kicked in hotel." 5:19, "Tip off minutes away, you go," mex or Asian fem rptr, ch 10. "The National Tornado Watch has it's you issued,..." blk fem rptr, ch 10, 5:39, possibly desperate code implying Jack Teacher's "nocturnal" activities are thunderous. "There's another time where that lee helped him," or similar, fem anncr, ABC 6:32 PM. "It was you won't know," bug code, 5:40. 8:37 PM "We know who the main makers are," blk Kings player - "the main" is God is THE MAKER. 7:21, "...lest the people forget," Brown(?); 'lessed - the people forget,' attempt to slip by a confession blks are lessing or Jewing down USA - even the Jews did't do that, w/Superman character & raid on Entebbe, 4 July, 1976. 7:28, Warriors coach, gesture of removing a contact lense; 1991, before I graduated, hot tubbing w/Inter Varsity friends in Davis, & Heidi Hafemeister lost her contacts in the tub - possibly code - 'loses contacts [w/friends]' - 'Bausch & Lomb' - 'bow, shhh, & 'law' him...' (I didn't claim IV members were all angels - they seemed to be @ the time, but subsequently, where are they?); i.e., they lessed me. But NBA coaches & Steph Curry claiming they are tracking former IVCF friends is moot point of millennium.
4/21, 4:11 AM, "I have your hoss-ted." 2:20, "It was they're testing," bug code, rm. 16; I didn't write it down @ once. 2:28 AM, dream, oral surgeon wanted me to w/draw my physical intestines;" it applied to report on internet; i.e., someone claiming to be a "doctor" trying to kill me - possibly Dr. Aim On Green - "you'll have his large intestine," blk fem to blk child in line @ DCM, approx. 2016; i.e., juxtaposed to a teacher who tests students. "W/out tie he's restriction," (US Supreme Ct.), mex fem, rptr, NBC, 3 AM. "They're gonna have you're lost," 3:34 AM. 3:51, "We just stake to go, back to you," bug code; 'stake' referring to consps. in rm 17. 5:27, "You won't ply 'em, life," gov't bug code.
New Circle K taking a year to open across from motels I often stay @ in WS. 4/14 "For come 41 degrees" Dirk ch 3 6:19; "We're gonna form up to 70 degrees," 6:20. "We're going to be getting closer & closer to 7...75 degrees," ch 3, wthr, Dirk. 6:50 AM, "Nice & easy," & blks slowly getting closer to me @ bus stop @ Sahara this AM - fem yelling @ me on sidewalk then going E., then male getting on 42A. Warriors & Kings in playoffs, Warriors blk player Drammond Green stomps on wh Kings player Domantas Sabonas while he was on the floor, 4/17, & 4/18, I'm stalked by blk male @ W Acre/W Cap bus stop in WS, blk jacket, bike, then blk male blk hood on Yolobus 42A, 7:38 AM, "He'll pop 'em, key," & then @ 2nd & Mace bus stop, blk male HS student, blk jacket, blk bk pk, "You said it's here," 8:17 AM. Most likely, it's '[MLK] dream [is] on? [You're] green.' Marathon gas station mart said most of product already moved into the new mart, next door, on W. Cap. Ave. 'Circle '[o]kay,'' blk basketball player commits a foul that is essentially an act of violent aggression against wh player, & blacks are instantly agreeing to orchestrate similar against me - "[o]kay" (circle it).
But the 'circle 'kay'' conspiracy also involves long range control of my life - Payless stores went out of business, bought out by Rite Aid possibly 2 decades ago. K Mart recently closed it's last store. While Circle K was around since '70's, evidently a luring parallel was created w/Target coming on the scene @ same time as Payless going out of business, w/slogun, "Expect more. Payless" - the theme is bring 'em back, & Circle K produces similar intonation - '[full] circle - K [Mart] open again.' & concept of 'pay [your] less' (or, 'rent'), creating facade of a business brought back, despite I went so far as to assert call my RE venture a failure; it's a non-issue; I'm a teacher! 'Smart' education goals becomes 'mart' business goals - claiming they "blew" those spiritual light special revelations. It wasn't my strategy @ first to paranoidly shun any identity w/business - I was planning on teaching HS Business along w/Math & Spanish, & a somewhat successful business under your belt is hands on experience. Nevertheless, my life becomes a pawn of attempts to perpetuate business, denying me a teacher career.
Vision from God that Microsoft convinces themselves that I'm kidding; AT&T then gets wind of that, & suddenly, they deny me access to my webmail, 4/19, 9:20 PM. & when I found a way around it using my web editor, instantly male in rm. 17 next door to me starts choking, & "You'll just have us undone" (they flatter themselves - that was almost 2 decades ago). The mssg. from AT&T was I could "allow" the (webmail) pg. access yhrough their "Smart Home Manager;" i.e., I tracked the 'mart'/'smart' scandal, so AT&T has to remind me how "green" I am - they've all got each other's backs.
AT&T cookie sabotage of access to e mail recently morphed into partial graphic of original, which just happens to be identical to the shape of the headboard in rm. 16, where they recently placed 2 full beds in place of a queen - taunting me that I'm accepting rudamentary conditions. When I stay in a motel in Davis (regularly) it's to occupy the region - rather than to "reap the plunder" of rebels admitting I'm entitled to pay retroactively back to 1997 or before - fulfilling Sac's guise of "appearances of uprightness" before any invasion - because the codes are literally crimes occurring in public daily - if that isn't proof of Davis' corruption, then there is no such thing as right & wrong/justice & injustice!
4:25, "You were the kiddin' it," bug code; 3 blks shooting hoops in caged in half court basket b. hoop @ Residence Inn, 2nd & Mace - it's a dead give-away - half court hoops aren't such valued commodity - there's full court 2 blks away @ Arroyo Pk - it's attempt to extract a confession under guise of showing off hoop shooting @ busy intersection; possibly also attempt to claim they can accuse me if I don't cower to their demands. The phone coersion consps., & web host/e mail coersion conspiracies, monsters demanding I have to change brands right now, etc., is the latest terrorist attempts to control me - this oppression has been occurring for more than 2 decades; as a rule, these companies are cowards & capitulate to whatever "program" they're pressured to go with. I spent years attempting to provide object lessions (1)to phone cos., etc. - if you can't avoid the codes & stalkings, you lose my business; (2)to gov't - my unswerving high standards making the unmistakable demand for justice but it's wasted on cowards, & it simply resulted in me expending far more energy having to switch cos. over & over & over, every few mos. I was led that w/gov't leaders betraying me, simply use my phone & web service, make warnings, report crimes - I'm w/in my rights if I report them & warn them. But the terrorists lose patience & start demanding you change brands, increasing the sabotages, etc. - ensuring they punished w/divine retribution.
4/12, "This is look, he's dead," 6:09 PM, wh male red hair crew cut, gray swt jacket, 42B, to fat mex fem reg'ly on bus w/bag of recycles from Davis - casing me - parallel of staying in WS but working in Davis, except she's collecting recycleables for work. 2 mex. fems seated near me using codes; 6:12, to wh male crew cut, "Wall, take it," mex fem brn jacket (pic sent); "Not sure in her," 6:23 PM. The day before I worked @ Hallers all day; weed cloth & wood chips; Tom was @ therapy all morning & early afternoon, & vague sexual innuendos from Joanne, & other codes. 10:37, "We main street re," bird; "We die, your soul," 9 AM approx., behind Tom's (res. on Temple). "We take you w/cue," code from Blackburn Ave. 11:30, Joanne, "I just take it all the way back," context of other vague sexual innuendos, & referring to a shovel. 5:30 PM, blk male, blk shrt, acting like looking under the stairs @ entrance of Golden 1 (but underneath the stairs isn't visible). I.e., same w/other customers, if they could get me to commit adultery, it would ruin the Jack Teacher plan, & most likely those w/husbands have "affair" permission; after Tom got back, Joanne had asked me to give her references as far as fences that I replaced, & "Did you do it?" i.e., that's what Tom no doubt asked upon return from therapy. Dream early AM of Davis police officer Chudomelka (no longer w/Davis pd) using my laptop cord to test other peoples' equipment, over my objections, & I complained to my Dad about it. 4/13, 6:51 AM, "That show goes ahead," male newscstr, MY 58 news, referring to Sting concert; 'that' is code for mexs; ch 58 news Sac giving Yolo jail mexs (sherif is mex.) permission to go ahead w/hostage captivity. Weeding @ Denise's on Bucklebury, her roommate Dianna visiting w/mex fem, & mex fem, "I know" 2:25, & approx. 2:35, "We're kraut," & "I have that," but as far as oppressing me, mexs. being the first to do the "dirty work" is proof they don't "have;" i.e., lowest rank & orchestrating oppression on behalf of others to gain their favor, despite the folly of continuing in their sins w/rebellion exposed - it's proof that they don't have.
4/14, approx. 10 AM, Harley's on Bucklebury, dumped load of weeds into trash bin, & no trowel where I was weeding - missing. Corona weeding trowel w/red handle; purchased it approx. 4 mos. ago, & w/in 2-3 wks, tip broke off - cheap for a supposed brand name, but it was still usable. This AM I noticed children's scooters, etc. all had red handles - like Corona tool. 10:15 approx., "I'll give you a tip," vision; i.e., Spanish/Mex. theme tool - & you get "circumcised," but possibly also "fix" consp. But the 'tip' most likely God wants to replace that trowel tip, but I'm talking about the church - Slavs invaded Ukraine (media pronouncing it "U'kraine - accent on first syllable, same as 'eucharist' - code that Ukraine represents the church); God spoke to me that the church (West & East) being "circumcised" - slightly humbled (kicked in the nuts)- & had to do w/Ukraine. Possibly as of this point this isn't the case though - we passed the test; but stubbornness of Catholics possibly the cause of that test. As far as I can tell, Chinese wanted to see if they could i.d. me as far as one grunt labor job v. another, & I refused to allow it, & passed the test. Nevertheless, missing trowel - I disappear again @ hands of mexs in No. Ca. under guise of claiming I'm bad example for kids.
4/7, 8:14 PM, ch 3, "...when I missed the beat in the crosswalk," BD & J; possibly referring to approx. 2016, crossing Fifth @ G, I was @ one side of crosswalk - all the way to R, & fat wh homeless male w/dog literally had the entire rest of width of crosswalk, but came directly @ me, & I didn't budge, & it ended up w/wrestling match in middle of street; his dog grabbed hold of my leg doing almost more damage than him; police refused to arrest him; Sac atty claiming I budged - because I stopped carrying PB & J (BD&J attys); but it was 2 lg containers & after years of eating it, I wasn't having it as often for a meal - one suitcase, 2 lg containers - matter of practicality. Moreover, people drive over the speed limit regularly - my Mom & everyone else, if only by a few MPH - infraction; I occasionally jay walk, because I'm denied justice w/steady income & affordable place to live so that I can't afford a car- in those conditions, w/no one intervening, I occasionally take the shortest distance between 2 points - despite that means infraction jay walking on occasion. But the terrorists watch my every move, & in Ca. jay walking is now legal; but it isn't to affirm me, it's a vile conspiracy to claim I'm a bad example - WHILE THESE TERRORISTS CONSPIRE W/CODES IN PUBLIC, SOMETHING EVEN THE MAFIA HAD MORE SENSE THAN TO DO, THEY CLAIM I'M MISLEADING BY DOING THE EQUIVALENT OF OCCASIONALLY GOING OVER THE SPEED LIMIT, & THEY COMMEMORATE IT W/CHANGE OF STATUTE, SO THEY CAN USE IT AGAINST ME - these Sac attys conspiring that Ca. lost it's "beat" or watch, due to jay walking statute revoked.
4/12, stray child's trike is back in Gene's front yard on Del Oro & Catalina (they don't have kids that age, & adult children are yet to marry); stray trike stranded in front yard as of 2018 or so, when I first knocked on their door for yardwork. After renovating front yard, renovating back yard - including sprinklers, custom is all systems go; - as further evidenced by art display of dog on trike near bike path one blk from his res. Possibly a Chevron comprehensive tracking (they're the ones w/the Russian flag logo) - ad w/young blnd girl in car w/arm out window, then, same scene, but only arm visible; i.e., while 'arm' typically symbolizes bringing justice, alternately, "long arm of the law" revealing child accusation consp. that the ad asserts is "out." But, if you want to be comprehensive about it, 1970 approx., my Mom was teaching Sunday school @ Memorial United MC in Clovis, for many years in a row, & so often we were @ the church for half a day during week for prep.; rev. bill Dew was usually there, & occasionally his kids, Billy & Linda; Linda was blnd, & a year older than me; in one instance we were telling ghost stories in a darkened classroom, & one she told was about lady who lost an arm, it was replaced by a golden arm, but then someone stole it when she died, & she reappeared as ghost "Who's got my golden aaaaarm???" repeatedly, & suddenly to one of the listeners, "YOU GOT IT!!!" scaring everyone. But Bill was eventually relocated to Sac, passed away approx. 2013, & Linda became a minister & as of 2014, she was minister of The Table church in Sac.; I called & went by there, left mssgs., etc., but was kept @ bay; she then claimed she was doubling me by forming a Bible study on UCD campus, but by then there had been enough stalkings by her that it was unmistakeably a form of mocking; i.e., she was "doubling" me by propping up the rebels! Nevertheless - Chevron tracking - tracked that "girl's" (Linda's) traitorous golden arm.
4/20, "This isn't exactly; you won't know why," 6:30 AM, bug code; "This won't have exactly." 6:32, "Very hunga" fem, news; 6:34, "Red cross street," Brian Hickey; "Still solar," Mike Tesell - this was morning after 2 police cars w/ights on half blk down from Circle K, across the street from Sahara & Bel Air, & same morning as dream of crossing the street to Circle K from Sahara, but Sahara was Bel Air; later that AM, @ 7 AM, crossed the street @ Bel Air going to Raley's to get cash to pay for room, & fire trucks w/lights in front of Circle K; 'still soul, our[s];' i.e, they're attempting to pressure Mideasterners to do their dirty work - same as they've pressured Mexs & blks. 7:45 AM, fem. (blk?), P line, "Take an ulcer." 7:15 AM, 42A, I inserted @ least $1.50, & meter said $.50. "He was we get in the way," mex male Oakensh. 9:02 AM. 10:10, approx., Dorte leaning against shovel handle as though hiding behind it, "You just see it," '[Red] Sea [judgment]' context of codes admitting I was prevailing. "He'll have their chancelov," chicken in coop @ Oakensh. possibly 'chancellor' code. "I'll have the swtchin'; we're required," 11:34, wh fem blnd jogger, yellow tank top; code that I didn't write down a code & it was important, & they had hidden mic - 'RE k[ey] wired;' i.e., rebels attempting to claim they tracked me. "He doesn't wreck 'em, faith," tall wh male blk cap, lt. gray T shrt, 7:11. "he'll have his food," mex (?) male blk (?) jacket, 7:41 Raley's registers, blk (?) jacket, 7:13 PM. 9:31, choking & "You'll just have us undone," rm 17, along w/verbal codes, male, after I overrode the AT&T mssg. using web editor & e mail on smart phone, indicating mex male often in rm 17 was invading my pvcy.
4/20, "They eat the whole head?" wh fem, gray hair, lt. blue jacket, wh chair, Oakensh., to Dorte, approx. 11:25, referring to chicken feed. Dorte, describing free range area chickens are allowed to roam in while working in area, "They have their run," (like a dog run) "Oh, you have your watch," fem, wh chair; i.e., I'm weeding (50% of work when I'm working for Dorte), I'm not excelling as grunt labor slave, therefore, police have their 'dog run' of continued oppression. 2:11, "We're gonna let him charge you," fem, lic pl 5NDB175. "You can't beat 'em," wh male rptr, to Kings coach Brown, referring to me or possibly Kings. 11:54 AM "We're not gonna improve," blk fem blk shrt, stroller, & boy w/blk & wh horiz. striped (jail) shrt. 5:48 PM, "We're not gonna go," mex fem, Guad's 5:48 PM; 5:40 when I arrived @ cash register (waiting in line) suddenly fem cashier left to help w/beverages w/out saying "I'll be right w/you." Chinese Oakland mayor, "Ker-ates," (instead of 'creates') - 'crates' possibly code from 1999 - one of moving boxes was "Crates & Barrels" brand, 7:53 AM ch 40; "Changing the baseball," 7:55, male; i.e., '[home] base' code about place to live. 5:57, "They take into," gov't bug code, 2 secs after child went by, Guad's 5:57 PM; possibly claim I haven't been studying as much as exercise; but I have been persistently studying & exercising. "We met him through the motion," wh male wh T-shrt, 6:03 PM, Guads; Belfry pic refusing to upload.
4/20, "We doesn't tub," 4:19 AM (2 days in row eating out; but they are stalking me that it has to be extreme one way or other - hot tub @ BW, or economy meals like food from tub in rear of my Dodge Dakota or Trailblazer). Vision approx. 2017 of blk boy curled up & hiding in tub; 'Harriet Tubman' code - slavery is fair game if they minimize getting "harry."
4/21, "This is where they're, our knee," 4:30 AM. praying about Hoss (Cartwright) & Carter; 'harse;' possibly
h[orse is] ours.' Carter claiming you can "be" w/profile, but what about "being" w/ justice for Jack Teacher? "This is you're not gonna see how," buxom fem P line, 5:25 approx. "...the death of Biden..." vision, as though news report. "you won't know why their way," 4:15 bug code. "You won't lure us, read...that's our mad," bug code; possibly pertaining to my re-assessment of Vostok, which I negated as of that afternoon. Dream of Aaron Needles drawing a noose extended out from bottom of what looked like an 'L,' similar to addition scribble on notice @ Bel Air window, 4+8= 12, but 2 looks like L; nevertheless, the scribble is inverted on sign, so it isn't applicable w/Aaron's noose, but newscasters, fire trucks, police (4/20) all claiming it was; in the dream Aaron was claiming he was trying to help me - like newscasters implications. Additional motives may have been my rose colored glasses - yellow rose - yellow sunglasses from Marathon 2 days before; that eve. on TV, John Lennon video, wearing yellow sun glasses w/Yoko - it was being taken as secret endorsement of Chinese or rock, but it was neither.
4/14, 7:36 AM, rather than complete 20-30 min. of reports, mssg. notifying me that Microsoft once again is confiscating my laptop - as of 7:57, "Working on updates 10%;" 8:06 AM, "...20%." It's the ultimate "f-you, customer!" But context, as I've reported, makes it theft, conspiracy, & rebellion as well. They're either nuked w/a vengeance (by operation of law), or America goes down the tubes. 12:40, attempting to use e mail & web editor programs, slowed by 25% - thanks to the "downloads."
"CNN TAKES OVER 14 YEAR OLD'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT" irregardless of the facts of the story, implication of title alone sends mssg. attempting to void my warnings about AT&T & Microsoft - CNN is taken away. Mk. 11:24, I'm going to have what I say.
4/13, went by post office & documents from Ca. Franchise Tax Bd dated 11 Apr. (my birthday) claiming I'd better pay, or they were going to take action; but I've already sent in documents & arranged for mo'ly paymentas of end of Mar., including affidavit authorization to debit my acct. mo'ly; i.e., state of Ca. is taunting me w/phony wires crossed & threat of "accidental" freeze of my chkg acct. But this occurred on same day as Jack Teixiera is arrested for spreading supposed classified info - last name essentially 'tax' & first name 'Jack;' moreover, this occurs days after I report on internet my Dad was in National Guard, & - so was Teixeira - monsters staging an arrest of someone that smears my reputation & my Dad's @ the same time - implying America should shun my Dad. Moreover, approx. one week ago, vision, "This is 'you stare' age," as in, conspiracy to stall because I'm insisting on holding my post - outsmarting Congress rebels who are baiting me & others to start a revolt against gov't.; I'm supposedly staring because of the huge signs & wonders warning them to bring justice, w/witnesses such as Mideast, my Dad, & my Mom, despite their characterization as 'dead' & 'mummy.' In other words, it is an attack from Cap Hill & Ca. gov't. The vision may have had an alternate rendition, '...'use tare' age;' but testimony of non-Christians inspired by Heavenly feats is as valid as any, & my Dad was a law-abiding citizen & possibly rec'd Jesus before he passed away - put it this way - satan clearly was on the offensive against him, w/his neck mutiliated @ death, among other things, & usually non-Christians don't invoke such provocations from the father of lies. Nevertheless, the vision indicated a conspiracy to create stalls - a conspired claim of an 'age,' Teixeira - 'Tax ya, 'era,'' i.e., I'm being too cooperative & submitting to paying my taxes, rather than capitulating to White House' & Cap Hill's baitings to rebel & start a revolt, so they conspire an "era" of more oppression to "condition" me to cooperate & rebel against the nation. When my Dad worked as welder, he picked up a white hot rod that would've burned his hand badly, but his hand was sweaty, & slid from his hand. There was one or 2 instances where my Dad could've sued or made arrests, such as when coworker tried to run him over w/car; he sent the Model A away to be refurbished, & the indiv. hired to do the job kept putting it off, & traded the fenders for set from another model - my Dad was considering a law suit, but statute of limitations expired. There were many instances where my Dad exhibited Christ-like behavior of turning the other cheek, & I guarantee it wasn't out of lack of courage - his big brothers had started fights w/him many times as a youth, & he wasn't afraid to fight. At any rate, there's enough parallels between me & my Dad that God has led me that under no circumstances are we to allow rebels to go free - I've got the white hot rod.
4/12, "Exciting" (8X) & "...can only imagine," Claudia Savania. "I'm your remember," 6:32 PM ch 40. "We do open up," 6:48 fem rptr, ch 40. 6:49, "Same things going happen tomorrow," Adam, ch 40 news. 12:38, "live, I check," mex male gray swt jacket, Savemart. "That's you stretch 'em," 8KLW978 lic pl, 12:15 Oeste, fem. "...DOES NOT BELONG ON THE INTERNET!" Kirby (Pentagon), ch 40, 6:48 AM, & pounding his hand on table - similar to my illustration of Peter when evangelizing; i.e., conjuring up sales/evangelism personna from past & claiming weeding & raking is sales - IF THEY SUCCEED IN PRESSURING ME TO GIVE UP YARDWORK ON BASIS OF IT'S SALES, & GO WORK IN WAREHOUSE FOR LESS PAY & LONGER COMMUTES, THAT'S WHERE I'VE GIVEN THEM PERMISSION TO SHUT DOWN MY EMPLOYMENT - STACKING BOXES ON PALLETS WILL SOON BE CALLED "BUILDING" & THAT'S R.E., & ANY & ALL WORK WILL TRANSLATE TO SALES WORK. Possibly Kirby is subtly taunting Davis rebels w/ my reports.
4/9, 5:34, "Every...option is on the table," male NBC - I reported Kirby (Pentagon spokesman) pounding table or desk w/hand. "One decision, ONE decision, & his life is done - as he knows it," 10:44 sheriff in news rprt, ch 40. "She saw little things," Hugh Jackman, w/wh patch on his nose, interview about appt. in 12/2022, & "You won't know, they're we each," fem bug code, 10:05 PM; codes about my Dad, & comment I made after he said, "Haven't I been there for you for all the big things? (or similar), & I said "I wasn't the big things, it was all the little things," there were many instances especially when he was drinking in Fresno, that in various drunken lectures about how terrible & evil people can be, & how we were bad kids, that that applied, but, he had quit drinking, & he had been a law-abiding provider, & hooked up the stereo quadraphonic in the family room for us (v. playroom in Fresno), & also, he was good w/little kids - children of our cousins, etc., inevitably on his lap sometimes for hours w/teasing back & forth - to an extent it made up for his temper & the scary drinking phase. Vision of someone lying down & it symbolized someone else, 8:53; remembered I'd left something out in report.
4/10, "victim might be - warn 'em," bug code, 4:05 AM (?). "You can't come w/'em presence" 4:10 AM. "We're perfect," 7:17 AM, "Good Day;" (I took part of wk off from juggling early, & week before as well) ch 3; story about long lost sisters reunited, & one of them looked like Berg (ch 3 news) - it's actually happening again - same as Davis - other parts of country flatter Sac (Berg look-alike story, Kings slyly handed championship playoffs 2023, etc.) - 2006 or so, Davis Farmers market, #1 in country! etc.
5:40 PM, "We would be here," wh male Vatican, NBC; "It was very clear; he reached out the the Russian people saying indussee" referring to pope, & using codes - i.e., there wasn't anything "clear" about it, 5:41, other than vague meeting w/Orthohdox patriarch, as friendly gesture, nothing. 6:30, "This is who would keep it; you're not gonna pay here," male mgr, Anar cafe WS. 6:11, "I'm gonna show him who's warring," Anar mgr (Mideast cafe). Columbia underwear & Nautica, both w/no flies, JT Maxx, possibly because on internet I spelled it 'Max.' Bel Air, 2 pillows, one w/2 pillows in case, other, 1 pillow in case; then, both have 2 pillows; i.e., first, I'm married to fem, then, gay; possibly the 'It'll be' code supposed to negate that. "It is changing you, they mean," 11:47 bug code. "We just pawn Sting" (notes unclear), Berg, lt pink dress, like blanket in #16; context, Sting was coming to Sac. "Live w/it," wh fem blnd, or lt brunette grn swt shrt, Berg look-alike, CW 31 12:04 PM. "...bears peaking on windows," "Good Day" fem 9:34 AM approx. "Just get him in the knee," Jordan, attempting to clarify minimize any "Ca. bear" damage; or "get" blacks, 9:39 (mex. rptr). 12:09, "Just take into it - that's farther," fem anncr, golf, ch 13. "That was some," 12:19; mexs. nationally open, but regionally they continue to go for the throat.
Nat'l Guardsman arrested was forced to walk backwards toward the officers, & that's actually a code - arresting him for 'walking 'back[ing 'they had] words;'' & in context 'they' possibly inferring my Dad - 'got in a few arguments, but lifetime as "good buddies."' I.e., God keeps providing Heaven-sent proof, like judgment bolt of lightning striking down from Heaven (which was part of the graphics of his "Biblical Landscaping" shirt - Lot, "Don't look @ me, I only work here!"), of the giant hoax of Cap Hill & they orchestrate threatening displays attempting to negate it, convinced that my relationship w/my Dad suffered irreparable damages. But while I attended his funeral, 2 of my favorite cousins (@ the time), John, &
Dale, were arriving by plane the next day for the wake, essentially showing up thinking it was w/good intentions, as affirmation that 'the mean old grump is dead;' but the argument that me & my Mom got into where I insisted on taking the next bus home the night before, negating that "meeting," was evidently from God. My Dad was angry a lot due to rough childhood; his dad abandoned them, cheating, & he was disillusionment from Catholic mass spoken in Latn, etc., but it was my Mom who first shoved him during an argument; he shoved her back & that was it - chechmate - it was self-control. In 1983 my Dad & I got in argument about a new $400 stereo that I went ahead & purchased (he was arguing save for college). I moved out of the house in soon after that, while still working @ Richmaid & then @ Top Valu grocery store, but I concluded I should get my BA, & asked my parents if I could move back home to save up funds for college, in 1986, until leaving for UCD 1/1/1988. This was immediately after I'd rec'd Jesus as Savior & Lord. Before leaving for Davis, I placed a poster-sized message above my bed, Jn. 14:4-6
"'You know the way to the place where I am going.'
"Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?'
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
Sizeable mssg. but it was big enough so you could read it from the doorway of the room. & as a burnt offering, I left the stereo @ my parents when attending UCD; 'I am the way' - where was I going? 'Dave is, the way' & gave him credit for good advice about college. & both he & Mom visited me in Davis, while I was attending UCD, & then my parents & Laura & her husband in approx. 1996, before the persecution started, then my Dad & Mom, @ hearing involving Millers, & then parents & Laura, @ end of 1999 came for breakfast @ a cafe. & those evangelism papers he robbed & distributed in 1999? - Intro, "FINDING THE WAY," & conclusion, "THE WAY." Also, after becoming a Christian, I had taken up guitar-playing, & learned songs from IVCF @ Delta college, & more songs from IVCF @ UCD, & I remember sitting on arm of Dad's chair showing off my guitar-playing - probably as a gesture of acknowledging his light-heartedness w/kids. As far as I could tell, although he wasn't all that impressed w/my teacher goals, when I had full charge of Summer school classrooms @ Centennial 1975 & 1976, he maintained kid-amenable attitude & as of about 4 years of moving to Lodi, quit drinking & smoking. He also purchased a ski boat & took us skiing regularly on Mokelumne river, & placed the quad & speakers in family room - most central location. I.e., while me & Laura didn't see ourselves as all that close to either of our parents - there was damage done from many nights of endless drunken ballings out while in Fresno; he would get mad & stay mad for several days after a fight w/my Mom, etc., God was working in all our lives & intervening before me & my sister rededicated our lives to Christ & after (my sister converted soon after me).
So these rebel conspirators claiming to be gov't. evidently sending deceptive mssgs. attempting to decree that there's no portraying or embellishing my Dad & our relationship as though a good guy or hero, or I face consequences... - IT'S THEY WHO ARE GOING TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE.
Using 'if' as code for 'I f[&^% ____]' as in, a certain proposition - I believe Holy Spirit was communicating to me that it's inherent to No. Ca. - early 1980's, wh male teen/young adult in Stockton rear-ended my Cougar on Pacific Ave., part of which is known as "the miracle mile," he was driving his sister's car, & we exchanged info; he acknowledged it was his fault; I obtained 2 estimates, & got back to him w/the cheaper one - plan was to settle out of court. I don't recall all the details, but he was then being difficult, refusing to reimburse me, & I then said I'd opt for the more expensive estimate if he's gonna be that way about it, & he replied, "Next time I see you, I've got something for you," i.e., a punch in the mouth. It was his sister's car, & she called & profusely apologized & so I went w/the lower rate. But that expression possibly originated w/a Boston song - "Party," or it sent a message @ any rate; literally, "If you got something for me/I got something for you/Baby, it's a party & nobody cares/What we're doing there/.../It's a party as long as you're there..." The song had a polarizing effect - toward good, or toward evil; the song goes on & on about partying, as in drinking, smoking pot, etc., & other Boston songs elaborate, "smoking...toking..." There was an awareness in the region in 1980's of strategy for a witness for rock, but the region was polarized toward cynicism & evil - a supposed witness for those getting high, enebriated, etc., can't be considered a positive contribution - ("...nobody cares/what [they]'re doing there..." sounds like a proposition to prop up delinquents w/out holding them accountable, & rock is supposedly the first one to admit it, w/Boston "boss" theme, implying telling people how to deal w/it; 'I f[^%$ that] you have something for me - I've got something for you;' (a punch). The problem is, the churches vehemently objected to rock's promiscuousness & flagrant party theme - they cared - but many of them overreacted, instead of inviting them to their churches. BUT YOU CAN'T ARGUE THEY DISREGARDED THOSE DELINQUENT THEMES OF DISSIPATION - THERE WERE TOO MANY SONGS PROMOTING IT & IMPLYING IT WAS ROCK'S PRACTICE. In other words, the rear-ender in Stockton was sending the typical rear-ender mssg.: "Get it in gear!" I was in Stockton daily for 3 years straight attending Delta Jr. College - good student, & stayed out of trouble. To the extent anyone was aware of the rock witness scenario, 'get it in gear w/education career - don't get bogged down as witness for those who are flirting w/spirituality, but according to their "boss" - it's merely flirting!' My Dad was in the Nat'l Guard as a young adult; I reported his directional gesture in the cruising chase - theme of keeping it light-hearted. He was known as "Hot-Head Sherman" & evidently had taken this as a warning to one-up the innuendo; went from welder working w/trouble-makers to an accounting & customer relations job - using his head. The car rear-ended was a 1970 Cougar; tail lights of models from 1968-1970 had sequencial signals - 3 angled lights on each side lighting in succession in direction of the turn - as though I was "guarding" my Dad's gesture. This may have been a factor in the collision on Pacific Ave. Subsequently, traffic/road construction lights adopted that snyncronized pattern to warn traffic to merge, etc.; i.e., system of lights then used to warn other vehicles.
Currently Western church is hiding behind guise that rock has to lead, & I have to accept that. But the Boston song exposes that conspiracy - FOOLISH TRAITORS - did rock not sing partier songs!!? Have they not refused to repent &, increased that behavior w/recent top of the charts songs using the 'f' word!!!!? The plan is for a teacher to lead, but these double-minded unstable Saul Rebellion traitors betray the nation hiding behind facades of penitence toward rock stars, who led them down the path! If you can't handle rebuking rock stars & sticking w/the Jack Teacher theme, then rock's got something for you! The deceptice on the fence mentality of Western church, pitting Jack Teacher against rock, is why a supposed heroic Brunswick/Star of Nazareth affirmation of Jack Teacher by Western church may very well be king pin death row consp.!
Movie scenes of cars flying through a busy city intersection, hitting a car & taking flight - landing on other side of vehicle, as though a trick skateboarder - cars acting like blimps - light as a feather; but they failed to check on psychological statistics for what affect that might have on our nation's young people - or those involved in serious conspiracies attempting to use theatrics as a form of smoke screen...
13 year old in Woodland stole a car, then police in hot pursuit of him, & ensuing accident - one block away from small claims clerk's office where I was kidnapped while trying to file small claims case in 2005. According to the press release graphics, the child must've been driving @ speeds in excess of 125 MPH to be launched in the air @ such heights - or accidently was side-tracked & came upon a new car transport truck that happened to leave its ramp down - catapulted over the truck's cab, & landing on the other vehicles. I've seen this report on TV a dozen times in last 2 days - not a word about how that stacked up tangle feasibly could've occurred. Hollywood the inspiration for these Billy the Kids & Sundance Kids. Ch 3 fem newscstr, "mifeprestone," rhyming w/'wife,' immed. following the story, 4/10; i.e., attempting to prime a 'presto' magic report (Prestone brand coolant).
4/6, approx. 6 PM, "We go man," fem clerk to boy in BW office, after informing me BW & Vine motels both booked up as of Fri.
4/6, afternoon, Arlington near Cabot, teen boy, "We can't care" or similar; Carrey Meyer code (Brent Meyer lewd code report) - w/out care or justice, it's 'care-y' (care is nonexistent) & injustice. 6:05, "We get down luck's Carey," wh male, baseball field, Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville - shooting report ch 3 news; "After a poor covenant," 6:07 - I spoke to Loren (UCC member) about replacing his fence in back yard.
'get down' code - approx. 2002, Rademaker, Yolo jail, came in to booking section & yelled "Get down!!!" as though assailant w/gun shooting @ people.
If Chinese refuse to respond to being placed on top of the world, it doesn't mean we have to accept blacks' betrayal. Also, Chinese as of yet may have disappointed us, but that isn't the same as the betrayal of us by blks.
4/1 US Bank ad, blk fem, "I'm on a roll, A;" possibly code about popular 'Rolaids' ad - "R-O-L-A-I-D-S" spelling 'relief;' featured a teacher writing it on chalk board. 'Honor roll, A;' i.e., spelling it out - if blks were team players, we could be taking my teacher career to the bank - capitalizing on it, instead of claiming publicly on TV that were "THE losers;" I e., it isn't '...on a roll, A,' it's '...on a roll - lay' - blacks are capitalizing on whites & others laying as far as justice. Blk fem continues w/response to Fresno inquiry, "Freeze? Yes" - code for kidnap under guise of arrest. "They just see his changes," 9:09 AM, wh male gray hair, blk shrt, or blk jacket w/blk dog (1 of 2). 8:50, "I have great," mex fem. "Can I get discoverage?" Colonial Penn, 12:36 PM (life ins.). "You won't know, they have fiss," i.e., '[of]fice;' fem, Bel Air, 4:58 PM - 'office' is sales code - business, etc. "I get bid," wh fem blnd, Virginian Health (?), 5:10(?) or, 5:10 PM "..anyone involved [long 'o' - as in Volvo - Davis' favorite car] in the program..." Wash Bureau ch3 ___ short hair (notes illegib.); possibly 'inn' & 'Volvo' code - claiming I'm involved w/Davis for staying in motels. Britney Johnson, blk fem rptr, "Let's check in to wit, Dirk Verdoorn," Dirk, "...chack that up..." Court charging documents ("information") accuse w/language of "to wit, one count of trespass..." etc. - 'namely...' or similar; code to charge me w/crime. 5:20 PM; "That's where we're gonna pick up," Dirk ('pick up' is code for kidnap by Dpd). Wayfair furniture, logo spins like pics on Samsung phone; Woodland homeless shelter used to be the Wayfarer Ctr., until they changed it to name of park in Santa Rosa, 4th & Hope. "You're not gonna be, am un, it," 5:47 AM (bug code?); Lester Holt (blk male rptr), slowly lifting up his countenance, but it's in profile; possibly scenes on TV recently, of people looking down & lifting up their heads/countenances to look you in the eyes, is claim that Americans must repent & look up; but blks are claiming they are stealing it w/more kidnappings of me (profile codes). "This is how they turn," bug code.
CHANNEL 3 & NO. CA. ARE HELPING BLKS, BECAUSE IT PROVIDES THEM COVER & BUYS THEM TIME, BECAUSE NO. CA. IS EXPOSED AS TRAITORS - GET THE WHOLE NATION TO COLLAPSE, & BY THE TIME THE SMOKE CLEARS, EVERYONE WILL BE DEAD, RATHER THAN SIMPLY NO. CA.! "Kay remembrance" @ Sharif Fine Jewelers, Brittany. 6:07, "Joe? You weren't the mark, on," fem bug code; possibly blacks are the "mark," to extent that means the one to take the fall or be arrested, fem bug code. "I have nada hours," or similar, 7:08, fat blk fem gray jacket, Raley's. "He needs the ladder day," fem cashier(?) 7:11 PM Raley's. "A little cell," Verdoorn, 6:09.
4/2, "Dodgers' proposal," Stephanie Gutierrez, Newsnation, 7:52 PM - playback of Tyre Nicoles' death; i.e., L.A. Dodgers - if I were eliminated in Ca. it would be assumed it was willful conspiracy - 'L.A. dodge[s,] hers;' dodge those attacks in Ca.; if they can orchestrate it elsewhere, claim they didn't know it was me & it was accident - blacks made a sacrifice to illustrate how to do it - 'tie, R.E. [agent] nick[s us], all [i]s' - Jack Teacher blaming everyone - blacks show how to deal w/him - make it look like random police brutality. WGU - camera in back seat w/blk fem driving, ch 55, 4 PM - code for arresting someone & in back of police squadcar, & blk fem driving.
4/6, Lake Blvd, "We don't know Joe's all," wh male jogging, gray shrt blk shorts. "Polygraph," mex male gray & blk jacket, Arlington & Shasta. 5:22, blk male, dk gray shrt, bike, code, 5th (?). 4/6, Asian fem, blk & gray clothing, code, near MU.
4/6, 3:40, Asian male, next door to Kents' (W) "He did our do haul," (or similar). 4:14, "It isn't his sand ride," Asian male next door - I recently finished sanding & refinishing a wooden bridge I built on Oak St.; I reported 1/2020 or beginning of 2/2020, for approx. week or so, sanding deck @ Manzis' & wearing mask due to prolific saw dust; I was then stalked by one or more Asians w/mask, as though I'd been tracked by them - psychological warfare - you're the cause of death or disease for trying to make it in RE years ago rather than working grunt labor; but I hadn't done anything wrong, & also I'd subsequently worked sign-waving, tutoring, bakery & Chinese restaurant - why continue to attempt to brainwash me, exc. that that's what they do in Davis; but, evidently that displeased God, due to I'd revealed huge feats & wonders of Christ on behalf of Asians, & they weren't responding - this was after Ed Lee, Chinese mayor of SF, died of heart attack in Safeway the same night I was in a Safeway for lack of anywhere else to go, after an Asian cafe denied me service; Covid then rendered everyone w/masks as rebuke against that stalker & Asians for lack of zeal in glorifying God - on the contrary, it is my 'sand ride.'
4/7, using pogo stick style aerator on Curt Miller's lawn, Solito Ave.; Millers both gray haired, but had several children inside. I was there to do work - I'm not under bondage to last names, despite they're located in Davis - my Grandma's maiden name was Miller. & 'aerator' isn't 'air raider.' 2:09, fem nearby, "You're not letting that nut." Gray & blk camper van next door, 2 tires strapped to cab roof;
2 wh fems entered it, "He's not letting, my key," approx. 2:15. After finishing front yard, I started on backyard, & sm girl next to sliding door, codes - "He won't go where I'm hot," 3:14 PM; Curt," "He won't see his covid 'd;'...we're just taking him naked;" most likely 'taking 'hymn [church]...' "He won't fought," girl, 3:30. 4:08, "Joe hide, I score!" girl. I.e., I was stalked w/blk & gray code theme negating Covid assertions, & involving lewd innuendos utilizing kids, in attempt to prop up Asians. "He'll get his Covid again," fem, 4:15 (from inside res.); "He doesn't less," male visitor, apprx. 4:20.
"I haven't been, opt it," girl; but combined w/radio 'breast' code from girl @ Ezra's, it's 'tit' false accusation consp., 4:24. "We're gonna have damn action, eat,...we're gonna hurt him," fem. Then fem across the street, "Please wear off, wear off!" Indicating drugging consp., 4:50. Motorcyclist, 5 PM, Solito, "You aren't gonna run, die." "We won't___, he'll have action," approx. 5;02.
New Jersey Watch:
Mideast - whose shoit ya wear - Islam? Christianity? Sikhism?....
"WHOSE LIKENESS & INSCRIPTION?" - SOMEONE'S ASKING TO BE BLESSED! (Jn. 1:29; coin a phrase - "Jesus, the ram of God," Syria's disciples)
Syrian coin dated AD 13-17; ram in first century symbolized Judea
Flags of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, & others w/crescemnt moon swallowing or about to swallow the Star of Nazareth (conjecture) - I reported most of these flags materialized as of 20th century; presumably after Christians pressured Mideast, predominantly Mulsims, to spill the beans about their objections to Christianity - i.e., supposed neglect of China as far as gospel. The protests produced the moons w/jaws closing in on a star - the Star of Nazareth - representing the birth of Christ & ultimately the gospel message; objection is maji from the East, conceivably China, came to see Jesus @ his birth, bearing gifts, but few traveled to China w/the gospel - where are the "bulls" - those w/zeal -for the gospel? Therefore, false religions "mooning" Christians, & threatening to swallow the mssg. w/false religions. As confirmation of this, the star/moon symbol goes back to approx. 1st century AD - according to Mideast history & artifacts - BUT, WHAT IT REPRESENTS IS AN ASTRONOMICAL TERM KNOWN AS 'OCCULTATION' - A PHENOMENON DEFINED AS 2 PLANETS, 2 STARS, 2 MOONS, OR ANY COMBINATION OF THESE ALIGNING SO THAT ONE IS ESSENTIALLY, FROM VIEWPOINT OF ASTRONOMER, DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE OTHER, PRODUCING A DOUBLY BRIGHT EFFECT - APPEARANCE OF A BRIGHT STAR. & it is commonly hypothesized that the Star in the Bible @ Jesus' birth was an occulation. According to Michael Molnar, physicist/astronomer @ Rutgers (; see, it was most likely a lunar occultation w/Jupiter. Historical evidence says both Mideastern astrologers/astronomers & Chinese astrologers/astronomers indicate the observance of a star of significance occurring approx. 6 BC - Mideast claims it was a star, 6 BC, China, a supernova, 5-6 BC; the Bible reference of the wise men "from the East" could mean the Mideast to the East of Israel, but it is often assumed to be China - the Far East. The use of the occultation symbol on flags is essentially the clincher as far as the watch of Mideast & their demands that Christians more diligently evangelize China. Christians came through, overwhelmingly answering those objections, & so Mideast has duty, if they were serious, to respond.
I've reported the N.J accent scenario, used in movies, etc., as image of hardened criminals, bullies, etc. - seemingly random application of accent from region in New England. It recently occurred to me that a rhyme from my Mom created a watch for N.J., indicating they should hold their posts as being as much Americans as anyone. But, the rhyme came in 2 versions: "Thoity poiple boids, a-sittin' on a coib, a-boipin' & a-choipin' & a-eatin' doity woims; along came Boit, w/a skoit named Moit; Boit woiked in a shoit factory in New Joysey. When they saw the thoity poiple boids, a-sittin' on a coib, a-boipin' & a-choipin' & a-eatin' doity woims, boy, were they poitoibed!" The alternate version - "...Boit, w/a skoit named Moit, who woiked in a shoit factory..." I.e., it's the female whom this version describes as working, which is unusual for a rhyme from presumably the 1950's or before. Nevertheless, the name "New Jersey" indicates Molnar researching & reporting the origin of the Star of Nazareth (which he refers to as Star of Bethlehem, in "Star of Bethlehem" manuscript) in Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick (popular brand of bowling equipment), N.J., was a long range strategy to credit Mideast w/long range watch, & invite them to get a Christian jersey - become Christians. Moreover, the PROFESSIONAL JOB conspiracy focusses on communism-style control of my employment, including a conspired decptive & deadly work 'curb' conspiracy. I.e., the rhyme lured them to (1)commit the equivalent of betrayal of the Lord ('30' - signifying Judas betrayal), (2)commit hardened felony crimes against me (N.J accent), (3)based on facade about fem working rather than male, (4)involve curbs - IN FACT, I REPORTED THE CURB CONSP. GOES BACK TO WHEN I WAS ROOMMATES W/MALE UCD GRAD STUDENT KIRK WHILE DOING MY STUDENT TEACHING IN 1994 - HE STRANGELY SAT ON CURB @ THE STREET W/HOMELESS MALE IN FRONT OF UCC AFTER CHURCH - SIGNALLING A LONG RANGE CONSP. - THE CURB/FEMS WORKING SCENARIO WAS CENTRAL PART OF IT - INCLUDING CONSPIRACY TO DENY THE VICTIM WORK TO CREATE IMPRESSION OF FEMS PROVIDING. PA TELLS ALL: JOISEY BULLIES OWE SLAVS THE SAME VIGILANCE!
4/4, "We'll have our check out on time," Oliver, BW clerk, 7:42 AM. 6:19 AM "Pinked own there," Berg, ch 3 wthr. Praying about skipping juggling for 3 hrs. (starting @ 3 AM), & vision of sm white window up in sky or ceiling closing; skipped juggling early last week, but continuing early juggling overall. "I'm gonna get some sleep @ night," 2nd place golfer, 7:17 PM, ESPN, 4/9; possibly code - i.e., conspiracy that while I'm isolated & working overtime to stand in gap for USA, if I get a little too much sleep, it's decreed that I "lose," or come in second, but it's conspired either way, & impliedly w/consequences. But if that's the case, God will cause an entire planet to land on these terrorists. 4/9, news report about Hugh Jackman & nose cancer or similar - sm square wh. patch on nose - pics of patch were from last Dec. God told me in 2019 that their lack of response was pivotal - baiting me w/more sales scenarios & relegating me to deadly conditions; "I have 'answer.'" In other words, that window closing is their 'no' being taken away from them. Nevertheless - m.o. of Hollywood - deny me justice so that I'm denied use of 99% of my talents, drastically increasing stress so that I'm forced to do 50%-75% more workouts than anyone else (except Olympiads), & never any off season for 20 years. & if I don't, their influence is used to signal others to shun me.
4/5, fist w/2nd story window, (notes unclear, possibly referring to Trump), hung flag sticking out, Russell, 7:57 AM (notes illegib.); the square window was same shape as the vision of white window - i.e., I skip getting up 3/4 AM for one week, & it's kidnap (flag is "hung") - THESE MONSTERS ARE MUTILATED - WIPED OUT!!!!! "A tos expensive," mex fem aqua bk pk, near Young hall, UCD, 7:52 AM; 'tos' is 'cough' in Span.; 'k[ey] off;' 4/8, Sat., I'd left mssgs for Mason (Villa Nova), suddenly he called instantly when I noticed half pg of notes in report lost due to forgetting to hit "save," wanting me to get on bus & come & unload wood chips right then, but I had a lot to do (worked @ reports, exercise, juggling from 8:45 AM to 10 PM non-stop, & this was Sat.) - I worked all Winter on every rainy day exc. one, & including on rainy weekends, Sat., & Sat. & Sun., 2X, scheduled the job on Wed. (busy Mon. & Tues), & before hanging up, Mason, "I'll have over the counter;" Mason conspiring w/mexs. from BW - I have to get "tossed" from room @ BW or, they kidnap me & forced medication (sickness) - in this instance, they gave me advance notice all rooms reserved as of end of wk; moreover, either way, "Don't cast your pearls before swine" - being difficult by refusing to check out in effort to insist on staying in room despite a reservation for another party in general isn't prudent, but as a supposed display for "status" would be wasted on rebels who are conspiratorially angling from every direction to deny you a room in first place, & it could result in imperceived complications. 6:40 AM, Oliver refused discount for overcharging me on 4/2 & no rec't. 4/9, approx. 12:15, golf anncrs ch 13, indoors but talking in quiet voices as though on the scene & trying to avoid distracting the golfer w/his putt; most likely a coded signal. 12:20, ch 13, ad in Spanish (English station), teen or college student watching Spanish TV, & male actor says "Recuêrdame" ('remember me'); the teen repeats it, then is meeting w/Spanish speaking elderly fem, speaking Spanish, & she says "recamara" to him (bedroom); the implication supposedly is he needs practice, but it's code that elderly & middle aged are luring me to have sex in Davis. I was on lunch, so I changed channel to Telemundo (ch 15), "Juan Apo'stol;" (John the Apostle), & scene of fem. sitting on bed talking to others (fully clothed on top of bed, as opposed to pic. I reported about Edge youth group) & headboard of bed w/red decorative sheet w/3 points, center one the tallest - identical to Brunswick bowling crown logo, &, British coronation chair back (story of it being refurbished on TV) nearly identical - (New) Brunswick I reported corresponded to Nazareth Star report of late prof. Michael Molnar of Rutgers - New Brunswick, NJ - ("SCIENTISTS' TAKE..." report). But the bed scene w/headboard indicates an attempted cover-up: (1) those claiming to be Christians in Davis - conspiring to cause me to stumble w/constant baitings of fornication & adultery; (2)claiming they are playing back the deception of Edge group, where volunteer youth leader whom I had dated had created a subtle confession of a deception as far as me dating w/"hanky panky" pics. - suddenly, those are the early church disciples, including John. Juan on Patmos, visited by some of the disciples, they are sitting near him, & he's wearing red head scarf (red headboard sheet) pacing back & forth - as though a guard - evidence of consp. they are "guarding" UCC consp. 'Pace' was code pertaining to mexs as of approx. 2013 when I was in Fairfield; warning to them that I had my pace & they were slow - pick up the pace; Solano county folded nevertheless. I reported the red handled Corona brand trowel that broke right off the bat after purchase, & "I'll give you a tip," vision immediately when it disappeared while I was on the job, 4/14, location where kids play things had red handles. THEY ARE UCC'S RIGHT-HAND HENCHMEN. 12:42 PM, I changed to another Spanish channel, after noting the consp. motives of the 'Juan' movie, & "Juego a mentiras" ad, ch 15, "Porque yo recuerdo perfectamente..." ('because I remember perfectly...') they conspire in real time & it's possible this was response if I tracked the movie - assertion of balling themselves out as form of cover. "If you're driving w/me," mex. male, interview @ crash site, Wdld, 4/10; 'I f[&^% that] you're driving w/me...' 6:32PM, ch3. "Taking a word..." mex. male interviewed, 7:20 - 'tos' (cough) & 'toss' as in tossing someone out of the church. Pope suddenly w/bronchitis, after I warned Catholics were "wrong;" possibly, 'b' wrong? k[ey,] I it is' - instead of repenting & intervening on behalf of Slavs, implication is "confession" of the pope that he's ill. But assoc. pastor of UCC Dave Keane used to drive a Bronco, & God's given me the 'Dave' name unequivocally - General Sherman, constructively the East's pop gun of conquest - in other words, Catholics are essentially the religious coconspiracy kingpins of UCC in Davis - the "expensive tos" code (mex. fem Aggie). I reported black former principal Greer @ St. James Catholic school, & teacher/admin. Beverly Juhnke holding back of high back chair in website pic, approx. 2013 - chair code for electric chair (Davis context), & this was playback of new highback chairs @ Davis city council meetings, & councilmember Mike Harrington pointedly holding highback chair & looking directly @ me - posing for the camera, approx. 2004; then this same pose (Harrington/Juhnke) replicated on inaugueration day of Obama's presidency in White House - 'high back' - 'hi' back - death row conspiracy tracked by Protestants, w/Mideast witnesses. Of course, you don't want to assume anything - British emulating UCC every step of the way, including Blair - Dave Keane look-alike, then a Trump "twin" leader (Johnson - w/Trump role playing Don Miller), & emulating US w/Markle blk promotion, that "Brunswick" coronation chair may be the latest death row consp. code, making Protestants coconspirators w/Catholics & Davis.
I'm also reporting blacks are claiming their betrayal of USA is because the nation deserves to be ruined because we let Slavs down - 'So[viet]' consp., impliedly crediting Slavs w/Soviet name - despite we did technically pipe up for them in the form of Jack Teacher's international testimony - other than that, USA refrained to invite blacks to a higher seat w/honor of proclaiming their unfathomable unparalleled courage in Siberia. Blacks' don't recognize my testimony, though, because they are conspiring to finish me off, & due to that deception, they've deceived themselves that USA didn't pipe up @ all for Slavs, & deceived themselves that no one is counting my testimony, because everyone else is deceived like them; & so they can point fingers because...we are as evil as them! 4/9, "She's my sos-teher" blk fem, Keytruda ad; 'So[viet]'s 'T' - 'her...' - 'her' as in, Western church; 5:42 PM, NBC. 9:17 AM, ch 3, blk fem to wh fem, "You be the one," & wh fem, "It is SO good," & blk fem, "It is SO good," 'So[viets are] good,' or '[Slavs are ] sooo good [that they inherit (strengths of) the Soviet legacy].' i.e., implying both are agreeing it's a national cover-up of feats of Slavs - & blacks are being given permission to ruin the nation because of it.
4/8, 6:30 PM approx., fem Mideastern clerk, Bel Air rm 16, "It'll be, okay?" most likely sexual code - context of wife of Luke, recent cust. next door to customer Bob on Vista, "You're gonna hit me w/it," approx. 3 mos. ago, & this was pertaining evidently to accidentally looking @ some dirty pics the night before. 4/10, 3:50 PM, same clerk, "You're gonna eat me, et," most likely another sexual connotation. Strange dream about region w/power cut, @ least spiritually, & region of people "walking dead," & wh male claiming I was trying to cut in line (facade from 2005 in Sac court) & that meant I was trouble for the region, & he was trying to warn the region that invasion is imminent. Then vision of my Dad looking somewhat haggard, as though he was a contributing cause to the woes & imminent invasion. Most likely the indiv. in vision symbolized Sac/Yolo, & local Mideasterners aren't an exception. I prayed about if the dream meant that I'm better off removing report about my Dad on internet; I then read 1 Pet. 2, "the stone the builders rejected..." indicating my choice of words is affirmed.
4/3, 1:40 AM, ch 8, TV program reporting about franchises, Blimpies v. Subway submarines; Blimpies came up w/brainstorm of a flagship sandwich, but chose mediocre name of "Best" - ie, do they want to be hobos? Subway followed suit, but BMT was more creative; the TV show possibly indicating it was crucial (for what it's worth) - city name of "Hobokin" on the program (switching back & forth between locations) is like a signage logo - as though that's the name of the brand - possibly Blimpies was lame name to begin w/- or the program is luring me w/distraction codes because it's a franchise - associated w/business - RE sales. Nevertheless, in Ca., the tax dept. is referred to as Ca. Franchise Tax Board - all other states refer to it as Dept. of Revenue; 1 in 500 Californians owns a franchise, but the state gov't had sources of intelligence that a teacher might temporarily be in business, & they orchestrated long range deeply rooted consp. to control my career.
Conspiracy that rather than invasion or nukes, suddenly everyone in Davis lives & I live, & eventual burial - conspirators temporarily eat crow until the coast is clear. But the conspiracy was orchestrated by late salesman Don Miller, & Trump takes his role play of Miller serious. Pics of him indicted, 4/4, "power" fist looks a little too much like a door knock fist; possibly attempt to slip by based on my good example - "just honest sales..." Nevertheless, the overall consp. is attempt to claim I've made a handshake agreement, & then it's claim I was in bed w/Davis, & I'm charged w/conspiracy, etc. The last neighborhood Miller developed before passing away was an addition to Willowbank development from the '70's, S. end of Davis, & happens to be @ opposite end of Montgomery Blvd. from the Danbury & Drummond dead end alterations (off Montgomery) that occurred approx. 2002 - @ same time as Our Faith Lutheran drummed Dan Schlensker out of Davis. I reported that when I was marketing magnetic water conditioners in 2009 (temporary sales job after 5 years of applying everywhere & no one hiring me - lifetime warranty, retroactively eliminate scale build-up, more effective that salt-based water softeners & w/out polluting, recommendations from 2 dozen well-known corps., less expensive than water softeners, but sold total of 4 of them after knocking on every door in town, & one of those was to my Mom, who afterward complained her sink was clogged, but it was because of scale being removed by the conditioner - temporarily clogged it); when entering the recent Willowbank neighborhood in 2009, several years after Miller had died, res. near entrance looked like giant casket w/lid cracked open
- Miller expecting me, w/mssg., 'I didn't die - I'm peaking @ you...' I.e., while falsely charging me & committing 1000 acts of perjury in court, instigating police to become terrorists, his idea of repenting & damage control was to create a "spilling it" scene & allow it to continue & act like it was simply a disagreement. He owned what is currently "5th & L" gas station, & titled it "Big 'd's" @ one point. He actually was hit by a train close enough to his death that it might've been the cause ultimately. I worked @ customer Noelle Miller's 4/4 in AM (no relation to Don Miller, other than conspiratorial); located on 10th & D Sts. - Viking Apts. is almost directly S. @ 8th & D (D juts over slightly @ 9th), where I resided while attending UCD, late '80's early '90's; Miller Dr. "corraling" A St. - both streets were developed by Don Miller in 1960's, & like North Face logo, Miller curves into B, w/appearance of forcing A St. to also curve into B. Miller almost runs directly into 10th @ B St. - continue E. on 10th for one blk - Noelle Miller's residence - very little chance of coincidence. Noelle's chicken coop - same casket cracked open design.
Also, while I was volunteer youth leader @ UCC, I obtained my commercial van lic. & drove the youth van, & regularly filled the tank @ Shell across the street from UCC; it was remodeled approx 3 years ago, & is now Shell Loop station
- w/Miller casket motif. While placing this report back on internet, suddenly blnd fem, red jacket rowing a boat on a TV screen in an ad on TV, 4/7, approx. 1:45 AM - NordVPN ad. It was code - 'nor [I]'d VP in;' while I'm claiming Trump is "out," I should "out" former VP Pence as well. Wow - that was so important to communicate that to me, they have to use conspiracy codes to communicate it - that's brilliant... but you can't say they deserve a Brownie button - despite you obviously don't allow Pence to go free - they're empowering the rebellion, & besides, I trailed the Brownie name, & they repented by changing their name.
Jimmy Jones "expelled" from Tenn. state house of reps. (out of place use of school terminology). How many fingers is he holding up? Thanks to these rebel codes, Jack Teacher is repeatedly relegated to suicide Zero mission. Nevertheless, it appears to be a blatant confession that they should've been charged w/serious crimes along w/Trump - conspiracy, slavery, rebellion...
Pic of Angel Reese, LSU, fist in air, but w/knocking gesture, & w/pinkie extended; 4/7, 6:33 PM, vision of pearl ring on pinkie; diamonds are typically wedding material - blacks showing up w/out wedding clothes, "purring" as far as pinning the victim w/yardwork - denied teacher career & cornered into grunt labor masquerading as RE sales. But that's just getting started - remember the '10' jersey (reported) from my job as teacher @ Vacaville Christian Academy? Elem. age student, daughter of fellow teacher who asked if she could work on homework on e library computer. This was immediately after the news story about Jennifer Love Hewitt, "10" model, & one of the Spanish classes I was teaching, student named Jenna Hewitt, & that evidently was the basis of the conspiratorial termination. 'I have' in Spanish is 'tengo;' but it takes 2 to tango, & No. Ca. has blacks - from the start - involved in the '10' conspiracy. More proof? A few days before I started, I was prepping the classroom, & blk male HS student Gibson was hanging around; we became friends, & I took him to McDonald's & he was also in one of the Spanish classes I taught. But Gibson Rd. is where Yolo jail is located. 2011-2012, I was back in VV sign-waving for one year, approx. 4-6 hrs./day, & in one instance, group of HS students going by, & for no reason, blck boy threw a few punches @ me - I punched him back, then called the police, but they had disappeared. Also, I was staying in my truck shell in VV 3-4 days/wk, & while in laundromat in VV, 2012, blk male adult, "We started it," or similar - coded comment that wasn't really a code - blatant confession that the oppression started in VV first - intonation wasn't pentence though, the m.o. is essentially defiance - coming to VV for help, & the response is, resistance is futile. The conspired termination in VV, 1996, gave UCC the guts to follow through w/Kirk's 'curb' conspiracy - attempting to make 'ten' become a tin cup.
But we're still just getting started - & that's blacks' line; Here's that "pinkie," w/use if sarcasm - 4/2,
"When I got the call, I thought it was just another shooting incident,..." blk male, gray beard, pink & blk pld shrt., 6:01, ch 10, possibly Stkn police; verbage is a cold & calculated subtle attempt to brainwash that 'shooting sprees are an everyday thing, everybody - get used to it...'
I almost forgot about the vision before the strangle attack, 7/2021, of me being married to Taylor Swift, & body guard attacking me - THEY WERE INVOLVED.
3/20, 6:49 AM, Biden pointing handgun @ me & firing it. I called & reported it, before seeing the profile of him on CNN website. File name is from CNN - "biden-...large-tease;" individual "in trouble" w/law enforcement is sometimes referred to as "@ large." I reported
2/26, CNN, Jimmy Carter suddenly appears in profile (when was last time that occurred in media?), & 3/3, kidnapped & photo'd in Yolo
jail, & as I reported, they recently started including profile shots (which weren't taken
Taylor Swift in 2020 or so, prominently appeared in media in blk shrt profile, after pointedly no profile pics of her anywhere on internet, instigating police to commence kidnappings again, & that's what occurred. Once again - presidents following rock stars acts, rather than providing justice - they have to match their influence & popularity. Profile used to signify if anything non-opposition to the viewer; but according to codes, it became jail mug shot innuendo as of possibly 5 yrs. ago. This fact would be known by Carter & Biden, making them accessories & coconspirators. The vision represents God's judgment of Biden's crimes - claims of an investigation that should've been concluded more than 2 decades ago are being used as guise to make attempts on my life.
3/20, "Live scan" expression for fingerprinting/background check, for Teacher Credential & other uses, expression originated in 1997 - same year they started systematically false arresting & kidnapping me; multiple codes, but no straightforward application for the name - does it mean they are proving the teacher isn't a corpse? Or that they have the right to invade his privacy w/scanners? But codes include '[a]l]l I've [his] can,' i.e., systematic oppression pursuant to being "canned" @ Vacaville Christian Academy, 1996. Approx. 40 min. after vision of Biden, "Let's take a live sca... look @ the Kings..." 7:27 AM, ch 3 male, sportscaster. "he's taken their mountain distreets," 7:20 AM (or similar); i.e., facade of Sac invading - 'mountin' [an attack];' but before they wipe out a city, they have to "dis[respect me by stranding me in the s]treets;' supposedly - but any oppression of victim is a crime, & code seemed to indicate invasion was due long before this; also, UCD recently divided up into "districts," such as the "Quad District," which is code for landscape pay - which is often in cash - "wad" of cash.
"He don't see their Hunter slip," 6:39, bug code; Hunter Biden suing Trump for agents stealing some of his files- possibly identical to Watergate crimes, but Trump isn't in trouble for it; Nixon prosecuted, but no prosecution of Trump.
The Bible says if you have Jesus in your heart, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. As far as spiritual things & righteousness & justice, you'll have no need of anyone to teach you - The Holy Spirit directs you as you read God's word;
Ps 119:97-104
Oh, how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.
Your commands are always with me
and make me wiser than my enemies.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
for I meditate on your statutes.
I have more understanding than the elders,
for I obey your precepts.
I have kept my feet from every evil path
so that I might obey your word.
I have not departed from your laws,
for you yourself have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts;
therefore I hate every wrong path.
As a Christian, you'll have good judgment when making decisions, & be able to discern the right thing to do.
Don't follow rebels in Ca. - they are currently rejoicing that they have God's favor - why? Because the drought was eliminated this Winter - it's A SIGN! But that much rain in one season is possibly a 1 in 60 chance; meanwhile, they've regularly ignored God's commands & laws of land warning them to provide justice, despite God intervening w/signs & wonders of magnitiude of 1/trillion chance of occurring by coincidence! They reject God's warnings drought included, & so God then determines if they aren't bringing justice then because I'm here, w/out anyone as of yet invading, so because of me, Ca.'s going to need some water, & so the drought ends, & everyone rejoicing that it's a sign from God. "Don't answer fools according to their folly" - if they refuse to listen, it doesn't do any good to chastise them - they conspire to deny my existence - they refuse to heed warnings affirmed over & over & over by the mighty hand of God! Refuse to follow them as far as committing crimes & partaking in rebellion - confront them!
3/9, dream I was asked to do work on a dangerous ladder, & I complained to my supervisor - step near the top was loose, & the top of the ladder was faulty; the supervisor then wanted to inspect it himself, & while inspecting it, he had a vision or pictured a bald man's face w/injured head - approx. 1/6th of head removed (such as an operation) & lg. scar across forehead shape of staircase, stairs going down from L to R (if you were facing the scarred indiv.). In the dream, it occurred to me this was the second time this had happened & so I'd better write it down. I woke up, & wrote it down, 3:58 AM. Since I was awake, I studied math, Thomson's "Calculus W/Transcendentals," Pearson publishers - same textbook w/the Jared (Subway ads) math problem immediately followed by Davis, Ca. weather problem - Pearson Evaluations is associated w/Pearson publishers, & they were involved in conspiracies denying me work for a decade. Sect. 4.4, p. 244, in the section of Cartesian coordinate system a function is increasing, as you go from L to R, (same as reading text) - as you approach zero from neg. side, but book describes it as decreasing; technically, if you look @ it from zero outward to the L, it's increasing, but in mathematics that isn't the practice as far as graphs in most cases. I.e., the text in "Calculus W/.." was making an exception - & on the accompanying graph, this was on the "concave down" side of the graph; @ zero, pt. of inflexion, it then concaves up. Parallel w/scar on head - facing victim, in order to "look up" - promotion or going up the stairs - you have to go from R to L. No argument that rock failed me, but I still have my faculties & teacher skills. 'Concave' code - 'conk [on the head, so that you be]have;' but that "conk" did so much damage, that the victim's brain was damaged (& evidently most of the damage was from converting rock songs, including "Stairway to Heaven" - rock did their part as far as the conk), & no longer able to be a Math Teacher. The fact I'd seen it before - the Jared/Davis weather code in same textbook.
3/31, "He'll sea 'em w/it," I-80(?), 8:40 AM while I was working @ Luke's, Vista. "It'll be hind key," Lopez landscaper, accross the street from Luke's, 9 approx. I got on P line approx. 9:13 AM; instantly fem, gold stkg cap, w/child creeping onto bus; 9:15, child made noise, & wh fem faded red jacket, gesture w/hands above lap as though sexual climax, or imitating male ejaculation (like subtle TV ads) (pic sent).
9:22, fem Unitrans emply, blue swt clothes & maroon knitted stkng cap, "It just goes off; we have pages." referring to webpages, double entendre code - ejaculation (associated w/child), or getting off work - I'm stalked constantly that I can't work 40 hrs/wk @ landscaping & report crimes on 6th day - I have to be a slave, & I have to love it, according to rebels, or it's "fix" conspiracies. 9:23, child, "This is Sat.," 'the[y] hiss Sat[urday]' working O/T @ landsc. Terrorists trafficking kids in their death threats & conspiracies.
Shooting spree/shopping spree (or spending spree) - the only common uses for 'spree.' 'sp[ell] 're;''
(RE - abbrev./code for RE agent); how do you spell 're?' R-e; i.e., are-y or little 'are,' as in we (USA) aren't, as a nation - education nation plan sabotaged. RE agent connotation of materialism spending shopping sprees, greed - lucre, or lavish wealth along
w/selfishness - juxtaposed to characteristics of a teacher. No. Ca. conspiracies railroading me out of teacher career & attempting to prime me to be big spender - dragging me around w/the ''lost caw' is' innuendo, & it's resulting mass murders, shootings, disasters. Greed is a sin, but in & of itself doesn't necessarily instigate shooting sprees - railroading the 1700 year Jack Teacher plan does. Kilroy gets his 'no's.'
Cowards refusing to demand justice. Audrey Hale epitomized it - rather than manning rule of law nation, they're acting like women. The Constitution is in place - use it rather than denying it.
Possibly the window "sign" - Chile name in English sounds like chilly - double entendre of 'cold' & 'pepper;' evidently whites attempting to motivate or "pep" minorities by denying my rights, presumably so that minorities can assume some of the responsibilities & lead by providing me justice (whites acting coldly toward me); the chilling effect toward me takes priority over the feats & promotions on behalf of minorities. One could argue, 1000 year track record of Christian kings & rulers demonstrating they are setting & controlling the tone globally - it won't be minorities promoted to leadership today, but change of attitude & they're outnumbered & in the dog house tomorrow (i.e., near future), for any past decisions affecting white majority - the 1000 year track record produces an established precedent for minorities to have confidence for centuries to come;
BUT, THE COLD TREATMENT OF ME TENDS TO DEFEAT THIS LONG RANGE 'OPTIMISTIC TONE' ESTABLISHMENT. I.e., if @ drop of a hat they ream me unendingly, the minority promotion scenario loses credibility.
To an extent, it's laziness under guise of legalistic stubbornness, but the adverse effects are far-reaching (beyond the melting pot - international), & they are driving home the point that Jack Teacher is entitled to justice; Jesus said,
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much," Lk 16:10. Cough up justice for Jack Teacher, whites! & Jack Teacher never claimed he wasn't very little (wee). In other words, treat Jack Teacher like dirt, & Christians are actually losing ground globally as far as diversity. ("Oh, darn...")
So in answer to the "great experiment" of melting pot & democracy, the success of it is limited by whites proving they can & do single out someone - Jack Teacher - & ream him - this has a chilling effect on the melting pot.
Immediately after placing this report on internet, referring to the climate set by centuries of kings & rulers, story in news about British royalty & the various formalities that go on in public & in private - glorifying royality as though my report was affirming them. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!! Once again, Trump owed arrest of Obama the moment he got into office, instead of code, "We're going to take it all the way to defeat," 20 Jan. 2016. Obama was coconspiring w/blk male coworker who was making death threats @ bakery where I worked on 20 Jan. - based on vision & other facts, he was conspiring w/Obama - attempting to ruin America - bring us down as an abomination. England, instead of denouncing the corruption of U.S. leaders, actually began imitating them & promoting them - Boris Johnson - Trump look-alike, prime minister until recently, & Prince Harry married blk Megan Markle - ECHOING TRAITOROUS BLK LEADERSHIP OF U.S.A. - PROMOTING ERODING U.S.A. INTO AN ABOMINATION!!! THEY PROJECT UPON ME DECEPTIVE FACADES THAT I'M A SALESMAN & USE THAT TO CONTINUE STALLING & DENYING ME JUSTICE! MOREOVER, IT AMOUNTS TO A CONVENIENT COVER FOR ALLOWING LAND OF FREE HOME OF BRAVE TO SPIRAL DOWNWARD.
TV ad w/wh male adult passenger in car w/his mom driving (Allstate ad?), acting reckless - like a child, bugging blk driver in car next to them, "...mayhem like me..." & then throws phone into back seat. Les Schwabb ad, blk girl in backseat, "I'm a backseat driver," which could be code for rebels allowing black children to "drive" or have control over the oppression against me, such as kidnap by corrupt police & taken away in back seat of police car. "...Remember, DEpress..." code pertaining to Davis - 'D', specifically downtown Davis oppression - 'press [charges]...' Connotation of the brand name, 'less[ee], SWAB THE DECK!' i.e., a pirate captain ordering sailors to do more grunt labor, & context of victim's lessing or purchasing a dwelling, conspiratorially limited to paying through the nose nightly for a motel room - blks barking the orders behind the scenes, including blk children, ordering me to get busy weeding, digging, raking, etc. - INSTEAD OF TEACHING. Same character (wh male, "mahem") is in Triple A ads, & has accident smashing into a Triple A office, where an intellectualy black emply drives home the point that Triple A doesn't need gimmicks, & then since they both agree on that, blk then asks why he's there, & "mahem" points to blk male, as though, "listen to him!" Possibly the ad is inviting blacks to higher seat - 'hit a "triple" for 'A,' & demand justice & his teacher profession - it isn't about theatrics...' I already reported the ad w/Hanna Montoya, demonstrating mexs. are capitulating to facilitating blacks' oppression of me by children, w/children participating. Medication ad, sm child making upward gesture w/hands near his groin, & fem "Chuck-ching!" subtle masteurbation innuendo - BUT THE CHILD IS TOO YOUNG FOR THAT! The implication is find a away to make your kids sex feinds before they get out of kindergarten. The 'chuck-ching' expression is supposed to be cash register bell used on older cash registers; Golden 1 ad, 3 layer cartoon cake pops up on register counter in similar "upward" way - coconspiracy code - 'cartoons' - kid-oriented - 'kids were born,' is the code, but "being" doesn't translate to unhealthy or perverse obsession w/sex & overly young age. These ads are proof of shortcomings of members of society as far as youth & sexuality, & also tell tale signs that my claims of higher standards as far as dirty pics should be emphasized. But it's also demonstrating one of sources of the mahem that's occurring - shooting sprees, etc. - blacks invited to higher seats repeatedly, & instead insisting they get to kill white man. If you don't punish traitors, it results in mahem. They deny my teacher career, & I'm pigeon-holed into yardwork, w/codes that I might be allowed to be an author. Ernest Hemmingway was an author, & committed suicide. Also, Yolo jail when I arrived, said I would be released after processing, which they did, but then imitated Davis police' verbage when I arrived @ jail, "watch your head,..." getting out of car; but officer Beck said I wasn't being arrested, just questioned, then kidnapped me nevertheless; i.e., taunting that I might be captive - & it is a possibility - 4 mos. in 2020 - but that coincided w/entire nation quarantined. Nevertheless, male officer who was one of the officers in 1999, @ beginning of the persecution against me, hadn't been employed by jail since possibly 2002, officer Hemsley, suddenly appears working in booking. & I already reported the "new" practice of profile pics w/mug shots - in midst of biggest scandal in history of modern society, they attempt to claim they've taken ground!
3/28, vision of fem in car pointing gun @ male, & he pretended not to notice; male was almost like a cartoon character like the Shadow; & fem, "Here, it?" Character driving possibly was me. Someone claiming if I'm staying in WS, I'm not regarding myself highly enough as though it's a "draw" (cartoon 'draw'ings) or that I can't perceive how desperate the region is because they know they're in trouble - consp. I'm going to "go" because I'm occasionally in WS - but I was staying there because it occurred to me to save money for teacher interviews - trip by bus amounts to 1-2 days off work, & motel stay one or 2 nights, depending on bus schedules. 'What happens next? Hear it first." KFBK news stand ad, 2000; 'Here it?' i.e, if I'm staying in WS, it's a sign that they are the good, it isn't; it's a sign that rebels charge higher rates in Davis than WS for motels, & I don't have anything to prove by paying double for room in Davis. Pay BW Davis' sudden $190/night "deluxe" price, or $85/night & get some $$ in bank for potential interview? It's a sign that possibly rock is attempting to dupe me that proving myself in sales takes priority over teacher goals, & whoever is pulling a gun on me, or contemplating such, is willing to coerce me, using desperate means, to forfeit teacher goals - despite it's the cause of the shooting sprees (see SPREE SIGN report). "here" - expression for "I present you w/this [provision, etc.];" possibly claim I'm giving WS/ Sac something if I stay in motel, or giving rock something if I occasionally site evidence from rock lyrics. Anyone pulling a gun on me as far as use of evidence from rock songs though, vision of Scripture pertaining to Adam, "Who told you you were..." cut short - I'm not sinning if I do that; but possibly vision of McCartney claiming I don't get to quote them; i.e., McCartney isn't God. 3/29, 6:57 PM, "You just won't go wait," bug code, rm 16 Bel Air. 7:18, vision, "You're gonna 'gun right'" male, speaking to fem; & fem reply, "Okay." Possibly attempt to claim threat of gun means they can hold you hostage to avoid dangerous conditions - but kidnapping the victim is the guarantee there will be more gun threats in the future - they oppress the victim rather than punish conspirators. "It might save you money," 7:36, vision volunteering to work w/kids, or possibly tutoring (unlikely), while working landscaping in Davis. This amounts to rebels caught red-handed, & demanding I kiss their butts to make them look good - but they really don't have any bargaining chips - Sac news, TV ads, etc. attempt to prop them up.
"It gets night time," bug code, 7:43 PM. 3-3:17+ constant d & g codes, from rm 17, Bel Air web reports systematically sabotaged correspondingly - entire sections of report deleted. Ca. Franchise Tax Board automated system - voice is barely audible - not only isn't loud enough, but distortion so that you can barely understand it in quiet conditions; moreover, it was rigged w/more Lenny stalkings - spooky voice was similar to the Lenny automated system of MLS (Assoc. of realtors) in 1997 - & BART spooky sounding PA announcements - like an old worn out cassette tape - but after I got past that spooky voice section (which was most of the system), a clear recorded voice comes on, & you push the button for rep., & the spooky voice comes back saying, "I didn't hear you; good-bye," & hangs up; i.e., I was supposed to react that way to the Lenny voice ("I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"); they make a blunt confession, 'WE'RE REAMING YOU & YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FACE IT." 3/28, vision of fem in car pointing gun @ male, & he pretended not to notice; male was almost like a cartoon character like the Shadow; & fem, "Here, it?" Character driving possibly was me. Someone claiming if I'm staying in WS, I'm not regarding myself highly enough - like a cartoon drawing rather than a real man; i.e., I'm supposedly not able to perceive how desperate they are & how much trouble they're in, & that must be a reflection on my motives... & therefore consp. I'm going to "go." But I simply refuse to lose sight of my career goals - I was staying there to save money for teacher interviews - trip by bus amounts to 1-2 days off work, & motel stay, one or 2 nights, depending on bus schedules. "It gets night time," bug code, 7:43 PM. 3-3:17+ constant d & g codes, from rm 17, Bel Air. FTB automated system - voice is barely audible - not only isn't loud enough, but distortion so that you can barely understand it in quiet conditions; moreover, it was rigged w/more Lenny stalking - voice was similar to the Lenny automated system of MLS (Assoc. of realtors) in 1997 - & BART - but after I got past that section (which was most of the system), a clear recorded voice comes on, & you push the button for rep., & the spooky voice comes back saying, "I didn't hear you; good-bye," & hangs up; i.e., I was supposed to react that way to the Lenny voice; they make a blunt confession, 'WE'RE REAMING YOU & YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FACE IT." Ca. Franchise Tax Board - state of Ca. - Or. & Wash. is "Dept. of Revenue;" evidently state of Ca. had intelligence as far as church's Jack Teacher plan to reveal feats on behalf of China, & devised a conspiracy to undermine it - starting w/sabotaging my teacher career; if I want to be a teacher, I'm dragged & oppressed to force me to settle for an alternative, such as a McDonald's franchise; as of Bush Sr. term in office, 'tax' became code or expression for '[a]ttacks;' but if you want Ca. to attack & invade, you're knocking on the wrong door - they are the conspirators undermining the Jack Teacher plan.
"I HAVE TO make it," male pastor, possibly 3/26; that could imply USA, or possibly taken as local Davis churches. 3/26 or 27, wthrman prays on TV, "Dear Jesus, please help them." As of 3/27, blks, such as on Yolobus/Unitrans were spooked - as though, 'These honkies are serious about God!' 'Dear' is sometimes used in prayer, but Bible precedent is less formal - more personal; but it is standard salutation of a letter; Carrey in IVCP prayed using that introduction; Carrey, married male member of IVCF who was native of Davis - Brent Meyer, whose parents were members of UCC - Rollie Meyer. Brent is emply'd w/City of Wdld, & they now live in Wildhorse, & when I inadvertently knocked on their door approx. 1 year ago, soon after that, police following me in WH. Just before I graduated, Brent made smear comment, "Who would use you to teach their nursery kids?" (My last year @ UCD I was no longer a member of IVCF because I was heavily involved in my church - Sunday school teacher, etc.) I removed this report due to it tinged an otherwise spotless experience w/IVCF - it makes sense it was a native of Davis. Nevertheless, that was Spring of 1991, & that same Spring I suddenly came across Anna Brockmeyer, from Richmaid in Lodi, attending UCD - they blessed me w/vision of Jacque's La Creme sword in 2020 - a Heaven-sent rebuke of Meyer.
Wthr fcstr's prayer, & pastor on TV, "I HAVE TO make it..." most likely signalling churches nationwide that we've gone out on limb more than enough to promote Chinese & give blacks chance to repent - the goal isn't to ruin the nation - we have to prevail. On the other hand, there's been a line from the churches to prop up Davis churches - but this facade is the very corruption that's instigating the disasters. People reasoning, 'if Jack Teacher can't get justice, then there's really no hope for any of us, & I'm going to make someone pay...!' Moreover, the 'I HAVE TO make it,' possibly a code that that's what I'm claiming - that I have to "make it" w/landscape work - deception that I'm secretly clinging to Davis rep./customers scenario; but, THESE REBELS DENYING ME JUSTICE LITERALLY MADE THAT SCENARIO; moreover, the fact is, that should be what all red-blooded Americans are saying about their job - "He who doesn't provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever," the Bible says; we have to work - a facade that I shouldn't be thinking that is a trap that they are duping people to cave in to - accept gov't help, call it COVID despite it isn't - accept free motels & apts. paid for by gov't. & continue lounging rather than looking for jobs. It's ruining the nation. BUT, ATTEMPTS BY ANYONE TO POINT FINGERS @ ME FOR WORKING GRUNT LABOR RAKING INSTEAD OF GRUNT LABOR WAREHOUSE, WHILE THEY CONSPIRATORIALLY COVER UP THE OPPRESSION DENYING ME MY TEACHER CAREER, & USE CODES TO FACILITATE THESE COMMUNIST DECREES OF MY LIMITED CHOICES AS FAR AS EMPLOYMENT, MAKE NO MISTAKE - THEY ARE GOING TO A HELL THAT WILL MAKE THE HELL THAT OTHERS GO TO LOOK LIKE A VACATION RESORT! "You're gonna go sink," gov't bug code, 9:20 PM, rm 16.
These are the ones w/the McD's motif bus stops; 7:20 AM, after news story about 2 Blackhawk helicopters colliding & 9 lives lost in Ky, on my way to Sahara motel bus stop, which happens to be next door to McD's on West Cap Ave., blk male & fem crossed my path after crossing the street; they then came back toward bus stop after I took pic, & left, then came back & were hanging around nearby on sidewalk. @ least 3 male pedestrians went by on sidewalk, but each one got off the sidewalk & went by in the street - rather than walking by on sidewalk. This occurs all the time w/me in Davis - facade w/multiple motives - (1)I'm implicitly well known, despite it isn't publicly admitted, & so I'm given a wide birth; (2) I have a suitcase, which is never in the way, but because I've gained recognition, wide birth; (3)facade I'm a nuisance, possibly dangerous - homeless stigma that they secretly cling to, & so argument is they put up w/the nuisance, but really it should be dealt w/ by taking me away - in actuality, #3 is the motives, but it's hidden behind polite & complimentary facade until "the time is ripe." Banking on that I wouldn't be aware of the darker motives, W.S. rebels as of this AM subtly implying blacks deserve a wide birth, surmising I wouldn't comprehend their hidden agenda. I.e., literally conspiring to furnish blacks a wide birth w/a hostage captivity, which could be construed as me "going" because I, if anyone, deserve justice. I made some warnings to the 2 blks due to an occasional code, but I didn't holler @ them. I reported that Davis pd officer Beck took down the serial # of my laptop while kidnapping me on 3/3. 7/3/2022, my laptop was stolen along w/my calendar w/income records; I extrapolated based on 2nd half of 2022 - same as last year - records disappeared @ beginning of July, 2021; I was working w/Dorte, customer who reg'ly hires me, & she volunteered to replace the laptop if nothing else (I recently replaced the driving glasses); HP from Office Depot, but, I didn't get a rec't from her, because it was a gift. I.e., Beck insinuating I don't have a watch, because a customer could file claim that it was stolen. The fact is, that could possibly occur, but, it hasn't been the m.o. of Davis rebels to claim I'm a thief, mostly due to my impeccable reputation; also, I work for customers every day, & get paid @ end of day, & any one of them could claim I stole some of that money or I only worked 3 hrs. instead of 8 hrs., etc. - in general the rebels acknowledge that I work hard, & that they owe me far more than work w/income, but they are attempting to get away w/simply yard work & pay; also, I am counting on & assuming there are cameras & witnesses & that possibly there are still bonafide elements in the gov't. - the same as there would be witnesses who saw us go to Office Depot to purchase it, etc. It isn't beyond reason to get it in writing that my pay included a bonus new laptop, but it was part of my pay, & I often earn $200 in one day's work, & nothing in writing, simply pay. Nevertheless, WS rebels conspiring w/Davis police, claiming I didn't 'holler' @ blacks nor about my legit. claim to laptop, therefore I must have deceptive motives, & blacks get a wide birth. Shopping @ Raley's 6:35 PM, 3/30, rec't said total was $16.90, but if you look closely @ debit amnt., it's $15.90; i.e., they gave me a '[d]ollar;' I didn't holler - about my ownership of my equipment, nor against blacks @ bus stop - & so they can orchestrate kidnap on behalf of blacks. $1 difference on rec't; I reported approx. 1 1/2 yrs. ago, vision of consp. that Dollar Tree on West Cap. was Goodwill store, which is code for loser or bum.
Rebellion region that denies victim justice, w/rebels using conspiracy codes in public, it goes w/out saying it's a risk to do business & accept gifts or perks - it's borderline folly; but moving somewhere else where the same codes are occurring is yet more foolish; but the fact they attempt to "track" me for acting unwisely is proof of their attempt to swallow me whole - due to it negates that they created those dangerous & foolish conditions by denying me justice for more than 2 1/2 decades, & NOW THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO CLAIM I'M ACTING UNWISELY!
Historically, terminology 'lost cause' may be a general expression commonly used, but also is subtle tip of the hat (top hat, most likely) that blacks won't be human race team players though you hand it to them on a silver platter.
7/2/2022, after placing in report on internet that I don't seem to matter, I reported vision of Lincoln having a discussion w/me, but no details about the discussion; but context of black top hat tradition indicates they were predicting that you could rescue blacks from slavery in Africa, give them top position in Land of Free Home of Brave, & they'd still betray you. Vision approx. 2021 of rebels in Davis seeing themselves as part of a long range (hundreds of years) plan to track blacks - pertaining to Village Homes community fields where I'm occasionally hired - mostly by Dorte. I.e., attempt to capitalize on the name 'davis,' as in president of confederacy - gives No. Ca. guise of "second chance" to get away scott free w/death row conspiracy after they were exposed, by creating cover that it was to track blacks all along - they're "on a mission from God." Approx. 2020, vision of more blacks in Davis, & blacks lying down in middle of intersection blocking traffic, in form of pseudo protest @ Second St. & H St. - which is near where the Davis double arches were located (2nd & G). As of a few days ago, TV ad (Meta?) w/blk fem placing desk in middle of intersection. I also had vision approx. end of 2022 of whites in Davis claiming to be vigilantes walking in the streets (rather than on sidewalks) tracking blacks. I.e., role playing USA - we're "in the streets" because blacks betrayed the melting pot. In other words, an actual effort to track blacks - but "indulging" in commission of crimes to do it - & No. Ca. region is betting they'll be allowed the oppression of me as "lost cause" vigilantes - in fact, it's an integral formula for their m.o. - Jack Teacher focussed on teacher goals as of 2004, but according to them, despite that from time immemorial, people have launched into an entrepeneurial venture w/unsuccessful results, & went on to another profession - capitalism is built on freedom to risk failure w/out consequences by definition - but despite this, No. Ca. facade - you can't just walk away from unsuccessful sales competition w/out spending the rest of your life eating crow - 'lost - caw, is;' claim of double entendre "ticket out" for No. Ca. after they were caught red-handed w/death row consp. Sacramento capitulated to the conspiracy as of small amnt. of pressure from a governor w/'swore it's 'nigger!'' innuendo; nevertheless, the stalkings & conspiracies of Davis rebels were underway as of Don Miller creating 'A St.' trap as of 1970s, if not before, such as the driver training keys in the street (1950's), & the double arches before that - there was an awareness of the culmination of the 'lost cause' facade, as I reported, for decades - but a notion or mindset doesn't equate justice nor biblical cause; those who hide behind a bent notion due to claim it was contemplated by others before them doesn't allow conspiracy nor rebellion. Despite their illustrations that blacks' betrayal essentially has the entire nation in the streets, literally & constructively, God led me that No. Ca. rebels & blacks must be brought to justice.
3/30, "We're handing it wasn't crow first," country singer, 3:25 PM; "It was they would never be," singer (i.e., rock wasn't going to be allowed justice & church status); singer - radio from yard behind Kullmans;' conspiracy from South to help No. Ca. cover their tracks.
3/28, "You won't know that bow," 11:04 AM, fem clerk, Bel Air, rm 16. 12:07, took day off from landscaping & did taxes & reports; Yolobus parked directly across the street from my room @ Bel Air for possibly 5 min. or more - no bus stop @ that loc.
3/30, "We're a failure," fem, Yolobus 42B dispatch, while bus parked @ side of road on 5th St. betw. Pole Line & Dpd station, 5:56 PM, supposedly to maintain schedule; more or less catecorner & 5th & Pole Line intersection, 'F' logo on sign, Fouts Homes office (homebuilder) located @ intersection, next door to DMV; but that 'failure' - claim they are working, while I take one day off, & it's refusing to work (Bel Air & day off working on reports corresps. to 'F' Fouts - Home Builder - RE - "sign" that I'm back to RE if I take one day off when pouring down rain. 5:28, "That is our change, it," wh male blue jacket. "Joe's fit out," 8:42, 42A, Asian fem gray pld wool jacket; "You won't know how, our hold," 8:44.
3/31, wh fem dk gray swtr, blue shrt, near Ace (Anderson), "I have villain; short him," 1:01 PM, & 4 hrs of landscaping was @ $20/hr. inst. of $25 - because I'm saving up for interviews. Larry, 534 Villa Nova, (Asian male), "You're not seeing this haul it," 2:15. "That's where we'll have to roll add, it," when I stomped down trash in trash can, Larry, 3:18; "I'm on a roll, A;" blk fem in US Bank ad; ROLAIDS ad from 1980's - "How do I spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S;" but it's double entendre - 'roll A;' hit code against me; "Fresno?" "Fre[e]zin' yes!" (I lived in Fresno for most of my childhood) - implication is I'm not saying "no" so they can roll me or use police oppression; Asians in Davis conspiring to make sure they don't miss - disposing of landscape waste means you're hit. "the __ starts now; we're going sideways," (notes unclear), radio, near Rich's, 4:48 PM. "I didn't let 'em go - goat it," 11:05 AM country radio behind Rich's. "You're not gonna live, her come on," wh male lt. hair, blk jacket, dog, near Ace, Anderson; alternately, 'You're not gonna live 'er, come on' (pic sent). "Pow was up," mex male, blue jacket, delivery near Ace, 12:29. "We needed him," Asian male gray hair, blk jacket, near Ace, 12:46. "You didn't know where? They played," fem to male behind Rich's, 11:30 AM. "He doesn't sonder; his keep it," I-80 5:38 PM. 6:21 PM, "He won't know later, on," blk male driver, 42B.
3/30, "If you're not gonna be on the bus, you gotta keep the door open," wh male gray beard, typically yellow safety vest - riding busses in Wdld/WS for 20 years or so, usually w/bike; 6:23 PM, to male driver 42B as he was getting off.
3/31, blk male driver, 42B, "5 min. break" @ approx. 6:31; it is now 6:45, & we're still sitting @ Chevron (next to UCC), I'm the only one on the bus, & driver nowhere to be found; bug code, "You need this scene," 6:40 approx. PM; i.e., conspired abandoning of bus - &, door is open; 6:47, driver just now arriving (yellow safety vest). "You just need your peak," blk male driver, 6:51 PM. 7:08 PM, WS, "She sees him get training," blk male maroon & blk swt jacket, gray cap, 42B. 7:17 PM, "I need to look again," fat wh fem cust. gray swt jacket, or cashier, Raley's, register #6; 3/3 Davis pd kidnap, I reported WS police arrived @ same time @ Yolo sheriff dept. 7:41 PM, KQED, Public TV, "He can' NOT DeSantis." 3/29, 11:36 PM, Jimmy Fallon, really quick profile bow - code claiming involvement in Carter disappearance on 3/3, possibly, or coded claim that there wasn't (as of yet) another kidnap pursuant to Biden profile pic. In other words, parallels of Raley's, WS police, Yolo sheriff's dept. ("watch your head"), & Mexs w/Davis police.
3/31, ch 7, "prison survival advice," E.T., 6:46 PM. Aaron Judge (MLB baseball player from Lodi area), "All I gotta do, ma'am," - code. 6:50, Dirk (ch 3) "That happens AGAIN," coded intonation that I disappear again, 6:50. 6:51, Ford ad, "That's stuck," ch 3.
3/31 "You're just seeing your frude," 8:09 PM male bug code, rm 16. KQED, Joni Mitchell tribute, Billy Joel on stage talking in between songs, then skit w/older wh male & blk athlete, & other blks & whites laughing, & white male, supposedly corp. exec. or similar, says to blk athlete, "You are funny!" obviously meant as compliment, but blk male suddenly becomes serious, "What's that supposed to mean?" & wh male is acting like on egg shells not to offend him, @ a loss for words, & it's somewhat exaggerated, as though blk male was a mafia boss who might end his life if he doesn't kiss up to him; blk male suddenly breaks into a smile indicating he was kidding, & wh male makes praying gesture toward him as though he's a god; i.e., it's most likely another of the various disconnect scenes, where blacks are suddenly rubbing people the wrong way by getting angry for no reason - disconnect scenarios. But suddenly, back to the performance stage & blk fem performer Angelique Kidjoe comes on stage; i.e., facade they are "leaking" that blacks are feared by most people, & Joe (Jack Teacher) is in trouble if thinks he can denounce their conspiracy against him - 'Joe knee[ls & prays that the boxing] mits [against blacks should] "chill."' Alternately, blacks testing the water as far as suddenly claiming they were kidding about death row conspiracies against me. "They're having you dry out," bug code.
3/31, 10:47 PM, "the verdict is passed up to judge; your heart starts pounding in your chest," prosecutor, in interview, using present tense - few besides Paul Flores would have heart pounding in chest (i.e., smear that it's the case of victim of conspiracy who is target of these codes - awakening Yolo judge - he's still in the game...); documentary of Paul Flores case; but this seems to be carefully worded to create code - '[the] past [is] up to [the] judge...' (1)giving yet further flesh to rumors, or (2)further oppression based on claims of interference w/business in the past, or (3)claims of interference w/business made by conspirators who were exposed almost 2 decades ago by dozens of false arrests & false charges. 11:02 PM, "It is your bug," bug code. "," 2 Kings players, 11:15 PM ch40. 11:12 PM, vision - "evidence" & car in driveway of res. on Pole Line near Covell, car alarm going off, as though someone trying to break in, but the car was also bouncing or hopping around - like mex low rider w/hydraulics; this was while I was considering the name Eisenhower; prosecutor of Flores case attempting to instigate trouble for me - Yolo judges & their pole/quota/survey line as far as leeway for more corruption in the region - bay area signalling attempt claim I was guilty of a crime such as trying to break into a car or interference w/business, etc. (i.e., resurrect past charges & keep the oppression going); prosecutor of Flores case is from bay area - victim Kristen Smart from Stanford Univ. - No. Ca. rebels. I.e., it is WS, Raley's, bay area, etc.
4/1, "You better reorganize the re," (notes unclear), 1 AM, KTXL. 8:01 AM, "how does it feel? I've 5," Tamara Berg, ch 3 wthr. "you can't see How to prosecute," 6:53 AM - 'How' code for Aggies - Howard Ln. entrance to UCD; i.e., bay area (Flores trial prosecutor) is where 50-75% of UCD students are from - '"get [outta town" is] smart;' 6:50 AM, detailed dream I was working a new job (still not teaching), possibly living in another city, & male coworker showing me the ropes, driving me to trade show where we display product such as shower doors, & other amenities; conditions greatly improved - convection oven, actual apt., fewer codes among coworkers, steady pay, but suddenly, no product to display @ trade show, because rebels were "training" us that I don't get to work there - because I hadn't defeated the rebellion & had given up ground to work another grunt labor job somewhere else; so the 'How' conspirators prosecution threat code additional evidence of bay area prosecutor directly involved w/UCD students conspiring more hostage captivities- the code was already answered by the dream before the terrorists stalked me w/it. "There's no tie table," 7:53 AM ch 3.
[3/19, 3:59 PM, "Joe, we gave you attach," vision ('atta[ck] ch[eating];' (i.e., evidence to bring invasion doesn't have to be cruelly & severely (deceptively) pared back under guise of being scrupulous or avoiding "cheating"); possibly my Mom; i.e., I supposedly don't have to worry about deceptively legalistic judgments; for ex., I can report legit. evidence concerning rock & Hollywood & won't be "penalized" for claim it means favoring them. This was combined w/ more than one vision "use it or lose it."]
3/9, "We have house key," blnd wh fem, 12:27, Fedex Office, 3rd. St. (code pertaining to recent report). "254 dollars," fat blk fem gold dress crutch, 42B 6:02 PM. "We wasn't bean him on," 6:12. 6:28, "This is more than a couple of run," male dispatch, 42B Yolobus. "We're gonna weigh terrible," 6:06; 'terrible' code referring to rock stars ("those terrible...") - but anyone of any significance saying I might possibly be of value to them spoiled everything for the region, so that they simply want to kill themselves, & take everyone to hell w/them if possible. "Trying to lock in on your job, & still get it done," Brown, (Kings), 6:54 PM ch 3; 'lock' is possibly legit. expression in general - 'getting a hold of,' etc., but getting a hold of or getting a grasp on a competitive basketball play doesn't match w/the implication that comes w/"...& still get it done" - as though getting a grasp on a good game works against it - it's a code for Davis to kidnap me while I'm on the job landscaping. "dalented people together; we're gonna beat tough out," Sac State women's basketball male coach; 'tough' is code for 'Tafoya' - mex. name in No. Ca. part of a consp'd facade of a proving ground for Jack Teacher - 'is he tough? Oh, yeah...' Sac is conspiring facade that if mexs. don't get their charade - Jack Teacher doesn't allow them to fool him & everyone else that he needed their oppression, then Sac orchestrates further oppression - black Sac Kings coach providing the "game plan." JACK TEACHER ISN'T ALLOWED TO TEACH!!!!! & THEY'RE WILLING TO BRING DOWN THE NATION. No endorsement of rock implied by exposing these wicked motives. & the bank run codes - from No. Ca. - these drive home the point that No. Ca. is willing to & attempting to financially ruin USA in attempt to get @ me, rock stars, & Hollywood. They are warring to defeat musicians, stars, etc. - but it's 100% jealousy, rather than love of knowledge & education, because as of 2016, I've obstained 100% from any singing, dancing, song conversions, & YET JACK TEACHER ISN'T ALLOWED TO TEACH!!!!! & THEY'RE WILLING TO BRING DOWN THE NATION. No endorsement of rock implied by exposing these wicked motives - in fact, as always, I'm going out of my way to avoid any evidence connected w/them, because it is overkill - I have more than enough evidence & proof against Davis w/out them - &, rock & Hollywood "royally" reamed me, & I'm not going to create any implication of endorsement of them.
3/23, ch 3 nwscstr Edie Lambert, wearing maroon swtr w/thin pink horiz. stripe. I reported my olive jacket & blue hat w/thin sky blue line stolen by
Aggies approx. 3 wks ago on bus.
10:39 AM, community fields in Village Hms, chicken in nearby chicken coop, "He needs
bink," or similar -
'ink' code (jail processing - follow-up by Sac rebels)
3/10, "Arrange Joe Cordova," "soft lake Stockton," 6:17 AM, Berg. "The first week goes off...more gasty winds," 6;20. 6:23, "You don't see, they're the dare key," gov't bug code. 6;30, "You stole my spot, now you've stolen my heart," fem, to dog, Milkbone; Barbara's - milkweed butterfly garden. 2006, Sac jail, lg. blk male wormed into my spot in crowded jail cell; I didn't start a fight over it, because I was still following 'turn other cheek' Bible principle, & it wasn't a full-fledged rebellion as of that point; but the region has repeatedly stalked me over it - despite I've been in fights subsequently, including w/blk male in El Cerrito, where I fought back; the ad indicates more traps in Sac. Male @ site fallen tree, "describe it as cell phone pole right there," ch 13, 6:33 AM. "Well I keep you coz[y];" "sorry, so much snow causing slight," fem rptr.
3/9, "MonaCO on Dillard Rd.," Sharp (male reporter, referring to DeAnda, fem rptr, Michigan Bar; "Monica, thank you," 7:32. 42A, 8:30, "He'll have Sherman ever after," fem dispatch. "You won't most 'em," 8:16 AM, wh male 42A yellow jacket (I purchased Moo flavored ice cream). "You're not gonna have your haul on," Eric, next door to Kullmans (Oak) 9:26 AM. 10:14, "That's not where you're putting it, app," gov't bug code, referring to where I was piling dirt. 11:08 AM, "We're gonna goad, he get Addie," prop plane near Kullmans;' Addie was 4th gr. student when I taught Sunday school, UCC, 1994; sister was in Edge group; consp. propping up Davis rebels. Ellie (Jenna Ellis), signed document stating her comments related to prof. athletics - making buck teeth expression imitating me - possibly claiming I rate "girl" status as far as sports, or simply endorsing me; CNN. Ellis Island, NY - immigration station in 1800's, near Statue of Liberty. 3/10, "That's where you'll just seam me," 5:46 AM. Approx. 3/10 or 3/15, story in news Annie Moore, teen, was first immigrant of more than 12M who sailed past Statue of Liberty & landed on Ellis Is., 1874.
My Dad passed away days after that comment by Bush, "Something's gotta give, & it's giving." My Dad wasn't performing any charity acts (Christian duty) but rather justice (Christian duty) - a loan & Christmas/birthday gifts, & occasional care pkg, & moral support from my parents. God had led me to stay far away from asking them for anything, & then in 2002 my Mom called w/$1000 inheritance from my Great Uncle Gene, & said I should be willing to let them intervene. So under God's direction, he allowed them to assert it. But evidently, that didn't go over too well w/the South. But after that "edict," my Dad passed away on the same calendar day as Jesus - Good Friday, w/resurrection Sunday (Easter) following; i.e., he was doing good deeds - the same as Jesus while on earth. In addition to my boss from Richmaid, Myron Brockmeyer, whose family prayed that I receive the Jacque's La Creme Sword (vision, 2020) - ambassadors from older generations to the Baby Boomers & younger generations, my Dad has the Crossman "BB Boomer" - Baby Boomers' gun - ambassador - stand up for my rights, be law abiding, break free from stubbornness of older generations - the 'Saul Rebels.' "Am I still in the running?" Vision of my Dad, as far as I can tell, apprx. 3/22. W/out going on a post humous campaign trail on behalf of Dad, before his funeral reception my Mom asked for the house key back (starting an argument), but as far as I recall it was immediately after he died that I had a dream of him getting a place in Davis on Olive Dr., & another dream of him helping me restore a large home I'd purchase on 1st near A St.; we were in the basement positioning a support beam. I believe these dreams were God telling me the sudden aloofness & coldness of my Mom wasn't coming from my Dad.
3/15, "These are the town haulers," Elaine, 1:40 apprx. - planter parts. "We're gonna give them their noke," '[death r]ow, k[ey];' fem, 11:35 PM. 11:43 PM, Jeremy Wade, possibly code, "It is then that they are their easiest to find," (referring to wolf fish in S. Amer.). "We won't, his shit," male, 5:46 AM (rm 105?) after ball bumped against inside wall of my rm; i.e., rebels attempting to create facade that if they don't oppress me for juggling, they are promoting or supporting me - while they stalk me & conspire against me! "This tree just fell down, then we got a knock-down from the gov't to leave," mex fem, ABC 2:05. 9:59 AM, Feather Ave., Cal Vintage Roofing, mex male, "That's we have him back." 2736 Danube, started to knock on door, & wh male blk lthr vest & blk hat, coming from across the street, asking what I wanted, & that it was his house; both he & wife said weren't hiring; I continued on, then circled back going down other side, & he was back on that side mowing a yard (2727). He said he was caretaker & no one home; I told him to tell them to get ahold of me if they needed anyone. 10:29, as I left, "That was your maid;" I reported coconspirators to the 7/26/2021 attack @ 4th & F - S. Davis, Tallow becomes cul-d-sac, cross bike path, then it's Dogwood; on Tallow, mex fem possibly maid, but I didn't cross examine her, because she was possibly owner/res., & God led me - hands off approach - I'm supposed to be a teacher, & it's insanity for gov't to leave me in deadly conditions - you don't go creating an altercation to "get to the bottom of" who the owner is when they are all rebels. But crossing bike path, another mex fem. & code pertaining to prev. mex. fem, claim I didn't have my watch. Someone else involved as well; but then I reported dream of soldier wounded & Taylor, his lover, coming to give aid; & that spot was betw. Tallow & Dogwood. Soon after that, attacked & almost killed @ 14th & F; i.e., along w/the 'curb' conspirators, mexs & S. D. conspirators claiming I wasn't vehement enough as far as getting the facts as to owners, therefore I can be almost killed - 'maid' code. Putting 2 & 2 together, after taking 10 min. break, I went back to Danube to get street #s, etc. to report it, & male (blk hat), "Peepin' shame!" 10:55. Bonney H&A truck also on that blk, & most likely was involved; lic pl 120459Z3 or similar. Before arriving on Danube, I was knocking on doors on Feather, & 3 remodeled garages; one of them, 2731, looked like office etc., & while walking by ( going up to prch) I briefly looked into window out of curiosity - the window was next to walkway - fair game - although I usually shun interest in any res. in Davis, but it wasn't peeping; Asian fem answered, but from the garage remodel office door. Evidently she called connections on Danube, or as usual, casers watching my every move. 2749 Feather, another remodel, male & fem answered, saying it was their son's home & he was out of town, but male instantly dialed & handed me the phone, & res. said didn't need anything & "Don't do it again," don't come to their res.(?); but possibly code claiming peeping @ the other "remodel." 3/14, "He's just gonna put up w/'em; hell over," audible code, I-80 - warning due to tbe Crossman report acknowledgement they are exposed as traitors going to hell, & I'm putting on an act. 'over' - radio lingo as though in a war, behind enemy lines & outnumbered (i.e., America's dead), facilitating use of codes - such notion should be sent to hell w/invasion/nukes! The codes were in use before 2002, but they were first freely & publicly used in Davis, in attempt to unnerve me, & to conspire, to control me; they then spread nationally; you use codes when your nation is under enemy occupation & control; other than that, you've left your posts & gotten out; SEND THE CODES TO HELL! The codes involving PRBC are attempt to grope & see if they can dupe everyone w/a "hell" against me, or choreograph a face saving "back down" scenario. Moreover, the garage remodel created a residence room w/2 windows on front - small windows - exactly like the window @ remodeled front of Pole Line Rd. Baptist - exc. their front facade has one window looks like an open eye, one looks like closed eye; this res. - both eyes open; possibly code that PRBC is suddenly waking up & rising up against me. Garbage truck @ Danube & Bienville as I left for break @ store casing; 10:32, "You don't dough your hike," gov't bug code.
1/3, "Those gusts should be as har as high," Christina, 10:03 PM, ch 40. 10:11, wh male yellow jacket on power pole making rapid motion w/arm as though jacking off - i.e., code that I'd better hurry & do it more or it's "high voltage" (electric chair consp.).
12/31/2022, I knocked on Manzis' door, Jan did a 2-knock before answering ('hit' code).
3/16, "He doesn't make, his mate," mex. (?)landscaper (blower) near Jan's; but this was their former strategy - under guise of showing everyone I'm oppressed; but that strategy was tolled. Ace blue print ad becomes Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes) w/blue letterman's jackets, 11:58, as though Davis gets away w/oppression. 7:15, "We just can't be a lesson to you," bug code, rm 104. "You won't believe your window, it," 8 AM; I reported a N. Face shaped window in Village Homes, & similar window in airport in Chile, but led to minimize any connection; nevertheless, Pole Line Rd. baptist window - Feather res. "We're gonna do him, our capture," bird, D & 7th 8:17 AM. Oak near Antioch, lg van constantly blocking sidewalk lic pl 616V72. "He doesn't scene this settle" "He's doin' 'em w/basketball," (Jan's?). "We're gonna know him, dick," fountain, Jan's. "He can't see, it was their policy," fountain. "He can't have his right out," fountain, 10:20 AM; "rapid soul," fountain (Jan's fountain is haunted to the hilt); "Saves a lot in the end," Jan, referring to green tarp she wanted me to use to keep stepping stones from getting dirty - I used to use a green tarp when staying outside - on a '[vacant] lot;' i.e., isolated & overly spiritual ('sav[ing soul]s' [results in staying on ]a lot, in the end...'). 10:30, "He's hoping everybody is," fountain. Jan farted, then Ray, "I won't make it, gone." Jan, "I had to use the wrong soul; sorry about that;" '[ou]r Huong [Nguyen];' former sublessor who swindled me out of room on Adeline St., 2004 (he got off the master lease w/landlord, formed new lease as sublessor w/a couple who had moved in, w/out giving me 30 day notice of new master lease); lack of notice gave me grounds to sue, which I did, in small claims court because there was drug abuse occurring @ the location. Poster in the res. - sketch of crowd of people viewed from above w/one yellow person in middle. 3/14, "We don't yellow him," Karen, 5 PM approx. (yellow weeds from poison - but they are resisting it already); looked similar to crowds of people from above, mostly yellow. Nevertheless, @ one point, Jan asked me to dump lg. container of debris, but only a little debris in it, so I ignored her & did something else. Also, she got out a shovel for me, but it was short shovel, & long-handled one was readily available; & she's repeatedly referring to plants as "this guy," & "these guys," i.e., systematic subtle attempts to captitalize on my isolation & belittle me - child w/child-size shovel, I'm a little plant, I'm her child who must do as she says rather than think for myself, etc. Eventually, I'm brainwashed that I'm an unworthy gopher dupe, & the pay is then drastically cut.
3/14, "I didn't get the knock on the door," wh fem (flooding story) ch13, 10:02 PM. "You won't know her," (or similar) gov't bug code. 10:17, "We had some thunder stow today," ch 13 male whtr fcst; Sac desperately attempting to work w/Davis to finish me off. G1 ATM rigged to deny my deposits - check & bills; I was able to deposit $100 inserting 2 @ a time, & it would only take one. 9:55, shower, "You wouldn't lake it, doubt," vision. "I just don't see it," ch 40. 10:30 PM ; also expression of Larry Beck, Bethel Lodi; ATM sabotaged, then phone charger temporarily (plugged in for 8 hrs., barely a charge). "It's will his banter," male rm `05(?) 9:50 PM, terrorism referred to as 'banter.'
It was 2004 that I focussed again on teacher goals; it was then that I was armed w/court documented proof of police oppression & corruption & my squeaky clean reputation despite impossible circumstances - God led me it was an open door, & an answer to prayers to pursue his highest for my life - "...I'm going to make you into a teacher," 1993 vision. I also had the support & affirmations of my parents; but the South & local churches (& other rebels locally) fighting desperately to prevent my teacher career from coming to fruition; i.e, David on my side, & I was fighting against the corrupt 'hymn church' "Go lieth" rebels insisting I had to be a salesman (inherent liars) - & that continues to this day, @ least to extent that I'm not allowed to teach, & landscape work w/customers. In fact, my Dad evidently exhibited a gift of prophesy - he had been building "yard birds" out of farm implements, but also designed T-shrts; one of them "Biblical Landscaping- Sod 'Em & Grow More-Uh" - warning that if I was cornered to do landscape work, it's a hellfire & brimstone fate of Sodom & Gomorra for the's a gift; he didn't talk about it much. He always told everyone I'm good @ gozinta - 8 gozinta 16, 12 gozinta 72 - division - but I think he meant math in general.
Prophesy of Jack Teacher's Dad, "Model, A"
3/22, 3:50 Vision, Putin, "We have a force - Joe's dad;" 3:52, bug code, "We're gonna be chargin,' boss." Look, Jack Teacher's late Dad very busy - international powers demanding to see him, pressing in, he reply, "You talkin' to ME? I'm just that bald prophet loosely associated w/the Teachbite rocketeer. I can be forceful, but if you want to get hold of me, call Jack (nickname for Jacob), 530-933-2435, so that we know you are serious - 'actions speak louder than visions' (I said that). But to everybody I say, Jesus is the Man, of course! He gave his life for you & me, & said, 'EAT ME!'" IF RUSSIA WANTS TO CONCEIVABLY RULE THE UNIVERSE W/A POP GUN (ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE), PIPE UP FOR JACK
4:18, Asian fem speaking Chinese (?), then, "He didn't know, poor was dad." The call from Eric's wife on Oak saying fence job cancelled due to uncooperative Asian neighbor. As of 2002, a lot of cars tooting horns @ my parents, saying 'hi,' indicating they'd heard about me. My Dad had a lot of Mideastern friends @ that point, & started referring to this as "toot-in-common" - King Tut (Tutankhamun); I can't say if my Dad had rec'd Jesus @ that point or before he died, but there were indications that he did, such as distributing copies of my evangelism essay despite the heated arguments we'd had about God. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit can use non-Christians, & w/the church essentially asleep & in need of a wake up call, & my Dad in need of being born again (same situation as majority of Mideast), it may have been a "mummy" & "dead" warning to church & Mideast. Most likely based on facade in Yolo county oppressing me based label of "king" of R.E. (which I never claimed), it was a negation of this - ''T' Utt'/sales
"commoner" - & any hypothetical extentions in a democracy - Kilroy. Additional context - 1998 my parents had come up to be w/me @ sentencing for Miller false convictions, & w/Broker's blacklisting me, my Dad said, "Why don't you get your broker's lic.?" I replied, "Because then I'd be broker" (more broke), signalling sales was a temporary solution - teaching was the goal. Passing broker exam in 2003 was desperate measures. So they were aware the pompous "king of sales" facades weren't from me.
3/15, "These are the town haulers," Elaine, 1:40 apprx. - planter parts. "We're gonna give them their noke," '[death r]ow, k[ey];' fem, 11:35 PM. 11:43 PM, Jeremy Wade, possibly code, "It is then that they are their easiest to find," (referring to wolf fish in S. Amer.). "We won't, his shit," male, 5:46 AM (rm 105?) after ball bumped against inside wall of my rm; i.e., rebels attempting to create facade that if they don't oppress me for juggling, they are promoting or supporting me - while they stalk me & conspire against me! "This tree just fell down, then we got a knock-down from the gov't to leave," mex fem, ABC 2:05. 9:59 AM, Feather Ave., Cal Vintage Roofing, mex male, "That's we have him back." 2736 Danube, started to knock on door, & wh male blk lthr vest & blk hat, coming from across the street, asking what I wanted, & that it was his house; both he & wife said weren't hiring; I continued on, then circled back going down other side, & he was back on that side mowing a yard (2727). He said he was caretaker & no one home; I told him to tell them to get ahold of me if they needed anyone. 10:29, as I left, "That was your maid;" I reported coconspirators to the 7/26/2021 attack @ 4th & F - S. Davis, Tallow becomes cul-d-sac, cross bike path, then it's Dogwood; on Tallow, mex fem possibly maid, but I didn't cross examine her, because she was possibly owner/res., & God led me - hands off approach - I'm supposed to be a teacher, & it's insanity for gov't to leave me in deadly conditions - you don't go creating an altercation to "get to the bottom of" who the owner is when they are all rebels. But crossing bike path, another mex fem. & code pertaining to prev. mex. fem, claim I didn't have my watch. Someone else involved as well; but then I reported dream of soldier wounded & Taylor, his lover, coming to give aid; & that spot was betw. Tallow & Dogwood. Soon after that, attacked & almost killed @ 14th & F; i.e., along w/the 'curb' conspirators, mexs & S. D. conspirators claiming I wasn't vehement enough as far as getting the facts as to owners, therefore I can be almost killed - 'maid' code. Putting 2 & 2 together, after taking 10 min. break, I went back to Danube to get street #s, etc. to report it, & male (blk hat), "Peepin' shame!" 10:55. Bonney H&A truck also on that blk, & most likely was involved; lic pl 120459Z3 or similar. Before arriving on Danube, I was knocking on doors on Feather, & 3 remodeled garages; one of them, 2731, looked like office etc., & while walking by ( going up to prch) I briefly looked into window out of curiosity - the window was next to walkway - fair game - although I usually shun interest in any res. in Davis, but it wasn't peeping; Asian fem answered, but from the garage remodel office door. Evidently she called connections on Danube, or as usual, casers watching my every move. 2749 Feather, another remodel, male & fem answered, saying it was their son's home & he was out of town, but male instantly dialed & handed me the phone, & res. said didn't need anything & "Don't do it again," don't come to their res.(?); but possibly code claiming peeping @ the other "remodel." 3/14, "He's just gonna put up w/'em; hell over," audible code, I-80 - warning due to tbe Crossman report acknowledgement they are exposed as traitors going to hell, & I'm putting on an act. 'over' - radio lingo as though in a war, behind enemy lines & outnumbered (i.e., America's dead), facilitating use of codes - such notion should be sent to hell w/invasion/nukes! The codes were in use before 2002, but they were first freely & publicly used in Davis, in attempt to unnerve me, & to conspire, to control me; they then spread nationally; you use codes when your nation is under enemy occupation & control; other than that, you've left your posts & gotten out; SEND THE CODES TO HELL! The codes involving PRBC are attempt to grope & see if they can dupe everyone w/a "hell" against me, or choreograph a face saving "back down" scenario. Moreover, the garage remodel created a residence room w/2 windows on front - small windows - exactly like the window @ remodeled front of Pole Line Rd. Baptist - exc. their front facade has one window looks like an open eye, one looks like closed eye; this res. - both eyes open; possibly code that PRBC is suddenly waking up & rising up against me. Garbage truck @ Danube & Bienville as I left for break @ store casing; 10:32, "You don't dough your hike," gov't bug code.
1/3, "Those gusts should be as har as high," Christina, 10:03 PM, ch 40. 10:11, wh male yellow jacket on power pole making rapid motion w/arm as though jacking off - i.e., code that I'd better hurry & do it more or it's "high voltage" (electric chair consp.).
12/31/2022, I knocked on Manzis' door, Jan did a 2-knock before answering ('hit' code).
3/16, "He doesn't make, his mate," mex. (?)landscaper (blower) near Jan's; but this was their former strategy - under guise of showing everyone I'm oppressed; but that strategy was tolled. Ace blue print ad becomes Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes) w/blue letterman's jackets, 11:58, as though Davis gets away w/oppression. 7:15, "We just can't be a lesson to you," bug code, rm 104. "You won't believe your window, it," 8 AM; I reported a N. Face shaped window in Village Homes, & similar window in airport in Chile, but led to minimize any connection; nevertheless, Pole Line Rd. baptist window - Feather res. "We're gonna do him, our capture," bird, D & 7th 8:17 AM. Oak near Antioch, lg van constantly blocking sidewalk lic pl 616V72. "He doesn't scene this settle" "He's doin' 'em w/basketball," (Jan's?). "We're gonna know him, dick," fountain, Jan's. "He can't see, it was their policy," fountain. "He can't have his right out," fountain, 10:20 AM; "rapid soul," fountain (Jan's fountain is haunted to the hilt); "Saves a lot in the end," Jan, referring to green tarp she wanted me to use to keep stepping stones from getting dirty - I used to use a green tarp when staying outside - on a '[vacant] lot;' i.e., isolated & overly spiritual ('sav[ing soul]s' [results in staying on ]a lot, in the end...'). 10:30, "He's hoping everybody is," fountain. Jan farted, then Ray, "I won't make it, gone." Jan, "I had to use the wrong soul; sorry about that;" '[ou]r Huong [Nguyen];' former sublessor who swindled me out of room on Adeline St., 2004 (he got off the master lease w/landlord, formed new lease as sublessor w/a couple who had moved in, w/out giving me 30 day notice of new master lease); lack of notice gave me grounds to sue, which I did, in small claims court because there was drug abuse occurring @ the location. Poster in the res. - sketch of crowd of people viewed from above w/one yellow person in middle. 3/14, "We don't yellow him," Karen, 5 PM approx. (yellow weeds from poison - but they are resisting it already); looked similar to crowds of people from above, mostly yellow. Nevertheless, @ one point, Jan asked me to dump lg. container of debris, but only a little debris in it, so I ignored her & did something else. Also, she got out a shovel for me, but it was short shovel, & long-handled one was readily available; & she's repeatedly referring to plants as "this guy," & "these guys," i.e., systematic subtle attempts to captitalize on my isolation & belittle me - child w/child-size shovel, I'm a little plant, I'm her child who must do as she says rather than think for myself, etc. Eventually, I'm brainwashed that I'm an unworthy gopher dupe, & the pay is then drastically cut.
3/14, "I didn't get the knock on the door," wh fem (flooding story) ch13, 10:02 PM. "You won't know her," (or similar) gov't bug code. 10:17, "We had some thunder stow today," ch 13 male wthr fcstr; Sac desperately attempting to work w/Davis to finish me off. G1 ATM rigged to deny my deposits - check & bills; I was able to deposit $100 inserting 2 @ a time, & it would only take one. 9:55, shower, "You wouldn't lake it, doubt," vision. "I just don't see it," ch 40. 10:30 PM ; also expression of Larry Beck, Bethel Lodi; ATM sabotaged, then phone charger temporarily (plugged in for 8 hrs., barely a charge). "It's will his banter," male rm `05(?) 9:50 PM, terrorism referred to as 'banter.'
3/22, Kents on Ganges, 4:18, Asian fem speaking Chinese (?), then, "He didn't know, poor was dad." The call from Eric's wife on Oak saying fence job cancelled due to uncooperative Asian neighbor.
Def. of 'straw man' is taking something someone said or did, exaggerate it to extremes, & use that result against them. I never once even prayed to be king of RE, nor ever claimed it - because my goal was to teach. 3/23, afternoon, after I had placed the report about my Dad & his testimony countering any lofty "king" claim in sales, Rhys Hoskins, Phil. Phillies player - FROM SACRAMENTO - suddenly w/knee injury; carted off the field, looking directly @ camera, then looked down. I.e., sending mssg. that Jack Teacher is downcast, or, can't be trusted. Rhys pronounced "re's' as in RE agent, & 'Hoskins' sounds like 'hos[tage] kins,' as in family of a hostage, for ex. The straw man facade of Sac - arguing Jack Teacher insisted & pressured everyone he was going to be #1 - king - first in RE - a braggart, causing a huge ruckus regionally, involving disturbances, jailings, etc. - it turned the region upside down, & he must pay his dues... They brought Kansas City Royals to Sac, calling them Sac Kings, built Arco Arean, then G1 stadium, instigated oppression in Sac courts to create facade that I was "trouble" over there in Sac as well. I.e., taking someone busy in sales but 100% law abiding, & adamant about his evangelism, & attempting to inflate it into something approaching a scandal by covering up that 99% of the legal oppression (unjust jailings, kidnappings, etc.) was pertaining to free speech evangelism, & that was in my spare time, 2 hrs./wk. The focus of the "trouble" is conveniently silenced & the busy work ethic is transformed into some shady iconic tycoon figure w/cattle horns on his hood that the "big boys" just won't let go. Hoskins sudden downcast look, 'He's saying we don't get our gigantic big business king w/all the acutriments & scandals that come w/that?!!!' How many millions of entrepreneurs started up a business & were very busy @ it & failed? It isn't a crime; but conspiring that being on fire for Jesus means they can create - & perpetuate for decades - a smoke screen facade & use it against you makes them nuke material, especially when God warned them to repent w/shooting sprees & disasters occurring all over the nation!
3/23, "They had to grow up, grow up," "...they were able to get, get.." "...which which..." wh fem blue swt jacket, gray hair, BW kitchen, 7:20 AM approx. 7:33 "Here we are stock," Joe, ch 13 story about Palestine Oh.; "Do you want to leave?" newscaster to victim; "Absolutely;" possibly code that I could leave from Davis; oh, really? & I suppose I just mosey on into one of those other cities using codes - & doso while essentially admitting defeat? & why is it rebels ruining our nation aren't punished, & I have to let them go? 6 AM, dream while praying about staying longer @ BW or going to WS due to room rate jumping again - low income wandering w/a friend, came across discarded bag w/new ceramic mugs, etc., 'Oh, I need one of those...' 2006 or so, someone on Yolobus in WS gave me a mug as a gift; then, waking up, vision, "Don't take it." CBS sports, "It takes different times in your life to bring what's needed," 7:41 AM. "We're 2 key," code from back room of office, 7:48 AM, while Oliver (mex male clerk) was helping me, & I had said I'd go ahead & pay for 2 nights (despite higher rate the 2nd night, due to a lot of reservations & I might lose the room) & then Oliver said (after the '2' code), "I'll be here until 3 if you decide you want that 2nd night" (but I'd clearly said I'd stay the second night). "That was long day; I tridette," wh fem, 1 of 2, Oakensh, 10:01 'tried, it.' "you aren't having your comfortable," wh male olive vest, gray hair, Dollar Tr, West Lake, 12;17. 10:39 AM, "he needs bink," chicken in coop, Oakensh.; 10:40, "He isn't lettin' 'em, his family," bird. "This is your use tare age," (or '...used to rage'), 11:45, male near Oakensh; but God said I have communication - I can be cordial w/those employing me. "You would just get off," wh male American Arbor solar van. "you're blowin' it," Dorte, 11:40 approx. "They don't know where they put this," 12:46 bug code. 2:03 "We can't have our snatch," elem. age girl, E. of Kents. 3/25, 6:31 PM, vision of money in bank, & possibly UCD student was teller, but it was like a res. that I babysat in in the past; possibly a storage chest - similar to Anna's; missing olive colored jacket - either left it @ Anna's or on Unitrans bus - but wasn't turned in to lost & found - it was stolen, most likely by students, along w/blue skull cap - w/thin sky blue line @ the base; claiming they took my narrow sky blue line. 'b[e] ink;' i.e., consp. that I need jail oppression to prepare me for marriage - consp. from 1999 or before; 3/23, suddenly wh fem ch 3 newscaster Fitzpatrick, maroon swtr, thin pink horiz. line - PINKO COMMIE CODE. 'he needs b[e p]ink.' Anna made coded comment when I didn't ask how her daughter was (in hosp. in SF) "you won't liver" or similar. "return to this guy's," Buttigig, 6:39 PM, ch 3 (sounded like). "We have we can get it," child or fellow player in bkgrd while Kings player interviewed 6:53 PM ch 3. "he won't have this out," G line, wh fem Canada jacket 8:13, MU (driver was late). "I've gotta drop off," lg blk male, blue ltrmn's jacket, "Sugar Hill Hell Cats" K line 5:51 PM; "We have seals son," 5:53 PM (pic sent); "You won't hold out." Earlier I accidently placed my notes on counter @ Ace, list of parts needed was on notes as well. Yellow rails @ front of bus look a lot like hack saws. "no bad has seen me strong enough," song, radio, Lava laundry; "Help me..." "I can't [give up,...]" 8:59, "You make me feel like I'm no bus somebody," radio song. ch 13, Sports Xtra, "We're not gonna run in & [bang you] over your head," 9:47 PM. ch 13, "Mental shot of lightning," 10:20, Nick, wthr fcstr. "That was come on," 10:18 PM, when I scratched my groin, male bug code. "Shop purple," Living Spaces, 7 AM. " well as being proposed & settled Federal," fem (Savannah?) NBC, referring to TikTok, 7:12. "We're gonna have our 'can't imagine,'" 8:15, driver(?) Q line, B & Russell - referring to audible bug code, "You just can't imagine," to Jan last week; i.e., rebels including students are caught red-handed, as usual. 8:17 AM, male Q line driver "didn't notice" green arrow @ Howard & Russell, after stalling @ a light prior to that, & driving too slowly; Asian fem pedestrian then quickly crossed in front of bus on red light; blue jacket; i.e., desperately claiming they're getting away w/consp.
3/23, "It is terrible," approx. 7 PM, rm. 128, possibly vision from my Mom - i.e., region is terrible. "This is where you'll come," (sounded like).
3/25, "It's your fave," 5:45 PM vision; but God spoke to me about Paisano's - "That's going to be your favorite place," which didn't make sense in context of nuking the region, but I hadn't become accustomed to him speaking to me sarcastically - i.e, rebels claim it's my favorite place, so they have to punish me for being so foolish as to have a favorite place in a corrupt city - Paisano's eventually refused to serve me. I was going out to eat; i.e., take it w/grain of salt, & don't make friends. "He'll give on, it," 6:23 PM, radio, Uniboil (Asian hot soup & seafood cafe). "Clean ov wood's, Joe," Asian male 6:29 red jacket; i.e., 2002 or so, plumber @ Mansion Sq. ctr (where Uniboil is currently), "Joe, take care of that cleanout...!" repeatedly - it was code programming consp. to force me into grunt labor; 'clean out' (grunt labor code) was 'ov'? ('I've' - but w/long 'o') - it wasn't 'over?' I.e., I can defy the regional conspirators' decrees? That's 'Wood[land]'s;' i.e., jail captivity; moreover, the consp. is that ditch digging, raking, weeding isn't grunt labor - totalitarian control - I'm working the wrong grunt labor job - raking displeases the Asian terrorists. 3/26, 9:10 PM, Asian fem red jacket, "I have hijack," Yolobus 42B. Possibly Uniboil is echoing an attempt of a developer to be comical in approx. 2002, when stand alone IGA store was remodeled & became Rite Aid, Russell Ave.; it was the only bldg on the site, so they named it the "Unacenter" after the Unabomber who was being tried @ the time (or in the news). Davis is corrupt; Americans saying 'boy, I'll [do that too!]?' But these Asian cafes are usually established by Chinese from other locations; Chinese are detail-oriented; & 'uni' isn't the same as 'una;' & that 'i' variation may very well be "the bomb" (figurative sense)
i Tea logo is a bomb
They're evidently on top of 'ordinance (law) v. ordnance (firepower to enforce laws) - as reported - is it in the literal sense, or is the literal sense (terrorism) the 'T' as far as Chinese are concerned? Or, as 'ordnance' implies, the 'i' symbolizes firepower for justice? Inquiring seekers demand the straight skinny - because - where is the Yak!? Where are @ least the independent loose cannon Chinese running around rampant, beside themselves w/ecstacy, that God gave them more attention than Israel!? There should be some sort of revivals in China, since religion is tolerated. When you are constructively elevated to the head honchos of planet earth, there should be episodes of Asians bubbling over w/joy - EVERYWHERE!
3/17, 9:45 PM, ch 13, Sports Xtra, "it gives more confidence," male; "Coming up, ax Joe," fem; 'ax' is blk expression for 'ask,' but indications are, ch 13, it's code for blacks' death row consp. 10:34 PM, ch 13, blk fem, "We need to execute right now," 2 shootings in Stkn, but it was code attempting to instigate death row consp. against me. "I KNOW,...more snow to come," wh male wthr, ch 13 10:21 PM. "He was born in Baltimore, where the wire was set," 10:38 PM. "Pick up the pieces," Reddick, 10:39.
3/18, Discover card ad, boy shaking 2 fingers @ camera. Roger, (blk male), "This is real progress, North, tough southern, north of southern, could be moving fast..." 7:17 AM. "We're gonna be sleeping in today" "That was co right there," 7:22 AM, Berg, ch 3. 8:08, male, rm 121, "He just doesn't save them." "Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento," 4 pt. star, possibly code. "You know it's 43" Berg, 7:47. "We give him critical right," 10:34 AM girl, instantly when e mail access sabotaged, 5 min constant child noises & e mail sabotage, BW. 2:28 PM CBS, "Don't miss your shot," & "Annavaccine," Covid vaccine ad; Anabaptists were named that due to 'ana' meaning 'again' & Baptists often got baptized a second time because baby baptism wasn't considered originating from decision of the will of indiv.; i.e., 'vaccine again;' either a consp. to create another disease, or was a consp. creating facade of needing 2 vaccines - i.e., the req. of boosters that possibly weren't necessary, but was orchestrated by corrupt churches to see if I'd comply. "He'll have his goal, on," 1:30 PM. "I have protesting near," 1:38 bug code, rm 122.
Prov. 9:12, "If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer." Detroit, Mi. is USA car capital. Chinese recently produced the Chery car (founded 1997), name similar to 'cherry,' w/English nuances such as purity/virginity, & adj. describing stylish cars. In addition to variation in spelling, Chinese manufacturer's logo is an upside-down 'V.' I reported reading in the news in late 1990's about yaks in China, & that yak meat is better than beef - more lean & healthy, less expensive to raise, & better flavor - the Chinese were expected to promote it to us & potentially make a "killing." Pontiac, Mi., small city 18 mi. N. of Detroit, & name of make of car - my first car as a youth, Pontiac LeMans. Chinese are aware I'm a teacher being used as a pawn to get their attention - proclaiming huge feats from Heaven on their behalf - but it's been delaying my teacher career, yet Chinese failed to respond to God's gigantic displays of love for them personally. The point: Yak! 'Pawn 'T' - yak;' Chinese never capitalized on yak meat, & that produces another form of "meet" - they were poised to be the "heirs" of Christianity - Eastern & Western church set them up to be the leaders (by example, rather than control like popes - although it isn't asthough it was totally out if bounds - Catholic popes had quality of being iron-fisted leaders for the Lord- & that is a powerful form of boasting in the Lord, which we are supposed to do - just cut down on being hateful about it); but if they felt led to take a layman's stance, then w/outreach & signs from Heaven & earth-shattering feats from Christians on their behalf, @ minimum, where was the "yakking" about the gospel & the wonders & God's power on their behalf - in China or USA???? "I will tell of your goodness; all day long I will speak of your salvation, though it is more than I can understand. I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will proclaim your goodness, yours alone," Ps. 71:15,16. Don't Edge out the pope & leave him sprawling in the street wailing like a baby! But yak - bubble over - spill the beans - beam w/pride - they should've given God the glory due him for personally intervening to make sure they were invited into the family of God, & unequivocally demonstrating they're valued by him, & that would've remedied the oppression/pawn status that I've been suffering. Yak meat is a "meet," or plumb line, of their laziness & timidity as far as seeking God. Leaders of nations governed their nations w/goals & feats honoring God for the sake of China; if China's leaders didn't want to respond, what about Chinese churches in China or USA or elsewhere? What about Chinese in general - all ages, all walks of life - anywhere in the world???? They give themselves away that a scandal covering up the oppression against me is more powerful than God, as far as they're concerned. As of my youth my goal was to teach - unparalleled Heavenly feats - it was mandatory China respond to God & do what they could to ensure I could teach, rather than disdaining God in order to go along w/conspiracies to extinguish my dream.
3/10, "He'll have his showerly," 4:30, arriving @ Bel Air, WS, audible code nearby to male walking in front of me. 12 PM, approx. Noelle, "It was you're just seeing me." "Only Ann," Living Spaces, ABC, 9:49. Cosentyx, "All we can do, is fight the man cover." 'Shower, lee[way].'
3/10, Noelle, 10th St. yard work & garage door programming; last time I was there I told her most people had bumped me up to $25/hr.; she indicated next time she could probably pay $25/hr inst. of $20. While working, wh male res. from across the street blue shrt blue pnts, on phone using codes. I didn't ask Noelle for more when she paid $80 for 4 hrs.; usually I remind them. 5:03 PM, Wash Mill in WS, wh male gray hair, blue shrt blue pnts - matching stalker across the street from Noelle's, "You're gonna give, your 'id," or '..your rid,' as I was leaving (other codes before that); wh truck going down Jefferson, "He didn't get his bump," 5:06 PM; 5:08, on W. Cap near Bel Air, wh fem gray hair, dk jacket, pulling 2 carts side by side, kept coming @ me w/out allowing for space for me to go by w/out getting off sidewalk; I got to one side, but stayed on sidewalk, & one of her carts smashed into me (bumped me, but willful); I rebuked her & she started cussing @ me; i.e., 3 terrorists stalking me & attempting to force me off sidewalk in WS because I didn't demand another $5/hr. from Noelle! &, another, making 4:
Also, Noelle came back from Home Depot w/grommets & grommet punch, w/tarp (w/grommets already) to place on roof of chicked coop. I thought it was overkill, but she said she wanted grommets every ft. or so; she then changed her mind. I was describing use a tarp & strap it down using the hook holes (couldn't think of the word 'grommet') earlier before she left for Home D.; the back & forth was code for 'G [is] raw, met,' possibly; I didn't relate that fast enough to making her "raw" w/a $5/hr increase in pay, & I then noticed drapes in Bel Air rm 16 - where I've been staying a lot after I asked for chain on door & one was installed - grommet randomly @ top of drapes @ each end (hadn't seen those before). "We just finish 'em; you wah on 'em," 7:04 PM; but the 'finish' codes & conspiracies have been going on since 2010. Dollar Tr rice missing from my suitcase. "You just stepped through the loop," wh SUV, 7:27 near rm 16. fem bug code, "We're taking you know 'em," (or similar, notes damaged), 7:40; context, other bug code. 7;44 PM, "You just won't know your sunshine, on 'em." & in fact, the code is coconspiracy w/Triple A ad - gopher spins around - like Jack Lord in H-50; i.e., while gopher acting like he's embarrassed about being on TV, etc., the assertion is he's secretly going along w/it - & it's code that I'm secretly basking in the attention, & goal isn't really to teach. The "leeway" for having a room & shower - & other codes - consp. that if I gave way for fem hogging sidewalk, claim I fell short as far as a "bump" (which I've been using that expression about pay raise), & then it was disappearance in jail.
BW, B St., another lamp w/cord insulation worn completely through, & metal stand & base, it's ready-made electrocution - I just happnened to notice it before touching it.
Argument that it was negligence doesn't cut it - power equipment & accessories w/out number have electric cords extending from them, w/insulation which could easily become frayed or worn through, except that these appliances usually have a rubber or plastic grommet, which prevents that - & these lamps have plastic grommets. So this supposedly random tears in the cord insulation can't be claimed to be random - the lamps are rigged to kill me! Grommet @ top of drapes - WS code, 'Look up; [he]d rape;' another smear that I'm dangerous, possibly lewd implication.
3/16, newscaster used "rapid" where "swift" was a better fit; while rock stars compromised, @ one point USA owed them justice @ minimum by affirming my gestures rather than negating me; it was an affirmative duty, since most rock singers are citizens of USA, & more directly victims than Slavs in Euro-Asian nations. Nation walking on eggshells as far as use of language, & kissing minority butts who are betraying them, while allowing nation-wide rebellion, is spiralling downard. While working @ Jan's, 3/16,@ one point she was kneeling while planting, & straightened - execution-style shooting position. Bug code from fountain in backyard, "Rapid soul," & then audible bug code, "You just can't imagine," directed @ Jan; i.e., invasion coming. But 'rapid soul' code illustrates the conspiracy of oppressors - rather than bringing me justice swiftly, as the Bible says, so that I can teach, I'm i.d.'d w/psuedo-sales work, rapping on doors, w/region creating 'rape' smears about me, & the 'victim of vicious crime' codes continue - such as claim I'm either going to rape or murder someone (execution-style position).implications.
News, 3/17, truck losing cement in highway betw. Wallace & Lockeford (near Lodi); "Wallace & Gromit" Brit. animated show; i.e., all they meant by the vicious smears is I'm losing & going down the tubes.
3/13, CNN story about Mitch McConnell released from hospital calls him "the Leader" over & over; "the Leader's medical team...the Leader's doctor..." - scandal once again baiting me & others to rebel; this is the second time mcConnell has been hospitalized over a fall; dual argument - conspiracies, scandals, codes - 'why isn't McConnell attacked yet? He'll lead, & injure himself - to "prime" his victims;' alternately, 'he'll lead by being injured & hospitalized - if Jack Teacher has bonafide grievances & protests about rebellious Congress & White House, & rebels in Davis, why isn't he attacking them & then hospitalized?' But leaders baiting you to operate outside the law & use force are baiting you to revert to lower means of justice instead of holding one's post & outsmarting the rebels, who are obviously attempting to defeat rule of law government. I reported by phone that rebels in Davis, & others, are aware they are going to pay for eternity for their terrorism & their defiance & contempt of God in conditions of feats & wonders unparalleled in all of history; they are fully aware their acts of oppression & rebellion are storing up wrath for themselves, & continued acts of oppression are only adding to it - 2 Pet. 2:9, "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust to the day of judgment to be punished," they are trapped in their corruption - they could repent, but their egos won't let them; if someone would defeat them, that would act as damage control as far as their eternal sufferings, & so they attempt to instigate some reaction that would put an end to their terrorism & folly - it's to a point that they are torturing themselves more than their victims.
3/12, I reported possibly a year or more ago PRIME delivery co. logo looks like a smile w/cheek wrinkle, but could vaguely be a penis half erected; i.e., "priming" someone. But if that was a code pertaining to me, & I believe God's leading is I don't cooperate w/their decrees of how I'm supposed to "behave" - like a sex fiend, etc., abandoning what I believe to be godly standards that are for the most part from the Bible, then, ramifications. Moreover, God has led me to avoid being a "prude" if I want to get married, but once again, that doesn't mean abandoning my standards. I'm often looking @ models in swim suits - sometimes skimpy ones - but avoiding nudity. Approx. 3/9, or before, code, "I'm taking control" or similar, vision or fem bug code. As of approx., 3/10, Silicon Valley Bank collapse; logo is an unimaginative '>' which is either a bracket or an arrow or both; but, it is also unmistakeably a code pertaining to my Dad, as of 15 years ago or more - it became known about him possibly 20 years ago that he was cruising w/his brothers or friends as a youth or young adult (Portland), & they got in a chase - another car chasing them, & possibly attempting to keep it light-hearted, he pointed they were going to turn right, which was somewhat corny, & they subsequently had an altercation over him flipping off the other car. My stand is if you are oppressed to extent that lg. % of people nationally are familiar w/stories about your dad - THE GOV'T OWED YOU JUSTICE LONG BEFORE THAT - & THAT WAS APPROX. 20 YEARS AGO THIS STORY BECAME WIDELY KNOWN. & BAY AREA IS CLAIMING THEY CAN "TAKE THAT COVER-UP TO THE BANK" - AN EXPRESSION SIGNIFYING THE REGION GOT AWAY W/ENSLAVING ME & KEEPING ME OPPRESSED AS AN UNKNOWN. BUT- GOD IS MAKING THEM PAY FOR THAT (& HE HASN'T EVEN GOTTEN STARTED; NOTICE THIS OCCURRED INSTANTLY AFTER MY CHECKING ACCT. WAS LEVIED - WARNING TO BANKS & CA. FRANCHISE TAX BOARD) - SILICON IS HOME TO MICROSOFT - BILL GATES - & AS I'VE REPORTED, MICROSOFT HAS MADE ITSELF ONE OF THE KINGPINS OF THE REGIONAL OPPRESSION AGAINST ME.
While looking @ models in swim suits, Victoria's Secret Swim site; wh fem blnd, Katherine, 5'10'', deep scar above the swim suit bottom waistline,
& it was shaped almost identical to the PRIME smile "wrinkle," pointed upward, & SVB logo, except SVB is pointed right. 3/12 in afternoon, I randomly was watching last portion of movie about male lifeguard terrorizing coworkers; he injected blk fem life guard, she passed out, & suddenly awoke underwater in ocean & made it to surface before drowning. He then kidnapped & tied up wh fem blnd, hostage in a cabin near the beach; she's spewing out rage against him, but acknowledges he did save her life (when she was drowning), & then seems to imply that his crimes might be overlooked (after he admitted crimes against others besides her), because of the "many other people he's saved" (twisted plot); he allows her to use the bathroom, she discovered a dead body in shower; suddenly blk fem discovered them in the dwelling, & was being held @ knifepoint by murderer; she escapes, but he follows her & is coming @ her w/knife, & she stabs him in side of head w/rock or shell, & he's supposedly down for the count, but she looks up from weeping, & he's gone. The next scene, blk fem life guard working as life guard, murderer is working as lifeguard - w/scar in side of his head - similar to the PRIME wrinkle & the scar on fem's abdomen, & watching while a blnd divorcee he's evidently had his eye on for a while is suddenly in trouble, & needs to be rescued, & he says, "Finally.." I.e., 'fine[d] lee[way];' the blnd fem & blk fem. evidently let him go w/a "fine" (despite the dead body in the shower!) & blk fem is still his coworker (despite he tried to kill her!), & he's now about to victimize someone else, after rescuing them - & that's where the movie ends. The scar scenario is unmistakeable - rock, Hollywood, models, claiming I turned their "priming" of me sexually on it's ear (angle of '>' shaped scar on fem's abdomen v. in PRIME logo); i.e., I must have something to hide, if I'm not willing to submit to their slavery decrees & do exactly what they say to do... The implication is - same as murderer who "got off," I must've done something serious, & therefore, no more "fines" ('fine' in No. Ca. is code for charges consisting of infractions or misdemeanors, as opposed to felonies - prison). That's scary when you can't follow God or else they start going for the throat. Possibly the 'scar' scenario is reflective of a rock song & my Pontiac that I had as a teen, & that I've ignored them - I didn't "take it to the bank" - but I've reported some of their "predictions" before, & the result was no response from them (except mocking on New Years Day 2021), the region started trying to kill me as of 2017, as a direct result of (1) rock calling attention to me, & (2)rock showing everyone that I should simply be abandoned - knowing full well that would produce more lethal acts of oppression.
3/12, ch 3, "It'll be, be encouraged," Dirk, Weather forecaster, i.e., weather is "encouraged" by other conditions; but the stutter was implied timidity or hesitation - a code - BB gun/pellet gun - code referring to Penley death in 2006; possibly this was code pertaining to my character while in RE - stiff upper lip & positive attitude despite oppression - "be encouraged..." (I didn't use that exact verbage); but implying I was hesitent or timid - or, that doing landscaping, I'm putting on similar facade & I'm over my head. First, as of 2004 God had warned me more oppression coming, especially if I continued in RE., & an open door to go back into teaching because of the dozens & dozens of cases w/court-documented proof I was clean as a whistle & police, church leaders, & others were corrupt. I was also led to file charges as of Jan. 2004 - abandoning the "turn the other cheek" strategy, & then led to sue as of end of 2004. @ this point I also started tutoring, doing yardwork, & applying for teacher jobs & other jobs (worked as restaurant host/cashier in Cafe Casablanca in S.D., sign-waver, etc. Upon disappearance in Yolo jail for 2 1/2 years, they closed the cafe, & since it was on Chiles Rd., parallel to I-80, they gutted the bldg so that you could see from front to back looking into front of it (currently Domino's/Kelly-Moore Paints); i.e., 'see through that job' was the coded mssg. (I also was in training to be a waiter, & mgr/owner was late one morning, & it was me & the chef & no one else, & amazingly, customers piling in, so I scrambled & got the fresh squeezed o.j. going, toast toasted, taking orders, serving coffee & a list of other things, & then the owner arrived saying, "Wow - good job!" That's why the place was gutted. As far as the 'be, be' code, it was attempt to create facade that I'd overstepped my bounds, etc., & in that sense, bad example for youth. But as of 2006, I'd already refocussed on teacher goals. "We missed it, be of clock," 6:08 PM, Dirk; '8 o'clock,' Jack O' Lantern;' 8 of the clock, & Jack of the lantern; Jack Teacher pertains to the light (lantern) of Christ. 9:24 PM, "He can move, man; he can turn it, turn it around," A's game anncr, NBC Sports; code possibly acknowledging if anywhere one would be over their head, it would be moving into another city where everyone's using codes & they've already been involved for years - but haven't provided justice - i.e., first Bush denying justice, then Obama & Trump, & now Biden insisting I have to plunge deeper into the traps or I'm not entitled to justice!
3/12, went to Mr. Pickle for soda while reading & waiting for motel room in Davis to be avail. @3 (came from WS) - I wasn't "in a pickle" going to that sandwich shop, but during that 2 hrs, I filled up 1/2 pg. of stalking notes. 12:39, "Same think; finish what we started" but this was lyrics of a rock song, M. P. radio. 12:40, "Moose matta," wh male gray hair, blk jacket. "We have BBQ" fat wh fem 2-tone gray hooded shrt, 12:52; "Lets' go check it out - that'll be our chips," 12:58 PM. I had tracked mexs. in region, but Davis rebels had often been hiding behind mex rebels in region. 12:48, "I wanna read my enemy, 'cause I know there's more," while I was reading Spanish; I've been led to minimize Spanish & focus on Math, w/out abandoning spanish. 2009 or 2010, court-ordered volunteer work @ Habitat for Humanity in Wdld (due to false conviction from CHP kidnapping me @ Pole Line Rd. overcrossing, 2009), working on roof, mex male volunteer to one of the supervisors, "There's more," context, code - more oppression. The radio code possibly was double entendre - Sac news earlier in day, codes sounding like remotely endorsing me; but if I let them dupe me that they're trying to help, I'm ruined. "We have night," wh male red hair, dk gray shrt; 12:50, "I'll have the number, then;" but a number doesn't inherently mean 'numb, burr...' '8 of the clock' means a measurement to tell time; Jack of the Lantern means Jack character disseminating light. But, context wasn't the Jack O'Lantern code, necessarily, it was Latinos ('more' mex. code - & I was reading Spanish, & 'that''ll be our 'chips' (CHPs)). Barbecue originated from West Indies native Americans grilling on wooden grate - 'barbacoa;' abbr. - BBQ - 'BB[s are your] cue' - pellet gun code; & BBQ has also long been an expression meaning reaming someone - the South has been tracked. In fact, indications are God used my Dad to track them. Bush, "Something's got to give, & it's giving," 2004, context of my parents providing a loan & care pkgs, laptop birthday present, etc. My Dad passed away soon after that assertion by Bush. But he had given away about 5 copies of my essay as of 1999, w/out my permission. When Brian Toone moved in @ Drake, his parents were w/him, & his mom had us busy unloading, setting up his work station, etc.; I had just finished the essay & showed his dad an argument that quoted a passage about slavery, & it sent the wrong mssg. - as though they were in bondage or can't shake that slavery past; possibly they thought I was mocking & Bush took it from there - empowering mocking of me (but my relatives were from Mo.). @ any rate, it's unclear if my Dad rec'd Jesus before dying (on Good Friday), but as far as the BB tracking, when we were in Fresno, my Dad purchased a Crossman BB gun/pellet gun, & it was to kill a pesky mockingbird.
12:57, "Electric heat," emply. "Give up only your son," radio, Pickles; i.e., Davis must cling to Mexs, is the implication. As I reported, Christians get credit for humongous feats on behalf of minorities irregardless of if they respond - but obviously it's preferred that they have enough boldness to respond patriotically. God will bless anyone who frees an enslaved race & promotes them to #1 position in most powerful nation on earth, whether that race chooses to appropriate those gestures, or stubbornly act like cowards & pout & conspire. Latinos have responded positively to an extent, but they are on the fence, & it's more than simply in No. Ca. No one's rashly decreeing that all the minorities have utterly betrayed us, but you don't want to naively say they are doing good, when a lot of them are acting cowardly & deceptively for the most part. Americans "forfeit a son" conceivably, if we become convinced that we "need" them to respond w/acclamations, then we have become a surety for them, & they might try to use that against us - we stand w/or w/out them rising to the occasion (not that it's all that easy - but the Atlas nation can do it); that's why leaders willfully failing in order to promote minorities are failing to act wisely; we're simply left w/failing nation (go figure). "That's my home," wh male blue stkg cap, blue shrt, 1:12. "Cheese, bud wise?" wh fem emply to wh fem cust., olive swt jacket w/boy who was acting like mentally retarded, then acting normal; "Oh, yes, okay," & to boy, "Have you seen your tray?" 1:16; '[be]tray[al] scene;' they are actually claiming Christians have made a mess of things w/minorities - me as well; I inadvertently left an entire $7 package of cheese in my refridg. when checking out of Bel Air, operated by Mideasterners; it was an accident, but evidently they are claiming I was sending coded mssg - you have your 'chea[ting]s,' - but I don't use codes. 1:35, wh male emply, beard, "Turkey - you're kidding;" "We're rappin' him," i.e., arresting the hymn church - but this is based on assertion I'm the 'hymn' church; I've tracked blks, & I've sharply (cheese pun unintended) rebuked Latinos & Mideasterners. My assertions about my Mom are qualified w/indications God wants me to report the visions from her, & the conditions of her occasionaly use of codes ((1)located in Lodi, where conspiracies to finish me off were occurring as early as my freshman year in HS - 1977 (Janecky), & before), (2)maintaining presence in Lodi is a form of "heavy" on my behalf, along w/my sister - outnumbered by those w/evil intentions, but occupying nevertheless); overall my rule of thumb is no exceptions as far as codes, so I'm not close w/my Mom & sister. The codes were conspiracy to continue oppressing me due to supposed failed melting pot strategy of the Western church; my arguments are that minorities failed us - WE DIDN'T FAIL THEM ONE BIT! Moreover, I'm not letting Western church ('hymn' church, etc.) off - I've been led to use stern language against South, Catholics, England, & those claiming to be Christians in U.S. overall. But this isn't because the 'hymn' church failed minorities, it's because they are betraying me & Eastern church. 1:47, "Obviously, in the back," fat wh fem gray shrt. 1:46, "He gets his sage," Asian male, gray shrt. 'bud wise' - (context of cheese @ Bel Air) - '[nip it in the] bud, [is] wise;' i.e., based on their conspired invasion of privacy acts, etc., claiming they can condemn gestures toward minorities; once again - gestures where leaders are deliberately failing - tricks to promote minorities - 'elect[ion] tric[ks];' this should be nipped in the bud - but their motives are to get @ me, & so finding fault w/the 'hymn' church & projecting that on me is a guise to continue kidnapping me. Moreover, I've been careful as far as extending any credit to Mideast - I've reported what may be positive & heroic gestures from them, but often accompanied paradoxically by potentially dual motives from them - & no straightforward affirmations of my reports; I've often revamped those reports, or eliminated them completely - regional Mideasterners going backward as far as their examples - started out shrewd investigators & doers of good deeds in 1997-2001, & eventually eroding so that as of this point they are involved in oppressing me so that they can fit in w/rebels! Nepal gov't story of prohibiting lone trackers on many of their mountains - unaccompanied by a gov't-sponsored guide; they have 8 of world's tallest mountains, & they are constantly having to track those lost or injured. They decribed their reasoning, in English, as, "even the government can't track them, because they are found dead," context - this wasn't a code, but it lends itself to a double-entendre warning against U.S. gov't., & context was warnings I'd made on phone to Feds (202-514-3204) on 3/12 - according to Bible, the spiritual governs the physical; a government that unwisely ignores that God has displayed his power through me repeatedly, & instead chooses to ratify (if not directly conspiring) oppression against me unendingly - often as guise of investigating (tracking) me, is defying God & he will repay them to their faces, & take their power away from them; & I claimed in Jesus' name their power (Congress & White House) is already taken away from them, by operation of the law & Constitution. But, I was almost killed 3X from 2017 to present 3 instances of constructively being found dead; Mideast impliedly claiming they've lost their authority because I'm found dead (or "founded") repeatedly. Whether or not Nepalese intended this, God used their news reports to constructively establish witnesses on my behalf - if Mideasterners choose to accept it - similar to God using Kamala's name supposedly to Mideast credit - if they accept it - if not, then it's a bonafide warning from God nevertheless - & this is despite Harris has capitulated to a corrupt Congress & White House. Magazine in Davis Coop. grocery store, 3/13, title, "Buddhadharma;" possibly another display of dual motives - 'bud[d] had our 'ma;'' i.e., Aggies & other Davis rebels, & Mr. Pickle emplys conspiring against me due to supposedly failed melting pot, deceptively smearing my motives, & Mideast possibly involved - two-faced. Alternately, 'Buddha'd harm..;' Mideast endorsing invasion, "harming" Davis rebels. 2009, vision of my Mom, pertaining to deceptive job app @ KFC, "Joe, we're 'harm, on,'' (as opposed to, or in spite of, Harmon - founder of KFC) indicating the invasion plan in the works, but evidently it's been slow going.
BW motel on B St. interior decor includes b&w pics of Davis from early- to mid-1900s. Davis City Hall is currently located @ 23 Russell Blvd., structure that was formerly Davis HS - the bldg featured in background in this picture - this is a pic. from cerca 1950's of Davis HS "Driver Training" program; car sponsored by Nicholson Chevrolet & Triple A; the keys are being handed to the instructor while they are in the street - & that's a signal of conspiracy by foregone conclusion; i.e., citizens in Davis resigned to fact that they were being "assigned" a role pertaining to Jefferson Davis, & evidently training to play that role - betrayal of the nation ("in the street" as far as being Americans), & they would just have to accept it. Close look @ Davis Enterprise pic (Davis' newspaper), the indiv. speaking to editor is actually confronting him, grabbing collar of his telling him to hit the road; i.e., newspapers run out of town if they don't go along w/Jefferson Davis consp. Doug Arnold grabbed me similarly & yanked me from the front of his office when I stuck my foot in the door trying to convince him to hire me in 1997. Don't be fooled by the Vaudeville comedy facade - that's the gimmick of the motor inn conspirators - Laurel & Hardy/Grouch Marx all in good
fun facade is smoke screen.
Davis Arches on 2nd St. 1916, commemorating founding of UCD. Jewish partners Zukor & Lasky, stage shows @ Melrose in Hollywood as of 1912, purchased Paramount name & constructed arches 1926 - 10 years after the Davis arches. one might argue that Jews or Davis having that close of a watch as far as Christian feats is unlikely, but it is a sign from above of the stage/acting parallel, including Davis' use of the Motor Inn consp. Laurel & Hardy theme as of 1920's. Moreover, a general awareness of a Christian strategy culminating in Ca. was all that was necessary; bear on Missouri shield highlighted on Ca. flag; St. Louis Arch also in Mo.; non-Chistians recognizing this, & conspiring to negate it in Ca., undermining the Arch w/''T'-oo' code - double arches- Hollywood, Davis, & in 1953, Mormon Ray Kroc, McDonalds arches in San Bernardino, Ca. (purchasing from McDonald bros., who founded it in 1948 after trying their hand in movie industry); evidence establishes common motives & designs of Jews, Davis atheists, & cults.
Superman invented by Jewish men (Schuster & Segal), & the rights then purchased by Paramount (Jews), indicates an alternate scenario - Jews & Hollywood impressed w/Western church's efforts on behalf of China, acting to capitalize on them, & lure Davis. Jews also punishing Eastern church for not being as proactive. Ultimately, you have to choose as far as Christ, & the "hurrays" began to crumble when I held my post like a rock as a teacher.
Kidnap by Dpd on 3/3 was in front of cust. Ray's res. (wasn't home). Going in a straight line isn't the best way mathematically to describe going someone going forward straight ahead - a line goes infinitely in both directions; a ray is a line segment that goes infinitely in one direction.
. (A line should only be used if you're talking about your past & comparing it to your future; Ray, Iran & their 1000 yr. sextant that only recently became obsolete due to GPU's are obviously nonconformists.)
We could say we have a "ray" (as opposed to a "hurray") of rock, Jews, & Hollywood, indicating they are all coconspiring, & while supposedly tracking Davis, they are part of a conspiracy that has propped up Davis. But a ray is straight, & you can't say they are straight, as well. Nevertheless, it is a pattern; Jews persecuted Eastern church under guise they weren't motivated enough w/missions, while they vaguely promoted the land of the free, home of the brave melting pot ('mel[ting pot] rose,') associated w/Western church - code that melting pot rose up against Eastern church. They produced Superman patriotic character, movies about the Bible, etc., but few claiming to be Christians; Mel Gibson a recent rare exception. But God delivered Eastern church from the oppression, & helped them to prevail, w/feats as well, & no one responded from Western church before or after the persecution - except Jack Teacher, a supposed shortcoming of Western church. Jews, rock, Hollywood then respond w/sm no. of songs vaguely implying support for Eastern church, & recently, movie star & kung fu expert Steven Segal becoming a citizen of Russia, joining Putin's political party, & personally encouraging Putin & Slavs - but this is a display crafted to upstage & expose the Western church for failing to show brotherly love toward Slavs - once again, focus is on Christians failing, falling short, etc. Their "ray" is the church isn't hurraying God, or they'd be more consistent
(Kroc phonemic code); it isn't a "ray" @ all - it's full circle, from persecuting the Eastern church & affirming the West, to persecuting the Western church & affirming the East - Jerry Segal - Jewish creator of Superman, affirming the West, & Steven Segal, "super" kung fu fighter, affirming the East. Moreover, their supposed efforts to "hurray" the West, then "hurraying" the East, it isn't hurraying @ all - their "hurraying" is a crock of s*&^, as the expression goes - double the Mo. rch? Why was Jack Teacher plan crippled? The common denominator is they refuse to become Christians; instead, it's attempts to undermine the church. If they really believed in God, & Heaven & hell, they wouldn't take chances of bending the commands of the Bible to publicly profess Christ - they'd assure their own salvation & then warn or admonish others. There are those who do, & those who criticize those who do. As irrefutable proof their motives are undermining the church, the Jack Teacher plan, orchestrated by both East & West, is paralyzed by rock's deceptive ploy of intentions of intervening for me if I witnessed on their behalf, & then abandoning me @ best. Jack Teacher, upon learning that the Slavs who died in Siberia were giving their lives for the faith (which had been concealed for decades from American public) instantly exposed it & proclaimed the feats - a "rock" for Christ; but this didn't fit the church hypocrisy/failure mold of rock, Hollywood, etc., so instantly it was 'abandon Jack Teacher - throw him to the wolves, & allow unlimited "rematches" until they get a result that might be misconstrued to be a failure.
If I remember correctly, there was a "Parklane" street sign in background of film of Graham's funeral procession; Nicolas Cruz gunned down people @ Stoneman Douglas M.S., in Parklane; & Civil war Stoneman monument in Montreat, N.C. In 1960's, late pastor Wilkinson, from Penn., was led by God to move to NYC, & reach out to gangs; Nicky Cruz, NYC gang leader, w/name that in 50's (when Cruz was born) was similar to Nikita Kruschchev, communist mass murderer, & gang name Mao Maos (named after another communist mass murderer), Nicky evidently was either going to be saved, or the most evil gang leader in NY's history. Supposedly he received Christ, but decades later, 2018, young man w/same name becoming a terrorist indicates leaders from the South derelict of duties to the nth degree - & Graham passed away apprx. one wk after the Stoneman Douglas "incident." Moreover, instead if rec'g justice, as of 2006, during a brief release from 2.5 year captiviy, I was sign-waving in Wdld. 4 hrs/wk, then 2007 more sign-waving, total of 3 yrs. @ Heritage Park & CR 102 - hoping for justice, filing complaints- "the pen"
(first one to Bush was in 2000) - unaware that they were literally parking the land of the free home of the brave heritage, & shooting sprees & disasters soon to follow!
3/1, Asia, blk fem from LA, orig. from Reading Penn., & fem from Salt Lake, orig. from Richmond Va., guests on Jimmy Fallon, 11:51; 3rd contestant, male, makes race car sound; blk fem trampoline, wh fem, trick using paper roll that you blow out of your nose & it acts like accordion, but hers didn't work, while Fallon's did - i.e., she's handing him credit for it; both fems. furnishing their "home towns" - code for Kathy Kinter, city in Missouri, & "Home town, Lodi;" but that expression is only used for college students; Kathy isn't a college student - i.e., code that USA is being "schooled" for allowing conjuring up of rumors about my past, & doesn't know it. Simon & Garfunkel, "I know a man/He came from my hometown..." lyrics from "Slip Slidin' Away." Indications are attempt to hand it to mexs - Fallon is mex. 12:11 (3/2) Ice Tea, guest on Fallon (blk), scene from TV show, & he's behind blinds in the scene - similar to scene in Linda Ronstadt video; claim they are "in" & audience is "out." 3/8, vision of "Sir Galahad" character from "Tin Man" (America band), presumably me, & he's trapped in a coffee table in a living room; i.e., "Some are quick to take the bait/& catch the perfect prize..." yet another brainwash that I can't work - or else I'm "taking the bait;" NO MATTER HOW THE REBELS ANGLE IT, WEEDING & DITCH-DIGGING ISN'T SALES! & I'm not claiming I'm "Sir Galahad," the vision is God showing me what conspirators are claiming - so that they can trap me. "Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man/That he didn't didn't already have..." double negative - claim Hollywood (Wiz. of Oz) gave something to Jack Teacher, implying Western church is "needy" - in the streets, w/out rock & Hollywood. Also, the "Tin Man" song is crafty, because it gets victim to assume he's playing the role of the Tin Man of "Wizard of Oz," which has connotations of 'tin cup' or poverty.
&, as demonstrated by the full circle Superman scenario, they aren't going to help us; it's dupe the church they're quitters & losers, & follow up by going for the throat. Wake up & outwit them - if you think you can trust them, & continue abandoning me in the face of God confronting you w/disaster after disaster, they'll continue i.d.'ing you & duping you until you're ruined.
"I screech, you screech we all screech for Jack Teach!"
Within 2 days of placing this display on website, God reminded me of Scripture - "Well done, good & faithful servant" which Jesus says to us who are faithful when entering Heaven's gates.
Someone has to "man" the Missouri 'uh' scenario, refusing to stall due to jealousy, guilt of reflecting on failing to intervene for Russians in Siberia, etc. 9/8, 10:48 AM, Motel 6 rm. 221, bug code, "Your mother has kinda feat," 'kind-uh' - Missour-uh code; 'kind of' is expression meaning 'variety' - 'kind of like' or 'kind of zealous' - implying a form of sentiment similar to zealousness (but only partially). But it's possible the expression was orchestrated as a claim of watch - 'k[ey] hind, I've;' i.e., USA churches claiming they have the 'hind' or posterior prognosis of Orthodox church - they weren't as zealous as Western church - with outrageous plan for China & Middle East, & so Siberian slaughters were due to discipline from God - & if God had judged them, that settles it. But, can't someone being disciplined decide to repent with zeal like never before? & that's what happened in Russia, in fact evidence is they were aware ahead of schedule, & devised strategy to more than take back the plunder of the devil. 9/8, vision while praying, "'Run through' a key," (or 'run 'through' a key'); USA didn't kill Russians in Siberia, but they demolished any claims they were through, finished, washed up, etc. when being disciplined. They had the guts to not only endure the discipline, but strategize with more zeal while suffering. Before the communist rebellion, Rasputin, Russian historical religious figure, 1800's, was friend of one of Tzars, somewhat of a religious consultant. I reported Mt. Rushmore builder - studied in Paris, where they equipped him to create plumbline on behalf of Russians being slaughtered in Siberia with Americans failing to intervene - huge tribute to 4 presidents, while failing to rush & mount attack to help those in Siberia - essentially burgling the 'gut zone.' Additional interp., ''guts' own bore glum;' without condoning the strategy whole-heartedly, I'm reporting it - Putin & present-day Russians aloof to bring to light the stuffy hypocritical churches in America that are lacking wild, insane faith of the penitent Russians; Jack Teacher receives high-5's from Russian newspapers, visions of leaders responding (Putin & Gorbachev) - promoting teacher goals by maintaining boring conditions in theory amenable to study - rather than adopting a religious consultant to Russian president (like Rasputin). THIS OVERLOOKS THAT MY LIFE IS IN DANGER DAILY, BUT I'M NEVERTHELESS REPORTING IT BECAUSE IT'S A FACT THAT RUSSIANS IN SIBERIA OVERCAME WITH THE BIGGEST FEAT FOR CHRIST IN ALL OF HISTORY, & TO COVER IT UP IS HUMANITY SUICIDE.
What happens when a teacher (such as me - witness for rock victims) isn't allowed to teach, & justice for rock musicians isn't fully consumated? Nu upclear attack - we are the Atlas Education Nation. I've had visions of nuclear missiles launched at No. Ca., & God led me that invasion is coming, & USA is still on fire for liberty & justice for all, but this region is being lured & is about to be invaded. God has also spoken to me that rock stars are bringing invasion - Red Sea judgment. In Israel, Christianity is spreading, & I believe the fact that I placed a report about Raid On Entebbe on my War page has helped motivate them; Israelis invaded Entebbe, Uganda to rescue hostages at airport, & it was almost 100% successful, & the raid took place on 4 July, 1976 - 200th birthday of USA; but it provided a model to an extent - raid & rescue victims - me & rock & rollers. & tell story of Russians who gave their lives for Jesus in Siberia as well - IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH - WATCHDOGS OF LIBERTY, BUT NO PICKING & CHOOSING IF WE WANT TO MAINTAIN LEADERSHIP. OBVIOUSLY, ANOTHER LEADER FOR FREEDOM & JUSTICE MAKES US STRONGER. Report the miracles of USA & Russia for China - despite China has yet to respond - WE GET CREDIT FOR THE MIRACLES - WE FREED THE SLAVES IN 1800'S, & LED THE ABOLISHING OF SLAVERY ALMOST WORLD-WIDE (EXCEPT FOR COMMUNIST REGIONS IN MID-20TH CENTURY). WESTERN CHURCH ORCHESTRATED A MELTING POT NATION AS GIFT & TESTIMONY FOR CHINA; THESE ARE MIRACULOUS FEATS NO MATTER WHO CHOOSES TO BELIEVE OR DOUBT - & GOD IS BLESSING US FOR THEM - EXPONENTIALLY. When Russian Christians prevailed & communism was defeated, the Russian flag is Ca. flag colors, white at top, red at bottom, but w/blue stripe down middle - the blew wind in Ca.'s sails to pipe up about their feats! I know that Americans are going to do this & much more. "More than conquers through him who loved us."
I did say blks owed US & China a smile, & Native Americans showed up in ads on TV w/just that! There are Native Americans/Latinos publicly participating in consps. in places beyond No. Ca., but according to dreams & visions, they aren't conspiring race-wide against our country any more than whites, etc. Overall Catholics should heed my warnings; God affirmed it w/lightning strike of Jesus statue near Bolivia. Luther was Catholic who was struck by lightning & started following the Bible rather than the pope. The "centralized command" argument is that Jesus referred to Peter as "the rock,"
& the pope is the papal succession from Peter.
Jesus said this after Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter said "You are
the Christ, the Son of God;" & Jesus said to him, "You are the rock, & on this rock I shall build my church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." But the greek reveals 2 different words - 'petros' movable stone for Peter, & 'petra,' lg. immovable rock or boulder for foundation of his church - i.e., Peter's confession Jesus is the Christ; 1 Cor. 10:4, speaking of children of Israel in Old Testament, "& they drank from the same spiritual rock [petra], & that rock was Christ," Jesus is the foundation & the cornerstone of the church. There is no papal succession - the Bible says, "There is one God, & one
mediator between God & man, the man Jesus Christ." We are the priests, Jesus is "the apostle & high priest of our faith," (Heb 3:1) & Jesus is the eternal God. The new Testament "centralized" theme is a close personal relationship w/the living God, w/no one in between - like Jesus said, "Eat me!" (Jn. 6:53.).
According to media, pope crying in public event approx. 2 mos. ago, & this was after I'd prematurely affirmed the Catholic church's accomplishments w/Bolivians, etc., indicating it was being taken once again that Catholic leaders are too important to have to actually follow Jesus. If fellow Christians suffered more than anyone else, & no one did anything to remedy, nor did anyone acclaim their courage & zeal afterward, they don't have to repent & love one another, & lead their congregations to do the same, is the facade. But this is fundamental Christianity - Jesus called it his "New Commandment" - the duty is imperative. The pope bowing before the leader of Montenegro approx. 2017; 'Monty' or 'monte' has connotation of dancing ("Full Monty") or gambling (Monte Carlo) - forms of promiscuous display. But suddenly media reports, 3/7, a confession from Michelle Obama - on day of inaugueration of Trump, 2018, which was also Obama's last day in office (& I reported on the same day, I was stalked w/death threat by blk male emply @ Davis Bread & Desserts, where I was working, & vision or other evidence Obama was involved - i.e., ultimate lifting up one's heel against a nation - committing felony crimes on last day in presidential office), according to report about Michelle, she became more & more straight-faced & angry as inaugueration procession continued - because Trump wasn't arresting the Obamas Johnny-on-the-spot, & they were getting away w/it, was the implication. Afterward, she locked the doors of their room, & cried nonstop for 30 minutes - a solidly more pronounced cry than that of pope - & for length of time that is the same as the number of pieces of silver for which Judas betrayed Christ; whether the pope's display was part of the Montenegro bow or not, the response occurred - but from what God has led me, church leaders claiming they are tracking a race don't get to do it @ my expense nor that of the Slavs. Slavs, members of white race, suffered infinitely more than blacks enslaved in No. & So. America, & more of them suffered. Also, hundreds of thousands of whites died in U.S. civil war so that blacks could be free. It was whites who unequivocally shouldered the burden of extreme suffering, rather than blacks, & significant amount of it was on their behalf. Moreover, the privilege & honor of ruling the most powerful nation in the world, the freedom & education nation, before any other minority, was snubbed by them as well - they owed going to great lengths to dignify & laud the U.S.A. w/the utmost care & gratitude.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand;" a nation insisting I can be enslaved supposedly to track slavery is participating in slavery & is crumbling. Citizens of this nation are willfully undermining everything this nation ever stood for. Rock & Hollywood ironically held one of the keys to love & fear in their trembing hand, & they are systematically using it to foster fear. Scripture puts it like this:
"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants," Deut. 30:19.
I disappeared yet again 3/3 @ hands of Davis police; i.e., if I stay in a WS motel to avoid high prices in Davis, I'm "punished" for it. I quoted Steinbeck, & also tracked mex. 'that' consp., & suddenly codes mexs. are the "monster." Dpd officer Beck & another officer blocked sidewalk w/cars & kidnapped me from Marina Cir. 4:45 PM. Yolo jail intake officer, "We're going 'there;'" & recent change to Yolo jail procedure, profile pic as part of mug shot 'man a fold;' car intake manifold code - they aren't folding nor repenting. Profile shots were considered in the past a non-offensive side view connotation of affirming the viewer, as opposed to confrontive face shot. But recently, context of oppression of me continuing, w/ other jails that were taking profile shots, & w/instigation of rock, profile associated w/mug shot - legal/jail connotation. Simult., Swift comments & codes of being a
"pro;" as I reported, end of 2019 or so, no profile pics of her anywhere; suddenly, profile pic of her prominently displayed blk shrt, & I disappear.
Cater Reum - ''Cart,' her room;' staying in motels rooms, but facade is it isn't my room, it's "her" room; i.e., fem rock stars decree I'm still associated w/them, therefore (supposedly), I'm still their dupe to track rebels, such as Carter. There's only one God, & God told me Summer 2018 was deadline - first, it's illegal to use someone against their will to begin w/to track anyone - that's coersion, slavery, consp.; second, they're all already tracked. Officer Folstrum while fingerprinting me uttered "sorry," & rebuked codes of clerk officer Hernandez, who was making coded comments that I might not be released (Folstrum also used codes & insisted I had to submit to breathalizer test or I wouldn't be released); one of rebukes against mexs, 'mon' code (monster); connected to gesture of blk talk show host Tamara Hall, w/ad w/her wearing a shrt similar to one of my Mom's. I.e. Rock claiming they can instigate ("stir") more acts of slavery (key of fear) supposedly to track contemporary acts of slavery of South - late Sen. from South, Strom Thurman- 'stir, ''I'm there,' man,'' (& alternate, 'I'm their man' - i.e., rock secretly arresting me, is the connotation); "stirring" Yolo to claim they are "manning" that I'm "there" w/tracking blks, etc., convincingly enough that they think they can claim continuing to enslave me & it's their take (adding profile pics); & ''strum [on guitar, is]' there,' man;' Christian who sang & converted rock songs & is (or was) "there" for them, is fooled 'fool 'strum.''
The supposed controlling point is I've tracked stalwarts of South who were purportedly advocates (or made gestures of such) on behalf of youth & rock, & rock tracked them using their continued oppression against me as proof - that teir true motives weren't to intervene, but like the churches, oppress. BUT AS I'VE STATED, THAT ISN'T CONTROLLING; WILLFILLY ENSLAVING ME TO TRACK SLAVERY IS A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF; THEIR TACTICS AREN'T JUSTICE, IT'S THE RUIN OF THE NATION IF IT'S ALLOWED TO CONTINUE. IT'S GOD WHO DRAWS THE LINE, & THE VICTIM; THE LAWS OF THE LAND ALLOW FOR A VICTIM TO BE USED AS DECOY, ETC. W/VICTIM'S PERMISSION - NOT WILLFULLY AGAINST THEIR WILL, WHICH IS SLAVERY & OPPRESSION.
They brainwash - keys to live & fear, & the consistent mssg. is fear - they can't trust their fans to be patriotic Americans & do the right thing (love), & so it must be more oppression against Jack Teacher....
Fleetwood Mac, "Weaker every weekday;" lyrics, & I was working @ Ezra's on Sat.;
2/25, "We're not gonna live w/him; Teck nuckle, it" fem (?) singer apts. next door to Ezra's, 3rd St., 5:04 PM; electric guitar playing - Jeff Teck code (former roommate when I attended UCD, recent convert, wrote some decent Christian rock sons, but fell away from faith). Approx. 3 PM, "You aren't going to keep coming over here," (or similar) Ezra. "I have bus," or similar, wh male blk Boston MA. (?)jacket Guad's; i.e., if I don't have the right oppression job, it's more oppression (bussing tables, etc.); - but, the terrorists had their chance - 15 years of non-stop applying - THEY GO TO HELL. 7:17, "You won't know worsen app," bug code. "They didn't paid it," 7:26 ESPN/ABC, basketb. player. "They'll have his changes in lifestyle," 3:25 approx., radio story teller, fem., on Ezra's daughter's radio - i.e., code in real time while I was weeding & she was bouncing on trampoline a few ft. from me. Fem storyteller continued w/more codes; just to give you an idea if the intricasy of these Woodland plants who moved to Davis to make sure I'd never teach, Ezra started to cross the the street w/daughter on porch or trampoline, & instantly, "Dad..." & Ezra replied, "Don't worry, I'll be right back;" i.e., 'Dad,' don't leave me alone w/this dangerous wolf,' ironically, Woodland HS is the "Wolves," but it wasn't in jest. The radio story-teller continued,
"She knew the brownies recipe by heart - BY HEART!" BW motel is in the core area of Davis, also referred to as the heart of town; Ezra's is approx. one blk away from there; story-teller, "...her weak breast," 3:27 PM; 3:30, "You missed," & she got off trampoline & going into house, "I miss." "You're not gonna know where we're all re him," ('...we're all __ him" - notes unclear), 4:12 PM, Ezra. ABC(?) "Tough tormentos" Celtics player, 8:04 PM. 3/4, ABC news, fem, "in a town hall week [or weak] this week" referring to Oh. train crash, 7:14 AM; & 7:11 AM, ABC, James, rptr in Ukraine, "The bodies of a child," code - 'the body's, 'I've a child!'' i.e. if I refuse to give up, & refuse to cooperate w/demands that I have to prove myself by deliberately walking into traps, then I'm acting like a child, & they're giving Davis rebels permission to kidnap me. Proof of this in real time, due to kidnap, I don't have access to my laptop this wkend I'm currently using smtph text; if I want to work on reports this wkend, I'm limited to use of lib. comp. - "I have a child!" code is from UCD lib., adult wh fem, approx. 2015. I.e., if I want to be an "adult," my options are walk into a trap by moving to another city (they're all involved), or give up on reports & work overtime on wkends to afford higher priced Davis
motels. 6:59 AM, Marshall's ad, ch 10, "they can Chiles;" "they get the deal; we get the good stuff;" Chiles Rd. - inexpensive. motel (M6), where rebels banned me, so that it's pay through the nose or stay in motel in WS occasionally; once again - I was staying in WS half of this wk, so that I could afford Sat. off from landscaping & work on reports & teacher applications - that instigated the kidnap as "punishment." Income from raking & weeding is suddenly "stuff" (code for freebies); freebies is now defined as income from any work where Jack Teacher isn't obedient to the rock, media, & regional taskmasters, & hard work in oppressive conditions is berated. 'the deal' - Del Roger's (blk sports rptr) deal - blks & Lodi - see "LODI TAKES CONTROL..." "live" (long 'i') report; Lodi & wh rebels do the damage on behalf of blks; Marshall's evidently endorsing it. Dpd officer Beck, abducting me to Yolo jail on CR 102, constant spitting into a cup - chew - Lodi Eric Uhrich code, Eric doing the kidnapping. One of officers in jail, "He'll have his neric." Property code in jail, bobbing/humping motion, Hernandez, then wh fem officer exiting property room immediately afterward, then arrested supposedly named Stirio while being booked; i.e. code where I'm robbed of possessions, such as occurred in 2020; but assoc. pastor Larry Beck made a bobbing "uh-huh" gesture a lot @ Bethel church in Lodi, & is now pastor of that church; Davis pd Beck doing their bidding w/in days of the Del deal. Attempted to purchase new shoes, card declined, Golden 1 ATM says zero balance when as of 3/3 before kidnap approx. $250; Yolo jail drained my credit card, or BW or both; 11:41, Ross, WS, after card declined, "I have hard dial," code - 'hard, 'Die, all!'' because that's the gist of my warnings - fingerprint machine @ Yolo jail had same rotary dial symbol on the screen as - consp to make me pay for being in RE. I reported approx. 2 wks ago, after replacing ATM card, vision my wallet was missing, & someone took my new ATM card, cut it up, & gave me my old ATM card back. As reported context was chip code from clerk @ BW, & that same eve. @ Raley's in WS, card malfunctioned @ self-chk reg., & fem clerk volunteered to wipe it off, "Probably something wrong w/the chip," & then it worked; I reported it on the internet - conspirators sabotaging my card - I then replaced it despite 1000% chance it was conspired, because signature space was completely worn off. Rebels decreeing I must be covering for rebels if I'm replacing my card. THIS IS WHY GOD GAVE ME THE VISION OF WS NUKED 3X OVER. "You can't be released until the checks come back," Folstrum, Yolo jail; referring to report from dept. of justice "clearing" me for release; but this was referring to code of Yolo d.a. Henderson, early 2000's - "Just checking;" i.e. empowering Davis police oppression under guise that I was trying to make it in sales, rather than rec'g regular paycheck, & low income gives them the right to oppress you. I reported the vision, approx. 1-2 years ago of Yolo jail guard saying to inmate, "We have to ve very careful - we're in over our heads..." indicating if I'm exercising discretion as far as affordable motels -being
"careful" that I don't run out of money if custs. conpiring a sudden denial of work for a couple of days, then I'm over my head. But really, it's mire like budgeting so that I could take weekend off - I know that sounds crazy... Addtional parties:
(1)12:19, Yolobus 40, blk fem driver, "You won't focus on us." (2)Rich & Julie on Oak; put in 7 1/2 hrs for them, worked 4 days for them in 8 day period, w/half hr. lunches or no lunch, exc. on 3/1, hour lunch; when I calculated hrs. I said 8, & they paid me, but I noticed the notation later, & remembered the longer lunch; I called & left mssg. saying I owed the 1/2 hr wk. (3)I reported Mideast math tuor, "ADDITIONAL 'THAT' CONSP...." report, "It evaluates an ATM PIN." No. Ca. region Mideasterners have the rare ability - guts, you could say - to hold their post & do good while everyone else is caving in to conspiracies, & then change their minds later & stoop to the level of the conspirators.
The rebels aren't fooling anyone; U of Oregon (?) basketball coach, stooped down acting like he was weeding - i.e., 'it's work - you can't fault someone for that.'
(4)Yolobus Rte. 40 wh male driver, 4:05 PM, to wh male red hood (similar to my Boston jacket), "You gotta learn how to spill;" as he stopped @ train tracks, but failed to open doors - a state law req.; "I gotta ask myself;" Yolobus - county operated; code that next time (next warrant most likely in
May), most likely consp. next time I'm hostage in Yolo county jail, doors don't open - no book & release - it's hostage captivity; quoting movie line "You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky?" New "lows" & old "lows." But, it's they who should be asking themselves if they feel lucky; captivity in 2/2020 suddenly covid, & nation-wide quarantine - Yolo's corruption shutting down the nation's workforce! Do they feel lucky? (5)Some of the players & anncrs going for the throat: 1;06, U. Kentucky v. Ar, CBS, blk player, "I ain't gone too, his prison." Ducks v. Stanford, 1:29, anncr, "He's 'T' sure, go felony - those boring ducks;" this might be referring to blk players - lacking context.
3/3 (or 3/2) Stonegate rec yard on Lake Blvd., chain link fence w/tennis balls stuck into it, spelling "8S;" approx. 1440 Marina Cir., lic pl Y8SMOBL, golf cart. I knocked on doors on Marina for last hour or so of the day, as far as I recall, but I was in same neighborhood on 3/3 for most of the day (hired by Pam, 3333 Victoria, 12:15-approx. 3:45 PM), knocking on doors on cul-de-sac streets @ far end of Marina, where I hadn't done any door-knocking in possibly 2 years or more - but also, these streets consisted of most of the lower end housing of Stonegate, which I'd forgotten - 75% duplexes; I'm hired by duplex res's., but not as often; this was being claimed to be facade that I was downcast, which I wasn't, but then then conspired police kidnap. 10 PM, rm 16, lg. section of report (paragraph) deleted by rebels illegally eavesdropping - hacking. "i.d., bracelets could rectify pay difference between men & women," ch 40, 10:59. Halifax Ave., 25% of res. blks; 11:25 AM, "loo cop" wh male, 3111 Beacon Bay; in driveway, truck w/octopus graphic; 'look up' code - a lot of duplexes - this was the motive of kidnap later that day). Pam - pool w/inflatable giant octopus. 11:30, "It was jobby professional," Asian male, Whaler & Marina; i.e., it doesn't matter if I'm raking or working in warehouse when the entire region is corrupt - SIMPLY INVADE! 3333 Beacon Bay, 12:05 PM, "Go we're fix" (notes illegib.), wh fem w/"Jesus" banner on front porch.
3/2, "I'll look @ my soda," mex fem student, blk Hollister T-shrt, tie dye swt jacket, 4 Davis(?), MU, 1:24. "He'll know who lets him ride, it," (or similar) 12 PM, 10th. 3:40, "I'll bring it in, but I'll keep it separate," bucket I was using; but subtle claim based on fence work - cleaning leaves from perimeter of base of fence that was style of jail bars - 'sep[tember 11th 2001] rate' code; 2021 or end of 2020, I was reg'ly juggling on empty lot across from Han Lee's auto dealership, which is next door to M6 - until I was consp'ly banned from M6 - Chiles Rd. - 'chil[d]' code; in one instance, mex male emply weeding or trimming wrought iron jail bar style fence @ base, directly across from me; one would ordinarily think it's simply a job that has to be done; but this is rarely the case in Davis region - it was consp. w/Mason - I reported the window shears @ Mason's looking like Swift's dress in video - identical scene, & they have daughter who looks like Swift in baby (child) pics; i.e., lewd innuendo, approx. 2020 - paybacks for tracking their Swift 'child' consp. - 'Chiles' code. Almost immed. after I placed that report on internet, they built that fence in front yard - cutting the yard in half - 'half yard' front yards - code of Yolo court & rock musicians, & half front yards such as on 5th St. & 14th St. - 1/1/2021, after a vision from Swift, "Justice by end of the year," approx. Nov. 2020, & 1/1/2021, instead of justice, it was 'half yard' mockery - yard on 14th St. recently renovated. 14th St. @ B becomes Villa Nova near Anderson - where Mason is located - same street. The half yard code was from approx. 2014, when I opted to avoid guaranteed kangaroo trial & jail captivity by accepting 10 hrs. of commun. service after falsely charged w/interference w/business; as far as I recall case was Nugget/Food 4 Less in Woodland, I called emply a dog for trying to run me over w/shopping carts while I was singing in front of store. As far as the "deal" - the deal is the region is nuked; but I would've spent 10 hrs. in court hearings & trial @ min. even if acquitted; the offer was w/out admitting guilt, & charge would be dropped. In context of crimbled court & conspiring juries, it was actually the only option. One of volunteer projects was approx. 2 hrs. of raking a shelter res. on 5th, owned by Davis Comm. Meals. After the project, they built a fence in middle of front yard, cutting the yard in half. Rock claiming I couldn't accept that deal (& instead, I was supposed to aid & abet conspirators by taking their kangaroo trial seriously), & New Years Day, instead of them showing up, it was mockery. The half yard @ Mason's, the base of fence project on 3/1, & the kidnap on 3/3, coconspired - Davis police, mexs., Mideast mgr from WS, & Mason, & evidently, rock. 3:51, "We're told we're the rage," mason. 4:21, "He is, his view," Villa Nova, wh boy w/fem blnd @ bus stop next to Mason's. "He has his rice cue," wh male, Yolo jail blue (color of jail clothing from apprx. 1998-2000, became a code) jacket, MU, to 2 Asian fems, 5:08 PM; 5:09, 1 of 2 Asian males, carrying box w/jail blue colored pad rolled up in it. These codes were day before the kidnap. Persian male, blue suitcase, across from me on 42B, 5:26 PM, codes.
3/12, "Ally view" Dirk, wthr forecaster, ch 3 6:18 PM; code, 'Al, I've you,' context, kidnap by Dpd in Stonegate neighborhood (3/3), developer late Al Smith - desperate claim I'm in bed w/Davis/former Davis customers; also, 'view' was code in 1999-2000 for RE - due to I was residing in Drake Dr. condo - 'U' shaped street, & across that 'U' from our res. was customer Donna Lott's 14-plex that I had listed & was able to view from our condo; possibly 'Al I've 'U.'' "they're not giving him his winter rain," 6:30 PM, near rm 131 BW. In fact, when I filed charges w/Yolo Grand jury in 2004, & their response was "It is not w/in our purview..." haunting me. 1970's yellow Camaro transforms into a giant robot, then back into a car, & male protag. says to fem w/him, "Don't you want to say 50 years later you had the guts to get in the car!" But the car was almost spittin' image of Camaro owned by Todd Volmer of Lodi (1970's or early '80-'s model); & later in movie, it transforms into a newer Camara - implying a new lease on life for Lodi - & that's what Hollywood & rock are all about - propping up anyone who oppresses me. 9:40 PM, TNT, police siren making chicken sounds - originated in Davis - police & EMT's - literally broadcasting to everyone to hurry & oppress me because Davis is in trouble (police in other cities started doing it too, such as WS). 3/11, Telemundo, "Death Wish" (2018), police siren males chicken sound, 12:56 PM; 1;12, "Mace 'ers" Spanish station, & it was mexs that banned me from M6 on Chiles @ Mace Blvd. 2 instances of Hollywood attempting to integrate No. Ca. conspiracies into fabric of America. 3:10, vision of me or someone, & others, having to exit a room in some random city, & be searched in underwear (like a sports team, in middle of night). I.e., consp. among police agencies nationally attempting to prop up Davis police. 3/12, FS1, "Make an adjustment here; capitalize on it," male anncr, Puerto Rico baseball. "You'll trade a run for an app," anncr. Yolobus skipping bus trips or "runs," leaving me waiting an extra half hour 4 days in a row (they "ran," instead of sticking to their schedule); dispatch referring to it as runs as opposed to trips, then constant 'run' codes stalking me, then a "run" on the bank (SVB). Once again, Yolo's oppression costing America untold $millions if not billions. As of 3/12, T-Mobile still rejecting my ATM card so that I have to use a prepaid card; phone tax went from $0.30 to $0.38, & w/Brit. actor "guaranteeing" rate will never change, they are claiming I'm inconsistent (the ad most likely referring to phone rate, rather than gov't taxes, which ph cos. have no control over). 3/14, G1 ATM refusing to deposit check & cash - supposedly damp from being out in rain all day, but the bills & ck were in my wallet, & there was trace dampness @ best; i.e., my warning about the bank collapse being God's warning & judgment, because of oppression against me (Ca. Franchise Tax Brd. freezing my acct.), most likely Congress told G1 I can't say that, & G1 should sabotage my deposits to openly defy & negate my claims; I reported the day I disappeared from Stonegate, the 'S8' tennis balls inserted into chain link fence @ G1, & also the golf cart w/'S8' lic pl., & Kullmans' "hrs." code on check (I work 8+ hr. days @ landscaping, then 2+ hrs on reports).
3/11, "A super Aggie face," Fallon, mouth trick 12:03 AM. Rancho Cordova, Ukraine House, male w/Airsoft gun. 7:33 AM, "Downpours, & hail & ale is possible, Berg, ch 3. "We have him prayed," 8:24. vision of nails nailed upward into an attachment to attach it, in NYC; I had discussed nailing plywood onto rafters in garage of cust's res. nailing it from bottom (w/some form of reinforcem.) to provide more space on top of it. 11:21, "You took Michelle," bug code - sounded like. Car in front of rm 16, Bel Air, lic pl (lt. silver) 7PWN234, or wh, 6TWM021 (codes). "Alright, it was his mirror," bug code, 11:46, AM, 'mere ma.' 12:51, "Private has, we've seen the tunnel wave," NBC golf, ch 3 Ben Griffen, golfer. "that stings," anncr, 12:52. "It turns, better," 12:53. "I have death you," (sounded like) Dirk, ch 3, wthr, 6:02 PM. 6:12 PM, "That's why you won't have us," bug code, report about a roof fire, Sac. "That was where our Dodge?" 6:13, vision or bug code. 7:54, "You won't run off, son," (after I stopped studying math after 1 hr. 10 min. - but I juggled, then made it 2 hrs. studying. 10:07, "That we hav in the SNOW," (snooty sound), male. 10:08, "I have the drought, get out," Rucker, news rptr., ch 40.
3/2, 7 AM apprx., Raley's, wh fem cashier, dk gray (Confed. color) swtr, makes subtle masteurbation motion w/hand, then places hand in pocket of swtr, as though took something; illegal eavesdropping & claim if I don't look @ nudes or if I'm not a total sex fiend while being stalked w/no remedy (denial of justice & invasion of pvcy is the turn-off of the milennium); claim they can attempt to oppress you, including "fix" consps. 10:11 AM, @ Mike & Barbara's, 10th St., const. wkrs nearby including P.A.R. van & McGiveney truck, "He's not having that how thing;" & "He's not letting, our butt;" 10:45, "That's not gonna corn;" I reported the 'that' conspirators (Mexs) w/cafes stalking me w/"new" size of tacos that are small - possibly implying you're a child or lewd implications about children; tacos are usually corn tortillas, burritos, flour tortillas; i.e, spilling the beans that it was code that where mexs are "eating" ('corn,' code for 'or[al sex]'), is stalking me w/lewd codes - regionally if not beyond as well. As far as food - or any codes @ all - there is no "Okay Corral" "noon" concerning me; as far as Noon & children, any "alright" or "okay" for conspiracies was tracked when we exposed the Ore Ida "tater tots" - 'tot' signifying child is a word in Engl. traditionally only used w/human children; so a potato that is food signifies CONSUMING CHILDREN - ruining our youth nationally! I reported this, as well as a tracking of Brownies name of girls' club, & Brownies club responded - changing their name - although they should've mentioned me in their press releases. Nevertheless, 3/1, "That'll continue to be the transaction," Christina, ch 40 news, 10:20 PM referring to freezing wthr & indivs., trapped in snow, such as wh fem & husband, "It's just been nightmare over nightmare," 10:19 PM. 10:36, ch 40, Susan Eggman interviewed about Ca. legislators making revisions to Lanterman Petris-Short Act, codified in H&S code as 5150, which it's referred to when police take someone away against their will for psychiatric evaluation. This happened to me, for instance, when I rebuked a court clerk @ small claims counter for a code or similar while filing a small claims case against former roommate who deceptively terminated the lease, 2004; I was taken away by deputies & placed in psych ward of Woodland Memorial Hosp. for approx. 2 wks. The revision redefines "gravely disabled" to mean someone can't provide for themselves & condition continues to worsen; i.e., if someone's homeless, & their tent is bulldozed, that's a "worsening" & they could be locked up as a mental case! I'm reporting it because the rebels in the story made it sound like they're helping people, but it's a tool to hurry the ruin of those struggling in adverse conditions. 10:43, Christina, ch 40 news, "AGAIN!" as though corresponding to the psych story, but w/sexual overtones. Additionally, context of the "transaction" code, 2/25, Guad's (mex cafe in Davis). Guad's sm hyperlink on ATM terminal when agreeing to payment - moving ancient landmarks - customer has to read a contract to use a debit card, 8:38; most transactions using bank cards are governed by state & Fed. laws, so that any stipulations of indiv. merchants are void if outside of parameters, but the 'that' conspirators are attempting to trap me in red tape so that I can't spend money, as form of revenge for warning them to repent. 3/1, "That was the transaction," Christina, ch 40(?) news, referring to freezing wthr & indivs., trapped in snow, such as wh male & fem; fem, "It was nightmare over nightmare." News possibly relating the 'that' conspirators' conspiracy to increase oppression against me w/more financial oppression, as deadly cold. I reported Golden 1 ATM pic of mex male in front of ATM as though piloting a plane - they were lured, & evidently going along w/it. Evidently, based on phonemics in name, 'Lanter[n] man Pet[e]r is short;' legislators had access to intelligence about Jack Teacher & that I'd be struggling. Utts' decended from my late Great Grandma Carrey Petefish in Missouri; Western church falling short, God providing Jack Teacher to "carry" "Peter" (symbolizing church leaders) & evangelism (fishers of men), epitomized by the "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders outreach to Asia, as well as intervene as far as shortcomings of Eastern church & any gap between East & West. The act's name seems to correspond to Jack O'Lantern - "trick or treat" gimmick; & the 'O'Lantern could be interpreted as 'owing' a lantern, & w/my borderline overspirituality for a school teacher as it is, possibly a facade deeming that I shouldn't take on any sexual leadership spiritually - such as leading for standards against nudes; but it's actually Jack of the Lantern - same abbrev. as 'O'clock;' & when I gave my life to Christ, that was what I believed. Vision 2020 or 2021, before rock betrayed me by allowing the "Professional Job" attack, of Jack O'Lantern w/countenance falling, or contemplating such; i.e., someone (possibly rock) doubting me as far as high standards. End of Feb., vision of fields, & one of them, burned rubbish - like a pic in news of burned hills of Salinas; i.e., nudes is one "field" (burned stubble, etc.) but there are others - plenty O'Fields to enjoy w/high sexual standards - adult application to kids' activity - you can opt out of the "tricks" field & claim the "treats" fields - & be closer to the Lord. Take it from "Field & Stream's" example, & punish those reaming me for high "field" standards. In fact, the name possibly signifies a warning of discipline from the Lord, if we don't opt for high standards.
2/27, Charlie Brown rocket, Snoopy lunar lander (named that by NASA - Apollo 10, 1969)- Linus (another Peanuts character)- Salinas (recent story about a fire; also setting of John Steinbeck - "Grapes of Wrath," "Cannery Row"); Linus w/blanket; 'line[s] us [up];' (like a teacher w/students); 'saw Lee 'inn' us,' Chinese sleeping. 3:09 AM, vision of forensics & something buried, & its counterpart buried next to it - report it! - when I hesitated to write the Charlie Brown rocket codes down in middle of night; Linus, the counterpart. Linus responded to Charlie when he exclaimed, "Won't someone tell me the true meaning of Christmas?" that it was the story of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Ps. 19:1-4,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handywork.
Day after day utters speech, and night after night displays knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." God makes his existence known to all people everywhere- then they have the duty to seek his face. We further proclaimed the mssg. to the Chinese; my teacher career has been delayed due to their lack of response - a teacher commissioned w/alerting the Chinese to the feats of the church. Chinese are partially to blame or the stalls as far as my Teacher career. Vision 2019, 'Stay awake - it isn't a draw;' pertaining to a cartoon drawing; I had another vision, possibly 2020, of Chinese asleep. Apollo 10, 1969, command module, one of crew members John Young; same name as classmate of mine in 5th grade & in Cub Scouts. Chinese had duty to me & God to respond. Brownies responded to my warnings, but Chinese failed to respond. Both China & U.S. owed me my Teacher career. The first creature in space, a dog - Laika; we humbled ourselves after being disciplined, but then after doing some snooping around, evidently the Chinese weren't very open to the gospel after all.
Rocky III, Rocky fighting Clubber Lang (Mr. T), his assoc. Apollo Creed ('A Paul owe creed'), blk, cheering him on 110%; in background of the gym, American flag hung &, Rocky's boxing shorts are vertical red & wh stripes; Rocky knocked out Lang, & became the champion - the unmistakeable mssg. - America is "hung" if we box blacks rather than handing them some victories; Mr. T also played B.A Baracus in "The A Team;" & soon after that, Barack Obama elected as president. I.e., Holloywood pushed buttons to cause USA to create scenarios (conspiracies) where the American flag is hung - as in my rights are violated so that others can prevail. I reported similar vertical stripes background of Paul Simon interview - "Simon says..." While handing someone a victory could be the honorable thing to do on occasion, NOT IN AN ELECTION, & NOT @ THE EXPENSE OF OTHER(S). Be strong in the Lord - "He who wins souls is wise;" fishers of men; Cape Cod - look @ that bicep!
PROFESSIONAL JOB (CONT. - SEE "PROF. JOB" davisneedy3.html) - NO. CA. "EDICTS"
2/21, "He wouldn't have that lie hit," 3:13, bug code, Meredith's. 12:42, "It just doesn't feel like work," Ashton & Price attys; possibly code - immed. after gov't bug code, "We work hard," & context of day before, taking 3 hrs. off - rare exception - to work on reports; ch 3. "you didn't get red him soul," bug code, 1:58. "We can't go we're head, it," (or similar) Al, 2 PM approx. 2:20, "That's gonna have right;" 2:23, "We're taking cloak" 2:23 - 'claok & dagger' code, Al. "Last Man Standing," Tim Allen, gesture w/hand positioned near his nose, pointing downward, toward computer monitor, possibly; 9:29 PM MY 58; but it was similar to anteater gesture of blk fem: "American Idol"
2/17, "American Idol," "You're going to Hollywood!" judge, after at blk fem contestant made toned-down anteater gesture w/hand @ nose. Approx. 5 years ago, vision of me making animal faces/stances (from a game we played in IVCF, UCD), & in the vision, I was near 3rd & D; the gestures in the dream were as though a kid friendly game (which it is); evidently there's a consp. claim about it being used against me [guise of nonviolence providing cover for blks' conspiracies]. [END TRANSCRIPT]
'Aunt - eat 'er,' possibly code that eating pizza is empowering the 'kay' codes, associated w/cousins & aunt Bev. in Portland.
Approx. 2015, curb next to sidewalk on Poline Rd. @ 8th St., @ Short Step mini mart, "DEY" grafitti - code for Susan Dey - Lori Partridge; i.e., promoting rock stars but no one showing up, & consp. to put an end to my converted rock songs. Recently the store's name changed to "Bros. Liquor 1" w/sign w/stars in a circle around the '1', similar to Missouri flag or 76'ers logo
- possibly also Circle K store code - 'kay' consp. codes from Sac & possibly Portland. I reported the 'curb' codes originated in Sac - approx. 2015 or so - I was in my truck on lunch while in Midtown Sac working on lawsuit possibly against Sac City USD, utilizing Sac Law libr., & while on lunch, 2 indiv. using codes on pkg strip/curb near my truck, & acting like accepting charity or making a drug deal or both. Then another parking strip/curb display where indiv. arrested by Davis police in front of Univ. of Beer, approx. 2018. I reported the curb codes on same day of attack on pkg strip/curb @ McCormick bldg (formerly SEI location), also where Cassidy Turley RE sign had been for approx. 2-3 years, until shortly before the attack - David Cassidy - played Kieth Partridge - confession the Calvin Covell battle/war ridges or burms plays a part (see "'WHY IN TROUBLE'..." report) - along w/UCC Edge - 'part, [ou]r Edge,' & the oppressors were rebels from outside of Davis along w/Davis rebels - Sac, Woodland, Solano, WS, blks, (Rosie Grier, & blks involved in 2017 attack), McGuire Hester (WS/bay area co.), & UCC member Aaron Needles. More evidence the attempt on my life was directly linked to promoting rock stars - although other than Hilton, I'd boycotted promoting all of them as of 1/1/2021. 'bros. lick 'er, won,' consp. alternately that the Hymn church is "licked" (undermined by national rebellion orchestrated by No. Ca.) or rock stars taken out - by No. Ca. edict. Operators, & possibly owners of Bros. Liquor 1 are Mideasterners. 2/21, "Van a ser conciencias," ('we are going to be conscientious"), "Buenas noches!" 8:57 PM, fem (awkard) ( Trader Joe's emply? or on TV); referring to Meredith, "Good night!" (Harvey Klapstein code); the code is I'm too meticulous @ landscape work - which is the case, but I've gotten raises, & it is biblical while a slave to do a good job - punch, juice, but no soda & very little tea. In past custs. bought me sandwiches from TJ's, but now there's threats. 'Calone' vision, 10:06 PM. 10:30, "We just don't go wide w/you," bug code. "Enjoy yourself" (2X) but instead of '...selves' Fallon, 11:35 PM.
2/22, Hawaii Five-0 vision, graphic turn-around, & "death" & then someone attempting to place mark on my forehead - lent (Our Faith Lutheran, 2001, Schlensker - Missouri Synod Lutheran - code of consp. "licking" Hymn (Western) church, claiming Western church is "death;" I'm acknowledging they need to repent - I'm cornered into jobs other than teaching. "you would one up," fem, rm 245 (above 118). "We're out the motel," (or similar) taking off from the vehicle, ch 40, DUI report, "Give them cubside crashed," 7:03 AM, i.e., claiming my reports are "drunk" or they can slip by w/curb attacks "drunk."
I reported I recently had a dream about Bill Gates wanting to help me (context of condemning Silicon Valley), but my message to him was he needed to repent. Aspire Schools - entire organization is a plant to instigate trouble for me. I reported Aspire to the Feds in 2011 & before; there were suspicious circumstances indicating evidence of stalking me for working at Master Pizza in Woodland - possibly phomenic conspiracy code - 'as pie 'er' or 'asp hire;' in rebel region where everyone is stark raving mad, they tend to react to the phonemes & role play according to them, irregardless of if they were originally coincidence. That isn't the case in this instance, as far as I can tell - the founders of Aspire most likely were aware of conspiracies & manipulations for me to eventually pipe up about rock & Russians, & also that my goals of teaching had become a pawn. Aspire was founded in 2003 by Don Shalvey, deputy director of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, & Reed Hastings, Silicon Valley Netflix founder - in other words, a charter school project for inner city low income kids orchestrated by silicon valley corp execs, but chock full of conspiracy buzz words/codes; first, as of 1999-2000, words such as 'Bill' & 'gate' were already known buzz words that would soon be codes (publicly codes weren't in use regionally until approx. 2002-2003), Bill Dedman, broker from Sacramento whom I was associated with in 2001, & Stonegate (Al Smith, Davis developer whom I had met with); Bill had become known as my "pal" & also "buddy" even after cancelling affiliation with me. In approx 2007 he received Jesus over the phone with me, & instantly "Bud - WISER" Budweiser ad. 'Don' was also minimal taboo word due to Don Miller, broker who committed violative acts against me in 1997. As of 2018, "we're gonna gate him," is still code occurring all the time - conspiracy to try to force me to sing for $0/hr at shopping center in Stonegate, West Davis. In otherwords, despite that Bill Gates was named that long before any of these events in Davis, the codes in Davis were utilizing same nomenclature, & becoming more & more commonly known nationally. It's possible this had something to do with founding the charter school - to punish me because I did in fact gain attention in sales - which isn't an easy thing to do - but it was despite I had a teacher credential, & everyone knows that teaching is a more honorable profession, therefore I had "gone astray." The 'punishment' plot - a charter school operation regionally, instigating a conspiracy web, not only denying me teacher positions, but with everyone participating. One location - East Peralta - 'per' as in pro per legal status. 22nd Ave. - one of my first sales projects was 422 A St. Aspire logo looks like either a ram's head or a snail shell - I made reports to Feds about a huge conspiracy locally involving snail shell codes; biblical literature (possibly from jail), Yolo Hospice logo, etc. Locations of Aspire are No. Ca. & nowhere else except Memphis (home of late Elvis Presley) - bullseye rock theme stalking. "College For Certain," is so hokey, especially coming from slick Silicon Valley magnates, that it screams "code!" 'call edge [is] for sir [is] - tin [cup]' or simply, 'college for 'sir - tin [cup];' i.e., I went to college, so why am I in sales & not using it? - beg! tin cup! Or else a plot to force me to beg the church in Davis that originally instigated the conspiracy, University Covenant Church, & it's teen group, the Edge; despite they have been enslaving me & trying to get finish me off for years. Bay area director is Kimi Kean, almost same last name as asst. pastor at UCC (Dave Keane) who originally instigated Davis conspiracies against me. "College For Certain;" phoneme 'sir' as in "To Sir, With Love," w/black actor, Sidney Portier; TV series it inspired, Room 222; Aspire headquarters at 1001 22nd Ave. I've already recently reported the conspiracies that Windows & Microsoft are involved in (offices in Silicon Valley). They most likely had inside info that I'd be exposing the scandal of churches against rock & rollers, Memphis location. These coded signals then instigate all the other bay area schools to do the same thing.
Silicon Valley, phonemes, 'silly co [is] in' or 'silly co-in'' i.e., someone operating a foolish company or business, possibly.
6/24, Stockholm Environm Institute (4th & F - catecorner from TK), same spiral as Aspire logo (Fibonacci (logarithmic) spiral), but inverted; conspiracy to oppress me based on how far I acquiesce to gov't scandal trying to force me to sue further & further away, in corrupt courts in communities riddled with conspiracy codes, where the courts are so corrupt, there's disappearance plots waiting for you simply for appearing in a hearing. The conspired alternative is accusations - 'stock[ed (with goods) from] "home,"' but inherent with that is 'stock[s]' code (jail/chains/stocks), & 'holmes' also connotation of jail inmate (bent derivation from Sherlock Holmes stories). While the bay area may be claiming they are luring Davis & invasion is pending, that's what I thought about Sac & Solano, & then kidnappings occurred from the courtrooms (2005/2007, Sac, 2013/2014, Solano), combined with long range hostage captivities. The fact SEI is catecorner from TK (where I was employed for almost a year as dishwasher until machete threats & other conspiracies) is a facade that I've already fallen short, & it's captivity if I don't "make it" at TK. Instead, I'm lobbying & protesting gov't's corruption - the gov't has moved the ancient landmarks & crumbled by allowing entire cities, counties, courts, justice systems to crumble & become corrupt, holding people hostage on a whim.
2/24, "We're gonna go pulse," Al, Elmwood, 2:45 (reported - I boycotted Meredith - 3 doors down from Al, on Elmwood, after 'pulse' code, but recently yard work @ her place again).
2/22 (?), "I have second go to court," 6:08 PM, "Ellie gonna keep an eye, on," fat mex fem lt. brn jacket, red shrt, @ back of 42B (pic sent). "You'll have pet there," 6:09, bald wh malelt. brn lthr jacket, sports bag similar to ones I used when I was staying outdoors, w/label on it - " HIT IT HARD." 6:54 fem, "History young up...doesn't not repeat itself this season," & 6:56 PM, Del, ch 3 sports, "all live golf tournaments...14 live golf tournaments..." but it was short 'i' - code from Sac blks, supposedly Jack Teacher shouldn't be murdered, @ least not right now... although corroborating w/fem, '' ''T' -ooo' code indicating negate it; Jack Teacher dies, according to blks, going by fem's code. 2/23, 7:57 PM, ch 40, "We assume live" (long 'i') Lodi mayor, ch 40. Lodi mayor's code is consp. corresponding to Del (blk rptr, ch 3); i.e., blacks in too much trouble to attempt any "live" (long 'i') attack (filmed on video), where my life is in danger or I'm killed; blks making 'De[a]l' - 'deal' - w/whites - temporary stark concessions - '[blacks say he] live[s, everyone];' they are coconspirators w/No. Ca., but they're better off keeping low profile - Lodi assuming control of ending my life - according to mayor. Meanwhile, despite blks have betrayed the nation, it is a Tom Sawyer scenario w/No. Ca. - whites desperately prompting blks to attack me, but w/athletes & stars, they have enough of an awareness to avoid being obvious about it when spotlight is on the region; more so than whites, evidently, because blks keep playing naive - 'We don't know how to do it - you first...' &, whites orchestrate Prof. Job attack; 'oh, we're still green behind the gills - Lodi, assume the training sessions...' etc. Blks have been tolled, but No. Ca. under guise of tracking blacks exposes themselves over & over again! God told me it's blacks & No. Ca. that are going to be held accountable. 7:28 PM ch 40, "I have those cuss words, packed by about 100 employees," Eric Harriman.
2/23, "Denio's Farmer's Market swa meet," mex male ch 3; stalking me based on swastica report, 6:59 PM. "@ my house we have a centimeter of a pail, & my daughter is hoping," 7:07 PM fem rptr, ch 3, & "Just a little under the bushes, there;" subsequently, 2/25, BW Davis, rm 129, late eve., changed channel from program w/kids on it, & instantly, 2-3 network stations frozen (ch. 10, ch 40, etc.), & various other channels; as of 2/28, still frozen. "You get to meet her," 2/27, 7:54 PM, bug code rm 129, BW while making this report about rptr, & lewd codes.
BW motel on B St. interior decor includes b&w pics of Davis from early- to mid-1900s. Davis City Hall is currently located @ 23 Russell Blvd., structure that was formerly Davis HS - the bldg featured in background in this picture - this is a pic. from cerca 1950's of Davis HS "Driver Training" program; car sponsored by Nicholson Chevrolet & Triple A; the keys are being handed to the instructor while they are in the street - & that's a signal of conspiracy by foregone conclusion; i.e., citizens in Davis resigned to fact that they were being "assigned" a role pertaining to Jefferson Davis, & evidently training to play that role - betrayal of the nation ("in the street" as far as being Americans), & they would just have to accept it. Close look @ Davis Enterprise pic (Davis' newspaper), the indiv. speaking to editor is actually confronting him, grabbing collar of his telling him to hit the road; i.e., newspapers run out of town if they don't go along w/Jefferson Davis consp. Doug Arnold grabbed me similarly & yanked me from the front of his office when I stuck my foot in the door trying to convince him to hire me in 1997. Don't be fooled by the Vaudeville comedy facade - that's the gimmick of the motor inn conspirators - Laurel & Hardy/Grouch Marx all in good
fun facade is smoke screen.
2/20, "You won't know too cold," bug code, 10:20 AM, Barbara's; grn slpg bag unrolled & dumped on island @ Russell & B approx. 2/18, & grn slpg bag on shelf in bathroom @ Barbara's, 10th St. "I have that pile of crap," (sounded like) Mike, possibly referring to ceramic turtle next to weeds in cracks of bricks that I hadn't weeded yet, that looked like pile of dung, & similar to Wolf brand chile that I'd eaten a few days before; but more likely applicability is the "turtle" house on 2nd St. & Univ. - a coop. students rent that for decades had veg gardens, but was run down, now suddenly landscaped & picturesque. "She showed he wasn't it," (or similar), S. of Meredith's, 1:26. 3:16, "I'll give the arvade," male, The Trenchless Co. - rebels aren't giving an "inch" as far as lesses & "co," supposedly. "He'll just go the long," wh fem gray hair, wh jacket, w/male blue jacket, going by Meredith's, 2:47. 3:21, "Will sin, it's years up," tan 4 door car across from Meredith's, wh fem. 3:26, "He went rapped her time." 5:05 PM, "We wait," Asian fem gray swtr, TK (Asian cafe). 5:29, "Swear to God - I'll cover one eye," mex. male wh T-shrt, alley behind Mustard Seed; context was vision a few days before of someone cutting out someone's eye & it was pertaining to report about Latinos; the next day, call from Erin about work - where I was poked in eye by plant, but vision is a factor. 5:10, "You need meet," Asian male student, blk & wh jacket, TK. 12:36 AM, dream of sm ugly stump that became a dog trying to bite me, then I awoke to impression on my mattress (wasn't part of dream) - as though a dog or pet had jumped onto the bed beside me; I looked to see if anything was there (turned on the light), & instantly, bug code. 7:50 AM, "...didn't actually get a click," TV (news?), & L'Oreal ad, "We're the lay," 7:52. 8:45 (or 2:45), vision of someone saying to rebels, "You're alright." 6 AM, dream of Jesus on cross making a moan similar to fem in porn video; implication is porn is "covered" by the cross; but this is most likely what some of them are praying God will communicate to me, & most likely a test - 'you're alright' - rebels claiming if they can get me to lower my standards, they'll survive - but the sexual standards are only 1% of the motives of their oppression, & in fact probably less than that - a recent facade they are hiding behind.
2/18, "You're gonna have this takes so long," fat mex fem clerk, BW, approx. 7 AM (a lot of activity @ monitor to stay for another night @ BW; it's the same for other customers as well, but it's obviously a trick. '...didn't get a click' (2/20) claim I fell short of tracking mouse clicks in BW office, or specifically, I hadn't written down the code on 2/18. Christie Ct. Apts., next door to Orange Tree Apts., 335 7th, Luke & Pauline Lucas from First So. Baptist church were on Christie Ct. in S. Davis; Pauline recruited me as Nursery school teacher, 1989-'90; I didn't take them up on 2nd year as teacher, & probably should have - I was disciplined when I moved back to Lodi temporarily - I was involved while @ UCD, substantially, but could've been more involved - wasn't in any sports, for ex. But demonstrating how they were watching my every move, when I transferred to UCC (due to bickering @ FSBC), after returning from Lodi, I was youth leader in Jr. Hi, & they were asking for a 4th grade SS teacher, & I said I'd do it as well as Jr. Hi leader (weeknights); the former 4th grade teacher, young fem (forget her name) called me suddenly to talk, & conversation on phone lasted a long time. Soon after that, she moved to Christie Ct. Apts., or another complex next to that & Orange Tree, & needed me to help her move. This occurred before any overt oppression @ UCC or from Dpd, 1994-'95, but it demonstrates random UCC members knew every detail about me while I was @ FSBC. "They have answer," vision, possibly referring to rock; possibly I'm being tested, because God told me "I have 'answer,'" referring to rock - i.e., my response to them is stop leaving me stranded & respond to the reports, revelations, trackings, & wonders - it's duty. The argument is if I don't draw a line then they don't have to respond; but carrot & stick is a factor, & I have drawn a line - I stopped affirming them as of 1/1/2021, except a few reports about visions of Paris, & as of 7/26, no more about her as well - other than reports accusing them - which is fair game. The argument in the vision seems to be "Detroit, Rock City" is supposedly a long range tracking, & that shows rock "has" - ''they have,' answer,' supposedly clarifying the vision from 2019, "I have 'answer;'" "'I have,' answer" or both renditions. But I've proven that if I say they "are" while I'm left stranded, then it's mutually exclusive - they signal everyone that I don't exist. Rock having access to itelligence doesn't translate to them being allowed to enslave someone or instigagte such. 2/20, 9:18 AM, "It won't be Joe hold," bug code; but 'Joe' as far as bug codes 99% of the time is referring to Joe Walsh - attempt to dupe me that the only way I can "be" is if I accept their deceptive promotions of me as more or less equivalent of rock star. 12/21, "We're not letting you have that other chew hat," (sounded like) 5:55 AM, fem rm 119(?) I was in rm 118, BW. Near 118, "You won't have that quiet," mex(?) male, wh jacket 6:05 AM. 7:39 AM, Brittany, MY58, "Stanislaus Co...." but map of Rancho Cordova; possibly referring to Donna Cordova, Sac mex fem rptr from past, 'ran show - core dove-uh;' i.e., long range claim that Davis & downtown Davis ('core' area, according to city council) means everything to me - & if I say nuke them, their conspired reply - ignore it, or their long range conspiracy is undone.
2/20, "you won't have prison over night," 9:20. Wheels of justice slow as far as national arrests; but alternately, the prison codes are another version of the 'con' consp. of Lodi - if I'm over my head as landscaper in midst of rebels, then they have the "right" to send me to prison. Oh, darn, but it isn't being "over one's head" - it's surrounded by rebels; it's "too bad" that I have enough wits about me still to be able to discern that - poor terrorist rebels; they'll be alright though - until the nukes hit. "over one's head" doesn't apply in conditions where everyone's a rebel & everyone's failed - God has already led me to assert that probably the Orthdox church is kicked out or deserves to be - that's the extent of how many people have fallen short. Surrounded by rebels, & working as a landscaper, "conning" isn't necessarily a crime - it's "putting one over" them - equivalent of taking the plunder from my enemies, which I've already reported that though I'm entitled to do that in Davis, rebels claiming I'm not allowed to - & Lodi claiming 'the "con" is shaking - take him away to prison...' In this context of not being over my head, but holding my post while all others are failing & trying to drag me down, I randomly, based on 3+ visions in last 2 years or so concerning Chinese believing in China, prayed about possibility of Chinese in China luring communist leaders, & received what seemed to be a positive vision. BUT, I'M AWARE THERE ARE CHINESE IN USA & CHINA DESPERATELY ATTEMPTING TO DUPE ME - I.D., ME TO CONTINUE REACHING OUT TO THEM AFTER THEY'VE BEEN TOLLED - BECOMING THEIR PERSONAL DUPE. But the vision was most likely a test, because as far as I can tell, Chinese have been tolled, & as a teacher I have to stick w/that; i.e., the yak tolling (Pontiac) is a "meat market" parallel where they failed to do their duty. 2/25, male in news, approx. 8 AM, "CERTAINLY - CERTAINLY..." expecting I'd hear that & claim it's a sign to stick w/extending more grace to Chinese, not realizing it's @ expense of my teacher goals - & then bay area has proven I'm too caught up in spiritual things & neglected my teacher goals, &, despite that isn't a crime, & obviously I'm isolated & barraged w/trickery, it's prison! I.e., there are monsters desperate to maintain a 'certain' retribution against me by propping up bay area's consp. ban of my teacher career epitomized by the "College For Certain" slogun of bay area Aspire Schools (detailed report about their consp., davisneedy2.html) that I claimed was code because they weren't hiring me ('college for 'sir,' [is] tin [cup];') & they're still @ it! 2/24, context of that vision from 2/23 (connected w/China luring), 9 AM approx., 42A, Asian fem (one of 2), "We wouldn't have him; it was neigh, it," "...nice night." & 2/20, Meredith, Elmwood, "Oh, GOOD NIGHT!" referring to the wind, while working @ her place; then again on 2/24; expression from Harvey Klapstein. I reported, 2/20, 3:16, "I'll give the arvade," male, The Trenchless Co. - rebels aren't giving an "inch" as far as lesses & "co," supposedly. 'Harv[ey] "aid;"' but that soon translated to '[Yolo judge] Arvid [Johnson - 1 1/2 of 2 1/2 years disappearance in Yolo jail, 2004-2007]' & Sac plumbers empowering it. '...won't have prison over night,' code, Chinese luring me that I'm their "knight" but bay area - Aspire - involving Bill Gates (Asire - "College For Certain") claiming prison captivity version of Arvid Johnson Yolo jail consp.; w/Sac pumbers "compliments."
'HE SLIPS, UP' VISION, (approx. 1 mo. ago)
Approx. 2/21, late eve., vision of 'Calown,' or 'Caloan' or 'Calone;' immed. followed by vision of me w/waste bin across the street from Lisa's on corner of A & B. Possibly code of "owning" & Ca.; i.e., hope of anyone in Ca. bringing justice, such as San Diego or L.A.; & implying a position opposed to customer; approx. 2/21 I had cleaned Lisa's gutters; I asked for a broom to finish up, & she gave me a cheap excuse for a broom, w/comment "I'm joking" or "kidding" etc.; i.e., I'm supposed to sell her up on providing a better broom - I ignored it & utilized the chinsy broom - the context is total absurdity of working for rebels conspiring IN PUBLIC ALL THE TIME - there's nothing anywhere near reality as far as any interactions - I'm forced to work w/those who are stark raving mad, daily! 2/23, going by her place on way to Erin's, I spoke to her for a few min. about edging for her flowerbeds & around 4 lg. trees in her yard, which she had brought up; as I left, "Take bored!" Code that I had to be more sharp as far as broom quality - "overcome" their "bored" codes, or I might not have enough for food (board); but simultaneous, it's demonstration of the "take" consp. - trash in the street that isn't according to rules (Barbara's place approx. 1 blk away - A St. almost runs into 10th) translates to attempt to "take" Davis police, etc, including city "board" or council. Looking @ insufficient $ for food (board), & county or state captivity suddenly claimed to be a "loan" - 'Ca. [state] loan;' facade of 'system' 'assist 'em' w/3 hots & a cot - though low income in legit. free societies doesn't translate to hostage captivity. 'Cal 'own'' - 2/21, afternoon, suddenly my L foot aching for no reason; jogging, but limping; L.A. Gear tennis shoes purchased approx. 3 mos. ago - low end shoes from Big 5 Sporting goods, no longer lasting several mos., falling apart systematically after 1-2 mos. @ most; L.A. Gear shoes, unusual design, laced, but no actual tongue - you can tighten them, but only so much; it seemed to work, but my L foot was uncomfortable; it seemed tolerable, & sometimes new shoes are awkward, so I didn't return them. But approx. 4 wks later, still bothering me, but by then they wouldn't take them back - I tried w/another brand that fell apart after 4 wks - no dice. Then 2/23, rain that AM, & I walked to MU to get lunch (1 blk from Erin's, & cheap pizza slices), & instantly slipped on floor & landed on knees & hands - almost exactly like when working @ Tasty Kitchen in 2018; in that instance, customer seated next to kitchen entrance door made pinpoint coded comment, "We slip" or similar, & w/in 5 min. I slipped on floor 5 feet from him (emply area behind counter) - could've cracked my head open - it was arranged; I happened to land on all fours. I.e., 'Cal own' - statewide consp. that I have to accept the only other work offered to me other than landscaping - warehouse work for Chinese conspirators in region - or, consp. that I disappear in prison. But that "slip" on MU floor - lg. crowd of students near the door, on a tour; I got up, started to walk on, more gingerly, but, despite more caution, I slipped again - not as bad, but as of that point it was a dry floor; sm amnt of moisture from my shoes; then heading back to Erin's, my shoes slipped on some paint on sidewalk - THE SHOES ARE RIGGED! L.A. GEAR IS IN BED W/CHINESE - CA. IN BED W/CHINESE & I HAVE TO CAVE IN TO THEIR "BRAND" OF DANGEROUS CONDITIONS, OR ANOTHER HOSTAGE CAPTIVITY - but according to vision, I "own" Ca. for that - or close enough; i.e., this state is taken in its craftiness.
Dirk Verdoorn, ch 3 Sac wthr frcstr, since 1998; I reported the 'horn' conspiracies in Davis; before these, former friend from Lodi Tim Cahill supposedly randomly got ahold of me by phone, & we agreed to meet; I was employed @ the time petitioning for ballot measures, & was purchasing a truck. I called him soon after that, & he was sounding sluggish, but a horn honked in background on my end, & he suddenly perked up; but it was an act - as of 2009 there was still regional desperate systematic attempts to dupe me that I'm w/out place to stay, dead-end loser that no one's heard of - GIVE IT UP. His act was facade that he really doesn't want to bother w/me - I'm certainly not famous or anything like that; Verdoorn name familiarity from news, phonemically sounded like 'bird horn,' & was playing a part. I reported ("PROFESSIONAL JOB (CONT.)," above) the Donna Cordova/Rancho Cordova conspiracy - Possibly she became involved after one of my customers, Donna Lott, whose 14-plex I listed, was then nominated Citizen of the Year by League of Women's Voters; i.e., God was literally slapping UCC in the face for claiming I was downcast & giving up on life, & therefore oppressing me in attempt to put me out of my misery. 'Donna [(news)] ran [the] show - core dove uh' - 14 plex didn't sell - "downtown" customers took a nosedive, - sales is all that counts - the "ran the show" by keeping silent & covering it up - 'sales is newsworthy - a teacher doesn't need to be in the news, hush!' Never mind that news exposing the oppression would instantly enable the teacher to...TEACH!!!! In this confessed cover-up scenario, the conspiracy of Sac is to pry me out of Davis, where No. Ca. then has the victim as fodder for decades more, on the same principle that Davis used - leaders of community are too important to be brought to justice for one unknown victim. Cars "Shake It Up," studio version, "Go to work/Do the move when the work is dirk/Shake it up!..." 'when the work is dark' (i.e., conspiracies denying work - I sang & danced AFTER HOURS during the 4 years the region more vehemently denied me any & all work, 2012-2016 - darkness of conspiracies; in retrospect, they evidently were following the lyrics of this song - I was simply working @ whatever was available. But also in retrospect, it was a literal conspiracy of Sac news media - the 'work was 'Dirk;'' the newscasters in Sac could've been law-abiding, reporting the stories & scandals, & then I would've been hired as teacher, but they added to the darkness instead. As far as teacher jobs specifically, 27 counties denying me teacher jobs for 16+ years systematically, despite news stories, "Big Demand for Math Teachers" "Spanish Teachers in Demand" etc.; No. Ca. region doing the bidding of Yolo, Sac, Solano, San Joaquin counties. I reported a decade ago, education job listings website - where virually all No. Ca. school districts advertised their openings, & many private schools as well - was conspiratorially sabotaging my application & access to jobs; stalling access. As of this point based on additional evidence, local hackers were also involved, most likely, but included an old telephone rotary dial internet hourglass as a form of mocking due to reputation I gained w/phone calling when in sales; is headquartered in San Joaquin county (Stkn). This control of my career & income has been systematic & prolonged, & involving 5+ counties as kingpins - the others simply falling in behind them. Context of this stranglehold on my employment, as reported, steady work was nonexistent from 2004-2016, other than occasional P/T sign-waving - 12 years of my life robbed from me (19 years, including when I was in RE, working hard & law abiding - & no doubt, my life is still being reamed, from 2016 to present - 26 yrs. total), wandering throughout almost a dozen cities applying for jobs, & going to interviews in far more than that, w/dead end outcome guaranteed. Once again, this F/T "Landscaper Nick" job was their last resort - if & only if I didn't commit suicide before this, or crack & go on a shooting spree, or end up in an insane assylum. To try to cover for their oppression they conceded grunt labor yardwork, giving Davis rebels the high sign that they'd better hire me. But they are desperate, & they lie awake @ night concocting new traps. One of these involves deception that I'm attempting to garner support of customers to defeat Davis police, which is supposedly a "take;" but if I'm pitting Davis customers against Davis police, then I must be in bed w/customers, & if I'm in bed w/customers, then No. Ca. rebels have proven they were right all along suspecting I'd compromise to have Davis customers... THIS ARGUMENT IS INSANITY DEFINED, CONSIDERING MY REPORTS - PLACED ONLINE - HAVE EXPOSED DAVIS REBELS UNEQUIVOLCALLY, & NO ONE IN THIS OR ANY PARALLEL UNIVERSE WOULD SETTLE FOR THOSE ATTEMPTING TO KILL YOU AS YOUR CUSTOMERS! & WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN INTO GOD'S AFFIRMATIONS OF ME. But this demostrates No. Ca.'s desperation; they argue the absurd & hope their shear numbers - entire counties - will somehow carry some weight & dupe US citizens, despite in the free world you don't argue w/the facts, much less Heavenly wonders. The most recent consp. is facade where customers pressure me to place piles of rubbish on street for biweekly pick up before the city p/up rules allow it - 1 week in advance is allowed during the 4 mo. period. Based on 2+ visions of conspiracies involving Davis Waste Removal, Davis police, etc., I've insisted on sticking to the rules, almost w/out fail. In actuality, it isn't my call; it isn't a violation of any city ordinance or state law to place a pile of leaves on the street next to the sidewalk temporarily, but customer's requests imply they'll be left there until the street p/up occurs, resulting in an infraction by the customer. You could argue it's their responsibility - I'm simply following orders; moreover, a reality check, it's an infraction; i.e. they might get a $40 fine. There was pressure to refuse to be intimidated by police & garbage collectors (coconspiring), & let customer worry about that "devastating" infraction & fine; but the facade was open defiance of police, & my customers are my "cohorts;" splitting hairs, but according to visions, it was in fact more kidnappings & it was based on if I was "negligent" about this rule. Thought occurred to me, "I have a rule," delineating - am I attempting to "rule" as in take over a rebellious city (as opposed to scrapping it & nuking it)? Or, am I going to use discretion w/stand that it is a rebellion, & kidnappings are occurring? & as stated, I've opted for discretion. But as demonstration of extent & desperation - several things happened @ once: As stated Mideasterners have been alternately intervening for me, & also for Davis recently; approx. 2 wks ago on 10th St. I possibly wasn't paying very close attention to the one week window, & Barbara told me to place pile on street, & it occurred to me that it was less than a wk. before that that the last pile was picked up @ that location, like, 5 days, but I couldn't remember for sure. (Keep in mind - virtually everybody speeds occasionally - an infraction - so that's the desperation of these oppressors.) Also, my eye exam for glasses for driving had expired, so I had to get another exam, & purchase another pair of glasses, & did so approx. mid-January; because @ the time I was staying @ Bel Air in WS approx. 75% of time (operated by Mideasterners), I told them to ship them to that addr. Instantly after that, my income went up so that I was staying in Davis almost 90% of time @ BW; but, those glasses meant I could start using my d.l. again - "driving" - as in, "who's driving?" Mideasterners & Lodi, desperate to prop up Davis - so that the career control stranglehold continues - then latch on to this, in reality, random shipping location, as a "sign" that I'm claiming it is a "take" of Davis, & Mideasterners are "driving" (it was just an address to ship my glasses to). Remember, Sac was originally intervening on my behalf, before Schwarzeneggar; then teacher goals off, & justice down the drain; Sacramento shook w/fear when Hollywood arrived in gov's office - Sac - 'sacudir'- Spanish for 'shake;' & the "shaking" continues - Lodi conspirators produced Shakir Khan, Mideast Lodi council member who was suddenly arrested for money laundering. 2/23, footage in news (ch 3?) of Khan in jail meeting w/mayor of Lodi, who was pressuring him to resign because he was being charged w/crimes. He was hesitent, & had is jail clothing pulled over his hands, as though trying to stay warm & "comfy;" but it was code that Mideasterners in WS had supposedly dropped the ball - Jack Teacher attempting a "take" of Davis ('piles of trash in street 2 DAYS EARLY.... - that must be what it means...'), meaning Jack Teacher's secretly in bed w/Davis customers - - BUT, according to them, (1)business is competition - he can't waltz in & be the new big wig landscaper in Davis & then suddenly opt for $50/night savings in West Sacramento motel - fancy clout #1 ditch digger has to pay his dues w/nights outside - & Mideasterners are "comfying" him w/$85/night rooms instead of $140/night - THE REGION "SHOOK" - THE REGION IS SLIPPING - LOSING THEIR "OPPRESSIVE EDGE" AGAINST JACK TEACHER - THANKS TO MIDEASTERNERS - THE LINE WAS JACK TEACHER IS OUTSIDE, THAT'S THE CONTROL FACTOR...& LODI'S DIRECTING IT. THE MIDEASTERNERS WEREN'T "FITTING IN" ENOUGH, BECAUSE THEIR INN WAS "FITTING" TOO MUCH ON JACK TEACHER'S BEHALF - PONY UP; (BUT, THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ACT AS WELL - A FACADE WHERE REGION IS USING MIDEAST TO LURE ME TO CLAIM THEM AS ALLIES - A PARALLEL TO DAVIS REBELS - THEY ARE MY SECRET VALUED CUSTOMERS...(WHICH I'LL ELABORATE ON BELOW)). They have to "get back to the basics" - it's move out of the region, or shake from the cold outdoors @ night in Davis - none of that ordinary motel rate intervention. Alternately - desperation to prove that I simply wasn't adept enough to ever be delving in any business in the first place, & that gives them the "right" - irregardless of if it takes them decades & ruins dozens of counties in the process, to humble me & teach me a "lesson" - '[he's] shak[ing] here - [lack of] "con" [skills]' - but the context is rebellion to extent entire populations ARE CONSPIRING IN PUBLIC! THERE'S NO MEASURING VICTIM'S SKILLS IN ENVIRONMENT THAT IS REBELLION DEFINED - & TO EXTENT THE ENTIRE NATION HAS STUMBLED REPEATEDLY & RESULTING IN SHOOTING SPREES! Also, the "lesson" scenario is pivotal - it isn't so much a business taboo; it pinpoints the betrayal of UCC; I was behind on bills after VCA terminated me, & they assumed I was downcast & giving up; my demonstration of even a small amnt. of success in an occupation in addition to teacher profession, after being kicked out & w/out a place to live, decimates their assumption from the beginning - they are desperate to create distractions w/business taboos to cover up that I not only "took" UCC's kick out & oppression, & demolished it. San Joaquin sheriff involved; in interview, responding to criticism about pressure from police forcing Khan to sign resignation in jail, sheriff insisted an officer standing nearby, but it was "no skin on us," which was actually a code - they don't like that I've held mexs. accountable recently, & that my Mom endorsed me w/ "autograph"-meriting "no" - San Joaquin claiming rebels can '[say] no [to hi]s kin, on [them],' w/more oppression against me. ''No' skin, on us,' another way of saying "These colors can run, & don't you forget it!' See "'FINAL ANSWERS' TRACKED LODI..." report, davisneedy2.html; oh, by the way, the novel's title name ("FINAL ANSWERS") is form of tracking - God's Jack Teacher plan - teachers proctor final exams - their ditch digging motel rate traps oppressing a teacher w/1700 year proof are exposed to the nth degree. Minorities opting for conspiracies to fit in - that's the name of the No. Ca. game (conspiracy), & it's all under guise of diversity in Ca. (2)big business competition "rules" are minimal part - the argument is they've proven my secret motives of desiring Davis rebels as my customers - after almost 3 decades, they "finally" have their proof that I was shady - just like they expected, therefore I can be reamed & the region must be allowed to get away w/it, is the facade.
Mideasterners instigated Mex. asst. mgr & mex. guest to call police & ban me from Motel 6 - the only discount motel in Davis; rates @ other motels are typically double ($70 v. $125-140+). But the region creates facade that they are intervening & then any indication of olive branch by me on their behalf, & it's proof I'm in bed w/them & have secret "big wig ditch digger" goals ("oooo"). An idea of the lengths they've gone to, that horn honk by Tim Cahill when I was on phone w/him (Verdoorn scenario) occurred on Olive Dr.; the original Bros Liquor was @ that same location, before moving to 8th, & becoming Bros Liquior 1; i.e., Mideasterners have "1" (a "dick" - investigators). I reported, the liquor store logo is a theme similar to Missouri shield on its flag - circled by 24 stars - Mideast claiming they are tracking it. Based on visions 2017-2019 mostly indicating my relatives had legit. motives, & vision of Domino's & a "dick," it's possible Circle K is cohorts w/Domino's ('Kay' shooting in Sac), claiming they are a watch as far as Mideast deceptions - or, they are in bed w/them; i.e., is it, 'k[ey,] 'A,'' or is it Mideast business clients ("dicks" in actuality)? Cousins John & Vince Granato, twins; 9/11, Twin Towers hit by terrorists from Mideast, presumably because it was a Mathematical equals sign turned on its ear - rebuke for NY negating the Jack Teacher plan (but NY is also the Big Apple). Vince, head of Portland Air Terminal, & control tower looks like La Guardia Air Terminal in NY. As of this point the evidence of late indicates my relatives in Portland betrayed me, so this is far-fetched conjecture (i.e., 'Kay' shooting in Sac staged - an act?) but, they don't get to leave me in the dark w/motives of testing me in light of Jack Teacher 1700 year miracle (among other proof); if it was to expose a carefully concealed Mideast consp., that's a consideration, but I've been led nevertheless, justice was due me as of Summer 2018, so there was a better way to track Mideasterners). Irregardless of Portland motives, evidence is intricate attempt of Mideast to undermine the Western church's "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders' & H & S Red Star Crusaders' Jack Teacher plan.
2/12, "He doesn't find his sharp," PA anncr, Superbowl game; context, sharp warning on internet; prison consp. code (as opposed to 'fined'); Phoenix is where Dave Keane is located. BUDLIGHT ad, fem on ph., on hold, & spooky music - same as city of Davis (& Davis police - although I haven't called them in years); but she & husband start dancing to it - as though it's not so spooky - Budweiser covering for Davis; this was possibly same commerc. break as Heir ad, w/ "M. JORDAN" on chalkboard - possibly link betw. BUDLIGHT & M. JORDAN - the implication was it was Jordan when he was a student in HS or college; i.e., Budweiser claiming they are a "student" or being "schooled" - possibly because I'm refusing to cooperate w/demands that before I get justice, I have to phone hop some more, or else I haven't passed a "test." 8 PM, "We're gonna see where you do this Kim mix," vision; i.e., '[Red] Sea[ judgment].' "Here's where you can put blindness," vision, after finishing 4 hrs. of exercise; i.e., referring to my warnings Aggies are blind to nth degree. "What a great one to pass;" 6:20; "He doesn't know age." "He doesn't Martina," 6:17 PM approx., ancr, Superbowl. "Can the QR code - watch the full roast," 6:23 PM, ch 40; end of Mr. Peanut/Planter's ad; i.e., claim if I'm going to "cap on" Slavs (due to them failing to so much as mention me) then Americans should conspire to refuse to give me credit for rejecting sales & demanding to be a teacher & let Davis conspire death row/in the streets oppression more - '[death] row [in the] st[reets].' (QR code coded communication - 3 of 4 corners - represented supposed eventual shunning by me of singing/dancing on street corners while sign-waving in the past - I found other work minimizing sign-waving & didn't do the "fourth" corner - moot point - you can sing if you're bored, no matter who you are - in fact, this proves it was orchestrated for future consp. tool to use against me & that's now being attempted by Planters nut co.). 6:25, "See this window? Fall." "Mahomes" "He's coming" (notes confusing); anncrs, Superbowl. "Nakita quarterback," 6:29, ref. 8:12 PM,"Grow your muscle," ch 15, 8:12 PM, male, blk jacket. Wh fem reporter, ch 3, 11:12 PM, hand on shoulder similar to Yolo sheriff deputies location of mics. Bug code, 11:54 PM, "He's gonna have his cue again." ch 3, "You're gonna give a good like," 11:20 PM, Dirk (wthr). 2:23 AM (or 7:23) "You're gonna live here again, Mexican.", lg. screen blocks view repeatedly when cute women in swim suits on pg, then, lg. screen block displaying baby - stalking. "They aren't giving him his guide," 9:33 PM fem, rm 115(?) BW. MY58, 10:51 PM, "rankling.." fem, sports, story of ankle injury, attempting to imply fishing (evangelism), 'angling' Chief's qtrbk, & timing was after pain in R side of chest night before. "I'm consumed breaking down the wall," Kings player, 10:50 approx., v. Phil.
Prov. 9:12, "If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer." Detroit, Mi. is USA car capital. Chinese recently produced the Chery car (founded 1997), name similar to 'cherry,' w/English nuances such as purity/virginity, & adj. describing stylish cars. In addition to variation in spelling, Chinese manufacturer's logo is an upside-down 'V.' I reported reading in the news in late 1990's about yaks in China, & that yak meat is better than beef - more lean & healthy, less expensive to raise, & better flavor - the Chinese were expected to promote it to us & potentially make a "killing." Pontiac, Mi., small city 18 mi. N. of Detroit, & name of make of car - my first car as a youth, Pontiac LeMans. Chinese are aware I'm a teacher being used as a pawn to get their attention - proclaiming huge feats from Heaven on their behalf - but it's been delaying my teacher career, yet Chinese failed to respond to God's gigantic displays of love for them personally. The point: Yak! 'Pawn 'T' - yak;' Chinese never capitalized on yak meat, & that produces another form of "meet" - they were poised to be the "heirs" of Christianity - Eastern & Western church set them up to be the leaders (by example, rather than control like popes - although it isn't asthough it was totally out if bounds - Catholic popes had quality of being iron-fisted leaders for the Lord- & that is a powerful form of boasting in the Lord, which we are supposed to do - just cut down on being hateful about it); but if they felt led to take a layman's stance, then w/outreach & signs from Heaven & earth-shattering feats from Christians on their behalf, @ minimum, where was the "yakking" about the gospel & the wonders & God's power on their behalf - in China or USA???? "I will tell of your goodness; all day long I will speak of your salvation, though it is more than I can understand. I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will proclaim your goodness, yours alone," Ps. 71:15,16. Don't Edge out the pope & leave him sprawling in the street wailing like a baby! But yak - bubble over - spill the beans - beam w/pride - they should've given God the glory due him for personally intervening to make sure they were invited into the family of God, & unequivocally demonstrating they're valued by him, & that would've remedied the oppression/pawn status that I've been suffering. Yak meat is a "meet," or plumb line, of their laziness & timidity as far as seeking God. Leaders of nations governed their nations w/goals & feats honoring God for the sake of China; if China's leaders didn't want to respond, what about Chinese churches in China or USA or elsewhere? What about Chinese in general - all ages, all walks of life - anywhere in the world???? They give themselves away that a scandal covering up the oppression against me is more powerful than God, as far as they're concerned. As of my youth my goal was to teach - unparalleled Heavenly feats - it was mandatory China respond to God & do what they could to ensure I could teach, rather than disdaining God in order to go along w/conspiracies to extinguish my dream.
2/10, Liberty Mutual ad, "Here's something you'll never forget" & stage w/animated animal figures playing music - like Disneyland stages. Lava Laundry, mex male (blue jacket) to blk male, "I'm gonna f*&^ another. 7 PM, blk male, (Lava L), "...your doggie" code. "It's a beast" Larsen, Toyota ad, & camera in back seat again, 8:28 PM. Kings gray uniforms, & 2 mexs (reported) both gray swt shrts (w/boy & "I'm gonna have 2 kids" - it's vaguely possible that wasn't a code, but match-up w/clothing demonstrates it was staged). "We're not qualifeind it," 9:08 PM fem rm 115. Tim Allen ("Last Man..."?) "Yeah, it's in, SO, you still a dumb ass?" 9:53 PM. whisper code, 10:14 PM, MY 58.
2/11 blk lying, butt up, pic flashed during Gallegos play (theater). "There are many who don't know, [about Gallegos]" & "Go!" 'many' - Aggies/bug code 2017. 'guy, [l]e[t] go!' "Dove soup, go," 1:28 AM. Brittany Johnson, "Miskelaneous" (hard 'c'), ch 3, 1:46 AM. "Helping A, providing..." (notes unclear), 1:41 AM. Mex male landscaper, "He can't be knowing, this you would see, we're the bleak," 4:36 PM golf code, CBS. "We will definitely kill that look," anncr, golf. 4:39, fem anncr, "Here I am come get me, but you've got to ring it in just a little bit." Britney Drigues, lab grown diamonds, CBS 3:14 AM, "Real diamonds?" "yes, I can attest," "lab diamonds fake? This is incorrect," but internet search, sources say their "lab grown diamonds" are what's known as synthetic diamonds - they are attempting to cheapen standards. 3:22, "Your space term on," bug code. loud bang above rm 114, & "You take your 'kay," 6:10 AM. "Kept his baby," bug code, then fem bug code, "I mean I start all over," 6:20. "We keep his height," 7 AM, male, rm above 114, BW Davis. Pachamama (cafe originating in Davis), I asked for their wifi code - yelled, due to noise, & no response, but male emply said to cust., "You didn't hear that," 10 AM. 11:09, wh fem emply, "Heavenly" shrt, "You have to leave, or I'm calling police," claiming a lot of complaints after male next to me stalking me & I stood up & said we should step outside, & he refused & left.
2/12, I reported previously a vision of wallet missing, & someone cutting cutting up my new credit (debit) card & giving me my old one back. This was after a scenario of credit card used & signature space worn off, & fem clerk BW Davis, stalking me as far as credit card & key cards - asking for my credit card twice & accompanying code about the "chip," & that eve., @ Raley's WS, credit card declined @ self-check, & supervising cashier rubbing it on her leg, "It's the chip," & then it functioned again; I then replaced it nevertheless, despite it was a conspiracy betw. BW & Raley's, which I reported, because the card was getting old anyway. In this context, using new CC, 2/12, T Mobile automated payment program said problem w/card 2X (same CC #, new exp. date). The automated system asks for "security code on the back of your card" & then. "Just to make sure, you're authorizing T-Mobile to make a one-time debit of $50.38..." spelling out that the authorization is for one payment only, & this is in context of asking for security code. & then I called & spoke to cust. service agent, & same thing, couldn't accept credit card - T-Mobile agent Emily, "the # on the back" 10:19 PM, (referring to back of the card - bus supposed caveat - the entire # is now on the back), & recently Golden 1 started placing the credit card # on the back of the card as well, next to the 3 digit sec. code. I.e., entire credit/debit card #
"hangs" on this accountability facade. Ph payment wasn't due until midnight of 2/13, though; but next AM, tried to make call, & recorded spooky voice, saying my service was shut off. I ck'd text mssg. & it was midnight 2/13 deadline. I called cust. service again, they restored service for that last day of cycle, until I could resolve the "problem" w/CC. But I also told them my CC is perfectly good, it's their system that's faulty. That eve. after work, I used a prepay card I'd had in my wallet for a year or so, & purchased ph payment amnt. using my CC, adding it to the re-usable prepay card; in line @ CVS, wh male bugundy jacket, "This is he doesn't have" (jacket like the one I'd recently thrown away due to prioritizing olive green jacket & too many jackets - & context of fem w/burgundy jacket w/badge printed on it & codes on TV recently (I've been stalked for years as far as burgundy jackets) - other codes all day long, such as from Aggies indicating frantic race to deny me phone service. I then called & paid using the prepay card, but phone service wasn't restored. I then called cust. service & spoke to an agent who announced it was restored & up & running. The sabotaged payments have to do w/previous stalkings about the 3 digit "security code;" in approx. 2007, I was @ comedy show in Old Sac, & ordered another beverage, & waitress indicated she had a running tab & didn't need my CC again, & I indicated I didn't like that; I later decided running tabs are common, & it was probably doable. But they then evidently launched into a huge 'guardian' scandal - where they claim they have your standards pegged, & they are going to conspiratorially test you to see if you're consistent. I wasn't in "running tab" situations except rarely, so I didn't "inform" anyone that I had reconsidered it & thought it was probably okay; but they launched into industry-wide conspiracy claiming they could "track" my standards, under guise of "showing" everyone I'm a legit watchdog when I track their acts of oppression. Approx. 2008 the sec. codes added to CC cards/debit cards, supposedly as a mechanism indicating you're allowing a open/running tab - if you give them the 3 dig. code, running tab allowed; if not, then one-time transaction. Then, industry-wide (multiple industries) especially when you're on the phone, almost everyone wants the 3 dig. sec. code, despite it's a one-time transaction, & here's where the victim has to prove to everyone he's a legit watchdog by refusing to do business w/them if they have to have that sec. code; but it amounts to yet another form of oppression - built in is the 'D' consp. where businesses deny me services - same as Davis was doing ("about blank" electronics consp.) - under guise of testing me. The code is all but meaningless - if someone's going to fraudulently use your CC, they probably won't do it @ the same place of business, where it could be easily tracked; they'd copy down the # & use it elsewhere; there's little chance of an open tab/closed tab fraud scandal. I wasn't led it amounted to anything to attempt to track it - it amounted to CCs adding another 3 digits to the CC numbers, & it isn't my job to regulate how long their CC numbers are. 2/14, "Guardians" - police guards in schools, ch 3, 6:34 PM; "guardians" - those "tracking" Jack Teacher's CC policies - & that's the match, according to rebels - except that "tracking" is terrorism & conspiratorial. This is 15 years of rebels claiming they had "tracked" my standards - & CLAIMING IT WAS SUBSTANTIAL ENOUGH TO FOLLOW THE SEC. CODE W/THE ENTIRE CREDIT CARD # - THE ENTIRE CARD # SUDDENLY ON THE BACK OF CARD - W/THE SEC. CODE - & - THEY ARE THE GUARDIANS PROVING I'VE COME UP SHORT - & THOSE "GUARDIANS" SUDDENLY NECESSARY IN SCHOOLS - IF JACK TEACHER WAS LEGIT. TEACHER, WHY ARE THERE SUDDENLY "GUARDIAN" POLICE OFFICERS IN SCHOOLS???? IT'S JACK TEACHER'S LOW STANDARDS, EVERYBODY - THAT'S WHY WE NEED THEM! - DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO DISTRACT FROM BLATANT CONSPIRACIES & TERRORISM.
2/13, 7:06 AM, wh car pkg lights on, idling, next to BW office, lic pl 8FOV804. The night before (2/12), car backed up all the way to partition wall in F&E convenience store pkg lot, across from BW, next to 5' space betw partition wall & lg. phone or electrical box that I use so that I don't have to go around to the driveway; they watch my every move, & positioning cars several nights in a row so that I'd still have to go around their cars. Returning from F&E, 4X4 p/up w/lights on, idling, facing me in driveway of BW pkg lot. I.e., coded claim 'you have to go 'a 'round, us,' - simply to oppress me. But this is a playback of the oppression of T-Mobil, G1, & credit card industry - forcing me to 'go 'a 'round' w/them - subtle deception that Davis didn't fall short. - same as the 'a 'bout' codes of Davis cafes, etc., & as reported, "ABOUT:BLANK" electronics consp. 2/13, 4 AM approx., dream I was working w/Asian who admitted he had killed someone, "Do you still want to work w/me?" possibly Ryan ("You'll have your miracle term" Wingle warehouse, 2021 approx. - 'term' as in hostage in jail, or as in "Boris Landspace" term?) 5:13, "You give me, brick," bug code, fem; I temporarily placed Taylor Swift back on my website, 7/25, 2021, then removed the display, but that may have been why I was attacked. Overall, as of 1 Jan., I'd consistently boycotted her, & minimal about Paris Hilton. 5:23, gov't bug code, "We aren't giving him cheating 'em," i.e., if I don't leave the "EDUCATION..." report up - referring to USA failing to hire me as teacher, then they are claiming they don't have to provide me justice; but that report also tends to prop up China, which I'm refusing to do.
2/6, wh or Persian fem, lavender jacket, located on E. coast, documentary or news report of murder & false accusation, "He had nothing to do...[hesitating]" implying 'nothing to do w/it;' & MCB Homes ad (Lodi), "Idol Beer" in background ('Lodi' spelled backwards) - idle - nothing to do; the ad is coded communication affirming the jealousy motives - teen idol, etc., a witness for rock stars is probably going to be really popular, if not an "idol;" coded communication - indicates an assurance the nation will help them stop me. Fem in news implying the regional consp. was leave victim stranded year after year after year, nothing to do, no friends - not even friends from the past (Lodi), no one to visit w/, career goals sabotaged as well, & he'll lose it & go on shooting spree. Tulip Ave., fem possibly stalker, lavender jacket; 5 PM, leaving Joanna's 4:48 due to half hr. lunch & still 2 hrs. of reports to do, going down Tulip, wh male tan SUV pkg next to Slide Hill Pk., got out, & started walking down sidewalk parallel to me across the st., casing me, lic pl 5DVS911, blk shrt, tan cap, (pic sent), "I'm gonna want come on;" getting pic of SUV, (Persian?) fem lavender jacket walking by SUV (suspicious), but story on TV indicates tracking - fem on Tulip didn't use any codes - DVS 911 - 'Davis 911' lic pl code. Iron clad rule - essentially 100% of Davis is rebels, but it is possible someone could fly in, track rebels w/out using codes, then leave.
Code: 'Sly dill park;' 'Sly [Stallone]' & 'dill[dough];' sex code combined w/Hollywood boxing code - which includes match betw. blks & wh (such as Mr. T), context of fem opting out of sex w/me supposedly due to avoiding dirty pics, is implication. 10:18 PM, ch 40 news, Eric Harryman, "I have that dill." W/out participating in pickles being code for sex, approx. year ago I purchased one of those lg. hot pickles, Van Holten's, & naively took swig of juice, & almost choked on it - I reported it - they should place warning on package that it's equivalent to juice in jar of hot peppers; I purchased one of those on 6th - wasn't necessarily led to boycott them because it says "HOT" on package; but Harryman code indicates they can assume sexual motives from purchase of pickle, much less conspire over it. "I just want this..." vision, 9:12; i.e., 'th[e] hiss [conspirators];' then, 9:16 PM, bug code ('hiss'), "A man w/birth," rm 114; "We're gonna tell you by cough," bug code. "We need you be keeping it," 9:29, bug code - subtle confessions, hiding behind codes, seeing if they can slip in while admitting they're needy. 10:20 PM, Nick(?) blk male rptr, ch 40,, "...kill ya w/his arms," referring to Mahomes; "...kill ya w/his legs," referring to Hurts; figurative language in sports, but in context it too easily lends itself to consp. to finish me off. 10:42 PM, I went to bed @ 10:30 due to getting up @ 3 AM to juggle, & 10:42, buzzing sound from mattress directly below my ear. I checked, nothing that I could find - projected electronic code. 2/11, ch 3, blk Kings coach Brown, "Dallas hit us in the mouth," 7:54 AM, & blk player, 7:55, "I have to ask what..." '[h]ass[le] [the] w[e're] Utt[s],' i.e., blk player translating his coach's code into blacks w/hit against me (Utt). Memphis black police "hit" Sac blacks - Kings coach indicating he has no choice but to oppress the white "Utts."
2/15, Payton Gendron sentenced to life in prison for murdering 10 blacks in buffalo, NY. I don't recommend taking the law into your own hands. Nevertheless, evidently his sentence is a warning & condemnation both against blacks; I reported that while working @ Little Caesar pizza in Vacaville, 2011-2012, I often purchased pizzas @ emply discount, & codes on radio referring to me, & that it was Obama's "dog food." New dog food on the market, Blue Buffalo brand.
2/8, "That's where you can't gyn 'em," (i.e., 'gynecologist'), 9:50 AM, Noelle, 10th St. - through raking. I often get paid more for being meticulous, but Holy Spirit has warned me to take "Sloppy Joe" approach occasionally - balance; code indicating sexual innuendo. "We're not letting you have your shining," (or 'shy inning'), 10:10. "...stick a caulk up there..." 8:20, Noelle, referring to under the eaves, filling in holes - but 'eave' is code for homeless; 2/7, bike on sidewalk on B near 8th - I was working @ Noelle's & 2 other customers on 10th St. (note: 10th - def. of 'tithe' - Cheerios code); bike was to one side of sidewalk, so that you could walk by, but strange & obviously staged; 2 UCD students then tried to crowd me on sidewalk near 8th, 2/7, & 2/8 going to Noelle's, elem. girl rode up onto sidewalk & intersection of 8th & B waiting for the light, w/rear wheel partially in my way - I rebuked all of them - but this is an instance of students who come from bay area, & TRAIN DAVIS CHILDREN TO OPPRESS ME -THEY'RE BAD ALREADY, BUT UCD STUDENTS GET THEM INVOLVED; their claim was I should've knocked over the bike, & I have done that before (many times), but supposedly there's a warrant right now, & someone calls police, & I disappear ('shy inning'). Kents on Ganges, Asian fem. (l.n. Chiu) next door (W.), talking to Elaine, "I have traub" (or, 'I have to rob'); according to Elaine, the Chius have resided there since 1970's - so this isn't an Asian recently arrived to Davis, they are rebels. I was replacing fence post betw. the 2 residences, working w/both of them; Elaine, "It's just a peen," 1:45 PM, according to Elaine, they rarely visit, & Chiu's code had the effect of a catalyst w/Elaine - an "eye-opener" that the Chinese next door are open to more oppression; 'a P.E. inn,' propping up blks is "strategy;" "We go through everything," 2:05, Elaine; 'through' - code from Bob Green, Green Realty/Help-U-Sell 1997 (Col. Sanders look-alike orig. from Oklahoma); he had relocated his office to Vacaville, I was commuting & working from home; this was after Vacaville Christian Academy had conspiratorially fired me, & then UCC assoc. pastor Keane dismissed me from Edge leadership; I was behind on rent, & all it took was a disagreement w/an emply @ Green R., & Bob then saying "You're through!" & I was fired. 2014, hostage in Fairfield jail (Solano cty - Vacaville area), vision of undersheriff Ferrara, "I'm gonna have to go through it," referring to my suitcase in storage @ jail while I was hostage for 4 mos., but it was coded claim they could assume I was still in sales - despite having taught in their county, & applied for a billion teacher jobs from 2004-2014, & shunning sales consistently. I'm going into detail about jobs in 1997 due to Chui's code - 'traub' - Weintraubs, members of UCC; after being dismissed from Edge, to keep active - & stare the deceptive UCC leaders down - I started evangelizing in front of grocery stores, & @ end of 1997, Lucky called police on me & I was false arrested - charges later dropped. This was after Don Miller, UCC, called police on me for demanding a listing back @ his front porch; Miller's action was taken as invitation by others in Davis, predominantly atheist college town, to finish me off using police oppression. 'traub' was code for "trouble" - i.e., fired from VCA teacher position was taken by UCC to decree I was "in trouble" financially, which would also soon translate to trouble w/police. 'Whine, '[he's in] troub[le]'' was the m.o., & the motive for desperately wanting to finish me off? ''Y' - '[he's] in trouble;'' 'y' code for oral sex - ream me, & it's better sex. "He's gonna get arrested - it's the only way,, I'm it," Elaine, 2:08; i.e, spilling her guts to Chiu, based on the evidently sophisticated "intelligence" of use of a code that was largely out of use as of end of 1990's - one of the original codes. "Move, away" Elaine, to Chiu. Then asking if Chiu wanted grapefruit, "I can't eat," 2:30 - subtle 'y' (oral sex) response, but also, codes doubling the Kents - 'keep the victim in "trouble;" deny victim room & board...' implying Davis might still get away w/it, according to Chinese rebels - resurrect the 'robber' consp. I reported Asian male on bus, approx. 3 mos. ago, "Get out!" referring to one of my reports on internet about Byzantines. Asians in Davis are sworn cohorts of the rebellion. 'why hint: rob,' dirt poor & no jobs for years - this was the behind the scenes m.o. - get the victim to rob an indiv. or bank; across the street from UCC on Anderson (before they moved to Mace), Hanover St. runs into Anderson - '[alright,] han[d] over [the money!]' As far as I recall, 1997, after I'd been dismissed from Edge leadership, & had gone to UCC @ end of Edge group meeting to talk to the leader, who was a witness @ Lucky false arrest, Weintraub, one of parents of teens, called police on me for being there @ end of youth group meeting - deceptively terminated from VCA, & sex was the motive as to 'why [they were] into rob[bing me of my teacher skills].' Possibly indiv. who called police was Trask, but, there was a Weintraub involved early on. Researching 'Weintraub' in Davis, prominent Weintraubs attend Bet Havrim - Jewish. But they were involved w/UCC. Jewish synagogue before locating @ 1715 Anderson (Luther's 95 Thesis date (1517) in reverse), they were renting church bldg. on Oak St., next door to Our Faith Lutheran.
'gynacologist' - 'g-y-n' - 'consonant-y-consonant' code of Lodi Rich/MGM 'Goldwyn' conspirators. Weintraub foundation, ESTABLISHED 1997, has Jewish investors from Davis - 'jew' became code for 'j[ail] you;' & Jaime Crook, pastor as of 1998, 'jai[l] me [a] crook...' Jews meet in synagogues - 's-y-n' cons.-y-cons. code again, & the Weintraub foundation is proof they were conspiring from the beginning. UCC built new church on Mace (as reported, visit of Brian Toone, from South, & the double underline endorsement - practically had the effect of underwriting the UCC rebellion - w/his endorsement, UCC doubled in size w/in 2 years (2001), & as of 2002, huge new church bldg. on Mace - W/DOUBLE LINE CROSS. Who moved into the old UCC bldg. on Anderson? Jewish synagogue, Bet Havrim - which tended to imply I might have a little "play"- because as of 2002 I'd gained reputation as baller - basketball; 'congregation bet[s they'll] have rim...'; 2004, St. James Catholic church built a huge new gym, "Father Coffee Gym" bigger than Davis HS's, & then DHS built huge new gym - 'g-y-m' cons.-y-cons. Lodi Rich/MGM consp. Those insisting I have to be Olympic great before I can teach - their motives are 'y' motives - rebellion based on sex; 'why in troub[le]' - I'm still struggling, financially & w/police oppression, due to terrorists desperate for better sex.
Wientraub daughter (or by marriage), Caren - w/'c' as opposed to 'k' as in 'car' - Lutheran Church of the Incarnation in WD - near Kents' & Chius'; based on police oppression, early on 'ink' became code for processing an arrest - fingerprints - 'ink [is] our nation;' motives from beginning to ruin USA; 'motor inn' consp. - 'inn [is the] k[ey,] our nation;' & 'inn/car nation;' relegated to living in car or SUV, or an inn, & nowhere else - if I survived. LCI (Incarnation) has a "tower" on top of bldg, w/windows, facing SF - Coit Tower - 'coy [is] it;' a built-in remedy if victim tried to be witty, etc. I reported the Freemans building a "lookout tower" on their roof, & Target Store imitating it. Freemans' claim was I was a RE agent (they were temporarily my clients), Cody had been in my 4th grade Sunday school class that I'd taught, but now, instead of teaching, I'm in business - attempt to claim I was neglecting my youth duties & they had to keep tabs on me - but...THEY ORCHESTRATED THAT! 7:57 PM, 2/9, vision, "You wouldn't see their Target." Target, ad theme of a dog w/target on his eye - code actually defending Davis police - '"dogs" (police) are "targets" of peoples' abuse...' As far as these lookout towers (UCC & LCI), soon enough their oppression instigated destruction of the Twin Towers, 11 Sept. 2001; but Target in Davis was constructed after that - deceptive attempt to gloss over it.
I reported raiding Edge youth leader Alex's tent on Thanksgiving (about 1 AM) w/youth w/water balloons, while he was camping out w/youth; & left mssg on their car early that morning, "We basted the turkeys!" (Of course they subsequently forfeited the title.) Shopping center & golf course in S. Davis, El Macero became m.o. code - 'el must say [death] row;' translated, it's "the baster" or "the marinader."
Make no mistake, there was an awareness of Jack Teacher, due to rock & from Christian intelligence as well, & Davis strategy was war - early settler late Calvin Covell (Covell Blvd. named after him) - 'oval' (egg) - his res. on acre lot on Covell until he passed away approx. 2004, burms, or ridges, built up in front of his residence - signalling battlefield - ridges - trenches. John Calvin, historical Protestant theologian; '[ou]r Edge [youth group, UCC];' . Similar ridges in front of UCD Memorial Union until approx. 5 years ago & other locations in Davis - as reported, Freeborn Hall @ MU, appearance almost identical to front of the church I attended in Clovis, Ca. - Memorial United Methodist Church - this was no coincidence - they were signalling they had tracked who was going to be Jack Teacher & witness for rock; the argument was eggheads v. egging; a UCD student ending up in sales, their opinion, no matter what the motives, meant war - against me. Oh, proof beforehand that it wasn't noble education motives, Ching Chang, Chinese graduate from UCD, Master's degree, became RE broker in Davis for possibly 3 decades as of this point - where's the death row demise conspiracy for him??? Norris Wilson, teacher & member of UCC, taught HS his entire career, & RE agent every Summer! Why hasn't he been beheaded!? They were singling me out ahead of schedule - including those in churches - based on jealousy & sexual motives. Due to their shortsightedness, they didn't consider that the Constantine/Byzantine origin - the constant is 'teen;' one temporarily involved in sales who values & maintains overall goals of teacher. there's no room for argument - especially when it was Davis' oppression, along w/VV, that instigated the conditions where I was conspiratorially cut off from teacher career, requiring work in sales profession temporarily. Once their oppression became known, the noble "egghead" motives could no longer be claimed by them, because it was demonstrated there simply wasn't a noble bone in any of their bodies.
Also, Coit Tower, named for Lillie Hitchcock Coit, SF philanthropist; she was enthralled w/firefighters - the tower looks like giant fire hose. But it was a prediction of the direction Ca. would take - 'coy [is the] 'T;' but another slant on this - those in No. Ca. claiming I can't claim my rights as citizen, under guise that I'm "hoyt" - accent version of "hurt," but that accent has been earmarked, by society, media, & possibly rock, as hardened criminal accent; i.e., taunting me that I'm feeling sorry for myself; but to deny justice to one who is a blatant victim & whom God has used to expose the biggest cover-up in all of history -- only hardened criminals would do that - therefore, cities burning to the ground - call the firefighters - man the fire hoses - Coit Tower warning.
2/12, approx. 3:35 AM, dream I was tracking down late Mrs. Allison - principal of Centennial Elem. School who hired me when I was jr. hi'er to teach Summer School Journalism class (passed away in 2016 or so). But in the dream, she was a teacher, & I was an adult teacher as well. But if she wasn't a principal, then I wasn't hired by her, & I consider that hiring a feather in my cap. It could symbolically mean 'allies' are young. Also, vision of 15 year mouth. If you combine the 2, warning from God that supposed allies (USA or international) conspiring to delay hiring me to teach for another 15 years, possibly because my "EDUCATION NATION..." report supposedly implies I'm supportive of China. Therefore in middle of night I removed that & another report. But I qualified that while our confusing mssgs. - such as supposed education nation w/landscaper Jack Teacher - sends confusing mssgs., overall, we provided more than a tip of the hat to education, & they unequivocally owe God AN EXPLOSION OF PRAISE & WORSHIP - & NO MATTER WHAT, WE SHOWED UP IN A MANNED ROCKET DRINKING TANG, & CREDITED THEM ON THE MOON W/A GIANT LEAP, USA "SECULAR" GOV'T PERSONALLY STANDING IN THE GAP FOR CHINA DURING MAO TSE TUNG'S MASS MURDERS & FAMINES AS WELL. THERE SIMPLY IS NO INDIVIDUAL OR COUNTRY IN ALL OF HISTORY THAT HAS HAD SUCH A CLOSE & DEDICATED FRIEND AS CHINA HAS IN U.S.A. The thrust of my point was the controlling theme is teaching/education, & it isn't that Jack Teacher gets no respect - I've been betrayed! Total folly, & an affront to God! Also, I reported a '15' vision during Batchellor's show; I rode a bike 7 hrs. round trip twice in approx. 3 mos. for interviews in Roseville for teacher jobs approx. 2010 or so; the '15' vision was most likely, as I reported, part of the 'of age' conspiracies where they smear my reputation & claim based on rumors they can oppress me & enslave me w/hypothetical distant future marriage (if I survive) to some fem. who is now a child or underage teen - such as someone currently 15. I reported blk fem stalker w/child on Yolobus, 'of age' code, & mexs. involved, coconspiring w/blacks. Controlling victim's life - slavery - 'y' consp.; recent movie, "Of An Age" 'oven age' - 'joven' ('j' makes 'h' sound) is Spanish for youth; & 'oven' in Spanish is 'orno;' they claim they can tell you "no" to marriage & liberty, & then they have better 'or[al sex]' - 'or[al sex from]"no."' 'Of age' & 'of an age' double entendre - as far as a man's career, 15 years could easily be considered an "age," or "era;" celebration of Latino girl's 15th birthday known as quinceañera - & to teach is 'enseñar;' code: 'k[ey] enseñar-uh;' alternately, the mex. orchestrated 'that' consp. - 'the aaaaa! it:' 'k[ey] inn? say, 'aaa'n ya, era;' my career is being held hostage by churches manipulating Latinos & THEIR CHILDREN TO DO THEIR DIRTY WORK!!!!! I TOLD THIS NATION TO WIPE THEM OUT!!!!!!!! THEY AREN'T TRACKING BLACKS, THEY ARE ADDING BLACKS TO THE REBELLION!!!!! DESTROY THEM, YOU GOD
Jack Teacher slow - "Nobody like to be called 'Christian zealot' - that's load o' bull." "What's loadable?" "Cannon - for those of lukewarm faith." Does it occur to Mideast to claim their "It"? Jesus is the canon - Jn. 1, & 1 Jn. 1:1-7.
2/8, call from Nat'l Police Officers' Assoc., or similar, I said not interested, & hung up, but it then occurred to me demand they should use their mics & audiences to expose the cover-ups. 2/9, media member blatantly false arrested - similar to deceptions that have occurred to me (as far as I could tell). I.e., Jack Teacher owes a 'hi;' facade I must hold people's hand, & spell out what should be common sense, or what does he expect?
It is recommended you buy new paper towels, w/zeal!
Note: Hyatt logo report was conjecture, based on limited evidence; 'h' is shape of chair, but in fact it could be lower case 'h' as in Hyatt. The apostrophe is eccentric but doesn't mean electric chair automatically.
1/30, David Jeremiah, TV pastor, "Turning Point," watching his sermon, vision of "15," & context of codes & Western church leaders conspiring denial of justice for me, & track record of attempts to create lewd innuendos about me, which God has dismantled by demands of justice for me no later than Summer 2018, most likely '15' was an underage code, working w/blk fem w/child on Yolobus approx. 6 mos. ago, "of age." 1/30, 12:51 AM, "If we can get arms around it," David Jeremiah; '...we can't get [military] arms, a round...' but the insufficient "rounds" never end. I have proof they are betraying us by definition: When rebels publicly defy ordinances - such as No. Ca. regionally conspiring in public - that's what ordnance is for: (1)military supplies including weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and maintenance tools and equipment
(2)a service of the army charged with the procuring, distributing, and safekeeping of ordnance;
(3)cannon, artillery.
Moreover, I have proof Chinese & Chinese Americans are fully aware of their duty to country & instead are scoffing: iTea cafe on Third & A, tracked that 'i' in 'ordinance,' v. 'ordnance' - logo is bomb w/fuse unlit, ballooning up in our faces, flaunting the depth of their intelligence, & refusal to respond to God & country. I.e., 'you American leaders are cowards, afraid to do your own housekeeping - your own standards demand military intervention, but you shrink back!' & that is the case - specifically w/our leaders. Bush had duty to intervene, then Obama; when he failed, it wasn't an option for yet another president to fail. That's why we have foreign countries all over our standards - to the letter!
Notwithstanding that those labels (from China) are applicable especially to Chinese Americans, we have to snap out of the notion that we have to baby them - ambitious goals on their behalf was a graft strategy - Chinese grafted into higher seats in the church & American leadership by assuming responsibilities & duties as Chinese American leaders - go figure.
Third & A location - 'Th[ey're shep]herdin,' '[It's] 'A'!'' - there is substance to their argument - why isn't 'A,' the Teacher, allowed to teach? But we've given them a key to good & evil - it's @ their command, & their response is, if it's up to them, they choose fear - they choose evil. USA has tons of Chinese American church leaders & political leaders who've refused to accept responsibility & duty, & instead have shrank back in fear; "But my righteous one will live by faith. & I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back," Heb. 10:38. Nevertheless, I've already argued the nation overall has gone too far out on spiritual limb on behalf of Chinese, & it's @ my expense; the Chinese are evidently claiming that's proof that we are "needy" - that we still feel guilty. God orchestrated the Jack Teacher plan to prevent the country & Western church from becoming overly spiritual when responding to God's discipline in the past pertaining to China - the teacher plan is controlling; producing a teacher who is allowed to teach, is the goal - don't get sidetracked w/projects such as melting pot, or allowing conspiracies attempting to force Jack Teacher to become a priest, & cripple yourselves w/over-spirituality & corruption - produce the teacher & the education nation, & be done w/it - we repented & God's word says we're forgiven - as far as Chinese. Eph. 6:13, "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." "I wanna eat it... We meek you; we meek you," Asian fem, brn jacket, w/Asian male, tan coat, & child, kitchen, BW, 2/5, 8:52 AM. The Jack Teacher plan is so firmly established that it has Mideast centuries-long witnesses, in addition to Christian witnesses. If you want to compromise by allowing conspiracies attempting to force Jack Teacher to be a priest, or by kissing the butts of traitorous minorities who are convinced they have you over a barrel,then don't blame Jack Teacher when you are brought to ruin!
12:52 AM, Jeremiah, "...on the cross Jesus took on our weakness on himself;" & then spread his arms out - gesture of the cross; 'on' is code for gambling, or the risk involved w/sales - "you're on," like a bet, as of 2000 or so; the repeated use of 'on' (redundant - improper grammar) signals the congregation & viewers to consider my raking & weeding to be gambling (sales). The sermon goes on to emphasize waiting on the Lord, & any allusion to me implies denying me justice when it was due me long before 2018 - that's an outside limit; 2012, after I'd translated rock songs, & was still stranded & oppressed, God spoke to me that church leaders were going to be punished for allowing it to continue - 11 years ago! Jeremiah then quotes a Scripture that those who wait on the Lord shall gain strength. Approx. 1 AM, "...God doesn't want us walking around all weak," one could say it's a creative way of saying "really weak," but in fact it was a double entendre that was a code - '...doesn't want us walking around all week;' sublte implication of calendar days as opposed to significance of sm. amnt. of strength. The earlier assertion was subtle consp. yet again propping up Yolo court - these pastors - regional, & radio, TV - have been decreeing courts' oppression of me for 2 DECADES; '...Jesus took '[your] honor['s]' weakness'...' - corrupt judges exposed by my trackings on the internet? Pastor Jeremiah tells everyone it's okay for Christians to conspire to deceptively prop up corrupt judges SO THAT THEY CAN TO MORE DAMAGE! JUST PRETEND THAT JESUS "TOOK" THEIR "WEAKNESS." & HE SHOULD KNOW - THEY'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR 2 DECADES! 'God doesn't want ...[Jack Teacher] walking...' when you're released from jail, you're "walking" away a free man. '...walking around - '[h]aul [Jack Teacher away -] we['re the] k[ey].' The 'week' codes also possibly alluding to that I've been minimizing landscape work on Sat. a lot lately - less door-knocking & more actual labor, so I can afford a weekend off for first time in decades - except it only means I'm working on reports approx. 6 hrs. on Sats. - I'm not actually off, w/40 hrs. of landscape work Mo.-Fr. But slave drivers like Jeremiah demand more suffering than slave labor only on weekdays. Subtle double entendres including 'his children walking around all weak...' subtly implying me around "children" & as far as that taboo - despite I'm a teacher - they have conspired "long & hard on" attempting to stigmatize me as far as kids. 1/30, "David Jeremiah, Living Spaces," 7:27 AM ch 3 - ad of nat'l furniture co. incorporating his name; often this ad includes 2 men who appear to be gay.
To demonstrate the wicked mentality of those using conspiracy codes, last name Jeremiah - sounds like 'jury [is] my 'uh;'' i.e, another rhyme terrorist - despite claiming to be a Christian, suddenly because his name rhymes w/'jury,' suddenly he claims it means he can defy God, Bible, laws of land, & conspire endless false charges & jury trials for Jack Teacher; but the Bible says, "Do not crush the afflicted in court, for the Lord will take up his cause, & plunder the souls of those who plunder him," Prov. 22:22; & "The wise in heart accept commands, but chattering fools come to ruin!" Prov. 10:8 - & make no mistake, oppressing someone because of coincidental rhymes & codes is chattering & babbling. Notice the built-in prophecy of this Bible verse: Those who don't accept commands, such as laws of land prohibiting conspiracies & Bible commands forbidding conspiracies, (1)become chattering fools - that's the cause of the codes (chattering) - refusing to submit to laws of land & Bible; the prophecy is already fulfilled as far as "Turning Point's" Jeremiah - he didn't turn from disobeyind laws & commands, so he's chattering; (2)they come to RUIN!!!!! These TV pastors & other pastors & church leaders, regionally & nationally, are corrupt devil worshipers & traitors who are ruining USA & Western church - & they are KICKED OUT OF THE CHURCH!!!!! Americans must recognize where the deceptions are coming from - vision of Jesus speaking to me in conversation as close friends, & affirming the Western church historically hasn't failed him; but the present-day leaders have already failed him as of 2012, & again as of 2018! DON'T HESITATE TO EXCOMMUNICATE THEM FROM (KICK THEM OUT OF) YOUR CHURCHES, OR YOU WON'T HAVE CHURCHES! FIRE THEM, KICK THEM OUT, ARREST THEM, & REPLACE THEM!!!!! THEY ARE DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY!
1/29, "Hey Alfonzo, I wanna see more food snaking videos," girl, 7:14 PM (supposedly 'sneak food' - video earlier someone sneaking food),, immed. after video of boy w/funnel stuck down his pants/underwear w/parent helping him to make gumball roll off his face & into the funnel, then dad dumps cold water down the funnel. I started writing it down (notes) & ad on TV suddenly comes on, 7:16 PM, male, angrily, "Nothing!" (5X) "& you've got absolutely nothing to do!" pounding street; Alfonzo, blk male America's Funniest Vids. host. 7:29, "We're cola brating," Lionel Richie, ABC. "You won't have your come on," 7:34 PM, people were counted - this was a close knit family," 8:03, (Amityville) HNL 'people' is out of context, making it a code. "Have admit to a woman - have a Kitkat," 8:08 PM, ch 48, & XI Square, Asian store, free sample Kitkats, 2/2. 10:48 PM, "It was insane! Crazy! I would not Luke, a way!" fem ch 3, 10:49 PM; most likely referring to my accepting job of building fence between Bob's & Luke's on Vista Ave. - narrow strip betw. driveways is where bullit casings were approx, 6 mos. ago; but if that's foolish to work in those conditions, the fact the nation is fully informed of these dangers, & blatant acts of rebellion as well, & fact that entire region is involved is proof the nation has fallen short rather than me. Creating & instigating & allowing chaos, terrorism, & strife enough to attempt to force someone out of the city where they reside rather than providing him justice defies the Bible & laws of the land as well, & invites disaster upon entire nation - which is what is occurring.
1/29, ch 13, 11:08 PM, Sac fem protesting, doing a chant, "'I won't stop until we make it,' call!" claim they can ruin me by eliminating carrot, & I can only use stick to demand justice, despite Bible & tradition say use both - 'call' is code for teacher supposedly "called" (to be pastor) - because I'm reporting signs & feats of church - but they are killing people & inviting more & more disasters to create that facade; also, 'until we may 'cat call,'' claim they can publicly conspire & it's simply "cat calls" - it's serious crimes that have serious consequences, & it's willful systematic tools of oppression - calculated & coordinated w/other crimes - it isn't some "mocking" or "jeering" gray area as they are desperately attempting to imply - IT'S REBELLION, WILLFUL ENOUGH TO CAUSE ENTIRE CITIES TO BURN TO THE GROUND IN CA., & JEREMIAH IS USING CODES TO DUPE PEOPLE THAT IT ISN'T ENOUGH FOR ARMED MILITARY. In desperate long range attempt to cover for serious conspiracies using conspiracy codes, kidnappings, hostage captivities, denial of employment, attacks, thefts, etc., they are orchestrating West Sac. as a front, where I don't disappear in jail, simply a lot of "cat calls;" but my programs have been systematally hacked & sabotaged, preventing reports from going through; I've been stalked times w/out number which they themselves have acknowledged they fully expected me to commit suicide or lash out w/shooting sprees; I was conspiratorially denied work in WS for almost 2 decades, including teacher positions - THAT ISN'T CAT CALLS, THAT'S ATTEMPTED MURDER & REBELLION! The m.o. of these depraved pastors is claim it isn't enough for military - but according to them, it's never enough - that's the rebellion - THE REBELS CLAIM YOU CAN'T STOP THEM - YOU CAN'T USE MILITARY AGAINST THEM! THAT'S THEIR MODUS OPERANDI!
2/3, "We'll have our adult," 3:48 male, behind Joanne's, operating blower or other power equip. "She'll just hit him again," fem next door to Joanne's, E. 4:03. Slow motion w/hand @ intersection of F & 8th, wh fem driver, L line, 5:10 PM. "We'll have a Napa," driver. "This is how they just forgive you," 5:29 PM vision, #114. B & 3rd, wh fem (?) dk jacket, 5:14 approx., "I'm gonna know home;" i.e., Aggies consp'g to oppress me. 6:37 PM, "He doesn't know his cut," fat blk male blk jacket, gray shrt, Safeway SD. "You won't slate it," wh fem blk jacket, 7:10 PM, 1st & Olive. 6:49 PM, Asian male cashier i.d.-ing me w/follow-up question about product I was looking for, which I should've ignored - he uses codes - i.e., "Did you find it?..." When I responded, "I have that i.d.," or similar; I repented of my response, & rebuked cashier for codes, but then wh male cust., "You have that good i.d.," to Asian cashier, 6:50.
2/3, "FOUND IN KITCHENS" Wheel of Fortune clue to puzzle; & puzzle solution was "SINGLE SERVING COFFEE MAKER," but those aren't found in kitchens, or @ least not in 99.9% of them; there's one of those in BW nooks, but kitchens of residences have more than one person living there, & nobody buys a single serving coffee maker for their home - it's an elaborate attempt to test me to see if I'm hungry for "bragging rights" about a place to live, so that a nook absent sink, convectional oven, stove, etc., suddenly is a kitchen. 2/4, express! - kitchen remodel co., isn't a bonafide name of a remodel co. - it has "code" written all over it - 'RE face' i.e., RE [agent saves] face [w/his own kitchen! Weeeee!]' - it's stark raving MADNESS! Moreover, the express! rebels are conducting their own test, in addition to the conspiracy w/Wheel of Fortune (w/twist on coffeemakers): During recent years that I've applied for hundreds (literally) of Spanish Teacher jobs in No. Ca., there's been a fettish of use of the exclamation marks in Spanish ads & promotions on internet, which includes upside down '!' (upside down excl., point is normal use in Spanish language - exclamation @ beginning & end of the exclaimed phrase) - the fettish uses including creative uses, such as online translation website,, logo has exclamations (upside down & right side up) where the 'i's' are - but it was possibly a subtle form of mocking of me. Express! is echoing this, & approx. 100% chance the "kitchen remodel" was claim they could test me to see if I was secretly trying for some macabre sales credit - FOR RAKING & WEEDING...THEY ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL. "We'll melt him" 9:50 approx., I-80(?). "Alright, you get this, a ride," 9:57 AM bug code, near Joanne's. 11:10, "We left him, strategize," 11:12, "Hill took we're tricked," I-80(?). "Mere a mocha," 11:50, "We're gonna have sea's ansy," fem E. of Joanne's. 2:06, UPS male driver, Blackburn, "I'll just see you - we'll have our NOT." "You just took the bra off the handle," 1:08, bug code; terrorists attempting to conjure up facades. 3:06, "We're not lettin' that moo ow," or similar, Joanne(?). "We don't last, our vote for covid," (I said 'too late'). 3:46 AM, "That's why you don't have your___" "Are you next fate?" 5:43 AM, bug code. 7:23 AM, Sahara bus stop, WS, 42A went by ignoring me (i.e., didn't stop to pick me up), but then stopped a few yrds down in front of U Haul, & mex male got off bus (they never stop between bus stops to let someone off - i.e., it (supposedly) HAD to be stopping to let me get on...; I started jogging toward them, & they suddenly drove away - "psych!" @ same time city of WS pick up arrived to clean up bus stop area - but it was subtle claim we're "meeting;" 7:28 or so, another 42A came & picked me up. I.e., they staged a ream w/remedy - but it was conspired.
2/2, approx. 4 PM, "I have 'given you,'" vision; i.e., any high standards as far as sex, gift from God, as opposed to any song or TV show influencing me.
2/4, "He'll have his form ow" Asian male gray hair, blk jacket, or lt blue letterman's jacket, pkg lot of BW, context, reports about Moscow, 9:11 AM. "Bring it now, please," vision of my Mom talking to me & my sister, as kids, but as though we weren't putting enough pressure on her to fix us lunch, & role playing being more demanding, 11:53 AM. 12:35, Olympic (or competitive) skiier, pointing repeatedly @ his lavendar Oakley glove. 3:59, "That's what saw all this," code near rm 114. "It's not just gonna be another day in paradise." "Why didn't we mean something better?" mayor, PI ad, ch 3, 7 AM. "Travel is just fine," Berg, 7:02. Apprx. 2:30 AM, dream I was friends w/Frank Bailey (mex., Lodi) & we were discussing necklaces w/crosses; i.e., mexs regionally if not beyond, most likely qualify as tares - but falling short as far as one's walk w/Christ doesn't necessarily translate to betrayal of the nation by Latin Americans. Also, if you're a tare before you die, take it as discipline - similar to gunpowder & Christians, 800 AD. If you die, & you're a tare, you're dead. Before that, dream of 2 people in horrible place @ night, w/tall bldgs, & giant creature w/horns (satan?) stomping on people while coming for them, possibly to pronounce their judgment; but when he arrived, voice of little man (like Wizard of Oz indiv. operating the wizard). It seemed like possibly indication I should put up the report about Mideast giving Scandinavia credit for being bulls. I removed the report as of yesterday morning - due to sense of introversion, possibly because of report, in context of Mideast ignoring me. Satanic creature may have been satan, & people squished, earthquake in Turkey. 7:35, "This is our care, up," wh male gray shrt w/US flag shoulder patches), (military?) BW kitchen. 7:40, "We nothing," fem, news ch 3, to blk male boxer interviewed; & "yi" (short vowel). "Tyre work," ch 3, 5:02 PM, ('Tyre Nicoles' code). "Why he day died," Michelle Bandur, news cstr. "this never should've happened," Tyre's mom, "I have trust," blk male w/her (?). "members of the NAACP is where as well," Britney, 5:04. 5:11, "Jared Kay" label on pic of Chinese balloon, ch 3, then another pic, "Joey Lopez."
2/4, Entresto, ice skaters creating double parallel lines in ice (heart shape?), as seen from above, then birds flying w/heart formation, seen from above; 5:13 PM, ch 3. 7:15, "The shape that stole your heart," Cheerios ad, & 2 hands making heart shape, & limited production of heart-shaped Cheerios; Cheerios attempting to stake a claim on the 2 hands heart shape; lg. General Mills (Cheerios) production plant in Lodi. I reported soccer individuals from a particular country capitalized on that gesture, but I'm minimizing any promotion of them - they snubbed me - coldness similar to slavery in Iberia. The Cheerios ad is just getting started, though; 2/5, Doug Batchellor (7th Day Advent. pastor from Roseville - & if I'd known it was from Roseville (Sac area) I wouldn't have been watching it), 9:19 AM, talking about God loving a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), he makes the heart-shaped gesture. Context of Asian fem in BW kitchen, "We meek you" (8:52 AM), "Beware, lest your heart be overwhelmed w/surf fitting, drunkenness,..." possibly attempt to compliment, but code. He then quotes Malachi, "...poury out such a blessing..." 'pour - y' or 'pour RE,' possibly; & then the heart shape & Corinthians quote. Recently my income is increasing, so it's possible General Mills (national corp.) isn't necessarily attempting to curse me; I've boycotted churches in region because they all use codes; I've tried mailing tithes or phoning payments, but I'm stalked or the payments are sabotaged; God led me my consistent P/T work for the Lord w/out pay revealing & solving & tracking could be considered tithe, for time being. More likely, though, it's claim they could go to the nth degree to refuse to intervene for me, & conspiring my demise, by finding or concocting any supposed imperfection in my walk w/the Lord - 'no tithe? Jack Teacher & any supposed singer wife are devastated...' & attempt on my life, 26 July, 2021 - @ 4th & F, where Cassidy-Turley RE sign stood for approx. 5 years, removed days before the attack - ENSURING I'M A BACHELOR. 2/5/2023, "You need Turley," 1st St., near C, male audible code, 4:23 PM - the terrorists are @ it again! No one is attempting to prop up rock stars - they betrayed me; but there's no mistaking the region is vultures to prevent my marriage!
2/4, "causing a lack in shortness.." Prevagen (nonsense dialogue - code), referring to brain problems, ch 3 5:45 PM. 6:11 PM, "...many believe he shot blanks" rptr, ch 3, referring to shooting in SF synagogue - THAT REPORT IS MADNESS!! THEY BELIEVE HE SHOT BLANKS??? THEY CAN'T CHECK FOR HOLES IN THE WALLS????!! That's an Aggies code from 2017 - bug codes attempting to brainwash me, "Many believe..." etc., Moreover, in the footage of the report, Jews sitting @ table while the supposed shooting occurring, as though nothing's happening! "Could you pass me the salt?" etc.!!!
1/21, I reported story in news, update of Brittany Tee, wh fem missing 11 days in Brookfield Ma. I also reported the 76'ers' logo, '7' that looks like golf tee w/13 stars in circle above it, & associated w/24 star watch of Missouri flag. Within a week subsequent, Cherokee delegate to Congress - they chose fem, Kim Tee Hee. God supernaturally reveals hidden motives - Asian male Kim arrested for child molestation in Sac that same week, which isn't something to laugh about. Pronoun 'he' in English also has exclusive connotation of "the man" or "the leader," & men are supposed to be the leaders; Cherokee delegate implies Latinos are behind the scenes propping up blacks - Tiger Woods & golf "tees" - as though everything is "he." God led me their delays & cover-ups & constant creating of darkness makes them the equivalent of tares (as opposed to wheat) - non-Christians.
1/28, "We're gonna know burr better," 8:45 PM, soccer, Span. chan. 8:49, yellow player (#5 or 6), injured L leg, but kicking while lying on ground w/his R leg - the leg that wasn't injured; i.e., not injured - dead; kicking was spasms - like someone hanging from noose; confession they are laying there as far as murder consps., ch 5. Yellow unif. player #s were double lined, like UCC's cross on top of church bldg., built in 2002 - code was from 2000 - UCC wasted no time - Brian Toone double underlined "chair" & "trash" in note, left for Radu, but located where I'd see it; implication was, 'it's either bum (dumpster diving) or die (death row/electric chair) - it's too late for you...' which was the threats in Davis; based on my interactions w/Brian as roommate, it was predisposed to be taken as "on the inside" - i.e., ' this is what your enemies are threatening, isn't it? But they won't get away w/it...' Instantly, double underline became code for death row in Yolo based on this note. But, 23 years later, & no intervention from South, where Brian was from (S. Carolina/Alabama), &, absent invasion of South, this message was literally a vote of confidence for Yolo/No. Ca. rebels from almost half the U.S.! They "change their minds" about invading, THAT MAKES THEM THE MASTERMINDS OF THE DEATH ROW CONSPIRACY! But - JOIN THE CLUB! - Rock & Hollywood, identical m.o.! They pushed buttons in Davis & No. Ca. that there's no middle ground - conspiracy to enslave a prophet of God (Jack Teacher) (which they had intelligence about evidently as early as '70's), it might as well be attempted murder! & rock then concocted dozens of songs accordingly... "Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life/From the long arm of the law/...Hangman is coming down from the gallows..." & On a steel horse I ride/I'm wanted, dead or alive..." etc. "Bohemian Rhapsody" makes the point that death row may be justified for someone who murders someone, possibly arguing in my favor, but there's plenty of songs that don't get into those "details." They chorreographed it, then when I held to my teacher goals, bet's off! & they "change their minds" - but like the South, that wasn't an option when, they architected the death row conspiracy! They seem to think it is, though. That's why God led me to claim the South is kicked out - they were instrumental in establishing the death row consp. - & as recently as 4 years ago, vision of them squatting in Tennessee region ('homeless' code) w/Minnesota tracking them; i.e, instrumental in perpetuating my low income & lack of place to stay, until recently. Rock & Hollywood, & South - playing w/loaded guns!
Maids @ BW Davis are mostly Latinos; bedspreads are white, Manchester Mills "Maze" & close-up, pattern of a maze, & logo is a maze, but on close inspection, you can't reach the center of the maze. 2/6, fem mex. in the news, first name Center (that was her name); i.e., a puzzle that you can never solve. Moreover, fem Cherokees chose as delegate for Congress ('chair, owe k[ey] he' & indicating blk is "he" & I'm deserving of
death row), code is she's football player, center position - anticipating Superbowl Chiefs v. Eagles - "hand it to us." Coconspiring w/Biden, ensuring I'm not allowed to marry (white marriage bed spread w/unsolvable maze) - I reported vision, 23 Oct. 2020, Biden saying to Taylor Swift, who was w/me in vision ("INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW..." davisneedy3.html), but in actuality never showing up, "I'm going to kick off your 'soon;'" & then another attempt on my life w/in a few mos. of Biden's term in office (2 during Trump's). Maiz is corn in Spanish, phonemically the same as 'maze' - Jack Teacher doesn't "eat" in marriage - isn't allowed to marry, & it's all a game of football. Possibly connected is the name Okie - Oklahomans - "You're through!" Bob Green, RE broker orig. from Ok., 1997, & soon after that I was w/out place to live; the use of codes is the proof you're as good as dead - it isn't an option to allow native Americans/Latinos (or anyone) to claim codes are allowed because
"Chiefs" are in Superbowl - that simply becomes cover for oppression (Kansas City Kansas, & neighboring Kansas City Ok.). Chiefs qtrbk Mahomes, #15. If they are claiming my motel bedspread is my "cover," they ruined 22+ counties w/consp. denying my teacher career to create that facade!
General Mills (located in Lodi) - heart-shape gesture; Doug Batchellor, Roseville, heart-shaped gesture; mexs. "mixing" fem in marriage bed - she's @ the center of it, & you can never reach her - thanks to Batchellor, Lodi General Mills, etc. But it isn't just Latinos, who else is Catholic - which seems to be the common thread? Italians; Capitol One seemed to have a positive ad recently, as reported (& in the past, ads w/Taylor Swift), but an Italian couple, Antonellis, featured in Cap One ad 2/7, 7:20 AM, ch 3, their cafe slogun, "Do Good. Eat Good." Sounds harmless? But what about the R.E. businessman from Lodi, Matt, MCB Homes - Groucho Marx impersonator - "...good business, w/good people..." also sounds somewhat nondescript, until one's memory is jogged - Yolo judge Tim Fall - despite he allowed prosecution of false charges against me, I tried to be cordial in grocery store, approx. 2000, & his reply was, "Good, good!" & that subsequently became a code - almost a brand, used against me. Recent code, using coded lingo from Italian cousin John, "You won't believe, 'kay?" Vision approx. 2/3, that if I didn't do more than 4 hrs. exercise on Sun. (I did almost 4, including jogging back from store & push-ups & chin-ups), then a 4X4 consp. (vision while hostage in jail, 2020, 4X4 involved in kidnapping me, & Italian custs., Manzis, involved). God led me, 2022, cut down to 2 hrs @ most regularly, because I could use the spare time to study or do reports, & I'm doing plenty - these terrorists are attempting to dupe me while isolating me & surrounding me w/perverts. Also, I was led to avoid Dollar Tree because I was sending mssgs. that I wasn't looking up as far as income, & my income has been increasing. But 2/6, I was led to break protocol, & shop & Dollar Tr when bus was going by there; I noticed (1)no salsa or mex. hot sauce anywhere in store, & (2)no baby wipes (I've been using those for handiwipes because it's same thing, but cheaper). If I stopped eating mex. food because of the tare tracking, & following suit w/all the other trackings, I would have nothing left to eat exc. Swedish meatballs, & they'd then focus on proving to me I couldn't eat those as well. Possibly this Dollar Tr didn't carry baby wipes - I've usually gotten them from WD store; as of last night, report that Americans in general are shopping @ Dollar Tree a lot; saving money is a const. right, but this nation should've restored my rights so that I can teach long before this. Safelite ad, fem shaking head @ baby. Also, 2 of the newer lamps in BW rooms, consists of 2 "legs" - similar to the long-legged tanks in Star Wars - almost exactly like lamps I reported in Motel 6, exc. the 2 "legs" extend sideways, as though the Star Wars lamp is climing a steep cliff. It was Mideast mgr who allowed Davis police to rob me of my room in 2021 @ M6, & BW on B St. isn't operated by Mideasterners, instigating it @ M6 indicates there are Mideasterners attempting to oust me from Davis. As I reported, locals are rebels as a rule irregardless of race, color, etc., but, originally Mideasterners asserted they, if no one else, could rise above that - Anant Amin, Gorbenzadi, etc. If they now want to willfully come up short, & no one checks it, then they've shrunk back. Artwork on Helen DeCarlo's porch (Italian/Catholic) depicts those long-legged tanks from Star Wars.
"Los pasos perdidos," ("The Steps Lost"), Spanish novel, Alejo Carpentier, c. 1988, 2011, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, run-on sentence, & it centers on "Pero" - ON PAGE 115 - pero - 'but' in Spanish, but as of 2004, it was a death row code in Iglesia de Canaan, Spanish church I was attending in Davis; 'pay [is death] row,' acting as though tracking it, but there was no denying the rebels could count in them. "...hacie'ndoles contar sus historias Pero, sobre todo, hubiera querido acercarme ma's libramente a Rosario..." ("...making them tell their stories But, above all, I had wanted to near myself freely to Rosario..." 1988 I started my BA @ UCD; author's name sounds like 'alley-ho!' 'Alijo' - contraband, lightening, unloading - job prospects narrowed down to landscaping or unloading cargo - 'alley, ho!' unemployed, & outdoors again, & the rebels claim it's contraban
Pg. 115, Rosario most likely a code - '[death] row's sorry, owe[s],' the implication indicates there were Spaniards that were actually training rebels in No. Ca. how to be vile - one of the pinnacles of death row consp., they had started referring to me as "Row" - i.e., claiming my name was "death row" indicating there's no escaping that one way or another that's where I'd end up. Approx. 2008 or before, fem. in Wdld libr, "Row doesn't sit here;" they concicted the name - it wasn't "Row doesn't sit well w/us" because their 'with' jail consp. is still functioning 15 yrs. later! 11AM 2/15, vision, "It was w/you." . Movie poster approx. 2010, possibly a response - a mssg. near bottom of poster in small print, "Row? YOU'RE Row!" But that wasn't adequate, because of code, 'Row? Euro!' - Spain is in Europe, & the Euro is "money." Corroborating the "sorry" codes, 2001, Mideastern homebuilder, Ali Gorbenzadi, purchased Davis Nursery listing & broke the Coldwell Banker blacklist stranglehold; i.e., '[those] gor[ing Sherman have] been sorry,' almost like a leak. Pastor Sergio, Iglesia de Canaan, 2004, possibly using code, double entendre, "Te quiero," 'I love you,' & phonem., 'take your
row.' He did refer to Davis police as terrorists, but refused to do anything to follow through.
He did refer to Davis police as terrorists, but refused to do anything to follow through. Nevertheless, it was a code - creating impression that death row scandal is merely a typical object to overcome, commonly experienced by others - typical hills & valleys of life; this was flip-side facade of codes - 'someone refusing to submit to death row? We have codes to deal w/this type...' figuring if everyone's using codes, you'll conclude you're over your head, & you'll capitulate. Carpentier is more like a French name, though, & strange ow he looks a lot like Hitler.
Carpentier's resemblance to Hitler may not be coincidence - bull "show down" between East & West possibly deeper than it seems @ first glance. Spanish bull fights - matadors & "toro!" In other words, you have to be quick to avoid being a brute beast often offered as sacrifice... Recitation in Catholic church, "Lift up your hearts" (priest) & "We lift them up, O Lord," & while an uplifted heart can signify love for God, etc., Is. 9:9 warns against uplifted hearts (in pride), & Ex. 9:17, "Are you still uplifted in pride against my people so that you will not let them go?" There seemed to be a set stance against the Eastern church by some of Catholics. Catholics' pridefulness stems from the basis of one of the main original contentions between East & West - centralized leadership of the pope, which isn't supported by the Bible, & instead goes against the teachings of New Testament - the West resolved this to lg. extent w/reformation (Protestantism) - Christians protesting, w/demands that echoed the teachings of Eastern church. Church popes killing those who disagree is a dead give-away - Tyndale, for ex., translated much of King James Bible, & then was choked & burned @ the stake @ Catholic pope's orders. Wycliffe translated the Latin Vulgate (Catholic Bible) into English, & those who subsequently used this English version were persecuted & martyred by pope. Their pride resulted in them killing people for reading the Bible! the centralized power theory culminated in pretense that only priests could read & understand the Bible, & no one else dare try...yet Jesus encouraged everyone to read the Bible, emphasizing "the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth," Jn 13:16; & Apostle John says, "You have no need of anyone to teach you, because you have an anointing of the Holy One, & you all know," 1 Jn 2:27. These claims are based on Christ's teaching - God is our Father, & we have direct access to him through Christ - "There is one God, & one mediator between God & man, the man Jesus Christ," (1 Tim 2:5), we can pray directly to God, & we can understand the Bible ourselves. The Bible says, "the man, Jesus Christ" i.e., he physically died on the cross for our sins as a man, & so he is the mediator, we can pray to him - or, as Jesus said, we can pray "Abba!" "Daddy!" directly to God the Father, because of Jesus' sacrifice; moreover, Jesus is God, so pray to Jesus, & you're praying to The Boss. With all this direct access, why would anyone capitulate & pray to a dead human such as Mary??? Because it reduces the pope to a mere church leader, & God becomes the focus. The Bible also forbids attempting to contact the dead - it's witchcraft. The weilding of power of the popes dupes people into false humility - rather than reading the Bible themselves & holding the popes accountable, which Jesus warned constantly that we must do with our leaders when he confronting the priests, Levites, & Pharisees, showing everyone to refuse to grovel & extend blanket trust - they reduce themselves to ignorant peons, exalting the pope to deal w/God exclusively - most likely as a concession for pope & priests abstaining from sex - how else are they going to get their jollys? But God says know me personally & know your wife intimately - don't be shy about either. For decades, the popes' sermons - English-speaking congregations - were in Latin, further preventing anyone from understanding anything! A more graphic example is when Jesus died, "...the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom..." Matt. 27:51; What does this mean? The Old Testament worship was according to the Law of Moses - 3 sections - the outer courts, where common worshiper was allowed, the Holy place, where only the priests were allowed, & the Most Holy place representing intimate presence of God, where the Ark of the Covenant was, & only the high priest was allowed, & only once a year. The Most Holy place was divided from Holy place by a thick veil - & this was torn in two by Christ's sacrifice on the cross - &, we who are Christians are a kingdom of priests (1 Pet 2:9, Rev. 1:6) - if the Old Testament Laws of Moses were still in use, this illustrates our standing - access to the Holy place, &, 24/7 access to the Most Holy place. The Old Testament talks about meditating on the word of God - how can you do this if you aren't allowed to read it!!? Power-hungry popes withholding 50% of the New Testament mssg. from the people!
Also, the "sacrifice" definition of 'bull' seems to overlook the significance of someone charging ahead, "forcefully advancing" as the Bible says - zealous, which was the challenge God made to the church w/discipline using Mideasterners w/cannons. The plan of Vikings (w/bull horns helmets) to forego credit for discovery of New World, was orchestrated, indications are, before founding of Protestantism in 1517 - Columbus "sailed the ocean blue" in 1492, indicating the Western church was still under Catholic control when the plan was concocted; but biblical Christians have a personal relationship w/Christ that transcends leadership that is often corrupt - the Holy Spirit aided them despite the popes' deceptions. So this "bull" scenario became a theme of a rivalry between East & West, despite the Bible forbids strife. The Bible says, "to obey is better than sacrifice," & Eastern church didn't need any reformation that Catholics underwent w/Protestantism, due to corruption & evils of popes, as well as unbiblical practices & teachings, which were unbiblical enough to make Catholicism borderline cult historically. Rather than repenting of the strife, though, indications are Protestants acted to reform the Western church, but maintain somewhat of a rivalry. Western church "got around" a lot more than Eastern church, which seemed to be claimed as bragging rights. Eastern church persecuted in Siberia - sounds like "Iberia," where Spain & France are located, seemed to reinforce an argument that God favors those who proactively explore, irregardless of a watered down gospel w/often false teachers. But, this argument isn't biblical, & is further shut down by God using China, tending to be introverted, but exploring science & knowledge, to awake Christian Europe from the Dark Ages. As reported, Hitler's slaughter of Jews acted to bring a halt to persecution of Slavs in Siberia - but this is an example of Western church failing to be outgoing & proactive enough toward other Christians. In other words, the message from God, (1)Being biblical is preferred to outgoing & luke warm as far as Scriptures; (2)If you're going to be outgoing, first, be outgoing toward fellow Christians. The Siberia/Iberia parallel wasn't Spain's nor Western church's; "The good deeds of the saints shall follow them," Rev. 14:13, & 1 Tim 5:24, "Some people's sins are obvious, preceeding them to judgment, but the sins of others surface later;" it simply took a while for the luke warm walk of Catholics to surface. The default mechanism of non-Christian leader Hitler "dealing w/" Jewish Russians oppressing Slavs in Siberia is made manifest in the persecution of Jack Teacher by Western church - Carpentier looks almost exactly like Hitler because I'm being used as a scapegoat - denied justice & made into a puppet, to lure a "hit" against me by blacks & others; death row threats & attempts to ruin me that are lethal & thorough enough to potentially ruin a lot of people - demonstrating Catholics & Protestants fell short w/pompus attempts to judge Eastern church & offer almost equivalent to offering of Cain as far as aid against communists.
The rivalry & Jack Teacher parallel w/Eastern church is m.o. of regional oppression.
Customer Ezra Beaman (Ezra biblical name), from family w/lg. ranch in Wdld., res. on Fourth & I, older res. w/wagon wheel basement windows, chimney has swastika of brick; ''be' man;' - attempts to cover for Western church's 'Hitler' response to atrocities in Siberia manifesting itself in gestapo oppression against me. God spoke to me in 2012 that church leaders @ national level were going to be punished because my career was being sabotaged by them along w/locals; & again in Summer 2018 - "deadline" as far as justice for me. It goes w/out saying that because God has chosen me for important tasks I have his unequivocal approval. Parallel w/Eastern church, & Hitler solution is tracked - except that both have fallen short for leaving me stranded. The sidewalk on 4th St., from railroad tracks to 4th, was essentially the only location in Davis w/dirt trail instead of a sidewalk in res. area. The wagon wheel windows - Old West theme - it was orchestrated as facade that "antics" (oppression) would be "covered" w/Old West motif - law enforcement more sparse, often settlers had to deal w/outlaws themselves; conspiring facade where law enforcement is evil, to force victim to take law into my own hands. In other words, 'You're the fool who still believes in Kilroy rule of law nation, but they've delivered you into our hands. Beaman's wife, Carrey, Brit. accent, Olivia Newton-John look-alike, & possibly from Autralia - like ONJ. 'Awe, he's trail[ing] ya,' implying it's "covered" - Australia - started out as penal colony where they shipped all the outlaws - Jack Teacher's surrounded & outnumbered in an (according to No. Ca.) outlaw nation. Woodland constructed Pioneer HS in 2003, almost parallel to Beaman ranch, S. end of Wdld.
'15' code - quinceanera. Romney referred to Santos as "sick puppy" immediately after I reported codes tracking Latinos @ regional level, w/possibly national participation to some extent (soccer game). 2/13, ch 40, 6:31, male from animal shelter, talking about preventing euthenasia (putting pets to sleep), "...& save that puppy!" Subtle conspiracy signaling puppy is underaged child, as opposed to dog - adult woman. 2/12, "He wants their close guardian," Prime TV ad, 8:21. Prime TV ad code indicates Latinos dubbed by rebels as "guardians" ensuring "safety" of region by tracking me. 2/14, ch 3, report about school shootings nationally, & male interviewed referred to police placed on school grounds as guardians - & that's the conspired connection - ALL THE SHOOTING SPREES/TERRORISM, INCLUDING SCHOOL SHOOTING SPREES, ARE BECAUSE EVERYONE'S COVERING UP THE OPPRESSION AGAINST ME - BUT RATHER THAN REPENTING, THEY DEFY GOD TO HIS FACE, BY PROPPING UP REGIONAL REBELS (NO. CA.) W/'GUARDIAN' LABEL, DIRECTLY ASSOCIATING THEM W/THOSE HIRED IN SCHOOLS TO PROTECT STUDENTS!!! FROM ANOTHER ANGLE, IT'S A TRAGEDY THAT THERE IS ANY NEED TO HAVE A POLICE OFFICER F/T ON GROUNDS OF ELEM., JR. HI, OR HIGH SCHOOLS - IT'S PROOF WE'RE ALREADY STARTING TO CRUMBLE - &, IT'S OCCURRING BECAUSE OF THESE REBELS IN NO. CA. BEING LABELED "GUARDIANS" WHILE BETRAYING THE NATION! I.e., because of the "guardians," we've given up precious ground in battle between good & evil. 2/13, 5:57 PM, "You're gonna see exactly what I see," & camera zeros in on chalk board w/ "M JORDAN;" scenes from "Heir" movie - Michael Jordan - blk. "Good Day," host Jordan (Mex. male), "I'm not curious, but Tina is," & Tina was name of my sister's & my dog in Fresno. Then another Prime ad, during Superbowl, long & drawn-out scenes of dog wandering around in house, left there alone everyday, & always tears up the place - but they still love him. then, you might assume to solve problem, they are looking @ pet travel containers; but instead, it's used for delivery of a puppy, as companion for the dog (delivered by Prime); prolonged scenes of dog in ad, code for going 'long;' context of chalkboard & blacks, w/mexs training blacks w/'of age' consp., it isn't symbolizing adults having a child, 'puppy' is code for child & lewd smears. 2/11, PGA, CBS, 5:02 PM, "lotsa young one," anncr; i.e., 'lots o' luck,' but instead it's code, 'lot's a young [sex partner]' implying lewd; & 'lot' is homeless, outdoors (it's possible based on lack other innuendos, 'young lady'). 5:04, annr, "Enjoy their Trevor," name of golfer, but context made it code - 'enjoy their tour [for]ever,' code indicating allow rebels to continue oppressing. Copy & past tool included a '9' post script w/word "kickoff" (Biden report), despite there wasn't any '9' in text where I copied it from; 2:11 AM 2/12. 2/11, gov't bug code, More grain, necessarily," 4:15 AM, & approx. 4:45 AM, dream my sister was trying to get into my room, but I was locking her out; then vision of her saying, "This isn't it, see?" 4:56 AM; possibly referring to me giving Russians bad time for failing to pipe up - i.e., am I starting to "hiss"? Because if the "hiss" or rebellion is the goal, I would've been finished off - motel room invaded, etc. I haven't retracted my reports, but I'm indicating Slavs are daily casting doubt on validity by failing to endorse me - other than vaguely implicit endorsements in the 2 press conferences in 2017 approx. But more likely my sister was communicating that the country is spiraling downward - my Mom piped up that I deserved "gold" & recognition that my "no" reputation is worthy of autograph requests; my sister evidently frantic because of a nation growing cold.
I attended Nat'l Univ. for my Teacher Credential; approx. 4 days ago I watched a video where a singer in skimpy clothing looks over her shoulder @ you pleasantly surprised & mouth open; 2/13, Nat'l Univ. ad, young girl making same expression - same scenario as pics of lady in swim suits in inflatable pool, & instantly UCDMC ad, sm. Asian girl in swim suit in inflatable pool.
Justice due me as of Bush admin., but mssg. from Bush when I was off by a few dollars annual income 2008 for having to pay taxes - supposedly code that we barely missed attack - leave it to Obama. But Obama instead stalking me w/death row & other death threats, including by blk emply @ bakery on Obama's last day in office, 2016, & vision that Obama was in fact orchestrating it. So as of Trump, justice long overdue; but instead, it was a cover-up. & in fact, TV ad, "Kars 4 Kids" "...donate your car today," & it occurred to me, sounded like "Don ate your car today" & as of Fall, 2017, police smashed my SUV & kidnapped me based on phony warrant, & towed my car, waiting until I was unemployed so that I was out of money to get it out of tow yard - Don ate my car! Moreover, looking up the ad, Kars 4 Kids logo misspells "cars" & also, it's in pink - same theme as T-Mobile - yet another conspiracy! Oppression to force me to change phone cos. when I've done that a thousand times, & they're all corrupt, & it's a moot point, equal protection allows me to have a phone w/out submitting to coersion forcing me to spend my waking hours attempting to find a needle in a haystack ph. co. that might not be corrupt, when it would be solved by simply providing me the justice I was entitled to decades ago.
In fact, the song spelling it out, also spells out the 'kay' consp.; 'kay, A ours; cars 4 kids..."
(homeless fem in Davis), & basis of conspired shooting sprees on K St. Sac (known as "the Kay") also involving Dominos.
Also, song is very similar to Motel 6 theme song; "We'll leave the light on for you;"
making it part of the Motor Inn consp., denying my teacher career - claiming A's career under their control; the claim is
"tch, tch, Jack Teacher, you can't be leaving the light on in your storage space," claiming they're "team owe bill" (T-Mobile), & for that, I'm a slave stalked w/"needy" facades forever ("infinitude" - Stanley).
1/23, ch 40, 7:40 AM, "...a loop so you don't lose your Apple pencil," & then a story about Zooploop for Apple products; but it's connected w/TV soup ad where animated girl is emphasizing she's cold out in the snow - "burrr" - to a boy inside looking out the window, & he invites her in for soup. It's a subtle mssg. to "watch over" kids - that they are "entitled" to their "share" of dirty pics - "oops!" so that they can supposedly grow up to be normal adults. But notice the boy invited the girl into the...SOUP KITCHEN."
1/22, Charles Stanley, syndicated sermon (late 90's/early 2000's?), "no, listen,..." he says, "listen..." in sermons, but in this instance, slipped a 'no,...' in there; before that, a creeping motion as though slipping back behind the podium - like an evil person "stealing away" back behind something. He then spread his arms wide, like cross, 8:50 AM, (CBS, ch 13), "...infinitude!" 'Infinitude' is a word, but conveys code phoneme of 'lewd;' double entendre - attitude v. lewd; the show was most likely taped a decade or so ago, but it was staged based on outcome of my reactions & stance; sermon rebroadcast if they determine Jack Teacher isn't assertive enough - w/"attitude;" I took eye exam for another pair of driving glasses - the other ones stolen in Village Homes last year; during eye exam, a machine supposedly tests the pressure of your eyes by sending a puff of wind @ each eye while you stare @ a yellow circle w/red dot in middle. "I'm going to have to repeat it one more time" mex fem. nurse completing that part of exam, Walmart eye center, 1:35; which most likely was code for consp. of me needing another pair of glasses, or jail "time." Charles Stanley, "God goes, [poof!]" blowing a puff of air - mex. nurse is then decreed to be in place of God, & the conspired stalls are, according to them, written in stone - w/God's endorsement. BUT HERE'S WHAT THE REAL GOD SAYS: THIS NATION HAS TREATED ME LIKE DIRT, DESPITE GOD USED ME TO REVEAL HUGE FEATS OF RUSSIAN CHRISTIANS, & COVER-UP, & HUGE FEATS OF CHRISTIANS ON BEHALF OF CHINA; BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY AMERICA TREATS GOD'S CHOSEN SERVANTS, & THIS FOLLOWING 3 ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE, INCLUDING CAR ATTEMPTING TO RUN ME DOWN IN PARKING LOT @ 4 AM 2017, THIS NATION IS ASKING TO BE REPLACED - UPROOTED & CAST INTO THE SEA, &
1/24, approx. 6PM, Gulstan Dart (blk male
rptr, ch 3), referring to people gathering in church in Half Moon Bay to comfort each other, "People starting to come for each
other," which implies violence; 6:30, "This is a fear...." - fostering acts of rebellion!
1/23, "You're going to have this investigated," 6:35 AM. "Let's see how you're going to win or lose into the snowfall," fem, blk pld shrt, blk swtr, wthr channel, 7:10 AM. Early AM (5 or so) either maid w/cart going down hallway near 128 (BW) or wind rattling heater unit. "Chief of South Africa; chief of staff, excuse me," phony slip of tongue, ch 40, 7:26. "Seriously, before you buy anything, have a bowl," 7:30 ad, ch 40; I randomly purchased granola on sale (I eat it once in while). 1/26, bowl missing from my suitcase (I keep 2 plates & disposable bowl for cooking in microwave) - evidence maid robbed me of it; vision early AM, "I'll have dish dies" or similar. 7:43 AM, "Your LIFE! Sacramento Kings," blk Kings coach. "That skyline - I just can't get over it," Claudette Stafanian, 7:39, context - I'd reported on internet my skull cap missing 2X, both were blue w/thin sky blue line. "It is we didn't take his fix," 2:45 PM wh fem, unit #3, Oakensh. near Dorte's. "We're giving 'em sound principle" vision, Biden; ie., 's[ee,] hound principal[s];' i.e., hounding principals who've conspired for years to leave you stranded - left to die, & if it rhymes w/'sound principle,' then that makes it okay, & furthermore, it means you can force the victim to hound such traitors (bay area principals) - essentially walking into a trap! About 8 years ago, I creatively tried to motivate them - San Jose sharks, S. bay, & Tiburon (Span. for shark) N. bay, & on my website, "We have our principals chomp!" i.e., cut me some slack & hire me, & you can head up the invasion as well; but interviews continued to diminish. 1 PM approx. "You won't have you're fought off," as far as I recalled; vision; & then, "That was you're fought," Dorte. "I'll have ho," mex male produce emply, West Lake mkt, 12:40 approx.
"Listen, I'm MIRV," Bradshaw, 5:10; 5:17, "We're not gonna do it," male anncr, NFL Fox 49'ers. "You won't know you own light," A/C, rm 128, 7:22. 5:19 "We can't have him cloth," audience(?). "We're gonna knop," audience(?) "They'll spend 5" 5:24 PM, anncr; I've lived on raw hotdogs for 15 years & occasionally I'm going ahead & eating out - because I'm still not allowed stove or convent. oven, but codes indicate consp. of 5 yr. disappearance, possibly prison; alternately 'know[ledge,] op[t];' & hi 5, but I'm reporting it; THE PROBLEM IS IT'S A MOOT POINT IF OR HOW MUCH I EARN - SO WHY THE DELAYS & MORE SLAVERY???! ALSO, THE 'JACK BE' ADS CREATING CONSP. OF 'HAND PICKED' SO THAT CAFES ARE RAISING RATES & DECREASING SERVING SIZES - SO THAT I'M "PUNISHED" FOR EATING OUT, BECAUSE I'M SUPPOSED TO WISE UP & BUY TOOLS W/EXTRA INCOME (1997-2000, DRIVEWAY ON RUSSELL BLVD, ACROSS FROM UCD, TOOL TRUCK, "HAND PICKED BY THE PROS"). OH YEAH? & WHERE TO I PUT THESE TOOLS?! MOREOVER IT'S FORGONE CONCLUSION THAT ANY INVESTMENTS IN TOOLS IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COURT & POLICE SUDDENLY REVERT BACK TO CAPTIVITIES - JUST LONG ENOUGH THAT MY POSSESSIONS ARE GONE - SO THAT I'M REAMED. THE ROLE PLAYS OF SWIFT (VISIONS) WHERE I'M A LANDSCAPER & SHE'S MY WIFE - MORE THAN SUSPICIOUS - IT MADE NO SENSE. "As a man, oh, what a catch!" "CD Lamb!" 5:35, anncr. "Cowboys gonna go...4th down," & instantly, qtrbk lifting up foot - trip wire/'taking steps' code; i.e., according to anncr the 'steps' code is affirmation or claim they're gonna be wiped out ('gonna go'). "You're in my line" (2X) rap song while blk boy is about to race, w/spooky looking mother w/camera, Fox, 5:42 AM. 5:55, "They're gonna live him porky," TV (sounded like - I was in shower); "Awake, Davis," 6:01, NFL anncr. Cowboys players heads down like reading - like Avid Reader logo, 6:26. 6:28 & 6:44, Prescott, qtrbk, 'steps' code. 6:32 PM, code from anncr, "& that's 2 pics today;" I was having trouble staying awake for a few min. during game (dozed), & sound from TV of camera shudder 2X, 6:25, & 6:26.
1/22, "That was that," (or similar), "Here, have tow me," 12:58; "Right there, that's the tech part," (or 'teach part'), "He did take him down," 10:22, audience; tackle they reviewed & made a different calling on. I've reported the 'here' codes, I'm not under bondage to English language tricks. "It's gonna be slightly differently," male, 3:24, near rm 128. "Nothing his changes," wh (?) male dk hair maroon T-shrt, 1st. near D, 3:24. "He's gonna see his governors," Persian male wavy hair, blk jacket, bk pk, M line 3:43. male, maroon 4X4, "You aren't gonna have their flight," "See family erupt as they spot son lost @ sea" CNN title. "He doesn't know w/us; bat it," (rm above 128? (235?)). Ganges (Kents, custs.), possibly code for '[a]gain, Jes[us,]" possibly another kidnap. Huge ad on homepage of CNN "See the 'big money marketing' of Jesus..." & indicating it's one of Superbowl ads; I checked the video, & it's the "He gets us - all of us" code - & it is a code - used by Aggies for years, "He gets me," but it wasn't as allies, it was as though you get a punchline from a joke. THE DEAD GIVEAWAY WHERE YOU KNOW IT'S A CONSPIRACY IS WHEN THEY CAN'T USE THEIR IMAGINATION & COME UP WITH THEIR OWN BRAINSTORMS - THEY HAVE TO USE REBELS CODES, MAKING IT UNMISTAKABLE THEY ARE CONSPIRATORS I.e., Jesus "gets us" as in, 'he understands us - he'll let us slide w/our oppression,' & 1 of two things has occurred - they've bought more stalls for the Davis rebels @ the national level, or they've totally crumbled to join them - don't let these snake oil salesmen escape! On the one hand, aggressive promoting of gospel is good - "save the nation..." but when they insist saving the nation translates to Davis/No. Ca. rebels & their codes come along as well - blatant red flag. THIS PROMOTION IS THE FOWLERS - ATTEMPTING TO BRAINWASH EVERYONE THAT THE ENTIRE NATION SIMPLY CAN'T BE DISTINGUISHED FROM NO. CA., THE KING PINS HAVE TO GET AWAY W/IT, OR WE ALL CRUMBLE W/THEM - 'HE GETS ALL OF US, [OR WE ALL CRUMBLE].' THEIR ULTIMATE GOAL IS SEND EVERYONE INTO CONFUSION - "THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT, WE CAN SEE THROUGH THIS PROMOTION..." & THE RESULT IS NO ONE KNOWS WHAT TO DO, BECAUSE THIS AGGRESSIVE "CHRISTIAN" MSSG. IS ERRONEOUS - THE STALLS BUY MORE TIME FOR REBELS - THE SAME AS ROCK & HOLLYWOOD - CAME ON THE SCENE, ACTED LIKE THEY HAD SOME KNOWLEDGE & SOLUTIONS, THEN COWERED & CRAWLED AWAY. The same formula repeats itself over & over, & those orchestrating these cunning stalls ARE GOING TO HELL! "You're gonna know ma, on," 11:25, fem bug code or vision. "They just touch your hound," vision, pertaining to Biden vision - if I go to bay area & try to "hound" them, I'm asking for trouble, because they had duty to hire me long time ago. "he won't find his mock," 12:38, B St. 12:54, "He just shows us wade," audience Bengals v. Bills (?). "We're gonna have our turn," mex fem rtpr, 12:02 PM, CBS (Bengals). "It'll be Galt; it's not gonna take left,'s within payday," anncr 12:49; possibly, 'we thin' code for '[c]ul[l] rich;' (Eric Ulrich - Lodi rebel), culling or thinning, those who are rich. There have been gestures of fems affirming my high standards, & indicating I'm entitled to income - alternate interp. "He has since on that drive," 12:53; 'since' code - 'since [you did that, I'm claiming this...] (that & this simply relative pronoun/demonstr. pronoun - not codes); i.e., I've claimed the evidence exposing blacks since they produced it, but that's w/out approving of delays.
1/16, MY 58, Ukrainian lady carried out of bombed bldg, 10:32 PM; 10:15 approx., Acampo (N. of Lodi) lady carried out of mobile home trailer due to flooding. I.e., subtle claim If No. Ca. is suffering due to natural disasters, it's suffering & sacrifice similar to Ukraine - Russia's fault; i.e., the partial punishment from God for covering up story of Siberian deaths for Christ is swallowed up by media tricks. Moreover, the implication is Lodi area "warring." 1/17, report of same flooding in Woodbridge (adjacent to Lodi & Acampo), "We're gonna get a good look @ those conditions, ch 40; if media were open to reporting the story about Siberian cover-up, then this code indicates Lodi "conditions" of Russians' story is it never gets told. Also, continued oppression w/out remedy eventually produces the 'war' code "conditions" of Acampo story, because it's a form of rebellion. 1/16, "Then you'll kill us," bug code whispering, 8:57 PM, rm 16, Bel Air; evidently rare confession rebels are exposed. 1/21, "I'll have his wow," (sounded like) 4:27 PM. "While you're getting there ready, we'll get you ready..." 5:56 PM, ch 3, scenario of parents getting kids off to school, but 'we're getting 'there' ready' - consp. of 'there' oppresion. "Awarner leak" San Joaquin cty, 6:08 PM ch 3, & truck crashed (Werner?) or needing to be towed from flood; 'a war in 'er,' indicating consp., instead of awarding victims w/justice.
1/24, pink hummingbird while working on fence @ Paul's:
[EXCERPT FROM 1/26 REPORT]: 1/18, "You won't know, we're gonna take him whole," Loren, 3 PM approx.; code from UCC member of conspiracy to ruin Western ('hymn') church; i.e., they betrayed USA, & no one stopped them, so they conspire to consumate it - church suicide, compliments of UCC members & No. Ca. - 'commie causey' - they refuse to repent of dictated career, creating distractions. Expression "pinko commie" referring to communists & those w/communist tendencies originated in USA in 1925, soon after communist rebellion & formation of USSR, [& attempts to undermine Western church result in church eating crow ('caw') @ min.
Region preventing me from being a teacher is forcing Western church to eat crow by definition ] This also demonstrates involvement of the 'pink' code of T-Mobile, Kars 4 Kids, & the codes in No. Ca. "We're gonna own that wash," Hwy 113(?) 3:47. 4 approx., "This is where we're poured," (pouring cement) Loren; i.e., acting like he's spiritual - "poured out like a drink offering" i.e., claiming they sacrificed by hiring me - long range attempt to dupe me to settle for landscape business & rejoin UCC. 4:15, "We're not gonna like you," Loren (or '...won't like you'). "You won't church them," 7:38 PM, bug code, ("He made his way" code, Vikki (Loren's wife), 2004 approx., Farmers' Mkt.; inviting me to join UCC gathering @ live music event & FM, but context was recent calls to pastor Crook & him insisting they weren't going to repent - if members expected any gestures from me, they owed me a gesture of firing pastors & explicit invitation; the oppression & UCC's involvedmnet only increased after 2004). Golden 1, wh male student, blue jacket, accent, 5:48 PM, "Have sue his shy, der," "We have basset" '[Roy] Scheider' - "Jaws" movie; & 1/25, Paul Jones, 840 N. Campus, signed ck "Paul Jaws." [END EXCERPT].
1/20, 11:39 AM, "You won't have your [i.d.]," (or similar) wh male gray hair, blue jacket, red slvs, getting off bus, to P line(?) driver; caser from late '90's, possibly as far back as when I was @ Cranbrook - appears every 5 years or so - pic sent; context, mex fem from eye wear ctr @ Walmart called on phone while I was on bus (where caser was); she wanted my e mail addr., but I'd already verified that last time I called them, & she was acting like it was to verify it was me on phone - i.d.-ing, but I said, "You called me" - i.e., no need to verify - it was staged, w/Aggies attempting to claim they'd i.d.'d me as far back as 1997 or so. 12:40, "Was it good for you?...Look," Loren, to Luke, toddler visiting them - subtle lewd code. "He would give, we knock," Luke, 1:32 - sm child trained to conspire by UCC member. "Joe, this is where, your fear," bug code, approx. 1:40; i.e., gov't attempting to prop up those desperate to ruin me. "You won't know our bait," Loren, 2:50 approx. "You just get stuck w/them," 5:58 PM, fat blk fem wh swtr, glasses, P line; "We're gonna know you," 5:59; "We're taking him up," 6 PM; blks & Aggies involved in consp. to undermine 'hymn' church. "He would have 'em; het on," audience, Kings game, 8:59 PM.
1/25, "No more on all fours," fem near Jacksons' while I was trimming rose bushes; I assumed that due to my reports, etc., they were confessing promotion to lawn mowing, fences, etc., & weeding phased out, but it was more like x - decreeing I have to reject any such work. Approx. 1/25, early AM, juggling, thought or vision, "Work ought," & it occurred to me sounds like 'we're caught;' & Davis is basically caught because my line is working one way or another. I had worked for Dorte, trimming & weeding, approx. 1/24, despite @ least one dream indicating they might try to sabotage my income to "coach" me. 1/26, "Peace, we're nuttin' 'em," vision, 10 AM approx., while weeding @ Jacksons;' then 10:26 I had randomly thought of song, "It's a family tradition," & former friend from Lodi/Lockeford who was bragging about sex w/fem & her sister; I wasn't dwelling on it, nor approving it, but suddenly, sense that I was going to be punished for that recollection (i.e., more jail oppression), & then, bug code, "He would get off," fem., 10:26. 10:30, using bathroom, Alan, "We're gonna go a little further," i.e., 'A little, further;' i.e., more oppression - for weeding v. mowing, raking, fence-building. Approx. 2019, after working @ Tina's, Village Homes (where Jacksons are located), vision of mex male elderly, masteurbating near that location, but he was downcast; i.e., 'teen - uh.' In other words, attempting to dictate use of dirty pics (like when I was a teen), so that I can 'mix' ('mix, he can'). When I wrote down these codes, "They have their finish," Alan 10:45.
1/25, vision, "Bean owes glass," - night before, "That was you didn't bean 'em," or similar, placing "KICK BACK..." report on internet, lg fat mex male , blk trench coat, BW. 1/26, Howard & Russell, Asian male student, after report back up, "He can kick 'em" 7:56 AM.
1/29, subtitle of yellow signs, "PARTY FOR SOCIALISM & LIBERATION" - Socialism is synonymous w/communism - protest in Memphis w/rebels attempting to subtly overthrow democracy under guise of human rights protest for blacks.
Demonstration by China of response to 'pinko commie' expression - CNN, fem reporter in rural town in China, "AFTER 3 YEARS OF COVID..." 1/27; according to report, wherever she went, there were gov't agents known as "minders" following her, keeping tabs on her. Very little chance of randomness as far as the name's English translation. Recent report about Hungzhou in China, tailored after Davis, w/bicycle theme, as well as an implied affirmation of me, refusing to "lie flat" on my back, but overall, it was an unmistakable affirmation of Davis, despite rebellion & oppression. 'minders' is most likely in keeping w/that "theme" - the oppression against me originally focussed on my evangelism, w/occasional claims I was too aggressive in sales, although very little of that resulted in legal action, except from RE brokers in town, & as I reported, overwhelming victory against them Dec. 1999 - I defeated 6 cases, 8 charges, 15 cts.; soon afterward, referring to these false charges & invidious prosecution, judge Lebov (no longer w/Yolo court) said, "I've had a number of these cases come before me, & what always happens is Mr. Sherman isn't doing anything wrong, & these people (Davis police, etc.) are violating Sherman's rights; I'm going to get an injunction myself [on behalf of me] if this doesn't come to a halt." I.e., desperate attempts to point @ anything to keep me from making it, but I was consistently cleared of any wrongdoing, & my opponents exposed as criminals. Nevertheless, as of approx. 2008, they attempted to resurrect claims that I was pestering, orchestrating codes of "Please!" & "Do you mind?!" despite I was a million miles from sales as of that point; this was after the 2 1/2 year disappearance where Yolo court, Yolo d.a., Davis police, UCD police, etc., had long ago disregarded Lebov's warnings, & conspired the captivity to attempt to break me. Upon release in 2007, the 'mind' & 'please' codes, along w/black clothing codes, intact ready to keep me "beaten down." The 'haircut' scenario was tempoary concession the
consp. a moot point. Nevertheless, despite years of accepting any & all work, & in fact shunning sales work - such as refusing to apply for anything pertaining to sales in Sac., the previous employment by Chinese in region (restaurant), is being used as a tool to i.d. me - claiming there's a difference between raking & weeding grunt labor, v. restaurant & warehouse work - i.e., before I'm entitled to justice, I have to eat crow ("caw") & submit to No. Ca. rebellion's (Chinese' & everyone else's) demands that I quit one grunt labor slavery job & work @ another slavery grunt labor job. I.e., landscaping involves working as self-represented landscaper, which means you have to "promote" your skills, & suddenly raking & weeding is sales - a "co." (by the way, tutoring is often a "co." also), & Davis rebels claim I'm not heeding their "Do you mind?!" objections again. 'Pinko commie' - 'pin 'co.' - 'caw' me' - that is the consp. regionally, & seems to be the plan from China - they promoted the "pin" for one reason or another - pinning a slave w/deception that one form of grunt labor is sales & another one isn't, & I'm refusing to "mind." The CNN story demonstrates evidence of Chinese leadership in China involved - same as the Hungzhou story; foreign reporters in China followed by "minders," & in context of China's leaders refusing to so much as mention my name, indications are they are behind this. US Civil War furnished Chinese w/a warning - ''Lee' (China), 'don't follow Davis' i.e., rebel General Lee of South & president Jefferson Davis of South. 'mind [is] ers;' possibly signal from China that government (from communist perspective) based on use of mind (intellect) to lead (such as democracy & rule of law), isn't an option - "might makes right."
The Jews said, 4 July, 1976, don't just say "Hi, Jack," & then leave victims captive, invade! The Jack
Teacher plan is kosher - that's 'k.o.,' as I'm 'knock out,'
rather than 'c-o' as in 'co.' Elijah the Tichbite answers w/FIRE!
The hammer being taken from Pelosi - there can be no doubt it was staged - they were waiting for the camera - but it most likely is conspired claim that while they & region have ratified an ongoing conspiracy for more than 2 decades instigating & empowering region to control my income, similar to a giant prison camp, they can then concoct accusations against me when I try to work. They are claiming I "stole" a hammer from them, bcause I'm not submitting to Ca. contractor's license laws by studying for, passing exam for, & paying for, contractor's lic.; therefore my yardwork isn't legitimate. But no one stole any hammer from them - THEY ARE DEADLY MONSTERS ATTEMPTING TO SWALLOW ME UP!!!!! - my cost-prohibitive motel bills prevent me from affording a hammer! (1)You don't need a contractor's lic. to do yardwork. (2)I studied for, passed exam for, & paid for Teacher Credential that I was swindled out of by state of Ca.; I studied for, passed exam for, & paid for broker's lic. that I was swindled out of by state of Ca.; 3 attempts on my life from 2017-2021 - & NO ONE HAS REMEDIED THESE RAPINGS & PILLAGINGS; "DO NOT TAKE A PAIR OF MILLSTONES - NOT EVEN THE UPPER ONE - AS SECURITY FOR A DEBT; BECAUSE THAT IS TAKING A MAN'S LIVELIHOOD AS SECURITY," Deut. 24:6 THESE MONSTERS ROBBED ME OF MY LIVELIHOOD TWICE OVER, ALLOWED REPEATED ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE, & ARE ATTEMPTING TO CARRY ON THE OPPRESSION! (3)You don't have to have a contractor's license to work as an independent contractor for an individual, & you can perform tasks that add up to more than $500. I worked as i.c. while petitioning for ballot measures, & I made a lot more than $500, in Davis, Sac, VV, SF, along w/countless other i.c. petitioners who didn't have contractor's licenses. The laws are to prevent law suits due to untrained laborers, & maintain safe standards & compliance w/building codes, etc. If I am upfront w/homeowner, that I'm a laborer, not licensed contractor, hired as their employee & paid hourly, & it's their project under their supervision (as opposed to licensed contrator providing a bid & then overseeing project from start to finish while homeowner is out of the picture), I am in compliance w/state law. The gov't. is claiming they can scare me into submission of kissing Chinese Americans' butts by quitting one form of grunt labor, & working another form of grunt labor, & moreover, it supposedly creates appearance that Chinese are heroically intervening; but context where I'm i.d.'d as far as distinguishing between slave labor jobs, that isn't intervening, IT'S BETRAYAL - you don't feel sorry for those who are betraying you - IT'S A TRICK OF CAP HILL TO STRIP ME OF MY RIGHTS AGAIN! Lot in the Bible lived & worked in Sodom & Gomorrah, interacting w/wicked rebellious people daily, but work & necessary interaction didn't constitute sin nor participation; 2 Pet. 2:7-9, "& if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) - if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment."
1/21, "tip off" referring to basketball, Kings v. Phil. 76'ers, but out of context (code), fem newscstr, ch 3, 5:52 PM; but possibly referring to 76'ers logo - w/'7' that looks like golf tee, w/13 star circle being the golf ball - a lot of blacks in NBA basketball - implying Tiger Woods, golf, "rules," or blacks & sports in general. But the tee-shaped crescent-topped '7' is from Missouri flag logo - crescent moon facing upward; this same flag has USA shield, w/stripes vertical inst. of horiz., like Old Glory; i.e., the shield possibly lured shaky US citzens to cave in & "yell" the flag is "hung" - implying folding as far as liberty & justice for all, & slowly cave in & be "selective" about who gets justice & who is denied justice (conspiracy). I purchased a blue stocking cap recently from Savemart, dk blue w/thin lt. blue line around the "headband;" but N. end of Anderson, I was juggling waiting for bus, & stalked by Davis police car @ same time, & it was getting dark, & when bus arrived I quickly put my balls away & grabbed jacket, etc., & got on - but I left my hat @ bus stop due to darkness & distractions. I purchased another one - same one, but I left my olive jacket on Unitrans bus, & hat in the pocket, last week; I'd warned Asians Jesus was olive skinned - he wasn't a white man, so anyone could lead USA; possibly to test freshmen Aggies, an angel caused me to leave my jacket on bus - but didn't show up in lost & found & hat as well. So yesterday morning (1/20) I purchased another stocking cap; the only ones they had were patriotic; w/out noticing the stripes circling the headband were vertical, I purchased one, stars & dk blue top - really warm; it occurred to me this morning the headband stripes were same as a hung flag. I purchased another stocking cap @ Walmart while getting an eye exam so I can use my d.l., Utah Arches (Nat'l Pk) logo, after praying about if I need to worry about the vert. stripe scenario, because park theme could imply "parking" or forfeiting, & the hat isn't a flag - it's elements of the flag randomly arranged - still open to using it, resulted in this report. After the sports story on ch 3, I looked up Miss. flag, & instead of 13 stars, circle of 24 stars - 24 hr. all night watch; the logo has the crescent moon & the USA Shield both on the logo - as though the stripes vertically & moon are on equal footing w/each other; both circled by the 24 hour watch; i.e., context of rebellion based on vertical stripes, the shield, though not a flag - simply a supposedly innocent arrangement of elements of the flag - is suspect, indicating they foresaw (or baited) 'shield' being used as code - 'she yelled' possibly referring to 'ellie' conspirators, which blks have assumed in Davis, as I reported. Immediately following, in news, update of Brittany Tee, wh fem missing 11 days in Brookfield Ma. 76'ers logo evidently symbolizing handing a reign to blacks, was tracked by "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders (Western church, except present-day members are predominantly reprobate). It's whites' ruin if we hand blacks a "hung flag" reign of terror - there can be no compromise - liberty & justice for all - if you are a citizen & YOU BUY THAT THERE CAN BE ONE EXCEPTION - SUCH AS JACK TEACHER - THEN YOU'VE COMPROMISED, & YOU'RE A REBEL & YOU ARE UNDONE & WHITES ARE UNDONE & U.S.A. IS UNDONE!!!!! Brook Shields - a "star," but they cave in & "yell" for everyone to continue rebelling & leaving me stranded, then it's more shooting sprees, kidnappings, disappearances, fires, floods, diseases - more whities (white Tees) disappear. The Utah Arches hat, then, is admonition to "arch" (prevail) over the "hung flag" rebellion attempting to "park" (ruin) the nation, because Jack Teacher & U.S.A., YOU TAUGHT!
"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure," Tit 1:15. Phil. 76'ers (American 1776 patriots) logo symbolizes 76'ers (acts of patriots) placed under the feet of black champion golfer, Tiger Woods, symbolizing blacks, accomplished in sports & music. Good or bad? Placed under your feet - yours to utilize & enjoy & for prosperity; alternately could imply it's yours to conquer & overthrow - obviously luring them if they lacked guts to be a rock for justice. USA Shield - vertical stripes - representing a future of patriotic athletes & referees, or "hung flag"? "To the pure..." those stripes can be slanted in any direction & be good - but, not w/out qualification when a significant segment of pop. is conspiring w/them. Blacks pressured to cave in & capitulate to Davis/No. Ca. "hung flag" rebels... but the victim heroically provided Christian blessing for rock music, converting 400 songs - setting in motion a precedent for it to be the premier Christian music worldwide - rhythm & blues originating for most part w/blacks - Western church provided Jack Teacher to affirm blacks w/unparalleled endorsement, publicly & internationally negating any occasional pessimism of derelict pastors. We elected black to #1 position in USA, but instead of intervening, it was more capitulating - & in fact spearheading the death row consp. - Obama & subsequently, blks in No. Ca. Moreover, it's a fallacy to claim there was any "tie" ('Ti[ger]'); the Gulf Of Mexico ('golf'), image of afro head on stretcher, was God warning Christians to intervene for blacks - & the Atlas feat accomplished abolition of black slavery worldwide. Importantly, God leading Turkey Day Crusaders to incorporate rescuing blacks from slavery spiritually & physically, doesn't allow for such a feat to override the education nation theme which was & is controlling as of Constantine & Marco Polo.
1/10, "I don't know you, Lorraine," Elaine, after I accidentally called her Lorraine then changed it, 3 PM. Loren, Elaine's next door neighbor, possibly member of UCC - he looks like someone from that church from late 1990's. "This is where you're going to let first down," 6 PM Ace Hdwr restroom; I purchased lthr gloves @ Ace, due to Elaine saying pick up some good lthr gloves for use w/rose bushes, & she'd reimburse me (perk), but I didn't buy the first ones I looked @, lthr & plaid cloth (train engineer pattern?), $15.99, & bought the second leather pair, $18.99 (Holy Spirit speaking to me - grab them more randomly, is what was "expected" of me). I.e., "first" could be referring to Biden, & he on a whim decides I'm serious about yardwork rather than teaching based on being choosy over gloves (also a "material" fact, I'm isolated & denied any & all relationships, & that erodes your ability to discern - i.e., monsters trapping me, & then claiming they can continue trapping me because I'm suffering due to their traps. 1/11, Loren using train engineer cloth & lthr gloves. 1/10, "He doesn't let us," or similar, male driver unitrans P line, 5:25. 6:18, "Long time" (2X) blk male wh guitar @ bus stop @ 5th & G, w/3 other blks, gray bk pk. Also, that AM, 2 blk males @ Sahara bus stop for approx. 10 min., then they left, & blks on 42A & 42B that day; Biden claiming my mindset while purchasing gloves determines if I'm cased by blks under guse of football first down (first or #1 businessman is "down"), or if it's invasion; consp. I disappear for a 'long time' - code repeated due to blks in AM claiming it & blks in PM. "We're gonna take it to town," Doug approx. 5 PM. "We're butt worse, myself," blk (guitar), 6:20. 42B arrived, approx. 6:22, "It's going in, 'kay?" mex fem driver as I got on - sodomy/rape code from Obama - "Are You In?" - coded twist. 2 of 4 blks got on, blk male w/guitar didn't get on, & from bus stop, "No, we don't know this stop," but he was off the bus, & as of 10 yrs ago or so, codes outside the bus were "out" - the 'butt' code demonstrates it's an attack/rape consp., Obama & Biden involved.
Claiming I'm "wanting" them, as opposed to wiping them out; but pics also supplement the facts & motivate invasion. Mideast male student, dk olive jacket, is one of them, Pole Line & Covell, 1 PM,
"He just takes it's want," male US postal wkr, Hatteras & Cabot, 1:24 (pic sent); i.e., consp. Aggies & possibly USPS (or local post office); 2010 approx., USPS conspiring w/Aggies - '420 Plan' named after the 420 grafitti on Pole Line Rd. bridge @ 4 AM 2002 after mayor Boyd & Dpd kidnapped me from city hall meeting, & I walked back to Davis from 1 to 4 AM (I beat their prediction by 1/2 hr.). Combined w/420 plan was photo of postal wkr looked like Aggie supervisor. Pic file names - the only way I can put them up is using the number file name from camera, but that consp. that I'm 'numb/burr.'
1/14, 11:41 AM, Nick's Grk cafe, "I'm gonna take my time; I give go back," blk fem emply; possibly code forcing me to "go back" to staying outside @ night - they are desperate monsters; the claim is I can't be in motel in WS or I've gotten out - if I want to "take" Davis, I have to be in Davis every night, whether I can afford expensive motel rooms, or not. But God said NO, I DON'T HAVE TO BE HERE EVERY NIGHT. Additional context, I reported 'hero' sandwich scenario, but I'm minimizing reports about Orthodox church due to them failing to breathe a word about me. 12:04, radio, "Way, he got for ease," confirming motives of emply - claiming I have "ease" w/lower room rates in WS, but they can claim I got out. 12:20, approx., Nick's, web editor sabotaged, "You wouldn't sit 'em," wh male gray jacket, wh & brn cap, code possibly related to report I was attempting to place on internet - i.e., most likely stalker was hacking my editor; & vision "That's where you're dude;" suddenly male brn & wh cap gone, & 12:30, wh male blk & red soccer jacket seated @ same table w/kids & fem - i.e., I don't punch indiv. based on evidence he might've hacked my laptop, & result is I'm then stalked w/rebels involving kids. "We're gonna video your knock her," (or similar), fem bug code, Nick's (gyros) restroom; context, wh male, red & blk jacket (soccer?), w/fem & kids, coded comments table nearby, 1:45. "It's still we add dow 'er here," mex fem blk jacket, brn pnts w/holes in knees, 2:26, 42B. "I just couldn't imagine that," fat wh fem dk gray swtr, blk ribbon in hair, Raley's, 3:08. 2:58, "That was your card - problem w/chip," mex fem cashier (card didn't function @ register), then rubbed it & it worked - lingo ('chip') & card scenario matched w/card key/chip games @ BW, 1/12 approx., wh fem clerk. "I had to take time," wh fem blk jacket, (w/male red & blk jacket, 2 boys - blue shrt & red shrt), Nick's, 12:37 PM; "No way!" boy; "Way!" male (red & blk jacket) then boy makes slight choking sound; "We deserve it," male, 12:47. 'No way/Way' is from 1992 "Wayne's World." restroom door slammed, 12:48. "He isn't having that reach down it," (male red & blk jacket), 12:59. "Ooo, that's knee-eat," wh fem blnd, wh shrt, gray undershrt, Nick's, 1:04 PM, possibly responding to report about SE Hinton; vision, "That's I haven't given you;" i.e., I have already been endorsed by God, & claiming Hinton's endorsement came w/too much "baggage" - no direct endorsement, only implied - she hasn't piped up in media on my behalf. "He can't see he's eat," wh fem gray lng swtr, near Nick's, 1:18 PM. "That wasn't our war," blk or mex male, beard, Raley's, as I was leaving, 4:50 PM (SE Hinton report). 5:37, "'That' armed bandit," 5:37 PM NBC, Chargers v. Jags. "This is I won't go white," 7:18. New Balance brand, "We got NOW" & blk male throws ball in face of camera, 5:51 NBC; 'no 'ow'' code - i.e., conspired code that despite stalkings, conspiracies, death threats, denial of teacher career, blacks didn't oppress me ('ow'), because I technically have roof over my head - that somehow negates all their crimes, & so that's good enough to meet my "JUSTICE NOW!" demands, & so they can bolster the Davis death row consp, conspiring to end my life - because whites abolished blk slavery worldwide (i.e., don't do that). 7:45 PM, bug code, "This is why you're going to take them outside;" another consp. attempting to swallow me up - more suffering w/out place to live under guise of tracking rebels - but God tracked them, & they're doomed as of Summer 2018 & long before. "He has down, sit," or '[I]'d [p]ounce, it,' etc., bug code, rm 16. Herbert, qtrbk, step before hike - Capernick trip wire code, 7:53 PM Chargers v. Jaguar game - 'j[ail] Ag[s'] wire;' or, 'Jag [is] wire;' facade of fortune seeker/sales motives empowers trip wire consps. - 'trip wire' consp. is better named 'taking steps' consp. - blks claiming they are assuming control of legal actions against me - 'of age' consp. of blk fem w/child on Yolobus, & blk supervising officer in Yolo jail, & Davis DMV suddenly 50% blk emplys as of 2019. Possibly 'step' motion of Lawrence, Jags qtrbk. 7:59 PM, TV bug code, "You're having that half?" (while I was doing push-ups). 8:01, Jags player, masteurbate motion., blk male Anderson, beard, similar to Raley's male stalking me - '& 'er son,' i.e., next generation of conspirators, & blks lgly in control, is consp. strategy - Wayne's World was 30 years ago - they deserve it, because - evidently - no one has tracked all the shooting sprees, fires, floods, diseases to them - they want more people to die! "We'll have kidnapped here," 8:47 PM. 1 AM, "I know it's right abutt," Brendon Fraser, prosthetics, obese make up codes, guest on talk show. News, "This happens everyday; police escort someone TO the fence," 4:48 AM. "You wouldn't see they drop it," 8:13 near rm 114 BW (bay area ___) (notes unclear). 7:42 AM, "I'm so glad these arch supports are my shoes; I would have 2 championships," blk male ex-ftball (or other sport), Goodfeet.
1/13, "This is something you need to eye-test for," (turning Sac Kings around), 9:24 PM fem anncr, NBC Sports. 1/21, ch 3 sports, "...Kevin Herd from downtown," 7:52 AM; & 7:54, "We're tolled; hold over here," bug code, rm 128, BW - downtown Davis; i.e., news tailoring their reports w/codes matching me w/blk Kings players; claiming I'm shepherding from downtown Davis, but I'm reduced to blk outlaw doing that - I'm "tolled" according to Sac news; but I'm not under the law, but under grace - I'm working 5-7 days/wk in Davis, & staying in motels in WS 4-6 days /wk ($85/night), & Davis approx. 2 nights ($140-160); first, I'm in the general vicinity 24/7; second, I'm occupying Davis constantly - Sac is attempting to hurry our defeat - see Is. 5:19-20. It's the same w/South - Murdock, Ft. Worth, Tx.,; South role playing cynical version of Daniel Boone (Ky - South), 'booin' the nation on behalf of blks, & probably Davey Crockett as well (Tx./Tenn. - South); BUT THE SOUTH ISN'T BEING STRONG ENOUGH - THEY WERE ALREADY PUNISHED WHEN IT CAME TO A HEAD IN CIVIL WAR & THEY LOST 200,000 OR SO MEN; THEY THEN REPENTED & ESSENTIALLY SUBMITTED TO MELTING POT. Booing me & the melting pot is falling on blks' stopped up snake ears (Ps 58:4), empowering traitors - THEY'VE LOST THEIR SALT BY BEING BLEEDING HEARTS FOR BLACKS WHO AREN'T WORTH A DIME & ARE CONSPIRING USA'S RUIN!!!! SOUTH'S SECOND CIVIL WAR IS ESSENTIALLY RISING BY LAYING THERE - IF THEY CAN'T HAVE BLACK SLAVES, THEN THEY GO TO THE OPPOSITE EXTREME OF LETHARGIC BUMS THAT CAVE IN TO REBELLION, TRYING TO RUIN THE ENTIRE NATION FOR ALLOWING SLAVERY IN PART OF IT IN THE PAST. I REPORTED THE VISION IN APPROX. 2018 OF MINNESOTA TRACKING SOUTH - MALE SQUATTING IN TENN. AS THOUGH CAMPING - & 'SQUATTING' IN DAVIS BECAME CODE FOR HOMELESS AS OF 2004 OR SO. 9:47 PM, Jenkins, 49'ers player, long jerk off motion, ch 13. Bryan Christopher Kohberger, & Samantha Cristoforetti; when rebels refuse blatant warnings & undeniable demonstrations of power, then it's "A sinful generation looks for a sign..." - God allows them to be duped by ambiguous codes - 'Christ offer[s] co. burger;' (but I'm a teacher, & moreover, I boycotted burgers); etc.; i.e., those attempting to force me to be a businessman are Bryan Kohberger conspirators.
1/14(?), vision, 10 AM, UCD admin., "I've told you not to market this," while I was juggling @ 1st & B Sts. Yaw Chung school, logo looks like AT&T globe logo, Silicon Valley.
1/14, "I got burchered in it," 12:17 AM (sounded like). Late Late Show, take popcorn hour [?] from the theater, pop corn sandwiches, dessert, etc.; & "A little visitor" & before that, host repeatedly bringing up his kids - i.e., Late Late Show - using codes - signalled I've been stalked by denial of teacher career, but then kids in ads & other scenarios systematically repeatedly on TV by conspirators. "worka wanna re-live," 10:13 AM, soccer anncr, NBC. "...his kitten.." player(?), 10:17 AM. "in the answer's I have time, they ball," Wisc. v. Ind. CBS ch 13.
1/10, "They didn't have enough merchandise...this @ home," Harryman, ch 40, 7:26, context, Bed, Bath & Beyond closing; but code, 'the[y] hiss, '[he's] @ home [w/them].'' "Jack Be" 7:28 cafe (?) "We're gonna take that burden away," "We're gonna hand pick your groceries," code; new dressing/mayo sub. w/out egg yolks, but I purchased it because it was cheaper. The 'burden' is referring to Verizon, as demonstrated in this report, the terrorists are attempting to pin point a shortcoming w/T Mobile & force me to go to Verizon; when I left Verizon approx. 5 years ago, "I'll just meet my horrible [demise]," code from Verizon (fem bug code while calling them) based on oppressive acts they'd committed against me. ''V' - her rise [is] on,' they symbolize corrupt 'Ellie' consps. & rebels overall. Rossen Reports, 10:46 PM, ___made big circle in front of stomach; "pounce on a job" ch 58. "We can't put you in a row, we just want to punch you," 7:40 approx., rm 16 bug code. "He won't have his row his pounce," 8:45 PM bug code. "I want ya, 'tude," 9:02 PM. 9:45, "Go ahead, ga 'head," 9:45 PM, Fox, Hawaii Five-0, character played by Scott Caan, to sm girl; but it was imitation of John Granato; also, they made pains taking efforts to prevent the name of show from being revealed. News, child molester arrested. Greely Hill, - code - '[a]gree - [more] Lee [promoting,] he'll;' rebels claiming they can smear my reput. based on supposed failure to hold Chinese accountable. Wendy's (?) over McDonald's, "[everyday is] Friday" 9:48 PM. 'Bruce' tire co., w/country singer, 9:51.
1/11, "The 10,000 documents, & one," CBS 7:10 AM, blk fem rptr. Buttons remotely pushed on my phone then, "Sorry, if this info is correct, say yes," T Mobile, automated program & wh fem emply, gray hair, Yolobus 42B, 1/18, 6:35 PM approx., & 6:52, "YES" & "YESSSS" in sales tone, or else tone of someone being courteous to professionals (Eric Uhlrich in one instance in past); but as far as T-Mobile, system sabotaged before amnt given ($50.30) - same as last time (12/11 approx.); i.e., sabotaging my phone so that to pay my bill, they are claiming I'm accepting w/out hearing the amnt - but amnt is texted immed. afterward. 1/18, "In Modesto, we won't see rain HERE, until..." ch 3 Verdorn, wthr frcstr; i.e, local rebels, ch 3 & Yolobus, claiming they've tracked my phone bill pay activities - automated system is dubbed/interrupted by terrorists precisely when it says, "Do you accept payment in the amount of ___?" (amount dubbed out by rebels) - but before I'd finished the call, I rec'd text mssg thanking me for the $50.30 pymnt; in general, you don't want to agree to something where you can't see or hear the terms, but I know that (1) terrorists are hacking my call, (2) the price is $50.30, & (3) if it is more than that, I'll know from the rec't & ask for refund if nec., due to defective/hacked program - which possibly is hacked by T-Mobile; one might argue the better option is hang up & complete the process over again, but the point is, they (Yolobus & ch 3) couldn't know about the hacking of automated system during my phone call w/out conspired invasion of pvcy. They're 'yes' response is facade of acting proper & having humility to answer the questions asked & answer them appropriately, but they give themselves away - they can't perceive that their tactics are serious crimes in order to accuse me of supposed lack of good judgment in paying a bill, which doesn't consist of a crime or even lack of morality; &, their tactics are no different than those used by mafia or gangs coercing victims w/threats of harm if they don't cooperate because they have them cornered; these public agencies are using the same tactics based on they are in control of No. Ca. region, & no one is helping me, & as far as they can tell, no one is going to help me - remotely similar to victims cornered by gangs & organized crime, etc. - but the tactics are identical. 1/11, "He won't know his talk fence," 9:51. 9:31, "He's just going to tear 'em, day," goose (location?). Biden "[they] suggested I not ask," he gives himself away - "what documents were there?" (classified docs); his attorneys are fostering paranoia; also, double entendre; news, AM, & blks casing me (reported) - 'knot [har]ass' or '[h]ass[le],' possibly stalking me conscerning hypothetical wife. "You wouldn't believe it, 'bide, it," 10:22 AM gray car, engine running next door to Bob's (pic sent).
Jacinda Ardern knew America is the land of zeal! Men leading as far as purity standards leads women to have an ardor for God, submit to husband, & concentrate on raising children & household concerns.
New ATM card @ bank, 1/18, but I haven't budged - "Land of Zeal" is referring to me, & USA historically; current population is failing miserably. Ex.: 1/20, 2:24 AM,, Mike Murdock, preacher from Ft. Worth, Tx., praying about a caller's request, "I come into a covenant w/you there @ your your night time, in your lifetime..." code about coming in, & I'm often "coming in" to res. of cust. to work or use restroom; moreover, verbage context is show name "camp meeting," & largely due to delays of churches, locally & NATIONALLY, I was outdoors w/out place to stay ("camping"), which these same churches have subsequently been used against attempting to create a stigma that can be used against me - bum, etc. - going "there" w/it; & in fact that's what was occurring - brainwash that God has approved consp. trapping me & decreeing UCC allowed to slip in, because I'm doing yardwork (cust. on Ganges where I'm bldg fence is or was member of UCC) or alternately facade decreeing I'm refounding UCC, & custs. allowed to join. I.e. those who have been enslaving me for decades magically get off scott free, despite oppression causing fires, floods, shooting sprees. & it has White House approval: Biden, recent interview, "There is no 'there' there;" but there is - God led me that justice was due me @ very latest Summer 2018; if they claim they are putting on act to track blacks, God tolled their "acts" - it is oppression.
The stigma is so fundamental to the rebels' m.o., that's why I named this webpg. davisneedy.html.
Evidence NFL players are going for the throat, based on my demands for justice. 1/15, I warned that those participating in conspiracy where fem. on TV in ad for action movie (ch 40, 3:17 PM) where someone's trapped on a cliff, she yells, "I have a child! Don't let me down!" I decreed she & those involved in that code are going to be executed - it's another trap prolonging terrorism & slavery against me. 2015, it was evident I'd tracked Davis rebels, including Aggies, & in fact Aggies were not only amounting to rebels & cowards, they had the mentality of a child, & adult fem in Shields lib., "I have a child!" essentially announcing it. Within a year of that, I suddenly was employed for the first time in approx. 4 years - working @ bakery. But it was double entendre - confessing UCD students were undeniably exposed as traitors & losers, but simultaneously - despite a feat of this magnitude clears me & my character in this or any parallel universe - fem. was subtly asserting Davis rebels' facade that I'm a bad example for children, & I'm not fit to be a teacher. Therefore, concession of employment, but I'm still a slave. Additional factoid, long before this, in 2009, vision of Feds marching onto UCD campus & grabbing every single student, slapping cuffs on them, & taking them away for rebellion - evidently arresting 30,000 students & putting them through the courts would be costly, but charging them w/rebellion solves that w/nukes. @ any rate, this code was an attempt to perpetuate that 'child' conspiracy - West Sac, Sac, Woodland exposed as traitors, rebels, & lacking maturity on top of it, but the fact it's a coded communication rather than invasion proves it's another stall tactic; in fact, "...don't let me down" indicates a "revision" of the previous code - employment, but attempt to prevent me from letting, or staying in motels - 'don't let me,' prevent me from having a home @ end of day. NUKES REGIONALLY, EXECUTION OF INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED NATIONALLY. This action show ad occurred while NFL football was on, & soon after I made call to Feds w/this warning, qtrbk for Vikings, sounded like, "I'm just going." 3:52 PM, "We're gonna go back to what he felt this is higher, the ground," (sounded like) anncr.; consp. attempting to prop up rebels - I felt like teaching. "We have minor touch you down," 2:37, bug code. 4:13, car armor ad, but conspicuously, paint isn't protected - a huge question mark. TV ad, "Dad, how big is the ocean?" blk girl to her dad; "You ready?" blk male, interrupting call to attend to his daughter (foolish), but 'Are you ready?' is periodic fem bug code as far back as 2002. "He goes to his second read," anncr, Vikings ('I have a child' then blk w/child).
1:49, CBS, "We either win, or we go home!" subtle code that winning isn't associated w/"home" & also years of codes where I wasn't allowed to "go home" because I was denied a place to stay; when you're landscaping peoples' homes, code indicates scenario attempting to negate a place to live. First, a lot of calls that are blatantly dishonest by the refs in NFL recently. Second, NFL is conspiring to hand Davis to blacks, & it is @ my expense. Collin Capernick 'trip wire step' code, 2009, qtrbks from Vikings/Giants game & Bills/Dolphins game making that step motion just before ball hiked, repeatedly. ('Trip wire' code is more appropriately 'taking steps' code, see "GREEKS WARY ABOUT STATUARY..." report). New rule in football (or more cheating), no more downing football on one knee; you pick it up & stand there, & it's downed - but Capernick was censored for kneeling during pledge of allegience, which isn't necessarily offensive, nor disrespectful. But NFL players evidently claiming blacks got a raw deal from NFL, & that means they can enslave a white & instigate nationwide rebellion; no, no, no, no, no, no, no! 1/14, randomly seeing what was on TV, movie that I didn't get the name of, 2 males & fem. discussing solving a murder, & they were on college campus or similar surroundings, & the killer called one of males on phone; indications were he was watching them, so they spread out to check everyone in vicinity using a phone, while male kept killer on phone. Male on phone also looking around, & as he went past a van, the door opened, he was yanked inside, & killer wearing that ghost mask w/long face & mouth open as though in horror, stabbed him to death, & jumped out of van & left. The 2 friends then saw blood dripping from van, & discovered the dead body. I tend to avoid violent shows, same as dirty pics, so I changed channel; as far as I know that ghost face, which has appeared in various forms in media & other places, originated w/"Home Alone" movie, boy being stalked & kidnapped, & places his hands on his head & mouth open in terror. Possibly a spoof on the expression, but it's become a horror image in & of itself. Whether or not it has to do w/"Home Alone," the image 99% of time includes hands on sides of head, aghast - like the boy in the movie. In one or both games, after I made that warning about the 'child' code, suddenly, players, after fumbling, dropping pass, etc., placing hands on side of head as though in horror; 4:38, Slayton, #86, Giants, placed hands on head after missing a pass, then tried to pass it off as removing his helmet. Buffalo Bills v. Dolphins, Bills player tackled near 1st down line, & it looked as though he wasn't far enough over the line, but they gave them first down; anncr, "He's got it; he's got the spot...they give Joe," approx. 2 PM, CBS. 'The spot' has referred to claim I'm spotting fems. for higher standards - shunning nudity; "spotting" because no one has breathed a word on my behalf, & I'm in deadly conditions daily - i.e., they don't deserve it - but, I consider my walk w/God a factor as well, & I've been led to maintain my high standards. But the code included 'they give Joe' & whenever they claim they've "given" you something, & they do it using codes, that most likely means they are going to try to take it back -"He needs his key," 2:52 PM, audience or player, Giants/Viks; i.e., re-asserting a facade they are "giving" me the spot that I'm giving to fems. - talk about desperate! "On forced & goal," anncr, 3:07 (inst. of 1st & goal). "You go back to that Tough Shed, you can see it as well," 3:41; ads about offices inside of Tough Sheds - possibly implying maintain infinitessimially small increments of improvement of my living quarters; SUV, costly motel rooms, etc. - but then a code attempting to reverse it; the 'shed' code seems to indicate that's the m.o.
"He won't know wonk it," 3:42, Fox; most referring to the Willie Wonka scene where all the children & adults tear into the chocolate
- Giants won, & their logo looks like half the M&M's logo,
possibly implying accountability for blks betraying us, but the Giants sign seems consistent w/NFL propping up Davis for blks (unless it's code that blks refused to "be").
I reported the vision on Orange St., & 5 sec. later a G.I. Joe doll attached to base of basketball hoop w/bottle opener head. I recently purchased new key ring, but had to look all over for them - finally Fast & Easy had one - a bottle opener. The hoop stalking was demonstration that I'm reduced to a "plaything" for blks.
Landscaper Nick yardwork slave, as opposed to liberty & teacher career - chocolate- 'chalk letting [or owning].'
1700 year Jack Teacher plan inspired by China education priorities - accessory feats such as melting pot, or the success of such, isn't controlling; those who claim they can delay justice for me based on their separate agenda of multiculturalism, such scenarios undermine the Jack Teacher plan, & should've taken a back seat. Strategies tracking any rebels, including blacks, aren't off limits, except to extent they deny me justice or stall justice - not only because it's conspiring to deny a victim justice, but it's also undermining Jack Teacher plan. "To the pure all things are pure," evidence against blacks & exposing them, because they are rebels, is fair game as far as informing the nation that a certain segment of population has been tracked, etc., but those participating in parlaying their own agenda ahead of justice & Jack Teacher plan, you do so @ your own peril.
1:38, anncr, CBS, "the crown is not an element of this..." Teacher theme resolves this w/Kilroy w/long nose - 'kill roy[alty!]' (metaphorically speaking) - don't give up on democracy. "That's another reason why that - people relace;" 'people' code may be referring to code from Biden; fem rptr in Sac, referring to how time consuming it is to repair flood damage, "People don't know..." 'people' most likely code for d.a. - prosecuting; & then Biden, "...people know that I take classified documents seriously..." sounds random, but combined w/newscaster in Sac, the local contrasted w/president signals local d.a. he has president's approval to attempt to trap me again. 1:45, Dolphins qtrbk, trip wire step before the hike. Fox, 1:58 (Vikings) "We touch he's day'd," 'dead' code audience(?). "you saw Tyreek Hill there," anncr.; 'tie RE kill' - 23 counties conspiring to deny my teacher goals, & magically it's a tie that I secretly want to be a salesman if I rake leaves! Holding my post rather than getting out makes the demand for invasion; these codes are asserting they can be twice as evil to force me out, by advertizing their conspiracy on TV to increase the oppression against me under guise that I'm asking for it, because I'm willing to stay in city where I could be abducted in a van & stabbed to death - & this also magically means blacks - coconspirators - can be propped up in Davis! In other words, the bottom line is, according to them, I'm foolish because I can't perceive the depths of their depravity & treachery- there is no land of the free, home of the brave - there is no liberty & justice for all - get out or die! Prov. 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." AMERICA: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT - THEY GET OUT!
Michael Jackson, "Thriller" CD, lyrics, "This is thrilla Della night/..." creepy ghost song supposed to be 'thriller diller,' supposedly, but sounds like Della, as in Della Street - secretary for Perry Mason (Raymond Burr); code signaling to blks to haunt me - rather than contending (parrying) for ''A' son,' label him a woman underling, & leave him in the street - 'deal [him the] street;' '[hi]jack son' rather than ''A' son' (i.e., son who goes bad, rather than good); Jackson 5 song, Michael singing, "I don't get an A" in mocking tone (don't recall the name of song). "Ironsides" (Raymond Burr), chief Ironsides is shot & confined to wheelchair - death row innuendo.
12/29,, text in box - like signs on vet clinic in W. Davis (Russell Blvd.) - each word in separate box like kidnapper cutting out words from newspaper & gluing them to page so that can't be tracked as easily; the Davis vet clinic's sign is deliberately random rather than uniform - like a kidnap mssg. , 12:24 AM. Cowell Blvd, near Ensenada, "The Edge" Apts., & 'edge' is in text box -
i.e., coconspiring as witness on behalf of vet ctr. @ Russell & Arthur - claim that if I miss that evidence, then they've proven I'm in bed w/Davis, claiming they have their "edge," & possibly also UCC Edge Jr. Hi - stark raving mad! TV show "Oxygen True Crime" is also participating in 'perfect tracking' conspired requisite; in fact, their text boxes are yellow safety tape, a code that I'm dangerous - stay back. "He can't be choosing his ride all on," 7:16 AM. 10:37 "We're not gonna have their bow, it," near Cabrillo Ave. "They pick pock," audible biug code, 42A, 7:36. 612 Francisco, "You won't know where, your rude," (possibly Elzbeth), 12:35 PM (i.e., referring to China - favorable reaction from them - but they actually have to respond). "We give them 'w'" bug code, 3 AM.
12/28, "You wouldn't know where we put it," 9:10 AM, fat wh male supervisor, Village Homes Assoc. maintenance yard; after signalling to me lg. carts available to homeowners (I reported he's look-alike of Hester-McGuire (Prof. Job) attacker - vague implication that weeding @ comm. field deserves to be punished w/attack. 9:24, "He wouldn't know where they're rucking it," I-80(?); ch 40 News - Eric Harryman - ''harry carry,' man,' - 'harry,' as in violence, as in almost strangled to death, & ch 40 signalling to follow their lead, etc.; & I didn't get out of Davis after attack, 7/2021, & instead tracked Sac, so ch 40's reaction: new news caster, Eric Rucker, & he's bald; 'Eric [is ou]r [f]*&^er," 'f' word signalling ream or attack the victim; go separate ways from any such violence conspiracies, a 'T,' & you're a 'trucker' - 'truck' - 'tr[ue] k[ey];' ch 40's right hand is a hand of lies & deceptions. They're claiming the strangle attack fell short - they "balled," or weren't oppressive enough - in light of huge historical Heavenly feats & signs, & more & more reports of proof exposing oppressors, things don't become worse for the victim unless the entire region is directly involved.
1/4, 6:37 AM, bug code, rm 16, "You'll have we're the cause of the fires."
Last report, "You couldn't ker nam" 12/28, Bob (& I'm retracting emphasis as far as bug codes imitating Bob or others because usually it is coming from them), 'you couldn't 'Kern' am,' Kern Sutton - 'colonel S[anders atten]-hut, ton;' or '...suh ton;' also, 'k[ey], earn;' also, 'you wouldn't 'ker-[pow!' Viet] Nam.' alternately, 'k[ey h]er...' rock refused to "be," bolstering the conspiracies negating me, rather than any "pow" invasion/nukes against the "Viet Nam" oppression conditions in Davis (expression used to refer to the rebellion as of 2002).
1/1, "We can't poe wing," 6 AM bug code. The 'wee' codes from China are acknowledgement hat my teacher goals were known as of 2005 or before - testimony from other side of globe - they evidently see themselves as "hung" or unable to intervene tangibly - "kung pow."
12/31, "Oh, the pine too," wh fem singer, & hand gesturing someone tall but growing shorter next to her - possibly covering for rock - I'm rebuking rock stars, so I'm further persecuted & mocked by country stars; Big Bash, 7:22 PM ch 13. "You would be here," 7:54 PM; "That was you; come on," gov't bug codes, during Gunsmoke episode of 15 yr old boy trying to hunt down killers on his own - another ex. of Hollywood duping nation that it can't be rule of law - that's too boring. Vision - grasshopper bogged down on public land - I did some trimming of privets on land adjacent to Kadee's on Avocet because they were sticking up & blocking view; possibly better to advise they contact city to do it. "It was your shh room es," male, to fem, Telemundo 11:41 News Year's celeb. NYC.
1/1, 8:50 AM, 42A "He didn't serve his bus driver," dispatch. "You're gonna want them fan, son" (as far as I could tell - notes unclear), "You're not gonna 'hey' guess," bug code. "I've gotta lock it," Mark, Cabrillo, 9:40 AM; 'I've gotta lock!" repeatedly, Paul (from apts. @ 8th & B) approx. 2006, referring to unlocking his bike. "He walked down on 'em," audible bug code, near MLK HS. "I'll have think," (or similar) 10:30 AM aprox.fem bug code (location?). 3:10 PM, "He won't live where? We're haul 'em long," 3:10 PM, wh male blk jacket, USPS. "That was you make - you're not gonna know 'em, come on," blk male grn hood (A's jacket) orange vest, 42B; "He won't know 'em, down," wh male blk jacket & cap, wheel ch., 3:32 PM (pic sent). "You're not having that flower," mex male driver @ UCC bus stop (wh car parked @ side of road somewhat impeding bus stop), 3:18 PM. "That's we molest 'em," (blk, A's jacket), 3:34. "It'll be they pick," mex driver (?) before picking up mex male @ bus stop next to Pick Wick motel. "We'll have the time to live," 3:57 PM Mideast male, brn tunic Raley's - "a time to live, & a time to die" Bible v. possibly referred to; implying invasion means I have to suffer - or, that that's unnecessary (I've already been through that for years). "You're not gonna know we're broke," fem clerk, Bel Air, 4:06 PM. "You've gotta go get," Liberty Mut. 5:18; 'go get [the customers],' implying custs. continue to ignore me. "It was you wouldn't abide," fem clerk, Bel Air, 4:14. "He don't know we double him, on," (sounded like) 5:48 Ravens' qb(?) (blk); that's the m.o. of rebels, no justice, simply more oppression under guise of "doubling" me - as though providing a more thorough justice - but that never comes - it's stall tactics defined. 4:22, "You're going to destroy your bar," bug code or anncr. NFL game, Ravens, player pushed back behind the first down line & tackled, but he was allowed first down, 5:48, NBC. 4:32, "It' takes a village,..." blk movie w/"Higher Love" song theme; Village Homes/Village Pizza; '...village to raise a child,' 'double' codes - "raising" me, as in I'm being "schooled" - school of hard knocks - surrounding cities provide Davis the "muscle" w/attacks & attempts on my life - propping up blks so they can take over Davis.
1/4, "There's no back door! Thank you very much; happily gray day," blk fem driver, 42B, 6:23 PM. "They're bound - a pundit," 8:10 rm 16 bug codes; 8:11 "you would know this got it," 8:41. 6:34 PM, "We have purp it for a reason," fat blk fem, purple jacket. 1/3, . "We're live," Sac Kings' coach (blk), but it didn't match the context, TV, 7:23 PM - 'live' - long 'i' - code for someone attacking me, possibly also involving a coconspirator getting it on video. "We're halfing ham," 9:53 PM near rm 16. 7:51 PM Dupixent ad, "could make it hard fer her," blk fem replying to girl, ch 40; possibly lewd innuendo. 12/30, Pitch Black Match, Fox 40. 1/5, 5 PM approx., "We have our match," Luke, Vista Wy, where I'm replacing a fence betw. Bob's & Luke's; I was making a lot of progress despite the rain coming down for half the day; but the context seemed to be conciliatory codes; 5:30 approx., Bob, "We still 'em, won," i.e., God's using me to assure the nation, & rebels warning themselves, figuring I won't be clued in about that lingo. Luke's 'match' code seems to be an alternative threat to being hit (attacked) by blacks. Because the rain had stopped, & you can't install posts using cement in the rain, I was working as late as possible to get all the cement poured; Luke turned on the rear lights; but I then noticed the walkway beside his house was blocked by a string of lights lowered so that you had to duck to use the walkway; this was same as mex. fem's res. on Marina Cir.; electric wire @ chest level - code for 'electric' - or death row. Possibly advanced stage of Landscaper Nick (Capernick) trip wire consp.
1/5, 12:54 AM, ch 40, Disney scene w/blacks; 'dis[respected, they] nee[d];' blks' claim they were "disrespected" when freed from slavery globally. 12:55 AM, Arnold Law Firm, "You've been in an accident,...justice you diss serve," subtle coded intonation - & Doug Arnold, "You've reached the disk of..." 'dis[respected is] k[ey]' & I had to pay for "disrespecting" him; Arnold Law firm perpetuating the tradition. The commercial isn't a moot point as far as Davis rebels as well - late Doug Arnold's son Will is now mayor of Davis. MCBHOMZ lic pl.; I already reported - the Laurel & Hardy 1920's comedians - "PINKO COMMIE 'MOTORIN'' REBELS" report, davisneedy3.html, "motoring" lingo of 1920's as opposed to "driving" & 'motor inn' motel consp. Lodi arch is in background of commercial, "I come from nothing..." supposedly meaning humble beginnings, but 'nothing' is code for "repenting" of sales activities, & subsequently "repenting" of spiritually promoting rock stars who fail to respond - both of these I've done, despite in a free society sales isn't a crime; nevertheless, MCB Homes proprietor's ad is proof of conspiracy where I'm both reamed for such motives, & denied any other option for a career or profession - came from nothing, but, he buys & sells properties - THE BLUEPRINT OF NO. CA. Yardwork isn't sales, but according to rebels, it is sales - any job that I work is sales, because I'm "selling" that I can work, rather than lie flat on my back (Alkalai Flat neighborhood, Sac) & commit suicide, & therefore they can oppress me for trying to be a salesman.
1/6, Steven Sund, interviewed w/gold tie w/sm squares (similar to matrix), remotely similar to my gold cross-hatch tie, "Difficult day" 7:49 AM; possibly referring to 6 Jan. 4:43 AM, "You won't go 'em, lawn," gov't bug code; rebels guessing based on vision "I've given you Lon" (former friend referred to as playboy) - but alternate meanings - self control as far as porn videos (context was I was @ Ginnie's (Concord) & she was in kitchen w/sliding door open saying "Um" - she never opened kitchen sliding door before that - it was after I watched porn video w/fem "eating like crazy" but I'd repented of the video, & moreover, I'd been consistently abstaining for 2 mos. or so; ie., God telling me what my married sex life will be like - "Rae Me" playboy. The code wasn't necessarily about mowing lawns in Davis; bug code claiming 'lawn' meant I was in bed w/Davis rebels (which still isn't the case either way). Moreover, whatever bug codes claim, it's guaranteed it's the exact opposite - they aren't only rebels, they are wrong to a fault. CNN, 6 Jan., Kherson, Ukr, pic of male, blk clothing, same stride as art statue of man in suit w/wolf head in downtown Sac.; approx., 4 Jan., pic of Kohberg, same stride. "Wind not big feature," Berg(?) ch 3, 6:32 AM. 6:27, "It goes away, comes back, goes away, comes back - that's what it looked like, an SUV," fem rptr, traffic.
Steven Sund possibly using name as coded mssg. - Sundae v. Sunday; Mae Hagen & Norm's girlie calendars, v. Rae Me (founder of a Playboy upgrade - higher standards); vision of eating a Sundae cup similar to those we made @ Richmaid, but I've been buying lg. containers - 3 pt. tubs (48 oz. - as opposed to 5 oz. Sundae cups), & eating half in one night - big scream on behalf
of higher standards; i.e., merited 'Sunday;' Easter !
I reported a lemon pie mysteriously missing from my room approx. 1/5, & then eve. of 1/7 while juggling, I opened window part way for fresh air, which I rarely do, but it was coincidence. Then Brittany Hope, newscstr on ch 3, "We're in the dark," approx. 10 PM. Then approx. 12:30 AM power went out; as of this AM, power out for most of Sac & all of W Sac; & phone stopped dialing - new phone, Samsung Galaxy (dropped the old one & it broke), calls going through eve. of 1/6, & all day 1/7, but it now calls & hangs up after one ring - they were doing that to my previous phone soon after former customer Al on Elmwood hung up on me instantly when I called, approx. beginning of 2022; corresponding codes, possibly from rm. 17 Bel Air, but it was occurring in downtown Sac this eve. as well (1/8). As of 6 PM approx., making this very report, power back on, but I still can't make calls - they don't want me to use T Mobile, or else Samsung, w/ 'A' w/no crossbeam.
1/6, fat blk male emply, T-Mobile, "You're not gonna be alert," 6:12 PM; "It isn't going to be we wait on you,"
6:20; when I warned codes are bound he denied using codes, then refused to help me; mex. male emply then helped me, code, "They're not hiking it." In other words blk attempting more stark confrontation. 6:23, "He says excuse me;" blk emply; "You talk like f*&^..." & other expletives, blk male emply. "It was look him on," wh fem emply. "We missed," mex male lng hair, beard, dk grn shrt, to blk emply; "Set it up; we go we're owe decent," blk emply; i.e., blacks claiming my assertion of higher standards for fems is attempt to make up for enslaving blacks. Approx. 6:35, mex. male
(grn shrt), "He can lead us;" & blk emply, "It wasn't my card."
Wolfman w/stride approx. 14th & K St., located @ end of K St. Mall - this is where the 'Kay' shooting occurred last year. No pics anywhere on internet, so I took the bus over there to get pic, but there was an event occurring; moreover, the entire plaza had been remodeled, & the adjacent bldg - the wolfman statue was no longer there, & in it's place, a giant pink rock.
The 'pink' codes cover for Biden & Obama pinning rock stars; the wolf is still there, the conspiracies are still there, they simply have to cover them up temporarily w/pins.
Apprx. 2 days ago, I asked for a different blanket in rm 16, instead of black; they ignored me, then it was a pink blanket as of 1/6. Nevertheless, the wolf statue was there for decades until possibly a year or so ago - same stride as those characters in the news reports. I.e., it's either I'm lying flat on my back giving up on life, or if I try to be busy w/winning stride, I'm labeled a wolf, & income sabotaged for almost 2 decades in attempt to force me to fold & go to my Mom for money from her "purse" (which I never did) - Kherson - 'k[ey, p]urse [is] on;' i.e., in blind ambition to try to trap blacks, they've cursed me; but promises of Abraham (& Christians are heirs to the promises, Old & New Testaments - put your finger on it & claim it), whoever curses me will be cursed, & whoever blesses me will be blessed, Gen 12:3.
1/8, a few hours after regional power outtage, vision of gov. Newsom, "I'm sorry, but they lib it," or similar; i.e., Libya in Mideast, or immediate vicinity, & I'm staying @ Bel Air, operated by Mideasterners. Former leader Muammar Gaddafi. Libya is part of Africa, & I've reported Sac region propping up blks @ my expense, so evidently Newsom directly involved, if not "spearheading" conspiracy enabling traitorous blacks to prevail @ my expense & expense of whites' crown (i.e., U.S. whites' character shrinks back & capitulates to evil). first syllable of Gaddafi sounds like "cud;" approx. 2003, UCD police became more involved in oppression; kidnapped & taken to Yolo jail, & jail officer asked UCD officer, "Why?" & UCD officer, "Because we cud," - chew the cud; they were attempting to make legalistic demands on locations of my evangelism; I'd prevailed in court @ one entrance to MU in approx. 2000; but I was evangelizing for 2 hrs. once/wk, & only occasionally on UCD campus - often it was grocery stores, malls, or busy sidewalks; I did re-assert that exact location after the trial in 2000, but only once; but I was @ 2 other locations @ MU repeatedly - they chose to split hairs to join the rebellion - but, the code was CUD, based on UCD Aggie cow theme along w/horse mascott. I've reported UCD hired Brian May as chancellor (MAYFLOWER report), blk male; their philosophy is blacks eagerly go along w/rebellion, so they prevail @ all costs. UCD & Aggies are already rebels, so ruining the nation is no object to them. But the 'lib' code indicates a desperate attempt of Ca. gov't. to woo a melting pot nation w/ facade of attractiveness of all colors prevailing, irregardless of IF ONE OF THOSE COLORS SUBBORNLY CONTINUES TO REBEL, & IN FACT IS USING THE NOBLE MELTING POT GOALS AS A RANSOM TOOL AGAINST US! I.E., COMPROMISE & BECOME CORRUPT, ALLOWING A KNOWN REBELLION AMONG BLACKS, OR THE GREAT LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE WILL SUFFER LOSS OF ONE OF IT'S COLORS. Newsom, from SF, isn't a Christian, biblically speaking, but under guise of noble humanity goals of ethnic tolerance & diverse nation, he's propping up No. Ca.'s corruption @ my expense claiming it's necessary to maintain blacks as citizens in Ca. & U.S. Similar to No. Ca. goals, openly perpetuating empowerment of conspiratorial blacks who are repeatedly publicly demanding a white male slave as a sacrifice. the UCD 'cud' conspiracy isn't "off," it's "offy" - or, "on" - oppression continues in order to empower blacks; Newsom throwing up his hands - he's "pinned" - America can no longer be land of free home of brave justice for all nation, because of blacks - despite we aren't squirrels, begging & admitting we've fallen short, & stashing things because we've failed to be owners & masters of our future; on the contrary, whites could maintain melting pot single-handedly if we had to; vision of Jesus, 8/2021, we're standing, & we don't have to kiss anyone's butt. If we lower our standards for ANYONE, we've compromised. Blacks choose to give up on human race, we have witnesses among Latinos, Mideasterners, Slavs, Asians, English... everyone!
Guise of noble goals is often used to cover up crimes, but God makes himself known through his displays of power - he used me to reveal the education nation on behalf of China, as well as the Atlas
feat; he told me to warn that blks aren't going to repent, & refusing to hold them accountable only leads to our
1/7, ch 3, 'Zineer' (long 'i') missing blk boy 5:17, i.e., 'sign here...' & gov Newsom, 1/10, "We need to keep our promise," 7:19 PM, ch 40. 7:17, bug code, rm 16, Bel Air, "He goes you're the top, murder." 7:19, Newsom, "I wanna make this point up top." I.e., 'top' code - I successfully built a fence on my own, finishing most of it on 10 Jan., Newsom code indicating I've made handshake deal that I'm a landscaper/handyman - because I'm working hard when trapped & a slave (which the Bible says to do); &, he's asserting that tired old 'top,' 'first,' '#1' sales consp. - I signed on dotted line by building a fence. Bug code elaborates - THEY MURDERED MY TEACHER CAREER, & HUMAN BEING MURDER IS IN THE WORKS AS WELL) - & as proof that Newsom is propping up blks - blk boy missing - "sign here," "top" landscaper is dangerous... THE POOR TERRORIST SLOBS - WHAT'S DANGEROUS DEFINED IS FORCING A VICTIM TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ONE TERRORIST GRUNT LABOR EMPLOYER & ANOTHER TERRORIST GRUNT LABOR EMPLOYER!
Newsom's swtshrt @ press conf. was identical to Underarmor swtshrt I've been wearing almost daily while doing yardwork
down to the sternum length zipper;
; 'sign here' code - 'here' is rebels' code that I've folded on my death row consp. claims ("there") - i.e., give Jack Teacher job, & he'll compromise.
1/12, 4:12 AM, "I want you," vision, after dream about Dave Busaro, wh male former friend from Lodi; I met him through blind male named Terry Joseph in Lodi just before attending UCD. While @ UCD, Dave contacted me & was hoping to stay w/us & look for job in Davis; he'd been through some struggles & drinking. My roommates all claimed to be Christians, & we agreed he could stay w/us temporarily & look for work. He did land a couple of jobs, including yardwork, but he didn't stick w/anything, as he himself acknowledged; I lost patience & sent him back to Lodi after about 3 weeks (the plan was he was going to be w/us possibly 4 or more weeks). If I remember correctly, he was also drinking while staying w/us; we hadn't forbade that - there wasn't any requisite that he follow Jesus - but it contributed to his lack of initiative in working. The vision @ 4:12 as far as I can tell has to do w/Newsom; I had another vision of working on Ganges in W. Davis, which Elaine had discussed w/me & was contacting Loren; the vision was that prisoners in prison needed to be "reached;" i.e., Newsom & others are conspiring prison if I work on fences - or, more concisely, if I don't run away from yardwork, & work @ a warehouse in Wdld. The terrorists don't want me claiming the plunder in Davis. Moreover, the Busaro dream was the m.o. of Newsom & probably the Feds as well. Newsom shows up w/my sweat shrt on in press conference - 'Boo! I'm you - privileging you w/status akin to governor!' But - 'Boo? [I] saw [death] row [consp. hiding behind their flattery]!' Hidden behind that implied flattery, the 'Zineer' consp. subtly claiming I'm dangerous around kids - 'Boo! You're under arrest for violating state contrators' license laws, & conspiring w/Davis homeowners! - Prison!' & I'm one step closer to death row. I don't condone kangaroo trials & corrupt law enforcment, but Iranian leaders acknowledged the historical feats of Jack Teacher & Western church, despite they're predominantly Muslims, but no one listened; so those executions are a warning that No. Ca. isn't Christians, & their threats should be taken seriously - railroading my execution based on trumped up charges & lies could happen 1-2-3. Be that as it may, I work hard, F/T & O/T, then I work on reports, I don't drink, & I'm a great example for all ages. "Booze [is] our [death] row;' where's the alcohol? Where's the laziness? As far as contractors' laws, I legally & successfully completed training & education for Teacher Credential & Broker's license - I piad for & completed classes for both, I forked over huge fees for both, & state of Ca. swindled me out of both. It isn't an option to fork over fees for classes & license for contractor's license w/a corrupt state that is desperate to hand my head on a platter to Davis, executed, beheaded. But, if I'm working hourly for the homeowner, & it's their project, I don't need a contractor's lic. My Mom painted our home in Lodi; my Dad reroofed it, & rebuilt the dock - both over $500, but they didn't need a contractor's lic. My Mom hired my brother-in-law to reroof 20 years later after my Dad passed away - presumably wages, & he didn't need a contractor's license. God has given me visions to be bold - they've reamed me out of licenses - work, & send them to hell! MOREOVER, MAKE NO MISTAKE - IT WASN'T A COINCIDENCE THAT DAVE BUSARO ENDED UP IN DAVIS, COMING UP FROM LODI; THEY CONSPIRED FOR ME TO MEET HIM, & THEN FOR HIM TO "MIX" ONE WAY OR ANOTHER W/DAVIS - 'DAV[IS], "BOO'S" OUR [DEATH] ROW [CONSP.];' i.e., all Davis had to do was "boo" me, & be consistent about it - understanding regionally that I was to be a witness for rock, & that had to be stopped, because far be it from this region to laud a "rags to riches" story, which it most certainly would be - or @ least "mediocre to riches" - w/me being a blessing to rock stars. In other words, LODI SPELLED IT OUT FOR DAVIS! If you want to argue that it was a chance to "showcase" good deeds of a Christian, it doesn't fly; based on their resolute death row conspiracies, any good example that might be displayed by me was an expendable guise; UCD students from Lodi subsequent to me were such as Kathy Watt, & that was part of electric chair codes - it was hard core w/losses calculated in; I've reported Rich Mahoney changing professions to RE, then naming his son Davis - & this was after 4 years of Davis oppressing me (2001). The communication was "You know what to do..." The final clincher was total silence concerning Slavs story as of 2017.
'Booze' - claiming they're "drunk" as far as decades-long cover-up of 20M sacrifices in Siberia - 'drunk' code that 'un [is the] 'k[ey];' betrayal of "liberty & justice for all."
Moreover, DEMONSTRATING THE CUNNINGNESS OF DAVIS REBELS WHEN ARMED W/FED & STATE GOV'TS TO HELP THEM OPPRESS ME: THE 'BUSARO' CONSP. IS NOW THE BASIS OF NEWSOM'S CONSPIRACIES - does Davis have any "sorrow" for decades of oppression from "booing" me? 'Boo!' It appears they do, w/freely flowing wages for yardwork; but w/Newsom's help, 'Boo!' conspiracy to hold me hostage in prison under deceptive employment fabrications. & the basis is the repeat of a 'Samson' consp. in Yolo Davis branch library - patron named Samson last used comp. that I was on in 2002. I was subsequently stalked w/that name, & 2004, approx. Thanksgiving, kidnapped from Yolo libr. by Davis police. 1/12/2023, Loren, on Ganges, "Speaking of Samson..." to fem neighbor, & "He doesn't plan it..." which has been a systematic claim of Davis rebels; but my plan is to teach. Cut Samson's hair, & he might still be able to make trouble for you - Samson in Bible prayed & God renewed his strength & he collapsed the entire colosseum (Davis rebels desperately attempting to claim a biblical basis); Newsom's 'here' code - based on 'Zineer;' blk child kidnapped; but, w/disguise, it's presented as, 'here, Jack Teacher, same sweat shirt;' as though a favor - "we're tight;" but behind the scenes, claim I'm "ZZZ-ing" ('Zzzineer'), & I won't know that they are accusing me based on saying "here" to a customer when handing him or her a tool on rare occasion; but that's an expression, & I'm not under bondage to expressions; when I knock on doors, & knocking from front gate inst. of door, I say, "Is anybody there?" inst. of '' But I don't have to paranoidly avoid ever handing someone a tool & saying "I present you with...THIS" as opposed to "here," it doesn't translate to any confession that I'm in bed w/them - everything I say to them is an act - I'm a slave putting on an act; but suddenly approx. 2 wks ago, based on getting extra sleep, they determined they could deceive me & simply decree it meant I had compromised. But if I track it, the facade is they can oppress me nevertheless, because they don't want me to claim any plunder - you track their 'here' consps., & they claim you 'cut their 'here'' - similar to Samson - Delila cut his hair; & they can still do damage to you - because it's the gov., & suddenly Davis has "play" - according to him. BUT, GOD TOLD ME NUCLEAR MISSILES ARE COMING - & THEY WERE TOLLED AS OF SUMMER 2018. Ps. 50:16, "To the wicked, God says, 'What right do you have to recite my statutes or take my covenant on your lips?'"
Ca.'s strategy: Negate all of Jack Teacher's great examples & faithfulness, find any flaw, no matter how insignificant, & blow it up out of proportion in attempt to do damage attributable to Jack Teacher. For ex., because of gov't derelict in duty resulting in low income so that I'm usually w/out a car, in protest I occasionally jay walk
to shorten distances since I'm often relegated to walking. What does state of Ca. do? They legalize jay walking, & I guarantee it isn't to help me- it's claim that I'm misleading people.
12/31, 6:52, ch 3, buzz driving ad & male demanding phone from someone intoxicated - (1) makes no sense - demand car keys in stead; (2)subliminal suggestion for someone to hit me & take my phone - especially the way the indiv. reacted, "No, please don't..." or similar, as though the peer was his parent.
"about:blank" mssgs on browsers - Microsoft Windows, or possibly Google mssg, but multiple parties orchestrating it - it originated from electronics conspirators stalking me systematically to prop up Davis - "We're going a bout" code from cafe employee, etc., to join the other 'D's' (downtown Davis rebels) calling police on me. Electronics conspirators then trying to cover for them - give them a "blank" slate; the m.o. is systematically stalk you w/consps. pilferring your rights to force you to compromise, or dupe you that you have compromised, thus proving you're one of the Davis rebels - easily caving in & call police on a law-abiding citizen, same as Davis 'D' rebels. They are literally warring to prop up Davis for more than 20 years as of this point. In the past, you spend hundreds of $ on computer, & it's assumed it has software - that's an integral part of the computer - it's worthless w/out it; but lately MS & others attempt to i.d. you that you have to sign agreements for everything, & agreements come w/"terms & conditions" that are the size of a catalogue - study them for weeks, or give up & admit you have no integrity. Moreover, I have actually read entire T&C for Microsoft, & then it's sabotaged so that after creating pw, it says "pw invalid" or similar - conspiring to deny me access to a lot of services. Possibly an argument could be made that a computer/laptop comes w/software to use it effectively, but you must pay a fee or create an account for higher grade of software - & to some extent this is the case - such as MS Word as opposed to Wordpad. But contract law says for a contract to be valid, there must be consideration - which is defined as something of value; cell phones that you pay $100-$1000 for a devise w/electronics & hardware amounting to slightly more than a $5 calculator, you have already paid for the basic operating system, browser software, camera, etc., by paying $100(s) - they don't have a basis for a contract w/out offering a service - other than the phone service - i.e., you have a contract for phone service - or a prepay "no contract" option (which translated is a contract for one mo. of service, which expires every mo. unless you renew it w/payment) - there is no basis for a separate contract in addition to a handset product that you purchase to make calls on ($20 value) - they don't get to claim they own & control something that you purchased & own. The sudden interruptions of your laptop or phone, w/out your permission, while "updates" occur - your product is suddenly remotely confiscated by the manufacturer - you're denied access to your own possessions for 5 min. or 50 min., & there's nothing you can do about it - is robbery; it's covering for Davis' rebellion w/police oppression - you disappear in jail, your possessions are confiscated - you suddenly don't have access to your possessions - someone else has control over them, & there's nothing you can do about it - but I'm doing something about it - multiple visions of nuclear missiles coming. Moreover, in those cases where an "agreement" may be justified, w/"terms & conditions," they are i.d.-ing people w/T&C's that are the length of a Sears catalogue - in addition to a fraudulent clause stating, "Oh, & we can change this catalogue of terms w/out notice" i.e., you have to guess on a daily basis if they've changed anything anywhere in those terms - such as a mo'ly fee required for software you already purchased & entitled to own. No one is faulting them if they want to issue a "license" for use - i.e., so that you can't distribute copies to friends for free - software comes w/computer or phone, & software firm receives a percentage, royalty, etc. - an owner's manual could easily warn against such activities. But as far as goods that you've purchased, it isn't a gray area when they claim it isn't yours - traditionally you purchase an electronics product, like any other product such as car, boat, lawn mower, chain saw, TV, so that you can own & use it; if the manufacturer wants to lease it to you, w/lease agreement, then that should be clearly understood & enunciated up front. You're rushing a family member to the hospital w/life threatening injury, & suddenly the car shuts down w/mssg. that it's upgrading the software, "Just a minute're almost there..." & your relative dies in your arms just when the car is relegated back to you again... You're desperately cutting a path through trees & brush for a fireline to save your home w/your high performance chain saw, & suddenly your chain saw shuts down w/"mo'ly self-maintenance" mssg., & your house burns down (although ironically,the fires are punishment from God because these confiscation conspiracies are being allowed). It's a conspiracy attempting to erode the nation into Davis rebels. Don't underestimate the erosion effect - subtle mssgs. that resistance is futile - you've failed, you've caved in daily to these systematic compromises, etc., slowly eroding nation's self-esteme & self confidence. Wake up & purge them from the nation.
12/31, Univisio'n (as far as I recall) New Year's show in NYC, Latino man & woman hosts, w/blk fem cohost; blk fem interviewing one of the partiers @ the ball drop, Mideastern male, asking where he was from, he said "Turkey;" she then said "How about a New Year's kiss!?" & he said, "no, it's against our religion;" she then motioned to his wife, & it was still no kiss.
Blacks conspiring white man death row sacrifice speak w/pitch forked tongue - & Indians are seconding that!
12/24, "Forensic Files," kidnapper house sitting in NH kidnapped teen girl Sherri; she wrote last will & testament which he mailed to her parents, & then killed her. He gave them instructions over the phone where the body was. He then kidnapped & killed another girl in the vicinity, contacting the parents similarly. Police analyzed the piece of paper (from a notepad) used for will & testament, to get imprints of the piece of paper above it, & were able to come up w/phone #, tracked, & arrested the killer, Larry Gene Bell. 12/26, 2:25 AM, dream I was in a laundromat, & analyzing quarters the same way as the forensic experts - my poverty & conspiracies attempting to force me out of town are due to Congress & White House (Feds - Treasury), & according to dream, they are equivalent to vile child murderers; latest US quarter w/Maya Angelou, blk fem. poet. Also,
"A HISTORY OF SEX CRIMES..." narrator or deputy said this 2X about the suspect before knowing who he was, & not a word about any evidence or anything corroborating it from their investigations, 7:43 PM. "He corrected himself about the time," investigator. "He's go home," Sherri's mother after a call from kidnapper, 7:41. Commerc. for medicine, w/cartoon of a witch, & human hand surfaces in the pot.
Spokesman in Buffalo from the cold, "If I said 'this is it,' it would be a fallacy;" but if he's implying more delays, he'sa traitor - that coldness is all mine!
Video on TV, 12/25, 2 Hispanic fems, gray swt jackets - blk fem tried to steal TP from them in groc. store, & resulted in fight, which clerk had to break up; mex. fem warned, "It's gonna be a bloodbath!" Mexs "took a bath" patiently enduring while blacks were elected to presidency before them, & then systematically betraying us.
According to article from Science News, (, as of 2014 (when reported), the Ca. drought is the worst in 1200 years - I HAVE MY PLUMBLINE. This report was reiterated by Mercury News in Feb. 2022 - w/8 more drought years added to that. The sudden rains mean none other than because I live here, God wants to make sure I have enough water - because this drought dwarfs the drought of Elijah in the Bible, which James cited as well (Jas. 5:16-18). Oh, & don't forget Elijah was known as the Tichbite, & was the world's first rocketeer (chariot of fire). While I am a school teacher rather than a prophet, God uses ordinary people (v. 17), & can use a teacher to warn of the doom of USA's adversaries (rebels within the nation) anytime he wants.
12/30, "That was your bump," wh male driver, 42A 7:11 AM after 4 passengers got off @ Enterprise Blvd. (last stop in WS), 1 thin blk male, 1 fat wh male dk gray coat, & others - same bus stop everyday; I was leaving mssg for Steve (& for a lot of other customers, but it was Steve @ that instant) - coincidental, but driver's code meant claim I was stalking them - 'st[reet is] even;' meanwhile, they are stalking me - the sudden fetish w/Enterprise is the single palm tree @ end of cul-d-sac off of Enterprise, next to freeway; former Davis developer Barry Binning, development N of Davis where he subdivided - one long street & placed palm tree @ end of it; I had met him in 1999 or so, & he had steered clear of any oppression against me; @ city council meeting in approx. 2002, his lawyer offered a huge piece of land to city as gift (200+ acres - on boundary of Davis - valuable land), but instead of readily accepting it, they became enthralled in discussing/debating if they were going to accept it; Barry evidently knew this was going to happen, because w/out a single communication to his lawyer (they were seated separately @ the meeting), the lawyer about a half hour later went back to the podium & withdrew the offer (million $ piece of land), proving they were burying their talents & abilities w/legalism & cynicism oppressing me; he then subdivided & sold it in lg. lots, & left town (evidently to avoid becoming corrupt). Bravely tanding up for my rights would've been better, but he took the bronze @ any rate. These stalkers getting off bus @ that location - code that although I'm living in WS most of the time, I'm involved in RE sales (Binning); i.e., I never really "repented." But they don't have that, as I've reported. Not to beat a dead horse, but a Christian contemporary song I used to sing, lyrics, "..entire turn around..." referring to repenting, & this was while I was applying for & accepting any & all work - & I did work any & all jobs, & moreover, as of 2013, years of looking up jobs, such as on Craigslist, headings such as "Education," "Retail," "Customer Service," "Food/Bev," "Admin/Office," etc., I started boycotting applying for any job in Sac that was associated w/any sales, such as Craigslist "Sales," so that there could be no mistaking it @ all, after a vision that if I was hired in sales, I'd be back in gov's office due to job loss & right to work @ that job denied - & another disappearance in gov's office; when I used to sing that song, the words got misprounced, "Enkire turn around" & it was me talking to myself - the key was a complete turn around so no one could deny my goal was teacher career; when I converted rock songs into Christian songs, I did that only after hours (40 hr. week), & this was context of having been working any & all grunt labor jobs, so that there could be no mistaking that any singing was a hobby. So these 'palm tree' games are a cruel hoax, rebels feigning skepticism & doubt, & using that as guise to attempt to frame me. In other words, the rebels desperately attempting to claim I have to get out of Davis, & that landscaping is tainted w/sales underpinnings due to promoting your ditch-digging abilities, they don't have that taint in context of my nearly 20+ year teacher zeal burnt offering of categorically denying all sales jobs. They wouldn't have it in the first place, because selling yourself as a ditchdigger is the antithesis of working as a salesman. I reported the vision of George Bush Sr., "You'll be the first man to leave the bush;" most likely it's claim that Davis' corruption was the cause of me being w/out work & w/out a place to live (i.e., living in the "bushes"), & w/that understanding, leave them; double entendre - blacks desperate to make a white man pay, so coconspiring w/Davis to maintain rebellion so that I'm never actually free from "the bush" is in their "interests;" so, according to Bush, exposing blacks & their rebellion along w/Davis', is rejecting them as rebels; they never rose above the slavery of Africa & the primitive ways of "the bush" in Africa - blacks don't want to rise above slavery & advance; I rise above "the bush" & leave them behind - therefore, I'm supposed to leave Davis despite they haven't been brought to account. But where I reject Bush's "strategy" is I don't have to leave for Davis & blacks to be brought to account. I could be evacuated or extracted @ a moment's notice, if necessary. Meanwhile, blks, & whites from South, are strangely moving into Davis, & rebels from the start - a consp. to eliminate me, & prop up Jefferson Davis. Codes from Davis rebels implying a certain segment of them (Davis rebels) are getting out, so that others can come & have a crack @ me; Moving With Grace moving van - implying to rebels, get out now, & you'll be allowed "grace" to get away w/consp. to commit murder & committing acts of slavery. Inherent w/'first man' is president implication, or #1 sales implication; i.e., if I just get out of Davis, I'll be rewarded as president, etc. - while God gives me visions that in actuality, I'll simply be in worse shape in Sac - homeless & jobless, because I allowed them to trick me, & "got." The nearly 2 decades of good-faith applying for jobs in addition to teacher jobs (you have to work @ something until you're hired as teacher), was before housing conspiracies were fully consumated - there wasn't any reason to think I couldn't somehow rent a room & take the bus to & from the job; nevertheless, most of it was without awareness of the sophisticated conspiracies being devised in these cities; grunt labor jobs in other cities might still an option, but the visions indicate pending dead ends, due to consps. of these cities to ruin me, making it far less amenable. Nevertheless, my burnt offering as far as employment utterly decimates any facade of skepticism about my teacher goals.
Based on fact that my Mom never did anything inappropriate sexually, the vision of the code, after the ''no' autograph' vision, may have been her taking liberties so that pope would be lured by my report on internet. Same w/my Grandma & vision of her w/mouth open getting up from bed; i.e., her prayers were answered post-humously. I.e., derelict leaders thinking, 'Jack Teacher's "'taught ya' ma" slipped, the coast is clear...' Latinos 'X-ing the tattle' - if Mazatlan is corresponding parallel ('ma's [t]attle [is] on') then those using codes in Exatlon were one-upped by Mex city name plumb line - if it was deliberately orchestrated, nevertheless, codes are bound, & the only proper thing to do is pipe up in plain Spanish (or English).
I've been led that I piped up on behalf of Slavs in Siberia, & no response, & so no more promoting them; but I've been falling short of this repeatedly, & so I'm curtailing past reports; but w/editor sabotages it's slowing going; nevertheless this report is controlling, providing notice.
I'm also asserting I was stern as far as Taliban taking control of Afghanistan because of
their affiliations w/terrorists in the past, & I'm still not overjoyed by them (man should be the breadwinner, but women who've gained more liberties have consistently used them responsibly), but it isn't beyond anyone to repent.
Approx. 2021, vision of Village Pizza, Fourth St. & G (Italian owners - Village Bakery in Davis since 1990's or before), & I'm destitute in Sac. A lot of landscape customers in Village Homes, West Davis, & I reported bee keeper boxes in sm orchard @ entrance of VH, & corresp'g consp.; Ezra Beeman, Fourth St. & I, from Woodland; vision of me going down Fourth St. towards his res., & then destitute in Sac. 12/29, working for Helen DeCarlo (Italians) @ their rental property in Village Homes, piles of wood chips near VH maintenance bldgs, available for homeowners in VH; I was using sm wheelbarrow & wh male supervisor suggested I use one of lg. carts avail. to home owners; I noticed the supervisor looked a lot like McGuire-Hester consp. who attacked me in 7/2021, Fourth & F, almost strangled to death - the same location where I was in my truck in 2016 approx., & Aaron Needles (UCC) walked by, seemingly random, but it was staged - no use saying anything, I'd rebuked him many times before. Sac newspaper is The Bee. 12/30, Yolobus 42B, "You're gonna borrow, our 'no,'" blk male wh swt shrt, 3:16 PM (pic sent). "Needlepoint For Men" Rosie Grier, blk football player. 12/30, due to thorough reports, including reporting a sm (child's) chair, fixture on front lawn on El Cajon Ave., "MY MASTERPIECE" painted on chair, no hire despite knocking on doors in rain for most of day; i.e., blacks conspiring homelessness. In other words, region's goals are trap me in another city where I'm still destitute & w/out work, much less a teacher. "I don't take f*&^ Kate!" male, teal colored car, possibly rm 15, Bel Air, 8:07 AM, 12/31.
'Kate' is code for homeless in Davis; 'f#$& Kate' connotation of negating low income/denial of
housing, indicating denial of place to live in Sac as well.
(i.e., rental, but destitute visions indicate more extensive than that).
Immed. after these codes, approx. 8:30 AM, wh male Fremont motel maintenance wkr (reported), @ Sahara bus stop w/aqua water bottle.
12/7, "He won't have his guav," 12:48, wh male gray swtr, gray hair, Guads. "We're gonna have him hurt," wh male blue & blk pld shrt, red hair, Guad's 12:49. "You don't get this pain on," or 'pay non,' wh male blk & gray El Macero jacket Guads. "That was arnery, it," wh male blue Adidas jacket 12:53.
12/7, 2:24, "You're not gonna see them, the former president," (gray hair male?).
"He won't have that haul long," male emply, blue shrt 1:02.
12/6, AM/PM, wh fem wooden walk cut me off, 12:15 (UM). "I win!" wh or mex boy, 3:06, across from Jim's on Elmwood, "This is not a race," wh (?) fem w/him. "You won't have here," male cdonst. wkr, dk gray van Mercedes. "You'd let her," (or similar). "I'm gonna mend," Jim. "We don't know; he has his vy, it," Gagnon emply next door to Jim's, or dk gray van, 2 PM. Male, dk gray van, 2 thump sound.
12/8, near Kents, wh male from next door (E) to const. wkrs, "You'll have your push-push," 1 PM. "He doesn't see his hautops," male, Ruiz Drilling, Ganges, 1:20; 'autopsy' code - Bill Spangler, Parkside, doctor in necropsy; Ruiz co. has 530 A/C, & Ruiz was name of first Davis police chief. As of 12/15, Sac news featuring Davis police donation story. Res. on SW corner of Notre Dame & Sycam., sh brass plates attached to wall near front door of residence, w/"ACE" engraved (hdwr store). 'Ace' code for Dave McKinnon, former teen from UCC Edge grp; his dad is pastor of Orthodx church in Sac, he lives in E. Davis; temporarily helped me - stored some files in his car for 2-3 wks, approx. 2004, then threw a fit as cover for going back to betraying me. 20020 or so, Dave Boughton (UCC) E St. plaza, code that I wouldn't take their ace. "He doesn't throw away," 1:20. "He doesn't Woodland," (after pic - steam roller on top of where I replaced a sprinkler - that's what it looked like; closer look, it wasn't smashing the sprinkler (Kents)); "He doesn't gas on," 1:30. "This is where you'd have sow out," (i.e., pig). "We give city dump," 2 PM approx. When I later noticed they weren't smashing sprinkler, code "Be, a way" or similar; i.e., extensive sprinkler repair & they were showing up as though affirming me (but using codes, nevertheless); i.e., they are attempting to graft in the Davis rebels from the beginning - everyone gets away w/everything - & it's all because I'm allowed to have work; I warned that I had my description as far as any dumping of my files, & "We can't dump our pick up," or similar 3 PM Ruiz or PG&E emply, 3 doors down from Kents. "We miss show all," blk fem blnd, blk jacket, 7:36 PM, Cane's. "He's not having our fair'd, it," pr 'farred' blk male blue jacket, 5:39 PM, gray hair, Cane's. "We miss out," wh male grn shrt gold ncklace. "We watch you, our 2," Yolobus driver, 6:19 PM, 42B; 2 rings & answering mach. picked up - sooner that usual, Kents' - i.e., probably @ home, but my laptop was locked in their garage. "Had enough ours," Persian fem dk fur jacket, 42B 6:30 PM. "Hold up," 6:50 PM. "Hi, Joe!" vision of my Mom, 9:33 approx. "...the car swoofed,..." fem ch 40 10:04 PM. "The storm will die down, any," Dirk, MY 58, 10:49 PM ('MY' - 'ACE' in caps - which I occasionally use randomly; Ace Hdwr, used to use signs w/same rare font as "Realtor" logo, for 2 decades or more; therefore, Sac claims they can prop up Davis, Davis youth, & former Davis pd (most const. wkrs are from Sac.) - desperate for any "sign" - but here's the "sign," or, evidence: Elaine, "Any come?" & child @ Harley's, after wife & shower info, "Any come?" 7:22 PM, "Joe would bear us," male, Unima's. "Love seeing little products do big things," Christina, MY 58, 10:56 PM.
12/9, "He'd been dead for 38 years...they missed my point...he's shaking," Joseph Prince, 1:40 AM ch 52 (Asian male TV preacher from Singapore (but notice I'm not breaking). 5:15 AM, "This isn't going to be your fault," bug code. "You won't come min second," or 'men second' 1 AM, bug code. 7:21 "We've gotta be careful," blk fem blk jacket, or wh fem grn jacket, then bus (42A) stopped @ Unitrans stop, before indiv. @ next stop made prounounced wave motion, claiming I'd changed my style of waving, then 7:30 several passengers sniffling, as though, 'we're sorry, huh..'
12/15, I was assuming "The Real Thing" would be understood to be a teacher, since the report title was about Jack Teacher. But I arrived @ Mason's to do some raking, 9:50 AM, & it occurred to me 'A' in Ace hdwr logo is similar to North Face jackets logo; Mason was wearing a gold swt jacket. 10:25, Mason talking to indiv. in car, "He doesn't play around w/it," & the individual then got out of car & was wearing gold North Face jacket. Ace hdwr & Realtor logos same font; terrorists preventing me from uploading pics of Realtor or Ace logos. Moreover, I reported late developer Don Miller & neighborhood he developed in Central Davis, w/Miller Dr. parallel to A St., then curving into B St., w/A following Miller, S. of it. It's as though Miller Dr. curve forces A to intersect w/B St. (as reported). I.e., it's identical to North Face logo of lgr curve enveloping the smaller curve - except, it's mirror image; i.e, NF jacket brand implies, 'See a big mountain? Dress warmly & climb it!' Miller & A St. implies 'Don't survive - give up.' That's why the zigzag crosswalk @ Willow Creek Pk. in S. D. is identical to front walkway @ Millers' res.; 'will low, 'creek' - 'creek' implies old age - guarantee from Davis rebels they'd help him continue w/oppression to attempt to force me to "park" it -
i.e., still a slave when he's old & creeking. (1970's - death row consps. still in their infancy; they had to get up enough nerve).
As a Christian, whatever I bind on earth shall have been bound in Heaven; Luke 10:19, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you;" & Matt. 16:19, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven," Matt. 16:19. If rock stars are claiming they suspect Chinese leaders might play dirty pool, then warn me directly, & let me deal w/it, rather than placing my life & career on hold - that's condescending & treating me as second class citizen - a slave. Locally, facades about rock stars are used against me as tools to impede me or oppress me constantly, because they left me stranded & instigated more oppression. They claim they have knowledge about God; but the Bible says, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already...We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error," 1 Jn. 4:1-3,6. Rock stars & Hollywood don't confess Jesus as Savior & Lord; if someone says, "Well, some of them do, but they are undercover, so they don't do it in public," But Jesus said, Matt. 10:32,33, "Whoever confesses me before men, I will also confess him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown before my Father in heaven." In other words, Bible has built in accountability mechanisms defining Christians to prevent the very tricks utilized by rock & Hollywood: (1) confession of Christ as Savior & Lord, who was born of virgin, led a sinless life, physically died on the cross for our sins, & physically rose from the dead; (2)confession is "before men" i.e., before the general public, as opposed to secret meetings w/a grand poo-bah officiating, etc. This was literally the style of a 2nd century cult known as the Gnostics - 'gnosis' meaning knowledge, in Greek, because you also had to know secret passwords. Rock & Hollywood claim to be informed "seekers," but that they must skeptically investigate church leaders, congregations, & races, before making any decision to become Chrsitians; this givies them in their view a form of immunity from certain Bible Scriptures such as those that say they can be kicked out of the church if they are sinning, etc. You can't kick someone out who hasn't yet joined. & the Bible also warns of greater accountability for those who are Christians, & then willfully turn from the faith &/or lead sinful lives defying the Bible; Heb. 10:26-29, "If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?" This is some heavy warnings, & it's directed primarily @ those who have become Christians; so they reason, if they put off profession of the faith, & joining the church, & being baptized, they are @ liberty to create "tests," pranks, spectacles, etc., under guise of being more informed than the average Christian (because of their connections from fame & rubbing shoulders w/"important" people, including religious people), & they then experiment on those who've actually made the commitment to Christ & are obedient (which takes childlike trust, guts, & commitment, as opposed to flawless behavior or encyclopedic head knowledge - John the Apostle worshiped an angel on accident 2X in Rev.); rock stars & Hollywood use their influence & money to create signs & distractions, such as blk prof. football player overturning a table & TV star fem exclaiming "Who did that!?" - using their charisma to magically prop up, as in this example, blacks, who have amounted to outlaws & rebels, to see if they can oppress me further, rather than publicly denouncing a rebellious race.
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light," 2 Cor. 11:14. "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible," Matt. 24:24. But they maintain an aloof "stand" taunting & mocking Christians such as me, & are often right in the middle of an instigation of far worse oppression for me & others. Accountability mechanism (3): Bible is full of warnings to refuse to put off giving your life to Christ; "Today, if you will hear his voice, don't harden your heart..." & Jesus said, "Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow me daily," & the story of the 10 virgins - some of them weren't ready, & the door to the Kingdom was shut, leaving half of them outside, Matt. 10:1-12; "Keep watch; you don't know the day or the hour the master is coming..." v. 13. Phil. 1:15-18, It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice." Motives of selfish ambition & jealousy are @ the core of their acts. Moreover, the damage they do is extensive:
They purport themselves to the public as an example of those claiming to
be wide open to the gospel, but then end up being scoffers, & this was timed w/the huge feats & signs from God on behalf of China; their refusal to biblically follow Jesus created a skeptical "model" @ international level for China, influencing them to delay in the face of Heavenly feats & signs & proofs of God's love & power unparalleled in all of history, except for the accomplishments of Christ of his sinless life & conquering death. Rock's & Hollywood's claim to fame spiritually is creating skepticism & confusion or worse; & therefore they won't be invading & they won't be champions for the cause of Christ - & that's bound in Jesus name. I make that claim not because I'm a "historical" Jack Teacher figure, but because that authority is available to anyone who is faithfully following Christ. So don't be led astray by these theatrics & tricks from rock & Hollywood, they aren't going anywhere w/any of it.
12/14 approx., after lousy night's sleep, vision of pulling a weed - i.e., eliminate all the hypotheses/alternatives about pope & Catholics - they are attempting to slip in w/out repenting;
you can't tattle about No. Ca. oppression, & darn it, that means no one can tell on the Siberian oppressors, as well - a black magic checkmate for satan.
MOREOVER THEY ARE CRIPPLING JACK TEACHER, & USING THAT AS SMOKE SCREEN SUPPOSEDLY PREVENTING THEM FROM REPENTING & DOING THE RIGHT THING - BECAUSE IT WOULD ULTIMATELY BE TO MY CREDIT, SINCE GOD USED ME TO CALL ATTENTION TO THE SCANDAL INVOLVING SIBERIAN CHRISTIANS. The conspiracy involves Latinos in No. Ca., Sac. newscasters, & Ca. Spanish TV stations & actors. 12/16, "We get that..." Adam, wthr forecstr, ch 40, 6:50 PM, supposedly referring to a storm system, but it was intonation of 'that' as in corrupt Latinos, & also 2 MS Office "boxes" in background of the news program, one above the other - as reported, screen in my motel room bathroom window, 2 identical squares are handles for window screen - identical to MS Office logo, & the 2 boxes in background of the news show. "We had the dream of doing" wh male coach, sports team w/logo similar to Sac State, in gym in Roseville, 6:45 PM, ch 40. 6:57, "They're gonna have payin' 'im," Eric Harryman, ch 40 news (implying someone controlling or preventing me from being paid). "What if I told you what was U?" vision, approx. 8 PM. Approx. 6:30 PM, "You're gonna suv," as in 'serve' spoken by Southerner ('suh' v. 'sir'); vision - God telling me South involved in local consp. to cause me to disappear; I'm currently staying @ motels near West Acre Ave., on West Cap.; last time I disappeared, for 4 mos. in Yolo jail, 2/2020 (& it caused the nationwide masking & quarantining, within days), booking @ Yolo jail, officer Winnacre decided to hold me hostage there - plant from South w/Southern accent & looks like former friend from Lodi, Tim Spagnola; one of two former friends from Lodi who, when I became a Christian in 1986, both gave their lives to Christ as well; I hadn't heard from Spagnola for 20 years, some of that was while I was persecuted in Davis, but in 2009 he called me to see how I was doing; but within 2 or 3 calls on phone, he used several codes, despite I warned him to reject those; soon after that he keeled over & died; i.e., God used me to lead him to Christ in 1986, then instead of intervening for me, he was stalking me w/codes. Winnacre was w/Yolo jail as of approx. 2002, & @ first seemed to be a watchdog, but eventually became one of them. Vision 2020 of Winnacre saying "We'll bottle him up & he'll sing" or similar, indicating they were going to hold me hostage; also, Napa or that area, annual rock music concert presentations known as Bottle Rock. 'Win acre' - 'West Acre' - close enough for evidence consp. of another trap. 'Suv' - Southern for 'serve,' or, 12/16, 6:30 PM, Buick ad, SUV is known as 'S[you]V,' but 'you' is a code for 'U' oppression of Drake Dr. 1999. 6:35, Harryman, "Alright, Joe be ream all can't be reached:' i.e., I'm too thorough, therefore everyone goes free... Bob, cust. on Vista Ave. (Col. Sanders look-alike), "He doesn't know where we look first," 4:26 PM; prospective upcoming project I've discussed w/him of painting his res., once wet weather goes away, but exterior prep work can be started right away, such as sanding eave boards; Bob's step ladder wasn't tall enough; options @ Ace were 16' or 20' extension ladders; we both decided 16' was tall enough, but upon arriving @ Bob's, eaves where the single story roof peaks are actually higher than 16;' I didn't push for returning the ladder & buying the more expensive one, because the 5' section that was beyond the ladder's reach could be reached from on top of the roof; but as usual, the rebels attempt to dupe me - not pushy enough; but if you're pushy, then "You won't be pressuring them" or similar, mex male landscape wkr @ Elmwood Dr., approx. 12/11; & 2 days before that, "We have to get back to where we're guarding," bug code - threats under guise of 'guarding.' 12/16, Vision of fem holding a 'U' in her hand - possibly Persian fem clerk @ Belair w/key ring for my room key, to prevent key from getting lost - vision could be indicative of persecution (as in captivity) is behind me ("handed" to me) or warning there's ulterior motives to key ring, or alternate interp. of 'U.' Vision early AM (approx. 5), my Mom whispering "tits!" & it pertained to teen girl - which was disturbing, indicating my Mom involved in lewd codes, & it may be the case, depending on if it was my Mom in vision or satan creating that impression. Visions about my Mom have consistently been on the up & up until this one & another recent one that was out of ordinary. But, 8:14 PM, Univisio'n (Span. TV), teen boy on phone w/teen girl, & code in Engl. whispered, "Text!" as though dubbed in by the station, & possibly baiting me to commit crime of perverts using e mail/texts to molest children; the whispered exclamation was a "match" w/vision of my Mom, which means either she's tracking them, or involved w/them.
I recently purchased a T shrt w/texts of parts of heart, shaped like a heart, on front of
sht, tag said it was from Portland (my place of birth).
Telemundo (Span. ch.), Exatlo'n sports, male contestant, looking upward, then burying face in arm like lamenting something - coded gesture, 8:41
Exatlon show host, "He doesn't see, we have the window," mex male blue shrt,
blue shrt, 8:42; i.e., this was in English, despite it's a Spanish TV show, in Spanish - code - the 2 sm square handles of window screen of my bathroom, rm 16 Bel Air, WS; 8:57, same sports program, fem mex. pink or yellow top, "Gimme 'us' secrets," to injured male player, yellow shrt. The 'lament' code was referring to pope lamenting the murders & other persecutions of innocent victims by past Catholic popes - supposedly inferred by the recent shooting spree in Sac. on K St. connected to e mail from Domino's pizza in WS.
City of Mazatla'n in Mexico, (sounds like Exatlo'n), 'ma's [t]attle, on;' those who should be intervening for me are instead baiting me.
Alternate aspect is 2002 or so, when texting was becoming more prevalent, it seemed antiquated in most instances, because w/cell phones a phone call doesn't take any longer, & is more personable; also, it was being exploited to emphasize isolating me; my standard was that texting wasn't taboo, but it was a little cold & distant. My opinion now is it is useful @ times for concise communications; but additionally, soon after that, regionally, full blown rebellion, so insisting on people being more personable was obviously a moot point. But similar occurred w/Spanish; I boycotted Spanish selection for vm, as protest that I was being cornered into using Spanish only w/machines rather than people - when entire region is conspiring against you, there's no small talk or conversation w/English speakers or Spanish speakers - no way to practice spoken Spanish. Possibly the codes were claim I'd compromised - unfit to lead youth, since I used text w/customers reg'ly - but I'm cornered & putting on an act, & as stated - moot point. My reports to Feds & on internet consist of text - I HAVE A HEART FOR FREEDOM & JUSTICE.
As I reported - it isn't a bona fide lament if they are still committing those crimes - such as K St. But the coded gesture, context of 'window' code & 'secrets' code, same show - Catholics are claiming, or they are acting out what pope Frances is claiming, that he can't repent & proclaim the great feats of Siberian Christians, because it would be to my credit; IN OTHER WORDS, DESPITE THE BIBLE FORBIDS RUMORS, & DESPITE I'VE RECEIVED UNEQUIVOCAL ENDORSEMENT EXPRESSLY FROM HEAVEN, THE POPE NEVERTHELESS CLAIMING HIS "HANDS ARE TIED;" BUT IT'S ONLY VALID IF RUMORS ARE MORE POWERFUL THAT GOD - I.E., IF THEY CAN FIND A WAY TO BE LOSERS, IT STALLS ANY SUCCESSES OF ORTHODOX CHURCH, WHICH IS THE ANCIENT FOE OF CATHOLICS, EVIDENTLY, CONTRARY TO UPLIFTING MSSG. OF "A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD" THAT SATAN IS OUR ANCIENT FOE. Jack Teacher exposed the cover-up of Catholics & Protestants, & pope saying he would repent, but blessing the Slavs would bless Jack Teacher, which might put a chink in the armor of evil rumors. Meanwhile, pope Frances is from S. America (Brazil), & recent report (12/15), the current drought as of this Fall, is more severe than any other drought in N. & S. America IN 1200 YEARS - that's 1000 AD, when Vikings discovered America - SO SINCE RECORDS WERE KEPT IN THESE CONTINENTS, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN THIS SEVERE OF A DROUGHT - GROVEL, RUMOR REBELS! REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT! The conclusion indicates Catholic leaders should be weeded; based on visions, & other evidences, South should be weeded as well. People claiming to be Christians who willfully make defeatist decisions that spoil the manifest plans of God are devil dogs defined.
Prov. 11:27, "Those who look for trouble, it shall come to them." Putin's off-handed 'Armageddon' comment (those claiming to be Christians have no business ushering in Armageddon) was luring pope - as though they are carelessly causing trouble; pope then determines he has leeway if he downplays it to a world war - but it's those claiming to be church leaders systematically reaming Christians that could instigate any world war, rather than a nation claiming its territory back.
12/8, Waxie commerc. soap & toiletries, UCD (MU) & interior of restrooms, wh tile walls w/2 rows of yellow & blk; bee theme - wax; codes concerning my nocturnal habits as of last MU remodel, approx. 2016.
6/17, Morocco soccer team player entering coliseum, places hand over groin as though covering it, 6:15 AM, Fox TV. Exatlo'n is sports competition show; another consp. that Jack Teacher hasn't measured up enough yet for justice - amounting to a never ending "marathon" of conspiracies duping everyone that you aren't entitled to justice unless & until you merit Jack La Lane, Bruce Lee, & Babe Ruth all in one - & that's why people are gunning people down nationwide - because according to the local standards, which are randomly but regularly endorsed by others as well, no one is entitled to justice - beyond the reach of anyone - & that robs Christianity of its salt. Shooters consider the neverending denials of justice could be happening to them, & this country stinks, & they decide to "punish" others for it. But the groin gesture may have been connected w/psycho occurrence from last night - I caught an early bus to Walmart to get some new pnts, & 7:40 AM, using ATM card, suddenly 2 of my other cards were in the bill section of my wallet, instead of one of the credit card pockets; as of last night, they were in the card pockets, & I didn't put them in the bill section. Door was chained when I took shower last night @ approx. 9:30 PM, windows locked, but I was evidently drugged in middle of night, & windows must be rigged. 6:42, blk fem newscstr, " makers can suicide..." (captions said 'still decide' but it was enunciated 'suicide'). "They apply more," gov't bug code, 6:48 AM; coded claim of rebels forcing me to "apply" or solicit "acceptance" of my gym/PE skills. 7:46 AM, near Mod pizza, across from Golden 1 where I was headed to deposit a check, blk male janitor or sec. grd, barely audible code, "You just can't believe it." 'Ma'd pizza;' also, night before, I bought a pizza from Roman's pizza for dinner; I threw out loaf of Ital. bread 2 wks ago based on vision, but in general, if they get you to boycott food by nationalities, in 3 days you'll be headed for starvation. Either the facade was based on report of my Mom as of late eve. 6/16, or due to purchase of pizza, same eve. Roman's emply, Ukrainian fem (Slav owners) "Have free night," 6:19 PM, to another cust., possibly Slav - the facade is the regional traitors - & THEY IN FACT DEFINE BETRAYAL - claiming they have to hold me hostage in jail - it's too dangerous to allow me to be @ liberty. Whether or not that occurs in this instance, the facade is also a supposed warning that they could commit more crimes against me if they wanted. 12/17, blk dog referred to as an "athlete," then another story, ch 10, 6:56, blk fem host, "...way to find a forever home,..." & dog named Chase, & another fem, "Here's a shelter, he's potty trained..." (I reported the stalkings re: bathroom & bathroom window); Chase, as in bank (cards manipulated, & trip to bank). "I miss tries," Asian male cookie chef, ABC, GMA, 8:50 AM, & fem host, "I want a taste of that," & male "Sure." Then, Asian, "I'm gonna come by, but...gone viral." Also, he referred to a red paste as "dollop" which is usually reserved for sour cream (innovative, but probably a code). Also, context of any 'gym' credit, it doesn't translate to me having to merit any champion professional athlete title or status, rather I'm a teacher who has kept busy & excelled in sports & exercise (juggling, jogging, push-ups, hand springs, jump rope, etc.), rather than "laying," while maintaining teacher profession goals & F/T employment.
End of 2019 or beginning of 2020, vision of fem (withholding name @ this point), "You won't fight," & it seemed to be an affirmation of my refusal to take law into my own hands which in context could be considered rebellion. Then as of 19 Feb. 2020, disappeared in jail for 4 mos.; while in jail, vision of one of my customers, Jan, placing me into back seat of 4X4 p/up @ Civic Pk, where I'd been cased while doing exercises & sports, confronted & reported them, but didn't hit any of them. 12/27/2022, I'd removed "X-ING THE TATTLE...;" 12/28, call from Helen about work, & on the way there I replaced the report on the website. 11:35 apprx., jogging over to Helen's on Pinnacles to get paid for landscape work @ their Bucklebury property, possibly vision of Helen upset about that report, & 'Just for that, you won't 'fi' your cage," code, possibly, ''you won't figh[t,' is] your cage [jail],' which sounds like another jail captivity conspiracy. In general, there's no guarantees a laborer is going to get paid @ the exact same location as job site, but the timing created the following display: After rebuking pope Francis, & additional trackings of locals, Catholic customers seemingly getting the best of me w/new requisite that I jog 25+ min. across W. Davis to get paid; i.e., I don't get my stew. "You aren't having that stew down," fem driver, 42B, 6:52 PM.
& furthermore (as opposed to farthermore), I either join the rebels by attacking, operating outside the law, or I disappear. Jan is Catholic background (Italian), & Helen is as well - evidence, along w/recent jail/oppression codes from Domino's TV ads that I reported Jan. 2022 (almost 1 year ago), Domino's "frees" ads - but it sounds like "Freeze!" (i.e., 'you're under arrest...'), of another disappearance. Salami allowed to slip by w/out "Cooked" on the labels in stores - as thiough Italians get special treatment.
Approx. 12/27, "Mi camino is amarte" ("My Way Is To Love You") on Univisio'n, Spanish TV, sm girl's telescope is broken, & that one "event" seems to dominate the entire episode; husband & wife are fighting, & dughter is also backtalking the dad; when the dad tries to spank her, the mother grabs her away from him & says he isn't going to touch her. That's when the husband should've put his foot down, but instead he's pushed by wife & falls over, then he storms out & has an affair. Meanwhile, that night the wife is lying on her bed crying, & behind the headboard is a lit up replica of the West Sac gold McDonald arch 'W's @ the West Cap. Ave. bus stops - TV shows stalking me using Sac tactics. But it's a double entendre - implying if I'm staying in motels in WS, then I've partially "gotten out" of Davis, & therefore I might not be a strong husband; 'so, of course, we can't have that; the Yolo rebels are suddenly needed to train me...' & suddenly compliments of Ca. based Spanish programs, No. Ca. oppression is propped up - the criteria for an adequate husband - like Sac's 'capital' consp., is that I have to make it in sales in Davis, & reside in Davis as a salesman - never mind this criteria is measured ion conditions of "customers" who are conspirators & rebels, making it the moot point of milleneium, & nuking the entire region is the only solution. Title double entendre: 'camino' also means road, or street - "Mhy Street Is To Love You" if you're attempting to love (or do legit. business w/) depraved rebels, you're done before you get started.
In other words I have to develop a successful sales alter ego rather than simply focys on my teacher strengths.
12/19, Cadillac leaving city hall pkg lot, failed to yield, almost hit me, 1:53 PM (pic ent). 4:08, "Yeah, you had our hoop," bug code. "You didn't take your re-stack hit," gov't bug code. "They're 'kid' lettin' 'em level," 8th St. "We're gonna tend your bees," fat Asian or mex fem cashier, Coop, to cust., 5:38 PM. "He won't have I'm a round," male khaki jacket, 5:40. Narrator/host, "..NOW JAIME CAN...." wthr channel, Jaime Davis Towing, 6:14 PM. Windows - know, nothing," then "nah-nah-nah-nah" tone, & Reliable Towing - i.e., subtle consecutively timed ads - codes that the kidnappings of Jaime Crook & UCC were 'reliable.' 5:50, Cultive, E ST. "We're cold, always hands before mine," wh fem blk jacket, to kids (2), near Cultive' shop. "We're not gonna know him, ball it," 8;26 AM, maid(?) BW. "You're not gonna have your overnight," 8:29. "You said blight?" 10:10, then ph call from Ryan, but sound was blocked; i.e gov't bug code attempting to brainwash me that income dropping - & it may be, but that isn't based on me, but rather on exposing Davis rebels more thoroughly on internet. 11:40, "You've taken your break," bug code. 11:01, "Alright, gentlemen, maybe you have time," TV @ Bob's. "You'll have your coffee," Bob, 11:15. "You don't know where we're going," Bob (as far as I could tell). "Test page" (2X) @ top of blank page, - & all the links to other Yolobus pgs - same thing -
no rte. info avail.; but I was supposed to work for Paige on Miller St.; also, Paige Spirinak recently divorced, & fem looked almost exactly like her, Veronika Sajek, pic of her suddenly appeared on my smartphone, but after researching, she's married - i.e., haunted by adultery codes from models, Russians, & by Yolobus, etc. 1:40, fat wh fem blk jacket, gold derby brn scarf, basket on wheels, doing make-up on bus, then suddenly stood up in front of me then sat down, 42 A. 1;40 "You won't know who drives it," fem driver, rubbing hands together - i.e., like putting on hand lotion - my Mom used to put on hand lotion behind the wheel before driving car - reported questionable vision of my Mom, & they latch on to it, desperately. "When we do get together, 'tis the season," Dr. Ortiz (male) "Please! Please!" fem ch 40. "It was with, his imagination," 6:52 PM, blk SUV (?) near 112, BW 'with,' Wdld jail captivity code. "We have Chile bone," (i.e., Chiles Rd.); context - Ryan called (219 pref.), but ph sound sabotaged; this occurred @ same time as I came across a window screen @ Bob's that was damaged & partially out. Paige (male cust.) called day before (219 pref.). "You'll have all this," bug code, 7:11 PM. 8:39, "We're gonna men 'em here." "& they did it entorium," 8:40 approx. ch 10(/) TV (?). "Okay, he won 'em next," Buick ad. Dream I was delivering a mssg. to a Persian cafe that had closed, & it was from Lloyd Winter, & it was that he knew them, & he was giving them PVC, & I handed them a long piece of PVC pipe; first, Lloyd needs to repent, if it isn't too late for him - I wouldn't be doing his bidding like that, second, it's a code designed to dupe me, but w/me doing all the dupe work - Mike, neighbors w/Steve on El Macero Ave., gave me a tip about customer on Pine, but after I removed bushes & rubbish from her yard, he tried to claim I'd broken drip line in 18 places - I was only resp. for one cut w/shovel. Drip line is easy to replace & repair - break a pipe & you can repair it almost free; but Lloyd's "upgrade" meant damage to Joyce's sprinklers was serious - i.e., Mideasterners shouldn't close their "spy" operations (which if this is the interp, that isn't accurate nevertheless, because they've been participants, rather than objective spies) - they've proven I'm wreckless & costly as a coworker/assoc.; i.e., they have a legit. "pipe" ("beef") w/Jack Teacher - deal with that wreckless motel guest.
12/20, 6:02 AM, "Face oaf!" or, Engl accent, 'face off' - report about pope betraying Christians - Eastern Orth. victorious over W. Catholics - I'd removed the report, evidently English wanted it back up. Also, context of 'oaf' - like the one that almost strangled me 7/202. vision, possibly Lloyd, "I just take him humble," i.e., 'hymn' must be humbled, or referring to me, but my goal is teaching, that simply isn't glamorous. & in the news, Cal OES office in Humbolt, earthquake - Lloyd guessing. The problem w/trying to undermine the Western church is it's simply rebellion, due to majority of American Christians are Western church. Instead, publicly "jaw on" w/rebukes & remedies - expose the cover-ups - be the solution rather than a silent cancer eroding US infrastructure. "We'll have child price Indie's," (sounded like), Tamara Berg, 6:56 AM; i.e., I'm not "humble" unless I cooperate w/rebels' consp. claim that raking in Davis is too prideful (slavery defined) & I have to "humble" myself & move out of Davis & work grunt labor somewhere else - indicating they have no intention of invading. 'Inn D's' - (1)claim conspirator stores in downtown Davis ('D' code) are attempting to control my income; alternately, (2)claim I made handshake deal to give up teaching (M6, Chiles Rd. - 'chil[dren]') & staying in downtown ('D') where Best Western is located. "Have the West, Lopez," 7:23 Berg, ch 3. "...irritate Joe long on Thurs.," 7:24. "That's where he doesn't let his sell out," mex male landscaper, 11:50; consp. attempting to reduce my pay w/smokescreen that it will result in a "sellout." But those codes are simply a tool that I'm stalked w/; 2009, @ top of my resume,' "THIS RESUME' MAY NOT BE SOLD OUT!" to drive home point that it was & is a huge cover-up. "McDonald's wait in the parking lot, I'll have his due date" possibly fat mex fem w/male wh shrt. 1 of 2 wh boys, "We're gonna live him due," & 12:27, Dollar Tr, "You're gonna be the view," fem.
12/16, "He's taken his gym'd app," possibly referring to Apple ad of blk male & wh fem, everything they touch explodes like snowball, then they explode & disappear, & Apple logo as well; i.e., blks might try to suddenly "apply" or make amends, but it'll be because they're caught, rather than legit. motives.
Gumball Bank, Hasbro, gumball machines shaped like famous characters, such as Mickey Mouse, in late 1960's for kids - you put a penny in the slot for a gumball, "Thanks for the gumball, Mickey!" Bryant Gumbel, black sports- & newscaster, 15 years host of NBC "Today" show, & still active as host of "Real Sports" & is actively spearheading the media cover-up of rebellion in USA (including oppression of me) & cover-up of feats of Slavs in Siberia. Affirming the conspiracy of blacks empowering the media cover-ups - the Minnie Mouse two-bun hair styles prevalent w/black girls, creating appearance of Mickey & Minnie Mouse ears - affirming blacks are convinced giving them successful positions is affirming they are "entitled" to keep the slavery "custom" going & ruin the nation - "Thanks for the Gumbel!" But that's turning innocent gum-chewing children into "kid" outlaws! I.e., America did more than banked on blacks to come through for us - #1 in sports, music, leadership in politics, media - their rebellion reply is betrayal!
"You've taken 'done to us,'" bug code, while @ Bob's. "It'll be done to us," I-80(?). "His right hand, right now," fem on TV, Bob's, 12:08 PM. "We know where he won't hold 'em," 12:59, I-80. 'Oly' codes, 12:50. "Hand him tour rub, all," 12:26. "He said there was nothing wrong w/hair, it," officer Harrit, one of orig. Davis police, but left as of approx. 2002. I.e., you hold your post demanding justice, the region (via I-80) tells you that means you're in bed w/them; but if you leave, then you "got."
12/17, "We're gonna, the wook," 3:58 AM. "We would people, Joe," 4:03 AM bug code. 4:08, "You would look back, raw on 'em." "You don't have to do this changing it," vision, 5:12. 8:34 AM, mex male driver, Yolobus 240 palm up gesture as we went by the overpass on Harbor (assoc. w/Columbus report). "You can't have my catch, out," 8:48. Fem, silver SUV in front of rm 17 Bel Air, "Come on!" 3-5X. "You gonna come, or not?" "Mike! Mike!" 9:55 AM. "I'll have to be on the way," 9:58, Amanda Blake (Kitty), Gunsmoke, after killing male who looked similar to Ernest Borgnine; i.e., occasionally watching some of these shows supposedly gives them permission to change the rules or categorize me - I'm supposedly not doing enough sports, etc. (despite I don't have any social life ever). ch 40, "We don't know why this happens," newscstr, 10:12 PM, story about slingshot amusement ride w/rope that broke & almost injured riders; the expression is from video from class @ UCD about cults where they played w/snakes & eventually someone got bit, & died - "We don't know why.." 12:04, "he didn't take we're look up," audience, ABC (sports game), "We're men a Stroh here," anncr; i.e., italian (minnestrone soup) & Stroh beer, 12:06. Vision of fem starting to look into my wallet as though helping me, & I took my wallet back; i.e., emplys help w/cash register - but you still have to watch them, but conps. to claim you need help w/everything - like a caregiver; I had gone to Walmart for pnts that morning; i.e., subtle claim I "needed" Target (self-fulfilling prophesy, considering there are no other men's clothing stores in Davis, exc. thrift stores), 12:41 (place your wallet on counter, & it's 'count [h]er.' 3:49, "Can't you just imagine some time inthe past where stones..." (out of context) - codes. "A guy knows when he needs to take a rest," "___ Little Lake" ch 6. "Know the palfo, he's salvo," 4:23 PM ad ch 25. "We're gonna go shock 'em," 4:45 PM W. Cap; possibly consp. where I get electrocuted; 12/21, Paul's, 840 N. Campus, gutter drain w/Christmas light string socket inches from it, & half ft. away also, light & light sockets. Then @ base of gutter on back porch/car port, 1/4" off the ground, electric generator w/wiring connected to it, 2' away; & trying to get between equipment etc. stacked in car port to plug in blower, wiring strung across walkway w/twist cap connections; "That was you wouldn't come on," Paul. 12/20, mex fem on Marina Cir., string of Christmas lights @ chest ht. stung across front walk entrance (I'd entered using walkway near garage). 12/17, "he didn't scene, his mad," 4:48. "They broke even, Joe," male mgr, Bel Air, 4:50. Cosentyx text still on screen during following Triple A ad (closed caption text); codes @ regional/national level claiming I have to be "ticked," or cause a scene ('co's in, ticks'), when justice was due me long before this, & scenes, etc. simply add to your problems when everyone everywhere is allowing it & attempting to dupe you. Trapped in landscaping job, & that magically means I have secret 'co.' motives, - & efforts to triple me (supposedly w/blessings) are interferred w/by 'co.' facades; also, 'ticks' - time ticking away, fatiguing me due to denial of rights & career long overdue, & that fatigue & weariness is overtaking any claims they are "tripling" me. 'they broke' - Davis rebels "break" & start paying me, & coconspirators use a trick expression to sound like they've paid their debt in full by simply putting on a contrite act - 'they broke [& started paying you, makes it] even,' when it's actually taking the plunder from them - THAT'S NO CREDIT TO THEM! - they are admitting they rebelled against the nation, & that they are going to be invaded. 5:22 PM, ch 15, "soccer-minded" "senas" ('tracks,' in Spanish). ch 40, 8:02 PM, those tracks displayed - boy takes off shrt to reveal a grn soccer shrt like boy w/him has on; it's echoing gesture of volunteer youth leader I worked w/, Kirsten, pressured by leaders that we couldn't date, & @ one point looking directly @ me, took off her sweat shrt w/seductive look. Evidence indicates, in context of ongoing cover-up, regional Latino soccer players, etc., claiming Kirsten went along w/corrupt leaders to deny my teacher career - 'see? 'A' in us' - they're following UCC, w/ads training kids to conspire. Alternately, Kirsten's gesture possibly was a confession - she was bona fidely interested in me & had caved in to the corrupt leaders, but TV ad using that is incrementally sm effort & essentially of no value. Vapo Rub, "This cough!" blk male, but 'they hiss scoff!' & then he's "checked" Jack Teacher 'chess' - Vapo Rub on chest, 7:59 PM. "I just wish show shocked," wh fem RE agent interviewed, gray hair (inst. of 'I just was so shocked'), wire transfer victim, Chase bank 5:25 PM ch 40; "& on double that, they blame it on fraud," Martina (another fraud victim), 5:27. Bug code, 10 PM approx., "I'm not might." "Might 'em, A," 10:48 PM ch 40, male wthr fcstr. "He won't know, have his modest," 11;09 PM, W. Cap. 11;55, "They just lift weight," bug code, possibly pertaining to Seinfeld jail scene. "They're gonna have a tick now," fem immigrant, interviewed by Gustavo, CNN 12:09 AM, immigrants @ Rio Grande - Slavs are ticked - upset. "This is how, they get," vision, 8:49 AM. It's possible Latino immigrants are attempting to bring trouble for me, but based on visions, it's justice for me; they were motivated when Russian ships gave them heads up that they were onto
onto sunken treasure ship the San Jose, off coast of Colombia that they knew about but were covering up (in media 2018)-
i.e., St. Joe isn't allowed to teach - keep him under water. nudged by Russians, they revealed the treasure & began marching up to USA.
I.e., Russians warning,'Are you going to bury your Spanish teacher? We're watching.'
12/18, Amanda Davis @ World Cup, blnd, English, colored vertical stripes, CNN, 12:27 AM. "Against me" vision, male w/back pack (as opposed to sidepack, possibly) & bk pk is against his back when carrying it; but subtle death row consp. awaits him & he's "wanted." Possibly claim I can't take my sidepack w/me because I work on reports in between jobs (on bus to another job) & the reports are exposing the rebels, so I'm 'against' them. 12/22, checked in to BW Davis, & in front of me in office, 6:10 PM, wh male "Outdoor Sports" jacket & Jansport bk pk, & Asian fem, bk pk; 'outdoors, sports.' 8:50, "They own miss," bug code. "You won't know their dare," 8:22 AM, bug code. 9:02 AM, "We're gonna go get him, goal," bug code.
"He'll never go won," fem driver, 42A to wh male, 8:16. 8:25, "You don't know; we try you, Juan," CTC webpage hacked so that I couldn't access it; "This is your sir," (such as "ERIC" pg.).
12/13(?) "You didn't take that plan on them," 7:50 PM, gov't bug code, pertaining to flap jacks/water bottle stalkings. 7:50, blk fem from Triple A ad, "We're going," ch 40(?). "You're not gonna be knocking," 8:40 fem bug code. "He didn't see, we're gonna be war 'em, more," bug code, 10:41. 5:10 PM, male maintenance (Fremont), "We can't be cling w/her," near Bel Air; 'k[i]lling...' 2:45, "We wouldn't know our third," fem bug code. "He won't Juan again," 3:56 . "He knows our 'again,'" ASI wh van, Bienville St. 6:35, 42B, "I won't pick up here," fat blk male, 42B, blk jacket, gray hood. "They just can't ___" "He'll give them their decent." 4:15 "He'll just head out the spine," 4:15 (source?) notes illegib.
12/13, "HE'S gonna teach ME," fem driver, 42A to fat wh male beard 8:35 AM. "Celest," (male (beard)). Driver, "He always works...he worked when he was a minor." "We're the Farve," (or similar). Karen (Alice St.), "...drove into a ditch after...;" Peggy Mentink hired me to wash her car, 2006, & repair her stove & another repair; (2 hirings), then drove into a ditch, & lost her lic. after seeing shrink. Karen seems to be signalling same thing. "Go a round, back" 8:50. Vision about half of my Karens being "underage" - i.e., half of them directly involved in lewd consps.; Karen's codes tend to avoid that, but, there's an adult swing & child swing in corner of her back yard near spa - both w/black ropes - like the rope suspending a tree @ Terry's - tree leaning over Erin's property, & looks like a hangman's rope ('Lizzard' vision of Erin's boy - 'lie - he's hard') - & lg. black net in Terry's back yard (nets are made of black ropes/cords), & vision of giant black soccer net. "This is he would be baying it," Karen "This is he took Jesus," 9:53 AM. "He's gonna see me give up," "You just see w/me, own," Karen. CTC pics uploaded (after sabotages over & over), "That wasn't our fellow?" fem bug code, 10:59 AM. "It's Jews sickness," fem driver, P line, to blk fem 12:35. 12:36, dispatch, "Hey, driver, we are ten dow" 'tend 'ow' DHS;' after 4 HS students got on; there was more than one vision while hostage in Yolo jail 2020 pertaining to duplex across from DHS - Beech Ln. & 14th - where I'd worked for landlord from Marina Cir. (no longer have contact w/him) - code indicates students conspiring another disappearance. "He'll have his no heart," 1 PM garbage collector(?). "They have fake." "Alright, he doesn't know them, yard," 3:18 (source?), near Kents', Ganges; "You won't know them, pardon," 3:20.
12/14, "That was what I can't," Helen, (sounded like) 3:17 PM. "He won't see his now, it," radio, ND (?)(or similar) 5:53. 42B fem driver coded comment & instantly, "You're not logged in" e mail mssg., & prevented from logging in; 6:28 PM, then, "I have that take," 6:30, & "I have that free," Persian fem tan coat, jeans, 42B; i.e., both claiming control of my internet access. Persian fem, "You need your shoes," i.e., report I was attempting to put on internet pertaining to pope. "You can't take this canned it," 6:42. "One more men?" boy, basketball or soccer hydration ad, 8:34 PM. Dream, new stamp, "MIKE SHERMAN,"
wrote it down in notes (still demanding Brockmeyers call for press conf.) & as of 17th, fem yelling it outside my door, Bel Air.
"Se ba central time,..we coulda done," fem Wthr Ch, 7:07 AM. "You're just taken this fish," driver, 6:46. vision of someone saying "in the kids panties," 9:27. "Transgender...the concern fur parents have" C-SPAN, 10:21 PM, Mr. Cloud. "Now he takes pro," rap song, 9:47 (?) blk car U Nova & Sondra (?) (notes unclear). "You're not miss the state," 6:51 AM. "It was you smell it," Raul, 3 PM (Helen's). 12/23, multidimensional terrorism: Systematic sabotages of web editor, anticipating this report w/codes that could be construed as lewd - kids' panties, etc., & scanners while making reports. The lewd codes are only 50% @ time of stalking - the other 50% oppression is subsequently when I'm making reports, & terrorists are illegally eavesdropping w/sabotages.
12/15, wh Camry (?), _AZU170, blkng crosswalk Linden 1;23 PM. "That was our pickup," male W of Kathy's (8th St. near Linden). 4:35, "I want you to know tab," vision, (pertaining to $12 Subway sandwiches; i.e., entire industry attempting to prop up Aggies from 2002 approx. - consp. for supposedly not being frugal enough. "He doesn't play around w/it," 10:25, Mason, to wh male (already reported). "We just miss our opportunity; A it," 11:10, male, const. job across from Mason's, Villanova, p/up. "He's not gonna be full hi-ing 'em," Mason (?) (I waved on Q line going by - happened to be next to bus stop while working), 11:41 (Mason underpaid me by $3 - @ $25/hr). 11:45 "We're not gonna be full can't" (notes unclear). 11:59, "We didn't have this hour clean," Mason. "We didn't have this admit it," mex(?) male postal wkr w/blk hood, @ Mason's; I was inside of fenced front area of Mason's raking side yard - front fence is thin long boards that look like jail bars - 12 noon, postal emply w/blk hood attempting a delivery while I'm inside that section - I happened to walk out w/load of trash & crossed his path (he was coming off front porch); i.e., consp. the fence was jail bars, & USPS handing it to Davis - (1) it isn't an "admission" that they owed me work & income, as opposed to all those jail captivities - therefore, throw up hands & more jail captivities.
(2)I reported in 2020 Mason's front window had curtain unmistakeably like a wh dress in rock song video (& other parallels); rock's & Hollywood's acts of throwing me to the wolves - defying signs from Heaven demanding justice @ once on my behalf, does far more damage than denial of an "admit" to a show, it promoted more captivities & attacks almost costing me my life, instigated neighboring cities I was depending on for help & who were open to invasion (vision, 2009), to instead try to kill me, & reinforced slave/master scenario in Davis - recent 'Ticketmaster' scandal. Sac became involved as of 2005 after Schwarzeneggar failed to intervene under guise of ducking, allowing CHP to interpret that as they saw fit (kidnap); but as of 2009, according to vision, they were still willing to invade; it was continued shunning of me by rock 2011-2020 that they put their confidence in - influence of popular stars, & their blatant unmistakable vote of no confidence, in ordinary circumstances, still shouldn't be the deciding factor; NEVERTHELESS, THIS ARGUMENT NEGLECTS ONE CRUCIAL FACTOR - GOD; IT WAS THE REGION BEING TESTED - & THEY FAILED TO THE UTMOST - BECAUSE GOD IS BIGGER THAN MR. UNIVERSE, & GOD & THE HISTORICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH ENDORSED ME LIKE NO ONE ELSE IN ALL OF HISTORY - SO IF THE REGION HAD A DECENT BONE IN THEIR BODIES, THE ACTS OF ROCK & HOLLYWOOD WOULD'VE BEEN MARGINALIZED & THEY WOULD'VE INVADED. IT WAS IN FACT A TEST TO SEE IF THOSE W/THE FOREMOST DUTY WOULD HAVE THE COURAGE & INTEGRITY & CHARACTER TO DO THE RIGHT THING DESPITE THAT POPULAR FIGURES HAD EVIDENTLY FALLEN SHORT. WITHOUT LETTING ANY "STARS" OFF THE HOOK, YOU SIMPLY CAN'T BLAME THEM FOR THE REGION BETRAYING US AS FAR AS EASIEST & MOST STRAIGHTFORWARD DECISION IN ALL OF HISTORY;
In fact, 'capital' in the bank name means money, & this delineates what I've already been asserting: The regional scandal denying me justice under guise of forcing Davis to confess by coughing up lucrative pay for landscape work, when the blatant conspiracies & conspiracy codes expose them prima facie. In fact, the fact a rock musician was in some of their commercials only evidences Cap One went out of their way to be frank w/them as well - it applied to them also - 'intervene for Jack Teacher now!'
Desperate attempt, over 17 year period, to dupe me that justice is somehow tied to income:
Sac 'Utt' consp.: 2004 - "WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? HEAR IT FIRST" KFBK; 'we['re] Utt - here [he files habeas] writ first;' blacklisted in Yolo county, 1998-2001, Sac brokers intervened by hiring me & in rare instances providing advances on sales commissions, but as of 2004, conspiracy to cave in & prop up Yolo cty by instigating unjust jailings in Sac (i.e., jail, appeal, appellate writs - like Yolo). As of approx. 2008, Capital One Bank commercials w/Utt lingo - "What's in your wallet?" 'W[e're,] 'Utt's in your wallet'?' They didn't use codes, but they used buzz words to see if they could track Sac - 'capital' - income; & as opposed to Ca.'s capital "won," it was, 'one' - "dick" or investigator - luring them to claim they could oppress me under guise of dicks as far as work & pay. In fact, the rift wasn't brokers losing some money when sales didn't go through right away - they were fully aware Doug Arnold had blacklisted me & there was a conspiracy to prevent me from making any sales @ all; the advances were legal, legit., above board; it was when I tried to repay them
it wasn't legal nor moral obligation - I was doubling them as friends w/ guts to stand up to corruption, but it wasn't taken that way;
they decided that was square - possibly too square for sales.
That's when they conspired jail captivity & unjust conviction in jury trial in 2005 - w/video proof in the trial that I was squeaky clean (video of interaction in gov's office, where I'd been falsely accused). Capital One tracking their "changes of heart" about Utt & their "wallets," but it seemed Cap One was trying to wake up Sac to look up.
Codes occurring after my report about Sac's failing to provide justice when it was the easiest decision in all of history: "Go Jalen Kurtz" Chiefs Fox NFL anncr, 12:30 PM, 12/24; most likely code pertaining to Jalen Hurts, Eagles; 'jail lend - k[ey] he hurts;' Sac brokers "lend" advances, but unfruitful results, & then side w/jail oppression.
This interp. is context of Capital One baiting of Sac's little lesson - as though they were "hurt" - it goes w/out saying jail captivities were devastating as far as my ability to make it.
"We're gonna go walk" audience; "He's 21, we're 10 we owe," anncr or other P.A. Chiefs game ending so Fox switched over to Vikings v. NY Giants; Vikings ahead, but Giants scored touchdown & tie game. Vikings player Jefferson, #18, possibly attempting to capitalize on Marcum's foot dragging - in squatting position for camera (code for camping or homelessness), then makes touchdown, but limping @ first in endzone, ('jail len[d - k[ey,] he] hurts;' as repoted, it wasn't brokers were hurt as though I was a shark - it was more like I wasn't enough of a shark, & so a little "lesson"
coming; simultaneously,
attempt to create facade that I'm now promoting China (which I've been refraining from), but they don't respond, & that instigates oppression & jail; to extent, China's refusal to respond is contributing to the oppression against me; but blacks or anyone using jail & homeless codes as opposed to grabbing the mic & exposing the rebellion, are instigating more trouble for me, & in this case, it's under guise of resolving things. Repeated mssg on Motorola ph, Android software, "Running out of storage space" "Some system functions may not work," - they (source - Moto. or Andr.) are annihlated for that alone - plants sabotage ideas in minds of terrorists - storage space wouldn't effect programs.
12/24, " they take on the Jaylen Kurts is less," blk NFL anncr, 1:08 - blk NFL player associated w/my lesses, or stays in motels. "We assume the Giants," anncr, Vikings game, when Giants tied the score w/only 4 min. left. . ch 10, "I'm gonna keep searching," blk Sac Kings coach, 5:27 PM - 'searching' is code for kidnap - illegal search & seizure. "This city was changing," 12:53 PM, anncr. "One giant leap for mankind," we blessed China as giants - either team winning could be a positive for China, to the extent they pay any attention to NFL football (& the huddled players' spiritual secrets). Alternately, China misses out for failing to claim it & give God the glory. The game ended w/Greg Joseph, Vikings, kicking field goal; they said, Vikings @ the 5 yard line, & that's where Joseph kicked it from - I watched it - as far as I could tell, it was from 5 yd line - video tampered w/? 95 yards, but they then said it was a 61 yrd field goal; I was born in 1962 - code seemed to be - Vikings won, that means I was never born.
So this little test brought out Sac's true colors - but I was still betrayed, because rock owed me
justice one way or another, demanded on my behalf from Heaven, & that was irregardless of if the region had more louses that needed to be ferreted out.
12:30, "Sucker punch; I'll have he's hittin' him," mex.(?) male blk swt shrt, Fire Wings, & laptop sabotaged @ 12:35. 12:45, "I'll have somebody cries out," fem singer on radio (Fire Wings), lyrics, & "I don't want you anymore!" I've cried out while kidnapped by Davis pd. 12:58, "We're gonna drown me," radio, as I was leaving.
12/24, USA Today, Weizmann Inst. of Science ad, fat mex fem. nurse or doctor w/giant syringe, alternately could be a nuclear button, & "Breaking into the cell;" this unmistakably conjures up more conspiracies of trapping me in a jail cell w/forced medication, which happened in both Yolo & Sac jails, & often involved mexs. orchestrating it, @ bidding of all the other rebels - but they were willingly involved, & often directing it, to impress the other rebels. Before I disappeared in Yolo jail 2020, I'd tried to contact Dave Moehring, former pastor @ church I attended in late 1980's, & is now located in N. Carolina; his church's youth group had a motto, "Break Out!" & after 3 1/2 mos. in Yolo jail, one of judges, coded comment, "Break out..." & as of 4 mos. I was released. Weizmann instigating mexs., Dpd, Yolo courts, etc., to reverse that & captivity again. Moreover, Before Yolo cty built the new court bldg, some of it's depts. were in the Wiseman bldg., including 2009 trial involving Ca. Highway Patrol oppression from when I was on Pole Line Rd. overpass holding up signs over I-80 - perfectly legal activities - this was where blk male in King Hall law lib. "I'm going to touch you right away," & that afternoon, CHP kidnapped me. They did it again a mo. later, same location. During court hearings - in Wiseman bldg. - conspiracy codes babbled during trial by officers, judge, deputy d.a., & jury members; judge Gaard said to deputy d.a. Tzang, "You have the authority of the court!" Kangaroo trial by definition; I was unjustly convicted & disappeared hostage for several mos.
12/11, I was led to jog down to Dollar Tr (approx. 15 min. jog from West Acre in WS), possibly to emphasize sports (in addition to 3 hrs. juggling, & 320 push ups); "You'll have, your soul," vision. Approx. half year ago, vision of my blue Rubbermaid water bottle in Trust Stone warehouse (where I'd worked for a week last year, & a couple of other instances); the same as the region conspired to eliminate juggling balls in stores in 3 counties to prevent me from juggling (Sports Chalet in Vacaville literally closed down), they've been toying w/water bottles - almost no such thing as a cheap water bottle - you're looking @ $20 for a silver goblet, which you can't put in a microwave. the only exceptions are Dollar Tr & Raley's had $6 Rubbermaid ones that weren't too tall to use in microwave; but soon after that vision, those were discontinued in Raley's, & only the expensive ones available; they use codes, so 'water bottle' is code pertaining to hypothetical fem. Also approx. 3 wks ago I purchased Sunnyside frozen pancakes @ Raley's; I was in there buying more approx. 2 wks ago, except that they were sold out (& codes accompanying - deliberate); I've boycotted the alternate brand, Kellogg's due to the green polo shrt consp. - pic of boy on Pop Tarts box in 2009 grn polo shrt, thin wh horiz. stripes - same as look-alike of me w/that shrt in ad in Rolling Stone, 2006 (which was identical to one I wore when teen/jr. college age). But, there was some "Flap Jacks" - frozen pancakes, but more expensive - too much for frozen pancakes, so I didn't purchase them. But the facade was I have to be a big spender, or I don't measure up to Jack Teacher status - Jack Teacher can't "fly" - flap his wings. In other words, desperate attempt to tie sales in w/teacher goals, but that has to be qualified w/sales in context of conspirators & rebels, which means it's all occurring in darkness. I.e., if I don't see myself as spendy, etc., supposedly "demonstrating" I have "confidence" in my landscaping abilities & my marketing of my landscape abilities, then I can't be a teacher as well. Once again, if you buy that you have to prove your sales abilities in context of conspirators, you're ruined - they're already exposed due to conspiring in public, etc. - forcing them to cough up confession that I'm a great salesman is moot point; first, it's immaterial - their codes prove they're rebels; second, their opinions about me are worthless - they're outlaws. So WS & No. Ca. are desperately attempting to bait me to claim that 'great salesman' "title," oppressing me for years to attempt to delude me. When I arrived @ Dollar Tr, only 3 water bottles of style I was usually buying w/snap close lids, & all 3, someone had broken the lids on them. The other ones were too tall for microwave, or too wide to place in my laptop bag. There were also cups w/snap on lids, but w/slots @ top & "Drink Up" mssg.; I purchased one of those, simply because my water bottle had become grungy & had to be replaced. Most laborers use water bottles or thermoses - to keep dirt & dust out of your drink, but I also use them because of yet another conspiracy - the slightest amnt. of water gets on my laptop keyboard, & that's cover for hackers to shut down my laptop (i.e., buy a new one). One instance, sm amnt of mist while outdoors, & another instance, sm amnt spilled on keyboard from cup next to the laptop. From then on, I've been using water bottle w/lid only while working on reports. The facade is claim I'm not being a salesman w/cup, etc.; but if you buy into it, & invest in finest China & cutlery, then you're in for a big lesson. I also reported vision that Dollar Tree in WS was thrift store. Also @ Dollar Tr, frozen pancakes.
"T you're welcome" or "I you're welcome," blk fem cashier, Dollar Tr, 11:45 AM; but approx. 2 years ago, same emply, same location, because I had suitcase w/me, cashier told by her not to ring me up. Same as baby strollers, etc, freedom of assembly in public places - they can't ban you fir having a suitcase, but bklks are @ forefront, of salvery bans. "That was where you broke scooter it," 7:55, bathroom (Bel Air) running out of TP. See "THE A VIGILANTES" REPORT - Bryant Gumbel - Reg'ly staying @ Bel Air motel ''G' um' Bel [Air,]' 2 years later complements of "Thanks for the gumball" mouse ear conspirators, Davis motels minimized & consp. all but eliminating occupying Davis.
Approx. 2021, vision that while consp'ly pressured to avoid discount stores, they were conspiring that I had to shop those stores nevertheless, or more oppression. I've been led that I can capitalize on any income from Davis oppressors, & nobody likes a miser, but "all things in moderation." 12/13, Jan's on Villanova (Brit. accent), "Razor Xtreme" scooter; & the day before, out of convenience, purchased 10 ct. razors @ Dollar Tr; but it said "X ct." intead of '10' - 'razor[s] X.' Also, it was when I was on Drake Dr., 1999-2000, that scooters became known as razors - possibly that's when Razor brand came out - more proof rebels in region are desperately keeping me a slave until they can brainwash me enough to extract some sort of confession or apology for temporarily trying to make it in sales. Ad w/"Boot Barn x Wrangler," (sm 'x' so it isn't Roman numeral; but Italy shaped like a boot); Rome/pope's instigation of additional oppression of me, & refusing to pipe up tending to undermine pioneering of melting pot? 'Sc[h]oo[l], tour,' possibly product anticipating rock singers delaying my teacher career, or claim my teacher jobs had been simply a whim & I was burying my teacher gifts by being in sales - & but on the contrary, hit by Vacaville Christian academy (fired) then UCC (excused from youth leader position - career w/youth hit from several directions & then UCC & members of UCC calling police on me, instigating the Davis custom of oppression to finish the job; then they further conspire oppression because you aren't a teacher! 12/14, "You go ink," bug code, Karen's, Alice St., 10:53 AM; 'ink' as in fingerprints from consp'd arrests of police. My career reduced to claims I was "touring" or experimenting w/teacher career, & wasn't serious, using rumors about my past, & spreading the consp. to more cities & parties, such as blks; I went to skating rink as teen - Irene Cara recently passed away; 'I rink era;' 'you go [r]ink.' "He just [Red] Sea's hers, it," male, wh van going past 42A, 8:21 AM 12/14 while making this report. '[Little Red] Sea's hers' - Little Caesar/Little Caesar's consp. from 2012/Ital. food consp.; I reported vision of Domino's pizza like a pinwheel w/dick @ the center, 2021. Caesar, Roman emperor who persecuted Christians, v. Constantine, Roman/Byzantine emperor who promoted Christianity.
12/8, "Cap Hill went, a round;" context, tborough report tracking them - 'removed from office & brought to acct., a round;' but, double entendre; & 2000, trip to Colusa Cty w/roommates Brian Toon & Radu Teodorecu, "You have to go around her," Radu, to Brian, or Brian to himself (driving), fem in car @ gas station, & we had to move up to next pump; but @ gas station, that's the case 90% of time - you pull in behind or in front of someone; it was double entendre that they were going to have to 'go a round [for the Workmans - next door neighbors on Drake Dr. who oppressed me using Davis pd & bogus restraining order];' moreover, they demonstrated their evil motives by forfeiting their namesake; when we were in court, during recess they w/their son Wyatt (age approx. 3) were in lobby, & I was in lobby, but I was on payphone working; &, despite they were suing for a restr. order, THEY ALLOWED THEIR SON TO WANDER UP TO PHONE BOOTH & ASK WHAT I WAS DOING (I ignored him); i.e., 'why @ work, man?' There was no reaction such as, "Wyatt! Stay away from him!!!" I took their namesake from them during that hearing. The Butte Cty (colusa) trip was toward end of Spring, & the impression was Brian & evidently Radu allowing my enemies @ least a small amnt. of "play." CAP HILL IS CARRYING ON THAT CUSTOM - & IT NEVER ENDS!
LODI RICH/MGM SANDWICH REBELS: Subway increased sub prices by 50% in one year, $12+ - no chips or drink; & one chicken sandwich @ Fire Wing in Davis, $13, no drink, no fries; i.e., 'that landscape work is gonna cost ya..' corps coconspiring
(along w/Best Western) w/Davis to price gouge me specifically! Attempting a hoax that landscape v. warehouse wk means I'm trying to be a rich salesman!
ch 23, "...that tries on your tombstone" or similar, History of America (presidents), implying oppression by mexs in region is deadly - they give blks "license" - & training - to create false accusations utilizing their kids. "We're just guess; he is taken," 2:34. Raley's mex. male sec. grd, to blk male cust., "We're gonna have that back," 3:35 PM; 3:40, 2 mex emplys in Chinese deli section, food still on display - still open, but I demanded service multiple X, no response, then @ least one fem mex bumped me w/her bag near pastries.
Chinese should resist the temptation to be judgmental of Western church or anyone else, & simply glorify their Maker. They may think they hold all the cards, but only God does that - "You will seek me & find me when you seek me with all your heart," Jer. 29:13. Missionaries have consistently reported arriving @ foreign lands w/gospel, & those in that place telling them they had been praying for the God of all creation, whoever he is, to make himself known to them. All people have duty to seek God diligently; it wasn't only Christians who fell short in centuries past; Chinese weren't seeking God as diligently as they could've been. God chose to have mercy on them because Christians had fallen so far short of sending missionaries. First, the Western & Eastern churches were disciplined by God - when he blessed China w/discovery of gunpowder; "& you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: 'My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives,'" Heb. 12:5,6. We didn't ignore God, nor did we give up on him, when he disciplined us - instead the church got it in gear w/long range powerful plan on behalf of China. Second, the churches repented "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness," 1 Jn. 1:8,9. The Western church repented & started focusing on leading China to Christ, & subsequently the Eastern church orchestrated a plan as well, & so God forgave them. Third, as stated, China had unequivocal duty to seek God w/or w/out anyone telling them about God or the gospel of Christ:
"The heavens declare the glories of God; the skies proclaim his workmanship. Day after day pours forth speech; night after night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their message is not heard; it has gone out to all the world; their line to the ends of the earth," Ps. 19, 1-4.
Rom. 1:18-20, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
"Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness," Acts 14:17.
In the case that those who have had the gospel proclaimed to them by Christians, more of them believe, & this is why God disciplined the church. Chinese' delays in responding isn't helping them; it reinforces the argument that they lacked openness toward, & diligence in seeking, God in the past.
12/7, "Could I please cut?" fem driver, P line, 5:32 PM, & restroom @ Northstar Pk (next to Avocet Ave.) "Automatic cutoff" blower; I was working on Avocet all day, & custs. gone until approx. 4 PM - used public restroom @ Northstar Pk. 5:15 PM apprx Davis police car @ restroom (Anderson), while I was @ bus stop 1/2 blk away; i.e., I was stalked based on use of customer's restroom as opposed to a public restroom (psycho!). "We're a mess, porn it," wh fem driver, 6:34 PM, 42B. Blk male blk jacket, blk pld shrt, got on bus w/out paying, then got off when driver demanded it, & threw a rock @ bus, 6:55 PM, cracked front windshield. "This is where they're gonna run them," 7:55. Avid Toys, uses credit card w/out button to approve the amnt. I reported the 'bathroom window' consp. - Belair #16, screens w/sm handles like Windows Office logo & vision that I couldn't take a pic of it, (but the next day, I did anyway); & Sac conserv. corps or similar showing up w/outhouse precisely as GR (male cust. @ Avocet) arrived for 5 min., then left again (bathroom 'window'). "You'll have stat out," vision, 8:35 PM. Dumbarton Bridge, S. SF bay, 'dumb bar ton,' - bay area is dumb, code of silence & cover-up of Davis oppression, & repeated jail oppression; & 'dumb BART on,' & those "Will work for food" signs associated w/BART approx. 3 years ago (became a national phenom.), 'dumb' about me - so that Davis could have their '[jail] bars,' & instigating denial of teacher positions because of labeling me penniless hitchhiker & singer (singing converted songs in spare time, 2011-2015). I also reported the BART PA/automated announcements are deliberately antiquated, as though a recording system from back in 1960's or '70's, or deliberately worn out cassette tape that is falling apart - like the Realtor MLS recorded directions in 1997 - it was antiquated sound back then - known as Lenny. Lenny Parker, bro. of former friend in HS & commun. college, Lonnie, nicknamed Hoss & Joe (Cartwright) by their step mother. "He'll need his exactly; we get to run all day," 7:55; "Warehouse wook."
"We're knottin' him, hunt," 12/8(?)wh male 1517 Notre Dame, 9:15 AM (near the res. w/brass plates from Ace).
12/4, 5 AM approx., vision of USA soccer logo (shield, similar to USA (nation's) Shield on Missouri flag), instead of vertical stripes, the entire shield was "PORKI." Pork is less expensive meat sometimes more common w/lower income people. 'I' possibly signifying law suit - low income denial of rights - sue in courts of law; but Yolo court has become one of king pins of oppression, systematically issuing bogus warrants to cause me to disappear; if it's under guise of exposing Davis police, the problem is there was more than enough evidence against them almost 2 decades ago. I was systematically denied law suits in Yolo court - against principals, superintendents, store owners, etc., but that's obsolete when they are the ones kidnapping you. I reported 3 years ago or so, vision of text mssg. icon marching to USA shield for justice, & refused, & making about face & marching back the way it came; this was context of me inviting rock & Hollywood to assume role of USA Shield & provide justice & halt the rebellion. They then betrayed me & the nation - leading people to believe they could be counted on, then crippling a nation that was already in crisis. Possibly the little icon was claim that my complaints verbally & by e mail weren't "big" enough - I had to lead a physical uprising rebelling against the gov't., or be ignored. In other words, rule of law democracy had failed, & I had to acknowledge that & demand to become king, & try to start a military war, or nation continues to crumble. But Western church anticipated the gov't - epitomized by Congress & White House - stubbornly trying to bait me & others to start a rebellion, if nothing else, because a lg. percentage probably wouldn't be Christians, or only nominally so, & would tend toward jealousy & secularism (non-Christian) goals. The USA Shield w/vertical stripes isn't the flag itself - designs from the flag can be displayed in various angles or modes, w/out implying the flag is "hung," as in, defeated. I.e., can we freely use patriotic symbols & still hang in there w/democracy & justice? The vertical striped Shield, echoed by Union Pacific RR logo - Union - as in preserve the nation & freedom (Civil War) - v., Confederate - as in start a military war rebelling. DOES OLD GLORY HANG IN THERE, OR IS IT HUNG [BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD]? Congress attempts to claim it's a bitter pill that USA has to swallow - the nation & it's values are "hung" or defeated, is the conspired claim, & they therefore stubbornly bait a rebellion w/some sort of monarchy. The anticipation was already acted out - the Pilgrim scenario; they landed near Cape Cod, Massachusetts; on map, this cape looks like a giant finger saying to England, "Come here..." i.e., challenging them to a fight (& the nation in shape of giant turkey, the 'come here' gesture is @ the turkey's chest - checkmating them). The fact is, while Pilgrims were from England, they migrated to Netherlands, Amsterdam, etc., before coming to America; "netherworld" is term meaning hell in Bible; practices in England were @ times as oppressive as some of the corrupt Catholic popes, & Protestants demanded religious freedom, to follow God, rather than a gov't. dictated version of God - they first went to Netherlands to demonstrate going to hell isn't an option for them. & it was this same region - Scandinavia, where Vikings (Norway) were from - those who discovered the New World; Vikings historically depicted as
having helmets w/horns - like the devil. Christians from all European countries working together - a plan where the "hell" that they arguably deserved for neglecting China is redeemed into a plan for worldwide religious freedom, using democracy from Greece to grease the gospel, & winning China for Christ. They came to America for religious freedom, fully aware that English gov't might try to impose religious restrictions on them eventually here as well, & so when that happened, patriots declared independence, 1776. SO IN USA, WE HAVE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM - CONTRARY TO CLAIMS OF THESE CURRENT CORRUPT LEADERS OF OUR COUNTRY, THERE'S NO BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW - THAT WAR WAS ALREADY WON; IF NATIONAL LEADERS WANT TO DENY THAT & DEMAND ANOTHER WAR, THEY ARE THE REBELS BY DEFINITION, & THE USA BELONGS TO THOSE WHO RECOGNIZE THAT REBELLION & BRING THEM TO JUSTICE.
Sac news station recently (as of one or more years) placed sm. icons @ bottom of news screen, going across the screen - similar to the vision of the icon going to the USA Shield in the vision - except icons going both directions; i.e., indicating media supposedly open to exposing the rebellion, going to Congress & White House (symbolized by USA Shield, although currently unworthy traitors), & being turned down, over & over & over. (The correlation possibly indicates media openness & efforts on national level, but locally it's more likely a trick, see if they can be allowed to slip in, buying them more time to oppress me.
DICTATE RELIGIOUS RESTRICTIONS. Vision, approx. 12/8, 'Hill went, a round,' indicating Capitol Hill is "going,"
(brought to justice) due to their conspiracies; context
wsa this report.
2008 CTC said they had discontinued professional growth course requirements (ongoing classes/projects required every 5 years to maintain Teacher Credential. My Credential was denied reactivation due to false charges (trespass, etc.), mostly connected w/free speech in front of stores, that they argued meant I wasn't fit to teach. Last week I rec'd from Joella Mendoza, Making Waves School emply, a "screenshot" of my online Teacher Credential (which is avail. to anyone to look up on CTC's website), stating my Credential is "valid" but it's "expired" as of 1999, & so they weren't going to hire me. Ordinarily, public schools require a valid credential, w/pvt. schools, there isn't any legal requisite. Nevertheless, I've sued CTC 2X in court to reactivate my Credential so that I could be hired in both public & pvt. schools. Approx. 2010 they mailed me a Credential Certificate - to mock me. But the screenshot contained something that hadn't been there before (I'd viewed it many times in last 15 years - such as when waiting for a decision after appearing before the commission w/copies of documented proof of police oppression) - "For each five-year renewal of this credential, the holder must complete a minimum of 150 clock hours of planned and approved professional growth activities and one-half of one year of experience as specified in The California Professional Growth Manual." According to CTC, the professional growth activities were no longer required when I inquired about it in 2008 or so. Their website verifies it:
Ca. CTC website, "esales..." in browser pic #1; i.e., I promote church's efforts to lead China, & Ca. CTC claims I'm an electronic salesman, so they can conspire to deny my Credential. #2, CTC webpage listing manuals - no professional growth manual for secondary, only for Child Development teachers; #3, I found an archaic link to prof. growth manual for secondary (Jr. Hi/HS), but no such manual - "Oh, no! You've found a bad apple..." They also state on website that as of approx 10 years ago, Prof. Growth manual no longer in hard copy. Once again, they also told me in person the requisite was discontinued; the lawsuits in Sac courts & their responses centered on claims I wasn't fit to be a teacher because I had an arrest record & also because Ca. Dept. of RE denied me my broker's lic. I also utilized strategy of attending commission meetings, & appealing directly to the 12 commissioners - repeatedly - w/"booklets" - one for each commissioner - containing 54+ copies of documented proof of police corruption & rebellion - NO RESPONSE FROM THE COMMISSIONERS AS WELL - instead, a regional conspiracy denying me my career. #4, the prof. growth requisite appears on my webpage, despite it was discontinued - BUT THIS MSSG. WAS ONLY RECENTLY ADDED - SEEMINGLY SO THAT JOANELLA MENDOZA COULD PLAY COP & E MAIL ME A "SCREEN SHOT" AS "PROOF" THAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAN'T HIRE ME - 'JOE, AN ELLIE & (CTC) "MEN" WANT TO KNOW - TOO MUCH DOZING?'
Archaic copy of Prof. Growth manual, 1992, located on CTC webpage deceptivey labeled, "ERIC;" I reported one of the Lodi Rich MGM rebels, former friend Eric Ulrich - 'you'll [be] rich.' Rich Mahoney, Bethel church in Lodi, I was roommates w/him for 2 mos. when I had moved back to Lodi temporarily after graduating UCD (1993); '[we're] rich, my honey!' when I was in RE, he became a RE agent; after the oppression had been occurring for years in Davis, Mahoney had son, & named him Davis - literally spelling out Davis oppressors are their "child."
12/3, "It evaluates to an ATM PIN," Presenjit Wakode, "Quora" (math Q&A website), another Mideasterner evidently claiming he's tracking me (rather than report rebellion) (my ATM PIN makes use of an address from past - but that was random). "You wouldn't do, where I want them," vision, just as I decided to do some juggling, 7:15 PM approx. "Who would burn Irene?" or "...burn here?" (notes unclear), 8:22 PM. "That was your prake," wh fem driver, 42B, after picking me up @ Unitrans stop, half blk from Yolobus stop (I thought it was same one), 1:12 PM - I had to wave blatantly as they went by, figuring they were missing me, I got on the bus & driver said, "This isn't a Yolobus stop" but obviously since she stopped it didn't make sense to get off again - but the implication now is I "needed" them, because w/out that driver, another hour long wait, @ the other stop. THAT'S HOW DESPERATE THEY ARE TO CLAIM i "NEEDED" THEM. 12/9, 7:21 AM, fem waving for 42A bus to continue @ bus stop on 5th, then stopped @ Unitrans stop despite it wasn't a Yolobus stop, & blk fem blk jacket or wh fem grn jacket, "We've gotta be careful." I then did a queen's wave (generic), because it occurred to me they were claiming in last day or two possibly I'd waved a bus on using a regular wave motion rather than a "scoot away" wave that I usually use; i.e., desperate claim I'd changed something after that Yolobus "favor" - as though I was "cheering on" Yolobus as opposed to Unitrans (Unitrans allows students to board @ rear door); blk male student, blue jacket, "That was our tie." male driver, K line (Unitr) MU, "I'm close this door, dawn." 12/9, 6:20 PM approx., @ 5th St. bus stop @ Davis police dept., "Front door! I have passengers coming," or "...coming on," wh fem driver, 42B, & no one of the 3 passengers objected, saying "I want to exit the rear door!" I've reported this before - fem driver(s) of Yolobus suddenly demanding (usually w/students from UCD) that they exit front door - occurring w/in last 2 wks). But it was double entendre, because it was mixed w/"You won't come on," codes & other codes claiming I'm falling short of hypothetical "nocturnal activities" quota. "He is not, his come; beat it," "I'm gonna fist him, a round," wh fem driver, approx. 6;25 PM. wh fem blk jacket, sides of head shaved, "I need the walk; bye-bye," 6:41 PM. "You're not having that's how long," mex(?) male, goatie, gray & blue Aggies jacket blk mask , 6:52. Because I was seated near rear exit (which usually isn't the case), I decided to insist on exiting rear door; driver used mechanism to prevent it from opening, saying she doesn't allow rear door exits @ night due to safety; I objected, saying it didn't make sense. Nevertheless, it was attempt to prop up the 'that' conspirators (mexs, but doing bidding of other rebels) w/subtle claim I'm falling short (which couldn't be known to them w/out illegal invasion of pvcy) - rear door now disabled because it's "dangerous" - 'front door' - motels in WS (except. Sahara), office doors locked - I reported it started out due to restrictions from Covid, but they've continued it, claiming it's a sign that I'm "dangerous" (suspicious, etc.) because I'm refusing to start fist fights when I'm outnumbered & warrants issued; they're now adding to that I'm shy of my "nocturnal" quota as well. Taco Bell, Davis, 5:54 PM, wh fem blk "Megadeath" swtshrt, "I'm gonna bow, we're the cher," (as in last syll. of 'temperature'). 5:57, radio (song) Taco B, "We're gonna let 'cher' go, Joe;" i.e., 'cher' code for 'cheer'
& '[electric] chair' ('I'[m] egg a death,' devising a facade that I'm cheering one bus as opposed to another, & that's involvement -
it was a set-up - Yolobus rerouted 42 rte. so that it goes down 5th St. coinciding w/Unitrans Z line, & but used separate bus stops, which isn't the case elsewhere. I don't cheer on rebels. 6:07, "I'll have your touch back," mex male blk jacket, to T Bell emply (possibly because I brought up James - could symbolically be proper name for gym (Jim), implying sports guru, v. a chauffeur ("Home, James..."). "You're not gonna know, I've how," Erin, 2;34. Approx. 2:30, finishing up b/yard @ Erin's, my foot tangled in ext. cord to blower, dragging it a few feet; I'd draped it over a low fork in tree due to puddles on walkway; coming back w/wheelbarrow of leaves, cord @ a dry section of walkway was suddenly raised up a ft. in the air due to dragging it - like a trip wire; I unplugged it & rerouted it due to puddle dried up; 2:36, AT&T mex male emply @ Terry's (next door to Erin's), "You broke the wire." I.e., claim that blks have their Collin Landscaper Nick trip wire (code from Capernick, NFL, 2009), & it magically translates to that I'm broke, & therefore hostage captivities must be okay. As far as Chinese "I'll attempt a cheer" shortcomings, Russians aren't much better.
Current pope making demands on behalf of Ukraine. My Mom possibly paralyzed by fear of Cap Hill attempting a more pronounced accusation against me if she acts on my behalf. My relatives capitulate to local rumors & smears of my reputation. Russian leaders refuse to so much as demand justice for me by name in media. British leaders directly involved in propping up blks @ my expense. Both Eastern & Western churches are evidently controlled by older generations, & they are paralyzed due to being torn between a will that rock stars & younger generations take the lead, & flaming jealousy to prevent me from succeeding due to it inevitably amounting to a blessed future. The West possibly additional motives that are strife due to long range plan for China to take the lead @ virtually all costs. As far as any positive reports from me about popes, the current pope refusing to "seek peace & pursue it," Ps. 34, by publicly recognizing Siberian martyrs, is cruel. Rebuke is better than flattery (Prov. 28:23); the Catholic church has duty to intervene on my behalf & that of Slavs; I reported that justice was due me @ the latest Summer 2018 - & that includes church leaders - & it's God's response to leaders denying parties justice w/motives of tracking blacks. If the pope shared any of the concerns of my Mom (USA leaders possibly increasing the oppression), pope & Catholic leaders could've done anything they wanted, & qualify it w/demand on my behalf - that I'm entitled to justice w/out delay - & that would be "thunderous" enough to command the USA leaders to comply, because it establishes an international watch exposing leaders entrusted w/free world authority & undermined it, betraying humanity.
As in force me to be a 'tare' rather than wheat, but w/further implications. Dream 12/8 of me being bodily torn up; elections were referred to singularly as "midterms" because that term is associated w/college; for years I was denied income systematically - applying for jobs F/T, usually from library computers, such as the library @ UCD, so that I was around students a lot while nearly penniless - almost 15 yrs of applying for teacher jobs & all other jobs, & consp'ly denied anything exc. occasional sign-waving job. Biden combines the 'midterm' CONSP. w/student loan forgiveness program - attempting to orchestrate, w/media's help another penniless consp.
12/3, ch 40, 10:11, "voting skills & 'live [long 'i'] responsibilities" news, Eric Rucker, & 11:27 PM, baby w/bottle scene, frozen, then showed same scene again 2 sec later - lewd stalkings about kids w/creeping facade. Moreover, I reported Biden & debt "forgiveness" for students, & media, "Midterms" - new terminology for voting; Biden involved in the creeping children consps., & news combining it w/strangle attacks ('live') - directly implicating Biden in the attacks. Built in cover on ch 40 - news picture freezing for 1 sec every 3 min. over period of half hr. before that.
1970's, we lived in Fresno, home w/playroom off of kitchen, w/quadraphonic radio (as opposed to stereophonic); I listened often to an Elton John LP that was chock full of subliminal mssgs for my Mom, unbeknownst to me. My Mom goes by Irene, her middle name - & name of first church in Constantinople, church of St. Irene; her first name is Lucille; there were songs & mssgs. affirming her humility as opposed to obsession w/being in the limelight was commendable, but there were messages that it was necessary or I could end up in prison (this was context of other mssgs. indicating they were expecting to use me as witness). One song, despite being secular music, has lyrics, "Holy Moses..." & Bible says Moses was faithful servant of God, but in one instance God was displeased when Moses subtly showed irritation w/God by wacking a stick twice against a rock, rather than once. Approx. 8 years ago, my Mom did a similar 2 pound sound, when I was demanding she intervene for me; i.e., not necessarily renouncing the faith, but signalling she might not be entering the "Promise Land" - i.e., going forward w/efforts for justice to any extent. On a subsequent visit she seemed to gesture a retraction of that, but no direct assertion. Importantly, this transacted 2014 or later - after rock failed to respond & intervene for me - which essentially was repeated in 2021. 12/6, Jim's on Elmwood, Gagnon co. next door (pool maintenance) & dk gray Mercedes van w/wh male, beard, blue shrt; looked like Amazon van, but he was maintenance wkr, & constant codes - most of them inaudible, lic 8MBZ971. Thinking about needing to minimize anything about my Mom on internet, & I recalled that 2-pound; then a few min. later, coded comment from male w/van, & 2-pound sound (this is possibly as opposed to recent 2-knock, which is "hit" code - but it might've combined the 2; approx. 3 PM; soon after that, "You won't have her..." or similar. Previously, "You won't have your ho's," 9:28 AM. I then was trimming branches of trees over the roof, which I always do when cleaning gutters, & Jim had indicated to do so; I only cleaned front gutters, but there were branches on all sides; bug codes constantly stalking me to dupe me so that customers are micromanaging my work, but God led me to be proactive - if hired, err on side of doing too much work, rather than being lazy; "He would have his look @ 'em, 'kay?" 10:35, bug code that I was being too presuming w/all the trimming. "You won't have here," approx. 11 AM. Approx. 11:30 Gagnon emply, "We don't know...he'll have his vy, key" - i.e., "vy" for landscape work, but it's the same rebellion - 'vy-king' codes that I have secret motives of being "king" of landscape, & "king" of Davis. The '2' code matched the signal from my Mom, & I had been thinking about it @ the time. I reported in 2009, vision of cities surrounding Davis, @ least 3, planning to invade; but when rock & Hollywood flaked, it spooked these cities. Before that, the scenario was codes in the region & warnings if I leave Davis, it's gonna be the same somewhere else - i.e., I had no choice but to stare them down & bring it to a head & then invasion. But when rock & Hollywood betrayed me, it became they'd possibly be deemed as unpopular if they invaded - rock "set" a new standard - throw Jack Teacher to the wolves. So as far as accepting another grunt labor job in another city, it's guaranteed trouble - rather than justice - in a city that isn't as thoroughly exposed as Davis, & moreover, has recently had a "change of heart" to my detriment, wanting to please rock. No one's excusing them - they were lured to compromise, & they compromised - they became corrupt, because doing the right thing no longer seemed popular. The only exception as of this point, is if I'm hired as a Teacher. Recent conspiracy is I have to jump when they say "jump" or it's sales; i.e., I'm Davis' slave working landscaping, but I'm Sac/WS/Wdld/Vacaville's slave as well, & Congress/White House' slave - & if I don't work the exact grunt labor job that they say, then they conspire that means it's sales, & sales implies I'm in bed w/Davis, & then it's more oppression. But according to lyrics of songs - & I'm refusing to elaborate, or it's taken as giving rock some sort of honor - they attempt to instigate prison conspiracies; in fact, my Mom is avoiding intervening due to Elton John song (among others) w/coded lyrics implying any help from her would be of minimal consequence, & would instigate Congress & region to send me to prison - she evidently bought that as of late 1970's; the implication is propping up blks is one of motives. First, God told me blks were already as good as judged by this nation as worthy of being purged as of 2020 if not before, vision about a "peep" - they failed to make even a peep. Second, these threats implied by rock & Hollywood aren't only plausible, a lot of the oppression is already occurring - I'm not allowed to teach, & I'm a slave & constant crimes committed against me w/no one punished for them. BUT CRUCIALLY, THESE THREATS ARE LITERALLY ENABLED BY ROCK & HOLLYWOOD, BASED ON ROCK'S RENEGGING OF THE DEAL W/CHURCHES TO PROVIDE WITNESS & THEY WOULD INTERVENE. IN OTHER WORDS, ROCK WARNED MY MOM ABOUT OPPRESSION THAT ROCK HELPED ORCHESTRATE, BASED ON THEIR BETRAYAL!!!! IF THEY'D SHOWN UP ON MY BEHALF, THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY OF THESE CONSPIRACIES AGAINST ME - I'D BE TEACHING IN A LAW-ABIDING COMMUNITY. It's an attempt to dupe me into promoting rock's tracking skills of supposed shrewd song lyrics, while overlooking they facilitated it. Important safety tip: Rock & rollers work for the Russians - they see themselves as double agents, & they're i.d.'ing us because we're effectively i.d.'ing the Russians; blacks should be brought to account, but they attempt to dupe us that we're simply being insensitive - outlaws should be elected to public positions & America should be "open" to coming to an end.
PROOF: Rock & Hollywood could potentially ruin USA: 11/27 "I don't want to may dough fe" fem mex, Univisio'n, 3:58, & elderly fem Latino grammy winner, over 100 yrs of age, & makes an upper lip touch w/finger, like Kathy Elliot of First So. Baptist church in Davis, indicated injury to my upper lip; ( I attended there while @ UCD), 2000 - I got in fight in jail, 2000, & I happened to visit First So. Baptist office soon after that, Kathy was sec.), this gesture on national Mex. TV implies Latinos nationally in bed w/Davis; if I were to capitulate to that, it could send me (& potentially the nation) on a detrimental trajectory - implying 2 colors nationally rejecting melting pot plan. But more likely - fem was actress - Latino actors & actresses rub shoulders w/Hollywood & are part of Hollywood - Lucille Ball married Dezi Arnaz, for ex. But the act created facade, evidently instigated by Hollywood to deceive us that melting pot concept is a failure - & "resistance is futile..." motif; making rock & Hollywood essentially fowlers. Despite this negative innuendo, tough, if you ask me whites could perpetuate it single-handedly, if necessary, punishing the wicked & role playing various colors to make it work!
I reported sensual video of Russian fem. diplomat Zakharova eating strawberries, but she's married; the video was timed w/thoughts or vision of Partridge Family scene of Danny confusing adultery terminology w/adulthood, indicating the video may have been about me; strawberry - 'st[reet] robbery' - robbed of justice. But the video most likely was making an obvious point that victim isn't going to put himself in position where family jewels could be bitten off by desperate rebels (alternate national 'Joe graphic' scenario). "I'll have your three-way," Meredith (former cust.) approx. year ago. Nevertheless, adultery was implied, & that stalking is now being "capitalized on." Working @ Harley's 11/24, raking & trimming backyard, Harley was gone, & his wife Leena said if I needed anything she'd be upstairs taking a shower, which was awfully accommodating, unless it was being suggestive (adultery); it occurred to me something might happen to remove all doubt, & then girl opened front door, "Any come?" & then they left in car.
11/27, "missiles & launching the souls..." Asian fem rptr (Jenn), CBS, video on internet. "dividing thing," wh male gray shrt, West Cliff Santa Cruz, 9:03 PM ch 3. "We get some from organ," wh male gray hair, wh shrt, 9:08. "...into their HOUSE," 'house' pronounced as verb, wh fem 9:08. Giant blk (?) nets behind NFL goals - vision(?).
11/28, 1:20 AM, sound like child moaning from under my bed. Rm 16 2 full sized beds as opposed to queen, etc. - implication is I'm single & plan on staying that way, & the monsters therefore desperately claiming that translates to lewdness. 1:27, "He did come here," male possibly rm 17; i.e., 'i.d.'d their stalkings - left them empty-handed. 3 AM, "It is paying." "It is skin his neck," 4:25. "We'll let your time," 6:22 AM. "I'm gonna know dev," wh male red hair, Taco Bell Davis (dntn). " computer; but now it's behaving," Brian (newscstr) ch 3. "You'll have house check," "We're gonna go Bellicheck" 2:22 PM, bug codes, rm 16. "You know, we pen decide," 2:32 male mgr, Belair (I got up early Sat. AM, but was sleepy-eyed nevertheless) code possibly pertaining to wh male directly across from me dk(?) jacket. ch 3 or 40, Britney (newscstr) dress looked almost exactly like Fall design bedspread, rm 16; 11/26, child @ Harley's "Any come?" "You can't men afford" 2:53 fem bug code.
11/28, 7:08 PM, 42B, after contacting web host & a new link to log in to web editor, & logging in, Asian male student, glasses, lt. gray shrt, "This is you don't run it" or "..have it" etc., & log in sabotaged; I took pic of him & he instantly got off bus. Then wh male fat, lt. gray swt jacket, got on bus, & code, "You aren't gonna be hittin' w/it," 7:17 PM - 'it' being penis; I worked @ Bob's this afternoon, & next door male w/kids playing catch; approx. 6 mos. ago, when I was occasionally looking @ dirty pics, fem from that res., "You're gonna hit me w/it," i.e, 'keep looking @ dirty pics, & you'll have your invasion,' or, 'find a way to have an affair w/me' (adultery) - both suggested. Before that, "You need your 'youuu'" as far as I can tell, referring to a dirty (snyde) look from Paris Hilton 2021, in video or possibly vision, pertaining to her & Carl's burger (but she was the one being "dirty" there, if you want to call it that); this was when she was single - she's now married - possibly desperate attempt to romanticize "outlaws" since I referred to rock as outlaws, but rock, & especially blks, are outlaws, no pun intended; the code is I'm desperate & have to settle for a snyde look from a married Paris Hilton - 'adult, hurry.' Male on bus making ultimatum - dirty pics, or no justice. (The 'f' vision on D St. was God telling me what they were conspiring). Approx. 11:25 PM, Tyson Steele, newscstr, ch 3, vision of him w/hair grayer, as though 5 yrs older or so; 11:05, he & Edie Lambert both standing while reporting ("We stand for you" news slogun in Sac), & they were imitating Curtis Legal Grp, w/2 lawyers standing side by side, but I had called every lawyer in the book as of approx. 2008-2009 - & no one took my case - open & shut case against Davis police; one of them obviously suffering from guilt, & weight of conspiracy, & making "wooden" movements - self conscious. Newscstrs claiming they can successfully play that back & cover it up, & vision was God telling me to report it. 11:28, one of newscstrs, "Paris! Paris! Paris!" referring to Paris France story, but it was coded conspiracy w/wh male lt. gray jacket & Asian male lt. gray shrt on Yolobus. The minute I snapped the pic of Asian male, he created a pose w/nose in air; i.e., claim I'm trying to connect w/rock - but that demonstrates their desperation, I've exposed rock & Hollywood. 'pair is,' Curtis Legal Grp "pair;" then 11:10 PM, story w/interview of Asian fem @ First 5, & recent ad on TV, blk child w/parents telling him to "let it out" if he's feeling grumpy - act like a dragon- shout & snarl - destructive rather than constructive; & in the ad, animated dragon wings are attached to him; then parents do same thing, & Spanish TV, same ad w/Latino boy - this is contrary to Scripture, to train kids to deal w/stress by acting like a devil or vicious creature - shooting sprees are soon to follow. Context is my report on internet of rebels acting like dragons & "dragging me" which is a form of oppression literally & symbolicly - dragging someone's life around by denying them justice; & so the ad was literally telling kids to ignore my complaints & keep reaming me!!! First 5 is one of conspirators from almost 20 years ago involved in consp. decreeing rebels could make judgments about a law-abiding teacher - 'first [we must determine if he's fit for] 5 [year olds];' but THEY were the conspirators - facade buying them time to continue oppressing. Asian fem, "they reset" i.e., supposedly acting like dragon "resets" you; 'RE set' (real estate) code. Then 11:14, ad about a beverage Coquito, w/dragon wings - 'co k[ey] he tow,' once again, they conjure up "co"/business facades while denying me teacher jobs; 'pair is' - First 5 dragon & Coquito dragon. 11/29, ch 3, blnd fem wthr fcstr, "Eye me," 6:20 AM. Region is demanding I blame everything on Asians, which they have failed us by failing to glorify God or intervene for me, but that's a distraction from the actual oppressors who are committing conspiracies in attempt to lure minorities, & other than blacks, minimal involvement from Asians, & mixed involvement from Latinos. Instead, the region owed China a bonafide employed teacher - the offering of Abel - 'a [school] bell;' as I reported, Don Miller's logo, a angled ellipse, the bottom rim of a school bell (like the graphic of Bell Bros. logo) - it was systematic, cold, & calculated.
Approx. 11/20 approx., "We're gonna do it," Oregon Ducks (or possibly Beavers) quarterback. 11/26, approx. 6:10 PM, "This is where I'd have my 'f' reign," thought or vision, 4th & D, after placing report about Catholics tracking rock on internet; rock had argued they could use the 'f' word & still be more righteous than Western church because of Western church cover-up of Slavs in Siberia, which rock & Hollywood were supposedly willing to expose; "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," as the saying goes, because evidently rock decided they couldn't beat them, despite God clothed me w/power & knowledge from on high, Acts 1:8. Approx. 6:30, Yolobus 42B, blk fem, 'sliding us' code, claiming working landscaping was enabling blks to prevail (i.e., slide into home plate). 6:50 PM, Yolobus, vision of assumedly me looking down @ my finger on my bare thigh or leg. Instantly when I wrote this down, along w/note about thought on D St., blk male blk shrt & cap, & 3 sm blk dogs (that aren't allowed on bus), coded comment, "We look hard; we can't pin teen," 6:55 PM - the timing was precise, indicating illegal eavesdropping, which somehow this corrupt gov't has enabled half the region to directly participate in. I.e., I accept that blacks get their slave, & the 'hard look' is @ Washington - Biden recently pinning Elton John, but not the former teen fan witness; or, I continue exposing blacks, & the rebels in region empower blks to oppress me, a "hit" - attack or kidnap - my reports about Davis teens participating are magically negated; qualification, it was overkill - I've exposed Davis youth as of decade or more ago - in fact, betrayal by Mike Bryner, Lamppost pizza mgr (2021 or so), former youth in Edge where I was volunteer leader, wasn't the clincher, & in fact he'd already betrayed me long before that using codes & refusing to hire me for 1 1/2 decades - the vision of teen in wheel chair wasn't anything new. Yesterday after the finger vision, I was considering how I hadn't brought up that a lot of American football teams are geared toward footing Chinese the ball - giving them a leg up. Once I arrived in WS, in the news, blk Ore. Ducks player, Johnson, punched a wh fan from behind while walking off the field - video on internet, & video ends w/Johnson pulled away to prevent it from escalating, then a hand w/finger pointing presumably back to where the punch occurred (or symbolicly, back to wk before when wh qtrbk said, "We're gonna do it" - smoking gun - Jack Teacher supposedly isn't "doing" or saying "I do" to rock stars, because I refuse to settle for betrayal - same as 'helicopter' report - rock has powerful connections, so gov't (Congress, etc.) infuses their corrupt scandals w/power rather than straight arrow teacher. Congress/White House used same m.o. w/Yolo & No. Ca.; & now Oregon football is attempting the same corrupt endorsement of rock - the outlaws are empowered - which vicariously empowers black outlaws; hard look - I disappear for several mos. again (accompanied by an enflamed RSV disease, because no one 'RSV[P]'d me & Slavs that they were attending the worldwide blockbuster party! My "bare" leg is giving Chinese a leg up - same as American football team themes; blks & WS/Sac claiming they have to force Davis to confess I'm a good salesman by paying me more is moot point, because (1)their denial of that is what resulted in their rebellion & conspiracy codes; i.e., claiming I'm a lousy salesman is a crime; (2)me being a good salesman is a moot point - 1700 year plan I'm a teacher & in land of free home of brave, it isn't a crime to fail to be a good salesman, & it is a crime to prevent a teacher from teaching - blacks, No. Ca., & Oregon colleges didn't "do" because they are conspiring to prevent me from footing China a teacher ball. The gov't is empowering Oregon, blks, etc., they can "duck" which is code for aiding & abetting & participating in rebellion - bent 'football' facade - suddenly ads on TV - soccer is the most popular sport in the world (i.e., more popular internationally than American football but if you ask me, American football is more suspenseful) - 'saw k[ey h]er;' subtle claim that because rock, such as Taylor Swift, are so popular, that must be the "key," rather than truth, justice, rule of law; moreover, the claim is I'm sleeping too much ('saw k[ey]') - & blk male can sock wh fan; but I was up @ 3 AM 11/25 studying math for one hour then juggling after that; & then I was up @ 2:50 AM 11/27, writing down notes, playing cards, showering, eating a salad; @ end of shower, shower drain bug code, "We're men saw it" - corrupt "men" going down the drain. Most likely the blk Oregon player was following a formula from S. Africa - May 2019 (Mayflower), Schwarzenegger was in S. Africa in gym, & was kicked from behind by blk male. The kick was similar, but more pronounced than when Mex. coworker kicked me from behind @ a mail sorting job in Sac in approx. 1992. I was ready to fight but he didn't take it any further than that so I turned the other cheek. As of 2019 God had already used me to expose the Siberian cover-up, as well as Chinese Jupiter Jesus miracles, which were & are of "universal" consequence, yet movie stars & rock going along w/cover-up. The mssg. was, if they continue to leave me stranded, blks can "mix," & will get me from behind, Holy "Mr. Universe" status, or no.
"I screech, you screech we all screech for Jack Teach!"
Within 2 days of placing this display on website, God reminded me of Scripture - "Well done, good & faithful servant" which Jesus says to us who are faithful when entering Heaven's gates.
Someone has to "man" the Missouri 'uh' scenario, refusing to stall due to jealousy, guilt of reflecting on failing to intervene for Russians in Siberia, etc. 9/8, 10:48 AM, Motel 6 rm. 221, bug code, "Your mother has kinda feat," 'kind-uh' - Missour-uh code; 'kind of' is expression meaning 'variety' - 'kind of like' or 'kind of zealous' - implying a form of sentiment similar to zealousness (but only partially). But it's possible the expression was orchestrated as a claim of watch - 'k[ey] hind, I've;' i.e., USA churches claiming they have the 'hind' or posterior prognosis of Orthodox church - they weren't as zealous as Western church - with outrageous plan for China & Middle East, & so Siberian slaughters were due to discipline from God - & if God had judged them, that settles it. But, can't someone being disciplined decide to repent with zeal like never before? & that's what happened in Russia, in fact evidence is they were aware ahead of schedule, & devised strategy to more than take back the plunder of the devil. 9/8, vision while praying, "'Run through' a key," (or 'run 'through' a key'); USA didn't kill Russians in Siberia, but they demolished any claims they were through, finished, washed up, etc. when being disciplined. They had the guts to not only endure the discipline, but strategize with more zeal while suffering. Before the communist rebellion, Rasputin, Russian historical religious figure, 1800's, was friend of one of Tzars, somewhat of a religious consultant. I reported Mt. Rushmore builder - studied in Paris, where they equipped him to create plumbline on behalf of Russians being slaughtered in Siberia with Americans failing to intervene - huge tribute to 4 presidents, while failing to rush & mount attack to help those in Siberia - essentially burgling the 'gut zone.' Additional interp., ''guts' own bore glum;' without condoning the strategy whole-heartedly, I'm reporting it - Putin & present-day Russians aloof to bring to light the stuffy hypocritical churches in America that are lacking wild, insane faith of the penitent Russians; Jack Teacher receives high-5's from Russian newspapers, visions of leaders responding (Putin & Gorbachev) - promoting teacher goals by maintaining boring conditions in theory amenable to study - rather than adopting a religious consultant to Russian president (like Rasputin). THIS OVERLOOKS THAT MY LIFE IS IN DANGER DAILY, BUT I'M NEVERTHELESS REPORTING IT BECAUSE IT'S A FACT THAT RUSSIANS IN SIBERIA OVERCAME WITH THE BIGGEST FEAT FOR CHRIST IN ALL OF HISTORY, & TO COVER IT UP IS HUMANITY SUICIDE.
What happens when a teacher (such as me - witness for rock victims) isn't allowed to teach, & justice for rock musicians isn't fully consumated? Nu upclear attack - we are the Atlas Education Nation. I've had visions of nuclear missiles launched at No. Ca., & God led me that invasion is coming, & USA is still on fire for liberty & justice for all, but this region is being lured & is about to be invaded. God has also spoken to me that rock stars are bringing invasion - Red Sea judgment. In Israel, Christianity is spreading, & I believe the fact that I placed a report about Raid On Entebbe on my War page has helped motivate them; Israelis invaded Entebbe, Uganda to rescue hostages at airport, & it was almost 100% successful, & the raid took place on 4 July, 1976 - 200th birthday of USA; but it provided a model to an extent - raid & rescue victims - me & rock & rollers. & tell story of Russians who gave their lives for Jesus in Siberia as well - IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH - WATCHDOGS OF LIBERTY, BUT NO PICKING & CHOOSING IF WE WANT TO MAINTAIN LEADERSHIP. OBVIOUSLY, ANOTHER LEADER FOR FREEDOM & JUSTICE MAKES US STRONGER. Report the miracles of USA & Russia for China - despite China has yet to respond - WE GET CREDIT FOR THE MIRACLES - WE FREED THE SLAVES IN 1800'S, & LED THE ABOLISHING OF SLAVERY ALMOST WORLD-WIDE (EXCEPT FOR COMMUNIST REGIONS IN MID-20TH CENTURY). WESTERN CHURCH ORCHESTRATED A MELTING POT NATION AS GIFT & TESTIMONY FOR CHINA; THESE ARE MIRACULOUS FEATS NO MATTER WHO CHOOSES TO BELIEVE OR DOUBT - & GOD IS BLESSING US FOR THEM - EXPONENTIALLY. When Russian Christians prevailed & communism was defeated, the Russian flag is Ca. flag colors, white at top, red at bottom, but w/blue stripe down middle - the blew wind in Ca.'s sails to pipe up about their feats! I know that Americans are going to do this & much more. "More than conquers through him who loved us."
"We're dow me," Zelensky, 7:39 PM. 40. You breathe a word on behalf of Slavs, your enemies multiply; codes are bound; response according to my interp., I don't have to say Jack Teacher is a 'Kahn' man - we like women! Eastern Bunnie says all women are endowed & gives them a vest (as investment - Dow Jones).
Nevertheless, the code reveals rebel tactics in battle of good v. evil; Rich/MGM consp. spreading from No. Ca. - zealous v. jealous - Jack Teacher pipes up about manning the Heavens, he must be silenced, according to antichrist foes, & m.o. is create jealousy tactics - "if you pay attention to him, he'll have fame, sex, etc." The rebellion goals: maintaining Jack Teacher as an unknown; but Zelensky joining them proves their motives: defeating gospel; rock falls on side of these antichrists, decreeing Jack Teacher must remain
"undiscovered" - an unknown. Rock & Hollywood, w/their mics & media access, could've exposed the church's stalls & hypocricy as of 1960's. Baby boom (crane) becomes the main boom, which was also historically choreographed by "Pied Piper," where young people play a part in bringing corrupt adults to account. In fact, they used the trait of humility of teacher profession as guise to prevent me from teaching & hinder the gospel; facade that you can't be famous & still be a teacher, but that's an obvious lie!
More so than rock & Hollywood, the Western church leaders knew God to be a hard man, & buried their talent - but I refuse to be buried!)
I reported in "CHINESE AMERICANS FAILING...." Jan on Villanova & swt pnts low enough to see top of her butt crack, "Is that what you need?" (supposedly a trowel); before that, "We make hay." 12/5, apprx. 5 AM, vision of blk boy, same position, & God saying, "That's where I'm puttin'