Fire Breathing Witnesses


Vision of Protestant & Catholic churches being equivalent in power & authority to the two firebreathing witnesses of Rev. 11:1-4
(the sentence of death most likely optional, depending on if they get it in gear)


AMERICAN TURKEY - "Gospel!-gospel!-gospel!-gospel!-gospel!" Psalm 68:13, "Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, you will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold," New King James Version. American versions, both Protestant & Catholic, other than the older American Standard Bible (1901), translated this verse with anything but 'yellow;' shining, green, glistening, fine,... but original & new KJVs translate it "yellow gold." This demonstrates a stubbornness among American church leaders as far as outreach to China; England could have done more to lead China to the faith, but they didn't get drawn into the stall tactics.

Missionary Hudson Taylor was from England, founding 125 Christian schools, & bringing 800 missionaries to China. But Hudson Taylor was forerunner of the "Show Me" Turkey Day Crusaders, (Americans & Brits) with God standing in as Uncle Sam until the Chinese Bruce Lee revelation - Hudson Bay finger of God;

"Uncle Sam Wants You!" Nevertheless, spectacular strategies don't preclude traditional methods; you're still on the beam - pipe up!

Upon entering the Chinese restaurant where I am currently working until I can have my Teacher career, on 11/25/2017, I creatively announced, "The inventors of rocket science!" & took a bow; it then occurred to me that that's where the Asian tradition of bowing originated - Christianity has been slow to evangelize China - Asians humbly & yet consistently asserting credit due them for the greatest scientific contribution to humanity of its time, & arguably the greatest in all of history! God subsequently led me to downplay it in Davis businesses, where the idea would simply be extinguished by rebels.

Hallelu-Hi-Jah!!!!! Hi Jah! - more than a martial arts exclamation - (1) 'martial' comes from "martian" or Mars; the Greek mythical figure of Mars was symbol of combat or fighting; martian arts - or arts of Mars - perfected by Chinese/Asians, inventors of rocket science; (2) 'hi, Jah!' - ancient Asian custom to say 'hi' to God - God's name is I Am, which he first called himself when speaking to Moses; in Hebrew, it's Yahweh, nickname Jah (Ps. 68:4, & everywhere in Bible it says, 'Hallelu Jah!'). The heroics of the Russian Christians in Siberia was known to some extent throughout the world, despite it was covered up & ignored in USA; the gospel message isn't complicated; Jesus said to become like a child, & Rom. 10 says salvation & the message of salvation is readily attainable. I reported the similarity the Bible concept of dying to be born again; you die to your old man & become made alive in Christ as a new man. As of WWII, Japanese in general were more informed about the gospel than Chinese, many of them being Christians; & there was an awareness that American Christians hadn't been doing our job as far as leading others to Jesus in Asia, including the Chinese - fish waiting to be caught for Christ - nor had we been attempting to rescue the Russians from being murdered in Siberia, which had been occurring for 20 years or more as of that point. Chinese could be considered fish who were "raw" because they were uninformed of gospel & were waiting to be caught with the gospel, & many of whom also were mass murdered soon after WWII by communist dictators - "raw" fish. I happened to notice on 12/23 that sushi is combo of last half of 'Jesus,' & 'hi;' '[Je]sus hi' a possible message from Japan. At work (TK), I got into argument with Jackie, supervisor. Afterward, mainly talking to myself, I said aloud, "I took it to the 'high food command;'" instantly there was a reaction among the (Chinese) employees, including someone saying the word 'sushi' - although I hadn't said anything about it, nor was I necessarily thinking anything about 'sushi' when I said "high command." In other words, sushi was named that to warn Americans to get it in gear with gospel & take more global responsibility as far as loving your neighbor. The deprived "raw" fish of Asia have the mat as far as creatively saying 'hi' to Jesus & us. The Russians have the mat for choosing & being willing to suffer for a cause, while Asians have suffered greater losses, which based on the biblical style miracles, I believe God is going to more than replace what the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). OF THE FOLLOWING, I HAD A VISION OF MAN SAYING, "IT'S A MIRACLE!" - The "habit" of Chinese unable to pronounce their 'r's has magically disappeared; they always pronounced them as 'l's, but that isn't happening anymore; i.e., "the 'r' is ours;" - they have the mat as far as sharing what's "ours" with our neighbors; if Americans want to claim the good news of Jesus is "ours" & refuse to diligently share it with neighbors, God begins to give the mat of understanding & knowledge to others. I also reported to Feds recently a vision of a map of a portion of China with curved boundary provinces or regions. That same afternoon, I was looking up Wayne Murphy, a former friend & neighbor of ours from Fresno, Ca. area; according to phone number searches, at some point he moved back to Ar. (Arkansas), where he was from before living in Fresno area in 1970's. Out of curiosity, I was trying to obtain street view of his neighborhood, & from above, the neighborhood had curved streets - the map was the same as the vision of the region of China. The vision concerning Ar. (Wayne Murphy's residence), a warning from God that we start treating China as kin, & showing them love & SPREADING THE GOSPEL IN CHINA - SAYING "AAAWWW" over the millions who died due to evil leaders that we could've helped prevent if we'd been on the ball more with the Great Commission of Christ. It's noteworthy that despite Arkansas' spelling, it's pronounced with an "aaawww" ending.


Evidence of dilema of the Western churches (Catholics/Protestants) - a sense of being humbled over failing to commandeer spreading the gospel to China may be manifest in several translations of a verse in Bible; King James Version, 1 John 5:4, "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith;" in ordinary English, use of 'even' is awkward in this context; it's in italics in KJV, indicating it isn't in original Greek; New International Version also translates it using 'even.' 1611, when KJV was completed, was within 100 years or so of awakening of Europe from dark ages - due in part to gun powder & rocket science that had been brought from China; in other words, the translator was "shrewdly" communicating that if Asians, who are largely heathen (due to Christendom's lack of zeal spreading the gospel) are able to lead as far as the light of knowledge, that God was humbling them - more was expected of them. Conjecture: Discrimination against Asians in America may have included tactics of people telling them they're "out," discrimination which has occurred against me (which soon became a conspiracy in my case), & this often means literally, outside, v. inside or indoors, with a place to live, etc. Picture available on internet of Yick Wo, civil rights champion, he's conspicuously indoors, & in fact waving through a window, to emphasize he overcame the falsehoods. Conjecture: It's probably no coincidence that the New International Version (1986) echoed KJV's wording of "...even our faith..." - most likely it was orchestrated as a witness to fact that it wasn't simply archaic antiquated English, which no one uses anymore, but in 1611 was a common way of putting it; no, instead it was a form of accountability that there was in fact a pointed communication - an accountability mechanism - that had occurred in KJV's translation of 1 Jn. 5:4, & it wasn't going to be dismissed or covered up. Interpolation is the insertion, usually deceptively, of a word or phrase into the text that wasn't part of original text. It is no conjecture that the international community has been watching & tracking American churches, acting as coaches, to challenge America & American churches to higher standards. Interpol - International Police - an agency that investigates international crimes & apprehends international criminals - is very similar to interpolate. To an extent, the Christians of Europe, parts of Asia, & Middle East are acting as "Bible police," & the name Interpol may have been chosen to emphasize this. I reported I had a vision that, as far as I could tell, Protestants & Catholics are the two witnesses of Rev. 11:1-14 - not literally, but of equivalent status - if they were to act to defeat rebellion & come to the aid of Russians & Chinese. The two witnesses in Revelation breath fire - the churches could report in media the story of Russians who suffered & died by the millions for Jesus (& first manned rocket into Heavens as testimony), & of the miracles of God on behalf of the Chinese - inventors of rocket science - both feats of firebreathing, & also evangelize China.