Joe Sherman General Delivery Davis, Ca. 95616 530-933-2435 ADDEND 1428 I DEMAND MY TEACHER CREDENTIAL THIS MOMENT! 10/7, "See? Si'" wh male driver to fat mex fem, 42A 7:55 AM grn shrt. "He gets they complicate" (mex fem, grn shrt) on phone - the monsters are experts @ claiming God allows terrorism if you can simply concoct a cute name for it. 8:40 "Don't use that, soften" Joan, code. 9:55 I was talking about calling Jan about revamping her sprinklers & code near Joan's, "He won't take our undermine!" 9:55 AM. Joan, "It was you wouldn't wook" 9:41; she's more or less relegating me to menial jobs such as organizing - although it was 4 hrs. worth & some of it was sprinkler repair. 8:45 "You'll grave 'er" vision. "You're gonna have to hold it from the bottom, yeah, they're not ready" Persian fem to cust., referring to sandwiches in a bag. 12:35, "We're gonna let him, sand." 1:55 "You won't know, we're gonna let 'em out" - Paul's blk wife - most likely referring to convicts in prison. 2:50 "Alright, you're just giving 'em room" bug code. fat wh fem driver stopped @ Viking (rptd). "Good lesson in pieces" wh male maroon shrt beard, w/sm girl, 4:09 PM G1; i.e., off early - oppression to teach me a lesson several wks ago - but I don't take any more than 2 wks off/year, & I'm never sick. "It's you don't get in to" audible code 42B 4:23. wh male student, tan shrt (like mine) stalking simult. to denial of wifi on bus. "He's had he's tried," 4:39 PM, car or p/up, causeway (traffic stopped). "You're written down your crash" (or similar) "You're not gettin' all of us - dock key" blk driver, 4:50 PM. "You just can't know you be keeping your thing" 5:35 gov't bug code. "That's where you're ducked," (I shook my head after vision of David Cassidy making a funny face that was too foolish looking). "We cup to win @ home" NFL anncr Bears v. Hous. Paul, cup that looks like photo lense. "We're gonna let them floor it" 6:20 (bug code) aggies (?). "We pawned a reward" 11:12 PM. 10/8, "You did eat it," blk male red cap, dog, bike, 42A blk vest 7:11 AM; got on bus @ W Acre bus stop; coded comment @ that location, & I loudly rebuked it. "I'm gonna black you" or similar, 11 AM, Jan(?). "Countries have as much gun rights as us, butt commonplace things; their kids don't get shot in schools," Walz, 12:05 AM - subtle code - innuendo that my "thing" isn't "commonplace" - recent vision, 5 go-arounds/night. Viision from God recently - 'butt' dies. Gov't doesn't get to trap me w/codes & conspiracies occurring nation-wide & no one gets punished for it, & if I try to hold my post in that place to demand justice, rather than folding & leaving, that means I'm saying 'Come on!' - as in, willing to let everyone go & settle there. "Loose lips" - "but in that room," text planted in my report on internet - discovered it 1-2 days later; context, Drew Ct. apt. unit. Chris Wallace, "There was nothing" possibly out of context; "Mike Pence is in trouble" (or similar). Joseph Prince, "He who doesn't work , doesn't eat;" "You are thinking right," 12:16 AM; he then creates hyperbole of someone apologizing to a king, to illustrate family member's reaction v. servant's reaction - asserting if they are "family" w/me, then they don't need to apologize or minimize it - if they want to give me great recognition, then they must be slaves. "Let the record show there was a growl from the audience," Chris Wallace or guest on his show; (there wasn't any growl, though). "He doesn't divvy [it,] his nod" bug code, 8 PM; i.e., I have to take plunder according to rebels. "Be sure of your own path," fem dispatch, audible advice precisely when HS & jr. hi kids got on bus 42A; "Have a good day...have a good day" 7:25 AM, 2nd St. fat mex fem, gray hair, gray bk pk, lng jeans shrt, put on act of holding up her head as though a dignified fem, blk male red cap sitting near me after coded comment @ bus stop - i.e., fems should be "respected" - not males, inviting fight for me. "You won't known you were how close" Jan, 11:40 AM - on roof (Antioch); i.e., I could've easily pushed her off roof - but, alas, working w/them in dangerous conditions, that props them up... 10:16, "That was you're not gonna be keeping me" Jan, after I moved a plant (?). 11:55 "You wouldn't live, her dow" Jan. "It was you who wouldn't fly my ship" 6:04; vision, Taylor; 'you who wouldn't fly - my ship;' i.e., Asians handed everything, but refused to use their talents & fly - US Navy - sunk the British Navy (symbolically); Navy Seals juggling on one foot - showed up on China's flag (when inverted, looking up) - 1775 Naval Jack flag - 245 years later Jack Teacher inserted the apostrophe; Navy Seals seconded by the Powerful Porpoises - testimony Asians refused to fly despite given unsurpassed honors; alternately, 'It was you who wouldn't fly my ship,' Spock credit, but Asians refused to claim it. "She is, just passed" fem, 6:20 AM (Taylor?); Jack Teacher plan, both branches of church gave up everything for Asians, & neglected & left for dead. "He has our rape" chubby mex. male blk bk pk, blk shrt, 7:17 AM, 42A; "Okay, hey dies" 7:22 (mex. male). 10 AM approx. "It isn't Rae, Jack?" Taylor. Fat mex fem, dk gray bk pk (not one w/lt gry bk pk), head phones, blk shrt, code to 7:31, code to fat blk fem caser on bus daily as she got off bus - i.e., I didn't start fight w/blk male w/dog seated near me; i.e., blk male w/dog @ bus stop @ W. Acre, W.S. one coded comment, that I rebuked; I didn't start a fight because I wouldn't make it to work afterward due to police - 2 mex. fems on 42A consp'g w/blk fem caser that I then have to pay a price for that - & they commit to blk fem caser as she gets off bus @ Russell & I - despite I've passed all my tests, & I don't need to place myself in more detrimental conditions as far as teacher goals under phony demands that I prove myself by being confrontive w/blk male in such a way as to start a fight & disappear in jail; nevertheless, this was yet another of the Latino monsters' 'meet' conspiracies. BRING ON THE MILITARY! Joseph A. Sherman 12 Oct. 2024